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Science, Culture, & Humanities / Blaming Victims & The Jab
« on: March 29, 2025, 02:13:06 PM »
Comprehensive piece documenting all the pathologies associated w/ Covid “vaccines:”

Politics & Religion / The Founder’s Understanding of Citizenship
« on: March 29, 2025, 08:51:44 AM »
The Founders based citizenship on choices made rather than birth geography, and viewed the issue through a moral lens:

The moral background of American citizenship.
Jeremiah Gridley, leader of the Massachusetts bar when John Adams joined it, said that “a Lawyer ought never to be without a Book of Moral Philosophy on his Table.” In the founding era, moral philosophy was itself part of common law reasoning, as was political philosophy.

This sets the Founders apart not only from the modern academy, with its separate departments for government, philosophy, and law, but even from their British contemporaries of the late 18th century such as the jurist William Blackstone. As James Wilson noted of Blackstone, “He should be read and studied. He deserves to be much admired; but he ought not to be implicitly followed.”

Contra Blackstone, the Founders maintained that if one does not think about common law precedents in particular, and legal reasoning in general, in light of the moral/legal reasoning behind them, one will misread them. The reasoning that justified them was inseparable from the law itself, and informed the scope and limitations of any precedent that followed.

Recall Alexander Hamilton’s comment in his discussion of the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States: he claimed “a right to employ all the means requisite and fairly applicable to the attainment of the ends of such power, and which are not precluded by restrictions and exceptions specified in the Constitution, or not immoral, or not contrary to the essential ends of political society.” A Hamiltonian reading of the Constitution considers both morality and the essential ends of political society. Hamilton was no outlier in that regard.

This, I believe, is where the estimable Professor John Yoo goes wrong in claiming that “the practice and understanding of citizenship in the antebellum era was one of jus soli”—that is, “the law of the soil.” Professor Yoo argues that the Founders inherited a principle which conferred citizenship on all those born within a given geographical territory, and that we should assume this principle remained in place since the Founders never expressly rejected it. Reading according to the moral logic of the law, however, we find that jus soli was in fact not the prevailing logic of citizenship law, and that the true prevailing logic—allegiance to the king—was explicitly rejected.

Indeed, the term jus soli is completely absent from Blackstone’s Commentaries, from “Calvin’s Case” (the landmark ruling that made English subjects of children born in Scotland after the King of Scotland assumed the title of the King of England, even though the two nations remained separate kingdoms), and from all the writings of Edward Coke I have been able to search thus far. “Calvin’s Case” was not about jus soli, or the obligations and rights conferred by the physical location of one’s birth. That physical location was only important insofar as it established the real core principle: an obligation of personal allegiance to the King. Calvin’s allegiance was to James Stuart, the man who was simultaneously King of England and King of Scotland.

The Founders rejected that conception of allegiance and understood citizenship instead as arising from the new principle of consent. New members of the body politic are made by consent. Hence it is simply incorrect to say that the American Revolution did not change this area of law. It was in essence a transformation of the law’s underlying logic. The Revolution put consent and the rights of men in the place that fealty to the King and the common law occupied in English law. That’s what it means to say that consent is central to understanding the Citizenship Clause. It’s the principle at the heart of the matter and, therefore, essential to understanding the limitations of the general rule that children born on U.S. soil and children born to current citizens are citizens of the U.S. Attending to such principles is essential if one is to consider the essential ends of political society as Americans qua Americans understand them.

The question at hand is whether we also make changes to other areas of the law of allegiance, notably who is a U.S. national by birth. What does it mean to say that consent is the central principle of citizenship, and what does it mean to say the American Revolution changed the way we understand who is a member of the community at birth? By Professor Yoo’s own admission, these sorts of questions constitute an understudied area of legal history. Hence it is not fitting to assert that it is perfectly clear that jus soli remained in place between 1776 and the creation of the 14th Amendment, or that “If the Claremont view is right, we should see historical evidence of the states rejecting the common law rule in the years after the Constitution’s ratification.” By Professor Yoo’s own admission, we do not have sufficient evidence yet to claim certainty. Many questions remain unanswered.

For instance: on the principle of consent, is it reasonable to say that giving a woman a tourist visa should be understood as an implicit offer of citizenship to any child born to that woman while visiting the U.S.? That sort of deliberation is itself part of legal reasoning, or, at least, it was in the Founding era, and in the era in which the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. How far should that reasoning extend? Would it extend to student visas and other temporary visas short of permanent residence?

In a law review article that just was released, Kurt Lash finds mixed evidence: “Granting citizenship to children born to temporarily present non-citizen parents seems to be the best application of the Citizenship Clause, even if not clearly required by the original understanding. In the end, both constructions are textually and historically plausible.”

In other words, it’s debatable how far the line demarcating citizens from non-citizens extends. That’s one of the questions that Trump’s executive order on the subject raises. Perhaps in typical Trumpian manner, the EO goes too far and will, perversely, get in the way of the Supreme Court allowing any limitation. A little more prudence by President Trump might produce better results.

But in the case of tourists, and perhaps others who are here on a short term basis and who are, per tax treaties, not subject to our jurisdiction with regard to taxation of income, the issue becomes very different. The first sentence of the 14th Amendment states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Implicitly, this assumes that the amendment applies only to those who “reside” in a state—not those who are merely visiting. (Legal theorist Andrew Hyman’s article on this suggest that the language was quite intentional.)

As it is the normal and natural way of humans to pair up and have children, and as those children tend to have the same nationality as their parents, the legal assumption is that their nationality follows. That’s what the Founders established quite clearly in the law of the states after the Revolution and in the Naturalization Act of 1790. The latter specifically called those children born to American citizens, in whatever locale, “natural born” citizens—reasoning not from the location of birth or from their obligation to a monarch but from the chain of consent embodied in their parents. Hence they were changing the underlying principle which was itself part of the law, as they themselves understood the law.

On the other hand, it is also standard for the children of those who are living full time in a community to be citizens of that community. That’s why the simplistic “soil or blood” formulation is a distraction. Professor Yoo asserted that the standard principle was that of soil, and the Founders were merely adding the principle of blood by adding the children born to current citizens. But as far as I can tell, this is nothing more than a conjecture, without proof texts to support it.

Principles in Action

The law of press freedom in the Founding era may serve as a useful analogue for how the states might have treated citizenship law. The Federalist Party read the First Amendment as continuing the colonial common law understanding of freedom of the press, according to which the government was only withheld from exerting restraint on the press prior to publication, not from censoring illicit or seditious materials already in circulation. Freedom of the press in common law was perfectly compatible with prosecution for seditious libel, and in English common law a statement could be judged seditious libel even if it were true.

However, in the common law of the colony of New York (but not in the common laws of the other colonies) true material could not be censored as seditious libel. Only when the matter became a contested issue at the national level did the courts draw out the implications of the Revolution for the common law standard. After the Sedition Act expired in early 1801, we have had a very strong taboo against charges of seditious libel in general, and we have generally rejected the common law understanding of press freedom meaning no prior restraint.

One could easily see an analogy here with marginal questions of citizenship, such as the nationality of someone born to a mother who is temporarily in the U.S. when she gives birth. It is only when the people are forced to think through the underlying principle that we finally “liquidate” (to use Madison’s term) the meaning of our constitutional text.

For this reason, I am curious why Professor Yoo believes that if we read the first sentence of the 14th Amendment as excluding tourists and others not here on a permanent basis, we would be narrowing the existing rule in the U.S. For the most part this seems like an issue that has yet to be adjudicated. The few cases mentioned on the subject, are insufficient to establish a general rule.

Professor Yoo also does not cite evidence for his assertion that it would be strange to expand citizenship at birth to the children of freemen, but to narrow it in other ways at the same time. “Why would the 14th Amendment’s Framers narrow the definition of citizenship for everyone else?” he asks. Even on Yoo’s theory, the definition would not be narrowed for “everyone else,” but only for those few to whom the edge cases apply. And unless we assume a Whiggish idea of history as progressing always from less citizenship to more, we can make no assumption that the 14th Amendment must move exclusively in that direction. Instead we should assume that the framers of the Amendment were teasing out the implications of the new principle—consent, not kingship—established at the Founding.

That the principled basis of citizenship is under threat is clear. In a dispute known as the “Bitcoin Jesus” case, the U.S. is arguing against the claim “that expatriation is a fundamental constitutional right,” because it is not enumerated in the Constitution. But that’s because it’s a fundamental right beyond the Constitution. It’s connected to the principles upon which our regime rests, inseparable from the principles that justified legitimizing our Constitution via ratification by the people. When lawyers are trained not to recognize the connection between the principles upon which the Constitution rests and constitutional reasoning, such anti-American (and ante-American) conclusions follow.

A better way of reading the 14th Amendment is to note that it represented a nationalization of what had been local practices. Consider that in Massachusetts, local residence, and the obligation that came with it for a locality to ensure the well-being of a resident, was an important part of citizenship. The laws were clear about who was a resident: “neither legitimate nor illegitimate children shall gain a settlement by birth in the place where they may be born, if neither of their parents then has a settlement therein.” Why would it be unreasonable for senators, Congressmen, and state legislators proposing and ratifying the Amendment to have that element of the rights of citizenship in mind? Otherwise they might have inadvertently changed local law when they intended to codify it. What formerly had been local matters were being made national ones through the amendment process.

If our Courts still followed common law reasoning in the old sense, that element of New England law might have interesting implications. It might imply that after a certain number of years one can argue that people here illegally have a residence by a kind of adverse possession. That was the law in Massachusetts. It was a form of implicit consent to residence rights: the locals have implicitly allowed the new arrival to join their community. That form of consent, based on longstanding practice, was commonly described by the colonists in their accounts of the scope and limitations of Parliament’s authority over the empire. It’s perfectly intelligible, provided one understands law the way Adams and the other Founders were trained to understand law.

One final point, which few others have raised: why is there no analogy between Indians not taxed and illegal immigrants? There was no category of illegal immigration when the 14th Amendment was passed. There was no limitation on how many people could join the U.S. each year. Native Americans were a separate category. When they moved off Indian lands, they were in a situation more like today’s illegal immigrants than any other group I can think of. And, like the Indians, they are “not taxed,” unless they pay income taxes illegally, via a fake Social Security number or other like fraud. I wonder if that same logic would apply to counting illegal residents for apportionment. But that’s another essay.

In sum, I suspect Professor Yoo is thinking like a law professor more than a Founding or Civil War era lawyer in his reading of the first sentence of the 14th Amendment. The Court that gave us Plessy v. Ferguson might not be the most reliable guide on questions of citizenship. It would be better to reason about our laws the way the Founders did, before law began to take a more modern turn.

Richard Samuelson is Associate Professor of Government in Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship.

Don’t you hate it when your tactics get used against you?

‘DEMOCRACY AT RISK’: Pressure Groups Suing Trump Lose Their Minds After Facing One Ounce of the Left’s Own Medicine
Tyler O'Neil  | March 27, 2025


Tyler O'Neil is senior editor at The Daily Signal and the author of two books: "Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center," and "The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government."
Leftist groups that are suing to block President Donald Trump from fulfilling his promises to the American people can’t take the idea that the administration refuses to roll over and play dead.

Twenty-two leftist pressure groups—sorry, “civil rights organizations”—released a statement warning that Trump’s “dangerous assault on the legal profession and the rule of law” represents a threat to “the viability of our democracy.”

That’s rich.

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It’s particularly rich coming from the side that got lawyers disbarred and prosecuted for merely representing their clients in challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election. (Oh, did you think we’d just forget about John Eastman?)

What did Trump do to ostensibly undermine Justice with a capital J, you ask?

He directed the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security to pursue sanctions against attorneys and law firms filing “frivolous, unreasonable, and vexatious litigation” to block his administration’s priorities.

Forget a threat to democracy or to the legal system—it would be a stretch to say this is anything more than humdrum.

“Any litigant, if they think their opponent is making a frivolous argument, can seek sanctions, in any case,” John Malcolm, director of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation, explained in an interview with The Daily Signal.

“That determination is going to be made by an independent judge as to whether the argument being made is frivolous and whether to award sanctions,” Malcolm noted. Trump’s memo wasn’t “granting any authority to the Department of Justice that it hasn’t always had. He’s just urging them to be more aggressive. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Trump is not doing anything other than telling government officials to actually enforce the law and federal court rules,” Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at Heritage and former Justice Department lawyer, told The Daily Signal. “Liberal groups saying this is somehow wrong are themselves completely wrong. They are trying to mislead the public.”

Of course, that’s not how the 22 leftist pressure groups—led by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund—interpreted the memo. They called it “the latest in a rash of statements and actions intended to chill dissent, avoid accountability, and weaponize the government to attack opponents of this administration and its lawless actions.”

Which Groups, Exactly?
One of the groups on the list, the Southern Poverty Law Center, might know a bit about weaponizing the government. The SPLC is notorious for branding mainstream conservative and Christian groups “hate groups,” placing them on a map with the Ku Klux Klan. The SPLC bragged about advising the Biden administration on “domestic terrorism.” The FBI cited its “hate map” in the notorious memo on “radical-traditional Catholics.” Documents suggest SPLC leaders met with the woman who brought charges against pro-lifers for protesting outside abortion clinics.

Other notable signatories to the statement include the American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing alleged Tren de Aragua gang members Trump recently deported. As I wrote in my book, “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government,” the ACLU also urged the Biden administration to roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, and helped staff the transition team for President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security.

Lambda Legal, another signatory to the statement, has sued the administration to block its policies on LGBTQ issues. Demos, a left-wing group that once had then-Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama on its board, effectively wrote Biden’s executive order turning federal agencies into voter registration offices—and helped various bureaucrats implement it.

These groups didn’t exactly shout from the rooftops when lawyers such as John Eastman, who provided Trump advice regarding grounds to challenge the 2020 election results, faced sanctions, disbarment, and prosecution. In fact, the SPLC used the opportunity to highlight Eastman’s history in the “anti-LGBTQ movement,” suggesting that he’s exactly the sort of person who deserves such treatment.

A Much Greater Threat to the Legal Profession
Malcolm, the Heritage scholar, noted that the Left’s efforts to silence lawyers who represented Trump and others in challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election represented a far greater threat to the legal profession than Trump’s memo.

Trump’s memo “is sending a signal,” but the Left’s moves amounted to the threat—“make an argument that we don’t like, and we’ll seek to have you disbarred and criminally prosecuted,” Malcolm noted.

“I understand why they are upset, but these are crocodile tears,” he said.

He said The 65 Project, which sought to punish lawyers who dared represent Trump and others in 2020 election cases, had “a chilling effect on lawyers making arguments on behalf of their clients.”

“If you want to talk about a threat to democracy, that is more a threat to democracy than anything in this” memo, Malcolm concluded.

Sanctions for Law Firms
The leftist groups also condemned Trump for issuing executive orders directing his administration to revoke certain privileges from left-leaning law firms. Trump suspended security clearances for attorneys at four big law firms and terminated federal contracts with them.

“Global law firms have for years played an outsized role in undermining the judicial process and in the destruction of bedrock American principles,” he wrote in an executive order targeting the firm Paul Weiss. “Many have engaged in activities that make our communities less safe, increase burdens on local businesses, limit constitutional freedoms, and degrade the quality of American elections.” He also faulted the firm for engaging in racial discrimination in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Paul Weiss negotiated with Trump, however, pledging political neutrality on client selection and attorney hiring, committing to merit-based hiring instead of DEI, and dedicating the equivalent of $40 million in pro bono legal services to assist veterans, combat antisemitism, and pursue fairness in the justice system. Trump reversed his executive order.

Perkins Coie—the firm that notoriously helped the Hillary Clinton campaign finance the Trump-Russia dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele—responded with a lawsuit.

Trump also suspended security clearances and contracts with Covington & Burling and Jenner & Block.

While the leftist pressure groups condemned these moves as part of Trump’s “ongoing attacks on the judiciary,” von Spakovsky, the former government lawyer, told The Daily Signal that Trump’s actions against the four law firms are legal and appropriate.

“Law firms that file frivolous, meritless cases for political reasons should be punished,” he said. “To the extent that courts do not do so by imposing sanctions, the federal government should not do business with such firms. They should not be receiving taxpayer funds in contracts and their lawyers should not have any government privileges, such as security clearances.”

Trump’s actions here amount to the revocation of privileges, not the denial of rights.

The outrage over this whole saga merely shows that the Left can’t take the smallest amount of its own medicine.

When conservative attorneys represent efforts to contest an election, they’re demonized, sanctioned, and even face criminal charges. When leftist attorneys engage in judge-shopping, bringing targeted lawsuits to block Trump’s policies, and Trump takes the slightest step to hold them accountable, it’s the end of democracy as we know it.

Americans see through this charade. Here’s hoping the courts do, too.

Politics & Religion / Trump Kills National Security Unions
« on: March 28, 2025, 10:16:29 AM »
Hmm, how will the unions respond?

Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Exempts Agencies with National Security Missions from Federal Collective Bargaining Requirements

The White House

March 27, 2025

PROTECTING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order using authority granted by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) to end collective bargaining with Federal unions in the following agencies with national security missions:
National Defense. Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and Coast Guard.
VA serves as the backstop healthcare provider for wounded troops in wartime.
NSF-funded research supports military and cybersecurity breakthroughs.

Border Security. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) leadership components, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office of Immigration Review, and the Office of Refugee Resettlement within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Foreign Relations. Department of State, U.S. Agency for International Development, Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, and U.S. International Trade Commission.

President Trump has demonstrated how trade policy is a national security tool.

Energy Security. Department of Energy, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Interior units that govern domestic energy production.

The same Congress that passed the CSRA declared that energy insecurity threatens national security.

Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention, and Response. Within HHS, the Secretary’s Office, Office of General Counsel, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, Food and Drug Administration, and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In the Department of Agriculture, the Office of General Counsel, Food Safety and Inspection Service, and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

COVID-19 and the recent bird flu have demonstrated how foreign pandemics affect national security.

VA is also a backstop healthcare provider during national emergencies, and served this role during COVID-19.

Cybersecurity. The Office of the Chief Information Officer in each cabinet-level department, as well as DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the General Services Administration (GSA).

The FCC protects the reliability and security of America’s telecommunications networks.

GSA provides cybersecurity related services to agencies and ensures they do not use compromised telecommunications products.
Economic Defense. Department of Treasury.

The Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) defines national security to include protecting America’s economic and productive strength. The Treasury Department collects the taxes that fund the government and ensures the stable operations of the financial system.

Public Safety. Most components of the Department of Justice as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Law Enforcement Unaffected. Police and firefighters will continue to collectively bargain.

ENSURING THAT AGENCIES OPERATE EFFECTIVELY: The CSRA enables hostile Federal unions to obstruct agency management. This is dangerous in agencies with national security responsibilities:

Agencies cannot modify policies in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) until they expire.

The outgoing Biden Administration renegotiated many agencies’ CBAs to last through President Trump’s second term.

Agencies cannot make most contractually permissible changes until after finishing “midterm” union bargaining.

For example, the FLRA ruled that ICE could not modify cybersecurity policies without giving its union an opportunity to negotiate, and then completing midterm bargaining.

Unions used these powers to block the implementation of the VA Accountability Act; the Biden Administration had to offer reinstatement and backpay to over 4,000 unionized employees that the VA had removed for poor performance or misconduct.

SAFEGUARDING AMERICAN INTERESTS: President Trump is taking action to ensure that agencies vital to national security can execute their missions without delay and protect the American people. The President needs a responsive and accountable civil service to protect our national security.

Certain Federal unions have declared war on President Trump’s agenda.

The largest Federal union describes itself as “fighting back” against Trump. It is widely filing grievances to block Trump policies.
For example, VA’s unions have filed 70 national and local grievances over President Trump’s policies since the inauguration—an average of over one a day.

Protecting America’s national security is a core constitutional duty, and President Trump refuses to let union obstruction interfere with his efforts to protect Americans and our national interests.

President Trump supports constructive partnerships with unions who work with him; he will not tolerate mass obstruction that jeopardizes his ability to manage agencies with vital national security missions.

Politics & Religion / New ATF Chief Legal Counsel is Pro 2A
« on: March 27, 2025, 04:50:06 PM »
2nd post. And the ATF has a new chief counsel, a pro-2nd amendment lawyer and prof at my alma mater:

Politics & Religion / 1K ATF Agents Transferred to FBI?
« on: March 27, 2025, 04:34:42 PM »
This would amount to about 40% of its current force, and is likely good news for 2nd amendment supporters:

Politics & Religion / DEI in Academia Through Princeton's Lens
« on: March 26, 2025, 09:45:06 AM »
Despite some pro forma jabs at Trump--"I disdain Trump hence the left should listen to my message"--this is a good survey of the damage DEI has wrought in academia:

A Look at Princeton’s DEI Structure Amid Trump Trashing DEI

By Stuart Taylor Jr.

March 23, 2025 AP

“Princeton Doubles Down on DEI Amid Nationwide Attacks,” the Princeton Alumni Weekly reported recently – and a few weeks later, the Trump administration launched a profusion of legal and rhetorical attacks on universities for alleged sins against freedom of speech and for “pervasive and repugnant race-based preferences and other forms of racial discrimination.” The administration may make major cuts of outlays to universities, while Vice President J.D. Vance and others have spoken of taxing income on university endowments.

The pressure is intense on universities to conduct a deep and prompt review of their DEI policies, their design and effectiveness, their use of overt and covert racial and gender preferences in admissions, financial aid, faculty hiring and training, racially segregated dormitories, graduation ceremonies, and other programming.

Princeton’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” activities appear to be more extensive, at least in terms of numbers of DEI personnel, than other Ivy League schools, and much more extensive than at most large state schools – although modest by comparison with some, such as the huge and much-remarked DEI bureaucracy at the University of Michigan. Meanwhile, the University of Virginia spends an estimated $20 million on employees who work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, according to an analysis by It said UVA has at least 235 employees whose job titles signal they do DEI work for the school. (UVA claims this is inaccurate.)

I think that careful change on the DEI and racial and gender fairness fronts would be a good thing at Princeton as well as around the country – if done right. But trusting the Trump administration to do it right requires a leap of faith. Here is what Columbia University’s John McWhorter, associate professor of linguistics and New York Times columnist wrote:

The problem with Trump’s executive order is that it goes beyond addressing this recent transmogrification of DEI [into “an institutionalized anti-whiteness”] and puts a wholesale pox on what a certain kind of person is given to calling ‘stirring up that stuff’ about race. … There is no mending in Trump’s order, which instead attempts to simply vaporize any institutionalized commitment to social justice. One can be utterly revolted by the way DEI has been practiced of late while still supporting institutions that use outreach strategies to identify applicants less likely to come to their attention via normal channels.

On Feb. 21 a federal judge blocked Trump’s bid to deprive federal funding from programs that incorporate “diversity, equity and inclusion” initiatives. U.S. District Judge Adam Abelson of Baltimore ruled that Trump’s policy likely violates the First Amendment because it penalizes private groups based on their viewpoints and is written so vaguely that it chills the free speech of federal contractors. Litigation over the scattershot, sometimes perverse Trump offensive will no doubt continue for years.

And in the words of Wenyuan Wu, “Expecting the visible hand of swift government action to undo decades of damages from omnipresent thought capture is plain wishful thinking.”

Meanwhile, there are green shoots of reform at a few universities, including the recent adoption of the “Vanderbilt-WashU Statement of Principles” by the Boards of Vanderbilt University and Washington University in St. Louis, “to affirm and codify each university’s ongoing commitment to … values,” including “to pursue the truth wherever it lies [without] a political ideology or … a particular vision of social change.”

Princeton Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity Michele Minter has “estimated there are about 75 DEI practitioners” at the university (which has about 5,600 undergraduates) spanning different offices and departments. Universities generally have more employees focused on DEI than their titles suggest, and some have outsourced their DEI functions to third-party providers. Minter’s own office lists a staff of 20. More broadly, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni reported that administrative costs per student at Princeton rose from $18,000 in 2013 to $34,000 in 2022 (with comparable rises at MIT, Harvard, and Stanford).

Princeton also has an “Office of Diversity and Inclusion–Campus Life,” which includes the Carl A. Fields Center and the Gender + Sexuality Resource Center. The School of Public and International Affairs has a well-developed DEI program. Its website says: “Over the last year, over 120 students have attended weekly DEI dinners, discussing topics like racial equity analysis and disability allyship, and celebrating the rich diversity of our community. The DEI team supports several graduate affinity groups, including the Students and Alumni of Color, FIRST+ (first-generation and/or low-income students, alumni, professors, and staff), SPIA LGBTQ+, SPIA Latine, SPIA AAPI groups, and any students interested in hosting programming that celebrates identity and experiences of its members and the communities they serve.”

The Athletics Department has its own “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policies”; the English Department has its own “diversity statement,” among other things. And so on.

 “One website, ‘Visions for a More Just World — To Be Known and Heard: Systemic Racism and Princeton University,’ was recently taken down,” the Daily Princetonian reported.

“According to an archived version of the website, it aims to confront the history of racism at Princeton and share current anti-racist work at the University,” according to the Princetonian. “The website included documentation of initiatives, such as removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from the School of Public and International Affairs, endowing a professorship in Indigenous Studies, and creating The Princeton & Slavery Project. It also included history and interviews about racism at the University. While the exact date it was removed is unclear, a version of the website was up as recently as Jan. 20.”

Another statistical analysis comes from a March 14, 2023, article by Kevin Wallstein. Drawing on a Heritage Foundation study, it estimated that Princeton has about five DEI personnel per 1,000 undergraduates, more than any Ivy League school except for Harvard, which has more than eight per 1,000, and far above the 1.8 DEI bureaucrats to 1,000 students averaged by public universities.

At Princeton, which some fault for a kind of “politicized orthodoxy,” all important decisions ultimately pass through President Christopher Eisgruber, who has held his job since September 2013. According to both insiders and all outward appearances, the Board of Trustees acts as a rubber stamp.

After Trump was elected in 2016, and amid the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, Time magazine noted that the DEI industry had “exploded” in size. Within academia, a 2019 survey found that spending on DEI efforts had increased 27% over the five preceding academic years.

How does DEI affect Princeton students and faculty? Eisgruber has suggested that it enlightens students, while also acknowledging that those who identify as “extremely conservative” report lower rates of belonging than others and higher rates of concern about being treated respectfully. He has also asserted that “racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the university itself,” and he outlined a wide range of “antiracism” initiatives, such as ‘[d]evelop[ing] an institution-wide, multiyear action plan for supplier and contractor diversity, bringing together and expanding efforts focused on procurement and diversification of vendors, consultants, professional firms, and other business partners, including external investment managers.”

In contrast to the touted benefits of DEI programming, much evidence suggests it is counterproductive. For example, a recent study reportedly found, “[D]iversity, equity, and inclusion materials have a wide range of negative consequences, including psychological harm, increased hostility, and greater agreement with extreme authoritarian rhetoric, such as adapted Adolf Hitler quotes.”

The Threat Is Not Theoretical

Perhaps the greatest sin by activist Princeton faculty and DEI proponents against free speech and open inquiry – well-documented by mathematics professor Sergiu Klainerman in 2022 – was the smearing of highly respected classics professor Joshua Katz 2021. After being slandered as “racist” by various faculty and administrators, the tenured professor was fired by Eisgruber. The pretext was that Katz had not responded appropriately to the university’s 2018 investigation of his consensual relationship with a 21-year-old student more than a decade earlier, for which he had already been suspended for a year without pay. The real reason was Katz’s widely assailed 2020 Quillette article calling a group of students who had been known years before as the Black Justice League “a small local terrorist organization that made life miserable for the many (including the many black students) who did not agree with its members’ demands.”

In an essay headlined, “Academic Administrators Are Strangling Our Universities,” four distinguished Princeton professors (John Londregan, Sergiu Klainerman, Michael A. Reynolds, and Bernard Haykel) addressed what was as stake:

“In retaliation for publishing opinions that Princeton administrators disliked, administrators deliberately misquoted [Katz] and held him up to the incoming class [in the online ‘To Be Known and Heard’ presentation] as the epitome of racism.”

In the words of Professor Robert P. George, “There is no question in my mind as to whether Katz was defamed. … Nor am I in any doubt as to whether the underlying motives were malicious.”

It is unclear exactly who prepared which parts of the presentation and who approved its initial publication and later use in the mandatory 2021 freshman orientation. But DEI bureaucrats were involved. The official “co-sponsors” of the presentation included Michele Minter; the “Advisory Group” included Shawn Maxam, a Minter subordinate; the two “Project Leads” included the above-mentioned Carl A. Fields Center.

Many students feel that DEI dogma dampens open expression on campus. As senior Alba Basri puts it: “It is clear to me that the DEI ideology and policies … have spilled into classrooms. Many professors have enthusiastically endorsed these policies and bring them up in the classroom. I am enrolled in Molecular Biology 101 this semester, and I was displeased to see that a full page of the syllabus (page 4-5) was dedicated to DEI principles. … No matter how much Eisgruber and others argue that inclusivity and free speech go hand in hand, declarations such as these undoubtedly have a chilling effect on free speech. One value must take priority over the other, and it is clear which one the University has chosen to prioritize.”

Some faculty members agree that free speech is not the only value harmed by DEI programs. Wrote Professor Klainerman in an email:

DEI has redefined equity to mean that “every visible disparity between groups has its origin in discrimination.” It is this fact, more than anything else, that explains the terrible impact that DEI has on universities. …

As direct forms of discrimination are now virtually nonexistent in academia, discrimination has been redefined as an invisible, structural form of bigotry that is suddenly everywhere. Like witchcraft, this form of prejudice cannot be observed directly. Rather, it manifests instead through unequal outcomes. Once justice was reformulated in terms of equality of results, it became untenable to insist on merit and the pursuit of truth; these values had to be abandoned or redefined, whenever they came into conflict with the new orthodoxy.

Said another faculty member, who preferred not to be named out of a fear of retaliation: “[A]t Princeton concerns about identity are all around. In many conversations about hiring or graduate admissions, race and/or gender are introduced. People will assert that ‘this job must go to an A or B,’ in spite of federal law and merit. Many of the Princeton institutions to which I pay attention have made inappropriate statements.” For years, this professor said, the faculty hiring process has been permeated with quasi-covert racial/gender preferences.

Students Rage Against the Machine

In “How Academic Freedom Died at Princeton,” Abigail Anthony, a 2023 graduate and journalist who now sits on the Princetonians for Free Speech board, weighed in as well. “In recent years, Princeton has embraced the imperatives of diversity, equity, and inclusion, making it an unwelcoming space for anyone – conservative or liberal, religious or secular – who happens to dissent.”

Anthony, a self-described conservative, continued: “Princeton’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are misnamed: They divide, exclude, and ostracize students of all political affiliations by rendering it socially dangerous to express any criticism of progressive mantras. Thirty-one academic departments have DEI committees, which could explain the land acknowledgements in syllabi and the deluge of departmental anti-racism statements that inform students what can and can’t be said in class.”

“Princeton’s diversity bureaucracy functions as an ideological surveillance system that regulates the social and academic cultures,” she added. “Freshman orientation has compulsory events that include ‘diversity and inclusion’ in the session’s title, as well as mandatory programs on LGBTQ identity, ‘mindfulness,’ socioeconomic status, and the university’s ‘history of systemic racism.’”

Matthew Wilson, a 2024 graduate also wrote about the “stifling” effects of such ideological surveillance.

“Princeton maintains a highly sophisticated bias-reporting apparatus that incorporates elements … from anonymous reporting to third-party hosting software … overseen by the university’s DEI office, known as the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity,” he wrote. “The DEI office accepts two types of bias reports – those made in-person, by email, or through an online form by identified complainants; and those made anonymously. Both faculty members and students can be the subject of bias reports.”

His bracing account of the realities of modern campus life paints a portrait of a climate more akin to a police state than a liberal academic environment.

“Along with reports of fraud, theft, and sexual misconduct, members of the campus community … submit anonymous reports alleging bias or discrimination,” he noted. “Student data … can be handed over to government authorities or private parties upon request. … Princeton also keeps its own documentation of bias reports. In an email, Princeton spokesman Michael Hotchkiss [implied] to me that Princeton files away all bias reports – including complaints sent in anonymously and those which are judged to be frivolous or baseless – in order to use their contents to justify further interventions into academic affairs and student life by DEI administrators. …

“[E]ven when Princeton determines that reported bias constituted protected speech, or did not occur at all, accused persons can still be subject to what are known as ‘No Communication’ and ‘No Contact’ orders. … No-communication and no-contact orders were originally intended to shield victims of sexual assault and harassment from their assailant. But Princeton has recently deployed them as weapons to silence student journalists and heterodox voices on campus.

“All of this creates an atmosphere of mutual mistrust and repression and Princeton’s labyrinthine bias-reporting apparatus … poses dueling significant risks to free speech and student privacy. By encouraging students to tell on peers whose speech they find offensive and facilitating a campus culture of anonymous reporting, no-contact orders, and self-censorship, Princeton’s bias-reporting system utterly fails to uphold the university’s stated commitment to ‘protect and promote free expression.’”

DEI surveillance explicitly undermined academic freedom in at least one incident, with President Eisgruber’s full support. As PFS reported in January 2022, Michele Minter was brought in by Firestone Library’s chief librarian Anne Jarvis to excise the work of two eminent 19th century Jewish artists from a planned exhibit on the grounds that these artists had Confederate ties. The exhibit’s creator and Princeton major donor Leonard Milberg (class of 1953) canceled the exhibit in protest. (President Eisgruber made the Orwellian assertion that in censoring the exhibit’s content, Minter and Jarvis were exercising their free speech rights.)

The Trump administration has, of course, exuded across-the-board hostility to such programs, as PFS cofounder Ed Yingling noted on Jan. 24: “[A]mong the many Executive Orders signed by President Trump are three that, while not specifically addressing campus free speech or academic freedom, show the intention to move aggressively on these and related issues,” he wrote. “The first relates to DEI policies in government and the second relates broadly to government censorship of speech at the federal level. The third, most important for higher education, aims to end discriminatory policies and restore merit-based opportunities throughout the country.”


 “I thought the academic DEI juggernaut was unstoppable,” wrote Lawrence Krauss in the Wall Street Journal. “Then a week after President Trump’s inauguration, I got an email with an announcement from the Department of Energy: ‘The Office of Science is immediately ending the requirement for Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plans in any proposal submitted. …

“[This]is seismic. The major source of physical science research support in the country has sent a message to universities: Stick to science. It may be the death knell of what appeared to be an invulnerable academic bureaucracy that has been impeding the progress of higher education and research for at least a decade.”

Litigation over the scattershot, sometimes perverse Trump offensive will no doubt continue for years. On Feb. 21 a Baltimore-based federal judge blocked Trump’s bid to deprive federal funding from programs that incorporate “diversity, equity and inclusion” initiatives. U.S. District Court Judge Adam Abelson ruled that Trump’s policy likely violates the First Amendment because it penalizes private groups based on their viewpoints and is written so vaguely that it chills the free speech of federal contractors.

The ever-increasing polarization of university faculty and (especially DEI) administrators into what now amounts to an overwhelming majority who are left of center and a shrinking handful who are right of center has damaged the ability of faculty and students to even think for themselves. The same would be true if the right were as dominant as the left is now. To borrow from FIRE CEO Greg Lukianoff: “deological bubbles and echo chambers are where free expression and the free exchange of ideas go to die.”

Jonathan Rauch, an uncommonly wise author and journalist who skews neither left nor right, makes a similar point: “In a room where everyone agrees with everyone else on fundamentals that don’t get questioned, you will not be learning. You will be making mistakes, and you will be unaware of those mistakes.”

Rauch continues: “Consider the data collected by Pew Research when it asked Americans whether they agree with the proposition, ‘Colleges have a negative effect on the way things are going in the country.’ During the decade spanning 2012 and 2022, the percentage expressing agreement went from 26 percent to 45 percent. Almost half of Americans now think that colleges have a negative effect on the country.”

Rauch cites six factors for this collapse in confidence.

The first factor Rauch cites is the entrenched ideology that claims that facts themselves are deemed “merely a colonialist, sexist construction; and that we should not put stock in the concept of objectivity, as it’s just a power play. This ideology has seeped in deeply, including a variant that says intellectual inquiry and the very idea of fact endangers the safety of minorities.”

A second factor, he notes, is “emotional fragility,” in which students are taught that if you expose people to ideas that offend them or surprise them, you are somehow “committing a form of violent assault.”

Third comes homogeneity: “[T]here is the dramatic change in the political leanings of American professors … since the Cold War period. As recently as the mid-1990s, the percentage of university faculty members self-reporting centrist political views was only slightly lower than the percentage self-describing as left or liberal; and conservatives still amounted to roughly one-fifth of university academics. Then, beginning in the late 1990s, you see a massive shift. And within the space of just two decades, about 60 percent of faculty were on the left, and only about 12 percent were conservative.

“As for Harvard University faculty’s political leanings, a 2021 Harvard Crimson poll found that about 3 percent of participating academics self-reported as conservative; 19.5 percent were “moderate”; and the rest – 77.6 percent – described themselves as liberal (about 48 percent) or “very liberal” (about 30 percent). When you’re in a community as politically homogeneous as this, it becomes hard to question orthodoxy and, thus, to do good science.”

Fourth, says Rauch comes politicization, and the need to “toe a certain line” to get funding, or a promotion, or a job, including in the natural sciences.

Fifth, there is discrimination: “Consider survey research published by Eric Kaufmann in 2021. He asked academics in Canada, the United States, and the UK whether they engaged in discrimination against conservatives. In all three countries, a significant number of professors and PhD students reported that they’d discriminated against right-leaning ideas or scholars when evaluating papers, grant applications, and promotions. And remember that Kaufmann’s data … tracks only those academics who admit discriminating. …

“Understandably, as Kaufmann’s results demonstrate, conservatives perceive a toxic environment on campus. When asked whether their academic department presented a ‘hostile climate towards people with your political beliefs,’ only 3–5 percent of leftist academics answered in the affirmative. Among conservatives, the corresponding figure was about 70 percent.”

Finally, Rauch cites the increased bureaucratization. “At Ohio State University, to take one well-known example, there were no fewer than 189 full-time DEI staff as of 2023 – up from 88 just five years earlier. And while the head count roughly doubled during that period, the total compensation paid to DEI staffers tripled, to more than $20-million per year. … [M]any of these newly hired people aren’t academics by training. They don’t do science. They don’t do research. They may not have ever stepped in a classroom as a teacher. Yet at many universities, these are now the people who are telling tenured professors what to do and how to do it – whether in or out of the classroom.”

“When you put those six factors together,” Rauch concludes, “and then allow them to reinforce each other, the result is to distort and chill academic life.”

In a more recent (Jan. 11) article, headlined “How the rise of woke ‘educrats’ is destroying higher education,” the Manhattan Institute’s Ilya Shapiro, Princeton ’99, wrote: “The statistics on the growth of nonteaching staff are mind-boggling. In the 25 years ending in 2012, the number of professional university employees who don’t teach grew at about twice the rate of students. In the same period, tuition at public colleges more than tripled.

“What all this really means,” Shapiro added, “is that students are paying more and more to fund an expanding cohort of well-compensated bureaucrats, without getting anything in return. And this isn’t just a budget issue. Administrators are more radical than professors, and not steeped in norms of academic freedom, all of which detract from the educational environment.”

The racial affirmative action preferences in admissions that the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional last year have been championed by the same university administrators who promote expanding DEI programs. So far, the decision has produced surprisingly minimal effect on Princeton’s admissions.

Not much has changed since 2021, when the university announced that 68% of U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the newly admitted class of 2025 “self-identified as people of color, including biracial and multiracial students.” Or 2024, when 31.3% self-identified as white. In stark contrast, the 2001-02 school year, 63.5% of enrolled freshman students (752 out of 1195) were white. Such numbers have caught the eye of Trump insiders, who assume that Princeton might be hearing from federal civil rights enforcers.

There are also anecdotes about how racial preferences work. A Princeton student reported to a source of mine that she and other Jewish students had complained to a Princeton admissions officer that the number of admitted Orthodox Jews had shrunk to the point that it is hard to have a well-attended minyan ritual. The response was that admitting another white Jewish kid would not help Princeton’s diversity numbers. See also “Teen hired by Google was rejected by 16 colleges. Now he’s suing for discrimination.”

And while Eisgruber claimed in last year’s State of the University letter that such “inclusivity enhances excellence,” University of Chicago professor Jerry Coyne countered that “there is a tradeoff between excellence and [racially preferential] diversity.”

 Bill Hewitt, a 1974 Princeton grad, recently argued in the Princeton Alumni Weekly that “the pursuit of diversity through measures that diminish meritocratic standards undermines academic rigor” and that “race-based measures work against Martin Luther King Jr.’s goal that individuals be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.”

Wallstein observed that the rise of DEI bureaucracies coincided with the beginning of a “Free-Speech Crisis on College Campuses.” This is hardly happenstance. He notes that by 2016, Jonathan Haidt was pointing out that universities were now attempting to simultaneously pursue “two incompatible sacred values” – truth and social justice.

“It was clear from the start that, regardless of what was on their websites, DEI bureaucracies were more likely to suppress than encourage free expression on college campuses,” Wallstein wrote.

In a 2021 Wall Street Journal op-ed, headlined “How ‘Diversity’ Turned Tyrannical,” Lawrence Krauss wrote that DEI had created “a climate of pervasive fear on campus” that was shutting down vitally important discussions. According to Krauss, “The DEI monomania has contributed to the crisis of free speech on campus.”

Abigail Fisher, a Texan who challenged the use of race in college admissions, walks with her lawyer Bert Rein, outside the Supreme Court in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
A document circulated by California Community Colleges, headed “DEI in the Curriculum: Model Principles and Practices,” counsels: “Take care not to ‘weaponize’ academic freedom and academic integrity as tools to impede equity in an academic discipline or inflict curricular trauma on our students, especially historically marginalized students.”

Wallstein summarizes:

“DEI and free expression have now become the antithesis of each other.”

As the above-mentioned article by Princeton professors Londregan, Klainerman, Reynolds, and Haykel concludes: “If nothing is done to revive universities by recentering their core mission around the faculty power, campus visits may soon differ little in substance from trips to see the T-Rex at the Museum of Natural History.”

Stuart Taylor Jr. is president of Princetonians for Free Speech.

Politics & Religion / The Looming Middle-Class Inflection Point
« on: March 26, 2025, 07:12:17 AM »
This could live several places, but given that China appears to be what Trump in targeting, I'll drop it here:

unseen1 @unseen1_unseen

Once the tariffs go into effect on Apr 2nd, the USA trade policy will be changed for a very long time, if not forever.  It's an inflection point.  This is a very big deal, and I don't think most people understand the inflection point we are about to make.  Some of the big money understands, hence the trillions pouring into the country. 

We are switching from using trade policy to push foreign policy to using trade policy to push economic policy. 

China adopted our type of trade policy with its belt and road to drive countries into their sphere of influence. 

We were losing with that trade policy because we couldn't match slave labor, automation in manufacturing, and government controlling the private sector. 

Even though with open borders driving down wages and more and more government control of the private sector with regulations, we tried.

Trump is totally abandoning that policy and that losing war. 

He is starting a whole new battle using our middle class to fight it.  Increasing our middle class with protection tariffs, securing our border to increase our middle-class wages.   Using those wages and the increased purchasing power to make the USA the place to be to soak up supply.

The revenues from tariffs will allow taxes to be reduced, creating more demand.

China can not match that demand because their middle class doesn't have the means, and their government will never allow their middle class to amass the means.  It's totally opposed to marxism to have a rich, vibrant middle class.

As we know, governments, in general, once they latch onto a new revenue stream fighting to end, it is a multigenerational battle(see income tax)
April 2nd is going to be game-changing.

Politics & Religion / Is This Boondoggle's Boon at an End?
« on: March 26, 2025, 06:57:00 AM »
Glad I lived to see the day when the the climate cult saw its power and influence wane:

The Nadir of the Climate Change Movement

Steven F. Hayward

The prevailing winds are blowing not toward more windmills but toward common sense on energy.

The prevailing winds are blowing not toward more windmills but toward common sense on energy.
It is possible that the Trump Administration is going to deal the death blows to the long-running climate change hysteria and government hostility to fossil fuels, not just in the United States but around the globe.

The Trump Administration has moved well beyond merely supporting increased oil and natural gas production. It has also launched steps to dismantle the foundations of anti-energy climate policy, in particular, a proposed reversal of the so-called "endangerment finding" that gave the EPA jurisdiction to regulate greenhouse gases, which were never explicitly included in any of the various Clean Air Acts passed over the last 50 years. Trump's EPA is also proposing to revise the EPA's flawed "social cost of carbon" analysis, which is used to justify costly green energy schemes.

Energy Secretary Chris Wright summed up the attitude in a recent speech: "The Trump administration will end the Biden administration's irrational, quasi-religious policies on climate change that imposed endless sacrifices on our citizens." We have indeed raised global atmospheric CO2 concentration by 50% in the process of more than doubling human life expectancy, lifting millions of the world's citizens out of grinding poverty, launching modern medicine, telecommunications, planes, trains, and automobiles, too. . .

Running the math on what might have been the benefits from these [Biden] policies yields perhaps only a few hundredths of a degree reduction in global temperatures in the year 2100. The Trump administration intends to be much more scientific and mathematically literate.
I doubt the climatistas know what's about to hit them. Unlike the defensive crouch of previous Republican administrations (including Trump I to some extent), the new Trump team is going straight at the heart of the entire climate change framework. Start with the aforementioned "social cost of carbon" (SCC), an economic calculation of the present value of projected future climate damages if we don't suppress fossil fuel use. It is an arcane economic analysis, the assumptions of which I won’t delve into here, except to note the variation in the estimate over the last 15 years. The Obama EPA settled on an SCC estimate of $52 per ton; the first Trump EPA calculated the SCC at $7 per ton, and the Biden EPA came up with $185 per ton. In other words, this is all economic flim-flam, with the high numbers necessary to justify monumental energy regulations and subsidies for costly “green” energy.

The biggest problem here, regardless of the number you settle on, is that any estimate of the social cost of carbon should also account for the social benefits of carbon, which vastly outweigh the climate costs that preoccupy the climatistas. This aspect of the matter is understudied because the results would kill off almost all the climate crisis industry at a stroke. One of the very few to do this is Richard Tol, a highly regarded Dutch environmental economist. In 2017, he concluded that the social benefit of carbon is over $400 per ton, which is a multiple of even the highest cost estimates of the climatistas and the bureaucrats. This is the kind of benefit Wright has in mind with his statement that fossil fuels are responsible for launching "modern medicine, telecommunications, planes, trains, and automobiles, too."

That's only the beginning of the massive benefits of large-scale affordable energy over the last century, but these incredible achievements are seldom seriously considered in the "consensus science" assessments of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is necessary to make the sober point that if we ceased using coal, oil, and natural gas instantly, as the most fervent climatistas demand in their street protests and art museum vandalism stunts, hundreds of millions of people around the world would be dead in a week.

Likewise, overturning the "endangerment finding," which the Obama EPA adopted to launch its plan to nationalize America's electric utility industry, represents a frontal challenge to existing climate policy. It is unlikely that a thorough reevaluation of the risks associated with greenhouse gases will reveal any discernible health hazards, let alone any that would justify spending trillions of dollars on green energy.

At this point, someone might well raise the question of whether Trump's moves will last or whether they will be promptly reversed by the next Democratic administration, for whom the "climate crisis" will remain a core priority (or whether some of Trump's proposed changes will encounter a legal roadblock). This is a plausible scenario until we consider the startling proposition that the Trump Administration's moves are, in fact, a lagging indicator of where the climate change story has been heading for some time now, unrecognized by the media and most politicians.

Climate change has been the premier environmental issue for almost 40 years now and appears to be running through what the eminent political scientist Anthony Downs identified in a classic 1971 article in The Public Interest as "the issue-attention cycle." Downs outlined a five-stage cycle through which political issues of all kinds typically progress.  Experts and interest groups begin promoting a problem or crisis, which is soon followed by the alarmed discovery of the news media and broader political class.  This second stage, significantly, typically includes a large amount of euphoric enthusiasm—you might call this the “dopamine” stage—as activists conceive the issue regarding global salvation and redemption. (Al Gore is the premier example of this aspect of climate change.)

