Author Topic: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history  (Read 621921 times)


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #350 on: November 05, 2014, 09:45:26 PM »
Reality check for the Clintons.  Bill Clinton put it all on the line for Alison Lundegren Grimes.  ANd Grimes called herself a "Bill Clinton Democrat".
Grimes spent $20  million and lost by 16 points.

For Hillary, she put it all on the line for who?  Kay Hagan of North Carolina.  The more Hillary went there, the more we knew Hagan's lead would evaporate.
Hagan and backers spent $48 million and lost by 2 points.


Hillary Clinton — politician and grandmom — plays to Kay Hagan’s base in North Carolina

Hillary Clinton, Kay Hagan make appeal to women during Charlotte rally

The Clinton magic never did transfer over to anyone but Bill Clinton.

Another election observation is that 28 of the 60 Senators who voted for Obamacare are now out.


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This astute analyst realized Hillary won the 2014 election
« Reply #351 on: November 06, 2014, 06:10:49 AM »
Twisting, contorting, illogical "logic", stretching the truth, word games (what is is?) should make this guy a great candidate for a job with the Clintons:


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George Will, Re-thinking Hillary 2016
« Reply #352 on: November 08, 2014, 11:52:44 PM »
It's nice when George Will expresses my view for me since he gets paid for it and I don't.

Hillary will be the next President if people want an Obama third term, a nearly unimaginable scenario.


Rethinking Hillary 2016
Her candidacy makes sense only if voters will be in the mood for a third Obama term.
By George Will

Now that two of the last three Democratic presidencies have been emphatically judged to have been failures, the world’s oldest political party — the primary architect of this nation’s administrative state — has some thinking to do. The accumulating evidence that the Democratic party is an exhausted volcano includes its fixation with stale ideas, such as the supreme importance of a 23rd increase in the minimum wage. Can this party be so blinkered by the modest success of its third most recent presidency, Bill Clinton’s, that it will sleepwalk into the next election behind Hillary Clinton?

In 2016, she will have won just two elections in her 69 years, the last one ten years previously. Ronald Reagan went ten years from his second election to his presidential victory at age 69, but do Democrats want to wager their most precious possession, the presidential nomination, on the proposition that Clinton has political talents akin to Reagan’s?

In October, Clinton was campaigning, with characteristic futility, for Martha Coakley, the losing candidate for Massachusetts governor, when she said: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” Watch her on YouTube. When saying this, she glances down, not at a text but at notes, and proceeds with the hesitancy of someone gathering her thoughts. She is not reading a speechwriter’s blunder. When she said those 13 words she actually was thinking.

You may be wondering, to use eight other Clinton words that will reverberate for a long time: “What difference at this point does it make?” This difference: Although she says her 13 words “short-handed” her thinking, what weird thinking can they be shorthand for?

Yuval Levin, whose sharp thinking was honed at the University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought, is editor of the National Affairs quarterly and author of two books on science and public policy and, most recently, of The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left. He is one of conservatism’s most sophisticated and measured explicators, so his biting assessment of Clinton is especially notable:

She is smart, tough and savvy and has a capacity to learn from failure and adjust. But . . .  people are bored of her and feel like she has been talking at them forever. . . . She is a dull, grating, inauthentic, over-eager, insipid elitist with ideological blinders yet no particular vision and is likely to be reduced to running on a dubious promise of experience and competence while faking idealism and hope — a very common type of presidential contender in both parties, but one that almost always loses.

Her husband promised “a bridge to the 21st century.” She promises a bridge back to the 1990s. Or perhaps to 1988 and the “competence” candidacy of Michael Dukakis, which at least did not radiate, as hers will, a cloying aura of entitlement.

The energy in her party — in its nominating electorate — is well to her left, as will be the center of political gravity in the smaller and more liberal Democratic Senate caucus that will gather in January. There is, however, evidence that the Left is too untethered from reality to engage in effective politics. For example:

Billionaire Tom Steyer’s environmental angst is implausibly focused on the supposed planetary menace of the Keystone XL pipeline. His NextGen Climate super PAC disbursed more than $60 million to candidates who shared — or pretended to in order to get his money — his obsession. The result? The gavel of the Environment and Public Works Committee is coming into the hands of Oklahoma’s Jim Inhofe, the Senate’s most implacable skeptic about large-scale and predictable climate change driven by human behavior.

Is Clinton the person to maintain her party’s hold on young voters? Democrats, in their misplaced confidence in their voter-mobilization magic, targeted what have been called “basement grads.” These are some of the one-third of millennials (ages 18–31) who, because of the economy’s sluggishness in the sixth year of recovery, are living with their parents. Why did Democrats think they would be helped by luring anxious and disappointed young people out of basements and into voting booths?

The last time voters awarded a party a third consecutive presidential term was 1988, when George Herbert Walker Bush’s candidacy could be construed as promising something like a third Reagan term. A Clinton candidacy make sense if, but only if, in 24 months voters will be thinking: Let’s have a third Obama term.

— George Will is a Pulitzer Prize–winning syndicated columnist. © 2014 The Washington Post
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 05:02:02 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #353 on: November 09, 2014, 06:06:12 AM »
"A Clinton candidacy make sense if, but only if, in 24 months voters will be thinking: Let’s have a third Obama term."

Having served as SoS may have not been a smart move in retrospect for her.  While it was supposed to give her the additional line on her resume that gives her more of a "dubious promise of experience and competence" it will closely tie her to Obama.  This may have been a strategic political gamble that now looks like a huge blunder.

Suppose she sat out the last 6 and next 2 years.  She could have been the ambassador for the Clinton Foundation instead (also dubious as to it's real intent) and she would have been able to avoid being tied to Obama.

Will sometimes has some great writings.  I used to agree with him maybe 80% of the time but now I think somewhat less.  I like this article too but I am a bit confused by it and not entirely clear what he means

I am not sure what he says about Hillary's liberalism on the political spectrum meter.  Is he saying she is not as liberal as Obama and the far left
base of the party?  I think she certainly is but she knows that is a political  loser so she like Bill feint to  a more "moderate" position more to towards the center.   

If she is not liberal enough (again I think she is) than why would she be an Obama 3rd term?    Not that I disagree with him but just there is a bit of inconsistency in what he is saying. 

In any case she is already desperately trying to separate herself from the one on foreign policy.   So far I don't think she has even tried on domestic policy.   


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #354 on: November 09, 2014, 10:04:19 AM »
The SoS gig will be used to present her as "presidential".  She has plenty of establishment heavyweights sucking up to her on this point already and her agents are busy planting/spreading the word about how she disagreed with the decision not to leave troops in Iraq.

IMHO, a good and sound strategy for us is to paint her with Libya and the lead from behind overthrow of Kaddaffy that has led to a black hold of AQ anarchy.  Baraq jetted off to Brazil and Hillary, aided and abetted by Samantha Powers and Susan Rice put the whole thing together.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #355 on: November 09, 2014, 08:48:49 PM »
Excellent points on the specifics which can be used to prove the more general point, but it is the general point that is crucial.  Her candidacy will be perceived as the third term of Obama, and that just got poll tested and failed miserably.

She ran in 2008 with the exact same positions as Obama on the exact same issues.  There wasn't a micron of distance between them.  She wanted the same healthcare plan and supported his.  She supported all the Fannie Mae, CRAp of government particpation and interference in housing finance and everything else.   She ran in support of the tax rate increases that triggered the collapse. She and Obama were both the co- de facto Senate and Congressional Leaders of the country from the peak to the meltdown, down it went, and she favored everything that went wrong.  She ran the commercials against Obama that questioned who was ready for the 3 am phone call.  She got that call at 5 pm - and did NOTHING.  She never even explained or apologized.  What difference does it make.  She has her fingerprints and DNA all over his failed foreign policy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Russia, China, North Korea, ISIS and the setup for whatever goes wrong next.  To the extent that she wasn't in charge of negotiating things like the non-existent Status of Forces Agreement or anything else, it was because he never did trust her and instead relied on 24 special envoys who reported to the White House, to Pres. Obama or Valerie Jarrett maybe, but not to Hillary Clinton.

As ccp suggests, she is trial ballooning a little distance between herself and Obama and it is not going well.  She must choose between two opposites and both are career ending.  She is his third term, or she can run against the policies she supported and the incompetencies she was part of.  She supported nearly all of it so running against is phony, won't convince anyone, AND it will piss off the Obama machine that just won the last two Presidential elections.  They own the big voter ID, data mining, and get-out the-vote operations that are tied to the inner cities and expanding social spending roles of identified, government-dependent persons.  You don't piss off the (other) powers that be and then expect them to go all out for you.  It doesn't work that way.  

As George Will suggests, she was elected twice in 69 years, none in the last 10, and all in a totally, uncontested, 'blue' state.  The first time was with all the sympathies and popularity of being the First Lady and humiliated spouse, and the other was as an unchallenged incumbent in totally Democratic environment.  When she was tested, she failed.

She doesn't own the 98% black vote that Obama got.  They don't own the Hispanic vote anymore, it is slipping away at the margins.  At 69 and running on a return to the 90s, she doesn't own the young vote that already turned on them.  With gay marriage a fact, gays who happen to be enterprising and seek liberty are free to start voting pocketbook and economic issues.  She doesn't have a positive economic record.  She voted against the policies that succeeded earlier in her time in the Senate.  She tried foreign policy and failed badly.  

A resume is a list of capabilities and accomplishments, not a list of past work addresses.

Electing her as a presidential and national failure is not an advancement for women.  They are losing married women (and all men) by double digits.

She can't count on paybacks from Alison Grimes, or Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan, Begich, Michelle Nunn or Sen. Udall, Gov. Crist ... or Pres. Obama, Axelrod or Joe Biden.

There are SO many fundamentals running against her right now.  If the Clintons are so smart and shrewd, then they know all of this.

On the other hand, with as little as a friendly softball press conference bombshell, she can walk away from this and never face an unpleasant reporter or question, ever again.  I know everyone else says she's in, including herself talking to herself, but the other choice has got to look tempting.

Don't get me wrong.  Our side might be better off with her in and running against a known, failed candidate instead of seeing one more newcomer step forward and re-package the same old big government BS as if it is new and exciting again.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 11:48:04 PM by DougMacG »


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Willie Brown: Hillary Clinton is going to lose
« Reply #356 on: November 09, 2014, 10:13:23 PM »
No intent to obsess on her, just saying that I am not the only one saying this...

"Hillary Rodham Clinton must be wondering whether she really wants to run for president. Unless there are some serious readjustments to the Democratic operation, she is going to lose."   - Willie Brown, SF Chronicle, 11/7/2014.


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Re: Willie Brown: Hillary Clinton is going to lose
« Reply #357 on: November 09, 2014, 10:48:42 PM »
No intent to obsess on her, just saying that I am not the only one saying this...

"Hillary Rodham Clinton must be wondering whether she really wants to run for president. Unless there are some serious readjustments to the Democratic operation, she is going to lose."   - Willie Brown, SF Chronicle, 11/7/2014.

Doug's prediction looks better every day.


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As Doug was saying...
« Reply #358 on: November 10, 2014, 05:15:30 AM »


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Hillary on Obama's Executive Order
« Reply #359 on: November 24, 2014, 08:07:45 AM »
"I was hopeful that the bipartisan bill passed by the Senate in 2013 would spur the House of Representatives to act, but they refused even to advance an alternative. Their abdication of responsibility paved the way for this executive action, which follows established precedent from presidents of both parties going back many decades."
    - Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Not exactly putting a lot of distance between herself and the failed President.

Friends and supporters of Hillary say she will make and announce her decision in mid January.  If she is out, people will need to know.  If she is in, that is too early.  As a candidate people might expect her to have a view on the issues.  The one above she come to regret.  On Keystone XL pipeline?  6 years of study and still no opinion.  Can a candidate for President really not have a position on something that very simply needs just a yes or a no?

Everything she is doing now looks like she is preparing to run.  And every piece of news and feedback that comes back to her says don't do it.


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Hillary gave video talking point before the White House gave them to Susan Rice
« Reply #360 on: December 11, 2014, 08:49:35 AM »
Sec Clinton:  I want to say a few words about the events unfolding in the world today. We are closely watching what is happening in Yemen and elsewhere, and we certainly hope and expect that there will be steps taken to avoid violence and prevent the escalation of protests into violence.  I also want to take a moment to address the video circulating on the Internet that has led to these protests in a number of countries."

WSJ reported on her remarks at 11:34 am ET, Sep 13, 2012, Saturday morning.

The barrage of Susan Rice appearances occurred Sunday, Sept 14, 2012.  Those talking points were given to Rice on Saturday afternoon, Sept 13, 2014.  Rice was asked late in the day Friday to be the White House mouthpiece.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #361 on: December 11, 2014, 12:05:17 PM »
Ummm , , , wouldn't this be legit with regard to events in countries other than Libya?


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #362 on: December 11, 2014, 05:50:26 PM »
Ummm , , , wouldn't this be legit with regard to events in countries other than Libya?

Interesting point.  Are you saying that makes it legit, or that it gives her cover?

The topic of the day, on that day, IMHO was Benghazi.
Pres Obama made an address with HRC at his side on Sept 12.
No mention of a video.  No mention of Yemen. etc.

By Sat. am with HRC speaking, we were back to the video.

Sunday, I watched Susan Rice to find out what happened in Benghazi, not various other protests.  Same with the questioners on the various shows.

Here is wikipedia on the "video" protests:
It was a big deal across many nations, however...  In Cairo, the leader/organizer didn't know the name of the video.  Egypt's prime minister Hesham Kandil said "a number" of protesters later confessed to getting paid to participate.  None had seen the video; organizers were trying to show protesters the trailer.  Yemen was a copycat and most of the others followed that..  Benghazi was an organized terror attack.  My point is that this video did NOT cause these protests.  The video trailer was a pretense to protest.

Back to Hillary.  My point is that she and/or her people likely wrote the 'blame the video' script.  But let's take it the other way around; take her at her word.  The video IS to blame.  This is the prequel to empathy for the terrorists.  It is something WE are doing that makes them want to kill us.  In the Sept 13 remarks and when she met the deceased families, she vowed to get the video maker, not the terrorists.  That view is not a political winner.  Take down free speech; leave terrorists in place.  Seems to me these views or her sloppy expressions leave her politically culpable.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #363 on: December 11, 2014, 06:12:29 PM »
I'm saying that your quote of her is in reference to Yemen and other countries.

SOMEONE got the idea that this meme could be blended into the Benghazi cover up, but this quote, as best as I can tell, proves nothing with regard to whom that may have been.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #364 on: December 12, 2014, 07:43:29 AM »
I'm saying that your quote of her is in reference to Yemen and other countries.

SOMEONE got the idea that this meme could be blended into the Benghazi cover up, but this quote, as best as I can tell, proves nothing with regard to whom that may have been.

Fair enough.  Same thing here, HRC speaking at the Benghazi killings memorial: of the memorial service
Clinton comments occur from 16:25-17:45:
“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing do to with."

Crafty, her separation of these events is technically valid, but her effort to merge them is pathological IMHO.  It took me multiple readings of this to see that separation as she stood over the caskets from Benghazi.

She reportedly told the victims families, we will get the people responsible for this video. No separation there.

If this isn't smoking gun material, it is at least a peak into a character flaw you wouldn't want (again) in a President.  Unlike Susan Rice, she can't say they gave me the talking points.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 07:58:58 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #365 on: December 12, 2014, 09:41:30 AM »
"Crafty, her separation of these events is technically valid"

How , , , Clintonesque of her  :lol:

"but her effort to merge them is pathological IMHO."

I would say it is amorally purposeful.

"It took me multiple readings of this to see that separation as she stood over the caskets from Benghazi."

Precisely her intention I suspect.

"She reportedly told the victims families, we will get the people responsible for this video. No separation there."

EXACLTY SO!!!  I have hammered this point for quite some time now.


"If this isn't smoking gun material,"

It is.

"it is at least a peak into a character flaw you wouldn't want (again) in a President."

EXACTLY SO.  For me, this is the ideal point o the spear to use on her with regard to Benghazi.


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Bill Clinton has his own Bill Cosby problem
« Reply #366 on: December 17, 2014, 08:41:28 AM »
I wonder if the Clinon's want the Bill Cosby story to continue to rise throughout the campaign?  The Statute of Limitations does not prevent one's public image from being destroyed.  If they go through with this, it's hard to say which Clinton scandal or weakness will finally catch up with them.
Why Hillary Is Not Inevitable: Bill’s Sordid Past

The new public scrutiny of Bill Cosby is problematic for Bill Clinton. I am not talking about consensual sex but, in some cases accusations of sexual assault, torn clothing, and at least three victims who say he bit their lips as a disarming move and to get them to remain silent. In short, Bill Clinton has a Bill Cosby problem.

Eileen Wellstone, a 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where Clinton was a student in 1969. In fact, Clinton was expelled from Oxford and earned no degree there.

Juanita Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape. Broaddrick gave a stunning interview to NBC’s Lisa Myers about the assault.

Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met Gov. Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. “When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn’t even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room,” she said.

Elizabeth Ward Gracen, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state title. Gracen later told an interviewer that sex with Clinton was consensual. Her roommate Judy Stokes has said the ex-Miss Arkansas told her she was raped after the incident.

Paula Corbin Jones, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones with an $850,000 payment.

Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, D.C., political fundraiser, said Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation’s capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She fled.

Oddly, the rationale for the Hillary Clinton campaign is empowerment of women.  People's tolerance of all this, especially Hillary's, is abominable.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #367 on: December 17, 2014, 01:29:20 PM »
If you have a D next to your name, it isn't really rape.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #368 on: December 19, 2014, 02:34:02 AM »
I can't blame Bill for straying, after all, look at Hillary (and Huma Abedin).  As the joke goes, Bill and Hillary met when they were dating the same girl in law school.

That said, the examples listed are far from complete; missing are some of the most sordid:

a) Paula Jones, a state employee brought to Governor Clinton's presence by a state trooper;

b) I forget her name (Juanita Broderick or something like that) but she was a big fundraiser and her husband worked for Bill.  Something had happened and she was afraid for her husband's job and she came to the White House to plead for it.  Working from memory, she has formally stated that Clinton pushed her up against the wall and forcefully groped her.  Turns out that while she was there, her husband was commiting suicide.

c) there's plenty more.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #369 on: December 19, 2014, 08:05:11 AM »
"I forget her name... but she was a big fundraiser and her husband worked for Bill.  Something had happened and she was afraid for her husband's job and she came to the White House to plead for it.  Working from memory, she has formally stated that Clinton pushed her up against the wall and forcefully groped her.  Turns out that while she was there, her husband was commiting suicide."

Kathleen Willey was a White House volunteer aide who, on March 15, 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993, during his first term as President.  Willey's second husband, Edward E. Willey Jr., committed suicide on November 29, 1993 — the day she claimed Clinton's sexual misconduct took place.

Who knows the veracity of that story or any one encounter.  The point with the analogy to Bill Cosby is that there is too many unrelated incidents in a pattern to just shrug it off.  The point with Hillary Clinton is that she knew or she should have known.  Juanita Broaddrick alleged very strongly that Hillary knew.

NBC News held the Lisa Myers Juanita Broaddrick interview for 35 days, played it opposite the Grammys - after the Senate had acquitted Clinton in his impeachment trial.

There was Whitewater, the FBI files scandal, travelgate, and the hurried removal of documents from Vince Foster's office.  There was the failure of her healthcare task force and of all their own policies before adopting the success of the Gingrich initiatives.  But none of it matters.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 05:53:23 PM by DougMacG »


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Hillary straddles futures, , , commodity futures that is.
« Reply #370 on: December 19, 2014, 04:59:29 PM »
Thanks for finding the info on Kathleen Wiley.

Also, amongst our long and still very incomplete list is the $97,000 made from $3,000 in commodities futures matter.  There was a very long and very serious piece on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal written by the man who was the IRS's attorney for tax fraud in commodities futures at the time.  I WOULD TRULY LOVE TO GET MY HAND'S ON THIS PIECE.  IT IS VERY POWERFUL.

Working from memory, the gist of it was this:

It occurred while Hillary's husband was running for governor of Arkansas.  This was the late 70s and the top tax rate was 70%.  In this environment it made sense to play lots of games to minimize taxes.  One of them was called a "straddle" which meant that the high income earner bought both buy and sell futures.  Why?  Wouldn't the gain on one offset the loss on the other?  Yes, BUT the losing trade would be taken in December (offsetting income tax to be paid by the following April 15, whereas the gain would be taken in January, with the tax thereon not to be paid by the April 15th of the following year.  In other words the 70% that was to be paid in taxes was availble from making money for 15 months.

This is the sort of nonsense to which the Regan tax rate cuts effectively put an end.

In Hillary's case in went like this:

She purchased her initial contracts (i.e.made her initial bets) in chicken feed grain without actually meeting SEC requirements for this high risk sort of investment at a brokerage firm that also represented Tyson Foods, the largest employer in the state of Arkansas.  Her bets were in very short term trades (30 days or less).  Coincidentally, the reporting requirements for this sort of trade were essentially non-existant and the federal commission in charge of this sort of things was notorious for usually being asleep at the switch anyway.   However, in a rare moment of being awake, the commission had charged the brokerage firm in question with allocating winning and losing contracts at the end of the day.   In the course of a few months Hillary, an attorney (focused at servicing banks IIRC) had miraculously profited in trading short term chicken feed contracts (an area of obvious expertise for Tyson Foods) over 3,000% (double check my math here!).  Her miraculous run came to an end shortly before Bill was elected governor.

Translating this into ordinary English:   

Tyson Foods, the largest employer in the State of Arkansas, funnelled $97,000 (laundered too!) into the pocket of the wife of the next governor via winning and losing trades that were allocated at the end of the day by a small brokerage firm that was not likely to turn down this request from its largest client.


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Ready for Hillary? Or not.
« Reply #371 on: January 05, 2015, 10:39:52 AM »
It's coming down to crunch time for my bet with ccp: 
She won't run. If she runs, she won't win the endorsement. If endorsed, she won't win.

Odd that she is such a shoe-in yet more than 20 Republicans are chomping at the bit to run against her!

Coverage is starting to slip the other way.  She had better jump in quickly to reverse that!

Gail Collins, liberal writer at the NY Times, in "Hillary versus History":
"Do you think she contemplates the fact that no Democrat has been elected to succeed another Democrat since James Buchanan in 1856?"
"Did I mention that Buchanan (160 years prior to 2016) was also the last former secretary of state elected president?"

Many speculating now that Hillary won't run, will lose, or fail liberals, would be better off on the Supreme Court... (posted previously);_ylt=A0LEViQizKpUrAsAoR8PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBybnV2cXQwBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, "I'm not convinced she's going to run"

The fact is that Hillary Clinton learned so many lessons from her surprising 2008 defeat that she’s repeating each of them all over again. Once more she is running as the overconfident, inevitable nominee with safe speeches filled with mush and a bloated campaign staff that already is leaking against each other in the press.

Ten other Democrats wait to see if Hillary runs for president – but who would benefit most if she decides to stay out?

CBS News on New Years Day: What if Hillary Clinton doesn't run for president?  "Is it possible?"  OMG, LOL.

The real determinants will be health, and beauty - so to speak.  It will come down to health issues we don't know about as well as her view of how long and how well the latest cosmetic surgery efforts will hold up.  She will not be out of the public eye for extended periods again for ten painful years - unless she says out now.
I do not mean to be critical of the look of a young woman approaching 70; it is just quite clear that SHE is not comfortable with her look as she continually changes it.  I have never seen a serious and successful candidate for President put on weight just before entering a grueling 1.5 year campaign and taking the toughest job in the world.  Again, not critical, just reporting what I see.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #372 on: January 05, 2015, 12:16:04 PM »
The potential for Bill being connected to another scandal doesn't help either.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #375 on: January 13, 2015, 05:43:18 PM »
Latest news in the Hillary drama, they have hired the North American marketing manager of CocaCola to join the campaign. 
What are they planning to sell??

Maybe it was Bill that hired her:


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #376 on: January 14, 2015, 09:48:28 AM »
Clinton's Paris Blunder
Published on on January 13, 2015
The minute that she heard about the march against terrorism in Paris, Hillary Clinton should have hopped on one of her Wall Street friends' private jets and rushed to France.

Think of the photo op and its political meaning. The former secretary of State and, perhaps, future president of the United States marching arm in arm with world leaders to protest the vicious attacks in the city of light. Not President Obama. Not Secretary of State John Kerry. Not Vice President Biden. But Clinton -- on her own.

Her presence would have made her the star of the show, particularly once it became apparent she was there as a private citizen, not at the instruction -- and without the approval -- of the president. It would have marked her debut in a new role on the world stage. The optics of her marching in solidarity with the victims of terror would have been a defining one for her candidacy.

Without differing from Obama on hard issues of policy and without staking out hawkish ground in the third Iraq War, Clinton would have sent a clear message to the world, saying "I am tough on terror."

Many, including Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), have traced the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to Obama's (and Clinton's) failure to leave a residual garrison of troops in Iraq after our withdrawal there. This accusation makes Clinton vulnerable on the terrorism issue. What better way to put that liability behind her than to show up while her much-criticized former boss stayed home?

Female candidates for president are always being questioned on their capacity to be adequate commanders in chief. Recognizing this danger, Clinton alertly secured a seat on the Senate Armed Services Committee right after 9/11. This realization likely led to her vote for the Iraq War and her continued support of the conflict right up to the primaries of 2008.

Paris was a chance for Clinton to show toughness without alienating the left. A way to demonstrate that she would go the extra mile -- literally -- to fight terror that would not get her in trouble with her party's liberal wing.

And she blew it.

The question is, why didn't she go?

The most likely explanation is that she didn't really think it through. Political inertia may have set in. She needed to be acted on by an outside force.

What about Bill Clinton? We know that he would have gone to Paris in a heartbeat were he still president. But he was in LA with his Hollywood pals. There are reports that he's in the dog house after stories of his dalliances with Jeffrey Epstein. In fact, Hillary Clinton may be giving him the silent treatment, as is her wont when she gets angry over his indiscretions.

Without her husband, Hillary Clinton is a bureaucratic thinker. Surrounded only by her old State Department cronies, all wedded to the status quo of American diplomacy and unwilling to violate protocol by upstaging the president, there is no thinking outside the box. The fact is that none of her advisers, with the exception of Bill Clinton, had the heft to get her to reconsider her plans and take a detour to Paris. There is nobody on her staff with that kind of clout or independence of thought. Hillary Clinton is so burdened down with insider staff and stuff, she can't move with dexterity. She is not nimble any more.

And then there was the Obama problem. Reluctant to break with the president and used to the habit of obedience and playing with the team, Clinton didn't dare strike out on her own. She acted like she was still subject to his discipline. If she is to run for president, she'd better get over it.

What an opportunity she missed! And what a flaw in her thinking and staffing it reveals!


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #377 on: January 21, 2015, 04:24:35 PM »
Obama's Left-Wing Trap
Published on on January 20, 2015

The next time you run into Hillary Clinton, ask her how she feels about President Obama's tax proposals in his State of the Union speech. Does she want to raise the capital gains tax to 28 percent? How about the fee on financial institutions?

And, while she's in the mood to answer questions, try asking about the bill to raise the definition of full-time work under ObamaCare to 40 hours. Or the Keystone XL pipeline? Or cutting off aid to the Palestinians if they go after Israel in the International Criminal Court? Or new sanctions on Iran? Or, for that matter, his amnesty for illegal immigrants?

The uncommon burst of post-election activity (i.e., leftist liberation) that has come over Obama since he presided over the annihilation of the Democrats' Senate majority is putting Clinton in a tough spot. Unless she opts out pretty quickly and pretty often, she will find that her 2016 platform has been written for her ... and that it's way too far to the left to run on.

We can expect Obama to spend whatever time he devotes to the presidency in his remaining two years focused on selling his new radical left-wing agenda to America. He won't succeed, but he will be able to sell it to the left. Liberals will be agog over his class warfare and his "damn Congress, full speed ahead" attitude. Finally, they are getting the kind of presidential leadership they have pined for since he was elected.

He is not just making proposals. Obama is staking out a left-wing agenda that will play in our politics for decades hence. The liberal wish list has scarcely been updated since the days of Johnson or even Truman. Now, Obama is carrying income redistribution to a whole new level, articulating a vision that will set liberal hearts aflutter for years hence.

That poses a big problem for Clinton. If she embraces this agenda, she types herself as way too far left of center. But if she rejects it, she will turn off liberals and encourage them to sit it out in 2016.

Clinton, for her part, seems to have taken a Trappist vow of silence, as she remains holed up and inaccessible while avoiding saying much of anything. That formula would serve her well if the president could keep his mouth shut. But with his constant new proposals and his regulatory agencies running amok with new regulations, Clinton's silence can and will be read as assent, trapping her in an ultra-left agenda of which the vast bulk of the voters strongly disapprove.

Clinton's 19th century-style, front-porch campaign, where she rarely ventures forth to answer questions, is also leaving her out of the action. She looks irrelevant and, as Obama stirs passions with his regulations and proposals, she seems to lack conviction by her silence.

Surrogates for lame-duck presidents have always had a tough time when they run on their own. Remember how Hubert Humphrey embraced President Lyndon Johnson's bombing pause in 1968 only to be left high and dry when it failed to bring Hanoi to the negotiating table? Candidate George H.W. Bush kept tripping over Ronald Reagan's changing explanations of his role in Iran-Contra, and Al Gore tore his hair out over his boss' shifting stories about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Obama's activist agenda is not making Clinton's life any easier.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #378 on: January 22, 2015, 08:01:28 AM »
Morris is wrong, again.   The Clinton machine will come roaring out of the gates.  I am not saying she will win the in '16 since that is a long time from now and who knows what will happen.  Just that they know what Morris knows and of course they will be ready. 

