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Politics & Religion / people are either reading the forum
« Last post by ccp on Today at 08:06:40 PM »
or all we conservatives think alike.  I posted yesterday:

*The LEFT has gone this far to distort the rules to "get him"
so why would they not finish the job and sentence him to prison or at the very least house arrest.*

From PJ media today:

" Why wouldn't Judge Juan Merchan finish the job and add to the left's glee....."

If we do get power it would not be revenge or simple retribution to go after the judges, the prosecutors and the others who did this to Trump (and us).

It would be JUSTICE.
Politics & Religion / "Threat to Democracy" or Projection??
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 07:02:35 PM »
Trump is a "threat to democracy", they say, ad nauseum. 

We have a constitutional republic.  If you give them the benefit of the doubt it means we have some form of consensual government, versus authoritarian.

Threats to democracy are things like taking remove opponents from the ballot and prosecuting and jailing them.

Who's the threat??

While we're at it, who's the authoritarian?  Which side wants government control of something as personal as healthcare.  Control of education, anti-choice.  They took control of the energy sector and not just about pollution.  Pipelines don't pollute; they are ten time safer and cleaner than the alternatives, trucks and trains.

They took control of the transportation sector, announced to us the end of gasoline powered cars, making laws and decisions for us that are permanent, not just for their term in office.

And they took control of housing in America.  Don't get me started on that.

Regulation is one thing but government control of industry is fascism.

So speaking of projection, what do they do, call us the fascists. And a threat to democracy.  Go figure.
Politics & Religion / Maureen Dowd sister to vote DJT
« Last post by ccp on Today at 12:41:42 PM »
Like me her sister and b in law wanted someone other than Trump
and were not going to vote for him (though of course I would/will)

Post "sham trial" they are swayed to vote for him  :-D

Hopefully many other Repubs and Indies sitting on the fence have come to same conclusions.

Politics & Religion / 3rd post today
« Last post by ccp on Today at 11:06:55 AM »
Genius Dersh
60 yrs experience
whom Geragos calls the premier appellate lawyer extraordinaire gives class on his analysis of the trial.
He believes that Trump lawyers made multiple mistakes making an appeal more difficult   :-o:

Politics & Religion / union NYC "hamasholes" teachers
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:36:30 AM »
organizing *high school*
students to walk out of class to "protest" Israel.

 :x :-o
Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« Last post by ccp on Today at 09:11:49 AM »
"Of course the media is seeking out potential, violent reactions of a rogue Trump supporter or two to capture the moment and prove the extremism, when the extremism just happened under our new nose in a New York courtroom."

They try to distort Democracy in their favor for power.
They push us to extremes with their deceit, manipulation of laws, fake news, rigging elections, disparaging anyone who disagrees with them including Supreme Court Justices, and training our young with unwanted Woke

then when finally push comes to shove a Republican reacts in a more "extreme" defensive way since that is the last recourse left, the MSM does as you say:

claim MAGA is a threat to Democracy!
Economists who sound like all other crats they twist the logic all around to fit their agenda.
like democrats who twist the law:

and some replies to the article

I Like this one :

"This statement assumes that people holding debt will be happy that the Fed is printing with reckless abandon.

All money is a confidence game. Once that confidence is gone, all the printing in the world won't fix the currency."
and I read it has been found in cats
2 strays and 2 housecats!

and we and the Communists are STILL performing GOF studies ?

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