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Politics & Religion / 3rd post today
« Last post by ccp on Today at 11:06:55 AM »
Genius Dersh
60 yrs experience
whom Geragos calls the premier appellate lawyer extraordinaire gives class on his analysis of the trial.
He believes that Trump lawyers made multiple mistakes making an appeal more difficult   :-o:

Politics & Religion / union NYC "hamasholes" teachers
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:36:30 AM »
organizing *high school*
students to walk out of class to "protest" Israel.

 :x :-o
Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:11:49 AM »
"Of course the media is seeking out potential, violent reactions of a rogue Trump supporter or two to capture the moment and prove the extremism, when the extremism just happened under our new nose in a New York courtroom."

They try to distort Democracy in their favor for power.
They push us to extremes with their deceit, manipulation of laws, fake news, rigging elections, disparaging anyone who disagrees with them including Supreme Court Justices, and training our young with unwanted Woke

then when finally push comes to shove a Republican reacts in a more "extreme" defensive way since that is the last recourse left, the MSM does as you say:

claim MAGA is a threat to Democracy!
Economists who sound like all other crats they twist the logic all around to fit their agenda.
like democrats who twist the law:

and some replies to the article

I Like this one :

"This statement assumes that people holding debt will be happy that the Fed is printing with reckless abandon.

All money is a confidence game. Once that confidence is gone, all the printing in the world won't fix the currency."
and I read it has been found in cats
2 strays and 2 housecats!

and we and the Communists are STILL performing GOF studies ?

Politics & Religion / Manufactured Felonies
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 07:51:22 AM »
"Convicted felon" is a pretty strong message to the low information voter, apparently their target market.

To the more sophisticated voter they might notice with the Democrats that their inner-Putin is showing.

Assuming this partisan judge won't order prison time for bookkeeping errors, Trump will be  put under house arrest in Mar-A-Lago, unable to campaign and do rallies in the month of the first debate, exactly as planned and timed. If that is the case, he would not even be able to attend the first debate. Or do they give him a work release to go out and visit the voters across the country, making the sentence meaningless and the charges a joke.

In any event, all the attention goes to the judge. This is what he wanted. But HE (the judge)  happens to be reason number one for overturn on appeal.

Of course the media is seeking out potential, violent reactions of a rogue Trump supporter or two to capture the moment and prove the extremism, when the extremism just happened under our new nose in a New York courtroom.
Politicians used to talk about balancing the budget by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse. And now we have interest costs over a trillion a year. Wouldn't this count as all three, waste, fraud and abuse?

When Janet Yellen went from Fed chair to treasury secretary the separation of Federal Reserve and political Administration disappeared. Current Fed chair Jerome Powell said on 60 minutes, it is not his job to tell his bosses in the other branches how to do their job, meaning stop all this deficit spending. Fine, but how is he supposed to manage the monetary system when the fiscal budget is so out of whack?

Over a few decades it became clear that our government was intentionally devaluing our currency so that it would devalue our debt. They thought they were getting free money, they thought. They targeted 2% inflation, which to me is criminal, and then they had 3% and 4% and 9 1/2% inflation. There's too many examples to mention of simple things that we cannot comprehend with the cost today compared to such a short time ago.

We warned for years right here that this would all come back to bite us and now look at it!

If they couldn't balance the budget when interest costs were negligible, how are they going to do it when they surpassed a trillion in interest costs a year, soon to surpass 2 trillion in interest cost per year?

What are the campaign slogans this year amidst this crisis? 'Jail your opponent' and 'more of the same'.
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