Then comes the third or "hinge" stage, where there is “a gradually spreading realization that the cost of ‘solving’ the problem is very high indeed.”  This is where we have been with climate change from almost the beginning. “The previous stage,” Downs continued, “becomes almost imperceptibly transformed into the fourth stage: a gradual decline in the intensity of public interest in the problem.”  Then, in the fifth or “final [post-problem] stage,” Downs concluded, “an issue that has been replaced at the center of public concern moves into a prolonged limbo—a twilight realm of lesser attention or spasmodic recurrences of interest.” 

Climate change has arrived at Downs' fifth stage. Despite billions spent for climate crisis agitprop, the backing of a compliant media, the surrender of much of big business (including many fossil fuel companies), and the endless braying of opportunist politicians, opinion surveys consistently find that the public does not buy the "climate crisis," ranking it at the bottom or next to the bottom of their major issue concerns.

Downs predicted in his article—written less than a year after the first Earth Day launched the modern environmental activist movement—that the issue-attention cycle for environmental issues would be longer than for most other matters, which has certainly proved to be the case for climate change.

The Trump Administration's bold disposition to turn entirely away from the madness represents a short fuse riding on a long wave to mix metaphors. One ironic aspect of the Biden Administration's substantial spending on green energy is that the U.S. was at least a decade behind Europe in this regard. Led by Germany's "energiewende" ("energy revolution"), Europe spent over a trillion Euros for green energy, only to see their modest decarbonization trends stall and go into reverse, with Germany and other nations having to restart coal-fired power plants and diesel generators, extending oil and natural gas production after having intended to reduce production, and reversing closures of nuclear power plants. The inability to meet the rising costs of green energy led to the downfall of the German government last fall. If you pay close attention, you can see that European political leaders have been backtracking on climatism for some time now, muting their rhetoric—always the cheapest commodity for all politicians—about the climate crisis and ambitious climate goals.

Even John Kerry, climate catastrophist-in-chief, has made subtle but telling shifts in his climate rhetoric. In 2021, Kerry's standard climate change stump speech claimed, “Currently, as we’re talking today, we are regrettably on course to hit somewhere between 3, 4 degrees at the current rate.” But by 2023 Kerry's numbers changed: “We're currently heading towards something like 2.4 degrees, 2.5 degrees of warming on the planet."  What changed? It turns out that even the so-called "consensus science" of the IPCC has begun to dial back its previous predictions of climate catastrophe, although the media haven't noticed or reported this. Give Kerry some credit for "following the science," as we are often urged to do.

The progress of climate change through Downs's "issue-attention cycle" does not mean that resource extraction industries won't continue to face hostile regulators, protracted litigation from activists, and biased treatment from the media. But for the first time in decades, the prevailing winds are blowing not toward more windmills but toward common sense on energy.

Steven F. Hayward is the Edward Gaylord Distinguished Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University's School of Public Policy.


This is a thing of beauty!

Say, whatever happened to all the CO2 fetishtists that used to lurk around here? They finally figure out that the science they claimed was sacrosanct actually undermined pure science, as evidenced by what all was derived here from "unadjusted" (meaning untampered with, with that tampering consistently occurring in a manner that supports AGW orthododies) data?

Politics & Religion / Inside the Budget from Beltway Perspective
« on: March 25, 2025, 01:06:12 PM »
A good overview of the budget from an inside the Beltway perspective. Note all the sound fiscal process disincentives baked into federal budgeting:

How Government Takes & Spends Your Money
This Explainer will cover where the government takes revenue from, how it spends those dollars, how it prioritizes spending, and what’s projected for the future.
MAR 25, 2025

By Thomas Savidge, American Institute For Economic Research

In January 2024, The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research published a survey that found two-thirds of Americans believed their taxes were too high and they lacked confidence in how the federal government spends their tax dollars.[1] These sentiments are not unfounded. This Explainer will cover where the government takes revenue from, how it spends those dollars, how it prioritizes spending, and what’s projected for the future.

Where Does the Money Come From? Where Does the Money Go?

Over the course of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 (October 1, 2023-September 30, 2024), the federal government took in $4.92 trillion in tax revenue and spent $6.75 trillion. Figure 1 shows the recreation of “Federal Revenue vs Spending” full breakdown of federal revenues and expenditures by source for FY 2024.[2]

Figure 1: Revenues and Expenditures FY 2024 (Billions of Dollars) Sources: “Tables B-1-B-5 and Supplemental Tables” in The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2025 to 2035. Congressional Budget Office. Design Inspired by “Federal Revenue vs Spending” from The Federal Budget in Pictures by The Heritage Foundation.

As Figure 1 shows, 84 percent of that revenue comes right out of your paycheck between individual income taxes and payroll taxes (such as funding for Social Security and Medicare). Another 10 percent comes from taxes on business income. The remaining 5 percent “Other” category consists of excise taxes, remittances from the Federal Reserve, customs duties, estate and gift taxes, and miscellaneous fines and fees.[3]

When observing the spending column, notice three distinct categories: Mandatory Spending, Discretionary Spending, and Net Interest Spending. Here is how the federal government distinguishes these categories:

Mandatory Spending: This is spending that is mandated by existing laws. This category includes entitlements such as Social Security, the major health care programs (Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and the “Affordable Care Act Tax Credits & Related Subsidies”). It also includes income security programs such as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The Other category includes spending on higher education, agriculture, deposit insurance, the Department of Defense, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, and the Education Stabilization Fund.[4]
Discretionary Spending: This is spending that is formally approved by Congress and the President during the appropriations process (when Congress designates and approves spending for the fiscal year) each year. Discretionary spending is broadly divided into defense and nondefense spending for federal agencies and programs during the appropriations process. During the fiscal year, the federal government can also issue supplemental appropriations in the same manner. The most recent notable examples of this are the massive spending bills the federal government issued in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 economic downturn.[5]
Net Interest: This is the interest costs on the national debt minus interest income that the government receives on loans (such as student loans) as well as cash balances and earnings of the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust.[6]
Mandatory spending makes up most federal expenditures, accounting for $4.06 trillion (over 60 percent) of all federal spending in FY 2024. The three largest mandatory spending programs are Social Security totaling $1.454 trillion (36 percent of mandatory spending and 21 percent of total spending), Medicare with $1.09 trillion (28 percent of mandatory spending) and Medicaid and CHIP at $575 billion (15 percent of mandatory spending). It is also important to note that spending on net interest ($870 billion) now exceeds both Medicaid and CHIP spending and total defense spending ($850 billion). According to CBO estimates, the only categories that exceed net interest spending are Social Security, the major health care programs (Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA Tax Credits & Related Subsidies), and discretionary nondefense spending.

Figure 2 frames the issue differently by showing how each tax dollar is spent. For each dollar the federal government spends, more than half of that dollar goes toward entitlement spending. This dispels the myth that significant cuts to defense spending could be used to fund entitlements. As of FY 2024, net interest payments on the national debt exceed national defense spending. Net interest payments also eclipsed spending on all major health care programs except Medicare.

Figure 2: How A Federal Dollar was Spent in FY 2024 Sources: “Tables B-1-B-5 and Supplemental Tables” in The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2025 to 2035. Design inspired by Heritage Foundation, National Priorities Project, and The Atlantic. Image from Wikimedia Commons.
Underlying all of this is the fact that the federal government is spending more than the revenue it is bringing in, leading to massively growing debt. The problems with growing debt are discussed extensively in the AIER Explainer Understanding Public Debt.[7] In essence, as investors lose confidence in the federal government’s ability to pay its debts, they’ll ask for higher interest rates (a higher price of borrowing). As this continues, spending on net interest will continue to crowd out other spending categories. This means the average American will see higher taxes, a weaker dollar, reduced access to credit (as the US government diverts capital out of the private sector to finance deficits), and fewer public services.

How Government Prioritizes Spending

To understand how the government allocates funds, it is important to first consider the incentives (rewards and punishments that motivate behavior) of government officials. Regarding elected officials, economist Thomas Sowell famously noted that their two most important priorities are getting elected and getting reelected. Any subsequent goals are less important than the first two.[8] As for unelected government officials, economist William Niskanen noted that their success is measured by the number of people working under them and the size of their discretionary budget.[9]

It is also important to examine the constraints government actors face. In order for any money to get spent, Congress and the President have to agree to spend it. This results in logrolling, where these elected officials are willing to offer concessions to the other side in exchange for a desired policy in return.[10] No one gets everything they want, but everyone gets something. It is also important to note that bureaucratic funding is zero-sum, meaning that funds not allocated to one agency are being spent on a different agency. This constraint on unelected officials incentivizes them to ask for spending increases and encourages “mission creep,” where bureaucrats expand their agency’s role beyond its intended scope to justify increased funding.

Logrolling, however, can result in voter confusion. If voters notice their representative engaging in logrolling often enough, the elected official may come off as unprincipled, which could result in him or her losing reelection. Unfortunately, the more government increases its scope of authority, the more logrolling will occur, resulting in greater voter confusion.

These elected officials, however, will not just cater to any voters. They will listen to the voters who can help sway the election in their favor. These tend to be smaller groups with a shared interest. These groups can either be in the private sector or bureaucrats in the public sector. These small groups have a greater stake in getting the policy outcomes they want compared to the wider public whose interests are more widely distributed. Their size also allows them to politically organize, mobilize, and easily police free riding. This allows these groups to concentrate benefits for themselves and disperse the costs among the wider populace. [11]

In conclusion, elected officials will focus on the interested parties that show up and can impact their electoral prospects. This can lead to spending priorities that favor these groups regardless of whether those priorities are the best use of taxpayer dollars.

Future Projections

Unfortunately, the levels of spending and incentive problems do not bode well for Americans. Figure 3 shows the CBO’s projections, which show that (assuming all else remains equal) spending will continue to rapidly outpace revenues over the next decade.

Figure 3: Federal Revenues vs Spending 2025-2035 Sources: “Tables B-1-B-5 and Supplemental Tables” in The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2025 to 2035. Congressional Budget Office.
To tackle this issue, policymakers will need a combination of fiscal and regulatory reforms. This will limit how much money the government can take as well as limit what it can pass along to citizens as unfunded mandates. As my colleague Dave Hebert and I wrote,

“We should not just seek to starve the beast of resources. We need to starve the beast of responsibility. Rather than turn to government, as citizens are increasingly wont to do, we need to understand that private markets are much more powerful at solving society’s ills than they are commonly understood to be.”[12]

In 2025, bond investors continue to demand higher premiums for US government debt. This means that policymakers in Washington must prioritize spending cuts or else suffer the consequences of crippling public debt.

Download a PDF version of this explainer here.

References and Resources for Further Information

[1] AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. (January 2024). “Majorities view local, state, and federal taxes as too high and delivering too little value for people like them”

[2] “Federal Revenue vs Spending (For Fiscal Year 2023, in Billions).” Federal Budget in Pictures from The Heritage Foundation. Created July 24, 2024. Accessed July 29, 2024.

[3] “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034.” Congressional Budget Office. February 7, 2024. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[4] Ibid.

[5] “How much has the U.S. government spent this year?” America’s Finance Guide from FiscalData. U.S. Department of the Treasury.

[6] “Net Interest” in A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process. Congressional Budget Office. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[7] Savidge, Thomas and Yonk, Ryan M. Understanding Public Debt. American Institute for Economic Research. 15 Aug 2024. Accessed 1 Jan 2025.

[8] Sowell, Thomas. “Politicians solve their problems, not yours.” The East Bay Times. 25 November 2009. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[9] Niskanen, William A. “The Peculiar Economics of Bureaucracy.” American Economic Review. Vol 58, No 2 (May 1968). p. 293-305. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[10] Buchanan, James M. and Tullock, Gordon. The Calculus of Consent: The Logical Foundations of Constitutional Liberty. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[11] Shugert, William F. “Public Choice.” Econlib Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Accessed July 24, 2024.

[12] Hebert, David and Savidge, Thomas. “Learning Fiscal Discipline: Colorado’s Success, Shortcomings, and Regulatory Ruse.” The Daily Economy by the American Institute for Economic Research. 17 Dec 2024. Accessed 21 Jan 2025.;topic=1847.1650;last_msg=180226

Politics & Religion / An Executive Branch Peacing Match
« on: March 25, 2025, 12:46:01 PM »
I was once tasked with coordinating event planning for a visit by the Dali Lama, hosted by educators with a conflict analysis department. It was the most ego rich, discord filled, whizzing match filled event I ever had the displeasure of coordinating. In a similar vein, take a gander at all the strife embraced by the Institute for Peace:

An actual insurrection
Employees at the Institute of Peace went to war.
MAR 25, 2025

The Daily Caller reported that the Department of Justice may prosecute the mutineers at the U.S. Institute of Peace, foolishly founded by President Reagan. In 41 years, the institute has not stopped the Gulf War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraqi War and various combat deployments around the world.

Wikipedia describes the institute as a nonpartisan independent agency but “receiving funding only through a congressional appropriation to prevent outside influence.” Ah, the purity of government funding. I suppose Wikipedia could describe the Gestapo as a nonpartisan independent agency that was funded solely by the Reichstag to prevent outside influence.

The Institute of Peace has—or had—300 employees and cost taxpayers $55 million a year. That works out to $183,333.33 per employee. Compensation (wage and benefits) for federal employees average $143,643 a year, so basically this is—or was—a bureaucracy that existed only to employ its employees. Its mission was to promote peace.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono used that as an excuse to spend a week in bed. The Institute Ono Band should cut a record, All We Are Saying, Is Give Me A Job.

The agency is not useful and not independent. It is part of the executive branch. The president is chief of the executive branch. The Constitution says so. Trump is euthanizing it to save taxpayers $55 million a year. Instead of obeying his orders to disperse, employees at the Institute of Peace did not go away peacefully.

The New York Times called it the “Showdown at the Institute of Peace.” It took place on St. Patrick’s Day.

NYT said, “The dispute at the Institute of Peace began on a Friday, March 14, when Trent Morse, the deputy director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, fired all 10 voting members of the organization’s board—five Democrats and five Republicans—laying the ground work for a takeover. DOGE tried to enter the building twice that day, bringing what they called a formal resolution removing George Moose, the institute’s acting president, and installing Kenneth Jackson, a State Department employee, in his place.”

The story also said, “Over that weekend, Colin O’Brien, the institute’s head of security, posted No Trespassing signs on the building’s front entrance—an ominous precursor to the events that would soon unfold.”

On Monday, St, Patrick’s Day, “Mr. O’Brien arrived at the office early, followed by other top staff, including Mr. Moose, who had refused to accept his removal.”

They shut out the institute’s private security and contacted NYT to document the mutiny. The new crew appointed by Trump brought in staff from the private security firm, Inter-Con. I almost heard the Theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly as I read the report.

NYT reported, “The Inter-Con employees tried to use their institute badges to enter the building via tap access. The badges didn’t work. When the Inter-Con contract was suspended the night before, Mr. O’Brien said, institute staff had ended the private security workers’ badge access and collected all keys—except for one.

“Unable to enter through the front doors, the Inter-Con employees approached a side entrance. Mr. O’Brien said that Inter-Con’s Kevin Simpson, who managed the company’s contract with the institute, had held onto a master key, which he used to enter the building and bring the others with him.

“Mr. O’Brien and two lawyers for the institute ran downstairs to confront them. ‘We informed them that they are not authorized to be in the building,’ Mr. O’Brien said.”

O’Brien, who is suing the Trump administration, said, “DOGE threatened to cancel every federal contract Inter-Con held if they did not come to the USIP building and let Kenneth Jackson inside.”

Jackson is the new head of the institute. Why should he not be allowed in the institute’s building? Taxpayers have paid Inter-Con more than $2 billion over the years. Of course it had to let Jackson in. He’s the institution’s boss now. Inter-Con should have kicked the fired employees out.


NYT said, “The Inter-Con employees tried to use their institute badges to enter the building via tap access. The badges didn’t work. When the Inter-Con contract was suspended the night before, Mr. O’Brien said, institute staff had ended the private security workers’ badge access and collected all keys—except for one.

“Unable to enter through the front doors, the Inter-Con employees approached a side entrance. Mr. O’Brien said that Inter-Con’s Kevin Simpson, who managed the company’s contract with the institute, had held onto a master key, which he used to enter the building and bring the others with him.”

Congress and the courts established in 2021 that interfering with an official act is an insurrection. O’Brien and his band of mutineers (no other word describes them better) won’t face such charges but AG Pam Bondi is floating the balloon of prosecution, using the Daily Caller as its balloon pilot. The Daily Caller story cited an unnamed official.

The Daily Caller said, “The official, who requested anonymity, told the DCNF the DOJ is examining whether certain USIP actions—such as the removal and destruction of internal and external door locks—created illegal fire hazards. The official also flagged the widespread distribution of internal flyers instructing USIP staff not to cooperate with incoming Trump administration officials as potentially obstructive conduct. The DCNF was the first to report on USIP’s internal flyer campaign and destruction of door locks.”

The Institute of Peace began planning its battle a month before Trump decided to kill it.

The Daily Caller reported, “USIP leadership began preparing for a confrontation weeks before the executive order was issued. A Feb. 6 internal document exclusively obtained by the DCNF outlined plans to deny building access to outside officials and reasserted the institute’s discretion over security systems and facilities. Flyers with the names and photos of Department of Government Efficiency officials were posted throughout the building, instructing staff to report their presence and avoid conversation.”

Warriors at the Institute of Peace learned from the January 30 Battle of US AID in which employees at that bureaucracy acted like racketeers trying to prevent a raid by the feds.

The Jeff Bezos Post reported, “A career official tried to undo Trump’s purge at US AID. He was then purged, too.”

As well he should be.

Nicholas Gottlieb, the purged director of employee and labor relations at US AID, wrote, “DOGE instructed me to violate the due process of our employees by issuing immediate termination notices to a group of employees without due process. I was notified moments ago that I will be placed on administrative leave, effective immediately. It has been an honor working with you all.”

What due process? The president eliminated their agency as a waste and a detriment to Trump’s foreign policy. He put the agency under Secretary of State Marco Rubio. We elected him, not some person whose main accomplishment in life was passing a Civil Service test.

The strategy is to delay Trump as long as possible in an attempt to shorten his four-year reign by tying his time up in frivolous lawsuits that enable out-of-control judges to issue Red Queen orders of off with their department heads. One judge even tried to order government planes to turn around in midair.

These are district judges whose orders are based neither on the law nor the Constitution. In fact, the orders fly in the face of both the law and the Constitution.

Some are showing restraint. The Daily Caller noted, “While a federal judge declined to issue a restraining order halting the leadership transition Wednesday, she sharply criticized DOGE’s cooperation with law enforcement, despite the circumstances surrounding USIP’s refusal to comply.”

The arsonists attack Tesla wish to terrorize us. The administration has vowed to prosecute them as the terrorists they are. Tesla stock is up 61% in the last year as the terrorists fail to intimidate investors.

But the real damage to the nation is the refusal of federal employees to obey the Constitution which vests executive power in the president and not them. They are the election deniers.

Prosecute the mutineers and get the Supreme Court to require any restraining order on a president to be issued by the Supreme Court and not by power-mad, little Boasbergs. The peaceful transition of power once was a hallmark of our country. Thanks to Obama and Bidrn, it is a distant memory.

Politics & Religion / Trump Goes After Lawyers Abusing Federal System
« on: March 23, 2025, 05:31:39 PM »
Git sum, Donald:

  Preventing Abuses of the Legal System and the Federal Court
Presidential Memoranda
March 22, 2025

SUBJECT:      Preventing Abuses of the Legal System and the Federal Court

Lawyers and law firms that engage in actions that violate the laws of the United States or rules governing attorney conduct must be efficiently and effectively held accountable.  Accountability is especially important when misconduct by lawyers and law firms threatens our national security, homeland security, public safety, or election integrity.

Recent examples of grossly unethical misconduct are far too common.  For instance, in 2016, Marc Elias, founder and chair of Elias Law Group LLP, was deeply involved in the creation of a false “dossier” by a foreign national designed to provide a fraudulent basis for Federal law enforcement to investigate a Presidential candidate in order to alter the outcome of the Presidential election.  Elias also intentionally sought to conceal the role of his client — failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — in the dossier.

The immigration system — where rampant fraud and meritless claims have supplanted the constitutional and lawful bases upon which the President exercises core powers under Article II of the United States Constitution — is likewise replete with examples of unscrupulous behavior by attorneys and law firms.  For instance, the immigration bar, and powerful Big Law pro bono practices, frequently coach clients to conceal their past or lie about their circumstances when asserting their asylum claims, all in an attempt to circumvent immigration policies enacted to protect our national security and deceive the immigration authorities and courts into granting them undeserved relief.  Gathering the necessary information to refute these fraudulent claims imposes an enormous burden on the Federal Government.  And this fraud in turn undermines the integrity of our immigration laws and the legal profession more broadly — to say nothing of the undeniable, tragic consequences of the resulting mass illegal immigration, whether in terms of heinous crimes against innocent victims like Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, or Rachel Morin, or the enormous drain on taxpayer resources intended for Americans.

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 prohibits attorneys from engaging in certain unethical conduct in Federal courts.  Attorneys must not present legal filings “for improper purpose,” including “to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation.”  FRCP 11(b)(1).  Attorneys must ensure that legal arguments are “warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing new law.”  FRCP 11(b)(2).  And attorneys must ensure that their statements about facts are “reasonably based” on evidentiary support, or a belief that such evidence actually exists.  FRCP 11(b)(3)-(b)(4).  When these commands are violated, opposing parties are authorized to file a motion for sanctions.  FRCP 11(c).  The text of the rule specifically addresses and provides for sanctions for attorneys and their firms as well as for recalcitrant parties given the solemn obligation that attorneys have to respect the rule of law and uphold our Nation’s legal system with integrity.  Furthermore, Rule 3.1 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct provides that, “A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous, which includes a good faith argument for an extension, modification or reversal of existing law.”

Unfortunately, far too many attorneys and law firms have long ignored these requirements when litigating against the Federal Government or in pursuing baseless partisan attacks.  To address these concerns, I hereby direct the Attorney General to seek sanctions against attorneys and law firms who engage in frivolous, unreasonable, and vexatious litigation against the United States or in matters before executive departments and agencies of the United States.

I further direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to prioritize enforcement of their respective regulations governing attorney conduct and discipline.  See, e.g., 8 C.F.R. 292.1 et seq.; 8 C.F.R. 1003.101 et seq.; 8 C.F.R. 1292.19.

I further direct the Attorney General to take all appropriate action to refer for disciplinary action any attorney whose conduct in Federal court or before any component of the Federal Government appears to violate professional conduct rules, including rules governing meritorious claims and contentions, and particularly in cases that implicate national security, homeland security, public safety, or election integrity.  In complying with this directive, the Attorney General shall consider the ethical duties that law partners have when supervising junior attorneys, including imputing the ethical misconduct of junior attorneys to partners or the law firm when appropriate.

I further direct that, when the Attorney General determines that conduct by an attorney or law firm in litigation against the Federal Government warrants seeking sanctions or other disciplinary action, the Attorney General shall, in consultation with any relevant senior executive official, recommend to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, additional steps that may be taken, including reassessment of security clearances held by the attorney or termination of any Federal contract for which the relevant attorney or law firm has been hired to perform services.

I further direct the Attorney General, in consultation with any relevant senior executive official, to review conduct by attorneys or their law firms in litigation against the Federal Government over the last 8 years.  If the Attorney General identifies misconduct that may warrant additional action, such as filing frivolous litigation or engaging in fraudulent practices, the Attorney General is directed to recommend to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, additional steps that may be taken, including reassessment of security clearances held by the attorney, termination of any contract for which the relevant attorney or law firm has been hired to perform services, or any other appropriate actions.

Law firms and individual attorneys have a great power, and obligation, to serve the rule of law, justice, and order.  The Attorney General, alongside the Counsel to the President, shall report to the President periodically on improvements by firms to capture this hopeful vision.

Some interesting speculation re the recent Kennedy files release, the nefarious CIA/DoD schemes found in them, combined with speculation that the historical schemes dripping out here are part of a strategy that will culminate in, if not more contemporaneous revelations of the dire inner workings of the Deep State, at least prepping the battle space to such a degree that blogger and perhaps even the legacy media start taking a hard look at the data and then issuing conjectures from there.

This piece is the third and final offering in today’s Coffee & Covid post, though the previous two are worth reading, too:

It was perfectly understandable that the rancorous chatter over the newly disclosed JFK files continued all day yesterday. But out of the clamor, a new possibility began to emerge; the possibility that the real goal of the disclosures wasn’t to identify JFK’s killer, but to finish what the beloved 1960’s president started— scattering the intelligence agencies to the wind. (Hat tip to Clandestine, the independent researcher who first broke the Ukraine biolabs story.)

image 5.png
The CIA fired up Operation Mongoose in 1961, right after its failed Bay of Pigs invasion. We’ll get that porky dictator! Aimed at destabilizing Cuba, the program included sabotage, economic warfare, assassination attempts, psyops, political subversion, covert paramilitary operations, and fantastically illegal false flags.

By 1963, disgusted by Mongoose, President Kennedy had firmly decided to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” And then, he was dead. Never mind!

We knew some details, thanks to a previous 1999 partial declassification. Some of the CIA’s proposed false flag operations, for example, included plans to stage fake terrorist attacks on American civilians and other military targets, including in Florida, to be blamed on Cuban nationalists.

Kennedy was outraged by the suggestions and ultimately removed CIA Chief Allan Dulles, who designed Operation Mongoose, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who’d signed off on it.

This week’s newly disclosed, unredacted JFK files included a batch of new, never-before-seen documents related to Operation Mongoose. One document that understandably caught Clandestine’s attention included details about biological attacks. The document was titled, “Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Group on Mongoose 6 Sep 1962.”

Starting in paragraph number 4, a “General Carter” mentioned “agricultural sabotage.” Let’s just soak in the awful ramifications of that banal term, agricultural sabotage, which can only mean starving civilians to death to further military-political objectives. In case anyone needs to hear it, starving innocent civilians is not okay. In terms progressives can understand, we didn’t vote for that.

image 6.png
Paragraph four also noted General Carter’s objection, which were “the disastrous results if something went wrong, particularly if there were obvious attribution to the U.S.” Meaning, he was worried somebody would find out what they did. But, General Carter reassured the room, “it would be possible to accomplish this purpose of agricultural sabotage— by methods more subtle than those indicated in the paper.”

A “Mr. Bundy” (presumably, not the serial killer Ted Bundy, but who knows) chimed in. Bundy “said that he had no worries about any such sabotage, which could clearly be” blamed on somebody else, like the Cubans. Mr. Bundy cautioned that America should avoid obvious things like chemical releases. That is, “unless they could be completely covered up.”

General Carter brought up a brilliant and very specific idea. “He mentioned specifically the possibility of producing crop failures by the introduction of biological agents which would appear to be of national origin.”

Wait, what??

They should have called it “Operation Not Our Fault.” Instead of debating the morality of forced starvation through covert biological warfare, they were only worried about the optics.

I feel inclined to pen a fulsome and very sarcastic essay about Cold War era biological operations, which previously were only the fodder of kooky anti-CIA conspiracy theories. (Now confirmed, of course, as fact.) I have many questions. Where would the “biological agents” come from? Who was developing them? How much of this was — and is — going on? Who are these insane Stanley Kubrick-style cartoon villains working for CIA and dreaming up this kind of uncontrolled evil? Why have they lied about it all these years?

Does anybody who works for the government ever get in trouble for lying?

And … starvation of noncombatant civilians through covert biological attacks? What. On. Earth.

And of course … was covid a “biological agent” designed as a “subtle” way to “accomplish the purpose” of killing civilians? Was it supposed to happen in a way that “could be completely covered up?” Was covid designed to “appear to be of national origin” from China?

I pause, unable to withhold this comment, to note that destroying people’s crops is not clever. It’s not high-tech. It’s not spycraft. It’s not progress through peaceful means. It doesn’t take highly-skilled experts and supertrained spooks to dream up nightmarish ideas like this.

Rather, it only requires merciless brutality and ruthless amorality.

No wonder Kennedy wanted to scatter the intelligence agencies to the wind. It’s too bad he became the accidental victim of a rogue, lone gunman who used to be on CIA’s payroll and totally worked alone. ALL ALONE, never forget. (Coincidentally, just like Trump assassin Thomas Crooks. Just saying.)

But for today, let’s set all that aside. Let’s consider just the contemporaneous ramifications. Could this kind of quietly explosive material be the real reason for the releases? Could there be a much bigger goal than just exposing one dark secret (that can never be exposed)? Could all these unredacted CIA breadcrumbs —and the frightful fury arising from them— cause an inevitable collapse of the intelligence agencies?

Will Kennedy finally achieve his revenge— from beyond the grave?

Short of destroying them, could President Trump be disciplining the intelligence agencies, by slowly slipping out their secrets, one by one, starting with the oldest and therefore least objectionable ones? I mean, why should Operation Mongoose remain classified? The Soviet Union is a historical footnote. Cuba is no geopolitical threat. It’s a cruise-ship comedian’s punchline.

If Trump is using these disclosures to initiate the intelligence agencies’ controlled demolition, it would be the longest, slowest burn of political payback in history—JFK’s revenge served not just cold, but cryogenically frozen and thawed out decades later for maximum effect.

The intelligence agencies built their Babylonic Tower of Power from bricks of secrecy. Trump is weaponizing their own secrets against them. If I’m right, it would be the most karmically delicious reversal in modern history.

Who’s the mongoose now? President Trump is the mongoose.

It was perfectly understandable that the rancorous chatter over the newly disclosed JFK files continued all day yesterday. But out of the clamor, a new possibility began to emerge; the possibility that the real goal of the disclosures wasn’t to identify JFK’s killer, but to finish what the beloved 1960’s president started— scattering the intelligence agencies to the wind. (Hat tip to Clandestine, the independent researcher who first broke the Ukraine biolabs story.)

image 5.png
The CIA fired up Operation Mongoose in 1961, right after its failed Bay of Pigs invasion. We’ll get that porky dictator! Aimed at destabilizing Cuba, the program included sabotage, economic warfare, assassination attempts, psyops, political subversion, covert paramilitary operations, and fantastically illegal false flags.

By 1963, disgusted by Mongoose, President Kennedy had firmly decided to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” And then, he was dead. Never mind!

We knew some details, thanks to a previous 1999 partial declassification. Some of the CIA’s proposed false flag operations, for example, included plans to stage fake terrorist attacks on American civilians and other military targets, including in Florida, to be blamed on Cuban nationalists.

Kennedy was outraged by the suggestions and ultimately removed CIA Chief Allan Dulles, who designed Operation Mongoose, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who’d signed off on it.

This week’s newly disclosed, unredacted JFK files included a batch of new, never-before-seen documents related to Operation Mongoose. One document that understandably caught Clandestine’s attention included details about biological attacks. The document was titled, “Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Group on Mongoose 6 Sep 1962.”

Starting in paragraph number 4, a “General Carter” mentioned “agricultural sabotage.” Let’s just soak in the awful ramifications of that banal term, agricultural sabotage, which can only mean starving civilians to death to further military-political objectives. In case anyone needs to hear it, starving innocent civilians is not okay. In terms progressives can understand, we didn’t vote for that.

image 6.png
Paragraph four also noted General Carter’s objection, which were “the disastrous results if something went wrong, particularly if there were obvious attribution to the U.S.” Meaning, he was worried somebody would find out what they did. But, General Carter reassured the room, “it would be possible to accomplish this purpose of agricultural sabotage— by methods more subtle than those indicated in the paper.”

A “Mr. Bundy” (presumably, not the serial killer Ted Bundy, but who knows) chimed in. Bundy “said that he had no worries about any such sabotage, which could clearly be” blamed on somebody else, like the Cubans. Mr. Bundy cautioned that America should avoid obvious things like chemical releases. That is, “unless they could be completely covered up.”

General Carter brought up a brilliant and very specific idea. “He mentioned specifically the possibility of producing crop failures by the introduction of biological agents which would appear to be of national origin.”

Wait, what??

They should have called it “Operation Not Our Fault.” Instead of debating the morality of forced starvation through covert biological warfare, they were only worried about the optics.

I feel inclined to pen a fulsome and very sarcastic essay about Cold War era biological operations, which previously were only the fodder of kooky anti-CIA conspiracy theories. (Now confirmed, of course, as fact.) I have many questions. Where would the “biological agents” come from? Who was developing them? How much of this was — and is — going on? Who are these insane Stanley Kubrick-style cartoon villains working for CIA and dreaming up this kind of uncontrolled evil? Why have they lied about it all these years?

Does anybody who works for the government ever get in trouble for lying?

And … starvation of noncombatant civilians through covert biological attacks? What. On. Earth.

And of course … was covid a “biological agent” designed as a “subtle” way to “accomplish the purpose” of killing civilians? Was it supposed to happen in a way that “could be completely covered up?” Was covid designed to “appear to be of national origin” from China?

I pause, unable to withhold this comment, to note that destroying people’s crops is not clever. It’s not high-tech. It’s not spycraft. It’s not progress through peaceful means. It doesn’t take highly-skilled experts and supertrained spooks to dream up nightmarish ideas like this.

Rather, it only requires merciless brutality and ruthless amorality.

No wonder Kennedy wanted to scatter the intelligence agencies to the wind. It’s too bad he became the accidental victim of a rogue, lone gunman who used to be on CIA’s payroll and totally worked alone. ALL ALONE, never forget. (Coincidentally, just like Trump assassin Thomas Crooks. Just saying.)

But for today, let’s set all that aside. Let’s consider just the contemporaneous ramifications. Could this kind of quietly explosive material be the real reason for the releases? Could there be a much bigger goal than just exposing one dark secret (that can never be exposed)? Could all these unredacted CIA breadcrumbs —and the frightful fury arising from them— cause an inevitable collapse of the intelligence agencies?

Will Kennedy finally achieve his revenge— from beyond the grave?

Short of destroying them, could President Trump be disciplining the intelligence agencies, by slowly slipping out their secrets, one by one, starting with the oldest and therefore least objectionable ones? I mean, why should Operation Mongoose remain classified? The Soviet Union is a historical footnote. Cuba is no geopolitical threat. It’s a cruise-ship comedian’s punchline.

If Trump is using these disclosures to initiate the intelligence agencies’ controlled demolition, it would be the longest, slowest burn of political payback in history—JFK’s revenge served not just cold, but cryogenically frozen and thawed out decades later for maximum effect.

The intelligence agencies built their Babylonic Tower of Power from bricks of secrecy. Trump is weaponizing their own secrets against them. If I’m right, it would be the most karmically delicious reversal in modern history.

Who’s the mongoose now? President Trump is the mongoose.

A comprehensive exploration or race’s relationship to crime through the lens of “gun control:”

Politics & Religion / Articles II & III & Trumps Reaction to TROs
« on: March 19, 2025, 07:59:48 PM »
Interesting discussion of how Trump is handling TROs and why he is doing so in the manner he is:

Politics & Religion / An AI Analysis of the JFK Files
« on: March 19, 2025, 05:38:28 PM »
Grok arrives at conclusions far more substantial (and worrisome) than those posting click soliciting hipshots without having had time to perform a substantive analysis:

Politics & Religion / Re: JFK assassination documents declassification
« on: March 19, 2025, 04:26:16 PM »

Perhaps he’s the first smartest guy instead of second given that he’s digested 80,000 pages in what, 36 hours, made all the associations possible across all those pages, thus arriving at his nothing burger conclusion.

Others I follow have suggested it will take a while to review all that material and that those leaping to immediate conclusions are driven by the need to draw clicks by saying something breathless on their social media pages and otherwise striking while the iron is hot rather than taking a more deliberate approach.

Politics & Religion / A Triple Dose of Fake News
« on: March 19, 2025, 04:15:53 PM »
Several elements of this entry are worth perusing, though this is the only one that fits this thread:

Triple Fake News Wednesday!

1. DNI Director Tulsi Gabbard is on an official trip to India, where she said that President Trump is “very good friends” with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The A.P. reported that she said Trump is very good friends with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Gabbard’s spokeswoman called it “total trash” and said, “This is why no one trusts the maliciously incompetent and purposefully bias(ed) media. If this isn’t a clear example of pushing a solely political narrative, then nothing is.” The A.P. retracted the story.

2. Politico ran a story claiming that a retired Army officer was withdrawn from contention for an intelligence position under DNI head Tulsi Gabbard because of his criticism of Israel. Gabbard’s spokeswoman said she told Politico this story was fake, but they ran it anyway and said they would “update it with my comment. Doesn’t work that way when the entire story is false.”

You know, we’re beginning to suspect Politico isn’t worth the millions of dollars the government pays to subscribe to it.

3. The Daily Beast reports that a new book will claim that President Trump “offered a female congresswoman his bed, as long as she kept it a secret from his wife.” The congresswoman was reportedly Anna Paulina Luna, who slammed the story as “trash.”

She said she was on Trump’s plane, “very pregnant” and experiencing medical symptoms. Trump respectfully offered her the use of the private bedroom in front of her husband, as well as access to the medical team on board. She called it “disgusting” that the author never asked her for comment, adding, “If people in POTUS’ orbit are talking to this author, they need to be cut off immediately. This is gross.”

We considered making up a really nasty story about this author, but then we realized we don’t even know who it is. Not that that would have deterred this author from printing it.

Politics & Religion / UK Politicians Hold Hands & Skip w/ Hamas
« on: March 19, 2025, 01:57:57 PM »
Though the UK is hardly a neighbor, this depressing chronicle of UK/western adoption of Hamas lies and blood libels against Israel reveals major asshattery in the UK:

Politics & Religion / Boadsberg’s Tangled Web
« on: March 19, 2025, 01:33:57 PM »
This could go several places as it discusses the Russia fables used to spy on the previous Trump campaign then admin, as well as J6 stuff, as well as judicial overreach, connecting many an interesting dot:

Nothing to see here, just another failed Biden effort swept under the rug by the "follow the science" party as they fail to do just that:

… but Biden didn’t want Musk associated with a big political win:

Politics & Religion / The Indispensable Elon
« on: March 19, 2025, 04:26:00 AM »
A good essay re Musk’s risk taking & interstellar desires:

Politics & Religion / Booting Totalitarians out of Higher Ed
« on: March 16, 2025, 12:29:21 PM »
Some straightforward ways to boot the Chinese, and other totalitarians, out of higher ed:

The DOGE Solution to Kicking the Chinese Communist Party Out of American Higher Education

Trump's DOGE proposes a 100% tax on foreign university funding and higher endowment taxes to curb foreign influence, cut the deficit, and hold elite schools accountable.

By Ian Oxnevad
March 16, 2025
Cost-cutting is now the rage of Trump 2.0 and the dread of bureaucrats inside the Beltway. While rooting out malign foreign influence in higher education is one of the quieter battles taking place within the broader effort to tackle the national debt, Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) offers an elegant and principled solution: taxpayers should not have to compete with totalitarians in university funding.

Far too often, American universities see themselves as cosmopolitan city-states positioned beyond the reach of constitutional law or American cultural norms. Unlike in a typical American workplace, anti-Semitism is tolerated on college campuses. In higher education, discrimination against competent Asian and White students is not considered racist, but is rather seen as a virtuous pursuit of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Topping it off, universities offer pricey degrees to students with little guarantee of job prospects and a crushing debt burden. For all of its talk of resisting Trumpian authoritarianism, America’s universities and colleges have eagerly accepted funds from countries like China, Russia, and Qatar while agitating for “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” against Israel.

American higher education offers U.S. adversaries a low-cost means of shaping public perception, steering popular sentiment, and accessing sensitive emerging technologies under the guise of “fundamental research.” In a report published last September, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party discovered that American academics were partnering with Chinese counterparts in sensitive areas of research funded by both the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Intelligence Community. The level of collaboration is staggering, as Congress noted over 8,800 publications coauthored between American and Chinese researchers on sensitive topics, and over 2,000 papers that published research funded by the DOD that were coauthored by Chinese researchers tied to Beijing’s defense industry. Last year, Georgia Tech University canceled its ties with China’s Tianjin University and the Shenzhen Municipal Government after it was discovered the partnership violated U.S. sanctions and that Georgia Tech was collaborating with China on semiconductor development related to hypersonic missile technology. China’s efforts in swaying higher education extend well beyond the sciences, as Beijing has used innocuous-sounding programs like Confucius Institutes to shape perception and direct soft-power influence abroad.

China and other authoritarians co-opt American universities through foreign funding that is not only pervasive but often goes unreported. Currently, Section 117 of the Higher Education Act mandates that universities report foreign funds to the government if they amount to more than $250,000. Congressional investigations have discovered that nearly 70% of universities not only fail to comply with Section 117, but that even universities that do comply under-report the amount of foreign gifts they receive. According to a database of foreign funds compiled by the National Association of Scholars, the top 20 donations in dollar amounts all come from China. Kean University alone reported a five-year Chinese contract worth $353,708,530. UCLA reported one Chinese contract spanning from 2018 to 2038 valued at $60,000,000. In both cases, the donors were listed as “unknown.” UC Berkeley alone failed to disclose $240 million from China in the form of contractual partnerships, investments, and gifts.

In a piece of legislation called the “Deterrent Act,” Congress is looking to lower the reporting threshold for such gifts to $0 for countries like China and Russia; however, this lower threshold does nothing to protect sovereignty in education or ensure that universities will comply. After all, universities do not comply as it is. What is needed is a watchdog that not only barks, but bites. With an aggressive Congress, Trump’s DOGE can solve academia’s vulnerabilities once and for all by taxing foreign funds at a rate of 100%, and by taxing endowment proceeds derived from Chinese funds. Universities are unique in that they have incentives to pursue money and prestige just as any normal business enterprise. Money from Beijing and Chinese firms offers colleges plenty of cash, while trips and research collaboration allow even remote U.S. colleges aspects of international prestige and openness where it would otherwise be lacking.

Unlike normal businesses, universities are exempt from the normal pressures of the real world. For example, an automaker that produces cars with low mileage per gallon and technology that prices out a consumer will lose market share and profits to its competitors. In contrast, a university can matriculate waves of graduates with debt and poor job skills for a decade and produce little quality research while retaining enrollment rates by virtue of an elite letterhead. Elite universities pay a low 1.4% on profits from endowments. Harvard’s endowment is estimated at a value of $52 billion, and is larger than Latvia’s economy. To tackle the U.S. national debt, valued at over $36 trillion, a DOGE-inspired bill proposed by Texas congressman Troy Nehls looks to raise taxes on university endowments to 21% to reduce annual deficits.

Combined, aggressively taxing endowments and foreign funds would change university incentives. Under 100% tax on foreign gifts, taxpayers would no longer be funding future casualties in a war with China. A tax on endowments to a level reminiscent of a “fair share,” would reduce the deficit and place elite universities on a level playing field with other investors. Currently, elite universities undermine national security and offer little in return for American citizens. A regulatory watchdog like DOGE that bites is an idea whose time has come.

Politics & Religion / The Ol’ “Colonialism” Switcheroo
« on: March 14, 2025, 03:40:46 PM »
A couple regarding Greenland elections/negotiations with a bit of Canada thrown in:



Yesterday, the Global News Kingston (a Canadian paper) ran an eye-popping story headlined, “Trump threatens to acquire Canada, Greenland while next to NATO chief.” In a month packed with jaw-dropping developments, this might be the most astonishing. Trump isn’t letting go of his Canada and Greenland ambitions, and this time, he was clearer than ever—while sitting right next to a nodding, smiling Mark Rutte, the head of NATO.

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During an Oval Office meeting with NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte, a reporter asked President Trump about his plans to “take over Greenland.” Trump thoughtfully and succinctly replied, “I think it will happen.”

Denmark, which technically owns Greenland, is halfway across the planet. Trump openly questioned what Denmark has to do with it at all. “Denmark’s very far away and really has nothing to do with it. What happened? A boat landed there 200 years ago or something, and they say they have rights to it. I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t think it is, actually.”

It was most hilarious because it’s another classic Trump inversion. For decades, globalists and progressives have decried colonialism at top volume. Now, Trump has them flipping their script to defend Denmark’s colonial rule over Greenland. It’s an exquisite mega-troll.

Trump delicately invoked a military option. “We have a couple of bases on Greenland already and quite a few soldiers," he said, before pointing to Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth and saying “maybe you'll see more and more soldiers go in there.” Chuckling, he added, “Pete—don’t answer that!”

Instead of confronting President Trump, NATO chief Rutte noddingly agreed that the Arctic is critical for Western security. The Secretary General kept praising President Trump, for one thing or another, and maniacally laughing at all his jokes. Rutte allowed that Arctic security was indeed an important goal— and agreed it was a goal to be pursued “under U.S. leadership.”

Then Trump turned to his idea of a Canada takeover, explaining how bringing our northern neighbor into the U.S. would just make sense. “This would be the most incredible country visually,” he said. “If you look at a map, they drew an artificial line right through it, between Canada and the U.S., just a straight artificial line. Somebody did it a long time ago, many many decades ago, and it makes no sense.”

Rutte said nothing about the possibility of the U.S. threatening Canada— a founding NATO member. He’s not the only one. The Global News reminded readers that, while British Prime Minister Keir Starmer was in the White House a few weeks ago, a reporter asked him about Canadian annexation and Starmer refused to comment, accusing the reporter of “trying to find a divide between us that doesn’t exist.”

🔥 The flummoxed Canadians don’t know what to think or where to turn. Like our Democrats, they’re just trying to keep their heads above water in a storm of tariffs and half-joking invasion threats. Is Trump serious? If not, it’s the longest-running joke in geopolitical history. Is he negotiating? If so, he’s doing it in the most heavy-handed, impolite, and thoroughly un-Canadian way possible.

And will NATO rescue them? Apparently, NATO’s not interested. “Under U.S. leadership,” Rutte pledged, grinning like a man who knows exactly where his paycheck comes from.

I won’t pretend to know Trump’s actual endgame here. Sometimes, I marvel at the sheer surreality of life in 2025. But one thing is clear: The relentless drumbeat of Trump’s musings about annexing Greenland and Canada has thrown a magnificent shadow over the Ukraine negotiations. How can anyone clutch their pearls over Russia invading Ukraine for its security reasons while Trump is casually debating whether a Danish canoe was enough to stake its claim to Greenland? Or maybe Greenland is still up for grabs?

We call shotgun.

One more observation on Rutte’s butt-kissing. The international media is buzzing with the idea that Europe has “figured out” Trump—just flatter him, and he’ll be more generous. Their theory? Trump craves praise, doesn’t hold grudges, and rewards loyalty. Say nice things, and you get what you want.

Criticize him, and you get a digital artillery barrage of mean tweets. So the elite European playbook says: butter him up, avoid public criticism, and reap the benefits.

They completely miss the brilliance of Trump’s strategy. He’s not rewarding obsequiousness—he’s rewarding cooperation and the positive press that comes with it. As the headlines about Rutte’s meeting prove, Trump himself is elevated every time NATO’s chief offers a passive endorsement. Whether Rutte meant it or not is irrelevant.

The words of flattery themselves have power. Trump is creating consensus.

In under two months, Trump has converted defiant NATO creatures who were taking oaths to resist to the last bureaucrat into fawning assistants.

Where is it all going? Who knows—we’re off the map. Even better, Trump isn’t just off the map. He’s ripping up the maps.

Remember that scene from The Matrix where the bald, spoon-bending student tells Neo, there is no spoon? Well, Neo, there is no map, either.

Coffee & Covid’s take on recent Ukraine developments. His take? Putin and Trump are negotiating via an oblivious press, with said press and many others too stupid to see it:

Every so often, we should pause to reflect on how different our world has become from that of our parents. Yesterday, literally the entire planet watched the three leaders involved in a world-shaking conflict separately trade back-and-forth public comments. And then corporate media made up wild, bias-projecting, interpretive fairy tales about what they said. One wonders how much truth our parents, deprived of real-time video, used to get in their morning news. Anyway, the Wall Street Journal ran its truth-flipped story under the sly headline, “Putin Rejects Immediate Cease-Fire in Ukraine.”

CLIP: Putin agrees with the general cease-fire framework but many questions remain (2:10).

You can hardly say he rejected the deal. He partially agreed— it was a deal half-full.

Looking prototypically bored —but at least wearing a suit— Russian President Vladimir Putin somnolently told frantic reporters that, “We agree with the proposals for the cease fire. But our position is based on the assumption that the cease-fire would lead to a long-term peace that removes the initial reasons for the crisis.” He then posed a long series of rhetorical questions.

For instance, Russia is currently rounding up defeated Ukrainian soldiers burrowed in the forests of its own Kursk territory. So under a cease-fire, what happens to them? Do they just walk out and regroup for another round, so Russia will have to defeat them again? Are they required to surrender? Or do they sit tight in their hidey-holes indefinitely?

Who exactly shall monitor this sprawling 600-mile contact line? Are those monitors ready to go right now? And, will the U.S. pause military aid during the cease-fire, or just use the lull to re-arm Ukraine?

Given these unanswered but critical questions, Putin reasonably said that Russia wants a cease-fire, a real one, but the current proposal is short of necessary details important to the Russians. Putin did not just leave it hanging; he proposed a call directly between himself and President Trump— omitting Kiev, which was a nod to the fact that everybody knows the Ukrainians are no longer calling the shots.

All that context was missing from the many corporate media articles. They all quoted cherry-picked parts of Putin’s answer. But none linked to the video of his actual comments, which was only about three minutes long. The Journal transformed the Russian president’s straightforward answer, which essentially said “okay, but we still have work to do, let’s talk” into a fake narrative of flat rejection.

For his unimportant part, Zelensky responded in a solo selfie-video, whining that President Putin was just faking it and was only trying to drag things out. In a wonderfully apt metaphor, Martial Law Administrator Zelensky was the only one of the three leaders to appear alone. Get it?

Corporate media completely missed the irony and credulously adopted Zelenksy’s take.

But President Trump got it. In answering a reporter’s question at the White House, Trump acknowledged that Putin had raised some good questions.

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CLIP: President Trump says we’d like to see a cease-fire from Russia, acknowledges that issues remain (2:03).

In remarks with reporters, Trump allowed that a few thorny issues remain. “There’s a power plant involved; a very big power plant,” President Trump acknowledged, referring to the Zaporozhia nuclear facility— the largest in Europe, currently under Russian control. Mirroring Putin’s rhetorical questioning, he continued, “Who’s gonna get this and that? It’s not an easy process.”

Trump expressed partial agreement with Putin, saying, “You don’t want to waste time with a cease-fire if it’s not gonna mean anything.” And then he casually complained about the broken-record Ukrainians, saying with easygoing exasperation that “They discussed NATO and being in NATO, and everybody knows what the answer to that is.”

A reporter queried President Trump about Putin’s suggestion for that they talk. Unlike sour corporate media, Trump expressed optimism: “He did say that today, it was a very promising statement. He put out a very promising statement, but it wasn’t complete. But yeah, I’d love to meet with him or talk to him. Every day, people are getting killed.”

But Trump also consistently pressed for a quick agreement. Time is of the essence.

In other words, right under the noses of cross-eyed corporate media, who somehow manage to find the truth less often than blind squirrels find acorns, President Trump and President Putin are actually negotiating.

🚀 About 25 years ago (sigh), I “vacationed” in India (don’t ask). It was a fascinating excursion. Indians are world-class negotiators. Everything is up for haggling. A bottle of water? The vendor always demands more than the price on the label. If you play the game, you’ll walk away paying half.

But my real education came at the Taj Mahal. Stepping off the air-conditioned tour bus into a wall of sticky heat and acrid dust, I was instantly mobbed by a swarm of wild-eyed vendors hawking postcards, plastic trinkets, and knock-off Rolexes. They shouted prices over each other, thrusting their wares toward my hands, grinning like they already had me.

I learned fast: never ever say “no, thanks.” To an Indian street vendor, no, thanks is not a rejection—it’s an opening bid. If you say “no,” they’ll chase you around like a flock of squawking seagulls surrounding a terrified toddler holding a bag of sandwich bread.

The only real escape from the game of extended refusals is feigning boredom. No eye contact. No glancing at their wares, no hesitation. Just keep walking.

The point is that, in any negotiation, so long as the sides are still talking, they’re still bargaining. The moronic media missed it, but Trump didn’t: Putin’s request for a call wasn’t a rejection. It was an offer to dicker. Trump answered that he was open to it. Right now, neither leader is acting too eager. Both are coyly feigning mild interest, and are still communicating indirectly through cut-outs—namely, the clueless media.

It’s classic positional bargaining. He who offers first loses.

How did our media become so blind to how the world actually works? Are they really that dense? Or do they prefer narrative over reporting—missing the highest-stakes negotiation in modern history because it doesn’t fit the script? Media don’t see themselves as mere witnesses like the rest of us. They delusionally fancy themselves as the authors of events.

Fortunately, in this digital age, we can listen for ourselves. We don’t need the WSJ’s creative writing. We can ignore corporate media like an Indian street vendor—no eye contact, no engagement. Just keep walking.

How best to release classified materials our federal overlords have been sitting on is the topic here. My bet is the subtext is the message: if the sort of foul deeds that are likely to be revealed could occur back in the in the idealized ‘60s, imagine what wretched misdeeds the Deep State sees as fine and dandy so long as they maintain power are currently embraced … such as stealing elections, using a lab-created virus as an excuse to usurp civil liberties among other, ah, ills, shoveling tax dollars under the table at shady organizations seeking in-American ends, and so on. How these revelations are handled will reveal a lot about how Trump’s long game will be played:

The Process President Trump Can Use to Release ANY Information, Regardless of Classification Level

By Sundance

MAR 13, 2025

The President of the United States is recognized in the U.S. Constitution as a person; the ultimate control authority within the Executive Branch of Government. President Donald J Trump is that person.

I am citing two examples below; however, the same approach applies to any information President Trump would want to release to the general public. There is absolutely no way for the Administrative State to block or impede this approach.

Dear Mr. President and White House counsel:

Understanding the ordinary process of declassifying documents or releasing information is a request and authorization to the executive officers and stakeholders of classified information. And understanding the current authorization or request for information is not ordinary because the intelligence community stakeholders and Washington DC are averse to the interests of the office of the president; here is a process to cut through the chaff and countermeasures.

The background here is that any unilateral declassification request, demand or authorization by President Trump puts him opposition to a variety of corrupt interests.

As a direct result the executive office of the president will be facing legal action, likely from unified democrats and republicans in the legislative branch. With that accepted, here is the most strategic approach.

In anticipation of litigation:

President Trump informs the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, that he wishes to have a full intelligence briefing on the following documents (more may be added), all documents are to be presented without a single redaction:

The full and complete records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The full and complete records relating to the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The President selects a date for this briefing and through direct orders to his chief of staff, Susie Wiles and National Security Advisor, Mike Waltz, informs the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, to advise and coordinate with all executive branch intelligence officials, who were/are stakeholders in the compartmented intelligence products as described above, of their request be present for the briefing.

The White House counsel’s office is not to be informed of the intent or purpose of the meeting; however, the Presidents’ White House counsel is requested to attend. Further, all of the compartmented intelligence is to be collectively assembled by the ODNI (Gabbard) into one volume of a singular Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) although each set might be file boxes. There are to be eighteen printed copies of the PDB material assembled and secured for the briefing, post haste.

Additionally, the office of the president personally informs the ODNI (Gabbard) of the executives’ request to invite for the briefing each member of the legislative branch Intelligence Community oversight known as the Gang-of-Eight.

Immediately after the briefing by the executive level (cabinet) department officials, while remaining in a closed and classified session, the full and comprehensive content of this collective intelligence product will be discussed with the full assembly of the U.S. Legislative Branch Intelligence Oversight known as the Gang of Eight.

Therefore, National Security Advisor Mike Waltz is instructed to coordinate with the ODNI (Gabbard) for the attendance of the Gang of Eight: Speaker Mike Johnson, Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries, HPSCI Chairman Rick Crawford, HPSCI Ranking Member Jim Himes, Senate Majority Leader John Thune, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, SSCI Chairman Tom Cotton and SSCI Vice-Chair Mark Warner. [Topic “TBD”]

In order to facilitate the briefing. Each member of the participating group will be provided with one full printed copy of the material assembled by the ODNI during the briefing.

[Each of the participants carries the prerequisite clearances, legal and constitutional authority to engage with the classified documents according to their position and status. Only the executive can assemble the product for Go8 review and feedback]

At the conclusion of the briefing; and after hearing from, and engagement with, each of the participating members of the executive intelligence offices and duly authorized legislative oversight representatives; and after listening to their opinion as to the subject material discussed; the president announces to the fully assembled leadership of both the Executive branch (cabinet) and Legislative branch (Go8), it is his opinion the National Interests of the United States can best be served with the American people having a full, transparent and honest review of the material assembled and discussed.

The President, no-one else, only the President, [with his affirmed constitutional power and protection – as acting within his official duty] then collects the printed portfolios [or boxes] as they were distributed to the participants, exits the briefing, and walks directly into the James Brady press briefing room within the White House; handing each of the awaiting twelve members of the national media a copy of the briefing material to be published on behalf of the American people.

At exactly the same time as President Trump enters the briefing room, one copy of the assembled portfolio is hand delivered, by President Trump only, to White House communications director with instructions to scan and release the content to the public through the White House website.


The American people are aware….

A pollster that happens to be one of the more accurate out there—perhaps because he’s not a professional pollster and hence don’t have to cow-tow before The Narrative—is taking a hard look at voter registration in key states/counties and … likes what he sees where the next presidential (as well as select Senate) races are concerned:

Piece claims the latest strain of bird flu that is also impacting humans is the result of the release of an engineered virus created by the USDA in Athens, GA, with those findings released in a peer reviewed journal that has yet to be challenged:

Politics & Religion / I Hope this Qualifies
« on: March 09, 2025, 03:39:08 AM »

This nitwit thinks all her idiotic affectations somehow help her cause. You be the judge:

Politics & Religion / DataRepublican’s Political Economics Tool
« on: March 09, 2025, 01:55:58 AM »
Perhaps misfiled, but given that this tool allows the average citizen to unravel where their tax dollars go and unearth the political ends associated with that spend I’ll drop this link to a video showing how to use the tools created by DataRepublican (small r) to ferret out who and what orgs are beneficiaries of American tax payer largesse, and speculate as to the political end:

Politics & Religion / Who Ran Biden’s Autopen?
« on: March 07, 2025, 12:16:50 PM »
IIRC I posted piece w/ a similar theme several months back, but perhaps we are seeing some legs growing here as a state attorney general is now asking if Biden was the one making the decision to employ his autopen:

Politics & Religion / VDH on Ukrainian Myths
« on: March 07, 2025, 12:04:10 PM »
Hanson lays out why sundry myths about Ukraine are in fact grist for the cognitive dissonance mill:

Politics & Religion / Asia Times Chimes In
« on: March 03, 2025, 01:46:48 PM »
Asia Times on the downfall of the neocon Ukraine strategy:

Politics & Religion / Schlichter on Ukraine
« on: February 28, 2025, 01:05:57 PM »
Real politic rather than idealism from Kurt:

10 Hard Facts About Ukraine and NATO

Kurt Schlichter

Feb 27, 2025
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

President Donald Trump is trying to force not only Ukraine and Russia to make peace but also the Europeans to carry their own weight in the defense of their own continent. It’s astonishing how angry the establishment is about this. It’s almost as if they want this meat grinder to continue forever and for America to subsidize the Europeans’ bizarre social pathologies forever. But what can’t go on forever won’t go on forever. Change is coming. We have to start accepting some realities. Childish clichés and moral posturing have no place in foreign policy. When somebody starts answering your arguments by calling you literally Hitler and saying that you suck Putin’s toes, you can be absolutely sure they don’t want to contend with substantive arguments. But they’re going to have to. Trump is serious about ending this war and resetting our relationship with NATO. They aren’t going wait him out or shame him into submission.

And let me make something clear at the beginning. I like the Ukrainians. I trained them and they were with us when I deployed. I would like them to be able to win their war. I would also like to have a pony. Wishing doesn’t make things so. It’s time to get hard-nosed and real about what’s going on so we can stop this nightmare before it spins completely out of control. And when two nuclear-armed powers are facing each other, spinning out of control can be really bad.

1. Russia is absolutely in the wrong for invading Ukraine. Nothing Ukraine did excuses or justifies Russia’s actions. But we still need to understand why they did it. They had reasons, even if you and I don’t agree with their reasons. It’s not simply because Vladimir Putin is Mr. Burns, tenting his fingers and planning evil deeds for the sake of doing evil. There is much more going on in this conflict than in the portrait painted by the media and establishment. It involves history, ethnicity, and other factors we Westerners do not and cannot understand. Some of those facts include that Ukraine used to be part of Russia, and Russia believes it should be in the future. Also, there are huge numbers of ethnic Russians, who Ukrainians do not like – Ukrainians get mad at you if you speak Russian to them – in those areas that Putin has captured. Further, Russia is paranoid, and not without reason, about an invasion from the West. Look at Napoleon, look at Hitler. We may not think that it should be upset about Ukraine joining NATO, but Russia thinks it should be. Again, this isn’t to justify what Russia did. We need to understand why it did it even if we don’t agree with its motivations.

2. Ukraine is not going to be able to win the war if the definition of winning the war is recovering all the conquered Ukrainian territory. A continued stalemate will result in many thousands of additional deaths. The idea that somehow, Ukraine, which has been nearly bled dry, is going to come up with the combat power to throw the Russians off its soil is just insane. That’s never going to happen. I would like it to happen, but it won’t. So, we’ve got to deal with the reality we’re facing.

3. Zelensky will have to accept the reality that America will need to be paid back for its aid, which means, as a practical matter, access to Ukraine’s mineral reserves. The establishment has been scandalized that Trump expects to be paid back, but why should America pick up the tab? It’s not our war. Zelensky, who stupidly has gotten himself crosswise with the new American government, stated that he would not require ten generations of Ukrainians to pay America back. So, does he propose that ten generations of Americans pay back the money America has to borrow to give to Zelensky? That’s just not going to fly with normal Americans.

4. Ukraine is an unbelievably corrupt country, and the idea that no substantial portion of our aid money has been stolen is ridiculous. There are going to be a lot of people getting very rich off the American aid, including many Americans. The fact that much of the establishment is so resistant to attempting to audit those funds indicates that they understand this, too.

5. The American people are, by and large, tired of subsidizing Ukraine’s end of this war. They are absolutely against American forces being involved. There is a lit fuse on America’s patience, and trying to stamp it out by shouting that anyone questioning perpetual subsidies of this war is Putin’s pal is not going to cut it. The fact is that Trump is probably Ukraine’s last chance to retain American support. The guy who follows Trump is going to be worse for Ukraine.

6. China is a substantially greater threat to the United States than Russia in the macro. The fact is that right now, we can’t confront both powers. We need to focus on China. That’s the major threat to the United States.

7. The Europeans should be taking the lead in supporting Ukraine and should be taking the lead in defending Europe. They are freaking out about this. It’s hilarious that their answer to Donald Trump telling them they need to step up and take charge of their own defense is to step up and take charge of their own defense to show Donald Trump what for. Typically, a threat involves promising to do something the person you’re threatening does not want you to do instead of exactly what he wants you to do.

8. The campaign to insult critics of past Ukraine policy by calling them Putin’s puppets and so forth is a lie and is going to result in enmity towards the idea of helping the Ukrainians. You cannot insult Americans into obedience. You cannot fail to address their legitimate concerns and expect them to agree with you.

9. Some of our NATO allies are participating in internal repression, including suppression of free speech and the right to organize and participate in elections via non-establishment parties. This dangerously undercuts the moral argument in favor of NATO. Americans have no desire to spend blood and treasure defending countries that arrest people for speaking. And the Europeans refuse to accept the judgment of their people. Just this week, the allegedly conservative German party that came in first in the election after promising to close German borders announced the very next day that it would not be closing borders. That’s bad. Why again should we spend money on these people? I mean, it’s only been 80 years.

10. It is in America’s interest that this war ends. We want to draw Russia away from China and closer to the West. It is not in our interest to have a war going on where our proxy is fighting with a nuclear-armed enemy, regardless of how moral the cause of Ukraine is. The only way this is going to happen is if the United States takes the lead and forces Ukraine to make painful concessions in order to end this dangerous bloodbath. In the harsh calculus of international politics, it’s critical that we bring the Russians into our orbit and get them away from the Chinese.  Putin has an interest in that – the sparsely populated Siberian wilderness is right there north of China, full of all sorts of resources that China will eventually grab. Putin can’t stop it. He needs allies. Yes, Putin’s a bad guy, but this isn’t about good guys and bad guys. This is about protecting America’s interests. And it’s in America’s interest to stop this war and strip China of a major ally.

