Author Topic: Collective Resistance: We the unorganized, and organized/well-regulated militia  (Read 121412 times)


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #100 on: July 30, 2007, 07:44:01 AM »

I particularly liked the one on Mohammed Azfeh.


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Buffalo NY: Robbery victim defends self with box cutter
« Reply #101 on: August 02, 2007, 10:58:40 PM »

Robbery Victim Knifes His Attackers
Story Published: Jul 29, 2007 at 4:52 PM EDT

By Ginger Geoffery

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Police say Bobby Lipscom, a man in his 50s, was walking home around one o'clock in the morning Saturday after visiting a friend at ECMC. When Lipscom reached a vacant lot near Moselle and Genesee police say he was confronted by two men wearing hoodies. They started scuffling with Lipscom.

"That's when the victim produced a small knife, box cutter-type knife," says Michael DeGeorge, Buffalo Police spokesperson, "He ended up cutting both of the suspects."

Lipscom was able to fend off the two attackers who police say are men half his age. Then Lipscom called 9-1-1. Police arrived and arrested 22-year old Corvair Harge and 21-year old Jason Tyus. The two men face charges for second degree robbery, but first they're healing from their stab wounds. Both were at ECMC Saturday night, one in critical condition and the other in stable condition. Lipscom did not need any medical treatment. Police says his attackers likely did not think he had a weapon. "Probably to a certain extent he probably did surprise his attackers by having the box cutter knife," says DeGeorge.

Police say they have no plans to charge Lipscom for stabbing the two suspects.

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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #102 on: August 03, 2007, 06:25:48 AM »

You have some really good finds.  Thanks for sharing them here.



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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #103 on: August 06, 2007, 05:06:15 PM »
The Patriot Post
Founders' Quote Daily

"[T]he people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are
left in full possession of them."

-- Zacharia Johnson (speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention,
25 June 1778)

Reference: The Debates of the Several State..., Elliot, vol. 3


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Montana Mom
« Reply #104 on: September 21, 2007, 02:28:45 PM »

Out of Montana

What happens when a mother of three and small town municipal judge decides to take on the online Jidhad? Shannen Rossmiller tells the story of how she helped unmask a number of malefactors, including some who were seeking to acquire Stinger missiles and finally track down a renegade in the US National Guard. Viewed from one perspective, it is a fascinating case study of the private citizen warrior, embarked on what Rossmiller called her own "counterJihad".
Before 9-11, I had no experience with the Middle East or the Arabic language. I was a mother of three and a municipal judge in a small town in Montana. But the terrorist attacks affected me deeply. ... I began to read vociferously [voraciously] about Islam, terrorism, extremist groups, and Islamist ideology. ...

This housewife found she could fight her private war from a computer keyboard. Her first step was visit and learn all she could about Jihadi websites.
In November 2001, I saw a news report about how terrorists and their sympathizers communicated on websites and Internet message boards and how limited government agencies were in their ability to monitor these web communications. This news report showed me how extensively Al-Qaeda used the Internet to orchestrate 9-11 and how out of touch our intelligence agencies were regarding this Internet activity. Apparently, there were not procedures in place for tracking communications and activity on the Al-Qaeda websites and Internet forums at the time.

So she invented her own procedures. But as she ghosted through the websites and forums, she realized that any further progress required a knowledge of Arabic. Nothing daunted, Rosssmiller set out to learn Arabic. And she did. Over the Internet, from a Cairo language academy.

Early in January 2002, I began taking an Arabic language course online for eight weeks from the Cairo-based Arab Academy, which, that autumn, I supplemented with an intensive Arabic course at the State University of New York at Buffalo. As I learned more Arabic, the jihadi websites opened for me. Certain individuals stood out for either their radicalism or the information that they sent. I followed and tracked these individuals and kept notebooks detailing each website and person of interest.

Soon Rossmiller grew skilled enough to pick out the signature style of individuals and successfully impersonate a Jihadi. If on the Internet nobody knew if you were a dog, it might be equally possible for a mom of three to convince her quarry she was a terrorist looking to hook up.
I created my first terrorist cover identity on the Internet on March 13, 2002, to communicate and interact with these targets. In my first chat room sting, I convinced a Pakistani man that I was an Islamist arms dealer. When he offered to sell me stolen U.S. Stinger missiles to help the jihadists fighting the U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, I used the Persian Gulf dialect of Arabic to ask him to provide me with information that I could use to confirm his claims, such as stock numbers. Within a couple of weeks, the missile identification numbers were in my computer inbox.
Stock numbers and the e-mail correspondence in hand, I intended to drive to the closest field office for the FBI here in Montana but was afraid that the FBI would not take me seriously. What were the chances of a Montana mom showing up at their door with information about an individual in Pakistan who was trying to sell Stinger missiles? Instead, I submitted the information to the FBI's online tips site.
A few days later, I received a telephone call from an FBI agent from New Jersey who proceeded to question me. It felt like an interrogation. Several days later, the same agent called to thank me and say that the stock number information for the Stingers did match some of the information that the government had about the missiles.
Encouraged by this success, I continued to communicate with these jihadis online and proceeded to gather more information. Using various Muslim personalities and theatrics for cover, I began monitoring the jihadist chat rooms into the early hours of the morning while my family slept. Plunging in, I started making headway into the world of counterterrorism.

Rossmiller went on to detect early warnings of a bombing attack against expatriates in Saudi Arabia and was even asked -- in 2003 -- to courier some money for Saddam's fedayeen in Jordan. But not all the homes burning the midnight oil in America belonged to individuals fighting for their country. Some of the nocturnal denizens haunting the Internet were bent on selling out their country for gain or out of hatred. At some point Rossmiller's path and theirs were bound to cross.
It was soon afterwards that I learned that I was not the only American surfing the chat rooms. In October 2004, while monitoring Arabic Islamist websites for threat-related information and activity, I saw a message posted in English by a man calling himself Amir Abdul Rashid. He said he was a Muslim convert who "was in a position to take things to the next level in the fight against our enemy (the U.S. government)." He further requested that someone from the mujahideen contact him for details. I was suspicious because Rashid posted his message in English on an Arabic website and was openly seeking contact from the mujahideen. I traced his IP address back to an area outside of Seattle, Washington. Over time, it also became apparent to me that he was a member of the U.S. military.

With the Montana mom aware of him the net slowly closed. Rashid turned out to be Spec. Ryan G. Anderson, whose National Guard unit was scheduled to deploy to Iraq. Anderson was hawking the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the M1-AI and M1-A2 Abrams tanks as well as U.S. troop locations in Iraq. The price for this success was the end Rossmiller's anonymity. Called to testify at Anderson's trial, Rossmiller's modus operandi and identity were revealed in court records. Her cloak stripped away, the hunter soon became the hunted.
After the media picked up my identity at Anderson's Article 32 hearing in May 2004, I received numerous threats and, on December 5, 2004, someone stole my car out of my family's garage. It was later found wrecked two counties away from my home, riddled with bullet holes. As a result, I now have permanent security.

There's more. And if you want to know of her other exploits you should as they say, read the whole thing.
Ironically if Rossmiller had been engaged in important sleuthing such as uncovering whether Scooter Libby had talked about Valerie Plame before or after Richard Armitage instead of the trivial pursuit of hunting down terrorists intent on mass murder or traitors selling their country's secrets, her story might already be the subject of a blockbuster movie instead of the obscure pages of Middle East Forum. Rossmiller would be on the Good Morning America and Oprah shows, pulling in money instead of shelling it out for personal security.
Yet her saga is more than a cultural commentary on our times. It also illustrates the largely unrecorded exploits of individuals who are fighting the Jihad on their own time and dime. Wearing a wire for the FBI. Tracking down Jihadi training camps in rural America. Translating documents. Jamming terrorist sites. Raising the alarm. Baking cookies for the troops. It's a story of the gaps in the official warfighting apparatus and the enterprise that quietly fills them in. It is a perfectly 21st century story; a tale of networked counterinsurgency. But it is also a story from the past: of the 18th century idea of a nation in arms, not literally perhaps -- the keyboard is probably a more common weapon -- but of people's war, something that shocked the Continent when the French revolution brought it into European existence.
This perhaps, is Osama Bin Laden's saddest contribution to history. Not that he should make war upon the nations, but that he has raised the nations, right down to their living rooms and front porches, to make war upon him and his.


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #105 on: October 17, 2007, 04:37:14 PM »
I wasn't quite sure where to put this one, this thread seems like the closest fit:

12/10/07 - News section

Prisoner 'throws boiling oil' over terrorist leader who plotted to murder thousands with dirty bombs

A prisoner has been accused of throwing boiling oil over an al Qaida terrorist who planned to murder thousands with dirty bombs.

The 22-year-old inmate is accused of scarring for life Dhiren Barot, who was jailed for life for leading a British-based terrorist cell that plotted bombings across the world.  Barot's lawyer claimed he had the boiling oil thrown over him during the attack in the high security Frankland Prison in County Durham. The unnamed prisoner faces charges of wounding and assault occasioning actual bodily harm following the incident on July 6.  He will appear in court later this month.

After the alleged attack, which left Barot, 35, with excruciating burns, a news blackout was imposed to protect medical staff from possible attack while he was treated at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary.

A Durham Police spokesman said today in a statement: "A prison inmate from Sunderland has been charged with an assault at Durham's top security Frankland Jail this year. The victim, a 35-year-old Category A prisoner, suffered burns to his body and face in the alleged attack on July 6.  He was treated for several days at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary before being readmitted to the prison. Police inquiries have been taking place since then and this morning detectives from Durham charged a 22-year-old from Sunderland with wounding and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. He is due to appear before magistrates at Peterlee on October 23."

Barot was sentenced to life, with a minimum term of 30 years, for planning to plant radioactive, chemical or toxic gas bombs and pack limousines with nails and explosives in the UK and America.  The al Qaida mastermind had been moved to Frankland from Belmarsh jail, south east London, after fears for his safety. Barot was arrested in August 2004 and accused of conspiracy to murder.  He admitted planning to bomb several targets including the New York Stock Exchange, the International Monetary Fund HQ, and the World Bank.
Barot, who recruited other bomb plotters, was sentenced to life in prison last November. It was recommended he serve 40 years but that was cut to 30 years on appeal in May.

Barot was born in India then moved to Kenya with his family. They came to England in 1973 and his banker father had to work in a factory to support them. Hindu Barot converted to Islam aged 20. He later travelled to Pakistan for al Qaida training and funding.

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Stockton CA
« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2009, 07:09:05 PM »
Citizens Militia Forming In Stockton


To me this article ties into others posted about the hollowing out and de-legitimizing of the state.

Notice that the reporter actually treats the group seriously, no laughing behind his hand, cheap shots, etc.

Concerned resident aims to form armed militia to patrol Stockton

By David Siders
Record Staff Writer
April 07, 2009 6:00 AM

STOCKTON - A retired truck driver and Vietnam War veteran said Monday that he is forming an armed militia - mostly men with rifles and armbands, four to a car - to patrol Stockton this summer, when at least 43 police officers are to be laid off.

Alan Pettet, 66, said he has recruited 18 men, most of whom are ex-military. He said the militia will train at a firing range and "activate" if the city lays off any officer, as it intends by July 1.

The likelihood of an armed militia materializing is uncertain - there are legal concerns, and posturing to influence City Hall is not uncommon - but for a neighborhood activist even to advance such a proposal was indicative of frustration about Stockton's awful budget forecast. The City Council is expected by July 1, the start of fiscal 2009-10, to order police layoffs and spending reductions citywide to balance a general fund budget that is otherwise expected to be $31million in deficit by June 2010.

Pettet, a midtown neighborhood activist who has a Desert Eagle pistol, said militiamen will detain suspected criminals and call police to arrest them. They will wear armbands and will patrol in a car marked by a magnetic sign, he said.

"It's going to be 'Stockton Armed Militia,'" Pettet said. "'SAM' for short."

Neither the Police Department nor the city administration was impressed.

"We are not at the point that we need to have armed militias patrolling Stockton," Vice Mayor Kathy Miller said.

Mayor Ann Johnston said, "Oh, no no no no, no no no. ... We don't want armed citizens out there who are not trained."

That it is illegal in most circumstances in California to carry a loaded firearm in one's car did not disturb Pettet.

"If you look under the Constitution, a militia can be formed," he said. "Watch and see. Who's going to stop us?"

Attorney and anti-blight activist Ron Stein, who is a friend of Pettet's and has been advising him, said the militia will conform to state law, perhaps by having members seek permits to carry concealed handguns.

"You've got to do what you've got to do," Stein said.

Pettet said the militia will bill the city $350 per hour for its services. City Attorney Ren Nosky said he knew of no legal basis requiring the city to pay such a bill.  Nosky had other reservations, too.

"I just don't know if that's in the best interest of these gentlemen, from a safety perspective," he said. "We have a concern about the level of training that these gentlemen have, if any, especially in light of the firearms that they say they're going to be carrying."

Police encourage people to report crimes and form Neighborhood Watch groups, said Officer Pete Smith, a department spokesman. To form a militia is "taking it to another level," he said.

"It's ill advised," he said.

Stockton's violent crime rate is among the highest in the state. Stein and Pettet are critical of a budget proposal by City Manager Gordon Palmer that would require laying off at least 43 of the city's 403 police officers.

"We've got to protect ourselves," Stein said. "We are in the wild, wild West when you take people who are supposed to protect us off the street."

The telephone number Pettet is using for the militia is that of midtown's Safe Neighborhood Action Group, a group formed in the 1990s.

"You've reached the Safe Neighborhood Action Group," a recording at that number said. "Helping to protect Stockton citizens from their mayor and City Council."

Contact reporter David Siders at (209) 943-8580 or


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2009, 09:09:03 PM »

To me this article ties into others posted about the hollowing out and de-legitimizing of the state.

**I agree. This is just a glimpse of what's to come.**


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Militia Act of 1792
« Reply #113 on: May 22, 2018, 07:20:18 AM »


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WSJ: Heroism at the Synagogue
« Reply #123 on: April 30, 2019, 11:25:31 AM »
Heroism at the Synagogue
The best defense against a killer with a gun is a defender with a gun.
By The Editorial Board
April 29, 2019 7:24 p.m. ET
A woman lights a candle during a vigil and prayer service in Poway, California, April 28. Photo: david maung/Shutterstock

When a gunman filled with anti-Semitism opened fire Saturday at a synagogue in Poway, Calif., worshipers turned into heroes. Sixty-year-old Lori Kaye was killed after jumping between Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein and the attacker, according to witnesses. Others shielded nearby children or hurried them to safety. Rabbi Goldstein, who was shot in the hands and lost his right index finger, wrapped his bloody wounds in a prayer shawl and rallied his congregation outside.

Two men confronted the attacker. An Army veteran named Oscar Stewart, 51, shouted and charged the gunman, who ran. An off-duty Border Patrol agent at the service, whom the Rabbi identified as Jonathan Morales, also gave chase, firing his own weapon at the getaway car. The assailant was arrested shortly afterward and is charged with murder and attempted murder.
Potomac Watch Podcast
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One person was killed and three injured. But, Rabbi Goldstein said, it could have been much worse. Police say the attacker’s rifle may have malfunctioned. He could have been left unharried to continue killing. “Mr. Stewart risked his life to stop the shooter,” the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department said, “and saved lives in the process.”

Mr. Stewart demurred. “I’m not a hero or anything. I just reacted,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “I thank God that he gave me the courage to do what I did.”

In the wake of last year’s attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed 11, some places of worship have hired guards. Rabbi Goldstein said his congregation can’t afford that. But he spoke with Mr. Morales “about coming to the synagogue armed, because he’s trained, and I want trained security as much as possible.” The best defense against a killer with a gun is a defender with a gun.

As for the battle with anti-Semitism, may everyone mirror Rabbi Goldstein’s resolve. “The Constitution of the United States guarantees freedom of religion for all faiths. We are so grateful to live here in this country that protects our rights to live openly and proudly as Jews,” he told NBC. “We will not be intimidated or deterred by this terror.”


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United Constitutional Patriots of New Mexico
« Reply #125 on: May 06, 2019, 07:44:26 PM »
I haven't listened to this yet; these are the folks who were assisting BP at the NM-Mexico border.


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VA County Board of Supervisors forms an active militia.
« Reply #126 on: December 15, 2019, 10:01:09 PM »


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The Three Percent Question
« Reply #129 on: December 16, 2019, 07:09:19 AM »


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Re: The Three Percent Question
« Reply #130 on: December 16, 2019, 07:29:41 AM »
An MSM piece on this:

MSM does not know what far right is, IMHO. Yes these groups  attract nuts and need to weed them out, as he said.

If "right" means a conservative in favor of individual liberties, free enterprise, constitutional system etc., being extreme in that belief does not mean shoot up innocent people, hate people because of  color or anything like that.  Identify Americans by ethnic and racial group is "far Left".

If Feds come to disarm the citizens of an entire nation without first amending the constitution prohibiting that...  being ready to resist that extreme but possible situation seems like good planning and deterrence. 

As one who is (mostly) unarmed, I am glad that millions of good people are armed and ready.

We don't have a national, nuclear arsenal because we want to blow up the world.  We have it for deterrence so that the scenario where we would need to use that arsenal never arises.  Likewise for an armed citizenry.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 07:50:02 AM by DougMacG »


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Apparently fear of the Militia by the govt. is a thing
« Reply #131 on: December 16, 2019, 03:11:29 PM »


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Re: The Three Percent Question
« Reply #132 on: December 16, 2019, 03:41:11 PM »
You need to fix that, Doug. Time is running out to prepare for what is coming, sooner or later. You need to be able and ready to protect yourself and your loved ones.

An MSM piece on this:

MSM does not know what far right is, IMHO. Yes these groups  attract nuts and need to weed them out, as he said.

If "right" means a conservative in favor of individual liberties, free enterprise, constitutional system etc., being extreme in that belief does not mean shoot up innocent people, hate people because of  color or anything like that.  Identify Americans by ethnic and racial group is "far Left".

If Feds come to disarm the citizens of an entire nation without first amending the constitution prohibiting that...  being ready to resist that extreme but possible situation seems like good planning and deterrence. 

As one who is (mostly) unarmed, I am glad that millions of good people are armed and ready.

We don't have a national, nuclear arsenal because we want to blow up the world.  We have it for deterrence so that the scenario where we would need to use that arsenal never arises.  Likewise for an armed citizenry.


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Re: The Three Percent Question
« Reply #133 on: December 16, 2019, 04:30:57 PM »
quote author=G M  You need to fix that, Doug. Time is running out to prepare for what is coming, sooner or later. You need to be able and ready to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Yes.  Hopefully I am coachable.  I drove past a nice store of that type today, can't believe it's still legal here in the state where nothing is allowed.

We should talk generically about what steps a hypothetical person should take, perhaps more details by secure email.  For one thing, I don't want increased readiness to put me on a list accessible to those who might later seek confiscation as politicians openly discuss that.  I don't want to be the next Carter Page or tea party group targeted by anybody for anything.  I would like to quietly get ready to be of some help to the cause in a crisis situation.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 04:36:51 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: VA: The Gun Grabbers Respond
« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2019, 06:52:52 PM »

These people are first order thinkers, which I am sure they would see as a compliment. One of Obama's real legacies is the gutting of American law enforcement. The average age of an US LEO used to be in the 30s, now it's around 42. Morale sucks. Agencies around the country are seeing a 60% drop in applicants. I saw an article where NYPD had a 132% drop in applicants.

So, where are they going to find replacements for all the cops they intend to fire? What if things turn kinetic? Who wants the job then?


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #137 on: December 18, 2019, 03:12:48 AM »
"I saw an article where NYPD had a 132% drop in applicants."

Ummmm , , , how is it possible to drop more than 100%?


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #139 on: December 18, 2019, 05:45:12 AM »
"I saw an article where NYPD had a 132% drop in applicants."

Ummmm , , , how is it possible to drop more than 100%?

Let's try 17.8 in 2015 to be more precise.


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