Author Topic: Green and Free Market solutions  (Read 37561 times)


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Re: Tesla
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2018, 10:54:56 AM »

Great story happening in real time.  Clayton Christensen Disruptive Innovation proved right in so many ways.  The market dominating players cannot pull off this big of a disruptive innovation because their own revenues are the casualty.

I wrote my Tesla test drive review here last January:;topicseen#msg107876

One problem for the people who buy EV's for the clean energy side of it is that we still use coal to power the grid.  If we want to move the transportation energy sector to the grid, build nuclear.  How does the charge overnight strategy work when the wind typically goes down with the sun? 

"The problem with solar panels on vehicles is that they don't generate enough electricity to do much of anything."

Coal, nuclear, natural gas, choose at least one to increase at a pace at least equal to the demand market.
The competitor for the EV should be the natural gas hybrid with its own home 'recharging' systems.  Also, what happened to Hydrogen vehicles?
"as of 2014, 95% of hydrogen is made from methane"  [natural gas]

It keeps coming back to natural gas, the cleanest of the fossil fuels.  Thank God (and oil companies and red states) for fracking.

Build nuclear today and drive without CO2 emissions tomorrow.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2018, 11:42:24 AM »


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WSJ: Buttgig's highway to Green Heaven
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2021, 03:54:18 AM »
Pete Buttigieg’s Highway to Green Heaven
The spending bill gives him new power to force CO2 cuts on states.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 2, 2021 6:42 pm ET

Progressives are grousing that the tax and spending bill passed by the House doesn’t include an “enforcement mechanism” to reduce greenhouse gases. If only. The fine print grants the Biden Administration new authority to force CO2 reductions across much of the economy.

One provision would give the Federal Highway Administration $50 million “to establish a greenhouse gas performance measure that requires States to set performance targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” The agency would also “establish an incentive structure to reward States that demonstrate the most significant progress”—and “consequences” for those that don’t meet the standard.

This is similar to the Obama Clean Power Plan, which was killed by the courts, and the Biden Clean Electricity Payment Program that Sen. Joe Manchin nixed. But the enforcement mechanism would apply to transportation rather than power plants. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg would have broad discretion over the program’s rules.

He’s likely to require states to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles by heavily subsidizing electric cars or banning internal combustion engines. Mr. Buttigieg could withhold funds from states or require that they spend money on bike paths and public transit. States that exceed the emissions target could get more money to subsidize EVs or bullet trains.

The program may be unconstitutional since it would conscript states into carrying out federal policy. It also runs afoul of the Supreme Court’s non-delegation doctrine that says Congress can’t delegate legislative power to administrative agencies. Democrats want to hand this power to regulators to avoid political accountability for their policies. When higher energy prices materialize, they can duck and cover.

The bill also gives the Environmental Protection Agency $50 million to regulate greenhouse gases economy-wide under the Clean Air Act. This includes smelters, refineries, steel mills, concrete factories, tractors, chain-saws, airplanes, ice rinks, air conditioners and even vending machines—no joke.

In Massachusetts v. EPA (2007), the Supreme Court allowed EPA to regulate greenhouse gas emissions as an “air pollutant” under the Clean Air Act if it found the emissions endangered public health or welfare. Four Justices dissented, and the Court recently agreed to hear a challenge to the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants. The case gives the Justices an opportunity to revisit Massachusetts v. EPA, and Democrats want to prevent that by explicitly authorizing the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases.

West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito plans to file an amendment to nix these two anti-fossil fuel provisions on the Senate floor. They are another example of destructive policy that progressives are trying to sneak through in their some 2,400-page bill, which Americans will discover after President Biden signs it.


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WSJ: Americans should pay more for gas, not less.
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2022, 03:47:09 PM »
Americans Should Pay More for Gas, Not Less
There are some glaring holes in the way the U.S. regulates fuel economy and emissions. Understanding how it works (or doesn’t) is key to understanding why oil demand is likely to remain high.
Looser fuel-efficiency standards for SUVs give auto makers an incentive to churn out gas guzzlers. DAMIAN DOVARGANES/ASSOCIATED PRE
By Jinjoo Lee
Jan. 21, 2022 5:30 am ET

They are a jalopy badly in need of repairs, but America’s fuel-economy rules have been rolling along since 1975, burning more oil and spewing more pollution than their builders intended. Still, when it comes to one of the few roadworthy policies available, a tuneup makes more sense than a trip to the scrap heap.

Many economists will tell you that higher gas taxes make more sense than forcing car makers to sell more efficient vehicles, and they are right. Politics is the art of the possible, though. Last month, the Biden administration tightened up the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards that the Trump administration had loosened. Unfortunately, CAFE’s design flaws remain: Auto makers selling larger cars face less stringent targets than those selling smaller ones. That difference is generally even wider between passenger cars and light trucks—a category that actually includes larger crossovers and some SUVs, such as the Toyota Rav4, Nissan Rogue and Ford Escape. The discrepancy mattered less in the 1970s when most people drove normal passenger cars.

Economists point out that the size-based feature gives car companies an incentive to manufacture and sell bigger vehicles: to make fuel economy standards easier to meet. There is no clear mechanism in the rule that works to limit the number of gas guzzlers an auto maker sells. There also are several loopholes, such as credit given for technologies that don’t directly improve fuel economy.

“The real-world stringency of footprint-based CAFE standards is by far the most important thing the market doesn’t understand about future oil demand,” says Bob McNally, president of consulting firm Rapidan Energy Group. “I’m shocked it has persisted this long.”

The numbers speak for themselves. Even as standards have tightened over time, the actual sales-adjusted fuel economy rating of new vehicles has been unchanged at around 25 miles per gallon since 2014. That was the year Saudi Arabia and others flooded the oil market to gain market share against U.S. shale.

No wonder U.S. vehicles are among the least efficient globally: The average fuel consumption of newly sold U.S. light-duty vehicles, which include passenger cars and light trucks, exceeds the world’s average by 21% and Europe’s by 46%, according to the International Energy Agency. CAFE hasn’t bent the curve in absolute terms either. Carbon dioxide emissions from motor gasoline (excluding ethanol) were 23% higher in 2019 than in 1980 and the U.S. transportation sector’s motor gasoline consumption has risen by 39% over the same period, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Estimated fuel-economy rating of new​vehicles, adjusted for sales volume
EPA projected fuel-economy targets
miles per gallon
That makes the EPA’s bold 2026 model year goal—55 miles per gallon based on lab tests and 40 based on how people really drive—look iffy. It depends on gas prices and what vehicles people prefer. Detroit certainly won’t be hiring the EPA’s forecasters. Back in 2012, the agency expected about a third of U.S. new vehicle sales in 2020 to come from the sale of light trucks. They actually accounted for more than half.

The EPA says final standards for model years 2023 to 2026 can be reached with a “growing percentage of electrified vehicles,” projecting that electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids will account for 17% of cars manufactured in 2026. That is up from less than 3% of U.S. light-duty vehicle sales in 2021. That seems ambitious.