Politics & Religion / The “Deranged Jack Smith” Executive Order
« on: February 28, 2025, 11:51:49 AM »
Perhaps misfiled as this is anti-lawfare if anything, but amusing to see nonetheless:

'Deranged Jack Smith' Takes Down His Friends
An order signed by President Trump on Tuesday signals a new front in fighting lawfare operatives in the private sector.
FEB 27, 2025

As an aide started to explain the latest order about to be signed during a press conference in the White House on Tuesday afternoon, President Trump interrupted his spiel.

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“Hold it, this is a good one,” the president, holding up his hand, said to several reporters assembled in the Oval Office. “Is everybody listening? We’re going to call it the ‘Deranged Jack Smith’...bill.”

The order, in the form of a memo to several agency heads, suspended the security clearance of employees at Covington & Burling, a Democratic-connected white-shoe law firm headquartered in Washington. According to a January 27 Wall Street Journal article--and followed up by Politico--the firm provided at least $140,000 in pro bono services to disgraced former special counsel Jack Smith.

Although both cases ended after Trump’s election, Smith’s problems were just beginning. Trump had promised on the campaign trail that his administration would investigate evidence of abuse and misconduct by the special counsel and his team. He fulfilled that promise by signing an executive order on January 20 to end the “weaponization” of the federal government, particularly the DOJ and intelligence community: “The prior administration and allies throughout the country engaged in an unprecedented, third-world weaponization of prosecutorial power to upend the democratic process. These actions appear oriented more toward inflicting political pain than toward pursuing actual justice or legitimate governmental objectives.”

In a follow-up move, Attorney General Pam Bondi formed a “Weaponization Working Group” on Feb. 5 and specifically cited Smith, “who spent more than $50 million targeting President Trump.”

Smith officially left the Biden DOJ on January 10 but not before succeeding in releasing one volume of his two-volume report into the investigations of the president. And in the “quit digging a hole” category, Smith recently signed an open letter to current prosecutors expressing “alarm…by recent actions of the Department’s leadership.”

With Free Friends Like This…

Trump, along with his DOJ, likely will have the last laugh. And it’s doubtful Smith’s free lawyers at Covington & Burling, with offices around the world, are amused. While it’s unclear how many security clearances have been suspended, it appears two lawyers—Peter Koski and Clinton pal Lanny Breuer—were directly involved in providing free counsel to Smith. Koski worked at the DOJ’s public integrity unit during the same time Smith headed the unit during the Obama administration. Other notable Democrats at the firm include former Attorney General Eric Holder, Biden’s longtime foreign affairs advisor and Ukraine war architect Victoria Nuland, and Biden’s former White House counsel Dana Remus.

The presidential directive may have an immediate impact on Smith’s ability to build a defense, particularly for Koski. “Revoking [Koski’s] clearance could limit his access to sensitive government records, given that both of Mr. Smith’s criminal investigations against Mr. Trump involved classified documents. Doing so could sharply limit what representation Mr. Koski might be able to offer,” the New York Times reported on Feb 25.

But Trump’s “Deranged Jack Smith” order goes beyond suspending access to privileged material. The president further ordered federal agencies to look for any government contracts with Covington & Burling. “I also direct the Attorney General and heads of agencies to take such actions as are necessary to terminate any engagement of Covington & Burling LLP by any agency to the maximum extent permitted by law,” the president wrote.

It’s unknown how many, if any, government contracts exist with the firm. Possibly none. But the missive is yet another welcome sign of the so-called “Trump 2.0” administration, where heads will roll inside and outside government not just for viciously targeting the president and his supporters but for misleading the American people and wasting time and money in the process. To wit, the president indicated this is just the start.

After signing the order, the president turned to his aide and asked, “we’ll be doing this for other firms as time goes by?” The aide answered in the affirmative. After adding his signature, Trump threw his Sharpie to someone in the office. “Why don’t you send it to Jack Smith,” he joked.

Prestigious law firms act as both the hidden hammer and revolving door in the lawfare against Republicans. This is playing out in at least a dozen lawsuits filed against the Trump administration over the past 30 days. Until there is pain felt by both public and private lawyers responsible for this unprecedented attack against the will of the people, it will continue.

Politics & Religion / Kelly to Comey: We are Coming for You
« on: February 26, 2025, 03:26:30 PM »

Politics & Religion / Planned Parenthood via the Old Gray Hag Tips Its Hand
« on: February 26, 2025, 12:51:41 PM »
Plantive NYT piece that makes it clear: Planned Parenthood is about abortion and little else, to the point they are poorly serving those they claim to champion (but the lobbying budget remains well funded):

Politics & Religion / Data Republican Doxxed
« on: February 26, 2025, 08:15:11 AM »
Data Republican (small r) whose X posts I've shared here has been doxxed and so has self-identified as she hopes to control the narrative, with autism and being deaf a part of her identity and story.

And interview with her (through an interpreter):

Other than Joyless Reid I never heard of these people.

Hell, I've never heard of Reid....

Politics & Religion / How Best to Limit Judge-Based Lawfare
« on: February 26, 2025, 07:13:30 AM »
An exploration of how to limit judge shopping and the issuance of nation-wide injunctions:

Congress should restrict use of nationwide injunctions and make it more difficult to rig results by judge shopping in such cases.

The radical Democrats have chosen their strategy to fight the reforms that voters demanded last November: the continued use of the judiciary to wage political lawfare against President Donald Trump and his administration. They often do so by carefully vetting and selecting a single federal court or judge that they think is aligned with their political views and will give them favorable treatment, even in highly charged political disputes. They then seek to have their favored judge issue a universal or nationwide injunction against the president or other government officers or agencies. This creates a system ripe for abuse that ultimately undermines the citizenry’s respect for the courts.

Abusive Nationwide Political Injunctions

Nationwide injunctions seek to block federal policies from being enforced anywhere in the country, not just in the district where the issuing judge sits. They are often used in an unprecedented manner to block federal policies disfavored by Democrats from being implemented or enforced.

One example of the abuse of such political nationwide injunctions occurred in 2017. President Trump had temporarily restricted noncitizens’ entry into the United States from eight specified countries that he determined had insufficient controls to prevent terrorism. A single district judge in Hawaii entered a nationwide injunction overturning that policy decision. That injunction did not just prohibit the enforcement of the restrictions in Hawaii, but extended to all 50 states. The following year, in Trump v. Hawaii, the Supreme Court reversed the injunction as an “abuse of discretion.”

Nationwide injunctions may sometimes be appropriate, but they also can be petri dishes that breed dangerous problems. They run afoul of the general principle that federal district courts are courts of limited jurisdiction whose role is to decide the dispute between the parties before them. They can interfere with the constitutional allocation of power between Congress and the president.

When courts become involved in such political disputes it can increase the perception that they are in the pocket of a particular political party. Such politicization undermines public confidence in an apolitical judiciary.

Whether to continue or modify the role of nationwide injunctions is a complex topic. This article will not attempt to wade into the dispute over whether they should be permitted at all or limited in scope. But whether they stay or go, there is a way to limit their abuse: Congress should act swiftly.

Judge Shopping and How to Limit It

Many of these political suits have been filed by Democrat state attorneys general, unions, left-leaning nongovernmental organizations, and others who are implementing the Democrats’ lawfare. The administration is defending several cases vigorously, with a number of successes so far. But some judges have granted injunctions, and even a successful defense can take an inordinate length of time.

This delay is these plaintiffs’ friend. It typically would be a year or more before a case presenting this issue could be decided by the Supreme Court. When such an injunction is granted, even one day’s delay can prevent the president from exercising his constitutional duty as the chief executive officer of the United States. That is unacceptable.

Congress should prevent this abuse. It can take a first step now by making it more difficult for plaintiffs to rig the results by judge shopping for nationwide political injunctions.

As the Trump v. Hawaii case exemplifies, these national injunction cases often raise constitutional issues with novel and unprecedented arguments that would be rejected by most judges. But when they have a weak and unprecedented case, the radical Democrats often seek to tilt the scales. They do this by shopping for judges whom they know will favor them — and who often have conflicts of interest — and then persuading those judges (who don’t need much arm-twisting) to make rulings that will advance Democrats’ political agenda.

Currently, any one of the hundreds of federal district judges in the country can attempt to thwart the agenda of the president — the single person in whom the Constitution has vested the executive power of the United States. It is akin to allowing any of the corporals in an Army division to overrule the commanding general’s orders.

In establishing the separation-of-powers doctrine in our Constitution, the Founders did not foresee or intend such a bizarre result. The current Congress therefore should limit the potential for abuse by eliminating forum shopping in such cases with this simple solution: Congress should amend the federal jurisdictional statutes to divest any single district court or judge of the ability to issue nationwide political injunctions that prohibit or limit the implementation of a president’s or other government officer’s national or international policies.

Congress should legislate that any request for such injunctive relief may be heard only by a panel of three judges, rather than by a single judge. To further reduce judge shopping and to ensure geographic diversity of the judges in cases with nationwide implications, the members of the panel should be drawn from districts in three different circuits, with both the circuits and all three judges selected at random.

So, for example, if the plaintiffs filed their suit in New York or Washington, D.C., knowing that their chances of drawing a left-leaning, “progressive” judge are high, none of the judges from that district could rule on a request for injunctive relief. The three judges on the panel might be from California, Montana, and Mississippi.

Such reforms would thwart most judge shopping, thereby reducing the risk of improper national injunctions, lessening the danger of further politicization of our courts, and improving public confidence in the integrity of the judiciary.

This should be a relatively swift and simple solution. Congress could then consider the more complex issue of whether courts can enter national injunctions at all, especially in political cases. As Justice Clarence Thomas noted in his concurring opinion in Trump v. Hawaii, such “universal injunctions are legally and historically dubious. If federal courts continue to issue them, this Court is duty bound to adjudicate their authority to do so.”

* * * * *

After reading this, if you want to read the discussion of the other two points in The Massive Resistance and Ideas About How to Fight It, i.e., recall elections and possible grounds for suits against the state AGs and others waging the lawfare, please feel free to purchase a paid subscription.

Politics & Religion / Re: Still ve Hayward, Justice without hyphens
« on: February 26, 2025, 06:58:01 AM »

As fine a treatment of the philosophical drift and revesals of the left and right as I've seen.

Politics & Religion / Faux Condemnations of Real Atrocities?
« on: February 26, 2025, 06:14:50 AM »
I read about the rumored muftis condemning Palastinian desecratons of returned hostage bodies and thought it might bode a wider embrace of sober thinking by the Arab world, though accoring ot this piece those gestures were a canard, which would certainly be par for the course:

Searching For Condemnations In The Muslim World

Daniel Greenfield

After Hamas paraded the coffins of 9-month-old Kfir and 4-year-old Ariel to the cheers and jeers of its supporters, before turning over the coffins, locked with keys that did not fit to Israel, people looked for something to restore their faith in the goodness of mankind in the Muslim world.

Millions thought they found it in fake quotes from the grand muftis of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

“What we say today in Gaza is a disgrace to Islam, an act of blasphemy against Allah,” Saudi Grand Mufti Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh (pictured above) reportedly claimed in one viral social media post.

“Hamas has brought shame to Islam on a level never seen before,” Grand Mufti of Dubai Ahmed al-Haddad allegedly proclaimed.

Photos of the two Islamic religious leaders illustrated with these quotes racked up millions of views on social media. Some even found their way into news stories sourced from social media.

The problem was that the quotes were fake and never existed outside social media. The Saudi quote was soon disavowed while an Emirati journalist stated that the local media had “never heard of them” and that they were “mere rumors”.

Why did so many people spread and probably invent these fake social media posts? Because they wanted to believe that Muslim religious leaders would condemn Hamas mocking the bodies of the Jewish children it murdered and there was still some hope for decency left in the world.

But those condemnations don’t exist.

The only official statements out of Saudi Arabia and the UAE were vocal condemnations of Israel and proposals for an ‘alternative plan’ that would leave the PLO and Hamas in power under a fake ‘front government’ of technocrats.

Ahmed Al Yamahi, the UAE appointed ‘president’ of the Arab Parliament, accused Israel of a “genocidal war in Gaza” “unequivocally placed the blame for this escalation on the Israeli occupation authorities”, urged the UN to “hold the Israeli government and its settlers accountable for their crimes and violations against the Palestinian people” and and called for Arab unity to support the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

And unlike the fake grand mufti quotes, these were published directly on government sites.

The Saudi and UAE governments issued statements condemning terrorist attacks in their own countries and even some abroad, and many condemnations of Israel, none of Hamas for its treatment of the Bibas children.

Coverage in state owned media outlets sometimes read like outright Hamas propaganda.

A story in Al-Bayan, a Dubai state owned media outlet, described Hamas as having “handed over the bodies of four Israeli prisoners” while falsely claiming that they were “killed in deliberate Israeli airstrikes designed to kill them”.

Al-Bayan used the term ‘Asra’ to refer to the murdered children which in Arabic tends to refer to ‘prisoners of war’ as in Koran 8:67: “It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land.”

While not every media story from the Saudis and Emiratis was this bad, the more sympathetic accounts tended to appear in English while the Arabic language coverage was muted or hostile.

I found no official condemnations from either Saudi Arabia or the UAE: all I could find was an interfaith panel discussion with Jewish and Muslim participants at the Dialogue of Civilizations in Abu Dhabi. The Muslim participants were veterans of dialogue with Jews and Israelis, and had expressed opposition to Hamas and Islamic terrorism against Israel.

At the panel, one Emirati participant called for a moment of silence for the Bibas children.

But such views were coming from a small group of young activists with a large presence on social media rather than from actual government officials and religious leaders. The Abraham Accords has made it possible for such views to be aired, even with government sponsorship, at interfaith events, but they are not by any means the actual position of their governments.

The single condemnation at an interfaith panel, like the fake quotes of the grand muftis, shows that there is no larger rejection of the Hamas coffin spectacle in the Muslim world. The distaste for Hamas in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as in other parts of the Arab world, have nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with hostility toward the Muslim Brotherhood.

The UAE offered an initial condemnation of the Oct 7 attacks followed by a long string of condemnations of Israel throughout the war including support for war crimes charges.

And the UAE was the least bad of them all.

The unfortunate truth is that there is very little opposition to Muslim terrorism unless it’s directed at fellow Muslims. ISIS has the highest margin of Muslim opposition not because it burned people alive and raped little girls, but because it declared a caliphate and treated all Muslims who refused to acknowledge its supremacy as heretics and infidels. Al Qaeda enjoyed wide support in the Muslim world when it was flying planes into skyscrapers, but once it bombed a hotel wedding in Jordan and began a civil war in Iraq, its popularity diminished among Muslims.

The UAE turned on the Muslim Brotherhood after it plotted to seize power. The Saudis joined the crackdown on the Brotherhood a year later. But a few years before all this, there had been an uproar over the Israeli assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in Dubai.

The Saudis and the UAE distrust Hamas because of its sponsorship by their enemies, Qatar and Iran, and its origins as a Muslim Brotherhood organization, but their objections have nothing to do with its killing of Israelis of whatever age or opposition to terrorism as a general principle.

After the atrocities of Oct 7, Saudi approval ratings for Hamas rose from 10% to 40%. 95% of Saudis polled did not believe that Hamas had killed civilians. The vast majority of Saudis opposed improving relations with Israel and believed that it would eventually be destroyed.

Expecting the Grand Mufti to condemn Hamas is a fantasy. As is Saudi normalization.

The Abraham Accords is at best a regional alliance against common enemies in Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, and not based on a deeper friendship or a recognition of mutual humanity. Those desperate to believe otherwise have been forced to invent fake condemnations to substitute for the real ones that should have been issued, but weren’t and never will be.

Americans and Israelis have spent too long living in a fantasy world when it comes to peace in the Middle East. Fake quotes are no substitute for dealing with the reality of Islamic terrorism.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.

Politics & Religion / Re: USAID and Other GONGO operations
« on: February 26, 2025, 06:09:30 AM »
The question has been asked here a number of times, but I'm not remembering if we answered it.

What is the conceptual basis upon which NGOs received money from the government?

I've no idea what GONGO players tell themselves to justify their duplicity, but imagine what they tell the general public to justify their funding is "we do nifty stuff that regular government types don't have to ability to accomplish themselves." Perhaps that's indeed how things started (I now have my doubts), but the current conceptual basis is to glom onto as much funding as possible under a do-gooding aegis and the apply it to whatever "Progressive" cause congruent with the NGO's putativie mission that's handy, while making sure all NGO officers earn a slice of that pie along the way.

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