Author Topic: Immigration issues  (Read 674550 times)


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1751 on: September 17, 2021, 10:59:45 AM »
it is so remarkable to see the government to refuse to enforce the law

so the Dems can increase their power at the expense of its own citizens

if Republicans ever regain power they should send every illegal  back
but of course they will not have the courage to do it


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headline : US prepared to send Haitians back
« Reply #1752 on: September 19, 2021, 09:12:57 AM »
***small print***. :

:A U.S. official told The Associated Press on Friday that the U.S would likely fly the migrants out of the country on five to eight flights a day, starting Sunday, while another official expected no more than two a day and said everyone would be tested for COVID-19. The first official said operational capacity and Haiti’s willingness to accept flights would determine how many flights there would be."

Besides can anyone imagine the AOC et. al. allegations of *RACISM* if they fly them all back to the Caribbean?

The Chamber of Commerce and the DNC and the Biden team should all be billed for all costs accrued NOT American taxpayers.


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WH defends not requiring negative covid test from illegals
« Reply #1754 on: September 22, 2021, 05:06:00 AM »
« Last Edit: September 22, 2021, 05:50:06 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: WH defends not requiring negative covid test from illegals
« Reply #1755 on: September 22, 2021, 09:02:06 AM »
They don't want to risk the health of the replacement populations by giving them the death jab.

Shouldn't they need two jabs and a card to come in illegally?  In how many ways is this reasoning absurd and this policy dangerous?


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Re: Immigration issues, Afghans walking off bases
« Reply #1757 on: October 04, 2021, 07:54:22 AM »
"No one knows where they're going." 

[I have a pretty good idea.  Largest city closest to largest base is Minneapolis with a Muslim representative and the nation's largest Somali population.]
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 01:03:55 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1758 on: October 04, 2021, 09:37:54 AM »
".Crisis?  What crisis? "

The crises if for the republican party
and the future of the country
as we knew it.

none of that concerns MSM elites or the DNC

amazing how we have to just sit and watch while one party refuses to enforce the law
and does this

and bush has more subjects to paint portraits of ....

after Carter failed he pretended how nice he was building houses
after W failed he paint portraits and speaks about love or something like that


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1760 on: October 04, 2021, 12:14:47 PM »
"No one knows where their going."

"No one knows where they're going."


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1761 on: October 04, 2021, 12:17:58 PM »
Will the masks that don't work for the Kung Flu at least stop the Leprosy in public schools? No? Oh well...


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Re: Immigration correction
« Reply #1762 on: October 05, 2021, 07:00:16 AM »
their / they're
My first big screw up since the who / whom debacle.   )
Distracted typing.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 07:31:31 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1763 on: October 05, 2021, 12:34:39 PM »
Just being a smartass  :-D


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1764 on: October 05, 2021, 01:16:17 PM »


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Invasion, not immigration
« Reply #1765 on: October 09, 2021, 12:45:02 PM »


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killer of MP conservative
« Reply #1770 on: October 15, 2021, 01:39:45 PM »
"Sky News understands the individual who has been arrested is a British citizen with Somali heritage"

not a white supremacist

the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT

is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1771 on: October 16, 2021, 09:35:35 AM »
From my post above:

"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT

is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"

Proof of what I said is in the pudding :


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1774 on: October 19, 2021, 12:26:36 PM »
I've said for decades on this board

the immigrants of today are NOT the immigrants of yesteryear

some are
but most not.


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Reparations for illegal aliens
« Reply #1776 on: October 28, 2021, 03:02:22 PM »

Deb Heine, Dissident @NiceDeb
This is your black pill that elections no longer matter in this country. You don't do something this politically toxic unless you have future elections locked up.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1777 on: October 28, 2021, 04:01:33 PM »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1778 on: October 28, 2021, 04:15:06 PM »


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Re: Immigration issues, 70 Night Flights, Illegals to Florida
« Reply #1780 on: November 07, 2021, 05:56:15 AM »

Am I the only one worried about the CO2 emissions of all these planes flying illegals into the US interior?


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Re: Immigration issues, 70 Night Flights, Illegals to Florida
« Reply #1781 on: November 07, 2021, 07:09:42 AM »

Am I the only one worried about the CO2 emissions of all these planes flying illegals into the US interior?

Unvaccinated as well!


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Biden seeks funds to tear down the wall
« Reply #1784 on: November 16, 2021, 03:44:17 PM »


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Re: Biden seeks funds to tear down the wall
« Reply #1785 on: November 16, 2021, 03:48:59 PM »

All the makings of Civil War Two.  More than one Kyle Rittenhouse likely to come, even if he can't make it.

Kyle believed in the system and was acting defensively. Those that follow won’t.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1786 on: November 18, 2021, 12:41:18 PM »
Generally I see The Wall as a Homeland Security issue and rules pertaining to Immigration belonging here.


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Immigration issues, 1 in 5 AZ voters favor Dems amnesty for illegals
« Reply #1787 on: November 18, 2021, 09:35:30 PM »
Barely one-fifth of Arizona voters support efforts by Democrats to include an amnesty provision for illegal immigrants in the “Build Back Better” legislation currently pending in Congress, and most would vote against a member of Congress who supports the proposed amnesty.
To be fair, that's probably better support than he has for Bidenflation or leaving Americans and arms in Afghanistan.


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ET: Deportation Orders Drop
« Reply #1788 on: November 22, 2021, 08:01:55 AM »
Judges’ deportation orders drop

Biden administration’s approach shows up in nation’s courts


The Biden administration’s more lenient approach to illegal immigration is now showing up in the nation’s immigration courts, where over the final three months of the last fiscal year, judges issued deportation directives in less than a third of cases.

That’s down dramatically compared to 2019 and 2020, under the Trump administration, when 80% of cases resulted in either removal orders or grants of voluntary departure.

Department officials said the numbers are the result of the administration’s push to expand the reach of “prosecutorial discretion,” cutting thousands of migrants loose, even though judges did not rule in their favor. Instead, cooperation between Homeland Security’s lawyers and the migrants has resulted in record rates of cases being dismissed or terminated, which amounts to a tacit OK for those migrants to remain illegally in the country.

The more relaxed approach comes even as a border surge has meant about half a million migrants were caught and released by Homeland Security over the last year. Yet the immigration courts issued only about 40,000 or so deportation orders.

Experts said that mismatch is particularly troubling because it could help entice others to make the illegal journey, figuring they’ll take their chances with the immigration courts.

One source within the department, who has tracked developments but was not authorized to speak publicly about them, said it

appeared the new team was “pushing to break the immigration court system.”

As part of the Justice Department’s Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), the immigration courts are the usually unseen backbone of the nation’s immigration consequences delivery system. Immigrants without documentation who aren’t immediately ousted come to the courts for hearings, and the judges render decisions that give teeth to U.S. immigration law.

Cases are prosecuted by lawyers at Homeland Security’s deportation agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Changing patterns of illegal immigration over the last decade have put new strains on both ICE and EOIR. The immigration courts ended fiscal year 2021, on Sept. 30, with 1.4 million pending cases, by far the record.

And even as the workload grew, judges completed just 115,000 cases in the fiscal year, the lowest figure in more than 25 years. Some of that is because of the coronavirus pandemic, “but not all of it,” a department official said. The official said there’s been a “complete de-emphasis” on actually completing cases.

“That level of dysfunction is unprecedented at any government agency and should warrant an offi cial investigation,” the official said.

There are also a couple hundred thousandcases that appear to be missing from EOIR’s docket. While about half a million border jumpers were caught and released or transferred by Customs and Border Protection over fiscal year 2021, the immigration courts registered only about 250,000 new cases.

EOIR, in a statement to The Washington Times, said its records reflect the cases, known in government- speak as “Notices to Appear” or NTAs, that Homeland Security has actually filed with the courts. There are “a variety of reasons” why Homeland Security would hold on to the records, EOIR said.

At some point, those NTAs should be registered with EOIR. But for now, that means as bad as EOIR’s numbers seem to be, the reality is even worse, with hundreds of thousands of additional cases that will be added to the agency’s workload once Homeland Security submits them.

“There’s something funny going on there but I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is,” said a second Justice Department source.

Andrew R. “Art” Arthur, a former immigration judge and now resident fellow in law and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies, said he anticipates the Biden administration will respond to that crush of cases by scrapping some cases.

“They’re just going to ditch some cases, they’re just going to focus on the core ones,” Mr. Arthur told The Times. “People who were caught before 2020, a lot of those cases are just going to fall by the wayside.”

He said the government would need to go on a crash course of hiring for new immigration judges just to tread water with that future workload.

Yet EOIR just completed its slowest hiring year since 2017. And the judges aren’t doing much work anymore.

The agency ended last fiscal year with 559 judges, who completed 114,751 cases, or slightly more than 200 per judge. By contrast, two years earlier, 442 judges completed 276,993 cases, or more than 600 per judge.

The Biden administration last month announced it was canceling a caseload target imposed by the Trump administration.

EOIR told The Times in its statement that it is trying to get more judges in the pipeline, with 19 to be added to the ranks this week and to be fully invested next month, once they complete new judge training.

“There are many variables that affect the immigration judge hiring process and it is not unusual for immigration judge hiring rates to fluctuate from year to year,” the agency said.

EOIR is authorized for 634 immigration judges, and the Biden administration has asked Congress to approve money to hire another 100 judges in its 2022 budget.

Overall, the Biden administration’s approach to EOIR has been to try to expunge as much of the Trump legacy as possible.

The agency’s director, a career official, was ousted, and Attorney General Merrick Garland overturned several immigration rulings made by the Trump Justice Department intended to limit iffy asylum claims. Immigrant-rights groups argued valid claims were also being blocked by the Trump-era changes.

And over the summer, ICE issued new guidance urging prosecutors to look for reasons to drop cases.

The results are just beginning to be seen, department sources said.

Of the NTA cases where EOIR rendered initial decisions in 2019 and 2020, judges ordered issued a deportation directive about 80% of the time. In 2021, that dropped to about 40%. For the final three months, when Biden policies were most firmly entrenched, the rate was just 32%.

Cases granted, where the migrant wins his or her claim, have risen slightly. But the real change has been on terminations or dismissals — effectively dropping proceedings and giving a tacit OK for the migrant to remain. Those decisions rose from about 8% in 2019 and 2020 to 42% in the just-ended fiscal year.

Cases that were terminated or dismissed are usually relatively weak, Mr. Arthur said. Otherwise, if the migrants had a strong case, they would insist on their asylum claim fully adjudicated because winning asylum brings a permanent legal status and the eventual chance at citizenship. A termination or dismissal doesn’t bring a permanent legal status, though many will be able to apply for work permits.

EOIR, in its statement to The Times, said it’s not focused on the ratio of deportation orders.

“In the exercise of justice, our adjudicators decide each case, including motions to terminate or dismiss, and requests for voluntary departure, on its merits and in accordance with U.S. immigration law, regulations and precedent decisions, without consideration of how those outcomes feed into aggregate data including the ratio you mention,” the agency said.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association counters has cheered the rising dismissals, saying they often represent cases where those facing deportation had a valid claim to make before a different agency, such as the State Department or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

A rising rate of dismissals and terminations is part of a “common-sense” approach to setting priorities for enforcement, AILA says.

MORE LENIENCE: Under the Trump administration, about 80% of illegal immigration cases resulted in either removal orders or grants of voluntary departure. That number is now less than a third of cases. ASSOCIATED PRESS

Immigration courts ended the fiscal year with 1.4 million cases pending. Some of the backlog can be attributed to the pandemic, “but not all of it,” an official said. ASSOCIATED PRES


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1789 on: November 22, 2021, 08:16:37 AM »

Love this BS :

"The American public has never been more supportive of immigration, with a third saying that it should be increased. In 1986, the last time Congress passed a major immigration reform bill, only 7 percent of Americans supported increasing immigration levels. "

So a third of the American public supports more immigration (more then 1986)
  is so vast it should be supported

And of course the "third" who do are all immigrants since 1986 or employers who benefit from cheap labor

The vast majority of Americans do not support MORE immigration
  let alone illegals

So how much of this bill goes to immigration lawyers to pay for their work for illegals
 as opposed to going for a wall that would work?

Billions most likely
another payoff for the Democrat lawyers in bills that are written by lawyers


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« Reply #1790 on: December 13, 2021, 02:13:06 PM »

get companies to "invest in their products" to get the people hooked

and Kamala now has some BS she can shit all over us about the success she had fixing the root causes

And we are just supposed to be dumb ass dolts -----

watch the media hounds giving her 5 thumbs up for her hard work .



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foreign workers scamming us
« Reply #1799 on: February 20, 2022, 10:06:36 AM »
With Dem Party and big tech help :

At this rate 1.5 billion people will move here ......