Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 534109 times)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1000 on: November 09, 2017, 09:44:55 AM »
The current counter argument is that Trump is lucky-- the whole world economy is going up, indeed other countries' markets are outperforming the US.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1001 on: November 10, 2017, 04:37:39 AM »
The current counter argument is that Trump is lucky-- the whole world economy is going up, indeed other countries' markets are outperforming the US.

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”

― Robert A. Heinlein


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Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative
« Reply #1002 on: November 10, 2017, 07:48:11 AM »

Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative
Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Nov 09, 2017 12:01 AM 

The synchronized leftist response to this latest attack on normal Christians was pre-planned, and it didn’t matter that this time it was another militant atheist weirdo instead of an ISIS-loving foreigner. The memes and the lies were all prepped and ready, and the villain was already chosen. No surprise – once again, it was you, the normal American who keeps and bears arms to protect yourself, your family, your community and your Constitution.

But this time it didn’t go the way they wanted. Sure, they were giddy at first – the liberals got to trash people of faith for praying, they got to tell NRA members that there was blood on their hands, and they got to demand some sort of unspecified action. But then their lying narrative took a bunch of rounds and bled out just like that useless little creep.

That’s what they are really mourning – the loss of what they saw as an opportunity to spread their poisonous lies in support of their effort to disarm Americans and change us once and for all from citizens into subjects.

Some still found something to cheer about. One Twitter low-life pointed out, “Sutherland Springs is in rural Texas, these were all likely 45 voters. This is karma in action. Good riddance.” Yes, that’s the kind of person who wants you disarmed, the kind that thinks it’s A-OK to murder little kids because their parents might like a different candidate.

Show of hands. Who is up to give up your ability to protect yourself because the same people who celebrate us being murdered demand it? Anyone? Hello? Bueller?

Once the news hit, the ghouls rubbed their hands and started with their coordinated demands that we “do something.” But did you notice how no one said exactly what we were supposed to do? That’s their new thing – no specifics, just some sort of ambiguous, amorphous demand that we wave a magic wand and dispel evil from our midst. They’ve been burned before, hard. They always start babbling about background checks and it always turns out that the scumbag got his guns legally or passed the check when he shouldn’t have. This pudgy meat sack was barred from buying a weapon, but he passed the background check because the government – you know, the same entity the gun-grabbers want to be the only people with guns – again screwed up and failed to put his domestic violence conviction into the database. BTW, want to know how many attempted illegal gun buyers Obama’s DoJ prosecuted out of 48,000? 44.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty confident. I’m sure eventually the government will figure out how to tell if a nut or a felon is a nut or a felon. In the meantime, I don’t need the ability to protect myself or my family. Here, take my guns. Government, you got this.

Then, of course, the killing spree got stopped by the very thing that liberals insist doesn’t exist except for all the times it has existed – a good guy with a gun. A Texan exhibiting something liberals are unfamiliar with – manhood – took his rifle and went one-on-one with that walking chamber pot and put a round in him. The tubby terrorist, confronted with an armed American citizen instead of little kids, dropped his rifle and ran, gut shot. Let’s hope he suffered good and hard before he checked himself out like the coward he was.

It gets better, though it’s hard to imagine anything better than him with a bullet in his ample belly. The hero who plugged him was not only one of the normal Americans our fern-fertilizing betters in the coastal cities are so fond of looking down upon, but he was an NRA shooting instructor. You know, the focus of evil in the world – except he actually confronted evil and defeated it.

Bullseye, right between the eyes of the lying liberal narrative.

And as their narrative twitched, they still had to display their ignorance for the world. Professional anti-gun liar Shannon Watts really knows her audience – drooling idiots. She claimed, “That means he’s prohibited purchaser, but there’s absolutely no regulation of long guns (AR15s) in Texas. No background check required.” Um, no. And leave it to Alyssa Milano to parrot her pal’s lies: “There are no background checks on long guns (AR15s) in Texas. Thanks for the info @shannonrwatts.” Alyssa, time for some real talk. You need a better firearms advisor, just like you need a better tax advisor.

Oh, and the social media rando platoon piped up with their useful input. One suggested, “No one should have semiautomatics and large ammo rounds.” Time for some commonsense large ammo round control, I guess. That’s the kind of smart take by a trained pro worth listening to, says Chet, who is my unicorn.

These events are an opportunity for clarity. They bring out exactly what is in the hearts of our elite would-be masters. And what is in there is hate and contempt for normal Americans. From Hollywood, we got Michael McKean weighing in with, “They were in church. They had the prayers shot right out of them. Maybe try something else.” You know, I was thinking about no longer watching Better Call Saul because it turned Saul into a boring whiner, but now Mikey’s made my decision easy!

And then Wil Wheaton, who you might know if you watched some Star Trek show where he was a Spock or a Jedi knight or something three decades ago, tweeted, “The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they'd still be alive, you worthless sack of [liberalism].” You know, I was thinking about no longer watching whatever he’s in, but Wil’s total lack of a career made my decision easy!

And what’s a tragedy without anti-Christian hack Stephen King weighing in? “Enough with the prayin'. Time to start legislatin'.” Well, I reckon someone’s drinkin’ again.

So, let’s review. We’re supposed to demand laws that make it illegal for human suppositories like this to have guns, even though it was already illegal for him to have guns. We’re supposed to rely on government background checks to protect us even though the government keeps failing at that. We’re also supposed to disarm at the behest of people who know literally nothing about guns or existing gun laws. And we’re supposed to not believe that we have the ability to defend ourselves, even though normal Americans do so every day – here, an instructor from the NRA literally ended this bloodbath. But we should ignore that for reasons and because.

But wait, there’s more. We’re supposed to disarm in the face of people who celebrate when we are murdered. The Hollywood types, taking a break from molesting each other, didn’t exactly celebrate our deaths, but they couldn’t help spewing their hatred for our faith. I bet if we were disarmed, and a government controlled by liberals had a total monopoly on force, they’d be totally cool and respect our religious rights. I checked with Chet and he thinks so – it’s not like right now they want to bankrupt people for not baking cakes.

Here’s the sad fact – the people who want us disarmed don’t care if we get murdered. Not at all. Chicago has a slow motion Sutherland Springs every two weeks and the smarmy Democrats who run that hellhole don’t care. If they did, they would unleash the cops, who know exactly who the crooks are. Remember how liberals howled about “stop and frisk?” That took illegal guns off the streets, but progressive politics always take precedence. Our lives don’t matter except as a tool to be exploited when they want to take normals’ rights.

Our elite doesn’t want gun control. It wants us control.

It’s no coincidence that the “common sense” measures they used to demand would never stop any of these killers. Killers are killers – they don’t care about the law. Only we do. And the gun fascists don’t care if we are at the killers’ mercy – that’s a risk they’re happy to take.

They lie when they tell you, “No one want to ban your guns.” They think you are too stupid to believe your ears when they advocate just that. Let’s be absolutely clear – if they had their way, that NRA instructor hero would not have had a gun, because he is a law-abiding citizen. But the killer would, because he was a criminal and criminals don’t obey laws. If you think we can ban guns and get them out of the hands of criminals, you’re a moron or a liar. If they don’t smuggle them in – gee, isn’t there a drug crisis? - they’ll just make them.

Of course, that assumes that liberals win the civil war they would spark and somehow manage to confiscate all 300 million of our guns. I’m not betting on Kaden or Ashleigh taking time off from coffee-slinging or their Feminist Mime masters studies to suit up in Kevlar and kick in doors in Red America.

Liberals so desperately want us disarmed because they hate that we hold a veto over their Venezuelan dreams. But they also want us disarmed because they hate us, and they yearn to break us and humiliate us and make us give in. When you own a weapon and can defend yourself and your rights, you are a citizen. When you do not, you are a subject. Your dignity gnaws at them.

They want to convince you to submit, but that only happens if you allow it. Their tool is the narrative, but a proud American with courage and a rifle just shot their narrative dead. And that’s the real reason the gun grabbers are grieving.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Foreign Meddling is SOOO Wrong!
« Reply #1003 on: November 10, 2017, 10:28:56 AM »
Hypocrisy: Obama, Clinton Have Long History of Meddling in Foreign Elections

1: Team Obama tried to defeat Bibi Netanyahu in Israel
2: Team Obama tried to bring down the right-of-center government in Macedonia
3: Team Obama built up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and helped to overthrow Hosni Mubarak
4: Bill Clinton helped Boris Yeltsin stay in power in Russia
5: Barack Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod tried to help Labour win elections in Britain


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The Cultural Borg
« Reply #1004 on: November 14, 2017, 07:22:11 PM »

The Cultural Borg
by Dystopic | Nov 15, 2017 | Culture War, Decline

We are the Cultural Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Existence, as you know it, is over.
Lower your borders and surrender your guns.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Your culture will adapt to service us.
Resistance is racist.

Democrats were celebrating in the months up to the election in 2016. The emerging demographic hegemony of Democrats had finally come. They could taste victory. The time of Socialism could begin, at last. Sure, they were more enthusiastic about Bernie than another stuffy old Clinton. Hillary was to the right of where the True Believers really wanted the United States to be, and she had snagged the nomination from the Bernie Bros with her iron grip on the DNC. But she would serve her time, and drive American further Left, and no Rightist would ever win that office again.

The election of Trump shattered those dreams, and destroyed the minds of many of the Hard Leftists since then. They’ve been raging, screaming, and lighting trash cans on fire, throwing a temper tantrum. After a year of this juvenile behavior, we’re seeing signs that they are reengaging. Some of the brighter ones have realized that nothing has really changed. Trump stood in the way of the final demographic transformation necessary to bring about a Socialist United States, but he was stymied by his own party and facing constant press opposition on a scale unheard of in our history. I don’t think even Nixon had it this bad.

And there was a day most of us would have accounted Trump a moderate Leftist. That’s how far things have gone off the rails.
I don’t know that America has another hail Mary pass like 2016 left in her. If Trump fails to stop the deliberate demographic transformation of America, it will result in full-on Socialism soon enough. A sufficiently bold amnesty plan combined with some resettlement could turn Texas blue, and that’d be the end. Democrats often complain of Republican gerrymandering, but this is projection. The Democrats don’t even have to redraw districts, they just bus in new Democrats, settle them in the district, and turn it blue that way. Gerrymandering with immigration and amnesty programs, in essence.

All this bleating about racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, and why America is guilty of… whatever… it’s all just a ploy to bring about more Socialism and to wipe out existing cultures. They often accuse the Right of imperialism, colonialism, etc… but they are the ones shifting people around to political ends. If you can’t make Americans vote Marxist, import Marxists from someplace else. But they’ve also done the former to great degree, too. Education and media have long been bastions of Leftism. The current crop of 20-somethings is exceedingly Marxist.
Either way, the Cultural Borg will come for you. You will have to exchange your values for theirs if you are to survive. Bake the cake, cater the pizza, obey the government, give up your shit.
Up until now, Americans moved around to escape the Cultural Borg. If your neighborhood was going bad, if crime, drugs, and section 8 made their appearance, you sold at a loss, packed your shit, and moved someplace else. My father lamented that the neighborhood he grew up in is just a ghetto shithole now. A lot of Americans share this experience. I’ve seen it happen to an old working class neighborhood I once lived in, too. Now, it’s just another cesspit. But I moved to escape it. Talk to most regular Americans, and they have plenty of stories like this.
SJWs would probably say I’m racist for doing that, likening it to white flight or some such. But what do you do when the house a block down the street becomes a crack house? What do you do when squatters come in, and the shootings start? The Cultural Borg marches on. I’m sure they’ll eventually come for the neighborhood I’m in now.
They do this to whole cities, sometimes. Even whole states, in their own way. Once they turn a state blue, they’ll impose the usual formula of high taxes, high regulation, and absurd restrictions on things like cigarettes and fountain sodas. To escape the consequences of their own policies, drones flee to red states, and begin the process of turning them blue. Salt the influx with some illegal immigrants, some refugees, and a sprinkling of amnesty, and a new blue state is created. Repeat the process until no combination of red states could exist to pull off a Trump.

Oh, 2016 saw a reversal in some areas, most notably Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. It was a truly amazing thing to witness. But look at the effort required to pull it off, the sheer balls on Trump to do what he did. I’ve never personally liked Trump. But I respect the hell out of him for doing something I didn’t legitimately think was possible anymore. It’s like for a moment, the Cultural Borg Collective was disrupted and there was a balls-to-the-wall effort to fight its pervasive influence.
I heard it said once, I forget where exactly (and I’m too lazy to look it up right now) that when you live in a culture, you forget you’re embedded in it. Like just a fish thinks of water as the normal state of being, like how we don’t have to be conscious of breathing air. What a lot of Americans have been feeling – and what I suspect was behind Trump’s surprising wins – is that the culture has changed so much it’s like dropping a freshwater fish into a tank of saltwater.
It’s not the same, anymore. SJWs celebrate this, of course. They like to extol the great browning of America. But by this don’t mean race, per se. To them, the virtue of a particular people isn’t in their culture, or their gifts, or any of that. It’s in their voting patterns. If Mexicans suddenly started voting Republican, Democrats would be demanding Trump’s wall tomorrow. So by celebrating the ‘browning’ of America, they are really celebrating the triumph of Socialism. Any Mexican, or member of any minority really, who doesn’t want Socialism is, of course, a race traitor or an Uncle Tom, or some such.

It is the culture the new Borg are after. They want to erase any and all cultural elements that are incompatible with Socialism. They want an all-powerful, omnipresent government to run everything. We’re fast approaching a point where fleeing the influence of the Cultural Borg won’t work anymore. Only in the rural areas is their rule still openly scorned. In the suburbs, people have to at least pretend to be Socialist-lite. And in the cities, if you are to the right of Stalin, forget it. Even then, they’ll come out to some pizza shop in the sticks to ask about gay wedding catering services in an effort to paint them as unBorgified, and in need of assimilation.
The Borg either assimilate you, and convert you into Borg yourselves, or they get rid of you. Think about that before consider caving in to more gun restrictions. You’re probably going to need them sooner or later.

More and more, the old guard establishment wings of both parties are starting to look like merely a bunch of Trotskyites. Maybe not quite as bad as their Hard-Left brethren but still sympathetic to Marxism, in the end. A lot of people were happy about Donna Brazile’s revelations of Hillary’s cheating, and control of the DNC. But to me, this looks like bad news. Yes, we get to watch the Clintons squirm, which is always fun. But it means the Trotskyite wing of the party is collapsing. The Hard Left, the Antifas, the BLMs, the “Democratic Socialists”, and the outright open Communists are gaining control.

In the ordinary course of American politics, this would alienate them from the moderates, but these days the moderates are often guilted via weaponized empathy into buying into the Hard Left SJW agenda. If you don’t hate white people, and constantly bitch about white men, you’re probably racist against [insert any other race here]. If you don’t agree with the Hard Left’s demands for demographic transformation, you’re a bigot of some stripe or another. This holds even if, paradoxically, you are one of the sacred victim groups yourself. A Clarence Thomas is as likely to get hit with it as a Rand Paul. Stop manspreading you Uncle Tom self-loathing racist Islamophobe.

It’s the deliberate dismantling of Western civilization in the attempt to remake it into a global Orwellian Socialist technocracy. It used to be that if your country fell under the Marxist bootheel, you could escape here, as my father-in-law did, and as many others have. It used to be that as it crept into America, you could leave the blue state for a red state. You could stay a step ahead of the Cultural Borg. Now, there’s really nowhere left to go. The Cultural Borg, meanwhile, continue marching on. And they are showing signs of adapting to Trump’s weaponry. I don’t know how long his rhetorical combativeness will continue to work on them.
The Cultural Borg think resistance is futile. Or, perhaps, resistance is racist. It’s up to us to disabuse them of this notion.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1005 on: November 15, 2017, 05:25:31 AM »
"Now, there’s really nowhere left to go"

maybe Greenland , Antartica ,  or Pitcairn Island

Lenin got what he wanted though not  the exact model he was thinking - A world wide socialist revolution.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left - Cultural Borg
« Reply #1006 on: November 15, 2017, 07:49:39 AM »
"Now, there’s really nowhere left to go"
maybe Greenland , Antartica ,  or Pitcairn Island

They will find you and rule you there too.  Bake the cake, pay for other peoples' gender changes and turn in your weapons.

Borg - devours everything in its path

"I’ve never personally liked Trump. But I respect the hell out of him for doing something I didn’t legitimately think was possible anymore."

Isn't that the truth.  He wasn't better than the other candidates but there was something about him - he didn't let himself get put in the defined labels and categories of politics.

Trump opened a door but the world still badly needs new leaders and new direction.


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movie out 4/18
« Reply #1007 on: November 15, 2017, 05:30:26 PM »


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Cognitive Dissonance Left, Franken should stay because of the good he has done
« Reply #1008 on: November 18, 2017, 10:54:16 AM »
Just as various elements of the Left are disowning Bill Clinton now that he sits powerless, various others are stepping forward to say that a powerful man abusing a woman should be judged by his power, not his behavior.

A typical letter to the editor, Mpls Startribune:  "I must balance that against the good he has done in the intervening years, the good he does every day, and the good I hope he will continue to do in fighting against bad public policies and officials and in supporting public policies I believe will continue to make America a great and compassionate nation."

In other words, the good he is doing excuses the bad.

Ask Whoopi [re Roman Polanski], "It wasn't rape rape."

This was really just 'First Base Rape', or whatever base forced kiss and groping boobs is.

They could just say that joking about touching women in their private areas is nothing except they just finished a year of saying it was a complete disqualifier for any kind of respect much less public office.

Al, maybe you can explain to us all how it was funny.
" I don’t believe resigning from his position is the...consequence...that’s best for American women."

Looking for leftist hypocrisy is really just a matter of reading the news.


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Instapundit points out the con
« Reply #1009 on: November 19, 2017, 11:08:01 AM »
THAT’S NOT AN ACCIDENT: Andrea Peyser: #MeToo has lumped trivial stuff in with legitimate sexual assault.

Conflating these serves two agendas: It dilutes genuine assaults by powerful Democrats, while supporting the feminist agenda that all men are abusers


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left - Apple diversity chief - out
« Reply #1010 on: November 20, 2017, 09:04:23 AM »
Apple’s vice president for diversity and inclusion had transgressed the catechism of political correctness by saying a group of white people could bring diversity because—imagine this—white people can actually be different from one another and have different experiences and perspectives:

"And I’ve often told people a story– there can be 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation.  The issue is representation and mix and bringing all the voices into the room that can contribute to the outcome of any situation. So I focus on everyone. . ."

Even though Denise Young Smith, Apple’s diversity doyenne, apologized profusely, she is now gone as Apple’s VP of diversity and inclusion after only six months on the job.”

Why not fire all white males and hire all women and minorities if that kind of diversity is your goal rather than experience, competence, creativity.  Let your competitors hire all those white males who built the best product and most valuable company in history.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 09:12:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left - Groping? Rape? Believe the women?
« Reply #1011 on: November 20, 2017, 10:44:23 AM »
"  I am for watching the Democrats squirm in their hypocrisy.  "
Bill was one of the worst Presidents - not above average.  He diminished the dignity of the office (nd the Dems helped him along). 
Now only since they want to "get " Trump are they feeling remorse. 
To see articles in the NYSlimes that state that his party  should have forced Bill to resign NOW is so pathetic.
They have NO shame.  None of them .

I watched the panel clip of yestereday's "This Week" and watched them squirm.  (minutes of my life I will never get back)

They went through all the points, these incidents are all different.  We must believe the women.  This has nothing to do with 'jersey' you wear.  Trump has no moral authority to do anything on this.  We must all join hands and stop this.  Even the token Republican Lanhee Chen, who I like, said R's are better off to lose the senate seat in AL and work with a majority of 51 rather than be asked about Roy Moore every day, every minute.

Then came the awkward mention of Bill Clinton.  They played the Gillibrand clip.  Even she hesitated; it is about what to say now.  No one in the Clinton political camp turned on him then.  Three credible allegations of forcible rape.  Believe the women.  Whatever.  These are different times?  No they aren't. Stephanopolous had NOTHING firsthand to say, like regrets.  Stephanie Cutter said she worked for him for 8 years in her career formative years and now is struggling to deal with that. 

On the other side of it they (Mathew Dowd) speak of Anita Hill like she was treated badly.  I thought it was obvious she was lying.  Anita Hill didn't side with the accusers of Clinton.  War Room and Stephanopolous' role in trashing the accusers, unmentioned.  They have all the answers until it confronts them.  Then they are as partisan and two faced as it can get.  The good of abortion makes up for the bad of rape to them.
Wrong in this among so many other things is 'believe the women'.  When timing and motive are suspect and evidence and credibility are missing, believing accusers does not blindly come ahead of innocent until proven guilty and due process.


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The Enemies of Liberty Gather
« Reply #1012 on: November 20, 2017, 11:50:35 AM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1013 on: November 24, 2017, 04:24:51 PM »
amazing how liberal lawyers will spend all day telling us why Bill or Hill are not guilty of laws but spend all day telling us why Trump is:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1014 on: November 24, 2017, 06:54:21 PM »
The long knives for Billary now are to:

a) get the inconvenient Billary out of the way; and

b) prepare the way to go after pussy grabbing Trump.


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You can't make this s*ht up!
« Reply #1015 on: November 27, 2017, 05:52:08 PM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1016 on: November 27, 2017, 06:28:45 PM »
 :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Bigotry: The Ultimate Sin
« Reply #1017 on: November 28, 2017, 08:48:47 AM »

Bigotry: The Ultimate Sin
by Thales | Nov 28, 2017 | Marxism, SJWs, Weaponized Empathy |

Bigotry is the ultimate sin in modern American Leftism. Racism and sexism are the most commonly cited varieties, of course, but other permutations exist. Homophobia, Islamophobia, fatphobia, ageism, and presumably a whole host of other possible violations.
Being the ultimate sin provides the Leftist with a moral club with which to browbeat his opponents. If one accepts the proposition that these are the worst sins of humanity, and one also accepts the proposition that all humans are biased (which is true – humans categorically cannot be fully objective), then everyone is guilty of the ultimate sin. Weaponized empathy is then applied. You are guilty, look at all the horrible things that happened in the world, which are now your fault because you’re guilty of the ultimate sin.

Redemption is only possible through the application of Progressive policies. Give up your wealth, give up your possessions. Surrender your country, vote the way the Progressive technocracy wants. And even then, the intercession through political submission is only temporary. Tomorrow you will still be a racist, and more will be required of you.
Take this Leftist example on Twitter. Admittedly, he is not exactly the brightest bulb even in the ordinarily dim Progressive world. But does a nice job of illustrating this view of the Ultimate Sin ™.
Read it very carefully. “Someone who is not racist is a better person than someone who is.” And then our intrepid Leftist attempts to escape by taking issue with my application of “a tad.” The application, of course, was very deliberate, as was my example. We’ve already had plenty of real life examples of highly intelligent, useful, inventive people being tarred and feathered because they were deemed guilty of the Ultimate Sin ™. Remember the case of Brendan Eich? Remember Tim Hunt? So a man can do something, accomplish something great, but everything is rendered null and void with even a minor violation of the Progressive narrative. You could cure cancer, but if you made a joke about “chinks” you’re now accounted as lower than every person Progressives see as not-racist.
Let me rephrase that a bit. The person Progressives deem as not-bigoted (and this is a temporary license which can be revoked at any time) is automatically a better person than some of the brightest, most accomplished people in history.

Worse, bigotry is seen as a binary state with them. You are either bigoted, or you are not. Gradations are meaningless. The man who makes a politically incorrect joke about “wetbacks” is as evil as Hitler, because both are “bigots.” This is one of the convenient tools of Antifas who see Nazis in their breakfast cereal, all Ultimate Sinners are bigots, all bigots are Fascists, all Fascists are Nazi, all Nazis are Literally Hitler. They misunderstand why Hitler was evil. He wasn’t evil because he didn’t like Jews, he was evil because he killed them by the millions. It is the physical action not the thought which rendered him evil.

Progressives lump both into the same category and call it all bigotry, but one of these is not like the other. If you have a bad thought you must feel guilty for the thought. If the badthink turns into speech, you are a Nazi, because speech is synonymous with physical action (except when they are talking, in which case it isn’t). They are like Neo in The Matrix, dodging sense and consistent definition like the protagonist dodged bullets.

Everybody has inappropriate thoughts of some kind or another. The sensible person dismisses them and does not allow them to unduly affect his life. He need not feel guilty about them. He merely needs to not act on them. Do not allow weaponized empathy to hijack your brain and make you feel guilty for bad thoughts (some of which aren’t even bad in any objective sense – they are just un-PC). Do not fall into the trap of bigotry as the Ultimate Sin ™. And certainly there is no need to submit to Progressives so that they may conduct intercession for you or grant you a temporary, revocable license as a non-bigot.

Consider the extreme endpoint of the Progressive train of thought. An equal-opportunity murderer is better than the man who cures cancer but makes a politically incorrect racial joke. The Marxist roots of this line of thinking should be evident by now. It’s the same strain of ideological madness that led to Communist regimes prioritizing political criminals over violent ones. Fidel Castro released many murderers and employed them as guards and executioners for political prisoners. After all, the murderer is better than the political opposition.
Progressives think this is getting to the root of the problem; that by attacking the thought, the bias, they are somehow curbing the action. Except that this doesn’t work. Controlling thought at this level is impossible short of deliberate brainwashing; short of making everyone functionally identical drones. The proper way of heading off bad behavior is to not act on something inappropriate. When a man gets mad at someone over something small, he may think about beating the stuffing out of that person. But should he act on the thought, or dismiss it and calm himself down?

This is part of simple human maturity. The Progressive must treat humans as children, incapable of walling off thought and action; that each thought must turn into corresponding action, so one must be constantly on the lookout for biases, wrongthink, or otherwise. Some of the smarter ones attempt to escape this trap by (truthfully) admitting that this isn’t actually possible. But then they turn around and say we must now compensate for these implicit biases; for these thoughts. They believe that the thoughts must somehow be turning into unconscious actions that are small and immeasurable as single units, but still causing a collective effect. Since clearly [insert demographic group here] are worse off than another, the Progressive might say,  we must compensate for the difference, because the cause of the difference must be collective wrongthink; collective bias against [demographic group].

There is an unfounded assumption baked into that: namely, that such small, unconscious actions are the primary cause of such inequity. Many other explanations exist. With the famous “77 cents on the dollar” comparison with women, different personal career and life choices probably play a role. With regards to black people, Thomas Sowell points to the welfare state as the primary cause. He has explained that by subsidizing the destruction of the black family, the black middle class has been wiped out, and this, accordingly to him, has resulted in the inequity. Some suggest nutrition and dietary choices play a role; that people who eat like crap don’t develop as well. Others suggest general biological differences as another possibility (and not merely racial – but also sexual). Progressive brains explode into rage at the mere hint of this notion. It is considered beyond the pale to discuss. Cultural differences are also often cited, with the famous Asian stereotype being a common example (“you study to be doctor NOW!”).

Point is, whatever the reason(s), the Progressive assumption is that it must be the fault of wrongthinking bigots, and we must transfer their ill-gotten, bigoted gains to the poor, oppressed people of… whatever. Naturally, as intercessors on your behalf (and they get their cut, accordingly), you must submit to their will, or your non-bigot license will be revoked and you will be considered worse than literal murderers.

Because bigotry, you see, is the Ultimate Sin ™.


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Left's hero
« Reply #1021 on: December 05, 2017, 04:27:55 AM »
proven totally wrong.  But after she gives political  speech to Harvard who I am sure adore her attempted FU to Trump:

Gee I wonder if someone at DOJ refuses to carry out the boss's orders would have been invited as speaker if it were their beloved Obama who was boss at the time.   :x


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Re: Left's hero
« Reply #1022 on: December 05, 2017, 08:25:46 AM »
proven totally wrong.  But after she gives political  speech to Harvard who I am sure adore her attempted FU to Trump:

Gee I wonder if someone at DOJ refuses to carry out the boss's orders would have been invited as speaker if it were their beloved Obama who was boss at the time.   :x

They are not "resisting" Trump, they are violating their oaths to the Constitution.


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Leaving California to spread the contagion
« Reply #1023 on: December 05, 2017, 09:25:08 AM »

Column They're leaving California for Las Vegas to find the middle-class life that eluded them

Las Vegas is one of the most popular destinations for those who leave California. It’s close, it’s a job center, and the cost of living is much cheaper. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
Steve Lopez   S
The rent steals so much of your paycheck, you might have to move back in with your parents, and half your life is spent staring at the rear end of the car in front of you.

You’d like to think it will get better, but when? All around you, young and old alike are saying goodbye to California.

“Best thing I could have done,” said retiree Michael J. Van Essen, who was paying $1,160 for a one-bedroom apartment in Silver Lake until a year and a half ago. Then he bought a house with a creek behind it for $165,000 in Mason City, Iowa, and now pays $500 a month less on his mortgage than he did on his rent in Los Angeles.

Van Essen was one of the many readers who responded in October when I reached out to people who got sick and tired of the high cost of living in California. I heard from someone in Idaho and others who moved to Arizona and Nevada.

Solid recent data is hard to come by, but 2016 census figures showed an uptick in the number of people who fled Los Angeles and Orange counties for less expensive California locales, or they left the state altogether.

“If housing costs continue to rise, we should expect to see more people leaving high-cost areas,” said Jed Kolko, an economist with UC Berkeley’s Terner Center for Housing Innovation.

Las Vegas is one of the most popular destinations for those who leave California. It’s close, it’s a job center, and the cost of living is much cheaper, with plenty of brand-new houses going for between $200,000 and $300,000.

So I went to Sin City to see whether, when you add up all the pluses and minuses, there is life after California.

Cyndy Hernandez, a 30-year-old USC grad who grew up in Fontana, says the answer is yes, absolutely.

“It’s easier to live here and have a comfortable lifestyle,” said Hernandez, a community organizer with NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada.

 Cyndy Hernandez chose Las Vegas over California to save money on housing
Cyndy Hernandez, a 30-year-old USC grad who grew up in Fontana, moved to Las Vegas because of the cheaper housing costs.

I visited Hernandez in the two-bedroom, mountain-view “apartment-home” she shares with a roommate. Each pays $650 a month in a gated development with free Wi-Fi, a swimming pool and cabana-shaded deck, fitness center, media room and complimentary beverages. It’s like living at a resort.

Like other transplants I spoke to in Nevada, Herndandez didn’t want to leave California. It’s home. It’s where she went to school and where her parents still live in the house she grew up in. But unless you choose a career that will pay you a small fortune to manage costs driven higher by a stubborn shortage of new housing, California is not a dream, it’s a mirage.

Moving to get a better job or move up the workplace chain is nothing new. But what’s going on here seems different — people leaving not for better jobs or pay, but because housing elsewhere is so much cheaper they can live the middle-class life that eludes them in California.

After college, Hernandez worked as a congressional staffer in Washington, D.C., and then went to Chicago for a few years. But the West drew her back. Not California, but Nevada, where she worked on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in Las Vegas and then joined the staff of a state legislator in the state capital.

“I started looking at the bigger picture in Carson City, where I was able to pay the rent, have a car and a comfortable life and put some money into a 401(k),” Hernandez said. “Would I be able to do that in California? Probably not.”

She moved to Las Vegas in June, enjoyed exploring the city beyond the Strip and made new friends, and her financial stress melted away in the desert sun. Now she’s saving up for a house, which she doesn’t think she would ever have been able to do in California.

Hernandez connected me with Arlene Angulo, 23, who grew up in Riverside, worked as a cast member at Disneyland, loved the L.A. culture and got her teaching credential at UC Riverside. She had her pick of two teaching jobs — one in the Los Angeles area and one in Las Vegas.

“L.A. would have been my first choice, and I didn’t want to have to leave California,” said Angulo, an English teacher who understands basic math. She knew that on a starting teacher’s salary, “I couldn’t afford to stay there.”

In Summerlin, a Las Vegas suburb, Angulo and a roommate each pays $600 for a big three-bedroom apartment. Angulo is in graduate school at the University of Nevada Las Vegas while teaching by day, and said she’s going to start saving up to buy a house in the area.

Jonas Peterson enjoyed the California lifestyle and trips to the beach while living in Valencia with his wife, a nurse, and their two young kids. But in 2013, he answered a call to head the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, and the family moved to Henderson, Nev.

Jonas Peterson
Jonas Peterson, in front of a billboard promoting Las Vegas, moved to Henderson, Nev., with his family from Valencia. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
“We doubled the size of our house and lowered our mortgage payment,” said Peterson, whose wife is focusing on the kids now instead of her career.

Part of Peterson’s job is to lure companies to Nevada, a state that runs on gaming money rather than tax dollars.

“There’s no corporate income tax, no personal income tax...and the regulatory environment is much easier to work with,” said Peterson.

Some companies have made the move from California, and others have set up satellites in Nevada. California, a world economic power, will survive the raids, and it will continue to draw people from other states and around the world. Its assets include cutting-edge tech and entertainment industries, major ports, great weather and dozens of first-rate universities.

But the Golden State is tarnished and ever-more divided by a crisis with no end in sight, and this year’s legislative efforts to spawn more housing for working people lacked urgency and scale. Slowly, steadily, and somewhat indifferently, we are burdening, breaking and even exporting our middle class.

Breanna Rawding, 26, felt the squeeze. She grew up in Simi Valley and until recently worked in Anaheim as a marketing coordinator, but lived in Burbank because family friends let her stay in a tiny backyard cottage for just $400 a month.

Breanna Rawding
Breanna Rawding, 26, manager of marketing communications of Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, spends time with her dog Bodie in her apartment in Las Vegas. She moved from Burbank to escape a long commute. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
Her commute, by car and train, took between 90 minutes and two hours each way. She wanted to move to the Platinum Triangle area, near her job, but scratched the idea when she saw that studio apartments were going for as much as $1,700.

Rawding endured the commute, as well as a long-distance relationship with a boyfriend who was raised in Torrance and went to UCLA, but lived in Las Vegas. There, he could afford a nice apartment on his teacher’s salary, and he recently signed papers to buy a house in a new development.

“I didn’t want to leave California. I love the weather, I love the outdoors, I love my family and friends,” said Rawding, a Chapman University grad.

But in California she saw a future in which she’d be trapped, indefinitely, by high rents, ridiculous commutes, or some combination of the two.

“I saw articles about millennials leaving California because they were never going to be able to have houses they could afford,” she said.

In June, everything changed for Rawding.

She got a marketing communications job with the Global Economic Alliance in Vegas and rented a lovely $900-a-month apartment that’s so close to work, she goes home at lunch to let her dog Bodie out. And it’s near her boyfriend’s place.

Nevada’s gain, our loss.

California, the place where anything was possible, has become the place where nothing is affordable.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1024 on: December 05, 2017, 09:57:28 AM »
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know , , ,



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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1025 on: December 05, 2017, 10:31:50 AM »
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know , , ,


States have political differences by design but you shouldn't have to leave your home anywhere in America to live in Freedom.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1026 on: December 05, 2017, 03:46:13 PM »
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know , , ,


States have political differences by design but you shouldn't have to leave your home anywhere in America to live in Freedom.

You shouldn't. But increasingly, you have to.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, The women should be believed. (?)
« Reply #1027 on: December 08, 2017, 12:24:49 PM »
313 million google results on the women should be believed, including Hillary Clinton:

(Roy Moore supporter?) Al Franken put it just a little buit differently:  "The women deserve to be "heard".

Sounds about the same, right?  Not exactly news or cutting edge post-1913 that women deserve to be heard...


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why not Juanita Broderick?
« Reply #1028 on: December 16, 2017, 12:41:46 PM »
Who do these H wood jerks think they are kidding ?

I don't suppose this committee will eventually recommend Trump resign?


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The Cognitive Dissonance of the LEFT/ CNN
« Reply #1029 on: December 20, 2017, 12:17:23 PM »
CNN looks to China as the model we should admire.   :roll:  And of course the "tax cut for the rich" phrase is in there.  And the "trillion dollars added to the debt" phrase  (as if it is the government's money to start with and the wealthy are confiscating it from them) that was never mentioned while Brock nearly doubled it:

Today Trump gets to shove it in their faces .   He body slammed em again.   :-D
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 12:20:19 PM by ccp »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, This Didn't Have to Happen!
« Reply #1030 on: December 22, 2017, 09:30:30 AM »
As I argued with a liberal friend recently over tax rate cuts and the US having the highest corporate rates in the world the thought occurred to me, why did this happen? How did it come to be that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, we had the most burdensome business taxes in the world - just as the economy had become the most globalized ever?  But this happened and it worsened under Democrats watch and their refusal to deal with it cost them power.

This argument is documented by the fact that corporate tax rates are 80% higher than the OECD average in states like mine, MN or NY, Calif, etc., while other countries were cutting their rates.  4700 companies nationwide have left the US.

My liberal friend wrote back to me, " This may surprise you but I agree with you on the corporate tax side of it", and he included a New York Times link, "The Right Way To Cut Corporate Taxes"

The piece is misguided in several ways, but one point they make is crucial:
If Republicans worked with Democrats, they could reach a compromise to lower the top corporate tax rate to between 25 percent and 28 percent, eliminate loopholes and reduce the incentive businesses have to take on debt, rather than to use equity to expand.

But that applies the other way around as well.  From a Democrat point of view, this whole debacle didn't have to happen.  They didn't have to wait for Republicans to fix what was broken.  They had their own obligation and responsibility to govern, not just transform us.  Democrats gained power in Congress in 2007, the White House in 2009, had divided power starting in 2011 and in 2015, yet they let this economic waste happen under their watch until all the branches of government fell to their opponents' control.

A corporate tax rate reduction from this high rate costs us nothing.

We left our marginal rate at 35% while the rest of the world was lowering theirs and we were only collecting 18.1% from it, the "effective" rate.  That is the measured rate at which corporations no longer jump through hoops to avoid the tax.

During President Obama's second term, Sen. Chuck Schumer worked with moderate Republican Rob Portman on a corporate tax rate reduction that could have passed with bipartisan support and the negotiations failed.  It wouldn't have cut the rate all the way to 21% and it wouldn't have ended the treasured state and local deduction.  It could have been done along the lines of the NYT advice above.  It failed because President Obama, among others, had a different view.  They wanted to penalize companies for leaving, not repair the rate disparity.  

While we focused in the campaign on Hillary's 'damn emails' and Trump's crude remarks, this close election was actually determined by the stagnation of the Obama economy.  President Obama  was never able to muster up growth beyond an anemic 2%, he was never able to support a single pro-growth policy, and he explicitly didn't care about that.  For him, punishing wealth came ahead of growing the economy.

Hillary embraced Bernie Sander's views and policies on economics, not her husband's.  She did nothing to set herself apart from Obama's quest to transform us into some version of socialism rather than the rekindle the dynamic capitalism that fueled the economy during her husband's second term.

If you are on the moderate side of the Democratic party (if there still is a moderate side), you should recognize that this whole thing, the Trump Presidency, the Republican congress, and the loss of the state and local deduction - all of this did not have to happen!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 11:32:40 AM by DougMacG »


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Yale jerks again
« Reply #1032 on: January 07, 2018, 10:20:21 AM »
Mass extinctions - I think they were four .  I believe one was due to volcanoes and others may to asteroid hits .

Next one is due to Donald Trump:


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Re: Yale jerks again
« Reply #1033 on: January 07, 2018, 10:51:34 AM »
Mass extinctions - I think they were four .  I believe one was due to volcanoes and others may to asteroid hits .

Next one is due to Donald Trump:

Funny and pathetic.


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Re: Yale jerks again
« Reply #1034 on: January 07, 2018, 11:15:54 AM »
Mass extinctions - I think they were four .  I believe one was due to volcanoes and others may to asteroid hits .

Next one is due to Donald Trump:

Funny and pathetic.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Al Gore, Michael Mann
« Reply #1035 on: January 09, 2018, 02:16:59 PM »
Al Gore
It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis.
4:50 PM - Jan 4, 2018


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1036 on: January 09, 2018, 04:02:51 PM »
" Let’s start with the record five-plus feet of snowfall accumulation in Erie, Pennsylvania "

I ask , are there not multiple points on Earth where someone can measure the most, the least, the coldest, the driest, the wettest, the windiest on record and then hold these up as examples to declare ,  SEE I TOLD YOU SO!

If we had records to measure every single square foot on the planet I bet for the last several billion years we can point to records and screamm - this is due to Donald J Trump

(then add we need Opray  - the OTHER O)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1037 on: January 10, 2018, 03:01:59 PM »
ccp: " Let’s start with the record five-plus feet of snowfall accumulation in Erie, Pennsylvania "

BBC: Will snow become a thing of the past:

14 ft so far where I skied in untracked all week, last week in British Columbia.
We skied Whitewater on 1/3 and Valhalla (back country) in the Kootenays Th-Sun.
"On the date of the incident Avalanche Canada was rating the backcountry hazard as Considerable at tree line elevation, which is where the incident occurred. "

Maybe the snow is because of the warmth, lol.  It should be -20 in Mpls for the morning of the playoff game this Sunday and the NFL commentary.  Maybe they can get Al Gore or DR. Michael Mann in the booth to explain it.

My point with anecdotal BS is that people who say they remember it being colder when they were younger are talking about tenths of a degree over decades, not a humanly noticeable change, while the body is capable of functioning pretty well from -25 to +125?, a 150 degree range? without that much difficulty.


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The value of actors and yes "ACTRESSES"
« Reply #1038 on: January 12, 2018, 06:43:17 AM »

I have one question

people may be drawn to a movie if Mark Wahlberg is in it but does any one care if Michelle Williams is replaced ?

He was able to demand 1 miilion and he got it because the produceres thought he was worth it.

Is Williams worth an extra mill?  doubt it.

Maybe Angela Jolie ....... Maybe Streep but who ever heard of Williams before this free publicity ?


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Sen barack Obama on illegal immigration
« Reply #1039 on: January 12, 2018, 08:27:40 AM »
Sen barack Obama on illegal immigration


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Nancy Pelosi - Wage Growth "Crumbs"
« Reply #1040 on: January 12, 2018, 08:39:10 AM »
I'm wondering if these words, her insensitivity and economic illiteracy will come back to haunt her.

Pelosi is famous for: 'we must pass the bill to find out what's in it.'
Hundreds of companies paying thousands more to employees, crumbs.  Wage stagnation for ten years, fairness.


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« Reply #1044 on: January 17, 2018, 08:25:01 AM »
psssssssst: Sanjay ->  this is why the President is on aspiring and a statin cholesterol drug
Remember when Obama kept telling us his favorite food was "burgers" and probably coke.

If Sanjay hasn't noticed, 70% of Americans are overweight

Very few 71 yo are as vigorous as Trump .  In fact few people of any age are.

Could he have a heart attack tomorrow , sure.  He ain't 20 years old. He probably had a stress test. 

What is your point Sanjay? I can no longer take him as the rest of anyone at CNN seriously.

Actually they should not be worried about Trump's health.  Wouldn't his death delight the LEFT beyond winning the lottery?  Parties would be all over Hollywood and the msm news rooms.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Schumer, It would be governmental chaos
« Reply #1046 on: January 23, 2018, 11:54:56 AM »
It would be governmental chaos, if we did what we just did.

"You know we could do the same thing on immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say ‘We’re shutting down the government. We’re not going to raise the debt ceiling until you pass immigration reform.’ It would be governmental chaos. "

2:52 on the video:


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Re: Samantha Power, HBO documentary
« Reply #1047 on: January 24, 2018, 11:16:37 AM »
(from previous post0  In gallows and tragedy humor, this is a great read, important for people to know what failures they were and what rubbish we were fed.

The author accuses the Obama foreign policy team of being naive and arrogant.  Then he proves those points over and over with stories and quotes.  Quite amazing.

"Power travels to Cameroon to offer photo-op comfort to families terrorized by Boko Haram — only to have her motorcade kill a seven-year-old boy. The boy had run out into the road to gape at a helicopter pulling security for Power’s team of VIPs."  [Tragic, but kind of symbolic of their reign.]

Ben Rhodes, speechwriter, novelist, upon hearing Trump won:  “I mean, uh, I can’t even [long pause] I can’t, I ca— [long pause] I mean I, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t put it into words. I don’t know what the words are.”
it appears that Rhodes, not Kerry, was running U.S. foreign policy in 2016, and perhaps for some time before that. At an event in Vietnam, for instance, Rhodes is seen giving orders to Kerry...
Rhodes’ rhetorical trick, which he shared with Obama, was to use a favored trope of the center-right in service of knocking down a strawman.
Rhodes is an arc man: There’s this Mighty Arc of History (™), see, and everything naturally bends toward it. (In Vietnam, Rhodes coaches Kerry how to talk about the trip: “I think the main thing for them is drawing the arc of progress
Kerry, after Russia breaks the ceasefire in Aleppo in 2016: “It’s just so frustrating because we really had an agreement that could have worked. And unfortunately we have some people [Putin] who didn’t want to cooperate.”  [No kidding!]
Power:  “My world is a world where you have 65 million displaced. Yemen and Syria and Iraq, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad, Central African Republic, Burundi, South Sudan, Darfur, you know, the list, Afghanistan, of course, Venezuela imploding . . . There are concerns about terrorism and there is a fear of the other and . . . all the trendlines — on democracy, right now, at least — are going in the wrong direction.”   [Truth slips out.]

Thank God they are gone [for now].


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Black Power
« Reply #1048 on: January 31, 2018, 09:03:47 AM »
I dunno.  If you ask me the racism these days is mostly from the LEFT:


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I don't think this is racist
« Reply #1049 on: February 14, 2018, 05:24:32 AM »

oh, but he made joke about someone voting for OBama - therefore he MUST be racist.    :roll: