Author Topic: Ukraine  (Read 195616 times)


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Ukraine must win
« Reply #1550 on: April 25, 2024, 03:07:21 PM »
Ukraine must win hold the line.

Funny how the goal has morphed.


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A proposed solution for Ukraine
« Reply #1552 on: May 28, 2024, 12:28:05 PM »


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Martha McCallum destroys Kirby
« Reply #1555 on: June 06, 2024, 03:38:17 PM »
I have had a high regard for Martha McCallum for quite some time, and make a point to catch her show at 15:00.

She is prepared, has quality guests, and is a superb interviewer. 

She also has real feeling for our vets from previous wars, so no surprise she was at Normandy today.  In addition to some deeply moving interviews with some of the remaining vets from Normandy, she also interviewed Pentagon mouthpiece ____ Kirby.

I was in fg awe in her mastery of the facts and the way she continuously penetrated through Kirby's skillful obfuscations.  Done with great class, and a true masterclass.   Trey Gowdy came on next and was full of efusive praised.

Would love for someone to find the clip of it.


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List of US Made Parts in Russian Weapons
« Reply #1556 on: June 09, 2024, 04:49:33 PM »
Some Ukrainians with a lot of time on their hands have been taking apart Russian weapons and noting what US sourced parts can be found in them:


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WRM: Uke plan to become indespensable
« Reply #1558 on: June 10, 2024, 04:24:00 PM »

Ukraine’s Plan to Make Itself Indispensable
As Putin tries to grind out a win, Kyiv is taking a page from Churchill’s playbook.
Walter Russell Mead
Walter Russell Mead
June 10, 2024 5:18 pm ET


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(5 min)

Ukrainian soldiers with the 57th Motorized Brigade near Vovchansk, Ukraine, June 9. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES
On a long road trip from the Moldovan frontier through Odesa to Kyiv, Kharkiv and back, I heard overwhelmingly that Ukrainians are determined to fight on. That isn’t always because they love President Volodymyr Zelensky, trust their generals, or see a path to victory. The bottom line in Ukraine is that they must keep fighting because Vladimir Putin gives them no choice.

Mr. Putin isn’t looking for compromise, they say. It isn’t about moving the border posts a few miles to the west. He believes he needs all or almost all of Ukraine, and he won’t stop until he gets it.

Worse, they say, Mr. Putin doesn’t only want to raise the Russian flag over the country and redistribute its wealth to his favored oligarchs. He wants to crush Ukrainian nationality, marginalize the language and culture, impose totalitarian rule over the country, and enlist Ukraine in his project of rebuilding the Russian Empire.

“When he’s conquered us,” says a young Ukrainian employee of a nongovernmental organization, “he’ll draft us into his slave army to keep driving west.”

My young friend is basically right. Mr. Putin doesn’t want Ukraine as a trophy. He wants it as a base—demographic, economic, geographic—for further expansion.

But if Ukraine can’t afford to stop fighting the war, what’s the plan to win? Last year Ukrainians and their supporters believed that superior Western weapons were going to give Ukraine dominance on the battlefield, while Western economic sanctions would drive Russia’s economy toward collapse.

The plan failed. The counteroffensive led to heavy casualties on the Ukrainian side without compensating setbacks for Moscow, and Russia’s economy so far has survived Western sanctions. Ukraine is trapped in a war of attrition with a larger, richer country, and Mr. Putin thinks he can grind out a win.

So, what is Ukraine’s Plan B? You won’t hear a lot of speeches about it in Ukraine, but if you look at the country’s actions, a new war-fighting plan appears to be taking shape. It isn’t unlike Winston Churchill’s Plan B after Germany’s smashing blitzkrieg victories in 1940. Britain, Churchill told the world, would fight on with everything it had, until “in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old.”

AI and the Art of War in UkraineJune 3, 2024
England’s Spring of DiscontentMay 27, 2024
Churchill didn’t expect an American rescue out of pity or principle. He had things to offer, and he had threats to make. Churchill wasn’t above gently reminding Franklin D. Roosevelt that some future British prime minister—Churchill himself would never consider it—might turn the British navy over to Hitler to gain better terms for a defeated and starving island. Churchill knew that Roosevelt couldn’t let that happen, and he believed, with reason, that the increased arrogance and aggression of the Axis powers would ultimately force America into full participation in the war.

Mr. Zelensky seems to be developing a similar plan. Ukraine seeks to make itself indispensable to the West and the U.S., not merely as a geographical barrier to Russian expansion but with capabilities that make the country valuable for its own sake. I visited the workshops where Ukraine is developing cutting-edge battle technologies. Ukrainian special forces are engaged in missions against Russian and Russian-backed forces in Syria and Africa. Ukraine’s cyber capabilities are significant and growing. Few countries match Ukraine’s ability to understand Russia and to cultivate an intelligence network inside it.

Ukraine’s bet is that as these capabilities grow, and as the confrontation between the China-Russia-Iran-North Korea axis of revisionists and the West deepens, two things will happen: Ukraine’s ability to resist Russia will grow, and Ukraine’s allies will do what they must to keep this valuable asset from falling into Mr. Putin’s hands.

Churchill and Roosevelt also used smart financing to get aid flowing to Britain fast enough to make a difference. Ukraine can do something similar. It could, for example, issue bonds backed by the value of future oil and gas resources from the Black Sea. Countries (including perhaps the U.S. under a President Trump) would be more forthcoming with funding if they saw some value attached. In addition, since those bonds would be worthless unless Ukraine wins the war and can exploit the Black Sea resources, there would be a stronger political constituency in some countries for a Ukrainian victory.

I once asked one of my interns if he’d figured out what his job was. “Yes,” he said, “it’s to become indispensable. If you have to have me, you’ll find the money to keep me around.”

That was a smart kid, and he’s gone on to great things. Mr. Zelensky seems to be learning the same lesson. Let’s all hope he succeeds.


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GPF: Putin's terms
« Reply #1559 on: June 14, 2024, 08:42:48 AM »
By: Geopolitical Futures
Putin's view. Russian President Vladimir Putin set out his conditions for a cease-fire in Ukraine during a meeting with top Foreign Ministry officials on Friday. He said Kyiv would have to withdraw from the four regions in the east of the country annexed by Moscow, renounce plans to join NATO and maintain a neutral, nonaligned and nonnuclear status. He also said the Euro-Atlantic security system was nonfunctional and that Russia was working to formulate a new security structure in Eurasia. He made the remarks ahead of a peace summit on Ukraine in Switzerland this weekend, which Moscow is not attending.


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Zeihan: Ukes hit Russian satellite
« Reply #1561 on: June 25, 2024, 06:46:55 PM »


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Re: Ukraine
« Reply #1563 on: June 28, 2024, 06:45:19 PM »
Seems lucid to me!


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A FB friend posts
« Reply #1564 on: June 29, 2024, 06:30:19 AM »
Former National Security Council official Alexander Vindman claims that Donald Trump is “full of sh**” because he did nothing “during his four years to end the Russia-Ukraine war.”

IN FACT, Trump approved the transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine, which Obama forbad. Trump then blocked Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline with sanctions, which Biden waived despite warnings this “could facilitate a possible Russian invasion” of Ukraine.

Four months after the pipeline was completed, Russia launched a full-blown invasion of Ukraine. One month later, Biden prohibited the transfer of fighter jets from Poland to Ukraine, thus hindering their ability to stop the Russian onslaught.

Vindman’s Claim

When Russian invaded Ukraine in 2014, Obama refused to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons and only offered them non-lethal weapons. This led Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to remark, “Blankets and night vision goggles are important, but one cannot win a war with a blanket.”

In 2017, Trump overturned Obama’s policy and approved the transfer of lethal weapons to Ukraine. This angered Russia and led Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov to accuse the U.S. of being “an accomplice in fueling the war.”

In 2019, Trump approved sanctions to block Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline:

In May 2021, Biden ended Trump’s sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, angering Ukraine and others who had warned that that this action “could facilitate a possible Russian invasion” of Ukraine because “Moscow will no longer have to worry about Ukraine’s gas infrastructure to supply its main European customers.”

In October 2021, the pipeline was completed.

In February 2022, Russia launched a full-blown invasion of Ukraine.

In March 2022, Biden blocked the transfer of fighter jets from Poland to Ukraine.