Author Topic: FILM FOR OUR TROOPS  (Read 3284 times)

Randall K

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« on: September 05, 2008, 06:47:38 AM »

My brother, Alex, is a SEAL stationed in Tampa going back and forth to the mideast...My dad and uncle were with intel groups involved with
Iraq and Afghan before retiring recently..I got so sick of seeing our troops and intel officers like those in my family portrayed in the movies as scumbags and thieves that I took money that I should have used to repair the hole in my roof and put it toward making an indie action film, OVERRIDE...

Thanks to Craft and Dog Brothers for allowing me to fight in gatherings back in the day because I was able to use the knowledge I gained from getting my nuts kicked in down in Hermosa toward trying to make the fighting and killing of terrorists in the film look real. For more info check out
our  trailer and press:            WWW.OVERRIDETHEMOVIE.COM

Thanks again to Dog Brothers...

Randall K.
Executive Producer