The rules have evolved over time to close some loopholes that previously reduced compliance costs without boosting gas mileage. For example, EVs were often double-counted and so-called flex-fuel vehicles able to use more ethanol were treated as if their drivers regularly used high-ethanol fuels, giving gas guzzlers stellar mileage on paper. Those flex-fuel vehicles rarely operated on high-ethanol blends and offered no improvement in real-world efficiency, according to a 2017 policy paper by Prof. Michael Greenstone at the University of Chicago, Prof. Cass Sunstein at Harvard and Sam Ori, executive director at the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago.

grams per mile
Taxing carbon emissions or gasoline directly, as Europe does, would be far more cost-efficient. An analysis by Prof. Mark Jacobsen at the University of California, San Diego, showed that the cost per gallon saved through the fuel-economy standard is three to six times higher than a gasoline tax. But raising federal gasoline taxes, which have stayed at an inflation-unadjusted 18.4 cents a gallon since 1993, would be political suicide. Carbon taxes are deeply unpopular, too.

Instead, economists have come up with some tweaks government agencies might be able to implement within the existing statute. In a policy paper published last year, Prof. Koichiro Ito at the University of Chicago suggested getting rid of the distinction between cars and light trucks, arguing “there is no economic rationale that can justify less stringent economy regulations for SUVs than other passenger cars.” Prof. Ito suggests that the Transportation Department might be able to do this on its own. Messrs. Greenstone, Sunstein and Ori propose a cap-and-trade system that starts with a limit on a vehicle’s lifetime fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from each year’s new vehicle sales, suggesting that the EPA should have broad discretion to do this.

Fuel-economy standards, laments Mr. Ori, “have a deceptive way of being palatable, specifically because car buyers don’t actually see the cost broken out.”

Luckily for government agencies, plenty of research has been done to point out exactly what those costs are and where the holes are located. They can still use the tools they have to tighten the screws and soup up this clunker.


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Re: 4 days to charge?
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2022, 08:02:05 PM »
That's probably with ordinary house current (coal).  With a solar panel it would be much worse.


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A bitch slap from reality delivered by Toyota CEO.
« Reply #65 on: May 05, 2023, 09:10:44 PM »
Not So Fast on Electric Cars
Toyota’s CEO delivers a timely warning, and many states echo it.
Allysia Finley hedcutBy Allysia FinleyFollow
Dec. 25, 2022 6:20 pm ET

A Tesla Model 3 at a charging station in Colonie, N.Y., Nov. 22. PHOTO: PAUL HENNESSY/ZUMA PRESS
Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda recently caused the climate lobby to blow a fuse by speaking a truth about battery electric vehicles that his fellow auto executives dare not. “Just like the fully autonomous cars that we were all supposed to be driving by now,” Mr. Toyoda said in Thailand, “I think BEVs are just going to take longer to become mainstream than the media would like us to believe.” He added that a “silent majority” in the auto industry share his view, “but they think it’s the trend, so they can’t speak out loudly.”

The Biden administration seems to believe that millions of Americans will rush out to buy electric vehicles if only the government throws enough subsidies at them. Last year’s infrastructure bill included $7.5 billion in grants for states to expand their charging networks. But it’s a problem when even the states are warning the administration that electric vehicles aren’t ready to go mainstream.

Maine notes in a plan submitted to the Federal Highway Administration this summer that “cold temperatures will remain a top challenge” for adoption, since “cold weather reduces EV range and increases charging times.” When temperatures drop to 5 degrees Fahrenheit, the cars achieve only 54% of their quoted range. A vehicle that’s supposed to be able to go 250 miles between charges will make it only 135 miles on average. At 32 degrees—a typical winter day in much of the country—a Tesla Model 3 that in ideal conditions can go 282 miles between charges will make it only 173 miles.

Imagine if the 100 million Americans who took to the road over the holidays were driving electric cars. How many would have been stranded as temperatures plunged? There wouldn’t be enough tow trucks—or emergency medics—for people freezing in their cars.

The Transportation Department is requiring states to build charging stations every 50 miles along interstate highways and within a mile of off-ramps to reduce the likelihood of these scenarios. But most state electrical grids aren’t built to handle this many charging stations and will thus require expensive upgrades. Illinois, for one, warns of “challenges related to sufficient electric grid capacity, particularly in rural areas of the state.”

Charging stations in rural areas with little traffic are also unlikely to be profitable and could become “stranded assets,” as many states warn. Wyoming says out-of-state traffic from non-Tesla electric vehicles would have to increase 100-fold to cover charger costs under the administration’s rules. Tesla has already scoped out premier charging locations for its proprietary network. Good luck to competitors.

New Mexico warns that “poor station maintenance can lead to stations being perpetually broken and unusable, particularly in rural or hard to access locations. If an EV charging station is built in an area without electrical capacity and infrastructure to support its use, it will be unusable until the appropriate upgrades are installed.”

Arizona says “private businesses may build and operate a station if a grant pays for the first five years of operations and maintenance” but might abandon the project if it later proves unprofitable. Many other states echo this concern, noting that federal funds could result in stranded assets.

The administration aims to build 500,000 stations, but states will likely have to spend their own money to keep them running. Like other federal inducements, these grants may entice states to assume what could become huge financial liabilities.

Federal funds also come with many rules, including “buy America” procurement requirements, which demand that chargers consist of mostly U.S.-made components. New Jersey says these could “delay implementation by several years” since only a few manufacturers can currently meet them. New York also says it will be challenging to comply with the web of federal rules, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and a 1960 federal law that bars charging stations in rest areas.

Oh, and labor rules. The administration requires that electrical workers who install and maintain the stations be certified by the union-backed Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program. New Mexico says much of the state lacks contractors that meet this mandate, which will reduce competition and increase costs.

Technical problems abound too. Virginia says fast-charging hardware “has a short track record” and is “prone to malfunctions.” Equipment “previously installed privately in Virginia has had a high failure rate shown in user comments and reports on social media,” and “even compatibility with credit card readers has been unexpectedly complicated.”

A study this spring led by University of California researchers found that more than a quarter of public direct-current fast-charging stations in the San Francisco Bay Area were unusable. Drivers will be playing roulette every time they head to a station. If all this weren’t disconcerting enough, Arizona warns cyber vulnerabilities could compromise customer financial transactions, charging infrastructure, electric vehicles and the grid.

Politicians and auto makers racing to eliminate the internal-combustion engine are bound to crash into technological, logistic and financial realities, as Mr. Toyoda warned. The casualties will be taxpayers, but the administration doesn’t seem to care.


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Re: A bitch slap from reality delivered by Toyota CEO.
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2023, 07:19:33 AM »
EVs are an epic boondoggle. Like everything the left forces on us at government gunpoint.

Not So Fast on Electric Cars
Toyota’s CEO delivers a timely warning, and many states echo it.
Allysia Finley hedcutBy Allysia FinleyFollow
Dec. 25, 2022 6:20 pm ET

A Tesla Model 3 at a charging station in Colonie, N.Y., Nov. 22. PHOTO: PAUL HENNESSY/ZUMA PRESS
Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda recently caused the climate lobby to blow a fuse by speaking a truth about battery electric vehicles that his fellow auto executives dare not. “Just like the fully autonomous cars that we were all supposed to be driving by now,” Mr. Toyoda said in Thailand, “I think BEVs are just going to take longer to become mainstream than the media would like us to believe.” He added that a “silent majority” in the auto industry share his view, “but they think it’s the trend, so they can’t speak out loudly.”

The Biden administration seems to believe that millions of Americans will rush out to buy electric vehicles if only the government throws enough subsidies at them. Last year’s infrastructure bill included $7.5 billion in grants for states to expand their charging networks. But it’s a problem when even the states are warning the administration that electric vehicles aren’t ready to go mainstream.

Maine notes in a plan submitted to the Federal Highway Administration this summer that “cold temperatures will remain a top challenge” for adoption, since “cold weather reduces EV range and increases charging times.” When temperatures drop to 5 degrees Fahrenheit, the cars achieve only 54% of their quoted range. A vehicle that’s supposed to be able to go 250 miles between charges will make it only 135 miles on average. At 32 degrees—a typical winter day in much of the country—a Tesla Model 3 that in ideal conditions can go 282 miles between charges will make it only 173 miles.

Imagine if the 100 million Americans who took to the road over the holidays were driving electric cars. How many would have been stranded as temperatures plunged? There wouldn’t be enough tow trucks—or emergency medics—for people freezing in their cars.

The Transportation Department is requiring states to build charging stations every 50 miles along interstate highways and within a mile of off-ramps to reduce the likelihood of these scenarios. But most state electrical grids aren’t built to handle this many charging stations and will thus require expensive upgrades. Illinois, for one, warns of “challenges related to sufficient electric grid capacity, particularly in rural areas of the state.”

Charging stations in rural areas with little traffic are also unlikely to be profitable and could become “stranded assets,” as many states warn. Wyoming says out-of-state traffic from non-Tesla electric vehicles would have to increase 100-fold to cover charger costs under the administration’s rules. Tesla has already scoped out premier charging locations for its proprietary network. Good luck to competitors.

New Mexico warns that “poor station maintenance can lead to stations being perpetually broken and unusable, particularly in rural or hard to access locations. If an EV charging station is built in an area without electrical capacity and infrastructure to support its use, it will be unusable until the appropriate upgrades are installed.”

Arizona says “private businesses may build and operate a station if a grant pays for the first five years of operations and maintenance” but might abandon the project if it later proves unprofitable. Many other states echo this concern, noting that federal funds could result in stranded assets.

The administration aims to build 500,000 stations, but states will likely have to spend their own money to keep them running. Like other federal inducements, these grants may entice states to assume what could become huge financial liabilities.

Federal funds also come with many rules, including “buy America” procurement requirements, which demand that chargers consist of mostly U.S.-made components. New Jersey says these could “delay implementation by several years” since only a few manufacturers can currently meet them. New York also says it will be challenging to comply with the web of federal rules, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and a 1960 federal law that bars charging stations in rest areas.

Oh, and labor rules. The administration requires that electrical workers who install and maintain the stations be certified by the union-backed Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program. New Mexico says much of the state lacks contractors that meet this mandate, which will reduce competition and increase costs.

Technical problems abound too. Virginia says fast-charging hardware “has a short track record” and is “prone to malfunctions.” Equipment “previously installed privately in Virginia has had a high failure rate shown in user comments and reports on social media,” and “even compatibility with credit card readers has been unexpectedly complicated.”

A study this spring led by University of California researchers found that more than a quarter of public direct-current fast-charging stations in the San Francisco Bay Area were unusable. Drivers will be playing roulette every time they head to a station. If all this weren’t disconcerting enough, Arizona warns cyber vulnerabilities could compromise customer financial transactions, charging infrastructure, electric vehicles and the grid.

Politicians and auto makers racing to eliminate the internal-combustion engine are bound to crash into technological, logistic and financial realities, as Mr. Toyoda warned. The casualties will be taxpayers, but the administration doesn’t seem to care.


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Kill the Whales
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2023, 02:33:41 PM »
Phil Murphy’s New Jersey Wind Flop
Roughly $1 billion in credits couldn’t save a green energy project, as wind power runs into trouble.
By The Editorial Board
Nov. 5, 2023 4:16 pm ET

Phil Murphy huffed and he puffed, and a giant wind boondoggle blew the New Jersey Governor down. That’s the story of another failed green-energy project, as the follies keep being exposed.

The renewable energy firm Ørsted last week backed out of two megaprojects along the Jersey shore that it started planning in 2019. With his eye on support from the climate lobby for a White House run, Mr. Murphy courted the developments, which were meant to provide electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes. The company says cost overruns have made them impossible, and it wrote off $4 billion for the first nine months of this year.

Mr. Murphy fumed in public, saying the cancellation casts doubt on Ørsted’s “credibility and competence.” The Danish firm blames its withdrawal on rising interest rates and component costs, but it has said little about what made the New Jersey project uniquely impractical. At least for now, the company is moving ahead with wind farms in New England and Maryland.

But it takes two to make a bad deal, and Mr. Murphy wants to shift blame for his poor due diligence on behalf of New Jersey ratepayers. The state prodded power company PSEG into a partnership with Ørsted, and PSEG bought a 25% stake in one of the offshore projects to prop up development. The utility sold its stake this year as cost overruns became critical.

Yet that was exactly when Mr. Murphy doubled down. He signed a bill in July to let Ørsted pocket federal tax credits it would earn from the wind farms, instead of using that money to reduce its electricity rates, as it promised to do in 2019. The change would have cost New Jersey residents up to $1 billion, but affordable energy was never the point. Like many progressive Governors today, Mr. Murphy was all in for the green bragging rights.

The New Jersey bust isn’t the only sign of wind industry woes. BP and Norwegian partner Equinor recently wrote-down a combined $840 million on New York state wind projects. “Offshore wind in the U.S. is fundamentally broken,” a BP clean energy executive told the press Wednesday. Developers often underestimate project costs so much that even a boatload of tax credits can’t make them economical.

The best result of Ørsted’s project failure would be for other states to re-examine their green follies. This is also something for voters to recall when politicians next try to sell their climate virtue.

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WSJ: EVs losing big money
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2023, 04:08:55 AM »

Lucid’s $227,802 EV Loss Leader
The electric-vehicle startup is struggling to find buyers for its cars.
By The Editorial Board
Nov. 9, 2023 6:38 pm ET

Wonder Land: Citing the president’s age lets Democrats off the hook for the political failure of his economic policies. Images: AP/AFP/EPA/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly
Ford Motor Co. lost $62,016 on each electric vehicle it sold during this year’s third quarter. But that looks like a business success compared to Lucid Motors, the luxury electric-vehicle maker. On Tuesday the EV startup reported losing $227,802 per car sold in the latest quarter.

Like several other EV startups, Lucid went public during the pandemic through a merger with a blank-check company. In November 2021, it reached a stunning market value of $91 billion despite having delivered only 125 cars in its history. It’s been downhill since. Lucid’s stock price has fallen 93% from its peak as losses mount.

In the third quarter, it reported a $630.9 million net loss and $227,802 per car sold, not accounting for its overhead costs. It also cut its production forecast “to prudently align with deliveries”—which in plainer English means demand for its pricey EVs is flagging.

Who would have thought that millions of Americans would not be lining up to pay $125,000 for an EV? Lucid last week slashed prices to jolt demand, but its “affordable” EV still costs $74,900, which is beyond the budgets of most households. The high prices also disqualify buyers from tapping the $7,500 federal tax credit for EVs.

Lucid nonetheless assured investors that it still has $5.5 billion in cash to burn on making cars that consumers don’t seem to want. Lucid’s largest shareholder, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, has poured billions into the company to keep it afloat. It’s no small irony that oil profits are financing an EV unicorn.

By the way, Lucid recently opened a new production facility in Saudi Arabia, whose government has pledged to buy 100,000 of its vehicles. These will run on electricity produced almost entirely by oil and natural gas power plants. Remind us, again, how EVs are supposed to benefit the climate?

This week another EV unicorn, Rivian, reported a $30,648 loss in the third quarter, which was down from $67,329 in the first quarter and $124,162 in the one before that. So maybe there’s hope that Lucid can cut its losses. Still, as the chief financial officer of Mercedes-Benz noted recently, EVs are “a pretty brutal space” and “I can hardly imagine the current status quo is fully sustainable for everybody.”

Brutal indeed. Rarely has an industry been so heavily subsidized to make a product that so few consumers want or can afford to buy.


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Green Energy Isn’t, Rather it’s a High Tech Form of Feudalism
« Reply #70 on: June 09, 2024, 12:06:16 PM »
Several interesting—and damning—points made re EVs below:

3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles
by Nick Giambruno
Electric Vehicles
25 refrigerators.

That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles (EVs).

Congressman Thomas Massie—an electrical engineer—revealed this information while discussing with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, President Biden’s plan to have 50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030.

The current and future grid in most places will not be able to support each home running 25 refrigerators—not even close. Just look at California, where the grid is already buckling under the existing load.

Massie claims, correctly, in my view, that the notion of widespread adoption of electric vehicles anytime soon is a dangerous fantasy based on political science, not sound engineering.

Nonetheless, governments, the media, academia, large corporations, and celebrities tout an imminent “transition” to EVs as if it’s preordained from above.

It’s not.

They’re trying to manufacture your consent for a scam of almost unimaginable proportions.

Below are three reasons why something sinister is going on with the big push for EVs.

But first, a necessary clarification.

You no doubt have heard of the term “fossil fuels” before.

When the average person hears “fossil fuels,” they think of a dirty technology that belongs in the 1800s. Many believe they are burning dead dinosaurs to power their cars.

They also think “fossil fuels” will destroy the planet within a decade and run out soon—despite the fact that, after water, oil is the second most abundant liquid on this planet.

None of these ridiculous notions are true, but many people believe them. Using propaganda terms like “fossil fuels” plays a large role.

Orwell was correct when he said that corrupting the language can corrupt people’s thoughts.

I suggest expunging “fossil fuels” from your vocabulary in favor of hydrocarbons—a much better and more precise word.

A hydrocarbon is a molecule made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms. These molecules are the building blocks of many different substances, including energy sources like coal, oil, and gas. These energy sources have been the backbone of the global economy for decades, providing power for industries, transportation, and homes.

Now, on to the three reasons EVs are a giant scam at best and possibly something much worse.

Reason #1: EVs Are Not Green

The central premise for EVs is they help to save the planet from carbon because they use electricity instead of gas.

It’s astounding so few think to ask, what generates the electricity that powers EVs?

Hydrocarbons generate over 60% of the electricity in the US. That means there’s an excellent chance that oil, coal, or gas is behind the electricity charging an EV.

It’s important to emphasize carbon is an essential element for life on this planet. It’s what humans exhale and what plants need to survive.

After decades of propaganda, Malthusian hysterics have created a twisted perception in many people’s minds that carbon is a dangerous substance that must be reduced to save the planet.

Let’s entertain this bogus premise momentarily and assume carbon is bad.

Even by this logic, EVs do not really reduce carbon emissions; they just rearrange them.

Further, extracting and processing the exotic materials needed to make EVs requires tremendous power in remote locations, which only hydrocarbons can provide.

Additionally, EVs require an enormous amount of rare elements and metals—like lithium and cobalt—that companies mine in conditions that couldn’t remotely be considered friendly to the environment.

Analysts estimate that each EV requires around one kilogram of rare earth elements. Extracting and processing these rare elements produces a massive amount of toxic waste. That’s why it mainly occurs in China, which doesn’t care much about environmental concerns.

In short, the notion that EVs are green is laughable.

It’s simply the thin patina of propaganda that governments need as a pretext to justify the astronomical taxpayer subsidies for EVs.

Reason #2: EVs Can’t Compete Without Government Support

For many years, governments have heavily subsidized EVs through rebates, sales tax exemptions, loans, grants, tax credits, and other means.

According to the Wall Street Journal, US taxpayers will subsidize EVs by at least $393 billion in the coming years—more than the GDP of Hong Kong.

To put that in perspective, if you earned $1 a second 24/7/365—about $31 million per year—it would take you over 12,677 YEARS to make $393 billion.

And that’s not even considering the immense subsidies and government support that have occurred in the past.

Furthermore, governments impose burdensome regulations and taxes on gasoline vehicles to make EVs seem relatively more attractive.

Even with this enormous government support, EVs can barely compete with gasoline vehicles.

According to J.D. Power, a consumer research firm, the average EV still costs at least 21% more than the average gasoline vehicle.

Without government support, it’s not hard to see how the market for EVs would evaporate as they would become unaffordable for the vast majority of people.

In other words, the EV market is a giant mirage artificially propped up by extensive government intervention.

It begs the question, why are governments going all out to push an obviously uneconomic scam?

While they are undoubtedly corrupt thieves and simply stupid, something more nefarious could also be at play.

Reason #3: EVs Are About Controlling You

EVs are spying machines.

They collect an unimaginable amount of data on you, which governments can access easily.

Analysts estimate that cars generate about 25 gigabytes of data every hour.

Seeing how governments could integrate EVs into a larger high-tech control grid doesn’t take much imagination. The potential for busybodies—or worse—to abuse such a system is obvious.

