Author Topic: Collective Resistance: We the unorganized, and organized/well-regulated militia  (Read 124016 times)


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2005, 09:35:13 AM »
Quote from: Szymon
Hi It's me again:)Thank you very much for your answer and opinion.I am also very thankful toTomek Jurczyński for training us.Dog Brothers are changing my life I hope for good.Big thanks to all the dogs.I am starting training but I'll stay for good.It's some kind of spiritual healing for me I can train my body and mind,senses,my You have sad"Higher Counsciousnes trough harder contact"
In poland also it is forbiden to wear weapons,even like ticks or knives.I also think people have right to protect themselves.So therefore I will train as hard as I can.I'll do my best.Big Greetings from Poland.Woof:d

Hope this helps.
Sorry for gramatical mistakes.There is sticks or knives
Whta to talk?Just ask questions?I will answer the best I can.But I am a youngster.I started my traning few weeks ago.So I am interested for any news


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2005, 04:46:42 AM »

Facing Abductor, Girls Proved Martial Arts Training

By Jamie Stockwell and Tom Jackman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, October 4, 2005; Page B01

When the masked man attacked them inside their bedroom in the middle of the night Sunday, the twin 10-year-old girls responded just as they had been taught in their martial arts class: They fought back.

The commotion woke their parents, who rushed in and thought they recognized the tall, ponytailed intruder. The girls' father whacked him with the base of a table lamp and yanked off part of his mask. As the intruder ran from the Vienna townhouse, the parents were pretty sure it was "Andy," an instructor at Mountain Kim Martial Arts studio in Vienna, where their daughters take classes every week, the mother told police.

Suspect Andrew Jacobs had taught the girls martial arts skills. (Fairfax County Police Department - Fairfax County Police Department)

Hours later, Andrew Jacobs, 42, a part-time instructor at the studio who holds a black belt, was arrested at the brick house he shares with his sister, not far from the girls' home. Yesterday, he appeared in court, with a black eye and bruises on his face, on charges of assault, attempted abduction and burglary. A judge ordered him held without bond.

Capt. Mike Miller, the acting police chief of Vienna, said that Jacobs had taught the twins, who hold blue belts. When they were attacked in their bedroom about 12:30 a.m. Sunday, Miller said, "the children responded the way they were instructed to by the suspect" in their training.

"He had attempted to gag one of the 10-year-olds," Miller said, which attracted the attention of her sister. Jacobs told police that he had brought wire ties and a cut-up towel to the house to tie up the residents, Miller said.

There was no sign of a break-in at the townhouse, one of several on a quiet, shaded street in the Townes of Moorefield subdivision off Nutley Street. After his arrest, Jacobs told police that he intended to tie up the residents to "keep everybody quiet" while he stole valuables, including "loose money, jewelry and VCRs." according to a search warrant affidavit filed yesterday in Fairfax Circuit Court.

One of the sisters told police that Jacobs "struck her in the face with his hand and placed one of the [towel bits] around her mouth," the affidavit says. The other girl then screamed, and moments later the parents rushed into their room.

Reached at home yesterday, the mother referred calls about their ordeal to Vienna police. On Sunday evening, the father told a reporter that the family "took care of it" and declined to comment further.

Grandmaster Mountain Kim, who owns the Vienna martial arts studio, said Jacobs has been a student and occasional instructor for him off and on for many years. He said that Jacobs wasn't around for about 10 years but showed up again this summer.

"I thought he was okay. He was not ever real friendly, but I knew him for a long time," Kim said yesterday afternoon as young students wearing white wrap jackets filed out of a van and into the studio. "It's a terrible situation, and I'm very sad that it happened."

No one answered the door at Jacobs's home, a detached brick house with a freshly mowed lawn and manicured bushes. A blue pickup with the license plate AMJ 4X4 sat at the curb.

Next door, Jennifer Copp, 34, stood on the driveway with her 2-month-old daughter. She said she has known Jacobs for about a year.

"He didn't talk much to anyone or socialize a whole lot," she said. "We knew him only as the man next door. We knew him only as Andy and didn't know whether he had a job. We never saw him leave."

Copp said her husband watched as Jacobs was led in handcuffs from his house Sunday evening. When they watched the news later that night, she said, she "almost fainted."

"Good for them for fighting back. I guess the girls were taught well," she said. If the allegations prove true, she continued, "who else will the family wonder about in their lives? Here was someone who was supposed to be teaching them how to be safe."

Staff writer Nikita Stewart contributed to this report.


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2005, 06:29:10 AM »
Hi !
 SoryI think I didn't understood the topic.what are those stories all about.Woof
Whta to talk?Just ask questions?I will answer the best I can.But I am a youngster.I started my traning few weeks ago.So I am interested for any news


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2005, 07:18:52 AM »
Woof Szymon:

The idea common to all these stories is that they are about people defending themselves or defending other people.

Does this help?

Crafty Dog


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No Bushido in Britain
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2005, 12:58:59 PM »
Kinda the antithesis of the militia ethos being created in the UK. You'd think someone there would be detecting a pattern.

Crackdown on Samurai swords
04 October 2005

A CAMPAIGN to stop shops selling Samurai swords has been launched by Devon and Cornwall police.

Police have written to retailers asking them to act responsibly and withdraw the weapons from sale.

They also hope to persuade people who own swords to surrender them at the police station to stop them falling into the wrong hands.

The move comes after a number of incidents in the area involving the swords, including the death of Sidmouth man Matthew Stiling in July.

Chief Superintendent Bob Pennington said: "We are experiencing a significant number of offences being committed using Samurai swords.

"These offences include murder, serious assault, criminal damage and possession in a public place.

"The threat to the public and the police is significant and we have had to deploy officers with firearms and special equipment to deal with these incidents."

Mr Pennington said there had been 18 incidents in Devon and Cornwall between April 7 and August 2005. "This has a direct effect on the public in terms of cost and preventing officers from dealing with other incidents.

"We want to reassure the public we are doing everything we can to deal with Samurai swords and reduce the opportunity for people to have access to them," he said.


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2005, 01:45:32 PM »
Quote from: Crafty_Dog
Woof Szymon:

The idea common to all these stories is that they are about people defending themselves or defending other people.

Does this help?

Crafty Dog

 Thank You very much :) It sure does:)The trainings are getting better day by day,Thanks to Tomek :D .Thanks for the post.Woof
Whta to talk?Just ask questions?I will answer the best I can.But I am a youngster.I started my traning few weeks ago.So I am interested for any news


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #56 on: October 11, 2005, 01:42:05 PM »
No charges in death of intruder


No charges in death of intruder

A Boulder County couple used a bat and a masked assailant's own knife to kill him when he broke into their home. The DA's office says the pair acted in self-defense.

By George Merritt and Felisa Cardona
Denver Post Staff Writers

As a masked intruder lay bleeding in front of her house, Becci Starr called 911 and described a violent and emotional struggle to protect her home at the expense of a man's life.

"I have never felt so violated," she told an operator. "I was hitting him over the head. Like, I must have hit him 20 times. I have a baseball bat at my front door, and the guy kept coming at me. And then my husband came, and he tried to cut him up."

Authorities released recordings of the 911 call Monday, the same day the district attorney's office announced the couple will not face criminal charges. The intruder was carrying a plastic water gun, a hunting knife, pepper spray and a flashlight when he broke into the home in the 100 block of Poorman Road in Boulder County on Oct. 3, authorities said. Starr and her husband, Scott Mattes, fought back, beating the man with a metal bat and stabbing him with his own knife.

The commotion was first reported by a neighbor across the street who said she thought she could hear someone being hit with a bat.
Starr pleaded for operators to send help fast so she would not have a man's life on her conscience. The intruder had "multiple stab wounds, I'm sure of it," Starr said. "Because I'll tell you something, my husband was in a rage. I hope it's not like a bad thing. I mean this guy came into our house, and I'm freaking out now because he's (expletive) dying in my front yard."

When the intruder stopped fighting, Mattes administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation in an attempt to revive him.

"The circumstances of this incident reveal a clear case of self-defense and defense of others," First Assistant District Attorney Pete Maguire wrote in a report. "Mr. Mattes and Ms. Starr were each acting to protect the other from the actual use of force from the knife- wielding assailant. ... The ferocity of the attack left no doubt that if they had not defended themselves effectively, they would likely have been killed."

The intruder is still unidentified. Authorities have issued a sketch of the man in an attempt find out who he is. He probably came to the house on a bicycle and was carrying a satchel that contained small sections of rope, duct tape and plastic restraints called zip-ties, authorities said.

The district attorney found two legal reasons for clearing the couple: a Colorado law that allows people to defend themselves, and the Make My Day law, which allows homeowners to use deadly force if someone enters their home illegally with the intention of committing a crime.

When Starr answered the door, the masked man identified himself as "Boulder County police" and pinned her against the back of the front door, according to officials. Starr grabbed a metal baseball bat - it stood near the front door for 26 years - and beat the man back.

The intruder dropped his plastic gun and flashlight and reached for the knife in his satchel. Starr screamed for help, and her husband charged the intruder.

The couple fought the man with the bat and the intruder's knife until he stopped struggling.

"Ms. Starr recalled saying to her husband, 'Don't kill him,' to which her husband replied, 'He's killing me,"' the report says.

Emotional and out of breath at times, Starr told the 911 operator that she had felt empowered to defend her home.

"He says he's having difficulty breathing, but you know, do I care? " she said. "I mean this (expletive) guy came into my house."

Starr reported that it was hard to believe what had just happened.

"I don't know how much time has passed, but let me tell you, I feel like I was just in an action movie," she said. "You know. And I watch a lot of films."


Killing of intruder deemed justified
DA says Boulder County couple fought for lives
By Bill Scanlon, Rocky Mountain News
October 11, 2005

BOULDER COUNTY - The husband and wife who killed an intruder at their home in Sunshine Canyon likely would have been killed themselves if they hadn't fought back, so no charges will be lodged, the district attorney's office said Monday.

"The ferocity of the attack left no doubt that if they had not defended themselves effectively they would likely have been killed," First Assistant District Attorney Pete Maguire said in a statement.

"The amount of force used was not excessive," the statement said.

"I believe the homicide to have been justified, and will not be filing criminal charges arising from this incident," Maguire said.

The intruder, who still hasn't been identified, didn't stop his attack until he was near death. He was hit repeatedly with a baseball bat and stabbed with his own knife.

The incident on the night of Oct. 3 unfolded this way, according to the Boulder County Sheriff's Office:

The intruder likely arrived by bicycle at the home of Becci Starr and Scott Mattes, on Poorman Road, just off Sunshine Canyon Road. Starr told sheriff's investigators that her husband had walked her daughter to her car parked in the driveway shortly after 10 p.m.  As Starr was preparing for bed, she heard the doorbell ring. She first thought it was her husband who might have accidentally locked himself out of the house.  As she approached the front door she heard a man say "Boulder County police." As she opened the door, a man with a mask pushed it open and pinned her against the wall.  Starr said he was armed with a gun and carried a flashlight. She reached for a baseball bat that she'd kept by the door for 26 years. The intruder dropped the gun - it turned out to be a plastic water pistol - and the flashlight, and pulled a hunting knife from his satchel.  Starr screamed for help as she used the end of the bat to try to push the man back outside. Mattes ran upstairs from the basement and tackled the intruder.  The intruder got on top of Mattes, who tried to push the knife hand away to keep from being stabbed.  Starr repeatedly whacked the intruder on the head and back with a baseball bat.
The intruder dropped the knife, and Mattes picked it up.  Starr tried to call 911, but heard a commotion and ran back to the door to see that her husband had been pepper-sprayed and was again struggling for control of the knife.

Starr again hit the man with the baseball bat and told her husband, "Don't kill him."
Mattes replied, "He's killing me."

Starr kept striking the man while Mattes was underneath him, stabbing him from below. The intruder eventually stopped fighting, at which time the couple stopped striking and stabbing him. Starr finished her 911 call while Mattes tried to resuscitate the man. Starr can be heard on the 911 tape saying, "I must have hit him 20 times with the baseball bat!"

Less than five minutes elapsed between the first 911 call from a neighbor and the time that the intruder stopped struggling. The man was carrying a toy water gun, the knife and pepper spray, and a green satchel that contained a rope, duct tape and zip ties.  The man's fingerprints were run against the CBI's and FBI's files, but no match was found. A morgue photograph of the man, distributed to police and deputies, brought no recognition. A sketch of the man's face has been distributed to newspapers and TV stations.

Colorado's Make My Day law allows use of physical force, including deadly physical force, when an intruder illegally enters a home and when the occupants have a reasonable belief that the intruder intends to commit a crime and use physical force, no matter how slight, against them.
Neighbors said Mattes and Starr are friendly, peaceful people. A sign on their property reads, "May Peace Prevail on Earth.",00.html


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Posse Comitataus and Military First Responders
« Reply #57 on: October 26, 2005, 08:14:23 PM »
Perhaps a bit too inside baseball, this piece provide a good overview of Posse Comitataus, and argues against making the military first responders.

October 26, 2005, 8:24 a.m.
Maintaining the Divide
Posse Comitatus should stay as is.

Mackubin Thomas Owens

I see that my good friend and Naval War College colleague Derek Reveron has climbed aboard the military-should-be-the-lead-agency-in-domestic-catastrophes bandwagon. He's in good company. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the president, members of Congress, editorial writers, and pundits have been making the case for increased use of the military in domestic affairs. The only folks that seem to be opposed are the governors, but we can write off their opinion as an attempt to defend their own turf.

I certainly agree with Derek that the military is extremely well equipped to act as the lead agency in disaster relief. If we are looking for efficiency and respect, the military outshines most other agencies, whether at the local, state, or federal level. After all, generals and admirals become generals and admirals because they are good at getting things done ? and often being outspoken. Who didn't love it when General Honore blasted a reporter for being "struck on stupid"?

But why stop at disaster relief? The American political system is messy and inefficient, but if efficiency is the main criterion in deciding who does what domestically, why not let the military take the lead in everything? The most obvious response is that there is a little document called the Constitution that established a federal republic. Domestic affairs are primarily the concern of the states, not the federal government, and most assuredly not the U.S. military.

Of course there are many things the military can do on the domestic front, especially during natural disasters. But before we take steps to further involve the U.S. military in domestic affairs, we need to answer two fundamental questions: Do we really want the American public turning to the military for solutions to the country's problems? And do we really want to saddle the military with a variety of new, non-combat missions, vastly escalating its commitment to formerly ancillary duties?

If we do, we will find that we have involved the military in the political process to an unprecedented and perhaps dangerous degree. These additional assignments will also divert focus and resources from the military's central mission of combat training and war-fighting.

The United States has avoided such extreme manifestations of "bad" civil-military relations as coups and military dictatorship. Nonetheless, some observers have argued that the state of American civil-military relations has deteriorated seriously since the end of the Cold War. They fear that current trends will result in a large, semi-autonomous military so different and estranged from society that it will become unaccountable to those whom it serves. They are also concerned about the politicization of the military, and the increased employment of the military in domestic affairs will only exacerbate this trend.

Indeed, concern about politicization of the military was the catalyst for passage of the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. A perusal of recent articles reveals the undeniable fact that most commentators do not understand the Posse Comitatus Act at all: It does not constitute a bar to the use of the military in domestic affairs. It does, however, ensure that such use is authorized only by the highest constitutional authority: Congress and the president.

Posse Comitatus has a Valuable History
The Constitution itself does not prohibit the use of the military in domestic affairs. Indeed, the U.S. military has intervened in domestic affairs some 167 times since the founding of the Republic. In the Anglo-American tradition, the first line of defense in enforcing the law is the posse comitatus, literally "the power of the county," understood to be the people at large who constituted the constabulary of the shire. When order was threatened, the "shire-reeve" or sheriff would raise the "hue and cry" and all citizens who heard it were bound to render assistance in apprehending a criminal or maintaining order. Thus, the sheriff in the American West would "raise a posse" to capture a lawbreaker.

If the posse comitatus was not able to maintain order, the force of first resort was the militia of the various states, the precursor of today's National Guard. In 1792, Congress passed two laws that permitted implementation of Congress's constitutional power "to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions": the Militia Act and the "Calling Forth" Act, which gave the president limited authority to employ the militia in the event of domestic emergencies. In 1807, at the behest of Pres. Thomas Jefferson, who was troubled by his inability to use the regular Army as well as the militia to deal with the Burr Conspiracy of 1806-07, Congress declared the Army to be an enforcer of federal laws, not only as a separate force, but as a part of the posse comitatus.

Accordingly, troops were often used in the antebellum period to enforce the fugitive slave laws and suppress domestic violence. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 permitted federal marshals to call on the posse comitatus to aid in returning a slave to his owner, and in 1854, Franklin Pierce's attorney general, Caleb Cushing, issued an opinion that included the Army in the posse comitatus:

A marshal of the United States, when opposed in the execution of his duty, by unlawful combinations, has authority to summon the entire able-bodied force of his precinct, as a posse comitatus. The authority comprehends not only bystanders and other citizens generally, but any and all organized armed forces, whether militia of the states, or officers, soldiers, sailors, and marines of the United States.

Troops were also used to suppress domestic violence between pro- and anti-slavery factions in "Bloody Kansas." Soldiers and Marines participated in the capture of John Brown at Harpers Ferry in 1859.
After the Civil War, the U.S. Army was involved in supporting the Reconstruction governments in the southern states and it was the Army's role preventing the intimidation of black voters and Republicans at southern polling places that led to the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act. In the election of 1876, Pres. Ulysses S. Grant deployed Army units as a posse comitatus in support of federal marshals' maintaining order at the polls. In that election, Rutherford B. Hayes defeated Samuel Tilden with the disputed electoral votes of South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida. Southerners claimed that the Army had been misused to "rig" the election.

If It Ain't Broke
While the Posse Comitatus Act is usually portrayed as the triumph of the Democratic Party in ending Reconstruction, the Army welcomed the legislation. The use of soldiers as a posse removed them from their own chain of command and placed them in the uncomfortable position of taking orders from local authorities who had an interest in the disputes that provoked the unrest in the first place. As a result, many officers came to believe that the involvement of the Army in domestic policing was corrupting the institution.
And this is the crux of the issue. The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of the military to aid civil authorities in enforcing the law or suppressing civil disturbances except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or by an act of Congress. As the foremost authority on the use of the military in domestic affairs writes:

All that [the Posse Comitatus Act] really did was to repeal a doctrine whose only substantial foundation was an opinion by an attorney general [Caleb Cushing], and one that had never been tested in the courts. The president's power to use both regulars and militia remained undisturbed by the Posse Comitatus Act. . . .But the Posse Comitatus Act did mean that troops could not be used on any lesser authority than that of the president and he must issue a "cease and desist" proclamation before he did so. Commanders in the field would no longer have any discretion but must wait for orders from Washington. [Italics added.]

Do we really want to return to the days when "lesser authority" than the president could use the military for domestic purposes?
Derek observes that the U.S. military is respected and trusted by the American people. But what happens to this trust and respect the first time a soldier shoots an American citizen? As it is, the U.S. military has had to fend off attempts by domestic law-enforcement agencies to rope them into cooperation that could have resulted in the death of U.S. citizens. For example, an Army officer observed that "had legal advisers to Joint Task Force 6 [the military's counter-drug taskforce] which supported the BATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms] during the siege at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, not questioned that agency's request for support, the Armed Forces would have been inappropriately and illegally involved in an operations that ultimately led to the deaths of U.S. citizens."

Even so, the fact is that Congress may at any time authorize the president to employ the U.S. military for domestic purposes, including law enforcement. Separately, the president has all the power he needs to employ the military in domestic affairs if he needs to do so. It is the so-called Insurrection Act. Although intended as a tool for suppressing rebellion when circumstances "make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State or Territory by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings," presidents used this power on five occasions during the 1950s and 60s to counter resistance to desegregation decrees in the south. Reports indicate that President Bush chose not to invoke the Insurrection Act in the case of Katrina because of concerns that such an action would have been viewed as federal bullying of a southern Democratic governor.

Posse Comitatus is Still Relevant
Derek's comments notwithstanding, increasing the use of the military for domestic purposes will adversely affect its ability to wage war. The U.S. military is structured to play "away games." It is good at protecting the United States by threatening the sanctuary of our adversaries abroad. There are, of course, things the military can do to enhance the security of the American homeland, but we should not be blurring further the distinction between military activities and domestic affairs. To paraphrase what Casper Weinberger said in opposition to the use of the military in the drug war, further weakening the Posse Comitatus Act in response to terrorism makes for terrible national security policy, poor politics, and guaranteed failure in the terror war.

The response to Katrina indicates that procedures at all levels of government must be streamlined. But the maintenance of both healthy civil-military relations and a combat-ready force dictates that we don't repeal or modify the Posse Comitatus Act or give the president power beyond that of the Insurrection Act. And by no means should we expect the military to go beyond its current mission of supporting civil authorities in the event of domestic emergencies.

? Mackubin Thomas Owens is an associate dean of academics and a professor of national-security affairs at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. He is writing a history of U.S. civil-military relations.


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #58 on: October 26, 2005, 09:45:12 PM »
Not inside baseball at all!  A sound post on a matter of great importance.  In times of war, it is easy to let freedom slip away.


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2005, 09:48:39 AM »
Gentleman, Ladies and the rest of you,

Junkyard Dog foiled a bank robbery in Hemet California. It seems a man, a very 'gang-memberish looking man' robbed a bank in Hemet. He then used a bicycle as his get away car. Hearing the screams of the teller, JD went in pursuit of the man. It must be said that his Girlfriend, affectionately named "Satan" was right along side. Once they caught up with the man, he grabbed Susan (Satan) and tried to use her as a shield. She immediately began hitting him and broke free. Junkyard Dog grabbed the man and took him to the ground. He then used a Kali arm lock to keep him there until the Police arrived.  

When the police arrived they said "We will take it from here," not acknowledging his and Susan's accomplishment.

But let it be known here they foiled the bank robbery. Junkyard is a little too humble to write about this, I am not.



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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2005, 07:23:07 PM »
Most commendable, Junkyard Dog.   You've proven yourself while the rest of us continue to test in the Dojo.  

I would really like to know how the pair caught up with the cycler
and some details on the take down.
Baltic Dog

Go Shin Jutsu Kenpo (Prof. Richard Lewis)
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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #61 on: November 27, 2005, 11:12:16 AM »

Please let JD know that we are inspired.

Guro Crafty


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2005, 10:58:15 PM »
BY R.S.N. MURALI SEREMBAN: Four armed robbers fled for their lives when they inadvertently broke into the home of a Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) coach at Taman Bukit Intan here.
The 28-year-old Muay Thai coach John Yong fought off the four Indonesian robbers when they broke into his home at 2.30am yesterday.

Yong, who was woken up by the screams of his 52-year-old mother, rushed to her aid and saw that two of the robbers were busy tying up her hands while the rest were ransacking her room.

Yong immediately went for them.

He kicked the two robbers who were busy tying up his mother.

They fell to the ground but the other two robbers retaliated by slashing Yong?s right arm and chin with a meat cleaver. He also sustained a shoulder wound after being stabbed with a screwdriver.

Undeterred, Yong continued attacking the robbers, injuring them all.

Realising that they were unable to take on the martial arts exponent, the four fled with only a mobile phone.

Yong?s family members rushed him to a private hospital here for treatment.

When met at the hospital, Yong said he wanted to teach the robbers a lesson as he was infuriated with the way they had treated his mother.

?Luckily, my eight years' experience in boxing came in handy,? he said.

Yong said he fought with all his might against the four robbers, adding: ?At one point, I felt like the silver screen hero, Jackie Chan, when I took on the four.?

OCPD Asst Comm Mohamad Abdullah said police had launched a manhunt for the robbers.


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Woman stabs rapist
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2005, 11:03:21 PM »

Posted on Sat, Dec. 03, 2005  

Victim stabs her attacker

By Stephanie L. Arnold
Inquirer Staff Writer

After being raped inside her Germantown home by a stranger yesterday afternoon, a woman persuaded her attacker to let her take her toddler upstairs - and when she came back down, she had a knife.

Her attacker, a 51-year-old man whose name was withheld, was in critical condition last night at Albert Einstein Medical Center with a chest wound.

Police said the events leading up to the rape and the woman fighting back began about 2:30 p.m., when the man approached the woman's home in the 200 block of West Haines Street and asked if he could rake her leaves.

The 30-year-old woman, who was home alone with her 2-year-old child, declined, said Capt. John Darby of the Special Victims Unit.

The man then asked for a glass of water, which made the woman suspicious. She tried to shut the door, but the man forced his way inside and raped her at knifepoint, Darby said.

Darby said the woman then begged her attacker to allow her to put her child in an upstairs bedroom.

When she returned, she rammed the knife into the man's chest.

"After the man was injured, he ran a distance on the block and collapsed," Darby said.

Darby said police found the man on the ground a short distance from the scene, along with the knife authorities believe he used during the assault. He was bleeding, and was rushed to Einstein.

The woman was treated at an unknown hospital for a small cut on her hand and the sexual assault. Police said the man faces charges of rape and other offenses.

"The good news is that this individual will be in custody and not be a threat to the neighborhood, thanks to this particular woman," Darby said.

? 2005 Philadelphia Inquirer and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

Best regards,



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Follow Up: We're From the Government and We're Here to Help
« Reply #64 on: December 15, 2005, 09:15:31 AM »
Follow up to a post a couple pages back where CA cops took down a woman who did not want to leave her intact LA home.

Hurricane Katrina Survivor Victimized Again: Injuries from Police Use of Excessive Force Required Surgery

12/14/2005 8:00:00 AM

To: National and State Desk

Contact: Ashton R. O'Dwyer, Jr., 504-561-6561

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A New Orleans woman is recovering from surgery this week from injuries resulting from when she was roughed-up by authorities who forced her to leave her home a week after Hurricane Katrina. Patricia Konie, 58, has filed a Federal lawsuit over the injuries and other violations of civil rights.

"My client was severely injured in a needless removal from her home," stated attorney Ashton O'Dwyer. "Patricia Konie had food, plenty of water, and a roof over her head. The police who illegally entered her home and imposed their will on a frail, middle-aged female should have been out apprehending armed, male looters instead."

Konie was greeting a reporter and photographer from a San Francisco TV station and a journalist from the London Times when police unexpectedly entered her home. When she refused to leave as ordered, they confiscated a firearm used for defense and according to Konie, "slammed" her to the ground, both displacing and fracturing her left shoulder.

After remaining in custody for several hours without charges being filed against her by authorities, she was flown alone to South Carolina where she remained for more than a month before returning to her native New Orleans.

A Federal lawsuit was filed claiming that authorities assaulted and knocked her to the ground when she refused to leave her New Orleans home on September 7th, 2005. Konie also alleges numerous civil rights violations including assault and battery by police in her suit against several Louisiana and California State Police officers who took her into custody. She also alleges authorities violated her Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

"Hurricane Katrina was horrible, but there is no excuse for what happened to this nice lady", said O'Dwyer. "Police caused her months of pain and suffering and she still faces months of physical therapy. This suit will hold the individuals responsible for their misdeeds."

Konie had her surgery early on Monday morning, December 12. She is still recovering in the hospital, and lives alone on a limited budget of Social Security benefits. She is devastated by what happened and has not had her seized property returned.

"Sadly, Patricia Konie is only one of many examples of police going too far in the wake of Hurricane Katrina," said O'Dwyer. "Already one court has ruled against their strong-arm tactics, and we look forward to our day in court."


/? 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #65 on: January 24, 2006, 11:11:01 PM »
Elderly man shoots robbery suspects to protect his wife

By STEVE E. SWENSON, Californian staff writer

Posted: Tuesday January 24th, 2006, 12:39 PM
Last Updated: Tuesday January 24th, 2006, 1:21 PM

A 71-year-old Bakersfield man responded to his wife?s plea for help by shooting at three home invasion robbery suspects, killing one and wounding a second, Bakersfield police reported today.
Norman Laxson, who has sold guns online, rushed to the aid of his 69-year-old wife, Ramona, as she was confronted Monday night at her front door by the suspects, according to police and an Internet search.
Police responded to the 9:48 p.m. incident and found Laxson bleeding from multiple cuts as he was seated just outside his front door, the department reported.
Next to him was Jose Covarrubias, 18, who was on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds, police said.
Nearby, was Jermaine Dabbs, 24, who was dead from a fatal gunshot, police said. A loaded handgun was located next to him, police said.
Laxson was injured in a struggle with the third suspect, a 17-year-old boy who attacked Lawson after his buddies were shot, police said. The boy wrestled Laxson?s gun away from him, police said.
The youth ran away but was arrested a short distance from Laxson?s house in the 9900 block of Kearney Hills Drive, police said. That?s in Rosedale near Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive.
Covarrubias was in stable condition at a local hospital, police said.
He and the youth were arrested on charges of robbery, conspiracy, assault with a deadly weapon and murder, police said.
The murder charge stems from the state?s felony murder rule in which murder charges can be filed against suspects in a felony during which someone was killed, even if the suspects didn?t actually fire a weapon.
Laxson was also treated at Kern Medical Center for his injuries and he was in fair condition Tuesday morning, a nurse said.
His wife was not hurt, police said.
Dabbs has a long criminal record from 2000 to 2004, including theft of a firearm, battery, trespassing, several thefts and disrupting a school, according to records in Kern County Superior Court. He recently got out of prison from a 2-year term he receive in the gun theft conviction, records indicate. Covarrubias has no record as an adult in Kern County Superior Court.


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« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2006, 05:28:36 PM »
Principal Hailed As Hero For Taking Down Gunman

POSTED: 11:46 am CST January 27, 2006
UPDATED: 12:57 pm CST January 27, 2006

SAN ANTONIO -- The principal of Rayburn Elementary School tackled a gunman who was threatening her students and teachers Wednesday afternoon.

Shannon Allen, 31, a former Jourdanton High School athlete, said she just did what anyone else would have done.

On Wednesday afternoon, a man entered the school's front door and made his way to the library, where school staff members directed him to the main office.

Once in the office, he told Allen he had a gun. She persuaded him to toss the gun into a nearby trashcan, and then tried to talk to the distraught man.

"He didn't know I knew where the weapon was. He continually glanced over there. He got up and I tried to coerce him to sit down. That's when he became agitated and went for the weapon in the trashcan," said Allen.

Allen said instinct kicked in and she tackled the man when he tried to reach for the gun.

"(It was) somewhat of a struggle -- keeping him away from the weapon. We ended up kind of against the wall," said Allen.

Police arrived and arrested John Zermeno, 26, of Eagle Pass.

Police said Zermeno was released in December from an Eagle Pass jail, where he had been charged with aggravated kidnapping and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Allen said she's grateful no one was injured.

"You think about the safety of the kids and what could have happened, and it all worked out fine," said Allen.

Allen said she's received a lot of praise for what she did, and some kidding -- including a suggestion for another career.

"To join the (Dallas) Cowboys," said Allen. "They need a tackle."


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CCW Holders Saves Cop
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2006, 10:15:10 AM »
Bystander Fired Deadly Shot, Not Officer

There were two big developments Monday in the case of a motorist who was shot and killed along Greenwell Springs Road Friday after a fight with a police officer.  Investigators say an autopsy shows the deadly bullet was fired by a bystander, not the officer.  Police also announced that no charges would be filed in the case, either against the police officer involved or the bystander who fired the fatal shot into the head of George Temple.

East Baton Rouge Sheriff's spokesman Greg Phares says Officer Brian Harrision was escorting a funeral procession Friday when he pulled Temple over and wrote him a ticket for breaking into the procession.  According to Phares, that's when Temple attacked Harrison.  Police say Perry Stevens was walking outside of the Auto Zone on Greenwell Springs Road when he heard Harrison yelling for help.  Harrison was reportedly on his back with Temple on top of him.  That's when Stevens went to his car and grabbed his .45 caliber pistol.

According to Col. Greg Phares, "[Mr. Stevens] orders Mr. Temple to stop and get off the officer.  The verbal commands are ignored and Mr. Stevens fires four shots, all of which struck Mr. Temple."

Perry Stevens fired four shots into Temple's torso.  Officer Harrison had already fired one shot into Temple's abdomen.  With Temple still struggling with the officer, Perry continued to advance toward the scuffle.

"He again orders Mr. Temple to stop what he was doing and get off the officer.  Those commands are ignored and he fires a fifth shot and that hits his head.  The incident is over with, and as you know, Mr. Temple is dead."

Police are calling the shooting death justified.  Perry Stevens has a permit to carry a concealed weapon.  Col. Phares would not give out any more details relating to the shooting.  Both Phares and Baton Rouge Police Chief Jeff LeDuff stopped short of crediting Stevens with saving the officer's life.  LeDuff says the entire incident is unfortunate.

"I spoke with his father at the scene briefly," said LeDuff.  "I think this is a tragic situation all around."

9 News is told George Temple has a criminal record, and Officer Harrison was involved in a shooting while employed as a prison guard in East Baton Rouge Parish, where he was suspended for three days back in 1995.

Reporter:  Jim Shannon


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« Reply #68 on: February 28, 2006, 09:47:33 AM »
Victim's husband kills masked attacker
- Jim Doyle
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An armed assailant wearing a black ninja-style mask was shot to death by a 68-year-old man Monday after the attacker jumped the man's wife outside their home and chased her inside, police said.

The shooting happened about 7:30 a.m. at the end of Sunset Drive on the east side of town.

Sandra Phillips, 64, was about to take the couple's two Wheaton terrier dogs for a walk when the masked man, dressed all in black and wearing black gloves, grabbed her outside her garage, police said. The woman struggled, broke away and ran screaming into the house, with the attacker in pursuit.

Her screams awoke her husband, Lou Phillips. He grabbed his .357 revolver and fired three times, Police Chief Susan Jones said.

The unidentified intruder, described as being in his 30s, died at the scene. Jones said he had a gun, but she could not say what type.

Lou Phillips was unhurt. His wife was treated for a head laceration.

The chief said the incident was "completely out of the blue" for the town. "Until the suspect is identified, we won't really have a motive."

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Militia Disarmed when needed Most
« Reply #69 on: March 16, 2006, 11:47:57 AM »
About freaking time. . . .

New Orleans Now Admits It Seized Firearms From Citizens
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
March 16, 2006

( - A Second Amendment group calls it a "stunning reversal." After denying it for months, the City of New Orleans on Wednesday admitted that it does have a stockpile of firearms seized from private citizens in the days following Hurricane Katrina.

The city even took lawyers to the place where some 1,000 firearms are being stored.

"This is a very significant event," said attorney Dan Holliday, who represents National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation in an on-going lawsuit seeking to stop the city from seizing privately-owned firearms.

The city's disclosure came as attorneys for both sides prepared for a court hearing on a motion to hold the city in contempt. (On March 1, The Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association filed a motion to have New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Warren Riley held in contempt of court for refusing to comply with an injunction to stop illegal gun confiscations and return all seized firearms to their rightful owners.)

"We're almost in disbelief," said Second Amendment Foundation Founder Alan Gottlieb on Wednesday. "For months, the city has maintained it did not have any guns in its possession that had been taken from people following the hurricane. Now our attorneys have seen the proof that New Orleans was less than honest with the court."

Under an agreement with the court, the hearing on the contempt motion has been delayed for two weeks, and during that time, the city reportedly will set up a process to return the guns to their lawful owners.

"While we are stunned at this complete reversal on the city's part, the important immediate issue is making sure gun owners get their property back," Gottlieb said.

"What happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was an outrage," he added. "Equally disturbing is the fact that it apparently took a motion for contempt to force the city to admit what it had been denying for the past five months."

As Cybercast News Service reported in February, the National Rifle Association used images of law enforcement officers confiscating legally possessed firearms from New Orleans residents to rally conservatives at a recent conference in Washington.

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre urged people attending the Conservative Political Action Conference to "Remember New Orleans!"

See Earlier Stories:
Contempt Motion Filed Against New Orleans Mayor, Police Chief (2 Mar. 2006)
Second Amendment Groups Move to Stop Gun Seizures (22 Sept. 2005)
New Orleans Gun Seizures Allegedly 'Creating More Victims' (14 Sept. 2005)\Culture\archive\200603\CUL20060316b.html


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Gun Confiscations in New Orleans
« Reply #70 on: March 21, 2006, 11:14:18 AM »
March 21, 2006, 7:44 a.m.
Defenseless Decision
Why were guns taken from law-abiding citizens in New Orleans?

By John R. Lott Jr.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans? residents got an idea of what life is like without the rule of law. They had no telephones, no way to call 911. Even if they had, the police who reported for duty were busy with rescue missions, not fighting crime. Citizens had to protect themselves. This was made rather difficult by the city?s confiscation of guns, even from law-abiding citizens.

After five months of denial in federal district court, the city last week made an embarrassing admission: in the aftermath of the hurricane, the severely overworked police apparently had the time to confiscate thousands of guns from law-abiding citizens.

Numerous media stories have shown how useful guns were to the ordinary citizens of New Orleans who weren?t forcibly disarmed. Fox News reported several defensive gun uses. One city resident, John Carolan, was taking care of many family members, including his three-year-old granddaughter, when three men came to his house asking about his generator, threatening him with a machete. Carolan showed them his gun and they left. Another resident, Finis Shelnutt, recounts a similar story that the gangs left him alone after seeing ?I have a very large gun.?

Signs painted on boarded up windows in various parts of town warned criminals in advance not to try: the owner had shotguns inside.

Last September 8, a little more than a week after the hurricane, New Orleans? police superintendent, Eddie Compass announced: ?No one will be able to be armed. Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns.? Even legally registered firearms were seized, though exceptions were made for select businesses and for some wealthy individuals to hire guards.

Undoubtedly, selected businesses and well-connected wealthy individuals had good reason to want protection, but so did others without the same political pull. One mother saw the need for a gun after she and her two children (ages 9 and 12) saw someone killed in New Orleans after the hurricane. The mother said: ?I was a card-carrying, anti-gun liberal ? not anymore.?

John C. Guidos was successfully guarding his tavern on St. Claude Ave on September 7, when police took his shotgun and pistol; indeed, it was the only time that he saw any cops. Soon afterwards robbers looted the tavern.

Wishing for a gun during disasters isn?t anything new. Just a little over a decade ago, police stood by, largely helpless, during the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King verdict. Yet, not all the victims were defenseless. Korean merchants stood out as one group that banded together and used their guns to protect their stores from looting.

A similar lesson hasn?t been lost on New Orleans? citizens. As one resident, Art DePodesta, told the New York Daily News shortly after the storm hit, ?The cops are busy as it is. If more citizens took security and matters into their own hands, we won?t be in this situation.?

Not only do law-abiding citizens with guns deter many criminals from committing a crime to begin with: Possessing a gun is the safest way to confront a criminal if you are forced to.

Deterrence works. The United States has one of the world's lowest ?hot? burglary rates (burglaries committed while people are in the building) at 13 percent, compared to the ?gun-free? British rate of 59 percent. Surveys of convicted burglars indicate American burglars spend at least twice as long as their British counterparts casing a house before breaking in. That explains why American burglars rarely break into homes when the residents are there. The reason most American burglars give for taking so much time is that they?re afraid of getting shot.

Even without a catastrophe like Katrina, it would have been a poor strategy for would-be victims in New Orleans merely to call 911 and wait for help. The average response time of police in New Orleans before the hurricane was eleven minutes. The Justice Department?s National Crime Victimization Survey has shown for decades that having a gun is the safest course of action when a criminal confronts you, far safer than behaving passively.

It would be nice if the police were always there to protect us, but we don?t live in a utopia and the police understand that they almost always arrive on the scene after the crime has been committed. What does New Orleans? Mayor Nagin recommend that people such as John Carolan and his granddaughter do the next time that have to fend for themselves? The city must know that there isn?t much of a defense for taking citizens? guns; after all, it took them five months to admit to it.

? John R. Lott Jr., a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of More Guns, Less Crime.


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BATFE Follies
« Reply #71 on: April 07, 2006, 09:40:34 PM »
Firearms Fight?

When does customization of a firearm become manufacturing? That seemingly simple question is occupying the near undivided attention of the firearms industry. Observers say it is a question with the potential to become a firestorm that could put custom gunsmiths out of business; if not behind bars.  , , ,

Note from Crafty Dog:

As usual, another fine post from Buzwardo.  I've taken the liberty of moving it to the "Well-armed People" thread.

Crafty Dog


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Machete attack fended off with knife
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2006, 11:13:12 PM »

Machete attack fended off with knife

Kate Williamson, The Examiner
Apr 6, 2006 9:00 AM (6 days ago)

SAN FRANCISCO - A man fought off a machete-armed assailant Wednesday afternoon in La Honda, sending both to the hospital, police said.

The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office arrested Samuel Bakalian, 19, of Wyoming, for attempted murder. Bakalian, who was wanted in his home state for a car theft dating to March 11, had been camping near the 8700 block of La Honda Road, Lt. Lisa Williams said.

At around 10:10 a.m., Williams said, "the caretaker at the Creekside [Apartments] had told him that he needed to leave; as he turned and walked away, Samuel hit him over the head with a machete."

The caretaker turned and struck out at his attacker with a small knife he was carrying, and a knife fight ensued, Williams said. Neither has life-threatening injuries, though Bakalian was injured in the face and head and was airlifted to a hospital to receive medical care. The caretaker was transported via ambulance.

Bakalian is in custody at the hospital and will be brought to court when his injuries have been attended to, Williams said. She did not know if he was intoxicated at the time of the attack.

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Man w/ Knife Fends Off Attackers Armed w/ Shotgun and Pistol
« Reply #73 on: May 30, 2006, 09:47:03 AM »

Former Marine fends off robbers in Atlanta, kills one

The Associated Press - ATLANTA

A former Marine turned the tables on his attackers, killing one and wounding another with a knife as they tried to rob him, police said.

Thomas Autry was walking to his girlfriend's home from his job waiting tables at a restaurant in Midtown Atlanta around 11 p.m. Monday when he was approached by five people in a car, Atlanta police detective Danny Stephens said.

Autry began running down the street yelling for help as four people in the car got out and chased him. One of the attackers had a shotgun and another had a pistol, Stephens said.

The suspects eventually caught up with Autry. But Autry, who managed to pull a knife out of his backpack, kicked the shotgun out of one of the attacker's hands. He then stabbed a teenage girl who jumped on him and a man who attacked him.

The suspects ran back to their car and drove off.

Police found them later at a hospital, where the teenage girl, who was pregnant, was pronounced dead. Another man was in critical condition, Stephens said.

Stephens credited Autry's military training with helping him fend off his attackers, who are suspected of having committed other robberies in the area over the last week.

"I would say he had to do what he had to do to stop the threat," Stephens said. "You can tell his training kicked in and he knew what to do."

The suspects will face robbery and aggravated assault charges, Stephens said. With the suspects in custody, police now expect to solve other recent robberies.

"One of these guys confessed to me that they were robbing people all week long," he said.

Autry, who will not be charged, suffered a cut to his hand and a bruise on his chest, Stephens said. Stephens also said Autry was very remorseful over the incident.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press

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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #74 on: May 30, 2006, 09:54:31 AM »

And what sadness that the woman whom he had to kill was pregnant.


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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #75 on: May 31, 2006, 03:38:01 PM »
Most recent reports indicate that the dead attacker wasn't pregnant after all.  The defender, however, is still understandably upset about having to take a life.


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Little Old Lady w/ a .38
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2006, 10:49:30 AM »
Link in the article (URL below) links to a video of the incident.

Caught on Tape: Store Owner Shoots at Robbers

A surveillance camera catches the would-be crooks on tape.

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(Beech Island) - Mary Todd is the first to tell you - she takes safety into her own hands.

"I don't keep a gun on me, but there's one always with hand's reach," she says, nodding towards a silver pistol.

Just a week and a half ago, the owner of Todd's Food Store in Beech Island was forced to put it to use. On the afternoon of June 16th, three masked gunmen walked into the store, while a fourth waited in the car.

"They started grabbing customers, putting them on the ground, sticking guns to their heads and so forth," says Investigator Chuck Cain with the Aiken County Sheriff's Office.

Investigator Cain says the crooks would have succeeded if it weren't for Mary. As one of the men tried to kick in her office door, she fought back.

"I shot my gun through my little office window," she says.

Adds Cain, "Right then the boys were like, 'We're getting shot at, we're outta here.'"

In the end, the only thing the men got was out without getting shot. Now, investigators hope one of them slips up and talks about it.

"There were four suspects involved in this," says Investigator Cain. "There is absolutely no way these four are gonna keep their mouths shut."

Cain believes the four have ties to Aiken and Augusta.

If you have any information that can help, call Crimestoppers at 1-888-559-TIPS or e-mail a tip to the Crimestoppers website.

All tips are kept confidential and you could receive a cash reward for information leading to an arrest.


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San Antonio Texas: Homeowner Kills Home Invader
« Reply #77 on: July 11, 2006, 03:47:12 PM »

Homeowner Kills Home Invader

Man perched at head of the stairs and started firing

By Jim Forsyth
Monday, July 10, 2006

Three men who tried to mount a home invasion in Stone Oak this morning were greeted not by the terrified homeowner they expected, but by a handgun wielding resident who blasted away, killing one of the would-be invaders and leaving the two others running for their lives, 1200 WOAI's Michael Board reported today.

It started shortly before three in the 25000 block of Summit Creek, near Hardy Oak, when Leonard Packham heard several pickups pull in front of his home. Packham grabbed a handgun, and perched at the top of the stars with a good view of the front door, the gun locked and loaded.

When the intruders started trying to kick in the door, Packham started firing. Police estimate he got off eight rounds before the attempt to kick in the front door ended. Police followed a trail of blood a a block away to the intersection of Summit Crest and Summit Creek. That's where they found one of the would-be home invaders dead. He had been shot three times.

Police Sergeant Gabe Trevino says Texas law is clear in cases like this.

"You are allowed to use deadly force in defending your property from imminent attack in the nighttime," he said, adding that bad guys don't have to come into your house before you can shoot.

"There's that old story that if you shoot someone you should drag them inside the house, that's not true," Travino said.

Trevino said you can even open fire at nighttime house burglars who are in the process of running away.

Two pickup trucks, apparently abandoned by the men, were found in Packham's front yard.

Detectives say there were no lights on and no cars in the driveway, and point out that the men rang the doorbell before starting to kick in the door, indicating the trio may have thought the house was empty. Trevino says the area of far north San Antonio has seen 'its fair share' of burglaries.

Trevino said the district attorney's office will make a final determination of charges. He said a second man was also in the house with a gun trained on the front door, but its not known whether that man fired. Detectives say there appears to have been nothing inside the house that would have singled it out for attack, and no apparnet connection between Packham or his roommate and the trio.

Trevino said Packham and the other man both called 911 before the shooting to report men trying to break into their home.

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« Reply #78 on: July 19, 2006, 05:30:55 PM »
Family wallops would-be robber, wraps things up for police

By Kevin Deutsch
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
WEST PALM BEACH ? While covering his head amid the barrage of flying fists and feet, his legs bound with a jump-rope by children half his size, a bruised and bloodied Craig Mack had a sudden realization, police say: He'd picked the wrong family to mess with.
Mack arrived at the Perez family home at 611 28th St. Monday night just as an exhausted Mateo Perez was getting home from a 12-hour day of landscaping and cleaning buildings. Mack probably figured he could swipe Perez's wallet and get away without much of a fight, police said.

 Mateo Perez and wife Candelaria sit with their children: (from left) Juan, 10, and daughters Alycia, 6, Vitalina, 17, Juana, 15, and Imelta, 13. 'If they had not come out, maybe I would have been badly hurt,' Perez said.


But he didn't count on having to brawl with the rest of the Perez clan: Candelaria, the 4-foot-9 housewife with a wicked right hook she honed as a girl on the streets of Guatemala; daughter Imelta, the mellow 13-year-old who never dreamed she would take a chair to a robber's head and tie him up; and son Juan, the 10-year-old Miami Heat fanatic who traded his basketball for a stick to whip an attacker.

