Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism  (Read 203952 times)


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #656 on: April 11, 2021, 10:57:18 AM »
"Communist elites always live in luxury."

Yes, and so do the race hustlers.


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here we go again
« Reply #657 on: April 12, 2021, 06:55:34 AM »

Ben Crump on the phone
the rest of the media mob already blaring the headlines

next up will be Biden coming out and shaming America
  and using all the buzz words

white supremacy

yada yada

and while the same communities of people who run around in gangs shooting each other
  use this as an excuse to rob and burn stores

oh vey


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Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, victimhood, Protesting accidental death, Daunte
« Reply #658 on: April 14, 2021, 07:52:27 AM »
"Some looting was reported Monday, including a Dollar Tree near the police headquarters. Other businesses in Minneapolis were also broken into and looted Monday night."

   - Oh good grief.  What is is that you want to take from Dollar Tree that you cannot take out free anyway with the $2000 free money the federal government just gave you?  Now that you break out the windows, your neighbors can't just go out and buy $1 bleach and $1 detergent to kill their viruses and stay safe.  Who do you think you are helping?


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The Australian team looks to dominate
« Reply #659 on: April 14, 2021, 05:19:19 PM »


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get blood on your hands
« Reply #663 on: April 17, 2021, 04:50:52 AM »
don't worry Fay Wray said it is just an idea:

(white kid holding the banner behind the speaker - crack me up)

I quit my job - talk about it - I got fired - talk about it- I quit my job - talk about it

What kind of stupid crap is this?

The guy can't even hold a job so next step - revolution ?

Can anyone come up with a song about called the race hustle


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An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. Historically, the accusation of “anti-Americanism” has been overused. But in this case, it’s not a matter of interpretation—critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution.


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Re: "Demonstrations " against "Asian hate"; Matt Gaetz takedown attempt
« Reply #666 on: April 17, 2021, 09:24:22 PM »

any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?

and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?

i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.

perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P

And as far as anti asian

don't tell me it is not  a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides

how can anyone know who is who though?

This ain't Trumps fault


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DA Chesa Boudin
« Reply #667 on: April 18, 2021, 04:50:54 AM »
"District Attorney Chesa Boudin said he dropped the charges in favor of having Grayson go through a city justice program."

"city justice program"

? counseling sessions with a social worker
? counseling sessions with someone with a degree in racism , critical race theory, or how to find a job
? maybe a city job with full benefits
? maybe job offers from BLM etc.
? job at CNN

« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 07:47:56 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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replace the word "opportunity" with "justice"
« Reply #668 on: April 18, 2021, 06:50:04 AM »


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My suggestion:

anyone who earns a living move from NY
    anyone from NJ or CT stop going there to spend money

and we will let them have NY -
  a NY with no tax revenues
only outlays

let me get this straight
is not the guy on blowhorn white?


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not sure why this is needed except to score points for the politicians
« Reply #674 on: April 22, 2021, 04:51:07 PM »

we already had assault and battery laws
and  Federal hate crime add ons just to pile on till the person is burned in hell
for "hate"


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Re: not sure why this is needed except to score points for the politicians
« Reply #675 on: April 22, 2021, 05:12:20 PM »
I wonder if there will be any disparities in how this law is applied...

we already had assault and battery laws
and  Federal hate crime add ons just to pile on till the person is burned in hell
for "hate"


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Cancel Newton ; the absurdity never ends
« Reply #676 on: April 26, 2021, 07:35:10 AM »

I am sure Shaka would have figured out calculus and gravity acceleration force
   motion etc. if

Newton didn't just go to school and was taught physics
And why should African Americans get land in LA

should it not go to the Indians
or maybe even the dinosaurs who were there before any of us


lets start looking into whether/ which  African American ancestors bought and sold slaves as many did

or fought each other like Tustsis and Hutus


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Re: "Demonstrations " against "Asian hate"; Matt Gaetz takedown attempt
« Reply #677 on: April 26, 2021, 02:02:46 PM »

any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?

and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?

i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.

perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P

And as far as anti asian

don't tell me it is not  a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides

how can anyone know who is who though?

This ain't Trumps fault


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #678 on: April 27, 2021, 04:48:07 AM »
has anyone actually seen the Andrew Brown body cam video?

rather then taking the word of Crump and team who travel around the country to be front men/women for the these very rare episodes?


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hollywood celebrities - fools
« Reply #680 on: April 27, 2021, 08:58:07 AM »
Jane Fonda  :roll:


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #681 on: April 27, 2021, 09:15:52 AM »
Police have not released the Andrew Brown footage yet.

Is there a good reason for this?


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #683 on: April 28, 2021, 02:12:17 PM »
".Incredibly however, Schlanger went on to apologize to Philippe: “I wanted to say to you that I’m so sorry that your experience of the world made you feel that way, and made you feel compelled to write that,” she said."

ahh so virtuous so above the fray

has to be a Jewish Democrat


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4 yrs setting fire to police station
« Reply #685 on: April 30, 2021, 04:48:16 AM »

That's his name ?!:

* Dylan Shakespeare*

oh how perfect a romanticized name for this virtuous communist revolutionary !

doubt his parents are conservative Republicans.

well now he can write an progressive version of 1619 project ( the lefts Mein Kampf - just substitute whites for Jews) while in jail
   I am sure Soros will hire the attorneys to get him out


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Stacy Abrams for Predident
« Reply #688 on: May 10, 2021, 04:34:21 AM »
For the first time she is actually being honest and stating the obvious:


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« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 06:25:20 PM by ccp »


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Ummm , , , initial impression is to not trust that site, e.g.

" the same man who let US Rep. Steve Scalise get shot nearly to death in 2017."

Is that what the second URL says?


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Re: AMA goes woke
« Reply #694 on: May 13, 2021, 09:09:43 AM »

I heard AMA represents 15% of doctors.  I'll bet most people think it represents all doctors.

Woke took over the Oscars, Nobel, Pulitzer, AARP, Scientific American, Harvard, Nike, Coca Cola, K-12, FAFSA ...
Why wouldn't it take over medicine.

Who represents us?


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"I heard AMA represents 15% of doctors.  I'll bet most people think it represents all doctors."

I don't know.

I don't know who they represent anymore

I don't understand why there is such a rush for this religion
which seems to be spreading like Islam did in 600's.

If one does not subscribe to woke ,  you won't have your head cut off
 but move aside or otherwise you will lose your job , your image portrayed in a negative light will go viral

and you will be cancelled.


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« Reply #697 on: May 16, 2021, 06:05:10 AM »

doing a search this is not on any of the Left wing networks
 or 9-% + of media
 probably one will report it for few seconds
 so they can claim it was reported


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Re: Busted
« Reply #698 on: May 16, 2021, 06:38:18 AM »

doing a search this is not on any of the Left wing networks
 or 9-% + of media
 probably one will report it for few seconds
 so they can claim it was reported

"It appears the suspects in this vandalism were targeting Mr. Brodd for his testimony,”

   - More broadly, they were targeting the message for everyone else who might testify and the jury.


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"."It appears the suspects in this vandalism were targeting Mr. Brodd for his testimony,”

   - More broadly, they were targeting the message for everyone else who might testify and the jury.

Good point
this was more than simply vandalism
this was witness tampering
  doubt they will get more and verbal admonishment , maybe few hrs of community service (whatever the hell that means) and a wink and nod
  and the whole matter be lost in the wind