Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 533708 times)


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Global Warming killing the children
« Reply #850 on: January 09, 2017, 06:27:51 PM »
It's causing flooding in Nevada and California right now. Is there anything Climate Change can't do?

Right, a lot like the dogs saying the Russians pooped in the hallway.

If you live on an island in a global economy more than 2000 years after the invention of desalination and die of a drought, your cause of death is poverty, not someone else's prosperity.


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The Cognitive Dissonance of Meryl Streep
« Reply #851 on: January 09, 2017, 06:56:39 PM »

Meryl’s Bad Memory

January 9, 2017 by Boris Zelkin

“I am a righteous bitch, aren’t I?” –Meryl Streep as Kate Mundy in “Dancing at Lughnasa”

Meryl Streep on Sunday brought all her righteousness to bear at the Golden Globes where she excoriated President-elect Trump and passionately spoke to the necessity of a free and brave press in order to fight, what I can only imagine she sees as an impending Fourth Reich.

She said:

    OK, this brings me to the press. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call him on the carpet for every outrage. That’s why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in the Constitution. So I only ask the famously well-heeled Hollywood Foreign Press and all of us in our community to join me in supporting the Committee to Protect Journalists, because we’re gonna need them going forward, and they’ll need us to safeguard the truth.”

Streep is a symbol of American greatness. She is a national treasure, a woman whose acting ability is considered by most to be second-to-none in the entertainment industry. But it’s curious. Given her immense accomplishments and body of work, she must—just as an empirical matter—have a keen memory. Yet here we see that she appears unable to remember a great many things.

For instance, while touting freedom of the press, she seems to have forgotten that time when current Secretary of State John Kerry defended the rationale of the Charlie Hebdo killings in contrast to other, in his view, less “justifiable” types of terrorism. Perhaps it is similar for Streep to the time her friend Whoopie Goldberg dismissed the sexual assault charges against director Roman Polanski by noting that his 1977 hot-tub episode with a 13-year-old girl whom he drugged and sodomized wasn’t rape-rape. In any case, Streep either forgets, or is somehow fine with, a cabinet-level representative of the U.S. government saying, essentially, that killing journalists who mock a religion isn’t really terrorism-terrorism.

Speaking of Polanski, it’s telling that in 2003 when Polanski received an Academy Award for “The Pianist,” Streep gave the convicted child-rapist a standing ovation, showing that, as far as she’s concerned, art trumps rape—especially when it’s not rape-rape.

Streep also seems to have forgotten that journalists such as former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson and Fox News’s James Rosen were bullied, tracked by the administration, and even hacked. In 2013, CBS confirmed that Attkisson’s computers were hacked before she left the network. Rosen’s whereabouts were monitored by Obama’s Department of Justice and his questions during news conferences were edited out by the government. Federal agents even obtained Rosen’s personal emails (all of this without the help of the Russians and despite the fact that his password was probably not “password”). Rosen later opined that the Obama administration had an “authoritarian impulse” that he hadn’t experienced in other administrations. “There’s no doubt,” Rosen wrote, “that the Obama administration has maintained an animus towards Fox News and specifically towards me across the two terms.”

Streep also seems to forget about the Obama Administration’s ruthless strong-arming of journalists to reveal sources. In 2014 the Committee to Protect Journalists—the group that Streep endorsed in her speech on Sunday—wrote a scathing report on the Obama Administration’s relationship with the press:

    U.S. President Barack Obama came into office pledging open government, but he has fallen short of his promise. Journalists and transparency advocates say the White House curbs routine disclosure of information and deploys its own media to evade scrutiny by the press. Aggressive prosecution of leakers of classified information and broad electronic surveillance programs deter government sources from speaking to journalists.”

That same report quotes David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of the New York Times as having said, “This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered.”

The most egregious of her memory lapses, however, is her seeming inability to recall Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the immigrant filmmaker who made a small movie called “Innocence of Muslims.” This was the movie that Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama blamed for the Benghazi massacre of September 11, 2012. Streep seems not to be able to recall—maybe on account of his skin color, or immigrant status…who knows?—a man who the administration would eventually see jailed on a technicality. Namely that Nakoula, who was barred by parole from using pseudonyms, used one while making a movie critical of Mohammed and Islam. Considering Streep can’t be bothered to remember Charlie Hebdo or even Theo Van Gogh, and seems to forget what happens to people who mock Mohammed, we shouldn’t expect her to understand why someone would want to use a pseudonym to make such a movie. But surely Obama and Clinton and law enforcement might reasonably be expected to understand that motivation.

Sunday’s awards ceremony and Streep’s speech centered on filmmaking, free speech, and freedom of the press. Streep in her speech noted, “Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing…”

Yet this great American actor couldn’t be bothered to think about the fact that a sitting president, his whole administration and the State Department brought all their power to bear on an immigrant filmmaker to give themselves political cover. Nakoula is living in a homeless shelter now, earning $300 a month, his life destroyed by the powerful in government—and Meryl Streep has the temerity to worry about the possibility of a maybe during the next administration.

A dogged and committed press corps with an adversarial relationship to the powerful is something we all want. But maybe instead of projecting her fears into the uncertain future with a president-elect who has yet to actually do anything with respect to policy or the press, Streep might do well to examine the premises under which she and much of the media have operated these past few years—fawning over those in power which has led her to stay silent during some of the most egregious abuses of government power with regards to free speech and the press by one of the most opaque administrations in modern history. She might come to some self-realization that she’s been duped and that she didn’t actually speak truth to power on Sunday night, but rather she acted as a megaphone for the powerful to preach to their choir.


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Global Warming killing the children
« Reply #852 on: January 10, 2017, 06:39:20 PM »
Gaia be praised!

It's a Global Warming miracle!

It's causing flooding in Nevada and California right now. Is there anything Climate Change can't do?

Right, a lot like the dogs saying the Russians pooped in the hallway.

If you live on an island in a global economy more than 2000 years after the invention of desalination and die of a drought, your cause of death is poverty, not someone else's prosperity.


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Global Warming killing the children
« Reply #853 on: January 10, 2017, 08:55:02 PM »
Gaia be praised!
It's a Global Warming miracle!

It's a miracle, drought, flood, you name it.  Here's a big one, the Great Lakes:
Jan 2014:  For the past 15 years, islanders have watched Lake Michigan slowly disappear. Last January, the lake hit a record low, 29 inches below the long-term average as measured since 1918... Increasingly, scientists believe that climate change is driving the warming waters and setting up a new regime in the Great Lakes that may lead to lower lake levels and a permanently altered shoreline.
Dec 2014:  Great Lakes Water Levels Recover Faster Than Ever Before
"ice cover that stuck around from several harsh winters prevented some of the usual evaporation from occurring."

Unusual ice cover accelerated the rise.  Who knew that the side effects of warming would be harsh winters and increased ice coverage?

Climate change, formerly known as weather, is amazing.  You only have to believe.


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« Reply #855 on: January 17, 2017, 09:56:36 AM »
Why doesn't the Democratic party really show inclusive they are and vote for the first cockroach as their party chairman(chairbug):


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"We're protesting fascism"
« Reply #856 on: January 21, 2017, 10:33:41 PM »
David Burge

"We're protesting fascism" - people dressed in all-black uniforms smashing windows and starting fires

[youtube]"We're protesting fascism" [/youtube]


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #857 on: January 22, 2017, 11:08:42 AM »
*****"We're protesting fascism" - people dressed in all-black uniforms smashing windows and starting fires*****

The real fascists are deniers calling the other side ,  those for freedom, the fascists.


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Snow outside of Vegas today
« Reply #858 on: January 22, 2017, 07:00:40 PM »


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another one
« Reply #859 on: January 23, 2017, 06:11:18 AM »
moving front and center:

Just doesn't end.
The journolist/Dem pol complex mantra - we need to be bipartisan and Trump is not inclusive .   

Now they don't hold majorities we need to do what they never do when they are in power.


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Re: another one
« Reply #860 on: January 23, 2017, 06:55:20 AM »
moving front and center:

Just doesn't end.
The journolist/Dem pol complex mantra - we need to be bipartisan and Trump is not inclusive .   

Now they don't hold majorities we need to do what they never do when they are in power.

When the left wins, it's I won! When they are out of power, then we need to compromise.


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Stand against Trump's islamophobia!
« Reply #861 on: January 24, 2017, 04:57:32 AM »

Forward to all your lefty contacts.


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suddenly an accent is ok to insult to the Leftist
« Reply #862 on: January 24, 2017, 07:51:02 AM »
No ethniphobia here folks.  Probably because she is a legal immigrant and didn't toe the Democrat party line:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #863 on: January 26, 2017, 08:26:14 AM »
The "emotional card " the LEFt keeps playing now. Why not send her message to the butcher Assad or Isis or Putin?  Just taking in hundreds of thousands of people from the middle east to the US is not the answer.  We could bring in the 3.8 billion people here from around the world whose collective wealth is equal to the top 8 richest people in the world.  Would the left be happy then?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #864 on: January 28, 2017, 10:51:29 AM »
Coming from Columbia of course.   :roll:  The country will survive Trump so say Gates and Buffett.  And the example they use for immigrants includes Einstein for God's sake.  He single handedly saved the world from a nuclear Germany.  Using the logic of the LEFT he could also be blamed for the "murder" of tens of thousands at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  The LEFT now tell us that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were wrong yet now these two libs would then use the same example to promote immigration. 

The bottom line of course is always the same.  Einstein came here legally .  What is it about "illegal" the LEFt will refuse to recognize?  If these people came over and eventually mostly voted Republican we wouldn't even need to fight over this:


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, it was Tim Kaine's fault
« Reply #866 on: January 29, 2017, 07:21:21 AM »

No.  It was President Obama's fault, candidate Clinton's fault, and the fault of the policies of the entire Democratic party.

Tim Kaine was a complete jerk in the VP debate.  His debate strategy came from the Clinton campaign.  Had they picked someone else, they would have given him or her the same, failed mission.


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vincent tolliver
« Reply #867 on: January 29, 2017, 11:59:01 AM »
Does not surprise me the Dem party will respond to their losses by moving farther left.   Tolliver who is apparently running for the DNC chair is presently s "substitute teacher" according to this:


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Re: vincent tolliver
« Reply #868 on: January 29, 2017, 12:14:38 PM »
Does not surprise me the Dem party will respond to their losses by moving farther left.   Tolliver who is apparently running for the DNC chair is presently s "substitute teacher" according to this:

The path to certain victory!


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Global Warming killing the children
« Reply #869 on: January 29, 2017, 12:22:35 PM »
Gaia be praised!

It's a Global Warming miracle!

It's causing flooding in Nevada and California right now. Is there anything Climate Change can't do?

Right, a lot like the dogs saying the Russians pooped in the hallway.

If you live on an island in a global economy more than 2000 years after the invention of desalination and die of a drought, your cause of death is poverty, not someone else's prosperity.

Damn you, Global Warming!


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #870 on: January 30, 2017, 04:05:48 PM »
It really doesn't make our cause any easier when we have the Gods of the World working for the other side.  So just by chance we need celebrate this obscure guy's birthday today:


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As usual, the left is utterly hypocritical...
« Reply #871 on: January 30, 2017, 07:36:22 PM »!

Diaz-Balart: Where was the outrage when Obama blocked Cubans?
By Susan Ferrechio (@susanferrechio) • 1/30/17 12:17 PM

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., accused critics of President Trump's immigration ban of hypocrisy, pointing out that few complained when former President Barack Obama ended the nation's asylum program for Cubans just days before leaving office.

"I am struck by the double standard and hypocrisy of those who are offended by this executive order, but who failed to challenge President Obama when he took similar action against Cuban refugees, especially since President Obama's action was meant to appease the Castro regime and not for national security reasons," Diaz-Balart said in a statement Monday.

Diaz-Balart, a Cuban American, is a Republican who represents South Florida, which is home to many Cuban migrants.

Obama on January 12 ended the nation's "wet-foot, dry-foot" policy which for the past two decades had allowed Cubans to remain legally in the United States if they were able to set foot on U.S. land. The Cuban government had been seeking an end to the policy and it followed Obama's decision to renew diplomatic and economic ties with the country, which is still controlled by a dictatorship.

Subscribe today to get intelligence and analysis on defense and national security issues in your Inbox each weekday morning from veteran journalists Jamie McIntyre and Jacqueline Klimas.

Diaz-Balart said he supported Trump's decision to temporarily ban refugees from seven countries with terrorism problems.

"While it is always legitimate to express concerns with presidential executive orders, I understand the president's primary responsibility is to keep the American people safe," Diaz-Balart said. "The ban is only temporary until the administration can review and enact the necessary procedures to vet immigrants from these countries. The ban is based on countries the Obama administration identified as 'countries of concern' and not based on a religious test."


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Did you eat your apple today Ruth?
« Reply #872 on: February 03, 2017, 10:57:35 AM »
The flaming lib academics making me crack up here:

Oh I have same blood type and will be ready to donate if needed.......... :roll:


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2nd post Left turning their heads backwards with twisted logic
« Reply #873 on: February 03, 2017, 04:20:05 PM »
How is making America great again 1984?  You mean having liberal academics and leftist media and globalists and thought police and infinite political correctness and tech titans controlling the dialogue is freedom?


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Self exam by Matt Stoller: Dems can't win until they recog how bad Obama was
« Reply #876 on: February 22, 2017, 11:01:16 PM »

Democrats can’t win until they recognize how bad Obama’s financial policies were
He had opportunities to help the working class, and he passed them up.
By Matt Stoller January 12
Matt Stoller is fellow with the Open Markets Program of New America.
Here's Obama's advice to the Democratic Party
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At a news conference at the White House, Dec. 16, President Obama shared his advice to Democrats following their defeat in the 2016 election. (Reuters)

During his final news conference of 2016, in mid-December, President Obama criticized Democratic efforts during the election. “Where Democrats are characterized as coastal, liberal, latte-sipping, you know, politically correct, out-of-touch folks,” Obama said, “we have to be in those communities.” In fact, he went on, being in those communities — “going to fish-fries and sitting in VFW halls and talking to farmers” — is how, by his account, he became president. It’s true that Obama is skilled at projecting a populist image; he beat Hillary Clinton in Iowa in 2008, for instance, partly by attacking agriculture monopolies .

But Obama can’t place the blame for Clinton’s poor performance purely on her campaign. On the contrary, the past eight years of policymaking have damaged Democrats at all levels. Recovering Democratic strength will require the party’s leaders to come to terms with what it has become — and the role Obama played in bringing it to this point.

Two key elements characterized the kind of domestic political economy the administration pursued: The first was the foreclosure crisis and the subsequent bank bailouts. The resulting policy framework of Tim Geithner’s Treasury Department was, in effect, a wholesale attack on the American home (the main store of middle-class wealth) in favor of concentrated financial power. The second was the administration’s pro-monopoly policies, which crushed the rural areas that in 2016 lost voter turnout and swung to Donald Trump.

Obama didn’t cause the financial panic, and he is only partially responsible for the bailouts, as most of them were passed before he was elected. But financial collapses, while bad for the country, are opportunities for elected leaders to reorganize our culture. Franklin Roosevelt took a frozen banking system and created the New Deal. Ronald Reagan used the sharp recession of the early 1980s to seriously damage unions. In January 2009, Obama had overwhelming Democratic majorities in Congress, $350 billion of no-strings-attached bailout money and enormous legal latitude. What did he do to reshape a country on its back?

First, he saved the financial system. A financial system in collapse has to allocate losses. In this case, big banks and homeowners both experienced losses, and it was up to the Obama administration to decide who should bear those burdens. Typically, such losses would be shared between debtors and creditors, through a deal like the Home Owners Loan Corporation in the 1930s or bankruptcy reform. But the Obama administration took a different approach. Rather than forcing some burden-sharing between banks and homeowners through bankruptcy reform or debt relief, Obama prioritized creditor rights, placing most of the burden on borrowers. This kept big banks functional and ensured that financiers would maintain their positions in the recovery. At a 2010 hearing, Damon Silvers, vice chairman of the independent Congressional Oversight Panel, which was created to monitor the bailouts, told Obama’s Treasury Department: “We can either have a rational resolution to the foreclosure crisis, or we can preserve the capital structure of the banks. We can’t do both.”

Second, Obama’s administration let big-bank executives off the hook for their roles in the crisis. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) referred criminal cases to the Justice Department and was ignored. Whistleblowers from the government and from large banks noted a lack of appetite among prosecutors. In 2012, then-Attorney General Eric Holder ordered prosecutors not to go after mega-bank HSBC for money laundering. Using prosecutorial discretion to not take bank executives to task, while legal, was neither moral nor politically wise; in a 2013 poll, more than half of Americans still said they wanted the bankers behind the crisis punished. But the Obama administration failed to act, and this pattern seems to be continuing. No one, for instance, from Wells Fargo has been indicted for mass fraud in opening fake accounts.

Third, Obama enabled and encouraged roughly 9 million foreclosures. This was Geithner’s explicit policy at Treasury. The Obama administration put together a foreclosure program that it marketed as a way to help homeowners, but when Elizabeth Warren, then chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, grilled Geithner on why the program wasn’t stopping foreclosures, he said that really wasn’t the point. The program, in his view, was working. “We estimate that they can handle 10 million foreclosures, over time,” Geithner said — referring to the banks. “This program will help foam the runway for them.” For Geithner, the most productive economic policy was to get banks back to business as usual.

Reckoning with Obama’s legacy won’t be easy for Democrats. But it has to be done. (Michael Reynolds/European Pressphoto Agency)

Nor did Obama do much about monopolies. While his administration engaged in a few mild challenges toward the end of his term, 2015 saw a record wave of mergers and acquisitions, and 2016 was another busy year. In nearly every sector of the economy, from pharmaceuticals to telecom to Internet platforms to airlines, power has concentrated. And this administration, like George W. Bush’s before it, did not prosecute a single significant monopoly under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Instead, in the past few years, the Federal Trade Commission has gone after such villains as music teachers and ice skating instructors for ostensible anti-competitive behavior. This is very much a parallel of the financial crisis, as elites operate without legal constraints while the rest of us toil under an excess of bureaucracy.

With these policies in place, it’s no surprise that Thomas Piketty and others have detected skyrocketing inequality, that most jobs created in the past eight years have been temporary or part time, or that lifespans in white America are dropping . When Democratic leaders don’t protect the people, the people get poorer, they get angry, and more of them die.

Yes, Obama prevented an even greater collapse in 2009. But he also failed to prosecute the banking executives responsible for the housing crisis, then approved a foreclosure wave under the guise of helping homeowners. Though 58 percent of Americans were in favor of government action to halt foreclosures, Obama’s administration balked. And voters noticed. Fewer than four in 10 Americans were happy with his economic policies this time last year (though that was an all-time high for Obama). And by Election Day, 75 percent of voters were looking for someone who could take the country back “from the rich and powerful,” something unlikely to be done by members of the party that let the financiers behind the 2008 financial crisis walk free.

This isn’t to say voters are, on balance, any more thrilled with what Republicans have to offer, nor should they be. But that doesn’t guarantee Democrats easy wins. Throughout American history, when voters have felt abandoned by both parties, turnout has collapsed — and 2016, scraping along 20-year turnout lows, was no exception. Turnout in the Rust Belt , where Clinton’s path to victory dissolved, was especially low in comparison to 2012.

Trump, who is either tremendously lucky or worryingly perceptive, ran his campaign like a pre-1930s Republican. He did best in rural areas, uniting white farmers, white industrial workers and certain parts of big business behind tariffs and anti-immigration walls. While it’s impossible to know what he will really do for these voters, the coalition he summoned has a long, if not recent, history in America.

Democrats have long believed that theirs is the party of the people. Therefore, when Trump co-opts populist language, such as saying he represents the “forgotten” man, it seems absurd — and it is. After all, that’s what Democrats do, right? Thus, many Democrats have assumed that Trump’s appeal can only be explained by personal bigotry — and it’s also true that Trump trafficks in racist and nativist rhetoric. But the reality is that the Democratic Party has been slipping away from the working class for some time, and Obama’s presidency hastened rather than reversed that departure. Republicans, hardly worker-friendly themselves, simply capitalized on it.

There’s history here: In the 1970s, a wave of young liberals, Bill Clinton among them, destroyed the populist Democratic Party they had inherited from the New Dealers of the 1930s. The contours of this ideological fight were complex, but the gist was: Before the ’70s, Democrats were suspicious of big business. They used anti-monopoly policies to fight oligarchy and financial manipulation. Creating competition in open markets, breaking up concentrations of private power, and protecting labor and farmer rights were understood as the essence of ensuring that our commercial society was democratic and protected from big money.

Bill Clinton’s generation, however, believed that concentration of financial power could be virtuous, as long as that power was in the hands of experts. They largely dismissed the white working class as a bastion of reactionary racism. Fred Dutton, who served on the McGovern-Fraser Commission in 1970 , saw the white working class as “a major redoubt of traditional Americanism and of the antinegro, antiyouth vote.” This paved the way for the creation of the modern Democratic coalition. Obama is simply the latest in a long line of party leaders who have bought into the ideology of these “new” Democrats, and he has governed likewise, with commercial policies that ravaged the heartland.

As a result, while our culture has become more tolerant over the past 40 years, power in our society has once again been concentrated in the hands of a small group of billionaires. You can see this everywhere, if you look. Warren Buffett, who campaigned with Hillary Clinton, recently purchased chunks of the remaining consolidated airlines, which have the power not only to charge you to use the overhead bin but also to kill cities simply by choosing to fly elsewhere. Internet monopolies increasingly control the flow of news and media revenue. Meatpackers have re-created a brutal sharecropper-type system of commercial exploitation. And health insurers, drugstores and hospitals continue to consolidate, partially as a response to Obamacare and its lack of a public option for health coverage.

Many Democrats ascribe problems with Obama’s policies to Republican opposition. The president himself does not. “Our policies are so awesome,” he once told staffers. “Why can’t you guys do a better job selling them?” The problem, in other words, is ideological.

Many Democrats think that Trump supporters voted against their own economic interests. But voters don’t want concentrated financial power that deigns to redistribute some cash, along with weak consumer protection laws. They want jobs. They want to be free to govern themselves. Trump is not exactly pitching self-government. But he is offering a wall of sorts to protect voters against neo-liberals who consolidate financial power, ship jobs abroad and replace paychecks with food stamps. Democrats should have something better to offer working people. If they did, they could have won in November. In the wreckage of this last administration, they didn’t.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #877 on: February 23, 2017, 05:08:10 PM »
To me this is remarkable.  This guy has to go across the country to speak to Trump supporters to understand why he and the rest of the LEFT is so despised by the rest of us:

They really just refuse to get it.   They just cannot understand how anybody doesn't think like them.  Globalism political correctness, elites immigration loss of borders and idea of out country first, freedom from government telling us what to do all day and excessive taxation and redistribution and  the rest


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Ghost Inside Your Haunted Head
« Reply #878 on: February 24, 2017, 08:13:51 PM »
Ghost Inside Your Haunted Head

by David Cole

February 23, 2017

In my column several weeks ago, I took a swipe at certain types of Christian conservatives, suggesting that their belief in the reality of “demonic possession” leads them to accept wild notions about how the entertainment industry can magically influence the voting preferences of average Americans. I was trying to make the point that conservatives, especially those in the Midwest and Deep South to whom Hollywood is a foreign, bizarre, unknown entity, get a little magical in their thinking regarding the entertainment industry’s ability to “possess” people and influence or control their thoughts and lives.

