Author Topic: Dr. Ben Carson  (Read 88030 times)


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #50 on: March 19, 2015, 07:49:50 AM »
I believe Crafty wrote early on that his first political endeavor should not be running for President.
And this, "Carson may make a very appealing VP candidate."

On the previous post, I find him to be on the right side of the net neutrality fight, but not extremely persuasive.

Now this, right after my post predicting Hugh Hewitt would bring down a few of our own.
 Ben Carson Forgets Baltic States Are in NATO, Dates Islam to Before Christ in Flubbed Foreign Policy Interview March 18, 2015 7:35 PM

Neurosurgeon and prospective Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson stumbled on key foreign policy questions during an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday, appearing to not realize the Baltic States are members of NATO and dating the founding of Islam to well before the birth of Christ. “I don’t do ‘ambush’ interviews,” Hewitt began, first asking Carson if he felt prepared to tackle some questions on foreign affairs. The neurosurgeon seemed keen, but quickly got into trouble. When asked about the origins of the rage felt by Islamic fundamentalists against the West, Carson said “You have to recognize that they go back thousands and thousands of years — really back to the battle between Jacob and Esau.” “Dr. Carson,” Hewitt said, “you know, Mohammed lives in 632 A.D. So it’s a 13, a 1,400-year-old religion. How do you go back to Jacob and Esau, which is B.C.?” “I’m just saying that the conflict has been ongoing for thousands of years,” Carson replied haltingly. “This is not anything new, is what I’m saying.” “So it’s not specific to the Islamic faith, or to the Salafist offshoot of the Islamic faith?” Hewitt pressed. “Well the Islamic faith emanated from Esau,” Carson said. Biblical tradition claims that Esau is one of the sons of Isaac and the ancestor of all Arabs — but even with that understanding, he was born thousands of years before Islam was first founded. Carson also said he believes that, despite being locked in a brutal regional war, Sunni and Shi’a Islamic radicals could “unite” against the United States. It was an assertion Hewitt called “unique,” and one that many foreign policy experts would likely dismiss entirely. Hewitt later turned to the threat of Vladmir Putin, asked the doctor how to best combat an aggressive and expansionist Russia — particularly in the vulnerable Baltic States. “We need to convince them to get involved in NATO, and strengthen NATO,” he said. “Well, the Balts, they are in NATO,” Hewitt said. “When you were saying ‘Baltic states,’ I thought you were continuing our conversation about the former components of the Soviet Union,” Carson tried to explain. “Obviously they are only three Baltic states.” “Yeah, and they’re all part of NATO,” Hewitt said, adding that he was concerned that the same questions that tripped up Sarah Palin in 2008 could trip up Ben Carson in 2016. “How are you going to navigate that?” Hewitt asked. “Have you been doing geopolitics? Do you read this stuff? Do you immerse yourself in it?” “I’ve, uh, read a lot in the last six months,” Carson chuckled. “There’s a lot of stuff to learn, there’s no question about that.”
Still, I would like to see him on the debate stage, along with Carly F and all the boring white guys.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2015, 12:04:01 PM »
The list of moments like this for Carson is lengthening , , ,

IMHO he should be leading with his forte-- his knowledge of health care, his critique of Obamacare, and his solutions.  It is what first brought him to the WSJ editorial page's attention with his performance at the National Prayer Breakfast.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2015, 08:11:22 AM »
Dr. Ben has continued to impress me and I am glad to see his success in the polls.

This however, would appear to present a real problem:


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« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 01:45:20 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Dr. Ben responds to fetal research accusations
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2015, 07:26:39 PM »
I wanted to use our time tonight to directly deal with an attack launched on me today by the left and the media. A couple questions came in on this subject, so I want to address it head on.

Today I was accused by the press as having done research on fetal tissue. It simply is not true. The study they distributed by an anonymous source was done in 1992. The study was about tumors. I won’t bore you with the science. There were four doctors' names on the study. One was mine. I spent my life studying brain tumors and removing them. My only involvement in this study was supplying tumors that I had removed from my patients. Those tissue samples were compared to other tissue samples under a microscope. Pathologists do this work to gain clues about tumors.

I, nor any of the doctors involved with this study, had anything to do with abortion or what Planned Parenthood has been doing. Research hospitals across the country have microscope slides of all kinds of tissue to compare and contrast. The fetal tissue that was viewed in this study by others was not collected for this study.

I am sickened by the attack that I, after having spent my entire life caring for children, had something to do with aborting a child and harvesting organs. My medical specialty is the human brain and even I am amazed at what it is capable of doing. Please know these attacks are pathetic attempts to blunt our progress.

Now lets get to answering your questions.

Nancy in Arkansas wants to know how my mother is doing.

Nancy, you know my mother is the only reason I stand here today. I surely would have been lost if it were not for her. She is an amazing woman. If she were the Secretary of Treasury, I assure you we would have a surplus. My mother was very ill when I announced my candidacy. The family was called in by her doctors. We surrounded her and prayed as did millions of you. She began to eat again. She has her strength back. She is doing as well as we can expect. Thank you for asking.

The next question is from Bill. He wanted to know if it was true that I was offered a slot at West Point after high school.

Bill, that is true. I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point. But I knew medicine is what I wanted to do. So I applied to only one school. (it was all the money I had). I applied to Yale and thank God they accepted me. I often wonder what might have happened had they said no.

Last question as it is getting late. A young nurse in Ohio wants to know how many patients did I treat during my career.

I treated over 15,000 patients in some 57 countries. We lived in Australia for a while as well. One of the most gratifying moments of each day is when I run into a former patient like I did tonight. My patients were all quite ill. I love seeing them with their families living normal lives. I think it is more gratifying than serving in Congress.

Speaking of serving in Congress. I constantly get asked how could I possibly become President when I have no political experience. Here is what I say. The current Members of Congress have a combined 8,788 years of political experience. How is that working out? People forget that of our 56 founding fathers who risked it all to sign the Declaration of Independence, Five were Doctors.

Good night,


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2015, 08:18:12 AM »


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This just in from FOX:
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2015, 03:05:35 PM »
Carson ties with Trump in Iowa!


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Re: This just in from FOX:
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2015, 03:20:36 PM »
Carson ties with Trump in Iowa!

One well-timed donation made a difference!


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #64 on: August 31, 2015, 06:53:00 PM »

On the panel on Bret Baier's Special Report tonight they spent some time talking about this, including the remarkable datum that 81% of voters like him, what how his skills are rapidly evolving, etc.  Smells like they are beginning to take him more seriously.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2015, 05:33:27 PM »
Dr. Carson is smarter and a better person than Trump by a long shot. However, I don't see him winning. His statements on guns are a big problem as well.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson - Breaking News
« Reply #67 on: September 03, 2015, 01:00:38 PM »
Breaking New on Carson

Carson has been brought in as a neurosurgeon to fix the GOP. After reviewing the results of an MRI of the entire party leadership, he has concluded that the GOP leadership is lacking both brains and spines, so there is nothing that he can do.


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WSJ wants to hear more from Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2015, 02:31:46 PM »
Ben Carson’s Insurgency
The real conservative outsider has been staging a quiet rise.
Sept. 4, 2015 7:02 p.m. ET

Republican voters have been expressing in every way they can that they’re fed up with Washington and the political class. But as angry as they are about the Obama era of governance, that doesn’t mean they’ll want an angry presidential nominee—or accept brashness as a substitute for conservative reform. Witness the rise of Ben Carson.

While the media have been recording every utterance from Donald Trump, the soft-spoken Mr. Carson has been surging in Iowa and across the country. A recent Monmouth poll in Iowa has him in a dead heat with Mr. Trump atop the Republican field and he’s only five points back in a Des Moines Register poll.

The website FiveThirtyEight uses data from Google and finds that over a recent three-week period Mr. Trump received 60 times more media coverage than Mr. Carson. Yet voters have still moved toward the retired pediatric neurosurgeon.

That may have something to do with Mr. Carson’s calm demeanor and apparent modesty. Raised in poverty in Detroit, he has had one of the great medical careers of the past 50 years and helped build the pediatric neurosurgery center at Johns Hopkins. Yet he doesn’t boast about his brains. At last month’s Fox News debate, he deftly turned his record of separating conjoined twins at the head into a joke about dysfunction in Washington.

The Carson surge may also reflect that voters want to know what they’re getting philosophically. Mr. Trump has been all over the map and has lately been eliding 1930s-style trade policy with 1920s-style immigration policy—a pitch for more Washington control over the flow of people, goods and services.

Mr. Carson isn’t trying to persuade conservatives to abandon their natural distaste for overactive government. “Government will bankrupt itself if it considers itself a savior,” he said on a visit to the Journal last winter. His opposition to ObamaCare and support for health-savings accounts flow naturally from his medical experience, his opposition to abortion is longstanding, and he wants to reform the tax code by cutting taxes, not raising them.

He often likens a flat tax to the biblical tradition of tithing. “We don’t necessarily have to do 10% but it’s the principle,” Mr. Carson says. “You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10 you put in one. Of course you’ve got to get rid of the loopholes. Some people say, ‘Well that’s not fair because it doesn’t hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made 10.’ Where does it say you have to hurt the guy?” While Mr. Carson will have to work out the reform details, this instinct is right on the policy merits and useful as a way to rebut liberal class warfare.

Like anyone who wants to make the Presidency his first political job, Mr. Carson will have to overcome doubts about his experience and avoid gaffes as when he compared homosexuality to bestiality. He’ll have to show he has paid attention to foreign policy and defense. And he’ll have to demonstrate in Iowa, New Hampshire and beyond that he can raise enough money and motivate enough volunteers to be able to defeat Hillary Clinton.

When Americans have elected non-politicians as President, they have been generals like Eisenhower. The odds are still long, but Mr. Carson’s rise means that he is going to get an extensive and welcome audition.


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Dr. Ben Carson in the first debate
« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2015, 05:50:55 PM »


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #71 on: September 14, 2015, 08:33:52 AM »
Okay, now it is time to look at Ben Carson.  My issues with him:

1.   Compassionate Action instead of Affirmative Action – Where have I heard this before? 43 in 1998, I am a compassionate conservative. Turns out he was a Rockefeller Republican, supporting the same type of actions as daddy. If we apply the same standard to Carson, then everyone becomes a product of affirmative action, as long as they are “in need”. In other words, let’s expand the government social contract.

2.   Immigration – He claims to be in favor of immigration control. Control immigration, and maybe build a fence. But with the people already here, he says to have all submit applications and get “work permits”. Essentially VISA’s or the Bracero Program. If people cannot meet the standards, they go back to whence they came.

What does this really mean? Everyone who is here gets “amnesty”. Anchor babies remain a policy of acceptance. If those who cannot qualify for “status”, who the hell is going to find them? And for those who get acceptance and were already getting government aid, it will continue. And for those who were not getting aid….well they will get it now.

3.   Gun control – He claims to be in full favor of the 2nd Amendment. No registration, and no restrictions. Yet, he favors keeping guns from criminals and the mentally ill. How is he going to accomplish that without some form of 2nd Amendment restrictions? Also, he says that semi-automatic weapons should be allowed in the countryside, but not cities. So what is it? What happened to no tampering with the 2nd Amendment?

4.   Health Care – He is against Obamacare, but other positions on health care suggest that he believes the government should be more involved. Government catastrophic coverage would be fine.  Insurance companies made non-profit with government mandated “profit-margins”. So we still have heavy government involvement.

5.   Tithing appears to be a major item with him. He talks about God requiring tithing as a response to “greed”. Does this mean he would require “tithing”? or as a tax thing?

6.   Too much God talk. “God granted me a miracle passing freshman chemistry.”  Claims to be cramming for a test the following day. Fell asleep and went into a dream. Nebulous figure writing out chemistry problems in a classroom on the blackboard. Each of the problems he dreamed about was on the test.

7.   Raised Democrat. Turned Independent. Remains so today.  So what does he really stand on things?

On so many issues, Carson is either contradictory or vague. Looking into the statements that he makes, one can see a progressive/moderate republican in waiting. More in the Bush/Rubio vein.

Why doesn’t the media or the GOPe attack Carson on his views, but they do so with Trump? If I were Rove, I would let Carson do the heavy lifting trying to knock Trump out, and as soon as Trump is taken care of, then I would attack Carson on so many fronts to eliminate him, and then let the Bush/Rubio faction come back into play.

For me, Immigration, Compassionate Action and Gun Control are deal killers.



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #72 on: September 14, 2015, 10:02:35 AM »
Fair enough.

I heard him saying #1 and #2 in the last few days and I must say it concerned me.

As for #3 I would like to give him a chance to clarify his remark of a few years ago.  Certainly he spoke quite well at the NRA recently.

#4:  What you describe here is not my sense of his position, which I understand to have HSA's at its foundation.

#5:  I understand his comments on tithing to be a statement that most action should be private, not public.

#6: Agreed he needs to be careful with the God talk.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #73 on: September 14, 2015, 01:19:06 PM »
My own concern with Carson is only that he doesn't this kind of managerial experience, as many of them don't.  If we are going to take a chance on someone, and we are, I would be happy to see it be Carson.

1. It is very unfair (IMO) to connect Ben Carson with George W Bush politically just because they both used the same word, compassion.  Bush added programs and increased spending.  ..."let’s expand the government social contract'...  Carson has made it clear he wants to do exactly the opposite.

2. True, he came out softer than what Trump said about what to do with people that are already here.  Does anyone really believe Trump is going to win and send them all back ?

3.  I also favor keeping guns away from criminals and the mentally ill.

4.  Carson will probably be the best of all of them on healthcare and will likely be offered to be HHS Secretary if any of the rest of them win.  I wish the answer was no government involvement with healthcare but that is not the state of the politics today.  See pp's rule - forget about purity.

5.  He compared taxation to tithing.  What he was saying is that a flat tax works there just fine and 10% is plenty.  That won't be the end product but is a good starting point.

6.  God talk.  He gives God credit while Trump thinks God owes him a thank you for all that Trump created.  With all the diversity out there, God talk is better (politically) than Jesus talk.  If it's the heart of where he's coming from and the purpose of his speeches and interviews are to get to know him, then it is (presumed) honesty that the listener can judge for him or herself.

7.   "Raised Democrat. Turned Independent. Remains so today.  So what does he really stand on things?"

    - Oh good grief.  If he hadn't stayed independent, he wouldn't have been invited to the prayer breakfast that launched all of this. Carson has caught on BECAUSE he says exactly what he believes, at whatever the consequence.  Compare with Trump (since that is who we are really talking about here).  Trump said he helped elect the Pelosi-Reid Congress in 2006 (how did that help immigration and the 2nd amendment?) to "ease the gridlock" when the facts were exactly the opposite; electing the Pelosi-Reid Congress brought us divided government - before it brought us one party leftist rule, Obamacare and Justices Kagan and Sotomayor.  Trump said by ugly face on the television screen he meant "persona".  And a woman acting like she's having her period is "bleeding out of her wherever" - well he meant "her ears".  Really?  "I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words."  So marked.  As said with the Clintons, they lie with such ease.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #74 on: September 14, 2015, 02:14:01 PM »

I guess that Trump can rule out you voting for him............

If Trump falls out, watch the GOP attacks on Carson begin.........


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #75 on: September 14, 2015, 02:37:12 PM »
"Doug,  I guess that Trump can rule out you voting for him............"

  - He's got some explaining to do.  As already posted, the Kelo thing is huge to me and supporting Pelosi-Reid means you're not on my team.  The differences between the Republicans are subtle compared to that.  Blowing me off is his choice, not mine.

"If Trump falls out, watch the GOP attacks on Carson begin........."

  - That's right.  Don't be the frontrunner too early.  Ask Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann about that.  I wish Herman Cain had been President the last 4 years.

Carson may not stumble under pressure.  He's probably studying for the exam the hardest of all of them.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #76 on: September 20, 2015, 07:49:35 AM »
I wonder how hard the media will hit this comment by Carson. As far as I am concerned, this rules him out completely. There should be no litmus test on religion for running for any office, even if it is Islam.

CHUCK TODD: Let me wrap this up by finally dealing with what’s been going on, Donald Trump, and a deal with a questioner that claimed that the president was Muslim. Let me ask you the question this way. Should a President’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?

BEN CARSON: Well, I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the constitution, no problem.

TODD: So do you believe that Islam is consistent with the constitution?

CARSON: No, I don’t, I do not.

TODD: So you–

CARSON: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #77 on: September 20, 2015, 10:38:43 AM »
I wonder how hard the media will hit this comment by Carson. As far as I am concerned, this rules him out completely. There should be no litmus test on religion for running for any office, even if it is Islam.
... CARSON: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that

Agree.  I'm not sure who he offends but his honesty keeps getting him to answer irrelevant questions.

Reminds me of this one:

If he is not the nominee or the VP choice, I hope he can still continue to make an impact on public thought on racial and economic issues.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #78 on: September 20, 2015, 07:30:03 PM »
I agree with Dr. Ben.  As I have been saying here for years Islam advocates theocracy and as such is hostile to the American Creed.  I could say more, but that suffices for the moment.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2015, 07:41:55 PM »

How do you square Carson's statement with Article 6 of the Constitution that states religion is not a prerequisite to be elected?

Personally, I agree about not having a Muslim for president, but that is for the people to decide and it should not form a basis for denying a person the ability to run for president.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2015, 11:59:44 PM »
He simply said "I do not advocate". 

I don't either, , , and neither do you  :lol:


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #81 on: September 21, 2015, 06:08:44 AM »
Good for Carson!


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson, minimum wage
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2015, 06:18:47 AM »
Carson was half right on Min Wage in the debate.  We need two rates, one for starting and one for sustaining.

No we don't.  Even with two, there isn't one rate for each that is right for all regions and industries.

May I suggest he hire Thomas Sowell, author of Basic Economic, before the next debate.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2015, 11:51:36 AM »
He simply said "I do not advocate". 

I don't either, , , and neither do you  :lol:

Rather than Muslim as a (peaceful) person, name or group, think of Sharia Law.  One has to renounce either the US Constitution or Sharia Law, do they not?

I recall a lame joke McCain told.  He hoped the next President would be Christian.  One of my Jewish friends (Harvard MBA educated) was offended.  He didn't get that McCain was just saying he hoped to be the next President.  His first choice for VP (next President) at the time was considered to be Joe Lieberman, coincidentally Jewish.

As CD pointed out, Carson said specifically he isn't advocating for a Muslim - he is advocating for a Christian.

Not much of a big deal here, until the ADHD, OCD media gets totally fixated on it.

Also an example of how these perverse questioners can quickly change the playing field.  About 0.00% of the debate was spent on how each candidate would like to lead the nation.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »
I saw the relevant portion of the interview and I would summarize it thusly:

Carson speaks about his Christianity.  The question came if that would be a litmus test for his administration.  Fair enough.  In his answer Dr. Ben said as long as religious beliefs were consistent with our C., then all was well.

IMHO the formulation of his answer pretty much invites the question that followed about Islam.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2015, 05:54:25 PM »
I saw the relevant portion of the interview and I would summarize it thusly:

Carson speaks about his Christianity.  The question came if that would be a litmus test for his administration.  Fair enough.  In his answer Dr. Ben said as long as religious beliefs were consistent with our C., then all was well.

IMHO the formulation of his answer pretty much invites the question that followed about Islam.

Right.  From the small portion I heard that's what it sounded like.  Reagan and even Clinton won by keeping a laser-like focus on their issues, not by philosophizing on whatever obscure thought goes through their mind on the campaign trail.  Now here we go with another turn off into the irrelevant.

There isn't a Muslim running for President.  Keith Ellison (who supports gay rights and debt) is a phony, so there isn't even a Muslim in Congress.  There isn't a Muslim President issue in the campaign.  But there are media and opponents everywhere you go that would love to see the subject changed and the candidates sidetracked.  DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

With Trump, Fiorina and Carson faltering, where are we to turn?   


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2015, 05:56:41 PM »
I saw the relevant portion of the interview and I would summarize it thusly:

Carson speaks about his Christianity.  The question came if that would be a litmus test for his administration.  Fair enough.  In his answer Dr. Ben said as long as religious beliefs were consistent with our C., then all was well.

IMHO the formulation of his answer pretty much invites the question that followed about Islam.

Right.  From the small portion I heard that's what it sounded like.  Reagan and even Clinton won by keeping a laser-like focus on their issues, not by philosophizing on whatever obscure thought goes through their mind on the campaign trail.  Now here we go with another turn off into the irrelevant.

There isn't a Muslim running for President.  Keith Ellison (who supports gay rights and debt) is a phony, so there isn't even a Muslim in Congress.  There isn't a Muslim President issue in the campaign.  But there are media and opponents everywhere you go that would love to see the subject changed and the candidates sidetracked.  In tennis, and maybe all sports we call these unforced errors, and they can negate all of your good qualities.  DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.

With Trump, Fiorina and Carson faltering, where are we to turn?   


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #87 on: September 21, 2015, 06:42:15 PM »
Who the hell says Fiorina is faltering?  Dr. Ben is still at 14.  And Rubio has moved up sharply as well.

Anyway, here's this on CAIR's response:

Hamas-linked CAIR wants a Muslim President, and wants Carson to drop out for not wanting one.
September 21, 2015
Robert Spencer
If Ibrahim Hooper of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has any say in the matter, whoever the next President is, it won’t be Ben Carson. “He is not qualified to be president of the United States,” fumed Hooper, no doubt an unimpeachable authority on who is and is not qualified to be President, on Sunday. “You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds.” What views? Carson said: “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.” He said that this was because Islam contradicted important Constitutional principles.
CAIR, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, sent out an email Sunday saying it would hold a news conference demanding that Carson withdraw from the presidential race for daring to say these things. “Mr. Carson clearly does not understand or care about the Constitution, which states that ‘no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office,'” said CAIR top dog Nihad Awad. “We call on our nation’s political leaders – across the political spectrum – to repudiate these unconstitutional and un-American statements and for Mr. Carson to withdraw from the presidential race.”

But the problems with a Muslim being President aren’t religious, they’re political. Islamic law infringes upon the freedom of speech, forbidding criticism of Islam. Islamic law denies equality of rights to women. Islamic law denies equality of rights to non-Muslims. If a Muslim renounced all this, he or she could be an effective Constitutional ruler, but in today’s politically correct climate, no one is even likely to ask for such a renunciation. Instead, no one even acknowledges that these really are elements of Islamic law.

No one, that is, except the Muslim clerics who agree with Carson. Syrian Islamic scholar Abd Al-Karim Bakkar saidin March 2009: “Democracy runs counter to Islam on several issues….In democracy, legislation is the prerogative of the people. It is the people who draw up the constitution, and they have the authority to amend it as well. On this issue we differ” -- because in Islamic thought, only Allah legislates.

Abd Al-Karim Bakkar was reflecting a common view. Pakistan Muslim leader Sufi Muhammad said in May 2009: “I would not offer prayer behind anyone who would seek to justify democracy.” Mesbah Yazdi, leader of the Shia Taliban in Iran, said in September 2010 that “democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place” -- in Islam, that is. Australian Muslim cleric Ibrahim Saddiq Conlan said in June 2011: “Democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil.”

In January 2013, the Saudi Islamic scholar Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nassir Al Barrak declared: “Electing a president or another form of leadership or council members is prohibited in Islam as it has been introduced by the enemies of Moslems.” The idea of popular elections, he said, “has been brought by the anti-Islam parties who have occupied Moslem land.”

Some Muslims in the West hold these views as well. In April 2015, Muslims in Wales plastered Cardiff with posters reading: “Democracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires. This leads to a decayed and degraded society where crime and immorality becomes widespread and injustice becomes the norm. Islam is the only real, working solution for the UK. It is a comprehensive system of governance where the laws of Allah are implemented and justice is observed.”

And two Muslim groups in Denmark last June called on Muslims to boycott the elections that were held that month. One explained: “We are committed to being active participants in our society, but it has to be on Islam’s terms, without compromising our own principles and values. Democracy is fundamentally incompatible with Islam, and it is a sinking ship.” The Grimshøj mosque in Aarhus agreed, issuing a statement saying that “people should stay clear of the voting booths. We have concluded that only Allah can pass laws, as he says himself in the Koran that this is so.”

Tunisian author Salem Ben Ammar wrote last month: “‘To hell with democracy! Long live Islam!’ One hundred percent of Muslims agree with that. To say anything else is apostasy from Islam. These two competing political systems are antithetical to each other. You can’t be democratic and be a Muslim or a Muslim and be a democrat. A Jew can’t be a Nazi and a Nazi can’t be a Judeophile.”

Question for Hamas-linked CAIR’s Hooper and Awad: are all these Muslims “Islamophobes” for saying that Islam and democracy are incompatible, or is that honor reserved only for Carson (and other infidels)? And are either or both of you cognizant of the irony of pretending to uphold Constitutional values while demanding that a man drop out of the Presidential race for the crime of exercising his freedom of speech? Are either or both of you aware that you have thereby just become poster children for how correct Ben Carson really was?

Carson was right. But now the media sharks, ever eager to do the bidding of Hamas-linked CAIR and other Islamic supremacists, will be circling – and hungry. If he is forced to drop out for saying things CAIR doesn’t like, it will be just one more nail in the coffin of the free society that CAIR disingenuously professes to love and support, but which it is actually doing all it can to subvert.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #88 on: September 21, 2015, 08:44:59 PM »
"Who the hell says Fiorina is faltering?"

I assumed the voters all saw pp's post.  It was a little premature to write that so I take it back - for now.


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Dr. Ben Carson on Muslim President
« Reply #89 on: September 22, 2015, 08:40:55 AM »
Caught a bit of Dr. Ben answering press questions today about his Muslim/Islam comments:

No flinching.  Stood by his comments , , , and improved them-- improvements with which I concur.   Respect for his courage in not ducking this issue.

Also, I would like to improve my initial comments.  As I have heard more than one commentator point out there are people such as the King of Jordan or Al-Sisi in Egypt who have an approach to Islam which is worthy of respect.  The real point is to choose American Creed values when Islam conflicts with them e.g. killing gays and apostates, different legal standards for men and women, advocacy of theocracy, etc.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 10:44:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Dr. Ben on Hannity re his Muslim President comments
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2015, 02:09:22 PM »

PS:  I made a small donation to Dr. Ben today.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 02:12:43 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2015, 02:50:45 PM »
While they chase the Muslim shiny object, they missed Dr. Ben's mis-step on minimum wage.

Federal minimum wage is:
a. popular,
b. counter-productive, and
c. unconstitutional by any reasonable reading.  Powers not granted to congress are left to the states and to the people.  No?

If Dr. Ben is so principled, why is he pandering on this?  Or does he not see that federal minimum wage laws don't lift wages, they change who decides them and prohibits employment below that value.

We want compensation decisions made by government, and at the federal level?  Really??

This issue of freedom isn't brain surgery.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2015, 03:23:52 PM »
Q: Are you making the perfect the enemy of the good here?


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2015, 06:55:52 PM »
Q: Are you making the perfect the enemy of the good here?

Yes. I still like Ben Carson, smart guy obviously.  All I ask is that he preface his proposal with:
'Minimum wagie is bad law, hurts the people it intends to help, but IF you're going to do it here's how I propose we do it.'

To be a conservative Presidential candidate and not know federal minimum wage law is bad law, to me is a scary level of economic ignorance.  To know and not say so tells something else counter to be what we believe about his candidacy,  IMHO.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:01:53 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2015, 07:15:26 PM »
Could it be as simple as he does not yet have all his patter worked out?

Look at how he had to refine his expression on the Muslim president kerfuffle for example.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #96 on: September 25, 2015, 12:36:23 PM »
Will someone please tell Carson to STFU about his religious views? Statements decrying evolution and the Big Bang does nothing for his candidacy outside of the evangelicals except to hurt him.  If I were the media and wanted to destroy his campaign, I would hit him with the following questions:

1. You deny the Big Bang and other science regarding the creation of the universe. If you go by the Bible, the earth is about 6500 years old. How can you reconcile the Bible teachings with the science?

2. Please reconcile on the same basis, evolution versus creation theory and Adam and Eve.

3. Please explain why there are two different versions of creation in Genesis.

4. Please explain how Adam and Eve were created in about 4500 bc, yet there exists historical evidence of Chinese culture in 11000 bc, Egypt in 6500 bc, etc.

5. Please explain why the 4 Gospels have different versions of the resurrection and who was the first to see the arisen Christ.

6. Please explain why at the Council of Nicea only the 4 Gospels were used for the Bible and all other Gospels were not.

7. Please explain the Dead Sea Scrolls.

8. As a man of medicine, you are also a man of science since science is the basis for current medicine. Please explain how you can deny science in these other instances.

Carson's inability to be discreet will ruin his campaign.

Note: If I offend anyone with these questions, I do sincerely apologize. I do not mean to offend, but if Carson keeps it up, he opens himself to these types of questions. And as I wrote above, he should STFU and not volunteer information that would hurt his campaign.



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson
« Reply #98 on: September 27, 2015, 12:23:28 PM »
Okay, now I am beginning to really fear Ben Carson. His comments today saying that:

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson told ABC’s This Week that he “would certainly be willing to listen to somebody” argue that the religion of Middle Eastern refugees should be considered probable cause for searches or wiretaps.

“I personally don’t feel that way, but I would certainly be willing to listen to somebody who had evidence to the contrary,” Carson said on the program Sunday morning. “I think that’s one of the problems, we get to our little corners and we don’t want to listen to anybody anymore.

How much does Carson know about the Constitution and the provision for unreasonable search and seizures? Would he go for greater NSA spying?

What say yee?