Author Topic: The US Congress; Congressional races  (Read 364454 times)


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #900 on: April 29, 2021, 05:44:40 AM »
Thank you.  It would appear that I am in the Ninth District, represented by Congressman Dan Bishop.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #901 on: April 30, 2021, 05:18:56 AM »
"CNN's Dana Bash accused Scott of lying about the new voting law, which some pundits have referred to as "Jim Crow 2.0."

"He's the only Black Republican in the United States Senate and talking about the Democrats attacking these voting restrictions that are being passed across the country and these states as Jim Crow – worse than Jim Crow and fighting back against that kind of rhetoric; was interesting but it’s actually – it’s not necessarily true," Bash said.


CNN senior political correspondent Abby Phillip agreed and laughed with her colleague that Scott's take on the Georgia voting measure was just "not true" and dismissed Scott's speech as "partisan." CNN commentator Van Jones nodded and predicted that Scott "lost a lot of African-Americans by the tens of millions when he said ‘America is not a racist nation.'"

ME : 

 well Dana, we would have had 2 if the Dems did not **steal** the election in Michigan from John James,made%20unsubstantiated%20claims%20of%20fraud.

as for Van Jones (O's side kick ) comment  - we shall see......


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If only we can hold for 2 and then 4 yrs.....

by then another 5 million of illegals flooded into the country...or more
 there wil be up to 30 M in th USA

although biden will still refuse to stop illegals ALIENS from flooding


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Re: The US Congress; Bye Liz, the party needs a real leader
« Reply #904 on: May 12, 2021, 11:05:14 AM »

Liz, What is "The Big Lie"?  The thing about "The Big Lie" in quotation is that she is parroting lying media and Democrats.  If she knows what happened in the vote count, she should say, because no one else knows.

Why is her ire aimed at Republicans?  When she defines her enemy, she includes the majority of Republicans.
That's fine but why be in political leadership of your political enemy.

Back to the beginning, Trump took an unfair, mostly after the fact, ruthless, public attack against the Iraq war, which was Liz Cheney's father's signature achievement of his life, and Trump made other unnecessary and hurtful attacks against the Bush administration which include her father.  Liz Cheney is justified in hating Trump for the rest of her life.  But won the race for the nomination in 41 states, and then in 50 states.  if Liz can't get passed her hatred, she is not a Republican leader. 

Liz's hated aside, Trump unified Republicans, brought in more Democrats, blacks and Hispanics than any recent nominee, got elected President, stood up against Iran, stood up to N.K., stood up to China, held Germany's and NATO's feet to the fire, negotiated Middle East Peace, repealed senseless over-regulation, passed pro-growth tax rate cuts, brought prosperity, employment, and wage gains like we haven't seen in a long time.  The Republican contest against Trump is over by 5 years. The contest for the next nomination doesn't begin until after these midterms.  That may be divisive no matter who runs.  But don't serve in leadership now if your agenda is to divide the party.  She doubled down on division and now she's out of leadership.  Next she will likely be out of Wyoming elected office.  Too bad.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #905 on: May 12, 2021, 12:23:56 PM »
"Why is her ire aimed at Republicans?  "

good question

remarkable how the Bush Republicans and even some Reagan ones

just refuse to admit they are WRONG

I have to say , seeing her damage our cause with anti republican banter on liberal media outlets
    is terrible

I really liked her genius father


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Rep Cheney
« Reply #906 on: May 12, 2021, 04:18:34 PM »
ccp:  [Liz Cheney] I really liked her genius father

I liked her Dad as well.  Trump is unfair regarding Bush Cheney and the Iraq war, but she endorsed him in 2016 anyway.  Saddam needed toppling and we had full justification to do that.  The part where the war went on years after Saddam was toppled is fair grounds for debate. 

Dick Cheney started as a Ford Republican and grew wiser with experience.  His debate with Joe Lieberman was remarkable.  Contrast that with the first Trump Biden debate.  Cheney won the election for Bush and Trump lost the election for himself in 90 minutes each.