Naturally, I heard from a couple of my left-leaning readers, congratulating me for sticking it to those “superstitious religious Neanderthals” on the right. It was not an unexpected response. If today’s leftists pride themselves on anything, it’s their supposed rationalism. Leftists see themselves as enlightened and logical. They “fucking love” science and reject religious hokum, in contrast to the superstitious buffoons on the right, who live in, to quote Carl Sagan, a “demon-haunted world” of their own making. With every leftist I know, this is the characteristic about which they are most proud: They are rationalists and skeptics, with shibboleth-shorn minds free of bewitchment. The problem is, leftists who consider themselves rational and non-superstitious are like scrawny nerds who look in the mirror and see a chiseled Adonis in the reflection. One almost feels bad for people so possessed of a delusion.

Let’s examine a few of the ways in which the wrongheadedness of leftists resembles the religious bunkum they claim to reject.

To begin with, leftists believe in the power of money to solve all problems, much the same as Christians believe in the power of prayer to do the same. Leftists believe that the solution to everything is to throw more money at it. Failing schools? Recession? Institutionalized poverty? If the government simply throws more money at it, all will be well. It matters not how many times throwing money at something has failed to solve a problem; for leftists, the money solution is a matter of faith. Here in bluest-of-blue California, every few years, the teachers’ union demands money to “save our schools” in the form of new bonds, taxes, and ballot propositions. And still, even after voters approve whatever the hell the union asks for, our schools continue to lurk in the lowest-third rankings in the nation. So of course the solution is to ask for more money in the form of new bonds, taxes, and ballot propositions. To the religious, the proper response to a prayer that fails is more prayer. For leftists, even briefly entertaining the notion that money isn’t a guaranteed cure-all is not allowed, lest ye be seen as turning your back on your faith.
“Just as Christians take comfort from the very act of praying, so too do leftists take comfort in government spending.”

Following the deadly Philadelphia Amtrak derailment in 2015, L.A. Times editorialist and letters editor Paul Thornton wrote an op-ed in which he claimed that the head of the Association of American Railroads had stated that “financial hurdles”—lack of money—were the reason Amtrak hadn’t installed the safety features that could have prevented the crash. I emailed Thornton, pointing out that the AAR head had, in fact, stated that money was not the problem, but rather “regulatory issues” were to blame. To his credit, Thornton admitted his error, confessing that he had just assumed that lack of money was the reason. And why did he make that assumption? A belief system that teaches that all problems are caused by a lack of government money, and are solved by an increase in government spending. Just as Christians take comfort from the very act of praying, regardless of whether or not the prayer is fully answered, so too do leftists take comfort in government spending. The act has as much meaning as the results.

If spending is the equivalent of prayer to a leftist, “climate change” is the equivalent of Christian “end-time” cultism. Let me share with you a very recent, and very relevant, example. Over the past week, we here in sunny insane California have faced the prospect of a major calamity as three merciless months of near-nonstop rainfall have led to the possibility of a massive failure at the tallest dam in the U.S., in Oroville, near Sacramento. It’s a big deal; 188,000 people have been evacuated. Concerns about how the aging Oroville Dam would fare in the face of record rainfall were raised years ago, but the state and the feds ignored them.

The story has been amply reported locally and nationally. But what the press conveniently leaves out of its coverage is the underlining theory behind the dam inaction: climate-change apocalyptics had convinced the Silly Putty-brained California powers-that-be that rain was never returning to the state. Quite literally, new dams, and improvements on old ones, were rejected because a doomsday cult had convinced politicians that water was “over,” that the drought that began in 2012 was not a passing thing but an “era,” something that would last decades if not a century. And why build new dams if there’ll be no water for them to hold? Why refurbish old ones if there’s no chance they’ll ever be filled again?

From the L.A. Times, July 2015:

    Dams are a relic of the Industrial Age…. They’re particularly ill-suited to the era of extremes—heat waves, floods and droughts—that climate change has brought on.

The New Republic, April 2015:

    The Pacific Institute’s Peter Gleick said: “Even if we built a couple of dams, we don’t have water to fill them. We’re tapped out. The traditional answer of building more reservoirs won’t solve our problems.” Building additional reservoirs does little when there’s no snow or rain to fill them.

California governor Jerry Brown in August 2015, responding to calls from GOP presidential candidates to build new dams and renovate old ones:

    I’ve never heard of such utter ignorance. Building a dam won’t do a damn thing about fires or climate change or the absence of moisture in the air and ground of California. If they want to run for president, they had better do eighth grade science before they made such utterances.

The Sacramento Bee summed it up succinctly: “Questions loom about the value of such projects in an era of scarcity.” Because indeed, leftist voodoo practitioners had brainwashed the state into believing this was an “era of scarcity.” We were told that Mother Earth was punishing us for our CO2 sins by withholding her precious water, and rainfall would only return once we submitted to cap and trade and international climate-change treaties. And anyone who dared suggest that the drought was a passing thing, that weather was not permanent but fluctuating, was ridiculed for not knowing “eighth grade science.”

Witch doctors in white coats who study tree stumps like gypsies read tea leaves told The San Jose Mercury News in 2014 that the drought might last over one hundred, maybe even one thousand, years. If you Google “California,” “drought,” and “will last” or “may last,” you’ll see endless links to left-certified “scientific” snake-handlers who claimed, right up until a few months ago, that the drought may last hundreds of years, or thousands of years, or “forever.”

Yet here we are in February 2017, with the drought completely over in Northern Cal and close to being over in the South. The rainfall of the past few months has shattered all records. The last “abnormal” California winter, 1982/1983, saw rainfall that was 88% higher than the 30-year average. Winter 2016/2017? 120% higher. Cities like Long Beach have seen rainfall at levels never before recorded. The end-time apocalyptic cultists were wrong, but you won’t hear any of them admit it. Just as Christian doomsday cultists never apologize when their Rapture clock turns out to be broken, so too do the macumba practitioners of the “IFL Science” left feel no need to explain themselves. Because the members of their parish—the smug Rachel Maddow-watching, NPR-listening atheist Democrat soft-skulls—demand no explanation. Again, it’s a matter of faith. If the Rapture doesn’t happen as prophesied, it’s not because Pastor Looneybird was wrong in his calculations. It’s because God changed His mind at the last minute and rescheduled the blessed event, and now we must double our faith in our beloved pastor as he attempts to figure out the time and place of the new Rapture.

And if the tree-ring-circus necromancers of the left got the duration of the California drought wrong, it’s not because their models and methodologies were faulty; it’s because Mother Earth cried tears of sympathy on our state to buy us a little more time to confiscate asthma inhalers so that we may regain her favor.

That last sentence may seem a bit over-the-top, but it isn’t. Never forget that the voodoo priests of the left banned the most effective types of asthma inhalers because they were “killing the earth,” even as leftist billionaires were allowed to continue flying private jets all over the world in order to play golf and screw fashion models and conduct similarly important business. There is no way this is any saner than the faith healing and tongue-speaking of the charismatics and evangelicals. Indeed, it’s worse, because it’s way more invasive, way more intrusive, in the lives of bystanders. No right-wing Christian ever forced me to anoint with oil. But leftist charlatans posing as scientists banned the only type of inhaler that helped my elderly mom’s asthma, because the act of her going “puff puff” so she wouldn’t die was bringing about the end of days, while Al Gore’s totally unnecessary private jet oddly had no effect on the environment.

That’s science? No, that’s an Indian rain dance.

There are so many additional ways in which the left embraces superstition and rejects science as much as, if not more than, conservative Christians. During the election last year, leftists attacked Trump for suggesting that intelligence has a genetic component, even though, according to every legitimate expert on the subject, intelligence has a genetic component. Trump had not claimed that intelligence is determined by race; he had only suggested that genetics play a part. And overnight, the notion of a genetic role in intelligence went from undisputed fact to heresy, all because Pope Huffington issued a papal bull(shit) declaring that Trump’s belief that genes contribute to intelligence “may be the most horrible thing that Donald Trump believes.”

Expect more superstitious nonsense from leftists in the years to come, because if leftists have demon-haunted minds, Trump is the ghost rattling around inside, clouding all judgment and giving rise to visions and fever dreams. Undeservedly famous leftist comedians are seeing signs and wonders. Sarah Silverman’s phantom pavement swastikas were nothing more than the leftist-Jewish version of seeing Jesus in a tortilla.

Silverman’s response after being told that her “swastikas” were simple construction markers boiled down to “I’ve been driven to lunacy by Trump’s anti-Semitism.” In other words, she’s possessed; a demon made her do it.

These days, the left has no moral high ground over the religious right. In fact, I’d take a conservative Christian over a demon-haunted leftist any day, because at least conservative Christians admit that their beliefs are faith-based. They don’t go around screaming “science! science! science!” while drinking sacrificial goats’ blood Santeria-style because the rain gods are angry.

I have nothing against people of faith. But hypocrites? They piss me off like a sonofabitch.

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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
« Reply #881 on: March 15, 2017, 11:17:57 AM »
“No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there. The resource will be developed."
A liberal favors the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Favors exploration, drilling, extracting and transporting a CO2 producing fossil fuel.  

Previously from Trudeau:
Canada must "phase out" Alberta's oil sands and end the country's dependence on hydrocarbons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

Makes me wonder if man-made, catastrophic, global warming is a farce.  Isn't Canada dangerously close to the melting Arctic?  )   Actually, I can see Canada from my living room and can tell you that a warming planet might be the best thing that could ever happen to Canada!

This reminds me of President Obama continuing a campaign of drone strikes against al Qaida targets.  Imagine his opposition to that kind of warfare if he was not in power.  Every once in a while, being elevated to the highest position of power and authority causes a person to do the right thing.  

And so often it doesn't.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 11:53:50 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #883 on: March 15, 2017, 07:01:46 PM »

If Russia was still the Soviet Union, the left would do nothing but sing their praises, just like they used to do.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #884 on: March 16, 2017, 07:28:21 AM »
"If Russia was still the Soviet Union, the left would do nothing but sing their praises, just like they used to do."

Right.  The fascination right now with Russia is strange.  Yes, Putin is a force of evil and in their eight years they did nothing to stand up to him. We cancelled missile defense in Eastern Europe and handed him Crimea, Ukraine, and the Middle East.  Now, out of power, the Left sees him as Voldemort.

We squeezed him with oil and gas production and the lowering of energy prices, and the Left did everything they could do to oppose all that.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 07:32:16 AM by DougMacG »


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Brazille and Hillary = partners in crime
« Reply #885 on: March 18, 2017, 04:39:46 AM »
Just as much a lying conniving deceitful crook as her boss lady Hillary,

"I am sorry" (NOT for cheating in the debate) for being so stupid as to leave an evidence trial in the form of emails that proves she cheated:

 They have no shame.  And as they always do they simply get away with it by being moved around the political network within the criminal Democratic organization / machine.


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Re: Brazille and Hillary = partners in crime
« Reply #886 on: March 18, 2017, 08:51:26 AM »
Just as much a lying conniving deceitful crook as her boss lady Hillary,

"I am sorry" (NOT for cheating in the debate) for being so stupid as to leave an evidence trial in the form of emails that proves she cheated:

 They have no shame.  And as they always do they simply get away with it by being moved around the political network within the criminal Democratic organization / machine.

The Russians made her do it.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #887 on: March 23, 2017, 03:54:30 PM »
adding work requirements is "controversial"

Of  course people who don't work who seek benefits will have excuses why they can't work .  Some legitimate some not.  What is controversial about asking people who seek tax funded medical care paid by others to try and work?


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What's Wrong With Socialism
« Reply #888 on: April 04, 2017, 04:30:15 PM »

The American Left's thoughts vs Reality and People that have been there and done it.


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We have always been at war with eastasia!
« Reply #889 on: April 05, 2017, 11:27:14 AM »

April 4, 2017
"I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties."
By Michelle Goldberg at Slate.

I love the way the messaging turns on a dime.

One minute it's ridiculous to think that the Obama administration was doing surveillance on the Trump campaign. The next minute the Obama administration was doing the right thing if it did surveillance on the Trump campaign.


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Re: We have always been at war with eastasia!
« Reply #890 on: April 05, 2017, 07:52:55 PM »

April 4, 2017
"I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump’s Russia ties."
By Michelle Goldberg at Slate.

I love the way the messaging turns on a dime.

One minute it's ridiculous to think that the Obama administration was doing surveillance on the Trump campaign. The next minute the Obama administration was doing the right thing if it did surveillance on the Trump campaign.

Very astute and exactly so. Reminds me of criminals caught in a lie, and then have smoke pouring out of their heads trying to find a way to clean it up.


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Obama lied, people died
« Reply #891 on: April 08, 2017, 11:22:07 AM »

Bush "wrong" on WMDs: LIED, PEOPLE DIED!
Obama/Rice wrong on WMDs: crickets.


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leftist triumph
« Reply #892 on: April 20, 2017, 04:19:19 PM »
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about the NE Patriots or any of them:     :-P


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #893 on: April 21, 2017, 07:34:10 PM »
remember when the two gay guys tried to disgrace the portrait of Ronald Reagan at the White House and how the left wing media loved it .  Well they don't love this:

I cannot turn on the news whether on TV or internet without seeing a whole litany of Trump bashing. 
I am so glad I don't have to see Brock after 8 yrs of him yet the LEFt keeps hoping for him to jump back.  They have no one else. 


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The New York Times Style Guide to Alternative Cultural Practices
« Reply #894 on: April 26, 2017, 11:57:33 AM »

The New York Times Style Guide to Alternative Cultural Practices
Posted on April 26, 2017 by Arthur Chrenkoff

“The New York Times” decided it will now refer to “female genital mutilation” as “genital cutting”, a term that brings to mind something as harmless as male circumcision (which is why “female genital circumcision” is just as misleading).

“There’s a gulf between the Western (and some African) advocates who campaign against the practice and the people who follow the rite, and I felt the language used widened that chasm,” NYT science and health editor Celia Dugger explained Friday. She also said the widely used term (FGM) is “culturally loaded” in the explanation, which came as a result of inquiries from The Daily Caller News Foundation regarding a reporter’s decision to use the term “cutting” in a recent story about a doctor in Michigan.

We couldn’t possibly have “culturally loaded” terms in case they “widen the chasm” between the supporters and opponents of certain practices – or right and wrong, as some unsophisticated commentators would call it. All cultures are, after all, equal, so we shouldn’t be judgmental.

Because here at The Daily Chrenk we always try to be helpful to our mainstream media colleagues, we prepared this handy style guide to avoid other “culturally loaded” terms in print and broadcast:

Sati – post-marital grief immolation

Infanticide – fourth trimester termination

Female infanticide – gender-determined parenting

Wife beating – hands-on relationship counselling

Cannibalism – hard paleo (also: human protein supplementation)

Honour killing – permanent grounding

Spousal rape – consent-alternative marital intimacy

Scalping – complete ritual depilation

Killing old and infirm – extreme palliative care

Grooming underage girls – community-based, practical sex ed program

Child marriage – age disparate matching

Cousin marriage – kin inter-relationship enrichment

Human sacrifice – spiritually-motivated population reduction

Jihad – faith community self-defence

Slavery – compulsory, exclusive services contract

Sexual slavery – compulsory intimacy arrangement

Stoning adulterers – petrological divorce procedure

Throwing homosexuals off buildings – vertical monosexuality enforcement

Polygamy – concurrent monogamy

Child labour – premature apprenticeship

Headhunting – per capita loss (also: non-literal recruitment)

Torture – alternative investigation aid

Inbreeding – reproductive autarky

Witch-hunting – non-Carthesian threat reduction

The Daily Chrenk wishes you happy, chasm-reducing reading. And remember: we don’t judge!


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #895 on: April 27, 2017, 07:45:53 AM »

No, but I think every muslim must wear a yamukah and a cross around his/her neck for a day !

What a schmuck.


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Activist finds left's silence on genital mutilation case dismaying
« Reply #896 on: April 27, 2017, 10:28:06 AM »

Activist finds left's silence on genital mutilation case dismaying


By John Kass
Published April 27, 2017

Imagine what the American left would do if conservative Republican Christians engaged in a barbaric practice to mutilate little girls, to kill off their sexual desire while leaving them fertile when they come of age.

American feminists and their allies of the left would be outraged. Op-ed writers from establishment newspapers would seethe, and a few, I suspect, would draw some link to the ascension of Donald Trump and angry white men.

We'd witness a social media firestorm condemning the act, with tweets and hashtags.

But the other day, a Michigan physician was charged in a federal indictment for allegedly conspiring to perform female genital mutilation. It is a practice that predates Islam, but one that remains prevalent in many North African and some Middle Eastern predominantly Muslim countries.

In the Michigan case, the alleged victims are two 7-year-old girls.

American feminism has been mostly quiet about the girls. And the left in general has not engaged. It is so quiet that you can't even hear crickets hiding under the leaves. But silence can often hold the truth of things.

"It's all so very sad and depressing. I find this silence extremely painful," renowned feminist and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali told me in an interview. "It's been inculcated into them (the left) not to engage.

"The left can easily and comfortably condemn the misogyny of white men, but not of men of color, not of Muslims," Hirsi Ali said. "They are afraid of being shunned. They're afraid of being put into a basket of deplorables. So they're silent.

"And what are they being silent about? They are being silent about the mutilation of young girls."

Hirsi Ali was born in Somalia. She was subjected to genital mutilation. Now an American citizen, she runs the AHA Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting young girls from mutilations, honor killings and forced marriages. You can find more about them at their website,

Her group estimates that in the U.S., some 500,000 women and young girls have suffered genital mutilation or are at risk of the practice. The federal case in Michigan is the first of its kind. Female genital mutilation (FGM) became illegal under a federal law in 1996, but at present, 26 states do not outlaw the practice, Hirsi Ali said.

"I come from Somalia, and 98 percent of Somali girls, Egyptians, Sudanese, this happens to them," Hirsi Ali said. "In Muslim communities there is the demand that women, girls, should be virgins and a woman's sexuality is to be controlled, and this is an effective and brutal way of doing that."

And what of the immigrant groups here in America?

"It's naive to think that in some communities, traditions like this are going to be left at the airport," Hirsi Ali said. "These traditions are not left at the airport."

According to the federal indictment of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, who has denied the charges against her, the two girls were brought to Michigan by their parents from Minnesota in February. Their genitals were mutilated in accordance with an ancient and barbaric custom known throughout Muslim Africa and parts of the Islamic Middle East, to remove sexual desire and, therefore, make them fitting brides in the eyes of some.

According to the United Nations, the practice isn't confined to Muslim North Africa. Some Egyptian Christian Copts are also said to engage in it.

Dr. Nagarwala's attorney, Shannon Smith, said her client gave the material she had removed from the girls to the parents for burial, following a custom practiced by a small sect of Indian Muslims known as the Dawoodi Bohra.

"This practice does take place in a small amount of countries where Muslims reside, but not all Muslim countries," Dawud Walid, executive director of Michigan's Council on American Islamic Relations, told me by phone.

"Whether it is Islamic or not is a moot point. Obeying the law of the land is Islamic and overtly violating the law of the land is not Islamic," said Walid. "And we obey the law."

I left repeated messages for the National Organization for Women's Michigan chapter, but they did not return my calls or emails.

Another aspect of the politics of all this is the decision by The New York Times -- the arbiter of all things liberal in America -- not to use the term female genital mutilation.

The Times opted for an Orwellian phrase, "genital cutting," not to spare the Victorian sensibilities of its readers, but because it is politically palatable to the left.

But the United Nations uses "female genital mutilation." The World Health Organization uses "female genital mutilation."

It is not merely a cut. You can cut your fingernail. This is mutilation for a cultural purpose, to rob women of sexual joy and render them as breeders.

All of this -- the application of a politically correct filter by The New York Times, the avoidance of the issue by the left, even the destruction of female sexuality by ancient cultures -- is political.

And who suffers? Political wits and activists don't suffer. Girls suffer.

The number of women worldwide estimated to have been subject to female genital mutilation has reached 200 million in some studies. Many thousands of young girls develop infections and die.

"The decision of The New York Times illustrates the terrible trade-off they've made," said Hirsi Ali. "They're concerned about politics, about protecting a group versus the individual rights of the child or the woman.

"Groups don't have rights. Individuals do. Individuals have bodies. You can lock them up, cause them pain, and break their spirit. And so the talk is about groups and identity politics. When what is being done is actually mutilating the genitals of a little girl."



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Re: Activist finds left's silence on genital mutilation case dismaying
« Reply #897 on: April 27, 2017, 12:53:24 PM »
"Imagine what the American left would do if conservative Republican Christians engaged in a barbaric practice to mutilate little girls, to kill off their sexual desire while leaving them fertile when they come of age."

!!  It makes more sense in reverse if you believe what they would like everyone to believe.  Conservatives advance religious liberty to an extreme while liberals care about people, about women, about children.  But no, Muslims, gays, Jews, felons, illegals, SJWs, civil libertarians and general leftists all share a common political allegiance and will go to all lengths to maintain it.

Imagine next if the sides in the abortion debate were reversed, if conservatives liked the welfare reducing effect of persuading poor women to kill off their children under the guise of liberty and choice.  Imagine if liberals saw that these conservatives policies were killing off black unborn babies at 5 times the rate of whites.  The left would be ruthless with those facts and conservatives would be destroyed trying to make the flimsy arguments leftists put forward.

I was having a political argument with a liberal friend who was a former federal prosecutor in the Manhattan US Attorney's office.  A very sharp guy with a sparkle and a smile, I can imagine him making devastatingly persuasive arguments to juries.  But on the political issue at hand he was reduced to making weak, worn out arguments that liberals fall back on to defend the indefensible.  With the facts on my side and me floundering, I generously offered that he switch sides with me.  It would have been a treat to see him make the case that should have been so easy to make.

Liberals have the skills in messaging; conservatives usually have the facts quietly on their side, but can't make their case.  The case against mutilating young girls, if you're going to have any limit on any behavior, should be an easy one.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 12:59:01 PM by DougMacG »


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NY Time editorial page rips Obama for cashing in on his Presidency
« Reply #898 on: May 01, 2017, 08:33:47 AM »
Calling this the left rather than the media where no distinction exists, it is quite humorous to see how gentle they can be while daring to criticize the master.

"we have the audacity to hope he’ll set a higher standard for past presidents"

What did he EVER do that set a higher standard for ANYTHING?  Keep your health plan, stopping Iran from going nuclear, the Madrid trip, flying the family dog on a separate plane to Martha's vineyard, Benghazi was the result of a video, Iraq was his greatest accomplishment, marriage is between a man and a woman, IRS targeting, and bugging his successor.  Set a 'higher' standard sounds like cannabis joke from the choomg gang.


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