Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 452446 times)


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Steyn: The future shows up
« Reply #1050 on: November 14, 2023, 08:43:04 AM »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #1057 on: January 26, 2024, 10:43:37 AM »
what you don't like my title ?

 :-D :-o


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #1058 on: January 26, 2024, 02:00:47 PM »
 :oops: :oops: :oops:


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WSJ: Islamist intimidation in Britain
« Reply #1059 on: March 02, 2024, 04:37:55 AM »
Wonder Land: If you were an adversary looking at a U.S. uncertainty about its global leadership, what would you do? Answer: Up the ante—which is exactly what Iran, Russia and others are doing. Images: AP/AFP/Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly

Britain’s appeasement of Islamism, and a Conservative government’s unwillingness to enforce the law, has caused a crisis of democracy. For months, the government failed to counter the carnival of hatred that is London’s weekly anti-Israel marches. On Feb. 21, the tide of antidemocratic incitement reached the gates of Westminster, and the mother of parliaments surrendered to the mob.

The Scottish National Party had proposed a motion calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, scheduled to be debated that day. The intention was to pull Labour, the leading opposition party, off the fence on which its leader, Keir Starmer, has so carefully balanced it. Normally, a motion like this goes directly to a vote. This time the speaker of the Commons, Lindsay Hoyle, broke with precedent, surrendering to Labour’s pressure and proposing an amendment that its members could support.

Mr. Hoyle said he interfered with the legislative process because he didn’t want “another attack on this House,” a reference to the 2017 terrorist attack that killed five in and around Parliament. He feared that if he forced Labour moderates to vote against the original motion, he would be endangering their lives.

Mr. Hoyle is fighting for his job, but we can see why he thought discretion was the better part of valor. A mob of Palestinian Solidarity Campaign supporters had besieged Parliament and projected the genocidal slogan “From the river to the sea” onto the Elizabeth Tower, better known as Big Ben. The group’s leader, Ben Jamal, had exhorted his followers to “ramp up pressure” and force the police to “lock the doors of Parliament itself.”

Two members of Parliament have been assassinated since 2016. That year Labour’s Jo Cox was on her way to a surgery when a neo-Nazi shot and stabbed her to death in the street. In 2021 the Conservatives’ David Amess was fatally stabbed by an Islamic State follower at a surgery held in a church. In 2010, Labour’s Stephen Timms was seriously wounded in a knife attack by an al Qaeda sympathizer for, she said, his support of the Iraq war. The sharp rise in threats and harassment since Oct. 7 has forced members to rely in part on private security.

In early February, Mike Freer, a government minister, announced he won’t run for re-election. Mr. Freer, who represents a heavily Jewish constituency of North London, isn’t Jewish but supports Israel and campaigns against antisemitism. He’s endured death threats, homophobic insults, fake bombs left on his doorstep, and an arson attack on his office. He had already been wearing a stab vest to public events on police advice and considers himself “lucky to be alive.”

Labour members get more threats. The party’s “red-green” electoral strategy depends on the Muslim-rich urban vote. While Mr. Starmer talks moderation in Westminster, Labour moderates are menaced by their own voters for insufficient anti-Zionist zeal. Sometimes the fulminators are from the hard left, but they’re usually Muslim. Churchill defined an appeaser as someone who “feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” When Labour’s appeasers proffered the Jews and the party’s principles as appetizers, they made themselves the main course.

Last month Rachel Reeves, who will be the next chancellor of the exchequer if the Conservatives continue to self-destruct, was chased in the street by anti-Israel activists. Then, in a Feb. 29 by-election, Labour lost its previously safe seat in the heavily Muslim northern city of Rochdale. The party dropped its candidate, Azhar Ali, after it emerged that he suggested Israel allowed the Oct. 7 attacks as a pretext to invade Gaza. This allowed the extremist George Galloway, who was expelled from Labour in 2003, to win by attacking the party as weak on Gaza.

While diversity remains our strength, at least officially, Britain’s political class fortifies the Westminster “bubble.” The media hector the public about its “far right” objections to immigration. The police appeal limply to “community relations” as if naming the community that needs relationship counseling is above its pay grade. The BBC described the surge in reported antisemitic incidents in October—up 1,350% from a year earlier—as if it were inclement weather, not a victimless crime but one without perpetrators.

Mayor Sadiq Khan denounces “Islamophobia” with the ardor of an identity politician running for re-election. Politicians and columnists sing choruses against the “scourge of antisemitism” but can’t say who’s scourging whom. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says that “from the river to the sea” is racist and that incitement against Jews is “un-British” but he too can’t say who is attacking British democracy. Naming the problem admits its existence, and its scale.

Maria Lovegrove, head of the government’s antiradicalization program, Prevent, says the organization is racing to “flatten the curve, before it becomes a generational radicalizing moment.” That moment passed in the previous generation. A 2018 U.K. government report found that more than 900 British Muslims “of national security concern,” including women, had traveled to “engage with the conflict in Syria”: more than the number then serving in Britain’s armed forces, and more than the Irish Republican Army’s estimated number of active fighters at the time of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

British democracy and society are at a crunch point. Multiculturalism, political correctness and a deliberate failure to enforce immigration law have fostered a domestic-terrorist problem of unprecedented scale and complexity. The vast majority of the British people are repelled by extremism, appalled at the demolition of their values, and outraged by the cowardice of their rulers. Last month the red-green alliance crossed the Rubicon and bullied Parliament into submission. This is how a democracy dies.

Mr. Green is a Journal contributor and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


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Islam in Sweden
« Reply #1063 on: June 09, 2024, 09:03:03 AM »
A bit imprecise to call this Islam, though the countries in question are Muslim.


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Germany Grows a Pair?
« Reply #1066 on: July 24, 2024, 05:58:08 AM »

Amjad Taha أمجد طه
Congratulations to Germany! Let's hope the UK and US join this humanitarian effort. German police have raided and closed mosques operated by Iran and Hezbollah terrorists from Lebanon and Palestine, who also sponsor the Muslim Brotherhood to radicalize the West. Amazing day!😍


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #1067 on: July 24, 2024, 08:18:30 AM »
The world retains its ability to surprise.


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Islam in France
« Reply #1068 on: July 25, 2024, 08:51:35 AM »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #1070 on: August 06, 2024, 04:46:04 PM »
What could go wrong?


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Beaten & Arrested for the Crime of Complaining?
« Reply #1071 on: August 08, 2024, 08:42:51 AM »
Another peek at the "Progressive" future some seek to cram down out throats:

A Postcard from Manchester


About a month ago, I found myself in the UK, strolling through Manchester’s downtown commercial district. Hours earlier, the district bustled with tourists, businessmen, and travelers. But at around 9:15 p.m., the streets were deserted save for a lone woman fleeing for her life in a full-length robe and headscarf. Closing the distance, a man pursued while shouting her name at the top of his lungs. He looked briefly in my direction before continuing his pursuit, unconcerned by the presence of a bystander witness. He shouted her name, commanding her repeatedly in a language I did not understand. In no time, he gripped her arm and screamed in her face.
For a few seconds, she continued resisting and protesting. According to the map, she was in the United Kingdom with all its human rights and protections. In reality, she had no rights. The crowd trailing the man helped drag her back to the home she fled. Words stuck in my throat. I realized I wasn’t in Kansas City anymore. The police, if they ever came, might not take the side of the woman. I might be accused of Islamophobia. I might miss my flight in the morning and my juvenile son had no way home without me. With shame, I submitted to the situation as meekly as she did.

On the way to the airport, I got an earful from my cab driver. Manchester, like many British cities had “no-go” zones that exclude English common law’s representative, the police. He recommended against my returning to Manchester for safety reasons.

A month later, a child of Rwandan immigrants broke into a Taylor Swift-themed summer holiday camp in Southport and murdered three young girls, ages 6-9. In working class Britain and Ireland, officials hesitate to enforce laws against immigrants for fear of being accused of Islamophobia. Complaints are maligned and sometimes censored. In the United Kingdom, you can be arrested for observing that these newcomers often hurt people.
Nothing can excuse the appalling but predictable violence of the riots that followed. Protestors looted stores, threatened mosques, and set fire to occupied buildings. Unfortunately, instead of waking up to the need to address the grievances of their long-suffering citizens, the new Labor government of the UK has used this violence as a pretext to deflect.

The out-of-control immigration persists because the whole of the West has fallen under a brainwashing spell which has tossed out the cherished principle of equal justice under the law. Enforcing immigration laws draws accusations of racism and intolerance, which are words the left tosses about like shields for their incompetence and dereliction of duty. Police are expected to enforce the law, instead, along equity lines. The legacy of colonialism and a thousand other academic narratives are said to justify passive collective punishment.

After all, don’t British natives basically have it coming? We live in a world in which the opposite of racism is said to be … more racism. The British are powerless to even debate mass immigration into what have become their growing Sharia colonies.

In the United States, we can still reclaim the right to debate and vote on the wisdom of more immigration as a legitimate question of public policy. While the right has been reasonably clear on immigration policy, I find myself confused by the other.

The left tells us that Republicans have caused the current immigration crisis by failing to approve bipartisan immigration legislation. But if you ask a Harris supporter to explain what problem the immigration bill would have solved, the hoax quickly evaporates. Does Vice President Harris want to increase immigration, decrease immigration, or just increase the speed at which we process the immigrants into the country? The immigration bill proposed to add 100 new immigration judges, which suggests the goal is really to lubricate processing—in other words, to increase the speed of existing immigration. Why would we want that?

In the UK, the young man who hacked those three girls to death was not himself an immigrant, but his parents were. This suggests that with the overwhelming numbers of immigrants and the ideology now gripping the West, assimilation is not happening as the left likes to advertise when it is politically convenient to them. This crime and a thousand other outrages have accumulated to spark the English people to rise up and demand action. Some held up signs with pleas to “save our children.” In response, battalion-sized gangs of immigrant men roved the streets of London to crack the skulls of protestors who dared speak out. In the end, more Englishmen were attacked by immigrants instead of arresting those roving bands of thugs the police … arrested their countrymen for the crime of complaining.

Unfortunately for the woman I saw in Manchester and thousands of other victims—in both the UK and the United States—their suffering does not matter to the left. In bondage to the principles of “equity,” the people of the United States and the West owe a fictitious debt that can never be fully satisfied but must always be collected.

This spell of dangerous and malignant bigotry has already led to tribal violence. These are the wages of equity. It’s not racism to ask police to protect citizens from immigrant violence. All people, including that poor woman, deserve equal treatment before the law. Race does not disqualify anyone from the first duty of government which is to secure their safety.


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« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 08:01:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »