Author Topic: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc  (Read 317656 times)


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2053 on: August 07, 2023, 07:31:28 AM »
leprosy is not transmitted from person to person

what is not said are how many of these cases are from recent immigrants

if not politically correct or not within DNC guidance, the medical community remains silent

hypocritical how the med "community" or whatever the leadership wants to call itself

is never mention  pro life
   never mention illegals bringing diseases with them
   reluctance to mention gays spreading at higher rates STDs
     such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV
   always mention pro abortion
   always mention diversity and race
   mention as much as possible climate change


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2058 on: October 31, 2023, 08:13:10 AM »

I forget, what is our thread for corrupt government in bed with the private profit sector?

How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators
According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2059 on: October 31, 2023, 07:17:52 PM »
Both here and the Medical Fascism thread.  Posting in both increases chance of future searches finding it.


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ET: Adverse events more likely for vaxxes on those with natural antibodies
« Reply #2065 on: November 29, 2023, 10:31:25 AM »
dverse Events From COVID Vaccination More Likely With Prior COVID Infection | The Epoch Times

Adverse Events From COVID Vaccination More Likely With Prior COVID Infection
People who have moderate to severe COVID-19 prior to vaccination may have increased reactogenicity to COVID-19 vaccines, according to a Canadian study.

Adverse Events From COVID Vaccination More Likely With Prior COVID Infection (REC Stock Footage/Shutterstock)
Megan Redshaw
By Megan Redshaw

Individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop immunity and may be more likely to experience adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination compared to those with no history of infection, according to a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Canadian researchers conducted a large, prospective observational study to assess the short-term safety of COVID-19 vaccines in adults with a previous history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Study participants were sent an electronic questionnaire seven days after receiving their first, second, and third vaccine doses to assess whether adverse events experienced after vaccination prevented daily activities, attendance at work or school, or required medical care, including hospitalization.

Among 684,998 vaccinated participants included in the analysis, 369,406 received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 201,314 received Moderna, and 113,127 received AstraZeneca's viral vector vaccine.

There were 18,127 individuals (2.6 percent) who reported previous laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection two to six months before receiving their first vaccine dose.

According to the study, individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were more likely to experience an adverse event the week following vaccination—regardless of the vaccine type—that interfered with daily activities, school, and work or required emergency department visits or hospitalization.

New FOIA Document Reveals CDC Did Not Have Data Prior to Vaccine Recommendation for the Naturally Immune | Truth Over News
New FOIA Document Reveals CDC Did Not Have Data Prior to Vaccine Recommendation for the Naturally Immune | Truth Over News
CDC Claims on Vaccination and Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document
CDC Claims on Vaccination and Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document
After the second and third vaccine doses, the greater risk associated with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection was also present but was weakened compared with the first dose.

The association was lower or absent for all doses after mild or asymptomatic infection. In other words, the risk was most significant among those who experienced moderate to severe COVID-19 prior to vaccination.

In addition, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines continued to produce increased immune reactions in previously infected individuals, whereas AstraZeneca's viral vector vaccine did not. Following Pfizer or Moderna's booster—or third vaccine dose—researchers found that a higher proportion of previously infected participants reported adverse events that interfered with daily activities, school, or work—or that required medical intervention.

"The association is stronger after the first dose than after the second and third doses,” the authors wrote. “Providers should consider additional vaccine counseling on expected adverse effects for individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 prior to vaccination," they concluded.

“These findings are not surprising, nor should any immunologist be surprised,” public health advocate and immunologist Dr. Hooman Noorchashm told The Epoch Times. “If you vaccinate people who’ve experienced natural infection, especially recently, you’re potentially opening the door to medical complications.”

Dr. Noochashm recounted the case of a young orthopedic surgeon, J. Barton Williams, who died on Feb. 8, 2021, from multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS) after receiving his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. MIS is a rare and severe immune reaction that can occur in those who had SARS-CoV-2 infection weeks or months before receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and may lead to significant organ damage.

"There were several high profile deaths, like Williams' with previous COVID-19, who then received one or two vaccine doses, experienced a hyperimmune response, and died," Dr. Noorchashm said.

Dr. Noorchashm attempted to bring this issue to the attention of vaccine manufacturers and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when COVID-19 vaccines were first authorized. He was concerned those with prior infection required to get vaccinated under vaccine mandates could be at an increased risk of experiencing an adverse event and called for screening antibody levels before vaccinating.

“In general, a standard of care is to screen before you vaccinate to assess whether one has immunity,” Dr. Noorchashm said. “Because COVID-19 vaccines have a side-effect profile that includes myocarditis and blood clots, even if infrequent, when you’re talking about vaccinating millions of people within a short span of time with an experimental vaccine, you have to be circumspect about that. At the very least, we need to have technology available to those who want to know whether they really need the vaccine.”

Despite these concerns, the FDA issued guidance in May 2021 “reminding the public and health care providers that results from currently authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate a person’s level of immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.”

Dr. Noorchashm found the FDA’s guidance concerning because allowing physicians to assess antibody levels before vaccination can prevent potentially severe adverse effects and ensures only those who need a vaccine are vaccinated.

“A standard of care is to assess immunity by screening, so why not make that available to citizens? Why was there such a resistance to that?” Noorchashm asked. “The FDA provided no basis for its guidance recommending against screening for antibodies—which is indicative of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. If the purpose is to make sure everyone is immune, that’s very different from making sure everyone gets vaccinated.”

According to the study in Clinical Infectious Diseases, vaccine manufacturers did not systematically assess individuals with a previous history of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pre-licensure trials of COVID-19 vaccines. Still, Dr. Noorchashm, who doesn’t dispute the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, said it would have been simple to do so.

He also noted what the study didn’t capture—those individuals who had already acquired natural immunity through previous infection but died as a result of vaccination and weren’t able to answer a questionnaire.

“I’m glad more research is being done on this, but it could have easily been done years ago during the pandemic,” Dr. Noorchashm said.


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Elevated death rate of the young post pandemic, vaccines?
« Reply #2067 on: December 13, 2023, 04:52:52 AM »

 For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively.
I was in for some heart tests recently.  They asked me if I feel safe at home. They didn't ask which vaccine I had, how many times, how recently?
Herr Zeller:
*I've not asked you where you and your family are going. Nor have you asked me why I am here."

Captain von Trapp:
"Well, apparently, we're both suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity."
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 05:08:58 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2068 on: December 13, 2023, 06:56:03 AM »
" They asked me if I feel safe at home."

we are required to take courses on elder abuse or domestic violence and that question would be a result of that .

They want to be sure you are not getting your ass beaten at home by abusive spouse or child or care taker etc.



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why life expectancy down
« Reply #2072 on: December 18, 2023, 06:41:16 AM »

caveat emptor :  this is written by poison Ivy Harvard editor.


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Russians in Ukraine Catching “Mouse” Flu
« Reply #2074 on: December 26, 2023, 12:41:32 PM »
I don’t know what to make of this. The epidemiological side of the house well demonstrated the truth is not something they are capable of offering or operating within, and clearly someone from that side of the house is whispering in select ears, who knows to what end.

Do the spooks have some virus that turns what looks like the impending collapse of Ukraine’s military into something less unpleasant come the next presidential election? Wouldn’t put it past ‘em, but this certainly is deniable at this stage and kinda begs the question: if this is a biologic solution to a military problem what keeps it contained, contained among the Rooskies, contained where a response is concerned if the Rooskies believe it was an attack, contained when whatever wildcard some fool failed to account for rears its head.

Bottom line, with the MSM and the current administration having chucked anything resembling integrity, let alone the ability or desire to traffic in truth, I gotta suspect there’s more here than meets the eye:


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Aaron Rodgers on Covid
« Reply #2076 on: January 10, 2024, 08:56:24 AM »
Covid is (not) over, did we learn anything?

I never liked Aaron Rodgers (or Novak Djokovic) until they stood up to the forced vaccinations.

Only once I showed my Walmart vaccination 1 'papers' or be refused entry to the Minnesota Orchestra as they started up.  I assume it was vaccination and mask.  If either worked, why would you need both, but that argument is so old now.

But Rodgers makes a point, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed and never reopened.  The wealth gap widened as the higher paid workers had an easier time working remotely.  We forced people inside when what they needed was sunshine and vitamin D.  Taking Vit C, D and Zinc IS an immunization program, especially after we find out vaccines don't prevent covid and by some measures don't even help prevent covid. Maybe helps with severity and survivability. (My daughter and I are having differences on this; I would still like to know the most up to date, comprehensive and accurate data available on vaccines as version 8.0 gets pushed.)

Rodgers even refers to the opposition voices by name that were often posted here.  Very bold for a public figure to do that.  I don't know if his football career is over or if he will win more Super Bowls and Super Bowl MVP awards, but he doesn't seem to care what his critics think at this point.


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ET: Vaccines could impact mortality and risks of other diseases
« Reply #2077 on: January 15, 2024, 07:45:56 AM »
Vaccines Could Impact Mortality and Risks of Other Diseases: Study
A recent review found non-live vaccines tend to increase a person’s risks of all-cause mortality, as well.
Vaccines Could Impact Mortality and Risks of Other Diseases: Study
Marina Zhang
By Marina Zhang

Apart from potentially preventing a particular disease, vaccines may cause persistent nonspecific effects that can affect a person’s lifetime survival.

In a review published on Dec. 26 in Vaccine, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against.
A live vaccine contains a weakened form of the pathogen, which is less virulent but capable of replicating in the body, thus mimicking the actual disease progression. Non-live vaccines use inactivated viruses, fragments, or genes of the pathogen to trigger an immune response without pathogen replication.

Live vaccines elicit a much stronger immune defense, typically requiring only one shot, while non-live vaccines result in a weaker response, often necessitating multiple shots.

So far, research has identified several non-live vaccines that cause adverse nonspecific effects, namely DTaP and Tdap, influenza H1N1, malaria, hepatitis B, inactivated polio, and COVID mRNA vaccines.

The Vaccine study singled out DTaP, influenza, malaria, hepatitis B, and COVID mRNA vaccines.

Did the Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox?
Did the Vaccine Eradicate Smallpox?
‘It’s One of the Great Mysteries,’ Why COVID Spares Children
‘It’s One of the Great Mysteries,’ Why COVID Spares Children
On the other hand, live vaccines such as the oral live polio vaccine (OPV), the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis, and the smallpox vaccines all have beneficial nonspecific effects, according to the study.

“Live vaccines ... elicit epigenetic alterations that train the innate immune system and increase immunity to unrelated infections. In opposition, non‐live vaccines may promote ‘tolerance’ that increases susceptibility to unrelated illnesses,” the authors suggested.

The study was primarily based on decades of work from Danish researchers Dr. Christine Stabell Benn and professor Peter Aaby.

“Our work is a tribute to their great scientific work that has not been recognized,” biologist Alberto Rubio-Casillas, one of the study’s authors, told The Epoch Times.
Non-Live Vaccines Are Like an ‘Ill-Prepared’ Army
“Historically, we’ve thought about the innate immune system as the first line of defense,” Dr. Benn told The Epoch Times.
It was thought that innate immunity could not store memory. To use war as an analogy, the immune system’s “army” could not learn from previous battles with pathogens. Adaptive immunity, on the other hand, could learn and be trained, forming antibodies to fight against the infection.

Therefore, for a long time, vaccines were evaluated based on their effects on the adaptive immune system, and antibodies were measured following vaccination.

But researchers in the Netherlands have since shown that the innate immune system can be trained. After vaccinating people with the BCG vaccines and harvesting some of the patients’ innate immune cells, researchers found that after vaccination, the innate cells exhibited a more robust immune response and demonstrated improved clearance of tuberculosis, as well as other bacteria and fungi when compared to patients’ prevaccination status.
However, the opposite was shown for non-live vaccines.
Thus, the innate immune system actually does learn something from its previous battles. This is called trained innate immunity.

Live vaccines, which mimic an actual disease, enhance the effectiveness of the innate immune system in defending against infections. Non-live vaccines, on the other hand, weaken the immune system’s ability to fend off infections.

In a TED talk, Dr. Benn compared infections to a competitive tennis match and live vaccines to a tennis coach. The tennis coach may change tactics and strategies, training the body to have “a wide variety of tricks” against the pathogen. Non-live vaccines, however, are like tennis ball machines that shoot out balls at a specific speed and spot. If a person only trains with a tennis ball machine, he or she will be less prepared for an actual match.

“So you may be ill-prepared and even worse off when a real opponent enters the court, and the balls start coming and hitting elsewhere than what you trained for,” Dr. Benn said.
Nonspecific Effects
Some vaccines result in positive nonspecific effects, but others may result in overall adverse nonspecific effects. The order in which vaccines are administered also factors in.
While non-live vaccines cause negative NSEs, administering a live vaccine after a non-live one neutralizes negative NSEs, Dr. Benn said.

This has been shown in studies evaluating the safety of measles vaccines, which are often given around the same time as DTP, a non-live vaccine. Studies have found that if the measles vaccine are given after the DTP vaccine, there is an overall positive effect, whereas if this order is reversed, then there is a negative effect.

“It seems that effects are strongest as long as the vaccine is the most recent vaccine,” said Dr. Benn.

Dr. Benn added that the BCG vaccine has long-term beneficial nonspecific effects “in spite of other vaccines being given afterwards.”

The DTaP vaccine has arguably the most evidence of adverse nonspecific effects. Girls who took the DTaP vaccine had a 50 percent higher risk of dying than boys who got it. Compared to girls who were DTaP-unvaccinated, vaccinated girls’ risk of dying was over 2.5 times higher.
Dr. Benn’s studies have generally shown that girls are at a greater risk of developing adverse nonspecific effects after being administered non-live vaccines.
Live Vaccines Replaced With Non-Live Vaccines
Non-live vaccines are increasingly replacing live vaccines. For example, live oral polio vaccines are no longer available on the U.S. market, and a non-live version is administered instead.
This substitution of live vaccines with non-live can pose potential health risks to the general immunity of the population, as the immune systems become less trained and potentially “lazy,” said Dr. Benn.

However, the main reason non-live vaccines are preferred over live vaccines is that they are believed to be safer for people with depleted immune systems.

Since a live vaccine causes mild disease in the body, people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome can develop a disease from the injection and may die since their bodies are unable to clear infections. Conversely, non-live vaccines comprise only disease components, so they cannot induce disease.

In this aspect, Dr. Benn said that the “risk of getting the real disease with the live vaccines has been seen as a bigger threat than I think it deserves.”

Research suggests that people with weaker immune constitutions due to age or chronic disease may sometimes benefit from having their immune systems trained using live vaccines.

In one study involving hospitalized older patients randomized to get the BCG vaccine or a placebo, the incidence of disease among those who took the BCG vaccine was about half the incidence of disease in the placebo group.
Health Authorities Still Skeptical
Despite the evidence suggesting the potential superiority of live vaccines, Dr. Benn’s research has been largely unacknowledged by the mainstays of academia.
“In my interpretation, whereas most researchers now acknowledge nonspecific effects, the major health organizations are reluctant to accept our findings because [the findings] imply the possibility that some vaccines may sometimes be harmful. So it is easier just to dismiss the whole thing,” she said.
“The vaccine skeptics, on the other side, may find that our observations on non-live vaccines confirm their worst fears—vaccines can be harmful—but they may be more reluctant to accept the beneficial effects. And their focus on the negative effects may make the vaccine supporters take an even more rigid stance.”
Immunologists now largely agree that some vaccines cause nonspecific effects, but how these effects should be quantified remains controversial.

This is because the nonspecific effects of vaccines are dependent on context, whereas a vaccine’s specific effects are generally considered context-independent. For example, females may make more antibodies than males and younger people more than older, but most people still get some form of immunity.

“In contrast, because the nonspecific effects act on the broader innate and general immune system, they are dependent on other factors going on in the immune system ... like other health interventions that can alter and modify the nonspecific effects,” Dr. Benn explained. Not everybody will have the same benefit, she added.

Additionally, pharmaceutical companies may be more reluctant to produce live vaccines because they are harder to culture and manufacture.

“If you have ever tried to bake with sourdough, it’s a little bit like live vaccines; they are very dependent on the temperature of the room, the water used to culture it, and so on,” said Dr. Benn.

“But basically, all the live vaccines I’m talking about—they have no patents anymore, they’re super cheap to produce, and it’s some of the cheapest vaccines we have to make.”
Vaccine Safety: NSEs Versus Adverse Events
Though live vaccines tend to cause positive NSEs, that is not to say they cannot potentially cause adverse events. NSEs are considered a separate entity from adverse events, Dr. Benn explained. According to her, in rare cases, live vaccines may induce the actual disease in some recipients, such as people born with gross defects in their immune systems or who have severe immunodeficiencies, like fulminant AIDS.
In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, live vaccines were likely not considered due to concerns about the formation of recombinant viruses when a vaccinated person comes into contact with the circulating viral strain.
However, despite their potential beneficial NSEs, the COVID vaccines may still be associated with adverse events due to the presence of highly toxic spike proteins, which studies now link to long COVID and vaccine injuries.
In the medical textbook “The Immune Response,” the authors wrote that, in isolated cases, live viral strains administered to individuals can regain virulence, causing disease in recipients. Additionally, there is a risk of contamination with other viral strains during manufacturing.
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Top Two Comments:
Why are we still having people get vaccines??? They are shedding the virus to all of us who made the healthy choice not to be vaccinated!!!! So sick of the nonsense and stupidity!!!

ALL kid and adult – vaccines, shots, and covid jabs since 2020 forward must not be taken. Can not use any products from vaccinated blood – transfusions, organs’, sperm, and nothing that had any contact with vaccinated blood. No sexual activity with the vaccinated. Do not marry and/or have children with the vaccinated. Moving forward – no vaccinations/jabs/shots until further notice. These are DNA editing devices that never leave the body once an injection has taken place. At this point in time – you must assume any/all vaccines, jabs and shots are all compromised with the same technology. Infact, the new flu jab is that new technology. The fight is far from over!
Folks, most of the republicans and democrats are on the same team as our government has been compromised for many years Most of these so-called elected officials have been – bribed with money and power, have been compromised, or are true believers of the puppet masters. This façade started 80 or so years ago. So, if you are counting on republicans to save us it will not happen, as there are only a few true believers of the true meaning of our constitution, which is not enough. Wake up, put your game face on, and unite to take your country back. Watching TV, complaining on online platforms, and unfortunately- waiting on voting cycles will not fix our great problem. OUR Constitution tells us what to do to fix this problem.
No forgiveness and no quarter!

Marina Zhang
Marina Zhang is a health writer for The Epoch Times, based in New York. She mainly covers stories on COVID-19 and the healthcare system and has a bachelors in biomedicine from The University of Melbourne. Contact her at


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Measles Surging in Europe
« Reply #2078 on: January 24, 2024, 10:03:21 PM »
Wonder if all the Covid vaccine hype and failure to deliver claimed results have lead folks to eschew other vaccines:

I’ll note when I was a kid we’d be sent over to the homes of other kids with measles or chicken pox to “get it out of the way.” You’d probably be arrested for child abuse were that to occur today.


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« Last Edit: January 25, 2024, 05:33:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2080 on: January 25, 2024, 05:40:26 AM »
I know it has given me pause , , ,  My faith in our medical civil service has been badly rattled.

Shingles vaccine?

Dementia vaccine?
As geezerdom looms I've done shingles (as shingles symptoms sound like torture to me) and pneumonia vaccines, albeit with less faith in their efficacy than I used to have.

Way back in the day when we'd be sent over to a classmate's house to contract Chicken Pox to "get it out of the way," my mom would take an old sock, pour a half cup or so of cornstarch in, put a rubber band around the open end, and then tell us to pat our itchy Pox spots with the results. Doing so would make a little cloud of starch, and leave you feeling like you'd done something to battle the itch, but was in fact a con on my mom's part meant to keep us from picking at all the itchy spots.

Which is my long-winded way of saying I wonder if a lot of this vaccine stuff (no control group test for any flu shot ever, for instance) is a way to make us feel like we are doing something with perhaps little real impact.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2081 on: January 25, 2024, 05:48:46 AM »
A worthy theme, but this thread is for things medical.

Lets use the Political Economics thread for this.


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Behavior Changes Reduced Spread of Monkeypox
« Reply #2084 on: March 01, 2024, 05:24:54 PM »
Jeepers, think these lessons could have applied to Covid?


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Sweden Was Right
« Reply #2086 on: March 02, 2024, 01:27:29 PM »
Remember when the MSM had hissy fits over Sweden’s (and FL, and SD, and others) Covid tact it took? Well it turns out Sweden was correct:


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PJ media ; restrictions did more harm than good
« Reply #2087 on: March 02, 2024, 01:51:12 PM »
More thoughts in retrospect on the Covid epidemic and response:

" The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just quietly updated its Covid-19 guidance to tell Americans essentially to act as if the virus were the common flu. All of us “conspiracy theorists” who said the same thing back in February 2020 would like an apology."

This is not true . The virus back in 2020 was much more deadly then now.
Vaccines did reduce deaths though not spread.  I don't agree they caused more deaths then not but I admit I am not sure about this.

Now we have two treatments for the virus. The virus, as had been predicted, mutated to less virulent forms and natural immunity now makes it far less dangerous (at least to those at high risk - it was never dangerous to the young and health).

So now it is not much more than a cold a few very unhealth people or very old are still at risk - just the same as the common flu.

OTOH I do agree the response was worse then the virus itself on our country.

Did the shutdown wreck the economy - yes.
Was it all worth it - in retrospect no.
Yet we did have hospital overrun and seniors dying at rather high rates.

We know more about viruses now.
But our debt is up what , at least 6 trillion more then before ?

I would agree the fix for covid was more harmful overall then the virus it self.

The medical establishment looked only on statistics based on deaths not anything else.

All this devastation from a virus that should never have been leaked from a Wuhan lab.

What is next on devastating the world?
More viruses, diseases, cyber attacks , AI, EMPS nucs, eventual economic collapse, off the top of my head

I was never so pessimistic in my whole life.


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Lab Origin for Covid Proven?
« Reply #2089 on: March 21, 2024, 04:54:01 PM »


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Bird flu jump from cattle to human
« Reply #2090 on: April 02, 2024, 11:21:00 AM »

(2) TEXAS REPORTS FIRST BIRD FLU JUMP FROM CATTLE TO HUMAN: The Texas Department of State Health Services reported the first human infection of avian influenza (H5N1), which authorities believe was transmitted from cattle infected with H5N1.

“Every single time is a little bit of Russian roulette,” and eventually H5N1 will adapt to spread among humans, former Biden official Ashish Jha said.

Brown University Pandemic Center director Jennifer Nuzzo said authorities have been concerned about H5N1 for more than twenty years, and it is “remarkable” how far across the globe H5N1 has spread over the last year.

Why It Matters: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say the human infection risk is still low, but their assessment could change if more cases of cattle-to-human transmission are discovered. If H5N1 does mutate to allow cattle-to-human and human-to-human transmission, the case fatality rate is the most significant concern. The World Health Organization is tracking global H5N1 human infections, and they say the case fatality rate is above 50%. The situation is still developing but could become a food security threat due to the vulnerability of U.S. food supply chains to biosecurity threats. – R.C.


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Incompetently Orchestrating Chaos
« Reply #2091 on: April 04, 2024, 10:49:45 AM »
Per the piece, the entire complexion of the US Covid response was based on one behind the scenes appointee that, having worked on the HIV response in Africa overlayed that resulting model atop the American response to Covid:

Coordinating Chaos

Rob Montz joins John Tierney to discuss his documentary It Wasn’t Fauci: How the Deep State Really Played Trump.

Audio Transcript

John Tierney: Welcome back to the 10 Blocks podcast. This is John Tierney, a contributing editor to City Journal. Joining me on the show today is Rob Montz, who has just released an important and riveting documentary on YouTube. It’s about the Covid fiasco and is titled, “It Wasn’t Fauci: How the Deep State Really Played Trump.” Now, Rob was a journalist, and he’s the CEO and co-founder of Good Kid Productions. Two years ago, before the rest of the country discovered that deficiencies of Harvard president Claudine Gay, Rob wrote about it in Quillette and also released a documentary exposing how she and other Harvard officials unfairly punished and suspended Roland Fryer, a brilliant economist at Harvard, whose research on policing and schooling contradicted progressive dogma on racism. Now, Rob has taken on a much bigger scandal: the useless and devastatingly harmful Covid lockdown, school closures, and other mandates that were imposed on America and copied in the rest of the world.

I’ve written a lot about these issues at City Journal, how these terrible measures were imposed against the longstanding advice of the best experts on dealing with pandemics and against the best scientific evidence about these measures. Now, this was, I think, the costliest and worst mistake ever made in the history of public health. Probably the worst public policy blunder ever made during peacetime in America. And like a lot of people, I’ve wondered, how could we be so stupid? Well, Rob answers that question in his new documentary, and the answer will be news to the many people who put all the blame on Anthony Fauci.

Now, there’s no question that Fauci bears a lot of responsibility. He was the public face of Covid. He was the darling of the gullible reporters in the mainstream media who bought his version of “the science.” And because his agency controlled so much of the research funding into infectious diseases, scientists depended on that funding, were afraid to contradict them, and therefore there was a silence from people who knew better. But as Rob shows in his documentary, it was another veteran federal bureaucrat who actually orchestrated these terrible measures and conned Donald Trump and the White House into going along with it. Her name is Deborah Birx. Could you tell us about her, Rob?

Rob Montz: Yeah, and for most people at best, they have a vague recollection of that name because Fauci was held up as the great counterbalance to Trumpism. He’s the guy who gets all the glowing New Yorker profiles. He’s the dude who gets the Time 100 nominations. And Birx was there, and people maybe vaguely remember her scarves, and maybe they remember that she was on the receiving end of that hyper viral Trump news conference in the early stages of the pandemic in which he suggested using ultraviolet light and bleach to fight Covid. Other than that, she’s basically been lost to history, which is just so funny about the nature narrative making in politics. You really get to see how warped and artificial historical storytelling is once you actually dig into the power of things. Yeah, you’re right. I get the sense that a lot of Americans want to move on. In part they really, really, really don’t want to hear the answer to was all that sacrifice of the lockdowns worth it?

They don’t really want to be told that it actually wasn’t worth it at all. There was no nobility to it. The cousin of yours that died of a drug overdose didn’t die for a good reason. The fact that your nine-year-old still can’t read. It’s not for any particularly good reason. The fact that you had to shutter your family business, there was no good reason. So people just want to move on, even though, as I’m sure your audience knows, there’s been a lot of pretty rigorous investigations into the efficacy of the lockdowns, and they’ve essentially proven that they had no impact whatsoever on cases or death rates.

John Tierney: Just tell us a little bit about Birx’s background and what led her to adopt these policies against the advice of the best epidemiologist in the world before this. It was against the plan of the CDC and other national health agencies before the pandemic. She did all this, despite all this. So tell us a little bit about her background.

Rob Montz: And it’s so funny because the ways that lockdowns became the default policy prescription in America, it’s so pedestrian. It’s like Alex Jones-style conspiracy theorizing has all these grand forces and complicated machinery and all these complex variables, but then you dig into how Birx got power and it’s the most mundane thing imaginable, and the mistakes she made is the most mundane thing in imaginable, and that became the default policy prescription for nearly 400 million Americans. So she immediately, in the wake of Covid hitting American shores in 2019, early 2020, the White House forms a special Covid task force. Importantly, Trump gives Pence complete control of the task force. He essentially outsources the whole Covid task force portfolio to Pence. And as they’re assembling this group, they’re frantically looking around for a public health expert that can bring some level of scientific rigor to their policy prescriptions for the rest of the country. And through a complicated set of connections, someone within the Trump administration recommends Deborah Birx. Her background importantly is in fighting AIDS in Africa.

John Tierney: She was also an old crony. I mean, she’d worked very closely with Fauci and with Robert Redfield, right?

Rob Montz: Oh, yeah. They all know each other. They’ve been working together for decades. They’re all part of the same swamp stew. So her background is in HIV-AIDS. And again, the important things are, there actually was an internal inspector’s general report that came out about her management style of PEPFAR, like literally just a matter of weeks.

John Tierney: And PEPFAR was this international AIDS program to combat AIDS.

Rob Montz: And it comes out, and this thing, which is mostly based upon surveys with municipal and public health officials in African countries that have been working with Deborah Birx, is a barnburner of an indictment on her management and leadership. It’s insane. I mean, anybody can read it. It’s not difficult to find. It’s just nobody did read it because nobody’s curious about it.

John Tierney: Right. This is the first I’ve seen of it, and it really is a barn burner showing what a horrible administrator she was.

Rob Montz: Everyone’s like she’s a dictator. She doesn’t listen to feedback. She very quickly becomes myopically committed to a particular paradigm and doesn’t change it based upon the facts on the ground. She’s dictatorial.

John Tierney: Draws the wrong conclusions, you say?

Rob Montz: Yeah. She draws conclusions that lead down the wrong path. And this is the person who then gets brought up to be part of this elite group of, it’s only like 10 people that are principals on the Covid task force, and she’s the chief scientist on the task force. That’s the woman. Somehow the mechanics of history are such that she’s the person that gets to write the guidelines. And what she does, and again, I don’t want to give away everything in the documentary, I want people to have a reason to go watch it, is she essentially makes this 75 IQ instinctual parallel between Covid and AIDS. She makes a certain set of assumptions that the Covid virus and HIV/AIDS virus are the same. And from those parallel assumptions come a certain set of policy prescriptions, including getting to zero cases at any cost, treating Covid as an equal opportunity killer, focusing on children and shutting down schools. This is all based on an HIV/AIDS paradigm.

John Tierney: Right, where every case is potentially fatal.

Rob Montz: Exactly. I don’t know. This is not a hot contrarian take to be like, “Yo Covid’s not like HIV/AIDS.” Not at all. It’s extremely different. They’re radically different diseases. We get into a bunch of the particulars, not least of which, and again, it’s still shocking how few Americans seem to appreciate this. It’s mostly because of the thematic misinformation fed to them by the corporate establishment media, that there’s this really, really sharp age gradient for Covid death where it’s a serious disease if you’re 74, and it’s not a serious disease at all if you’re 20. And that reality needs to be reflected in your policy interventions. And it wasn’t. Then the central mystery also that we try to solve, Trump initially had okayed the lockdown and very famously cut off air transportation from China. He greenlit a couple weeks to slow the spread, and then a couple more weeks.

And then he pretty famously turns against lockdowns right around like June or July of 2020 and starts criticizing them. He very famously gets Covid and then afterwards tells the American public not to be afraid, doesn’t wear a mask. He berates governors for excessively, overly aggressively closing down schools. But even after the president himself turns against lockdowns, the official policy prescription from his White House all the way through the election is still pro-lockdown. And you’re like, that’s interesting. How did that happen? I don’t think the schoolhouse rock conception of American government is an efficient explanation for how it is that a president could be saying one thing and the actual policy coming from his White House could be the exact opposite. There must be some complexity or nuances here that I didn’t learn in my ninth grade U.S. government class. Deborah Birx is the linchpin for how it is that that dissidence could have occurred.

John Tierney: Right. Scott Atlas, who’s featured in your documentary, who was one of the early heroes of the pandemic speaking out, and he was invited finally, someone in the White House, Scott, he was appearing on television and saying the lockdowns are going to kill more people than the virus. The school closures are devastating. And so he got in there and he tried to do something on the task force, but he was completely stymied by Birx and Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, and Fauci on the task force were these veteran bureaucrats who’d all worked together. Fauci had worked on the failed attempt to do an AIDS vaccine, but they made a secret pact because the New York Times later revealed that if any one of them was fired, they’d all quit. So they basically knew how to play the bureaucratic game. And there was also, you point out in the documentary that Jared Kushner, he was terrified of the political implications of standing up to Fauci.

Rob Montz: But my reporting mostly indicates that she was able, Birx in particular, was able to systematically stymie and marginalized Atlas, not because of her close alliance with Fauci and Redfield, but because of her close alliance with Mike Pence. Remarkable, right?

John Tierney: And he really emerges as another villain. He was supposedly in charge of the task force, but he just bowed to her at every turn. He was afraid to stand up to her. Right?

Rob Montz: Well, it’s not exactly, I don’t really know his motivations. From a distance, before I’d gotten into this, he’d always struck me as the paradigmatic hollow man elected politician. He just seems like he was grown in a lab and is a soulless political automaton, and he just regurgitates on command GOP Christianist talking points. Are you even a person? Do you have a subjective experience of reality, or are you just a non-player character? So I don’t really know what his motivations were. I don’t really know.

John Tierney: I think Scott Atlas said that Pence just deferred to her and everything, and she basically ran the—I mean, he was the head of it, but she really, I think, set the agenda. And then, as you say in the documentary, she’s the one who was writing all the official White House guidance.

Rob Montz: Right. She was writing it almost alone. This is again, something that I think the broader American public needs to appreciate that it was a single woman with a couple of junior staffers that was writing. Again, they were recommendations, so they weren’t mandates, so governors didn’t have to follow them. But certainly in the early stages of the pandemic, governors that defied federal guidelines were risking insane legal liability, and it was just her, it was not a group project at all. And so Scott Atlas is brought in right around the time that Trump changes his mind. It turns out he was right about everything. Really everything about just the complete, the catastrophic human consequences of lockdowns and other parts of life. There’s this age gradient that needs to be taken into consideration, how shutting down schools who basically everybody now agrees it was a catastrophic event.

John Tierney: Everybody knew that early on too. I mean, it was very clear early on.

Rob Montz: He’s right about everything. But what’s funny, and this, I don’t want to give it away too much though. It’s also funny to see that Birx again is able to enact, in part enabled by Trump’s epic executive incompetence. And again, he doesn’t get off lightly in this at all. She’s able to enact this kind of casual coup of him, and it didn’t require a shot fired, and it was mostly done with an email inbox and an edit function. It’s the most pedestrian office space tactics imaginable. And it ends up having these unbelievably catastrophic consequences for hundreds of millions of people. And it’s the most casual, bland office drone stuff you can imagine in terms of what she actually has to do to circumvent a president. And again, I do want to emphasize this is a deeply anti-Trump piece as well, because stuff happened on his watch because of his incompetence and chaos. For large portions of his presidency, even before Covid, he was acting like somebody else’s president, and he was just the guy that tweeted things out.

John Tierney: Right. Scott Atlas tried, and I want to talk about what he tried to do with bringing another scientist, but a really striking story in Scott Atlas’s book about this, A Plague Upon Our House, is when he first meets Deborah Birx, he goes in and she’s pushing the mask mandate, of course. And they were even pushing the absurdity of masks outside even, and they kept that forever. But he says that he asked her, “Where do you think the evidence is for a mask mandate? Because the best remote, randomized controlled trials before it, people said, don’t have mass mandates. There’s no evidence that they work.” And she says, well, and she cites this what she called a study in one hair salon in Mississippi that was a joke. And then he realizes that she just has no conception of the science and no interest in it. He used to bring in all the studies to the meeting.

She and Fauci never looked at it, never discussed it, refused to do it. And then you show the documentary how Atlas finally tries to go around her and brings in some real scientists who actually know how to deal with pandemics. Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford, Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, and Joe Ladapo, who was at UCLA. He brings them, he arranges a White House meeting for these scientists who’d done the great Barrington Declaration saying we should protect older people, we should not be locking down, we should not be closing schools. We should focus protection. So he brings them in for a meeting, and he invites Birx with Trump, invites her there. So what happens then?

Rob Montz: Yeah, so he brings in people. This is like pre-Great Barrington Declaration, but again, a group of genuine, highly credentialed, mostly Ivy League professors of epidemiology. Again, Deborah Birx is not a researcher. She’s not even an epidemiologist. She’s a bureaucrat. She was overseeing the dispersal of AIDS medicine. She wasn’t doing foundational research into the nature of the HIV/AIDS virus or whatever. So again, real hardcore Harvard, Stanford gold-plated credentials people that are basically trying to come in to provide an intellectual architecture for Trump’s guerrilla instincts that the lockdowns are bad and are counterproductive and come with a huge human toll. Atlas puts together this meeting in the White House. It’s him and a couple of these other heavy hitters. And it’s specifically scheduled so that Deborah Birx can attend. They make a point to schedule it so that she can be there and she can make her case in front of the president. And she at the last minute says, “I’m not going to be there because it would look bad for me.” She refuses to deign to give them her attention or her time, which is the most horribly unscientific way—

John Tierney: And also because she can’t possibly argue with them because they know so much more than she does.

Rob Montz: But it’s amazing that she has since publicly admitted she doesn’t even pretend to engage with the substance of their critiques. I know this from having suffered from my sins and watched everything that she’s ever said about the time in the White House.

John Tierney: My condolences.

Rob Montz: She doesn’t even attempt to engage with it analytically. She just calls it a heresy, and then openly admits to using her bureaucratic intrigue powers to censor and silence her critics. We talk about it in the doc that she, shortly after that meeting with the president, between the president and these professors, goes to the media team at the White House and tells them, “You can’t put Scott Atlas on national news anymore.” And they say, “Yeah.” The most grotesque censorship imaginable. And she’s openly admitting to it because she isn’t thinking anything’s wrong with it.

John Tierney: She’s proud of it. One of my favorite lines, and you got some great sound clips from her talking, I think at the Aspen Institute maybe, of talks where she was speaking to a friendly audience and really opened up and admitted what happened. And one of her things, and she talked about that meeting and said, “Now you’re sort of outgunned,” she says, “if you’re against these professors from Harvard and Stanford.” But she says, “Now, but I’m not outvoiced. You just don’t allow yourself to be outvoiced.” It’s a real high point in the documentary, and that’s a bureaucrat. They may be right on the science, but I’m going to outvoice them. I’m going to do the bureaucratic channels to manipulate things.

Rob Montz: And again, Deborah Birx has been raised and thrived in and mastered like the dark arts of federal administration. I mean, she’s been doing it for decades upon decades. Her expertise is not in epidemiology or any hard scientific fields. Her expertise is in navigating bureaucracy and in kind of petty power politics in federal government. So when she’s losing clearly the scientific debate, she resorts to the tactics and the tools that she knows, which is the back end, dark arts, bureaucratic power. So she knows which levers to press and who to go to and how to talk to them to silence her critics. And that’s exactly what she does. And what that does is it enables her to continue to impose her completely garbage, broken, unscientific lockdown policies on the country well through the end of 2020 in open defiance of President Trump.

John Tierney: Exactly.

Rob Montz: But again, this is very instructive about him in that he gets labeled as a fascist. And again, I’m not going to defend Trump, but it is interesting that when he actually had power, he so willingly gave it away, and it was so easy to snatch it from him. It’s like, this is not some Mussolini dude. It’s like, you got to be kidding me. It was so goddamn easy to steal enormous amounts of power from him. And that’s not a fascist. Again, that tends to substantiate the story of Trump as more of a theater experience like a clown, like someone who can pretend to be the alpha man of action.

John Tierney: And there’s another really nice moment in the documentary where Pence is talking. You show Pence saying, “We drain the swamp, we’re going to do it.” And then you show right before that, you show how Birx, after the White House has said, “Our official policy is we’re against lockdowns,” she, the veteran bureaucrat, discovers that they don’t really read what she writes. As long as she doesn’t put it at the beginning, they just skim it. And so she basically just keeps saying, “Close bars, outdoor masks, close schools, close churches.” She just keeps putting that out as a guidance. She travels the country telling governors to do this, and nobody at the White House is stopping her. And she even goes to Pence and says, and I think you say that. She says to Pence, “You know that I’m doing exactly the opposite of what the president is saying?” And Pence just says to her, “Do what you need to do.”

Rob Montz: Ice cold, man. Ice cold, I know bro. And it’s so simple. And it’s not without a shot fired, not really some sophisticated game. If this was an episode of Game of Thrones, it wouldn’t even fill an episode, like a single episode, because there’s so few narrative storytelling points in it. It didn’t take much at all to topple a president. It was remarkably simple. And so the reason we did the documentary, and again, this is kind of the reason that our whole company exists, is to tell these stories that just get missed by corporate cathedral media. It’s remarkable that this was the biggest story in the last 50 years in America. And this one particular story about how it is that we got this particular policy response, it’s just never been told.

John Tierney: Well, it was good for you doing. I mean, it really is so telling, and it needs to be told, because the big fear, of course, is that nobody wants to admit how wrong they were. So the next time a virus comes along, it’ll be, whoa, that’s our policy. We work. And there’ll be another Deborah Birx in there who knows how to manipulate the system. So I hope the documentary gets a lot of views, that people really find out about what Birx did and how disastrous this all was. And I hope that our listeners will check this out. Again, the documentary, It Wasn’t Fauci: How The Deep State Really Played Trump. It’s available on YouTube. You can also check out my articles about Scott Atlas and about other issues that Rob covers in the documentary. You can find us at, also on X @CityJournal, and on Instagram @CityJournal_MI. And as always, if you like what you’ve heard on the podcast, give us five-star rating on iTunes. Thanks again, Rob, for joining us and for producing a great documentary.

Rob Montz: John, thanks so much for having me. And again, people can watch the documentary in full, at least for now, on our YouTube page at Good Kid Productions.

John Tierney: Excellent.


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Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer Making the Zoological Leap to Humans?
« Reply #2092 on: April 19, 2024, 01:43:56 PM »
This is a wee bit scary, kids, though anecdotal at the moment:


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FO: Avian Flu in TX wastewater
« Reply #2095 on: May 13, 2024, 08:58:51 AM »

(4) AVIAN FLU H5N1 FOUND IN TEXAS WASTEWATER: According to an early study published on Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s preprint server, scientists detected Avian Flu H5N1 present in Texas cities’ wastewater.

The scientists said they detected H5N1 in 19 of 25 monitored sites over a two-month period, and while analysis pointed to bird or cattle origin, human origin could not be ruled out.

Why It Matters: This is only an initial study that has not been peer-reviewed yet. However, wastewater testing has been used recently to accurately test the prevalence of other viral infections when individual testing is not available, or widespread testing is infeasible. The presence of Avian Flu H5N1 in the majority of wastewater samples points to likely symptomatic and asymptomatic infection in humans already present beyond the confirmed case. The most dangerous course of action remains that H5N1 adapts to become more transmissible from human to human. – R.C.


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Re: NIH Admits Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
« Reply #2098 on: May 21, 2024, 04:18:22 PM »
Fauci perjured himself. Where is the consequence?


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Re: NIH Admits Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
« Reply #2099 on: May 21, 2024, 04:47:08 PM »
Fauci perjured himself. Where is the consequence?

Fauci is a non-partisan Democratic Party shill (contradiction intended) and they as well as their kissin’ cousins in the Uniparty don’t have to contend with no stinkin’ consequence for their actions as they hold the right union card.