Author Topic: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children  (Read 65492 times)


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The Feminist Double Standard Created the Transgender Movement
« Reply #550 on: February 03, 2024, 04:57:43 PM »
What’s good for the goose, etc:

“The feminist double standard was born. Women could invade men’s spaces, but men could not do the reverse. Girls could play for the boys’ high school soccer team if they were good enough, but boys could not play on the girls.’”

Wanjiru Njoya is correct, and the point is general. Defend the rights of others as you would defend your own rights. Because you are defending your own rights.

More at the link: b


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Old Gray Hag Acknowledges the Obvious?
« Reply #552 on: February 05, 2024, 04:28:39 PM »
I can’t read the original as I’ll be damned if I’ll surrender any of my info or money to these arrogant hacks, but per the quotes in the piece this is a huge shift from woke orthodoxy, with some speculating impending lawsuits re butchered kids is what inspired this embrace of the obvious:


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« Reply #554 on: February 10, 2024, 08:47:29 AM »
« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 09:34:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 05:47:38 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Tranz fascism in Mexico
« Reply #556 on: February 17, 2024, 09:54:25 AM »


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perfroming for children for only one reason
« Reply #560 on: February 25, 2024, 07:00:54 AM »
It is one thing when crossdressers trans etc want to perform at adult only night clubs or bars etc.
It is quite another when they want to go to where children are and perform.

Pedophilia is the only explanation for this.

Just because pedophiles cannot control their urges does not make it acceptable or forgivable

We don't excuse serial killers
We don't excuse drunk drivers who killed
We don't excuse serial criminals


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A Deep Dive Into the “Transition” Biz
« Reply #562 on: February 29, 2024, 12:05:49 PM »
A woman with an estranged daughter—with a sought “transition” being the primary source of the estrangement—decided to do an expose on Kaiser Permanente, noting among other things how the transition process differed from other significant surgeries and treatments. Damning stuff that I hope serves as exhibit A at some point down the line:


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FB Makes it Easy for Parents to Sell Access to their Kids to Predators
« Reply #563 on: March 01, 2024, 03:25:38 PM »
Well this is all sorts of creepy: parents can set up a “parent managed” account for their kids they then use to allow predators to speak with their children.


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Incentivizing the Switch
« Reply #568 on: March 08, 2024, 02:38:49 PM »
Spanish soldiers identify as female, coincidentally earning higher pay, benefits, and better quarters: 


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The Queering of Public Schools
« Reply #574 on: March 21, 2024, 04:24:54 PM »
New book explores the Marxist/LGBQTLMNOP nexus and how it’s employed in public schools to mint zealots, activists, and queer theorists that bulwark “Progressive” ends:

Note: I don’t give a rats ass what consenting adults do in private, and am willing to accept that a percentage of humans are gay with nature and nurture both playing parts. However, I doubt the 10%+ figure bandied first I believe by Masters and Johnson and embraced by others, often of an activist bent.


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Re: The Queering of Public Schools
« Reply #575 on: March 21, 2024, 08:26:20 PM »
"However, I doubt the 10%+ figure banded"

I believe a 2% estimate stood the test of time pretty well before the more recent efforts to promote it.


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I am of mixed thoughts on this.  For me the variables are:

a) the propaganda push to inflate the number
b) what I suspect to be the true natural base line number (2-3%)
c) the effects of hormones, plastics, etc. in our food supply and environment
d) the effects of feminism, propaganda, and grooming.


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Nickelodeon Hired Pedophiles
« Reply #582 on: March 28, 2024, 05:02:19 PM »
Ye gods, what were these people thinking? Dealing with youth protection concerns are part of my day job; I’m unable to grasp this level of negligence allowed at a CHILDREN’S NETWORK:


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Stacked in More Ways than One
« Reply #583 on: March 29, 2024, 08:21:02 AM »
In a shocking development, an amateur Aussie “women’s’ soccer team with five transgender player sweeps a tournament:


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Re: Stacked in More Ways than One
« Reply #584 on: March 29, 2024, 12:42:07 PM »
In a shocking development, an amateur Aussie “women’s’ soccer team with five transgender player sweeps a tournament:

When do the lesbians (and other women) make their split with the Dems and the trans?  Are they proud enough of their women-hood enough to define it?  To protect it?  It's not just women's sports that are being destroyed.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 01:04:35 PM by DougMacG »


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Puberty Blocker’s Not So Fictional Harms & Utterly Absent Benefits
« Reply #586 on: April 04, 2024, 02:45:13 PM »
Honest, interrupting a body’s endocrine systems at a critical developmental phase is no big deal and can be easily reversed with a wee bit of snake oil abstention. And if you believe that we got this bridge in Baltimore we’ll sell you:


The reckoning over puberty blockers has arrived


Across the United States, thousands of parents have consented to having their children’s puberty stopped with a class of drugs called gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. Known colloquially as “puberty blockers,” these drugs overstimulate the pituitary gland to the point of preventing it from sending signals to the ovaries or testes to start producing the hormones responsible for puberty.

Parents who have consented to these drugs for their children love their kids dearly, but they’ve consented under entirely false pretenses. The doctors who’ve advised them say that puberty blockers are known to improve mental health — that they are even life-saving — and that they are fully reversible and just give kids “time to think.” None of this is true.

Major American medical associations say that “gender-affirming care” for kids is “medically necessary” and “life-saving.” Health authorities Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the U.K. disagree. Last month, the National Health Service of England decommissioned puberty blockers as a treatment of adolescent gender dysphoria. “We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of [puberty blockers] to make the treatment routinely available at this time,” the NHSE explained.

Imagine if American doctors told parents the following truths. The mental health benefits of puberty blockers are highly uncertain, according to multiple systematic reviews of the evidence, the bedrock of evidence-based medicine. The World Health Organization says the evidence is “limited and variable.” There is no research into long-term harms, but some evidence suggests decreased IQ and brittle bones. Permanent sterility is guaranteed for minors who go through full hormonal “transition.” Sexual dysfunction appears to be extremely common as well. Over 93 percent of kids who take these drugs go on to cross-sex hormones, which lead to permanent physical changes including excruciating genital growth, vaginal atrophy and tearing and much higher risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease.

There is no credible evidence that puberty blockers function as suicide-prevention measures. Finland’s top gender clinician has called the suicide narrative “purposeful disinformation” and “dangerous.” For all these reasons, health authorities in a growing number of countries, including some of the most LGBT-friendly, are now prioritizing talk therapy.

How many parents would consent to puberty blockers under these circumstances? Very few, if any.

It is common for drugs to enter pediatric use after evidence of their success in adult medicine. The opposite happened in gender medicine. It was the failure of “sex reassignment” in adult men to achieve satisfactory cosmetic outcomes and improve life functioning that led a group of clinicians in the Netherlands to propose starting the “reassignment” process in childhood.

Their hypothesis was as technologically appealing as it was ethically dubious: since males could not reverse the effects of testosterone-fueled puberty to pass as women, it would be beneficial to these men to have their puberty bypassed altogether.

The Dutch recognized the dilemma but thought they found a way around it. Relying on their experience using puberty blockers to treat a condition known as central precocious puberty (CPP), they argued that blockers were fully reversible and thus part of the diagnostic process. If it turned out that the kid wasn’t “truly trans,” the drugs would be discontinued and puberty allowed to resume.

Their argument was dubious from the get-go. First, CPP has an objective diagnosis, based on a blood sample, whereas gender transition is based on the adolescent’s feelings and experiences, which are subject to change. In a political climate such as ours, in which mere exploration of the reasons for rejecting one’s body can be labeled “conversion therapy,” differential diagnosis becomes impossible.
As Dr. Jason Rafferty, author of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ current policy statement on “gender-affirming care,” has put it, “the child’s sense of reality and feeling of who they are is the navigational beacon to sort of orient treatment around.” The AAP statement has been witheringly critiqued, and Rafferty and the AAP are now defendants in lawsuits by former patients.

Second, in CPP puberty suppression is by definition temporary; the goal is to delay puberty to its appropriate developmental window. In gender dysphoria, a “successful” prescription is where puberty is bypassed altogether. The assumption about reversibility, never tested and highly questionable form the start, proved to be the ethical foundation for the entire Dutch experiment, and it quickly crumbled. Over 93 percent of adolescents who are put on puberty blockers for gender issues continue down the medical pathway to cross-sex hormones. Some go on to surgeries.

Gender clinicians do not see this suspiciously high figure as a reason to rethink their approach. They see no possibility of iatrogenesis — a medical intervention that unintentionally induces harm, in this case by causing gender distress or confusion to persist artificially. On the contrary, they regard the high persistence rate as proof of their own remarkable diagnostic abilities.

More modest and scientifically-minded clinicians and researchers see things very differently. “Blocking puberty,” writes Sallie Baxendale, a professor of neuropsychology and author of an important new study on puberty blockers, “prevents the critical rewiring in the brain that underpins the ability make complex decisions. Puberty blockers may give children time to think but they simultaneously rob them of their developing capacity to do so.”

What is likely happening is that an ongoing youth mental health crisis whose origins predate and have little to do with gender is being misdiagnosed and mistreated with harmful and experimental drugs. Puberty blockers are the definition of a “quick fix” solution.
Researchers incorrectly refer to what the Dutch did as an experiment. In an experiment, falsifiable hypotheses are proposed, alternative interventions are tested, outcomes are monitored and competing explanations for observed results are thoughtfully ruled out.

The Dutch did nothing of the sort, according to a comprehensive scholarly examination of their study. Further, the only attempt to replicate that study, which was done in the U.K., failed. The researchers had to be forced to disclose their disappointing findings. Any scientific-minded person willing to put in the effort and read the literature will come to the same conclusion: Pediatric gender medicine is an industry built on fraud.

During the 2000s and 2010s, the Dutch pseudo-experiment with puberty blockers “escaped the lab” and became entangled in a fast-growing international social movement for transgender recognition. In the U.S., the drugs are being prescribed at numbers far exceeding anything the Dutch could possibly have imagined. Most adolescents referred to pediatric gender clinics are teen girls who have no history of dysphoria in childhood but who do have other mental health challenges that predate their distress with their bodies.

American medicine is no stranger to scandal — lobotomy, “recovered memory” and OxyContin are just a few examples. What makes pediatric gender transition unique is that it has been framed as a nonnegotiable civil right and defended by powerful civil rights groups, the Democratic Party and their ideological allies in the mainstream media.

A key reason for the divergence between U.S. and European medical authorities, as I’ve explaine in a previous essay, is the latter’s greater willingness to follow principles of evidence-based medicine, including reliance on systematic reviews. Jack Turban, a prominent American gender clinician, revealed in a deposition that he seems not to know what a systematic review of evidence is.

Another reason is that in the U.S., doctors who practice child “transition” demand and often receive deference as the experts on the evidence for their practices; abroad, such clinicians are seen as having conflicts of interest. When the National Health Service of England appointed the highly respected Dr. Hilary Cass to lead its review of its youth gender service, it did so precisely because she was “a senior clinician with no prior involvement or fixed views in this area.” Sweden and Finland delegated the evaluation of evidence to experts with no personal involvement or stake in pediatric gender medicine.

Parents should never have been put in the position of having to decide whether to “allow” their kids to go through puberty. Those who would put the onus on parents are letting charlatans in the medical profession off the hook. Puberty is difficult for all teens, and it is not a disease. Puberty blockers offer teens in distress — especially girls with history of sexual abuse, autistic kids and gay kids — false hope by casting puberty as optional.

Puberty is a rite of passage from childhood into adulthood, responsible for the development of the body’s major organs and systems and not just its external sexual features. Puberty blockers rob children of their right to an open future.
Leor Sapir is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute.


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« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 01:43:59 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Is this really what we want?

Study Finds That Suicide Risk Is 12 Times Higher Following Genital Mutilation
By Olivia Cook, Natural News • Jun. 4, 2024

(Natural News)—A recent publication in Cureus reveals that individuals who have undergone gender-transition surgeries face a significantly higher risk of suicide, self-harm and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to those who have not had such surgeries.

Researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch conducted the study, discovering that the rates of these adverse effects were over 12 times higher in individuals who had gender-transition surgeries compared to those without any history of such procedures.

The study analyzed data from nearly 16 million adult patients in the U.S., aged 18 to 60, who visited emergency rooms between 2003 and 2023. This information was extracted from a broader database encompassing over 90 million patients across more than 55 healthcare facilities. The researchers focused on data from over 1,500 patients who had undergone gender-transition surgeries within five years before their emergency room visit and compared it to data from more than 15.6 million patients with no history of such surgeries, along with two other control groups.


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I’ve had to contend with similar fallout after taking a principled stand and so have a lot of regard for this gent and will be giving to this effort:

Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower

My name is Eithan Haim. I am a 33-year-old general surgeon who was the anonymous whistleblower in a story released May 16, 2023 by Christopher Rufo. We exposed the fact that Texas Children's Hospital - the largest children's hospital in the world - was lying to the public about the existence of their transgender program. In part due to the story's release, the very next day, the Texas Legislature voted, with bipartisan support, to ban transgender medical interventions on minors. The conduct we exposed became illegal in the State of Texas within 24 hours of our story.

Just over a month later, on June 23rd, 2023, a few hours before my graduation from surgical training, two federal agents showed up to my apartment in a highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force. Despite their best attempt at launching a surprise interview, I insisted on having an attorney present. Before leaving, however, I was given a target letter signed by a federal prosecutor that stated I was being criminally investigated for a case regarding "medical records."

Since no laws had been violated (no personally identifiable patient health information was disclosed), this was nothing more than a blatant attempt at political intimidation. We believe this case is being driven by a highly ideological division within the Department of Health and Human Services that aims to silence whistleblowers who expose institutionalized medical corruption and the dangers of these hormone-based interventions for confused, adolescent children.

Between then and our decision to take this story public, the path forward was unclear. I knew that speaking out would necessarily put myself and my family at great risk, but after experiencing the extent of the corruption first-hand, it became clear that silence would never be an option.

We paid (and are paying) an enormous price. We spent the entirety of our retirement, investments, savings, and almost all of our disposable income to pay the legal bills to keep the case alive. My name was also leaked to left-wing activists who have viciously defamed me online and threatened my reputation as a physician. Although we have given this case all we have, there simply isn't enough to keep up with the hundreds of thousands we currently owe in legal bills or the potential million(s) it would cost to fight this case through trial.

I do not bring this up to cast myself as the victim or grift for sympathy - because at the end of the day self-pity does nothing for you. We see this as the exact opposite - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand up for what is right and against those who abuse their authority to silence those who speak the truth. In this way the costs are miniscule. Whatever we have paid - whether financial, emotional, or career-wise - has been well worth it.

All money raised goes directly to our attorneys at Burke Law Group. Like us, our attorneys are all-in for this fight. Owing to their faith in this cause, they have sacrificed countless hours of their own time on my legal defense and the defense of laws banning transgender procedures on minors.

This fund supports my legal defense in order to establish a precedent for other whistleblowers to speak out without fear of government persecution. It will also help support our efforts to fight against the unsubstantiated challenges to state laws banning these procedures (with my assistance, we have already filed multiple legal briefs defending the laws with organizations like Do No Harm). Additionally, this fund will support offensive legal action against those who have abused their professional responsibility in service of radical transgender ideology. Every dollar will work towards dismantling the legal and political regime attempting to keep medical professionals like me silent.

To read more about who we are and what we believe, please follow the links below:

The original story exposing Texas Children's Hospital's transgender program:

An interview between me and Rufo about the nightmare of transgender ideology in children's hospitals:

Our incredible lawyers at Burke Law Group:
If you have any questions, or want to learn more, my personal email is I would love to hear from you. Thank you for your support.