When Mack attacked Mateo Perez shortly before 10 p.m., the father of five cried out for help from the family he has supported single-handedly since arriving from Guatemala in 1987. Within seconds, they were fighting at his side. About 20 minutes later, police found Mack lying face down in the back yard, his legs bound in jump-rope, Mateo sitting on top of him.
Mack, 23, of Loxahatchee, was examined at St. Mary's Medical Center and later taken to the Palm Beach County Jail. He is being held without bail on charges of robbery and battery. His criminal history includes arrests on charges of larceny, dealing in stolen property and firing a weapon.

"We knew we had to be strong and help our dad out," said Juana Perez, 15, who called 911 during the fight. "This guy was big, but we weren't going to let him get away. He wasn't going to kill our dad in our own yard."
Mateo Perez, 45, had spotted Mack lurking in the bushes, the family said. Knowing he was in danger, he banged on a house window and yelled for help. Mack was suddenly on him, dragging him to the ground before pulling his wallet from his shirt pocket, police said.
Mack started to run away, but Perez grabbed his feet and pulled him to the ground. The men wrestled in the yard. That's when Candelaria, 42, and her children Imelta, Juana, Juan and 6-year-old Alycia came running out of their pink two-bedroom home.
Candelaria said she grabbed Mack's hair, shaking his head while she and her husband struggled to keep him down. The 6-foot, 155-pound Mack punched or kicked her, she said, sending her to the ground. He beat her husband and ripped his shirt.
Her parents in trouble, Imelta picked up a blue plastic yard chair and cracked it over Mack's head, leaving him stunned and dizzy.
"I smacked him, and he went silent," the Palm Springs Middle School sixth-grader said.
Candelaria, bruised and furious, charged Mack again as he wrestled Mateo Perez. She punched him, grabbed his hair and repeatedly slammed his head into some wooden boards in the yard, the family said. Juan came after him with a stick.
Candelaria ordered Imelta to go inside and get something to tie Mack up.
She came out moments later holding an old white jump-rope with wooden handles. As her father held down Mack, she and her siblings carefully bound his legs and tied a solid knot.
"If they had not come out, maybe I would have been badly hurt or maybe killed," Mateo Perez said.

When police arrived, the family said the officers ordered Candelaria to step away from Mack. But before she stood up, the housewife gave him a final sock in the face. Police took him away.
"I hope he learned his lesson," Candelaria said.


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Philadelphia: Can of applesauce used against gunman
« Reply #79 on: July 20, 2006, 03:23:21 PM »
Customer subdues robber with applesauce

Tue Jul 18, 11:35 PM ET

A customer at a city grocery tackled an armed robber and beat him with a can of applesauce when he refused to drop his gun, police said.

The suspect shot himself in the head during the struggle, and passed out after the 66-year-old customer administered four blows to the head with the Mott's applesauce.

"Finally, the guy passes out," said Det. Curtis Matthews. "There's blood everywhere ? on the floor, all over."

About 15 customers were in Gomez Grocery in the city's East Germantown section when the gunman walked in Sunday afternoon, jumped atop a small freezer and pointed the gun at store owner Eddie Gomez, police said.

Customer Thomas Santana, who is 5-foot-4, grabbed the 6-foot-1 gunman from behind when he was on the freezer, and with help from Gomez knocked him down.

The suspect, 23-year-old Thomas Reyes, was in stable condition at a hospital, and was expected to be charged with attempted murder, attempted robbery and other charges, authorities said.;_ylt=AkEekZFvT47RxweAp4e4V6QuQE4F;_ylu=X3oDMTBidHQxYjh2BHNlYwN5bnN0b3J5

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We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2006, 11:21:34 PM »
8 employees stabbed at Tenn. grocery store By WOODY BAIRD, Associated Press Writer

A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers Friday, seriously injuring four before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.

Elartrice Ingram, 21, was charged with nine counts of attempted first-degree murder, police said. The attack apparently stemmed from a work dispute, investigators said.

Four victims, one in critical condition, were admitted to the Regional Medical Center, the main trauma hospital for the Memphis area. Four others were less badly hurt and treated at another hospital. Seven of the victims were stabbed, while another suffered heat-related symptoms while being chased, police said.

Another person was threatened, resulting in the nine charges against Ingram, The Commercial Appeal reported.

Ingram, chasing one victim into the store's parking lot, was subdued by Chris Cope, manager of a financial services office in the same small shopping center, Memphis Police Sgt. Vince Higgins said.

Cope said he grabbed a 9mm semiautomatic pistol from his pickup truck when he saw the attacker chasing the victim "like something in a serial killer movie."

"When he turned around and saw my pistol, he threw the knife away, put his hands up and got on the ground," Cope told The Associated Press. "He saw my gun and that was pretty much it."

Police arrived within minutes and took the Ingram into custody.

"He just kept saying, 'I'm insane. I wish I was never born' and that kind of stuff," Cope said.

The attack started in an employee area of the Schnucks supermarket on the outskirts of Memphis and no customers were involved, Higgins said.

Police said two large kitchen knives used in the attack were found at the scene.

Witness Frank Rector said the attacker held a knife high in a stabbing position as he chased a victim into the parking lot. The victim, Rector said, "was circling, trying to get away from him."

The ages of the victims were not immediately released. Higgins and a company spokeswoman said all the victims were employees of the store.

The spokeswoman said officials from the St. Louis-based company were on their way to the scene.

Higgins said police were pulling into the parking lot as Cope was confronting Ingram.

"We commend him," Higgins said. "But we don't encourage people to take that kind of risk. He could have been hurt.";_ylt=AnOUSCZ0y.9KIGEpu36TpSZH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-

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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2006, 09:00:29 AM »
Ex-Marine takes down man after clerk is hit
By Pat Reavy

A man who had just been released from jail was sent right back Monday after police say he picked the wrong store to attempt a robbery.

Thee 30-year-old man was in line at a 7-Eleven, 2175 E. 9400 South, just before 8 p.m. When he got to the counter he asked the female clerk for a carton of cigarettes, said Sandy Police Sgt. Victor Quezada. But after he received them he walked out without paying, Quezada said.

The clerk told another female clerk who followed him outside the doors and told him to stop. Instead, the man turned around and punched the clerk in the face, Quezada said. James Sjostrom was standing in line right behind the man who took the cigarettes and saw the entire thing unfold. "He just turned and clocked her," Sjostrom said. "He pounded her face. It was pretty vicious."

That's when Sjostrom went after the man who assaulted the store clerk.

As he went outside, Sjostrom said he saw the man standing over the clerk, who was kneeling over on the ground, as if he were going to punch her again. When the man saw Sjostrom coming at him, he took a swing at him, too. But the attacker quickly found out he was no match for the bulky Sjostrom. Sjostrom is a former Marine who taught hand-to-hand combat and currently teaches a course on Russian kettlebells, or the martial art of strength training, at the Sports Mall in Murray.

"I grabbed him, threw him on the ground, put his hands behind his back, sat on him and waited for the cops to come," Sjostrom said. In just a matter of a few seconds Sjostrom had the man pinned. When the man realized he had no chance, Sjostrom said he became "pretty quiet." "Anybody would have done the same thing," he said.

"Another guy in the store said he was in the Army and asked if I needed any help." With a grin, Sjostrom replied to the man, "The Marines got here first."
The would-be thief refused to tell police who he was. They figured it out, however, when they found his release papers from the Salt Lake County Jail still in his pocket. The man had been released from jail on another assault arrest just hours earlier, Quezada said.

Although police don't normally encourage people to go after bad guys themselves, in this case, "The guy did something that was great," he said. The female clerk who was punched suffered a cut above her eyebrow. She was treated at the scene by paramedics and released.,1249,645195431,00.html


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #82 on: September 08, 2006, 03:18:13 PM »
Police: Nurse, 51, kills intruder with bare hands

PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) -- A nurse returning from work discovered an intruder armed with a hammer in her home and strangled him with her bare hands, police said.
Susan Kuhnhausen, 51, ran to a neighbor's house after the confrontation Wednesday night. Police found the body of Edward Dalton Haffey 59, a convicted felon with a long police record.
Police said there was no obvious sign of forced entry at the house when Kuhnhausen, an emergency room nurse at Providence Portland Medical Center, got home from work shortly after 6 p.m.
Under Oregon law people can use reasonable deadly force when defending themselves against an intruder or burglar in their homes. Kuhnhausen was treated and released for minor injuries at Providence.
Haffey, about 5-foot-9 and 180 pounds, had convictions including conspiracy to commit aggravated murder, robbery, drug charges and possession of burglary tools. Neighbors said Kuhnhausen's size -- 5-foot-7 and 260 pounds -- may have given her an advantage.
"Everyone that I've talked to says 'Hurray for Susan,' said neighbor Annie Warnock, who called 911.
"You didn't need to calm her. She's an emergency room nurse. She's used to dealing with crisis."


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Perp v. Beauty Shop
« Reply #83 on: September 12, 2006, 08:51:55 PM »


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Gunman in classroom? Texas students told to fight back
« Reply #84 on: October 20, 2006, 03:15:56 PM »

Gunman in classroom? Texas students told to fight back?

By Jeff Carlton

The Associated Press

BURLESON, Texas ? Youngsters in a suburban Fort Worth school district are being taught not to sit there like good boys and girls with their hands folded if a gunman invades the classroom, but to rush him and hit him with everything they have: books, pencils, legs and arms.

"Getting under desks and praying for rescue from professionals is not a recipe for success," said Robin Browne, a major in the British Army reserve force and an instructor for Response Options, the company providing the training to the Burleson schools.
That kind of fight-back advice is all but unheard of in schools, and some people fear it will get children killed.
But school officials in Burleson said they are drawing on lessons learned from a string of disasters such as Columbine in 1999 and the Amish schoolhouse attack in Pennsylvania last week.

The school system in the suburb of about 26,000 is believed to be the first in the nation training its teachers and students to fight back, Browne said.

In Burleson, which has 10 schools and about 8,500 students, the training covers various emergencies, such as tornadoes, fires and situations in which first aid is required. Among the lessons: Use a belt as a sling for broken bones, and shoelaces make good tourniquets.

Students also are instructed not to comply with a gunman's orders.

Browne recommends students and teachers "react immediately to the sight of a gun by picking up anything and everything and throwing it at the head and body of the attacker and making as much noise as possible. Go toward him as fast as we can and bring [the gunman] down."

Response Options trains students and teachers to "lock onto the attacker's limbs and use their body weight," Browne said. Everyday classroom objects, such as paperbacks and pencils, can become weapons.

"We show [students and teachers] ... they can win," he said. "The fact that someone walks into a classroom with a gun does not make them a god. Five or six seventh-grade kids and a 95-pound art teacher can basically challenge, bring down and immobilize a 200-pound man with a gun."

The fight-back training parallels a change in thinking that has occurred since the Sept. 11 attacks, when United Flight 93 made it clear the usual advice during a hijacking ? don't try to be a hero, and no one will get hurt ? no longer holds. Passengers aboard that flight rushed the hijackers, and the plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field instead of into its presumed target in Washington, D.C.

Similarly, women and youngsters are often told by safety experts to kick, scream and claw their way out during a rape attempt or a child-snatching.

In 1998 in Springfield, Ore., a 17-year-old high-school wrestling star with a bullet in his chest helped stop a rampage by tackling Kip Kinkel, 15, a freshman who had opened fire in the cafeteria. Kinkel killed two students and his parents, and wounded 22 other people. The wrestler survived.

Hilda Quiroz, of the National School Safety Center, a nonprofit advocacy group in California, said she knows of no other school system in the country offering fight-back training and finds the strategy at Burleson troubling.

"If kids are saved, then this is the most wonderful thing in the world. If kids are killed, people are going to wonder who's to blame," she said.

"How much common sense will a student have in a time of panic?"

Terry Grisham, spokesman for the Tarrant County, Texas, Sheriff's Department, said he, too, had concerns, though he had not seen details of the program.

"You're telling kids to do what a tactical officer is trained to do, and they have a lot of guns and ballistic shields," he said. "If my school was teaching that, I'd be upset, frankly." Burleson straddles Tarrant and Johnson counties.
Some students said they appreciated the training.

"It's harder to hit a moving target than a target that is standing still," said Jessica Justice, 14, who received the training in the summer during freshman orientation at Burleson High.

William Lassiter, manager of the North Carolina-based Center for Prevention of School Violence, said past attacks indicate that fighting back, at least by teachers and staff, has merit.

"At Columbine, teachers told students to get down and get on the floors, and gunmen went around and shot people on the floors," Lassiter said. "I know [fighting back] ... sounds chaotic and I know it doesn't sound like a great solution, but it's better than leaving them there to get shot."

Lassiter questioned, however, whether students should be included in the fight-back training: "That's going to scare the you-know-what out of them."

Most of the freshman class at Burleson's high school underwent instruction during orientation; eventually, all Burleson students will receive some training, even the elementary-school children.

"We want them to know if Miss Valley says to run out of the room screaming, that is exactly what they need to do," said Jeanie Gilbert, district director of emergency management. She said students and teachers should have "a fighting chance in every situation."

Burleson High School Principal Paul Cash said he has received no complaints from parents about the training. Stacy Vaughn, president of the Parent-Teacher Organization at Norwood Elementary in Burleson, supports the program.

"I feel like our kids should be armed with the information that these types of possibilities exist," Vaughn said.

Material from The Seattle Times archives is included in this report.

Copyright ? 2006 The Seattle Times Company


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70 year old defeats 4 german muggers
« Reply #85 on: October 24, 2006, 10:34:20 AM »

A 70-YEAR-OLD British pensioner, trained in martial arts during his military service, dispatched a gang of four would-be muggers in a late-night attack in Germany.

The man was challenged by three men, demanding money, while a fourth crept up behind him. Recalling his training, the Briton grabbed the first assailant and threw him over his shoulder.

When a second man tried to kick him, the pensioner grabbed his foot and tipped him to the ground. The men fled.

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High-Octane Granny
« Reply #86 on: December 06, 2006, 09:42:57 AM »
Woman douses car thief in unleaded gas

TYLER, Texas — Carjacked at knifepoint while pumping gas, a 75-year-old woman didn't give in without a fight. Mary Gean Smyth opened the door of her sport utility vehicle and doused the assailant in gas.

"I'm sure he was burning like mad," Smyth said of the Tuesday carjacking. "I mean, I drowned him right in the face."

Police caught up to Smyth's GMC Denali Envoy at a restaurant and arrested 52-year-old John Clay Stricker Jr., a transient with an address in the North Texas town of Lake Kiowa, Tyler police spokesman Don Martin said.

Smyth said police told her the suspect had apparently taken a shower because he had a bag with fuel-soaked clothes and a bar of soap, the Tyler Morning Telegraph reported in its Wednesday editions.

Smyth's wallet and credit cards were found in the car, but her cash was gone. A representative of the Brookshire grocery store, where Smyth was getting gas, has offered to pay for car cleaning and repairs, Smyth said.

Stricker was being held without bail Tuesday in the Smith County Jail on charges of parole violation, aggravated robbery and theft.


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #87 on: February 22, 2007, 02:12:38 PM »

Police: U.S. seniors fight off muggers, killing one

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) -- A tour group of U.S. senior citizens fought off a band of muggers in eastern Costa Rica, sending two of the assailants fleeing and killing a third, police said Thursday.

One of the tourists -- a retired U.S. serviceman whom officials estimated was in his 70s -- allegedly put Warner Segura in a headlock and broke his clavicle after the 20-year-old and two other men armed with a knife and gun held up their tour bus Wednesday, said Luis Hernandez, the police chief of Limon, 80 miles east of San Jose.

The Americans had arrived in Limon on the Carnival Cruise Lines ship Carnival Liberty.

"It was a group of 12 senior citizens from the United States who were going to spend a few hours in the area, but their tour bus entered a dangerous sector known as Cieneguita", Hernandez said.

The tourists drove Segura to the local Red Cross branch, but he was declared dead, Hernandez said. He declined to give the names or hometowns of the tourists.
The Red Cross also treated one of the tourists for an anxiety attack, Hernandez said.

Costa Rican authorities said they did not plan to file charges against the tourists, who left on their cruise ship after the incident.

"They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up," Hernandez said.

Hernandez said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #88 on: March 07, 2007, 10:49:39 AM »


Shopowner warns others

Determined to help: When Dodds saw the gunman, he ordered people to hide, then prepared to take on the shooter

By Brooke Adams
The Salt Lake Tribune

Article Last Updated: 02/18/2007 03:56:02 AM MST


Barrett "Bear" Dodds doesn't have much tolerance for mean people.
    Never has.
    So when Bear realized a gunman was loose in Trolley Square, his testosterone kicked in.
    Bear is the owner of the Brass Key Antique store, located on the south side of the mall's upper level. His acts helped keep dozens out of harm's way, likely distracted the shooter and aided the off-duty officer who was first on the scene.
    On Monday night, Bear left his store in the hands of his grandpa Wally Dodds while he went across the floor to Haroon's clothing store. He hoped to pick up a Valentine's Day present for his girlfriend.
    As he stood at the counter, he heard a pop, pop.
    "That was gunshots," he said to the clerk.
    Bear, 29, ran out of Haroon's and looked into the atrium below.
    He saw a young man - Sulejman Talovic - standing outside the Cabin Fever gift store, shooting through its window.
    In the same instant, he saw his grandfather, lured out of the Brass Key by the odd sounds, approach the south railing. Wally Dodds was moving into the direct sight of the shooter.
    In the booming voice he used as a bouncer at various Salt Lake City clubs, Bear issued an order: "Grandpa, get back in and lock the door."
    Wally moved back and began shepherding 15 or so people who had amassed in the hallway into the Brass Key. The shoppers took cover among the antiques, some crying, most fearfully quiet.

    Bear's shouted command drew the attention of Talovic, who turned and looked up at him. By now, the commotion had drawn other shopkeepers along the east hallway to their doors.
    Across the way, Bear saw about 20 people running in his direction. He put his hand up and yelled that the gunman was below. "They got the point," he said.
    Bear then moved along the east hallway stores - Vitamin World, John Robert Powers, Ypsilon - telling storeowners to lock their doors. The sounds of Talovic's rampage continued.
    "It was shot after shot after shot the whole time," Bear said.
    He grabbed a tall, black metal stool from the Liken movie kiosk at the end of the east hallway and began making his way back to the atrium. As he reached The Spectacle, the last store on the left, Bear had a clear view of Cabin Fever.
    "I could see the bodies," he said, among them what appeared to be an older man. "That's when you realize this has gone too far. It's for real."
    His thoughts flashed on his grandpa, and "I lost my temper."
    Bear began weaving in and out of sight of Talovic. His mind raced through the options.
    "I could see him reaching in his pocket, reloading and reloading," said Bear, who had no idea how long it might take for police to intervene.
    Bear said he tried to count shots so he could tell when Talovic would need to reload, but the teen never emptied his shotgun. He watched with disbelief as Talovic put the weapon to his shoulder and took aim, shooting victims once, twice or more.
    Bear figured he could throw the stool, but knew it was not heavy enough to do anything but distract the teen. He calculated the odds of landing on him if he jumped.
    From a window in the Brass Key, Wally Dodds could see Bear.
    "I thought, 'Oh no.' I knew he wasn't going to run, wasn't going to hide, he wasn't going anywhere," Wally said. "He was going after the guy with a stool."
    Talovic began backing up toward the Pottery Barn Kids store and Bear moved over to Haroon's to keep him in view. He spotted Ogden police officer Ken Hammond at the atrium's south end, moving toward Talovic.
    "The officer said something like, 'I've only got six bullets, I can't have a long shoot-out,' " Bear said, "which scared me to death because I knew that guy had a whole lot of bullets."
    Bear shouted that he could no longer see Talovic and that he had to be in Pottery Barn Kids store directly below him. About then, Hammond held his badge up and identified himself to arriving Salt Lake City police.
    Bear said he put the stool down, realizing it might be mistaken for a weapon by new cops on the scene. He crouched down and moved closer to Haroon's as an officer shouted, "Police, drop your weapon."
    There was a shotgun blast and then a volley of shots. Police officers swarmed the mall, telling people to "go, go, go."
    "I am so grateful that Ogden police officer came because I might have lost him," Wally said. "It's not in [Bear's] nature to back down. He knew there was a good chance he would get shot but he couldn't stop."
    When the mall reopened on Wednesday, a steady stream of shopowners, mall patrons and customers made their way to the Brass Key to give Bear a hug.
    A woman and her young son came by Thursday to give Bear flowers and a card, which read in part: "You are a hero without a gun."
    So did Randy Kennard, a long-time family friend and owner of Kennard Antiques, who wanted to shake his hand.
    "That's Bear," he said.


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2007, 02:00:34 AM »

Franconia Police Officer Fatally Shot; Suspect Also Killed

Officials Say Officer Was Shot Four Times

POSTED: 3:48 pm EDT May 12, 2007
UPDATED: 5:31 pm EDT May 12, 2007
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FRANCONIA, N.H. -- A Franconia police officer was shot and killed during a routine motor vehicle stop on Friday.
The state attorney general's office says Cpl. Bruce McKay, 48, was shot four times and run over by the suspect's car on Route 116 in Franconia. McKay was a 12-year veteran of the Franconia Police Department.

The state attorney general's office says the incident began Friday night when McKay attempted to pull over Liko Kenney on Route 116. Kenney took off, leading McKay on a brief pursuit.
Investigators say when McKay stopped Kenney a second time a mile up the road, he used pepper spray to subdue him. According to police, that's when Kenney shot the officer four times and the proceeded to run the officer over with his car.

State Attorney General Kelly Attorney said a passer-by, Gregory Floyd, 49, witnessed the incident and rushed to the officer's aid. Investigators say Floyd grabbed McKay's gun and ordered Kenney to drop his weapon. According to Senior Assistant Attorney General Jeff Strelzin, Floyd fatally shot Kenney when he tried to reload his gun.
Ayotte said the state has decided Floyd's actions were justified and he will not be facing any charges.

According to police, there was a previous incident involving McKay and Kenney. Back in 2003, Kenney was convicted of simple assault and resisting arrest for an incident involving McKay.
Family members said Kenney was ski champion Bode Miller's cousin.

Back in September 2005, McKay pulled Bode Miller over on Route 116 for going 83 mph in a 40 mph zone.
As of Saturday afternoon, Miller did not return any calls to comment about the incident.

Friday night, Gov. John Lynch ordered all flags be lowered to half staff. He also visited with first responders in Franconia on Saturday who spent the night investigating McKay's death.
He said, "My thoughts and prayers, and those of my wife, Susan, are with the family of the New Hampshire police officer killed this evening while serving the people of our state."
The last police officer killed in the line of duty was Manchester Officer Michael Briggs, who was shot and killed in October 2006.


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Retired Cop and Marine Restrain Unruly Airline Passenger
« Reply #90 on: June 05, 2007, 04:52:49 PM »

Graying duo keep passenger in check
By Kevin Cullen, Globe Staff  |  June 5, 2007

Shortly before landing, Bob Hayden and a flight attendant had agreed on a signal: When she waved the plastic handcuffs, he would discreetly leave his seat and restrain an unruly passenger who had frightened some of the 150 people on board a Minneapolis-to-Boston flight Saturday night with erratic behavior.

Hayden, a 65-year-old former police commander, had enlisted a gray-haired gentleman sitting next to him to assist. The man turned out to be a former US Marine.

"I had looked around the plane for help, and all the younger guys had averted their eyes. When I asked the guy next to me if he was up to it, all he said was, 'Retired captain. USMC.' I said, 'You'll do,' " Hayden recalled. "So, basically, a couple of grandfathers took care of the situation."

The incident on Northwest Airlines Flight 720 ended peacefully, but not before Hayden, a former Boston police deputy superintendent and former Lawrence police chief, and the retired Marine had handcuffed one man and stood guard over another until the plane touched down safely at Logan International Airport around 7:50 p.m.

State Police troopers escorted two men off the flight. Trooper Thomas Murphy, a State Police spokesman, said one of the men was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital for "an unspecified medical issue, possibly mental health."

He said State Police detectives will investigate whether the man's behavior should be treated as a medical or criminal matter. A second man escorted off the plane identified himself as the unruly passenger's brother. Murphy said police would not release the names of the men, who Hayden said appeared to be in their 30s or 40s.

Dean Breest, a spokesman for Northwest, confirmed that "there was an incident that required State Police to come on board the aircraft" but declined further comment.

Hayden said the unruly man's behavior upset some passengers. One told Hayden the man had said, "Your lives are going to change today forever," as he shouted and refused to take his seat before takeoff and at various times during the nearly three-hour flight. He said that at one point the man lay on his back and was screaming, moaning, and thrashing on the floor.

"Some people were crying," Hayden said. "I thought it might be a diversion. I kept scanning the back of the plane to see if anyone was going to rush forward. The flight attendants did a great job, literally surrounding the two guys who were making all the noise. I told one of the flight attendants I was a retired police officer and would be willing to assist, so we agreed on a signal."

When the captain announced preparations for landing, the man jumped up shouting, the flight attendant held up the handcuffs, and Hayden and the Marine came bounding down the aisle. Hayden said he and the retired Marine, whose name he never got, received an ovation from fellow passengers, and "some free air miles."

Hayden's wife of 42 years, Katie, who was also on the flight, was less impressed. Even as her husband struggled with the agitated passenger, she barely looked up from "The Richest Man in Babylon," the book she was reading.

"The woman sitting in front of us was very upset and asked me how I could just sit there reading," Katie Hayden said. "Bob's been shot at. He's been stabbed. He's taken knives away. He knows how to handle those situations. I figured he would go up there and step on somebody's neck, and that would be the end of it. I knew how that situation would end. I didn't know how the book would end."  

© Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company

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« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 04:54:49 PM by argyll »


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Burglary Suspect Stabbed By Ginsu Knife
« Reply #91 on: June 08, 2007, 08:23:21 PM »

Homeowner Fatally Stabs Burglary Suspect
Police Search For Another Person Who Fled

POSTED: 9:26 am EDT June 8, 2007
UPDATED: 4:37 pm EDT June 8, 2007

HARTFORD, Conn. -- A homeowner fought back overnight against two burglary suspects, stabbing one to death.

Channel 3 Eyewitness News reporter Hena Daniels reported two people entered a house in the 100 block of Park Terrace near Pope Park at about 1:30 a.m.

Hartford police said two men entered the three-family home under renovation, which has been burglarized in the past.

Investigators said the homeowner retrieved a knife from a bedroom and tried to escape.

"The homeowner interrupted a burglary with two suspects. A struggle ensued, one of the suspects was stabbed and the other is at large," Hartford police Lt. Patrick Jobes said.

Police said the burglar who was stabbed in the chest tried to run but fell a few feet from the house, leaving a trail of blood. Daniels reported emergency medical crews could barely find a pulse. The man later died at Hartford Hospital

Police said they do not believe the homeowner and the burglars knew each other. Hartford Police Chief Daryl Roberts said the homeowner has been honest and has cooperated fully.

"We don't believe that there was any malice on his part," Roberts said. "He was trying to actually get away... he saw the guys in the house, fled to the bedroom, and thought, 'I need to get out of house,' and then one of the burgulars actually came after him."

Police have not yet released the identity of the man who died. Police have called the death a "justifiable homicide."

Police said they believe the only thing taken from the house was a Samurai sword.

The homeowner said that he has been burglarized several times recently. Residents of the neighborhood told Eyewitness News that burglaries have become common in the area.

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Man w/ knife defends against multiple attackers
« Reply #92 on: June 19, 2007, 11:49:13 AM »
No charges for SLO auto mechanic in stabbings

Three door-to-door magazine salesmen guilty of battery in street fight; a fourth to appear in court

By AnnMarie Cornejo -

A San Luis Obispo mechanic who allegedly stabbed two men during a fight in San Luis Obispo last week will not face criminal charges, the county District Attorney’s Office said Tuesday.

Adam Caraveo, 24, of San Luis Obispo was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon on June 5 after a fight broke out between him and four traveling magazine salesmen.

Deputy District Attorney Louise Comar reviewed the case and determined there was sufficient evidence that Caraveo was acting in self defense, said Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Brown.

Four men from out of the area were arrested on suspicion of battery, including Jason Iorio, 23, of Belvedere, Ill.; John Vuras, 19, of Las Cruces, N.M.; Michael Moorefield, 24, of Phoenix; and Robert Thrasher, 23, of Independence, Mo.

Three of the four pleaded no contest and were found guilty of battery by the judge last week, Deputy District Attorney Craig Von- Rooyen said. They were sentenced to three years’ probation and 15 days in jail and must pay restitution to the victim, Caraveo. The fourth will appear in court later this month. The group of salesmen

had apparently driven to San Luis Obispo from Los Angeles early on June 5 to sell magazine subscriptions door to door before heading to Monterey. The group was in a van when an unknown person in the van yelled a derogatory remark at Caraveo, who was on the 300 block of Higuera Street.

Iorio, Vuras, Moorefield and Thrasher allegedly got out of the van and attacked Caraveo. Caraveo pulled out a knife and stabbed Moorefield and Thrasher, police said.

Moorefield and Thrasher were treated for minor stab wounds at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis Obispo. Moorefield was stabbed in the back, and Thrasher was stabbed in both arms, police said.

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That'll teach ya
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2007, 12:31:30 PM »
Interesting facts in that case Argyll, thanks.

Here's one to make the blood boil a bit:


'You're fired,' man hears after saving a woman's life
The 24-year-old grabbed a gun before going to help his neighbor who had been shot.

By Jim Schoettler, The Times-Union

When a neighbor screamed she'd been shot, Colin Bruley grabbed his shotgun, found the victim and began treating her bloodied right le contextual_ad_head g.
Tonnetta Lee survived Tuesday's pre-dawn shooting at her Jacksonville apartment, and her sister and a neighbor praised Bruley's actions. But his employers, the same people who own the Arlington complex where Bruley lives, reacted differently. They fired him.

Bruley, a leasing agent at the Oaks at Mill Creek, said he lost his job after being told that brandishing the weapon was a workplace violation, as was failing to notify supervisors after the incident occurred. He'd worked at the Monument Road complex since December and for the owner, Village Green Cos., since 2005.

Bruley said he was too shaken to call his supervisor immediately after the incident, which occurred just before 2 a.m., but planned to eventually do so. He also said he was acting as a citizen, not an employee, and shouldn't have been punished for trying to protect himself and others. He never fired the shotgun.

"I was expecting work to give me some kind of commendation," said Bruley, 24. "I was totally blown back. It was a crisis that most people don't go through."

Andrea Roebker, the company's director of public relations, said "We're not in a position to discuss any employment issues outside of [with] the employee.

She declined to comment further, citing confidentiality rules.
A complaint Bruley said was given to him by his supervisor Tuesday said he violated several company policies found in an employee handbook. Those procedures were also explained in a recent meeting and an e-mail, the complaint said. One policy prohibits any type of weapons being used in the workplace. The complaint cited him for "gross misconduct."

"Colin demonstrated extremely poor judgment in responding to this situation," the complaint said. "Colin's failure to immediately report this incident ... could have serious ramifications to the property, its associates and residents."

A police report said the shooting followed a domestic quarrel involving Lee, 24, and her boyfriend. Bruley said he was dozing off in his apartment when he heard Lee's screams. He said he then grabbed a 12-gauge shotgun he uses for protection and hunting.

Bruley said he found the woman bleeding heavily. He handed the shotgun to a neighbor, tied a tourniquet around her right leg and waited for police and rescue to arrive.

"I was kind of in a state of shock. I had blood all over my body," Bruley said.
After emergency officials took Lee to the hospital, Bruley returned to his apartment and tried to settle down, eventually falling asleep. He said he could have called his supervisor but didn't think she could do anything at the time. He said he was called into the office about 9:30 a.m., gave his account and then left. He said he was called back that afternoon and told he was fired.

Neighbor Kevin Courson joined Bruley at the crime scene when he saw Bruley had a gun for protection. Courson said he is incensed by the dismissal.

"Here was a guy trying to do a good deed. He wasn't trying to hurt nobody," said Courson, 31.

Erica Jenkins, Lee's sister, said Bruley should still have a job. Lee couldn't be reached to comment despite several messages left with her sister and mother.

"If it wasn't for him ... she could have lost her leg or died," said Jenkins, 19. "He put his life in jeopardy for someone else."

Bruley said he is considering contacting a lawyer about his dismissal, but will first look for another job and possibly another home. He promises he won't shy away from aiding others in need.

"If I'd lose my job again for helping some girl's life ... I'd do it over and over," Bruley said., (904) 359-4385


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Video: Clerks Disarm and Wound Robber
« Reply #94 on: June 26, 2007, 02:46:13 PM »
Security camera footage here:


Liquor store clerk wounds gunman during robbery attempt

1:28 p.m. June 25, 2007

OCEANSIDE – A liquor store clerk shot and wounded a gunman during an attempted armed robbery on Saturday evening.Police were called to the Big Liquor store on North Redondo Drive near North River Road at 9:42 p.m. Police said they believe the clerk shot the robber after he entered the store and demanded money at gunpoint.

The suspect, a 20-year-old Marine lance corporal, was found around a block from the crime scene, where he had collapsed as a result of his wounds. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening and he was transported by air ambulance to a local trauma center for treatment.

Detectives are trying to piece together whether the crime is linked to eight other hold-ups at liquor stores in the city.


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Ex-Marine, 72, Teaches Pickpocket a Lesson
« Reply #95 on: June 27, 2007, 10:48:02 AM »
Ex-Marine, 72, Teaches Pickpocket a Lesson


Bill Barnes says he was scratching off a losing $2 lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants pocket, where he had $300 in cash. < o>
He immediately grabbed the person's wrist with his left hand and started throwing punches with his right, landing six or seven blows before a store manager intervened.
"I guess he thought I was an easy mark," Barnes, 72, told The Grand Rapids Press for a story Tuesday.  He's anything but an easy mark: Barnes served in the Marines, was an accomplished Golden Gloves boxer and retired after 20 years as an iron worker.
Jesse Daniel Rae, the 27-year-old Newaygo County man accused of trying to pick Barnes' pocket, was arraigned Monday in Rockford District Court on one count of unarmed robbery, a 15-year felony. Barnes said he had just withdrawn the money from a bank machine and put it in the pocket of his shorts before driving to the Marathon service station and Next Door Food Store in Comstock park, a Grand Rapids suburb. He remembers noticing a patron acting suspiciously, asking the price of different brands of cigarettes and other items. While turned away, Barnes felt the hand in his pocket, so he took action. "I guess I acted on instinct," he said.
Kent County sheriff's deputies said the store manager quickly came around the counter. The three of them struggled through the front door, where two witnesses said the manager slammed Rae to the ground and held him there.  "There was blood everywhere," said another manager on duty, Abby Ostrom, 25. Barnes was a regional runner-up in Golden Gloves competition in the novice and open divisions before enlisting in the Marines in 1956.
He lived most of his adult life in Comstock Park with his wife, Patr icia, before recently moving to Ottawa County. The couple have three children.
After retiring as an iron worker, he now works part-time as a starter at a golf course.
Barnes said he'd probably do the same thing again under the same circumstances, if for no other reason than what he would face back home.  "I wouldn't want my wife to give me hell for lettin' that guy get my money," he said with a smile.

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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #96 on: July 16, 2007, 10:15:13 AM »

Out of Montana

What happens when a mother of three and small town municipal judge decides to take on the online Jidhad? Shannen Rossmiller tells the story of how she helped unmask a number of malefactors, including some who were seeking to acquire Stinger missiles and finally track down a renegade in the US National Guard. Viewed from one perspective, it is a fascinating case study of the private citizen warrior, embarked on what Rossmiller called her own "counterJihad".
Before 9-11, I had no experience with the Middle East or the Arabic language. I was a mother of three and a municipal judge in a small town in Montana. But the terrorist attacks affected me deeply. ... I began to read vociferously [voraciously] about Islam, terrorism, extremist groups, and Islamist ideology. ...

This housewife found she could fight her private war from a computer keyboard. Her first step was visit and learn all she could about Jihadi websites.
In November 2001, I saw a news report about how terrorists and their sympathizers communicated on websites and Internet message boards and how limited government agencies were in their ability to monitor these web communications. This news report showed me how extensively Al-Qaeda used the Internet to orchestrate 9-11 and how out of touch our intelligence agencies were regarding this Internet activity. Apparently, there were not procedures in place for tracking communications and activity on the Al-Qaeda websites and Internet forums at the time.

So she invented her own procedures. But as she ghosted through the websites and forums, she realized that any further progress required a knowledge of Arabic. Nothing daunted, Rosssmiller set out to learn Arabic. And she did. Over the Internet, from a Cairo language academy.

Early in January 2002, I began taking an Arabic language course online for eight weeks from the Cairo-based Arab Academy, which, that autumn, I supplemented with an intensive Arabic course at the State University of New York at Buffalo. As I learned more Arabic, the jihadi websites opened for me. Certain individuals stood out for either their radicalism or the information that they sent. I followed and tracked these individuals and kept notebooks detailing each website and person of interest.

Soon Rossmiller grew skilled enough to pick out the signature style of individuals and successfully impersonate a Jihadi. If on the Internet nobody knew if you were a dog, it might be equally possible for a mom of three to convince her quarry she was a terrorist looking to hook up.
I created my first terrorist cover identity on the Internet on March 13, 2002, to communicate and interact with these targets. In my first chat room sting, I convinced a Pakistani man that I was an Islamist arms dealer. When he offered to sell me stolen U.S. Stinger missiles to help the jihadists fighting the U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, I used the Persian Gulf dialect of Arabic to ask him to provide me with information that I could use to confirm his claims, such as stock numbers. Within a couple of weeks, the missile identification numbers were in my computer inbox.
Stock numbers and the e-mail correspondence in hand, I intended to drive to the closest field office for the FBI here in Montana but was afraid that the FBI would not take me seriously. What were the chances of a Montana mom showing up at their door with information about an individual in Pakistan who was trying to sell Stinger missiles? Instead, I submitted the information to the FBI's online tips site.
A few days later, I received a telephone call from an FBI agent from New Jersey who proceeded to question me. It felt like an interrogation. Several days later, the same agent called to thank me and say that the stock number information for the Stingers did match some of the information that the government had about the missiles.
Encouraged by this success, I continued to communicate with these jihadis online and proceeded to gather more information. Using various Muslim personalities and theatrics for cover, I began monitoring the jihadist chat rooms into the early hours of the morning while my family slept. Plunging in, I started making headway into the world of counterterrorism.

Rossmiller went on to detect early warnings of a bombing attack against expatriates in Saudi Arabia and was even asked -- in 2003 -- to courier some money for Saddam's fedayeen in Jordan. But not all the homes burning the midnight oil in America belonged to individuals fighting for their country. Some of the nocturnal denizens haunting the Internet were bent on selling out their country for gain or out of hatred. At some point Rossmiller's path and theirs were bound to cross.
It was soon afterwards that I learned that I was not the only American surfing the chat rooms. In October 2004, while monitoring Arabic Islamist websites for threat-related information and activity, I saw a message posted in English by a man calling himself Amir Abdul Rashid. He said he was a Muslim convert who "was in a position to take things to the next level in the fight against our enemy (the U.S. government)." He further requested that someone from the mujahideen contact him for details. I was suspicious because Rashid posted his message in English on an Arabic website and was openly seeking contact from the mujahideen. I traced his IP address back to an area outside of Seattle, Washington. Over time, it also became apparent to me that he was a member of the U.S. military.

With the Montana mom aware of him the net slowly closed. Rashid turned out to be Spec. Ryan G. Anderson, whose National Guard unit was scheduled to deploy to Iraq. Anderson was hawking the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the M1-AI and M1-A2 Abrams tanks as well as U.S. troop locations in Iraq. The price for this success was the end Rossmiller's anonymity. Called to testify at Anderson's trial, Rossmiller's modus operandi and identity were revealed in court records. Her cloak stripped away, the hunter soon became the hunted.
After the media picked up my identity at Anderson's Article 32 hearing in May 2004, I received numerous threats and, on December 5, 2004, someone stole my car out of my family's garage. It was later found wrecked two counties away from my home, riddled with bullet holes. As a result, I now have permanent security.

There's more. And if you want to know of her other exploits you should as they say, read the whole thing.
Ironically if Rossmiller had been engaged in important sleuthing such as uncovering whether Scooter Libby had talked about Valerie Plame before or after Richard Armitage instead of the trivial pursuit of hunting down terrorists intent on mass murder or traitors selling their country's secrets, her story might already be the subject of a blockbuster movie instead of the obscure pages of Middle East Forum. Rossmiller would be on the Good Morning America and Oprah shows, pulling in money instead of shelling it out for personal security.
Yet her saga is more than a cultural commentary on our times. It also illustrates the largely unrecorded exploits of individuals who are fighting the Jihad on their own time and dime. Wearing a wire for the FBI. Tracking down Jihadi training camps in rural America. Translating documents. Jamming terrorist sites. Raising the alarm. Baking cookies for the troops. It's a story of the gaps in the official warfighting apparatus and the enterprise that quietly fills them in. It is a perfectly 21st century story; a tale of networked counterinsurgency. But it is also a story from the past: of the 18th century idea of a nation in arms, not literally perhaps -- the keyboard is probably a more common weapon -- but of people's war, something that shocked the Continent when the French revolution brought it into European existence.
This perhaps, is Osama Bin Laden's saddest contribution to history. Not that he should make war upon the nations, but that he has raised the nations, right down to their living rooms and front porches, to make war upon him and his.


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Score one for a Pakistani shopkeeper in the UK
« Reply #97 on: July 18, 2007, 12:41:52 PM »

Karate newsagent challenges thief
A knife-wielding robber met his match when he tried to steal money from a shopkeeper trained in karate.
The man ran into the Edinburgh shop owned by Mohammed Afzah, 39, a former bodyguard for the prime minister of Pakistan, and demanded money.

Mr Afzah immediately adopted his martial arts stance and shouted "I'm ready - come on" at his assailant.

The would-be thief turned on his heels and fled empty-handed from the shop during the raid at 2100 BST on Sunday.

Mr Afzah, who was born in Pakistan, spent eight years in the country's security police.

 I stepped out from behind the till and assumed my karate attack position
Mohammed Afzah

He was trained in hand-to-hand combat and anti-terrorist techniques before becoming a police bodyguard in Lahore.

He was tasked with guarding politicians and VIPs, including then-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at his official residence.

Mr Afzah said: "The guy ran into my shop and shouted 'give me the money, give me the money'. At first I thought he was joking until he pulled out a kitchen knife and told me to hand over all my takings.

"I stepped out from behind the till and assumed my karate attack position while I shouted 'I'm ready, come on then'.

"He was waving the knife about so I moved towards him with my hands positioned to disarm him like I had been trained in the army."

Cult hero

Mr Afzah, who had been cashing up about £500 in his Stockbridge Newsagent shop in Deanhaugh Street, shouted at the robber to get out - and the terrified raider was only too happy to oblige.

Mr Afzah, who left the police nine years ago, added: "I was trained in many aspects including how to take a knife from someone before turning it on them. Fortunately I didn't have to put this into action."

The shopkeeper said he would not encourage people to take the law into their own hands, but said he was inspired by the actions of Glasgow Airport baggage handler John Smeaton, who became a cult hero after helping the police.

He said: "I would do the same again although it's the first time I've had to put my training into practice in this country.

"I have so much respect for John Smeaton and the other guys who stood up to the terrorists in Glasgow.

"They showed so much courage and were protecting their property, in their case it was their country though which was incredibly admirable."

Police are now studying his shop's CCTV footage in the hope it identifies the attempted robber.

A Lothian and Borders Police spokesman said: "We want anyone who was in the area at the time, or who saw the man running away from the scene, to contact police."

The suspect is described as being white, about 6ft tall, aged between 30 and 35, with short brown hair and an Edinburgh accent.

He was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt, black trousers and light coloured shoes.

Published: 2007/07/17 15:38:15 GMT


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Re: We the Unorganized Militia
« Reply #98 on: July 23, 2007, 11:34:20 AM »

Man drives himself to hospital with butcher knife lodged in chest
Brutal stabbing lands man in hospital with knife still in chest

MEMPHIS - An East Memphis man drove himself four miles to Germantown
Methodist Hospital after he was stabbed with a butcher knife in the chest.
It happened at the Butterfield Apartment Village on Roxbury Wednesday

According to the victim's daughter, this all started because of some lewd
comments made by a group of guys.
53-year-old Greg Shackelford told police he overheard a group of guys near
his apartment complex Tuesday, making suggestive comments about his
17-year-old daughter Allie. He says he confronted them and flipped them off.
She says he overreacted.
"He'd said he'd had a bad day at work, was upset," she said.

That should've been the end of it, but it wasn't. Shackelford told police
the same men he'd confronted the day before attacked him on his front porch.
One held him down, while the other stabbed him with a butcher knife in the
"It went straight down in front of his heart, directly in front of his
heart," said ex-wife Diane Sprague. "It's a miracle he survived."
"They were trying to kill him, almost got his heart over something so
stupid," said Allie Shackelford.

It's a crime that has these family members shaking their heads, wondering
why things had to escalate.
"How dare you attack someone out their front door over something so
ridiculously minor," said Sprague. It's sad our city's come to this."
Police are still investigating the case. So far they haven't named any
suspects. Meanwhile, Shackelford is in intensive care at the Med in serious
condition. He's expected to make a full recovery.


Ohio man prevents girl's assault four years after foiling a robbery
Monday, May 21, 2007

CLEVELAND Don Lewis was walking home from his job at an auto shop one night
earlier this month when he heard a girl cry for help and saw a man
struggling with her.

Many would have passed without getting involved, fearing for their safety.
Not Lewis. He chased the assailant for six blocks, called police and stopped
a crime - for the second time in recent years.

"Lewis should be applauded," Lorain County Sheriff's Capt. Richard Resendez
said. "And God bless him that nothing bad happened."

Residents of the city's Old Brooklyn neighborhood also have been praising
Lewis, who stopped the assault on a 13-year-old girl. The suspect is being
held on $1 million bond in the attack.

"My customers have been calling me, saying, 'You're a hero!' " said Lewis,
who operates D&C Customizing, an auto repair shop. "No, I'm not. I have
three daughters. I would have wanted someone to do the same thing for them
if they were in that situation. We have to watch out for each other."

It wasn't the first time that the 35-year-old Lewis had intervened when
someone was about to become the victim of a crime.

In 2003, Lewis helped foil a robbery at a pharmacy. Police reports confirm
that a thief tried to grab money from the cash register shortly before the
store closed.

Lewis was standing behind the thief and, with the help of other customers,
wrestled the man to the floor and held him until police arrived.

"It really upset me," Lewis said of the robbery attempt. "I have to work
like crazy for my money. I've been working since I was 10, cutting grass and
pulling weeds. And here is this guy who wants to walk in and steal it. It
wasn't right."

Lewis acted instinctively in both cases, following the values he learned
from his parents. Also, he acted out of anger that "little punks who think
they can do whatever they want" are mistreating residents of one of the city's
oldest neighborhoods.

He never thought that he might be hurt while stopping the crime. Police are
glad he got involved.


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Man with cane beats robber into submission
« Reply #99 on: July 29, 2007, 11:35:19 AM » - GTA - Man with cane beats robber into submission
July 27, 2007
Justin Piercy
Staff Reporter

Police in Durham Region say a 64-year-old Whitby man derailed an Oshawa drugstore robbery this week when he beat the would-be robber with a cane.

Officers were called to Central Pharmacy on Simcoe St. N. for a report of a robbery in progress shortly before noon on Monday.

When they arrived, they found a suspect being detained by another man, who was armed with a walking cane.

Witnesses told police a man carrying a large knife and wearing a stocking over his face entered the store and demanded drugs from the pharmacist.

At that point, a customer who saw the robbery in progress jumped into action. Removing a cane from a nearby display case, he hit the would-be robber several times, disarming him and keeping him at bay until police arrived.

Police say they also found an accomplice inside the store and arrested him without incident.

Walter William Wilson, 43, and Lee Silverthorne, 25, both of Bruce Street in Oshawa, are charged with robbery and possession of weapons dangerous. Wilson was also charged with wearing a disguise with intent

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Durham Region police at (905) 579-1520 ext. 5360. Anonymous tips can be made to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

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