Author Topic: Anti-semitism & Jews  (Read 429961 times)


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Soros "tentacles"
« Reply #750 on: September 12, 2019, 05:43:31 AM »
Huf post discovers why Soros has ironically become the face of Nazi propaganda:
Dobbs and MM are not anti semites .
They both fervently have supported Israel

They speak the truth about Soros , 
soros IS a poster child of what Nazi's used to stir up anti semtism
Of course I don't defend that and would as a Jew myself defend him but nonetheless the truth hurts:


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Glick: EU court ruling
« Reply #754 on: November 20, 2019, 12:46:10 PM »
« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 07:16:46 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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WSJ: Anti-semitism in East Europe
« Reply #755 on: November 27, 2019, 11:25:33 PM »
Anti-Semitism Soars in Eastern Europe
The old canard of ‘dual loyalty’ also has currency in Western European countries like Spain and Belgium.
By William A. Galston
Nov. 26, 2019 6:49 pm ET
Opinion: Rising Anti-Semitism Threatens Liberal Democracy

Politics & Ideas: A recent global survey by the Anti-Defamation League found that anti-Semitic attitudes have increased significantly across Europe since 2015. Image: Czarek Sokolowski/Associated Press

During the past decade, as internal struggles have preoccupied the U.S., the rest of the world hasn’t been standing still. China has risen, as has populist nationalism—and so too, it turns out, has anti-Semitism.

The latest global survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League finds that anti-Semitic attitudes have increased significantly since 2015 in Central and Eastern Europe, which before the Holocaust was home to most of European Jewry. According to the ADL’s 11-question index, in use for more than 50 years, the share of the adult population expressing a high level of anti-Semitic views rose from 37% to 48% in Poland, 32% to 46% in Ukraine and 23% to 31% in Russia. Hungary showed a more modest increase of 2 points, but from a high base of 40% in 2015.

In these four countries, classic stereotypes prevailed. Asked whether “Jews have too much power in the business world,” 72% of Ukrainians agreed, as did 71% of Hungarians, 56% of Poles and 50% of Russians. Sixty-eight percent of Ukrainians, 67% of Hungarians, 56% of Poles and 40% of Russians agreed that “Jews have too much power in international financial markets.” Fifty-six percent of Ukrainians, 51% of Hungarians and 40% of Poles believe that “Jews have too much control over global affairs.” (Russians trailed at 29%, perhaps because they believe—correctly—that Vladimir Putin is more powerful than a mythical Jewish conspiracy.)

Citizens of these four countries also resent being reminded of the Holocaust. Asked whether “Jews still talk too much about what happened to them” in the genocide, 74% of Poles answered in the affirmative, as did 59% of Hungarians, 50% of Russians and 44% of Ukrainians.

This view is widespread in Western Europe as well. Fifty-two percent of Austrians regard the discussion of the Holocaust as excessive, as do 42% of Germans, 40% of Belgians, 38% of Italians and 37% of Spaniards.

Demography makes a difference. To a remarkable extent, anti-Semitism is now (and perhaps always has been) a predominantly male phenomenon. In the 14 European countries the ADL surveyed, men were more likely than women to express high levels of anti-Jewish sentiments, often by huge margins—22 percentage points in Poland, 15 in Hungary and 11 in Ukraine. In most of these countries, moreover, older citizens were more likely than younger ones to express these sentiments. One significant exception is Hungary, where those aged 50 and older were significantly less likely to voice prejudice.

The creation of the state of Israel has provided a new focal point for the ancient charge of Jewish disloyalty. Throughout the European countries surveyed, remarkably high shares of the population agree that “Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries in which they live.” Even in Sweden, which the ADL finds to be one of the least anti-Semitic countries in the world, 25% of citizens embrace this view.

The ADL did not resurvey the U.S. in 2019, but in 2015 it ranked low on the global spectrum, with only 10% of adults expressing a high level of anti-Semitism. Even so, fully 33% of Americans thought that Jews were more loyal to Israel than to the U.S., a figure that all Americans—Jews as well as non-Jews—should ponder. It is unlikely that this figure has declined during the past four years, a period in which anti-Semitic incidents have risen sharply.

The charge of disloyalty is a pervasive fact of contemporary Jewish life. Globally, 38% of respondents to the ADL survey agreed that Jews were more loyal to Israel than to the countries in which they lived, usually as citizens. In the most recent responses for all 102 countries the ADL has surveyed, majorities of the population in exactly half—51 countries—thought that Jews’ first loyalty was to the Jewish state. It isn’t evident what can be done about this.

Most scholars believe that anti-Semitism reflects a deep-seated antipathy to Jews and Judaism as such, rather than a critique of Jewish conduct. Nevertheless, 45% of Poles and 42% of Ukrainians believe that “people hate Jews because of the way Jews behave,” a view echoed by 32% of Austrians and 31% of Germans.

The resurgence of anti-Semitism suggests that old battles must be fought anew, with all the vigor defenders of liberal democracy can command, if we are to avoid regressing to dark times.


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Jersey City
« Reply #760 on: December 13, 2019, 04:38:51 AM »
The bystanders in the video spewing anti semitic remarks

Were not white nationalists.  One was a black female complaining about her children in the school across the street in danger and another with an Arabic accent.

Yes I get it.  Orthodox Jews move into a neighborhood and   two Blacks murder a few of them (and policeman) and the logical conclusion is it is the fault of the Jews. 

Makes perfect sense.  No Bias , no hatred , no bigotry and of course probably no mention on CNN or the WP NYT.  or maybe page 149.

Obviously the Jews should pay the people of JC some reparations for the violence they brought to town, yes?

"we had no problem till the Jews moved in":
« Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 04:43:22 AM by ccp »


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Re: Jersey City
« Reply #761 on: December 13, 2019, 06:12:50 AM »
"Yes I get it.  Orthodox Jews move into a neighborhood and  two Blacks murder a few of them (and policeman) and the logical conclusion is it is the fault of the Jews."
"we had no problem till the Jews moved in"
(ccp sarcasm alert)

Racism is ok if blacks do it.  Anti-semitism is ok if blacks do it? 

A black leader was interviewed about blacks not supporting Buttigieg (why should they?) and he pointed out it's hard to overcome the anti-gay feeling in the black community.  What?  They admit anti-gay feelings?  Anti-gay is ok if blacks do it? 

But one black declares himself or herself to be conservative and it's "self hatred", totally unacceptable, crossing a line that cannot be crossed.


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Re: Jersey City
« Reply #762 on: December 13, 2019, 02:39:58 PM »
"Yes I get it.  Orthodox Jews move into a neighborhood and  two Blacks murder a few of them (and policeman) and the logical conclusion is it is the fault of the Jews."
"we had no problem till the Jews moved in"
(ccp sarcasm alert)

Racism is ok if blacks do it.  Anti-semitism is ok if blacks do it? 

A black leader was interviewed about blacks not supporting Buttigieg (why should they?) and he pointed out it's hard to overcome the anti-gay feeling in the black community.  What?  They admit anti-gay feelings?  Anti-gay is ok if blacks do it? 

But one black declares himself or herself to be conservative and it's "self hatred", totally unacceptable, crossing a line that cannot be crossed.

These are the rules in 2019. American Jews will respond by overwhelmingly voting for democrats once again.


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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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anti semitism is ok
« Reply #770 on: December 30, 2019, 08:06:27 AM »
if the anti Jew is Black, Muslim , and absolutely a Democrat.

Black kills rabbi in his own home
and the fault lies with a certain orange hair man.


he may not be mayor again but we all know he will not go away .
maybe he could get an MSNBC like the cockroach on Politics Nation
another huckster


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Re: Locus of Control
« Reply #778 on: January 02, 2020, 04:38:52 PM »

"Jews there will have to study krav maga along with Talmud. Just like Israelis."

And get guns, and learn to use them. If you look like food, you will be eaten.


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« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 04:48:32 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Anti-semitism & Jews
« Reply #784 on: February 10, 2020, 04:49:00 PM »
Thanks for the catch.  Corrected.


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Re: POTH: Anti-semitism at a NJ school
« Reply #786 on: March 04, 2020, 10:29:24 PM »


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French Anti-Racism Protesters Scream At Counter-Protesters ‘Dirty Jews’
« Reply #788 on: June 14, 2020, 09:27:12 PM »


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Zero pushback from the left
« Reply #789 on: July 07, 2020, 05:21:51 PM »


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you mean this Larry Johnson?
« Reply #791 on: July 08, 2020, 01:59:33 PM »
from wikipedia

no stereotype ; just the facts.
don't blame white people for this:

Legal troubles
Johnson has been arrested at least six times since 2003. Five of the arrests were on various assault charges against women, four while he was an active player in the NFL. In 2003, he was arrested for felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor domestic battery for waving a gun at his then-girlfriend, during an argument at his home. The charges were dropped when Johnson agreed to participate in a domestic violence diversion program. In 2005, he was again arrested for assault when a woman accused Johnson of pushing her to the ground, but the case was dropped after the alleged victim failed to appear in court for three hearings.

His third arrest for assault came in February 2008, after allegedly pushing a woman's head at a nightclub.[35] In October 2008 Johnson was arrested for the fourth time and charged with one count of non-aggravated assault for allegedly spitting a drink in a woman's face at a Kansas City nightclub on October 11. The woman involved filed a civil suit against Johnson, accusing him of negligence, assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent infliction of emotional distress.[36]

Johnson was deactivated for the October 19, 2008, game against the Tennessee Titans for violating an undisclosed team rule.[37] The team said his suspension for this game was unrelated to the criminal investigation.

In March 2009, Johnson pleaded guilty to two counts of disturbing the peace, regarding the two incidents in 2008, and was sentenced to two years' probation.[38]

On October 5, 2012, Johnson was again arrested in Las Vegas for domestic violence charges that include strangulation, after meeting a former girlfriend at a Las Vegas Strip hotel and casino. The 32-year-old woman was said to have had several injuries to her face and bruising on her neck.[39] He was booked into the Clark County Detention Center with bond set at $15,000 and was released after spending 18 hours behind bars.[40] He was eventually convicted of domestic violence battery and assault, was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to pay a $345 fine, along with being sentenced to 48 hours of community service and six months of counseling.[41]

On October 7, 2014, Johnson was arrested for the sixth time after punching a man in a Miami Beach club and allegedly cutting him with a broken bottle.[42] He was charged with aggravated battery and booked into the Miami-Dade County jail with bond set at $7,500. Johnson later pleaded guilty to battery and was sentenced to 12 months' probation, 60 hours of community service, and must submit to substance abuse evaluations, in addition to staying away from the victim and the club.[43]


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Re: you mean this Larry Johnson?
« Reply #792 on: July 08, 2020, 02:01:18 PM »
And Drew Brees is the one that had to grovel.

from wikipedia

no stereotype ; just the facts.
don't blame white people for this:

Legal troubles
Johnson has been arrested at least six times since 2003. Five of the arrests were on various assault charges against women, four while he was an active player in the NFL. In 2003, he was arrested for felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor domestic battery for waving a gun at his then-girlfriend, during an argument at his home. The charges were dropped when Johnson agreed to participate in a domestic violence diversion program. In 2005, he was again arrested for assault when a woman accused Johnson of pushing her to the ground, but the case was dropped after the alleged victim failed to appear in court for three hearings.

His third arrest for assault came in February 2008, after allegedly pushing a woman's head at a nightclub.[35] In October 2008 Johnson was arrested for the fourth time and charged with one count of non-aggravated assault for allegedly spitting a drink in a woman's face at a Kansas City nightclub on October 11. The woman involved filed a civil suit against Johnson, accusing him of negligence, assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent infliction of emotional distress.[36]

Johnson was deactivated for the October 19, 2008, game against the Tennessee Titans for violating an undisclosed team rule.[37] The team said his suspension for this game was unrelated to the criminal investigation.

In March 2009, Johnson pleaded guilty to two counts of disturbing the peace, regarding the two incidents in 2008, and was sentenced to two years' probation.[38]

On October 5, 2012, Johnson was again arrested in Las Vegas for domestic violence charges that include strangulation, after meeting a former girlfriend at a Las Vegas Strip hotel and casino. The 32-year-old woman was said to have had several injuries to her face and bruising on her neck.[39] He was booked into the Clark County Detention Center with bond set at $15,000 and was released after spending 18 hours behind bars.[40] He was eventually convicted of domestic violence battery and assault, was sentenced to one year of probation and ordered to pay a $345 fine, along with being sentenced to 48 hours of community service and six months of counseling.[41]

On October 7, 2014, Johnson was arrested for the sixth time after punching a man in a Miami Beach club and allegedly cutting him with a broken bottle.[42] He was charged with aggravated battery and booked into the Miami-Dade County jail with bond set at $7,500. Johnson later pleaded guilty to battery and was sentenced to 12 months' probation, 60 hours of community service, and must submit to substance abuse evaluations, in addition to staying away from the victim and the club.[43]


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Should Jews get out of colleges and universities?
« Reply #797 on: July 19, 2020, 04:12:33 PM »
This townhall series is generously sponsored by Liz Lange.

Dear Readers,

For decades, many of us, myself included, dedicated much of our energy and many of our resources to studying and teaching at the nation's finest universities—institutions we regarded as springboards to a better future and as the cornerstones of a more equitable, enlightened society.

We were wrong.

American universities—those once-proud hotbeds of innovation that gave us rocket fuel and Gatorade, the polio vaccine and the burglar alarm, and some of our finest thinking and writing and grappling with the world—have become abbeys for a small sect of ideological zealots who stifle dissent, fetter free inquiry, and asphyxiate any attempt at intellectual diversity. This is bad enough for the republic, but it is particularly grim for Jews, who, forever the canaries in the cultural coalmine, are facing an unprecedented torrent of harassment on campus. From fake and menacing eviction notes slipped under the doors of Jewish students to scholarly associations actively seeking to single out the Jewish state for calumny, these are tough times to be a Jew on the quad. And this situation is not likely to change anytime soon.

Which, for us Jews, leaves only one solution: Get out.

On Tuesday, July 21, at 7:30 PM, I will have the pleasure of discussing this provocative idea—that Jews should stop attending, teaching at, and otherwise supporting American universities—with Tikvah Fund Executive Director Eric Cohen as part of Tikvah's excellent Future of College Townhall series.

We will discuss how and why universities got so bad so fast, why Jews should no longer take part in the farce that is American higher education, and what some of the more exciting, venerable, and profitable alternatives might be.

Please join us for this rollicking conversation!


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