Author Topic: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.  (Read 450654 times)


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Re: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.
« Reply #900 on: November 06, 2023, 07:19:38 AM »
second post

Hat tip CCP:

Who was in charge of most of the studios during "old Hollywood"?

" African American roles in Old Hollywood
The roles that the African-American community were generally offered, usually fell into one or more of three themes; a tale of rags to riches, thug life, or segregation.[citation needed] These roles often followed old stereotypes.[citation needed] There was the Tom who was someone who served white people; the Coon who acted goofy (like a clown or naive); the "Tragic Mulatto" who was someone who tried to "pass for being white"; the Mammy who was seen as asexual, helped to raise the young, and helped families; and the Buck who was often a male who was hyper-sexualized and seen as a threat.[6] Though the roles were demeaning for the communities with darker skin tones, some actors and actresses were so desperate to represent their communities or to change the ways of Hollywood they knew that any part is a part.[citation needed]

Performers such as Sidney Poitier and Hattie McDaniel would do whatever they would have to in order to pave the way for other African-American actors and actresses.[citation needed]The first black Oscar winner, Hattie McDaniel, received the Academy Award in 1940 for her portrayal of the loyal maid in Gone with the Wind. When criticized for often playing a mammy on film, McDaniel once stated, “I can be a maid for $7 a week. Or I can play a maid for $700 a week.”[citation needed] Despite the Academy Award, McDaniel faced struggle of both racism and sexism over the next decade, even within the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).[7] Its leader, Walter Francis White, looked down on her and other actors (such as Stepin Fetchit) that he perceived to "playing the clown before the camera".[7] By 1942, White and the NAACP had tried to force Hollywood into giving more opportunities for African Americans in film roles; McDaniel on the other hand believed it should be the fellow black actors of the Screen Actors Guild, not the NAACP, responsible for the push.[7]"


Quite the emotional contrast between this post and the previous one , , ,


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religioins that have proselytism tradition
« Reply #901 on: November 16, 2023, 05:45:10 AM »

what I don't understand is how this claims there is none in Islam.    :roll:

did they ever hear about "infidels",

convert or die ?


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VDH, Collapse of Culture
« Reply #902 on: January 08, 2024, 08:44:31 AM »

Quiet, soft spoken Victor Hanson says what we all see, and says it best.

I hate to pick out one line, but this is brilliant:
When did we lump together an entire cadre of diverse ancestries, ethnicities, religions, politics, classes, and values and dub them all “white,” and then smear them collectively in stereotypical fashion?"

This could go in almost all the threads.

There are people, Claudine Gay, and Obama-Biden et al, who would rather break it and 'build [it] back better'.  Our job is to defend and honor the Creed, win the middle and defeat the extreme Left.  Not win a close one.  Defeat them! 

Of course the projectionists just framed it exactly the opposite.  So let's have an open honest debate with them - which of course will never happen.  Hence his closing line, "...we have a rendezvous soon with the once unthinkable and unimaginable."  Let's hope not.

Defend the American Creed.  The rights endowed for all by our Creator are worth fighting for.


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Re: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.
« Reply #903 on: January 08, 2024, 09:27:08 AM »
" Kamala Harris is a wordsmith. Russian collusion really happened. So did Russian laptop disinformation. Christopher Steele’s dossier was mostly true, in the fashion of Claudine Gay’s dissertation and Barack Obama’s memoir. And 51 former intelligence authorities bravely came forward to offer their expertise in certifying that Hunter’s laptop was cooked up in Moscow."

I would also add there was no election interference manipulation fraud conspiracy to change all the rules
in the '20 election.

What we saw did NOT happen
we are simply conspiracy lunes for even questioning it.


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Sowell on Affirmative Action
« Reply #904 on: January 15, 2024, 02:57:41 PM »


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VDH on Baraq Obama and Racial Marxism
« Reply #906 on: January 17, 2024, 04:10:16 PM »


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Baraq and Presidential Rankings
« Reply #907 on: January 17, 2024, 06:27:17 PM »
yet lib historians rank him just behind or ahead of Ronald Reagan

if you disagree you know what happens.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 10:26:59 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Larry Elder vs. Ibram Kendi
« Reply #912 on: February 20, 2024, 08:40:44 AM »


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Non-White is the New White
« Reply #913 on: March 13, 2024, 04:20:32 AM »
I’m not much of a fan of “race” as a category, pigeonhole, or some other form of delineation. The concept is a fluid one, within a given race there can be major genetic and other differences, and indeed I believe culture has a far larger impact on behavior than some sort of intrinsic attribute of a given race, and figure further that some wouldn’t concentrate so exclusively on cultural attitudes or seek to force so many cultural changes if culture didn’t have some sort of overriding significance.

Still, the blunt instrument of race is a way or bean sorting and counting that’s woven into all sorts of societal fabrics and hence we are stuck with it, at least until concepts like “gender fluidity” and similar outcomes across bean counting groups enter into the picture whereupon other expediencies are embraced.

Perhaps what’s shown below is merely a matter of lazy bean counters entering errata, but given the current cultural climate it’s not difficult to conclude the same folks ever so willing to place their thumbs on various scales are seeking to do the same here:


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Re: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.
« Reply #914 on: March 13, 2024, 02:25:44 PM »
Truly deranged , , ,


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Hungary Calls Out West for Ignoring Christian Persecution
« Reply #915 on: March 14, 2024, 05:35:51 PM »
For some reason those most likely call out real or imagined “Islamophobia” are blind full blown Christian persecution:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 04:41:45 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.
« Reply #916 on: March 16, 2024, 04:46:53 AM »
He is quite correct in this.

I have had great rhetorical success in discussions about the Hamashole attempts at Jewicide with the argument about the virtual disappearance of Christians from Iraq and that even our State Dept (Kerry era) has formally acknowledged genocide of Christians in Syria.   

If it weren't the Jews, it would be the Christians, and if none of them are around then it is Sunni vs. Shia (and/or the Suffis in Pakistan)


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The End of Race Politics
« Reply #917 on: March 29, 2024, 05:35:46 AM »
It seems to me that the time is right to forthrightly call for cutting the Gordian's Knot that is our current paradigm.

I haven't read it, but this book goes there:


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Coleman Hughes outrages the DEI BLM mob
« Reply #918 on: March 29, 2024, 05:57:47 AM »
Meghan Kelly had discussion at length on how his performance on the 'View'
and the hosts as always displayed their angry biasis and foolishness
while he was amazing cool calm and collected.  His mother is white and so they were annoyed he did not describe himself as black per se.


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Coleman Hughes with Bill Maher
« Reply #919 on: March 31, 2024, 08:18:32 AM »


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Re: Race, religion, ethnic origin, LGBT, "discrimination", & discrimination.
« Reply #920 on: April 01, 2024, 06:12:21 AM »
Coleman Hughes

his thinking is a major danger to "reparations"

he must be shouted down! now!


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Congress preparing to bury in bill a restoration of quotas
« Reply #921 on: May 15, 2024, 02:54:54 PM »

Don’t you love it when Congresscritters bury a major change most American’s don’t want deep in some omnibus bill?

Congress is Preparing to Restore Quotas in College Admissions
The Volokh Conspiracy / by Stewart Baker / May 15, 2024 at 4:51 PM
[And everywhere else -- as a very quiet part of the bipartisan "privacy" bill]

More than two-thirds of Americans think the Supreme Court was right to hold Harvard's race-based admissions policy unlawful. But the minority who disagree have no doubt about their own moral authority, and there's every reason to believe that they intend to undo the Court's decision at the earliest opportunity.

Which could be as soon as this year. In fact, undoing the Harvard admissions decision is the least of it. Republicans and Democrats in Congress have embraced a precooked "privacy" bill that will impose race and gender quotas not just on academic admissions but on practically every private and public decision that matters to ordinary Americans. The provision could be adopted without scrutiny in a matter of weeks; that's because it is packaged as part of a bipartisan bill setting federal privacy standards—something that has been out of reach in Washington for decades. And it looks as though the bill breaks the deadlock by giving Republicans some of the federal preemption their business allies want while it gives Democrats and left-wing advocacy groups a provision that will quietly overrule the Supreme Court's Harvard decision and impose identity-based quotas on a wide swath of American life.

This tradeoff first showed up in a 2023 bill that Democratic and Republican members of the House commerce committee approved by an overwhelming 53-2 vote. That bill, however, never won the support of Sen. Cantwell (D-WA), who chairs the Senate commerce committee. This time around, a lightly revised version of the bill has been endorsed by both Sen. Cantwell and her House counterpart, Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA). The bill has a new name, the American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 (APRA), but it retains the earlier bill's core provision, which uses a "disparate impact" test to impose race, gender, and other quotas on practically every institutional decision of importance to Americans.

"Disparate impact" has a long and controversial history in employment law; it's controversial because it condemns as discriminatory practices that disproportionately affect racial, ethnic, gender, and other protected groups. Savvy employers soon learn that the easiest way to avoid disparate impact liability is to eliminate the disparity – that is, to hire a work force that is balanced by race and ethnicity. As the Supreme Court pointed out long ago, this is a recipe for discrimination; disparate impact liability can "leave the employer little choice . . . but to engage in a subjective quota system of employment selection."  Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio, 490 U.S. 642, 652-53 (1989), quoting Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 448 (1975) (Blackmun, J., concurring).

In the context of hiring and promotion, the easy slide from disparate impact to quotas has proven controversial. The Supreme Court decision that adopted disparate impact as a legal doctrine, Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 432 (1971), has been persuasively criticized for ignoring Congressional intent. G. Heriot, Title VII Disparate Impact Liability Makes Almost Everything Presumptively Illegal, 14 N.Y.U. J. L. & Liberty 1 (2020). In theory, Griggs allowed employers to justify a hiring rule with a disparate impact if they could show that the rule was motivated not by animus but by business necessity. A few rules have been saved by business necessity; lifeguards have to be able to swim. But in the years since Griggs, the Supreme Court and Congress have struggled to define the business necessity defense; in practice there are few if any hiring qualifications that clearly pass muster if they have a disparate impact.

And there are few if any employment qualifications that don't have some disparate impact. As Prof. Heriot has pointed out, "everything has a disparate impact on some group:"

On average, men are stronger than women, while women are generally more capable of fine handiwork. Chinese Americans and Korean Americans score higher on standardized math tests and other measures of mathematical ability than most other national origin groups….

African American college students earn a disproportionate share of college degrees in public administration and social services. Asian Americans are less likely to have majored in Psychology. Unitarians are more likely to have college degrees than Baptists.…

I have in the past promised to pay $10,000 to the favorite charity of anyone who can bring to my attention a job qualification that has made a difference in a real case and has no disparate impact on any race, color, religion, sex, or national origin group. So far I have not had to pay.

Id. at 35-37. In short, disparate impacts are everywhere in the real world, and so is the temptation to solve the problem with quotas. The difficulty is that, as the polls about the Harvard decision reveal, most Americans don't like the solution. They think it's unfair. As Justice Scalia noted in 2009, the incentives for racial quotas set the stage for a "war between disparate impact and equal protection." Ricci v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557, 594 (2009).

Not surprisingly, quota advocates don't want to fight such a war in the light of day. That's presumably why APRA obscures the mechanism by which it imposes quotas.

Here's how it works. APRA's quota provision, section 13 of APRA, says that any entity that "knowingly develops" an algorithm for its business must evaluate that algorithm "to reduce the risk of" harm. And it defines algorithmic "harm" to include causing a "disparate impact" on the basis of "race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability" (plus, weirdly, "political party registration status"). APRA Sec. 13(c)(1)(B)(vi)(IV)&(V).

At bottom, it's as simple as that. If you use an algorithm for any important decision about people—to hire, promote, advertise, or otherwise allocate goods and services—you must ensure that you've reduced the risk of disparate impact.

The closer one looks, however, the worse it gets. At every turn, APRA expands the sweep of quotas. For example, APRA does not confine itself to hiring and promotion. It provides that, within two years of the bill's enactment, institutions must reduce any disparate impact the algorithm causes in access to housing, education, employment, healthcare, insurance, or credit.

No one escapes. The quota mandate covers practically every business and nonprofit in the country, other than financial institutions. APRA sec. 2(10). And its regulatory sweep is not limited, as you might think, to sophisticated and mysterious artificial intelligence algorithms. A "covered algorithm" is broadly defined as any computational process that helps humans make a decision about providing goods or services or information. APRA, Section 2 (8).  It covers everything from a ground-breaking AI model to an aging Chromebook running a spreadsheet. In order to call this a privacy provision, APRA says that a covered algorithm must process personal data, but that means pretty much every form of personal data that isn't deidentified, with the exception of employee data. APRA, Section 2 (9).

