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repost from political rant thread
« Reply #1752 on: June 14, 2016, 07:27:18 AM »

"The page's most recent public post, from June 3, shows a photo comparing an Adolf Hitler quote to one from Hillary Clinton. An anti-Clinton, pro-Bernie Sanders photo was posted in February."

This would be on top of Huffington Post if he appeared to be Trump supporter.  Unless the above is wrong and he is a Trump supporter.  :?


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Another "Known Wolf"-better thread
« Reply #1753 on: June 14, 2016, 07:40:24 AM »
A former Fort Pierce police officer who once worked with 29-year-old Omar Mateen, the assailant in an Orlando nightclub shooting that left at least 50 dead, said he was "unhinged and unstable."

Daniel Gilroy said he worked the 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift with G4S Security at the south gate at PGA Village for several months in 2014-15. Mateen took over from him for a 3 to 11 p.m. shift.

Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.

Orlando shooting is deadliest in U.S. history

"I quit because everything he said was toxic," Gilroy said Sunday, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people."

Gilroy said this shooting didn't come as a surprise to him.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 08:13:35 AM by G M »


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"Known Wolf" off watchlist
« Reply #1754 on: June 14, 2016, 08:07:46 AM »

FBI: Orlando shooter was on, then off watch list

Getty Images
By Julian Hattem - 06/13/16 02:17 PM EDT
The man who police say killed 49 people in a brutal rampage in Orlando, Fla., early on Sunday morning was on a federal watch list for roughly 10 months in 2013 and 2014, while he was the subject of an FBI probe.

But then Omar Mateen was taken off the list soon after the investigation ended in March of 2014, FBI Director James Comey said on Monday

“He was watch-listed with the opening of the preliminary investigation and he was taken off the watch list when the investigation was closed,” Comey told reporters.
That preliminary investigation was launched after coworkers complained that Mateen, who at the time was the guard at a Florida courthouse, reported that he had boasted about having connections to al Qaeda and other extremist groups. As part of the investigation, the FBI followed Mateen and had confidential sources meet with him, but the results were not enough to press forward, Comey said.

Had Mateen remained on the list, federal officials would have received a flag when he purchased two guns earlier this month, but he would not have been banned from making the purchase.

Democrats in Congress have fought to change the rules for purchases firearms and enact restrictions against people on various government databases from buying the weapons. Those calls have returned in the wake of the shooting in Orlando, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Sally Quillan Yates, the Justice Department’s deputy attorney general, appeared open to the idea but declined to explicitly endorse it.

“Certainly we always want to have more information rather than less, but you also want to factor in what it is you can do with that information,” Yates said. “And currently, there is no prohibition for someone who is under active investigation to be able to purchase a firearm.”

It is unclear whether Mateen was on the Terrorist Screening Database, which is commonly referred to as the terrorist watch list, the narrower no-fly list or a broader classified system shared across the government. Comey declined to clarify the point on Monday.


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PC kills/Orlando's blood on Obama's hands
« Reply #1755 on: June 14, 2016, 08:16:35 AM »

Law Enforcement 'Never Guessed' Gay Club Would Be Targeted by Jihad

While Omar Mateen was casing other gay clubs to determine where he wanted to commit jihad mass murder, law enforcement officials had no idea a jihadi might ever consider such targets.

On Sunday, the East Orlando Post reported startling words from James Copenhaver, whom it described as a “veteran investigator and former Orlando law enforcement officer.” Said Copenhaver:

I have been in this business for 30 years, and we all in law enforcement have talked about one of the theme parks getting hit by these terrorist killers. Never in all my years of training, and being involved in several investigative units, to include the FBI Task Force, would we have ever guessed a LGBT club be a target of an terrorist attack.
Why would they never have guessed?

Because the FBI and other law enforcement agencies don’t study Islam, and this is a direct result of Muslim groups demanding the removal of such material. Those who are committed to protecting us are taught to downplay and deny the motivating ideology behind jihad terror attacks.

They have no idea that the following sayings exist or what their significance is:

If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful. (Qur’an 4:16)
That seems mild, but keep reading. The Qur’an depicts Allah raining down stones upon people for engaging in homosexual activity:

We also sent Lot. He said to his people: “Do you commit lewdness such as no people in creation committed before you? For you practice your lusts on men in preference to women: you are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. … And we rained down on them a shower of brimstone: Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime!" (Qur’an 7:80)
Muhammad himself makes clear that Muslims should be the executors of the wrath of Allah by killing gays. A hadith depicts Muhammad saying:

If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. (Abu Dawud 38:4447)
Stone the upper and the lower, stone them both. (Ibn Majah 3:20:2562)

James Copenhaver, in his 30 years in the business, never encountered that material nor was given any idea of how it might one day relate to a jihad mass murder attack.

While Copenhaver is right that this denial and willful ignorance has been going on for decades, one more recent and notorious manifestation of how it has become national policy came on October 19, 2011. That day, Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates delivered a letter to John Brennan, who was then the assistant to the president on National Security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism.

The letter was signed by the leaders of virtually all significant Islamic groups in the United States: 57 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian organizations, many with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Islamic Relief USA, and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

The letter denounced what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” It emphasized that this was an issue of the utmost importance:

The seriousness of this issue cannot be overstated, and we request that the White House immediately create an interagency task force to address this problem, with a fair and transparent mechanism for input from the Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities, including civil rights lawyers, religious leaders, and law enforcement experts.
The task force was needed because:

[W]hile recent news reports have highlighted the FBI’s use of biased experts and training materials, we have learned that this problem extends far beyond the FBI and has infected other government agencies, including the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Councils, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Army. Furthermore, by the FBI’s own admission, the use of bigoted and distorted materials in its trainings has not been an isolated occurrence. Since last year, reports have surfaced that the FBI, and other federal agencies, are using or supporting the use of biased trainers and materials in presentations to law enforcement officials.
Khera also complained about my work: that my books could be found in “the FBI’s library at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia”; that a reading list accompanying a slide presentation by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Communications Unit recommended my book The Truth About Muhammad; that in July 2010 I “presented a two-hour seminar on ‘the belief system of Islamic jihadists’ to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Tidewater, Virginia”; and that I also “presented a similar lecture to the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, which is co-hosted by the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.”

These were supposed to be terrible materials because I was supposedly bigoted and hateful. However, many of the examples Khera adduced of “bigoted and distorted materials” involved statements that were simply accurate. The only distortion was Khera’s representation of them.

For instance, Khera stated:

A 2006 FBI intelligence report stating that individuals who convert to Islam are on the path to becoming “Homegrown Islamic Extremists,” if they exhibit any of the following behavior:
“Wearing traditional Muslim attire”

“Growing facial hair”

“Frequent attendance at a mosque or a prayer group”

“Travel to a Muslim country”

“Increased activity in a pro-Muslim social group or political cause”

Well, the FBI intelligence report Khera purported to be describing didn’t actually say that. Rather, it included these behaviors among a list of fourteen indicators that could “identify an individual going through the radicalization process.” Other indicators included:

“Travel without obvious source of funds"
“Suspicious purchases of bomb making paraphernalia or weapons”

“Large transfer of funds, from or to overseas”

“Formation of operational cells”

Khera had selectively quoted the list to give the impression that the FBI was teaching that devout observance of Islam led inevitably and in every case to “extremism.”

Despite the factual accuracy of the material about which they were complaining, the Muslim groups signing the letter demanded that the task force, among other actions:

“Purge all federal government training materials of biased materials.”
“Implement a mandatory re-training program for FBI agents, U.S. Army officers, and all federal, state and local law enforcement who have been subjected to biased training.”

They wished to ensure that all law enforcement officials ever learn about Islam and jihad would be what the signatories wanted them to learn -- and Brennan was amenable to that. He took Khera’s complaints as his marching orders.

In a November 3, 2011, letter to Khera that -- significantly -- was written on White House stationery, Brennan made no attempt to defend counter-terror materials and procedures. He instead accepted Khera’s criticisms without a murmur of protest and assured her of his readiness to comply:

Please allow me to share with you the specific steps we are taking to ensure that federal officials and state, local and tribal partners receive accurate, evidence-based information in these crucial areas.
Brennan assured Khera that all her demands would be met:

Your letter requests that "the White House immediately create an interagency task force to address this problem," and we agree that this is necessary.
He then detailed other specific actions being undertaken, including “collecting all training materials that contain cultural or religious content, including information related to Islam or Muslims.” In reality, this material wouldn’t just be “collected”; it would be purged of anything that Farhana Khera and others like her found offensive. Honest, accurate discussion of how Islamic jihadists use Islamic teachings to justify violence would no longer be allowed.

The alacrity with which Brennan complied was unfortunate on many levels. Numerous books and presentations that gave a perfectly accurate view of Islam and jihad were purged. Brennan was complying with demands from quarters that could hardly be considered authentically moderate.

Four-and-a-half years later, this entrenched policy of the U.S. government ensured that people such as Omar Mateen simply cannot be identified as risks. The administration is bound, as a matter of policy, to ignore what in saner times would be taken as warning signs.

And so there will be many, many more jihad massacres like the one he perpetrated in Orlando Saturday night.


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Re: DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
« Reply #1756 on: June 14, 2016, 08:36:36 PM »
Good thing DHS has the qualified Jeh Johnson and not some dem machine hack running it.

DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
By Philip Haney

Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time.

Following the attempted attack, President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.
After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.

Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.”  Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.

A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially beforean attack occurs.

As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi (2011); Amine El Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015). 

It is very plausible that one or more of the subsequent terror attacks on the homeland could have been prevented if more subject matter experts in the Department of Homeland Security had been allowed to do our jobs back in late 2009. It is demoralizing—and infuriating—that today, those elusive dots are even harder to find, and harder to connect, than they were during the winter of 2009.

Haney worked at the Department of Homeland Security for 15 years.

Irony: Jeh Johnson Says Gun Control Now a Matter of Homeland Security...Orlando Terrorist Worked For DHS
Katie Pavlich Katie Pavlich |Posted: Jun 14, 2016 12:15 PM  Share (977)   Tweet
Irony: Jeh Johnson Says Gun Control Now a Matter of Homeland Security...Orlando Terrorist Worked For DHS

The Islamic terrorist who carried out the horrific, atrocious attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando Sunday morning was employed by G4S security company as a licensed, professional security guard with the ability to carry a firearm on duty. He worked at the company for years.

G4S is contracted by the Department of Homeland Security to protect federal buildings, including nuclear facilities, and is responsible for providing security protocol for major transportation hubs around the country.

Further, the terrorist (an American citizen) purchased the firearms he used Sunday legally and passed a background check to do so.

Despite these facts, during an interview with CBS this morning Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson declared gun control as a "matter of national security."

"Meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of national security," Johnson said.

The Orlando terrorist was interviewed by the FBI three times and was under investigation for 10 months in 2013. At no point were his security credentials revoked. Maybe instead of focusing on gun control, Johnson should be focused on not allowing DHS contracted companies to employ those under FBI investigation for terrorism.


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Interpol calls for open carry!
« Reply #1757 on: June 15, 2016, 09:31:31 AM »


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Unraveling the Orlando Horror
« Reply #1759 on: June 15, 2016, 06:01:46 PM »

Unraveling the Orlando Horror
June 15, 2016
At 2 a.m. last Sunday, the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 unfolded in Orlando, Florida. The target was a popular gay dance club packed with guests for Latin Night. By the time the horrific ordeal was over, three hours later, 49 party-goers plus the gunman were dead while 53 more were injured, many of them gravely.

The attack on Pulse nightclub has left America in shock, horrified by the reappearance of mass-casualty terrorism perpetrated in the name of Islam. President Obama had been lucky before last weekend. His two terms witnessed several Islamist terror attacks inside the USA, but nothing like Orlando. The Fort Hood, Texas shooting in 2009, by a U.S. Army major, killed 13 soldiers. The Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 killed only three but injured more than 250 others. Most recently, the San Bernardino, California attack last December killed 14 Americans. While all these incidents were traumatic, they pale in comparison to the Orlando horror.

The killer, responsible for the bloodiest mass murder in American history, was himself killed by police. Armed with an assault rifle and a pistol, Omar Mateen embarked on the one-way jihadist mission he must have long fantasized about. Just before commencing his slaughter of the homosexuals he hated, Mateen pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

Mateen was born in New York City in 1986 to parents who immigrated from Afghanistan. To all appearances, the 29 year-old had a normal American upbringing without excessive religiosity. He had a brief marriage that failed. His ex-wife noted he was not especially religious but he did beat her frequently. After they divorced, Mateen embraced a more fervent version of Islam, including attending a mosque in Fort Pierce, Florida, several times per week. That same mosque produced a young radical, Moner Abu Salha, who died as a suicide bomber in Syria in 2014.

There had been previous warning signs about Omer Mateen. He is reported to have greeted news of the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon with unconcealed glee, something that disturbed fellow students at his high school.

Then there is the strange matter of his family. Seddique Mateen, his father, has pronounced that his son’s horrible crimes have nothing do with Islam, and he professes to have no idea what inspired his mass murder spree. However, the father has stated that homosexuals deserve divine punishment, and he has also praised the Taliban. The elder Mateen is active in Afghan diaspora politics, including hosting a satellite TV show aimed at his homeland. Bizarrely, he has sometimes claimed to be the real president of Afghanistan.

There is nothing amusing about his son, however, who developed a penchant for angry statements against gays, minorities, and others he didn’t like. He made repeated threats of violence and co-workers noticed. He was employed beginning in mid-2007 for G4S, a British multinational security company that does lots of work in the USA, including some for the U.S. Government. As a security guard, Mateen had reason to be armed and he stayed with that firm until his death, although his tenure was rocky. Complaints mounted about his troubling ways, but G4S did nothing about them.

One co-worker, who later became a police officer, repeatedly complained about violent anti-gay statements by Mateen, whom he considered “unhinged and unstable.” Mateen then began stalking that co-worker, yet G4S kept him on the job. In disgust, the co-worker resigned, believing that their employer did nothing about Mateen’s troubling behavior because it was afraid to take action due to Mateen’s religion.

It’s apparent that Mateen was able to get away with years of violent statements and threats due to a pervasive fear of Islamophobia. It even derailed the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mateen’s bizarre statements to co-workers, including claims that he belonged to an international terrorist group, got the FBI’s attention, and in 2013 the Bureau opened a formal investigation into him.

That investigation lasted ten months and included the employment of confidential informants and wiretaps on Mateen, as well as two interviews with the security guard, but ultimately closed without adding Omar Mateen to any permanent list of suspected terrorists in the United States.

The FBI ultimately concluded that Mateen was a fantasist more than a terrorist. Although he claimed to have joined multiple terrorist groups, there was no evidence to back any of that up. To top it off, the FBI concluded that Mateen was engaging in bizarre behavior due to “co-workers discriminating against him and teasing him because he was Muslim.” In 2014, the FBI opened a second investigation into Mateen and reached the same conclusion: he was a fantasist not a jihadist.

Since Mateen had no criminal record and was not under FBI investigation any longer, he had no trouble buying an AR-15 assault rifle just days before the Orlando attack. Florida has permissive gun laws even by American standards. That semi-automatic weapon did most of the killing last Sunday. Americans should be asking how anybody who had been twice investigated on terrorism suspicions was able to buy an assault rifle so easily.

But Americans must also ask why we tolerate such angry, violent behavior in the first place. A security firm where he carried a gun was hardly the place an unbalanced hater like Mateen should have been working. Fear of Islamophobia seems to have trumped fear of murder.

Although it appears unlikely that the Islamic State had anything directly to do with Mateen, they were happy to claim responsibility for his atrocity. After all, the group has encouraged followers worldwide to wage individual jihad against the “infidel” West. And they hate no one more than gays, whom they butcher at every opportunity.

The FBI has confirmed that Mateen was yet another case of online radicalization, which is commonplace in the West now. He watched ISIS videos that propagate the group’s violent, hate-filled ideology. In 2016, this is sufficient for some would-be jihadists: actual trips to the Middle East are optional.

Reports proliferate of more than one shooter at Pulse but they remain unconfirmed. Yet it is remarkable that Mateen, who had no combat experience, managed to kill 49 people all by himself, while the Islamic State attack on Paris last November that killed 130 involved nine terrorists, several of whom were veteran killers from the Syrian war.

Many questions remain unanswered. The FBI is now doing the investigation they should have done years before, including raids on Mateen’s friends and family, looking for any network that may have helped the killer. Although “lone wolves” exist they are rare in reality. Most terrorists have help from someone. We need to know the full story here.

In the meantime, President Obama has talked about hate and guns causing Orlando, omitting any discussion of Islamism or jihad. Hillary Clinton has done much the same, calling for a ban on assault weapons not jihadism (though Ms. Clinton is willing to admit radical Islam is a problem).

For his part, Donald Trump has stated he was right all along about the jihadist threat, reiterating his call for a ban on immigration from countries where terrorism is common. In effect, this means banning Muslims. This position, unpopular with American elites, may prove popular with average voters who are disgusted by what has just happened.

America’s presidential election is still almost five months away but the Orlando horror seems certain to feature prominently in the race. Although President Obama’s war on terrorism has taken place mostly in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus drone strikes in several more countries, last weekend showed that there is a home front too in the fight against the Islamic State. That is a fight no president can afford to lose.

(This article appeared in the German newspaper BILD, you can read that here.)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 06:05:14 PM by G M »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1760 on: June 16, 2016, 02:59:27 PM »

FBI followed Mateen
DHS did not notice he was contractor with them and someone working within the company kept complaining about him
Gun shop owner reported his suspicious behavior

and Obamster gets no blame from the media for a culture that obviously is worried about micro aggression against Muslims. 

Instead the Bamster is running around shooting his big yap about guns , hate crimes, and America and Christians might be to blame.

We have to get rid of him and Clinton - both to pasture.

Though we know he will go for some international post - UN - or something or other - since like Clinton he will never be able to leave us alone.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1765 on: June 21, 2016, 05:59:19 AM »
Do we have more Muslims waging jihad or helping law enforcement? I will will bet it's the former.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1766 on: June 21, 2016, 01:36:51 PM »
Do we have more Muslims waging jihad or helping law enforcement? I will will bet it's the former.

The peaceful majority need to go from staying out of it to helping law enforcement. 


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1767 on: June 21, 2016, 03:56:43 PM »
Agreed AND our part of it is acknowledging and welcoming those who do.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1768 on: June 21, 2016, 06:40:39 PM »
Agreed AND our part of it is acknowledging and welcoming those who do.

Very few are going to want to go public, as they face from very real threats from their co-religionists. By helping non-muslims, they are violating norms rooted in islamic theology.


The issue of abrogation in Islam is critical to understanding both jihad and da'wa, the propagation of Islam. Some Muslims may preach tolerance and argue that jihad refers only to an internal, peaceful struggle to better oneself. Western commentators can convince themselves that such teachings are correct. However, for learned Muslim scholars and populist leaders, such notions are or should be risible. They recognize that, in practice, there is compulsion in Islam. They take seriously the notion that the Qur'an teaches not just tolerance among religions, but tolerance among religions on the terms of Islam. To understand the challenge of the current Islamist revival, it is crucial for non-Muslims and moderate Muslims alike to recognize that interpretation of Islamic doctrine can have two faces, and that the Medinan face may very well continue to overshadow the Meccan face for a major portion, if not the majority, of contemporary Muslims.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 06:49:48 PM by G M »


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Fealty and Modern Terrorism
« Reply #1769 on: June 21, 2016, 07:34:50 PM »

Fealty and Modern Terrorism
During his deadly attack on a packed Orlando nightclub where he killed 50 people and wounded many more, Omar Mateen called 911.  

On the recorded call, he pledge his loyalty to ISIS.  

A day later, a terrorist outside of Paris, used Facebook livestreaming to pledge his loyalty to ISIS while stabbing a police chief and his wife to death.

What's going on?

The answer is that these pledges aren't simply expressions of loyalty, they are expressions of fealty, a much more powerful means of connection.  

Fealty is something we haven't seen since the middle ages.  ISIS became capable of employing fealty once it rebuilt a barebones Caliphate and it is using it to transform modern terrorism.

To understand this, let's dig into fealty a bit.

Fealty is a strict, lifelong pledge of loyalty from a vassal to a lord.  It's public and irreversible.  (If you watch Game of Thrones, it's why everyone hates the Kingslayer, even if he was justified in his actions)

Fealty obligates the vassal to act in the service of the lord, without any need for specific direction.  It also gives the protection of the lord to the vassal (in a religious context, salvation and redemption).

Fealty made it possible to build large, geographically segmented networks in a world without instant communications and rapid travel.    
Fealty allows ISIS to get around some of problems of modern open source insurgency.   For example:

A potential terrorist shouldn't express fealty until the attack.  Benefit: This prevents discovery during the grooming process.

A public expression of fealty (FB, Twitter..) provides them with instant acceptance by the "lord"  Benefit: this provides them spiritual protection for the attack and maximizes the publicity for ISIS

A Jihadi, or their local network, shouldn't ask for permission, planning, or support.  They should act on their own.  The attack itself is a demonstration of loyalty.  Benefit: this reduces chances of discovery and maximizes the innovative potential of the global network.
The more I think about it, fealty is an extremely useful way of harnessing and directing the power of an open source insurgency (aka, herding cats).


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Re: Additional on the social pressures on Muslims in the west
« Reply #1771 on: June 22, 2016, 07:10:51 AM »

The guardian is hardly a right wing periodical.

This is the conundrum.  We can't solve this (ever) without peace seeking Muslims coming forward and we can't provide a full witness protection program for 2 billion people.  10-15% can control 85-90% with terror. (The IRS has been doing it for years.) The latest Islamist example was a 4 year old girl beheaded in front of her mom.  I wonder what either of them did wrong.

Articulating this better is Trump's ticket to getting elected.  We know that not all Muslims are attacking us.  We know peaceful Muslims face huge risks when they come forward to help.  But Muslims and Muslim immigrants is a group that includes nearly all the terrorists and the rest can't join us in rooting out this problem, so it is suicidal for our society to be take in more numbers of that group until that changes.  And if we aren't going to take more in legally, we certainly shouldn't take them in illegally.  One candidate is pledged to control the border.  One just the opposite, not evn pretending she will secure it.  The argument of which one will make us more secure isn't that hard.  Instead of being inflammatory, how about making the definitive case?


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It is worse than we realized
« Reply #1772 on: June 23, 2016, 07:44:31 AM »


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Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota
« Reply #1774 on: June 23, 2016, 11:37:55 AM »

Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota
Marshals Say They Must File One Surveillance Detection Report, Or SDR, Per Month

10:56 AM, Jul 21, 2006


Air Marshals Say SDR Quota Puts Pressure To Label People As 'Suspicious'

You could be on a secret government database or watch list for simply taking a picture on an airplane. Some federal air marshals say they're reporting your actions to meet a quota, even though some top officials deny it.
The air marshals, whose identities are being concealed, told 7NEWS that they're required to submit at least one report a month. If they don't, there's no raise, no bonus, no awards and no special assignments.

"Innocent passengers are being entered into an international intelligence database as suspicious persons, acting in a suspicious manner on an aircraft ... and they did nothing wrong," said one federal air marshal.

These unknowing passengers who are doing nothing wrong are landing in a secret government document called a Surveillance Detection Report, or SDR. Air marshals told 7NEWS that managers in Las Vegas created and continue to maintain this potentially dangerous quota system.

"Do these reports have real life impacts on the people who are identified as potential terrorists?" 7NEWS Investigator Tony Kovaleski asked.

"Absolutely," a federal air marshal replied.

7NEWS obtained an internal Homeland Security document defining an SDR as a report designed to identify terrorist surveillance activity.

"When you see a decision like this, for these reports, who loses here?" Kovaleski asked.

"The people we're supposed to protect -- the American public," an air marshal said.

What kind of impact would it have for a flying individual to be named in an SDR?

"That could have serious impact ... They could be placed on a watch list. They could wind up on databases that identify them as potential terrorists or a threat to an aircraft. It could be very serious," said Don Strange, a former agent in charge of air marshals in Atlanta. He lost his job attempting to change policies inside the agency.

That's why several air marshals object to a July 2004 memo from top management in the Las Vegas office, a memo that reminded air marshals of the SDR requirement.

The body of the memo said, "Each federal air marshal is now expected to generate at least one SDR per month."

"Does that memo read to you that Federal Air Marshal headquarters has set a quota on these reports?" Kovaleski asked.

"Absolutely, no doubt," an air marshal replied.

A second management memo, also dated July 2004, said, "There may come an occasion when you just don't see anything out of the ordinary for a month at a time, but I'm sure that if you are looking for it, you'll see something."

Another federal air marshal said that not only is there a quota in Las Vegas for SDRs, but that "it directly reflects on (their) performance evaluations" and on how much money they make.

The director of the Air Marshal Service, Dana Brown, declined 7NEWS' request for an interview on the quota system. But the agency points to a memo from August 2004 that said there is not a quota for submitting SDRs and which goes on to say, "I do not expect reports that are inaccurate or frivolous."

But, Las Vegas-based air marshals say the quota system remains in force, now more than two years after managers sent the original memos, and that it's a mandate from management that impacts annual raises, bonuses, awards and special assignments.

"To meet this quota, to get their raises, do you think federal air marshals in Las Vegas are making some of this stuff up?" Kovaleski asked.

"I know they are. It's a joke," an air marshal replied.

"Have marshals in the Las Vegas office, I don't want to say fabricated, but 'created' reports?" Kovaleski asked.

"Creative writing -- stretching a long ways the truth, yes," an air marshal replied.

One example, according to air marshals, occurred on one flight leaving Las Vegas, when an unknowing passenger, most likely a tourist, was identified in an SDR for doing nothing more than taking a photo of the Las Vegas skyline as his plane rolled down the runway.

"You're saying that was not an accurate portrayal of a potential terrorist activity?" Kovaleski asked.

"No, it was not," an air marshal said.

"It was a marshal trying to meet a quota ..." Kovaleski said.

"Yes, he was," the air marshal replied.

Strange said he didn't have a quota in the Atlanta office when he was in charge.

"I would never have done that ... You are going to have people reporting every suspicious looking activity they come across, whether they in their heart feel like it's a threat, just to meet the quota," Strange said.

Strange and other air marshals said the quota allows the government to fill a database with bad information.

A Las Vegas air marshal said he didn't write an SDR every month for exactly that reason.

"Well, it's intelligence information, and like any system, if you put garbage in, you get garbage out," the air marshal said.

"I would like to see an investigation -- a real investigation conducted into the ways things are done here," the air marshal in Las Vegas said.

Although the agency strongly denies any presence of a quota system, Las Vegas-based air marshals have produced documents that show their performance review is directly linked to producing SDRs.


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Re: Watchlist quotas; 8 years to get off the list
« Reply #1776 on: June 24, 2016, 08:27:34 PM »

I don't know how anyone would suffer such a thing that is obviously not legal, depriving their right from the creator, adn still consider themselves a "man," granted that the one case in particular was a woman.

I for one will never be told how to live my life so long as I'm not actively harming others.... not going to happen.

Ps.... New York just passed a law allowing for a Terrorist Registry that you don't have to break the law to get on.... it's right on the NY Senate Website.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 08:29:24 PM by DDF »


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Re: Unraveling the Orlando Horror
« Reply #1777 on: June 24, 2016, 08:36:01 PM »

But Americans must also ask why we tolerate such angry, violent behavior in the first place.

Seriously? To that point, he hadn't been violent.... and we're concerned with anger now?

I'm angry.... I'm angry at being called racist every time I disagree with something, even though I'm not racist. I loathe liberals, but from a cultural perspective... I don't think (personally) that we belong under the same flag. I'm angry that there is a person in the Whitehouse and tons of nonhackers telling me that I have to buy insurance. Freedom? Whatever happened to that?

"Tolerate" an "angry" guy?

I can't wait until this fluff society gets sorted out.....that or buy a house in the swamp and hang t"respassers will not survive" sign on it and grow old with my wife.

Angry.... oh man.


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Re: Hillary's Muslim immigration policy
« Reply #1783 on: July 15, 2016, 12:42:20 PM »

She reads that to mean a million new Democratic voters...

Hillary took an issue where her opponent has been seen as extreme and now gone extreme herself in a more dangerous, less popular direction.  Do even the illegal Hispanics want open borders for the Islamists?  Do blacks?  Do gays want more Muslims here?  Do Rabbis?  Do blue collar working people?  Do soccer mom's want more terrorists in the neighborhoods?   I'm not being facetious; Eden Prairie schools, a rich suburb here, had to re-draw the Elementary school lines to uncluster the influx of Somalis moving in.  What means busing the white kid to a school further from their home.  Guess what?  Moms don't like that.

If your opponent has gone extreme right on a crucial issue, why not lock in the center?  Take in new immigrants with due diligence and caution, even a pause while we figure out what is going on.  But the left is not led by the center. Current leftist leaders including Obama, Hillary, BLM, SEIU, AFSCME, the Planned Parenthood organ chop shop and all the rest risk splitting up the coalition they worked so hard to build.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 12:49:18 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Michael Yon on the declassified document
« Reply #1786 on: July 21, 2016, 07:44:15 AM »

What do you take from this?  The document is new and perhaps provide new details but it seems the relationships were already known.  Does contact with a hijacker mean a family member knew the mission?  Michael Yon is suggested we should have overthrown Saudi or still should?  Saudi is an enemy of ISIS and Iran.  We could depose the royal family and it would be the ISIS Caliphate's dream come true.


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Re: Michael Yon on the declassified document
« Reply #1787 on: July 21, 2016, 05:34:11 PM »

What do you take from this?  The document is new and perhaps provide new details but it seems the relationships were already known.  Does contact with a hijacker mean a family member knew the mission?  Michael Yon is suggested we should have overthrown Saudi or still should?  Saudi is an enemy of ISIS and Iran.  We could depose the royal family and it would be the ISIS Caliphate's dream come true.

If ISIS or Iran or another enemy gets control of the "land of the two holy mosques" that would be seriously bad kimchee.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1789 on: August 02, 2016, 04:33:31 PM »
As always this forked tongue President always makes US the enemy.  Yet he stands there at the convention praising the US @ the DNC after he has done everything to undermine it.



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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1797 on: August 29, 2016, 11:02:50 PM »
This public reactiveness may become the new normal both here and in Europe.  If so, we can expect people take advantage of it. 

Here's how. 

All it takes is a single audio clip.  Like this or this either near a public space or done remotely on a timed playback device is all it would take to ignite the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) that leads to a large scale evacuation.  In fact, people are so reactive now, I suspect it wouldn't even take a sound that is explicit, only something that sounds similar.

Think about this for a moment.  The ability to shut down a public space for hours:

   anytime (just walk in and play the sounds),
   remotely (low cost playback device on timer/remote activation), or
   on a large scale (thousands of people playing the sounds on their smart phones in public spaces simultaneously)
is a substantial capability. 

How so? Take this fall's election for example.   

It is a far easier to close a voting location with a sound than hack a voting machine.


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The qualified Jeh Johnson at ISNA
« Reply #1799 on: September 06, 2016, 04:29:08 PM »