Author Topic: Astronomy and Outer Space  (Read 106569 times)


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Re: Astronomy and Outer Space
« Reply #150 on: June 06, 2024, 01:53:21 PM »


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Measuring Einstein’s Time Dilation Predictions via Distant Supernova
« Reply #151 on: June 22, 2024, 11:03:00 AM »
Scientific America is a dumpster fire promulgating “woke” “science” and clearly oblivious to the inherent contradictions arising when those two terms are linked. Fortunately that insidious tripe has yet to infect astronomy reporting there, or at least I hope so as I spend as little time as possible on their site these days.

With that said, this a a pretty cool piece where the redshift of distant white dwarf supernova are used to measure time dilation as predicted by Einstein. Turns out he was spot on:

JUNE 21, 2024

Supernova Slowdowns Confirm Einstein’s Predictions of Time Dilation

Analyzing 1,504 supernovae into the distant universe, astronomers have shown the clearest evidence yet for cosmological time dilation as predicted by Einstein


An artist’s visualization of an imminent Type 1a supernova from an accreting white dwarf star

Despite more than a century of efforts to show otherwise, it seems Albert Einstein can still do no wrong. Or at least that’s the case for his special theory of relativity, which predicts that time ticks slower for objects moving at extremely high speeds. Called time dilation, this effect grows in intensity the closer to the speed of light that something travels, but it is strangely subjective: a passenger on an accelerating starship would experience time passing normally, but external observers would see the starship moving ever slower as its speed approached that of light. As counterintuitive as this effect may be, it has been checked and confirmed in the motions of everything from Earth-orbiting satellites to far-distant galaxies. Now a group of scientists have taken such tests one step further by observing more than 1,500 supernovae across the universe to reveal time dilation’s effects on a staggering cosmic scale. The researchers’ findings, once again, reach an all-too-familiar conclusion. “Einstein is right one more time,” says Geraint Lewis of the University of Sydney, a co-author of the study.

In the paper, posted earlier this month on the preprint server, Ryan White of the University of Queensland in Australia and his colleagues used data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) to investigate time dilation. For the past decade, researchers involved with DES had used the Victor M. Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile to study particular exploding stars called Type 1a supernovae across billions of years of cosmic history. Using this vast dataset of supernovae, DES seeks to fine-tune our understanding of the accelerating expansion of the universe, which appears to be driven by mysterious dark energy; in January researchers used this dataset to hint that this acceleration may be changing over time.

As a bonus, the DES supernovae data offered scientists a new chance to study cosmological time dilation—that is, time dilation caused by the universe’s expansion. One outcome of this expansion is that more distant objects are moving away from us much faster than closer ones—meaning that the farther into the universe DES looked, the stronger time dilation’s effect should have been upon the supernovae it observed there. “If we saw something else, that would show something is really fundamentally wrong with the foundation of cosmology,” says Tamara Davis of the University of Queensland, a co-author of the paper. “I love the fact that we can actually see time dilation happening. It’s blindingly obvious from the time you look at the data that it’s there.”

The relationship itself is beautifully simple: the amount that a supernova’s characteristic flash-and-fade will be elongated is a factor of 1 + z, where z is the supernova’s redshift, a measure of how much cosmic expansion has stretched out the supernova’s emitted light as it traveled to Earth. Higher redshifts correspond to greater cosmic distances. “We live in an expanding universe, and one of the consequences of that should be that we observe the more distant universe running in slow motion compared to the universe today,” Lewis says.

For objects in the nearby universe, where redshifts are near zero, the effect of cosmological time dilation is vanishingly small. But the universe is huge—the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), for instance, recently detected a distant galaxy at a record-setting redshift of 14.32, just 290 million years after the big bang. Typically from its first outburst to its final afterglow, a supernova might last for three months or so, but when time dilation comes into play, a supernova at a redshift of 1 will appear to double in length.

Cosmological time dilation has long been known, but measuring it is difficult. Some of our best efforts have timed gamma-ray bursts, extraordinarily bright flashes of energy seen across the universe, or quasars, bright and hot regions of swirling material around supermassive black holes. Last year Lewis used about 200 quasars to investigate cosmological time dilation, and he was nearly able to see this exact 1 + z relationship in action but with somewhat large uncertainties. White’s work, using a much larger sample of supernovae that are more predictable than quasars, allowed for a much more accurate measurement.