Actually, it gets worse. Remember that some disparate impacts in the employment context can be justified by business necessity. Not under APRA, which doesn't recognize any such defense. So if you use a spreadsheet to rank lifeguard applicants based on their swim test, and minorities do poorly on the test, your spreadsheet must be adjusted until the scores for minorities are the same as everyone else's.

To see how APRA would work, let's try it on Harvard. Is the university a covered entity? Sure, it's a nonprofit. Do its decisions affect access to an important opportunity? Yes, education.  Is it handling nonpublic personal data about applicants? For sure. Is it using a covered algorithm?  Almost certainly, even if all it does is enter all the applicants' data in a computer to make it easier to access and evaluate. Does the algorithm cause harm in the shape of disparate impact? Again, objective criteria will almost certainly result in underrepresentation of various racial, religious, gender, or disabled identity groups. To reduce the harm, Harvard will be forced to adopt admissions standards that boost black and Hispanic applicants past Asian and white students with comparable records. The sound of champagne corks popping in Cambridge will reach all the way to Capitol Hill.

Of course, Asian students could still take Harvard to court. There is a section of APRA that seems to make it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race and ethnicity. APRA Sec. 13(a)(1). But in fact APRA offers the nondiscrimination mandate only to take it away. It carves out an explicit exception for any covered entity that engages in self-testing "to prevent or mitigate unlawful discrimination" or to" diversify an applicant, participant, or customer pool." Harvard will no doubt say that it adopted its quotas after its "self-testing" revealed a failure to achieve diversity in its "participant pool," otherwise known as its freshman class.

Even if the courts don't agree, the Federal Trade Commission can ride to the rescue. APRA gives the Commission authority to issue guidance or regulations interpreting APRA – including issuing a report on best practices for reducing the harm of disparate impact. APRA Sec. 13(c)(5)&(6). What are the odds that a Washington bureaucracy won't endorse race-based decisions as a "best practice"?

It's worth noting that, while I've been dunking on Harvard, I could have said the same about AT&T or General Electric or Amazon. In fact, big companies with lots of personal data face added scrutiny under APRA; they must do a quasipublic "impact assessment" explaining how they are mitigating any disparate impact caused by their algorithms. That creates heavy pressure to announce publicly that they've eliminated all algorithmic harm. That will be an added incentive to implement quotas, but as with Harvard, many big companies don't really need an added incentive. They all have active internal DEI bureaucracies that will be happy to inject even more race and gender consciousness into corporate life, as long the injection is immune from legal challenge.

And immune it will be.  As we've seen, APRA provides strong legal cover for institutions that adopt quota systems. And I predict that, for those actually using artificial intelligence, there will be an added layer of obfuscation that will stop legal challenges before they get started. It seems likely that the burden of mitigating algorithmic harm will quickly be transferred from the companies buying and using algorithms to the companies that build and sell them. Algorithm vendors are already required by many buyers to certify that their products are bias-free. That will soon become standard practice. With APRA on the books, there won't be any doubt that the easiest and safest way to "eliminate bias" will be to build quotas in.

That won't be hard to do. Artificial intelligence and machine learning vendors can use their training and feedback protocols to achieve proportional representation of minorities, women, and the disabled.

During training, AI models are evaluated based on how often they serve up the "right" answers. Thus, a model designed to help promote engineers may be asked to evaluate the resumes of actual engineers who've gone through the corporate promotion process. Its initial guesses about which engineers should be promoted will be compared to actual corporate experience.  If the machine picks candidates who performed badly, its recommendation will be marked wrong and it will have to try again. Eventually the machine will recognize the pattern of characteristics, some not at all obvious, that make for a promotable engineer.

But everything depends on the training, which can be constrained by arbitrary factors. A company that wanted to maximize two things—the skill of its senior engineers and their intramural softball prowess—could easily train its algorithm to downgrade engineers who can't throw or hit. The algorithm would eventually produce the best set of senior managers consistent with winning the intramural softball tournament every year. Of course, the model could just as easily be trained to produce the best set of senior engineers consistent with meeting the company's demographic quotas. And the beauty from the company's point of view is that the demographic goals never need to be acknowledged once the training has been completed – probably in some remote facility owned by its vendor. That uncomfortable topic can be passed over in silence. Indeed, it may even be hidden from the company that purchases the product, and it will certainly be hidden from anyone the algorithm disadvantages.

To be fair, unlike its 2023 predecessor, APRA at least nods in the direction of helping the algorithm's victims.  A new Section 14 requires that institutions tell people if they are going to be judged by an algorithm, provide them with "meaningful information" about how the algorithm makes decisions, and give them an opportunity to opt out.

This is better than nothing, for sure. But not by much.  Companies won't have much difficulty providing a lot of information about how its algorithms work without ever quite explaining who gets the short end of the disparate-impact stick. Indeed, as we've seen, the company that's supposed to provide the information may not even know how much race or gender preference has been built into its outcomes. More likely it will be told by its vendor, and will repeat, that the algorithm has been trained and certified to be bias-free.

What if a candidate suspects the algorithm is stacked against him? How does section 14's assurance that he can opt out help? Going back to our Harvard example, suppose that an Asian student figures out that the algorithm is radically discounting his achievements because of his race. If he opts out, what will happen?  He won't be subjected to the algorithm. Instead, presumably, he'll be put in a pool with other dissidents and evaluated by humans—who will almost certainly wonder about his choice and may well presume that he's a racist. Certainly, opting out provides the applicant no protection, given the power and information imbalance between him and Harvard.  Yet that is all that APRA offers.

Let's be blunt; this is nuts. Overturning the Supreme Court's Harvard admissions decision in such a sneaky way is bad enough, but imposing Harvard's identity politics on practically every part of American life—housing, education, employment, healthcare, insurance, and credit for starters – is worse. APRA's effort to legalize, if not mandate, quotas in all these fields has nothing to do with privacy. The bill deserves to be defeated or at least shorn of sections 13 and 14.

These are the provisions that I've summarized here, and they can be excised without affecting the rest of the bill. That is the first order of business. But efforts to force quotas into new fields by claiming they're needed to remedy algorithmic bias will continue, and they deserve a solution bigger than defeating a single bill. I've got some thoughts about ways to legislate protection against those efforts that I'll save for a later date. For now, though, passage of APRA is an imminent threat, particularly in light of the complete lack of concern expressed so far by any member of Congress, Republican or Democrat.

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Bill Burr
« Reply #923 on: May 28, 2024, 12:39:07 PM »


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A lightening bolt of clarity
« Reply #924 on: June 17, 2024, 02:03:39 PM »


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Great discussion of slavery
« Reply #925 on: July 09, 2024, 04:17:16 AM »


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Very interesting!
I notice everyone or nearly everyone in the audience is white
except for the man who is hosting the video .

I would be curious to see/hear the reaction of blacks when shown this.


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Re: Great discussion of slavery
« Reply #927 on: July 09, 2024, 09:37:00 AM »

The “teach a man to fish” corollary was my big takeaway here. Whether it to Hamas or Hoboken, handouts do nothing buy underwrite pathologies.


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Canadian LGB Support Falls Due to Militancy
« Reply #928 on: July 09, 2024, 12:48:11 PM »
I suspect the same is occurring in the US due to trans militancy, not that the MSM would report it. As the piece states, you don’t build empathy by throwing bricks:

Adam Zivo: Militant LGBTQ activists ill-equipped to handle growing backlash

Support for the LGBTQ community has declined, and activists have themselves to blame

New polling data shows that support for LGBTQ rights is dropping precipitously in Canada — and while many queer activists will inevitably blame the far right for this development, the fact is that they themselves helped sabotage their own public support. Their abrasiveness and militancy has alienated the public, and though a strategic shift is needed, I fear that community leaders will fail to understand this until it is too late.

According to this year’s edition of the Ipsos LGBTQ+ Pride Report, which polled adults in 26 countries, support for queer rights has decreased across the globe since 2021. Several metrics suggest that the starkest changes occurred in Canada.

This year, only 49 per cent of Canadian respondents believed that people should be open about their orientation or gender identity (down 12 points from 2021), while support for LGBTQ people publicly kissing or holding hands fell to 40 per cent (down 8 points). Fewer Canadians want to see openly gay or bisexual athletes (50 per cent, down 11 points) or more LGBTQ characters on screens (34 per cent, down 10 points).

Canadians have been souring not just on visibility, but legal rights, too.

Only 54 per cent of respondents supported LGBTQ-inclusive anti-discrimination laws that guarantee equal employment, housing and educational opportunities. That number was 63 per cent just three years ago. And while same sex marriage and child adoption remains popular — at 75 and 70 per cent, respectively — these rights also saw concerning drops in support (down 7 and 11 points).

There has clearly been a global backlash against the LGBTQ community over the past two years — with accusations of pedophilia and “grooming” surging after decades of hibernation — but this is the first time that polling data has quantified its impact on Canadian attitudes.

The LGBTQ community needs to pivot. Hard and fast. Yet the militant activists who currently dominate the community seem ill-equipped to understand, let alone address, the rising challenges that threaten to undo decades of progress. In fact, they arguably are a major reason why this backlash exists in the first place.

Broadly speaking, you can conceptualize activism in two ways: war or public relations. Both approaches can be productive, depending on the context.

Radical activism, which tends to be warlike, was useful at the advent of the modern LGBTQ movement. The 1969 Stonewall riots helped queer people burst into the public sphere, for example. Yet the long march towards equality was primarily driven by activists who operated more like publicists or diplomats, and who cleverly built empathy for their cause. Though riots are often romanticized, you cannot build enduring social support by throwing bricks.


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Introducing MEI
« Reply #930 on: August 01, 2024, 06:46:25 AM »
Back in my restaurant days I was kinda proud of the fact I embraced discrimination: I didn’t like hiring privileged white kids ‘cause they were often poor workers, generally seeking jobs because they couldn’t hit up mommy and daddy to fuel their party habits, and that often folded up like a soiled napkin the first time a boo boo came their way as, in kitchens, boo boos are a given. I much preferred hiring people that had seen some rough road they’d surmounted rather than entitled brats.

With that said, talent and ability certainly had their place so I’m heartened to see this effort occurring. Hopefully it does indeed supplant more insidious hiring and reward systems:

Merit, Excellence And Intelligence: An Anti-DEI Approach Catches On In Companies — Is Higher Ed Next?
By Paul Caron
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Wall Street Journal, Merit, Excellence and Intelligence: An Anti-DEI Approach Catches On:

From tech to tractors, companies are dialing back diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Instead, a DEI alternative endorsed by Elon Musk could alter the fate of your next job application.

It’s known as MEI, short for merit, excellence and intelligence. As described by Scale AI Chief Executive Alexandr Wang, who helped popularize the term, MEI means hiring the best candidates for open roles without considering demographics.

“A hiring process based on merit will naturally yield a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and ideas,” he wrote on his company’s website last month, adding that casting a wide recruiting net was important. “We will not pick winners and losers based on someone being the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ race, gender, and so on.” ...

Whether diversity does, in fact, happen naturally in what Wang and others deem merit-based systems is hotly contested a year after the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action in college admissions.

Businesses that say they are meritocracies are often disproportionately white and male. Apart from truly objective performance metrics, excellence is in the eyes of beholders. And those beholders tend to view people like themselves as more promising and accomplished.

“Saying you hire for merit, excellence and intelligence is really saying people who are historically underrepresented are not worthy,” says Seena Hodges, a DEI consultant who calls herself the Woke Coach.

Some job seekers—mostly white guys—tell me they hope MEI catches on. They fill my inbox with stories of being passed over for jobs and promotions because, in their view, companies are determined to hire women and people of color.

Editor's Note:  If you would like to receive a daily email with links to legal education posts on TaxProf Blog, email me here.


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MD racial marxism at work
« Reply #933 on: October 07, 2024, 09:37:54 AM »


Caller Army!


It’s so good being back(ish). We had a fat baby boy (9 lbs, 6 ozs) Thursday, Sept. 25, and it’s been nothing but daddy taking care of mommy taking care of baby since then.


But I’m glad to be back to writing the morning newsletter at least, and I hope you appreciated the work of my deputy managing editor, Dylan Housman, in the meantime. (Round of applause for D-Haus!)


Obviously I’ve got some things to say about the state of the campaigns, but I’m going to hold that thought until tomorrow. Something happened last week that really irked me. It kind of went under the radar, and I think you folks should hear about it.


With that, I give you …




You would think in a post-George Floyd America, the political left would want police to be smarter, more capable, and overall just better, but you would be wrong.


Biden’s Department of Justice is forcing Maryland to pay 25 of 48 failed state police applicants a sum of $2.75 million. Maryland also has to hire these failed applicants into positions of “seniority” based on when they applied, which for some dates back to 2017.


(Imagine coming into work as a beat cop four years on the job and an “unk,” or unqualified, is suddenly your supervisor or worse, your partner. Insult to injury, they’re getting paid more than you from the jump.)


Finally, Maryland needs to rewrite its entry-level written and physical exams to be less racist and sexist. Yes, you guessed it: The applicants who failed were either women, or black, or both.


Despite the fact that the DOJ’s own report concludes the alleged racism and sexism was “unintentional,” somehow the state needs to devise a new test in which all kinds of people pass at exactly the same rate. Then it needs to report back to DOJ for “compliance.”


But what exactly was on the test? Reporting on the matter was pretty clear on the physical part.


Run 1.5 miles in 15 minutes, do 18 push ups and 27 sit ups in two minutes. This is where the test was supposedly sexist. Just 51 percent of women passed as opposed to 81 percent of men.


Dear Reader, I suppose I don’t have to say this, but basically any adult in even poor physical condition should be able to pass this exam, barring previous physical injuries or maladies. It’s a comically low bar for entry to Maryland’s police academy.


Same goes for the written test, which was supposedly racist. In that test, seven of 10 blacks passed while nine of 10 whites passed.


You can’t find any details on the written exam in the media’s reporting on this “racist” settlement, and the reasons why are obvious once you look at the actual questions.


Do you know how to tell time?

Can you do basic addition?

How about subtraction?

Just as anyone with a pulse in their 20s, 30s and even 40s should have no problem with the physical test, the written exam is literally too stupid to fail.


There is, without question, no reason why anyone who cannot exceed these very basic requirements should be allowed to enter training for a position that empowers them to summarily kill American citizens on behalf of the state.


And don’t bother asking why a “racist” and “sexist” exam would perform so poorly as to allow a majority of both blacks and women to pass. Nothing makes sense in the neo-Marxist equity worldview.


Maryland’s quick solution to the problem is to remove time limits on all the portions of the test. Imagine having literally forever to traverse 1.5 miles under your own power. Think you could pass? Think anyone could?


And that, folks, is the goal of this new left movement. It’s the same as the old. They want equal outcomes for everyone.


I’m quite eager to see how Maryland revises its test to “comply” with the DOJ. Is it even a test if everyone passes?


Until then, dear reader, be careful driving through Maryland.


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Bill Burr
« Reply #934 on: October 15, 2024, 06:16:02 AM »


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Indian women sues paypal for discrimination
« Reply #936 on: January 03, 2025, 12:09:58 PM »


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Gays buying guns
« Reply #937 on: January 06, 2025, 06:27:37 AM »
Talk about conspiracy theories

No Trump is not a Nazi to get gays and put them in camps.

No people who are not gay do not want to kill gays.

Just don't shove woke such as he him her other down our throats - many gays do not believe this anyway:

If they have an enemy it is radical Islamists not Trump or people who voted for him

How crazy......


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FO: Trump puts disparate impact in crosshairs
« Reply #938 on: January 26, 2025, 03:09:02 PM »

(2) TRUMP PUTS DISPARATE IMPACT IN CROSSHAIRS: President Trump rescinded executive order (EO) 11246 yesterday, an EO issued by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 that mandated that the federal government and contractors implement affirmative action and equal employment opportunity policies.

Trump also issued an EO suspending federal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practitioners and programs, and ordering federal agencies to deter DEI programs in publicly-traded companies, nonprofits, and universities.

Why It Matters: There are currently no lawsuits attempting to overturn Griggs v. Duke Power, which established the disparate impact legal doctrine. However, rescinding this Johnson-era EO is setting the stage for a future legal fight over disparate impact. This would fundamentally change freedom of association, and the relationship between private citizens and businesses, and the state. – R.C.


I remember being stunned upon reading Griggs v Duke Power in law school-- and stunned that no one else was!!!

IQ tests were held to be racially discriminatory!!!   WTF?!?


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South Africa
« Reply #939 on: February 10, 2025, 08:22:38 AM »


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