Author Topic: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg  (Read 5795 times)


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Re: Mini Mike, the Oligarch
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2020, 08:41:30 AM »
Let's not write off Mike, he just got a hundred votes in Iowa after spending $10 million the day before on his Super Bowl ad reaching a million homes in Iowa.

He can say he is not running until Super Tuesday and doesn't care about Iowa (the feeling is mutual!) but everyone in Iowa knows that he is one of the main choices and 99.999% of Iowans did not come out to tell their neighbors they support NYC Mike for President.

Bloomberg 157 votes so far in Iowa with 71% of precincts reporting.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2020, 08:49:38 AM »
It sure looks like the Titanic that is the Biden campaign has hit the Iowan iceberg.  To whom are Biden supporters going to go?


The coming weeks are make or break for Bloomie, and it looks like he has bought the DNC.  Now that he is in the debates (when is the next one?) it will be interesting to see how he does.


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Mini Mike, the Oligarch: Zero Empathy for Deaths of JFK, Princess Di
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2020, 09:04:05 AM »
I can't figure out why this back story isn't reported on

The JFK thing is mystifying.  He seems to hate or just disrespect the guy.  As I have said that JFK would be called a Republican today.  Bloomberg is certainly not.

Just the fact that Mike was in a rich person's frat at a rich person's college DECADES before most voters were born does not help him connect with the masses across the heartland.

The billionaire businessman made the remarks in the course of an interview for an oral history project conducted by the historian Mame Warren. During the course of the 30-minute interview, Bloomberg recalled that his life on campus went on uninterrupted after Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963—aside from the fact that his fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, wasn't getting back a deposit it put down for an appearance by singer James Brown.

"I remember in November I had planned a big fraternity dance in the gym, and we had spent all our budget hiring James Brown and the Flames to play, and then Kennedy got shot and we canceled the dance and couldn't get our deposit back," Bloomberg said. "Never got the deposit back."

Kennedy, he added, "was not popular," and is remembered positively today only because he was assassinated. "There were stories that he wouldn't even get the Democratic nomination, much less get reelected," Bloomberg said. "How quickly we forget."

Bloomberg recalled that he was in the Hamptons the day Princess Diana died when a friend called him to the television to watch the news unfold and told him, "Nothing will ever be the same again, Princess Diana has died in a crash."

"You know, it's just one life," Bloomberg recalled saying. "There's a lot of people that died today."

"No, I didn't understand the world was never going to be the same again," Bloomberg said. "Well, never the same again for Princess Diana, but everybody else went on, thank you."


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2020, 09:10:44 AM »
"The coming weeks are make or break for Bloomie, and it looks like he has bought the DNC.  Now that he is in the debates (when is the next one?) it will be interesting to see how he does."

NH is next, in a couple of weeks.  Bloomberg cheated to get in.  Others will rip into that.  Yes, some lost Biden vote will go to Bloomberg but Bloomie is the polar opposite of the Sanders-Warren wing, making the party divide that much deeper.


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mini mike could buy 60 million votes
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2020, 09:15:08 AM »
he won 157 votes with 71% reporting

while spending 10 million . (probably a days income for him)

at that rate if he spends 10 billion he would have 221,000 votes

lets see if he is worth 60 bill then multiply that by 6 = 1,326,000 votes

better strategy for him  - make it simple for him:

throw his entire wad of money directly to buying voters .  -  $1,000 to 60 million people = 60 billion .

   Many would vote for him for 1,000 bucks .

   amazing what 60 bill could buy


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2020, 04:47:06 PM »
" .Anybody but Trump. Donald Duck, Daffy Duck, Mickey Mouse, [Napoleon] —I don’t really care, as long as we can get Cheeto out.”

That is mini mike's hope

yeah he can things done - the leftist way


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he has learned the error of his ways
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2020, 05:26:15 AM »
and has grown from man who tells male colleagues "I would do her"
to transexual icon :


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Bloomberg plagiarized part of at least 8 of his plans
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2020, 08:00:27 AM »

Details at the link.  Much of it got deleted, changed on discovery.  The Bloomberg campaign did not deny the plagiarism.

His own entity Bloomberg News, takes a hard line against plagiarism in its style guide, “The Bloomberg Way.” “Plagiarism—the unattributed copying of others’ work—is inexcusable,” the style guide, which was updated in 2017, reads. “Plagiarism is theft. Be prepared to lose your job if you plagiarize.

Can you lose your job as a Presidential candidate?


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Mini Mike Bloomberg, Stop and Frisk Blacks 16 to 25
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2020, 04:02:43 AM »
Whites aren't the problem.

Law enforcement should target minorities “because that’s where all the crime is.”

The audio was released by podcast host Benjamin Dixon, who encouraged people to share it “far and wide.”

In the audio, Bloomberg allegedly says, “95% of your murders – murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16-25. That’s true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city and that’s where the real crime is.”

“You’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed,” Bloomberg continued. “You want to spend the money on a lot of cops in the streets. Put those cops where the crime is, which means in minority neighborhoods.”

“So, one of the unintended consequences is people say, ‘oh my God, you are arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities.’ Yes, that’s true. Why? Because we put all the cops in the minority neighborhoods,” Bloomberg continued. “Yes, that’s true. Why do we do it? Because that’s where all the crime is. And the way you get the guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them. And then they start say[ing], ‘Oh I don’t want to get caught.’ So they don’t bring the gun. They still have a gun, but they leave it at home.”

“get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed.” ??

Is this backwards?  Blame the victim?  Disarm victims?  Transcribed wrong?  Mike, you're a journalist, release the video, let's take a look.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 10:15:57 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2020, 06:10:23 AM »


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Noonan: Bloomie could do it
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2020, 11:51:49 PM »
Some penetrating insights here IMHO:

Mike Bloomberg Could Pull It Off
Biden’s collapse created a vacuum in the center, and the former mayor has the money and will to fill it.

By Peggy Noonan
Feb. 13, 2020 6:57 pm ET

Mike Bloomberg campaigns in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 12.

You have to start here: We are immersed in a freakish and confounding political era. Anything can happen. Surprise is built in. Guy on a lark takes an escalator ride down to a rally and the system is changed forever. “Expect the unexpected.”

That is the context. Within it, consider this: We are misreading Mike Bloomberg’s race for the Democratic presidential nomination. The headline right now is not “Billionaire Tries to Buy Party,” and not “Former Republican Struggles With Stop-and-Frisk History.” The headline is: “He Could Do This. Uphill, but He Could Win.”

Take Mike Bloomberg seriously.

Bernie Sanders is the front-runner. He’s a real power with a real base. He finished first or second in Iowa and first in New Hampshire, and if his margins were down a win is a win.

But his nomination would split the party. Too many Democrats want a new and deeper liberalism but not socialism. They don’t want a revolution, they want a nicer country. The suburban women everyone is supposedly fighting for? When that affluent liberal mother in Summit, N.J., finds out socialism isn’t just progressive social policy, she’s going to find herself saying a sentence she never thought she’d say: “We worked hard for this, you know.” Bernie Sanders has the power to turn her into Barbara Bush.

Only a fool would say America will never go socialist. America could turn on a dime in a time of widespread want or unease. But it’s unlikely to become socialist in an era of full employment, rising wages and a stock-market boom. Democrats know this.

Joe Biden isn’t the answer. The whole point of his campaign was that he can beat Donald Trump. He can’t beat Pete Buttigieg. He’s never been good at running for president; in three tries he hasn’t won a primary. Under pressure he renounced the lifetime stands that had made him Moderate Joe. And people age at different speeds. Mr. Biden is not a young 77.

It won’t work. At some point he will drop out. An energized Amy Klobuchar and a focused Pete Buttigieg will fight long and hard as they can, but they’re not likely to go the distance.

Which leaves you thinking about Mr. Bloomberg. What’s there? It’s not too soon, three months in, to call his campaign clever and capable. If he got the nomination Democrats would likely suffer a peeling off of the progressive left. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Bernie Bros would walk out. But it wouldn’t break the party, not quite, not yet.

There’s the money, Bloomberg’s solid rocket booster. People say he could spend $1 billion, maybe $2 billion. He’d spend more if he has to. In for a penny, in for a pound. He didn’t enter this to preserve his fortune.

His social media is witty, weird, dryly subversive. That would mean little except for what it implies, that the people hired to do it are allowed to be creative and daring. The campaign is not playing tight but loose, which you do only when you’re confident.

His strengths: resources, relationships and a real biography. For 12 years he was mayor of New York. He governed the ungovernable city that is a microcosm of the world. It is noted that as mayor he was a Republican. No one in New York thought he was a Republican, he was a Democrat who could get only the Republican nomination. After he won he treated Republicans collegially and with respect, which wasn’t hard as a New York Republican is essentially a Democrat with boundaries.

Before that he invented a business product that first seemed useful, then necessary. He created a company that became a huge national brand. He is one of the world’s great philanthropists.

He is what Mr. Trump claimed to be and probably wishes he were. And he isn’t afraid of the president. Whatever he says, Mr. Trump, who respects money more than anything, would be afraid of him.

When Mr. Biden leaves the race, where will his supporters—many of whom feel increasingly outside the party they grew up in—go? Quite possibly Bloomberg.

This week’s Quinnipiac poll suggests that may be right. In past polling, self-described moderate Democrats and Democratic leaners backed Mr. Biden “by a wide margin.” In this poll they still gave Mr. Biden 22%. But Mr. Bloomberg was next, with 21%.

Among all Democrats and leaners, Mr. Biden is in second place and leads the former mayor 17% to 15%. Only two weeks ago Mr. Bloomberg was at 8%. He nearly doubled his support, quietly, while everyone was looking at Iowa and New Hampshire.

After Mr. Biden got drubbed, political experts on TV kept saying black voters, long assumed to be his impermeable base, are in fact “fiercely practical” and “strategic” in their political decisions. To me this sounded like code for “they’re breaking off Biden” and “they’ll shock you by considering Bloomberg.”

This week a 2015 video went viral of Mr. Bloomberg speaking, in blunt terms even for him, of his support of stop and frisk, which he has now disavowed. It was assumed to be deeply damaging with black voters. But denunciation from black leaders was almost uniformly muted. There was talk of reflecting on mistakes, how it’s good to admit them, and those who do deserve forgiveness. You picked up an air of, “I will lambast him in a perfunctory manner but I won’t enjoy it because really, he’s been a friend.”

And he has. The black pastors of New York, who lived through those days with him and a decision they disagreed with, seem to like him a lot. He’s been making friends for a long time. His philanthropies have been generous for a long time. And this is not only local—watch for the Pastor Effect down South, where there will be a big push. This is what they’ll say: Mike has been a friend. He worked well and closely with us. And he stayed close—when he left office six years ago he didn’t turn his back.

Mr. Bloomberg is being endorsed by mayors and members of Congress. Endorsements don’t mean much unless the candidate has muscle behind it, an organization or a machine. Mayors do. A lot of them know him from the yearly national meeting of mayors put on by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

His challenges? Elitist, billionaire, charmless. “He’s not one of us.” “Hide your soda, the nanny is coming.”

He has to perform in debates, where he’ll be the target of the other candidates’ focused and sincere resentment. With the press suddenly noticing him he can’t totally tank on Super Tuesday. (We’ll start writing our “Bloomberg Mirage” stories.)

But he’s got a big army that can grow and advance as opportunity presents. If the race goes a long time he can last a long time.

I have known him more than a decade and consider myself a friend, an admiring one. We’ve sparred a bit on national issues; we don’t share the same stands, or even worldview. But this isn’t written out of affection or regard. It’s what I think I’m seeing.

Take Mr. Bloomberg seriously. Uphill, but he could pull this off.


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Reason: Bloomberg Video, 4 min.
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2020, 06:11:16 AM »

It's so hard to find anything negative on mike.    :wink:
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 06:14:19 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2020, 07:00:17 AM »
from above video in Doug's post
I didn't remember Bloomberg changed the law so he could run for a third term  as mayor then changed it back.

With its long history of corruption I wonder how much it cost him to get the NYC swamp politicians and brokers to go along with this.


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John Fund on a Napoleon - Empress ticket
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2020, 05:11:51 AM »
John Fund who is always a good read thinks this would not happen:

John, I hope your right, from your mouth to God's ears!


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2020, 01:17:39 PM »


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WSJ: Bloomberg's business nanny
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2020, 02:39:27 PM »
third post

Bloomberg’s Business Nanny
The Sustainability Accounting board is a stalking horse for progressive politics.
By The Editorial Board
Feb. 17, 2020 4:43 pm ET

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink recently made a splash by threatening to vote against corporate managers who don’t disclose an array of non-financial information as directed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board. But what is SASB, and where is this all going?

Michael Bloomberg founded SASB in 2011 as a shadow regulator for his policy agenda. SASB claims to be modelled on the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a nonprofit with the imprimatur of the Securities and Exchange Commission that regulates how corporations account for and disclose financial information.

SASB’s nine-member standards board issues guidelines for what kinds of sustainability information corporations should report to investors. Yet while financial accounting is more or less uniform for all businesses, SASB standards vary across 77 industries. Tracking the minutia will provide a lifetime job guarantee for corporate auditors.

Consumer banks have to disclose how many “no-cost retail checking accounts” they provide “to previously unbanked or underbanked customers.” Investment houses must document loans that incorporate “environmental, social and governance” factors. Casinos have to report the share of employees who work where smoking is allowed.

SASB requires businesses in most high-paying industries to disclose workforce diversity. “Hiring foreign nationals to compensate for shortages in local talent can create risks related to perceived social implications,” SASB says. That’s interesting because Mr. Bloomberg’s private media company, Bloomberg LP, reports 17% of its U.S. workers are foreign nationals while 10% are black or Latino. Under SASB this means Bloomberg needs to “improve employee engagement and work-life balance” to recruit more minorities and women.

Some standards would require a wild goose chase, literally. Restaurants must report their share of cage-free eggs and pork produced without gestation crates. Why not grass-fed beef and hormone-free chicken—or vegan meals, as the outfit Vegan Finance suggested in a public comment posted on SASB’s website?

SASB Chair Jeffrey Hales tells us that SASB standards are based on real-world evidence and academic research on what information is “financially material” to investment decisions. He says a shift in social “values can have a financial impact on a company,” and SASB says its definition of financial materiality is based on securities law.

But the SEC and FASB have adopted the Supreme Court precedent that information is financially material only if there is “a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would attach importance in determining whether to buy or sell the securities registered.” In other words, information that would influence whether an investor buys or sells a stock.

FASB recently explained that “materiality judgments can properly be made only by those that understand the reporting entity’s pertinent facts and circumstances. Whenever an authoritative body imposes materiality rules or standards, it is substituting generalized collective judgments for specific individual judgments, and there is no reason to suppose that the collective judgments always are superior.”

SASB disagrees. It sets standards after consulting “advisory groups” comprised of businesses, investors, academics and other so-called “stakeholders”—like Vegan Finance. Some businesses support SASB’s socially conscience goals. More than 100 companies including liberal punching bags like Philip Morris, Wells Fargo and Kinder Morgan say they follow SASB, though adherence is selective.

BlackRock says it doesn’t follow SASB’s requirement to disclose the liquidity of open-end mutual funds because the SEC has concluded doing so “may pose a significant risk of confusing and misleading investors.” Bloomberg LP, believe it or not, won’t disclose data breaches or “countries where core products or services are subject to government-required monitoring, blocking, content filtering, or censoring.” Did someone say China?

This may explain why many companies say SASB’s standards are laborious and irrelevant. The Association of American Railroads noted in a comment on SASB’s website that industry-specific reporting requirements “would be redundant, burdensome, unnecessary, and potentially confusing because it may lead to overemphasis on immaterial matters.” As JPMorgan pointed out, “issues that are material to one company may be slightly different for another, even within the same industry.” Some companies might have to disclose proprietary information.

All of this is supposedly voluntary, at least for now. But as Mr. Fink’s orders to CEOs show, the goal is to shame and bully businesses to comply with SASB’s social and political agenda. It’s the business version of Mr. Bloomberg’s Big Gulp soda ban while mayor of New York City.

SASB’s ultimate goal is for the SEC to adopt its standards. SASB CEO Janine Guillot told us that the SEC should cite “SASB as useful guidance for corporations to meet existing obligations” to disclose financially material information. Businesses may soon need to start counting their cage-free eggs.


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Can you believe Trump said this????
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2020, 07:27:14 PM »


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2020, 05:40:31 AM »

Funny how we on the right are now pointing out Bloomberg for being politically incorrect even though he speaks the truth

showing the hypopcracey of the Left who would be bashing any of us for speaking these truths
for being mean,  offensive,  hurting feelings, bullies


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg in the debate
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2020, 06:40:42 AM »
Mike Bloomberg qualified for the debate ...

David Burge
Much like Lori Laughlin's daughter qualified for USC


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Stop, Question, and Frisk
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2020, 11:31:00 PM »
Don’t Apologize for Fighting Crime, Mayor Bloomberg
He should be proud, not ashamed, of how he and the NYPD used stop, question and frisk.
By Howard Safir
Feb. 19, 2020 6:59 pm ET

Michael Bloomberg has gone from being the nation’s top advocate of the police tactic known as “stop and frisk” to abjectly apologizing for its use during his three terms as mayor of New York. Now that he’s running for president, his record is being scrutinized and, in some cases, twisted. It’s important to understand what stop and frisk is—and what it isn’t.

First, it is properly known as “stop, question and frisk,” and it’s merely one tactic in the law-enforcement toolbox. It isn’t the toolbox itself, as some political advocates misleadingly portray it. Stop, question and frisk is what the New York City Police Department calls stops that a police officer makes when he has “reasonable suspicion” that a crime is being or has been committed. For more than 50 years, cops in the rest of the country have called these Terry stops, based on the 1968 Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio.

Mike Bloomberg Makes the Democratic Debate Stage

Second, the tactic is constitutional. Terry replaced the more stringent “probable cause” standard with “reasonable suspicion” to protect the police officer and the public. The NYPD thoroughly trains its officers on when and when not to make a Terry stop. The myth that a federal judge in the Southern District of New York declared stop and frisk unconstitutional is simply wrong. In August 2013, Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that the manner in which some stops were being planned and executed was unconstitutional, not the tactic itself. Two months later she was removed from the case by the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for actions a three-judge panel deemed to constitute a lack of impartiality.

Third, stop and frisk isn’t racist. When I was police commissioner, we used it in areas of the city where crime was highest. Sadly, high-crime areas are often mostly populated by minorities. The majority of crime victims in such areas are also minorities.

Major crime fell 38% during my tenure. Although stop and frisk wasn’t the primary reason, our use of the tactic sent a signal to criminals that the probability of arrest for committing a crime was high. It also helped us get illegal guns off the street, thus further reducing violent crime.

Mr. Bloomberg was a very good mayor. In the 2000s, he and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly kept up the work that had begun in the 1990s under my boss, Mayor Rudy Giuliani. No one would have predicted in the 1970s and ’80s that New York could become—and remain—the safest large city in America. While I was commissioner, the NYPD made fewer than 100,000 annual Terry stops. Under Messrs. Bloomberg and Kelly, use of stop and frisk multiplied as crime continued to fall. In 2011, the NYPD recorded 685,724 Terry stops.

Election 2020 and the Future of American Politics

Join WSJ Opinion’s Paul Gigot and Kimberley Strassel with guests Marie Harf and Karl Rove as they discuss the upcoming election at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas on Tuesday, April 14 at 7 p.m.. Sign up here.

Activists and critics have pointed to these numbers as evidence of police wrongdoing, but activists and critics aren’t responsible for keeping people safe. In New York, that job falls to the mayor, his police commissioner and the roughly 38,000 uniformed NYPD officers. Mr. Kelly did his job well. So did Mr. Bloomberg. As the former mayor tries to secure the Democratic nomination for president, he should embrace that record, not run from it.

Under Bill de Blasio, who became mayor in 2014, the NYPD has significantly reduced its use of stop and frisk. In 2018, only 11,008 Terry stops were made. The result? Incidents of violent crime are on the rise. The infamous “squeegee men” have returned. Police officers have been being targeted, assaulted and shot. This is all happening in the context of a cash bail reform that has made it difficult for law enforcement to keep criminals off the street. Respect for law and order is waning in the city as quality-of-life crimes from panhandling to turnstile jumping are no longer being enforced.

The NYPD is the best police department in the world. Commissioner Dermot Shea is a good leader. But if his officers aren’t allowed to do what they’ve been trained to do, we will shortly arrive back in the bad old days of high crime and social decay.

I hope Mr. Bloomberg is proud of his time as mayor and his contribution to keeping New Yorkers safe. As he continues to campaign, he should quit apologizing for stop, question and frisk.

Mr. Safir was New York City’s police commissioner, 1996-2000.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2020, 11:48:28 PM »
second post

We have a contender for a new nickname for Bloomie:  "Boombug". 

What say we?


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2020, 07:08:05 AM »
".Don’t Apologize for Fighting Crime, Mayor Bloomberg "


Ann Coulter had same piece several days ago saying same thing

he went to the neighborhoods in NYC where the majority of the crime occurred

Blacks should be thanking him for saving lives and protecting him
But alas the Dems just have to turn this into a racial insult.

As for the nick name - I still prefer *mini bagel *. but I get it - the Dem Jews will go NUTS screaming anyone who calls him that is a bloody nazi and should be ashamed and labeled a jew hater.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2020, 07:29:27 AM »
"He's not wrong."

True that.

Nor is/was he wrong about redlining and a good case can be made he was right about stop & frisk, nor am I indignant that he made settlements of sex discrim claims.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2020, 07:47:19 AM »
"nor am I indignant that he made settlements of sex discrim claims."

presumably he paid them enough they agreed to it.

I wonder how much it costs to say "I would do her " in front of a female employee?

probably was the best thing that ever happened to that victim.

Look at this one :

this is the best thing that ever happened to her.
made more money out of it than ever.
even hollywood turns them into "heroes"

yes I get it
   work harassment is wrong.
don't need any PC lectures on this........


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Mike to " release" 3 from NDA
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2020, 02:43:10 PM »

I hope it comes out how much these "victims" got in return.

May be these ladies are Russian.......

sent by Bernie........

Or Indian sent by pochahantus


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2020, 03:57:52 PM »

A foundational building block for his candidacy is that he will be able to stand up to Progs' lunacies, but instead he continues to apologize and placate.  How weak!


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I'm Mike Boombug and I approve this message
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2020, 07:08:27 AM »
I would grade this a B-   It's a good message.  It's obvious he's reading a script.  It gives him a serious look but probably not worth the money he paid for it.  He doesn't mention Trump by name and to the extent it is watched, he helps Trump to calm the crisis.  He refers people to (Trump's)


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2020, 07:21:57 AM »
Boombug was on Sixty Minutes last night. 

Also the wife and I saw an ad of his last night that was very effective.

He now has condensed his sales pitch-- rather effectively IMHO.   "I'm a doer, not a debater.  I'm the only won with leadership/executive experience."

To this he adds:

"Look at all the things I've done.   I have a liberal progressive platform which reasonable and not Batshit Bernie Socialist I'm against guns, for strengthening Obamacare.  I'm against Open Borders and I'm against the Wall.  I'm for the 11 million here illegally having a path to citizenship.  I'm very Green.  I'm not Trump."

He's not out of this yet IMHO.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2020, 08:32:55 AM »
Boombug was on Sixty Minutes last night. 

Also the wife and I saw an ad of his last night that was very effective.

He now has condensed his sales pitch-- rather effectively IMHO.   "I'm a doer, not a debater.  I'm the only won with leadership/executive experience."

To this he adds:

"Look at all the things I've done.   I have a liberal progressive platform which reasonable and not Batshit Bernie Socialist I'm against guns, for strengthening Obamacare.  I'm against Open Borders and I'm against the Wall.  I'm for the 11 million here illegally having a path to citizenship.  I'm very Green.  I'm not Trump."

He's not out of this yet IMHO.

I was going to add to my 2020 post, Dem nominating rules should have put a higher priority on popularity in swing states.  California, Texas (and NY) are of no significance but have massive numbers of delegates.  If Bloomberg wins Virginia and Colorado, that is big, and he could win a couple of smaller states too.  If so, Bloomberg stays in, hopes for a divided, brokered convention.

If it is Bernie (or Biden) that beats the polling expectations, then Bloomberg is out in my prediction.  He won't spend more if he can't win.

For all the positives mentioned, he had no real good answer for his negatives, the racial frisk talk, and silence agreements with aggrieved women.  Big constituencies.  He is not the anti-Trump to liberal Democrat activists.  He bragged that he bought Congress while Bernie rightly brags he is winning the two youngest voting generations.

I know Bloomberg won NYC and mostly governed well.  But I see him as someone used to being the boss, not a consensus builder.  He never brags how he got things through a divided City Council; he just says I this and I that. 

He is probably their best hope for competent governance but he is not hitting all the notes of today's Democratic Party.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2020, 10:41:29 AM »
"silence agreements with aggrieved women"

For the record, if I have it right, over the course of thirty years there were three women accusers.  NDAs are standard in these things.

Boombug has a town hall on FOX tonight.

Does anyone have a URL for his three minute clip last night?


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2020, 05:09:25 PM »
"if I have it right, over the course of thirty years there were three women accusers."

ABC News says at least 5 women and CBS reports "who knows how many".  I though I heard a much larger number but can't find a source for that.

There were 3 cases he offered to release, probably not the worst three.  And there are 3 suits still open.

He called a woman "do-able", allegedly, in front of another woman.  If true, bad form.  Very Trump-like, the old Trump, back when he was a Democrat.

Billionaires get false accusations, I get that.  But these are accusations most of us never get in the workplace.  A lot of this was in the 90s.  I was a division manager in the 80s and knew then not to comment, ever, on the amazing assets of one of my salespeople. The awkwardness of how Bloomberg responded to this in the debate was astounding.  He's running for President where everything is fair game.  This was a huge issue with the opponent, Trump and he tried but couldn't blow it off.  If it is nothing, he is crazy to cover it up.  Presumably from their point of view, all the woke women are Democrats, and he will need to win all of them.  Remember Kavanaugh, accusation equals guilt. Or is that just for conservatives? 


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2020, 05:12:09 PM »
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 06:09:44 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2020, 07:55:30 PM »
Different work places have different cultures.  Stock traders in the 90s are not FB of today.


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Re: Boombug on guns
« Reply #46 on: March 04, 2020, 10:55:06 PM »

To the best of my knowledge, Mini-mike hired his NYPD protective detail when he was no long mayor. They all retired and now make much more money (Sweet gig!). However, the NYPD's firearms training is abysmal and the guys on the mayor's detail are almost always there because of political connections rather than merit.

I am willing to bet the average civilian 3 gun shooter with no mil or LE background runs circles around Mini's best retired cop.


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Re: Mini Mike Bloomie Bloomberg
« Reply #47 on: March 05, 2020, 07:10:49 AM »
After Coming Up… Short, Bloomberg Takes His Box and Goes Home

   - Jim Treacher at pjmedia

“If only Bloomberg had hired Russians to buy $100,000 in barely literate Facebook ads, instead of spending $700 MILLION, he’d be president now. That’s what the media have told us for 3+ years.”
   - Sean Davis


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Bloomberg's contribution
« Reply #48 on: March 05, 2020, 08:59:15 AM »
Bloomberg’s Contribution
His candidacy offers some valuable lessons in presidential politics.
By The Editorial Board
March 4, 2020 7:33 pm ET

Michael Bloomberg is being widely mocked for spending more than $500 million to run for President and winning . . . American Samoa. We think he deserves credit for trying when he could have sat on the sidelines and carped about how the Democrats were blowing their chance to defeat Donald Trump with a socialist nominee.

The former New York mayor’s chances were always low given the leftward march of the Democratic Party, as Mr. Bloomberg himself often noted before he chose to run. He’s a billionaire capitalist in a party that is increasingly detached from the private economy. He was a crime-fighting mayor in a party that thinks focusing police resources on high-crime neighborhoods is racist. He ran a financial business before the #MeToo movement made sexist jokes unacceptable in the workplace.

In the end his former sins against identity politics were too much to overcome no matter how much he apologized. Joe Biden could survive this onslaught because he was better known and had been Barack Obama’s Vice President. Mr. Bloomberg had no such political insulation beyond his ad spending, and that couldn’t protect him in debates.

Mr. Bloomberg nonetheless chose to enter the fray, and his strategy might have worked if Mr. Biden hadn’t staged a miraculous recovery. Someone had to take on Bernie Sanders when the others would not. Mr. Bloomberg showed it was possible to do it, and though the former mayor didn’t succeed, Mr. Biden has picked up some of Mr. Bloomberg’s themes of practical progressivism and getting things done as opposed to promoting a revolution.

The billionaire’s biggest contribution may be in exposing in spectacular fashion the canard that money can buy the Presidency. No candidate ever spent more money more quickly, and he was able to make himself a contender. But the money and ads were no substitute for a message that better motivated followers and resonated with voters.

He and Tom Steyer, the other billionaire candidate, have done more to show the folly and hypocrisy of campaign-finance regulation than anything we could ever write. They are walking refutations of entire journalistic careers devoted to the Koch brothers. The lesson may continue if Mr. Bloomberg now deploys his billions toward an independent expenditure campaign to support Mr. Biden and defeat Mr. Trump. His Bloomberg News operation is already something of a de facto campaign contribution for Democrats.

All of which is fine with us. That’s democracy. You pays your money and you takes your chances, as they say. And as Donald Trump likes to tweet about his failed competitors, running for President is harder than it looks.