Type 1a supernovae are keystone cosmic explosions caused when a white dwarf—the slowly cooling corpse of a midsized star—siphons so much material from a companion that it ignites a thermonuclear reaction and explodes. This explosion occurs once the growing white dwarf reaches about 1.44 times the mass of our sun, a threshold known as the Chandrasekhar limit. This physical baseline imbues all Type 1a supernovae with a fairly consistent brightness, making them useful cosmic beacons for gauging intergalactic distances. “They should all be essentially the same kind of event no matter where you look in the universe,” White says. “They all come from exploding white dwarf stars, which happens at almost exactly the same mass no matter where they are.”

The steadfastness of these supernovae across the entire observable universe is what makes them potent probes of time dilation—nothing else, in principle, should so radically and precisely slow their apparent progression in lockstep with ever-greater distances. Using the dataset of 1,504 supernovae from DES, White’s paper shows with astonishing accuracy that this correlation holds true out to a redshift of 1.2, a time when the universe was about five billion years old. “This is the most precise measurement” of cosmological time dilation yet, White says, up to seven times more precise than previous measurements of cosmological time dilation that used fewer supernovae.

The result is “really impressive,” says Amitesh Singh of the University of Mississippi, noting that measuring time dilation is “one of the most direct pieces of evidence of the expansion of the universe.” Making this measurement is not in itself a revolutionary result, however, given that few, if any, reputable cosmologists would argue that the universe is not expanding or that special relativity is wrong. “I’m not trying to be cynical when I say it’s not surprising,” says Nicole Lloyd-Ronning of the University of New Mexico–Los Alamos. But, she adds, “it is a confirmation of the physics that we feel we know. This is a manifestation of special relativity and cosmic expansion in general.”

Time dilation does pose some interesting dilemmas, though, particularly with studies of the far universe. Recently, JWST revealed supernovae stretching back into the distant cosmos, including a Type 1a supernova at a redshift of 2.9, or about two billion years after the big bang, the most distant one yet seen. Because of time dilation, “at a redshift of 2, you multiply by 3,” says Ori Fox, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute. This means events at a redshift of 2 would last “maybe nine months to a year” as seen from Earth, he says. But at much higher redshifts, “you’re talking about timescales of years,” Fox says, which makes supernovae in the even earlier universe hard to spot as astronomers seek them out when comparing before and after images of potentially supernova-hosting galaxies. “If you’re at a redshift of 10, now you’re talking a minimum of four years,” to see a supernova switch on and off, he says.

This particular supernova-focused facet of the Dark Energy Survey has concluded, so until a new dataset is taken, White’s measurement of cosmological time dilation is unlikely to be beaten. “It’s a pretty definitive measurement,” Davis says. “You don’t really need to do any better.” With that measurement in hand, anyone wringing their hands over our supposed cosmic ignorance can rest easy: our best theory describing the cosmos at large appears to be holding true—which doesn’t mean, of course, that we shouldn’t have checked. “One of the assumptions is that we live in a universe that’s described by Einstein’s equations,” Lewis says. “We can’t just say that and not do anything. We need to test our assumptions.”

JONATHAN O'CALLAGHAN is an award-winning freelance journalist covering astronomy, astrophysics, commercial spaceflight and space exploration. Follow him on X @Astro_Jonny


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Hypothetical: steroid has 72% to hit Earth 2038
« Reply #152 on: June 25, 2024, 09:01:21 AM »


should one buy into the market or sell?

answer next post.


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Re: Astronomy and Outer Space
« Reply #153 on: June 25, 2024, 09:02:07 AM »
Buy the dip
if it does not hit Earth you win.

if it does we are all dead anyway, so it does not matter.


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Nano Structure Light Sail Around the Corner?
« Reply #154 on: August 02, 2024, 03:12:21 AM »

This Ultra-Thin Lightsail Could Tow Tiny Spacecraft to the Nearest Stars
Singularity Hub / by Edd Gent / Jul 31, 2024 at 4:19 PM
Traveling the vast distances between solar systems is well beyond existing technology. But a new ultra-thin lightsail designed with AI could make it possible to reach the nearest star within 20 years.

Launched in 1977, the Voyager 1 probe was the first human-made object to leave our solar system. But at current speeds, it would take over 70,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to our own.

There is one propulsion technology, however, that could significantly speed things up. A lightsail is a large reflective surface deployed in front of a spacecraft, where it can harness either sunlight or light from an Earth-based laser to continually accelerate the vehicle. In theory, this could make it possible to achieve speeds of 10 to 20 percent of the speed of light.

Building materials that are both reflective and light enough to make this possible has been an outstanding challenge though. Now, researchers have used an AI technique called “neural topology optimization” to create a nanometer-thick sheet of silicon nitride that could bring the idea to life.

“This mission requires lightsail materials that challenge the fundamentals of nanotechnology, requiring innovations in optics, material science, and structural engineering,” the team writes in a preprint posted to arXiv.

“This study underscores the potential of neural topology optimization to achieve innovative and economically viable lightsail designs, crucial for next-generation space exploration.”

The researchers’ technique was inspired by Breakthrough Starshot, a project launched by the Breakthrough Initiatives in 2016. Starshot seeks to design a fleet of around 1,000 tiny spacecraft that use lightsails and an Earth-based laser to reach Alpha Centauri within 20 to 30 years. The probes would carry cameras and other sensors to send back data on arrival.

To reach the required speeds, the spacecraft will have to be incredibly light—the probes themselves will be just centimeters across and weigh a few grams. But to gather enough light, the sails need to measure roughly 100 square feet, so we need new ultralight materials to keep their weight down.

One promising approach involves creating optical nanostructures called “photonic crystals” made up of a repeating grid of tiny holes. Punching millions or billions of these holes into the material reduces its weight significantly, but these repeating structures also create unusual optical effects that can actually enhance the material’s reflectivity.

Working out exactly how to arrange these holes is a complicated process though, so the group from Delft University in the Netherlands and Brown University in the United States enlisted AI to help them. They combined a neural network with a more conventional computational physics program to find the most optimal configuration and shape of the holes to minimize mass and boost reflectivity.

This resulted in a lattice of bean-shaped holes less than 200 nanometers thick. To show the design works as expected, they used an approach called flood lithography, in which a laser uses an incredibly detailed stencil to create holes in a silicon nitride wafer. Using the approach, the team created a 5.5 square inch sample that weighed just a few micrograms.

Lithography is the same technology companies use to make computer chips, so the researchers think the approach could easily be scaled up. The team predict it would take about a day and cost around $2,700 to create a full-sized sail. They’d need to build a dedicated facility though, team leader Richard Norte, from Delft, told New Scientist, because those used for chip fabrication only work with wafers about 15-inches long.

There are still a lot of other engineering challenges to be solved for the Breakthrough Starshot mission to come together, Stefania Soldini at the University of Liverpool told New Scientist, but a cheap and fast way of producing lightsails will be crucial.

NASA is also actively pursuing the approach. Just last week, the agency announced that its Advanced Composite Solar Sail System, which launched earlier this year, is close to hoisting its sails for the first time.

If these projects are successful, we may get our first close-up glimpse of worlds beyond our solar system within many people’s lifetimes.

Image Credit: This 4.5-square-inch sample could lead to a full-sized lightsail lightweight enough to tow tiny spacecraft to another star system / L. Norder, et al via arXiv


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Re: Astronomy and Outer Space
« Reply #156 on: January 08, 2025, 06:48:21 AM »

We can send a spacecraft to the next solar system over... but we can't put a fire out in LA.


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Re: Astronomy and Outer Space
« Reply #157 on: January 09, 2025, 09:23:05 AM »
Well, Karen Bass and Newsom aren't in charge of that.


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Re: Astronomy and Outer Space
« Reply #160 on: February 19, 2025, 12:21:47 PM »
Well, send up Bruce Willis with a nuke , , ,


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Grand Solar Minimum
« Reply #161 on: February 19, 2025, 02:23:18 PM »
« Last Edit: February 21, 2025, 02:56:05 AM by Crafty_Dog »