Author Topic: 2020 Presidential election  (Read 180764 times)


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #650 on: April 13, 2020, 08:39:20 AM »
I am not clear what we could have done earlier

we did not understand symptoms to look out for

we did not have trillions of tests ready
and a billion masks and million more ventilators

we have hundreds of thousands of people per day coming and going to the USA
from everywhere one can think of

We had 5 mill. leave Wuhan with supposedly no cases outside the city
though many cases popping up in Europe and here etc.

So the new dynamic is that everytime a new illness pops up - we should close the borders ,  do the social distancing and be on the lookout to screen 330 million people with ready tests over a week.

Exactly right.  And people wouldn't have accepted the travel bans, distancing and lockdowns before they understood the threat.

China is STILL blocking our knowledge of the origins of this:

We could have been more prepared though.  The next pandemic was a certainty.  Only the timing was unknown.  Instead of $1200 per person in August, they could have sent us one mask each in January.  Touchless sanitizers available where you enter and exit everywhere, and ample refill stock wouldn't be a bad idea either - before the pandemic hit.

We pay $5 trillion a year for federal government, is it $10 trillion for combined government? and mostly we get jack sh*t for it.  We get mostly 'transfer payments' and very few of the public goods we were promised when consenting to all this taxation.

Our pre-virus worries about debt are puny compared to what we face now.


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moving from cognitive dissonance of left to here
« Reply #651 on: April 13, 2020, 06:37:16 PM »

take charge cuomo don't need to wait for trump
he is a man who can work with allies to achieve a plan
made up by the NE elites.

since there is going to be huge push for perry cuomo to be Dem nominee
from the NE
maybe we should start his own thread.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Biden over Trump, NYT backtracking?
« Reply #652 on: April 14, 2020, 07:46:57 AM »
Doug, 4 days ago, Reply #640:
b. Polling all adults or registered voters, not likely voters.
c. Heavy sampling Calif / IL / NY. when only 5-10 states will matter.

NYT today:
Why Biden’s Polling Lead vs. Trump Isn’t as Solid as It Looks
Consider two important measurement differences: battleground states versus other states, and registered voters versus likely voters.

Nice of them to read, agree and reprint my post, but would it hurt that much to list the forum as their source?


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #653 on: April 14, 2020, 11:03:32 AM »
 :-D :-D :evil:


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2020 Presidential election, Trump team targets voters of color
« Reply #654 on: April 19, 2020, 07:41:56 AM »
The black vote is something between 16 -20 million.  If Trump's approval has jumped from 10 - 20%, that is an increase approaching 2 million minds changed or a potential swing = 4 million, Dem votes lost plus R votes gained, which is roughly the margin of a close election. If successful, this effort is bigger than that.  - Doug


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Walter Russell Mead: President Trump's best re-election bet
« Reply #655 on: April 23, 2020, 04:11:28 PM »
Trump’s Best Re-Election Bet: Run Against China
The public increasingly sees a threat, and he can argue the establishment was wrong for decades.

By Walter Russell Mead
April 22, 2020 12:32 pm ET

November may still be a long way away, and the coronavirus has thoroughly scrambled American politics. But it’s increasingly clear that President Trump’s likeliest path to re-election runs through Beijing. With the economy in shambles and the pandemic ravaging the country, making the election a referendum on China is perhaps Mr. Trump’s only chance to extend his White House tenure past January 2021.

Why Beijing? In the first place, because Americans increasingly disapprove of its behavior. In 2019, before the coronavirus stormed out of Wuhan to shake the world, 57% of Americans already had an unfavorable opinion of Beijing. The most recent Gallup poll, in February 2020, put that at figure at 67%.

But Americans go beyond distrust of the Chinese government. In a recent Pew poll, 68% of Republicans and 62% of Democrats considered China’s power and influence a major threat to the U.S.

Second, the issue plays to Mr. Trump’s strengths. The core of the president’s appeal has always been his ability to portray himself as an antiestablishment outsider come to drain the swamp and put the country back on the right track. This is harder to do as an incumbent running for re-election, but the foreign-policy and business establishment’s long romance with China gives Mr. Trump something to run against.

For decades, he can say, corporations outsourced American jobs to China, while the political establishment permitted Beijing to cheat in its economic competition with the U.S. China kept its markets closed, funneled state aid to Chinese companies, even stole intellectual property—while the establishment said Beijing was democratizing and learning to play by the rules.

The result? Millions of American jobs have been lost; China has become more hostile and more communist; and, to add insult to injury, the U.S. must now scramble to produce medical supplies and personal protective equipment it previously sourced from China to fight a virus that Beijing’s deception unleashed on the world.

The U.S. failure to recognize and respond to the danger posed by rising Chinese power was, Mr. Trump can plausibly say, one of the greatest strategic blunders in world history. The president’s supporters can concede he sometimes get the details wrong, while arguing that on China he—and not the establishment—got the big picture right.

Mr. Trump’s penchant for out-of-the-box thinking and unconventional policy moves could mesh well with an election on China policy. Mr. Trump will be able to control the campaign narrative through dramatic actions like setting draconian tariffs, imposing sanctions on high-profile Chinese figures involved in questionable activities, proposing measures to force U.S. companies to return production from China, and providing additional support to Taiwan.

Finally, a China campaign would create real problems for the Democrats. Some of this would be personal for Joe Biden—the Trump campaign is already doing everything it can to highlight Hunter Biden’s business ties to China. But plenty of other senior Democrats have made money there, supported trade policies that gave away too much without holding Beijing accountable, or praised China’s government in ways that would make painful viewing in a campaign ad today.

Even if they take a harsher tone on China, Democrats will have a difficult time differentiating themselves from Mr. Trump. Caught between wanting to criticize the president for what many will believe is a dangerously hawkish and simplistic approach to China on the one hand and wanting to appear tough on national security on the other, they’ll likely come off sounding soft or naive.

A China campaign may also drive some wedges into the Democratic coalition. Many Bernie Sanders voters share Mr. Trump’s critique of establishment policy toward Beijing. Blue-collar voters of all races would welcome proposals to “reshore” American factories now in China. Yet many establishment Democrats close to Joe Biden will fear the economic and political costs of confronting the Chinese Communist Party too harshly.

None of this means that Mr. Trump’s re-election is a slam dunk or that a China gambit will necessarily work. In a year when voters will be reeling from the epidemic and a massive recession, the Trump campaign’s efforts to put China front and center may fall flat. It’s also possible that Democratic counterattacks will stick. Voters may buy the argument that the U.S. should be strengthening its alliances in the face of the China threat and that the president too often undermines them. Beyond this, Mr. Trump may be torn between the urge to attack China and the desire to protect the trade deal he signed in January, undercutting the clarity of his own message.

Beijing has some leverage over the president. By delaying purchases of American farm commodities, China could hurt the economies of important swing states in the Midwest. As a major supplier of medical equipment and drugs the U.S. needs for the fight against the coronavirus, China could demonstrate its displeasure in damaging ways.

But a president who can’t run on the economy, and whose response to the coronavirus has, thus far at least, been less than Churchillian in the eyes of many voters, has to run on something. For Mr. Trump, campaigning against China may be his best shot at another four years in power.


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A relatively small number will decide the 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #657 on: May 04, 2020, 08:26:53 AM »
John Ellis, retired columnist (Bush Republican)
I disagree with some of this and I find it rear view mirror oriented, but mostly good analysis.
[Out of 330 million people], 3 million in 5-7 states will determine the Presiential election, maybe 5 million in 8-10 states will determine the direction of the country.

The persuadable:
"As a group they are 57 percent male and 72 percent white, and 35 percent have college degrees. Most, 69 percent, say they usually vote for a mix of both Democratic and Republican candidates. Among those who voted in 2016, 48 percent say they voted for Mr. Trump, 33 percent for Hillary Clinton, and 19 percent for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or no one. Those who voted in the midterm election voted for the Republican congressional candidate by one point."


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Skin in the Game?
Betting Odds   Date  Trump Biden Spread
RCP Average 5/7   50.2 41.8 Trump +8.4
Betfair    May 8th   50   43   Trump +7
Betsson   May 8th   53   42   Trump +11
Bovada   May 8th   52   42   Trump +10
Bwin        May 8th   50   42   Trump +8
SmarketsMay 8th    46   40   Trump +6
SportingBet  May 8 50    42   Trump +8


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Re: 2020 Presidential election must include House and Senate
« Reply #661 on: May 08, 2020, 05:52:10 AM »
Obama's biggest failure, from his supporters point of view, was to lose the House, the Senate, the Governorships, the state legislatures and his successorship in the White House to the opposing party, and then to have all his big unilateral actions reversed.  How do you call that anything but failure?  The only thing he succeeded in as President was to win his own reelection.  And sell books.  Good for him.

I will be impressed with Trump's governance, communication skills and reelection effort if/when he successfully nationalizes his election to include the House and Senate.  This election isn't about Trump; it is about the direction of the country.  If he makes it about Trump and wins alone, even in a landslide over a weak opponent, he loses.

Political leadership is all about changing hearts and minds.  This is the greatest opportunity in a century to do that.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 05:54:22 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #662 on: May 08, 2020, 09:50:50 AM »
Well said!


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God help conservatives
« Reply #663 on: May 12, 2020, 07:08:07 AM »

as I posted before our only hope is the Dem nominee is worse

I like T's policies and strength and willingness to stand up for us but sadly it comes with all the rest.   :-o

CNN has his number
was not this Chinese reporter (DNC operative ) the one also affiliated with the Chikoms?
China does not even have to bribe CNN to echo their propaganda - Zucker does it for free.


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Re: God help conservatives
« Reply #664 on: May 12, 2020, 12:11:20 PM »

as I posted before our only hope is the Dem nominee is worse

I like T's policies and strength and willingness to stand up for us but sadly it comes with all the rest.   :-o

CNN has his number
was not this Chinese reporter (DNC operative ) the one also affiliated with the Chikoms?
China does not even have to bribe CNN to echo their propaganda - Zucker does it for free.

I agree with Trump on this one.  The question was rude (in my view), nothing to do with the purpose of the press conference. 

Paraphrasing, 'why do you dwell on how well we do compared to other countries when 80, 000 people are dying'.  She said he was treating it as a "global competition". Implying he was letting people die because he is distracted, tooting his own horn.

The problem on testing circles back to China.  This is how he [correctly] sees it.  They hid the virus, they hid the code, they kept the PPE for themselves, they protected their own cities while sending it out everywhere else.

No indication he was saying it to her because of ethnicity.  He has same to others.  She had her face mostly covered.  She didn't follow up at first, then slid the mask down when accusing him it was personal, meaning racial.

He has made it clear a hundred or a thousand times, his problem is with the regime, not the people of China and I would think he had every reason to believe she was American, not Chinese.

If they hadn't already played the race card 25,161,82,676,179 times (going up with the debt clock) then maybe they would have landed a punch here.

Seriously, do we have to answer questions differently depending on the ethnicity of the ancestors of the questioner?

The POTUS shouldn't say a lot of things he says, but he also shouldn't stand there and take that.  [What similar question did Obama ever face?]  Ending the press conference IS how you punish the press core.  Her colleagues wanted face time.  My humble opinion.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #665 on: May 12, 2020, 02:48:31 PM »
I agree with Trump on this one.  The question was rude (in my view), nothing to do with the purpose of the press conference.


but he continues to put himself in front of totally hostile reporters whose sole goal is to bring him down
and then right on cue he  loses his patience (not cool for commander in chief) and
gets into a back and forth with them (why bother) about why he is not getting more credit for his wonderful performance.

who gives a hoot.

we want to hear
 the latest for corona news . not just tests are coming "soon"

He keeps doing this - it is HIM making it worse
and. he  looks petty ( even if he is right about their torpedo type questions from a Chikom plant)

This is repetitively bad copy and I can't imagine that millions are not tired of it.
he makes it worse not better

He doesn't win.  He looks and sounds foolish wasting time arguing to give himself more credit

while the rest of the nation is going thru hard times.

I don't know why so many defend this.
Attack CNN and the rest
but lets not deny he makes things worse.


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SHOCK CNN POLL: Trump Leads Biden By 7 Points in the Battleground States, Despite Trailing By 5 Overall

How did this get past the screeners?

Biden leads in all national polls (garbage in, garbage out).
Trump leads by 9 in Betting Odds (skin in the game)

It's like they know the polls are nonsense.

Far Left take on it:
Trump’s Odds of Winning Reelection Are Higher Than You Think


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SHOCK CNN POLL: Trump Leads Biden By 7 Points in the Battleground States, Despite Trailing By 5 Overall

How did this get past the screeners?

Biden leads in all national polls (garbage in, garbage out).
Trump leads by 9 in Betting Odds (skin in the game)

It's like they know the polls are nonsense.

Far Left take on it:
Trump’s Odds of Winning Reelection Are Higher Than You Think

The missing link:

Funny part is they picked Biden ONLY because he was the only one strong against Trump in the battleground states.

Our best interest is for Biden to hold his fictional lead for a while longer.


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even more reason the Dems want to lawfare the
« Reply #668 on: May 14, 2020, 05:13:32 PM »
Electoral College

It would be nice to have a Republican win the popular vote

only in '04
 I think

since '88.

and the hoards keep marching in.


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Re: even more reason the Dems want to lawfare the
« Reply #669 on: May 14, 2020, 07:13:13 PM »
Electoral College
It would be nice to have a Republican win the popular vote
only in '04
 I think
since '88.
and the hoards keep marching in.

It would be nice if Republicans tried to change hearts and minds about how we want to be governed instead of just waiting for opponents to shoot themselves in the foot.  Then they might win more people over.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 07:15:56 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: even more reason the Dems want to lawfare the
« Reply #670 on: May 14, 2020, 09:55:26 PM »
Electoral College
It would be nice to have a Republican win the popular vote
only in '04
 I think
since '88.
and the hoards keep marching in.

It would be nice if Republicans tried to change hearts and minds about how we want to be governed instead of just waiting for opponents to shoot themselves in the foot.  Then they might win more people over.

The problem is that a large number of repubs are quite happy to engage in failure theater rather than actually trying to roll back the leftist cultural damage.


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Stacey Abrams and Joe(who?) Biden
« Reply #671 on: May 15, 2020, 04:56:31 AM »
wearing matching blue outfits last night on side by side screens on Larry O'donnell last night

not clear who set this trial balloon up .

I can only imagine if he should pick her and then when he loses it ; she becomes president

by the way is "Abrams" Jewish?


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apparently he had whitmer audition too
« Reply #672 on: May 15, 2020, 06:09:00 AM »

that is what we need
more angry democrats  super partisans
who look out for their own mobs
not america as whole

heavy on sarcasm    :roll:


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Swing-state voters favor Trump over Biden on China, protecting businesses
« Reply #678 on: May 28, 2020, 06:32:34 AM »
Swing-state voters favor Trump over Biden on China, protecting businesses

   - Protect the country or fret over mean words to fake journalists over social media.  Voters have a decision to make.


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Sorry I can't just blindly look the other way ; just not in my nature
« Reply #679 on: May 28, 2020, 06:45:43 AM »
".- Protect the country or fret over mean words to fake journalists over social media.  Voters have a decision to make"

True but it would be a hell of. lot easier if Trump were to make his case for a free America for all rather than idendity  politics socialism and endless expansion of government stealing of wealth to buy votes that just makes everything worse

then tweeting dreadful tweets all day long
turning nearly everyone off.

I am still waiting for him to show he can win over anyone other then the 40 to 45 percent of voters.

Not going to happen with dumb tweets.

I don't want to lose the House again , the Senate , and the Presidency over dumb shit.
I probably can't even dream of what the Dems will do to conservatives after 4 yrs of Trump intensifying their hatred and their resolve.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #680 on: May 28, 2020, 07:12:33 AM »
ccp,  All of what you say is true, yet Trump right now, with all his warts, is the only force out there equal to the Leftist Media Academia Machine.  I also don't know why he can't do all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff, but that doesn't seem to be among our choices.  I also think he is the only force that can nationalize the House and Senate races this year.

Trump lost the House in 2018.  Unfair and criminal and unconstitutional in that was that Mueller held the Russian Treason Collusion Cloud over that entire election and Democrats still only won by vote harvesting.  Mueller wouldn't even issue an interim report before the election even though he had known for nearly two years that all the original claims were false.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #681 on: May 28, 2020, 08:49:32 AM »
"ccp,  All of what you say is true, yet Trump right now, with all his warts, is the only force out there equal to the Leftist Media Academia Machine.  I also don't know why he can't do all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff, but that doesn't seem to be among our choices.  I also think he is the only force that can nationalize the House and Senate races this year"

He does have enormous talent but then like everyone can see throws a lot of it away etc ad nauseum

I am not sure he is really  nationalization the election about policies
OR mostly about HIM.
This cannot be about HIM
It has to be about what kind of country we want - or if we even want a country at all.

Yet he keeps making this about himself. - a referundum on HIM
saying this is a warty distraction on an otherwise beautiful face - I just don't know.

His daily tweets etc
giving the 90% of the US leftist media
the opportunity to echo and amplify his blunders and minimize or "debunk" his accomplishments is giving me a TDS
that I can't take his tweeter away .

I almost wish dorsey (the little shit he is) would end his twitter account
likely it would help Trump to do that.  Now that I think of it maybe that is why he won't do it.


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Unintentionally, Obama endorses Trump over Biden
« Reply #682 on: May 28, 2020, 10:12:34 AM »
 “the old ways of doing things just don’t work”, Obama observed.

Biden is running on nothing but a return to “the old ways of doing things just don’t work”.

Twelve years ago, crusading under the banner of change, Obama dethroned an authentic American hero, John McCain, by playing the age card intentionally and frequently. Obama, playing off his youth to display his fitness to lead us into the future, declared McCain “was losing his bearings,” that we needed “a new politics for a new time.” Obama’s TV commercials piled on, proclaiming “we can’t afford a president who’s out of touch” and, more personally, “things have changed in the last 26 years, but McCain hasn’t.”

   - 12 years ago he beat John McCain but he also beat HRC and Joe Biden with that same message.   Same for Bill Clinton.  George H.W. Bush was the 8 year Vice President, served in Congress, was Ambassador to the United Nations, Director of the CIA.  The winning message for Democrats was that resume doesn't matter.  Vote for youthful energy and change.  Believe it or not, the incumbent represents youthful energy and change in this election.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.”


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VP candidates
« Reply #683 on: May 29, 2020, 09:20:25 AM »


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the epitome of a beltway snob
« Reply #684 on: June 04, 2020, 06:26:33 PM »
George Will

that said he is likely right Trump will lose in 2020 unless biden unravels (very possible). And no doubt when  he does he will have little gravitas .  Can anyone imagine a State funeral for Trump or anyone going to him for political advise or backing ?  I can't imagine one for Clinton either for that matter.

Will  is wrong the Republican party will not survive with any semblance of clout.  The US will further decline .
but will is wealthy old and lives in his own little world in the beltway
« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 06:30:14 PM by ccp »


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WSJ: The Revenge of Jim Mattis
« Reply #685 on: June 04, 2020, 06:29:11 PM »
The Revenge of Jim Mattis
Trump’s ill treatment of former advisers is coming back to haunt.
By The WSJ Editorial Board

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s denunciation of President Trump on Wednesday isn’t surprising, but it still looks like an important political moment. Mr. Trump’s polarizing and hyper-personal governance is catching up with him, as we and so many others warned.

Mr. Mattis, the former four-star Marine General, is a man of accomplishment and dedication to country. He made the decision to join Mr. Trump’s Administration despite the misgivings he must have had about the President’s foreign-policy views. He served loyally until he resigned on Dec. 20, 2018 after Mr. Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw troops from the Syrian border with Turkey after a telephone call with Turkey’s President.

But as he so often has, Mr. Trump couldn’t resist kicking Mr. Mattis as he was going out the door. His initial tweets were supportive, but within two days he was criticizing Mr. Mattis for not helping enough to dun allies for more cash for U.S. foreign deployments. “General Mattis did not see this as a problem. I DO, and it is being fixed!” he tweeted.

He told a cabinet meeting that “I wish him well. I hope he does well. But, as you know, President Obama fired him and essentially so did I.” Mr. Mattis said in his resignation letter he’d stay until Feb. 28, but Mr. Trump ordered him out on Jan. 1.

In his statement to the Atlantic, Mr. Mattis denounced in particular Mr. Trump’s threat this week to order the military to restore order amid riots in U.S. cities. He said this threatens the Constitution, which is overwrought given that George H.W. Bush and other Presidents have done this. Mr. Mattis also undersold the significant harm that riots have done in many cities (see nearby).

But the general’s real motivation here is to tell the public that Mr. Trump lacks the character to be President and should be defeated in November. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us,” Mr. Mattis said. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.”

This will resonate with many voters because it comes from someone who is no left-winger and has worked closely with the President. The question is whether this will begin a cascade of similar declarations from other former advisers. John Bolton, a former national security adviser, has written a memoir that will not be admiring.

John Kelly, Mr. Trump’s second chief of staff, defended Mr. Mattis from the President’s claim this week that he had fired the defense secretary. “The President has clearly forgotten how it actually happened,” said Mr. Kelly, another former general whom Mr. Trump disparaged after he left the White House. Other generals joined the criticism Thursday, and not all of them are Democratic partisans like John Allen, who invoked some apocalyptic nonsense about the end of democracy.

Every President has breakups with advisers, but Mr. Trump has gone through them like an assembly line. His demand for personal loyalty and his thin skin clash with people who care about larger causes and have strong views. Mr. Trump’s habit of blaming others for policy decisions or events that go wrong also builds resentment. This was bound to boomerang as he ran for re-election, and so it is.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #686 on: June 04, 2020, 06:35:32 PM »
"The Revenge of Jim Mattis
Trump’s ill treatment of former advisers is coming back to haunt."

Trump can't just politely disagree
he has to crush them , humiliate them,
berate them, build himself as bigger then they


not many will show up to his funeral some day

the tiny right wing media defense of Trump is like a piss in the wind against the LEFT onslaught


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2020 elections: The black jobs trap
« Reply #688 on: June 08, 2020, 05:50:34 AM »
Income inequality is a fact in any free economy.  (Mis-measuring) income inequality became an issue when Republican-led economic policies were leading to otherwise all positive results.  51 consecutive months of job creation?  Yeah, but what about income inequality?

Last week's job report blew the ceiling out, most certainly helping Trump.  So what do they report?  Anything that didn't grow yet, in this case black jobs.

Here is Vox:
"The unemployment rate improved in May, but left black workers behind"

Keyword:  May.  The economy was "shut down" in May.

Wierdly, Democrats support the shutdown disproportionately more than Republicans.  Democrats support job losses and blame Trump.  Who can see through that kind of disingenuity?

Let's go through this.  Trump grew the economy at twice the rate of Obama-Biden.  Biden is generously half as competent as Obama making a fourfold gap. 

Black unemployment fell to an all time historic low in Trump's dynamically growing economy.  Black unemployment actually rose in the first three years of the Obama recovery-stagnation.

Under which choice for President this year will black jobs versus black unemployment fare better?

There is only one right answer. 

Vote for those who hold you back or vote for those who set you free.


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Calls to De-Fund the Police are Music to Trump's Ears, CNN
« Reply #689 on: June 09, 2020, 07:46:47 AM »
Because Biden is weak, not a leader, he must own the messages of the Left.  And the Left is unleashed.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #690 on: June 11, 2020, 06:17:40 PM »
Hi all, Just checking in.

If you remember back in Jun 2106, when Trump took the escalator down to the lobby of Trump Tower, I was out there as one of the first to say that the election was over and Trump would be President. I was proven correct to the shock of many at that time.

Just want to say that I am not near so certain this time. In fact, I can see him losing if things align right. Let me explain.

1. The economy is not going to recover as quickly as hoped.

2. A real likelihood of Covid 19 resurgence requiring another shutdown of the country.

3. A very strong Dem VP pick so 25th Amendment can be invoked leading to first woman/black President.

4. Trump and his damned Twitter account where he can't keep control of his emotions.

5. Alienation of suburban wine moms.

6. National Debt and Far

This is a 4th Turning Year which was triggered by Covid 19. 4th Turnings have a way of surprising people in the direction they go.

Finally, Trump's election was a reaction to the years of Obama and before that, Bush 43. Typically, reaction elections are followed by Presidents not being reelection when a reaction election occurs. Just think Jimmy Carter.

Shall be watching the polls closing and updating state's status as they come in to see where things really stand. But not hopeful right now.

Also,  you might like an article I just wrote on George Floyd for SpartaReport. I provided info NOT being covered by the media.

THAT IS ALL!  Now remember. 

LIFE IS GOOD ( even with all the uncertainty of today)



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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #691 on: June 12, 2020, 05:23:19 AM »

welcome back

"4. Trump and his damned Twitter account where he can't keep control of his emotions."


i think lib jack Dorsey has NOT blocked the account so trump can keep making an ass out of himself  and alienating swing voters women
 and making more enemies even of people he worked with (jeff sessions)
and embittering and focusing and motivating the left even more


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #692 on: June 12, 2020, 05:29:12 AM »
Great to have you with us again Pat!

Unable to open your article-- are you aware of the rumint about Floyd banging Chauvin's wife, who is reputed to have been a porn actress?

Anyway, here is this:

« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 05:31:32 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #693 on: June 12, 2020, 08:45:15 AM »
are you aware of the rumint about Floyd banging Chauvin's wife, who is reputed to have been a porn actress?

CD your source for this ?

I saw the porn thing but Chauvin's wife being the "actress "?


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #694 on: June 12, 2020, 09:14:52 AM »
Thanks PP.  Try accessing the article through and then clicking it.

That rumor, I had not heard. Sounds like an anger motive other than race. Inconvenient for the protest.

Suddenly all indicators are turning against Trump toward Biden, polls, betting odds, Gallup approval at 39%, The Economist forecast has Trump at 20% odds. I don't buy it.

Among PP points, Biden MUST pick a great vice president running mate. He won't. One source of wisdom says pick Condoleezza Rice, the smartest and readiest woman, and she's black. He won't pick her.

We are in uncharted waters, but many fundamentals remain the same. Trump's tweets, Trump's demeanor, that has gotten no better and no worse. Who can grow the economy better is one main question or the main question. The answer is  either Trump or pathological denial.

Who can handle the unrest better? That is in the eyes of the beholder, but this didn't start under Trump or happen because of Trump. He wasn't even racist until he became the Republican front-runner.

Who can stand up to the China threat best? Trump again.

 Who can handle the campaign and the debates best?  Same answer.

 Biden's strength is to hide in the basement and just soak up all of the not Trump vote. That won't get him to the finish line.

 Trump recently measured 40% approval with Black's.  Unheard of. Black voters are not in lockstep with black lives matter and BLM activists are not in line with either of them.

 Biden is running behind Hillary with Hispanics. It's the economy stupid.

 White suburban moms, we'll see...

Enthusiasm Gap? Big problem for Biden.

 I would not bet against Trump, but I worry about the House and Senate majorities. Trump needs to get his own act together, tie these races together, and win.

 if Democrats win all three, I will be selling assets and taking a defensive position described in other threads by our G M.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 09:28:12 AM by DougMacG »


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here it comes
« Reply #695 on: June 12, 2020, 10:05:00 AM »

Bolton cashing in

NYT and WP  already beginning the leaks

we are so screwed
and the Feds just throwing more and more cash down the piss hole

and then comes the free health care, college, housing and this country is history


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #696 on: June 12, 2020, 10:53:09 AM »
Don't know what happened. So here is the article.


After five days of endless tributes and funerals or memorials, George Floyd has finally been put into the ground. Now it is time to put to words some thoughts about Floyd.

America has been subjected to an “orgy” of George Floyd worship. One would believe that he was The Messiah cometh based upon everything reported. Here was a man who was more than a man, a single person who was “worthy” of total adulation and emulation. A loving father of a young child left behind.

Television and other media sources across the country took every effort to show America and the world his funeral.  Here was the loss of a man at the hands of corrupt police and he should be honored as only a very special person deserves.

The truth though is far different.

George Floyd left behind not one, but five children. Yes, five children. Bet ya never heard about that. or about how they are living out their lives, though it would be easy to guess.

George Floyd was also nothing more than a common criminal, and a tool to be used by the Left in their ever increasing goal of eventually taking over America.

Floyd was born Oct 14, 1973. He graduated from high school in 1993 and from there attended minor colleges until dropping out somewhere around 1996-1997.  At various times, he was a “rapper” in Houston and was known as Big Floyd.  He was 6’4” and weighed 223 pounds and family referred to him as a “Gentle Giant.”  (Michael Brown who was shot to death in Ferguson Missouri was also referred to as a “Gentle Giant.”  See a pattern developing?)

Floyd’s first brush with the law occurred Aug 3, 1997 in what appears to be possession of less than one gram of cocaine. (Needless to say, he probably had abused cocaine and had larger amounts on him prior to his first arrest.) This began a documented pattern of brushes with the law for the next ten years, at least.

Additional charges and arrests included”

Theft (twice)
Drugs (several times)
Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon

It is the Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon which led to 5 years of imprisonment.  The details of this crime are frightening.

In 2007, Floyd broke into a woman’s home with the intent to rob her. He wore a “blue uniform” to appear to be a government employee to gain the woman’s trust to let him into her home. The woman quickly realized that Floyd was not who he said he was and tried to close the door, but he used “brute force” to break into the home from there by holding a handgun to her stomach.

Upon entering, Floyd was quickly joined by five friends inside the house. He began to search the home while another of the intruders held the woman at gunpoint.  During this time, the woman was pistol whipped in the head and arms while trying to scream for help.

Not finding any cash, Floyd and the others took jewelry and her cell phone and fled in the truck that they had arrived in. A neighbor saw the action and immediately reported it to police. The vehicle was quickly located and pulled over with Floyd behind the wheel driving it.  All were arrested.

Floyd was convicted of the crime in 2009 and served 5 years in prison until 2014, when he was released. (It was not the first time that Floyd had committed a crime using a firearm. In 1998 he committed robbery with a firearm and served 10 months in the Harris County Jail.  George was accused of a firearm robbery in August 1998 for which he served 10 months at Harris County Jail.

Additional time spent in jail occurred for

In April 2002, Floyd was condemned to 30 days of prison for trespassing private property.
October 2002, eight months in prison for cocaine.
Oct 2004, ten months in prison for cocaine.
Dec 2005, ten months in prison for cocaine.
After Prison

Upon his release from prison in 2014, the narrative is that Floyd wanted to change his life around. To do so, he became involved in a Christian program in Texas with a history of taking men from there and moving them to Minnesota, providing them with drug rehab and job placement services.

In Minnesota, Floyd worked in various jobs and eventually the nightclub where he worked until his death.  His pattern of unlawful behavior did not appear to cease, instead he just did not get caught. At least not until Memorial Day 2020 when he passed a counterfeit bill in a grocery store. The police were called and he was arrested.


Death of Floyd

We all know the story of Floyd’s death by now. He died at the hands of Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, who pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds during the arrest. But there is more to the story than being reported.

Floyd appeared to be uncooperative and resisting getting into the patrol car. It was such that the cops had to cease putting him into the vehicle and instead laid him out on the ground and then Chauvin placed his knee on the side/back of his neck to further restrain him.  (We will not know how much of a fight Floyd put up until the body cams are released.)

Floyd was handcuffed face down in the street, while two other officers further restrained Floyd and a fourth prevented onlookers from intervening.

In the final moments of George Floyd’s life, as he lay face down and Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck, another officer asked Chauvin if they should roll Floyd onto his side. “I am worried about excited delirium or whatever,” the officer told Chauvin, according to authorities. Chauvin refused to turn over Floyd, who was pronounced dead shortly after.

For the last three of those minutes Floyd was motionless and had no pulse, but officers made no attempt to revive him. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck as arriving emergency medical technicians attempted to treat him.


Excited Delirium

The charging documents for Officer Chauvin mentions the term “Excited Delirium” and indicates that the officers were worried about this condition presenting itself. That alone is alarming and in fact, challenges the consensus view of what happened.

Excited delirium is a relatively uncommon health condition characterized by severe agitation, aggression, distress, and is often fatal.  In many cases of excited delirium, individuals will have displayed noticeable increases in body temperature (fever), utilized drugs that altered dopaminergic functioning, and exhibit overtly bizarre behavior.  Although the condition is rare, those with excited delirium are often misdiagnosed, and end up dying before they receive proper medical treatment. Often death is the result of a heart attack.


Stages of Excited Delirium

Those that experience excited delirium typically go through various stages including: severe agitation, potential violence, police restraint, struggle, respiratory failure, and usually death.  While death does not always occur, most cases of excited delirium are associated with mortality.

Stage #1: Delirium & Psychomotor Agitation

The first stage of excited delirium is that of a person appearing to be delirious, disoriented, yet hyperactive.  They may be pacing back and forth, yelling, or engaging in violent and combative behavior

Stage #2: Disturbing the Peace

The second stage of excited delirium may exist simultaneously with stage one.  The individual may shout obscenities, display bizarre behavior, and may appear violent.  Though often the police will not be involved until the person is already in this stage, the sight of police could invoke this behavior especially if police are attempting to take the person into custody.

Stage #3: Restraint & Struggle

At this stage, police will usually attempt to restrain the person with excited delirium. Cooperation may be non-existent with the person appearing to be resistant to pain and with high levels of endurance and strength. Eventually the police will restrain the individual, but hopefully not as to constrict the diaphragm as this can lead to death.

Stage #4: Diagnosis & Treatment

After restraint, the police must properly diagnose the individual with and contact medical responders.  With proper diagnosis, a police should attempt to help the patient stay calm, relax, and should use the minimal amount of restraint.

When medical responders arrive, they will need to have a correct diagnosis as well so that proper treatment can be administered.

Stage #5: Recovery vs. Death

In most cases of excited delirium, the patient ends up dying.  This is due to difficulty of diagnosis as well as the fact that death may be inevitable for some individuals with preexisting medical conditions or drug-induced physiological changes.  With proper treatment by both police and medical responders, there is a chance the individual may experience a full recovery.

On the other hand, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest are also common outcomes.  Nearly 2/3 individuals with excited delirium end up dying in police custody or while being transported by paramedics to the hospital.

Causes of Excited Delirium

Causes of excited delirium will differ for each individual. However, there are commonalities in most cases involving the ingestion of a stimulatory drug.

Autopsy analyses among those who died from excited delirium reveal the drug most associated with this condition is cocaine, but methamphetamine is another common culprit.

A cocktail of drugs may also lead to excited delirium.


The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled Floyd’s death a homicide caused by “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” Also cited were coronary artery disease and hypertension.

Floyd had fentanyl in his system and had recently used meth. Traces of cannabinoids and morphine were present. He also tested positive for the coronavirus in early April, and again after his death, but appeared asymptomatic.

Michael Baden, a hired gun independent examiner concluded Floyd died when his breathing was obstructed by the pressure officers put on his neck and back.

What the Hennepin Examiner did say is that Floyd was NOT asphyxiated.

Thoughts and Observations

As one would expect, PU has some observations and thoughts about this case. So here’s at it.

First, George Floyd had done a lousy job of reforming himself. Not only did he have illegal drugs in his system, he also tried to pass an obviously counterfeit $20 bill. This is not the behavior of a reformed criminal.

Second, being arrested for trying to pass a counterfeit bill while on illegal drugs would have surely resulted in Floyd being sentenced back to prison. Recognition of this could have resulted in excited delirium occurring, if not just attempting to resist arrest.

Third, if the body cameras show that Floyd was agitated or resisting arrest, this is further evidence of a potential problem and would give cause for the arresting cops to restrain him on the ground.

Fourth, the neck restraint hold placed upon Floyd was an allowable procedure under the training guidelines for Minneapolis that Chauvin experienced. So there was nothing illegal to using this method of restraint if done in moderation.

Fifth, the officers were aware of the possibility of excited delirium. Though Chauvin did not put Floyd on his side to lessen the potential for harm, there might have been little that could lessen the potential for death.

Sixth, Floyd had many co-morbidities that could be triggered by the existence of excited delirium.  In fact, his death was attributed to one of those co-morbidities that could be triggered by excited delirium.

Seventh, the arresting officers had no idea of these co-morbidities that plagued Floyd.

Eighth, somehow George had forgotten to give notice to police that he was now a “Gentle Giant” and not someone prove to agitation and violence. If he had given them notice, maybe they would not have restrained him.  (Yes, this is sarcasm.)

Ninth, if Floyd was experiencing excited delirium, then not applying the neck restraint would likely have not have resulted in a different outcome for Floyd. In fact, an argument can be made that pre-existing health conditions aggravated by excited delirium may have been the cause of death.

Tenth, it was not coincidence that Floyd was in this neighborhood, ranging far from home. As Bruno can attest to, the neighborhood where Floyd died was not a typical upright neighborhood. Instead, the neighborhood and street corners were well known for their drug dealing. For a person like Floyd who did not live in the area to go there, only one reason would normally exist, to score some drugs.

The Left and the Media has used the death of George to advance their own agenda and nothing more. They do not care about the search for truth and what really happened that fateful Memorial Day.

At some point, there will be further details to come out about the death of George Floyd. Some of these details will be what video cams recorded and about the relationship between George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin. If the details revealed support the concept that it was excited delirium or some other factors that contributed to the death of Floyd, or made death likely under any circumstances, then the Left and the Media is responsible for all that has happened since.

Unfortunately, the damage has been done. Any innocent verdict will only result in more riots and protests, much wider and more violent in scale. We are left in dangerous times now.

(Note: I am not arguing that the officers were innocent or guilty of anything, least of all murder. I don’t know the answer. I only present other parts of the story not getting any air time. We will have to wait for the rest of the story to come out before we can come to any conclusions.)

As always, I thank Mark for allowing me to post my thoughts. I hope all who read this find my thoughts valuable. Most important to remember…..

LIFE IS GOOD!!!   (No matter the challenges it brings)


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #697 on: June 12, 2020, 10:56:00 AM »
Had not heard about the rumor. And unless I could substantiate it, would not put it in.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #698 on: June 12, 2020, 10:59:09 AM »
Mentioning Health Care above, here is today's article.


As most of the regular readers here know, I have been battling “The Beast” (Prostate Cancer) for about four years now.  The treatments for the Beast are all medication based, which is hormonal therapy. The good news is that I have responded well to such treatments.

In America today, there is an ongoing controversy about Big Pharma, medicine costs and of course, Medicare Plan D or other insurance paying for the cost of medical treatments. I thought that it would be appropriate to at least bring to light the costs of what my own treatments are costing to illustrate just how bad a mess things are when treating chronic diseases.  (I am at the  phase now where my CA is considered “chronic.”)

I received a bill this week for Medical Claims processed between Feb 14 and Mar 29, 2020. The bill covers just a portion of what it is taking to keep me alive. Here is what has been paid.

Feb 14 –  Zometa Injection and other services       $ 1,113

Feb 28 – Xtandi                                                     $11,569

Feb 25 –  Heart Stress Test                                    $ 1,274

Mar 13 – Zometa and Lupron Injections                $ 7,105

Mar 28 – Xtandi                                                     $11,569

Apr 28 –  Xtandi                                                     $11,569

May  8 – Zometa Injection                                    $     615

May 28 – Xtandi                                                    $11,569

The total costs for the 4 month period is $56,373.

(Xtandi is a daily dose by pill, 4 per day, each pill costing $100. Lupron is a quarterly injection. Zometa was a monthly injection delivered by IV, but goes quarterly now.)

What is frightening about this number is that it does not include other 3rd party payments, or other procedures that might be incurred throughout the year, things necessary to evaluate progress and keep me healthy like CT scans, colonoscopy, x-rays and other procedures.

My medical costs per year will run between $175k and $200k.  If something special arises, then the cost goes up significantly, especially if it requires a hospital stay.

Utilizing a Cost/Benefit Analysis, the truth is that with what I contribute to society in my retirement years, I do not warrant the costs associated with keeping me alive.

This is truly scary stuff, looking at the numbers from a Cost/Benefit Analysis perspective. It is no wonder that ObamaCare envisioned Death Panels. I must be truly grateful that the Panels were not fully instituted.

The question arises as to what happens in the future? Will people in the same position as I am be left to die when financial strains get worse? Can medical costs be gotten under control so as to relieve financial pressures on the insurance system? The health care system?

I don’t know the answers. All I know is that I am relieved and grateful that I am still around to annoy Rubbish, Bruno and the other Moderators with my Cuckservative views.

Have a Great Day and give this some thought when you have time.  And remember…..

LIFE IS GOOD!!!  (As long as you wake up each morning and are able to get out of bed.)


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #699 on: June 12, 2020, 12:45:38 PM »
Quite right, the rumor does not belong in an article.

That said, I would add to your article the following:

1) Two of the officer were POC (light skinned black and Laotian or Vietnamese.  Chauvin's wife was Hmong.)

2) The apparent relationship between Chauvin and Floyd at the club where they worked security.  An employee at the club has said the two bumped heads there, but since has retracted that.  Odd , , ,

3) The arrest report spoke of the officer's knowing the other two individuals in the car.  OK, what was the nature of that relationship? 

4) The arrest report spoke of one of the officer's pulling a gun on Floyd at the car, then putting it away.  What was that about?