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Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Outdoor Recreation
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:50:00 AM »

Endorphins play a major role in the body's inhibitory response to pain. Research has demonstrated that meditation by trained individuals can be used to trigger endorphin release.[39][failed verification] Laughter may also stimulate endorphin production and elevate one's pain threshold.[40]

Endorphin production can be triggered by vigorous aerobic exercise. The release of β-endorphin has been postulated to contribute to the phenomenon known as "runner's high".[41][42] However, several studies have supported the hypothesis that the runner's high is due to the release of endocannabinoids rather than that of endorphins.[43] Endorphins may contribute to the positive effect of exercise on anxiety and depression.[44] The same phenomenon may also play a role in exercise addiction. Regular intense exercise may cause the brain to downregulate the production of endorphins in periods of rest to maintain homeostasis, causing a person to exercise more intensely in order to receive the same feeling.[45]
Science, Culture, & Humanities / book deal
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:40:52 AM »
what waw it some million dollar book deal!

maybe she takes solace in this:

I am not saying Justices should not be wealthy just that she is a hypocrite.
Marc the Great One cynically suggested we almost may as well get rid of border protection ,  homeland security.
What's the point if everyone and anyone can simply walk in or come is some other way such as some sort of visa and then have babies and stay here anyway.

Politics & Religion / Though I would never vote for him
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:27:13 AM »
I now have a "favorite" Democrat (if you will)

fighting for his home state to have a fossil fuel pipeline certainly seems sensible:

the only other one is a former Dem who switched parties:

List of all who switched parties:

"Gender affirmation" surgery??

Doctors do this and don't lose their license? 

Taxpayers pay for this?
Politics & Religion / NYT poll Trump up
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:11:40 AM »
yes I know it is a poll and a NYT poll at that.

I hope this gives Larry Lib heartburn with his Sunday morning bagel and lox or nova!

I enjoyed my bagel this am no lox though    :-D
Politics & Religion / Donald conciliates with Nikki
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:03:05 AM »
smart move    8-)

Now Nikki could encourage her supporters to bite the bullet hold their nose and vote DJT.
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