Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media  (Read 1271644 times)


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Drudge: ****"Florida"*** jury to decide lawsuit against CNN
« Reply #4350 on: January 06, 2025, 07:33:01 AM »

Funny, I don't recall a headline with "NEW YORK" jury to decide Trump in Carrol case or for that matter the Bragg case.

Hopefully, the jury will come up with 100 million $ verdict against CNN.  I would love to see how they feel about it.


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But did Enrich publish an article in the NYT explaining his regret past mistakes and of the MSM about this?

NYT would probably not publish it anyway.

Would he go on Newsmax or Fox to admit his contrition to the world .  Probably would not even if it meant he would not lose his NYT gig.

These occasional sort of, kind of, in round about way mea culpas are totally unsatisfactory .

The MSM is till full of partisan BS.


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Left wing media, Another One Bites the Dust
« Reply #4354 on: January 13, 2025, 08:06:20 AM »
HuffPost Editor-in-Chief Resigns as Part of Ongoing Newsroom Layoffs

Jen Rubin "Exits" the Washington Post; Chuck Todd "Exits" NBC

Ms. Rubin demonstrates her objectivity:
"Republicans want to kill your kids. It's actually true," she said. "It has to be that simple and that direct..."
Ironic how true the opposite is. Democrats want you to be able to kill your own (unborn), anytime, for any reason.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 03:00:10 PM by DougMacG »


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Jews who live for their beloved party
« Reply #4355 on: January 13, 2025, 06:57:20 PM »

ironic Contrarian

is the new name

contrary to majority of people contrary to logic

this will only attract a few Jewish Democrats and never Trumpers.

at most in thousands.

not a good business

Lose at the WP because you were too demonically left wing so go out and try to do the same thing on your own   -   does this make good business sense to anyone?


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Corrupt News Network Loses Defamation Suit
« Reply #4356 on: January 17, 2025, 10:49:07 PM »


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Second Verse, Same as the First
« Reply #4357 on: January 22, 2025, 12:30:45 PM »
The MSM, still amplifying talking points from the same "Progressive" pages:

Same Old. Same Old.


JAN 22, 2025

NBC News reports Pete Hegseth’s former sister-in-law has come forward with an affidavit claiming Hegseth abused his ex-wife. The sister-in-law says she was advised that filing the affidavit would scuttle Hegseth’s nomination by getting fence-sitting senators to vote against him.

Instead of asking who told her that, the press corps rushed to report and amplify the story. Here’s a key detail: Hegseth’s ex-wife denies the allegations, saying she did not push her sister to speak up and wants reporters to leave her alone.

Elon Musk told a crowd at an inaugural event, “My heart goes out to you.” He then grabbed his chest with his hand then flung his arm out towards the crowd as if throwing his heart to the crowd. The press, led by PBS, rushed with “some say” it was a Nazi salute. The PBS reporter says it was a “Heil Hitler” gesture.

The inauguration was running behind schedule, and the president needed to take the oath of office as close to noon as possible. Chief Justice John Roberts, rushing things, started administering the oath before Melania Trump could get situated with the family Bible. As a result, Trump did not have his hand on the Bible, and the press corps reported it as Trump failing to place his hand on the Bible.

These people have learned nothing.

Joe Biden walks out of office and pre-emptively pardons his family members with an oddly specific start date for the pardons. No one in the press wants to investigate. They have simply taken it as an article of faith that this was to prevent harassment by Trump, which Biden claimed. But Biden also claimed he was mentally ready for the job, and we all saw that was a lie.

The press corps has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. We will get four years of outrage-driven coverage. We will not get probative, thoughtful press analysis. It will all be driven by Democrat-seeded talking points.

The Elon Musk one is the one that really drives this home. There are numerous examples of Democrats throwing their hands in the air like a Hitler salute, and no one, left, right, center, or in the press, accused them of doing it. But Elon declares his heart goes out to the crowd and flings out his arm away from his chest and we are all supposed to believe it was a Hitler salute or we’re apologists for Nazis.

I don’t know how Trump made so many people turn into drooling morons, but he managed to make it happen, and the biggest morons are the American political press — generally lazy people who like to be spoon-fed from a left-leaning hive mind.

Welcome back after four years. Hope you reporters had a great vacation and are lubed up well so the DNC can muppet you. In the meantime, I have to say this is not just predictable. It’s a bit boring.


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About that "Nazi" Salute
« Reply #4358 on: January 22, 2025, 05:27:23 PM »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth, NYT recognizes the unborn "child"
« Reply #4359 on: January 26, 2025, 07:16:52 AM »

Reminds me of Justice Breyer referring to the pregnant person in a case as a mother. Mother of what, prior children?

PS. I thought I was being clever to downgrade a pregnant woman to a 'person', but my woke keyboard app came up with 'person' as the most likely word to follow pregnant. Good grief.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth, NYT recognizes the unborn "child"
« Reply #4360 on: January 26, 2025, 06:06:07 PM »

Reminds me of Justice Breyer referring to the pregnant person in a case as a mother. Mother of what, prior children?

PS. I thought I was being clever to downgrade a pregnant woman to a 'person', but my woke keyboard app came up with 'person' as the most likely word to follow pregnant. Good grief.

College I work at allows, heck basically solicits, the use of personal pronouns in the university directory. So far my attempts to add “Take a wild guess” have been stymied….


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Jim Acost[ing] out at CNN
« Reply #4361 on: January 28, 2025, 06:26:18 AM »

Republican/Trump accosting will show up somewhere of course.  Can't get rid of these people.

Seeing the push to have Andrew Cuomo back as Mayor of NYC too.

Weiner running for City Council. 


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"So far my attempts to add “Take a wild guess” have been stymied…."

This is very funny.

Reminds me of when on Race questions on forms I select "Other" and fill in "Human".


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« Reply #4363 on: January 28, 2025, 04:14:04 PM »
New White House Spokeswoman throws one back at the MSM that’ll leave a mark:


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Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes, Believe Our Lying Photo Copping
« Reply #4364 on: January 28, 2025, 07:01:08 PM »
2nd post.

New York Rag, er Mag complains only white people attended a Trump party, using a photo to prove the point and that required them to crop out black folks in the shot:


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The Newly Pwned MSM
« Reply #4365 on: January 29, 2025, 04:35:59 PM »
Behold: a fine series of excoriations indeed:

How conservatives own the media
Prepare for the interview. Don't accept their premise. Be cool, calm and collected.
JAN 29, 2025

Who owns the media? J.D. Vance.

VICE PRESIDENT VANCE: I don’t want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted, and because I don’t want it for my kids, I'm not going to force any other American citizens kids to do that either.

MARGARET BRENNAN: No. And that was a very particular case. It wasn’t clear if he was radicalized when he got here or while he was living here, but.

VICE PRESIDENT VANCE: I don’t really care, Margaret. I don’t want that person in my country, and I think most Americans agree with me.

Who owns the media? Stephen Miller.

JAKE TAPPER: How are you going to avoid deporting illegal immigrants working in agriculture?

STEPHEN MILLER: Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destinations for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles.

JAKE TAPPER: You’re kinda changing this subject.

STEPHEN MILLER: Give me 30 minutes, I’ll go as deep as you want.

Who owns the media? Karoline Leavitt.

REPORTER: Of the 3,500 arrests ICE has made so far since President Trump came back onto office, can you just tell me the numbers? How many have a criminal record versus those who are in the country illegally?

KAROLINE LEAVITT: All of them because they are criminals as far as this administration goes.

There are many other examples of this polite pushback by conservatives, and that is just in the first 10 days of President Trump’s new and improved presidency.

For decades, the media ran roughshod over conservatives who foolishly allowed it. They let reporters set the agenda and frame the facts.

Russiagate was a conspiracy theory concocted by Democrats to cover up Obama using the FBI to spy on Donald Trump. Conservatives blew the chance to flip the table and point out the spying on Trump. Instead of investigating the real scandal of spying, the government investigated an imaginary scandal.

No more. Before they go on television, conservatives are doing their homework and anticipating questions, which they reframe. In Miller’s case, he prepared for the question and also for the follow-up. His reply—“Give me 30 minutes, I’ll go as deep as you want”—was a knockout punch.

In each case, the interviewed conservative kept calm and carried on. By controlling their emotions, they remained in control of the interview.

Scott Jennings has turned his gig as a token conservative on CNN panels into stardom.

Brigitte Gabriel tweeted:

This is so good.

Scott Jennings provokes Maria Cardona into an unhinged outburst over who runs the Executive Branch.

“The Department of Justice does not work for the President!”

“It’s in the Executive Branch!”

Nick Adams tweeted:

CNN’s Ashley Allison walked right into this one with Scott Jennings!

“By your logic. If Joe Biden wanted to go after Donald Trump, the Attorney General should able to do it.”

“They DID go after Donald Trump!”

In his case, Jennings exploits the vacuity of their arguments. Liberals enter the debate with emotions, not facts. They do so because they are never challenged and never developed proper debating skills.

Conservatives have scars, baby. They bring the receipts.

Of course, this goes beyond interviews and commentaries. President Trump sued Disney’s ABC for defamation and won a $15 million settlement with another $1 million for his lawyers. This was hush money to use the network’s phrase from his criminal trial om which New York tried him for a crime for which there was no jail time, no fine and no probation despite 34 verdicts of guilt.

A president’s chances of prevailing in a defamation suit are about as good as Ethiopia landing the first man on Mars. And yet the network paid him off. That has emboldened others to demand satisfaction.

Christopher F. Rufo tweeted, “WINNING: The Washington Post's latest hit piece against me has collapsed. Education editor Adam Kushner admits to publishing four false statements about my work and has officially retracted them. This is a supreme embarrassment for the newspaper and reporter.”

More importantly, it is one less defamation lawsuit Jeff Bezos will have to settle out of court.

We call it winning and it works everywhere. On October 14, 2023, Pierre Poilievre became the first opposition leader in Canada whom Americans have ever been able to name.

He did so by posting on Twitter an interview he gave to a hapless Don Urquhart, editor of the Times Chronicle newspaper in the South Okanagan, while munching an apple.

URQUHART: Uhmm, on the topic, I mean, in terms of your, sort of, strategy currently, you’re obviously taking the populist pathway.

POILIEVRE: What does that mean?

URQUHART: (nervous chuckle) Well, appealing to people’s more emotional levels, I would guess —

POILIEVRE: Whaddaya mean by that? Give me an example.

URQUHART: Certainly you, certainly you tap, ah, very strong ideological language quite frequently.

POILIEVRE: Like what?

URQUHART: Uhh, left wing, y’know, this and that, right-wing, they, you know, I mean, it’s that type of (unintelligible) —

POILIEVRE: I almost never talk about — I never really talk about left or right. I don’t really believe in that.

URQUHART: A lot of people would say that you’re simply taking a page out of the Donald Trump, uh, book —

POILIEVRE: A lot of people? Like which people would say that? (puzzled chomp)

URQUHART: Well, I’m sure — a great many Canadians, but

POILIEVRE: Like who?

URQUHART: Haha, uh, I don’t know who, but

POILIEVRE: Well, you’re the one who asked the question, so you must know somebody.

URQUHART: Heh heh, okay, I’m, I’m sure there’s some out there, but anyways, the point of this question is, why should, why should Canadians trust you with their vote, given … y’know … not, not just the sort of ideological inclination in terms of taking the page out of Donald Trump’s book, but, also —

POILIEVRE: (incredulous) What are you talking about? What page? What page? Can you gimme a page? Gimme the page.

That is the most famous apple since the one on the head of William Tell’s son.

The media is dying for numerous reasons. They are too large and too cumbersome. They also believe they are entitled to access and a monopoly on the news. They have underestimated their competition, much to the delight and advantage of the smaller and better outlets that have entered the tournament.

But most of all, mainstream reporters do not do their homework and are too obvious with their biases, which renders them ineffective. Conservatives own them now by refusing to play their game by their rules—and smiling as they deliver their knockout punches.


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All of those put a wag in my tail.

A word on Miller-- in the past he was smeared and handicapped by the fact he looks like central casting for an SS concentration camp guard.  Always bright, but prone to getting irked.  Today with Tapper he showed a growth similar to Trump's growth in staying centered and showing some flashes of witty snark.


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America’s Dying Media Elite
« Reply #4367 on: January 29, 2025, 11:52:44 PM »
A fine overview of the current state of US media … as much of it circles the drain:

Welcome to the New Media Reality in America
This year brings a hard wakeup call for legacy media
JAN 29, 2025

My cover story in The Spectator is out today:

It was nearly 2 a.m. on the East Coast in the middle of election night when CNN’s Jake Tapper stood across from professional virtual-map operator John King and asked a simple question: “Are there any places where Kamala Harris overperformed from where Biden did?”

Tapping away from a view of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, King zoomed out to a view of the entire United States and hit a key to show a comparison to the 2020 election. The map instantly turned a solid dark gray, without a single county highlighted.

“Holy smokes,” Tapper gasped. “Literally nothing? Literally not one county?”

“Literally nothing,” was King’s somber reply.

The video, shared widely and instantly on X, has been viewed more than 13 million times. In the final tally, of course, Harris did outperform Biden in a handful of counties — but Tapper’s stunned response in the moment serves as an authentic expression of the media reaction to the 2024 election: utter shock.

It’s a different kind of shock to the system than 2016, though. Then, the possibility that Donald Trump could beat Hillary Clinton was completely discounted. In 2024, media figures were so concerned that he might pull it off after Joe Biden’s disastrous June debate (moderated with steadily increasing disconcertion by Tapper and Dana Bash) that some openly pushed for his replacement, then rushed to aid and abet the Democratic storyline that Kamala Harris had transformed herself into a generational political talent.

It was a desperate move — and it didn’t work. The smarter analysts, even those with a partisan lean, saw the truth written on the wall well before November 5. Unfortunately, precious few of them work in cable news — and with the neutron bomb of Trump’s election victory, there will be even less budget in the industry for their commentary.

The 2016 election flooded the legacy media with attentive new consumers who saw subscribing to the “Democracy dies in darkness” Washington Post as a matter of personal pride. They scrambled to order the rushed #Resistance tomes of anonymous heel-turn staffers and strident Trump critics who feverishly pimped their ghostwritten words on television, podcasts and National Public Radio. But the 2024 election seems to sound the final knell for an industry that managed to hang on well past its prime.

The announcements came rapidly: lay-offs industry-wide jarred legacy institutions. After Jeff Bezos announced that the Washington Post would not be endorsing a presidential candidate, the newspaper lost more than 300,000 subscribers, cut more than 100 staffers and saw a dozen prominent reporters and editors walk — mostly for jobs at the now stridently left-wing Atlantic and the financially secure Wall Street Journal. Some of the biggest names in television suddenly found their contracts on the chopping block, opting for diminished roles or exiting entirely. CBS announced that Norah O’Donnell’s Evening News program, which had some of the most screeching anti-Trump coverage of any broadcast network (including opening a broadcast by suggesting he brought a second assassination attempt upon himself with anti-immigrant rhetoric), would be put on ice after the inauguration. Hoda Kotb left NBC’s Today show after seventeen years, and Andrea Mitchell signed off from the MSNBC program she’d anchored for sixteen. Alisyn Camerota, a ten-year CNN host who gained prominence for challenging the first Trump administration, headed toward the exit as her avowedly anti-Trump colleague Chris Wallace announced a sudden interest in the world of online streaming. Wallace’s representatives made sure to stress that CNN asked him to stay, leaving out the inconvenient fact that it was at a much, much lower price.

Perhaps Wallace’s interest in independence will work out for the seventy-seven-year-old. If 2008 was the Facebook election, and 2016 was the Twitter election, 2024 was the podcast election — when the media witnessed for the first time how much its power had been sapped away, its audiences stolen by more interesting formats as people tired of news chyrons that always begin with “BREAKING.” Today’s consumers want their news uncensored: in bite-sized snippets of video on X, Elon Musk’s everything app; in rebel journalism and truly independent commentary on Substack; or the free-wheeling venue of longform podcast interviews. Donald Trump’s marathon conversations with Theo Von, Andrew Schulz, Logan Paul, Barstool Sports and, of course, Joe Rogan have to be considered a key aspect of his resounding appeal among the young male electorate — the same ones most likely to have cut the TV cord, if they ever had it. And with that shift in eyes and ears comes newfound power for individual hosts and compelling personalities who don’t fit the industry’s demo for pharmaceutical products, retirement plans and walk-in bathtubs. MSNBC and CNBC staffers reacted with shock to the post-election news that Comcast planned to spin off their shrinking cable channels to a new company. Perhaps they should have realized that the digs at 30 Rock run on eyeballs. Good luck on the commute to New Jersey.

The industry-wide legacy-media crack-up is also an ironic consequence of its own bet on its influence over the billionaire class. When dollars started to dry up in the aftermath of the financial crisis and dramatic changes to the advertising-based business model of the Obama years, many media entities were more than happy to look to the mega-rich for succor. Bezos’s quarter billion-dollar purchase of the Post in 2013 and Patrick Soon-Shiong’s half billion-dollar purchase of the LA Times in 2018 were generally viewed as a boon, an example of the civically-minded billionaire class stepping up to bail out financially struggling media organizations. The neoliberal values of Silicon Valley were generally shared with big media’s editorial employees — and they seemed content to let the press do whatever it wanted. It’s fine to be a hood ornament for the billionaires, media executives decided, if it keeps the lights on and pays the overpriced and out-of-touch columnists who built a career on flattering subscribers by never disagreeing with them in the slightest.

Yet there’s always a point where the people who got very rich by paying attention to how it happens take a greater interest in the bottom line — and how much the media disagrees hypocritically with the same free-speech values they claim to uphold. After the eruption of racial strife and the increasingly divisive gender politics during the Covid pandemic, owners of media companies discovered that funding all these salaries, promising millions to diversity, equity and inclusion agendas, and even tolerating calls for censorship did not serve to purchase indulgences from the loudest people in the newsroom or the HR department. Owners tired of the assumption that they existed to fund the work of people they no longer viewed as worth supporting. And they became increasingly open to the idea there could be no profit or peace in funding the creaky voice of the entrenched illiberal left.

Elon Musk’s $44 billion purchase of Twitter in 2022 started the cascade. A mega-purchase that began almost as a joke turned into a historically transformative event, not just for American politics but for worldwide media and culture. Musk’s decision-making style didn’t just drive away the media’s “blue check” elites howling about loss of influence and the rise of “misinformation,” it pushed the Overton Window on the possibilities super-rich tech men (and yes, they are all men, Mackenzie Scott and Laurene Powell Jobs didn’t build that) could consider despite the braying of the legacy news horde.

The Obama-Biden Democrats assumed they would have the fealty of this cohort, thinking the arrangement — you pay to fund our “woke” liberal policies, and pay the tenured editorialists and midwit commentators who espouse them; in exchange we give you the soft regulatory touch and Wall Street-boosting policies that let your wealth grow to immense proportion — was to everyone’s benefit. (Everyone, it turned out, but the American worker… and American security… and traditional American culture.) But the far left became increasingly emboldened and aggressive. During the pandemic, when they pushed for steps that made these leaders of industry decidedly uncomfortable, it became unavoidably clear: a new deal was in order. This time around, the tech executives from Google, Apple, Meta and more wouldn’t just meet with Trump, they’d seek to influence him. And they’d respond to the new reality by putting loud illiberals back in their place, daring them to post their principled walkouts on Bluesky.

Last October, when Bezos and Soon-Shiong separately made clear that their newspapers wouldn’t be endorsing Kamala Harris, the media reacted with the measured restraint of a pro-Hamas protester dousing himself in kerosene and flicking on a lighter. Editorial board members, editors and columnists announced their defiant resignations. (The Post’s Jennifer Rubin, who repeatedly hailed the LA Times resignations and demanded to know why others had not joined them, experienced a sudden change of heart and decided the world could ill afford her committing career seppuku at such a challenging moment.) Kara Swisher, the aviator-clad advocate for ever-increasing Silicon Valley censorship, announced she was seeking an alternate group of rich investors to help her buy the Post and save it from Bezos’s clutches. No word on if she had any takers — besides the fact that Bezos has shown no interest in selling. Instead, Amazon is spending $40 million for the rights to Melania Trump’s bio — to be directed by Brett Ratner, back again after the end of #MeToo.

Swisher isn’t alone in letting the new reality get the best of her. Thanks to remarks by George Stephanopoulos, ABC’s chief political anchor and Good Morning America co-host, ABC announced post-election that it would pay $15 million in response to a defamation suit from Trump — money they said would go to help fund his presidential library. (Perhaps it will build a wing on his relationship with the media.) There’s still a lawsuit pending against CBS News over a deceptively edited interview with Kamala Harris broadcast on 60 Minutes, though no word on if they’ll settle in court or settle for the outskirts of covering the administration for the next four years.

Yet if Swisher’s approach to the media shift and Trump’s victory is the bonkers end of the desperation scale, and ABC’s apology is a middle course of grudging surrender, the more diplomatic end is found in the married hosts of MSNBC’s most grandiloquent show: Morning Joe, whose Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough rushed to Mar-a-Lago to pledge their loyalty to their new Trumpian overlords. “Joe and I realized it’s time to do something different… and that starts with not only talking about Donald Trump, but also talking with him,” Brzezinski announced, citing her diplomat father Zbigniew Brzezinski for speaking “with world leaders with whom he and the United States profoundly disagreed.”

Of course, that positioning is utterly inauthentic — so perhaps a better example of a media maven who learned the lessons of the past few years is Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, who switched from running to mixed martial arts and Brazilian jiujitsu during the pandemic. It turns out a few years in that based subculture was all it took to make someone who could once speak the language of corporate Democratic neoliberalism fluently to audiences from Aspen to Davos sound completely different. Announcing an end to Meta’s media-funding fact-checking project that involved “too many mistakes and too much censor- ship,” Zuckerberg committed to working with President Trump to push back on censorship regimes in China, Europe and Latin America. “It’s been so difficult over the past four years,” he said, frustration written on his face, “when even the US government has pushed for censorship.”

Zuckerberg’s half right: it wasn’t just the government — it was the media themselves, who pressed for the silencing of those who dared to disagree with them or their agenda. They wanted to be unassailable, and they were willing to wield the ring of power to that purpose. They got away with it at first, but that’s what 2024 corrected: it has at long last forced America’s dying media elite to realize the power to silence has slipped from their grasp — hopefully, for good.


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Re: The Newly Pwned MSM
« Reply #4368 on: January 30, 2025, 06:30:36 AM »
Wow, this is phenomenal.

It also comes down to how we respond to Leftism, wokism and falsisms at the micro level. Sometimes I react with silence, sometimes with angry arguing back, but most effective is when I listen to a point and answer with a subtle, penetrating question or point back that breaks the premise of what was presented. This past week traveling with friends, my wonderful host at dinner in their home went on a run expressing concern for the plight of the "LGDTQ people" (presumably because of the harsh new administration). At the end I pointed out the new Secretary of Treasury is gay. She gave a puzzled look back, what do you mean? I said, well the Secretary of Treasury is a pretty high position and we have the first gay in that position. (A small fact that means all gays won't be swept under the carpet and stepped on.) The discussion suddenly moved past politics.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4371 on: February 01, 2025, 05:27:06 AM »
Oooooh, this could be really good.


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Trump Now Correcting the MSM on White House Site
« Reply #4372 on: February 01, 2025, 09:24:15 AM »
In a new move, White House has began tracking and releasing corrections to MSM inaccuracies and outright lies:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4373 on: February 01, 2025, 09:33:44 AM »
Very astute OODA Loop move!


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CBS Agrees to Release Unedited 60 Minutes Harris Interview
« Reply #4374 on: February 01, 2025, 01:34:39 PM »
They will argue “editorial judgement,” no doubt. Hopefully we’ll get to make that call:


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Re: CBS Agrees to Release Unedited 60 Minutes Harris Interview
« Reply #4375 on: February 01, 2025, 03:35:14 PM »
They missed something there.

"CBS Agrees to Release Unedited 60 Minutes Harris Interview"  - BEFORE the Election!!


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4376 on: February 01, 2025, 06:01:12 PM »
Free Beacon:

"But that industry (semiconductors) is not nearly the most important reason for defending Taiwan. If China takes the island, it will have a base that dominates the shipping lanes Japan and South Korea rely on for food and fuel. How well could either country stand up to Beijing then? And if they buckle under, there is little chance for the United States to keep together a coalition that can prevent China from dominating Asia."

(Doug)  And after they dominate Asia (and most of the rest of the world) we would ally with Brussels and Ottawa to counter them?   Has anyone thought this through?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4377 on: February 02, 2025, 07:56:20 AM »
This would fit in the Geopolitics thread too.


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« Reply #4378 on: February 05, 2025, 05:44:43 AM »

Who listens to NPR and thinks they don't have commercials?  Each one is an FCC violation. Time to end taxpayer funding for all blatantly liberal, law breaking causes.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 05:47:39 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4379 on: February 05, 2025, 06:15:56 AM »

zero public funding for NPR and PBS which are nothing more than Democrat propaganda tools.

occas. PBS has a good history or science or nature show but otherwise including that disgusting Margaret Hoover, do nothing but criticize everything Trump or Republicans .   not one iota of anything positive on our side - never.

remove their non profit status too.  BS .


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Progressive Hacks Underwriting “Fair & Balanced (™)” Journalism?
« Reply #4380 on: February 05, 2025, 06:34:52 AM »
I read Politico as well as The Hill, but consider doing so opposition research as they both inculcate the Uniparty perspective. Here we learn Politico has been the recipient of Biden regime largesse. Gonna be interesting to see how many other MSM orgs are dipping into similar coffers:

Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻
We have really gone communist under Biden! This is really bad!
Tax payers have unknowingly given Politico $9.6 million since 2024.
This includes the office of the president too! To “communicate the President's message.”

BBG again: we keep hearing about how the MSM is losing readership, and hence funds, though I don’t recall similar concerns where Politico is concerned, and can think of other Uniparty outlets that seem to be chugging along without issue. Mayhaps we have found a root reason why?


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Politico CEO
« Reply #4381 on: February 05, 2025, 06:43:23 AM »


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More on MSM Funding by US Agencies
« Reply #4384 on: February 06, 2025, 09:38:21 PM »


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WSJ found a Trump voter labels him "MAGA" and gets to front page of Drudge
« Reply #4386 on: February 08, 2025, 02:09:18 PM »

"I don't like chaos"

meaning to me, you like things they way they were which means we can/will never straighten out the governments mess they created.

like on CNN.  We get nonsensical talk like why have outsiders come in to make changes to government when instead we should have the government pretend they are to make changes which almost by definition means it would be failure.

Just ask Wallstreet to fix itself would be an analogy.

Let the Department of Ed fix itself. 

Let the FBI fix itself

Let the intelligence bureacracy give up power and fix itself

Ask then expect the CCP to give up their goals

Paul Bisson works in air safety arena - hmmmm some self interest here?\It

It would be like asking lawyers to reduce their contingency or all fees by half

It would be like asking doctors to devote 2/3 fo their time for free charity work.

It would like asking government workers to resign or simply fire themselves.

Bottom line we need outside opinions and we don't have time to play around or nothing will ever happen.   

I am stepping off my soap box.  Thanks for listening if you didn't already tune out.     :wink:
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 02:14:57 PM by ccp »


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Herridge on CBS-Harris interviews and other interviews too
« Reply #4388 on: February 10, 2025, 09:20:41 AM »


This week, President Trump expanded his ten billion dollar lawsuit against CBS News after the network reluctantly released the full, unedited transcript and video from its October 60 Minutes interview with Vice President Kamala Harris. 

However, the release of unedited materials did not end the discussion.  A fair minded review confirmed 60 Minutes did Harris favors in the edit room because it transformed rambling responses into a crisp, succinct broadcast segment. 

My training is that the final cut should reflect, not distort the candidate’s overall performance.  The Kamala Harris 60 Minutes interview transcript should also be assessed in a broader context. Is there a pattern and practice of heavy handed editing at 60 Minutes that favors democrats over republicans?   

YouTube video by Federal Communications Commission
CBS 60 Minutes

It begs another question: In October 2023, did then President Joe Biden also get a favorable edit that concealed his cognitive decline?  I don’t know the answer, but the FCC can get one and American voters deserve more transparency.

On 60 Minutes Executive Producer Bill Owens' watch, there have been other, well-documented controversies.


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Ban Weis Beer Because Nazis?
« Reply #4389 on: February 17, 2025, 04:31:00 AM »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4390 on: February 17, 2025, 05:26:41 AM »
saw Warren on MADcow for few minutes.

ever notice how she speaks very fast seems like she can't even slow down to breath and appears like she is amphetamines or at least adderall.   never calm cool collected.

always angry harsh and whining and complaining and spending all her time opposing.

the 70+ mill Indian gal.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4393 on: February 17, 2025, 07:11:44 AM »
To be precise, I suspect the point she was attempting to make was that Hitler was able to rise enabled by relatively free speech not that there was free speech after he came to power.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4394 on: February 17, 2025, 07:37:14 AM »
To be precise, I suspect the point she was attempting to make was that Hitler was able to rise enabled by relatively free speech not that there was free speech after he came to power.
Well yeah, but as a putative professional communicator she did a wretched job of framing it in that manner and clearly was favoring a potential got’cha moment over an informed discussion of the topic.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media
« Reply #4395 on: February 17, 2025, 09:15:37 AM »
To be precise, I suspect the point she was attempting to make was that Hitler was able to rise enabled by relatively free speech not that there was free speech after he came to power.
Well yeah, but as a putative professional communicator she did a wretched job of framing it in that manner and clearly was favoring a potential got’cha moment over an informed discussion of the topic.

Good to hear some explanation of why she said that. I don't agree that free speech was the problem, and I agree with BBG, she was obviously trying to make some kind of cheap gotcha point with one more false Nazi analogy. Despicable. She should write some kind of column of explanation or take the time on her show to do that or be shunned from serious media work, but we all know this will also go by without consequence.

Next week she will still host CBS Face (half) the Nation and be just as (not) unbiased as George Stephanopoulos on ABC and the fake moderator on NBC Meet the Press.

There is bias and there is hack job. Why do we put up with either?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2025, 09:17:43 AM by DougMacG »


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60 Minutes at it Again
« Reply #4397 on: February 17, 2025, 07:43:25 PM »
Try to pass the speechwriter for Samantha Powers of USAID off as random civil servant impacted by layoffs:


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Media’s Jobs Reporting Depends on Which Party is Behind an Initiative
« Reply #4399 on: February 20, 2025, 09:06:43 AM »
Couldn’t find an employment/jobs thread so am tossing this here as the MSMs unequal treatment of the issue—focusing on the putative noble policy ends if it’s a Dem initiative, and those harmed by a reduction if it’s a Rep initiative—is the money shot here:

Downsizing Happens
FEB 20, 2025
Chelsea Milburn is a disabled veteran of the United States Navy who, until recently worked for the United States Department of Education. She has lost her job as part of cuts from the Elon Musk led Department of Government Efficiency. On Wednesday, she appeared on the news and lamented, “They don't care about how this impacts me or people like me. And to me, it's inhumane. It feels like they're ignoring our personhood and not respecting us as human beings or as American citizens.” She is not wrong.

President Trump and Elon Musk have channeled their inner Miley Cyrus and came in to office like a wrecking ball. Musk’s private sector ideal of move fast and break things has become the ethos of the new administration. No, they do not care about Ms. Milburn’s personhood or that she is a human being. They care that she is a line item in a spreadsheet and not just an employee of the federal government, but an expenditure of federal taxpayer money.

The Erickson Rule of Media Coverage is very simply that when Democrats run Washington, the press highlights beneficiaries of policies. When Republicans run Washington, the press highlights victims of policies. When Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and the parent company of the pipeline finally threw in the towel, the national press touted the benefits to the climate. Very few, outside Fox News, covered the loss of jobs.

On December 30, 2019, Joe Biden said, at a rally in in Derry, NH, that he would be shutting down fossil fuel production in the United States. He explained to the crowd, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well… Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!” Progressives justified the loss of jobs in the fossil fuel sector explaining that those laid off could “learn to code,” a line amplified by sympathetic voices in the media. Perhaps federal workers can take President Biden’s advice.

The infuriating thing about the coverage of these layoffs is that they happen all the time in the private sector. Employees are often cogs in wheels and numbers in spreadsheets and they get laid off. According to the Department of Labor, job layoffs in the United States averaged 1,916,490 a year between the year 2000 and 2024 in the private sector. People lose jobs and people get jobs. But those people do not get to cry on television. They are in the private sector where layoffs happen all the time.

President Ronald Reagan once quipped, “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!” The left would have you believe the jobs within those bureaus are sacrosanct and inviolable. The only government jobs that are seemingly disposable are jobs in the military.

Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama engaged in military force reductions. Perhaps there was copious media coverage of employed soldiers after those force reductions, but I have been unable to find such coverage. Almost every media outlet has, in the past two weeks, covered civilian federal employees out of jobs. 60 Minutes covered outside contractors whose jobs were affected by USAID cuts. The New York Times, MSNBC, and must of the rest of the media has as well.

Over the course of the past four years, the elite told Middle America that people were better off than they thought and the economy was fine. When government bureaucrats passed regulations that put Americans out of work, the elite insisted Americans would benefit with a cleaner, greener economy. Now, instead of Americans losing jobs because of regulators, the regulators and bureaucrats are losing jobs. The elite are angry, but a large segment of the population might be excused for feeling like a little justice has happened.

We can and should sympathize with displaced workers, particularly those let go by email. But also, we should note how often the currently loud voices of objection are silent when the private sector downsizes.