Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263059 times)


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James Howard Kunstler
« Reply #1905 on: July 03, 2023, 10:19:18 AM »
A last Jewish name

I looked him up:

" This is what my old friends think. Quite a few of them are aware that I write this blog. They don’t actually read it; they seem to just hear about it. The old community of Boomer friends thinks I’ve “gone off the deep end.” One thing these encounters taught me is how successful the censorship and propaganda campaign of the Blob has been. These were people, you understand, who came of age believing in free speech, freedom of the press, respecting civil rights, decrying political persecutions, and, most of all, being against hegemonic wars — which, back in the sixties, was called imperialism.

     These days they’re all for a righteous defense against misinformation that threatens our democracy, meaning: censorship. They wouldn’t call it that, exactly. They consider it a battle against right-wing extremism, white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, the usual bugbears. It never occurs to them that the Blob lies to them continually, remorselessly, promiscuously about everything."

REMINDS ME  of my frustration with Jewish Liberals.
Kunstler seems to think like I do at least about the topic of the LEFT today .

I would add him to the small list of influential Jews who are ON OUR SIDE .


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Though most of us here  :wink: work towards winning the next election, all of us are aware that if we do not reverse the current trajectory, , , assumptions of normalcy will be shattered.


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Jack Smith charges, WSJ: Trump behavior disgraceful not criminal
« Reply #1912 on: August 02, 2023, 05:43:58 AM »
Where do we want to do Trump indictment, since there was no insurrection.


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I distinctly remember some political figures egging on the BLM riots, and crime......

Including our present VP

why is she not brought up on charges ?


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I distinctly remember some political figures egging on the BLM riots, and crime......

Including our present VP

why is she not brought up on charges ?

Yes, she was part of a conspiracy that raised bail money and released people who committed violent crimes including rioting is bad as j6.

She had quotes worse than Trump,

She says "force" many times in this clip, "people should beware", meaning the fear they live under is justified."She says "it should continue", without distinguishing the violence from the so-called protests.  The "it" includes what at that time?Thousands of building burned and destroyed and major portions of major cities taken over by mob rule.

Trump said "go forward peacefully.."


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What is this I hear?
« Reply #1917 on: August 09, 2023, 07:31:12 PM »
What is this I hear that the Dems have vaporized the testimony and other records of Impeachment 2?!?


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Raskin to attack Trump and family
« Reply #1920 on: August 15, 2023, 08:16:54 AM »

DNC-media-lib shyster complex

if only they would fight FOR this country instead of against it.


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Sen, Kennedy goes there
« Reply #1929 on: September 24, 2023, 12:37:11 AM »


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Warning signs are clear-- 2024 is going to be ugly
« Reply #1931 on: October 06, 2023, 04:46:00 PM »

The Warning Signs Are Clear: 2024 Is Going To Be Ugly
This is a real cover of a real, sort of news, magazine:
If you missed the memo, the United States Federal government and all of the associated agencies including and especially groups like the FBI and ATF, have declared the American people to be the enemy of the American state.

Never has it been more clear that there is no more virulent anti-American group in America than the American Federal government.

The language They use to talk about regular White Americans sounds an awful lot like how we spoke about al-Qaeda after 9/11 or the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. It is intended to dehumanize us and make it easier down the road to eradicate us. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter if you own a dorky Make America Great Again Hat or if you ever voted for Trump. If you are White and not with the program, you are MAGA and therefore an extremist and thus viewed as a potential enemy combatant in your own country.

From the article we see rhetoric like this (emphasis mine):

“The FBI is in an almost impossible position,” says a current FBI official, who requested anonymity to discuss highly sensitive internal matters. The official said that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. But the Bureau must also preserve the Constitutional right of all Americans to campaign, speak freely and protest the government. By focusing on former president Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, the official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter….

….Newsweek has also reviewed secret FBI and Department of Homeland Security data that track incidents, threats, investigations and cases to try to build a better picture. While experts agree that the current partisan environment is charged and uniquely dangerous (with the threat not only of violence but, in the most extreme scenarios, possibly civil war), many also question whether “terrorism” is the most effective way to describe the problem, or that the methods of counterterrorism developed over the past decade in response to Al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups constitute the most fruitful way to craft domestic solutions.

Newsweek is a propaganda organ of the Deep State. Notice how they draw the connections between Al-Qaeda and rank and file Republicans. Do you think lefties on Twitter/X claiming that January 6th was not just bad, but in fact worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor really believe that? Of course not, some might because they are that stupid, but most are saying it because that is what They are telling them to say.

It is mildly clever. The article is supposed to be this balanced report about the FBI but the framing is very carefully crafted to portray “MAGA” followers of Trump as potentially dangerous extremists but maybe not quite as bad as Al-Qaeda. They keep offering opinions that “MAGA” might not rise to the level of domestic terrorism while at the same time repeating over and over that MAGA, code for White men, is a far-right extremist political movement. Sure it is the movement that won one Presidential election just a a few years ago and received nearly 75 million votes but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fringe extremist movement! We aren’t talking the New Black Panther Party or the John Birch Society, we are speaking of one of the two political parties in America. The only “Republicans” that aren’t included in MAGA are Beltway types like Bill Kristol and other Never Trumpers who have no real constituency among actual GOP voters.

This gets back to what I and many others have been saying for years: They don’t really hate Donald Trump, They hate you and Trump is merely a totem that represents all that They hate about you. More from Newsweek:

Trump and his army of supporters were acknowledged as a distinct category of domestic violent extremists, even as the FBI was saying publicly that political views were never part of its criteria to investigate or prevent domestic terrorism. Where the FBI sees threats is also plain from the way it categorizes them—a system which on the surface is designed to appear nonpartisan. This shifted subtly days after the events of January 6 when it comes to what the Bureau calls AGAAVE.

“We cannot and do not investigate ideology,” a senior FBI official reassured the press after January 6. “We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence or criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security.”

But the FBI went further in October 2022 when it created a new subcategory—“AGAAVE-Other”—of those who were a threat but do not fit into its anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen groups. Introduced without any announcement, and reported here for the first time, the new classification is officially defined as “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.“

A new acronym to describe me! AGAAVE-Other: “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism”. Also notice that Trump supporters, the rank-and-file White voters who make up the Republican voting base, are described as an “army”. That martial designation of American voters as an “army” is intended to ramp up the threat perception, as we will see in a moment. Let’s continue….

Though Trump and MAGA are never mentioned in the official description of AGAAVE-Other, government insiders acknowledge that it applies to political violence ascribed to the former president’s supporters.

“What other name could we use?” asks one FBI officer who spoke with Newsweek, and who defends what he says is merely a record-keeping change in response to Congressional pressure to track things better. “Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn’t matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan.”

There is a low likelihood of Democratic Party supporters resorting to violence? GTFOH. No one seems to remember the black-bloc types assaulting Trump supporters trying to attend rallies or the violence that accompanied Trump’s inauguration or the President being hustled into the White House bunker because of violent demonstrations or an entire year of leftists burning down American cities in 2020. A low likelihood of political violence? Everything that happened in 2020 is being retconned right before our eyes. We are now being told that there were in fact no vaccine mandates in 2020:

Alas, here we are, entering the final quarter of 2023, and we have the United States government, and many state governments (including New York’s former Governor Andrew Cuomo, current left-wing Governor Kathy Hochul, and the super-majority Dem legislature) proclaiming for all to hear that they did not force anyone to do anything detrimental these past 3.5 years. UNBELIEVABLE! Did you hear this? They are actually saying with straight faces that they didn’t force you to wear a mask, or lock down and shutter your businesses, or choose between taking an experimental drug or losing your job… Nope! They did none of that. And you – well, you are flat out crazy if you think they did. You are lying. You are exaggerating and totally overreacting. ….

…..Biden is not alone. No, no. His entire administration is right there with him. His head of OSHA, Douglas Parker, is also now lying through his teeth about the OSHA mandate that REQUIRED (not suggested) that all employers in the entire nation with 100 or more employees force their employees to get the C19 shot, otherwise they had to wear a mask and test constantly for C19. (That OSHA mandate was struck down by SCOTUS last year because it was unconstitutional, by the way). Then there’s the head of HHS, Xavier Becerra, saying there was never a mask mandate. What?! Another blatant lie.
The same thing is happening with the collective amnesia regarding 2020, as if the entire year just didn’t happen. No riots, no looting, no mostly peaceful anything. No one remembers far left loons taking over part of Seattle to establish the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) or the record breaking murders in American cities, a rampage that continues today. Now all of the political violence in America comes from MAGA. History is being erased and rewritten right before our eyes. Someone should write a book….


Another senior intelligence official who requested anonymity told Newsweek, “We’ve crossed the Rubicon.” In emailed responses to questions, he said, “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically...that’s the reality and the problem set. That’s what the FBI, as a law enforcement agency, has to deal with. But whether Trump and his supporters are a threat to national security, to the country, whether they represent a threat of civil war? That’s a trickier question. And that’s for the country to deal with, not the FBI.”

There is “Trump’s army” again.

Notice all of the anonymous law enforcement and intelligence officials. This whole thing sounds like it was written by some FBI apparatchik at the direction of some higher placed figure in the Biden regime. No one is named so no one can be called before Congress to answer questions about why American citizens are being targeted for being part of one half of the American electorate. As Han Solo might say, that is pretty convenient. What is also convenient for Them is that the media plays along and never asks any real questions, repeating stuff like this:

The FBI and the other intelligence agencies responsible for domestic matters track the number of terrorist-related disruptions, arrests and investigations, based on its caseloads and its various characterizations. According to the FBI, the number of domestic terrorism-related open cases grew by 357 percent from 1,981 in fiscal year 2013 to 9,049 in fiscal year 2021, a number that has been widely quoted in the media as evidence of a widespread domestic terror threat. The FBI also says the number of FBI domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism investigations has more than doubled since the spring of 2020—to approximately 2,700 investigations at the end of fiscal year 2022, another marker that’s been widely quoted.

Those are numbers intended to be read and spread. OMG there are domestic terrorists everywhere, why else would the FBI be investigating them! No one will read what comes next….

Classified numbers seen by Newsweek substantiate the FBI public claims while also showing that a significant part of the increases in 2020 and 2021 were related to protests after the murder of George Floyd and during COVID as well the elections and January 6. That said, the data show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters. While the number of investigations in 2021 almost doubled from 2020 to around 9,000, the number of “full investigations” that led to arrests was only 1,446, not much more than the number of 1,146 January 6 protesters who have been charged with a crime, according to the Justice Department.

No one is getting arrested and prosecuted for burning down cities after Saint Floyd breathed his last but those numbers get lumped in as “investigations” and everything in the article is pointing the reader toward the pre-ordained conclusion: there are thousands of violent extremist Trump supporters planning violence in 2024. More….

Virtually all of the 2021 increases are specifically related to these events, including the enormous growth in what the FBI calls “assessments,” which more than doubled from 2019 to 2021 and are revealed here for the first time.

Assessments are the most speculative of any FBI investigation, where a special agent or intelligence analyst only suspects wrongdoing because of association or encounter and further looks into someone’s background. Assessments are the closest thing to domestic spying that exists in America and generally not talked about by the Bureau.

I would be deeply disappointed if I were not the subject of an “assessment”. Some FBI flunky reads something I wrote, decided he doesn’t care for the cut of my job and creates an assessment. Boom, I am a statistic supporting the idea of a wave of “extremism” in America. Near the close we read this:

Experts agree that as the 2024 election approaches, there will be greater pressure to prevent law-breaking, one that necessitates infiltration of political circles and other controversial government activity.

Almost a throwaway line deep in an article most people won’t read to the end but in it we see the seed of political repression in 2024, in direct contravention of all of the talk about not investigating people because of ideology. The justification is there in one paragraph for more Feds infiltrating right-leaning political groups and we know that those infiltrators have at least some intent of inciting and then entrapping people as in the Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping” plot and most other “plots” that the Feds have “foiled”, made all the easier because the Feds were the ones who were planning it all along.

This article is getting a lot of play on conservative social media but as usual most are missing the bigger picture.

Of all the things about this article that are bullshit, nothing is more bullshittier than the idea that MAGA is an extremist political movement. The precise opposite is true.

No significant political movement in America is less extremist that MAGA.

Think about the people that are Trump voters. By and large they are middle aged or older, working or middle class, suburban and rural. They are business owners and gainfully employed people, most with families and mortgages and minivans. Their radicalism is pretty much asking to be left alone and suggesting that the pace of White replacement be slowed down a bit. That is what passes for political radicalism. But you read this article and what you come away with is the belief that anyone supporting Trump is a ticking timebomb, a violent extremist in waiting.

That brings me to the larger point. What about those to the right of MAGA, actual political dissident like yours truly and most of my readers. If Jim the small business owner with a house in a cul-de-sac who owns an unfired handgun for protection is an “extremist”, what does that make us? If overweight Boomers with red hats are “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremists”, how about people who are actively training with their firearms, lifting weights, speaking out on forbidden topics and sharing naughty memes? You have to assume we are considered several steps beyond AGAAVE-Other and that if the Feds are infiltrating generic Republican groups, they are even more concerned with us.

The Newsweek article is intended to shift the Overton window even further, making things like “build the wall” into violence-inciting hate speech and making actual political dissidents outlaws without ever committing an actual crime.

It also reinforces what I already knew. The Powers-That-Be typically warn about something before They go ahead and do it Themselves. I won’t even speculate on what that might although I have plenty of suspicions because I don’t want to give them even a hint of being complicit when one of the Fed’s wind-up toys goes off next year. We all have to watch our steps closely while not letting them silence us.

The end-game of all of Their planning is upon us, likely in the next five years and probably much sooner. Propaganda pieces like what we see in Newsweek are simply an announcement of Their intent to ratchet things up and start hostilities soon. They can’t help but telegraph what They are doing, it is up to you and I to see it coming and prepare for what comes next.

2024 promises to be like nothing we have seen in this country for 150 years.


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Application of 1512 (c)(2) to J6 and to Trump
« Reply #1933 on: October 14, 2023, 10:25:13 AM »
The Supreme Court could decide by the end of the month to take up DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), the most common felony in J6 cases and one of the counts against Donald Trump.

2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act passed after the Enron scandal to address corporate malfeasance, 1512(c).

(c) Whoever corruptly— (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

1512 represents the heart of DOJ’s ongoing “Capitol Breach” prosecution—enabling the government to turn otherwise misdemeanor cases into felonies, however, the law never was intended to criminalize political dissent. Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee granted motions to dismiss for three defendants also charged with assaulting police by concluding the government’s interpretation of the language was too broad and contrary to the law’s original intent.

In his March 2022 order dismissing the count against January 6 defendant Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to the other counts against him, Nichols wrote that “1512(c)(2)...requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.” The government appealed the decision winning a split decision that has also been appealed.

The desenting Judge  wrote, “document destruction readily conjures up images of corporate fraud. Advocacy, lobbying, and protest do not.” DOJ’s application of the statute “dramatically broaden what counts as obstruction in the first place, sweeping in all acts that affect or hinder a proceeding. Among other things, that construction would sweep in advocacy, lobbying, and protest—common mechanisms by which citizens attempt to influence official proceedings.” And he observed that courts “had no occasion to consider” the broad reach of the statute before the January 6 prosecution.

That will change dramatically if the Supreme Court takes up a writ of certiorari filed in July by Nicholas Smith, a New York defense attorney who represents several January 6 defendants including Garret Miller. (Norm Pattis, a defense attorney representing Jacob Lang, one of the three defendants involved in Nichols’ decision, also has filed a petition before the high court.)

In short, Smith is asking the justices to review the circuit court’s “deeply divided triad of opinions” to determine whether 1512 (c) “cover only acts that affect the integrity or availability of evidence, or whether they criminalize advocacy, lobbying and protest.”

“Adding to the complication, both the concurring and dissenting opinions agreed that the government’s novel construction of Section 1512(c)(2) in the January 6 cases would create a breathtakingly broad, vague and unconstitutional provision that trespasses on core First Amendment rights, including the fundamental right to petition the government for a redress of grievances,” Smith wrote.

Smith also warned about the long-term consequences if the circuit court opinion holds. “Hundreds of political protesters have been mistakenly exposed to Section 1512(c)(2)’s 20-year statutory maximum sentence; protected political expression in the Nation’s Capital, and ordinary legislative business, are at stake.”

~Julie Kelly


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Re: Application of 1512 (c)(2) to J6 and to Trump
« Reply #1934 on: October 14, 2023, 01:13:51 PM »
"(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding"

Isn't that the charge DOJ brought against the representative who pulled the fire alarm to disrupt a vote of Congress?

  -  Oh wait.  He was a Democrat.  No charges.


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Re: Application of 1512 (c)(2) to J6 and to Trump
« Reply #1935 on: October 14, 2023, 10:03:52 PM »
"(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding"

Isn't that the charge DOJ brought against the representative who pulled the fire alarm to disrupt a vote of Congress?

  -  Oh wait.  He was a Democrat.  No charges.

One of those “more equal” animals Orwell abhorred.


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The Coup of 11/3/2020
« Reply #1936 on: October 22, 2023, 06:07:43 AM »

A coup for November 3, 2020, was planned. Why does no one care?
By Bob Parks

Very few people in the United States appear to know that on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020, a coup was planned if Donald Trump won his reelection. A “coup” has a very clear definition.

coup d’état


: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics

: the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group

a military coup d’état of the dictator

— Merriam-Webster

So far, according to news reports, untold millions of dollars have gone into investigating the events of January 6, 2021, and that’s still ongoing. The left and their media have left no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of and punishing those who engaged in the “threat to our democracy.” No wonder the Biden administration says it is in critical need of more money to bring the Jan. 6 rioters to justice.

Imagine how the events of January 6th could have been thwarted had the planners been identified and caught in the days and weeks before that infamous day. Imagine if the plotters themselves were seen and heard on videotape in the initial phase of coordinating how to isolate police stations, target the media for coverage disruption, intimidate Biden campaign offices, stake out the mass transportation infrastructure to harass incoming lawmakers, take over federal office buildings with assistance from federal employees, violently disrupt Congressional and Senate sessions—and with D.C. merely the hub for similar coup activity nationwide.

Image: Planning the insurrection that wasn’t. Rumble screen grab.

You know what the news cycle would have been: Round-the-clock graphics with the word “coup” in demi-bold fonts, images of the coup plotters pictured one-by-one, camera crews staked out in front of their homes and/or places of employment (if applicable) just waiting for federal officers to lead them out in handcuffs. Cordoned-off areas, shelter-in-place, and possible shootouts would be a bonus.

But none of this happened, of course. Instead, January 6 happened, and the Democrats have weaponized it ever since.

But here’s something funny: That evidence exists. However, instead of showing Trump supporters planning a coup, a video from 2020 shows Democrats plotting a coup if, at the end of the day, Donald Trump was reelected. “Trump’s gotta go.”

What’s pitiful is that there are probably dozens of Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill who, to this day, have no idea what and who Shutdown DC was and still is. It’s pitiful that possibly hundreds of so-called “journalists” also don’t know what was planned for Election Day 2020 and/or don’t care because the ultimate objective of a Donald Trump “defeat” was attained.

None of your default blabbermouths on television, radio, and social media have bothered to touch this topic. No viral rants or books pimped. This, again, means they are probably clueless (my first choice).

The people in the video were planning to violently overthrow the government in 2020 but hit the pause button because Joe Biden “won.” From that moment forward, there were zero ramifications for Democrat activists and federal employees and contractors planning a bona fide “insurrection.” That being the case, what’s to stop them from planning to carry it out in 2024 should Donald Trump win?

You can be sure that there will be millions of dollars in public and private property damage. Federal and state buildings will be seized by “mostly peaceful” Democrat activists nationwide. Law enforcement officers and civilians will be injured, maybe killed, and the “threat to our democracy” will not just be an easy-to-recite slogan for morons.

This will immediately have an incredibly negative impact on the outgoing Biden Administration and the incoming Trump Administration, considering the actions that will have to be conducted to restore order. It will be ugly and intentionally so when the coup plotters’ demands are considered by those who’ll sympathize with them.

The optimists’ reluctance to see what’s in front of their faces has had less to do with scholarly integrity and more to do with wish-casting—making predictions because you want them to be true, not because the evidence supports it.

The United States is entering a dangerous phase. The monthslong transition, which those aware of how fragile U.S. democracy is tagged as perilous months ago, still has weeks to go. The president remains in power. If there is an inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, it will likely have to be held in a more secure location than the once sacrosanct steps of the Capitol.

— Foreign Policy, 1/6/21

Ironically, the pointy heads on the right who were lamenting January 6 are also silent. Kinda’ makes one also wonder if January 6th was a coordinated distraction from what happened on November 3, 2020.

If Shutdown DC’s plans come to fruition following a Trump win in 2024, government could come to a screeching halt, and then we can really start talking about uncharted waters.


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Speaker Johnson releasing 40,000 hours of J6 footage
« Reply #1943 on: November 17, 2023, 04:57:11 PM »
Apparently it will be a drip feed and most likely the Pravdas will look to bury it.  OTOH that is why we need to keep track of it.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War (and other West Civil Wars too)
« Reply #1946 on: November 18, 2023, 07:02:19 AM »
"Dingell told The Detroit News the riot “rattled” her more than the January 6th Capitol Hill riot: “I was scared. Someone is going to get hurt at one of these things. They can get out of control.”

My response:  she is islamophobic, and instead we need to spend millions to protect Muslim mosques businesses !


« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 07:16:49 AM by ccp »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War (and other West Civil Wars too)
« Reply #1947 on: November 18, 2023, 02:38:35 PM »
Dem Rep. Raskin Tells Wolf Blitzer Why Feds Didn't Want Speaker Johnson to Release All 1/6 Footage

“The reason why the Capitol police have opposed releasing 10s of thousands of hours from … every part of the Capitol, is because it’s like giving a diagram to future insurrectionists & terrorists”


Off the top of my head, though insincere, I'd say that is not a stupid argument.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 02:40:37 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War (and other West Civil Wars too)
« Reply #1949 on: November 18, 2023, 05:00:08 PM »
Going to be very ineresting who has the resources, the grasp of the material, and the attention span to dive into this.