Author Topic: Kavanaugh  (Read 24566 times)


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« on: July 11, 2018, 02:33:06 PM »
Let's give Kavanaugh his own thread:

This from an attorney friend

We know that Toobin is a hack.  He’s also wrong about this:

“Under the Constitution,” Kavanaugh wrote, “the President may decline to enforce a statute that regulates private individuals when the President deems the statute unconstitutional, even if a court has held or would hold the statute constitutional.” This is an extraordinary view. It is courts—not Presidents—who “deem” laws unconstitutional, but not, apparently, in Kavanaugh’s view. President Trump’s sabotage of the A.C.A. comes right from Kavanagh’s approach to the law.

My friend comments:

"Every branch has an obligation to uphold the Constitution.  Toobin almost certainly knows better, but loves Marbury v. Madison a little bit too much.  Like most liberals who view the courts as super-legislatures."

This is an interesting point and good on Kavanaugh for making it.


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Re: Kavanaugh, Rule of Four
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2018, 08:18:32 AM »
Hugh Hewitt in Washington Post this morning, I can't bring up the story.
For Chief Justice Roberts to have a 4th conservative associate changes the dynamic on the court in terms of what cases they will hear.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2018, 11:37:45 AM »
Good point!


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Re: Kagan and Kavanaugh
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2018, 11:04:17 AM »
The Brett Kavanaugh - Elena Kagan connection blows the Left narrative that this pick is out of the mainstream.  Did she hire him to teach Constitutional Law, or a course on far-right extremism?

From the article: 
“I teach that the Constitution’s separation of powers protects individual liberty, and I remain grateful to the dean who hired me, Justice Elena Kagan,” Kavanaugh said, prompting an audible gasp or two in the East Room, according to one account.

Is it starting to emerge that Kagan is the intellectual heavyweight of the liberal Justices?  She also had a friendship with Antonin Scalia.  She sided with the cakeshop in the religious freedom case.  Soon she will have one more constitutionalist trying to pull her away from liberal outcome decision making.

Tina Smith, [who sits in Al Franken's Senate seat] sees a threat to many progressive ideals if Kavanaugh sits on the high court.  Standing on the Supreme Court steps at a Monday night rally, Smith accused Trump of picking the D.C. federal appellate judge from a list drawn up by “far right ideologues” who believe he’ll cast the deciding vote to overturn legalized abortion under Roe v. Wade.

    - Roe v Wade was already shrunk by Casey v Planned Parenthood, Tina Smith's former employer.  What we have on the far Left is projection.  They want a certain outcome, their outcome, not a proper constitutional process unless it favors their outcome, so they accuse their opponents of exactly that.

Senator Smith is declaring she represents only the far left in an evenly divided state.  Kavanaugh doesn't need her vote and we are better off having her own radical agenda exposed.


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Kavanaugh, Ben Sasse opening remarks, a civics lesson
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2018, 07:58:01 AM »
PhD in history from Yale, when he is not busy fighting with Trump he is quite wise and articulate. Well worth 15 minutes of your time!  Share with those who could benefit from this.


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Re: Kavanaugh vs. Feinstein on the Second Amendment
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2018, 07:00:42 PM »
G M:  100's of school shootings with assault weapons? Really?

Right.  There are probably lots of mass shootings in schools with assault weapons in the US every year that the media doesn't get around to reporting.  Not.


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Re: Kavanaugh vs. Feinstein on the Second Amendment
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2018, 08:50:29 PM »
G M:  100's of school shootings with assault weapons? Really?

Right.  There are probably lots of mass shootings in schools with assault weapons in the US every year that the media doesn't get around to reporting.  Not.

Well; I’m sure the professional journalists and fact checkers have made sure the public is informed that this is an utterly bogus number.


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Fake rape accusations and Kavanaugh
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2018, 02:23:39 PM »

Fake-rape history repeats itself: first as cock-and-bull story from the UVA campus, then as cock-and-bull story from high school
September 15, 2018

Rape on Campus
Photo Illustration: John Ritter/Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone, 2014:

“Shut up,” she heard a man’s voice say as a body barreled into her, tripping her backward and sending them both crashing through a low glass table. There was a heavy person on top of her, spreading open her thighs, and another person kneeling on her hair, hands pinning down her arms, sharp shards digging into her back, and excited male voices rising all around her. When yet another hand clamped over her mouth, Jackie bit it, and the hand became a fist that punched her in the face. The men surrounding her began to laugh. For a hopeful moment Jackie wondered if this wasn’t some collegiate prank. Perhaps at any second someone would flick on the lights and they’d return to the party.

“Grab its motherf–king leg,” she heard a voice say. And that’s when Jackie knew she was going to be raped.

She remembers every moment of the next three hours of agony, during which, she says, seven men took turns raping her, while two more – her date, Drew, and another man – gave instruction and encouragement. She remembers how the spectators swigged beers, and how they called each other nicknames like Armpit and Blanket. She remembers the men’s heft and their sour reek of alcohol mixed with the pungency of marijuana. Most of all, Jackie remembers the pain and the pounding that went on and on.

The New Yorker, 2018:

The allegation dates back to the early nineteen-eighties, when Kavanaugh was a high-school student at Georgetown Preparatory School, in Bethesda, Maryland, and the woman attended a nearby high school. In the letter, the woman alleged that, during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself. Although the alleged incident took place decades ago and the three individuals involved were minors, the woman said that the memory had been a source of ongoing distress for her, and that she had sought psychological treatment as a result….

Well, at least no broken glass table in the Kavanaugh story. Although there was a “sour reek of alcohol.”

Still, the wheels of innuendo continue to spin. From Politico:

The decades-old sexual misconduct charge detonated at the most critical juncture of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation battle — sending Republicans into damage control mode and leaving Democrats unsure how or whether to capitalize.

And this from Slate’:

The system made certain that whatever this woman had to say, or didn’t have to say, would be evaluated by people with partial information and an agenda, even if she didn’t want to share it in the first place. The system is still sitting in this room. The system kind of is this room. The system keeps asking why women in trauma didn’t come forward earlier or later or publicly or privately or anonymously or with evidence or without evidence. The system is why women don’t talk, and even when they do, why things don’t change.

From Vox:

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — who now faces allegations of attempted sexual assault when he was a teenager — was asked directly about the issue of personal sexual misconduct during his confirmation hearing last week.

When pressed on the matter, Kavanaugh said he had not sexually harassed anyone and had not dealt with any settlements related to such allegations. The way it was framed, however, the question at the September 5 hearing — by Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) — only asked Kavanaugh to detail any incidents that had taken place after he had become a legal adult.

Mmm, yeah, they really do write this stuff with a straight face.

At least this is more interesting than last week’s burning scandal: Why did Kavanaugh pay for baseball tickets with a credit card?

Update: Thanks for the shout-out, Instapundit!

Posted by Charlotte Allen


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NRO: Kavanaugh perjury claims are baseless
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2018, 02:32:11 PM »
IIRC Anita Hill first tried zapping Clarence Thomas anonymously and then there was a drip, drip of pressure on her to come forward , , ,
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 02:36:22 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2018, 02:37:08 PM »
IIRC Anita Hill first tried zapping Clarence Thomas anonymously and then there was a drip, drip of pressure on her to come forward , , ,

The left will do anything to control the Supreme Court. It's how they impose their will when they can't get it any other way.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2018, 02:56:35 PM »
I dunno.
I don't think for even a  second she is not being offered lots of cash or some sort of payback to come forward

we need a forensic financial expert and her records reviewed from hear on in.

No doubt she will start appearing on LEFT wing propaganda stations soon to plead her case the Brett is a monster who ruined her life and she still has nightmares and relationship and trust issues due to him.

Bottom line : just confirm the guy for an exemplary life.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 02:58:15 PM by ccp »


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2018, 04:23:06 PM »
I dunno.
I don't think for even a  second she is not being offered lots of cash or some sort of payback to come forward

we need a forensic financial expert and her records reviewed from hear on in.

No doubt she will start appearing on LEFT wing propaganda stations soon to plead her case the Brett is a monster who ruined her life and she still has nightmares and relationship and trust issues due to him.

Bottom line : just confirm the guy for an exemplary life.

Funny how 6 prior background Investigations never found anything like this. If it’s so credible, why have the dems been sitting on this for months?


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2018, 04:33:43 PM »
ok now we know who it is
a clinical psych prof at a liberal university in California

odds 95% + she is a lib
and the story even IF true does not disqualify anyone from anything

All cans better stand up to this BS

and again I state - follow the money
she ain't just doing this for free


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2018, 05:02:52 PM »
I bet the Goolag and other social media entities got the heads up prior to her disclosure and scrubbed the hard left crazy postings from this operative.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2018, 09:25:45 PM »
I read that confirmed anti-Trumper Sen. Flake of AZ (R) is on the judiciary committee.  He has already made "this needs to be looked into" noise and may well abstain or not vote on passing the nomination out of committee in which case the vote goes to the Senate floor without endorsement from the Judiciary Committee.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2018, 11:41:17 PM »
I read that confirmed anti-Trumper Sen. Flake of AZ (R) is on the judiciary committee.  He has already made "this needs to be looked into" noise and may well abstain or not vote on passing the nomination out of committee in which case the vote goes to the Senate floor without endorsement from the Judiciary Committee.

Flake is a sh*tstain of the first order.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2018, 06:33:04 AM »
So ... the Senate Judiciary Committee is now going to "investigate" a woman's claim of unsuccessful clothing removal by the current nominee for Supreme Court justice that allegedly occurred 36 years ago during a high school era party when all principals were juveniles and when lots of kids danced "The Bump" to such classic songs as "Brickhouse" by the Commodores, "Superfreak" by Rick James, and "Disco Duck."  It was such an innocent time.  :-o


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2018, 07:22:10 AM »
It's about time that I come forward. I was attacked by Kavanaugh too. I'm still afraid he might inadvertently kill me.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2018, 07:44:11 AM »
It's about time that I come forward. I was attacked by Kavanaugh too. I'm still afraid he might inadvertently kill me.

Jeff Flake will be your white knight, just as long it harms republicans!


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2018, 08:13:50 AM »
Jeff Flake -> McCain derangement syndrome.


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David French is in my opinion naive
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2018, 08:44:31 AM »

All I know is Kavanaugh better be a Justice BEFORE the election which IS the goal and likely the reason they waited till now. 

The Dems asked over a thousand questions made all sorts of charges and then when case finally nearly closed then this gets publicly sprung with their beltway buddies in the media

Why do Repubs always try to be honorable like , David French when the other side is not.

This is not a "gentlemen's duel"  or Queensberry rules boxing match.  This is outright civil war.  No prisoners.  A UFC fight that has the rules from the 1990s.

Besides look at the lawyer who represents Ford.  She looks like a lesbian castrating take no Republican prisoners lib to me.

More dangerous then Kevanaugh ever was.


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THIS MUST BE INVESTIGATED! um, but not now...
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2018, 02:38:40 PM »

September 17, 2018
Democrats Refusing to Cooperate in Scheduling Follow-Up Calls With Kavanaugh's Accuser
For some reason they don't seem to want their 11th-Hour Accuser participating in an investigation.

Because they don't want an investigation. They just want Republicans to fold. And as soon as one Republican folds, that gives Trump State Democrat Senators permission to vote "no" as well.

And of course, Flake and Corker are already making all kinds of noise about folding.

They're exactly who we thought they were.

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Byron York

 New statement from Judiciary chairman Grassley. Short version: Procedure is to hold calls with Ford, Kavanaugh. So far, Dems are refusing to participate. GOP still trying. Extremely unhappy Feinstein withheld information.

9:56 AM - Sep 17, 2018
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John Hayward
 Any of you Democrats troubled that Feinstein basically became a face on a milk carton over the weekend? She drops this bomb, then goes into hiding and refuses to answer questions or perform the most basic duties. You're all cool with that?

Byron York

New statement from Judiciary chairman Grassley. Short version: Procedure is to hold calls with Ford, Kavanaugh. So far, Dems are refusing to participate. GOP still trying. Extremely unhappy Feinstein withheld information.

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10:07 AM - Sep 17, 2018
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 Then hold the vote.

Wired Sources
JUST IN: Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley says Sen. Dianne Feinstein is refusing to cooperate in setting up follow-up calls with Dr. Ford and SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh

9:51 AM - Sep 17, 2018
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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2018, 04:11:00 PM »
There will be a public hearing on Monday, September 24th at which both Judge Kavanagh and his accuser will testify.

I believe the genesis of the accuser's belief is Mark Judge's essay published in Huffington Post years ago about his high school experiences. (I'm looking for the link to that story.)  A fictional character named in that essay was Bart O'Kavanaugh, Judge's fictional best friend.  Judge named his high school Loyola Prep (instead of Georgetown Prep) and he joked about all of the Irish last names of the students in his high school class.  The name of his fictional friend was a parody of the large number of his Irish named classmates.

A likely explanation is that because of Mark Judge's essay, the accuser began to believe that Judge Kavanagh was the other high school student with Judge at that party at which she claims to have been assaulted.  And that her "memory" comes from that story - not from her actual memory of the incident. 

This is why Feinstein's tactics are despicable.  Instead of seeking the truth, the Dems are seeking to benefit politically from the mere accusation.  As it turns out, the accuser may have a reason for naming Kavanagh - but the reason is a fictional short story written by the only other person she has named.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2018, 04:34:33 PM »
Well, I'd say Feinstein is despicable for quite more reasons that the motivations/confusions of the accuser.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2018, 05:04:08 PM »
Fienscum sat on this for months because she knew it’s garbage. This is how the left works, there is nothing they won’t do to push their agenda down our collective throats.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2018, 06:46:32 AM »
IMO, if you are trying to learn why this woman suddenly came forward with Judge Kavanaugh's name in 2018, the previous articles concerning Mark Judge's novel about his high school years offer a reasonable explanation.

Her anti-Trump animus is the motivation.  And the fictional Bart O'Kavanaugh is the means to her end.  There are three possible explanations here.

1.  She did experience the incident about 36 years ago, but:  a) only knew Mark Judge; or, b) did not know either of the boys.  In 2017, when Kavanaugh's name begins to percolate as a possible replacement for Scalia, articles about Judge and the fictional Bart O'Kavanaugh begin to appear in some publications.  This triggers a false memory in the woman about the identity of the boys.  This is no different than a bad line-up by the police when trying to get a witness to identify the crook.

2.  She made up the incident in couples' counseling to justify some of her behavior towards her husband.  As resistors to all conservatives, especially Trump, after she and her husband remain together, they decide to embellish the story using the Mark Judge fictional story as proof that Judge Kavanaugh is the ficitional Bart O'Kavanaugh.  (BTW, that is the left wing storyline now.)

3.  She made up the entire story in June-July when Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump as a committed member of the Bernie Sanders resistance knowing about Judge's book and knowing that she could use the fictional character to justify her "memories."

But the use of Mark Judge's name is telling.  Why would she remember his name if she cannot remember when and where the party occurred?  Why would the therapist not write down the name of her assailant if she actually provided the name?  Those names would be important to use to help the woman recover.  Why would the woman say she received medical treatment when her story only includes counselling?  She has a PhD and teaches in the field of psychology.  You learn the difference between psychology and psychiatry in Psych 101.  Why would she claim that she only came forward because of last week's leaks when she hired counsel in August and underwent a lie detector exam in August?  And why would she make the same claim when she wrote to Feinstein that she wanted to remain confidential until she had a chance to speak with DiFi?  All of this suggests a pattern of embellishments and lies.  Just because a woman's claim sounds plausible does not make it believable.  And I dislike how journalists interpose the word credible for plausible.

One more thing.  I am very attuned to this type of witness behavior due to a case in which, as court-appointed counsel, I represented successfully a young man accused of criminal sexual conduct (used to be called rape).  This case was tried in the early 1980s. The woman took a consensual sexual relationship and made a false rape claim to protect herself when she got back together with her boyfriend who had been away from home.  That woman exhibited many of the same inconsistencies in her testimony as this professor has exhibited to date.  This experience makes me much more skeptical of many #MeToo claims than the average pandering politician.  My increased skepticism makes me look for things like the factors I have listed above. 


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2018, 09:08:42 AM »
Rick has this right, in my view. She connected something from her past with something she read, energized by her pussy hat activism and the Leftist belief that ends justify means.

Senator Grassley revealed this morning that she has not yet agreed to testify under oath Monday. This pretend Scandal could have a short life.

If she does eventually testify, it is because of the weakness of senators like Flake, Corker and Collins that she gets a week to prepare instead of being put under oath on the Senate's schedule.

Rick lays out the important distinction between credible and plausible. Like the best, award-winning actors, if she tells a perfectly credible story or in a public hearing 36 years later, that doesn't mean those events are plausible. The alleged incident does not fit with anything else we know about the man going back to his childhood and through six previous FBI background checks. This ugly chapter, however, fits perfectly with the Democrat strategy of delay, delay, delay for any and all reasons.

Who else feels like they've seen this movie before?


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2018, 09:22:16 AM »
As a primary care doctor I have heard many stories of rape .  Indeed when ever I have a patient tell me of hard to explain or confusing physical or mental symptoms I routinely ask ,  "have you ever been mentally physically or sexually abused?"  Been doing this since the early 90's long before "Me2".  I have heard  numerous stories of rape from stepfather's uncles neighbors baby sitters workers at orphanages and once a psychiatrist .

One of the most monstrous cases was a long term patient who would tell me of verbal and control abuse by her husband.  At one point she told me he suddenly got her a tracking device and she thought is was another example of his control over her.  

Then one day she came in and told me she found out why he made her carry it.  Whenever she was not home he would be raping her eleven y.o. daughter (his stepdaughter).  He needed to know in advance when she might be coming back.

Now compare a few stories like this to the alleged one the MSM is running all over the air waves .   Need I say more.
This is all political and nothing more from what I can tell.   I still think there is financial carrots involved too.


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Democrats, Kavanaugh, and ‘The End of Civilization’
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2018, 04:46:26 PM »

Democrats, Kavanaugh, and ‘The End of Civilization’
September 18, 2018 3:25 PM
A camera takes a photo of Sen. Dianne Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the DOJ Inspector General’s report, June 18, 2018.   (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
If they get away with this, the only decent people in politics will be decent progressives.
Judge Robert Bork used to tell a prescient and darkly humorous story about watching Clarence Thomas’s Senate confirmation hearings — etched in pre-hashtag history as the “Thomas–Hill hearings,” in homage to Anita Hill’s role as the Left’s heroic accuser.

At the time, Thomas was a judge of the same eminent D.C. Circuit federal appeals court on which Bork had served. As he viewed Thomas’s “high-tech lynching” in horror, Bork recalled, a friend of his, the iconic Irving Kristol, approached and asked him what was happening.

“The end of civilization,” the judge sadly quipped.

“Of course it is,” Kristol deadpanned. “But it’ll take a long time. Meanwhile, it’s still possible to live well.”

It was a poignant story coming from Bork. A scholar of great breadth, the late judge was a man from another time: a patriot who’d enlisted in the Marines at 17 during World War II and been called back to duty when the Korean War broke out, even as he embarked on a legendary life in the law. In 1987, four years before the Thomas–Hill hearings, the slide from civilization he so lamented — the slouch toward Gomorrah — had started when he himself was mugged by Senate Democrats. This libelous character assassination, derailing Bork’s nomination by President Reagan to the Supreme Court, had been led by Ted Kennedy.


Democrats and Women

Back in 1969, Senator Kennedy had recklessly caused the death of a young woman, not his wife, by driving her off a rickety bridge on Chappaquiddick Island as they sped away from a booze-soaked bacchanal. Kennedy managed to save himself by swimming to safety. He then abandoned the scene for hours, failing to alert police and rescue workers while Mary Jo Kopechne, submerged in the car, eventually drowned.

Ms. Kopechne did not live to see “Me Too.” That “movement,” in which the Left is front and center, was not forged until long after leftists had raised the notoriously lecherous Kennedy to “Lion of the Senate” status. Indeed, it was not forged until 20 years after Democrats, prominently including women’s-rights advocates, closed ranks around President Bill Clinton, Kennedy’s equally lascivious political ally.

According to the victim’s credible accusation, Clinton had raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978. That was before Brett Kavanaugh could even have pondered hitting underage beer parties. Clinton, at the time, was the 32-year-old attorney general of Arkansas.

His sexual assault against Ms. Broaddrick came to light during the investigation of Clinton’s obstruction of a sexual-harassment suit filed against him by another woman, Paula Jones. She alleged that, while governor of Arkansas, Clinton had exposed himself to her, demanding oral sex. She declined and fled from the room.

There was no Twitter back then but, in the face of Jones’s entirely credible allegation, a top Clinton White House aide set the narrative: “Drag a hundred dollars through a trailer park and there’s no telling what you’ll find.” President Clinton eventually paid $850,000 to settle the matter out of court.

The president was later held in contempt of court by a federal judge for providing perjurious testimony. That testimony was about Monica Lewinsky. It was also through Ms. Jones’s case that we discovered that Clinton, while the 50-year-old president of the United States, had arranged Oval Office sexual liaisons with the then-22-year-old White House intern.

These were just some of the many sexcapades in which Clinton leveraged his physical and political muscle against vulnerable women. He did it because he felt immune, the women having been intimidated into silence. In this regard, his enabler-in-chief was his political partner and wife, Hillary, who took charge of the jihads against her husband’s bevy of potential accusers. Think of them as a Me Too precursor, strangled in the cradle lest Democrats be separated from power.

And how did Democrats respond to this outrageous affront against all that Me Too stands for? Why, by nominating Mrs. Clinton for president and championing her bid to return to power as — what else? — a symbol for women everywhere who challenge our sexist, predatory, Good Old Boy society.


Democrats and Judges

Some more not-so-fun facts. Not that long after Clarence Thomas’s nomination was very nearly defeated, and within easy memory of Bork’s character assassination, President Bill Clinton got to nominate two Supreme Court justices. How did Republicans react? They couldn’t leap on the confirmation bandwagon fast enough. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer were confirmed by the lopsided margins of 96–3 and 87–9, respectively.

See how this works?

Justices Ginsburg and Breyer were well qualified. But, of course, so had been Bork and Thomas. Because they were Democrats, however, Ginsburg and Breyer sailed through. The two things Democrats and Republicans have in common are 1) abiding respect for the personal integrity and legal acumen of Democratic judicial nominees and 2) effective acceptance of the Democrats’ claimed prerogative to “Bork” any Republican court nominee, no matter how impeccably credentialed, no matter their obvious integrity.

Republicans have defeated Democratic nominees, but they never Bork them. They never demagogue Democratic nominees as sex offenders, racists, or homophobes. There are no “Spartacus” moments.

Even when Republicans are put off by a Democratic nominee’s progressive activism, they seem apologetic, quick to concede that the progressive in question adheres to a mainstream constitutional philosophy — one that is championed by leading American law schools and bar associations because it effectively rewrites the Constitution to promote progressive pieties. Old GOP hands then typically vote “aye” while mumbling something about bipartisanship and some “presumption” that the president is entitled to have his nominees confirmed (a grant of deference that Democrats do not reciprocate, and that actually applies only to offices in the executive branch that exercise the president’s own power, not to slots in the independent judicial branch).

Even in 2016, when Republicans blocked Merrick Garland, President Obama’s late-term gambit to fill the vacancy created by the titanic Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, there was no besmirching of Judge Garland’s character. It was pure political calculation and exactly what Democrats would have done if roles had been reversed (minus the character assassination).

The Constitution did not require Republicans to conduct hearings or vote on the president’s nominee — something of which Democrats were well aware, having stonewalled on President George W. Bush’s nominees, saving slots for his Democratic successor to fill. This time, with the 2016 election looming, Republicans had the votes to block Garland and allow the American people, in the 2016 election, to determine whether they wanted the court vacancy filled by Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. It was a rare show of backbone by the GOP, and it undoubtedly won the election for Trump.

No one, however, questioned Garland’s sterling character, patriotism, or legal acumen. These attributes, in fact, created real political risk for Republicans. For the GOP, Garland — then a 63-year-old moderate progressive with a strong law-enforcement background — was as good as it gets (which is why Obama, as a lame duck with no leverage, nominated him). Trump was expected to lose. Had Mrs. Clinton won the presidency, Obama might well have retracted Garland’s nomination. A President Clinton would then have tried to fill the seat with a young leftist firebrand. Do you think Republicans, with the thinnest of Senate majorities in the first year of America’s first woman president, would have blocked such a nomination? I think she (it would have been a she) would have cruised to confirmation.

On the other hand, if Clinton had pressed Garland’s nomination, he’d have been confirmed with 80 or more votes.

That doesn’t happen for Republican nominees anymore. Fifteen years ago, with the Senate in firm GOP control at the start of George W. Bush’s second term, Judge John Roberts was confirmed as chief justice, 78–22. But just a year later, notwithstanding his stellar credentials, Judge Samuel Alito was confirmed by a historically slim 58–42 vote due to near-unanimous Democratic opposition.

In the Obama years, even as it finally dawned on some Republicans that unrequited solicitude might not be the best strategy, the question was still not whether Democratic nominees could be confirmed to the High Court but by how much — Judge Sonia Sotomayor by 68–31, Dean Elena Kagan by 63–37. Those were easy rides compared to last year’s 54–45 nail-biter for President Trump’s first nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. Like Alito over a decade earlier, Gorsuch faced nigh-unanimous Democratic opposition despite being manifestly worthy, with a proven track record of high-caliber judicial work.


Democrats and Kavanaugh

Now, with Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, we appear to have reached the metaphorical end of civilization that Bork foresaw: when Republicans are disqualified based on unprosecuted, unprovable, and largely unremembered misconduct that allegedly occurred when they were in high school.

Judge Kavanaugh is as superbly qualified as any jurist ever nominated to the Supreme Court. In a dozen years sitting on the same distinguished appellate tribunal as Bork, Thomas, Ginsburg, and Garland, he has generated over 300 opinions. This prodigious jurisprudence is cited regularly by the Supreme Court, as well as by other circuit courts of appeal and federal district judges.

Kavanaugh’s hiring of clerks has been exemplary by any standard of not only scholarship but diversity (more women than men, a healthy percentage of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanics). If you’re into this numbers game, as the Left surely is (at least when conservative judges are at issue), it’s worth noting that Justice Ginsburg hired no African-American clerks or administrators in 13 years on the D.C. Circuit and has hired only one African-American clerk during her ensuing quarter-century on the Supreme Court. Of course, she’s a good progressive committed to placing her judicial power in service to the March of History, so the matter is quietly tucked into the Left’s bulging “Not to Be Spoke Of” file. Meanwhile, clerks from Kavanaugh’s eclectic stable are coveted by Supreme Court justices on both sides of the ideological spectrum. He has, moreover, been a stalwart champion of women in the legal profession, as well as girls in his community.

Now, however, Kavanaugh’s nomination is imperiled because of a highly dubious, unverifiable allegation of bumbling, drunken sexual aggression when he was a high-school student: An assault the purported victim never told anyone about — not the police, not a friend, not her parents — until therapy sessions 30 years after the “fact.”

Christine Blasey Ford, a Palo Alto University biostatistician and professor of psychology, is a Democrat — a Bernie Sanders contributor and an anti-Trump activist. Some 36 years ago, when she was 15, she says the 17-year-old Kavanaugh tried to force himself on her, clumsily trying to get her clothes off. A friend of Kavanaugh’s, Mark Judge, who had been watching, jumped on the two of them, allowing Ms. Ford to wriggle away and lock herself in a bathroom until the boys left.

There is no way to prove that this happened. That’s not just because Kavanaugh and Judge, the only witnesses besides Ms. Ford, vehemently deny it. Ford cannot even place it: She doesn’t recall in whose Maryland home it supposedly happened, what she did afterwards, how she got to or from the place. She never breathed a word of it at the time. When she finally told a therapist about it three decades later, notes indicate that there were four assailants — a discrepancy she blames on the therapist.

Then there is the studiously duplicitous way Democrats handled the unprovable allegation, even as they slandered Kavanaugh’s character. The ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, has known about the allegation for months, yet sat on it — all through personal interviews with Kavanaugh and hours of Senate testimony. On the eve of the committee vote on the nomination, she sprang it as an allegation she decided to refer to the FBI while maintaining the anonymity supposedly desired by the victim. As Feinstein knew would happen, Democrats began carping that the committee vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation could not go forward until the bureau ran down the hopelessly stale, impossible-to-verify claim. Meanwhile, the determined-to-remain-anonymous Ford came very publicly forward, after scrubbing her social-media accounts and retaining Debra Katz, a notoriously partisan Democratic lawyer.

This has all the hallmarks of a set-up. If the Democrats had raised the allegation in a timely manner, its weakness would have been palpable, it would have been used for what little it’s worth in examining Kavanagh during his days of testimony, it would be put to rest as unverifiable, and we’d be on to a confirmation vote. Instead, we’re on to a delay — precisely the Democrats’ objective. They want to slow-walk Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote until after the midterms, in the hopes that they swing the Senate in their favor and have the numbers to defeat the nomination.

Republicans should not be rewarding this mendacious gambit by giving the perpetrators the start of what they calculate will be the delay they need. But alas, come Monday, the circus is scheduled to be in town: Anita Hill 2.0.

Or, as Bob Bork would say, “the end of civilization.”

President Trump says a lot of things that are not true and says a lot of other things that are foolish and unsavory. But his supporters are drawn to him, in large part, because he is willing to get into the muck with Democrats, fight them on their own demagogic terms — especially on things he cares about, like his nominees. They are tired of Republicans’ being caught flat-footed, continually underestimating how low Democrats are willing to go, how much they are willing to destroy reputations, institutions, and traditions in order to win.

We’re beyond the time when it’s still possible to live well. If Democrats get away with what they are trying to do to Kavanaugh, the only decent people in politics will be decent progressives; people who reflect the broader range of opinion and civility in the country will not participate in or pay much mind to our politics because it is too savage. The cut-throat operators who do not believe in the Constitution, pluralism, and civility will be running the country, until they inevitably push too far and provoke ugly pushback.

That’s what our politics is supposed to prevent. But you can’t go on forever under circumstances in which only one side of our politics gets the benefit of decorum and the presumption of good faith and rectitude. We can’t continually have judicial nominees — and everyone else — treated under different sets of rules depending on whether they’re Democrats or Republicans.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2018, 06:23:57 PM »
"Ford did not mention the incident to others by her own admission until 2012, according to The Washington Post, when her therapist recorded her claim that four individuals had committed the assault.  Ford has since claimed that the therapist incorrectly recorded that detail, and that she had said there were only two people in the room."

Corroborates nothing. Was the professional therapist on a phone call  or doing a crossword puzzle while she told the most traumatic story of her life? How do you get the number of attackers wrong? America now knows the number of attackers in her story, but her therapist did not? Her only attempt at corroboration had no names, dates or places and got the key details wrong. If any attack happened to her as a 15 year-old girl or at  any other time, I'm sorry, but attempting to bring someone else down with an implausible, inconsistent and incomplete story is wrong.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 06:48:34 PM by DougMacG »


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As usual Andrew McCarthy nails it.
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2018, 08:01:27 PM »

By the way I'm reading that she posted on FB in 2016 "No more Scalias", wore a pink pussy hat, tried having her social media scrubbed, doesn't remember the month, whose house, blah blah blah.


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Re: Kavanaugh
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2018, 05:20:54 AM »
By the way I'm reading that she posted on FB in 2016 "No more Scalias", wore a pink pussy hat, tried having her social media scrubbed, doesn't remember the month, whose house, blah blah blah.

FWIW ,  while every case can be  considered unique .  Perhaps the trauma was so great in theory they may be blocking it out so to speak but allthe women who were victims I have spoken to all remember everything  -  Usually a real traumatic event will seem just like yesterday.

I cannot imagine she does not remember even the year. 

Maybe not the day or exact time but certainly the Freakin year !!!!

It is almost to make it more difficult for Kavanaugh to be able to clear his name.   So he cannot verify he was not there because it could have any time he was within 10 minutes of the location.

BTW,  we keep hearing the slimy Dems calling for FBI investigation .

Didn't Diane FineTIME "already send this to FBI" and they returned it.?