My guess is she will avoid comparisons to Brockster and his policies and focus on her own version of radicalism.   


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Pentagon distrusted Hillary on Libya, contacted Kadaffy
« Reply #379 on: January 28, 2015, 08:52:20 PM »

BTW, Rand Paul made a point the other night worth noting.  Kadaffy gave up his nuke program to us and look what happened to him.  Why would Iran trust us now?


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Re: Pentagon distrusted Hillary on Libya, contacted Kadaffy
« Reply #380 on: January 29, 2015, 06:46:22 AM »

BTW, Rand Paul made a point the other night worth noting.  Kadaffy gave up his nuke program to us and look what happened to him.  Why would Iran trust us now?

No one will. Because of the dems, we are a weak enemy and a treacherous ally.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #381 on: January 29, 2015, 07:13:49 AM »
How many times did we abandon the Kurds?


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #382 on: January 29, 2015, 08:06:13 AM »
I still doubt most care about political ideology and worse yet more and more think Communism or some form of it is a good thing but:


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Re: Pentagon distrusted Hillary on Libya, contacted Kadaffy
« Reply #383 on: January 29, 2015, 08:20:51 AM »
BTW, Rand Paul made a point the other night worth noting.  Kadaffy gave up his nuke program to us and look what happened to him.  Why would Iran trust us now?
No one will. Because of the dems, we are a weak enemy and a treacherous ally.

President Obama is Iran's greatest ally, stopping the two countries that would attack their nuclear facilities from doing so.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #384 on: January 29, 2015, 08:34:32 AM »
Hugh Hewitt, who I like, is sure that Hillary is running and is the Dem nominee and says the R candidate needs to study and be an expert on the records of both Bill and Hillary Clinton (long, sordid, and often criminal history) in order to win.  (The DB forum could be offered up as a resource.)  Hewitt takes liberal and media guests on his radio show and in particular likes to pin them down on what are her accomplishments.  On the release of a most recent Hillary biography, the author could not name a positive accomplishment of hers at State.

Hewitt:  "...the GOP nominee should be the individual best positioned to beat her, which means first knowing her history and especially her record at State and her time as the architect of Obamacare 1.0 from 1993-1994. It means knowing her endorsement of the president's immigration executive order and her Twitter applause of the president's State of the Union including its doomed plan to tax 529 plans.
Yes, it means even reading her ghastly and grindingly dull memoirs. And it means preparing, memorizing and delivering a concise recollection of the Bill Clinton years, one that always ends as his tenure did with the name Marc Rich.
To be the GOP nominee coming out of Cleveland should require knowing everything about Hillary and Bill and being able to effortlessly detail her almost unbelievable record of failing upwards over her twenty-five years in the Beltway."

I love his summation of her career, "failing upwards".

Hewitt, continued:  "It is a huge advantage for the GOP to know their opponent this far out."  ...  "Every great coach --Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, yes, even Belichick-- would kill for a year and a half to prepare a game plan for one opponent on whom the tape in the vault is endless."


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #385 on: January 29, 2015, 08:41:01 AM »


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True but so what?
« Reply #386 on: January 29, 2015, 09:26:21 AM »
"Every great coach --Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, yes, even Belichick-- would kill for a year and a half to prepare a game plan for one opponent on whom the tape in the vault is endless."

OK but we have already witnessed how negatives alone will not and cannot defeat the Clintons.  Remember when Rush gave Bill the ultimate compliment when he said we only get a politician like Bill once every century after he came up roses despite all his BS?

One speech, a few messages that resonate with the right voters is all it takes to erase, wash away, obliterate all the past BS.  It seems many voters (swingers at least) simply do not care about ideology, or "personal" lives, integrity, honesty or lying or just plain wrong policies.  As long as their heart and purse strings are tugged just a tad......

Did anyone else read the Bill Cosby fan who after his show said he didn't care about all the allegations against the comedian because that was his "personal life".

Like I said Bill Clinton is by far one of the wrost President's in history in my view because of the way he dumbed down any sense of integrity, honor, honesty.

So I guess if Hitler was funny than so who should care about his personal life.  Just go see his show and laugh.

How Cosby got away with this for so long is extraordinarily an injustice.  He belongs in jail for the remainder of his life.

There is no way this guy didn't do much of what is claimed against him.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 09:44:37 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #390 on: February 02, 2015, 05:10:19 PM »



By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro and Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times - Updated: 7:29 p.m. on Monday, February 2, 2015

The chairman of a special House committee created to investigate the 2012 Benghazi tragedy on Monday instructed his staff to review secretly recorded tapes and intelligence reports that detail Hillary Rodham Clinton’s role in advocating and executing the war in Libya, opening the door for a possible expansion of his probe.

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s decision to seek a review of the materials, first highlighted in a series of Washington Times stories last week, carries consequences for the 2016 election in which Mrs. Clinton is expected to seek the presidency. It could also move the committee to examine the strained relationship between the State Department and Pentagon, which sharply disagreed over the 2011 war in Libya and the response to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi a year later.

The Times reported last week that U.S. intelligence did not support Mrs. Clinton’s story of an impending genocide in Libya that she used to sell the war against Moammar Gadhafi’s regime. The newspaper also unveiled secretly recorded tapes from Libya that showed that the Pentagon and Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich so distrusted her stewardship of the war that they opened their own diplomatic channels with the Gadhafi regime.

SEE ALSO: Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war

The tapes included candid conversations and allegations that Mrs. Clinton took the U.S. to war on false pretenses and was not listening to the advice of military commanders or career intelligence officers.

“Chairman Gowdy and the committee are aware of the details reported by The Washington Times, and we are reviewing them as part of the committee’s inquiry into Benghazi,” Benghazi Committee spokesman Jamal Ware announced Monday.

The emergence of the tapes and a new line of inquiry immediately had repercussions, especially on the political front where the 2016 president race has heated up.

SEE ALSO: Hillary Clinton’s ‘WMD’ moment: U.S. intelligence saw false narrative in Libya

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a 2016 GOP hopeful who has been intensely critical of Mrs. Clinton’s handling of the 2011 Libya intervention, said the stories demonstrate she is not the right person to lead the country or the nation’s military.

“Hillary’s judgment has to be questioned – her eagerness for war in Libya should preclude her from being considered the next Commander in Chief,” said Sen. Paul, who opposed the Libyan intervention at the onset.

“We want someone in that office with wisdom and better judgment… We created chaos in Libya – as a result many arms have gone to Syria which are now aiding jihadi terrorists. I couldn’t fathom how Hillary Clinton could become Commander and Chief after this,” he added.

Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman have declined any comment about the tapes.

The Times reported that on one of the tapes, a Pentagon liaison told a Gadhafi aide that Army Gen. Charles Jacoby, a top aide to Adm. Mullen, “does not trust the reports that are coming out of the State Department and CIA, but there’s nothing he can do about it,” the Pentagon liaison said, offering a candid assessment of tensions within the Obama administration.

“I can tell you that the President is not getting accurate information so at some point someone has to get accurate information to him… I think about a way through former Secretary Gates or maybe to Admiral Mullen to get him information.”

Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, said the Pentagon’s actions were “highly unusual,” but said that it would make sense for the Pentagon to want to make sure their Commander in Chief was getting accurate information.

“I think it’s unusual to have the military say wait a minute, that’s not true,” Mr. Poe said in a telephone interview with the Times. “You have a false report from the Secretary of State, and then the military holding a completely different view of what’s taking place.

“They wanted [the president] to have facts – facts as opposed to what Secretary Clinton was hoping the facts would be; that Moammar Gadhafi was killing innocent women and children. That was was a false narrative. So, it would make sense that they would want to get that information straight to the president and not go through the Secretary of State,” he added

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In reaction to the Times final installment of the series on Monday, which revealed secret Libyan intelligence reports that linked NATO supported rebels to al-Qaeda, Rep. Louie Gohmert said the news was not a complete surprise.

“During the Obama-Clinton hunger to enter a bombing war in Libya, some of us knew the rebels included al-Qaeda but we did not know the full extent of their involvement,” he said. “So we pleaded for U.S. restraint. With bombing in their heart and radical Islamists whispering in their ears, the Obama-Clinton team would not even entertain offers of a ceasefire and peaceful transition of power. While acting under U.N. approval to prevent atrocities, it appears the Obama-Clinton bombing barrages caused atrocities that sent a country into chaos which is continuing today.”

The Times series about the Libyan intervention was also picked up across Atlantic.

Britain’s Daily Mail described the story as “stunning” declaring that, “[Sec.] Clinton will face tough questions about her march to war against Moammar Gadhafi if she runs for president.”

Mr. Poe said that he believes the series will prompt new questions, especially with the current state of military and political affairs in Libya.

“As far as I’m concerned Benghazi is not going away,” Mr. Poe said. “That the U.S. would give in and arm rebels and criminals to overthrow Col. Gadhafi, and then mislead the world on that is shameful. We now have chaos in Libya… it’s the U.S.’ undoing of a country. Gadhafi was no saint, but what we have now are gangsters and jihadists running the country. We have chaos because the US intervened in a deceitful way.

“Unfortunately, the administration is making more of an effort to protect Hillary Clinton’s involvement than they are in finding out the truth about what was really behind the overthrow of Gaddafi by the U.S.”

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Never trust a hag whose eyes are crooked
« Reply #394 on: February 06, 2015, 08:08:54 PM »


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #395 on: February 07, 2015, 10:56:26 AM »
Two items:

The leftist-spun vaccine debacle brought presumed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton out of the shadows. Taking a stab at "anti-science" conservatives, she tweeted, "The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids." Like any good two-faced leftist, Hillary was singing a different tune in 2008 when she promised to "make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines." That might explain Team Clinton's choice for family practitioner, who agreed with the old Hillary but not the new. The Daily Caller reveals, "A doctor who was profiled by The New York Times for his close personal and professional relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton has expressed skepticism about vaccines and touted research that found a link between childhood vaccinations and autism." Dr. Mark Hyman, together with co-author Robert Kennedy Jr., expounded on this suspicion in "Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak." According to the Caller, "In the book and in a recent TV appearance on 'Dr. Oz,' Hyman and Kennedy expressed concern that the mercury in thimerosal, a preservative used in some vaccines, is associated with autism, developmental delays and certain illnesses." As we previously noted, parents should research the issue and be as knowledgeable as possible. That includes finding a trustworthy doctor. The Clintons don't seem to have done so. But remember: This is a Republican problem



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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #396 on: February 07, 2015, 11:29:23 AM »
While I think everyone should be vaccinated I don't like the idea that people are forced to be vaccinated or else the children cannot go to school etc.

OTOH many colleges already REQUIRE proof of immunity or getting a booster vaccine to be able to attend.

Why don't liberals outlaw cigarettes?  Far, far more dangerous?


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Might Hillary Stay Out?
« Reply #397 on: February 07, 2015, 07:31:34 PM »
ccp, previously:  "Look at her eyes.  They are not conjugate.  This could be from a cranial nerve defect from  a stroke:"

I wish her all the best of health, but it is a real possibility that she is not up to this.
Article below could have been lifted from the forum...   :wink:

Sure, she is hiring staff and is allegedly gearing up.  But her history is that she only picks easy, safe contests.  This race will be anything but easy.

From the article:  "Republicans will not say that; the camera, however, will.  Appearances mean everything in American politics, and Hillary will be the most unappealing presidential nominee since William Howard Taft more than a century ago."

By comparing her (favorably) with Taft, he removes the gender aspect of the observation.  She is the one obsessed with her looks, not that it is relevant to governing.  She always had the changing hair styles, the press conference in pink, etc.  Whether it is botched plastic surgery or makeup )see same photo), I wonder what percent of American televisions are now high-def?  And now she needs an ever so slightly roomier pantsuit. Most successful candidates condition physically for this brutal race and the job that follows if successful as a candidate.  But Hillary Clinton has become comfortable with the lifestyle of already winning her battles rather than preparing for the biggest one. 

Another thought, if Brian Williams is unfit to read news, how is Hillary credible as Commander in Chief, caught in the same crime?  We think all Clinton's can ride out all scandals, but we have not seen all the scandals yet.  As former Clinton adviser David Geffen said, Everybody in politics lies, but [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it is troubling."
Back to the American Thinker this past week:

February 4, 2015
Might Hillary Stay Out?
By Bruce Walker
Democrats have a pathetic bench.  While the GOP can look at young and bright faces like Walker, Cruz, Rand, Rubio, Jindal, Martinez, Haley, and Pence, which Democrats besides Hillary have a realistic shot at winning the White House?

Elizabeth Warren is an Ivy-League leftist who has won precisely one election, in Massachusetts.  She is almost as old as Hillary, and although, at only about $14 million, she is not nearly as rich as Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, Warren still looks utterly disconnected from the vast majority of America.
Joe Biden?  He is a walking gaffe machine whose principal political asset is that he seems utterly hapless and confused.  Biden in the presidential debates would almost certainly make several absurd and damaging slips.  America will be sick to death of Obama by 2016, and his principal stooge, Biden, will inherit all this national nausea.

Whom else can Democrats turn to as their champion?  Jerry Brown is ancient, and he has held just about every elective office possible in California.  He looks and acts just like a tired career politician born into a political dynasty.  Andrew Cuomo is also a dynastic heir who offers nothing at all to the America outside the Northeast.

The reality for Democrats is that decades of playing safe, enforcing a sort of crushing ideological conformity, and avoiding real fights like the Mafia avoids public spats have left them with a limited number of potential nominees for the presidency.

Democrats need Hillary, but does she need them?  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton has always lusted for power, for wealth, and for influence – that is why she stayed in a loveless marriage to a despicable cad like Bill so long – but there is another aspect to this vain, shallow creature.

Hillary abhors personal risk.  It was Bill, not Hillary, who ran for Congress, for Arkansas attorney general, and for governor in Arkansas.  Hillary was safely perched in the Rose Law Firm, gaining money and position at minimal personal risk.  Hillary has been involved as a candidate in only three contests: New York Senate race in 2000, New York Senate re-election in 2006, and the Democrat nomination race of 2008.  She always picked the easiest, safest contests.

So in 2000, Hillary, an Illinois native and an Arkansas expatriate who had never really lived in New York, decided to run for office from this safest of Democrat strongholds.  She was, of course, still first lady as well.  She shoved aside a real New Yorker, Nita Lowery, and faced a relatively weak Rick Lazio in the general election.  And the 2006 midterm was a Democrat year, so Clinton faced no real battles for re-election to the Senate, either.

The 2008 presidential race was supposed to be her turn, but she hamstrung herself with a lame performance, against which not even all the powers of a past two-term president and all the fawning exposure the leftist media had given her could prevail.

Why might Hillary decide against running next year?

First, the country will be sicker of Obama than even in 2014, which means that she would have to run away from him to shake that unpopularity.  There is no safe way for her to do that without potentially turning off millions of black voters, which would cost Democrats across the board in 2016.

Second, however tired folks are of Republicans, they are even more tired of Democrats.  Not since FDR and the New Deal have Democrats been viewed so negatively by voters.  At every level of government, state and congressional, except the White House, Democrats are a distinct minority.

Third, she will be almost 70 in 2016.  She is as familiar to Americans as a tattered house slipper.  Republicans will not say that; the camera, however, will.  Appearances mean everything in American politics, and Hillary will be the most unappealing presidential nominee since William Howard Taft more than a century ago.

What this means is that Hillary may not choose to run in 2016.  If she runs and fails, then her political life and all the easy money she gets from dull speeches could be over.  Leftists like Hillary, of course, care only about themselves.  They have no grand principles at all.  So the only real question is this: can Hillary, personally, profit more from jumping into the 2016 presidential race or “magnanimously” stepping aside?  Don’t be surprised if she decides that she is better off with the latter.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #398 on: February 07, 2015, 07:53:45 PM »
See my post under political rants.  I read Doug's post after that post.

"As former Clinton adviser David Geffen said, Everybody in politics lies, but [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it is troubling."

Is it really true that ALL politicians lie?   The only possible lie Reagan may have told is about the Iran Contra mess.   Oliver North said, " he knew".    I admit I lament this if true but truthfully I am not aware of ANY OTHER hint that he ever lied.

Obama lies with even more chutzpah than Clinton.  And more sinisterly.  Yet as long he tows the liberal Democrat line it is no biggie.

There has to be some way to move the ethics and honor and culture back to lying is NOT tolerable.  If we cannot know our leaders are telling us the truth than I don't get how we can have country.


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Re: The Hillbillary Clintons long, sordid, and often criminal history
« Reply #399 on: February 07, 2015, 08:31:19 PM »
See my post under political rants.  I read Doug's post after that post.

"As former Clinton adviser David Geffen said, Everybody in politics lies, but [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it is troubling."

Is it really true that ALL politicians lie? ...

That perspective comes from a former Clinton adviser.  I think he meant all liberal politicians have to lie and deceive to make sense of liberalism.

Reagan claimed he never colored his hair at 80, meaning none of your damn business.  But when he said, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall, he meant it.  It's not that anyone is perfect, but that these politicians have different levels of authenticity, not always easy to detect at first.  Reagan was authentic.

When people in the real world lie to me, I often assume its the truth because I am honest and don't think to doubt them.  (Obama will be a uniter.)  But once I see they are dishonest, I can usually go back and recognize the other lies that have accumulated. Since we know Hillary is a liar, we know there are other lies out there and more to come that will unravel if held to scrutiny. 

Enter Tray Gowdy, if not the watchdog media.