Dick Cheney was neutralized by the Scooter Libby thing which was a war with the deep state that George Bush wouldn't fight.  Also haunted by the hunting accident and by the Iraq war.  Bush wouldn't fight his critics on the war (General Betray-us?) and wouldn't toot his own horn on 51 months of economic growth.  Bush never shut down Dem programs like Fannie Mae lending to unqualified borrowers for more than 100% of market value that led to the financial collapse.  Where was Dick Cheney on that, I don't know, but he lost his 'gravitas'.

Cheney and Bush families could be a bit more tolerant of criticism instead of just declaring war on their own.

Liz endorsed Trump in 2016 and voted with him 93% of the time.  Her zeal now is ad hominem against Trump and really about 2024.

Counterproductive is what she's being now.  She brought Trump back into the headlines where he loves it, and she isolates herself.  If she wanted to win the Presidency or effectively support someone else, she needed to unite the Trump and not-Trump Republicans, not start a war within the party.

"[March] peacefully and patriotically", he said.  To say that incited violence is pure bullshit.  What angered the half the country was to get no investigation, no adjudication and no voice in the media with VERY reasonable concerns.  We know there was fraud.  We know the electoral and key swung states were very close.  No one (except maybe the perpetrators) know if the fraud was enough to swing the election.  To call it "The Big Lie" is to insult half the country and jump in bed with Democrats, deep state and media.  So there she may lie. 
« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 04:21:36 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #907 on: May 12, 2021, 06:10:25 PM »
 To call it "The Big Lie" is to insult half the country and jump in bed with Democrats, deep state and media.  So there she may lie.

That is why she has to go.
At the very least from leadership.

She is going to be on Fox tomorrow
  If she starts in with "starting a new party"

or the election was won fair and square or we need HR1 and SR1
she is finished for me.


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US Congress; House defeats Hamas sanctions on party line vote
« Reply #908 on: May 19, 2021, 08:07:20 PM »
I get it, that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib are anti-Israel.  But how is it my allegedly moderate Dem, (Jewish) representative Dean Phillips (and all Democrats) votes with them, against the interests of Israel, against the survival of Israel, for the destruction of Israel, protecting the terrorists?

Take religion out of it, Israel is our ally, Hamas is our enemy, right?

The bill was supported by every House Democrat in the last Congress.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2021, 06:03:51 AM by DougMacG »


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US Congress; Democrats have turned against Israel
« Reply #909 on: May 26, 2021, 08:06:41 AM »
At one point it looked like Omar, Tlaib, AOC and the gang were hurting the Democrats with their anti-Israel, anti-Jew rhetoric.  Now it seems to be all of them have turned that direction.

Strange how often we have to explain why Israel is our ally, and the reason is not religious.

If we had journalists, every Dem in Congress should be asked, true or false: Israel is an apartheid state.  Gaza respects the rights of minorities better.  Iran wants peace.  The Abraham accords were unsettling.  All false.

Good article here on the shift of Democrats in Congress, with specifics:

« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 09:23:46 AM by DougMacG »


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What do Republicans believe in?  Only a very few could answer that accurately because messaging is all over the map.

Republicans have not duplicated the clarity of message they had running with Newt in 1994.  The off-year election presents the opportunity to shift the national discussion to a debate about policies.  Both Clinton and Biden presented themselves as centrists, not left wing ideologues and both governed their first two years as Leftists.  Some Dem voters (all R voters) in '92 and in 2020 don't believe they voted for all of this.

Trump has two strengths in politics, conservative policies that work and his ability to draw attention.  Gingrich's strength is his ability to focus on a policy message.  It's good they are talking.


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Congressional races 2022, Newt continued...
« Reply #911 on: May 28, 2021, 02:01:20 PM »
"We have found 20 issues that are positive and have 85 percent support which could give us a huge advantage over the Democrats in 2022,"   - Newt

"Ninety percent of all Americans want people who enter the country illegally to be tested for COVID-19 before they are released by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol...The Democratic Machine has been blocking every effort to hold a vote on this reform...Some 87 percent who make up the American Majority want mandatory deportation for noncitizen gang members...The Democratic Machine is opposed...80 percent of Americans want to fully fund the police and law enforcement, including 69 percent of Democrats...74 percent favor mandatory life sentences in prison for cop killers...72 percent favor mandatory prison sentences for anyone attacking police...The Democratic Machine simply turns a deaf ear to these views...Taxpayer-provided giveaways (welfare, health care, free college) for people in the country illegally are opposed by the American Majority (75 percent of Americans)."

And more: "The American Majority (81 percent) wants to require photo identification to vote. H.R. 1 opens the door to eliminating voter identification...the American Majority recognizes the disaster that was inflicted upon children by the teachers' unions during the pandemic, and 81 percent of Americans now favor school choice for every child...The Democratic Machine is bitterly opposed...The whole process of 'wokeness' and equity-over-equality is generally embraced by the Democratic Machine and repudiated by the American Majority. The Democratic Machine in the House passed a rule on the first day erasing 'mother, father, son, daughter' and more than two dozen gendered terms from the House rules document. Some 66 percent of Americans favor restoring pro-family, gender-based language to the House rules...Some 85 percent of Americans favor religious freedom...The Democratic Machine is relentlessly in favor of placing sexual orientation and gender rights over traditional rights."

[Doug] Since the Democrats in power seem to want to destroy the nation, it isn't that hard to find issues that divide Far-Left Governmentism from the freedom seeking American people.

The local Dem House member of a divided district will tell you he or she is a moderate, centrist, "problem solver".  If so, then why do you vote (nearly) 100% of the time with the people who favor all THIS?


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Re: Congressional races 2022, Newt continued...
« Reply #912 on: May 28, 2021, 02:06:02 PM »
How are those issues polling with Dominion voting machines and dem vote counters at 4 AM?

"We have found 20 issues that are positive and have 85 percent support which could give us a huge advantage over the Democrats in 2022,"   - Newt

"Ninety percent of all Americans want people who enter the country illegally to be tested for COVID-19 before they are released by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol...The Democratic Machine has been blocking every effort to hold a vote on this reform...Some 87 percent who make up the American Majority want mandatory deportation for noncitizen gang members...The Democratic Machine is opposed...80 percent of Americans want to fully fund the police and law enforcement, including 69 percent of Democrats...74 percent favor mandatory life sentences in prison for cop killers...72 percent favor mandatory prison sentences for anyone attacking police...The Democratic Machine simply turns a deaf ear to these views...Taxpayer-provided giveaways (welfare, health care, free college) for people in the country illegally are opposed by the American Majority (75 percent of Americans)."

And more: "The American Majority (81 percent) wants to require photo identification to vote. H.R. 1 opens the door to eliminating voter identification...the American Majority recognizes the disaster that was inflicted upon children by the teachers' unions during the pandemic, and 81 percent of Americans now favor school choice for every child...The Democratic Machine is bitterly opposed...The whole process of 'wokeness' and equity-over-equality is generally embraced by the Democratic Machine and repudiated by the American Majority. The Democratic Machine in the House passed a rule on the first day erasing 'mother, father, son, daughter' and more than two dozen gendered terms from the House rules document. Some 66 percent of Americans favor restoring pro-family, gender-based language to the House rules...Some 85 percent of Americans favor religious freedom...The Democratic Machine is relentlessly in favor of placing sexual orientation and gender rights over traditional rights."

[Doug] Since the Democrats in power seem to want to destroy the nation, it isn't that hard to find issues that divide Far-Left Governmentism from the freedom seeking American people.

The local Dem House member of a divided district will tell you he or she is a moderate, centrist, "problem solver".  If so, then why do you vote (nearly) 100% of the time with the people who favor all THIS?


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Re: Congressional races 2022, Newt continued...
« Reply #913 on: May 28, 2021, 03:56:49 PM »
How are those issues polling with Dominion voting machines and dem vote counters at 4 AM?

Lots of these states have R legislatures, making state election laws and oversight of Dem cities possible.  Reigning in Google, Facebook, Twitter can be part of the message.  Winning local elections matters and bringing people in with common interest on national issues helps that.  Having a consistent, coherent message in opposition and winning the issues debates matters.   Without all that, we are the caricature they draw.  No one else is ever going to put our message out for us. 
« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 04:02:50 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Congressional races 2022, Newt continued...
« Reply #914 on: May 28, 2021, 04:44:32 PM »
"Lots of these states have R legislatures, making state election laws and oversight of Dem cities possible"

This would involve actually standing up to the dems, which most elected repubs are unwilling to do. They might be called racist or not invited to the right cocktail parties.

How are those issues polling with Dominion voting machines and dem vote counters at 4 AM?

Lots of these states have R legislatures, making state election laws and oversight of Dem cities possible.  Reigning in Google, Facebook, Twitter can be part of the message.  Winning local elections matters and bringing people in with common interest on national issues helps that.  Having a consistent, coherent message in opposition and winning the issues debates matters.   Without all that, we are the caricature they draw.  No one else is ever going to put our message out for us.


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US Congressional races, Sen. Hershel Walker, Georgia
« Reply #916 on: June 21, 2021, 11:12:53 AM »
All things equal, the Senate just flipped.

This affects more than Georgia.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #917 on: June 21, 2021, 05:59:13 PM »
This would be GREAT news!


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #919 on: June 24, 2021, 01:20:43 PM »
oh my god
please say above post is a misunderstanding
no wonder they are all smiles on CNN today
and dems are out on the cables smiling with Joe's "big achievement"
and picture of Republicans who support with Romney in center of the shot


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how to tell bad faith negotiators from those who are sincere
« Reply #920 on: June 26, 2021, 07:24:30 AM »
The Republicans need to get better negotiating training it seems

Romney et al. are such dupes:


Democrats ALWAYS negotiate in bad faith!


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Re: how to tell bad faith negotiators from those who are sincere
« Reply #921 on: June 27, 2021, 12:16:12 PM »
They aren't dupes. They are on the other side.

The Republicans need to get better negotiating training it seems

Romney et al. are such dupes:


Democrats ALWAYS negotiate in bad faith!


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JD Vance
« Reply #927 on: July 02, 2021, 07:28:04 AM »


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Sen. Klobuchar should resign sooner rather than later
« Reply #930 on: July 19, 2021, 07:03:01 AM »

Breyer is as a good a justice now as he ever was, no compliment intended.  Pressure for him to move along is clearly age discrimination.  His appointment to the Supreme Court was for life term.  What part of that does Amy not understand.  Klobuchar clearly believes Democrats are in imminent danger of losing the Senate, perhaps before the midterm election.  Secondly she knows neither Biden nor Harris has any likelihood of winning reelection.  [Do you even call it reelection if it was wrongly decided the first time?]

Klobuchar would be heir apparent to the throne right now if only she was a little blacker.  But she's never be anything beyond white and cisgender.  She is racist by definition of the Left and she should resign in disgrace so that Keith Ellison or Ilhan Omar can be appointed to that seat never held by anyone other than an entitled white.

But Klobuchar won't leave and neither should Justice Breyer.


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The Klobuchar grin
« Reply #931 on: July 19, 2021, 09:27:28 AM »
notice nearly every time she appears in public she has that grin :

I don't know if she has had some sort of procedure or botox that would do this:


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here comes the hit job
« Reply #932 on: July 23, 2021, 01:07:50 PM »

There is definite suppression of Blacks in the US,

when they are Conservative.


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Liz going down in flames
« Reply #933 on: July 26, 2021, 01:00:37 PM »

nothing like listening to your voters voices.  :roll:

can someone get her a copy of American Marxism

she will have time to read it soon
when she is retired

for upholding Democracy!!!! :wink:


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Re: Liz going down in flames
« Reply #934 on: July 26, 2021, 03:13:42 PM »
nothing like listening to your voters voices.  :roll:

Dick Cheney and wife Lynn met at age 14 in Casper Wyoming, an amazing local story of love, success and rise to national and international historic importance. 

Dick Cheney was [failed] President Ford's chief of staff; his young family lived in Washington DC.  In 1977 as Ford left office, he moved his family back to Casper to reestablish a local base [to get back to Washington].  The next year, 1978, he was elected to the House and the family moved back to Washington [McClean, VA].

Liz is a product of Washington.  Love for Liz in Wyoming ran through her father - and the hope that she would rise to similar, national conservative importance.  That dream ended in shame as she jumped to the wrong side of an important national feud still going on.

She could have been neutral or skeptical on the question of stolen election, taking a wait and see approach.  She could have said the record is mixed, Trump didn't do enough to stop it but he did say go peacefully and patriotically, so I cannot vote to convict.  She could have voted no on after-office 'impeachment' citing even the reason Chief Justice Roberts did, no jurisdiction - but she didn't.   

As a national conservative, she started with no charisma or crossover appeal, then she turned on her own side.  Her future is full of choices.  She can be Mitt Romney's chief of staff or be the conservative Juan Williams of some liberal network - in Washington, not Wyoming.

It's no big deal being unpopular back 'home'.  She only went back to Wyoming to get back to Washington.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 07:38:29 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress, Sen. Sinema not fully in step with her radical party
« Reply #935 on: August 02, 2021, 10:23:02 AM »
It seems like she knows Arizona is not yet a blue state, in spite of the 2020 vote count.  Politicians have more accurate polling than what narrative agenda media feed to the public.

Key vote Sinema says she’s a ‘no’ on Democrats’ $3.5T reconciliation bill,   July 28, 2021

Sinema:  "I do not support a bill that costs $3.5 trillion.”

[Doug] A second no vote takes pressure off of Joe Manchin and puts it back on Biden-Pelosi-Schumer to govern better.


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online rumor Pelosi stepping down in not too distant future
« Reply #937 on: August 10, 2021, 12:29:35 PM »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #939 on: August 15, 2021, 05:17:34 PM »
Well, on this is she wrong?

And yes, Biden's execution is worthy of hara kiri but that is a separate matter.


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Elizabeth Cheney
« Reply #940 on: August 16, 2021, 04:43:37 AM »
"Well, on this is she wrong?"


Trump refused to listen to anyone is Syria
and appears to have been ready to do same in Afghanistan
though it is not clear he would have let the Taliban move right back in
General Jack Keane you may have seen yesterday ,
said that it is true Trump made some sort of deal with the Taliban , but WITH CONDITIONS, including they had to share power.

Pompeo was on saying this and Gen. Keane said that was true.  I trust him.

That said does Cheney have to go on enemy news to emphasize the point about Trump and minimizing the point about Biden.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #941 on: August 16, 2021, 05:42:43 AM »
"Well, on this is she wrong?"

My one cent.  Not quite fair to say same thing would have happened under Trump.  It Did happen under Biden.

The American people would not have voted for Liz Cheney's plan that brought us the Obama Biden's in the first place.

Trump got it down to a zero casualties 'war'.  Bush Cheney did not do that.  Obama didn't, Biden didn't.

Trump had the Taliban at the table.  Biden lost that.  That Trump would have made all the same mistakes is mere noise in the room and grievance. Destroy your own party grievance.

This chapter is on Biden alone. IMHO.

We had a leave behind force.  Now we can't fly a plane out of the country.

Nothing whatsoever was learned in Iraq.  Or Saigon.

On Syria, seems to me events vindicated Trump.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #942 on: August 16, 2021, 05:44:14 AM »
Gen. Keane is awesome.  Wish America had more like him!


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Re: The US Congress, The Biden impeachment
« Reply #943 on: August 16, 2021, 08:04:53 AM »
Just adding to what is already said on border non-enforcement topic:

Impeachment is a political process that takes place in the political chambers based (partly) on constitutional issues.  Before Pelosi-Schiff started screwing around with it, the term used to be conflated with the removal part of the process, not merely a tactic to divide the country and weaken the sitting President.  [How could anything weaken Joe Biden?]

As a practical matter, removal happens only when the President's only party turns on him.

In the current context, it would take only 4 Dems in the House to turn on him to make a majority, but it would not come to a vote without the Speaker's support.  We don't 4 Dems or the Speaker turning on him in this Congress.

Then there is the idea that making a case for impeachment could be part of R's taking the House back.  They are already projected to do that without that.  I'm not sure the public is eager for another (botched) impeachment and removal trial.

On the Senate side it takes 2/3rds majority, 67 Senators, voting to convict.  Right now we have zero Dems and certainly not all 50 R's.  After the midterms you still have roughly zero Dems  and not all R's voting yes.

If you could remove Biden, you get Harris.  If you could remove both simultaneously, you get Pelosi.  If you wait for after the midterms, you would get Kevin McCarthy, but then for sure no Dems will vote yes.

Border non-enforcement for example is a policy issue (to them).  Frankly, if a person like Joe Manchin broke that far from his party, he wouldn't be a Democrat and 17 aren't about to switch parties.

Then it comes to back, in my estimation, to just making the political case that these people are destroying our country.

That does not mean we should not publish Articles of Impeachment here for people to see - that would be passed unanimously if every officeholder in Congress put the constitution and the country ahead of politics and their party.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 08:12:16 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress, The Biden impeachment
« Reply #944 on: August 16, 2021, 08:29:07 AM »
The system is totally corrupted and beyond saving. You aren't voting your way out of this.

Just adding to what is already said on border non-enforcement topic:

Impeachment is a political process that takes place in the political chambers based (partly) on constitutional issues.  Before Pelosi-Schiff started screwing around with it, the term used to be conflated with the removal part of the process, not merely a tactic to divide the country and weaken the sitting President.  [How could anything weaken Joe Biden?]

As a practical matter, removal happens only when the President's only party turns on him.

In the current context, it would take only 4 Dems in the House to turn on him to make a majority, but it would not come to a vote without the Speaker's support.  We don't 4 Dems or the Speaker turning on him in this Congress.

Then there is the idea that making a case for impeachment could be part of R's taking the House back.  They are already projected to do that without that.  I'm not sure the public is eager for another (botched) impeachment and removal trial.

On the Senate side it takes 2/3rds majority, 67 Senators, voting to convict.  Right now we have zero Dems and certainly not all 50 R's.  After the midterms you still have roughly zero Dems  and not all R's voting yes.

If you could remove Biden, you get Harris.  If you could remove both simultaneously, you get Pelosi.  If you wait for after the midterms, you would get Kevin McCarthy, but then for sure no Dems will vote yes.

Border non-enforcement for example is a policy issue (to them).  Frankly, if a person like Joe Manchin broke that far from his party, he wouldn't be a Democrat and 17 aren't about to switch parties.

Then it comes to back, in my estimation, to just making the political case that these people are destroying our country.

That does not mean we should not publish Articles of Impeachment here for people to see - that would be passed unanimously if every officeholder in Congress put the constitution and the country ahead of politics and their party.


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Herschel Walker, the next US senator from Georgia
« Reply #947 on: August 25, 2021, 05:31:22 AM »

That white supremacist racist label doesn't seem to stick as well on people like Larry Elder and Herschel Walker.

This isn't two people coming out conservative.  This is a sea change.


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