Consider this.

The last thing any government wants is an incident like what happened with the Canadian truckers rebelling against vaccine mandates.

Had the Canadian truckers’ vehicles been EVs, the government would have been able to stamp out the resistance much easier.

Here’s the bottom line.

The people really in charge do not want the average person to have genuine freedom of movement or access to independent power sources.

They want to know everything, keep you dependent, and have the ability to control everything, just like how a farmer would with his cattle. They think of you in similar terms.

That’s why gasoline vehicles have to go and why they are trying to herd us into EVs.


To summarize, EVs are not green, cannot compete with gas cars without enormous government support, and are probably a crucial piece of the emerging high-tech control grid.

The solution is simple: eliminate all government subsidies and support and let EVs compete on their own merits in a totally free market.

But that’s unlikely to happen.

Instead, it’s only prudent to expect them to push EVs harder and harder.

If EVs were simply government-subsidized status symbols for wealthy liberals who want to virtue signal how they think they’re saving the planet, that would be bad enough.

But chances are, the big push for EVs represents something much worse.

Along with 15-minute cities, carbon credits, CBDCs, digital IDs, phasing out hydrocarbons and meat, vaccine passports, an ESG social credit system, and the war on farmers, EVs are likely an integral part of the Great Reset—the dystopian future the global elite has envisioned for mankind.

In reality, the so-called Great Reset is a high-tech form of feudalism.

Sadly, most of humanity has no idea what is coming.

Worse, many have become unwitting foot soldiers for this agenda because they have been gaslighted into believing they are saving the planet or acting for the greater good.

This trend is already in motion… and the coming weeks will be pivotal.

That’s precisely why I recently released an urgent video with legendary investor Doug Casey and renowned hedge fund manager Chris MacIntosh.


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WSJ: Moroccan wind and solar to UK?
« Reply #71 on: June 29, 2024, 01:56:24 PM »

The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines
British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan
By Ed BallardFollow
 | Graphics by Emma BrownFollow
 | Photographs by Laura Bilson for WSJ
June 29, 2024 5:30 am ET

It is the era of importing power from faraway lands.

A grandiose project to build a nearly 2,500-mile subsea power line would connect vast wind and solar farms in Morocco to the U.K., providing a reliable supply of electricity to meet a projected boom in demand.

The plan’s architect, Simon Morrish, said it is the U.K.’s best option for clean electricity.

“It was like, well, why is no one doing this?” said Morrish, a former management consultant who also runs a landscaping-services company.

Morrish has secured early-stage investment and hired a seasoned team, but his vision faces long odds. He needs to coax subsidies from the U.K. government, raise tens of billions of dollars and secure crucial permits from countries that control the seabed. The plan involves building Scotland’s tallest building—a giant cable factory—and a special ship to lay the lines.

The project nevertheless shows how the electricity map is changing.

Since coal and gas plants can sit near the areas they serve, their transmission lines generally don’t need to travel long distances. But big empty sites with lots of wind and sunshine tend to be far from cities that need electricity.

Already, grids in Northern Europe are being connected by subsea cables to share growing supplies of wind power. A 475-mile power line from the U.K. to Denmark, the world’s longest land-and-subsea grid connection, was switched on in December.

The Viking Link connects the grids of U.K. and Denmark.






North Sea


475 miles












Source: Viking Link
Singapore, which lacks space for wind and solar farms, wants to import 30% of its electricity by 2035. Last year, it granted conditional approvals on plans to import much of that electricity via subsea cables—some more than 600 miles long—from renewable-energy projects in Indonesia, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Connecting Morocco to the U.K. takes the idea to another level.

Scotland’s tallest building
Few places are richer in green-energy potential than western Morocco. The shortest day gets 10 hours of sunshine, and strong winds pick up late in the day. Morrish’s venture, Xlinks, wants to build enough solar farms, wind turbines and batteries in the area to meet 8% of Britain’s electricity needs, or to power roughly seven million homes.


Xlinks wants to send power from Morocco to the U.K.

North Sea





2,485 miles











Source: Xlinks
It will take nearly 10,000 miles of cable for four offshore transmission lines—far more than existing suppliers could serve up. So Morrish started a cable-supply company to build a factory, with a tower taller than the Washington Monument, in which colossal cables will be lowered as they are coated in insulation.

The factory’s construction near the Scottish village of Fairlie has been delayed several times. Locals are doubtful it will happen.

“It’s a nice area, a scenic area, and you’re going to build a huge factory running 24/7?” said Rita Holmes, a longtime Fairlie resident.

Transmission projects can take well over a decade to materialize. In the U.S., the Biden administration is pushing to ease permitting for lines that strengthen the country’s grid, boosting hopes for more projects.

A 339-mile high-voltage transmission line that is under construction will bring hydropower to New York City from Quebec. A 550-mile line will bring wind power to California and Arizona from New Mexico.


“What you need is a bit of a catalyst,” said Matthieu Muzumdar, partner and deputy chief executive at infrastructure investor Meridiam. “Some of the federal and state programs we’re seeing could be part of that.”

Nexans supplies high-voltage direct-current cables that can move electricity hundreds of miles with minimal losses.

A cross-section of an electric cable.
Overseas, Meridiam is the lead investor in the first connection between the U.K. and Germany, and intends to invest in a planned 750-mile power line connecting Greece to Israel, via Cyprus. The project will lower lengths of cable weighing as much as the Eiffel Tower to depths of around 2 miles in the Mediterranean.

“What we are trying is bigger than what has been done before, both in terms of the size of the project and in terms of the amount of electricity we are trying to transmit,” said Pascal Radue, who leads the generation and transmission unit at Nexans, a cable supplier working on the Greece-to-Cyprus first leg of that project.

The Great Sea Interconnector would connect Greece, Cyprus and Israel.









751 miles



Mediterranean Sea







Source: Independent Power Transmission Operator

Copper wires are wound into a larger cable.
Nexans is among a handful of companies that supply high-voltage direct-current cables that can move electricity hundreds of miles with minimal losses.

The company has sold out of the cables for nearly five years. Its rivals have similar backlogs.

The dream of African wind and sunshine
Demand for cable could sputter if the growth of renewables falls short of expectations—or if big projects falter.


Sweden’s government recently rejected a connection under the Baltic Sea to Germany, citing concerns it would increase prices at home.

Projects could be derailed for any number of reasons. An Xlinks-like plan to transmit Australian solar power to Singapore collapsed last year when the two billionaires leading it had a falling-out. The project has been revived by one of them, Mike Cannon-Brookes, the co-founder of software company Atlassian.

SunCable envisions sending Australian solar power to Singapore.



Philippine Sea





Banda Sea

2,672 miles








Note: Cable lengths are not exact.

Source: SunCable
The uncertainty limits how much those cable suppliers are willing to expand. It is why Xlinks needs its own supply.

Morrish has persuaded investors including TotalEnergies, Abu Dhabi’s state-controlled utility company and General Electric’s power-and-wind spinoff to buy into his plan. Xlinks closed a £100 million funding round in April, equivalent to $126 million.

But construction costs alone will be between £22 billion and £24 billion, Xlinks says. The company is talking to the U.K. government about a subsidy that Morrish hopes would spur investments, but those discussions have dragged.

Morocco also has to buy into the idea. Xlinks says the country would gain jobs, investment and tax revenue.

The dream of sending North Africa’s wind and sunshine to Europe isn’t new. An earlier effort, which would have moved power over land, fell through over a decade ago amid infighting between its backers and political turmoil in the region.

Morrish said prospects are better now: Renewable-energy costs have fallen, and subsea cables can pass through fewer jurisdictions, making permitting easier.

“I have absolute confidence it will get done,” Morrish said. “It’s just taking a bit longer than I’d hoped.”


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Undersea power lines from Morocco to UK
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2024, 10:02:07 AM »
Does UK really want to get a large proportion of their energy from a Muslim country via undersea cables?

Of course Middle Eastern oil is basically the same idea I guess.

Is it a bit like Germany getting nat gas from Russia.

Being self sufficient is so important ala Trump and fracking style.

Here is Bill Gates love of nuclear again:


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Bill Gates - Face the Nation interview
« Reply #73 on: July 04, 2024, 08:33:39 AM »
I prematurely called him a hypocrite in recent post.    :-o  I am taking my foot out of my mouth now.
In retrospect he has mentioned a nuclear need for green energy a long time.
I think he even spoke of his sodium instead of water cooling solution in nuclear with Terra Power in a 60 minute interview a few yrs ago as well.

The only thing is he states natural gas is cheapest source for electric energy but does not mention we should be promoting that as well.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2024, 10:31:46 AM »


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Alice's Restaurant
« Reply #75 on: December 02, 2024, 07:48:27 AM »
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow and the Executive Vice President of Programs at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His book, Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left,tells the story of the Left's 200 Year War Against America.

What Alice’s Restaurant Tells Us About Trump’s Win
Sat, 30 Nov 2024 6:05 PM PST by Daniel Greenfield

On Thanksgiving, 1965, Arlo Guthrie, an 18-year-old leftist singer songwriter, went to a local Massachusetts landfill only to find it closed and instead dumped some trash on a hillside. The event inspired ‘Alice’s Restaurant’, Guthrie’s anti-war song which gets played every Thanksgiving.

The recent death of Alice Brock, the inspiration for the titular Alice, ahead of Thanksgiving inspired a rash of new stories about the song and ensures its relentless airplay over the holiday weekend.

But the real relevance of the song doesn’t come from the Thanksgiving weekend or Alice’s death, but Trump’s resounding victory earlier in November. And the aging liberal boomers and a younger cohort with no clue about the song understand all too little what it really says about the modern Left.

The same lefties smirking at Officer Obie busting a young Arlo for dumping garbage at the bottom of a cliff (actually a hillside) would applaud as EPA stormtroopers rampaged through the home of anyone daring to not only dump garbage on a hillside but violate one of a million environmental regulations.

Before the election, New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation, a fancy name for the trash police, tore apart a private residence in search of a pet squirrel and raccoon, and decapitated them to test for rabies after one of the beleaguered animals bit the trash police. The details of the 5-hour raid by a convoy of environmental police vehicles serving a surprise warrant and escorting the owner to the toilet is the sort of insanity that makes Alice’s Restaurant seem like a polite greeting.

59 years after Guthrie wrote a hit song complaining about being busted for dumping a load of trash, cities and suburbs have garbage police whose job is to poke through people’s trash and check to see if they’re putting tin cans (recyclables), leftover chicken (compostables) and regular trash in the same bin.

“We came to a side road, and off the side of the side road, there was another fifteen foot cliff, and at the bottom of the cliff was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pile is better ‘n two little piles,” Arlo nonchalantly jeered. Today his fans support fining anyone who mixes up the colored bins so that one small bagged pile of trash doesn’t get mixed up with any other piles of bagged trash.

In Stockbridge, Massachusetts, the original setting for Alice’s Restaurant, potential penalties for trash violations include having your license suspended, your car seized and fines of up to $15,000. 80% of waste ban violations were for “improper disposal of cardboard.” What would the progressive government have done to Alice and pals today for deciding “they didn’t have to take out their garbage for a long time” and just letting it pile up in an abandoned church before dumping it on a hillside?

They might have made an exception to their opposition to the death penalty for that set of offenses.

Guthrie’s current home in Brevard County has trash regulations longer than the extremely long lyrics of Alice’s Restaurant. The recycling regulations specify that mouthwash bottles must be rinsed, deodorant must have its cap on, newspapers must be kept clean and phone books must be cut into 1 inch thick sections. Whatever the 18-year-old Arlo would have made of this trash regime whose obsessive compulsive trash policing puts the Stasi to shame, his senior self appears to be fine with it.

Alice’s Restaurant’s spends a lot of its time mocking Officer Obie, a zealous law enforcement officer who tracks down the men who dumped a “pile of garbage”, but every progressive city, suburb and state now employs an army of Officer Obies whose job is to look through your trash every week.

Officer Obie is ridiculed for documenting the trash dumping with “twenty-seven eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.” Today trash police, officially ‘code enforcement officers’, wear bodycams to document inappropriate trash placement. This is needed because the trash police have been caught faking violations by rearranging the trash in the bin and then writing citations for them. Failure to respond to a citation can lead to an arrest. People have had to hire lawyers and fight court cases over how many feet a recycling bin was from the curb.

And no one has bothered to write a song about it.

But if Democrats want to understand why they took such a beating in the election and why members of their base defected in such numbers to Trump and the Republicans, they might want to contemplate how they went from sneering at Officer Obie to turning into him.

Kamala tried to run her campaign on ‘joy’ but where’s the joy in eight pages of recycling regulations to determine which bin your trash goes that are enforced by trash police wearing bodycams?

Joy isn’t being told what to do, it’s a sense of freedom. Who represented real freedom more: the rogue billionaire or the lifelong public official? Which one was truer to the spirit of Alice’s Restaurant: the man being prosecuted by the feds and state authorities for offenses that no one could even understand or the woman who wanted to ban cars, health insurance, guns, and politically incorrect speech?

When RFK Jr endorsed Trump, the media rushed out an outraged story about the Kennedy scion allegedly absconding with a whale’s head 30 years ago. The story describes how RFK Jr “ran down to the beach with a chainsaw, cut off the whale’s head, and then bungee-corded it to the roof of the family minivan” and then drove for five hours while “whale juice would pour into the windows of the car” and, as his daughter related, “we all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

Which side of the story, RFK Jr or the media scolds, sound more like the ethos of Alice’s Restaurant? Which of them represents free spirits doing what they please and which one represents the authorities?

Alice’s Restaurant and the joy of color-coded recycling bins is just one symptom of a movement that pretends to be subversive but is fundamentally authoritarian. Every time lefties try to play at being subversive, it only lasts long enough for them to seize power and then they turn authoritarian.

That’s how hippies turned into Office Obie, free love turned into #MeToo, free speech became the speech police, civil rights became affirmative action quotas, and anti-government protests became government abuses. Take pronouns, which evolved from freeform sexual experimentation in the counterculture and along the way became a bureaucratic mandate complete with nametags.

Whatever one thinks of leftist ideas, it’s undeniable that every subversive counterculture impulse has long since become an oppressive cultural decree. And yet wokes act as if they’re Arlo ‘taking on the man’ rather than ‘the man’ demanding you color code your trash, state your pronouns and shut up.

You can’t actually get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant. Even if Brock wasn’t deceased, the idea of running a free-for-all and serving food to the public under those conditions would be unthinkable under lefty government authorities. Her attempts at running actual restaurants failed and toward the end she lent her name to a restaurant that claimed to be using her recipes. The original church became the ‘Guthrie Center’ which has a gift shop and rents out space for weddings. Guthrie had to stop touring during the pandemic because regulations no longer allowed it. He didn’t write a song about that either.

Guthrie, predictably a Bernie Sanders supporter, backed a movement seeking a totalitarian America with even more government oversight, more regulations and a much bigger Obiesque police state.

Freedom is no longer on the menu, but then again it never was. The promise of freedom is a subversive bait and switch, the encouragement to young people to do what they want, to protest, riot, have sex, speak out, ignore the rules and dump trash is just there to undermine a sitting non-leftist authority. Once the Left takes over, it implements rules far more oppressive than those of the prior regime.

The Left runs on freedom and joy, but all that it ever delivers are tyranny and misery.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.


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Well, that didn't work out , , ,
« Reply #76 on: December 14, 2024, 03:11:22 PM »


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #78 on: January 12, 2025, 05:58:56 PM »
Heh heh.


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Trump’s EOs and “Green” Energy Mandates
« Reply #79 on: January 28, 2025, 04:07:04 PM »
The free market is poised for a comeback as the feds remove their thumbs from the “green” energy scale:


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MAGPA: Making American Plastics Great Again
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2025, 05:29:46 PM »
I lived in Madison, WI, when “political correctness” became a thing, noting that a lot of tenets PC practitioners sought to force others to abide by were pretty darn silly, and obviously so. Recycling was always one that annoyed me as, with a few exceptions, all it accomplished was creating sorted piles of trash that then ended up in the landfill they were destined for in their unsourced form in the first place. Various boycotts against this or that for specious reasons was another.

Took me a while to figure out what it was all about, but it eventually became clear when Covid masks were in vogue: it was about virtue signaling. Which is all using ineffective paper straws is about:


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2025, 05:21:54 AM »
That said, FWIW I am very much of the opinion that plastics have huge and serious external diseconomies (i.e. costs not born by buyer or seller)

See e.g.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 05:25:54 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #82 on: February 08, 2025, 05:51:35 PM »
That said, FWIW I am very much of the opinion that plastics have huge and serious external diseconomies (i.e. costs not born by buyer or seller)

See e.g.

They likely do, so if someone wants to effectively replace them they’d come up with an effective alternative and make effective arguments as to why that alternative should be replaced. Time and again, alas, “Progressives” instead seek to impose an ineffective “solution” by fiat, and then measure a citizen’s fealty by noting whether the adopt that “solution” as a means of signaling virtue, or identify enemies by noting who fails to toe the line. Be it the size or toilet tanks, shower head water flow, a Prius in the driveway, or willingness to attempt to thrust a papers straw through some sort of recycled cardboard lid, the “solution” has more to do with allegiance, forced or willing, then actually crafting a fix that works … and survives populist scrutiny when your party can’t find a presidential candidate that can speak coherently for more than 20 seconds and your regime unceremoniously finds itself no longer in a position to impose much of anything on the citizens they pretend to serve.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #83 on: February 09, 2025, 05:26:27 AM »

The starting point is to acknowledge that the external diseconomies are vast and real-- and to know that howls of those profiting from not having to pay those costs as part of their transactions will be very, very loud.

Off the top of my head given that cartons work for orange juice, and cans work for soda, I'm not seeing the need for plastic in those cases.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2025, 02:38:05 PM »
I’m fine with solutions that work, but loathe the “Progressive” camel’s nose whenever it appears, citing “the children” or “the planet” or whatever noble cause that precedes the entire camel—and its shit—filling the tent. Paper straws are a fine case in point: they don’t work, pretending they do work doesn’t make them work, nor does pointing out the downsides of plastic.

So … if you don’t like plastic straws create a viable alternative first. I carry a titanium straw with an acute angle on one side that allows it to double as “prison shank” self defense tool. Also have a carbon fiber one, though perhaps that material has problem similar to plastic; don’t think anyone has bothered to look though it handles shank duties well enough.

The problem with either of those solutions involves sanitizing them after use. As an ex-chef I know that concern is easy to address via boiling water, and I’ve seen various scrub brushes designed to deal with the diameters in question, though that’s more than most want to eff with.

Bottom line in my estimation is that if you are serious about ridding the world of plastic straws you have to develop and market a solution people are wiling to adopt. Me, I like gear that I can explain away in non-permissive environments and so am willing to contend with the extra hassles of titanium.

Indeed, once I parted ways with my pancreas I had to learn how to keep my blood sugar under control, with little boxes of apple juice and their worthless plastic straws being the way I make sure I avoid hypoglycemia. Enter a titanium straw accompanying my apple juice boxes wherever I traipse.

Now the trick is to get the rest of the planet to embrace a similar solution for their own reasons….


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #85 on: February 09, 2025, 03:15:49 PM »
On my mental map, plastic straws are de minimis-- i.e. insignificant.   On the other hand going using aliminum, as we already do in lieu of plastic soda bottles seems to make sense to me.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #86 on: February 09, 2025, 03:34:28 PM »
If that’s the goal all that’s required is a profitable road map for doing so.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #87 on: February 10, 2025, 07:18:08 AM »
But is that so unless the costs of the exertnal diseconomies somehow are imposed upon the buyers/sellers of the transaction?


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #88 on: February 10, 2025, 11:20:12 AM »
Looks like an opportunity for new thinking. I want plastic particles out of the food and water and I hate the leftist approaches to it.

I thought, what do we need straws for? Then BBG answered that. If we ban them we could certainly make a medical exemption, but banning them isn't the right approach anyway.

I'm hardly a neat freak but if there's one tiny piece of plastic on the ground near my garbage can it gets picked up. But I work in the inner city and wonder where all the litter blowing around comes from. Then I see a car slow down in front of the house and push all the fast food garbage out onto the street. Not everyone cares.

I go to Dollar Tree and before I can say I don't want a plastic bag they have double bagged it for me. I don't need a straw to drink. I don't need a disposable cup at most places if they would let me use mine.

The plastic in the ocean wasn't from us. See other posts on the forum. But still, we are a nation of disposable plastic and it seems to only be getting worse.

When we debated this in the grocery industry we discovered paper bags take even more energy to produce and the reusable ones carry germs.

Like climate science, it would be nice if we could address real issues without lying.

There is so much waste and throw away in our society, we need ways of dealing with it better.

And I'm not talking about coercive paternalism.

Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? How about if RFK Jr or Musk offers a billion dollar reward for the best solution for reducing the use of throwaway plastics and safely and thoroughly disposing of the ones we still have. You have one year to come up with your idea, causing everyone to be thinking about it. Then one year to judge the replies, with all the serious entries made public and everyone debating the relative merits. One year to implement the winning idea. And in year four of this Administration you have the problem solved for the cost of USAID studying transsexual ducks, and a model available for the rest of the world.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2025, 11:23:45 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #89 on: February 10, 2025, 12:16:04 PM »
Send me my $1B now!

As I have repeatedly posted over the years here the core principles is this:   Move from taxing what we do want (wealth, income, savings, capital gains) to taxing what we don't want (external diseconomies).   ALL SUCH TAX INCREASES WOULD NEED TO BE OFFSET IN EQUAL OR GREATER MEASURE WITH TAX CUTS ELSEWHERE.

For example, on the margin a tax on plastic would move a soda maker to aluminum over plastic or an orange juice maker to cartons over plastic.


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WSJ: Walter Russell Mead: Trump outsmarts China on Green Energy
« Reply #90 on: February 11, 2025, 08:19:21 AM »

Trump Outsmarts China on Green Energy
By dismantling the net-zero agenda, he ramps up economic pressure on Beijing.
Walter Russell Mead
Feb. 10, 2025 5:09 pm ET

So much is happening so quickly in Washington these days that Donald Trump’s war on the green climate agenda has passed almost unnoticed. Steps like pulling out of the Paris Agreement, dropping electric-vehicle mandates, ending offshore leasing for wind projects, and fast-tracking fossil-fuel infrastructure would have dominated the news in quieter times.

But Mr. Trump’s climate policy matters for reasons that go beyond the climate debate. China has made Western climate policy a major focus of its economic strategy, and by pulling the rug out from under the global green agenda, the Trump administration is adding significantly to the economic pressure on Beijing.

Call it brilliant Chinese planning or gross Western incompetence, but the only real winner from the green agenda that Western governments have done so much to impose on the world is Beijing. Solar power cells, wind turbines, electric vehicles and the batteries that keep them moving: China has swiftly established dominance in one critical industry and supply chain after another.

This was eminently foreseeable. The Chinese Communist Party’s economic planners in Beijing are the most effective technocrats the world has ever known, eclipsing the fumbling Soviet planners of the Khrushchev and Brezhnev eras. Give them a set of targets, a timetable and a list of technologies to promote, and they will coordinate state policy, banking subsidies and market forces to produce world-beating industries in record time. The European and American architects of the green transition were unintentionally creating a playing field ideally suited to China’s core strengths, and Beijing took full advantage.

But even the most brilliant planners make mistakes. China today is a combination of extraordinary economic and industrial success and monumental failure. The ruinous demographic consequences of its one-child policy, the explosive mix of financial and social pressures wrapped up in the real-estate bubble, and the excess industrial capacity resulting from decades of aggressive state planning loom ever larger over China’s future. Mr. Trump’s proposed upending of global climate policy would transform China’s drive to dominate the energy transition from a major win to an expensive misfire for Beijing.

The net-zero agenda, a set of targets and strategies by Western governments and climate diplomats to arrest global warming by limiting emissions, is the most audacious international effort in diplomatic history. It seeks to persuade or compel every country on the planet to make a transition to energy production that does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The costs of the transition easily run into the trillions of dollars. The social and economic impact will transform everything from agriculture to manufacturing.

An enterprise this ambitious requires enduring political support. As time goes by, the costs of the energy transition inexorably rise, and opposition to the project grows as more interests are affected. Proponents understood this and counted on three factors to ensure that progress toward net zero continued even as opponents dug in their heels.

First, as the growing costs of climate change ricocheted through the economy (driving up insurance costs in disaster-prone areas, for example, as weather risks grew), more voters would support net-zero policies. Second, industries that had invested in climate-friendly technologies (like automobile makers investing billions in EV-producing factories) would lobby politicians to protect their investments by maintaining the regulations and subsidies that made them profitable. Third, as net-zero-friendly industries employed more workers, these beneficiaries of net-zero policies would support measures that protected their jobs.

While voter concern about climate change has indeed grown amid escalating damage from unusual weather events, China’s success at capturing the net-zero industrial sector has reduced support for net zero across the Western world. Despite investing heavily in EV-producing factories, many Western car companies fear Chinese EV competition more than they hope for large profits in the EV sector. With solar power cells and wind turbines mostly made in China, there are fewer “green jobs” in Western countries to pull voters toward net-zero policies.

Climate warriors will regroup, but for now Mr. Trump’s attacks on net zero are working. Europeans are rethinking their green agenda, and China is coping with massive overcapacity in its net-zero industries. Solar panel makers, battery producers and EV manufacturers all face glutted markets, falling prices and surging inventories. Tariffs loom as both European and American rivals seek to forestall ruinous competition from hungry state-subsidized Chinese firms.

Economic planning assumes a rational, predictable world. But Donald Trump’s return to power and the maelstrom of change he brings remind us that our world is a chaotic place. In times like ours especially, with one technological revolution after another reshaping the economic, social and political landscapes, the world is radically unpredictable. Neither Chinese nor net-zero technocrats have the skills needed for effective navigation in the storms ahead.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #92 on: February 12, 2025, 09:20:37 AM »
Nice find Doug! I’ve had more than one discussion w/ shrill left types re recycling or whatever where I suggested they put their money where their mouth is by, say, investing in turning the sort of trash that there isn’t much demand for—like paper, cardboard, plastic, old tires, and glass—into building materials or whatever and then go buy a house made out of the stuff or otherwise help prove the concept and/or create a market for those products.

I’ve since encountered similar material on shows like This Old House and such, but haven’t seen many demanding a solution talking about partaking of same, which is something of a pet peeve.


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Re: Green and Free Market solutions
« Reply #93 on: February 12, 2025, 04:05:10 PM »
Far out!


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FO: Sec. Wright calls to end coal retirements
« Reply #94 on: February 13, 2025, 07:00:30 AM »

(6) WRIGHT CALLS TO END COAL POWER RETIREMENTS: Energy Secretary Christopher Wright said U.S. grids should stop coal power plant retirements, which has made electricity more expensive and decreased power reliability. Industry group America’s Power said more than 120 coal power plants nationwide are scheduled to retire over the next five years due to Biden-era policies that made them “uneconomic.”