Author Topic: Pathological Science  (Read 548631 times)


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Re: Scientist left out full truth to get published
« Reply #1251 on: May 21, 2024, 12:43:16 PM »

"When it comes to science, Nature does not have a preferred narrative," says Editor in Chief Magdalena Skipper. Sure thing, Maggie. Kindly list all the articles published in Nature that take issue with climate alarmism. I'll wait.

But no, instead she cops to publishing pieces that, gasp, consider forest management practices and their role in wildfires. For her next act she'll cite all the pieces that acknowledge water is wet, the heterodox harlot!

The reflexive denials and kill-the-messenger habits tell us all we need to understand here.


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The Sky Only Falls Like This Once Every 7.5 Billion Years!!!!
« Reply #1252 on: May 22, 2024, 08:46:59 PM »
I’ve been running into this Antarctic-Ice-is-at-an-all-time-low alarmism among various Usual Suspects (it’s like they coordinate this stuff or something, eh?); this vid takes that foolishness apart. And yes, the 7.5 billion claim on 3.5 billion year old earth is indeed made with not only a straight face, but an ever so alarmed one:
« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 08:51:18 PM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Climate change began with colonialism
« Reply #1253 on: May 26, 2024, 03:13:20 PM »
esp. the British
in Palestine

now it continues with those darn Jews in Palestine:

15 % of Muslims need to stay in their own nations   :x  You don't like it here go back.
What does one call Caliphates if not a form colonialism
What does one call convert or kill all the infidels if not an iteration of  colonialism, and worse.


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Hottest Summah Evah
« Reply #1254 on: May 28, 2024, 05:34:42 PM »
Steve McIntyre is one of the gents that backward engineered the source code for the fallacious “Hockey Stick” foolishness purveyed by Michael Mann. Here he also takes apart the current “hottest summer” handwringing. Piece is graphics heavy so only the conclusion is posted below:


Whether or not the comparison of an observed temperature point to the confidence envelope of a reconstruction to draw conclusions about “warmest year in 1000 years” was precisely what either Mann or Jones defined as “Mike’s Nature trick”, it can be fairly described as a trick (sensu mathematics), whereas plotting an estimate and observed on same figure is so commonplace and trivial that it cannot reasonably be described as a trick (sensu mathematics.)

In that spirit, I think that it is fair to describe “Mike’s Nature trick” (and the similar trick employed by Esper et al 2024) as a confidence trick.  In the mathematical sense, of course.

As a caveat, readers should note that the question of whether tree rings (ancient or otherwise) show that 2023 (1998) was the warmest summer (year) in 1000 or 2000 years is a different question than whether 2023 was the warmest summer in 1000 years.  My elevator take is

that 20th and 21st century warming are both very real, but that the 19th century was probably the coldest century since the Last Glacial Maximum and that the warming since the 19th century has been highly beneficial for our societies – a view that was postulated in the 1930s by Guy Callendar, one of the canonical climate heroes;

per Esper et al 2012, given the failure of tree ring chronologies to reflect major millennial-scale changes in summer insolation and temperature, what possible reliance can be attached to pseudo-confidence intervals attached to 2000-year tree ring chronologies in Esper et al 2024 (or any other tree ring chronologies)

in addition, we know that there is global-scale “greening” of the planet over the past 30-40 years that has been convincingly attributed to enhanced growth due to fertilization by higher CO2 levels. So, in addition to all other issues related to tree ring chronologies, it is necessary to disaggregate the contribution of CO2 fertilization from the contribution of increased warming – an effort not made by Esper et al 2024 (or its references.)

In a follow-up article, I will examine details of the Esper et al 2024 reconstruction, which, among other interesting features, connect back to Graybill bristlecone sites and the Briffa sites under discussion in the period leading up to the Climategate emails.


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The Implosion of the Paper Mills
« Reply #1255 on: May 28, 2024, 06:41:33 PM »
2nd post. There are a fair number of folks writing about paper mills, citation fraud, and related problems in science. Don’t see much about the 800 lbs. gorilla in the room: climate “science,” where IMO the perverse incentive are ever so amplified. As that may be, a well written piece re paper mills and related topics:

Why Scientific Fraud Is Suddenly Everywhere
 Portrait of Kevin T. Dugan

By Kevin T. Dugan, staff writer at Intelligencer, who covers money and business

 Marc Tessier-Lavigne, the president of Stanford University, in Palo Alto, Calif. on May 2, 2022. (Carolyn Fong/The New York Times)
Marc Tessier-Lavigne, who resigned as president of Stanford University in 2023. Photo: Carolyn Fong/The New York Times/Redux

Junk science has been forcing a reckoning among scientific and medical researchers for the past year, leading to thousands of retracted papers. Last year, Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne resigned amid reporting that some of his most high-profile work on Alzheimer’s disease was at best inaccurate. (A probe commissioned by the university’s board of trustees later exonerated him of manipulating the data).

But the problems around credible science appear to be getting worse. Last week, scientific publisher Wiley decided to shutter 19 scientific journals after retracting 11,300 sham papers. There is a large-scale industry of so-called “paper mills” that sell fictive research, sometimes written by artificial intelligence, to researchers who then publish it in peer-reviewed journals — which are sometimes edited by people who had been placed by those sham groups. Among the institutions exposing such practices is Retraction Watch, a 14-year-old organization co-founded by journalists Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus. I spoke with Oransky about why there has been a surge in fake research and whether fraud accusations against the presidents of Harvard and Stanford are actually good for academia.

Give me a sense of how big a problem these paper mills are.

I’ll start by saying that paper mills are not the problem; they are a symptom of the actual problem. Adam Marcus, my co-founder, had broken a really big and frightening story about a painkiller involving scientific fraud, which led to dozens of retractions. That’s what got us interested in that. There were all these retractions, far more than we thought but far fewer than there are now. Now, they’re hiding in plain sight.

That was 2010. Certainly, AI has accelerated things, but we’ve known about paper mills for a long time. Everybody wanted to pretend all these problems didn’t exist. The problems in scientific literature are long-standing, and they’re an incentive problem. And the metrics that people use to measure research feed a business model — a ravenous sort of insatiable business model. Hindsight is always going to be 20/20, but a lot of people actually were predicting what we’re seeing now.

Regarding your comment that paper mills are symptoms of a larger problem, I read this story in Science and was struck by the drive for credentialing — which gets you better jobs, higher pay, and more prestige. In academia, there aren’t enough jobs; are the hurdles to these jobs impossibly high, especially for people who may be smart but are from China or India and may not have entry into an American or European university?

I actually would go one step higher. When you say there aren’t enough jobs, it’s because we’re training so many Ph.D.’s and convincing them all that the only way to remain a scientist is to stay in academia. It’s not, and that hasn’t been true for a long time. So there’s definitely a supply-and-demand problem, and people are going to compete.

You may recall the story about high-school students who were paying to get medical papers published in order to get into college. That’s the sort of level we’re at now. It’s just pervasive. People are looking only at metrics, not at actual papers. We’re so fixated on metrics because they determine funding for a university based on where it is in the rankings. So it comes from there and then it filters down. What do universities then want? Well, they want to attract people who are likely to publish papers. So how do you decide that? “Oh, you’ve already published some papers, great. We’re gonna bring you in.” And then when you’re there, you’ve got to publish even more.

You’re replacing actual findings and science and methodology and the process with what I would argue are incredibly misleading — even false — metrics. Paper mills are industrializing it. This is like the horse versus the steam engine.

So they’re Moneyballing it.

Absolutely. They’ve Moneyballed it with a caveat: Moneyball sort of worked. The paper mills have metricized it, which is not as sexy to say. If you were to isolate one factor, citations matter the most, and if you look at the ranking systems, it’s all right there. The Times Higher Education world-university rankings, U.S. News — look at whichever you want, and somewhere between like 30 percent and 60 percent of those rankings are based on citations. Citations are so easy to game. So people are setting up citation cartels: “Yes, we will get all of our other clients to cite you, and nobody will notice because we’re doing it in this algorithmic, mixed-up way.” Eventually, people do notice, but it’s the insistence on citations as the coin of the realm that all of this comes from.

Your work gets to the heart of  researchers’ integrity. Do you feel like you’re a pariah in the scientific community?

I’m a volunteer. Adam is paid a very small amount. We use our funding to pay two reporters and then two people work on our database side. We approach these things journalistically; we don’t actually identify the problems ourselves. It’s very, very rare for us to do that. Even when it may appear that way on a superficial read — we’ve broken some stories recently about clear problems in literature — it’s always because a source showed us the way. Sometimes those sources want to be named, sometimes they don’t.

We’ve been doing this for 14 years. There are various ways to look at what the scientific community thinks of us. We’re publishing 100 posts a year about people committing bad behavior and only getting, on average, one cease-and-desist letter a year. We have never been sued, but we do carried defamation insurance. Our work is cited hundreds of times in the scientific literature. I definitely don’t feel like a pariah. Me saying I’m a pariah would be a little bit like, you know, someone whose alleged cancellation has promoted them to the top of Twitter.

People are unhappy that we have do what we do. If you talk to scientists, the things we’re exposing or others are exposing are well known to them. Because of the structures, the hierarchies, and the power differentials in science, it’s very difficult for them as insiders to blow the whistle. There’s a book out by Carl Elliott about whistleblowers, mostly in the sort of more clinical fields. That’s the vulnerable position. That’s where you end up being a pariah even though you should be considered a hero or heroine.

Are some fields better at policing their own research than others?

Yes. Going back to the origin story of Retraction Watch, Adam broke a story about this guy named Scott Reuben, who came from anesthesiology. We have a leaderboard of the people with the most retractions in the world, and at least three out of the top ten right now are anesthesiologists. That is a much higher percentage than one might expect. Some people may say, “Oh, does anesthesiology have a problem?” No, in fact, anesthesiology has been doing something about this arguably longer than any other field has.

What is it about anesthesiology that makes it so anesthesiologists are more willing to scrutinize the work in their own field?

It had a crisis earlier than others, and it’s small. Journal editors are generally considered pretty august personages, leaders in the field. They got together and it was like a collective action by the journal editors when they realized they had problems. I’m not saying anesthesiologists are better, but they’re a more tight-knit community, which I do think is important. The same thing happened in social psychology and in psychology writ large. There’s a higher number than you would expect of people on leaderboards in that field. So it’s a question of, When did they get there, and how did they react to it? There are fields that haven’t actually gotten there, even though it’s been a while. So maybe there are some sociologists who could tell you better than me why that might be the case.

That wasn’t the reason I expected. I thought you would say something along the lines of, well, it’s life or death and anesthesiologists don’t want to see people dying on the table.

If anything, sometimes when the stakes are higher, fields are more resistant.


There’s a guy named Ben Mol. Ben is an OB/GYN, and he is a force to be reckoned with. Fascinating character. He’s a pit bull, and he has found tons and tons of problems in the OB/GYN literature. I would characterize the leaders in that field now as still a bit more reluctant to engage with these issues than some of the other fields I mentioned.

Can you tell me how you go about authenticating real language from AI, especially in papers that can be hard to parse and are laden with jargon to begin with?

We rely on experts. We’re not really doing that ourselves. You don’t need to be an expert; you just need to know how to use Ctrl+F if you see certain phrases in a paper. And by the way, a lot of journals are perfectly fine with people using chat GPT and other kinds of AI. It’s just whether you disclose it or not. These are cases where they didn’t disclose it.

With the resignation of Stanford’s and Harvard’s presidents, do you worry about the way the general public has been using these tools?

The fact that they’re giving speeding tickets to certain groups of people doesn’t mean we’re not all speeding. It means they’re getting targeted in, I would argue, an unfair way. We’re in a great reckoning with Harvard’s Claudine Gay being the key example. Former Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne is not an example of that. The targeting is a concern. And clearly, there are false positives. The flip side of this is that AI is being used to find these problems.


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Good Source Material Here
« Reply #1256 on: May 30, 2024, 06:52:30 PM »
A peer reviewed paper that does a good job of questioning many alarmist arguments. Good fodder for citation when tangling with CACA True Believers:


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More Heat, Less CO2 5000 Years Ago
« Reply #1257 on: June 05, 2024, 07:10:08 PM »
A video raining on numerous “settled science” and “the Arctic will soon be ice free” parades:


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IR Absorption Rate of CO2 Has a Ceiling that Can’t be Exceeded?
« Reply #1258 on: June 09, 2024, 11:58:24 AM »
Wonder if our friend seeking to maneuver us on to ground where he could rattle on about the IR absorption rates of CO2 has read this piece. Abstract and conclusion below:

This article provides a brief review of research on the impact of anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration on Earth's climate. A simplified analysis of resonant radiation absorption in gases is conducted. Building upon the material from the cited articles, theoretical and empirical relationships between radiation absorption and the mass of the absorbing material are presented. The concept of saturation mass is introduced. Special attention is given to the phenomenon of thermal radiation absorption saturation in carbon dioxide. By comparing the saturation mass of CO2 with the quantity of this gas in Earth's atmosphere, and analyzing the results of experiments and measurements, the need for continued and improved experimental work is suggested to ascertain whether additionally emitted carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is indeed a greenhouse gas.

Significance statement
• The impact of anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration on Earth's climate is analysed. • The concept of saturation mass is introduced. • By comparing the saturation mass of CO2 with the quantity of this gas in Earth's atmosphere, and analyzing the results of experiments and measurements, the need for continued and improved experimental work is suggested to ascertain whether additionally emitted carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is indeed a greenhouse gas.

The presented material shows that despite the fact that the majority of publications attempt to depict a catastrophic future for our planet due to the anthropogenic increase in CO2 and its impact on Earth's climate, the shown facts raise serious doubts about this influence. Without delving into the accuracy of the utilized models, we should closely examine the possibilities of gathering reliable input data for these models. These data are directly related to the distribution of temperature on Earth's surface and in the atmosphere, the distribution of water vapor concentration in the atmosphere, the distribution of wind speed and direction, and the distribution of aerosols and particles in the atmosphere (clouds, aerosols above fluctuating oceans). It is obvious that simultaneous measurements of these variables across the entire globe are not feasible, and averaging them in situations where strong nonlinear dependencies exist can lead to significant errors. Moreover, the atmosphere exhibits high dynamics, which further complicates such measurements. Therefore, it is not surprising that the results in various significant works such as Schildknecht (2020) and Harde (2013), differ greatly from those presented by the IPCC, which is widely regarded as the sole reliable authority. This unequivocally suggests that the officially presented impact of anthropogenic CO2 increase on Earth's climate is merely a hypothesis rather than a substantiated fact. Resolving these dilemmas requires further experimental work to verify the results of theoretical studies at every possible stage. To answer the question of whether the additionally emitted CO2 in the atmosphere is indeed a greenhouse gas, it would be necessary, among other things, to conduct additional research for a radiation source with a temperature similar to Earth's surface temperature and measure the absorption of thermal radiation in a mixture of CO2 and air at different temperatures and pressures, as is the case in Earth's atmosphere at various altitudes. It would also be beneficial to conduct field studies using an appropriate balloon, as suggested in (Kubicki et al., 2020b). By measuring the absorption of Earth's thermal radiation in atmospheric CO2 under atmospheric pressure in a cuvette placed in the basket of a balloon in the upper layers of the troposphere, we could obtain results that would decisively settle many controversial issues. For example, if it turned out, just like in the case of thermal radiation from the Moon, that there is no noticeable absorption of Earth's thermal radiation in CO2, it would mean that the spectrum of radiation emitted into space, as presented in the illustrative Fig. 1, exhibits a "funnel" created as a result of absorption in gases and water vapor in the atmosphere. It should be noted that CO2 absorption lines at different altitudes are narrower than CO2 absorption lines under atmospheric pressure, and thus, it could be authoritatively stated that we are dealing with atmospheric saturation, and the additional CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, regardless of its altitude, will not be a greenhouse gas.

However, the intention of the authors of this article is not to encourage anyone to degrade the natural environment. Coal and petroleum are valuable chemical resources, and due to their finite reserves, they should be utilized sparingly to ensure they last for future generations. Furthermore, intensive coal mining directly contributes to environmental degradation (land drainage, landscape alteration, tectonic movements). It should also be considered that frequently used outdated heating systems burning coal and outdated internal combustion engines fueled by petroleum products emit many toxic substances (which have nothing to do with CO2). Therefore, it seems that efforts towards renewable energy sources should be intensified, but unsubstantiated arguments, especially those that hinder economic development, should not be used for this purpose.

In science, especially in the natural sciences, we should strive to present a true picture of reality, primarily through empirical knowledge.


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Global Disasters Down, UN Reports of Same Up
« Reply #1259 on: June 09, 2024, 04:58:48 PM »
2nd post. As the piece points out, it’s almost like” satellites, phones, antibiotics, bulldozers and fire trucks are better at saving lives than horse drawn carts and hessian bags.” Too few mull what will happen should “Progressive” greens get their way: all the horrors they’ve predicted WILL prove true:


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Inconvenient Antarctic Evidence
« Reply #1260 on: June 14, 2024, 12:36:28 PM »
Dear me, Antarctic arial photos from 1937 get compared to modern satellite imagery and, sh!t oh dear … little change is noted. Rains a wee bit on the CO2 ol’ Z”climate change” nattative: