Author Topic: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, Durham, Mar a Lago, Spermy Daniels etc  (Read 251989 times)


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #501 on: February 06, 2018, 10:58:23 AM »
From Baraq the leaker in a couple of other threads:

From the article and relevant to this discussion:

Remarks by former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, as well as Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former top White House strategist Steve Bannon, were all captured in surveillance of a Trump Tower meeting in December 2016. Susan E. Rice, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, has since acknowledged she asked that the identities of the Americans in the surveillance be revealed, citing what she said were legitimate concerns about the purpose of the group’s meeting with foreigners.
I don't know how any of this works or the accuracy of anything I read, but the question was posed, how does a tap into Carter Page, a former volunteer campaign adviser, starting 2 weeks before the election, get you to all these other treasure troves.  It seems to me the above is an answer to that.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 11:22:22 AM by DougMacG »


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WSJ: More doubts about Steele
« Reply #505 on: February 08, 2018, 06:50:54 AM »
More Doubts About Mr. Steele
Including an appearance by none other than Sidney Blumenthal.
By The Editorial Board
Feb. 7, 2018 7:09 p.m. ET

The case of the FBI and Christopher Steele gets curiouser and curiouser. In the latest news, GOP Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham late Tuesday released a less redacted version of their criminal referral letter to the Justice Department concerning Mr. Steele, who wrote the now famous dossier alleging Russian collusion with Donald Trump. The letter supports the recent House Intelligence Committee claims of surveillance abuse and offers new evidence that the Clinton campaign may have been more involved than previously known.

Democrats claim the House Intel memo distorts the FBI’s actions in obtaining in October 2016 an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor former Trump aide Carter Page. But the Grassley-Graham referral makes public for the first time actual text from the FBI’s FISA application, as well as classified testimony the FBI gave the Senate Judiciary Committee about the dossier and FISA application.

In particular, the referral rebuts the Democratic claim that the FBI told the FISA court about the partisan nature of the Steele dossier. “The FBI noted to a vaguely limited extent the political origins of the dossier,” says the letter. And “the FBI stated that the dossier information was compiled pursuant to the direction of a law firm who had hired an ‘identified U.S. person’—now known as Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS,” the firm that hired Mr. Steele.

But, adds the referral letter, “the application failed to disclose that the identities of Mr. Simpson’s ultimate clients were the Clinton campaign and the DNC [Democratic National Committee].” That’s not being honest with the judges who sign off on an eavesdrop order.

The referral also confirms the House memo’s finding that the FBI “relied heavily” on Mr. Steele’s dossier claims, as well as on a Yahoo News article for which Mr. Steele was the main source. And the letter notes that “the application appears to contain no additional information corroborating the dossier allegations against Mr. Page.”

James Comey, who was running the FBI at the time of the FISA fiasco, told the Senate Judiciary Committee as much in March 2017. According to the referral, when Mr. Comey was asked “why the FBI relied on the dossier in the FISA applications absent meaningful corroboration,” he said this was “because Mr. Steele himself was considered reliable due to his past work with the Bureau.”

(MARC:  As noted in a previous post -- Andrew McCarthy?-- the statute REQUIRES meaningful corroboration of the sources themselves, not Steele)

In other words, the FBI rested its wiretap application on the credibility of a source who was working at the direction of the Clinton campaign. (!!!) The FBI also seems to have closed its eyes to evidence that Mr. Steele wasn’t honest. The FBI acknowledges that it told Mr. Steele not to speak to the media about the dossier. Yet in September 2016 the ex-British spy briefed reporters about the FBI’s investigation and the dossier, which resulted in the Yahoo News article. The Clinton campaign cited that article on TV and social media to attack the Trump campaign. This was about a month prior to the FBI filing its first FISA application.

Yet the FBI’s October application told the FISA court that, “The FBI does not believe that [Steele] directly provided this information to the press.” Whether Mr. Steele lied to the FBI, or the FBI was too incompetent to verify that he was the source of the Yahoo News story, the result is the same: The FISA court issued a surveillance order on the basis of false information about the credibility of the FBI’s main source.

Even after Mr. Steele said under oath in court filings in London that he had briefed Yahoo News, and this fact was reported by U.S. media in April 2017, the FBI didn’t tell the FISA court in any subsequent wiretap application.

The Grassley-Graham referral also drops the stunning news that Mr. Steele received at least some of the information for his dossier from the Obama State Department. The letter redacts the names involved. But the press is now reporting, and our sources confirm, that one of the generators of this information was none other than Sidney Blumenthal. GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, who has seen the documents, told Fox News “that would be really warm” when asked if Mr. Blumenthal is one of the redacted names.

Mr. Blumenthal has declined comment to several media outlets. But our readers will recall that he is a long-time Hillary Clinton operative whom President Obama barred from an official role at State but was later discovered to have sent her policy and political advice via her private email server. This revelation raises questions about the degree to which the Clinton team was involved in the Steele-Fusion effort from the beginning.

Some of our media friends are so invested in the Steele dossier, or in protecting their Fusion pals, or in Donald Trump’s perfidy, that they want to ignore all this. But journalists ought to tell the complete story.

The best way to learn what’s true and false in the Russian influence story is radical transparency, and the Trump Administration should declassify all four FISA applications on Mr. Page and all of the documents behind them. Meanwhile, thanks to the two Senators for helping get closer to the truth.


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How Brennan targetted Comey
« Reply #511 on: February 10, 2018, 08:50:08 AM »
Papadoulas story came from Brits not the Aussies?  Isn't Steele Brit?

"In other words, the FBI investigation didn’t start when the Australians, according to the Times—or the Brits, according to Brennan’s most recent version of the story—contacted the FBI after the Papadopoulos-Downer meeting. No, it started when the director of the CIA decided to start an investigation, when Brennan passed on information and intelligence to the FBI, and signaled that the bureau better act on it."


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #512 on: February 10, 2018, 09:07:22 AM »
" no, it started when the director of the CIA decided to start an investigation, when Brennan passed on information and intelligence to the FBI, and signaled that the bureau better act on it."

Remember when Chuck Schumer said something to the affect that the intelligence agencies have multiple ways to get back at you if you annoy them


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Re: How Brennan targetted Comey
« Reply #513 on: February 10, 2018, 10:58:12 AM »
Papadoulas story came from Brits not the Aussies?  Isn't Steele Brit?

"In other words, the FBI investigation didn’t start when the Australians, according to the Times—or the Brits, according to Brennan’s most recent version of the story—contacted the FBI after the Papadopoulos-Downer meeting. No, it started when the director of the CIA decided to start an investigation, when Brennan passed on information and intelligence to the FBI, and signaled that the bureau better act on it."

We may never know much, if any details, but GCHQ was surveilling Trump, and passing it to US entities. The bogus FISA warrants were probably just figleaves for the intercepts.


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Fisa was *counter intelligence* not *criminal* investigation
« Reply #514 on: February 10, 2018, 11:28:46 AM »
Rush a few days ago explained how Andrew McCarthy actually corrected him on this:


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WSJ: Who is Christopher Steele?
« Reply #517 on: February 11, 2018, 10:36:57 AM »
second post

Who Is Christopher Steele?
The man who revealed a vast international conspiracy but didn’t know his own client.
Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who set-up Orbis Business Intelligence and compiled a dossier on Donald Trump, in London.
Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who set-up Orbis Business Intelligence and compiled a dossier on Donald Trump, in London. Photo: Victoria Jones/Zuma Press
By Kimberley A. Strassel
Feb. 8, 2018 7:15 p.m. ET

America has been inundated by the words dossier, memo, collusion, FISA, Carter Page. They all come back to the actions of one man: Christopher Steele. Which is why the only news that matters this week is that the former British spy’s credibility has been dismantled.

To the extent the U.S. press has focused on Mr. Steele, it has been to portray him in heroic epic style. A Washington Post profile told how Mr. Steele, a former MI6 agent who left in 2009 to start his own firm, felt “professional obligations” to take his dossier to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. That’s how “worried” and “rattled” and “alarmed” he was about the Trump -Kremlin “plot.” The FBI welcomed this “well-trusted” source, who had provided information in the past, as a “peer”—only later to let our hero down.

This is the narrative put forward by Mr. Steele and his paymaster, Fusion GPS. They and their press friends have an obvious interest in propagating it. But the new facts about Mr. Steele’s behavior destroy this tale, and show how badly the FBI got snookered.

To be sure, the FBI should have known better. Even if Mr. Steele had previously been helpful, the bureau had every reason to be wary in 2016. This wasn’t like prior collaborations. He was coming to the FBI as a paid political operative, hired by Fusion, as a subcontractor for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Opposition researchers are not retained to present considered judgment. They are retained to slime an opponent and benefit a client.

The FBI also had reason to view his research with skepticism—on grounds of its tabloid-like allegations, and also on the near-fantastical claim of skill that underlay it. To wit, that a man who had been out of official spy rings for seven years was nonetheless able, in a matter of weeks and with just a few calls from London, where he lives, to unravel an international conspiracy that had eluded the CIA, FBI, MI6 and every other Western intelligence agency, all of which have access to the globe’s most sophisticated surveillance tools.

But rather than proceed with caution, the FBI swallowed the whole package. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley’s declassified criminal referral, former Director James Comey testified that the bureau couldn’t meaningfully corroborate the dossier, but used it in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court proceedings anyway because Mr. Steele had previously provided “reliable” information.

Mr. Steele and Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson immediately proceeded to use the bureau to advance their client’s interests. They went to the press with a stream of briefings about the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign. Thanks to the FBI, Mr. Steele didn’t have to present the media with crazy-sounding oppo research about sexual perversion; he got to point to a full-on government investigation. The resulting stories were awesome for the Clinton campaign—but not so much for the FBI, since the Fusion crew had publicly tipped off the targets of its probe.

There is no excusing these actions. The FBI had expressly told Mr. Steele not to speak to anybody outside the bureau about the dossier. And Mr. Steele failed to disclose these briefings, or perhaps lied about them, since the FBI assured the FISA court that he was not talking to the press.

Mr. Simpson has claimed he never told Mr. Steele that Fusion was working for Mrs. Clinton, and maybe the ex-spy didn’t know. Though this requires us to believe that the man who unraveled an international conspiracy could not discover the identity of his own ultimate paymaster—or didn’t care. Our super sleuth also didn’t bat an eye over sucking up information from two notorious Clinton political operators, Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer. Either Mr. Steele knew and actively worked to help the Clinton campaign, or he didn’t and was nonetheless willing to undercut the FBI at Mr. Simpson’s behest.

Some Steele supporters have suggested that the motive for his press briefings was his worry that the FBI was not taking his claims seriously enough. Yet by Mr. Simpson’s own sworn testimony, that disillusion didn’t hit until a few days before the election, when the FBI reopened its probe into Mrs. Clinton’s negligent handling of classified emails. At the time of his September and October press blabbings, Mr. Steele was still working with the FBI and even talking to the bureau about a financial arrangement.

Is a reliable and credible source one who defies FBI orders, meets with the press, undercuts a probe, and lies about it? Is a professional someone who refuses to answer questions from congressional investigators, but is happy to spin a tale to friendly journalists?

Watch for the House Democrats, in their memo, to continue defending Mr. Steele despite all this. They have to. No credible Steele, no credible dossier. And no credible dossier means even more reason to worry that the FISA court and surveillance authority were abused in the election.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #522 on: February 14, 2018, 06:54:14 AM »
Excellent find GM.


"From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.

The next paragraph of the email remains classified and has been redacted. The email concludes:

    The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.

Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President Trump’s incoming national security team."

Absolutely stunning how much right wing yammer (including FOX) misses this-- which is, in point of fact, the main point!


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answer is obvious
« Reply #523 on: February 14, 2018, 07:33:10 AM »
If she did "everything by the book" then why email this to your self?



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Totally not corrupt
« Reply #525 on: February 15, 2018, 02:22:36 PM »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Mueller indicts Russians!
« Reply #526 on: February 16, 2018, 11:15:35 AM »
This is a positive development!  If he's going to hire expensive staff and keep the commission open, he needs to prosecute some criminals.  So much of cyber crime is across borders and ignored by our federal law enforcement agencies.  Good to see some attempt no matter who that implicates here.  No allegation of any American involved.  No indication it affected the outcome.
Special counsel Robert Mueller said a grand jury had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election.
The defendants allegedly conducted "information warfare" against the United States election process to help Donald Trump win.
The defendants used fake American personas, social media platforms, and other Internet media to advance their scheme, according to an indictment.


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Tangent to the Mueller indictment
« Reply #528 on: February 16, 2018, 02:06:19 PM »
A friend writes:

"Mueller indictment, 2 of the Russians were able to enter U.S. on travel visas which they received after applying for them through the State Dept in 2014. From June 4, 2014 – June 26, 2014 they traveled around the US. Who was head of the FBI & State Dept at this time again?"

IIRC there are a number of queer Hillary grants of visas-- anyone remember what they were?

For example:


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Re: Tangent to the Mueller indictment
« Reply #529 on: February 16, 2018, 02:10:02 PM »
A friend writes:

"Mueller indictment, 2 of the Russians were able to enter U.S. on travel visas which they received after applying for them through the State Dept in 2014. From June 4, 2014 – June 26, 2014 they traveled around the US. Who was head of the FBI & State Dept at this time again?"

IIRC there are a number of queer Hillary grants of visas-- anyone remember what they were?

For example:

Per recent legal rulings regarding DACA, the left seems to find in the Constitution the right of anyone, anywhere to enter and remain in the US, so this would be consistent with that.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #530 on: February 16, 2018, 05:18:14 PM »
Should Israel indict Brock for interfering with Netanyahus election?

And what did the Russians do anyway that affected the outcome of the election?  Still have never heard an answer.  "The Russians did it" in all left wing media outlets like an echo chamber.  So what harm was done by the Russians specifically that cost the Hill the election?   I have yet to hear the answer.

Except that the dowager got her ass handed to her.

Were Russians the source of Wikileaks that more or less proves the outright corruption of the Clinton/ DNC mafia rings
 They actually did justice a favor.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 04:16:33 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #531 on: February 16, 2018, 05:30:10 PM »
"Should Israel indict Brock for interfering with Netanyahu's election?"



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Kerry State Department approved the Russki trolls
« Reply #533 on: February 17, 2018, 10:02:49 PM »
Don't know this site, but the dates do seem to lead to this conclusion:


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #534 on: February 18, 2018, 04:20:04 AM »

"Kerry State Department approved the Russki trolls
« Reply #533 on: Today at 12:02:49 AM »
Reply with quote
Don't know this site, but the dates do seem to lead to this conclusion:"

That must why the LEFT makes the point that US citizens were unaware of the nature of the Russians.  Otherwise it would , using their logic against Trump et al, be just as reasonable to investigate Kerry as an accomplice ( and other libs like Hillary and BIll) and conspirator .


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Re: Kerry Associate played middleman
« Reply #537 on: February 19, 2018, 07:03:50 AM »

I was going to post this link here when I discovered my source was Crafty and this thread...    )

Did we just go from sort of knowing that Syd Blumenthal was behind the dossier to having it reliably reported that he was completely behind the Steele Dossier, AND the other dossier, and the go-between was our own State Dept?  Besides Hillary and the DNC, Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama were involved?

If they had labeled Steele's accumulations of Russian translations "FILTH and gossip" instead of a "Dossier" it would have been harder to present it to a FISA court as real intelligence and then start unmasking the subjects.

If it is impossible to make sent emails go away, won't 'competent investigators' soon have all the pieces of this puzzle - if they are truly curious?

Doesn't the entire Steele Dossier all its perpetrators constitute a conspiracy violating same laws as the ones the current indictments cite or should be citing?  Like Section 5 of the indictments: hiding the source of funds used to try to alter the election.

Our laws were written more to protect against money crimes than information crimes.  If stealing power in Washington can be defined as a money crime, this whole operation will fall under RICO where all of the little co-conspirators get charged with all of the crime.


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A flaming lib doing his part to keep the fairy tale alive
« Reply #538 on: February 19, 2018, 08:47:05 AM »
I don't know who is more delusional and lib partisan ; The  crazy lib  Jews, like this guy, or many  African Americans .

I still see no collusion  . How anything the Russians did got Trump elected (unless as I have posted prior they were the source of the Clinton emails and other corruption - the accuracy of which has never been even denied much less proven wrong)

China has been running a soft war against us forever as has been Russia.  Oh but looks what they did to the lying sniveling crooked dowress. 

No mention of the Glib pompous one telling Romney was wrong to name Russia as an enemy shortly Brock led the way with "wait until after the election" [2012].
Hillary and KErry were the ones letting Russian agents into the US
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 01:53:55 PM by ccp »


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Russians had 4 one thousands of a percent influence on our election!
« Reply #539 on: February 19, 2018, 10:17:05 AM »
Just for quantitative perspective, the Russian influence in our election was four-thousands of one percent (0.004%) of content in News Feed, or approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content.

Not counting the multiplier effect of that. 


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #540 on: February 19, 2018, 01:55:39 PM »
"Just for quantitative perspective, the Russian influence in our election was four-thousands of one percent (0.004%) of content in News Feed, or approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content."

Thanks Doug.

Oh bet the Russians were suppressing Black votes
Oh you mean Blacks were that naive to stay home and not vote because of 1 out of 23,000 news feeds. 


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WSJ: Mueller Focuses on Molehills
« Reply #542 on: February 21, 2018, 09:18:13 AM »
Mueller Focuses on Molehills
The mountain is whether the FBI was an unwitting agent of Russian influence.


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Jonathan Turley: Method to Mueller's Madness, what the Gates deal really means
« Reply #545 on: February 24, 2018, 05:20:01 AM »
Turley is a serious player on the legal scene whose thinking is worthy of consideration:


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Mueller's authorization by Rowenstein
« Reply #547 on: February 24, 2018, 06:39:55 PM »


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The Dem rebuttal memo to the Nunes memo
« Reply #548 on: February 25, 2018, 07:56:05 AM »
For those of you inspired to read the memo:


From POTH is of course the one sided take on the Democratic memo rebuttal
to the Nunes Memo:


Sen Nunes rebuttal to the Dem and NYT WP and most likely the Huff Post/CNN left wing propaganda mafia:


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Informant Campgell: Russians bragged that Hillary would delivery Uranium 1 deal
« Reply #549 on: February 25, 2018, 07:36:22 PM »
This has been mentioned here before and this article fails to mention (it's Dick Morris, thoroughness was never a forte) the part about Bill getting $140M for the Clinton Slush Fund helping the Russkis in Kahzakstan with the same company.