Author Topic: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, Durham, Mar a Lago and related matters  (Read 226832 times)


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #150 on: July 11, 2017, 04:12:04 AM »
We can forget about tax cuts
we can forget about immigration enforcement

The crats will push this to the ends of the Earth.

If they win back the houses
check mate.

That said we all know the crats would and did do the same all day long to us with campaign dirt.

Worst of all CNN will be fawning all over themselves over this.  The glee and glow on their faces.  The I told you so arrogance the veneer they will radiate as though that they are off the hook.

Oh and can anyone guess what Comey's friend and band of Democrat lawyers are going to do with this?  They will follow the plan they had all along.............. :x

« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 05:05:51 AM by ccp »


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Re: Another shoe drops?
« Reply #152 on: July 11, 2017, 09:17:43 AM »

Liz Sheld of PJ Media does a nice job of putting to words what I thought of the NY Times story. 
Three anonymous people saw the emails??  (Now we have the emails, thanks to DT Jr.)
NYT anonymous sources have no pattern of credibility.
The story alleges no wrongdoing if true.
DT Jr "believed" would offer him compromising information... ?  No.  He went there to find out what they had.  We don't know what he "believed".
The New York Times is reporting that no less than three (!!!) anonymous sources have said that Donald Trump Jr. was told in advance that he would be meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer interested in colluding with the Trump campaign to help his father win the election.

That's not what the Times wrote but that's what it meant. Here's what the Times wrote:

Before arranging a meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer he believed would offer him compromising information about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Jr. was informed in an email that the material was part of a Russian government effort to aid his father’s candidacy, according to three people with knowledge of the email.
Three people with knowledge. Who are these people and how do they know what was in the email? I'm serious, who would have this information (three people!!!)? (Answer: IMO, the IC who are/were monitoring Manafort. Here's that pesky unmasking again...) And why are the Times and other media outlets relying on anonymous sources when so many of their sources have misled them? (Answer: #resist.)

Crafty:  "OTOH there is the matter of Team Hillary openly colluding with the Ukrainian govt. , , ,"

And Hillary colluding with the Russians.  (Uranium purchase)

They accuse Trump without evidence what Obama actually did, with evidence, soliciting and accepting illegal foreign donations.


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« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 09:29:48 AM by DougMacG »


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never Trumpsters smelling blood?
« Reply #154 on: July 11, 2017, 12:58:13 PM »
Let's not forget where French stood on Trump last year.   Without Trump there will be no immigration enforcement, but only immigration reform which is total amnesty.
Without Trump there will be no tax cuts but just a duplicitous tax increase to cancel out arithmetically any cut.

"Western civilization" will go the way of globalization.   Foreign policy will have less teeth and Repubs  will be conciliators again with the Left's juggernaught and the media will bask in all their leftist glory and the swamp levels will start rising again but no will be blaming global warming.

I like Pence.  But I just don't know.....
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 02:02:00 PM by ccp »


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Keen insights into the "collusion"
« Reply #155 on: July 11, 2017, 01:24:00 PM »

I can't wait for her lawfare article!

*This is actually a joke.  :-D


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #156 on: July 11, 2017, 01:45:11 PM »
Just wondering how there could be a crown prosecutor of Russia when the crown and his family were all murdered 99 years ago?

Or did Crown Princess Anastasia have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren?


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Re: never Trumpsters smelling blood?
« Reply #157 on: July 11, 2017, 03:14:54 PM »
ccp:  "I like Pence.  But I just don't know....."

I like Pence much better than Trump, but not Pence for President if Trump is wrongly removed.  It was Trump who won the nomination, and he won Iowa, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and the electoral college.  It was Hillary who colluded in her nomination contest and with the Russians, left classified information unsecured.  It was the Obama administration that colluded with Netanyahu's opponent and tried to defeat Theresa May with foreign intervention and left us vulnerable to whatever this unidentified Russian attack was under his watch that changed not a single vote.

Like Flynn gone, Sessions recused, DTjr under fire, they aren't trying to get the underlings; they're trying to overturn an election.  It started as a joke, as a scape goat.  They won't stop with Trump either and they won't stop if they got Pence out with him.  When Pence picks Nikki Haley to serve with him they will go after her next.  This doesn't have an end to it as long as they, the left and the media I repeat myself, are out of power.

They throw the word collusion around without tying it to a crime.  Maybe you and I will collude to have lunch someday.  The campaign had an interest in evidence of crimes committed by the opposition.  No shit.  The opportunism of people like Lindsey Graham and National Review is sickening.  I would drop my subscription if I had one.  

Why don't they get focused on getting 50 Senators behind a tax and healthcare bill while we still have 50.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 03:27:02 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #159 on: July 11, 2017, 04:27:23 PM »
"Why don't they get focused on getting 50 Senators behind a tax and healthcare bill while we still have 50."

This is so frustrating
we may never get such an opportunity again and they cannot get their acts together

of course we have never seen such opposition
or a president who tweets and does not take listen to lawyers ( or is a lawyer)


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #160 on: July 11, 2017, 06:25:03 PM »
CCP's NRO post ( ) is deeply concerning.

As has been mentioned before, exactly what crime is being alleged here? I can cite specific violations of federal law when it comes to Hillary. "Collusion" sounds like legalese, but aside from a dem/MSM psyop against Trump, what is the crime?


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #161 on: July 11, 2017, 10:19:30 PM »
Legally, zip.

However the problem is that this can readily be made to look like he was quite willing to collude.  This is will reinvigorate the whole fg thing.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #162 on: July 12, 2017, 03:35:00 AM »
Likely scenario.

The singer and his father had been bragging to others in Russia about their connections to Trump.  One of those persons was the private lawyer who last was a Public Prosecutor in 2002 and who also likely represents Americans and Russians who are engaged in business or wish to become engaged in business in Russia.  Also, likely, she had a lucrative adoption business involving American clients.  The lawyer wants a meeting in order to begin lobbying for reinstatement of her adoption business.

After Trump wins Indiana and secures the nomination, the lawyer persuades the singer and his father to get her a meeting with Trump.  They use their PR rep and tell him to say that the lawyer has some dirt on Hillary.  The PR guy gets Trump, Jr to meet the lawyer.  The PR guy describes the lawyer first as a "Crown Prosecutor" and then as a government lawyer.  Both are false.

Trump, Jr thinks the meeting is for the lawyer to pitch to him the negative information about Hillary.  The lawyer wants the meeting to get the Trumps on board for reinstating the adoption business.  When it becomes clear early  why the lawyer wanted the meeting, Kushner walks out and Trump Jr ends the meeting 10-20 minutes afterwards.  They all view it as a waste of time and the move on to more important issues.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #163 on: July 12, 2017, 04:27:50 AM »
"Likely scenario.

The singer and his father had been bragging to others in Russia about their connections to Trump.  One of those persons was the private lawyer who last was a Public Prosecutor in 2002 and who also likely represents Americans and Russians who are engaged in business or wish to become engaged in business in Russia.  Also, likely, she had a lucrative adoption business involving American clients.  The lawyer wants a meeting in order to begin lobbying for reinstatement of her adoption business.

After Trump wins Indiana and secures the nomination, the lawyer persuades the singer and his father to get her a meeting with Trump.  They use their PR rep and tell him to say that the lawyer has some dirt on Hillary.  The PR guy gets Trump, Jr to meet the lawyer.  The PR guy describes the lawyer first as a "Crown Prosecutor" and then as a government lawyer.  Both are false.

Trump, Jr thinks the meeting is for the lawyer to pitch to him the negative information about Hillary.  The lawyer wants the meeting to get the Trumps on board for reinstating the adoption business.  When it becomes clear early  why the lawyer wanted the meeting, Kushner walks out and Trump Jr ends the meeting 10-20 minutes afterwards.  They all view it as a waste of time and the move on to more important issues."

Rick, can you send this scenario to Trump Jr. and his lawyer(s)?     Jr certainly needs some help.  :lol:


The following headline means nothing. So a Russian who does business in both America and Russia is seen sitting next to an ambassador .  Yet looks at the headlines.  Politically not legally this gives the Left the means to keep bashing and Mueller something more to expand on.  The former for at least 3 yrs.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:40:39 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #164 on: July 12, 2017, 04:48:14 AM »
NRO  again.  Why is it always the public has a right to know when it concerns Trump but OTOH it is not the public right to know what hillary was doing with information that is true and not related to national security


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #165 on: July 12, 2017, 09:19:42 AM »
Rick's scenario sounds about right to me.  We see same lady pictured with Obama administration officials so it also could have been a set up.  One unknown is what did the NY Times know and when did they know it?  (Proof it was a setup?) More importantly, how did they know it?  Do they have 3 unnamed people who know what's in my email too?

The possibility that a campaign might want to run negative ads that portray an opponent in a bad light is not as shocking to people as the left seems to think.  It makes no sense that Russia would prefer Trump over Hillary, and providing negative ad material isn't a campaign contribution to my knowledge.  If we were tough on foreign contributions, we would impeach Clinton and Obama before Trump.

G M:  "What is the crime?"
Crafty: "Legally, zip."

Good.  I thought I was missing something. 

I was listening to the 'outrage' on NPR yesterday.  It fits their narrative and feeds their audience.  Same for the MSNBC and the rest.  But the DT jr email release helps to burn this story out faster and stop the drip. 

Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc, translation: "With this, therefore because of this".
This false liberal logic is as old as the Latin language.

They have the narrative: "collusion", whatever that means, and they have miscellaneous facts.  To the left media, each fact is part of the proof of the narrative - if you will buy it.  Better than real proof of which they have none, each new 'fact' serves to keep the narrative alive. 

Russia and Putin wanted Hillary defeated.  It was personal.  Leftists have a documentary on that.
Trump wanted to win the election, wanted Hillary to lose.
This lawyer once did work in a Russian courtroom.
Trump had business dealings with Russians.
Putin runs Russia.
Putin is rich.  Trump is rich.
Russians hack.
Anyone in Russia can be tied to Putin.
Therefore, if anyone on his staff looked out a window on the east side of Trump tower or ordered Russian dressing on a house salad, the narrative must be true.  The more they look the more they will find.

When HRC says reset or Pres. Obama says tell Vladimir privately he can disarm the US (treason), that's different.  It fits nothing in the narrative and it stays on right wing media.

A point made by Rush is that they want to shut down any career of DT Jr too, not just the President.  Unlike his father, he is an ideological conservative.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #166 on: July 12, 2017, 09:23:09 AM »
In the interest of full disclosure, I do regularly purchase and consume Karkov Vodka.



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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #168 on: July 12, 2017, 09:35:52 AM »

Overall, 4 in 10 Americans report that they delved deeper into a particular news subject beyond the headlines in the last week.

Russia! Trump! Collusion! Meeting with Kremlin attorney!

This is how the game is played. Most people only read the headlines.


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"Mr. Goldstone publicly checked into Trump Tower on Facebook during the meeting, which isn’t how a KGB man would normally conceal the handoff of state secrets."
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 09:39:28 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #170 on: July 12, 2017, 09:40:30 AM »
Yes, and , , ,

Yes, let's surrender to the left because the family Trump is less than ideal. Was Mittens "Milquetoast" Romney smarter and more ethical? Yes. How did that presidential administration go?


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #171 on: July 12, 2017, 09:43:35 AM »
C'mon GM, that's not my point.  

But our support of President Trump is because of what we believe-- and IMHO if we cannot speak Truth about failings our big picture credibility suffers.

Too bad that Donnie was not bright enough in his interview last night on Hannity to make the point that the alleged intel was that HILLARY was colluding with the Russians and that he took the meeting as a patriotic American.  Dilbert creator Scott Adams DID make this point last  night on Tucker.   Donnie did say that if something HAD come out of the meeting he would have notified the proper authorities.

This may be the most effective play:

1) A British publicist (a profession known to attract blowhards, and Donnie knew this man in particular) made noise so the meeting was taken and should something have come of it, Donnie would have notified the proper authorities.

2) This still leaves all the points to be made about the hiring of an ex-British intel officer, the collusion with the Ukrainians, etc.

Nonetheless, a fg mess.  Once again we are left cleaning up.  The notion that this was all a witch hunt, which was gathering strength among the American people, is now blown.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 09:51:22 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #172 on: July 12, 2017, 09:51:13 AM »
C'mon GM, that's not my point. 

But our support of President Trump is because of what we believe-- and IMHO if we cannot speak Truth about failings our big picture credibility suffers.

I believe foremost in trying to preserve what's left of the country I grew up in. Trump is most likely the last chance we have to do so. If Hillary had won, all the vote fraud, all the corruption and the serious issues that are on the verge of ending this nation would be triumphant. There would be NO opportunity to drain the swamp. The swamp would be eternal and don't think for a second our voices wouldn't be silenced.

Europe is getting wiped out in front of our eyes, and big money is making it happen. The same thing is being done here. Trump is being fought with such ferocity, because he is a threat to their plans for us.


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Documented collusion with Russia!
« Reply #174 on: July 12, 2017, 10:12:59 AM »

Lawmakers Cite Evidence Russia ‘Colludes’ With US Green Groups to Block Fracking
Kevin Mooney   / @KevinMooneyDC / July 10, 2017 / comments

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and Gazprom Chief Executive Alexei Miller inspect work June 23 on the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project aboard the Pioneering Spirit, a pipeline-laying ship, in the Black Sea near Anapa, Russia. (Photo: Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/Reuters/Newscom)
Forget about allegations of Russian interference in U.S. presidential elections for a moment, or even “collusion” between Russian officials and Trump campaign operatives.

“If successful, an anti-fracking campaign deprives Americans of affordable, dependable energy.”–@NiconomistLoris

The real action is in the European and U.S. energy markets, according to a letter from two Texas congressmen to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that details what they call “a covert anti-fracking campaign” with “little or no paper trail.”

The Daily Signal obtained a copy of the June 29 letter to Mnuchin from Reps. Lamar Smith and Randy Weber, both Republicans who chair energy-related House panels. (See the full letter below.)

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Smith and Weber quote sources saying the Russian government has been colluding with environmental groups to circulate “disinformation” and “propaganda” aimed at undermining hydraulic fracturing. Commonly called fracking, the process makes it possible to access natural gas deposits.

The sources include a former secretary-general of NATO, who is quoted by the GOP congressmen as saying:

Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called nongovernmental organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain dependence on imported Russian gas.

This anti-fracking campaign seizes upon environmental issues and health concerns that could be used to constrain U.S. drilling and fracking exercises, the letter explains.

Gazprom, a large Russian oil company, stands to benefit if Russian-funded environmental activism results in reduced levels of fracking and natural gas production in the United States, Smith and Weber tell Mnuchin. They write:

It is easy to see the benefit to Russia and Gazprom that would result from a reduction in the U.S. level of drilling and fracking—a position advocated for by numerous environmental groups in the U.S.

Smith, chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, joined Weber, chairman of that panel’s energy subcommittee, in calling on the treasury secretary to investigate whether Russia works with American environmental activists to prevent the U.S. from developing its natural gas resources.

Top U.S. government officials who have acknowledged the connection between Russian and environmental groups include former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

In 2014, Clinton delivered a “private speech” in which she discussed Russia’s financial support for environmental groups, the letter says. The speech was included in documents released by WikiLeaks, it says.

An Oct. 10, 2016, report in The Washington Times quoted Clinton as saying:

We [the State Department and the U.S. government] were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media. We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand up against any effort, ‘Oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you,’ and a lot of that money supporting that effort was coming from Russia.

Contrary to what Russia’s propaganda machine and its environmental allies have told news consumers in Europe and America, fracking is safe, effective, and enormously beneficial, Nick Loris, an economist and energy policy analyst with The Heritage Foundation, said in an email to The Daily Signal.

“If successful, an anti-fracking campaign is depriving Americans of good-paying jobs and affordable, dependable energy,” Loris said. “Despite smears and outright lies from environmental activists, smart drilling and energy extraction technologies have been proven to be safe.”

“It feels like every week a new study is published, confirming what we already know,” he said. “Hydraulic fracturing does not contaminate drinking water. The facts and history of hydraulic fracturing, a history that dates back more than half a century and over 1 million fracked wells, indicate that many of the fears associated with the process are grossly exaggerated or flat-out unsubstantiated.”

Loris added:

The good news, however, is that the anti-fracking campaign really hasn’t been all that successful in ‘keeping it in the ground.’ The U.S. is the world’s largest petroleum and natural gas producer, and we can thank fracking and American energy companies for it.

The result is that money is going back into bank accounts of hardworking families through lower energy bills, and American businesses are more competitive because of lower input costs. And we’re in a position to supply our allies with power, significantly reducing the ability of any one nation’s ability to manipulate energy markets for political gain.

In their letter to the treasury secretary, Smith and Weber also say the Russians have been able to advance their strategy without “a paper trail.”

They pass along reports that Russia apparently funnels the money through a Bermuda-based “shell company” known as Klein Ltd.

Tens of millions of dollars are moved from Russia through Klein “in the form of anonymous donations” to a U.S.-based nonprofit called the Sea Change Foundation.

The money, the congressmen write, then is moved in the form of grants to U.S. environmental organizations.

Here is their complete letter to Mnuchin:

Smith, Weber Letter to Mnuchin re Russia and Green Groups by The Heritage Foundation on Scribd


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #176 on: July 12, 2017, 11:04:53 AM »
second post

We need to have a good summary of the Clinton collusion with Ukraine.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #177 on: July 12, 2017, 11:05:56 AM »
Third post:

This is what I posted on my FB page:
Initial response to the Donnie Jr. brouhaha:

Prior to the whole Russia conspiracy frenzy and in the midst of an off the charts ferocious presidential campaign, a British publicist (a profession known to attract blowhards and bullsh*tters) known to Donnie alleges to have intel on Hillary colluding with the Russians.

(The irony of the symmetry is worth noting!)

Oddly-- or is it plausibly?-- the source is alleged to be , , , from within the Russia government.

Donnie takes the meeting; it turns out-- surprise!-- his publicist was misled and/or is a blowhard. The true purpose has to do with soliciting help on Russian-US child adoption policy. The meeting comes to end in short order and Life goes on.

Rather reasonably Donnie does not consider this to be a meeting with the Russian government or its agents because , , , drum roll , , , it wasn't!

As best as I can tell, the big issue is the allegation that Donnie behavior showed a willingness to do what the Hillary campaign is known by all to have done with the Ukrainians-- collude with a foreign government to affect our election.

His answer is that if something had developed at the meeting of course he would have informed the appropriate authorities.

Have I missed anything?


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #178 on: July 12, 2017, 11:18:01 AM »
CD's post :

I am glad someone is looking closer at this guy Brennan.  He strikes me a a very viscous person who will seek revenge and at the same do anything to further himself.

Another of CD's  posts:

 *Lawmakers Cite Evidence Russia ‘Colludes’ With US Green Groups to Block Fracking*

No national security problem here. (sarcasm)   No problem because Putin makes the LEFT happy.     :x
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 11:21:10 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #179 on: July 12, 2017, 11:31:13 AM »
more examples of LEFT's deceit hypocrisy and lies:

"He didn't go to Jared"

Posted July 12, 2017 12:15 PM by Rob Eno Jeffrey Hamilton (from Conservative Review)

NYT laughable assertion … Writing at the New York Times, Jonathan Martin claims that “Campaign Opposition Research Is Standard. But Not ‘Oppo’ From Hostile Nations.” The piece goes through a chronology of what opposition research is and says that only Nixon has done this before. No mention of the KGB files where Ted Kennedy allegedly asked the Soviets to defeat Reagan makes it into his story.

Or the Democrats who used Russians against Trump … What makes Martin’s case even less plausible is that Democratic operatives hired a former British spy who got opposition research on Trump from people high up in the Russian government in the same election. In March, Vanity Fair ran an excellent look at how Christopher Steele, that former British spy, got the information for his “Trump Dossier” that ended up in BuzzFeed. One source mentioned was a “senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” and another was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.”

What about Ukraine … While the Ukraine may not be “hostile,” it is well documented that a DNC consultant who previously worked for the Clinton administration interfaced with Ukrainian government officials to try to affect the election. She also “shared her findings with officials from the DNC and Clinton’s campaign.” Here’s Politico’s reporting on the story.

How do we stop the mainstream media from warping the national narrative? We push back together. With the truth. Be the first to receive CRTV’s free weapon against the worst the media has to offer. Introducing WTF MSM!?


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #180 on: July 12, 2017, 12:29:12 PM »
GM writes:

"In the interest of full disclosure, I do regularly purchase and consume Karkov Vodka."

In my interest of full disclosure I did see this in 1966 when my parents brought me into NYC to see  it.  7 hour movie played over 2 successive days:


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« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 01:24:01 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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mccarthy cuts through a lot of noise here
« Reply #183 on: July 12, 2017, 03:03:32 PM »
"both sides [Left and Right] of the political aisle are badly misinformed about the Constitution’s take on executive misconduct. When the president’s behavior is at issue, it is the Constitution, not the criminal law, that is paramount."

also :

"On the Left, meanwhile, are the legal beagles. They are busily squirreling through the law books and straining their creative brains to come up with an offense — some novel prosecution theory under which the Trump-Russia facts can be pigeonholed into a campaign-law violation, a computer-fraud crime, or maybe even misprision of a felony (i.e., a failure to report one). "

Read more at:


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #184 on: July 12, 2017, 04:35:52 PM »
Pasting this from our friend "Body by Guiness" a.k.a. "Buzwardo":

Reddit Russian timeline: Reddit:Thanks to /u/Thatman5454 for today's Natalia connections.
Jan 2016 - Natalia Veselnitskaya visa expired. Asked by Senator Grassley of Iowa yesterday:
May 4, 2016 - Trump becomes presumptive GOP nominee…/the-night-donald-trump-b…/…
May 16, 2016 - Democrat oppo research listed Emin Agalarov as a possible route to draw a connection to Vladimir Putin. Their long game has always been to implicate Trump to Russia through the “shady businessman” angle.
June 3, 2016 - According to the full email chain Donald Trump Jr released, Emin Agalarov cold contacted DTJ through Rob Goldstone on June 3, 2016 saying Natalia Veselnitskaya had oppo research damaging to Clinton. Email chain:
June 9, 2016 - DTJ wanted a call instead but took the meeting on June 9, 2016 which turned out to be under false pretenses and he left after 20 minutes. In the meeting Natalia simply spoke about the Magnitsky Act and Russian adoptions. Same source.
June 14, 2016 - Still with no Visa, Natalia Veselnitskaya is seen sitting behind Obama’s Russian ambassador Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee Meeting. She is sitting in front of Emin Agalarov who set up the meeting with DTJ. Left side towards the end of the video in tan dress.
Confirmation today by Russian Ambassador Michael McFaul that she was in fact there:
Bonus: Here is a picture posted by Natalia inside traitorous war hawk and fake piss gate dossier pusher Senator John McCain’s office in December 2015
Bonus: Natalia’s law firm works with Fusion GPS who created the “Steele Dossier” aka fake Russian Piss Gate against Trump which was given to the FBI by John McCain.…/russian-lawyer-who-met-trump-…
June 14, 2016 - First reports of “Russian hacking” of DNC servers by the Washington Post who has a $600 million contract with the CIA (Deep state unelected government)…/cf006cb4-316e-11e6-8ff7-7b…
Source (liberal) on WP contract with CIA. Their parent company Amazon has the contract and owns the Washington Post:…/why-the-washington-posts_b_…
July 10, 2016 - Bernie Sanders supporter Seth Rich, who worked on the inside of the DNC and was outspoken against voter fraud and Super Delegates is killed without motive. He is suspected by many to have leaked the documents from the inside to Wikileaks instead of an outside hacker (Russia.)…/bb71ea32102489ed5ee4142afbf1a6f573e420…
July 22, 2016 - Wikileaks releases documents from the DNC server including emails from John Podesta detailing how the DNC screwed Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton:
July 24, 2016 - DNC Director Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigns in light of the cheating in favor of Hillary. She is immediately hired by Hillary’s campaign.…/debbie-wasserman-schultz-dnc-wiki…
November 8, 2016 - Donald Trump becomes President. Queue 9 months of Russia coverage.
August 9, 2016 - Wikileaks offers $20,000 reward for information leading to Seth Rich’s murder:…^tfw&
August 9, 2016 - Assange hints that Seth Rich is the leaker (not Russia):
February 23, 2017 - John Podesta joins the Washington Post:…/john-podesta-joins-the-w…/…
May 31, 2017 - FBI Director Comey confirms the DNC denied the FBI access to their servers, even though they were reportedly hacked by a foreign government. The DNC instead hired third party company CrowdStrike to investigate.
July 12, 2017 - Full Circle: The original plot in May 2016 to tie Trump to Putin through Agalarov is being pushed by the media today through the 20 minute meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya about adoptions:…/new-details-emerge-moscow-real-esta…


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here is the Russia Trump part in the oppo research
« Reply #185 on: July 12, 2017, 04:49:48 PM »
Trump: “I Know Russia Well” Because I Hosted The 2013 Miss Universe In Moscow. “Trump has said his understanding of Russia is based in part on the 2013 Miss Universe event in Moscow, where the Manhattan mogul watched 86 contestants don shimmering evening gowns and skimpy swimsuits for what he would call ‘the world’s biggest and most iconic beauty contest.’ ‘I know Russia well,’ Trump told Fox News on May 6. ‘I had a major event in Russia two or three years ago, which was a big, big incredible event.” Asked whether he had met with Putin there, Trump declined to say, though he added: “I got to meet a lot of people.’ ‘And you know what?’ he continued. ‘They want to be friendly with the United States. Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually got along with somebody?’ Critics ridiculed the idea that Trump gleaned any real understanding of Russia from hosting a beauty pageant there. But the deeper story of how he brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow — a classic Trumpian tale of money, power and pulchritude — does shed fresh light on the business interests and personal contacts that have helped to shape his views about the country. It also reveals more about his personal courtship of Putin, which long predates his presidential bid.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

Trump Worked With Russian Real Estate Billionaire Aras Agalarov On Real Estate Deals In Russia. “Critics ridiculed the idea that Trump gleaned any real understanding of Russia from hosting a beauty pageant there. But the deeper story of how he brought the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow — a classic Trumpian tale of money, power and pulchritude — does shed fresh light on the business interests and personal contacts that have helped to shape his views about the country. It also reveals more about his personal courtship of Putin, which long predates his presidential bid. At the heart of the episode is Trump’s relationship with Aras Agalarov, a billionaire Russian real estate mogul with ties to Putin, and Agalarov’s rakish son, Emin, 36, a dance-pop singer with ambitions to international stardom who got Trump to appear in one of his music videos. The father and son are two of several ultra-wealthy Russians to whom Trump is connected and with whom he has pursued real estate deals. ‘I have always been interested in building in Russia,’ he told the New York Post just after his return from Moscow. He also boasted upon his return from the pageant that ‘almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.’ The elder Agalarov was born in Azerbaijan in 1956 and has made a Forbes-estimated fortune of nearly $1.3 billion in real estate development — thanks in part to lucrative contracts his company, Crocus Group, has won from Putin’s Kremlin, including for two World Cup 2018 stadiums. Putin himself recognized Agalarov’s commercial work in a 2013 ceremony at the Kremlin, where he pinned a medal of honor on Agalarov’s lapel.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

· Russian Oligarch Aras Agalarov Had Close Ties To Vladimir Putin. “It also reveals more about his personal courtship of Putin, which long predates his presidential bid. At the heart of the episode is Trump’s relationship with Aras Agalarov, a billionaire Russian real estate mogul with ties to Putin, and Agalarov’s rakish son, Emin, 36, a dance-pop singer with ambitions to international stardom who got Trump to appear in one of his music videos. The father and son are two of several ultra-wealthy Russians to whom Trump is connected and with whom he has pursued real estate deals. ‘I have always been interested in building in Russia,’ he told the New York Post just after his return from Moscow. He also boasted upon his return from the pageant that ‘almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.’ The elder Agalarov was born in Azerbaijan in 1956 and has made a Forbes-estimated fortune of nearly $1.3 billion in real estate development — thanks in part to lucrative contracts his company, Crocus Group, has won from Putin’s Kremlin, including for two World Cup 2018 stadiums. Putin himself recognized Agalarov’s commercial work in a 2013 ceremony at the Kremlin, where he pinned a medal of honor on Agalarov’s lapel.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

2013: Russian Oligarch Aras Agalarov Got Trump To Appear In His Son Emin’s Music Video. “It also reveals more about his personal courtship of Putin, which long predates his presidential bid. At the heart of the episode is Trump’s relationship with Aras Agalarov, a billionaire Russian real estate mogul with ties to Putin, and Agalarov’s rakish son, Emin, 36, a dance-pop singer with ambitions to international stardom who got Trump to appear in one of his music videos. The father and son are two of several ultra-wealthy Russians to whom Trump is connected and with whom he has pursued real estate deals. ‘I have always been interested in building in Russia,’ he told the New York Post just after his return from Moscow. He also boasted upon his return from the pageant that ‘almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.’ The elder Agalarov was born in Azerbaijan in 1956 and has made a Forbes-estimated fortune of nearly $1.3 billion in real estate development — thanks in part to lucrative contracts his company, Crocus Group, has won from Putin’s Kremlin, including for two World Cup 2018 stadiums. Putin himself recognized Agalarov’s commercial work in a 2013 ceremony at the Kremlin, where he pinned a medal of honor on Agalarov’s lapel.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

· Trump In Emin Agalarov’s Music Video: “Emin, Wake Up! You’re Always Late. You’re Just Another Pretty Face. I’m Really Tired Of You. You’re Fired!” “But the Agalarovs have not forgotten their powerful American friend. Soon after Trump's visit, Emin released a video for his song ‘In Another Life,’ in which he dozes off during a boardroom meeting and dreams about lounging around his apartment as scantily clad Miss Universe contestants parade around. The video ends back in the boardroom, where Trump himself has appeared at the head of the table. ‘Emin, wake up!’ the mogul barks. ‘You’re always late. You’re just another pretty face. I’m really tired of you. You’re fired!’ The next year, Trump opened a video produced for Emin’s 35th birthday and posted on YouTube. ‘Emin, I can’t believe you’re turning 35. … You’re a winner, you’re a champ!’ he says, just before a drum beat kicks in to unleash an Emin Europop ballad.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

Trump Called The Agalarovs “One Of The Great Families In Russia.” “But it’s Agalarov’s musician son, Emin, who started the chain of events that brought Trump to Moscow. Emin’s website describes him as having ‘rock star good looks,’ and his music is in the Euro-club style, featuring risque lyrics over thumping dance beats. While Emin claims some commercial success in Russia, his family fortune ensures he can afford a hedonistic lifestyle, one he chronicles on his Instagram account, where he poses on beaches, in swimming pools and at nightclubs — often wearing hats and T-shirts with slogans like ‘Surprise, I’m Drunk Again’ and ‘Your Girlfriend Hates My Alarm Clock.’ Emin Agalarov’s connection to Donald Trump runs through a beauty queen. In 2013 Emin filmed the video for his single ‘Amor,’ in which the young singer pursues Miss Universe 2012, Olivia Culpo, through darkened city streets with a flashlight. Miss Universe representatives later came to Moscow with Culpo to meet with the Agalarovs, and subsequently introduced the Russians to Trump… Trump announced the venue in June 2013, saying Russia had beaten out 17 other countries. ‘Moscow right now in the world is a very, very important place,’ he said. ‘We wanted Moscow all the way.’ Trump added of the Agalarovs: ‘One of the great families in Russia is our partner in this endeavor.’” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

Trump Invited Putin To His 2013 Miss Universe Gala In Moscow. “Whether Trump also considered Putin’s potential reaction isn’t known. But he clearly sought the Russian president’s favor. A few weeks before departing for Moscow, Trump made clear he still hoped to see the Russian leader at his Nov. 9 gala. ‘I know for a fact that he wants very much to come, but we’ll have to see. We haven’t heard yet, but we have invited him,’ Trump told an interviewer that October.” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

During His November 2013 Trip To Moscow, Trump Met With The Russian Developers Agalarovs, Alex Sapir, And Rotem Rosen. “Putin never showed. But the pageant went off smoothly, crowning 25-year-old Gabriela Isler of Venezuela before what NBC claims was a worldwide audience of 1 billion. (To the disappointment of some LGBT activists, no mention was made of the anti-gay law.) After the contest, Trump attended a vodka-infused 1 a.m. afterparty at which ticket holders were promised a meeting with the New Yorker, along with the pageant contestants. He also met with the Agalarovs to talk business. Trump had explored real estate projects in Russia before. In 1987, he visited Moscow and St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Soviet ambassador to the U.S., though he doubted the standards of Soviet construction firms and never followed through. In 2008, his son Donald Jr. visited Moscow to explore licensing the Trump name to properties there, according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant. The paper also reported that, a few years earlier, Trump had considered aiding the reconstruction of the city’s Moskva and Rossiya hotels. Joining Trump’s November 2013 meeting with the Agalarovs were Alex Sapir and Rotem Rosen, a pair of New York-based Russian developers who helped to develop the Trump Soho hotel and condominium project in Manhattan. Sapir later told New York’s Real Estate Weekly that Russian visitors to the Trump Soho ‘have been telling us they wish there was something modern and hip like it in Moscow. … A lot of people from the oil and gas businesses have come to us asking to be partners in building a product like Trump Soho there.’” [Politico, 5/15/16<>]

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The Basic Formula For Every Shocking Russia/Trump Revelation
« Reply #186 on: July 12, 2017, 04:56:58 PM »

Michael TraceyFollow
Roving journalist
Mar 2
The Basic Formula For Every Shocking Russia/Trump Revelation

The basic formula for every breaking Trump/Russia story is essentially as follows:
The New York Times or Washington Post releases an article that at first blush appears extremely damning.
Anti-Trump pundits and Democrats react reflexively to the news, express shrieking outrage, and proclaim that this finally proves untoward collusion between Trump and Russia — a smoking gun, at last.
Aggrieved former Clinton apparatchiks *connect the dots* in a manner eerily reminiscent of right-wing Glenn Beck-esque prognostication circa 2009.

4. Self-proclaimed legal experts rashly opine as to whether the new revelation entails some kind of criminally actionable offense. (Recall the now-laughable certitude that felled National Security Advisor Mike Flynn violated the 200+ year old Logan Act.) This latest version is the certitude that Jeff Sessions committed perjury, when that at the very least is highly questionable.

(Probably best to at least read the relevant statute first.)
5. The notion of Russian “collusion” being key to toppling Trump becomes further implanted in the minds of the most energized Democratic activists, as evidenced this time around by a troupe of protesters who showed up to the Department of Justice headquarters brandishing trademarked “Resist” placards, chanting “Lock Him Up,” and (as usual) hyperventilating about Putin. As I’ve written before, Trump/Putin theories are increasingly the top concern that plugged-in “Resistance” types bring up at the highly-charged town hall meetings that have received so much attention of late.

6. Pointing out these glaring flaws in the latest anti-Russia frenzy is immediately construed by cynics as “defending Trump” or “defending Sessions” when it most assuredly is not. At least in my own case, it’s a defense of not getting enraptured by irrational hysterics to further short-term political aims.
7. People who’d spent the past 12 hours frothing at the mouth gradually come to realize that their initial furor was probably overblown, and that a more sober look at the actual facts at hand reveal that the anti-Trump chorus probably got ahead of itself…again.

8. Democrats who sought to capitalize on the uproar end up looking extremely foolish.

9. It becomes “normalized” (that new favorite buzzword!) to cast any meetings or contacts with Russian officials as inherently sinister. Rather than just a basic function of a Senator’s ordinary duties, meeting with “The Russians” is increasingly viewed as evidence of nefarious intent, and perhaps participation in a grand global conspiracy.
10. Political ineptitude and clumsiness (as was very probably the case with Flynn) gets interpreted as something more calculated than it really is. Sessions could’ve avoided this ridiculous controversy by saying something to the effect of: “I did not meet with any Russian officials in my informal capacity as Trump campaign surrogate, but I did speak with Russian officials over the course of my ordinary Senatorial duties.” The problem is, such an admission would’ve probably blown up into a big political snafu; Democrats would’ve seized on it as evidence of Russian collusion. So Sessions tried to lawyer himself out of trouble with an ambiguous comment during sworn testimony. This allowed him to sneak through the confirmation process, but created an even bigger political storm later.
11. A Trump official’s least egregious quality ends up being portrayed as his most egregious quality. There were any number of reasons to be highly worried about the presence of Mike Flynn in the Trump administration, from his bellicose posture toward Iran, to his outlandish views on the alleged threat posed by Islam. Conversing with the Russian ambassador about reducing tensions would very clearly not have been on the “reasons to be worried about Flynn” list. Likewise, Jeff Sessions is a troubling figure for a whole host of reasons, ranging from his hawkishly retrograde attitude about Drug Prohibition to his dicey history on racial matters. That he spoke to the Russian Ambassador in September 2016 would not be on the “reasons to be worried about Sessions” list.
12. The overall political climate gets further degraded and warped without any commensurate upside.
13. Repeat.


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CNN keeps trying
« Reply #194 on: July 12, 2017, 09:24:28 PM »
Drip drip drip.  Curious that the contents of the last line were placed , , , last.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #196 on: July 13, 2017, 04:39:28 AM »
What's not being talked about here is how this info was discovered.  Kushner and Manafort disclosed the meeting to relevant federal governmental authorities.  Thus, it is likely that the leakers were members of the staffs of the relevant federal authorities who received those disclosures along with the emails.

But the story is written from the point of view that Trump, Jr. did not disclose the same meeting that was disclosed by the other two.  Trump, Jr is not a federal employee (Kushner) and is not a registered foreign agent (Manafort).  He is not required to disclose anything.  And it is likely that the investigators got the emails from Kushner.  

Now,it turns out that the lawyer herself was admitted to the USA only to attend the trial of one of her clients, a Russian company.  But she broke the terms of her visa and used her presence in the USA to conduct unregistered lobbying to amend the Magnitsky Act.  And she got a meeting with Trump, Jr., Kushner, and Manafort by falsely claiming to the singer and his father that she had some dirt on Clinton.  

In other words, this was NOT an effort by the Russian government to interfere or influence the 2016 elections.  It was a lobbying effort to persuade the Trump campaign to support repeal of the Magnitsky Act.  It was part of an open effort that involved a film presentation at the Newsuem in DC and meetings with or introductions to up to 80 Congressmen.  And one of the backers of this lobbying effort was former Congressman Ron Dellums, a well-known leftist from the San Francisco area.


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of interest
« Reply #197 on: July 13, 2017, 08:08:02 AM » no evidence of actual Russian interference
This matter of the money laundering case does seem to have a whiff to it

Comey testifies FBI never got hands on DNC server

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 08:12:37 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, related matters
« Reply #199 on: July 13, 2017, 08:33:41 AM »
Third post:

A major progressive friend cites this hard to read page

and summarizes it thus:


To summarize the collusion (the individual pieces are now out there and this is my belief about how it all came together):

- Trump's clan was contacted by his friends in Russia once it was clear that he would win the Republican Party nomination.

- Russia knew it would be unlikely Trump would win but believed it could test out its information warfare capabilities, which it had been bragging about in open conferences in Russia but now needed a test case on the international stage (the low price of oil has gutted the Russian economy and the oligarchs have stolen hundreds of billions from the Russian people without punishment, so cyber warfare rather than physical warfare are now their game).

- Trump's people, not actually believing they could win, took the bait and started meetings as far back as April to see how hey might get help from the country that has been funding Trump's poorly performing businesses (via DeutcheBank as the paper processor).

- In characteristic fashion, the Russians mount a full court press, meeting with a half dozen or more people involved in the campaign and built strong roots with people who were already US citizens acting as foreign agents (Manafort, et al).

- Russia promised a whole slew of support which was all discussed in all the meetings with the Russians--from Sessions to Manafort to Carter Page, to Don Jr's meetings--and included discussions of how the Trump camp could feed Russia information that Russia could use for micro targeting through Facebook (which has been proven).

- These meetings and discussions entangle the Trump campaign in a way that, even if the campaign wanted to get out, were stuck (proof is in how Flynn was brought in as national security advisor, in a giant coup for the Russians, proving to them that their entanglement works at the highest levels).

- The lack of cloaking is so evident that Trump gets on stage in early June 2016, 4 days after the meeting with Don Jr and the other cronies he brags that he is going to reveal a whole bunch of Clinton dirt! It was planned, it was orchestrated and colluded upon, no question about it.

- Russia knew that if their information warfare techniques could actually shift the election, with the recordings the Russians had on Trump's people, they owned the entire group and could see their bought and sold Trump people all the way into the White House (both to have morons who would repeal the sanctions but also to fundamentally destabilize the world and the US leadership role, which have now already happened in only a few months, and not even with Trump needing to be told what to do!).

- Trump was so highly undesirable that only an information warfare approach in the key districts (the now legendary 77,000 votes) created the painful secret anti-Clinton vote that allowed those districts to flip red and the Electoral College to go for Trump despite a massive popular vote win for Clinton (this was all aided by the stupid overconfidence of Clinton by not anticipating the flipping and not playing as dirty as Trump-Russia).

- When Trump can't seem to lose by saying the most extraordinary things, the Russians double-down on true fake news (Clinton running a sex ring...etc.) and find that people continue to believe it. In fact more than 75% of the Facebook impressions during the campaign were for fake rather than real news, affecting 15 million people, more than enough to sway 77,000 votes in key districts.

- When journalists (thank g-d) started penetrating the strange new world and leakers (thank g-d) started leaking at the greatest levels ever seen, we got to see a picture of exactly what a purchased, compromised executive branch looks like--state attorney generals who were promised a job but who were investigating Russian ties being fired, compromised people like Flynn being pushed in, firings of Comey who were close to the truth, and now the unstoppable cascade of new revelations coming out.

We will look back on this day and say, my g-d, it was all right there in front of us but too surreal to believe. From the likes of Michael Crichton or John Le Carré novels, this is real. The Russians have created the most powerful bioweapon: our own self-loathing and gullibility.
