Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 437437 times)


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Geller: "I Warned About European Demise Six Years Ago"
« Reply #550 on: November 23, 2015, 05:03:31 AM »
I warned about demise of Europe 6 years ago

Posted By Pamela Geller On 11/22/2015

The mainstream media and Barack Obama may be surprised by what happened in Paris on Nov. 13. I was not. I have seen this coming, and warned about it, for years now.

On Dec. 31, 2009, I wrote an article for the Washington Times, “Europe’s looming demise,” on the disastrous Euro-Med agreement. In it, I predicted that the freedom of movement between European Union nations and their Muslim Mediterranean partners would be disastrous: Open borders would unleash a hijrah, a mass migration of Muslims into Europe, resulting in jihad violence and, ultimately, the end of Europe as a home of free societies.

The pioneering historian Bat Ye’or warned of all this in her groundbreaking book, “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis.” She exposed the initial Euro-Med plan, showing conclusively that what is happening now is not by accident or chance. This was a deliberate scheme to outmaneuver America and make Europe into a rival superpower – a scheme that started with de Gaulle. Instead, the Europeans outmaneuvered themselves.

Breaking the story of the unthinkable immigration policies of the Euro-Med partnership which would lead to the demise of Europe, in that 2009 article I quoted the human rights group, Stop Islamization of Europe, part of our umbrella organization, Stop Islamization of Nations, explaining that in the Euro-Med plan, “Europe is to be Islamized. Democracy, Christianity, European culture and Europeans are to be driven out of Europe. Fifty million North Africans from Muslim countries are to be imported into the EU.”

In another article in Newsmax in January 2010, I wrote: “Because of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership between the European Union and Islamic states in the Middle East, by the year 2050 the Islamic population of Europe will be 25 percent to 30 percent of the total population. There will be perhaps over 100 million Muslims in Europe. The effects on European civilization, and on Europe’s relationship with the United States, are all too easy to imagine.”

In that piece, I asked: “Why would Europe get involved again with such evil, and simultaneously take in such a diabolical and disastrous immigration bomb? And that’s what this is.” Around the same time, I titled another Newsmax article, “Euro-Mediterranean Plan Will Make Jihad Attacks Easier.”

Now it is all taking place just as I had warned. My predictions became reality on Nov. 13, 2015. The jihadists identified as perpetrating the Islamic slaughter of 132 people (most under the age of 30) in Paris were from an astonishing number of European and Middle Eastern countries.

The ease of movement across Europe without papers, etc., has made the tracking of jihadists across the continent almost impossible. Currently, E.U. passport holders only undergo a cursory visual passport inspection, to respect their “freedom of movement.”

At this point, emergency measures are mere Band-Aids that won’t fix years of infiltration.

Breitbart reported, “Europe’s home and interior ministers are expected to agree tightened security measures at the external borders of the Schengen zone, at a summit in Brussels today. Emergency plans have been drawn up to ensure that everyone travelling into the Schengen Zone will have their details checked against the Schengen System Watchlist, a database used to flag criminals.” Too little, too late.

Security officials in Europe have admitted that borders in Europe are “like a sieve.” The French didn’t even know that Paris jihad murderer Abdelhamid Abbaoud was in the country until after the mass slaughter. Abbaoud was able to move between the Middle East and Europe with relative ease.

And now it has been established that some of the Paris jihad attackers came into Europe as part of the migrant influx. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said that Europe’s passport-free Schengen zone may be ended if Europe is unable to “take responsibility” over its borders.

When I wrote these articles, I was widely ridiculed and derided, even by some who were concerned about the Muslim influx into Europe. But had my warnings been heeded, Paris and the world might not be embroiled in this crisis now.

I wrote in that 2009 Washington Times article: “Been to Europe lately? Thought it was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet. The passage of the Lisbon Treaty, hailed by Barack Obama, nailed the coffin shut on national sovereignty in Europe.” Then I concluded the article with this: “This internationalism is already destroying what has made Europe free and great. And now Mr. Obama seems to want to do the same to America.”

It’s happening now. It’s happening now with a swiftness and decisiveness that makes it clear that European and American elites saw all this coming as well as I did, and actively worked to bring it all about, rather than to prevent it. “The people of Europe,” I wrote back in 2009, “fought it, but were overwhelmed by their political elites and the lack of American leadership in this age of our Marxist, collectivist U.S. president.”

Will Americans allow the same thing to happen here, or will we fight to protect and defend our nation before it is too late?

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Islam in Belgium
« Reply #551 on: November 23, 2015, 01:39:23 PM »
Belgian Breeding Ground Fuels New Terror Wave
by Abigail R. Esman
Special to IPT News
November 23, 2015
 Time was, thoughts of Belgium led to thoughts of rich, dark chocolate, of Old Master painters and delicate, handmade lace.

Now it brings a different image: of Islamic jihad and men armed with Kalashnikovs, and of secret meetings of Muslim youth plotting a new attack against the West. The country is in lockdown today, facing what authorities believe is an "imminent attack." On Sunday, police raided 19 homes in and around Brussels, and made 16 arrests. Brussels continues to be the focus of their action.

There is good reason for this. The Nov. 13 massacres in Paris, we've since learned, were planned in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, sometimes called "little Morocco" for its large Moroccan immigrant population. The attack on Charlie Hebdo also was planned there, along with the foiled attack on a Thalys high-speed train between Brussels and Amsterdam. Mehdi Nemmouche, who killed four people at the Brussels Jewish Museum in May 2014, spent time there.
But it isn't only Molenbeek, and it isn't only recently. Belgium has been a hotbed of radical Islam for more than a decade, breeding organizations like Sharia4Belgium – one of the most influential "Sharia4" groups globally – and the now-defunct Arab European League (AEL). The goal of the AEL, founded by the Lebanese-Belgian Dyab Abou Jahjah in 2001, was to form a "sharocracy" in which sharia and democracy ruled together across the West. The organization was based in Antwerp, where Jahjah and his friends also celebrated the attacks of 9/11 with laughter. "We couldn't hold our joy," he recalled later in his autobiography.

Other signs of radicalism, also connected to Jahjah, soon followed; in 2002, Jahjah helped orchestrate riots in Borgenhout, outside of Antwerp. And in 2004, after establishing a Dutch arm of the AEL, he declared, "I consider every death of an American, British, and Dutch soldier a victory."

Jahjah was hardly alone. By 2006, Belgian journalist Hind Fraihi, herself a Muslim, discovered that books teaching Muslims to fight infidels were being freely distributed by radical imams who preached jihad in local mosques. Other books she found in Belgium included Guide For Muslims, a Dutch publication that encourages Muslims to throw homosexuals from tall buildings and to beat their wives. A Washington Post profile of Fraihi cited other books she found, including some that "advised readers to learn to communicate in symbols and secret code, and offered tips on how to do that."

But the largest influence on Belgian Muslims, and the source of much of their extremism, was the creation of Sharia4Belgium in 2010. Thanks to that group, Belgium boasts the largest number of Muslims per capita who have joined the Islamic State and its jihad. According to the Wall Street Journal and others, "dozens" of Sharia4Belgium members have made the pilgrimage to Syria, and dozens more have been detained before they could make the trip. Three of them, all women, were arrested in May 2014, around the time of the Jewish Museum shooting. They were part of a larger group of 40 Belgians planning to join the jihad, and most of them had Sharia4Belgium ties.

This should not have been surprising. By 2012, Belgium's security service director Alain Winants determined that "radical Islam forms the greatest threat" to the country. Salafism, he told Belgian daily de Morgen, is gaining followers who have built up a parallel community with its own values, its own banks, justice system, and educational program.

Sharia4Belgium's founder, Fouad Belkacem, was tried and convicted in September 2014 for supporting terrorism, along with dozens of other Sharia4Belgium members, some of whom are still on the Syrian battlefields. But by then it was too late. The group, with its active Dutch- and French-speaking recruiters in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and – most of all – the Internet, had already infiltrated the minds of untold numbers of other Belgian youth.

And still, no one seems to be watching.

This is due in part to limits of Belgium's intelligence facilities. While German intelligence, for instance, is currently stretched to its limits trying to track potential terrorists, Der Spiegel reports that Belgium's threat has long since exceeded the its own intelligence capabilities.

Indeed, according to Dutch NOS TV, "the central counterterrorism unit of the [Belgian] police department has only one employee tracking radical [Islamic] activity on the Internet. And she only works part time." The result, notes Der Spiegel, is that "many Muslims who have become radicalized or received military training and may even have been traumatized are returning home from Syria without anyone checking on them whatsoever."

Moreover, Belgium's disorganized police system – with six authorities for 19 districts in Brussels alone – coupled with a chaotic government and the European capital's convenient location at the midway point between Amsterdam and Paris –combine to help French and Dutch Islamists take refuge there. Two of the Paris attackers, the French-born Bilal Hafdi and Brahim Abdelslam, were among them.

As recently as last month, an exploratory committee determined that Belgian police had failed to notice, let alone monitor, a "jihad camp" set up by Kurdish PKK members and Sharia4Belgium in the Ardennes.

But the truth is, the country's "capabilities" are only part of the problem: political timidity and correctness carry a good share of the blame. Suspicious behaviors are too often overlooked for fear of being called "racist," Alain Winants told de Morgen in 2012. That viewpoint has since been echoed in Belgian editorials since the Paris attacks, with journalist Luckas Vander Taelen noting that Molenbeek's mayor had once called a journalist "Islamophobic" for reporting on the radical Islamic books being distributed there. "There are no problems here," the mayor insisted at the time.

Since the Nov. 13 attacks, however, Belgium has rounded up dozens of jihadists, with nine raids leading to nine arrests on Thursday preceding Sunday's additional raids. The speed with which these terrorists were located suggests that authorities were aware of them prior to the events in Paris. So why weren't they captured earlier? Was it a matter of incompetence? Or a kind of narcissistic concern over image, a fear, as Winants suggests, of being seen as "racist?"
Hopefully, Belgium has now learned its lesson. The fight against terrorism is not a popularity contest. It's a contest we fight for our lives.

Abigail R. Esman, the author, most recently, of Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West (Praeger, 2010), is a freelance writer based in New York and the Netherlands.


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Where are the widows and orphans?
« Reply #552 on: November 29, 2015, 11:19:57 AM »
Many of my Euro friends regard the source of this video, the English Defense League, as a nasty and racist organization, but this looks to me like a fairly presented clip.


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Coming soon
« Reply #553 on: December 03, 2015, 04:57:46 AM »


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #554 on: December 03, 2015, 05:17:56 AM »
 :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #555 on: December 03, 2015, 07:20:23 AM »
:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Note that the author of the above piece  is a former Seal, with boots on the ground experience in the middle east.


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World Federalist Movement
« Reply #556 on: December 03, 2015, 09:14:13 AM »
I am interested in the Seals point about Cronkite being a card carrying member of the World Federalist Association.   So I tried to look it up.  I am fully aware of bias in Wikipedia pieces but here it is anyway.  Two of the founders were "feminists/pacifists".  One a Hungarian Jew who predates the Jewish and America backstabbing profiteering Soros wound up being branded a socialist and "without" a nationality.  She won a slander suit but ironically isn't being without "country" essentially what she wished for?  Be careful what you wish for you elitist pricks.......


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Stratfor on the strategic implications of the Paris attacks for France
« Reply #557 on: December 03, 2015, 09:52:57 AM »

By Mark Fleming-Williams

On the evening of Friday, Nov. 13, eight people armed with assault rifles and suicide vests attacked several targets in Paris, killing 129 civilians. At least five of the attackers were French nationals and two were Belgians; all eight appear to have been radical Islamists, and the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks. French President Francois Hollande declared the killings to be an act of war and immediately scaled up France's military operations, primarily by increasing its airstrikes in Islamic State territory. Taking advantage of a temporary state of emergency, French police have conducted more than 100 raids each night since the attack as they track down suspects.

While the attacks are obviously shocking, they probably will not have the same transformative effect as other major incidents such as 9/11 or the Madrid bombings, which led the states that were targeted to change their strategies. (9/11 prompted the United States to invade Afghanistan and ultimately Iraq, while the Madrid bombings persuaded Spain to withdraw its troops from Iraq.) By comparison, the French attacks, which are more akin to the July 2005 bombings in the United Kingdom, will likely accelerate the strategies France already had for achieving its domestic and foreign interests.
Domestic Concerns

From France's perspective, the most immediate concern the Paris attacks raise is that French citizens were killed. Any government that fails to protect its citizenry risks being replaced, meaning that officials must work quickly to neutralize the attackers before doing the same for any accomplices who were directly involved. Then the government must try to prevent similar attacks from taking place in the future. The first two of these actions are already well underway, and progress toward the third is evident. Hollande has asked to extend emergency powers for three months, to deploy an extra 5,000 police officers over the course of two years, and to amend the constitution to broaden surveillance powers. By all appearances, France seems to be on the verge of becoming a closely watched state in the coming years — much like the United Kingdom, which has one surveillance camera in place for every 11 Britons.

The Nov. 13 attacks also play into domestic politics, and the government will want to be seen avenging its citizens and punishing the offending party for its actions. This appears to be a large part of the motivation behind Paris' increased bombings of Islamic State targets overseas. Hollande is the leader of the center-left Socialist Party, which traditionally takes a softer line on social, security and privacy issues and is therefore vulnerable to recriminations from the public that it has not done enough to protect French citizens. Adding to this problem, France has experienced other terrorist attacks this year, most notably in January when gunmen attacked the offices of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, and people expected the government to have learned from these experiences in addressing security threats.

Regional elections in December will give voters across the country a chance to show their displeasure with the government's response, making the situation even more urgent for Hollande. The anti-immigration National Front has enjoyed a surge in support in recent years, with party leader Marine Le Pen polling strongly ahead of the 2017 presidential election. For the more moderate voter, there is also the center-right Republicans party headed by former President Nicolas Sarkozy. The former president has long divided public opinion with his tough stance on immigrants and security, which dates back at least to his time as France's interior minister in the early to mid-2000s.
Implications for France's European Ties

The Paris attacks have also exacerbated problems that have been brewing in France's relationship with the rest of Europe. A passport found at the scene of the crime appears to be linked to an immigrant who passed through Greece and up through the Balkans to get to France within the past two months. Doubts have since been raised about the authenticity of the passport, but the damage has been done, and many in France are linking the attacks to immigrant flows. As a result, the Schengen Agreement, which allows free travel across borders within member states, is under serious threat. The immigrant link may or may not prove valid, but an even more damning piece of evidence has arisen against Schengen: the Belgian connection. Belgium has emerged as a key staging point of the attacks, and the perpetrators seem to have done a great deal of their planning in Brussels. Belgium's connectivity, small size and membership in the Schengen area mean that it is extremely easy to enter several countries from Belgium within a short time. Consequently, many see the Schengen Agreement as a facilitator in the attacks.

The events of Nov. 13 have also altered France's budgetary situation. In November 2014, France fell afoul of the European Commission for its fiscal laxity, and its 2015 budget wasn't approved until several months into the year. This time around, the commission has been considerably less strict with its charges for the most part, mainly because of improvements in the overall economic climate, but it is still tasked with maintaining the union's economic guidelines. Hollande's Nov. 16 announcement that security concerns trump austerity, and that budgetary requirements will take a back seat since France is at war, cannot have been received well in Brussels, whether true or not.

Aside from the immediate considerations of the commission's mood, France may still be able to borrow at extremely cheap rates largely because of the European Central Bank's quantitative easing program, but this will not help its fiscal position. Borrowing to finance France's heightened spending will layer onto the country's already high debt levels. As a result, France will become even more firmly enmeshed in the Mediterranean group of eurozone countries with heavy debt burdens, relying on the European Central Bank and the prevailing economic climate to keep interest repayments low. At best, this will increase the chances of friction with Germany, and at worst, it will precipitate a debt crisis.
Older Problems

But France's biggest concerns in the wake of the Paris attacks speak to some of the country's much more deeply-rooted issues. Half of the attackers were Frenchmen. French law prohibits the inclusion of religious affiliation on national censuses, but estimates suggest that around 7.5 percent of France's population is Muslim, with a great portion of that group of North African extraction. Most of the recent terrorist incidents in France have stemmed from this part of the population, which tends to be poorer and more isolated than other groups.
France, Africa: Paris Struggles to Retain Colonial Ties

Click to enlarge
Former French Colonies in Africa

The roots of this reality trace back to France's experiences in colonizing Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and then to the messy independence processes these colonies underwent, particularly Algeria's War of Independence from 1954 to 1962. Bombings, killings and police brutality on both sides of the Mediterranean created enmity between the two populations, which only continued as growing numbers of Algerians emigrated to France. After World War II, France experienced a significant growth spurt in its "Trente Glorieuses" ("Thirty Glorious Years") and it needed cheap labor — a need North African emigres helped fill.

The newcomers made homes for themselves around France's industrial centers, including Paris, Lyon and Marseilles, but their high numbers and low wealth, combined with existing antipathies, inhibited their ability to integrate. The country became dotted with pockets of poor, disaffected and mainly Muslim communities that struggled to find gainful employment and break the cycle of poverty in which they found themselves. It is from these communities that the Islamic State appears to have had some success in recruiting, and it is their problems that France must solve if it hopes to prevent the homegrown threats the Paris attacks brought to light.

BTW, a "seal" is the ocean swimming mammal, and "SEAL" is the acronym that is a homonym for "seal".


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No-go zones for whom
« Reply #558 on: December 03, 2015, 11:15:02 AM »
second post

Muslim "No-go Zones" in Europe?
by Daniel Pipes
The Daily Caller
December 2, 2015

  Be the first of your friends to like this.
A typical housing block for immigrants in Marseille, France.
The existence of "no-go zones" in predominantly Muslim areas in Europe has been a major topic of conversation since the latest Paris massacre on November 13, primarily due to the assailants' many connections to Molenbeek, a heavily Muslim district of Brussels. This discussion brings to mind my visit to a drug- and crime-infested slum of 7,000 inhabitants in Marseilles, France, on Jan. 29, to see the situation for myself.
I entered the housing complex in an unmarked but recognizable city-owned car driven by a city employee who had been tasked with showing me around. Unfortunately, being mostly a paper-pusher and not experienced in the field, he got spooked and abruptly turned around to leave, raising suspicions among the drug dealers around us, who proceeded to set off the alarm.
A motorcyclist and a truck then zipped ahead of us and boxed us in on a nearby highway. Sitting in the car's front passenger seat, I was accosted and threatened by four young thugs. The city rep pleaded with them, telling them I was a visiting sociologist. They responded first with threatening comments and then by throwing a piece of concrete the size of a football through the back window. Luckily no on was injured, and they let us leave after the intimidating incident had concluded. I provided the mayor's office with audio, video, and still photographs of the thugs and their license plates.
I have kept quiet about this incident for ten months in the hopes that the French judicial system would function. As of today, however no one has been apprehended, no charges have been filed, and to my knowledge, no real investigation ever took place.
A street scene in one of the heavily Muslim areas of Brussels, taken as I walked solo through the neighborhood.
This incident was the great exception to my 28 other visits to predominantly Muslim areas in Australia, North America, and Western Europe. In all of these places – call them ZUS (French: Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones): I "went" without problems, traveling sometimes alone, sometimes not, in an anonymous rental car during daylight hours wearing normal Western casual male clothing – not in a police uniform, a priest's habit, skimpy clothing, or with a kippa.
In many ZUS, I got out and walked around; nearly everywhere I took pictures. In some, I stopped and made purchases, had a meal, or visited a mosque. I did nothing provocative like evangelize, march in a gay pride parade, recruit for the army, or take pictures of drug dealers. I was not a threat. I then "left," none the worse for the experience. My forays into the ZUS suggest that they are in fact go-zones for innocous civilians. Even in Marseilles, had I shown up in a rental car, the thugs would likely have welcomed me as a potential drug customer.
In contrast, Brice De Ruyver, the former security adviser to a Belgian prime minister, has stated that "We don't officially have no-go zones in Brussels, but in reality, there are, and they are [found] in Molenbeek." Yet, I drove and walked about Molenbeek, also in January, freely taking pictures of people on the street, stores, and whatever caught my fancy, and no one paid me attention. I felt completely safe.
Likewise, I earlier strolled through Rinkeby, a notorious district of Stockholm, on a November 2014 afternoon without encountering so much as a hostile stare; yet a local policeman has testified in reference to Rinkeby that, "If we're in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow because we'll get pelted by rocks and even face riots. These are no-go zones. We simply can't go there."
Firefighters, ambulance workers, and social workers routinely meet hostility in majority-Muslim areas.
How to reconcile these experiences? My visits establish that non-Muslim civilians can usually enter majority-Muslim areas without fear. But things look very different from the governmental point of view. On a routine basis, firefighters, ambulance workers, and even social workers meet with hostility and violence. For example, days after I visited the Marseille slum, its residents shot at police preparing for a visit by the prime minister of France. Thus does it and its ilk represent a no-go zone for police, a place that government representatives enter only when heavily armed, in convoys, temporarily, and with a specific mission.
The term no-go zone is informal (apparently deriving from American military argot); dictionaries ascribe it two meanings in line with my conclusions: either (1) ordinary people staying away from an area out of fear or (2) the representatives of the state entering only under exceptional circumstances. ZUS do not fit the first description but do fit the second.
Whether or not Molenbeek, Rinkeby, and the Marseilles slum are no-go zones, then, depends on what aspect one choses to emphasize – their accessibility to ordinary visitors at ordinary times or their inaccessibility to government officials in times of tension. There are also no-go gradations, some places where attacks are more frequent and violent, others less so. However one sums up this complex situation – maybe partial-no-go zones? – they represent a great danger.
Daniel Pipes (, @DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East Forum.
Dec. 2, 2015 addenda: (1) This is my third and – I hope – final assessment of the no-go zone issue. The first was in 2006, when I translated the official French designation of Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS) as no-go zones. The second was in January 2015, when I revoked this term on the basis of personal experience. Now, here, I find it partially applicable and partially not, where they are no-go zones primarily for representatives of the state, regardless of religion.
(2) The 28 largely heavily Muslim areas in Western countries that I have visited:
•   6 areas outside Europe: Dearborn and Hamtramck, Michigan; Lodi, California; Queens, New York; Mississauga, Canada; and Lakemba, Australia.
•   7 in Europe outside France: Antwerp, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Malmö, and Stockholm.
•   7 in France outside Paris: the ZUS in Beziers, Lunel, Marseilles, Montpellier, Nice, Perpignan, and Toulon.
•   8 in the Paris region: Barbès–Rochechouart, Belleville, Clichy-sous-Bois, Clignancourt, Gennevilliers, Sarcelles, Seine-Saint-Denis, and Val d'Oise.
(3) Some dictionary definitions of the informal terms no-go zone and no-go area:
•   American Heritage: "an area into which entry is forbidden, restricted, or reputed to be dangerous."
•   Cambridge: "an area, especially in a town, where it is very dangerous to go, usually because a group of people who have weapons prevent the police, army, and other people from entering."
•   Collins: "a district in a town that is barricaded off, usually by a paramilitary organization, within which the police, army, etc., can only enter by force."
•   Macmillan's: "an area in a town that is not considered to be safe because there are high levels of crime and violence there."
•   Merriam-Webster: "an area into which entry is forbidden or dangerous."


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Re: No-go zones for whom
« Reply #559 on: December 03, 2015, 01:10:48 PM »
Yes, the no-go zones within western countries are informal and unmarked.  The author walked in and took pictures unharmed.  I walked in, and walked out just fine - to the nearest Dutch hospital to have my head stitched up.  The no-go designation is a warning based on collective experience, not a mathematical proof.

Other observations here:

I don't want to say rabid dog, but your experience with pythons, lions or pyranhas might depend on the time of day and how hungry they are when they encounter you..

You can't mark the boundary accurately when the no-go zone is continually expanding.


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Re: This too should be covered
« Reply #561 on: December 10, 2015, 01:38:34 AM »

Are they against sharia? The death penalty for apostates? Other core elements of islamic theology?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #562 on: December 10, 2015, 08:05:44 AM »
That would be a reasonable inference, but please note the subject line of my post. 

When we say "Muslims need to stand up against this excrement" we should note when they do-- yes?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #563 on: December 10, 2015, 08:49:05 AM »
[quote a :-(uthor=Crafty_Dog link=topic=977.msg92286#msg92286 date=1449763544]
That would be a reasonable inference, but please note the subject line of my post. 

When we say "Muslims need to stand up against this excrement" we should note when they do-- yes?

Yes, when they legitimately do so, and it includes a rejection of sharia and jihad. Not the standard CAIR bs.


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Bretibart: UK cops need permission to patrol Muslim areas
« Reply #565 on: December 11, 2015, 01:40:40 PM »
"There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission”.

Another officer from Yorkshire in the North of England, wrote on an online Police web forum: “I’m not allowed to travel in half blues [uniform] to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we’re “All at risk of attack” – yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it’s ‘divisive.'”

He added: “In this instance he [Trump] isn’t wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous.

“He’s pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren’t as a nation willing to own up to – do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists?

“We implement half measures such as “No-one is allowed to come into work half blues, even in your own cars because if you get beheaded it’ll be your own fault.

“It would be seen as un-American, un-democratic, not the done thing… In the UK though we accept it’.

A female officer added: “Even if one of us did get killed or dragged off in a van. It would just be reported as a ‘one-off incident’ and no reason to change the ‘British style of policing’.”

Another Met officer who resigned this year wrote: “I was a PC in the Met for 11 years – I resigned as I couldn’t handle it anymore

“Whilst provocative Trump’s comments does carry some weight. PCs are not permitted to even come to work in “half Blues” (just wearing trousers and shirt) for fear of attack whilst going to work. That is a directive from Scotland Yard.


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Is this Germany?
« Reply #566 on: December 13, 2015, 08:52:21 AM »


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Sweden: Shambles in Asylum Heaven
« Reply #568 on: December 14, 2015, 09:59:58 AM »

In Sweden, only the people who say they are not applying for asylum are checked.

To avoid having to show any papers, a terrorist going to Sweden to commit acts of terror only has to tell the border police that he is seeking asylum. He will immediately be driven to the closest Immigration Service facility. And while the Immigration Service tries to figure out who he is, he can plan his attacks in the peace and quiet of the Swedish countryside.

"The truth is that persons with evil intent know exactly what to do when they come here. That information spreads like wildfire. These new border controls are there for the sole purpose of reassuring the public. They have absolutely no effect on the influx of migrants." — Border policeman at the Öresund Bridge (between Denmark and Sweden).

Despite many Swedes drawing a sigh of relief when the government announced that immigration was to be limited, the new policy does not really entail any difference at all.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 06:12:23 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Islam in Sweden
« Reply #570 on: December 19, 2015, 09:01:38 AM »
The English speaking part begins around 00:15


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Pipes: Partial No-Go Zones
« Reply #571 on: December 29, 2015, 06:54:03 PM »
The Danger of Partial No-go Zones to Europe
by Daniel Pipes
The Washington Times
December 29, 2015
Partial no-go zones are spread throughout much of Europe.

Partial no-go zones in majority-Muslim areas are a part of the urban landscape from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, with the French government alone counting 751 of them. This shirking of responsibility foreshadows catastrophe and calls for immediate reversal.

I call the bad parts of Europe's cities partial no-go zones because ordinary people in ordinary clothing at ordinary times can enter and leave them without trouble. But they are no-go zones in the sense that representatives of the state – police especially but also firefighters, meter-readers, ambulance attendants, and social workers – can only enter with massed power for temporary periods of time. If they disobey this basic rule (as I learned first-hand in Marseille), they are likely to be swarmed, insulted, threatened, and even attacked.

This situation needs not exist. Host societies can say no to the poor, crime-ridden, violent, and rebellious areas emerging in their midst. But, if governments need not abdicate control, why do they do so? Because of a fervent, slightly desperate hope to avoid confrontation. Multicultural policies offer the illusion of sidestepping anything that might be construed as "racist" or "Islamophobic."

If host governments need not abdicate control, why do they do so?

This abandonment is no minor aberration but a decision with grave consequences – consequences far deeper than, say, not controlling a crime-ridden American city like East St. Louis. That's because Muslim quasi-no-go zones fit into a far larger political context, with dual Western and Islamic dimensions.
Western: Avoiding confrontation reflects a deep-seated ambivalence about the value of one's own civilization and even self-hatred of the white race. The French intellectual Pascal Bruckner noted in his 2006 book La tyrannie de la pénitence (English: The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism) that leftist thinking "can be reduced to mechanical denunciations of the West, emphasizing the latter's hypocrisy, violence, and abomination." Europeans preen as "the sick man of the planet" whose greed and false notions of superiority causes every problem in the non-Western world: "The white man has sown grief and ruin wherever he has gone."

If the deadly triad of imperialism, fascism, and racism represent all that the West has to offer, no wonder immigrants to Europe, including Islamists, are treated as superior beings due supine deference. They exploit this by acting badly – drug dealers ruling the roost, a gang raping 1,400 children over a period of 16 years, and promoting violent ideologies – with near-impunity because, after all, the Europeans have only themselves to blame.
A sign prohibiting non-Muslims from entering Mecca.

Muslim: Partial no-go zones also result from an Islamic drive for exclusion and domination. Mecca and Medina constitute the official, sovereign, and eternal Muslim-only zones. For nearly fourteen centuries, these two Arabian cities have been formally off-limits to kafirs, who trespass at their peril; a lively literature of non-Muslims who penetrated their holy precincts and lived to tell the tale goes back centuries and continues still today.

Other Islamic no-go zones also exist. Before losing power in 1887, the Muslim rulers of Harar, Somalia, for centuries insisted (in the words of a British officer) on the "the exclusion of all travellers not of the Moslem faith." In like spirit, women in hijabs scream at non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to make them feel unwelcome and so stay away. In the West, lawful Muslim-only enclaves represent one drive for Muslim autonomy and sovereignty; the Muslims of America organization, with its 15 or so no-go compounds bristling with arms and hostility on private property dotted around the United States, represents another.

The job of dismantling all partial no-go zones must be started soon and executed with swift determination.

Unlike places like East St. Louis, Muslim-majority partial no-go zones have a deeply political and highly ambitious quality to them. Indeed, it is not far-fetched to foresee them turning into Muslim autonomous zones applying Islamic law and challenging the authorities. The mix of feeble European governments and a strong Islamic drive for power points to future unrest, crises, breakdown, and even civil war.

Some believe it is already too late to avoid this fate. I disagree, but if catastrophe is to be avoided, the job to dismantle all partial no-go zones must be started soon and executed with a swift determination based on a renewed sense of self-worth. Two universal principles should guide European governments: attaining a monopoly of force and applying the same code of law to all citizens.

Domestic peace in Europe and perhaps other regions, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States, demands nothing less.
Daniel Pipes (, @DanielPipes) is president of the Middle East Forum.


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Re: Islam ['Refugees']in Europe, Sweden, Germany
« Reply #572 on: December 31, 2015, 02:41:00 PM »
After taking in more asylum seekers per capita than any other nation in Europe, Sweden’s welcome mat now lies in tatters. Overwhelmed by the human tide of 2015, the center-left government is deploying extraordinary new border controls and slashing benefits in an unmistakable signal to refugees contemplating the long trek to Sweden in the new year: Stay out.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is under pressure from critics within her own center-right coalition to do the same after the country welcomed a record 1 million asylum seekers this year.


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Re: German woman speaks out
« Reply #574 on: January 02, 2016, 10:15:38 PM »


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The coming european civil war
« Reply #575 on: January 03, 2016, 07:44:11 AM »

Swiss General: Europe ”On The Verge Of Civil War,” Citizens Must Arm Themselves
Posted by Bob Owens on January 2, 2016 at 2:57 pm

Lieutenant-General André Blattmann
The flood of Middle Eastern “refugees” into Europe is pushing the continent into civil war, according to the head of Switzerland’s military, Lieutenant-General André Blattmann.

Society in western Europe is on the verge of breaking down amid chaotic violence caused by economic dislocation, mass immigration and terrorism. This is not the view of some ‘crazy survivalist’ but of the head of the Swiss Armed Forces.

Lieutenant-General André Blattmann has issued a warning to the Swiss people that society is dangerously close to collapse and advised those not already armed as part of the Swiss Army reserve to take steps to arm themselves. Blattmann has been head of the Armed Forces since, 1 March 2009 and his words carry very significant weight in a country in which several Citizens’ Initiative referenda against burqas and mosques have proven enormously popular as concerns grow about immigration and Islamisation.

In the last two World Wars, the Swiss combination of mountains and armed citizenry preserved the country’s peace and neutrality, but in the coming conflict, Switzerland already has its own massive fifth column.

It’s rather basic and sadly predictable, unfortunately.

You cannot import a large, relatively uneducated and typically violent culture that does not want to assimilate without bad things happening, a fact shown throughout human history. Eventually, there will be a fight.

Sadly, Europeans have long history of having to learn the same bloody lesson again and again of disarming the citizenry, going through wars, requiring desperate measures to thwart genocides, and then repeating the cycle.

European citizens are now arming themselves against the hordes through measures both legal and illegal. Blattman’s fellow Swiss are more fortunate in their ability to legally acquire quality firearms for self-defense. Other Europeans are not that fortunate, as they have allowed their natural right to bear arms to be stripped from them.

Hopefully there will be a political solution to this mess and the Muslim refugees can be peacefully repatriated, but I don’t their going to give up the generous social welfare provided by their hosts without a fight.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #577 on: January 08, 2016, 12:10:23 PM »


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #579 on: January 10, 2016, 09:11:56 AM »
The Rape Epidemic by ‘Refugees’ in Finland Has Reached the Point Where Fins have Given Up…

Finland, now, has become “one of the least safe countries in Europe for women,” according to Finland’s leading newspaper, “all because of the Muslim influx.”


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Re: Pepper Spray in Europe
« Reply #580 on: January 10, 2016, 09:21:10 AM »
Pepper Spray:  “We are completely sold out. We sold our last pepper spray on Wednesday. We order new supplies every day, but we always exceed the supply… mostly it is women demanding the products. They buy them for themselves, or for their daughters or girlfriends.”


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Europe's Muslim Fantasy League
« Reply #581 on: January 10, 2016, 03:02:32 PM »


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« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 10:04:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Europe surrendering to Islam?
« Reply #586 on: January 16, 2016, 09:49:02 AM »


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Re: One million rapefugees from the Middle East. What could go wrong?
« Reply #589 on: January 16, 2016, 02:28:09 PM »

Funny how the feminists always looking for a "rape culture" can't find this one. Although increasingly, it will find them.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #590 on: January 17, 2016, 06:51:59 PM »


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Swedish Govt. funding Muslim Sniper Training
« Reply #591 on: January 18, 2016, 05:00:31 PM »


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Re: Swedish Govt. funding Muslim Sniper Training
« Reply #592 on: January 18, 2016, 09:48:24 PM »
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 11:13:43 PM by G M »


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Re: Islam in Europe, Sweden to expel 80,000
« Reply #598 on: January 28, 2016, 09:28:10 AM »

Sweden sends sharp signal with plan to expel up to 80,000 asylum seekers

We need a humanitarian territory set up in Syria.  Maybe Trump can get Mexico to pay for it.


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