Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 533705 times)


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The Cruelty of Blue
« Reply #900 on: May 09, 2017, 08:16:17 AM »

The Cruelty of Blue
Years of false promises, years of “compassionate government”, years of ignoring arithmetic, comes to this: Puerto Rico in the grip of a massive, man-made disaster. The New York Times:

Angel González, a retired schoolteacher facing a 10 percent cut to his pension, is beginning to wonder whether his three-person household will have to cut back to one cellphone and take turns using it.

Santiago Domenech, a general contractor with $2 million of his savings tied up in bonds Puerto Rico just defaulted on, once had 450 employees. Now he has eight. His father-in-law, Alfredo Torres, owns Puerto Rico’s oldest bookstore, but it has been going downhill for two years.

“The government is bankrupt,” said Bernardo Rivera, 75, a private bus driver who sometimes earns only $40 all day. “Everyone is bankrupt. There is nothing left. People who do not have jobs do not take the bus to work.”

This could have been avoided by sensible and timely cuts, by turning a deaf ear to public sector union demands for wages and salaries, by a series of small but definite steps away from the blue model, welfare state governance. But the press, certainly including the NYT which is now reporting the disaster, would have attacked any politicians taking these steps as “harsh”, or “cruel to the poor”.

Now Puerto Rico is in a deeper hole, with much more suffering than any of the moderate cuts would have imposed.

Unfortunately, a number of cities and states on the mainland are walking down the Puerto Rican highway toward bankruptcy and disruptive adjustment. There, the liberal press is still hailing the politicians who are willing to plunge their cities and states into chaos for the sake of popularity: the press often calls them bold, innovative and visionary. They have a lot of ideas about the things they want to do with other peoples’ money, while people who insist that budgets must be cut, and that pension obligations be met, are still being attacked for everything from racism to sadism.

It is a lot of fun until the music stops.


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Gun crimes are serious, unless you are an illegal alien
« Reply #901 on: May 10, 2017, 09:12:53 AM »

ICE blasts Montgomery Co. for releasing accused felon despite immigration detainer
by Kevin Lewis/ABC7

Mario Granados-Alvarado. (Montgomery County Police Department)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (ABC7) — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is lambasting Montgomery County after jailers knowingly released an 19-year-old undocumented immigrant accused of bringing an AR-15 assault-style rifle onto school property, despite an immigration detainer lodged against the teen.
On Saturday, April 29, Mario Granados-Alvarado, 19, a citizen of El Salvador, allegedly broke into a Rockville police car, snagging a shotgun, AR-15 rifle and ammunition from the vehicle's trunk. The unmarked Chevy Impala was parked outside of an off-duty officer's house at the time of the overnight break-in.
On Monday, May 1, a school resource officer assigned to Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, stopped Granados-Alvarado. The 19-year-old, who is enrolled as a junior at the public school, reportedly ran away while shouting, "I scared. I scared." Officers were ultimately able to handcuff Granados-Alvarado and later located the AR-15 in the trunk of a blue Mazda he had been driving.
On Tuesday, May 2, ICE filed an active immigration detainer with the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for Granados-Alvarado. The legal document was cut and dry and customary.
On Wednesday, May 3, Granados-Alvarado posted his $2,000 bond set by a Montgomery County District Court judge. However, instead of abiding by ICE's pending request, Montgomery County officials let the accused criminal walk out of jail and return to the community.
On Thursday, May 4, ICE agents working on their own intel, managed to locate and arrest Granados-Alvarado. He is currently being held at the Howard County Detention Center in Jessup.
On Monday, May 8, ICE issued a pointed press release, taking Montgomery County to task for "frequently" ignoring "legally authorized detainers."
"Keeping people safe means not tolerating the release of aliens that present a clear public safety threat back into our communities," said Dorothy Herrera-Niles, field office director for Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore. "ICE is committed to fostering positive collaboration with our local law-enforcement partners, and welcomes changes from county officials that would prioritize public safety."
ABC7 contacted Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner, Council Vice President Hans Riemer, Councilman George Leventhal, Councilwoman Nancy Navarro, Chief County Spokesman Patrick Lacefield and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation seeking comment about why the county felt it necessary to disregard the request of a federal agency. As of Monday evening, ABC7 had not received a response.
According to ICE, the U.S. Border Patrol first encountered Granados-Alvarado on March 6, 2014 in the area of Falfurrias, Texas, about 80 miles southwest of Corpus Christi. Agents determined he had traipsed through Mexico before entering the United States illegally. ICE says Granados-Alvarado was issued a notice to appear in immigration court. ICE also reports that the teen has "multiple criminal arrests" on file.
The national debate over illegal immigration has mushroomed since President Donald Trump secured his reign in the White House. Jurisdictions, including Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, have publicly stated they have no interest in cooperating with federal authorities. ICE argues that such behavior puts communities and law-enforcement directly in harm's way. ICE adds that with many undocumented immigrants using aliases and providing false addresses, the task of tracking them down is incredibly costly to taxpayers.
During fiscal year 2016, ICE reports it removed 240,255 undocumented immigrants. Roughly 73 percent were caught at, or close to, U.S. borderlines, while the remaining 27 percent were caught in cities such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The overwhelming majority of those interior captures, ICE asserts, were convicted criminals.


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read the last sentence
« Reply #902 on: May 11, 2017, 07:22:28 AM »
with  the blatant anti semitic remark is thrown in.  And "Blumenthal" , almost surely Jewish, acquiesces to this extortion thus encouraging more of this.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Calif Dem calls heartland "Podunk USA"
« Reply #903 on: May 12, 2017, 05:47:53 AM »
A gaffe for Republicans is when they say something that's wrong.  For Democrats, it's when they reveal what they really think - like Jonathon Gruber selling Obamacare to the "stupid".  In this case, it is more about the "deplorables", the "bitter clingers".  The more refined, liberal, urban coastals like Rep. Eshoo believe you know-nothings in Podunk are an embarrassment.


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John Oliver is better than you
« Reply #904 on: May 12, 2017, 06:53:24 AM »

John Oliver's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

Late-night comedian John Oliver sure is having an interesting week.

It started with him blasting the FCC on his HBO show on Sunday, rallying viewers to flood the FCC with calls and comments defending net neutrality. Oliver is apparently a huge fan of the Obama-era regulatory structure that calls for Internet service providers to be treated like public utilities. The Republican chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, wants to throw it out.(Watch Pai explain why on Reason TV here.)

During the segment, Oliver beckoned his audience to take action and compared Pai to a serial killer: "When the Code of Federal Regulations looks out its window at night, there’s just Ajit Pai, standing silently, holding his weed whacker, waiting for his chance,” he said.

In related news, professional net-neutrality activists invaded Pai's neighborhood on Sunday to distribute door hangers resembling "wanted posters" to his neighbors. The flyers featured a black-and-white photo of Pai with the words "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?" written above the photo. Pai talked about the stunt on Matt Lewis' radio show earlier this week, dismissing the activists as "sort of annoying" while noting that they did "scare his children a little bit."

"Sadly, it seems once more we the people must take the matter into our own hands," Oliver said on his show Sunday. "Because the FCC are again going to invite public comment on their website — and conveniently for them, the process is actually a lot more complicated this time than it was three years ago."

After describing the complicated process people now have to go through to comment on the FCC site, Oliver told his viewers that his show had created the URL "," which could take them more directly to the page to leave a comment.

“Do not tell me you do not have time to do this,” Oliver said. “If the internet is evidence of anything else, it’s evidence that we all have too much time on our hands.”

Not long after the segment aired, the FCC’s website crashed, prompting many in the media to approvingly credit Oliver's viewers for crashing the site.

But it turned out that the website crash had nothing to do with comments.  According to a statement posted on the FCC’s website, it was a deliberate Denial of Service attack.

 Beginning on Sunday night at midnight, our analysis reveals that the FCC was subject to multiple distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDos). These were deliberate attempts by external actors to bombard the FCC’s comment system with a high amount of traffic to our commercial cloud host. These actors were not attempting to file comments themselves; rather they made it difficult for legitimate commenters to access and file with the FCC. While the comment system remained up and running the entire time, these DDoS events tied up the servers and prevented them from responding to people attempting to submit comments. We have worked with our commercial partners to address this situation and will continue to monitor developments going forward.
On Tuesday, the Washington Free Beacon reviewed the Oliver-inspired FCC comments and found that they were riddled with bots leaving fake messages and liberals making racist comments and threatening violence against Pai. analysis of comments to Pai's Restoring Internet Freedom filing, which Oliver has dubbed " Go FCC yourself," shows thousands of comments using fake names and bots posing as "Jesus Christ," "Michael Jackson," "Homer Simpson," and " Melania Trump."
For instance, as of Tuesday evening, there were 1,761 comments filed under the name "John Oliver," 998 separate comments using the name "Yoni Schwartz," and 611 comments filed using "1" as the name.

Over 500 were submitted using Chairman Pai's name, as well as 189 from "Donald Trump" and 8 from "Obama."

Eleven submissions used some version of the word "f–k."

Pai also received death threats in several submissions. One commenter said, "[F]—k you Ajit Pai for what you're are trying to do and I hope you die a horrible painful death with no remembrance to your name you cocksucka [sic]."

Another said failure to keep net neutrality would "cause me to pray for the slow and painful death of Chairman Ajit Pai and every living member of his family, direct or indirect."

"Save internet and fuck this Ajit guy," said another. "He's from India, deport that asshole. We will take care of him when he's back."

Other comments used racial attacks against Pai, the son of Indian immigrants.

"Can you guys stop being complete greedy little s–ts and work for the American people and not for your wallets," said one commenter using the name " Andromeda Titan." "Also, f–k you Ajit Pai (a disgrace to all Indians). And f–k Trump too."

Another commenter said, "Ajit Pai looks and sounds like an Indian fraternity brother who exclusively f–ks underage women."

Wow, John Oliver's fans are a charming bunch, aren't they?

The most awkward moment for the left-wing comedian came on Wednesday when an expose in the NY Observer revealed that the he had used his wealth and connections to dodge New York property taxes on his multimillion dollar penthouse. It wouldn't be so bad if Oliver wasn't always presenting himself as a champion of the little guy and critic of the rich and powerful.

For years, Oliver has criticized the estate tax, which defenders, in a smart linguistic move dreamed up by Frank Luntz, long ago labeled the “ death tax”; and the tax code’s raft of loopholes that benefit special interests he identified as oil companies and hedge fund managers. Oliver even briefly established the bogus Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption to draw attention to tax-exempt status granted to churches and charities.
Back in July 2014, in an episode in which he lamented the Wealth Gap in America” (which has resulted in the richest one percent of Americans controlling 20 percent of annual income), Oliver said, “At this point the rich are just running up the score…What sets America apart is that we are actively introducing policies that disproportionately benefit the wealthy,” such as tax cuts and loopholes like trusts.

So it’s a little surprising to discover that just months before, Oliver had a tax attorney set up two revocable trusts, one for him and one for his wife, to hide the couple’s purchase of a $9.5 million Manhattan penthouse. Then he used a tax loophole created by Donald Trump himself back in the 1970s, when the current president was merely a prominent New York real estate developer and aspiring celebrity author.

I can't wait to find out what Thursday, Friday, and Saturday have in store for Oliver.


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So, you want to tear down historical symbols of slavery huh?
« Reply #905 on: May 14, 2017, 01:01:43 PM »
Texas Veteran · @TexasVet
21 hours
So, you want to tear down historical symbols of slavery huh?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #906 on: May 15, 2017, 04:55:14 AM »
according to John Lewis there was a greater sense of hope and optimism during the JFK years. 

me - what?????

So he is saying their is less opportunity for Blacks today compared to then?
If that is the case then why did we need civil right legislation?

Because of Trump all their lives are ruined?

Lewis pushed for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before saying: “There’s a mean spirit in America today.”

Does anyone think for one second that if these 4 million were to become republicans he would say that?

Yeah right.  Love everyone as long as they vote the Demorcratic-socialism-big government way.


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He forgot the quotation marks
« Reply #908 on: May 21, 2017, 03:34:22 PM »
Another scandal brewing:   :wink:

PS:   The left doesn't cite MLK for his plagiarism.............


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I admire Bezos , not this guy (ZUckerberg)
« Reply #909 on: May 26, 2017, 02:57:43 PM »
Another one of the world's great human beings (behind Obama himself) has spoken.   He is rich with brilliant ideas:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 05:49:23 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #910 on: May 29, 2017, 05:29:53 AM »
The libs are upset Trump did not tweet about the murder in Portland of 2 people who came to the verbal defense of a hibab wearing person:

Sarcastically I respond:

How do these libs know the person was not just mad about his job or stressed out.  Why would anyone think this is a hate crime?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #911 on: May 29, 2017, 06:05:50 AM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #912 on: May 29, 2017, 07:01:26 AM »
Bernie supporter!

we won't hear that on stinking CNN a political outlet staffed with and  for progressives

and the free shit and hate all whites crowd will be screaming this is due to Trump and his band of deplorables.


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Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back
« Reply #913 on: May 29, 2017, 09:41:23 AM »

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back
Kurt  Schlichter  |Posted: May 29, 2017 12:01 AM 
Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules. The left did. It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

Team Fredocon, when they aren’t, “Oh well, I never!-ing” about Trump and his uncouth supporters, moan about the threat of “Whataboutism,” the tendency for people to explain their sub-optimal behavior by asking, “What about so-and-so? He did the same thing and you didn’t care.” But while “whataboutism” may be a logical fallacy, it’s still a devastatingly compelling argument.

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

Or take the Trump-Russia black hole of idiocy – please. Remember how Obama whispered to the Russkies, “I'll have more flexibility after election” and that was cool? But – according to an anonymous source reading a bar tab over the phone to some credulous WaPo hack – one of Trump’s relatives ordered a vodka once and it’s TREASON TREASON TREASON!!!!!!

It certainly applies to, “What about when they hit conservatives with a lock in a sock and the liberal media didn’t care?” Yeah, what about that? Where was the sackcloth and ashes act from Schumer, Pelosi, and Felonia von Pantsuit when our side was being bloodied and beaten? There wasn’t one, because the left supports us getting bloodied and beaten. It likes the zesty zing of violence. It makes them feel big and tough and edgy, except that it starts being a heck of a lot less fun when we right-wingers start adopting the same rules and punching back.

The left is shocked that the right has now stopped caring about the old rules, since for so long the left relied on the right to subordinate its human instincts and conform to those rules even when the left ignored them. We refused to stoop to their level, and for a long time, we were “better than that.” But you can only have one side being “better than that” for so long before people get sick of being the butt of the hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is poison not because it makes people stop knowing right from wrong, but because it makes its victims stop caring about right and wrong. Ben Jacobs got smacked around, and millions of us just don’t give a damn.

We all know it was wrong for Greg Gianforte to beat up Ben Jacobs. But we also know the general attitude of the media is that when we conservatives get beat-up by leftists it’s perfectly excusable – even laudable – and thanks to the fact that Twitter is forever, we now know that Ben Jacobs himself specifically thinks it’s A-OK to slug conservative kids. So can someone tell me why anyone should be shocked that we conservatives refuse to devote one iota of caring to poor Ben’s wedgie?

This isn’t a good thing. This is nothing to be proud of. We should not be happy that our society is heading toward the lowest common denominator, which itself is in freefall. But the alternative is worse. Should we allow ourselves to continue to be figuratively and literally beaten up while smiling at our own purity, secure in the knowledge that even though our dignity and freedom are stripped from us, we have not fought back? Not happening. Letting these bastards play by their own rules, and thereby crush us, seems a pretty high price to pay just to gain the approval of the smug and sanctimonious David Frums and John Kasichs of the world.

We conservatives have been warning for a long time that liberals are not going to like it when everyone plays by the new rules, and – surprise! – they don’t. But guess what? Most of us don’t like the new rules either. Yet it’s ridiculous to expect human beings to remain in perpetual denial about the situation they face, and to forever live under a double standard that results in their faces getting pressed into the dirt.

The hypocrisy has become intolerable, and we have stopped tolerating it. This is just the beginning of the reaction, and - make no mistake – this entire situation is a bad thing. Our society is making choices that can lead only to ruin (and my new novel describing the consequences drops later this week).

Lincoln mentioned “the better angels of our nature” – also at a time when Democrats were rejecting the rule of law in order to promote their subjugation of those they considered lesser beings – and the important thing to note is that “angels” is plural. You need two angels, not one angel and one demon. But that’s what we have, and if it doesn’t change we’ll have two demons, and everyone should care about that.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #915 on: May 30, 2017, 05:22:16 PM »

I take it you have seen Brietbart today and thus this :

Could anyone imagine the outrage if someone did this with Baraq? ??  The LEFT media would be 24/7 manic rants screaming and yelling for that person to be fired and shunned and never to work again and to get on his or her knees and beg to forgiven.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #916 on: May 31, 2017, 03:58:07 PM »
I take it you have seen Brietbart today and thus this :
Could anyone imagine the outrage if someone did this with Baraq? ??  The LEFT media would be 24/7 manic rants screaming and yelling for that person to be fired and shunned and never to work again and to get on his or her knees and beg to forgiven.

ccp,  I heard the apology before I saw the picture.  Didn't know who she was by name but now I recognize her.

While there is a huge double standard, we just found out there is a line leftists shouldn't cross.  This actually did get a reaction and outrage from almost all.

The apology was quite well written and delivered but I think the last line of her apology was that she 'went too far'.  Went too far??  That line opens more questions than answers.  Behead without the blood on it was okay?  Stabbed, shot, hung okay?

She has been fired by CNN by the time of this writing I think.  A (leftist) comic worked for CNN?  Why??

I don't know the totality of her work.  ALways left, sometimes funny, I would guess. I don't think much of apologies.  Apologizing is better than not, but doesn't erase the act.  People shouldn't normally lose a lifetime of achievements for one mistake, but it happens.  She apologized because she saw the reaction, not because she thought it was wrong.  The apology was for career survival, self interest, not because they don't all wish him dead.  The firing was CNN doing the same.  Subtle leftism on the networks is what works, not the outrageous stuff.  This incident is memorable and will symbolize the horrible treatment this President gets.  The fact that leftist operatives posing as mainstream media, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, and LA Times all have 87-93% negative coverage of Trump in the subtle form, just reporting the news, is far more effective.

It is hurtful to Melania, 11 year old Barron and others.  It is probably helpful to Trump's reelection for the derangement syndrome to gain a graphic image.  It could inspire one more crazy person to do a bad thing.

Mostly it means two more days or a week that healthcare and tax reform fail to gain momentum.  
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 05:46:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #917 on: May 31, 2017, 04:11:11 PM »
I would like to thank Ms. Griffin for reminding the American public of what the left is really like.

Kathy Griffin Scolds Elisabeth Hasselbeck Over Obama Question: ‘Take It Down A Notch, B*tch!’
by James Crugnale | 9:19 am, May 18th, 2012
During a segment on Bravo’s Kathy on Thursday, Kathy Griffin tore into Elisabeth Hasselbeck‘s critical question to President Obama on The View about gay marriage, where Hasselbeck asked the president how he would “move things forward any more than Mitt Romney.” With Hasselbeck’s “attitude to the president, who was a Harvard Law professor, I’m, like, take it down a notch, bitch,” Griffin said.

“That body language,” Griffin added, “I don’t like that. I don’t like Jan Brewer in Arizona going like this to the President on the tarmac. I don’t like that. When I was on The View, Barbara Walters said you respect the office.”

If the left didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

I take it you have seen Brietbart today and thus this :
Could anyone imagine the outrage if someone did this with Baraq? ??  The LEFT media would be 24/7 manic rants screaming and yelling for that person to be fired and shunned and never to work again and to get on his or her knees and beg to forgiven.

ccp,  I heard the apology before I saw the picture.  Didn't know who she was by name but now I recognize her.

While there is a huge double standard, we just found out there is a line leftists shouldn't cross.  This actually did get a reaction and outrage from almost all.

The apology was quite well written and delivered but I think the last line of her apology was that she 'went too far'.  Went too far??  That line opens more questions than answers.  Behead without the blood on it was okay?  Stabbed, shot, hung okay?

She has been fired by CNN by the time of this writing I think.  A (leftist) comic worked for CNN?  Why??

I don't know the totality of her work.  ALways left, sometimes funny, I would guess. I don't think much of apologies.  Apologizing is better than not, but doesn't erase the act.  People shouldn't normally lose a lifetime of achievements for one mistake, but it happens.  She apologized because she saw the reaction, not because she thought it was wrong.  The apology was for career survival, self interest, not because they don't all wish him dead.  The firing was CNN doing the same.  Subtle leftism on the networks is what works, not the outrageous stuff.  This incident is memorable and will symbolize the horrible treatment this President gets.  The fact that leftists operatives posing as manstream media, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, and LA Times all have 90% coverage of Trump in the subtle form, just reporting the news, is far more effective.

It is hurtful to Melania, 11 year old Barron and others.  It is probably helpful to Trump's reelection for the derangement syndrome to gain a graphic image.  It could inspire one more crazy person to do a bad thing.

Mostly it means two more days or a week that healthcare and tax reform fail to gain momentum. 


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If not Gloria Alred it is this Lisa Bloom now
« Reply #918 on: June 02, 2017, 04:32:38 AM »
Griffen now with the lib lawyer:

CNN fired her but we know some other left org will hire her.

Maybe she can get a job with Clinton mafia , inc.


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Fusion Party, Democrats follow the lead of the progressive media, VDH
« Reply #919 on: June 02, 2017, 07:22:30 AM »
Rush L has pointed out it is no longer the media and the academia carrying the water for liberal Democratic politicians, it is now the other way around.  The thought leaders of the left aren't the elected politicians. The driving ideas like central planning, government healthcare, redistributing income inequality and world government come out of academics and media.  The politicians are the pigeons who carry it out, put it in law.

This VDH article makes a similar point:
"The Democrats are following the lead of the progressive media"
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 07:57:22 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #920 on: June 02, 2017, 08:19:04 AM »
"driving ideas like central planning, government healthcare, redistributing income inequality and world government come out of academics and media"

Indeed.  As I have posted examples on DGB over the past few years the same Harvard Yale Columbia etc academics are shoving the liberal agenda down the throats of the medical personnel too.

It is a real onslaught.  Some of the foreigner born in the medical field have taken up the calling with determination.  It is often racial for them I am afraid.  Not all are into it but many are.

The same issues about women, sex orientation, racial this or that , cultural , just keep on popping up all over.   And climate change too.  That is getting into many med journals ever increasingly.

I could guess that at least half of the leading journals have something in them that is right out of the progressive play book furthering their agenda or in some cases propaganda making cases for their "issues ".

« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 08:42:03 AM by ccp »


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The Left Freaks Out As Everything It Tries Makes It Look Stupider
« Reply #921 on: June 02, 2017, 08:38:54 AM »

The Left Freaks Out As Everything It Tries Makes It Look Stupider
Kurt  Schlichter Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Jun 01, 2017 12:01 AM 

Name one normal person who has watched the leftist freak out and said, “Yeah, I’m convinced. That severed Trump head Kathy Griffin is hauling around? Really makes you think.” It sure does – normal people think, “Thank you, Lord, for helping America dodge that drunken, malignant bullet the liberals fired at us.”

But then nothing the liberals have done since last November’s humiliation has sought to expand the Democrats’ constricted base to include us normals. Instead, everything they have done seems designed solely to appeal to the coastal snobs and welfare cheats who are already committed to liberal fascism, and to demonstrate to everyone else how right we were to reject that pant-suited Chavez wannbe.

When you watch what they’re doing in response to normal Americans standing up and asserting the right to govern ourselves, you see the progressives making the losers’ choice at every turn. From concocting elaborate Russian fantasies – I keep expecting someone to demand Trump make Moscow General Hospital release his original birth certificate – to applauding performance art designed to make regular people gag, they choose wrong. And we can safely point this out because they’re too smug and/or stupid to listen.

This has been going on for a long time. A few years ago it was their collective swoon over the scuzzy shenanigans of the filthy lowlifes of what they called the “Occupy Movement.” But that Astroturf farce was only a “movement” to the extent that progs imagined that footage of its coterie of clowns executing bowel movements against cop cars was going to win over normal people.

Okay, that didn't work, so the next brainstorm was to decide to refuse to recognize the results of the 2016 election – no doubt the people who left the Democrats would be convinced to return to a party that has made its centerpiece #TheResistance to what those voters voted for. And how better to appeal to the regular folks who chose Trump over Felonia von Pantsuit than, “Why, let's have thousands of hideous crones wearing hats evoking genitalia march around talking about how working class men are bad.”

Yeah, no. That failed too. Have you seen any v-caps lately? Gyno headgear is now “La Macarena” of political novelty acts.

When wearing lady parts on their pointy skulls somehow didn't make normal Americans think, "These are sane people and I should take one of their brochures to learn more about their political teachings," they got onto the Russia kick. It was sure great to see liberals finally taking the side of the USA against Russia for the first time since, you know, ever.

But these born-again, left-wing McCarthys, without Tailgunner Joe’s trademark sanity or smarts, have somehow managed not to turn normal Americans into a mob demanding impeachment. It didn't help that the Russia-mania media reports are always 99 percent baloney. Anonymous bombshells like Trump planning to give Putin our missile codes in order to nuke Planned Parenthood always end up being walked back to something like, “Donald Trump once watched Rush Hour 2 on pay-per-view and totally laughed more at Jackie Chan than Chris Tucker because RACISM!"

But Russia spazzing doesn't create jobs, and it doesn't address the underlying issues that led people who could've been voting for Hillary to diss her. So, especially after 12 months with no leaks of damning evidence and the reluctant admissions even from leading Democrats that there is no evidence of TRUMP LOVES PUTIN BECAUSE TREASON! at all, damning or otherwise, no one cares who wasn’t already offended to the core by normal people daring to make themselves heard last November.

And having that insane political Sasquatch wandering out of the woods every once in a while to insist that she actually won the election does not help. Which is why we should heartily encourage her to continue her bizarre quest for the presidency. Who knows, it might just work – she does finally win in 2020 in the new prequel to my novel People’s Republic, Indian Country, and promptly destroys our country just as we feared she would had she not been so humiliatingly crushed.

Lately liberals have tried some new tricks. One is feigning a newfound dislike of violence. A Republican smacking around a liberal reporter is the worst thing on earth. Then the aforementioned Kathy Griffin rises from her cesspool of obscurity with a pic of her holding Trump’s bloody noggin in eager expectation of liberal acclamation because, well, Trump.

Nobody's buying it (including, to her credit, Chelsea Clinton).

Fun story: As a young lawyer in a big LA firm 20+ years ago, Kathy Griffin came in as a temp – that was before she hit it mediocre. I remember talking to her once and she was pleasant enough, but little did I know someday she’d be both on CNN and channeling ISIS.

Then we had the latest liberal Great Right Hope failure when that jerk in Portland turned out not to be a conservative (They never are) but a Sanders supporter. Regardless of his politics, we normals still want him to feel the burn … in the electric chair.

The funniest liberal pose is “Patriot Liberal,” and that's their newest thing. They'll start talking to you about honor and patriotism and Country First and the flag, but they do it hilariously awkwardly, like how a slow child walks for the first time. They’re just not used to taking America’s side – or, more accurately, pretending to.

But none of it's working. The numbers are not shifting. Donald Trump remains about as popular as he was on Election Day, and leftists isolated in their coastal echo chambers just don't understand that normal people really don't get upset when our president tells the deadbeat Germans that before they spend their money on rape-inclined foreigners they need to keep their word to the people whose blood and treasure defends them. If you think the American people are going to be upset because the Euros are pouting about Donald Trump demanding that the Krauts ... wait for it … pay their fair share, you've probably never met a real American.

Apparently, only rich fellow Americans must “pay their fair share.” Rich, liberal globalists from other countries who buy into the climate change scam, well, apparently they get a pass on paying their fair share. Liberals always do “Country First” wrong.

It used to be easy to feel like we were losing with all the noise and lies in the media, but not so much anymore. We are woke to the okey-doke; we know we’re supposed to be the marks and we just aren’t playing along with the scam. We get that the media lies. We get that liberals’ only concern is their own power. And now we’re laughing at them.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #922 on: June 02, 2017, 12:14:57 PM »
I didn't even know that lisa bloom is gloria allred's daughter !


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #923 on: June 03, 2017, 10:04:59 AM »
Chelsea, Mika, Lisa, WHITE PRIVILEGE!!!! :evil:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #924 on: June 06, 2017, 04:56:07 PM »
no need to be able to speak English in US anymore and even suggesting it is wrong:


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young maxine waters
« Reply #925 on: June 09, 2017, 08:18:21 AM »
hoisted onto shoulders of liberals with leftist guns blazing and no shortage of supplies of ammunition and logistical, media, financial support probably from Soros on down:


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The Venezuela of the midwest
« Reply #926 on: June 15, 2017, 07:26:41 AM »


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speaks for itself
« Reply #929 on: June 20, 2017, 05:57:50 PM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #930 on: June 20, 2017, 08:11:37 PM »
Tucker Carlson let rip on this tonight.


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Re: The Atlantic: What is wrong with the Democrats?
« Reply #932 on: June 27, 2017, 09:31:45 AM »
What is wrong with the Democrats?    - Don't get me started...   )

The Atlantic:  "If the party cares about winning, it needs to learn how to appeal to the white working class."

But they are selling grievances against whites, penalize work and eliminate employers.

Last times they won this group they believed that a rising tide meaning tax cuts for the wealthy lifts all boats [JFK] and chose two southern Governors for President promising to triangulate against liberalism.  The popular one [Bill Clinton] tightened welfare, cut capital gains tax rates, contained spending and balanced the budget, which puts him to the right of Bush, McCain, Romney and Trump.  Now they favor getting more and more people on more and more programs, raising taxes on income and investments and exploding the deficit.

I don't see why it's not working.

"Clinton neglected to make a robust economic argument"

   - No, she chose the wrong economic argument.  She faced a choice of adopting Bernie Sanders economic insanity or losing the Democratic nomination.  If she wanted to make a coherent, science-based, economic growth policy in this environment, she wouldn't be a Democrat.

The Atalantic:  "...the party has no scaffolding"

« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 10:09:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Islamophobia, is there anything it can't do?
« Reply #933 on: June 27, 2017, 08:44:09 PM »

Imagine if it had been a non-muslim white male...


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« Reply #934 on: June 28, 2017, 04:20:31 AM »
When bamster reigned 2009 - 2017 we on this board cited ORwell's classic.    Now the LEft is citing it against Trump:

Amazing how they twist everything around to suit themselves .
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 04:58:15 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #936 on: July 03, 2017, 09:24:34 AM »
Leftist Federal employee quits and denounces Trump and her story soars to the top of the Huffcompost:

I say good riddance.

What does what Trump say or do have to to with corporate crime?

I am not looking for Federal officials to demand gentlemen and lady like behavior from corporate people.   I want them to go after criminal behavior.

Just another leftist official who is pissed he is President most likely.

You don't like your boss?  So leave .  Take your pension and go.   Good riddance to you   No loss.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #937 on: July 04, 2017, 09:09:46 PM »
From Glibness thread:  
He's just ...hurt that his failed presidency's only real accomplishment is President Trump.  (And the R. congress, legislatures, governorships, judiciary, etc.)

From somewhere else on the internet today:
The greatest fear of liberals isn't the failure of the Trump administration.  Their biggest fear is its success.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 01:13:05 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #938 on: July 05, 2017, 04:25:11 AM »
"He's just ...hurt that his failed presidency's only real accomplishment is President Trump.  (And the R. congress, legislatures, governorships, judiciary, etc.)"

That's even more reason he should shut the "h..l" up about disrespecting the United States and stick to charity work ala Jimmy Carter (just without the antisemitism).


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was never a problem when Bamster was on vacation
« Reply #939 on: July 05, 2017, 08:52:32 AM »
in Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii or other exotic location when we had crises:

now for a UN ambassador (which is basically next to worthless) it is :


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left: A Deplorable Lack of Curiosity
« Reply #941 on: July 06, 2017, 01:14:58 PM »
DNC was hacked by Russia (allegedly).  Democrats are obsessed with breaches of this sort by Russia.  What has the FBI and security agencies learned by examining the hacked server?  Nothing.   The DNC won't turn it over to them.

The left and the media (redundancy alert) say Trump is nuts to say millions of illegals voted.  The states have the records.  A commission was formed to investigate and the states won't turn records over to them for examination.  MN Sec State Democrat Steve Simon: “I will not hand over Minnesota voters’ sensitive personal information to the commission”.

Herr Zeller: I've not asked you where you and your family are going. Nor have you asked me why I am here.
Captain von Trapp: Well, apparently, we're both suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity.


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Rob Reiner
« Reply #942 on: July 07, 2017, 05:33:01 PM »
Funny . Hollywood never had a problem with it during the 50s when McCArthy was sounding the alarm and going after the ex european communist and socialist among them
many of whom like Reiner were Jewish.

Now suddenly Russia is the big bad enemy.  We know it ain't .  It is Republicans and Conservatives who are.

The rest is a ruse.


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[youtube] [/youtube]

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, in English: National Socialist German Workers' Party
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 05:57:31 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Michael Barone: Overreach is not usually good politics
« Reply #944 on: July 13, 2017, 08:40:30 AM »
Barone has this right.  The latest shiny object has the derangement crowd in over-excitement mode.  The rest of the country seeing that more than it sees an underlying crime of which there was none.  Impeachment and removal occurs when your own side gives up on you.  It's not a measure of how hysterical your opponents get.


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The Left: Take away projection and all they’d have left is lies and hate.
« Reply #945 on: July 14, 2017, 08:15:53 AM »
Good quote from the clever folks at PJ Media Instapundit in conjunction with this flashback where we do have the the quid, the pro and the quo fully documented:

"Take away projection and all they’d have left is lies and hate."


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The Leaders of the Left
« Reply #946 on: July 17, 2017, 07:54:33 AM »
Her substance is as screwed up as her delivery.  Nancy Pelosi on drugs or is this the best she can do...


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Re: The Leaders of the Left, Ted Kennedy
« Reply #947 on: July 19, 2017, 06:06:08 AM »
JULY 18, 2017
ON THIS DAY IN 1969: “Shortly after leaving a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Edward ‘Ted’ Kennedy of Massachusetts drives an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond. Kennedy escaped the submerged car, but his passenger, 28-year-old Mary Jo Kopechne, did not. The senator did not report the fatal car accident for 10 hours.”
Still though, as Charles Piece of Esquire infamously wrote in the Boston Globe in 2003, “If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.”

   - Instapundit


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #948 on: July 19, 2017, 07:50:11 AM »
" Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.  "

what an outrageous disgusting statement for that self serving bastard who beat a manslaughter rap DUI and was repeatedly and serially re elected by those jerk libs in Mass


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The Rev. Al Gore
« Reply #949 on: July 20, 2017, 03:59:15 PM »

July 20, 2017
Al Gore, When Asked If We've Hit a Point of No Return Like He Previously Predicted We Would: Well, In Some Ways. But the Paris Accords Changed So Much!
God's gonna take me home unless you donate $100,000 to my ministry.

Wait -- we're at $90,000. God now says you have a two week extension to donate, and if you donate now, He'll give you Heavenly Oven Mitts, free of charge. (Shipping costs extra.)

Back with a sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore reflected on his 2006 prediction that “the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” if “drastic measures” were not taken to combat climate change.
Gore was asked why he made that prediction in the first film and if he has another prediction to make about climate change now 11 years later.

“First of all, we’ve seen a lot of progress since the first movie came out. We have the Paris agreement now. The cost of renewable energy has come down so quickly that people are switching over. Unfortunately, some levels of the Earth system have crossed a point of no return,” Gore said during an interview with PJM on the green carpet of the An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power screening Wednesday evening at the Newseum.

Video of a fat man sweating at the link.

Oh by the way: Science-denying transexual advocate Bill Nye says the only way now to save the earth is to hope for old people to die.

I assume he doesn't mean himself or Al Gore, who are old. And also, unattractive.

Just pointing that out.

"Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It's generational," Nye told the Los Angeles Times. Nye said that he is calling them out with "due respect," acknowledging that he is "now one of them."
"We're just going to have to wait for those people to 'age out,' as they say," Nye went on, adding that "age out" is a euphemism for "die." "But it'll happen, I guarantee you — that'll happen."

By the way -- remember that cringepocalypse "song" and "dance" number Bill Nye had on his show, celebrating transexualism and deviant sex of all varieties?

On a show that seems primarily interested in propagandizing to children? (Both of the "real children" type and Adult Baby Monster type?)

It was "sung" by Rachel Bloom, a "comedienne" chiefly famous for having big jugs, singing stupid children's songs about want to have nerd sex, and not being so attractive that nerds think they couldn't maybe have a shot with her.

“Sexuality’s a spectrum, everyone is on it. Even you might like it if you sit up on it,” Bloom sings on stage as Nye can be seen off-stage dancing. “Drag king, drag queen just do what feels right.”
Yeah -- he got an Emmy nomination for that shit.

Trust your betters.