Author Topic: 2020 Presidential election  (Read 179392 times)


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What a Trump landslide would look like
« Reply #102 on: March 07, 2019, 12:37:04 PM »

This is not out of the question.  A number of things would have to come together, good economy, weak opponent(s) and no stupid stuff by Trump.

On Wednesday Nov 4 2020 enter 'Trump Landslide' in the forum search function and see if they got it right.


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Re: Being a crat no longer protecting anyone who is white male
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2019, 09:39:03 AM »
you reap what you sow , you dumb jerks:

Yes we are about to see the tactics of the Left turned against the Left. 

Get comfortable and pass the popcorn.  We've got more than a year of this to watch.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #105 on: March 15, 2019, 09:45:05 AM »
The left always devours it’s self.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Hey Beto...
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2019, 09:59:43 AM »

Ban air travel.  'Beto' strongly endorsed the Green New Deal, saying: "Not to be dramatic, but literally, the future of the world depends on us right now here where we are."

‘We face catastrophe and crisis on this planet,’ he declared, asserting that climate change will unleash ‘massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from countries that are literally uninhabitable or under water.’
Hey Beto, How did you get to Iowa?  How are you getting home?  Wind powered rail?  El Paso to Sioux City is 2 days by bus.  Your opponent will be jetting to his stadium rallies, 2 or 3 per day without missing any meeting in Washington.

Without air travel, well-to-do Iowans can choose between vacationing in southern Minnesota or Nebraska.  (

Hey Beto (continued), Did you mention banning beef in Iowa?

Trump wont ban beef, but he will bring up the issue in Iowa.  Three percent of US population is vegetarian.  A little lower on an Iowa cattle farm.

The liberal utopia lives only on the coasts, and even there, only in fiction. 

Beto "supported bills that boosted the fossil fuel industry".
That won't come up in the Dem debates...

Hey Beto, If you're not the most authentic lib in the race, what exactly do you bring?  Accomplishment?  lol.
Beto's hand movements:

Beto's accomplishments:
O'Rourke under Obama named a federal courthouse in El Paso and passed two other co-sponsored amendments into law, tuition assistance and veteran appeals, over his 6 years.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 10:30:13 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2019, 02:57:27 PM »
Beta-male O'Rourke


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Re: 2020 Presidential election - Joe Biden
« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2019, 09:11:24 AM »
Joe Biden is a unique person in unique times so a look at other candidates in history is only a guide.  As the frontrunner, he is relevant but not too many people think he really will be the nominee, or the President.  His appeal tends to be stronger in some states where Trump tipped the last race so maybe he is feared most by Trump.

Democrats have never elected a former VP to be President. (Other than LBJ who was running as incumbent President in 1964, not as a former VP.)

Only 3 times did the candidate leading at this point go on to become the Democrat nominee, Mondale in 1984, Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.  All lost.

In a time where media and Democratic operatives (redundancy alert) want to hold Trump accountable for his loose grip on facts and truth, same group should go back and review the VP debate 2008 of Biden versus Sarah Palin.  At the time, the attention was on Palin but someone on their side ought to go back and fact check old crazy Joe before they nominate him.  He makes Trump look detail oriented in comparison.

Joe has big baggage no matter which side of it all you stand on.  For the liberals, there is a vote or a quote on almost every issue out there to use back against him.  For the right, he can be held to account for every failed policy of the Obama years, the plane load of cash to Iran for example, the apology tour, the open border and so on.

Then there is the creepy Joe thing.  The wandering hands haven't fully been vetted, only laughed about.  Is all of that okay?  There are youtube compilations but there will eventually be people coming forward to talk about it, either same or worse than the last two accusers that brought Al Franken down.

Somewhere in the discussion is the unite the party challenge.  Like Hillary Clinton, he polls best when he is silent, hiding, not commenting, and not declared as a candidate.  On that count he is performing brilliantly, but next month 'they say' he will announce and need to make a big splash.  Like Hillary, he has mediocre candidate skills.  Like Hillary, he is not larger than life, does not command a room like a Kennedy, Reagan or even a Bill Clinton.  Like Hillary, he is seen as more moderate than others, but in her case she adopted Bernie's positions to defeat him and carried those stance into the election, diametrically opposed to what worked for her husband, 24 and 20 years earlier.  The extremely long election contest does not favor him. 

Biden can go Left early to try to keep Bernie, Kamala, Beto and the gang down, but then lose the moderate edge he supposedly has in the general election.  The 24/7/365 public eye no longer allows candidates to change their message for every audience.  'Folks' in the California primary are hearing what the candidates say in Iowa.  Barack Obama pulled off the blank canvas, empty words campaign of platitudes in 2008.  By 2010, 2012 and 2014, he had a record and was mostly held to more specific stances. 

Biden is a human demonstration of how a resume needs to be a list of accomplishments, not just timeline of where you spent your time.  For Trump we have a thread and can certainly point to 200-300 major accomplishments easily.  For Joe Biden, not so much.

Lastly, he is a gaffe machine.

What is YOUR favorite Biden gaffe?  And what will be the new ones?  Do people just laugh those off as old, crazy Joe or are they more serious now that he is running for Commander in Chief, leader of the free world?  Is the standard lower because of Trump or do Democrats demand in their candidate a level of accuracy and maturity they don't see in Trump?  Time will shortly tell.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2019, 09:54:05 AM by DougMacG »


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Sanders campaign staff
« Reply #110 on: March 17, 2019, 09:41:31 AM »
in collusion with United Food and Commercial Workers:

what a laugh
no communism here folks -  :wink:

from the guy who established sister city in USSR during his mayorial stunt , I mean stint as mayor Burlington NH
someone just told me the cities are no longer "sister"


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Re: Sanders campaign staff
« Reply #111 on: March 17, 2019, 11:43:09 AM »
"someone just told me the cities are no longer "sister" "

Maybe he lost interest when they were no longer Soviet Socialist.


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2020 Presidential election - How's it going?
« Reply #112 on: March 21, 2019, 07:33:46 AM »
VDH's column today expresses a good part of what I was thinking on the race.
"the 2020 election is likely Trump's to win or lose"
"Trump does not exist in a vacuum. In 2016, many voters preferred Trump because he was not the unpopular Hillary Clinton.  In 2020, there will be an even starker choice. Trump, now an incumbent, will likely run on the premise that he is the only thing standing between voters and socialism."

"The Green New Deal, a wealth tax, a top marginal income tax rate of 70 percent, the abolition of ICE, the abolition of the Electoral College, reparations, legal infanticide as abortion, the cancellation of student debt, free college tuition, Medicare for all and the banning of private insurance plans are not winning, 51 percent issues."

I would add, yesterday was the 1st day of spring in a race that essentially started after the midterm votes were counted last fall.   In these months, no one (other than Trump) has grabbed our attention.  Yes it's better to peak later but you have to be in the race later to do that.  Beto does not look like Bobby Kennedy, sorry, and he doesn't have a cause.  Expunging marijuana conviction records isn't the lead issue for a Commander in Chief.  Cory started his gaffes before announcing.  Gillibrand brings nothing new.  Warren looks like the weakest matchup with Trump, could be the first to drop out.  Kamala cannot be the first African American President.  She could be the first woman President, but right now some pretty boring men are leading all the women by substantial starting margins.

None of them have talked national security yet and none of them will.  It's not a [far Left] Democratic issue.

On Presidential issues, their quest for far-Left justices and to 'pack the Court' also do not pass any 51% threshold.

Hickenlooper is a little more reasonable than others (low bar) but how does he get traction?  He built a business, ran a city and a medium sized state, but cannot form a sentence to define socialism or capitalism or give an indication of where he falls on that spectrum.  He started a micro brew worth [and Schultz a coffee chain worth billions]; good luck explaining to the left side of the electorate how those important feats made us better off.  Trump built a business, sort of.  Beto, Kamala, Bernie, Amy, Cory, Biden, Kirsten, etc. didn't.  It's not something they recognize as an accomplishment.  Don't forget, he opposed pot legalization and he supports fracking! 

Polling best against Trump is Bernie and polling best among Democrats is Biden.  In either case we know that don't have youth, charisma, accomplishment or any mystique. They don't a record of running anything and we know for sure they don't have another level to raise it to if elevated to the top of the ticket.  Bernie can't talk out of both sides of  his mouth like Bill Clinton and Biden can't talk out of either.

One of my pet peeves, how come we don't get to vote their national leaders up or down.  This crew is the back benchers.  Reagan should have run against Tip O'Neill and Trump should be facing off against Pelosi or Schumer.  But no.  Democrats want the blank slate candidate without the dourness and the baggage.  Problem is they aren't blank slate anymore after they endorse the agenda of Ocasio-Chavez.

They search for the next Obama 2008, but this isn't then and Obama's own magic would not work in all situations either.  Without ever being confronted by the media, his coattails were gone as soon as his first major legislation passed.  He lost the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, was very beatable in 2012 and couldn't get his anointed successor elected in 2016.  So much for magic - and permanent majorities!

Trump is readier than anyone since Reagan to run against socialism. That leaves Dems two choices.  Run right into the trap or run someone who rejects the only  energy people on their side.

As VDH said, this is Trump's to win or lose.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (buddha judge)
« Reply #113 on: March 21, 2019, 09:44:50 AM »
I fear Mayor Pete more than Bernie Biden Beto Warren Kamala Cory Amy Hickenlooper combined.  Another white guy will pass up the women and blacks in the Dem race.

Issues will be the test of how he can be smart, pro-American and win the Dem endorsement at the same time.

Headline:  Gay candidate supports back door entry to single payer healthcare


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Re: 2020 Presidential election - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (buddha judge)
« Reply #114 on: March 24, 2019, 02:37:53 PM »
A gay guy named Buttigieg? Who is in the Navy? Ah, the jokes write themselves...

If this guy got the nomination, can you imagine how the fiercely heterosexual Cori Booker would be kicking himself...

I fear Mayor Pete more than Bernie Biden Beto Warren Kamala Cory Amy Hickenlooper combined.  Another white guy will pass up the women and blacks in the Dem race.

Issues will be the test of how he can be smart, pro-American and win the Dem endorsement at the same time.

Headline:  Gay candidate supports back door entry to single payer healthcare


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Foreigners working for Sanders campaign
« Reply #115 on: March 26, 2019, 06:31:24 AM »

"Bernie Sanders was hit with a complaint [last] week, claiming his presidential campaign violated federal election laws by employing non-Americans in advisory positions. A new complaint by the Coolidge Reagan Foundation filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) notes that three members of the Sanders campaign are foreign nationals, which appears to be a violation of federal election laws that prohibit foreign interference." (Fox New)


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Re: Foreigners working for Sanders campaign
« Reply #116 on: March 26, 2019, 07:31:04 PM »
"Bernie Sanders was hit with a complaint [last] week, claiming his presidential campaign violated federal election laws by employing non-Americans in advisory positions. A new complaint by the Coolidge Reagan Foundation filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) notes that three members of the Sanders campaign are foreign nationals, which appears to be a violation of federal election laws that prohibit foreign interference." (Fox New)

As I understand it, that law applies only to Republican campaigns.


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2020 Presidential election: Tim Ryan in, D-OH
« Reply #117 on: April 04, 2019, 09:31:27 AM »
Good timing, he will be taking Biden's place.  Also note that Hick and Amy did not catch on.  Considered too 'moderate' to win the nomination but would supposedly pose a challenge to Trump in the 'rust belt' states if nominated.

Watching some youtubes of him, I don't find him or his message appealing, but he should offer a counter to the AOC wing and some fireworks in the debates.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 10:01:57 AM by DougMacG »


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2020 Presidential election, Kamala Harris, The Atlantic
« Reply #118 on: April 08, 2019, 09:41:00 AM »
This is a pretty good backgrounder on Kamala for those of us that don't know her:

As the pack sorts itself out, and if or when Biden or Bernie sputter, who will emerge?  At this point Kamala and Mayor Pete seem to be the only ones who might still be standing.

Harris is trying to avoid taking specific positions but is far Left and will have to go far Left to compete with Bernie, and Bernie looks to be in for the duration.

From the article:

"In Washington, she hasn’t done much—let’s be honest, who in the Senate has in recent years? She introduced a few bills: one, with Kentucky Republican Rand Paul, to study reforming the cash-bail system; another, with 13 Democratic colleagues, to begin addressing the high mortality rates black women face in childbirth. She also introduced, with fellow Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker and Republican Tim Scott, a bill to make lynching a hate crime."

The more I learn the less I fear her.  Obama called her the best looking state Attorney General.  Looking closer over a longer period, she isn't that good looking.  She certainly has 'color' by leftist definition but she isn't that black.  She is bi-racial and not a descendant of American slaves as "black" in the US is often intended to mean.  Her husband (she married at 50) is white.  Like Obama, she went to all the best schools, didn't overcome some big disadvantage or accomplish something of note.  They briefly cover her Willie Brown affair that jump-started her career.  She took two tries to pass the California bar.  Her DA and AG experience is certainly something of note, but like Amy Klobuchar, they have staff that try cases.  It's not like she was some master prosecutor or came to power by winning some amazing case.  She increased the conviction rate of her department indicating some competence.  She also had controversies.

Mostly from our point of view, she will not be able to separate herself from the far Left people and policies in the general election.  Trump wants to run economic success against socialism and she falls perfectly into the trap.  Rising to power quickly in California and raising large amounts of money in California does not win over centrists in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, IMHO.


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« Reply #119 on: April 08, 2019, 09:44:16 AM »

major lib "more clever than Obama" in pretending he is more in the middle

Don't think he's hasn't got the rich gay donors including those in  the MS/entertainment mediums opening up their wallets and willingness to create the "BUZZ" about him.

like they do in the entertainment industry when coming out with new movie or record


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2020 Presidential nomination, It's over, Biden by a plurality
« Reply #120 on: April 09, 2019, 07:02:12 AM »
Joe Biden is up by 17 points after his big scandal.
Latest Poll  The Hill  4/5-6
Biden  36
Sanders  19
Harris  9
O'Rourke  7
Warren  6
Booker  6
Buttigieg  4
Klobuchar  2
Gillibrand  2
Yang  1
Castro  1

It's a plurality because 64% of his own party aren't with the frontrunner. 
Too early of course to say it's over by about a year and a half but this poll is full of useful information.  I retract my obit on Biden's candidacy; he just survived his crisis and leads a crowded field by 17 points!  He gaffed by joking about it and still leads so he has survived both the touchy feely stuff and the reminder of his gaffe habit.  Dems have low standards.  I was going to say he is Hillary without the scandals but didn't he intervene with a foreign power to save his son from prosecution?
This won't stop him if nothing else did.

I guess the Dem nomination will be decided by a plurality, less than a majority all the way through.  Biden with his nothingness is in a better position to unite the different interests than Bernie with his soviet specificity.  Warren is toast, should be the first to drop out.  If she cares about advancing her issues, strangely, Bernie has more appeal.  I think I can say beyond political bias, Warren doesn't wear well.

Kamala age 54 is first place of the 'younger' crowd, therefore she is not likely to drop out until mathematically eliminated, if then.

Beto hasn't fizzled yet or caught on.  He is of no substance, not likely to pass the others.

People like Buttgig (sp?) but is only at 4% after a big splash (it's early).  He's young, more likely to be VP than win top of the ticket.  By taking on Pence yesterday, he may already be running for VP.`

By embracing a reparations commission, Booker is going after a niche.  If blacks go with Booker and Harris, that leaves Bernie and Biden support looking very white.

Klobuchar, raised some money, is not catching on.  Hickenlooper not even mentioned.  Tim Ryan likewise, no one clamoring for him to get more attention.  I guess they are running in the Biden lane.  If Biden holds where he is, they have no role in the race.  Gillibrand is running as a woman, probably needs one more strength and doesn't have it.  Harris might win those genital specific voters.  Julian Castro, if he hasn't caught on yet why would he later?

From my point of view I guess the wish is for all of these lightweights to do well and split the vote.  The better young Mayor Pete looks in the debates the worse Dems look for choosing old Biden.  The better Kamala does, the more the vote splits, lowering the support of the front runners.  The better Bernie does, the more divided the party is.  The better Biden does, the more likely the next generation gets locked out for another cycle. 

Both Biden and Bernie will be older during the campaign than Reagan was leaving office after two terms.

Like Chris Christy, those with dying campaigns who stay in will need to attack frontrunners to stay relevant.  Bernie needs to differentiate from Biden and Kamala from both of them unless this just going to be a boring, substance-free lovefest coronation.

If Dems go moderate, the energy of the party is left out.  If Dems go far left, a moderate independent will jump in to the general election and divide the vote.

Our flawed candidate looks better and better as you see the alternatives.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 07:12:32 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Democratic nomination
« Reply #122 on: April 17, 2019, 08:34:33 AM »
Trump predicts 'Crazy Bernie Sanders,' 'Sleepy Joe Biden' will be 2 Dem 'finalists' in 2020 race

Trump is not a disinterested party so this is most likely gamesmanship.

At this point Bernie has the crowd enthusiasm and plenty of money.  His only stumble is to be himself, an admitted socialist, and that does not scare off his supporters.  Somehow old is endearing to his young supporters.  Bernie has the energy.  His plurality, 16-29% (of Democrats) in different polls is enough to win and hold delegates all the way to the convention no matter what else happens.  His national general election polls aren't a disqualifier either, just a little weaker than Biden but leading Trump before the campaign begins.

Warren is not catching on but also competes for delegates and white women(?) if she stays in.

Buttigieg is the "flavor of the month", offers an alternative, is not conservative or moderate and is not trusted by the Left.  He will win all of the male gay vote and plenty of white elites.  He is a VP possibility especially if a woman wins the nomination.  A male Democratic nominee will presumably have to choose a woman for VP.

Beto is a bust.  Latest is that he gave 0.2% of his married wealth income to charity.  He answers by saying he is giving himself instead of money, by running for President to save us.  He adds noting to the race.

Hick, Amy, Inslee, etc, also nothing.

Is Kamala Harris the next flavor of the month?  She is an almost black woman in a party of identity politics.  California has a lot of Democrat delegates assuming she is popular there.  At the least, she and Corey Booker can pull black votes away from Bernie, Beto, Biden and Buttiegig.  Mayor Pete already apologized for his 'crowds' being "too white".  If the black activists get invested in black candidates and it gets contentious, they don't switch back enthusiastically to the eventual white at top of the ticket. cf. Hillary.  That gives an advantage back to Harris.  But what else sets her apart, not policy, not accomplishments, not life story.

And then there is Joe Biden.  How does that gaffe machine last one year and two months to the convention?  If he does, it will be unconvincingly, leading but not clinching if things look at all then like they do now.  He reminds me of Hillary.  Great resume if you just look at the places they've been and not what they;'ve accomplished.  Weak, over-rated candidate. 

So Trump gets to either run against weak or run against socialism.  Polls that show Biden recently up by 13 make me think Trump could win 35 states.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 09:17:10 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #124 on: April 18, 2019, 05:49:42 PM »
best we can do is stand firm against the hysteria and win house, senate, and wh in '20
we are going to have to endure the crap for the next almost 2 yrs


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20 in for 2020 Presidential Dem nomination
« Reply #125 on: April 23, 2019, 07:11:02 AM »
I hope they all stay in but it must be discouraging to put all that effort into Iowa New Hampshire and have your poll ratings near zero or in the single digits an falling.

Elizabeth Warren in Iowa, dropped from 9 to 6 in the last month in Iowa, dropped from 9-5 in her own neighboring New Hampshire.  Switched to talking impeachment now that Trump was exonerated.  Good luck Liz!

Amy Klobuchar whose only chance is Iowa to catch on (because she speaks midwestern?) is at 4 in Iowa.  Even if she was at 100% of Democrats she would be underdog to win an electoral vote in Iowa.  Amy at 2% in NH.  Rounds easily to zero with margin of error included.

Gillibrand at 1, Julian Castro at zero, way to lock in that women and Hispanic vote.

Booker falls from 6 top 4 in Iowa, after how many appearances?

Kamala Harris fell from 10 to 6 in Iowa, fell from 7 to 4 in NH.  Maybe she wasn't tough enough accusing boy scout Kavanaugh of being a gang rape organizer. 

Beto at 5% of Democrats in Iowa.  Add to all these, zero percent of Republicans.  Beto dropped from 6 to 3 in NH.  At that rate he hits zero in May unless his mom lives there.

The more people get to know the candidates, the less they like them.

Mayor Pete (on the upswing) is Not Ready [to 'inundate people with policy minutia'], because his historic 7% support will drop instantly with specifics.  Plus he's still working on municipal sewer issues.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #127 on: April 25, 2019, 08:42:58 AM »
I don't believe the Biden poll where he is ahead of Trump by 8
the day after he announces suddenly this comes out to re write the landscape

we will see

that said the Dems doing great damage to Trump who then in turns falls right into the traps they set for him.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #130 on: April 25, 2019, 01:46:09 PM »
I don't believe the Biden poll where he is ahead of Trump by 8
the day after he announces suddenly this comes out to re write the landscape

we will see

that said the Dems doing great damage to Trump who then in turns falls right into the traps they set for him.

ccp,  I don't believe it either but Biden or Democrats leading Trump in polls up until election day is not inconsistent with either Trump winning 35 states or Trump losing the election.  Most likely as you suggest the poll with the campaign launch is designed to intimidate opponents and create its own truth and momentum.  Polling lead is the only strength he has.  Pull that curtain and he nothing else to lean on.


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Biden 2020
« Reply #131 on: April 25, 2019, 01:54:36 PM »
Make America grope again!

« Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 05:15:49 PM by G M »


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new guy running
« Reply #132 on: May 02, 2019, 07:32:40 AM »
he could deliver  "the cancer vote" to the Dems

since they are all about identity politics

first guy running for a major political  office with prostate cancer :

actually Guliani already deserves that honor come to think of it.

And I am not mocking anyone with cancer,  (not funny)  but just displaying the absurdity of the Dem identity politics game which is a joke


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Michael Bennet, D-CO, Meet the Press
« Reply #134 on: May 06, 2019, 06:21:12 AM »
Just as Hickenlooper was about to take off (sarc.), his former chief of staff jumps in. 

Former Denver schools superintendent, for editor of Yale law review, he jumped in with not much fanfare.  As a generic Democrat, "pragmatic idealist", I would like to answer his (boring monotone) Meet the Press appearance yesterday point by point - just for practice.  Someone should have interrupted him and called him out on Democrat nonsense. 

By singling him out the unnoticed for criticism, I probably help him more than I hurt him.  Here is Michael Bennet with one T.

"I believe that the freest kind of government is self-government, and that we have an obligation to preserve the democratic institutions that 230 years of Americans have preserved for us, and that our children are going to need to resolve their differences, but we seem to be so cavalier about destroying. And you know, the idea that we're going to run down the rathole that the Freedom Caucus has taken us down over the last ten years, in their tyrannical way, I think would be a huge mistake[/b]."

   - He ties "freedom caucus" to "tyranny"?  By what stretch of logic?  No one follows up this contradiction?  Democrats always need to start their argument with a lie.

"You know, I think, based on the polling that you just cited, where, where the majority of people say that the House should continue to investigate, and then we should make a decision, down the road, about whether to impeach or not and then, obviously, to convict or not in the Senate, I think that's exactly right. And that's what we should do."

   - Running for leader of the free world, he would follow the polling. Bold. Aren't lead and follow exact opposites.  Investigate more where there is no evidence of a crime.  Why?  Democratic polls.

"You know, Mueller should testify. We should have the full, unredacted report."

   - Break Grand Jury rules?  Disrupt ongoing investigations?  Why not.  Chuck Todd isn't going to call him out on this either.  Surprise.

"obvious -- I mean, to me, it seems fairly clear, from the evidence, that he has committed impeachable offenses."

   - Name one? Conspira-bstruction?

"Well, I agree, first of all, with the Democrats that you quoted earlier in the program, that Mueller ought to resign. It's disgraceful, what he's done, how he’s behaved --

You mean Mueller or Barr? You mean Barr, right?

"I'm sorry, Barr, Barr."

    - How come the Yale people aren't really any smarter than the rest of us.  But if Trump mis-speaks, he's a moron.  Still, what about his intended point.  Barr should resign - for being honest?  For following the rule of law?  For not agreeing to be bullied, smeared?

[Summarizing Mueller's work] "he could not clear the president of committing the crime of - of conspir -- of, of obstruction."

   - Oops, (1) mis-speak again.  (2) Mueller's job wasn't to clear innocent people, and (3)obstruction of what?  The crimes committed by the deep state?  Again, Yale law school and shows no knowledge of the law or legal process.  Worse understanding than a layman, or is he just dishonestly pandering to the sheep?

All right, let me move to, if you run against Donald Trump. Because I want to show you these economic numbers: 3.6% unemployment, 263,000 jobs created in April, 3.2% wages, are, 3.2% wage increase. Consumer confidence is fairly high. Look, there are a lot of voters out there who say, "All right, I don't like Donald Trump's character. But the economy is humming. And I vote pocketbook." What do you talk -- How do you convince that voter not to vote their pocketbook, if they like this economy?

So I’d say -- No, people will, people will vote their pocketbook. [Trump wins.] But Chuck, we're in the tenth year of a recovery that started in 2009, when Barack Obama was president. If you look at the job-creation numbers along that trajectory, over that ten years, [There wasn't one trajectory; there was stagnation and there was growth.  He is not a math guy I guess.] it goes just like this. So Donald Trump is elected in the last two years. And I will confess, even he couldn't screw up the momentum that we had been going on for the eight years that he got elected. [So Trump didn't screw things up.] The difficulty is that, when you're in a state like mine, Colorado, which has one of the most-dynamic economies in the world, not just in America, people still -- most people can't afford housing. They can't afford healthcare. They can't afford higher education. They can't afford early childhood education. [Democrat-run wasn't the solution and THEY CAN'T AFFORD THE EXACT MARKETS THAT GOVERNMENT ENTERED AND CONTROLS, MAKING ALL THEIR MAJOR IDEAS WRONG.]  They can't afford a middle-class lifestyle. And Donald Trump has done nothing to help with that [Grow wages finally- where Democrats couldn't, didn't.], nothing to help with that. Second point I would make is, even if you feel like he's done the right thing by cutting taxes, which I don't, because he cut taxes on the wealthiest people in America, mostly, even if you feel like he's done the right thing in a regulatory way or taken on China in a way you like, the fact that he has built his entire political career on dividing Americans, not uniting Americans, on destroying our institutions, on going after the free press, on violating the rule of law and being proud of that, on playing patsy to dictators, like Putin and the North Korea dictator just this week. [Pivot off the question, admit losing.]  I mean, here, he's saying, "I'm with him." He says, "I'm with him. I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt his economy." North Koreans are starving, because of what he and his father have done to their economy. So we got to keep our eye -- There are many, many ways that Donald Trump's threadbare record is available to us to beat him in November 2020. It would be a disaster, if we lost to him again. 

    - Did he really just say that rich Coloradans can't afford early childhood education because of Trump?  Watch for his surge in the polls on that!  I don't know where NK is heading, but it wasn't in the question and Trump is the one who has called them out and started to deal with the threat unlike predecessors in both parties.

I think he can't construct a complete sentence or a coherent thought, not because he's dumb or Yale Law School doesn't teach that, but because he knows Trump is doing a great job and deserves reelection.  He has to dissemble to speak against obvious truth.  It would be easier for him to switch sides and embrace truth.  )

He agreed the Trump economy is great.  He identified Russia and NK as threats, same as what Trump is addressing and he identified the Democrat attempts to control housing, healthcare and higher education sectors as failures while the free markets succeed.

All good arguments to vote Trump.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 06:35:43 AM by DougMacG »


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2020 Presidential election, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in Iowa
« Reply #135 on: May 18, 2019, 09:12:39 AM »
He traveled 1300 miles to speak to exactly 24 people.  3 were from NY and one was from Nebraska covering the event for Powerline:

"event was in a very large room and the candidate had to compete with ten patrons ten feet from him who were eating and laughing away while completely ignoring him."
Running for President isn't as glamorous as it sounds.

Green New Deal requires banning cattle - in Iowa - and banning air travel.  Good luck with that.

Let me guess, de Blasio flew there and ate beef on the trip.

I wonder what percent of blue collar Sioux City thinks all the good ideas come out of NYC or wants to be governed by liberals on the coasts.

It reminds me of a David Burge Iowahawk question submitted to his reelection facebook townhall:

An $8 billion high speed train leaves Chicago for Iowa City at 8:15am at 40mph. Why?

For the record, Trump beat the former Senator from NY - Hillary by 10 points in swing state Iowa, 2016, winning 93 out of 99 counties, and he has been a far better President than ANYONE expected.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 09:14:17 AM by DougMacG »


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The Great "uniter"
« Reply #136 on: May 19, 2019, 10:11:50 AM »
As soon as I hear someone on the Left or sometimes the Right as well that he / she is the one to unite this country I turn around and run away as fast as possible.

Yes I can unite says Joe (as long as we have a Democrat Party agenda with maybe one or two irrelevant minor tiny bones thrown out to conservatives:

He needs to be Borked.


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Re: The Great "uniter"
« Reply #137 on: May 19, 2019, 11:32:31 AM »
As soon as I hear someone on the Left or sometimes the Right as well that he / she is the one to unite this country I turn around and run away as fast as possible.

Yes I can unite says Joe (as long as we have a Democrat Party agenda with maybe one or two irrelevant minor tiny bones thrown out to conservatives:

He needs to be Borked.

Project (the verb) is what they do and it is surprisingly effective.


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Re-post from 6 years into Obama adminl Explain this (Obama economy data)
« Reply #138 on: May 23, 2019, 06:01:51 AM »
Biden:  This growth is from the Obama administration.  Really?
Butti: unnecessary tax cut for the very wealthiest, blah, blah.
I suppose it was unnecessary deregulation too, unless you like economic growth including wage growth and manufacturing jobs growth.  That wouldn't affect 40% of blacks living below the poverty line in South Bend Indiana, would it?
Political Economics, War on Wealth is not the cure for poverty!

A war on income inequality is a war on wealth.  A successful war on wealth means that poverty will be even more widespread.  Instead of celebrating and wealth creation and spreading it to others, we punish it, demonize it, and instead reward the opposite - in all its manifestations.
Food stamp use nearly doubles in suburbs

The Sharp Rise in Disability Claims
90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record - See more at:

Women leaving the U.S. workforce in record numbers
Unemployed women hit an all-time historical high of 53,321,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
U.S. savings rate hits lowest level since 1933
Food Stamp spending up 100% since Obama-(Biden) took office.

Yeah, Obama started all this, right.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 06:07:47 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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2020 Presidential election, Attacking Opponents Deferments
« Reply #140 on: May 29, 2019, 09:19:06 AM »
Butti and Seth (something) who served are criticizing Trump for avoiding military service in Vietnam.  Trump received 4 deferments for college and then was classified 1-Y, later called 4-F, unfit for military service because of bone spurs that Little Butti calls false.
Search NY Times Donald Trump Draft Record Aug 1 2016 or see:

Interestingly, Joe Biden had the exact same record with having had "Asthma" as a teenager as the stated reason for the 1-Y classification.
(They couldn't write a story on Biden without comparing to Cheney.)

Connect those two dots.  Not wanting to be first to attack the frontrunner fellow Democrat, Butti is criticizing Biden for his military service avoidance in the most cowardly way possible, by attacking Trump and letting others spill the question over to Slow Joe.

If you have a problem with Biden's military service, say so.  If you are attacking both, attack both.  This is a just a bit to transparent to be unintentional.

In fact Trump did serve in the military for 4 years - as COMMANDER IN CHIEF.  He served voluntarily in that position with plenty of opportunities to step down, not as lieutenant in the reserves if we are going to make comparisons in leadership and experience.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Beto Apologizes
« Reply #141 on: May 29, 2019, 12:03:37 PM »
"Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) apologizes to staff on his 2018 Senate campaign for being a “giant asshole” "

   - Not the candidate that I thought would see himself as a “giant asshole”.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #143 on: May 29, 2019, 03:47:45 PM »
Bye bye beto

for '20

but he'll be back

in some way he will figure out how to be on the news

they always do.

they don't just fade away
they have to be shoved off the stage


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, latest Dem poll
« Reply #144 on: June 01, 2019, 07:16:41 AM »
Biden 36, Sanders 17, Harris 8, Warren 5, Buttigieg 5, O'Rourke 4

It's so early that nothing matters, but still ...

They are the ones who decided their race started so early and not one of them outside of perhaps Biden is seen as Presidential - by even their own supporters.

Butti: no traction after the big roll out.

If Warren dropped out and she won't, and transferred all her support to Bernie, it gives him almost nothing. 

If Hickenlooper, Bennett, Klobuchar or Inslee dropped out, no one would know.

Biden is a leader of nothing.  This group lacks a leader.  We've already heard all their positive arguments.  Now they only advance by the stumbles of their competitors


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"Biden 36, Sanders 17, Harris 8, Warren 5, Buttigieg 5, O'Rourke 4"
« Reply #145 on: June 01, 2019, 09:23:14 AM »
some thoughts from Doug's post:

1 ) Where is Sparticus ?
     I did a 7 th grade report on Sparticus ~ 1968.  (Can you imagine we had Latin class in those days - at least I got to learn how to      count Roman numerals.)   Amazing story . 
  The "neo  Sparticus" not so much.

2)  We know why Harris is even at 8 % - due to demographics - not talent or policies

3)  hard to believe Beto is still even as high as 4 %


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is Senate open for Dem win in '20?
« Reply #146 on: June 05, 2019, 02:57:37 PM »
real clear politics:

The only constant is Trump .

We know his policies
We know his style
We know he cannot change


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Dem Leadership Dearth
« Reply #147 on: June 10, 2019, 08:16:32 AM »
It's stupid to follow polls this early but...

The latest poll has the same 5 names on top as the previous but with narrowing of the gaps.

1. Biden, 2. Bernie. Old white men with slightly different stripes from a Dem point of view.  Neither will win the nomination.

Next is Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, two women and a gay with no differentiation in policies if they actually have any policies.

Most interesting is that none of the 19 others are getting any traction.

As always, no party leader in Washington will run for top of the party.  Not Pelosi, not Steny Hoyer, not Schumer and not Durbin.  They never considered running Tip O'Neill against Reagan and now they have absolutely no interest in seeing how these people who fight Trump everyday would do against him in a national contest.  The search for the Obama-like blank slate continues.  The less experience the better and so we get the utility billing guru from the second best run city in South Bend County.

Biden was caught in another plagiarism scandal in addition to all his other weaknesses.  Warren is divisive.  The more she excites her base, the more she energizes the right and turns off the rest of the country.  Bernie and Warren are driving in the same lane, the anti-American dream lane.   Buttigieg has no appeal so far beyond white elites but has nearly perfected the blank canvas. 

14% approve of the job Congress is doing.  Bernie, Warren and Harris currently serve in Congress and Biden who had no role in the Obama administration came from there.

Where are the two or more term, purple state governors?
Bullock?  Hickenlooper?

Take Beto lightly at your own risk:


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what does anyone think of this?
« Reply #148 on: June 12, 2019, 05:40:43 AM »

This is only one poll and very early
but we know Trump is not going to change
so if this many people are against him then it is because of his style

And this is why I think he is in trouble.  He just cannot win over an extra 10 % with his style.

Hope I am wrong............. :-o


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Re: what does anyone think of this?
« Reply #149 on: June 12, 2019, 10:53:14 AM »

This is only one poll and very early
but we know Trump is not going to change
so if this many people are against him then it is because of his style

And this is why I think he is in trouble.  He just cannot win over an extra 10 % with his style.

Hope I am wrong............. :-o

This poll isn't right but Quinnipiac is as (un) reliable as any of them.  (How much did they have Hillary winning by at this point last time?)  They are reputable enough that I trust they talked to 1200 people.  Someone else can find out the bias of this sample.  They ask registered voters instead of likely voters, which is dumb and strangely not figured into the statistical error.  Polling companies don't even try to be accurate early.  Some poll has Biden leading Trump in Texas.  Like Trump winning Calif, these things only happen in a landslide - and this isn't going to be one.

Trumps approval and popularity is significantly better than when he beat Hillary and Biden will not be a stronger candidate than her.  Also, Biden won't be the candidate (and the race is not a national poll). 

To Biden's credit, Trump seems to fear him, so maybe Trump's polls are showing Biden strength too.

Biden will have to run wacko-Left to win endorsing, erasing some of his centrist support.  And Biden has not yet experienced Trump truly going after his easy to find weaknesses and he most certainly will.

Where people have money on the line, Trump has even odds and Biden is a long shot at second.

Some Trump voters are not going to tell that to pollsters.  That doesn't make up for 13 points but it is and will be a part of it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 04:53:49 PM by DougMacG »