Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: Crafty_Dog on September 07, 2022, 03:58:09 AM
Tucker has been clearly articulating that puberty blocking is chemical castration and surgeries removing breasts and penises of minors are , , , well child abuse seems too minor a term.
So, I am giving all this its own thread.
Kicking it off with a doctor who does these things getting into the aftermath of "a top end job".
September 7, 2022 6:30 AM
A new state law makes California a haven for dangerous, irreversible sterilizing surgeries and treatments for minors, threatening parents’ rights elsewhere.
The California legislature just passed S.B. 107, a dangerous bill that undermines the fundamental right of every parent in every state to direct the upbringing of their children. It allows California courts to strip custody from parents — even parents who don’t live in California — who have legitimate concerns about a young child undergoing irreversible medical procedures to appear as a different gender.
California wants to become a “sanctuary state” to which minor children from around the country can flee (or even be taken by someone else) to obtain on-demand puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries to remove healthy body parts . . . without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
Assuming Governor Gavin Newsom signs S.B. 107 into law, California courts will have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child in, and any person who may bring the child to, California for the purpose of obtaining harmful interventions on children’s minds and bodies. Ignoring the growing body of medical evidence demonstrating the damage caused by those medical and surgical interventions on children, California wants to reach into homes across state lines and offer such interventions to all children in America even if — perhaps especially if — their parents object.
In reality, California offers no “sanctuary” to American children. No, like the Pied Piper, California under S.B. 107 would entice children nationwide to leave their families and run away into the arms of California bureaucrats who believe that harmful drugs and sterilizing surgeries should be freely available to anyone who asks regardless of age, mental health, or legal capacity. And those courageous parents who oppose the coercive corruption of their child’s mind and body will be met with the full force of the courts, police, and child-protective services.
The bill instructs California courts to disregard parents’ fundamental right to make health-care decisions for their minor child and also denies parents access to their child’s medical information. But the radical nature of this legislation does not end there.
S.B. 107 will create chaos in family courts throughout the country as children are illicitly transported to California for the purpose of “gender transition” services. Noncustodial parents who want to impose these gender-related services on a child can abscond to California with the minor, snatching custody from the lawful custodial parent who opposes such treatment — even if taking the child out of state violates that state’s lawful-custody order and even if taking the child is without the knowledge or consent of the custodial parent.
This is an unprecedented attempt by one state to control the children in America’s 49 other states. It is an unprecedented assault on parental rights.
Such overreach conflicts with federal law governing jurisdiction over custody matters and disregards the laws and jurisdictions of the 49 other states to which deference is due under the “full faith and credit” clause of the U.S. Constitution. California considers these completely irrelevant if they stand in the way of the government’s giving children unfettered access to dangerous, experimental procedures that can cause irreversible damage and lifelong harm.
Four states have passed, and 15 others are considering, legislation to protect minor children and their families from the harms wrought by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and life-altering surgeries used in an effort to medically transition a child.
And Florida (through its Department of Health) has taken the lead in protecting children with guidelines stating that the standard of care for adolescents with gender dysphoria should not include puberty blockers, hormone therapy, surgery designed to try to change a child’s biological sex, or the controversial psychotherapeutic intervention that its advocates dub “social transition.”
But not California. Despite the research and the American College of Pediatricians’ conclusion that 80 to 95 percent of children who experience gender confusion will ultimately embrace their biological sex, California is pushing children of all ages to rush down a pathway of psychosocial and medical procedures that lead to a lifetime of medicalization and sterilization. And it is willing to trample over caring parents acting in their child’s best interest to do so.
Consider that, in California, one must be 21 to purchase tobacco products, 16 to obtain a driver’s license, and 21 to legally drink, and that it’s a crime to tattoo (or even offer to tattoo) anyone under age 18. Children cannot legally drive, smoke, drink, or get a tattoo before those ages, but twelve-year-olds can take toxic drugs to artificially suppress puberty and alter hormones, and even mutilate themselves by having healthy breasts or genitalia removed. And their parents would have no knowledge, no say, and no recourse.
This is nothing short of an all-out war on the rights of all parents nationwide. Parents have the right — and the responsibility — to make health-care decisions involving their children, and they have the right to protect their children from irreparable harm. Children belong to their parents and not to the state. And they certainly don’t belong to the state of California.
what does it tell us that drag queens even want to "entertain" small children or ever older children?
why would that be something they want to do?
if alive perhaps Michael Jackson could tell us
what does it tell us that drag queens even want to "entertain" small children or ever older children?
why would that be something they want to do?
if alive perhaps Michael Jackson could tell us,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/115/199/916/original/0d6d05fe8a1f82db.png
:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :roll:
I note that the birth certificate in question in the Montana case says "Gender". What if it were to say "Sex"?
The left loves anything perverse, evil and disgusting.
Tucker let rip on this pervert last night. In doing so he got to the essence with a pithy summary of what is really going on here-- using the children as part of his pedophilia fantasies. The Drag Queen shows for children are very much a part of this dynamic.
With this in mind, I have expanded the title of this thread beyond Transgender.
Here we have a fine example of students fighting back.
Check out the "parents"!!!
Elderly Gay Activist Assaulted by Trans Protesters at Vermont Pride Parade
Fred Sargeant knocked to the ground while protesting at the Pride parade in Burlington, Vt.September 18, 2022. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)
September 20, 2022 1:01 PM
A prominent gay rights leader who helped organize New York City’s first gay pride march in 1970 claims he was attacked by radical transgender activists over the weekend while he protested their movement during a gay pride parade in Vermont.
Fred Sargeant, 74, an early advocate for gay rights in the U.S. who participated in the 1969 Stonewall riots, said trans activists at Sunday’s parade in Burlington grabbed his signs, shoved him, poured coffee on his head, smacked him, knocked him to the ground, and stole his property because he held a sign and handed out pamphlets critical of the trans movement.
Sargeant told National Review that after the attack he was briefly sent to the hospital, where he underwent a CT scan, but is now home in central Vermont and “on the mend.”
In recent years, Sargeant has become an outspoken critic of the gender identity movement that he believes has taken over the gay rights movement. On Sunday, he said, he attended the Burlington Pride parade to protest what he believes has become “an exclusionary parade and a venue for groups dedicated to discrimination within the same-sex community.”
“The concern I have is that the movement that I knew, the gay liberation movement, has metamorphosized into a gender identity movement that is quite misogynistic, homophobic – values that I can’t share,” he told National Review. “I don’t recognize it any longer.”
Fred Sargeant (pictured in a white shirt, left) as an organizer at NYC’s first gay pride parade. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)
Sargeant, who is now affiliated with the LGB Alliance – a gay rights group critical of transgender and queer ideology – said he was at the parade holding a sign that compared people presenting as the opposite gender to people in black face. “For some reason in society today, while no one would dare go in black face and expect to be taken seriously in the future, drag is celebrated, and I think that’s wrong,” Sargeant said. “I think it’s disrespectful for women.”
Sargeant said he positioned himself facing the oncoming parade, and stood silently with his sign, which read “Gay, Not Queer” on the reverse side. A trans woman in the parade, peeled off, approached him, and took his sign, he said.
“As best I could on a cane, but with a little adrenaline going, I kind of hobbled after him down the street, got my sign back,” Sargeant said.
But when Sargeant returned to his position on the parade route, he said, he was surrounded by more angry trans activists who confronted him. Video posted to Sargeant’s Facebook page shows a woman fighting with him, trying to take his sign. “Somebody dumped coffee on my head. A number of people were smacking me on the back of the head,” said Sargeant, who has been kicked off Twitter for allegedly misgendering trans people. “Eventually, toward the end of the march they knocked me to the ground.”
Sargeant said he had about $600 worth of items – including a folding chair, an umbrella, a box of leaflets, and a new L.L. Bean shirt – stolen from the side of the road. “They put two and two together and took some trophies,” Sargeant said of the activists he believes took his property.
In an email to National Review, Burlington police said they were first contacted about the incident by a parade attendee who reported a man who was “allegedly carrying an offensive sign and was upsetting people in the parade.” The caller said someone poured coffee on the man, presumably Sargeant, who had “elbowed her friend.”
More than two hours after the parade ended, Burlington police received another call from an emergency room nurse who reported that a patient had been assaulted at the parade. By the time an officer followed up nearly three hours later, Sargeant was no longer at the hospital, according to the police department.
Sargeant said he called again to report the alleged assault on Monday, but hasn’t heard back from an investigator. Sargeant denies that the activists who tussled with him are victims. “When they’re claiming they’re the victim of an elderly man, you know that they’re a bankrupt group,” he said.
This may not be visible here-- posting it if only to remind myself to come back to it later.
:-o :x :cry: :-o :x :x
The Trouble With Vanderbilt's Pediatric Gender Clinic
Matt Walsh exposed it for exploiting and abusing kids, and now VUMC is in cleanup mode.
Emmy Griffin
The whole shtick of gender-affirming care is one big exploitation scheme by healthcare providers. This has never been more obvious than now. Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh is an activist who exposes this grift, and he has done it again. After his groundbreaking documentary "What Is a Woman?" he and his team conducted a sting operation on Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), which has a pediatric "transgender" clinic. It's as bad as it sounds.
In a social media thread, Walsh systematically exposed the origins of this clinic. In 2018, VUMC decided to start the clinic because it could "make a lot of money." According to one doctor caught on video, bottom surgeries for women and girls kept a similar clinic financially flush with cash. In yet another video, a doctor made threats against other doctors who had moral or religious problems with the clinic. Most insidious of all, VUMC "trans buddies" are in the rooms making sure that doctors are only providing gender-affirming care to potential patients.
When this was exposed and people went to look into it for themselves, the Vanderbilt clinic's webpage suddenly returned a 404 error code. The page could not be found. For its part, Vanderbilt issued a statement refuting the bullying of doctors into compliance and justifying the "trans buddies" program and surgeries on minors because they obtained parental approval. The biggest red flag to anyone with half a brain is that if those videos and posts were in line with what Vanderbilt is now claiming in its statement, why take down the concurrent pages on its website? Answer: The videos speak for themselves, and they are undeniable as well as unjustifiable.
Vanderbilt is located in Nashville, and Tennessee is a very red state. When government officials found out what was going on, there was a conservative outcry. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said: "The 'pediatric transgender clinic' at Vanderbilt University Medical Center raises serious moral, ethical and legal concerns. We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children or policies that suppress religious liberties, all for the purpose of financial gain. We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation." This sentiment was echoed by U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn and Tennessee House Majority Leader William Lamberth. Walsh has met with State Senator Jack Johnson and Representative Lamberth to begin crafting a bill "to shut down Vanderbilt's child gender transition program and ban the practice in the state."
The radical leftists are up in arms. Many of them reported Walsh's social media thread and told Twitter and the FBI that it could lead to harm against VUMC.
Gender ideology is preying on our society. It preys on those with gender dysphoria and exploits them for money. It preys on our children who are impressionable by confusing them and turning them against their own bodies, their own self-interests, and their own families. Radical woke leftism encourages this divorce from reality. Radical leftism promotes hate as well as other predations that further marginalize the most vulnerable in society such as preborn babies, illegal aliens, women, the religious, and racial minorities. These radicals are backed by a president whose dangerous rhetoric got a teenaged boy mowed down by one of the radical's acolytes.
It's not the conservatives who are fomenting hate. That becomes more clear with each passing day.
Check out Matt Walsh's sting on a transgender clinic that unveiled all sorts of disgusting stuff
Joel Abbott
Sep 20, 2022 ·
This is really gross but important stuff people.
Keep Watching
Here's the thread:
The only way to understand how deep the rot goes is to expose it and face it.
Thank God for men like Matt Walsh who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
Bill O Reilly
on broadcast last night
was saying it appears the most of the BLM is going to trans groups
he speculates it is because of the gays in BLM
Ovitz was right when over 20 yrs ago he claimed there is a "gay mafia"
All this gender stuff is due to their mafia like political clout
Texas Father Fears Custody Ruling Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son
Jeff Younger wants to block any attempt to move his son to California
By Darlene McCormick Sanchez September 24, 2022
A Texas father embroiled in a high-profile custody battle fears a court ruling this week could allow his ex-wife to move to California and medically transition his 10-year-old son to a girl.
Jeff Younger, who lives in the Dallas area, told The Epoch Times on Sept. 23 that he will fight the Sept. 21 ruling by Dallas District Judge Mary Brown, and vows he’ll continue to fight for his son, James.
The parents have been engaged in a custody battle over James for most of his life. The mother, Anne Georgulas, started questioning James’s gender when he was a toddler. She argues that from a young age James chose to identify as a female, wanted to wear dresses, and eventually wanted to be known as Luna.
She eventually socially transitioned the boy, and presented him at school as a girl. The school supported that after the couple separated.
Younger accused his ex-spouse of leading their young child to socially transition before he could understand the concept or its implications. He said James rejected being female and did not wear dresses when visiting his home after the parents separated in 2015.
“I had a dress at my house, but he threw it in the trash can in the middle of the night when he thought I wasn’t looking,” Younger said.
Younger is concerned that his ex-wife now will transition James medically. He says documents he obtained during court proceedings show she took James to a therapist who recommended the family “explore” gender transitioning at the Dallas-based Genecis medical clinic.
Younger intends to file an emergency stay in response to the Sept. 21 court order. He’ll ask that a previous jury verdict, allowing 50-50 custody and no child support, be reaffirmed.
Brown, a liberal Democrat sitting on the bench for Texas 301st District Court, ruled that Younger’s ex-wife could move James and his twin brother, Jude, anywhere in the continental United States. The judge said her ruling was for the “safety and welfare” of the twins.
The order also said Younger would have to schedule supervised parental visits in the county and state where the children reside.
In her ruling, the judge “ordered” the mother not to reveal their future whereabouts to the boys’ father. And the judge allowed her to apply for new passports.
Georgulas, a Dallas-area pediatrician, indicated earlier this month that she intends to move to California, Younger said.
The move is consequential because lawmakers there have passed a bill that, according to a California Senate Rules Committee explanation, would enact “various safeguards against the enforcement of other states’ laws” that would “penalize individuals from obtaining gender-affirming care that is legal in California.” The bill was delivered to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 9 and, if not vetoed, will become law.
The legislation would prohibit medical providers from releasing information in response to lawsuits originating in other states that oppose “gender-affirming” care for children. It also would bar California state and local police from arresting or extraditing someone for violating other states’ laws regarding treatment.
“As soon as she’s there for a year, my sons will become citizens of California,” Younger said. “And then it becomes legal for them to castrate James. So they’ll chemically castrate him.”
In 2021, Brown stripped Younger of most parental rights, giving full custody in a temporary order to Georgulas, after Younger was late making child support payments, medical support, and interest, as ordered. Then, he only paid his past-due support after the motion for enforcement was filed, according to the judge’s ruling.
Younger believes the new California law will allow his ex-wife to get around a previous Texas court order preventing either parent from treating the child with hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, or transgender reassignment surgery without both parents’ consent or a court order.
In the Sept. 21 ruling, Brown said Younger ignored her instructions to attend therapy sessions. and failed to see his children in the past 13 months.
Younger said that he was not allowed to see his children individually, and had to see them together. The judge ordered him to pay hundreds of dollars for each supervised visit. The judge also ordered him not to change James out of a dress when he visited, which Younger refused to do.
“I’ve told the judge I’ll just go to jail over that,” Younger said. “I’m not harming my son.”
The court also issued a gag order against Younger, forbidding him to talk to the media. He defied it.
Younger believes the supervised visits ordered by the judge were “a setup,” so the observer could make adverse reports about his refusal to call the boy Luna.
“We have reached a point of absolute despotism in the Texas courts,” said Younger, who in the spring ran unsuccessfully for the office of state representative on the issue of making gender transition illegal for minors.
“This is directly the fault of the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature,” he said, noting that attempts to pass such legislation in 2021 failed.
When reached by The Epoch Times, Georgulas declined to comment on the ruling or her plans to movea
The father’s duty is clear.
Texas Father Fears Custody Ruling Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son
Jeff Younger wants to block any attempt to move his son to California
By Darlene McCormick Sanchez September 24, 2022
A Texas father embroiled in a high-profile custody battle fears a court ruling this week could allow his ex-wife to move to California and medically transition his 10-year-old son to a girl.
Jeff Younger, who lives in the Dallas area, told The Epoch Times on Sept. 23 that he will fight the Sept. 21 ruling by Dallas District Judge Mary Brown, and vows he’ll continue to fight for his son, James.
The parents have been engaged in a custody battle over James for most of his life. The mother, Anne Georgulas, started questioning James’s gender when he was a toddler. She argues that from a young age James chose to identify as a female, wanted to wear dresses, and eventually wanted to be known as Luna.
She eventually socially transitioned the boy, and presented him at school as a girl. The school supported that after the couple separated.
Younger accused his ex-spouse of leading their young child to socially transition before he could understand the concept or its implications. He said James rejected being female and did not wear dresses when visiting his home after the parents separated in 2015.
“I had a dress at my house, but he threw it in the trash can in the middle of the night when he thought I wasn’t looking,” Younger said.
Younger is concerned that his ex-wife now will transition James medically. He says documents he obtained during court proceedings show she took James to a therapist who recommended the family “explore” gender transitioning at the Dallas-based Genecis medical clinic.
Younger intends to file an emergency stay in response to the Sept. 21 court order. He’ll ask that a previous jury verdict, allowing 50-50 custody and no child support, be reaffirmed.
Brown, a liberal Democrat sitting on the bench for Texas 301st District Court, ruled that Younger’s ex-wife could move James and his twin brother, Jude, anywhere in the continental United States. The judge said her ruling was for the “safety and welfare” of the twins.
The order also said Younger would have to schedule supervised parental visits in the county and state where the children reside.
In her ruling, the judge “ordered” the mother not to reveal their future whereabouts to the boys’ father. And the judge allowed her to apply for new passports.
Georgulas, a Dallas-area pediatrician, indicated earlier this month that she intends to move to California, Younger said.
The move is consequential because lawmakers there have passed a bill that, according to a California Senate Rules Committee explanation, would enact “various safeguards against the enforcement of other states’ laws” that would “penalize individuals from obtaining gender-affirming care that is legal in California.” The bill was delivered to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 9 and, if not vetoed, will become law.
The legislation would prohibit medical providers from releasing information in response to lawsuits originating in other states that oppose “gender-affirming” care for children. It also would bar California state and local police from arresting or extraditing someone for violating other states’ laws regarding treatment.
“As soon as she’s there for a year, my sons will become citizens of California,” Younger said. “And then it becomes legal for them to castrate James. So they’ll chemically castrate him.”
In 2021, Brown stripped Younger of most parental rights, giving full custody in a temporary order to Georgulas, after Younger was late making child support payments, medical support, and interest, as ordered. Then, he only paid his past-due support after the motion for enforcement was filed, according to the judge’s ruling.
Younger believes the new California law will allow his ex-wife to get around a previous Texas court order preventing either parent from treating the child with hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, or transgender reassignment surgery without both parents’ consent or a court order.
In the Sept. 21 ruling, Brown said Younger ignored her instructions to attend therapy sessions. and failed to see his children in the past 13 months.
Younger said that he was not allowed to see his children individually, and had to see them together. The judge ordered him to pay hundreds of dollars for each supervised visit. The judge also ordered him not to change James out of a dress when he visited, which Younger refused to do.
“I’ve told the judge I’ll just go to jail over that,” Younger said. “I’m not harming my son.”
The court also issued a gag order against Younger, forbidding him to talk to the media. He defied it.
Younger believes the supervised visits ordered by the judge were “a setup,” so the observer could make adverse reports about his refusal to call the boy Luna.
“We have reached a point of absolute despotism in the Texas courts,” said Younger, who in the spring ran unsuccessfully for the office of state representative on the issue of making gender transition illegal for minors.
“This is directly the fault of the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature,” he said, noting that attempts to pass such legislation in 2021 failed.
When reached by The Epoch Times, Georgulas declined to comment on the ruling or her plans to movea
Mentally unstable? That's who we want in the military!
In the Midterms’ Culture War over Transgenderism, Republicans Have the Upper Hand
October 2, 2022 6:30 AM
Resisting gender ideology is the right thing to do, but it also happens to be a winning issue.
When Mehmet Oz seemed sympathetic to the idea of “transgender children” during a 2010 episode of his show, Dr. Oz, few would have guessed that, over a decade later — in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania — this would be used as a line of attack against him. Oz has responded to such criticism by publicly stating his opposition to medicalized child transition and allowing males into females’ sports. What else could he do? The transgender question is no longer a fringe issue but a measure of electability.
Look at the Senate race in Georgia for another example of how the issue is playing a major role in midterm campaigns. Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock is only slightly ahead of his Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, and among swing voters, culture-war issues may yet prove decisive. Both candidates are black men who identify as Christians. Warnock is progressive whereas Walker has positioned himself against wokeness, accusing ideologues of “poisoning our kids’ minds” by “going into schools and telling little white kids they’re oppressors and little black kids they’re victims.” Walker has also taken aim at Warnock’s views on transgenderism.
At a rally in Canton, Ga., on Tuesday, Walker hosted Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swimmer who was forced to compete against University of Pennsylvania’s male swimmer, Lia (formerly Will) Thomas. “Not only were we being forced to compete against men and change in a locker room with men, but we were also being sidelined to men,” Gaines told the crowd. “That’s why I’m thrilled to stand alongside Herschel Walker.” Walker, a former football star, said: “We don’t have to put up with this and the way we change it is by November — you got to vote and tell ten of your friends they have to vote and vote for Herschel Walker.” Meanwhile, Warnock is a co-sponsor of the so-called Equality Act, a federal bill that, among other evils, would eradicate women-only sports and spaces.
Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Republican lawmakers have been recast as aggressors in the culture war. But conservative bills that defend female sports and protect minors from medicalized gender experimentation are easier to sell as defensive measures. Regarding abortion, the prevailing political wisdom is that Republicans should make incremental changes and not get too far ahead of public opinion. But on transgenderism — which concerns preserving the status quo rather than changing it — a more uncompromising approach is called for and, indeed, supported by the American public.
For evidence that the wedge issue has potential, look no further than the latest data from the Pew Research Center. First, sports: Roughly six-in-ten (58 percent) adults favor requiring athletes to compete on teams that match their biological sex, while only 17 percent oppose this idea. Second, on medicalized gender transition for minors: 46 percent favor outlawing the practice compared to 31 percent who oppose doing so. Third, on keeping gender-identity ideology out of elementary schools: 41 percent are in favor, while 38 percent are opposed.
Clearly, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has taken the public temperature. He signed a bill protecting women’s sports. He removed his state attorney from office for vowing not to enforce the state’s ban on medicalized gender transition for minors. He also signed the Parental Rights in Education bill into law — legislation that prevents gender ideology from being taught to children in kindergarten through third grade, and prohibits schools from socially transitioning kids behind their parents’ backs. All this was attacked by Democratic politicians and the liberal media, who applied the misnomer “Don’t Say Gay” to the bill. Inconveniently for them, however, the legislation enjoyed the support of over 60 percent of U.S. voters.
The Real Gender Experiment
Similarly, in purple Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin rescinded his Democratic predecessor’s transgender school policy. And in Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp signed the Protect Students First Act which set in motion the Georgia High School Association’s rule that athletes who compete against each other must be of the same biological sex.
Unfortunately, some Republicans have taken a different approach. In 2021, Republican governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, vetoed the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which protects minors from medicalized gender transition. (The Arkansas General Assembly Overrode his veto.) Writing in the Washington Post, Hutchinson described the law preventing children from being subjected to experimental, irreversible, and ideologically motivated drugs and surgeries as “vast government overreach” and a “product of the cultural war in America.” Perhaps that will suffice for readers of the Post. But other audiences, such as that of Tucker Carlson Tonight, to whom Hutchinson gave a flustered defense, may take a different view.
Underestimating the significance of transgender politics can be a costly mistake: a lesson Kristi Noem, the Republican governor of South Dakota, learned the hard way. Noem saw her hard-earned reputation as a GOP rising star crash into that of a conservative sell-out after she issued a style-and-form veto to a bill banning males from females’ sports. In an attempt at damage control, she introduced legislation protecting women’s sports and has emphasized her commitment to the issue in campaign advertisements.
Even Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner, running for Republican governor in California, recognizes that there ought to be no compromises when it comes to disallowing males in females’ sports.
And even Democrats in need of swing voters have found themselves implicated in the culture war over transgenderism. The Republican Governors Association aired an ad featuring Riley Gaines, the NCAA swimmer who appeared alongside Herschel in Georgia, saying that “If Laura Kelly can’t protect women, she shouldn’t be governor of Kansas.” The incumbent governor responded in an ad of her own, saying: “Of course men should not play girls’ sports. OK, we all agree there.” Perhaps she hopes that none of those swing voters will notice that she has twice vetoed bills protecting women’s sports, or that her campaign website has a petition decrying such bills as “hateful” and “discriminatory.”
Of course, even if transgenderism weren’t a winning issue, resisting it would still be the right thing to do. Given that it is one, however, Republicans are smart to emphasize their commitment to sex-based policies ahead of the midterms.
Boomer appeasement
Conservatives should be defunding hospitals that perform gender-affirming surgery on minors
By Everett Piper
In September 1938, Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich Conference, declaring “Peace for our time.” Appeasement was the official name given to the British prime minister’s response to German aggression.
Chamberlain was widely touted for his efforts as a strategic genius who had stemmed the tide of der Führer’s expansionist aims. His political checkmate of Hitler was greeted with jubilation by most of the British Parliament and the media intelligentsia.
Winston Churchill stood nearly alone in opposition. In his now famous speech from the House of Commons, he declared Mr. Chamberlain’s leadership to be naive at best and a diplomatic disaster in the extreme. “I will, therefore, begin,” he bellowed, “by saying the most unpopular and most unwelcome thing; [Something] everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat.”
In less than a year, the Nazis invaded Poland, World War II began, and Chamberlain went down in history more as a fool than a statesman worthy of respect.
This past Thursday, the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate did their absolute best to ignore these lessons of history. It’s as if our GOP leaders have never heard of Churchill’s wisdom or Chamberlain’s mistakes. Despite having a Republican supermajority in both chambers of legislative government, our elected brain trust in the “reddest of red states” just voted to appease rather than stop the cultural Übermensch and their march to groom and butcher Oklahoma’s children.
When confronted with the fact that the University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital explicitly says on its website that it promotes “gender-affirming treatment that can include pausing puberty; managing gender-affirming hormone therapy; helping find surgeons who perform gender-affirming surgeries, and assisting with legal name or gender marker changes,” Oklahoma’s lawmakers decided that the best thing to do was to give an additional $39.4 million to the hospital in question.
How did our Sooner State’s “public servants” justify this? Well,
they scolded the University of Oklahoma’s Hospital Authority, gave them a “timeout,” and told them they were very, very bad. They then demanded that the hospital never ever do these terrible things again. The administration and doctors of OU’s Reichstag hung their heads in shame, promised to behave, and then accepted their “punishment” of adding nearly $40 million to their war chest.
At this point in the story, you might rightly ask: Now that they are $40 million to the good, what is to stop the Children’s Hospital from continuing their child abuse by simply referring their victims to other clinics and hospitals across the state? The answer is, nothing. In other words, they can and will continue to aid and abet every nefarious service they mention on their website and enjoy an additional $40 million for doing so.
And what makes this façade all the more galling is that this all took place while Oklahoma’s Senate president pro tem, Greg Treat, and speaker of the House, Charles McCall, refused to hear two bills (House Bill 3240 and Senate Bill 676) that would have solved all this nonsense and sleight of hand. Both of these bills would have made it “unlawful in the State of Oklahoma for any health care professional to intentionally perform gender reassignment medical treatment on a person under the age of twenty-one,” and both of these bills were quashed by Treat and McCall, respectively. All debate was declared verboten.
A Churchillian conservative would demand the passage of these laws as a predicate to any further funding of the hospitals defying the ideals these Republican leaders purportedly hold. Anything short of such legislation is little more than naive (or disingenuous) appeasement. It does nothing but guarantee a future attack and begs for death by a thousand cuts.
Until it is illegal in Oklahoma to perform any gender-altering therapy or surgery on minors, no money should be given to these schools and hospitals. The “most unpopular and most unwelcome thing; [Something] everybody would like to ignore” is this: Until such a law exists, all funds allocated are little more than political appeasement that will lead to “total and unmitigated defeat.”
Or, as one of my Facebook friends says, “This is a snow job to give them cover when they get home. This was poison money. And our Republican leaders knowingly drank it. Conservatives should be defunding the mutilation of body, mind, and soul that they are foisting on our kids. The reddest state in the union - my arse.”
HT to our GM:
Safe and effective!
Just like the ClotShot!
Philadelphia Gender Clinic Hosts Trainings In Pennsylvania Schools
Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 2.36.51 PM
October 04, 2022
3:52 PM ET
A Philadelphia gender clinic is hosting training seminars in at least 15 schools across Pennsylvania and appears to tell educators to hide a student’s gender identity from their parents, according to the clinic’s website and YouTube channel.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) hosted training programs for teachers and administrators in Pennsylvania school districts with the help of its Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic, according to CHOP’s website. The hospital system boasted completing “33 trainings in 15 schools; reaching more than 1,500 educators” beginning in 2017, per the hospital’s website.
Training sessions reportedly established “trans-inclusive policies” and “accountability plans that will reward students and teachers who put a stop to harassment.”
CHOP conducted training at Bucks County School District in 2021, according to emails obtained by the concerned parent group “Parents Defending Education.” CHOP’s Family Support and Education Specialist said she was “begging Bucks County SD’s to host trainings” and was finally successful in her attempts.
In the same email thread, a Bucks County public school employee and a CHOP employee verified that the training was too sensitive to be recorded.
A training video posted to CHOP’s YouTube page in 2020 informs educators that they must keep gender identity secret from parents. Educators are told that when they learn about someone’s gender identity they “have to keep that private.”
“If we disclose this information without someone’s involvement, without them giving us permission, we are setting them up for a negative, potentially harmful, unsafe experience,” the training video says. “So when we get this information we keep it private from other students, from other staff members and from parents.”
Erika Sanzi, the director of outreach for Parents Defending Education, told the Daily Caller that the alliance between schools and gender clinics poses a “massive conflict of interest.” (RELATED: University Of Virginia Youth Gender Clinic Offers Puberty Blockers, Chemical Castration, And Referrals For Minors To Undergo Breast Removal)
“The medical professionals dedicated to ‘gender affirming care’ at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have an incentive to push gender ideology in schools — it is a major red flag that they have been tasked to train teachers and even more disturbing that their training explicitly calls on school staff to withhold information from parents,” Sanzi said.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Bucks County School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.
Well, if they know they are trans, then they are human lives, yes?
Sorry for the formatting, just want this here for if/when it gets deleted:
EXCLUSIVE: Fury as Harvard children's hospital claims babies know in the WOMB if they're transgender
The hospital was caught in a scandal over the age for gender transition surgeries
Critics characterize this acceptance of gender ideology a 'social contagion'
The hospital denies that minors were allowed to undergo irreversible surgeries
PUBLISHED: 12:23 EDT, 7 October 2022 | UPDATED: 13:38 EDT, 7 October 2022
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A Harvard-affiliated children's hospital has sparked outrage after claiming some babies know they are transgender 'from the womb'.
In a now-deleted video, the Boston Children's Hospital suggested an even larger number of minors know 'as soon as they can talk'.
Critics told the claim was was not based on science and suggested medics at the clinic are unwilling to question children who are often vulnerable.
The hospital, part of the Harvard University medical system, also faces claims it rushed under-18s into life-altering sex change surgery.
In the clip posted to the Boston hospital's official YouTube page in August, psychologist Dr Kerry McGregor explains the type of patients she sees.
She says: 'So most of the patients we have in the clinic actually know their gender, usually around the age of puberty.
'But a good portion of children do know as early as - seemingly - from the womb.
'And they will usually express their gender identity as very young children, some as soon as they can talk... kids know very, very early.'
It comes as several states begin to clamp down on puberty blockers being prescribed to children. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has previously likened it to 'child abuse'.
The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three usually up to the age of nine. New patients come to the clinic and meet with psychologists to discuss their issues with the sex they were born into
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The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three usually up to the age of nine. New patients come to the clinic and meet with psychologists to discuss their issues with the sex they were born into
This map shows the proportion of children aged between 13 and 17 years old that identified as transgender by state. The darker colors indicate a higher proportion of youngsters. In New York and New Mexico, it is as high as three per cent
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This map shows the proportion of children aged between 13 and 17 years old that identified as transgender by state. The darker colors indicate a higher proportion of youngsters. In New York and New Mexico, it is as high as three per cent
Fears over 'biggest medical cyber-attack in history': IT...
Now Oklahoma 'bans' puberty blockers for trans children:...
Your medicine works better if you BELIEVE it will, study...
Eating just one serving of salmon a WEEK in middle-age...
Dr Jay Richards, from the right-wing Heritage Foundation, told the 'The claim that children “know their gender identity … seemingly from the womb” is a claim with no basis in science or data.
'It’s simply a concept imposed on the actions of kids by gender ideologues.'
Dr Richards said it was another sign of a 'social contagion' that is increasingly creeping into medicine.
'I think even 25 years ago, this would have been unthinkable,' he told
The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three. New patients are given counseling before exploring pharmaceutical options.
The clinic also offers that child 'space and support' to explore their gender.
Stella O'Malley, a psychotherapist who specializes in gender issues, told 'When distressed and vulnerable young people are offered an option to be somebody different, it's very, very alluring and gender ideology does offer that.'
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This map shows the proportion of the population identifying as transgender by state. Those with the darkest color have almost one per cent of their population in this category
Shown above are the states with a ban on puberty blockers (red), a partial ban (dark orange), a suspended ban due to legal proceedings (orange) and a ban on surgery only (yellow).
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Shown above are the states with a ban on puberty blockers (red), a partial ban (dark orange), a suspended ban due to legal proceedings (orange) and a ban on surgery only (yellow).
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The above map shows the population of transgender adults and children across America in 2020, according to the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Its estimate for children aged 13 to 17 has doubled since 2017. It shows the highest population is in southern states, followed by those along the east coast
How gender dysphoria rates among children have DOUBLED since 2017 - with 300,000 teens now identifying as trans
The number of children with gender dysphoria has exploded in recent years, giving rise to the use of powerful puberty-blocking drugs.
About 300,000 children aged between 13 and 17 (1.4 per cent) in the US identify as transgender, according to most recent estimates from 2020.
That is double the number estimated to be transgender in 2017 in a previous report by the same researchers, though they used different estimates.
Connecticut and New York saw the numbers of children identifying as transgender in their states nearly quadruple over the last three years alone. The population only fell in West Virginia, Tennessee and New Jersey.
Children aged 13 to 17 are over four times more likely to identify as transgender (1.4 per cent) than adults over 65 (0.3 per cent).
Some say the rise is born out of increased awareness of gender dysphoria — that is, emotional distress due to a disconnect between gender identity and biological sex — and a rise in acceptance in society.
However, many believe that the impressionable minds of children are easily swayed by ‘trends’ and ‘phases’ among peers and that children are not ready to make irreversible decisions about their gender.
While no official, national estimates exist, many more children receiving gender-affirming care at an increasingly younger age. Treatment often involves powerful and life-altering drugs that block puberty and the release of key developmental hormones.
So far, four states — Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, and Arizona — have brought in bans to restrict access to gender-affirming care including hormonal treatment and surgery. Oklahoma signaled its intent to follow suit Tuesday after threatening to cut a hospital's funding if it prescribes puberty blockers or hormone therapy.
'Based on a series of events that I think, mostly due to social contagion plus the kind of ideological commitment, many now consider these the proper standard of care for kids with gender dysphoria and Boston Children's Hospital is just one of the first ones to do it,' Dr Richards said.
He added: 'Some kids conform more or less closely to gender stereotypes.
'This tells us nothing about their 'gender identity,' a concept that no child has on his or her own, that no one had until recently, and that doesn’t even have a stable definition.'
Boston Children's Hospital is also embroiled in scandal over accusations that it permitted minors to to undergo irreversible gender transition surgery.
In now-deleted guidance, the hospital had written that in order to be eligible for vaginoplasty, or the surgical construction of female reproductive genitalia on a boy the patient had to be 'between 17 and 35 years of age at the time of surgery.'
Hospital staff, meanwhile, have said that hasn't happened because no 17-year-old has met the required legal and other criteria.
The hospital has also come under fire for offering young adults hysterectomies and permitting people as young as 15 to under go 'top surgery', an operation that changes the look of a trans person's chest.
Within about a week following public uproar in the realm of right-wing social media accounts, the hospital scrubbed that information from its page on gender affirming care, altering it to say, 'To qualify for gender affirmation at Boston Children's Hospital, you must be at least 18 years old for phalloplasty or metoidioplasty and for vaginoplasty.'
Boston Children's meanwhile, refuted the allegations as transphobic misinformation.
'Age 18 is used to reflect the standard age of majority for medical decision-making,' the hospital stated. 'Boston Children's does not — and will not — perform a hysterectomy as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18.'
Dr Richards said that contagion had resulted in a historic rate of young people coming out as trans or non-binary, an umbrella term that people use to describe genders that don't fall into one of these two categories, male or female.
An expansive report from the UCLA Williams Institute, relying on government health surveys spanning from 2017 to 2020, estimated that 1.4 per cent of 13- to 17-year-olds and 1.3 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds are now transgender, compared with about 0.5 per cent of all adults.
In the UK, meanwhile, referrals for girls to be treated for gender dysphoria, or the distress that arises from a perceived mismatch between the gender someone identifies with vs the gender they were born into, have shot up more than 4,000 per cent over the past decade.
The exponential growth in rates of young people coming out as nonbinary is not surprising to social scientists who have documented incidents of 'social contagion' in the past.
Dr O'Malley told 'It's very well known that there's a lot of social contagion, for example, with suicide and with eating disorders and self harm.'
'It's particularly common among adolescent girls because they have a tendency to co-ruminate together, to over identify with each other to kind of endlessly talk about their problems in a very sympathetic way to each other, but it can lead a kind of over- identification with each other's problems,' she added.
In the wake of scandals at Boston Children's, the hospital has been subject to a harassment campaign and have been inundated with bomb scares and threats.
Other children's hospitals where gender-affirming care is offered, such as the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, the Vanderbilt Medical Center's Clinic for Transgender Health, and Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago have been forced to severely curtail services or shift all appointments to telehealth platforms in response to the hostility.
Well, if they know they are trans, then they are human lives, yes?
Looking for intellectual consistency?
Good luck.
Which is why I/we must make the point!
a BJ Clinton judge
and of course Harvard JD
you mean to tell me lawyers billed this inmate 2.5 million
to try this case
sounds like he had some well funded leftist lawyers already paid by deep pockets if you ask me.
yes I see your point
but also the outbreak is rapidly declining as well
I did some searching to see when where and if CDC will bother to mention is nearly all predominantly a gay or bi infection
and this is the best I could find. An obviously toned down (lest we offend anyone :wink:)
quick one sentence mention of it:
***** While anyone can catch monkeypox if they have close contact with someone who has monkeypox, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, many of those affected in the current global outbreaks are gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men.****
I could pick up a medical journal and be shown articles that indirectly tell me I am racist
and I have no right to own a firearm , that I must call someone they/them or by any pronoun they feel like using on any particular day
and yet the gays are not to be offended by simply speaking the medical truth
Science , data , all important !!!!!
unless it offends the wokesters.
Is it not a scientific fact SUPPORTED BY DATA ( the new 10 commandments ) that men who have sex with men account for 98+ % of monkey pox
or those women (or possibly kids ) who have sex with same are accounting for the entire outbreak
Why cannot this NOT be said for Goodness sakes?
Michigan Is Hiding A Children’s Constitutional Right To Genital Amputation In Its Abortion Amendment
OCTOBER 12, 2022
Prop 3 isn’t about codifying Roe. It’s about sacrificing the children of Michigan — both born and unborn.
In less than one month, if Proposal 3 passes, children will have a right under the Michigan constitution to walk into one of Planned Parenthood’s 12 so-called “gender affirming” facilities in the state and, without parental knowledge or consent, obtain puberty blockers. And with Planned Parenthood of Michigan promising “gender affirming” care “via telehealth in the coming months,” Michiganders’ kids won’t even need to leave their house to obtain these sterilizing drugs.
Passage of Prop 3 will also give boys a constitutional right to be castrated and girls the right under Michigan’s constitution to be sterilized by way of a hysterectomy or the removal of their ovaries — all without their parents’ consent.
Deceptive marketing by Planned Parenthood and far-left politicians, such as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, hides this reality from Michigan voters, leading Prop 3 to be uniformly referred to as “the abortion amendment” even though the expansive language of the proposed constitutional amendment reaches far beyond abortion. And on abortion alone, notwithstanding proponents’ claims that “passing this amendment simply restores the same protections that Michiganders had for five decades under Roe v. Wade,” Prop 3 goes far beyond the controlling Roe-Casey precedent: If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers.
The expansive and legalistically worded language of Prop 3, crafted by Planned Parenthood and left-wing backers, however, extends beyond abortion to create a constitutional right to several aspects of what transgender activists call “gender-affirming care,” despite it being neither affirming nor caring. And Prop 3 extends that right to all individuals, including children.
This is not merely a political point, and it is not a worst-case-scenario argument based on how some liberal activist judge or justice might interpret Prop 3. This reality flows from the plain language of Prop 3 and rests on general legal principles of constitutional construction.
It’s Right in the Text
Here is the pertinent language Prop 3 would etch into the Michigan constitution as Article 1, Section 28, with the key language underscored:
“(1) Every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care. An individual’s right to reproductive freedom shall not be denied, burdened, nor infringed upon unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means. …
(2) The state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.
* * *
(4) For the purposes of this section:
A state interest is “compelling” only if it is for the limited purpose of protecting the health of an individual seeking care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine, and does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.
* * *
(5) This section shall be self-executing….
Prop 3 Applies to Men and Women AND Boys and Girls
By its express terms, Prop 3 applies to “every individual” and guarantees an “individual’s right.” The proposed constitutional amendment further provides that “the state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.”
As a matter of constitutional interpretation, then, the rights guaranteed by Prop 3 would be rights that both adults and children possess as “individuals,” and the rights apply equally to males and females.
This proposal represents a huge demarcation from controlling Michigan law, under which minors must have parental consent to obtain medical treatment or receive prescription medications, with the only current exception being the judicial bypass provisions governing minors seeking abortions. Specifically, Michigan law currently provides that to obtain an abortion, females under the age of 18 must have the written consent of one parent or legal guardian, but the law allows a girl to seek permission for an abortion from a judge, called a “judicial bypass.” A court must grant a judicial bypass if the judge finds either that “the minor is sufficiently mature and well-enough informed to make the decision regarding abortion independently of her parents or legal guardian,” or “the waiver would be in the best interests of the minor.”
In the context of abortion, Prop 3 guts Michigan’s requirements for either parental consent or a judicial bypass, first by declaring that the amendment applies to all “individuals” and second by expressly providing that “the state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.” Treating females under 18 differently than those 18 or over is a textbook example of discrimination.
Section 4 of the amendment further cements the reality that minors must be treated equivalent to adults for purposes of the rights Prop 3 would establish. That section of the proposed amendment expressly limits the justifications allowed for regulating abortion or the other rights Prop 3 would inscribe in the constitution.
Under Section 4, the state may only regulate abortion and the other rights covered by the proposed constitutional amendment if it is necessary to “protect[] the health of an individual seeking care,” and “does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.”
The rights of parents do not matter; Mom and Dad have no rights. And even the health of the girl does not matter because, under the plain language of the amendment, the state’s interest cannot “infringe” on the “individual’s autonomous decision-making.”
This legal analysis flows straight from the plain language of Prop 3, but case law from other states where a state constitutional right to abortion exists confirms this analysis. For example, in Alaska and Florida, courts have declared parental consent and parental notification statutes unconstitutional. And courts in California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have struck parental consent statutes.
Prop 3’s grant of such “autonomous decision-making” is not limited to abortion, however. Rather, the plain language of the proposed constitutional amendment provides that the right to “reproductive freedom,” “entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to … sterilization … or infertility care.”
Under Michigan law currently, minors cannot be chemically or surgically sterilized (or rendered infertile) without their parents’ consent, and even then most physicians would refuse to sterilize a minor — except in the case of transgender-identifying patients.
The modern medical community has embraced the transgender ideology that teaches that human beings can be born “in the wrong body,” and that the appropriate treatment for such individuals consists of making their bodies appear to conform to their “internal sense” of gender.
The first step in such wrongly named “gender-affirming” medical response consists of prescribing puberty blockers to children. Puberty blockers, at a minimum, render children temporarily infertile by preventing them from maturing sexually, and a longer-term use renders them sterile. The surgical procedures used under the guise of “gender confirmation” — castration, hysterectomy, and the removal of ovaries — likewise sterilize the patients.
In fact, it is this very destruction of children’s future fertility and the medical rendering of them sterile that has led to several states banning the use of puberty blockers and surgical “gender confirming” procedures on minors. For instance, in Iowa, the Legislature made these legislative findings to explain its proposed ban on puberty blockers and surgical procedures that sterilize children:
Puberty blockers prevent gonadal maturation and thus render children taking these drugs infertile. Introducing cross-sex hormones to children with immature gonads as a direct result of pubertal blockade is expected to cause irreversible sterility. Sterilization is also permanent for those who undergo surgery to remove reproductive organs[.] … For these reasons, the decision to pursue a course of hormonal and surgical interventions to address a discordance between an individual’s sex and sense of gender identity should not be presented to or determined for children who are incapable of comprehending the negative implications and life-course difficulties resulting from these interventions.
But in Michigan, if passed, Prop 3 guarantees children the right to “make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to … sterilization,” and without “discrimination,” giving boys and girls the right to obtain puberty blockers and surgical sterilization without parental notice or consent.
If passed, Section 4 of the proposed constitutional amendment will further guarantee that the Michigan Legislature cannot interfere in transgender minors’ decisions to obtain puberty blockers or surgical “gender reassignment” through castration, removal of ovaries, or a hysterectomy. That section, as excerpted above, provides that the state may only regulate such procedures for the limited purpose of “protecting the health of an individual seeking care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine,” and then, only so long as it “does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.”
But the “accepted clinical standards of practice” by the supposed “mainstream” medical organizations is, at a minimum, to provide puberty blockers to children, with a steady movement toward the cash cow that is surgical interventions for minors.
Planned Parenthood Targets Kids One Way or Another
Again, these conclusions flow directly from the plain language of the proposed constitutional amendment. But here the public would be wise to note two significant facts: Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan helped lead the ballot initiative to amend the Michigan constitution through the passage of Prop 3, deceptively described as the “Reproductive Freedom for All” amendment, and Planned Parenthood now represents “the second largest provider of ‘gender-affirming hormone therapy.’” In fact, less than two weeks ago, Planned Parenthood launched an ad marketing puberty blockers to minors.
What Planned Parenthood and its extremist political partners don’t want publicized, however, is that a “Yes” vote for Prop 3 will not merely make abortion-on-demand, for any reason, at any time, and without informed or parental consent the law of Michigan: It will guarantee that children have an unfettered “right” to “transition” by obtaining puberty blockers and surgical sterilization, parents be damned.
With less than one month to go before Michiganders cast their final ballots, little time remains to give proof to the left’s lie that Prop 3 is about codifying Roe. It is not. It is about sacrificing the children of the state — both born and unborn.
Margot Cleveland is The Federalist's senior legal correspondent. She is also a contributor to National Review Online, the Washington Examiner, Aleteia, and, and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Cleveland is a lawyer and a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, where she earned the Hoynes Prize—the law school’s highest honor. She later served for nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk for a federal appellate judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Cleveland is a former full-time university faculty member and now teaches as an adjunct from time to time. As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of a young son with cystic fibrosis, Cleveland frequently writes on cultural issues related to parenting and special-needs children. Cleveland is on Twitter at @ProfMJCleveland. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.
34 minutes. Have not watched this yet.
Future of Child Transgender Surgeries to Be Decided in Pivotal Trial
39 states take sides in challenge of Arkansas ban on transgender treatments of minors
By Janice Hisle October 10, 2022 Updated: October 17, 2022biggersmaller Print
Combatants on both sides of the war over gender-altering drugs and surgeries for minors are crying out, “We’ve got to help these distressed children!”
However, trying to chart a course toward that goal is like trying to see clearly through a dust storm.
Arguments over medical standards, morality, and money are swirling through statehouses and courthouses, schools and churches, hospitals and homes. Undisputed facts are in short supply, obscured by waves of emotion and evolving, politicized terminology.
At the same time, a rising tide of juveniles experiencing gender dysphoria, a persistent dissatisfaction with one’s gender, demands urgent attention.
Against that backdrop, officials in Arkansas—home of the nation’s first ban on gender-altering procedures for children under 18—will see if the law holds up in court.
The law’s constitutionality goes on trial in Little Rock starting Oct. 17, less than three weeks after a very different law became official, declaring California the first “sanctuary state,” where out-of-state minors can come for transgender-related medical treatments.
The California law will likely face a court challenge, too, as a conflicting patchwork of legislation on the issue blankets the nation.
For now, the spotlight is glaring on Arkansas’ Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, as forces line up to prop it up or defeat it.
As the case heads for trial, the SAFE Act counts 19 states, primarily Republican, in its corner, along with some two dozen other groups, transgender people, and doctors.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which sued to overturn the act, counts 20 predominantly Democratic states in its corner, plus dozens of families with transgender children and several dozen medical societies and activist groups that promote human rights and LGBT rights nationally and globally.
The law’s fate could greatly influence how America responds to a small but widening pool of families and children in turmoil over a child’s gender dysphoria.
No Middle Ground
The complex debate has split into two opposite groups, each with its own set of catchphrases.
One group favors making puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender-altering surgeries available to youths, saying such procedures constitute “medically necessary, life-saving, gender-affirming care.” Those phrases repeatedly appear in court filings opposing the Arkansas law.
In the other camp, supporters of the SAFE Act and similar legislation decry the “medicalization, manipulation, and mutilation” of vulnerable children, driven by groupthink and profit motives of a new, multibillion-dollar gender-transition industry.
The nation’s largest medical groups support the “gender-affirming” approach and have thrown their support behind the ACLU’s lawsuit, which says “a well-established medical consensus” guides treatment plans for gender dysphoria and doesn’t always advocate medical intervention.
Critics say the medical establishment has silenced dissenters’ concerns about altering children and teens’ developing bodies when the science is far from settled; long-term effects remain unknown. They question the wisdom of rushing the procedures, citing studies showing the vast majority of transgender-identifying youths later “desist” and revert to the gender that matches their biological sex.
State Rep. Robin Lundstrum, who introduced the SAFE Act, said, “There have been plenty of times in the past when medicine had said, ‘This is the right thing to do,’ but they’ve been wrong, and common sense and science have won out.”
By all indications, the number of children and teens identifying as an alternative gender is surging, perhaps because of social contagion, under the influence of peers and internet sites that glorify transitioning.
According to a Reuters report released this month, 42,000 U.S. children and teens were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021, a caseload that nearly tripled since 2017.
The Gender Mapping Project, which calls itself “an educational resource for anyone who has been affected by the gender industry,” says a handful of gender clinics for children existed in North America a decade ago.
The number now exceeds 400, as confirmed by a force of unpaid volunteers who work in secret to gather evidence on the clinics’ activities.
Advocates argue that the availability of “gender-affirming care” can tamp down suicides and attempted suicides, which occur at alarming rates among gender-dysphoric youths.
In Arkansas, a half-dozen transgender adolescents attempted suicide within a few weeks after the SAFE Act’s passage, the ALCU said in a court filing, implying that the impending ban may have pushed those teens over the edge.
Lundstrum’s reaction: “If you have children wanting to kill themselves, there are some serious underlying issues that need to be addressed.” Anyone who is suicidal needs to go to an emergency room and a counselor’s office, not to a plastic surgery suite or an endocrinologist’s office, Lundstrum said.
She cites a lack of solid, long-term studies showing that medical interventions help the suicide rate among transgender juveniles. And, she said, there’s convincing proof that sex-reassignment surgeries worsened the problem among adults. A respected, 30-year Swedish study showed sex-transitioned adults committed suicide at a rate 19 times greater than the control group.
The Republican lawmaker notes that the warring factions in this controversy have split along political party lines. She noted that few Democrats in Arkansas—or elsewhere in the U.S.—have spoken out.
When Lundstrum heard about a Democratic lawmaker willing to oppose transgender treatments for minors in Georgia, she contacted his office to offer moral support. But a staffer told her that the legislator faced immense blowback, so he bowed out.
Leaders need to set aside political agendas, Lundstrum said, and drill down to the core issue: What influences might be compelling children to feel they need to change their bodies dramatically?
“We should be locking arms across the political aisle and telling these kids they are incredible just the way they are,” she said. “If we don’t, I think that, in 10 years or less, as the science comes out, people are going to look back and say, ‘I can’t believe what we’ve done.’”
Unlikely Ally
After taking one glance at the SAFE Act and its sponsor, a Southern Baptist from a red state, some people assumed that Lundstrum surely must be misguided, anti-transgender, or “transphobic.”
But those labels, lobbed at Lundstrum and her legislation, are laughably inaccurate, says Scott Newgent, a biological woman who medically transitioned to appear male. Newgent calls Lundstrum a friend.
Now living in Texas, Newgent, 49, became medically masculinized at 42. Since then, Newgent has undergone eight surgeries, endured repeated complications, and amassed $1.2 million in medical bills. The costs will continue climbing for the rest of Newgent’s lifespan.
Doctors brushed off Newgent’s questions about the risks of transition procedures; many “gender-affirming” advocates do that, too, Newgent said, blinding gender-dysphoric children and their parents to the dangers of the proposed panacea.
Newgent says the transgender-rights movement is not motivated by “love and acceptance,” as society was led to believe. Instead, it’s about making money. “Every child that they say is ‘transgender’ equals $1.3 million” for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, Newgent said.
A parent of three children, Newgent vehemently opposes “medical transitions” for minors. Newgent’s transgender journey and impassioned pleas to shield children have drawn international attention.
Surprised Skeptic
Upon hearing about Lundstrum’s bill, Newgent agreed with its stated intent but was prepared to hate it.
Many people in Lundstrum’s primary political sphere are conservative, heterosexual, and presumably clueless about the thorny issues entangling medical gender transition, Newgent said. Without that understanding, it would be impossible for her to produce a well-crafted piece of legislation to restrict the procedures.
Newgent also was skeptical of Lundstrum’s motives. Had she latched onto the hot-button issue of the day to make political hay?
After investigating, Newgent was pleasantly surprised about the bill and its sponsor.
Newgent found the SAFE Act was worded accurately, backed by research, and potentially very effective. “I say, ‘Bravo.’ A few tweaks and this could be a nationwide HALT to medical transitioning children,” Newgent wrote in a May 2021 blog post.
Newgent commended Lundstrum for citing “the experimental nature” of using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children. The SAFE Act also lists “serious known risks” of these drugs’ legal but off-label use, including blood clots, osteoporosis, diseases of major organs, and irreversible infertility.
Newgent contacted Lundstrum to apologize for unfairly prejudging her.
Over the phone, the two struck up a friendship; they communicate often but have not yet met in person. Despite coming from starkly divergent backgrounds, Newgent and Lundstrum found common ground.
“Imagine me, Scott Newgent, a fully transitioned transman, saying the words of Robin Lundstrum: ‘Those kids are precious. Some of them may choose to be transgender when they’re older. That’s OK. …. But when they’re under 18, they need to grow up first. That’s a big decision; there’s no going back,’” Newgent wrote.
“In fact,” Newgent wrote, “I have said almost these exact words, many times now.”
In its lawsuit against the SAFE Act, the ACLU declares that a person’s gender identity, or sense of belonging to a particular gender, “is durable and cannot be altered through medical intervention.” If that’s so, how can people declare they are “gender-fluid” and frequently change their genders?
Newgent’s take: “Gender is not fluid. Masculinity and femininity are fluid.” But neither of those attributes replaces “a biological fact,” Newgent said: DNA imprints a person’s sex as male or female, and no amount of drugs or surgeries can change that.
“I will never be a man,” despite outward appearances, Newgent said.
A high percentage of the young people who declare, “I am trans,” are autistic, abused, mentally ill, or just oddballs who feel lost and isolated, Newgent said. Proponents of medical transition are selling them a fantasy: “They can be cured of this oddity,” Newgent said.
Lots of these people later come to important realizations, Newgent said. They see their deep mental and emotional scars remain after the procedures. Some recognize their confusion was over sexual orientation rather than gender identity. That helps explain why some gays and lesbians have sided with Lundstrum, a mother of two and grandmother of four whose political base is populated with Christian evangelicals, Newgent said.
Lundstrum said some people overemphasize her religion.
“People think I’m going to thump them over the head with a Bible,” she said, with a laugh. “I’m not that way.”
Newgent said Lundstrum has demonstrated that she doesn’t have to be in lockstep with her base.
“She does what is right and doesn’t back away from it.”
‘Like Seeing a Car Wreck and Not Calling 911’
Unbeknownst to Newgent and most others, Lundstrum’s educational background influenced her to propose the SAFE Act.
She holds a doctorate in health sciences and has always been keenly interested in children’s studies and human sexuality. She worked as a rape crisis counselor and educator for a hospital. She also taught at John Brown University in northwest Arkansas.
After leaving academics and becoming a state lawmaker in 2015, Lundstrum stayed abreast of her former field of study.
“Never in a million years did I think my political life and academia would merge like this—never,” Lundstrum said in an interview.
But in late 2020, Lundstrum and other Republican women gathered for “The Dream Big Caucus.” They brainstormed legislation that would have the most significant impact on Arkansans.
Lundstrum piped up, “You know, there’s a lot going on in human sexuality.”
She mentioned learning about minors’ “chemical and surgical transition” in other states, particularly along the east and west coasts.
She recalled saying: “What I’m seeing is really terrifying because these kids have no clue what’s going on … Is anybody else seeing this?” Yes, her fellow lawmakers responded, telling her that it was happening in their state, too.
“And I was like, ‘Whoa, whoa … not in Arkansas,’” Lundstrum, a near-lifelong resident, said. She found websites proving that Arkansas hospitals were promoting transition processes for minors.
Lundstrum dug around and was alarmed when she saw the procedures were becoming more common than most people knew. Then she saw post-surgery pictures of teens. “It is brutal. It’s cruel. It looks like something out of a Nazi camp. And I don’t think that’s an exaggeration,” she said. “No 13-year-old should ever have their breasts removed. And no 17-year-old boy should ever have his penis and scrotum removed.”
She felt compelled to act: “It’s kind of like seeing a car wreck and not calling 911. When you see a car wreck, you call 911.”
Act Passed Swiftly
A few months later, in February 2021, Lundstrum introduced the SAFE Act. Within weeks, it passed the House, 70-22, and the Senate, 28-7. One Democrat Senator broke rank; Republicans cast all the other votes.
In April 2021, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, at the urging of medical groups, vetoed the SAFE Act, calling it government overreach. He said parents and doctors should make treatment decisions for juveniles, not the government. The next day, both chambers of the Arkansas Statehouse voted to override the veto.
The bill proved timely. In May 2021, Sweden’s Karolinska Hospital ranked as the eighth-best in the world, made an announcement that sent shockwaves through the transgender treatment realm. The hospital said it would stop using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones as treatments for youths.
“This is a watershed moment,” the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine said. The Swedish decision reflected a dawning global awareness of “the low quality of evidence” in studies investigating benefits of the treatments for youths, the Society said. As a result, efforts to help gender-dysphoric children may move away from medical interventions and toward “ethical psychological treatments and support,” the Society said.
The Swedish announcement made some supporters of the SAFE Act do a virtual “I-told-you-so” dance. The Family Council, a Christian advocacy group that influenced Lundstrum’s bill, wrote that the Swedish hospital’s shift in policy “is just more evidence that Arkansas was right to pass the SAFE Act.”
Several states responded by proposing bills patterned after the SAFE Act; the ACLU responded with its lawsuit.
Unconstitutional Discrimination Alleged
In its initial federal court complaint, filed in May 2021, the ACLU said it was representing four Arkansas families with gender-dysphoric youths, plus a pair of doctors who treat that condition. The SAFE Act “threatens the health and well-being of transgender youth in Arkansas” and also is unconstitutional, the ACLU alleges.
“It discriminates on the basis of sex and transgender status,” the ACLU said, noting the law forbids certain treatments “only for transgender patients and only when the care is ‘related to gender transition.’”
The plaintiff families in the lawsuit have transgender children who were ages 9-16 when the suit was filed. The youngest, Brooke Dennis, was “designated as male on her birth certificate, but her gender identity is female,” the suit says.
Brooke “always knew who she was,” the suit says, describing affinity toward activities and clothing traditionally considered “feminine” since age 2. Brooke went to a school counselor due to stress over gender issues, including classmates’ debates over which sex-segregated restroom Brooke should use.
After adopting female pronouns and a new name, “Brooke has returned to being the happy, bright-eyed child she used to be.” Brooke was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in late 2020 and expressed anxiety over “going through a typical male puberty” and having a male body.
“She recently cried and told her mom that she didn’t want to get an Adam’s apple,” the suit says.
Given all of that, Brooke’s parents were intending to start “puberty-delaying treatment” at the first signs of puberty, the suit said. The family has contemplated moving out-of-state to get treatment for Brooke if the SAFE Act is enforced.
Lundstrum expresses compassion for such families. But she can’t help but wonder what the future might look like for these children, especially because she has heard so many stories of regret.
Chloe Cole, now 18, is one teen who has gone public with a cautionary tale. She was born female but hated girls’ clothing. Discussions on social media sites convinced her she was transgender. She revealed that belief at 12. At 13, she got puberty-blocking injections, followed by testosterone, and eventually a double mastectomy. She now calls her transition “brutal,” and embraces her femininity while regretting the damage to her body.
She has started a group called “Detrans United,” to support fellow “detransitioners.” Cole isn’t listed among the official supporters of the Arkansas law, but she has publicly stated she supports a proposed nationwide ban on medical transitions for youths.
Deep Pockets
In July 2021, before the Arkansas law took effect, U.S. District Court Judge James Moody Jr. granted the ACLU’s request to block Arkansas from enforcing the law, pending the lawsuit’s outcome.
A federal appeals court recently sided with Moody and kept the temporary injunction in place, cueing a preliminary victory lap for the ACLU.
In a statement applauding the decision, Chase Strangio, an ACLU lawyer on the case, said the ruling showed “the state’s ban on care does not advance any important government interest, and the state’s defense of the law is lacking in legal or evidentiary support.”
Some fuel for the ACLU’s fight comes from its Jon L. Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović LGBT & HIV Project.
In 2021, Stryker and Randjelović bestowed the ACLU with a $15 million endowment to fund that project, the ACLU said in another release.
“The gift is the largest LGBT rights-focused gift in the ACLU’s history,” the release said.
Stryker is the founder and president of the Arcus Foundation, the largest non-governmental organization devoted to the LGBT cause, according to Jennifer Bilek, a journalist who has spent years tracking how money is connected to transgender activism.
Bilek believes that billionaires are behind the scenes, pushing for global acceptance of “gender identity” and “transgender” ideologies. The goal, she said, is to create new markets for medical services and products. Bilek has called the transgender crusade “big business dressed up in civil rights clothes.”
‘Body Art’ Illegal
In response to the ACLU’s filings, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge pointed out that laws commonly forbid juveniles from making choices that are perfectly legal for adults.
Under Arkansas law, minors are barred from buying certain cold medicines. They can’t legally play bingo or the lottery. They can’t bet on horse races or dog races. And they also cannot have their nipples and genitals pierced or tattooed—not even with parental consent.
So that’s why it seemed logical to outlaw removing or altering those parts of a child’s body for gender-transition reasons, Lundstrum said. She sees the SAFE Act as a logical extension of the state’s child-protection measures.
“There is a huge list of all the things that we do to protect minors. ….You can’t drive until 16. And you can’t vote until 18,” she said. “But we will chemically castrate our children without thinking about counseling first, without finding out what the problem is, finding out why a child would want to disavow the sex that they were born with? It’s the irony and the sickness of that.”
Lundstrum says her legislation prompted great conversations with many transgender people. A few have told her that transitioning made them feel more comfortable about their identities, “but the pain, the long-term issues have cost them dearly,” she said.
One of the most poignant observations came from a male who medically transitioned to female and told Lundstrum, “So I’m living two lives at the same time, with all the health complications that come with living both genders.”
States that are listed in support of the Arkansas ban on transgender procedures for minors are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia. In addition, Ohio has proposed a similar law, but isn’t listed among the official supporters of the SAFE Act.
The states that have sided with the ACLU’s fight to overturn the Arkansas ban are: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. The District of Columbia also listed.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
I saw the clip of this on FOX. Apparently in girls' volleyball the net is a bit lower, and the girl-boy had serious air while spiking the ball full power.
I saw the clip of this on FOX. Apparently in girls' volleyball the net is a bit lower, and the girl-boy had serious air while spiking the ball full power.
"The height of the net shall be 2.43 m (7' 11 5/8") for men and 2.24 m (7' 4 1/8") for women. The net height is measured from the center of the playing court"
- It's as If they've known since the beginning of time until now that men and women are built differently.
I saw the clip of this on FOX. Apparently in girls' volleyball the net is a bit lower, and the girl-boy had serious air while spiking the ball full power.
"The height of the net shall be 2.43 m (7' 11 5/8") for men and 2.24 m (7' 4 1/8") for women. The net height is measured from the center of the playing court"
- It's as If they've known since the beginning of time until now that men and women are built differently.
Why do you want to kill trans children, Doug?
I'm trying to court the girls and women's sports vote over to the conservative side, taking extra pride in winning over the lesbians while letting the trans athlete activists remain Democrat.
Good strategy! Let us know how it goes!
".while letting the trans athlete activists remain Democrat."
except for the first women to win the mens decathlon in 1976 :wink:
:-D :-D :-D
for not wanting a girl with a penis (GWAP) in her locker room.
for not wanting a girl with a penis (GWAP) in her locker room.
Person with a penis, we used to have words for that, boy, man, he, him. What could be more definitional than a penis and gender?
Republican President Abraham Lincoln famously said:
"If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? The answer: four, because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
Who are the deniers of science here?
Even with penis removed, you have a man with a penis removed. Can you change your name and pronouns? Sure. Does that make you a woman? No. It makes you a man with penis removed.
If you go into a private, one person bathroom, you can make your own gender label. For shared bathroom designated by gender... don't others have some say.
The Left always said, how is (fill in the blank) hurting anyone else? You just did. 14 year old girl suspended.
If I have a 100 IQ but identify as a person with a 150 IQ, what is my IQ?
Now I suppose I get the Paypal fine for unwoke strings of words. And take down that Lincoln statue.
I l ike that Doug
was thinking this could be expanded
just because you call someone an election denier does not mean the election was not stolen.
just because you state Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation does not make him innocent.
just because you say democracy is at stake does not mean the person saying is not the threat to democracy
just because you claim to have adequate cognitive function does not mean you are not brain damaged and should not be holding public office
of course I could go on
Good. You would think genital mutilation of a minor, including by chemicals, without their consent since they are legally not capable of consent, would already be against the law.
Oy vey.
Had to look it up: TERF = trans-exclusionary radical feminist
I'm so old I can only name 2 of the 57 genders. I remember when woman meant girl who grew up.
I didn't know TERF either until I read the article.
‘Groomed And Preyed Upon’: Young Woman Was Pressured Into Mastectomy, Testosterone As A Child — Now She Regrets It
Daily Caller News Foundation logo
November 20, 2022
9:22 AM ET
Luka, a 20-year-old woman who began identifying as transgender in adolescence, now regrets taking cross-sex hormones and having a double mastectomy at 16; she says doctors pressured her into medically transitioning.
Her story is a microcosm of what’s happening across the U.S.: thousands of teen girls are undergoing irreversible biomedical interventions to resolve gender identity issues they would likely outgrow on their own, experts say, and doctors are encouraging the medicalization of these minors despite health risks the treatments present.
“My parents were told the same thing so many other parents in these situations are told, ‘Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?’ despite the fact that, no matter all my mental health struggles, I had never been suicidal,” Luka told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Luka was 15 when she was first encouraged by her therapist to come out as transgender while she was hospitalized for mental health issues. A surgeon removed her breasts when she was 16 in a “gender-affirming” double mastectomy, and she went on cross-sex hormones soon after, which permanently changed her face, body and voice.
At 20 years old, Luka now regrets listening to doctors and medical professionals, whom she says misled and manipulated her into undergoing irreversible medical procedures.
“There was no stopping to question if this was the right way to deal with the discomfort I was feeling around my body,” Luka told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
At no point did doctors inform Luka that there were ways to resolve her mental health problems besides transitioning, which she now believes would have been enough to prevent her from going through with the procedures, she told the DCNF. Her doctors appear to have adopted the “gender affirmation approach” promoted by transgender activists: they encourage gender transitions rather than helping patients come to terms with their biological sex.
“The only acceptable answer to any medical professional was to ‘affirm’ what I said instead of offering any alternative ways of dealing with the issues I was suffering from. Those constant affirmations really did push me down the path of further medicalization,” said Luka, whose last name has been withheld to protect her privacy.
Luka is one of a handful of “detransitioners” speaking out against what they see as a medical establishment run amok, committed more to transgender ideology than patient well-being; their fears are backed up by a growing body of experts who believe the medical community is pushing minors onto the gender medicalization path to alleviate normal adolescent woes they would likely outgrow. Luka is sharing her story now in the hope that girls who find themselves thrust into the transgender medical world will slow down and reconsider before socially or medically transitioning.
“According to all the studies ever carried out on gender-distressed children, 80% of these kids grow out of it,” said Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and founder of Genspect, an organization that is skeptical of the efficacy of the “gender affirmation” approach to gender dysphoria.
Numerous studies have shown similar figures.
“It’s very authoritarian of clinicians to pretend to know which child will persist in their trans identity and which will desist,” O’Malley said. “The rising numbers of detransitioners who transitioned when they were children shows that these clinicians are no less fallible than every other human.”
“We have no way of knowing what sort of adult the child will become and we shouldn’t allow clinicians with an inflated sense of their abilities to have this authority,” she told the DCNF.
The DCNF confirmed the details of Luka’s transition through a review of medical documents and photographs. The names of the clinics and medical professionals involved in her transition have been withheld at her request due to her fear of possible retaliation.
A therapist first encouraged Luka to come out as transgender while she was partially hospitalized for unrelated mental health issues at age 15, as a freshman in high school, she said; this meant she was sleeping at home but spending most days at the hospital. She had expressed general discomfort with her body and said she might be questioning her gender identity, and her therapist told her to come out as transgender to her parents, claiming it was the best way the get the help she needed, Luka told the DCNF.
Luka had only met with that therapist once or twice on a one-on-one basis prior to that meeting, she said. During that therapy session, Luka said she was overwhelmed, shaking with anxiety and nearly blacked out. Afterwards, her parents were told that she was at high risk for suicide if she didn’t transition — a common talking point among transgender activists, politicians and some health care professionals.
“I cannot stress enough how I was not in a good place mentally at that point in time,” she said. “I’d say that first visit to the partial hospital definitely solidified that identity of transgender in me and started that process of social (and later medical) transition, since up until that point I was questioning but hadn’t put any label on myself yet.”
“It was only rather recently after I really was able to take a large step back from having direct interactions with those medical professionals that I was able to process everything and really work through the actual causes of my dysphoria and general discomfort,” she told the DCNF. (RELATED: ‘Transient Phase’: England Moves To Restrict Transgender Procedures For Kids As Biden Doubles Down)
Soon after adopting a transgender identity, Luka moved from her all-girls school to a public school, where she began wearing chest binders and going by a new name. Transgender activists refer to this process as “social transition.”
While activists claim the practice is easily reversed, critics say that social transition further confuses children and cements transgender identification.
“Social transition has a critical effect on [transgender identification’s] persistence,” wrote Dr. Stephen B. Levine, a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, in his expert witness statement in a court case over transgender participation in school sports. “It is evident from the scientific literature that engaging in therapy that encourages social transition before or during puberty … is a psychotherapeutic intervention that dramatically changes outcomes.”
“Studies conducted before the widespread use of social transition for young children reported desistance rates in the range of 80-98%, [while] a more recent study reported that fewer than 20% of boys who engaged in a partial or complete social transition before puberty had desisted when surveyed at age 15 or older,” he wrote.
After Luka’s social transition came the more invasive, irreversible treatments.
A therapist she was seeing at her gender clinic recommended she visit a plastic surgery center, she said. Luka did, and underwent a double mastectomy at 16 years old, about a year and a half after “coming out” as transgender. No one at the clinic seemed to have any hesitations about Luka’s age, she said, and the purpose of her appointments prior to surgery were simply to get familiar with the clinic, not to determine if surgery was actually right for her.
“The doctors themselves seemed to have no hesitation about the surgery,” Luka said, noting that the surgery was delayed a few months due to concerns about her mental health and recovery timing. “The initial consultation at the gender identity clinic was around two hours just asking how I felt about things related to gender.”
Double mastectomies, often referred to by doctors and transgender activists as “top surgery,” are frequently recommended to underage girls with gender identity issues; numerous hospitals in the U.S. openly perform them on minors, and some surgeons advertise the procedure on youth-dominated social media platforms like TikTok.
Mastectomies can result in loss of nipple sensation, and some patients choose to have the nipples removed entirely, according to Miami-based plastic surgeon Sidhbh Gallagher, who promoted double mastectomies on TikTok.
There’s no comprehensive data on how many minors have received mastectomies in pursuit of gender transitions in the U.S., but Boston Children’s Hospital performed 65 top surgeries on minors from 2017 to 2020, according to data published by the Journal of Clinical Medicine. The average top surgery patient was 18, and the youngest was 15, according to the review.
At least 1,130 chest surgeries were performed on adolescents (98.6% of whom were female) in the U.S. from 2016 to 2019, according to one study conducted by researchers at Vanderbilt University, but this data only includes hospital settings; it doesn’t account for the patients who had surgeries at private practices or the likely higher number of minors who underwent the procedure from 2020 to 2022.
Doctors often recommend patients take testosterone, referred to as “hormone therapy,” before undergoing mastectomies to promote chest muscle growth, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, Luka said she wasn’t prescribed testosterone until after her surgery.
“After getting surgery at 16, getting on hormones later that fall went very quickly,” she said. “I met with my doctor at the gender clinic, had blood work done and got a prescription for testosterone.”
She continued to take testosterone until earlier this year, at the age of 20, when she realized it hadn’t resolved her underlying problems. It had, however, resulted in a long list of health issues, Luka told the DCNF: she stopped getting her period, her voice grew deeper, she began growing facial hair, her jaw became more square, her figure changed from hourglass to rectangular and she developed a deeper voice.
She also said she was unable to cry while taking testosterone, adding that it affected her thought processes in a way that she struggled to describe.
Gender transitions are an off-label use of testosterone that has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and the side effects still aren’t fully known, according to Kaiser Permanente. The drug can result in permanent infertility and carries the risks of high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, liver damage, weight gain and diabetes.
Medical professionals convinced Luka’s parents to allow her to have the procedures, she said, by telling them their daughter might commit suicide if she didn’t medically transition. She doesn’t blame her parents for what happened, and says they were just trusting a medical system that was supposed to help her.
“My mom was very concerned and opposed to the idea of me getting surgery, but was bullied by my dad and pressured by the doctors and therapists into being ok with it,” she said. “My parents were told the same thing so many other parents in these situations are told, ‘Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?’ despite the fact that, no matter all my mental health struggles, I had never been suicidal.”
Other detransitioners have come forward with similar stories; one young woman, Chloe Cole, is suing Kaiser Permanente for fraud after the hospital allegedly told her parents that her gender issues would never go away and that she was at high risk for suicide if she didn’t medically transition. After undergoing puberty blockers, hormones and a double mastectomy beginning at age 13, her gender dysphoria did go away; she is no longer transgender and, like Luka, she regrets the procedures.
“Chloe’s doctors coerced her into a life-altering and highly invasive medical treatment by concealing from her less invasive treatment options and by lying to her about her condition,” Harmeet Dhillon, one of Cole’s attorneys, told the DCNF. “This predatory and barbaric behavior from medical professionals needs to stop. ”
Dr. Joseph Burgo, a clinical psychologist, said some medical professionals ignore the various mental health issues young patients may have and instead focus solely on gender dysphoria, viewing their other problems as mere extensions of gender identity issues and the result of discrimination and mistreatment they may face.
“The current term used to describe this very real phenomenon is ‘diagnostic overshadowing,’ where a diagnosis of transgender identity takes precedence over all other mental health issues and becomes the sole focus of treatment,” Burgo told the DCNF. “Some practitioners hold that those other mental issues are caused by so-called ‘minority stress’ (non-acceptance of trans identities by society) and will actually be resolved through medical transition.”
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and the American Academy of Pediatrics support cross-sex medical procedures for minors, which are legal in most states and widely defended by Democratic politicians. However, a growing number of health care professionals are coming out against the procedures, citing health risks and a lack of evidence of their safety and efficacy.
More than 1,700 medical professionals and concerned parents recently signed a declaration condemning WPATH’s guidelines over concerns about ethics, child safeguarding and the group’s alleged mischaracterization of scientific data. WPATH had removed age minimums for many cross-sex procedures, invalidated the experiences of detrantitioners and ignored scientific skepticism of cross-sex procedures to adhere to ideological positions, the declaration argued.
By ceasing her transition and speaking out, Luka joins a growing cohort of young people who adopted transgender identities, underwent cross-sex medical procedures in adolescence and eventually regretted it. These so-called detransitioners are largely female, and they often attribute their gender identity issues to social contagion or to pressure from transgender activists on social media.
“I would definitely say social media played a role in keeping the process of everything going, as well as some issues with being groomed and preyed upon by people online,” she said. “That probably played a much bigger role than any social contagion aspect.”
Transgender activists claim transition regret is rare, but the systematic review they often cite only counted patients who had undergone surgeries and omitted patients who had only taken puberty blockers and/or hormones. Likewise, the study’s data stretched back to 1989, long before medical transitions became common and readily available. It will likely take years to get more complete data on how many young women who transitioned recently will come to regret their decision.
Luka no longer identifies as transgender, and she avoids interacting with the transgender community. When she began questioning components of gender ideology, including childhood medical transitions, she said members of the transgender community shunned and shamed her.
As for her future, she wants a normal life and is waiting to see how she can recover from her transition.
“I want to get through university, find a job and hopefully in the future find someone, get married and have a family, some of which is definitely dependent on finding out if the damage done from transitioning can be undone,” she said.
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"Young Woman Was Pressured Into Mastectomy, Testosterone As A Child — Now She Regrets It"
- What happened to do no harm? Doctor should have his license pulled, IMHO.
Wisconsin School Counselor Sues District after Firing over Objections to Child Gender Transition
November 29, 2022 10:10 AM
A former Wisconsin elementary school counselor who was fired after she spoke out against transgender ideology during a feminist rally last spring is suing the school district claiming district leaders violated her First Amendment and due-process rights.
Marissa Darlingh, a Milwaukee-area school counselor for eight years, was fired from her job at Allen-Field Elementary School on September 30, in part for allegedly showing “contempt towards transgender individuals, and an inability to support or abide by the district’s equity goals,” her termination letter stated. Lawyers for the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty say Darlingh had the right to speak out against a controversial ideology she believes is dangerous.
In mid-November, they filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against district officials and the school board for firing Darlingh for what they say is constitutionally protected speech.
National Review reported on Darlingh’s case in May, after she received a letter from the state education department informing her that she was being investigated for engaging in immoral conduct and that her educator license was in jeopardy. The state investigation is still pending.
The district claimed Darlingh was fired for violating polices against using threatening or abusive language, bullying, and engaging in activity that detracts from the district’s image or reputation.
“You not only harmed students and families, you negatively impacted the district’s image as a school district that values equity and is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment for all students,” Darlingh’s termination letter read.
But Luke Berg, a lawyer representing Darlingh, said his client has never violated any district policies or guidance regarding transgender students, and is being punished for expressing disfavored opinions. “They object to her speech. They object to her message,” Berg said. “And they apparently think it’s so wrong, what she said, that it’s a fire-able offense, and doesn’t warrant any sort of conversation, any sort of warning, any sort of discussion whatsoever.”
Darlingh’s firing stems from a short but fiery and unscripted speech she gave against what she described as “gender identity ideology” in schools, according to a YouTube video. She spoke during a feminist rally on a Saturday in late April in front of the state capitol in Madison.
Darlingh, who identified herself at the rally as a Milwaukee Public Schools counselor, spoke for about three minutes at an open microphone. She voiced opposition to hormone treatments, social and medical gender transitions, and gender-reassignment surgery for kids. At one point she said “f*** transgenderism.” She also stated that she exists “to serve children” and “to protect children.”
“On my dead f***ing body will my students be exposed to the harm of gender identity ideology,” she said during the rally. “Not a single one of my students on my f***ing watch will ever transition socially and sure as hell not medically. Absolutely not.”
A group protesting the rally organized a campaign to “cancel” Darlingh, sending emails to district staff calling for her to be fired, according to the lawsuit. Less than a week after the rally, Darlingh received a letter from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the state education department, informing her that it had opened an investigation. Darlingh’s supervisor also began an investigation in late April, according to the lawsuit.
On June 9, Darlingh received a letter from her supervisor, Ophelia King, informing her that “certain facts have come to my attention which might lead to disciplinary action against you regarding your failure to follow District Rules and Policies.” The letter listed several possible policy violations, but did not state how Darlingh’s conduct may have violated district policies. A Zoom video conference was scheduled for June 15.
On June 14, a few days before the end of the school year, Darlingh received a second, “emergency scheduling” letter informing her that she was suspended from her job. The first three days of the suspension would be paid, but the rest would be unpaid.
“Clearly what they were trying to do was put her into this unpaid suspended state during the summer to make it hard for her to know what to do for the fall,” Berg said. “I think they were trying to pressure her to quit her job, but she loves her job and wants to keep doing it.”
In Darlingh’s termination letter, Adria Maddaleni, the district’s chief human resources officer, wrote that school counselors are expected to be advocates for “systemic change” and “equitable educational outcomes,” and are to “foster and affirm all students and their identity.” The statements Darlingh made in Madison were “threatening and intimidating,” she wrote. She added that because Darlingh identified herself during the speech as a Milwaukee elementary school counselor, she “did not speak out as a private citizen,” but was instead a “reflection of the district.” At no point, Maddaleni wrote, was Darlingh “authorized to comment on the topic of gender identity or to characterize the care provided by the District to our students.”
Berg argues that just because Darlingh identified herself as a district employee doesn’t mean she forfeited her free speech-rights. The Supreme Court has ruled that citizens do not give up their First Amendment rights when they work for the state, and can speak out on matters of public concern. But their rights to speak must be balanced against the interests of the state to efficiently perform its public services through its employees.
Berg said a public employee can be fired for speech made as part of their official duties, but that is not what Darlingh was doing. “Her job as a counselor is not to speak publicly,” he said.
“This was on her own time. It was on a Saturday. It was a different city nowhere near where she works,” he added. “The district’s theory seems to be the mere fact that you identified yourself as a counselor means you are no longer speaking as a private citizen, but we know from Supreme Court caselaw that is not the [balancing] test.”
Berg said school employees, by virtue of their job, are likely to have opinions and insight as to how a school district should be run. “That is why their speech needs to be protected,” he said.
There has never been any evidence that Darlingh violated any district policies or guidance regarding transgender students, Berg said. In an interview on Fox News earlier this year, Darlingh said she wouldn’t change anything she said during the rally. But Berg said that during her hearing with district leaders, Darlingh clarified her position: she would abide by all district policies and the wishes of parents, but would not be the initiator of a child’s gender transition.
“She has since tried to qualify that to the district, and say, ‘Look, I will respect a student’s name and pronouns if the parents are involved, and that’s what they want. And if your policy requires something else, please let me know.’ And they basically ignored her statements to that effect in their termination letter,” Berg said, adding that Darlingh’s rally speech was unscripted. “You can’t expect her words are going to be super precise.”
Berg said Darlingh had little opportunity to review the allegations against her or to respond to them. “There was no conversation,” he said. “There was no discussion whatsoever, which, to me, clearly indicates they are firing her for her viewpoint on this. And that’s not okay.”
In an email to National Review, Milwaukee Public Schools defended its firing of Darlingh.
“At a public rally, Ms. Darlingh identified herself as representative of MPS and declared her refusal to provide mental health services in her role as a school counselor,” according to the email. “She proceeded to engage in a vulgar, insensitive, and disrespectful tirade aimed directly at the students in her care. MPS will not tolerate staff who target and marginalize students on the basis of their sex. The comments made by Ms. Darlingh run counter to the District’s commitment to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.”
The lawsuit is calling for Darlingh to be reinstated to her position, in addition to receiving back-pay, and damages. It is also calling for the district to lift a no-trespass order it has in place against her.
The state education department’s investigation of Darlingh is ongoing.
The employees in charge of the school district’s proceedings were uninterested in any resolution other than firing Darlingh, her lawyers say. Berg denied the school district’s allegation that Darlingh wouldn’t support students struggling with gender identity issues and would deny them services.
“In fact, what she told the district during the misconduct hearing, in our written response, in every email that we’ve sent, is that she would love and serve and treat all students equally, even transgender-identifying students,” Berg said. “Many of the students describe her as their favorite teacher in the school. They love her a lot for who she is. There’s no evidence whatsoever that she has ever treated any student differently, nor would she.”
Texas attorney general’s office sought state data on transgender Texans
Image without a caption
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske
December 14, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EST
Alexis Salkeld Garcia poses for a photo at her home in Austin on Monday. (Sergio Flores for The Washington Post)
HOUSTON — Employees at the Texas Department of Public Safety in June received a sweeping request from Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office: to compile a list of individuals who had changed their gender on their Texas driver’s license and other department records during the past two years.
“Need total number of changes from male to female and female to male for the last 24 months, broken down by month,” the chief of the DPS’s driver license division emailed colleagues in the department on June 30, according to a copy of a message obtained by The Washington Post through a public records request. “We won’t need DL/ID numbers at first but may need to have them later if we are required to manually look up documents.”
After more than 16,000 such instances were identified, DPS officials determined that a manual search would be needed to determine the reason for the changes, DPS spokesman Travis Considine told The Post in response to questions.
“A verbal request was received,” he wrote in an email. “Ultimately, our team advised the AG’s office the data requested neither exists nor could be accurately produced. Thus, no data of any kind was provided.”
Asked who in Paxton’s office had requested the records, he replied: “I cannot say.”
The behind-the-scenes effort by Paxton’s office to obtain data on how many Texans had changed their gender on their license came as the attorney general, Gov. Greg Abbott and other Republican leaders in the state have been publicly marshaling resources against transgender Texans.
In October 2021, Abbott signed a bill banning transgender youths from participating in sports that align with their gender identity at K-12 public schools; this year he ordered the state to investigate the provision of gender-affirming care as potential child abuse. State lawmakers have already proposed more than a dozen anti-LGBTQ measures ahead of the next session in January, including criminalizing gender-affirming care and banning minors at drag shows.
Public records obtained by The Post do not indicate why the attorney general’s office sought the driver’s license information. But advocates for transgender Texans say Paxton could use the data to further restrict their right to transition, calling it a chilling effort to secretly harness personal information to persecute already vulnerable people.
“This is another brick building toward targeting these individuals,” said Ian Pittman, an Austin attorney who represents Texas parents of transgender children investigated by the state. “They’ve already targeted children and parents. The next step would be targeting adults. And what better way than seeing what adults had had their sex changed on their driver’s licenses?”
Alexis Salkeld Garcia, 34, of Austin, a trans woman who changed the gender listed on her driver’s license from male to female a year and a half ago, said the attorney general’s office inquiry made her feel “terrified.”
“It’s very specifically targeted, and the one person I don’t want knowing about my gender status is Ken Paxton,” said Salkeld Garcia, a software engineer who worries state officials might try to switch the gender listed on her driver’s license back to male.
“I don’t want a cop pulling me over and knowing I’m trans. That is why I changed my gender marker extremely quickly” after transitioning, she said.
Paxton’s office did not respond to requests for comment.
The records obtained by The Post, which document communications between DPS employees, are entitled: “AG Request Sex Change Data” and “AG data request.” They indicate that Paxton’s office sought the records a month after the state Supreme Court ruled that Paxton and Abbott had overreached in their efforts to investigate families with transgender children for child abuse.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, seen last year in Dallas, in June sought a list of individuals who had changed their gender on their Texas driver’s license and other department records during the past two years. (Emil Lippe for The Washington Post)
Paxton’s office bypassed the normal channels — DPS’s government relations and general counsel’s offices — and went straight to the driver license division staff in making the request, according to a state employee familiar with it, who said the staff was told that Paxton’s office wanted “numbers” and later would want “a list” of names, as well as “the number of people who had had a legal sex change.”
During the following two months, the employee said, the DPS staff searched its records for changes in the “sex” category of not only driver’s licenses but also state ID cards available from birth, learner’s permits issued to those age 15 and up, commercial licenses, state election certificates, and occupational licenses. The employee spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid retaliation for describing internal state discussions.
DPS staff members compiled a list of 16,466 gender changes between June 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022, public records show. In the emails, DPS staff members repeatedly referred to the request as coming from the attorney general’s office as they discussed attempting to narrow the data to include only licenses that had been altered to reflect a court-ordered change in someone’s gender.
Demonstrators gather at the Texas Capitol in Austin on May 20, 2021, to protest legislation targeting transgender people being considered by the state legislature. (Eric Gay/AP)
DPS staff members did spot checks on the data, examining records that included names of specific individuals, according to records and the state employee familiar with the inquiry. But it was hard to weed out driver’s licenses that had been changed in error, or multiple times, or for reasons other than gender changes.
“It will be very difficult to determine which records had a valid update without a manual review of all supporting documents,” an assistant manager in DPS’s driver license division wrote in an email to colleagues on July 22.
On Aug. 4, the division chief emailed staff members, “We have expended enough effort on this attempt to provide data. After this run, have them package the data that they have with the high level explanations and close it out.” On Aug. 18, a senior manager emailed to say a data engineer had “provided the data request by the AG’s office (attached).”
Last month, The Post made a request to Paxton’s office for all records the attorney general’s office had directed other state offices to compile related to driver’s licenses in which the sex of the driver was changed, as well as related emails between Paxton’s office and other state agencies.
Officials indicated that no such records existed.
“Why would the Office of the Attorney General have gathered this information?” Assistant Attorney General June Harden wrote in an email to The Post, later adding, “Why do you believe this is the case?”
If they did, Harden said, any records were probably exempt from release because of either attorney-client privilege or confidentiality.
Marisol Bernal-Leon, a spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office, later emailed that the office “has reviewed its files and has no information responsive to your request” for either records it had requested from DPS or emails between the attorney general’s office and DPS.
Separately, DPS provided The Post with a half-dozen documents spanning three months that referenced the request by Paxton’s office.
When The Post shared copies of the records that had been provided by DPS, Assistant Attorney General Lauren Downey noted that “none of the records provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety are communications with the Office of the Attorney General. Our response to your request was accurate.”
Downey did not reply to questions about why the DPS emails refer to the request as originating from the attorney general. Paxton’s office has yet to respond to another public records request for any records of its contact with DPS concerning driver’s license changes via means other than email, including phone calls, video meetings and in-person exchanges.
The earlier attempt by Paxton and his allies to direct state agencies to identify parents of transgender youths and investigate them for child abuse has mostly been blocked by the courts.
Last year, lawmakers in the Republican-dominated legislature failed to pass a measure that would have criminalized gender confirmation care, which major medical associations have deemed science-based medical care. Afterward, state Rep. Matt Krause (R) — chair of the state House committee on general investigating — contacted Paxton, who issued a legal opinion that gender-affirming care for minors could be considered child abuse. Days later, Abbott directed the state child welfare agency to investigate parents facilitating such care for their children, sparking several investigations within days, according to public records.
After Abbott issued the directive, agency staff members were told not to communicate in writing about it, including emails and texts, according to public records.
Some of the families sued, winning a temporary statewide injunction in Doe v. Abbott, blocking the investigations until the lawsuit reached the state Supreme Court in May. The court overturned the injunction on procedural grounds but found that Paxton’s legal opinion was not binding and that Abbott did not have the authority to direct state child welfare staff members to initiate child abuse investigations of families with transgender children.
“[N]either the Governor nor the Attorney General has statutory authority to directly control DFPS’s investigatory decisions,” the court ruled.
But Pittman, the attorney who has represented Texas parents of transgender children, noted that lawyers for the attorney general’s office later argued against what the Supreme Court had determined: that Republican leaders “had political tools but they could not direct the department in that way.” He said they appeared to be “ignoring direct Supreme Court statements.”
The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal also sued to stop the investigations on behalf of PFLAG, an LGBTQ advocacy group with more than 600 members in Texas. A county judge in Austin ruled in their favor in September, blocking the state from investigating PFLAG members. That covered most of the dozen families the state admitted to investigating but not necessarily all, said Shelly Skeen, a Dallas-based senior attorney at Lambda Legal working on the PFLAG and Doe v. Abbott cases.
Skeen called the attorney general’s inquiry into driver’s license records “a gross violation of privacy” intended to “target one group of people to fire up their base while transgender people are just trying to live their lives.”
“The constitutional issues that this raises are equal protection and due process under the 14th Amendment as well as discrimination based on sex,” Skeen said.
Some Texas judges seal or restrict access to court records of gender changes for privacy reasons, but also because transgender individuals have been harassed online and faced threats of violence, Skeen said.
Smith Puerto and their wife, Kristina, pose for a photo at their home in Austin on Monday. (Sergio Flores for The Washington Post)
“If you do not have access to identity documents that match who you are, you are outed every time you show an ID,” Skeen said, “and this is what leads to the discrimination, harassment and violence that transgender people face.”
Smith Puerto of Austin, who identifies as transgender and nonbinary, changed their Texas driver’s license from female to male about a year ago. Puerto, 34, who works in client services at a tech company, has been training with their wife of five years to foster an LGBTQ teen and figured they had a better chance applying as a male, although there were risks.
“You definitely out yourself,” by changing the documents, said Puerto, who has had surgery, takes hormones and said they often pass as male.
“In a state like Texas, you don’t always want people to know you’re different,” Puerto said, calling the attorney general’s inquiry “horrifying.”
“It’s scary to know what he would want to do with that data,” they said.
Puerto, who moved to Texas from Ohio nine years ago, said they worry Paxton and other Republican leaders who have attacked the rights of transgender children are preparing to target transgender adults like them when the legislature reconvenes.
“It’s a constant conversation between my wife and I,” Puerto said. “Every session we hold our breath, kind of watching what horrendous bills get filed, and wonder how much longer can we stay here.”
Salkeld Garcia, who also takes hormones and had gender confirmation surgery, demonstrated against anti-trans legislation at the Capitol last year and called the prospect of what lawmakers could do next year “very nerve-racking.”
“In Austin we have a vibrant trans community, a beautiful queer community,” she said. “But it’s also scary, because it feels like you have a big fire burning all around you and you don’t know where it will spread or if it will burn you.”
Mayor bans children from ‘Drag Queen Christmas’
Cancellation comes amid growing backlash
A concert venue in the Missouri suburbs of St. Louis has barred children from attending an allages Christmas drag show, as states have moved to restrict cross-dressing public displays.
The Factory in Chesterfield announced hours before “A Drag Queen Christmas” that no ticket holders under 18 would be allowed to attend. The production is touring 18 states with performers from the reality television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”
“We specifically in the city of Chesterfield have ordinances. Protecting minors and not allow[ing] minors to be exposed to certain types of entertainment of a sexual orientation, etc.,” Chesterfield Mayor Bob Nation told news outlet KMOV on Wednesday.
The cancellation comes amid a growing backlash against the production and other “family friendly” drag shows, which critics argue sexualize young children.
Drag events advertising themselves as “family friendly” have sparked 141 protests in 47 states this year, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) reported Friday.
In the St. Louis suburb, the mayor dispatched city police to control protesters and said the production would refund the money of children who had bought tickets.
PROMO, a Missouri-based LGBTQ advocacy group, expressed dissatisfaction with his decision.
Protests against “A Drag Queen Christmas” have swept the nation this week in response to viral social media videos of the production’s recent Austin, Texas, performance.
Independent conservative journalist Tayler Hansen recorded the performance, which features nude prosthetic body parts and simulated sex acts. One of the characters is named “Screwdolph the Red Nippled Reindeer.”
The presence of children at the Austin performance underscores the reason for the protests, said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the conservative New Tolerance Campaign.
“As a gay man myself, I remain flummoxed that LGBT advocates seem fixated on this idea of drag shows for kids,” said Mr. Angelo, a former head of the Log Cabin Republicans LGBTQ group. “It would not be the end of the world or of the LGBT rights movement if folks hit pause and focused on issues of real consequence.”
According to GLAAD, at least 20 of this year’s protests against family drag events have occurred in Texas, where the backlash against “A Drag Queen Christmas” started.
Other disruptions in Texas included “significant threats” from neo-Nazi protesters at a drag brunch in Pflugerville, armed Proud Boys disrupting a drag bingo in Katy and protesters shouting “pedophiles” at events in Arlington.
Lawmakers in Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Tennessee and Texas have filed or discussed legislation to ban drag shows for children in response to the protests.
Several Texas state legislators have proposed a “drag tax” that would reclassify any establishment hosting the performances as a “sexually oriented business.”
That classification, which levies a tax on every customer that enters an establishment, currently applies only to adult entertainment venues.
Comparing drag show venues with strip clubs suits Jonathan Covey, director of policy for Texas Values, an Austinbased Christian advocacy group.
“Desensitizing kids to overt depictions of adult sexuality isn’t just inappropriate, it’s plainly dangerous territory that borders on the criminal,” Mr. Covey said in an email. “State legislators have a duty to protect vulnerable children from this politically disguised evil.”
In Tennessee, lawmakers filed a similar bill the day after the midterm elections. It would define drag as an “adult cabaret performance” and classify drag queens with topless dancers.
State lawmakers likely will file several more bills of this kind through early February, said Chris Sanders, executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, which opposes the legislation.
“Costumes, dancing and lip-synching are not inherently sexual,” Mr. Sanders said in an email. “Some other element would need to be present in a performance to make it adult-only.”
Anti-drag legislation is growing in popularity as “an element of the radical right’s culture warfare,” said Bob Witeck, president of the LGBTQ marketing firm Witeck Communications.
“It is indisputable that children are many times more likely to be sexually assaulted by a member of the clergy or a family member than be sexualized at a drag performance or book reading in a public setting that is intended to be ageappropriate,” Mr. Witeck said in an email.
Some parental rights groups disagree with that narrative, however.
Protesters are simply reacting to a “left-wing agenda” that increasingly advertises drag performances to children, said Sheri Few, president and founder of United States Parents Involved in Education.
“States with political will and common moral decency should take appropriate legal steps to stop children from exposure to drag queen shows,” Ms. Few said in a statement. “It is appalling that drag queen show organizers and others driving this agenda believe exposure to vulgar sexual conduct is acceptable for children.”
Part of the problem is the lack of a commonly accepted definition of “family friendly” entertainment, said Mr. Angelo, the New Tolerance Campaign president.
That makes it easier to understand the protests against “A Drag Queen Christmas” while rejecting any use of violence at them, he said.
“To the extent that legislators are able to define ‘family-friendly,’ that might be a good thing,” Mr. Angelo said. “We have a history of government intervention in the United States when children are at risk. To the extent we’ve seen drag shows that by any measure are not appropriate for children, it doesn’t surprise me that legislators would step in.”
finally an arrest - yes :-D
I was just thinking past few days
and asking myself
why would grown men want to dress up as women and dance provocatively in a public setting and in front of children
I cannot come up with any other reason
then they are exhibitionists or pedophiles who get some sort of sexual titillation or gratification
from it.
There is simply no other explanation for this
To think so many are supporting their perversions
being thrust ( no pun intended ) in front of us every day
just boggles the mind.
It's an excellent point ccp. These people who want to sexualize our children earlier and earlier and in every subject should be called pedophiles and it turns out that's what they are. Not just the cross dressers at the shows, but the teachers and administrators who think it's a good idea to take children there or bring sexualization to the classroom. The people who insert sex and gender issues into K-6 math problems should be labeled pedophiles, offered treatment, and kept away from children.
Meanwhile our kids keep getting worse at math, science, reading and writing.
probably by
(think) Massachusetts (Native American) Liz Warren :roll:
Michigan’s Gender Studies Secret
A court says public-school teachers are exempt from FOIA.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 23, 2022 6:04 pm ET
The Freedom of Information Act is a popular tool for taxpayers and journalists to hold government to account. But what if the FOIA law doesn’t apply to documents or communications among many government employees?
That’s the theory endorsed by Michigan state Judge Jacob James Cunningham, who ruled on Dec. 15 that the state’s Freedom of Information Act doesn’t apply to public-school teachers.
Carol Beth Litkouhi asked the Rochester community school district to give her more information about a school’s course on the History of Ethnic and Gender Studies. The school slowrolled her request, providing minimal information. With the help of the Mackinac Center, she submitted a FOIA request to see what students were learning in a class that her child might later decide to take.
The Mackinac Center’s interest is in transparency that “affords parents the opportunity to understand what their children are learning, and to fully engage with local government officials about these lessons.” The FOIA sought access to student assignments and reading for the class as well as lesson plans and other materials prepared by the teacher.
That sounds like a simple request, but the school district argued that teachers don’t count as public employees because they’re members of the teachers union, the Michigan Education Association, and thus don’t count as members of a “public body” under FOIA. Huh?
Judge Cunningham bought that argument, and he writes that the Michigan Freedom of Information Act is meant to apply only to public employees who work in the executive branch of state government, and thus teachers and their work product are exempt.
“Even assuming, arguendo, that public school teachers are ‘public bodies’ for the purpose of FOIA requests,” the judge writes, “a review of the court file, pleadings, briefs and evidence offered show RCSD has not prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained the documents requested” (bold in original). How is it possible, let alone logical, for a school district not to prepare, own or use documents that form part of its curriculum?
The school district’s goal here is to prevent parents from questioning what is taught. But public schools should be held to the same transparency standards as other public employees. Their work is funded by taxpayers and they are accountable to taxpayers and parents. Teachers’ salaries are publicly available, so why would their work product be different? The Mackinac Center is appealing the ruling.
Transparency from public officials is a core principle of democratic self-government. Educators know that schools thrive in communities where parents care about education and volunteer their time to help schools. The Rochester obstruction is an insult to the parents and taxpayers who pay their salaries
The U.S. Government’s Woke Training
Read instructions from the Army, NASA, the VA, and more, obtained via open-records law.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 30, 2022 6:41 pm ET
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a gender gingerbread person. NASA says beware of micro-inequities. And if U.S. Army servicewomen express “discomfort showering with a female who has male genitalia,” what’s the brass’s reply? Talk to your commanding officer, but toughen up.
These are details from hundreds of pages of diversity and inclusion training materials used by the federal government in 2021 and obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Everyone in corporate life knows such training, lampooned in the second episode of the TV show “The Office.” Yet taxpayers might be curious how their money is being spent to instruct the federal workforce these days.
Documents obtained via FOIA often lack context, so it’s hard to know the audience for any specific training and whether participation was voluntary or not-so-politely encouraged. With those caveats, press ahead.
Asked for its diversity training, the U.S. Army offered three modules on transgender policy, one for “Commanders at all levels,” another for “Special Staff,” and a third for “Units and Soldiers.” Notable is a series of vignettes that cover pronoun usage, urinalysis observation, and a serviceman who wants “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.” With respect to showers, schedules can be adjusted or curtains installed. But a soldier’s gender in the Army’s system governs which facilities are used. Accommodating only a transgender soldier is prohibited.
Also, stiff upper lip: “Anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex.” Transgender soldiers aren’t “required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.”
The VA’s “Managing Gender Diversity” training has sections on pronouns and embracing “gender-expansiveness.” One slide lists terms, including “gender fluid” and “pansexual,” while instructing: “List your personal ‘biases’ in the BIAS box.” A game of “PRIVILEGE BINGO” includes such items as “NO CRIMINAL RECORD,” “MILITARY EXPERIENCE,” and “MARRIED.”
A NASA training on “Allyship for Executives” says that the term “African American” is “utilized heavily in white spaces,” and it “can make Black people feel excluded as the term tends to ‘other.’” Another NASA slide series explains that inclusive leaders “are willing to be ‘uncomfortable’” in exploring “race, gender, sexual orientation” and so forth. “We have been taught to act as if we are colorblind and gender-neutral,” it adds, but “these efforts actually limit us.”
A NASA tip sheet on microaggressions gives examples that include, “Asking an Asian person to help with a Math or Science problem,” as well as saying, “America is a melting pot.” A slide deck on inclusive language suggests nixing “the poor” and substituting “people dealing with economic hardship.” A talk to a NASA center by Janice Underwood, then the state of Virginia’s chief diversity officer, urges: “Walk toward the discomfort—when patterns of white supremacy are named or questioned, predictable defensive responses will emerge.” Ms. Underwood now leads the diversity bureau at the federal Office of Personnel Management.
A Department of Homeland Security presentation on “Inclusive Diversity” says that micro-inequities can be fought by micro-affirmations. “Social and Physical Pain Produce Similar Brain Responses,” it argues, using a cartoon rendition of two brain scans.
A National Science Foundation seminar presents data about the race and gender of the NSF’s workforce, before sending participants to breakout rooms to discuss. A National Endowment for the Arts program offers definitions for terms such as “White Fragility,” “Heterosexism,” and “Misogynoir.”
Some government bodies refused to release training materials created by outside vendors, citing a FOIA exemption for “confidential” commercial information. But contracts and lists of courses can shed a little light.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided training orders of about $313,000 for a slew of courses, such as “8 Tactics for Courageous Workplace Conversations About Race,” “Let’s Talk About Systemic Racism, Unconscious Bias and Privilege,” and “Silence is a Statement: Understanding Race in the Workplace.”
The Environmental Protection Agency’s course lists feature “Everyday Anti-Racism” and “Psychological Safety: Building a Culture of Inclusion and Innovation.” The Food and Drug Administration’s menu offers a two-hour seminar, “Checking Your Blindspot: Ways to Find and Fix Unconscious Bias.”
These examples are, well, non-inclusive. Many of the materials are dull recitations of anti-retaliation policies or polite reminders, for example, not to pet somebody’s service dog. But one lesson is that there is now a conveyor belt from academia to the diversity-industrial complex. The portmanteau “misogynoir” was coined in 2010 on a blog called Crunk Feminist Collective. Eleven years later it’s in a training for government workers.
This type of re-education was accelerated by President Biden’s 2021 executive order directing agencies to “increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training.” It’s a form of political indoctrination intended to impose woke values on the vast federal bureaucracy and U.S. military.
You’d think the agencies would be proud to post all of these materials online, where it doesn’t require a long wait and a records request to read them. But since they don’t, we thought readers might like to see their taxpayer dollars and government values at work.
NEW YEAR, NEW CRAZY LAWS IN CALIFORNIA… BREITBART: California’s Crazy New Year: Five Radical Laws Go into Effect (One on Hold)
1. SB 107: ‘Sanctuary State’ for ‘Transgender Kids’ – This law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in September, protects the use of drugs or surgery to provide so-called “gender-affirming care” to children from other states where the use of such treatments is restricted or criminalized. It prohibits doctors from releasing information to other states, and prohibits California courts interfering in child custody over such treatments.
TEXAS COURT DOOMS INNOCENT BOY’S FUTURE… DAVID STROM: Texas Supreme Court condemns boy to trans treatment in California
Earlier this year Texas declared the medical transition of children through hormones or surgery to be a form of child abuse. In response, Jeff’s wife sought to move to California and did so earlier this year, with the permission of a liberal judge. Younger’s rights to be informed of his son’s medical treatment were also terminated. The judge also hit him with a gag order, forbidding him to discuss the case–a ruling he has obviously failed to follow because it violates his rights.
Younger did retain the right to consent or not to medical transitioning, ensuring that if his son remained in any state other than California he could prevent the medical castration of his son. But beginning January 1, California will ignore any court orders from other states in such matters. […]
California will no longer enforce any court decisions from other states, including custody decisions. That is when California Senate Bill 107, a so-called transgender sanctuary law goes into effect, which would mean the end of protection for James under Texas law. The Texas Supreme Court decision thus essentially terminated all his parental rights, despite technically retaining them.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
give me
your trans, your illegals, and your tax dollars
Why are they always two steps ahead of us in game theory? My reaction to this story is defund the CDC. Then they can say conservatives don't care about public health.
Noem's Troubling Transgender Record
A "follow the money" dive reveals the governor's shaky record on the "transgender" agenda.
Thomas Gallatin
In 2020, Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem rose to prominence among conservatives thanks to her admirable handling of the COVID pandemic. Her stalwart leadership made South Dakota one of the few states that never shut down; it remained open despite an avalanche of criticism leveled against her from Democrats and much of the mainstream media (but we repeat ourselves). This leadership won her accolades from conservatives, who praised her commitment to upholding and protecting her constituents' constitutional rights and freedoms. Noem was a rising star within Republican circles with rumors of a possible presidential run in her future.
But excitement among conservatives over Noem took a significant hit when, in the spring of 2021, she vetoed legislation that banned biological males from competing in girls sports. In deep-red South Dakota, signing a bill into law that protected female sports in grades K-12 and college should have been a no-brainer, but Noem suddenly decided to veto legislation that she had previously supported.
Why? Noem's explanation about concerns over the bill's ability to withstand legal challenges was dubious for its vagueness. Further complicating matters was her about-face over the legislation after having met with state business leaders.
Likely due to the national political blowback for her appearing to have capitulated to the radical transgender lobby, Noem pushed for and eventually signed into law a nearly identical piece of legislation months later. However, questions as to why Noem, who had so staunchly stood up against the COVID radicals, seemingly so easily caved on the transgender issue invited deeper digging.
Thanks to National Review's Nate Hochman, that digging has been done, and what he has exposed should have conservatives second-guessing Noem. Like all good political investigators, Hochman started by following the money, and it turns out that despite South Dakota being a deep-red state, its number one employer is anything but conservative.
Sanford Medical is the Mount Rushmore State's leading employer and happens to be a company that is heavily invested in providing "gender affirming" medications such as puberty blockers. But Sanford not only provides medications, it also actively embraces the transgender agenda, as it is co-hosting the third annual Midwest Gender Identity Summit in Sioux Falls this month, along with a transgender activist organization called the Transformation Project. Why South Dakota? As The Washington Post observed three years ago: "Cherry-red South Dakota [is] the unlikely epicenter of a transgender uprising on the American Great Plains."
This "transgender uprising" is being fed by the likes of Sanford, which is also why, despite the fact that Republicans have long controlled both chambers of the state house and the governorship, lawmakers have repeatedly failed to pass legislation to counter the spread of this culturally destructive contagion. Legislation such as bans on minor transitioning treatments, or protections for a medical professional's right of conscience.
"Sanford influences public policy in ways most people can't imagine and that certainly don't align with the values of ordinary South Dakotans," says Republican state lawmaker Jon Hansen. "[Sanford] promotes, performs, and profits off of chemically castrating minor children — a practice that most South Dakotans find disgusting and contemptible — they need an army of lobbyists to 'persuade' legislators otherwise."
Sanford has this power to bend the legislature to its will thanks to a number of state lawmakers who are connected to the company. Several of these Sanford-connected individuals appear to have Noem's ear as well.
So, how bad is it? Well, Hochman reports: "In 2022, Noem herself backed primary challenges to a number of 'far-right members of the party' named on a hit list circulated by [Lee] Schoenbeck, [the president pro tempore of the state senate]. Noem even openly campaigned with a Schoenbeck- and SDAHO-backed primary challenger to Fred Deutsch, a conservative incumbent in the state house who had butted heads with the governor over her missteps on transgender issues."
Furthermore, Hochman noted that following his reporting on Noem's worrisome record and connections to individuals lobbying for Sanford, the governor's spokesman, Ian Fury, accused him of "carrying water" for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while also deflecting with a ridiculous claim that DeSantis is weak on abortion.
Of course, all that response did was expose the fact that Noem does indeed have her eyes on a run for the White House.
While there may be much to admire in Noem, her apparent elevating of economic interests over that of the biggest socially destructive issue of our day is troubling. Can she be trusted to not only stand against the Rainbow Mafia but to take the fight to these culturally corrupting activists?
This confuses me. I also was shocked by her veto. I don't understand why she did that and I'm glad someone looked into it further, but seems to me they didn't look very hard.
Sanford Health, largest employer in S.D. is a 'non-profit'. Yes they contribute to her, as do 'medical professionals':
T. Denny Sanford (with whom I've had positive dealings) is a moderate Republican, donor to John Thune, John McCain. He is listed among the billionaires who gave to Trump 2020.
Yes it would take 'balls' to stand up to the medical lobby. Wouldn't it take even more to stand up to the right wing of her own party if she wants to run for President? Didn't it take 'balls' to stand up to the Covid mandates?
She won reelection in her state in 2022 by 29 points and outspent her closest rival by six-fold. Maybe they get addicted to the money, and she had plenty left over, but she also would have won reelection with no money.
Speaking of the right wing of her own party, Noem was a backer of Lauren Boebert, among others, not exactly of the moderate wing of the party.
While 'digging deeper', authors didn't seem to find any other issues where Noem parted with the conservative base.
Maybe money and personal connections were the reason, but seems she would personally benefit more on the other side of it.
The other possible motive for not leading the effort to stop trans from competing in wrong gender sports was that the woke were actively working to boycott the lead states. Perhaps Noem did not want to be out-front on that issue.
She also claimed defects in the bill and immediately went to work with executive orders and pushing new legislation to address that with "strongest in the nation" new legislation:
A South Dakota legislative committee on Friday approved a bill championed by Noem that limits collegiate and K-12 participation to the sex identified on an athlete's birth certificate. If it passes the legislature, South Dakota will become the 10th state to ban transgender people from competing on teams that match their gender identity. The bill makes good on a promise Noem delivered when she controversially vetoed a similar bill from the state legislature last year. After initially supporting House Bill 1217, Noem sent a style and form veto back to the legislature with a slew of requests, including removing a provision designed to protect collegiate sports. January 23, 2022
The deep dive hit piece (for some reason) seemed to leave that out, though it seems to refute their main point.
more dumb shit
with middle fingers at majority of Americans
in RI:
"Medusa is on a mission to prove that you can be both successful and forge an unconventional path at the same time, and encouraged all people stuck in corporate careers to pursue their authentic truth."
needs lobotomy
but apparently too late
not clear
is he a lizard?
how sick
All that led me to a job in 2018 as a case manager at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, which had been established a year earlier.
The center’s working assumption was that the earlier you treat kids with gender dysphoria, the more anguish you can prevent later on. This premise was shared by the center’s doctors and therapists. Given their expertise, I assumed that abundant evidence backed this consensus.
During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager—I was responsible for patient intake and oversight—around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors. The majority of them received hormone prescriptions that can have life-altering consequences—including sterility.
I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.
Read it all at
[…] I came across comments from Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman who is a high official at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The article read: “Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, said that clinics are proceeding carefully and that no American children are receiving drugs or hormones for gender dysphoria who shouldn’t.”
I felt stunned and sickened. It wasn’t true. And I know that from deep first-hand experience.
So I started writing down everything I could about my experience at the Transgender Center. Two weeks ago, I brought my concerns and documents to the attention of Missouri’s attorney general. He is a Republican. I am a progressive. But the safety of children should not be a matter for our culture wars.
A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries.
Now we are one and we do that.
Anyone ever heard of the oath, do no harm?
Apparently does not apply to Leftist religious practices of kill and mutilate your young, abortion and gender 'fluidity'.
There ought to be a law...
A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries.
Now we are one and we do that.
Anyone ever heard of the oath, do no harm?
Apparently does not apply to Leftist religious practices of kill and mutilate your young, abortion and gender 'fluidity'.
There ought to be a law...
At least we can trust the same people when it comes to the ClotShot!
"A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries."
A very useful reminder-- ideal for debating with progs on social media.
"A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries."
A very useful reminder-- ideal for debating with progs on social media.
IIRC she flinched on trans in women's sports. Looks like she learned her lesson.
Good thing our medical experts aren't corrupt or evil!
interesting read
bravo but
I am not familiar with this organization and wonder how many members it has.
Trying to look this up
I found leftist criticism on Wikipedia :
First sentence :
"The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a politically conservative non-profit association that promotes conspiracy theories and medical misinformation, such as HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, and vaccine and autism connections."
Olga from Democrat partisan the ATlantic also did a hit piece in 2020:
I must conclude on the face of this the org is DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! :-D
You misspelled “mentally ill male”.
I need to think about starting to use that one , , ,
I need to think about starting to use that one , , ,
A mentally Ill male pumped full of female hormones, fake breasts and a Frankenvag is still a male. Most of the mentally ill haven’t gone that far.
It isn’t compassionate to allow mentally ill people to mutilate themselves or encourage their delusions.
It isn’t moral to allow girls and women to be victimized by mentally Ill males either.
Can't make this excrement up , , ,
Having won an AAU state powerlifting trophy in 1978
I can only marvel and be repelled at this :
so crazy
and unneeded
Having won an AAU state powerlifting trophy in 1978
I can only marvel and be repelled at this :
so crazy
and unneeded
Well, we can guess what comes after Weimamerica the left is making.
What people do upon age of consent is none of my business. And, the Thought Police to the contrary, what I think about it is none of theirs.
Parental rights trump the State in these matters.
Natural Law is the foundation of our Constitution ("the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" and our Ninth Amendment).
The first law Natural Law is "Eat, Survive, and Reproduce".
Thus, we have a right to make a living (free enterprise as versus permission required by the State).
Thus, we have a right to defend ourselves (e.g. the Second Amendment)
Thus, parental rights. Parents have a right to assert the rights of their minor children as they see fit in pursuit of their happiness.
The fundamental problem in the issue at hand is that the State is asserting primacy-- witness the statement in debate of the previous governor of Virginia which cost him re-election, witness the statements of public teacher unions, and the Woken Dead in general.
This is deeply wrong.
In the ontogeny of humans, pre-pubescent children are wired to receive the culture into which they are born. The State does not have the right to inculcate ideas about the role and nature of sex/reproduction; the State does not have the right to sexualize children-- particularly with an ideology based around "Man is God" and can undo what Nature has done.
1. The gender insanity serves the left in several ways, it tears apart the traditional culture as the left always tries to do so their new socialist eutopia can spring from the ruins.
2. It serves the anti-human depopulation agenda.
3. The evil pulling the strings from behind the shadows.
What people do upon age of consent is none of my business. And, the Thought Police to the contrary, what I think about it is none of theirs.
Parental rights trump the State in these matters.
Natural Law is the foundation of our Constitution ("the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" and our Ninth Amendment).
The first law Natural Law is "Eat, Survive, and Reproduce".
Thus, we have a right to make a living (free enterprise as versus permission required by the State).
Thus, we have a right to defend ourselves (e.g. the Second Amendment)
Thus, parental rights. Parents have a right to assert the rights of their minor children as they see fit in pursuit of their happiness.
The fundamental problem in the issue at hand is that the State is asserting primacy-- witness the statement in debate of the previous governor of Virginia which cost him re-election, witness the statements of public teacher unions, and the Woken Dead in general.
This is deeply wrong.
In the ontogeny of humans, pre-pubescent children are wired to receive the culture into which they are born. The State does not have the right to inculcate ideas about the role and nature of sex/reproduction; the State does not have the right to sexualize children-- particularly with an ideology based around "Man is God" and can undo what Nature has done.
Just had a thought
men who pretend to be women taking estrogen
to compete in women's powerlifting
and women probably sneaking androgens to be stronger for women's powerlifting
:-o :-o
even more nuts (no pun)
Gary Plauché day
Child predators hate it when their victims go through puberty.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
If you are an adult and you think you are transgender, you are mentally ill.
If you are a child and you think you are transgender, your mom is mentally ill.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
If you are an adult and you think you are transgender, you are mentally ill.
If you are a child and you think you are transgender, your mom is mentally ill.
Or evil.
I wonder why...
but person was really a guy playing girl ?
so in the religion of. woke this is the 5th female mass shooter in history
oh wow it is the other way around
female to male
so this does not count as female killer in the woke dictitionary
Born XY chromosomes (penis, testicles, etc) acting as a girl/woman. This person is a "shehe" and the possessive pronoun form is "herhis".
Born with XX chromosomes (vagina, uterus, breasts, etc) acting as a boy/man. This person is a "heshe" and the possessive pronoun form is 'hisher".
Born XY chromosomes (penis, testicles, etc) acting as a girl/woman. This person is a "shehe" and the possessive pronoun form is "herhis".
Born with XX chromosomes (vagina, uterus, breasts, etc) acting as a boy/man. This person is a "heshe" and the possessive pronoun form is 'hisher".
my head is spinning
a feel like a goldfish swimming circles inside a fish bowel.
Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted Connor Tomlinson
Why the sudden rise in trans-identifying mass shooters? 👇🏻
These people have multiple mental health comorbidities, are on a cocktail of prescription drugs, are taking experimental hormones, have high rates of suicidal ideation, and a high likelihood of histories of sexual abuse and alienation
Like "incels": they know they have a future of infertility ahead of them. They are lonely, and crave acceptance and notoriety
Their conscience tells them they are inadequate; and no amount of affirmation will ever be enough to overcome the fraud they feel by approximating, but never actually being, "how they feel inside"
They are told that this feeling of estrangement -- that all of their personal anxieties -- is the fault of an abstract Other oppressing them
The culture, media, and academia induce class antagonism in these terminally-online intersectional ideologues by scaring them into thinking all of civilization poses an existential threat to them
Autogynephiles, autoandrophiles, and sunk-cost gender cultists tell them that amputating body parts is good, that the scars they see in the mirror every day make them beautiful, and that anyone affirming biological reality has genocidal intent toward them
The only route out is through total utopian victory, or by taking out as many "TERFS" or "Christian fascists" as they can
It's no surprise we're seeing martyrs to this mad cause when, either through victory or death, their goal is the discontinuation of reproduction and the denial of reality
If you are still affirming gender ideology and trans surgery because you believe it is the compassionate thing to do: stop it
You are putting children and vulnerable adults on an inexorable path toward sterilization, suicidal thoughts, and vengeful activism
This has been deliberately propagated by revolutionaries who transposed the Marxist dialectic onto gender, sex, and sexuality
They hope to empower themselves atop the bodies of "reactionaries" and the children caught in the crossfire
Every suicide, and shooting-spree homicide, is blood on the hands of an academic, medical, and political establishment who affirm this harmful and untrue promise of liberation through self-mutilation
Stop this madness,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/133/471/589/original/1117a85cc684df19.png
Paul Joseph Watson Retweeted Connor Tomlinson
Why the sudden rise in trans-identifying mass shooters? 👇🏻
These people have multiple mental health comorbidities, are on a cocktail of prescription drugs, are taking experimental hormones, have high rates of suicidal ideation, and a high likelihood of histories of sexual abuse and alienation
Like "incels": they know they have a future of infertility ahead of them. They are lonely, and crave acceptance and notoriety
Their conscience tells them they are inadequate; and no amount of affirmation will ever be enough to overcome the fraud they feel by approximating, but never actually being, "how they feel inside"
They are told that this feeling of estrangement -- that all of their personal anxieties -- is the fault of an abstract Other oppressing them
The culture, media, and academia induce class antagonism in these terminally-online intersectional ideologues by scaring them into thinking all of civilization poses an existential threat to them
Autogynephiles, autoandrophiles, and sunk-cost gender cultists tell them that amputating body parts is good, that the scars they see in the mirror every day make them beautiful, and that anyone affirming biological reality has genocidal intent toward them
The only route out is through total utopian victory, or by taking out as many "TERFS" or "Christian fascists" as they can
It's no surprise we're seeing martyrs to this mad cause when, either through victory or death, their goal is the discontinuation of reproduction and the denial of reality
If you are still affirming gender ideology and trans surgery because you believe it is the compassionate thing to do: stop it
You are putting children and vulnerable adults on an inexorable path toward sterilization, suicidal thoughts, and vengeful activism
This has been deliberately propagated by revolutionaries who transposed the Marxist dialectic onto gender, sex, and sexuality
They hope to empower themselves atop the bodies of "reactionaries" and the children caught in the crossfire
Every suicide, and shooting-spree homicide, is blood on the hands of an academic, medical, and political establishment who affirm this harmful and untrue promise of liberation through self-mutilation
Stop this madness,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/133/471/589/original/1117a85cc684df19.png
***My post yesterday:
today :
It’s only going to get worse.
Like the ClotShot, this is a big evolutionary sorting.
What could go wrong?
There was such a person at my daughter's job at Starbuck's and this is what happened.
What if there was a satanic movement to attract the mentally ill into a downward spiral of depravity?
What would it look like?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/133/578/937/original/ffcf6bad0319f9a8.png
Watch the video.
Western liberal democracies have been engaged in a story of political and social progress, believing themselves superior to all that came before 1/🧵
[Another excellent thread by A.M.]
Popular sovereignty, rule of law, and constitutional government were supposed to protect the right of the individual from the whims of capricious rulers
That has obviously failed as democracies across the west seem to be, in unison, creating an aristocracy of favored groups 2/
Some will realize this has been happening for a long time and has been formalized in US law for decades, but the recent acceleration of naked legal favoritism based on identity and pollical affiliation has shocked many 3/
What many in the west never grasped was that the leftist concept of social progress was always destined to dismantle liberal (we mean classically liberal here) constitutional government 4/
The left is a coalition of groups who benefit from the destruction of natural hierarchies, the organic limitations inherit in family, church, community, and even biological sex are an unacceptable barrier to "progress" 5/
Legal equality was the original stated goal but when it reliably failed to produce equal outcomes there was no way the left was simply going to shrug, assume this was the natural order of things, and go home 6/
To "progress" beyond the natural social hierarchies one must engineer society itself
If legal equality reliably produces particular winners and loser then it must be dismantled for progress to continue 7/
Agreed that the assertion of the right to not be silenced may take some decisive action.
We are agreed on the dynamic you describe.
"Let us groom and rape your children, or we will kill them" in just a few years.
Fk . . .
“Gays against groomers” is as authentic as “Rottweilers and Pit Bulls against mauling Toddlers”.
"“Gays against groomers” is as authentic as “Rottweilers and Pit Bulls against mauling Toddlers”."
Dude-- take the win! Risking cancellation etc. some gays have taken an honorable stance-- take the win!
"“Gays against groomers” is as authentic as “Rottweilers and Pit Bulls against mauling Toddlers”."
Dude-- take the win! Risking cancellation etc. some gays have taken an honorable stance-- take the win!
Do you see any winning?
I don’t.
I see a war that many want to pretend doesn’t exist.
the new trans version of Kardashian:
:-o :roll: :-o :roll:
I would like to see she/he (whatever) do a duet with Kid Rock!
Either he's trying for the Kevin Spacey defense or we are seeing the true evil lurking behind the facade.
I may have to move to FL, despite my aversion to humidity.
Today's episode in inclusion and tolerance:
Every guilty party has a name and an address. And they are not protected by F-16s.
Today's episode in inclusion and tolerance:
Ummm , , , let's not go there here please.
Better to remove your children from the school.
Ummm , , , let's not go there here please.
Better to remove your children from the school.
If your someone without the financial resources to pull your child out of the grip of governmentally funded groomers?
Vote harder?
OTOH this forum is not the place for implying direct personal action against the offending bureaucrats.
There will be accountability.
There will be accountability.
is "genocide" :
Yes, Protect Trans Kids
Dear Weekend Jolter,
When the rest of the Western world is beginning to take a more cautious approach than America to an all-consuming issue concerning our kids, it should at least drive some curiosity as to why.
First the New York Times and now the Economist have devoted serious reportorial resources, and ink, to the debate inside the medical profession surrounding gender therapy. The latter’s cover this past week minces no words: “What America Gets Wrong About Gender Medicine.” It details how numerous European countries want to curb medical interventions for minors to allow for more study and declares, “The Europeans are right.”
If you read Maddy Kearns and others here at NR with regularity, the details won’t be a surprise. But, until recently, they had gotten little attention in the mainstream press, owing no doubt to the third-rail nature of the debate.
Few policy disputes in America today register at this level of intensity. After the Covenant School shooting, the Trans Resistance Network decried the “virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation” and those supposedly seeking “the genocidal eradication of trans people.” Any attempt to do what Europe is doing is denounced by the White House as an “attack” on families. One young school-board trustee responded to Idaho’s bill barring gender-reassignment surgery for minors by vowing that when Governor Brad Little dies, “I’m pissing on your grave.” A week ago, swimmer Riley Gaines reportedly was assaulted and forced to take cover in a room by a mob of screaming college students. The offense? Talking about the disadvantages that female athletes could face against transgender opponents.
A real debate is coming on this issue, whether those invested in the absolutist view like it or not. Polling indicates at least a plurality of Americans favor restrictions on medical interventions for minors, and the coverage has started to reflect that the matter is not, in fact, “settled” science. But to succeed in the arena, where even a trace of skepticism gets branded as “phobia,” sponsors of these so-called “anti-trans” bills are going to have to flip the script that unfairly casts them as tormentors — that is to say, adopt, at least in spirit, the very slogan wielded by their critics: “Protect Trans Kids.”
They can reasonably lay claim to it; some already are. A newly published piece on NRO frames a Nebraska bill on gender surgeries in this way. Governor Little, in signing Idaho’s, also spoke of “protecting minors” from life-altering procedures. The bill itself is called the Vulnerable Child Protection Act (other state bills have similar titles) and focuses on the trinity of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery. Its opening text bars doctors from knowingly doing the following to a child in most circumstances:
Performing surgeries that sterilize or mutilate, or artificially construct tissue with the appearance of genitalia that differs from the child’s biological sex, including castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty, ovariectomy, or reconstruction of the fixed part of the urethra with or without metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, or the implantation of erection or testicular prostheses . . . [or] performing a mastectomy.
If that’s not “protecting trans kids,” what is?
To be clear, overheated rhetoric on the right about “grooming” and point-scoring legislation that nitpicks over pronouns are not helpful or focused on what matters. As Nate Grasz with the Nebraska Family Alliance wrote, the “fundamental” question is whether doctors should be allowed to perform sex-change procedures on kids: “Do we protect children who cannot consent to elective, permanent, and irreversible surgeries? Do we allow their bodies to be mutilated in the name of ‘gender-affirming care,’ or do we not?”
Plain language, reinforced by the emerging accounts of minors who grew up and now regret undergoing surgeries facilitated by adults, are the antidote to the intoxicating power of euphemisms in this debate. They make clear that “affirmation” does not equal “protection.” Maddy reported recently on a lawsuit filed by Chloe Cole against the entities that arranged for her transition, culminating in a double mastectomy, starting at 13; she needed love and therapy at that point in her life, “not cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgery,” it states. The Economist described the haste with which some teens were ushered through the medical regimen, with one saying she had a single “15-minute appointment” before being given testosterone. Meanwhile, the underlying research faces scrutiny. Many studies of cross-sex hormones lacked a “control group”; estimates of detransition rates vary drastically, underscoring the need for better data; even the stats on suicide risk sometimes used to justify medical action are in question. A 2022 article by an Oxford sociologist calculated a suicide rate of 13 per 100,000 using data from a since-shuttered transgender-youth clinic in the U.K. — higher than the overall rate among adolescents, but low enough to reassure parents and counsel against “irresponsible” exaggeration.
Seeing this properly as a live and unsettled debate, more countries are realizing the obvious: We owe it to the adult versions of our kids to keep them from carving up their bodies based on medical advice deriving from shoddy data, while they are still kids. That doesn’t mean ignoring or denying their dysphoria; it means supporting them, short of irreversible surgeries and treatments that carry unknown physical risks.
State lawmakers in America who support these bills are allies, not enemies, of “trans kids,” and they shouldn’t be hesitant to say so.
What is shocking is an arrest was made in Oregon.
"Boren made up part of a drag queen event in October 2022, two months after she was arrested, which was fiercely opposed by protestors.
Protesters against the event faced off with supporters outside the venue, Old Nick's Pub, which is named after Satan, and which also holds adult fetish nights.
Some demonstrators on both sides of the roughly 200-strong standoff were armed, police said, including with semi-automatic rifles.
The event still went ahead - although the child performer, whose stage name is Vanellope MacPherson DuPont, did not take to the stage as planned.
Dramatic footage of the protests showed angry demonstrators 'lob projectiles' including smoke grenades at the rival crowds."
The caption to the foto says she is with a "girl"-- by which is meant a boy being called a girl?
The caption to the foto says she is with a "girl"-- by which is meant a boy being called a girl?
It's very difficult to tell these days, as the MSM is now usually identifying people by how they "identify". My guess is it's actually a boy.
When I was a kid, I thought 2023 would be when we for sure had flying cars and Moon and Mars colonies...
Here we are.
"My guess is it's actually a boy."
Given the inner logic of the story, that would make sense-- in which case we have a paradigmatic example of how obfuscation is precisely the point of the misuse of pronouns.
"My guess is it's actually a boy."
Given the inner logic of the story, that would make sense-- in which case we have a paradigmatic example of how obfuscation is precisely the point of the misuse of pronouns.
"My guess is it's actually a boy."
Given the inner logic of the story, that would make sense-- in which case we have a paradigmatic example of how obfuscation is precisely the point of the misuse of pronouns.
The whole of "transgenderism" is nothing but lies.
"If you are male, you can be female" "If you mutilate your body, you will find peace and joy"
I will not lie, even though it may cost me everything in this world.
"My guess is it's actually a boy."
Given the inner logic of the story, that would make sense-- in which case we have a paradigmatic example of how obfuscation is precisely the point of the misuse of pronouns.
The whole of "transgenderism" is nothing but lies.
"If you are male, you can be female" "If you mutilate your body, you will find peace and joy"
I will not lie, even though it may cost me everything in this world.
All built on a foundation of lies...
Correct on the surface, but misses the deeper motivations.
grooming is working .....
we need to make them Republicans but how?
grooming is working .....
we need to make them Republicans but how?
Well, if they remove their testicles, they are eligible to run as mainstream republicans.
California Teachers Sue School District Over Policy of Hiding Children’s Gender Transition from Parents
April 27, 2023 2:36 PM
Teachers from a California middle school sued their school district and the state education board on Thursday over policies that they say require them to hide students’ intentions to change genders from their parents.
The federal lawsuit filed by attorneys from the Thomas More Society alleges that administrators at the Escondido Union School District and California State Board of Education violated the First Amendment with a policy that would compel teachers to aid in a student’s transgender “social transition.” The litigation was prompted by Escondido’s implementation of a series of new policies on the treatment of “transgender” or “gender diverse” students.
Plaintiffs Elizabeth Mirabelli and Lori Ann West, who are devoutly Catholic and Christian, also allege that the district’s policies infringe on their religious freedom, Paul Jonna, a lawyer representing the pair, said in a prepared statement.
National Review has reached out to the school district and the education board for comment.
Under the policies, teachers must refer to students by their preferred pronouns or gender-specific names during school hours but revert to biological pronouns and legal names when speaking with parents, the complaint states. At Escondido, once a teacher learns of a child’s social transitioning, he or she has an obligation to ensure parents do not discover this, according to the lawsuit.
The policy states that “revealing a student’s transgender status to individuals who do not have a legitimate need for the information, without the student’s consent” is prohibited. Regardless of the student’s age or circumstances, the policy says “parents or caretakers” are individuals who “do not have a legitimate need for the information,” according to the lawsuit.
Under the policy, teachers will be trained to lie to “a suspicious parent” by dodging questions. They are told to tell concerned parents that “the inquiry is outside of the scope of the intent of their interaction” and that they can only discuss “information regarding the student’s behavior as it relates to school, class rules, assignments, etc.” When further probed by parents, teachers are instructed not to provide any more detail on the child’s gender confusion.
In an internal Q&A portal obtained by Thomas More called “Rights of Gender Diverse Students Presentation” for Mission Middle School, which is under EUSD’s jurisdiction, a teacher asked: “Is a parent allowed to override a student’s request for different pronouns/alternate names?”
The answer provided was: “No, we shall use a student’s preferred name and pronoun based upon student request,” and “Teachers will use a student’s preferred pronouns and name here at school. But might need to use their original name and pronouns when contacting family” because “using the student’s school preferred name and pronouns might out the students to the parents.”
The district’s own Professional Standards, found in the Board Policy Manual, say that “Being dishonest with students, parents/guardians, staff, or members of the public” constitutes “Inappropriate Conduct,” Thomas More uncovered.
“It boils down to the need for a basic trust in the institutions that we support with our tax dollars to protect and defend our children. Public schools should never hide information from or lie to parents about a child’s mental health or personal circumstances,” Jonna said. “And schools should never compel teachers to perpetrate such a deception.”
The evil spreads , , ,
When even Kiss band members are like… :-o
I don't recall this story
but WAIT I just found this refuting the story :
I don't recall this story
but WAIT I just found this refuting the story :
Gary Wolchesky In fact check.
William Smith in Florida story.
looked up pedophile and william smith
and multiple william smiths come up
looked up pedophile and william smith
and multiple william smiths come up
Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing In Ocala, Florida
News Local
By Lee Gabriel On Jul 26, 2020
The decapitated corpse that was found on a judge’s doorstep in Ocala, Florida has been identified as belonging to a notorious pedophile who was recently allowed to walk free on bail by the judge, according to reports.
William Smith, 28, was discovered in the early hours of Tuesday morning, decapitated and slumped against the front door of the judge who had granted him bail in August.
Smith was arrested last month following allegations by his then girlfriend that he had raped her 8-year-old daughter.
After a police investigation in which Smith was found in possession of child pornography, he was arrested on two counts related to child pornography and one count of child molestation.
After being charged, Smith walked free from the court after the judge controversially ruled that he did not pose a threat to the local community, and he raised the $30,000 bail required to trigger his freedom.
The alleged victim’s family said they were “shocked” that Smith had been allowed to walk free from court.
Smith was awaiting trial for his crimes and was awaiting a court date which was due to be scheduled for later this year, however it seems that somebody from the local community decided to take matters into their own hands. The judge, whose name has been withheld, was woken at around 3am by his “frenzied” barking dog. When he went outside to find out what his dog was barking about, he found the decapitated body of the man he had allowed to walk free slumped against his front door with the severed head left on the steps.
Investigating officers described his death scene as resembling a “gangland-style execution“.
A local resident said of the horrific discovery that finding a headless body was an “unusual” occurrence: “This is a nice area.This is the kind of thing that usually happens in mob films, but not around here.”
Police say they are currently “following leads” but have yet to make any arrests for the murder.
Thank you CCP.
So, GM/CCP where do we stand on this? Did it happen or not?
Read the highlighted section.
Read the highlighted section.
Most people regard the lifting of homosexuality as mental illness as a good thing. I certainly would not want such aimed at my daughter.
OTOH, this tends to mean that it has become socially unacceptable to wonder about a correlation with pedophilia.
Most people regard the lifting of homosexuality as mental illness as a good thing. I certainly would not want such aimed at my daughter.
OTOH, this tends to mean that it has become socially unacceptable to wonder about a correlation with pedophilia.
Older generations understood the importance of boundaries. Before you tear down a fence, you better understand why it was built in the first place.
Same sex attraction and the other dysfunctional behaviors of the satanic alphabet are rooted in sin.
All humans are flawed and sinful, but we are to repent and avoid repeating sinful behavior. Making a celebrated identity of sinfulness is evil and pathological.
Though of course I wish she were straight, I certainly don't think of my daughter as evil and/or pathological.
I have two gay relatives
not immediate family
I love them the same no matter what
Though of course I wish she were straight, I certainly don't think of my daughter as evil and/or pathological.
Sin is sin. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Men and women were meant to be couples. Morality matters. Her eternal soul matters. Turning away from God has eternal consequences.
for those who are really gay it is not a simple moral or other choice
they just are gay
genetic environmental
OTOH it appears it is very much learned behavior
albiet 21 % now identify as LBGTQ (or whatever the hell that means)
what do you say to someone who is indeed born gay - you are a criminal, you are a sinner, your are mentally disturbed? sorry I don't except that
no one chose to be gay in the past;
though the groomers are trying, or are actually succeeding, in doing just that
today it is totally different and I don't like it
I don't think we need to endlessly celebrate it and make it mainstream
I can accept the marriage thing but no I still will not accept gays having children
that said what I think means jack .
for those who are really gay it is not a simple moral or other choice
Why isn't it? What is "really gay"?
they just are gay
genetic environmental
OTOH it appears it is very much learned behavior
albiet 21 % now identify as LBGTQ (or whatever the hell that means)
what do you say to someone who is indeed born gay - you are a criminal, you are a sinner, your are mentally disturbed? sorry I don't except that
It's God's law, not yours or mine.
no one chose to be gay in the past;
though the groomers are trying, or are actually succeeding, in doing just that
today it is totally different and I don't like it
I don't think we need to endlessly celebrate it and make it mainstream
I can accept the marriage thing but no I still will not accept gays having children
that said what I think means jack .
Konrad Lorenz (and Stephen Plinker?) speak of man being born with a genetic requirement to receive culture/language.
The specifics of this need evolve during the ontogeny of the person.
Matt Ridley (Nature via Nurture, The Red Queen) speaks of certain on/off switches triggered by the environment.
In other words, human young are wired to imprint upon the signals received from parents and tribal elders (e.g. ahem, , , their groomer/teachers)
When the signals conflict with the First Law of Nature (Eat, Survive, and REPRODUCE) a deep wrong of great consequence can be produced by creating irreconciliable conflict within the child as it matures.
(I would also note the implications of incarcertation leading to homosexual behavior. Dr. Ben Carson got into great trouble for mentioning this during his presidential campaign)
OTOH, I believe there is ample genuinely scientific data showing that some ARE "born that way".
Konrad Lorenz (and Stephen Plinker?) speak of man being born with a genetic requirement to receive culture/language.
The specifics of this need evolve during the ontogeny of the person.
Matt Ridley (Nature via Nurture, The Red Queen) speaks of certain on/off switches triggered by the environment.
In other words, human young are wired to imprint upon the signals received from parents and tribal elders (e.g. ahem, , , their groomer/teachers)
When the signals conflict with the First Law of Nature (Eat, Survive, and REPRODUCE) a deep wrong of great consequence can be produced by creating irreconciliable conflict within the child as it matures.
(I would also note the implications of incarcertation leading to homosexual behavior. Dr. Ben Carson got into great trouble for mentioning this during his presidential campaign)
OTOH, I believe there is ample genuinely scientific data showing that some ARE "born that way".
The vast majority of heterosexual men are biologically hardwired to seek out sex with many women. Does that mean we shouldn't restrain ourselves because WE WERE BORN THIS WAY?
We all all flawed and sinful. We all face various temptations. We also have the choice to resist those base desires or indulge them.
How is the celibacy requirement working out for the Catholic Church?
"The vast majority of heterosexual men are biologically hardwired to seek out sex with many women. Does that mean we shouldn't restrain ourselves because WE WERE BORN THIS WAY?"
Within the bounds of integrity (e.g. having sworn to forsake all others), I would say that was an open question :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
""The vast majority of heterosexual men are biologically hardwired to seek out sex with many women. Does that mean we shouldn't restrain ourselves because WE WERE BORN THIS WAY?"
well it would be one thing if priests were "doing each other as adults"
it is another to rape children
same for heteros
Well, duh! :-D
My intended point being is that for most people the sexual energy cannot be denied, it must express. If this is so, under GM's formulation, what are gays to do?
Well, duh! :-D
My intended point being is that for most people the sexual energy cannot be denied, it must express. If this is so, under GM's formulation, what are gays to do?
"Paul would never mean that in view of Ephesians 5."
"Paul would never mean that in view of Ephesians 5."
5 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
We are not dogs, we are not bonobos. God demands more of us.
LGBT+ is about to disappear with the coming collapse.
Thank you for the Ephesians 5 quote.
Who could have seen that coming?
Just got latest the Verdict from JWatch
they go great work
it is so annoying though that endless lawsuits are necessary to get government records public
I regularly financially support JW!
“One of the fathers who had reached out to us said his daughter is a third-grader, and she came home and told him, ‘Daddy, I’m not a she. I want to be a they,’” said Zainab Chaudry, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Maryland office. “He was like, ‘She’s in third grade. What does she know about gender?’”
The pronouns of muslim girls who bring shame on their families are often was/were.
Honor killing is a thing that the woke groomers either don't know or care about. There are other options for the muzzy father, like shipping a 3rd grade girl off to Durka-Durka-stan to marry an adult cousin (At age 9, a girl is eligible to be married off as the demon-possessed pedo inventor of islam married a 6 year old and then brought her to the marital bed at age 9).
Then there is the muslim version of gender affirming surgery which ranges from the removal of the external parts of the clitoris to the most extreme version where the clitoral tissues are dug out, the labia minora and majora are removed and much of the vulva is cut away and they stitch together what is left to become a mass of scar tissue resulting in a lifetime (However long) of pain and infirmity.
Good thing we'd never do that!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is raising the alarm about a “substantial risk” of a resurgence of mpox cases this summer and is urging gay, bisexual and other high risk individuals to get fully vaccinated.
well , at least, they are FINALLY "coming out" and specifically pointing out "gay"
as the group spreading this .
in the past they never would say that
and would say those men who have sex with men are at higher risk.
They didn’t want to say “men who have sex with dogs and children” so saying gay is preferable for them.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is raising the alarm about a “substantial risk” of a resurgence of mpox cases this summer and is urging gay, bisexual and other high risk individuals to get fully vaccinated.
well , at least, they are FINALLY "coming out" and specifically pointing out "gay"
as the group spreading this .
in the past they never would say that
and would say those men who have sex with men are at higher risk.
homosexual movement which succeeded then got hyjacked by the queers:
what astounds me is how quickly and seemingly easily this was accepted by MSM, many in medicine, lawyers, universities, educators , corporations, entertainment
how effective labelling those who oppose any of this as beasts, inhumane, bigots, racists, phobes, even murderers it.
homosexual movement which succeeded then got hyjacked by the queers:
what astounds me is how quickly and seemingly easily this was accepted by MSM, many in medicine, lawyers, universities, educators , corporations, entertainment
how effective labelling those who oppose any of this as beasts, inhumane, bigots, racists, phobes, even murderers it.
The left always devours it's own.
from GM post above. funny I was wondering what lawyers are involved and immediately thought ACLU.
Not sure if they were involved in this outcasts case but they are at least indirectly linked :
"As recently revealed by Reduxx, the state of New Jersey’s policies on gender self-identification in prisons was largely the result of a settlement reached between the ACLU and the Department of Corrections in 2021.
The lawsuit the ACLU launched was on behalf of a transgender male inmate who sought transfer but had been denied"
well they could claim they are simply dressing like clowns which it kind of is.....
very important men dress as women all made up and serve hamburgers
big civil rights issue :roll:
if that is what drives the business I am guessing their hamburgers are not very good
well they could claim they are simply dressing like clowns which it kind of is.....
very important men dress as women all made up and serve hamburgers
big civil rights issue :roll:
if that is what drives the business I am guessing their hamburgers are not very good
Section 4. Section 827.11, Florida Statutes, is created to
95 read:
96 827.11 Exposing children to an adult live performance.—
97 (1) As used in this section, the term:
98 (a) “Adult live performance” means any show, exhibition, or
99 other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole
100 or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual
101 excitement, or specific sexual activities as those terms are
102 defined in s. 847.001, lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of
103 prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts when it:
104 1. Predominantly appeals to a prurient, shameful, or morbid
105 interest;
106 2. Is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the
107 adult community of this state as a whole with respect to what is
108 suitable material or conduct for the age of the child present;
109 and
110 3. Taken as a whole, is without serious literary, artistic,
111 political, or scientific value for the age of the child present.
112 (b) “Knowingly” means having general knowledge of, reason
113 to know, or a belief or ground for belief which warrants further
114 inspection or inquiry of both:
115 1. The character and content of any adult live performance
116 described in this section which is reasonably susceptible of
117 examination by the defendant; and
118 2. The age of the child.
119 (2) A person’s ignorance of a child’s age, a child’s
120 misrepresentation of his or her age, or a bona fide belief of a
121 child’s consent may not be raised as a defense in a prosecution
122 for a violation of this section.
123 (3) A person may not knowingly admit a child to an adult
124 live performance.
125 (4) A violation of subsection (3) constitutes a misdemeanor
126 of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
127 775.083.
brings back a bad and good memory
my mother went on vacation to Italy and was mugged
some guy tried to take her purse. she would not let go getting dragged to the ground. [bad memory]
she said the police came and beat the crap out of the guy [good memory ]
In the US they would have arrested her and sent a social worker to the guy's house.
edited to add
I used to have a Kohl's
card but got rid of it because their billing department was a total nuisance
Macy's was too
If I still had it now it would go straight to the shredder after seeing this.
A trans kid is like a vegan cat, you know who is making the decision.
I'm thinking this is a potent tool in making reasoned conversation that impresses observers when interacting with the unhinged.
the study is from 1991
not clear how many subjects in the "pilot" study
I did not notice that.
Nice catch.
What implications therefrom?
From above posted article:
"Target has reportedly donated $2.1 million to GLSEN, whose policies include ensuring school staff should 'ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential'."
Yet look at the picture of products Target has on display for sale. Clothing that lets anyone know who sees a person wearing it they are LBGTQ+
It must be a mating thing
Calling all LBGTQ+ ........
why else does one need to advertise their sexuality etc.
I don't walk around with shirts pointing out my sexual preference .
I find reading Twitter confusing.
What is the actual substance in that post?
I find reading Twitter confusing.
What is the actual substance in that post?
Dear Christians: the Rainbow Jihad is not a real civil rights movement.
In fact, the real push into public schools was started in the 90s by a pedo-org called GLSTN.
Obama picked GLSTN’s prez to be “safe schools czar” in 2009.
It’s a Democrat-run pedo “color revolution.”
on the above image
"brave" "courageous"
"free speech"
" standing up for civil rights"
"standing up for what he/she believes in"
"the racists bigots homophobes don't like. this"
" we need to protect DEI LBGTQ+"
on the above image
"brave" "courageous"
"free speech"
" standing up for civil rights"
"standing up for what he/she believes in"
"the racists bigots homophobes don't like. this"
" we need to protect DEI LBGTQ+"
on the above image
"brave" "courageous"
"free speech"
" standing up for civil rights"
"standing up for what he/she believes in"
"the racists bigots homophobes don't like. this"
" we need to protect DEI LBGTQ+"
I resent the Left media using this label
we need to wrest it back and call it "protect our children bill"
or maybe "stop pedophilia bill"
"According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride." --C.S. Lewis
"According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride." --C.S. Lewis,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/139/368/846/original/a67a42e7c1357e4c.png
"According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride." --C.S. Lewis,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/139/368/846/original/a67a42e7c1357e4c.png
85 Mill views (
I remember when I stopped calling women miss or mrs. and began addressing them as Ms.
that made sense at least
the stuff in the above makes mo sense from a medical point of view
one is either M or F or M->F [T] or F -> M [T}
that is it. period - from a medical perspective
so where is the medical establishment on this? who did we get hijacked by religious woke lunes and how is it we are not forced with threats of punishment if we do not call some one they are them ? or any of the other pronouns
am I supposed to ask a man if he is pregnant before a prescribe a medicine
like I would a woman?
You have males, females and very rarely intersex.
Then there are mentally ill people with delusions. Some evil medical professionals will mutilate their bodies sometimes, but a delusional male with a Frankenvag is still a male.
Then there are the predators using this as cover.
I remember when I stopped calling women miss or mrs. and began addressing them as Ms.
that made sense at least
the stuff in the above makes mo sense from a medical point of view
one is either M or F or M->F [T] or F -> M [T}
that is it. period - from a medical perspective
so where is the medical establishment on this? who did we get hijacked by religious woke lunes and how is it we are not forced with threats of punishment if we do not call some one they are them ? or any of the other pronouns
am I supposed to ask a man if he is pregnant before a prescribe a medicine
like I would a woman?
look at the 2 who appear to be teachers :roll:
what this shows me is how impressionable children really are.....
I was listening to Meghan Kelly podcast last night discussing this purposeful outrage :
One thing not mentioned - what about the child of this freak?
Can anyone imagine being this person's child ?
does anyone think the child will not grow up with problems ?
look at the 2 who appear to be teachers :roll:
what this shows me is how impressionable children really are.....
I was listening to Meghan Kelly podcast last night discussing this purposeful outrage :
One thing not mentioned - what about the child of this freak?
Can anyone imagine being this person's child ?
does anyone think the child will not grow up with problems ?
That's the goal.
sleep walking into oblivion.....
by time they wake up to reality
it will be too late
and not likely anyway since the whole world is becoming virtual
what did someone say the other night , US gen z 's goals to become influencers
while China gen Z astronaut.
tik tok works just not for us......
no not Hillary Rodham Clinton:
yes LGAFATRKAW are being slaughtered in the streets , hung from tree limbs, have no rights to jobs living marriage (now) be happy
they need the right to brainwash and pedophile children now.
would this occur if "alphabet people "
got in the faces of say an outside public prayer meeting ?
What is the name of the WSJ pedophile pizzagate story?
What is the name of the WSJ pedophile pizzagate story?
I meant the WSJ article. I want to read it for myself.
Anyway, apparently the grooming conspiracy includes VISA:
Thank you.
Why Approved Media Language Matters
The AP's recent updated guidance on transgenderism betrays its bias and negatively affects conservative free speech.
Nate Jackson
Who cares what the Associated Press style manual says? That may be the question on the minds of many conservatives, but we can assure you it matters a great deal, whether or not you read the AP.
For one thing, the AP stylebook is the most common set of journalistic guidelines used by news outlets across the political spectrum (though, for the record, not including The Patriot Post). That doesn't mean conservative organizations use everything in that manual without modification, but the influence is still there, as are the stories themselves, which are often simply republished on various websites.
For another, social media thought police rely on supposedly "objective" sources like the AP when deciding what opinions to silence.
It's a racketeering operation. Media rating organizations hire left-wing former journalists to look at the standards and practices of Leftmedia outfits, declare them to be the gold standard, and then rate those organizations highly for having adhered to their own rules. Conservative outlets, which exist in the first place as a counter to mainstream media bias, often don't adhere to those same standards and openly declare their bias in order to stand against the Left. So, the leftist journalists who declared themselves gatekeepers use their purported authority to give conservatives demerits for not adhering to left-wing rules.
Your humble team here has experience with this protection racket. Last year, we were downgraded by the hacks at NewsGuard, a news rating "authority" used by social media, and one of our "offenses" is practically straight out of the AP style guide. We allegedly used "homophobic" and "transphobic" language — terms that betray a clear political bias of their own.
Which brings us back to that AP guide.
The AP recently published its Transgender Coverage Topical Guide, which expands the grip of the Rainbow Mafia over how the news media may talk about the Rainbow Mafia.
We can understand avoiding admittedly politically charged words like "groomer" or "mutilation" when talking about this stuff. The AP is supposed to produce straight news, after all, not political analysis like we do. Yet the AP insists on calling "groomer" an "often false" term, and if a reporter must quote someone using it, that reporter must include an immediate "fact-check" like this: "using a term that falsely links LGBTQ+ people's interactions with children to the actions of child molesters." Yes, opponents of sexual abuse of any type intentionally use that term because that's what we think is happening. An opinion is not "false" just because the AP doesn't like that opinion, but that's the game these racketeers play.
Furthermore, here are a few examples of things that betray the AP's clear political bias and agenda:
Use preferred pronouns, the style guide says, but just don't call them that. Instead, say things like "the pronouns they use, whose pronouns are, who uses the pronouns." (That's funny — the AP refers to self-identified pro-lifers as "anti-abortion." Why can't we choose our own label?)
Use "gender-affirming care" to describe various medical treatments from puberty blockers to hormones to surgery that are used to change gender and often leave patients with lifelong health problems from scarring to infertility. How is that "affirming" again?
"Avoid terms like biological sex, along with biological male and biological female, which opponents of transgender rights sometimes use to refer to transgender women and transgender men, respectively."
"Avoid references to a transgender person being born a boy or girl, or phrasing like birth gender." Instead, "Sex assigned at birth is the accurate terminology." In fact, the AP tells its reporters, "Sex is usually assigned at birth by parents or attendants, sometimes inaccurately."
Inaccurately? Call us crazy, but it's not that difficult to tell the difference between genitalia.
It sure is hard to pin down a science denier. The Rainbow Mafia is always screaming about how sex is different from gender because the former is biology and the latter is identity. Indeed, the AP says "sex is inherently biological." But if someone is "assigned" sex at birth, doesn't that also make sex a social construct? And why is the way to correct this "inaccuracy" to "transition" a person to the opposite sex gender?
"Avoid references to both, either or opposite sexes or genders." Oh.
Perhaps the most revealing AP style item is this: "Do not use the term transgenderism, which frames transgender identity as an ideology."
Well, it is an ideology, though it's also more than that — it's a cult. We say so because it has all the markings of one, including demanding approved language and subjecting adherents to degrading humiliation and/or self-harm to show devotion to the cause.
Yet the AP wants to avoid even hinting at that truth in its reporting and in fact essentially instructs its reporters to join the cult. The rest of us pay the price by at best getting biased news and at worst not even being allowed to disagree. The AP is thus, as Thomas Jefferson once lamented, one of the "chimnies to carry off noxious vapors and smoke."
" rainbow mafia"
not bad
I still like
"alphabet mafia "
a bit more though. :wink:
Not during Pride Month!
Apparently this has been deleted.
only lying shysters can call this a "civil rights issue "
so ok for the rights of parents to be stripped
and provided to teachers or government employees
California Is Losing Its Mind
June 14, 2023 6:30 AM
ACalifornia bill, AB 957, would require family courts to interpret a child’s “health, safety, and welfare” to “include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity” for the purpose of custody disputes.
The bill, which has already passed the state assembly, was sponsored by Assemblymember Lori Wilson, who encouraged the transition of her own child, and who would like to see similar laws enacted in every state. It is of a piece with last year’s trans-tourism bill, encouraging out-of-state minors to travel to California to undergo transition treatments behind their parents’ backs, as well as a bill passed earlier this year requiring foster parents to agree to “best practices for providing care for LGBTQ+ youth,” including — of course — “gender-affirming care.”
Already we have seen the toxic effects of gender ideology infiltrating family law. Across the country, activist-minded judges are penalizing parents who don’t accept the claims of trans activists. Judges in California, Illinois, and Texas have denied custody rights to divorced parents opposed to, or even skeptical of, their child’s transition. In some cases, judges have received special “training” on these matters from transgender activists.
AB 957 goes even further than favoring one divorced parent over another for political reasons. In interpreting the refusal to affirm a gender identity as an affront to a child’s “health, safety and welfare,” the bill effectively defines non-affirmation as abuse, creating a precedent for much broader applications. If a parent can lose custody rights after a divorce for not affirming his or her child, what’s to stop the state from removing children from happily married or even single parents?
This is happening already in some jurisdictions. Take Abigail Martinez, a single mother of four, living in Los Angeles, Calif., whose trans-identifying teenager was removed from her custody in 2016 by a judge interpreting non-affirmation as “emotional abuse.” Oddly, the judge permitted Martinez to retain custody of her other three children and to continue working as a nanny. After three years of her daughter living in state custody and undergoing hormone treatments, the abuse charges against Martinez were changed by the Department of Child and Family Services from “substantiated” to “inconclusive.” But too late; the damage was already done. One month later, her daughter — by then a severely depressed 19-year-old who’d spent critical years away from her loving family — took her own life by kneeling in front of a freight train.
Laws like AB 957 would make stories like that of Martinez less an egregious outlier and closer to the new legal norm. In demanding parental affirmation, the bill sets no requirements for clinical evaluations and includes no mention of mental-health comorbidities. Whether they’re depressed, autistic, bullied, or sexual-abuse survivors: If children say they’re trans — they are trans. End of discussion.
Under such a broad definition of child abuse, even the wider community — schools, churches, and other organizations — could be obliged to “affirm.” And all this while — as we noted in our editorial yesterday — the global credibility of the “gender-affirming” model is crumbling. On trans issues, California is losing its collective mind.
Transgender Treatment in Children Leads to Lifelong Medical Side Effects
Beth Brelje
Beth Brelje, Reporter
Jun 14 2023
A view of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in October 2021. (Google Street View)
A view of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in October 2021. (Google Street View)
Altering the appearance of one’s gender through hormone treatment or surgery is a permanent decision with lifelong health consequences that go beyond cosmetics.
Brittle bones, affected brain development, and the loss of a functioning reproductive system are among the possible side effects of gender transition.
It is crucial for those seeking treatment for gender dysphoria to consider the lifelong consequences of such treatments, but that is a tall order for young patients with still developing brains and bones and who have not yet hit puberty.
It is also a tough task for those on the autism spectrum, who are seen at a higher rate in the transgender community compared to the general population, according to doctors at the Gender and Sexuality Development Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), speaking in a Pennsylvania taxpayer-funded series of transgender therapy training workshops for workers in health care and education.
Reversible Treatment Leads to Irreversible Outcomes
The CHOP trainings teach mental health providers to treat children under age 8, first with reversible methods such as “acceptance and affirmation.” The training advises professionals to guide families through social gender transition by choosing a name, haircut, clothing style, and public bathroom of the gender the child wants to be. Not considering mental health effects, these strategies can be reversed.
But puberty blocker medicines may start between ages 8–14. Ages 14 and up can be treated with testosterone, estrogen, and “gender affirming surgeries,” the training advises.
The decision to give a child puberty blockers can have permanent effects.
Puberty blockers can “put the pause button” on puberty, giving children more time to explore their gender identity, the training claims, and prevent children from the development of “irreversible secondary sex characteristics,” such as the natural development of breasts or deepening of the voice. If these characteristics never develop, the child may not need surgery later, the training indicates.
Higher Risk of Bone Fractures
Hormones are needed to build bone during puberty, so children taking puberty blockers will have weaker bones during development and throughout adulthood, putting them at higher risk of bone fractures, said Dr. Zachary McClain in one of the trainings. McClain is assistant professor of pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine and program director of adolescent medicine.
“What we know about puberty blockers is that they actually lower your bone mineral density during puberty,” McClain said. “But the good news is, when we start back with cross-sex hormones, with either estrogen or testosterone, that bone density goes right back up. Does it go back up to someone who’s never been on puberty blockers? Probably not. There was one study that did show that it didn’t go back up to cisgender youth who just went through a normal cycle of puberty.”
Blockers may also stall cognitive brain development, McClain said.
“It’s not going to change how smart they are, but there is this abstract cognitive development that we’re just not sure about. … Some of the science is there, some of the science isn’t there, but we know in general, these are safe,” said McClain.
Puberty blockers are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in gender transition, the training said.
Children on puberty blockers may be shorter than their peers. They will grow at the slower, pre-puberty rate, and grow faster once they are on cross-sex hormones, he said.
Those undergoing gender treatments have an increased risk of mental health challenges, including more anxiety disorders, mood disorders and a higher rate for suicide, and there are more instances of autism than in the general population.
Informed Consent
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recommends in its eighth Standards of Care report that doctors ensure patients understand the effect of gender treatment on reproduction before beginning treatment.
“Gender-affirming medical interventions often affect reproductive capacity,” the report said. For example, removal of testicles is irreversible and leads to loss of fertility and loss of the effects of endogenous sex steroids.
Clinical data indicate that after gender care, transgender people score significantly lower in sexual pleasure compared to cisgender individuals, and they should be informed before treatment.
But transgender women can still get pregnant, even while taking testosterone.
“We recommend medical providers discuss contraception methods with transgender and gender diverse people who engage in sexual activity that can result in pregnancy,” the report said. Transgender individuals may retain reproductive capacity, and may experience unplanned pregnancies due to an erroneous assumption that testosterone is a reliable form of contraception.
“Transgender men and … people who use testosterone should be informed 1) although quantities are small, testosterone does pass through chest/breast milk; and 2) the impact on the developing neonate/child is unknown, and therefore gender-affirming testosterone use is not recommended during lactation.”
Testosterone therapy may cause high cholesterol and estrogen may cause blood clots. Other hormone therapies can cause weight gain, depression, increased frequency of urination, low blood pressure, and the onset of osteoporosis.
There will be more doctors visits. Women who surgically add male genitalia should expect lifelong urological follow-up appointments. Men who surgically add female genitalia will still need regular prostate exams plus gynecologic exams to check for complications.
The report says a small percentage, between 0.3 percent and 3.8 percent, will regret their decision to change the appearance of their gender.
Regret can be temporary or permanent and may be classified as social regret, often caused by difficulties in familial, religious, social, or professional life; medical regret, due to long-term medical complications, disappointment in surgical results or inadequate preoperative decision-making; and true gender-related regret, mostly based on patient-experienced misdiagnosis, insufficient exploration of gender identity, or both, the report said.
Alternative Decision Maker
Within transgender treatment circles there are discussions about the importance of informed consent, the ethical principle that recipients of health care should understand the health care they receive and any potential consequences that could result, according to the WPATH report.
“It is important to recognize mental illness, in particular symptoms of cognitive impairment or psychosis, can impact a person’s ability to grant consent for gender-affirming medical and/or surgical treatments (GAMSTs). However, the presence of such symptoms does not necessarily equate to an inability to give consent because many people with significant mental health symptoms are able to understand the risks and benefits of treatment enough to make an informed decision,” the report said.
The report added that it is important that a careful assessment is done, examining a person’s ability to comprehend the nature of the treatment being considered, consider treatment options, including risks and benefits, appreciate the potential short- and long-term consequences of the decision, and communicate their choice in order to receive the treatment.
The report recommends mental health professionals address mental health symptoms that interfere with a person’s capacity to consent to gender-affirming treatment before treatment is initiated.
“There may be instances in which an individual lacks the capacity to consent to health care, such as during an acute episode of psychosis or in situations where an individual has long-term cognitive impairment. However, limits to capacity to consent to treatment should not prevent individuals from receiving appropriate GAMSTs,” the WPATH report said. “For some, understanding the risks and benefits may require the use of repeated explanations in jargon-free language over time, or the use of diagrams to facilitate explanation and aid comprehension.”
In some cases, an alternative decision maker, such as a legal guardian or regulator-approved, independent decision maker may need to be appointed, the report said.
The goal is to provide “the most affirmative and least restrictive health care.”
The left destroys individuals just as it destroys cities, states and nations.
Transgender Treatment in Children Leads to Lifelong Medical Side Effects
Beth Brelje
Beth Brelje, Reporter
Jun 14 2023
A view of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in October 2021. (Google Street View)
A view of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in October 2021. (Google Street View)
Altering the appearance of one’s gender through hormone treatment or surgery is a permanent decision with lifelong health consequences that go beyond cosmetics.
Brittle bones, affected brain development, and the loss of a functioning reproductive system are among the possible side effects of gender transition.
It is crucial for those seeking treatment for gender dysphoria to consider the lifelong consequences of such treatments, but that is a tall order for young patients with still developing brains and bones and who have not yet hit puberty.
It is also a tough task for those on the autism spectrum, who are seen at a higher rate in the transgender community compared to the general population, according to doctors at the Gender and Sexuality Development Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), speaking in a Pennsylvania taxpayer-funded series of transgender therapy training workshops for workers in health care and education.
Reversible Treatment Leads to Irreversible Outcomes
The CHOP trainings teach mental health providers to treat children under age 8, first with reversible methods such as “acceptance and affirmation.” The training advises professionals to guide families through social gender transition by choosing a name, haircut, clothing style, and public bathroom of the gender the child wants to be. Not considering mental health effects, these strategies can be reversed.
But puberty blocker medicines may start between ages 8–14. Ages 14 and up can be treated with testosterone, estrogen, and “gender affirming surgeries,” the training advises.
The decision to give a child puberty blockers can have permanent effects.
Puberty blockers can “put the pause button” on puberty, giving children more time to explore their gender identity, the training claims, and prevent children from the development of “irreversible secondary sex characteristics,” such as the natural development of breasts or deepening of the voice. If these characteristics never develop, the child may not need surgery later, the training indicates.
Higher Risk of Bone Fractures
Hormones are needed to build bone during puberty, so children taking puberty blockers will have weaker bones during development and throughout adulthood, putting them at higher risk of bone fractures, said Dr. Zachary McClain in one of the trainings. McClain is assistant professor of pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine and program director of adolescent medicine.
“What we know about puberty blockers is that they actually lower your bone mineral density during puberty,” McClain said. “But the good news is, when we start back with cross-sex hormones, with either estrogen or testosterone, that bone density goes right back up. Does it go back up to someone who’s never been on puberty blockers? Probably not. There was one study that did show that it didn’t go back up to cisgender youth who just went through a normal cycle of puberty.”
Blockers may also stall cognitive brain development, McClain said.
“It’s not going to change how smart they are, but there is this abstract cognitive development that we’re just not sure about. … Some of the science is there, some of the science isn’t there, but we know in general, these are safe,” said McClain.
Puberty blockers are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in gender transition, the training said.
Children on puberty blockers may be shorter than their peers. They will grow at the slower, pre-puberty rate, and grow faster once they are on cross-sex hormones, he said.
Those undergoing gender treatments have an increased risk of mental health challenges, including more anxiety disorders, mood disorders and a higher rate for suicide, and there are more instances of autism than in the general population.
Informed Consent
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) recommends in its eighth Standards of Care report that doctors ensure patients understand the effect of gender treatment on reproduction before beginning treatment.
“Gender-affirming medical interventions often affect reproductive capacity,” the report said. For example, removal of testicles is irreversible and leads to loss of fertility and loss of the effects of endogenous sex steroids.
Clinical data indicate that after gender care, transgender people score significantly lower in sexual pleasure compared to cisgender individuals, and they should be informed before treatment.
But transgender women can still get pregnant, even while taking testosterone.
“We recommend medical providers discuss contraception methods with transgender and gender diverse people who engage in sexual activity that can result in pregnancy,” the report said. Transgender individuals may retain reproductive capacity, and may experience unplanned pregnancies due to an erroneous assumption that testosterone is a reliable form of contraception.
“Transgender men and … people who use testosterone should be informed 1) although quantities are small, testosterone does pass through chest/breast milk; and 2) the impact on the developing neonate/child is unknown, and therefore gender-affirming testosterone use is not recommended during lactation.”
Testosterone therapy may cause high cholesterol and estrogen may cause blood clots. Other hormone therapies can cause weight gain, depression, increased frequency of urination, low blood pressure, and the onset of osteoporosis.
There will be more doctors visits. Women who surgically add male genitalia should expect lifelong urological follow-up appointments. Men who surgically add female genitalia will still need regular prostate exams plus gynecologic exams to check for complications.
The report says a small percentage, between 0.3 percent and 3.8 percent, will regret their decision to change the appearance of their gender.
Regret can be temporary or permanent and may be classified as social regret, often caused by difficulties in familial, religious, social, or professional life; medical regret, due to long-term medical complications, disappointment in surgical results or inadequate preoperative decision-making; and true gender-related regret, mostly based on patient-experienced misdiagnosis, insufficient exploration of gender identity, or both, the report said.
Alternative Decision Maker
Within transgender treatment circles there are discussions about the importance of informed consent, the ethical principle that recipients of health care should understand the health care they receive and any potential consequences that could result, according to the WPATH report.
“It is important to recognize mental illness, in particular symptoms of cognitive impairment or psychosis, can impact a person’s ability to grant consent for gender-affirming medical and/or surgical treatments (GAMSTs). However, the presence of such symptoms does not necessarily equate to an inability to give consent because many people with significant mental health symptoms are able to understand the risks and benefits of treatment enough to make an informed decision,” the report said.
The report added that it is important that a careful assessment is done, examining a person’s ability to comprehend the nature of the treatment being considered, consider treatment options, including risks and benefits, appreciate the potential short- and long-term consequences of the decision, and communicate their choice in order to receive the treatment.
The report recommends mental health professionals address mental health symptoms that interfere with a person’s capacity to consent to gender-affirming treatment before treatment is initiated.
“There may be instances in which an individual lacks the capacity to consent to health care, such as during an acute episode of psychosis or in situations where an individual has long-term cognitive impairment. However, limits to capacity to consent to treatment should not prevent individuals from receiving appropriate GAMSTs,” the WPATH report said. “For some, understanding the risks and benefits may require the use of repeated explanations in jargon-free language over time, or the use of diagrams to facilitate explanation and aid comprehension.”
In some cases, an alternative decision maker, such as a legal guardian or regulator-approved, independent decision maker may need to be appointed, the report said.
The goal is to provide “the most affirmative and least restrictive health care.”
The Matt Walsh Report
The Betrayal At Fox News Is Even Worse Than We Imagined
For 120 straight weeks, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in primetime. Its main competitors, MSNBC and CNN, never came close. In the key advertising demographic — people between the ages of 25 and 54 — Fox News was the undisputed leader.
But last week, after nearly two months of declining ratings following the ouster of Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ streak came to an abrupt and very unceremonious end. Last Friday, Fox News recorded its worst performance in primetime in the network's history. Just 109,000 people between the ages of 25 to 54 tuned into Tucker Carlson's old 8:00p.m. time slot, to watch the replacement show "Fox News Tonight."
How bad is that? To put it in context, "Fox News Tonight" was ranked 41st out of all cable news shows on Friday. This is the time slot that used to routinely be ranked number one. Now YouTube streams of people playing with Legos get more viewers. And keep in mind — Fox News attracted those 109,000 viewers on a very busy news night, after the announcement of Donald Trump’s indictment. Not many people cared what Fox News anchors had to say about the indictment of a presidential frontrunner.
Whatever you make of that, it’s clear that the implosion of Fox News is well underway. And it’s showing no signs of stopping. This week, as Tucker discussed on his Twitter show Thursday, Fox News executives publicly condemned a veteran producer who wrote a banner criticizing Joe Biden. Five years ago, the banner wouldn’t have attracted any attention whatsoever. But under the current leadership at Fox News, it led to the producer leaving the network within 48 hours. Here’s Tucker:
Clip 1
That banner is the most interesting thing that’s happened in that time slot for about two months, so of course Fox News cracks down on it. What’s happening at Fox feels familiar. The network is on the same trajectory we saw with Bud Light, then Target. Fox News executives, for some reason, are destroying their own product, and now they've lost the trust of their customer base. They didn’t just fire their top-performing host in the single most important hour in television, without providing any justification for it. Now they’re punishing producers too. They’ve also been relentlessly promoting transgenderism across all their platforms. They’ve made Caitlyn Jenner one of their top contributors. In every article about Dylan Mulvaney, or any other trans activist, they diligently make sure to respect their preferred pronouns.
Fox News’ parent company, Fox Corporation, is even sponsoring a pride parade. All of this is driving Fox News’ viewers away. It’s hard not to wonder what’s happening at Fox News, and whether there’s any chance the company —– which was once trusted by millions of people —– can ever recover.
We just obtained a series of internal documents from Fox News employees that illustrate how deep the rot goes, and how unsalvageable the whole organization truly is. These are documents that are produced by Fox Corporation, and presented to Fox News employees when they login to their employee portal. Any Fox News employee can access them. I encourage you to read the entire thread on Twitter and get all the facts on the story. I must warn you, though, what we found included very sexually explicit content. I don’t have to tell you that I have a lot to say about that.
The documents show that the leadership of Fox Corporation despises their viewers, and everything they stand for. This is a company that abhors not only traditional values, but also basic human decency, it would seem. Am I overstating things? Let's see. In honor of Pride Month, Fox Corporation is now encouraging employees of Fox News to read literature about “glory holes.” You read that right. These are literal holes in restroom walls where men anonymously receive oral sex. Fox's executives want their employees to learn all about them. Now if you went up to a co-worker and started talking in graphic detail about “glory holes,” you’d get hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit. But this is what Fox is telling its employees to read. And that's not the only pornographic topic Fox is pushing on its workers.
In addition to the porn, Fox is also encouraging everyone at the company to donate to organizations that administer sterilizing hormones to young people —– including homeless youth. This is something that, on-air, Fox News occasionally pretends is a bad thing. But internally, Fox Corp. is promoting it, with enthusiasm. Pull back the curtain, and there's not much daylight between the Fox boardroom and the faculty lounge at U.C. Berkeley.
Actually, in some respects, Fox is even worse than Berkeley. Fox has gone high-tech with its DEI agenda. Just in case any employees at the network stepped out of line, the documents we've obtained also show that Fox leadership experimented with an artificial intelligence program that pushes "diversity, equity and inclusion" in the workplace. The AI, called Eskalera, advertises that it can track the progress of organizations towards certain “DEI” goals. That’s its main function.
Yesterday we uploaded the documents outlining all of this on my Twitter feed. You can check them out there if you haven’t already. Again, the materials come from Fox's employee portal. Here's a screenshot of one of the documents:
Clip 2
You can see that Fox Corp encourages its employees to donate to a variety of organizations, and says it will even help match funds to these groups. Let's go through a couple of them.
According to Fox, employees should donate to the Trevor Project, because it's supposedly devoted to helping "LGBTQ young people ages 13-24." How exactly does the Trevor Project help these youths? As the National Review reported recently, they run a chat room that allows 13-year-olds to connect with LGBTQ adults to talk about sexually explicit topics. As the National Review put it, it's a "pandora's box of depravity." Reportedly, there’s no age requirement or verification whatsoever. In many cases, these adults tell children in the chatroom how to obtain medications, and products like chest binders, without alerting their parents.
One chat from an adult, which children could see, began with the adult talking about his urge to masturbate — it goes on from there in graphic detail. In another chat hosted by the Trevor Project, an adult starts talking about "doggystyle," and a user under the age of 18 responds, saying he also wants to try it. None of this is new information, by the way. It's been reported for months. Fox wants their employees to support the Trevor Project anyway.
They're also telling employees to donate to the Ali Forney Center. That's a group that says it takes care of homeless young people. On their Twitter account, the Ali Forney Center boasts about injecting these young people with cross-sex hormones — hormones that will sterilize them. They say they provide "life-saving services like hormone replacement therapy for our young people."
Clip 3
So they're taking at-risk youth, and they appear to admit that they’re flooding their bodies with irreversible chemicals. This is all right out in the open. And Fox supports it.
As if to erase any doubt about that, Fox also encourages donations to the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which openly brags about giving hormones to children. They even uploaded a video of a mother "surprising her trans daughter with first dose of hormones."
Clip 4
YouTube took down that video for terms of service violations, but a screenshot is still on Twitter. By itself, all of this is alarming. Again, Fox is matching employee donations to these far Left groups. How much of your monthly cable bill is funding this barbarism? And why exactly are Fox executives taking the position that their employees should support the chemical sterilization of minors?
We obtained other documents from the Fox employee portal, and after reviewing those documents, the answer is obvious — to me anyway — Fox is run by a bunch of highly dedicated, godless perverts. There's really no other way for me to describe this: They want to impose their sexual fantasies on other people, whether it's children or their own employees.
We know that because Fox's executives recommend several books for their employees to read.
Clip 5
One of the books is called "Fairest." It's by Meredith Talusan. Here's a quote from the book, early on.
"I'm sorry but what's a glory hole?” I asked. The chuckles in the room aimed themselves at me. Gavin leaned forward so I could see him. In the half-second before he spoke, I noticed that he was beautiful. A glory hole is an opening drilled into the side of a restroom stall, he said like we were reading out of a dictionary…”
What follows is a graphic description of how a glory hole works. I can’t even share with you what most of this book says — at least, I won’t. This is a book that Fox executives tell their employees will "expand [their] perspective." The author goes on to elaborate in ways that I will not share, but again, it’s all on Twitter if you’d like to read it for yourself.
Clip 6
In case you're tempted to think that Fox executives recommended this book by mistake, you should know they also tell their employees to read a novel called "Red, White and Royal Blue." It's about a fictional gay relationship between the prince of Wales and the president's son. It starts off with this dialogue, which can best be described as barely literate.
"Listen," Alex tells her, "royal weddings are trash, the princes who have royal weddings are trash, the imperialism that allows princes to exist at all is trash. It's trash turtles all the way down." "Is this your Ted Talk?” June asks. "You do realize America is a genocidal empire too right? “Yes June, but at least we have the decency to not keep a monarchy around,” Alex says, throwing a pistachio at her."
Why does Fox encourage its employees to read this horribly written dialogue about how America is a genocidal empire? It's hard to say. The book doesn't linger on that topic very long. Very quickly it also devolves into gay erotica.
"Henry gets a grip on Alex's hips and pulls him close, so Alex is properly straddling his lap, and he kisses hard now …” And it gets much worse from there, but again not anything I want to share.
By the way, Fox also recommends a book for its employees read to their children. It’s an illustrated book starring a unicorn, which is clearly intended to be a symbol for being gay or trans or nonbinary, et cetera.
Clip 8
Fox also tells employees to watch videos of activists, including a Ted Talk in which a woman explains that undergoing a medically unnecessary double mastectomy was a sign of strength. Watch:
Clip 9
What we're seeing is a top-down effort by Fox executives to ensure that radical gender ideology, and all of its deranged excesses, is dominant at every level in the company. But of course, not every Fox employee wants to go along with this. That might be why, last year, Fox experimented with a solution to whip those employees in line. It’s an AI platform called Eskalera, which tracks employees’ commitment to the cult of DEI. Here's how VentureBeat describes Eskalera.
Clip 10
"Eskalera creates AI-based Inclusion Index to measure a better workplace. … Eskalera today unveiled the Inclusion Index, a new system for organizing companies that encourages and quantifies inclusive culture. Using organizational analytics, the Inclusion Index is aimed at real-time measurement of a company’s diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts."
If you check the Eskalera website, and do some reading on what "services" this AI performs, it's truly creepy stuff. Eskalera advertises that it pulls in data from a variety of sources, including company email and payroll systems. It generated a “peer comfort index” and a “diversity index,” based in part on how often employees “practice micro-affirmations.” Those are apparently the opposite of “microaggressions,” and it appears Fox is all about them.
Clip 12
Eskalera produces data that guides company leaders, telling them which departments aren't inclusive enough. The system is supposed to guide hiring, terminations, raises — everything.
What's the end result of all this? What happens to a news organization when the executives promote radical gender ideology and perverted reading materials? What happens when they bring in a woke AI to monitor everyone?
You get the current state of Fox. It's a company where it seems that many of the employees hate Fox News viewers. Here’s the Instagram page of one influential Fox News employee, to give just one example. He has pronouns in bio, of course — he goes by he/him.
Clip 13
In one post, this employee calls conservatives "hicks" for complaining about drag queens who target kids.
Clip 14
In another post, he defends the anti-Catholic hate group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." “And Catholics wonder why we have an order of Nuns to push back on this ridiculous garbage," he wrote. To be clear, this Fox News employee is defending a group that openly mocks Catholics, putting on perverted and blasphemous displays like this in public:
Clip 15
There are a bunch more posts that make it clear this employee has contempt for Fox News viewers. It's not worth going through all of them, but there's a clear connection between these posts and the content that Fox News viewers see. Some of his posts are about his work on the Fox News website. He says he was "so happy" Fox News got to use the image he made after Joe Biden won the presidency, for example.
This is all very bad, to put it mildly. And now the question is, where do we go from here? What happens next? Well, in the few hours after we first posted our investigation, several prominent conservatives, as expected, stayed silent and refused to amplify it. These are people who are terrified of losing the opportunity to appear on Fox for a couple of minutes. Terrified of not being able to go on Fox and promote their next book, or their podcast, or whatever. They’d rather lose their integrity than lose that.
But several major figures did speak out, to their great credit. Utah Senator Mike Lee, for example, wrote, “This kind of deliberate alienation of its own audience might not end well for Fox News. But for the fact that there is no other large cable news company in America that is widely known as conservative (or even right of center), this account could prove devastating.”
Scott Adams wrote simply, “My brain is exploding.”
James Lindsey observed that “ESG/CEI likely is behind both this and Tucker's removal at FOX. Fox is now openly known to be part of the ESG cartel.”
Blaze host Steve Deace said “Just read this thread. Complete and total vile filth from Fox News.”
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Other commentators — including people who stand to get disinvited from Fox, permanently, for speaking out — spoke out as well. Jason Whitlock, a frequent guest on Fox, publicly thanked us for the investigation.
Benny Johnson wrote, “This is insane. You need to read this. Fox News is a 5th column. A Trojan horse in the city walls.”
Robby Starbuck, another regular on Fox, tweeted, “I will not appear on a Fox News show until they drop their attacks on Tucker and fire the person responsible for this vile memo.” And Chaya Raichik, the founder of Libs of TikTok, wrote, “I visited Fox HQ a few times. On one occasion I noticed a bunch of screensavers with the words "Fox Pride" in rainbow colors. I remember thinking it was very strange. It all makes sense now. Fox needs to get their act together.”
All of these people and more, at some significant personal cost, responded to our investigation. They were willing to call out a wrong when they saw it, regardless of whether it impacted them professionally. Credit to them for that, and now we need many more to speak out. Every conservative is quick to criticize corporate wokeism — and for good reason — but Fox must not be given a pass. Quite the opposite.
So the question is: what do Fox News executives think about all of this? Do they object to their parent company recommending books about pornographic topics to their employees? Fox News’ audience deserves to know.
After I posted yesterday’s tweet thread on our investigation last night, we reached out to Fox News executives about this. We still haven’t heard back. So far, Fox doesn’t seem to think its viewers deserve any kind of explanation whatsoever. That may be more revealing than what we uncovered, frankly.
Why explain this? As we said on Twitter, maybe it’s because Fox doesn’t really care what its viewers think. Fox, like many big tech platforms and major corporations, is primarily owned by enormous institutional investors, particularly Blackrock and Vanguard. These massive funds consolidate the wealth of millions of Americans, and then use their combined power to pursue a radical agenda most of those Americans oppose. They are Fox’s real customers. And they’re getting exactly what they want.
Playing that forward.
Playing that forward too.
Another Big WIN for BIG Pharma and Medical-Industrial Complex!
Makes good analytical points.
what ever the hell that means
for crying out loud
this is so phony stupid and idiotic
trans can live anywhere and be trans
but just stay away from trying to convert our children
we are not stopping anyone from playing the other sex
we just don't want it shoved in our faces
and no we don't want to *celebrate * this
and yet the DNC MSM corporations etc keep shoving it in our faces
for no reason
trans are not being shot strung up on tree limbs
or prevented from jobs
eating living etc
just stop being freakin pedophiles
Safe from others, suicide is their biggest killer:
"Safe from others, suicide is their biggest killer"
great point!
oh, but if only they can drag in libraries, preen down Main street, go to schools and gyrate and twerk for our children they would no longer commit suicide
they would thus be safe :-o :roll:
I suggest the same the LEFT promotes
for criminals - > social workers , mental health experts
for drug addicts - > social workers , drug treatment centers
for Trans - > social workers and , mental health experts
on second thought, maybe not such a great idea
guess who would pay for it .
Indeed, a great point, pithily made.
I'm so old I remember when edgy humor was legal. )
Now Even Infants Are Being Sacrificed In The Name Of Trans ‘Affirmation’
A few weeks ago I did a monologue on a couple of medical "case reports" that trans activists have been promoting all over social media. According to these case reports, if you inject men with a drug called domperidone, then they can produce a substance that vaguely resembles breast milk, which they can then feed to children.
There were a lot of problems with these case reports. There was contradictory data, the sample size in each case was one person, the authors were trans activists themselves, et cetera. But the really disturbing thing was that neither of these case reports seemed concerned at all about what might happen to these infants who are forced to consume this gross, chemical-laced, milk-like discharge. Domperidone is banned in the United States by the FDA, for all purposes. It's been shown to cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias in adult women. And multiple studies have shown that the drug is excreted in breast milk.
But for some curious reason, the authors of these case reports — including physicians at Mount Sinai and UCLA — glossed over the many risks that this drug poses to children. And in recent weeks, it's become clear that these physicians aren't alone. Many members of the medical community have made it clear they have no problem with endangering the lives of children, in the name of affirming transgenderism.
For example, here's a recent interview that aired on Newsmax featuring two guests: a self-described "gender justice" PhD named S.J. Miller, along with a sane physician named Greg Marchand. Watch what happens when the gender justice PhD claims that it's totally normal for men to lactate and breastfeed. It's a fascinating exchange:
So the gender justice trans PhD S.J. Miller tries to pass off the idea of men lactating as the most natural thing in the world. But he has no medical studies to back that up. So he flails a bit and asks Greg for assistance, at which point Greg tells him that men lactating is actually a symptom of a serious medical problem like cancer.
It's beyond parody. And the whole interview went on like this. The gender justice PhD just sits by as the real doctor repudiates everything he says. This isn't to pick on one activist PhD because again, this is happening everywhere, from Mount Sinai to UCLA. Everyone knows what's going on here. Activists who support the idea of male lactation don't actually care about the life or wellbeing of the infant. What they're concerned with is promoting the fundamental tenet of the religion that is transgenderism — which is that nothing is more important than the affirmation of the trans person’s feelings. All other humans on Earth, including and especially their families and children, exist primarily to affirm them. If children have to die, or have their lives ruined, to validate the delusions of mentally ill men, then so be it. They're a necessary sacrifice. That's their view.
It used to be that trans activists and medical professionals would never say anything like that out loud. For a long time, deliberately hurting children was a red line in American politics and in American medicine — and even trans activists weren't dumb enough to cross that line. They were happy to worship "indigenous people," including tribes that conducted human sacrifices on children, but they would never come out and endorse those human sacrifices themselves. Or if they did, they would call it “reproductive health care” and hope that nobody asked any more questions. But we are now getting to a point where the drive to sacrifice children on the altar of affirmation isn’t even being papered over with euphemisms anymore.
Now our supposed "public health experts" are coming right out and admitting what they've wanted to do all along, which is to harm and even kill children to make self-identifying trans people feel better. A new report in the Substack "Reality’s Last Stand” makes this very clear. You should definitely read this, because what they found is hard to believe unless you see it with your own eyes.
Here's the broad outlines of the story. A new paper is set to be released this year in the journal "Qualitative Research in Health." This is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of public health. The paper is called "Medical uncertainty and reproduction of the 'normal': Decision-making around testosterone therapy in transgender pregnancy." The authors include a bunch of social justice PhD's, such as Professor Carla A. Pfeffer (she/her) of Michigan State University, as well as Professor Sally Hines at the University of Sheffield, and several other academics in the field of sociology. None of the authors have medical degrees.
In this paper, the authors suggest that the feelings of supposedly "transgender individuals" -- and their subjective mental states -- could potentially outweigh any considerations concerning the health of infants. Specifically, the authors acknowledge that taking testosterone while pregnant or breastfeeding might cause severe, permanent damage to infants. But they imply that you're not supposed to worry about that, because many "transgender people" also suffer from serious mental and physical problems, and we wouldn't want to stigmatize them.
Here's a passage straight from the article: "The logics guiding current medical advice around precautionary testosterone cessation in pregnancy involve potentially troubling assessments of the sorts of risks testosterone exposure in the prenatal and postpartum environments may pose for later child and adult development: namely, potentially heightened likelihoods of autism, obesity, intersex conditions, being lesbian and/or trans. In this way, precautionary practices of protecting the offspring of trans people become, paradoxically, a method of social control through safeguarding against reproduction of some of the very same characteristics held by some transparents themselves."
I'll repeat that last part. The "precautionary practices of protecting the offspring of trans people become, paradoxically, a method of social control through safeguarding against reproduction of some of the very same characteristics held by some transparents themselves."
What these academics are saying is that, if you want to protect infants from exposure to drugs that might cause permanent disabilities, then you're engaging in a form of "social control.” Now, if preventing babies from developing debilitating disorders is a form of "social control," then it’s a form of social control that any normal person would support. But the authors of this article aren't so sure. Why? Because they say that if you're thinking along those lines, then you're "offspring-focused." You're too fixated on the wellbeing of children, instead of the wellbeing of transgenders.
I'm not making this up. Here's what the authors say, word-for-word: "Ultimately, we argue that in the context of lacking and uncertain medical evidence (HRT with testosterone during pregnancy and chest feeding) in a highly gendered treatment context (pregnancy and lactation care), both patients and providers tend to pursue precautionary, offspring-focused treatment approaches."
It's an incredible paragraph. For one thing, they're calling pregnancy a "gendered treatment context," as if pregnancy has nothing whatsoever to do with biology. They're saying that transphobic bigots are trying to spread this crazy idea that only women can get pregnant and have babies.
Then, the authors go on to say that the "gendered treatment context" of pregnancy amounts to "offspring-focused treatment." Imagine that. People are fretting over the health of young children, instead of spending all their time affirming the delusions of self-identifying trans people. According to this paper of super serious academics, that's a "precautionary, offspring focused” approach.
What is this? Among other things, this is yet another manifestation of the unholy alliance between transgenderism and the abortion movement. Only in a society that has already dehumanized the unborn could “fetal health” be considered a secondary concern in pregnancy. Only a fundamentally deranged culture could prioritize the feelings of adults over the health of children. But that's what these authors, in this peer-reviewed journal, are suggesting is a good idea. They don't leave any doubt about it. They surveyed a bunch of doctors and here's what they found: "In this context of medical ambiguity and uncertainty in the hyper-gendered context of pregnancy and lactation care," the authors write, "both health care providers and trans patients engaged in precautionary approaches that prioritized potential fetal and infant health and wellbeing (and imaginaries concerning future offspring’s normative development) over adult trans patient health (particularly mental health) and wellbeing in the present. "In other words — these sociology professors are suggesting the "mental health" of adults could, in some twisted version of reality, somehow outweigh the physical health of children. If kids have to deal with excess testosterone in their breast milk or in the womb — which can cause precocious puberty, and a host of other physical problems — then so be it.
Actually, it’s even worse than I’ve already described. Go back to that first paragraph we mentioned one more time. The authors say that exposure to synthetic hormones in the womb, along with potentially causing a host of other disabilities, might also increase the likelihood that the child turns out trans. They are implying that this is a benefit of a mother taking synthetic hormones. That hormones in pregnancy are good because they perpetuate transgenderism.
We are rapidly approaching the point where woke mothers will take hormones in pregnancy for the express purpose of trying to make their kids trans. We thought designer babies were bad enough when the assumption was that parents would design their children to possess desirable traits like intelligence or athletic ability. But we forget that we live in a culture not only morally debased but also insane, so “designer baby” will mean a baby with intentional design flaws. They will be designed to be broken.
Now as shocking as this is, we shouldn't be surprised by it. After all, it was just a few weeks ago that self-described LGBT demonstrators marched in the streets, announcing "We're coming for your children." NBC News went out of its way to defend them for saying that. Shortly before that, corporate media downplayed the slaughter of men, women, and children at a Christian school in Tennessee. In fact, the Biden administration used that massacre to attack Christianity.
And as you've heard by now, the Biden administration has also appointed a man, Richard Levine, aka Rachel Levine, to lead the HHS. In that capacity, Levine gives interviews like this one, in which he explains that children are at risk of undergoing the wrong puberty:
Because kids think they are going through the "wrong puberty," Levine says, we need to sterilize them, and chop off their body parts immediately. That's the guidance from the leading public health official in the United States, who's definitely not trying to rationalize his own poor decisions in life.
What Levine didn't address is kids who, for whatever reason, think they have other defects with their body. What about kids who think they have the wrong liver or the wrong left kneecap? What if they have the wrong eye color? What if they have the wrong DNA? These and many other questions make sense if you're a delusional schizophrenic, or someone laboring under some other serious mental health condition. There's something called "body dysmorphic disorder," for example. If you walk into your doctor's office and demand that they cut off your arm, they'll diagnose you with it. They won't respond by cutting off your arm. They'll get you help. On the other hand, if you're a teenage girl and you want your breasts cut off because you say you're really a boy, then according to the fake admiral running HHS, your delusions should be affirmed.
It's not hard to see how our medical, governmental, and media institutions have completely set their own credibility on fire in service to the trans agenda. And yet, it's still somehow shocking that one of our top health officials in the country would claim with a straight face that a child might accidentally go through the “wrong puberty,” which is like saying someone has grown to the wrong height or that they have the wrong middle finger on their left hand. The wrong puberty? I mean, really, think about this. This isn’t an idea coming just from random wacky left-wing Twitter accounts. The top health officials in the nation are telling us that it’s possible for a child to experience the wrong puberty.
This has become the default position of mainstream media outlets in this country. Inside Edition for example just aired this sympathetic report about a young child abuse victim from Indiana, who's being injected with cross-sex hormones. They interviewed this poor child and his evil mother and broadcast it on national television. Watch:
This is not coincidental parallel thinking, by the way. This child didn’t come up with the “wrong puberty” idea on his own, anymore than he came up with that line about building a bridge between saying that he’s trans and being trans. An idea that, by the way, confirms that transgenderism is not a natural phenomenon but rather a construct of the pharmaceutical companies. A theme we have seen come up a few times in this segment. But the point is that this boy is very clearly regurgitating the ideas that have been fed to him. He has memorized a script. He has been brainwashed.
The message of that clip is as explicit as it could possibly be. They're saying that if you think that boy shouldn't be sterilized, then you believe in "exclusion" instead of inclusion. You're a negative force instead of a positive one. The governor's the bad guy because he's preventing this young boy from getting sterilized for life, they tell you.
No sane person could watch that clip and agree with the framing of Inside Edition, which is why that clip has been scrubbed from Twitter. It was taken down for "copyright" reasons, presumably because trans activists realized how damning it is. Megan Brock, who uploaded it, says Inside Edition apparently demanded that Twitter pull that footage off the internet. Megan Brock uploads footage of news clips all the time, and she says this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to her. She sent us a screenshot of an email she got from Twitter, explaining that Inside Edition is the copyright owner, and it needs to come down.
This is panic. The producers at Inside Edition, who put this video package together, know they made a mistake. Like Levine and the professors who put together that deranged sociology paper, they said too much. They made the mistake of thinking that sane people would watch this clip and sympathize with trans activists. They were wrong. The reality is that the goal of trans activists is now out in the open, for everyone to see. There's no hiding it anymore. They want to satisfy the insane, perverse whims of deranged adults, no matter what happens to innocent children who have no say in the matter whatsoever. They're admitting it — in academic papers, in packages that air on mainstream media, and in televised interviews. Copyright takedown requests are never going to cover this up, no matter how hard they try.
This is a demonic movement that demands your total and unquestioning obedience to the cult of child sacrifice. They're now acknowledging all of this — not because it helps them politically, but because they want this power more than anything else, and they can't help themselves anymore. They know they're losing, and they're getting desperate. Their religion requires that you and your children submit to them, but increasingly, they're realizing that's never going to happen.
That's worth celebrating — because the more activists reveal what they actually believe, the more normal, well-adjusted people recoil in total, abject disgust. With every insane paper these activists publish, and every unhinged interview they post on social media, they're losing more and more ground. These are demons who believe that the "mental health" of "trans people" matters more than the health of children. They are modern Aztecs. And like the Aztecs, they will lose — they'll be forgotten and maligned forever, like the barbarians they are.
Matt Walsh
Host, The Matt Walsh Show
Post-op suicides aren't the least surprising. From a recent column:
If you are an adult and choose to go this route, that’s your choice in the land of the free. But you will never become a real woman (man), you will never have normal sexual functioning, never become a parent, and no normal straight man (woman) will want to have sex with you.
“Trans rights” is nonsense. You have all the rights of your fellow citizens. What you demand is for us to humor your delusion.
Archived here:
Us anthropologists have noticed a couple ways groups create infra-group bonds, whether it's a fraternity, secret society, or a movement.
1) Shared taboo breaking,
2) Ritual torture
Looked at this way the attempts to normalize pedophilia and surgical mutilation of children begins to make sense.
".Us anthropologists have noticed a couple ways groups create infra-group bonds, whether it's a fraternity, secret society, or a movement."
seems to fit the "Z generation" all wanting to be part of something - LBGTQ+ , Climate change agenda, diversity / equity etc.
From Wikipedia :
"Polling on immigration receives mixed responses from Generation Z.[194][195] Among developed democracies, young people's faith in the institutions, including their own government, has declined compared to that of previous generations.[127]"
Interesting - trust in institutions are down - no wonder why from my point of view - but what the younger generations seem to want is even more control through government.
Bad idea, bad process, bad outcomes.
notice this occurred in Florida
of course we know what Left MSM will say
it is because of the governor. :wink:
I don't understand this self label of "queer"
who in their right mind wants to ID themselves as "queer"?
what the hell is a queer anyway?
why not "weirdo"?
I don't have X/Twitter so I can see this on my own, but it is Sen. Kennedy reading the porn out loud in a Senate hearing. Priceless!
Can we get and save this somehow?
1. It is not "gender affirming surgery". It is gender denial surgery.
2. Second sentence of the conclusion:
"the suicide risk in transgender people is higher than in the general population and seems to occur during every stage of transitioning".
Reader can draw his/her own conclusion from that. The study would seem to support the view of those who see gender denial as a mental disorder - and should be treated that way.
Does the doctor in today's woke medicine ever say, 'no, you're a man. See, you have this, and these, and so on. If you want to check further we can do a chromosome test. There are lots of different kinds of men, each is unique, but there is no getting around, you are a man'.
Reminds me of the joke:
Husband: Let's spice up up our sex life with anal sex!
Wife: NO!!!
H: Why not?
W: You wouldn't want to have a lawyer, would you?
Help me out here crafty if I'm wrong on my Spanish.
"Non-binary" in Spanish is either 'no binario' or 'no binaria' depending on whether the person is male or female.
I told this 'joke' to two liberal friends today, highly educated and successful, and it flew over both their heads even after I told them it was a joke.
If you believe a person is either binary or non-binary, isn't that a binary choice as well?
I believe in non-binary. There is male. There is female. And there is gender bullsh*t.
I also told them that I believe in the separation of tech and state, and that also drew a blank look.
"Help me out here crafty if I'm wrong on my Spanish. "Non-binary" in Spanish is either 'no binario' or 'no binaria' depending on whether the person is male or female. I told this 'joke' to two liberal friends today, highly educated and successful, and it flew over both their heads even after I told them it was a joke."
Subtle humor on your part. Answer to your question: I'm not sure-- I sense that this is a road little travelled in latino culture.
Source unknown
The verbal gymnastics required to navigate higher ed these days are a sight to behold. Many of my colleagues include appropriate pronoun tags to their sig lines. As I'm coming up on retirement I'm mulling using one too that would read:
"Owner of an XY chromosome pair. Feel free to use any pronoun that floats your boat."
… to these two?
I can’t even:
This is the second suit I’ve heard of where young women treated w/ male hormones decided to stop treatment and sue those that pressured them into “transitioning.” Hopefully it catches on and ends or greatly limits the associated barbaric processes:
"Hopefully it catches on and ends or greatly limits the associated barbaric processes:"
- Yes.
Vatican Says Transgender People May Be Baptized
Statement is the latest sign of Pope Francis’ conciliatory approach to LGBTQ Catholics
Francis X. Rocca
Nov. 9, 2023 9:17 am ET
The statement by Pope Francis helps to clarify Catholic teaching with regard to transgender people. PHOTO: EVANDRO INETTI/ZUMA PRESS
ROME—The Vatican said transgender people may be baptized as Catholics and can serve as godparents, in the latest sign of the church’s greater openness to LGBTQ people under Pope Francis.
The Vatican also said that the children of gay couples, including ones who are adopted or born to surrogate mothers, may be baptized, and that such couples may serve as godparents.
The statement, released on Wednesday, helps to clarify Catholic teaching with regard to transgender people, a topic the Vatican has said little about until now.
“A transsexual—even one who has undergone hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery—can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers, if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation in the faithful,” said a statement from the Vatican’s doctrinal office that was dated Oct. 31 and bore Francis’ signature of approval. The statement didn’t specify when such a risk would arise.
The doctrinal office said it was responding to questions sent to it in July by a bishop in Brazil.
The new document represents a marked shift in the Vatican’s public stance on transgender people. In 2015, the doctrinal office instructed a bishop in Spain that a transgender man couldn’t serve as a child’s godfather on the grounds that he wasn’t living according to the tenets of the Catholic faith.
Internal guidelines for bishops from 2000, when St. John Paul was pope, stated that people who undergo transition surgery aren’t eligible to marry in the church or be ordained to the priesthood on the grounds that their decision to transition reflects the presence of a mental disorder. The new document doesn’t revise that stance.
The Vatican’s first major public statement that addressed transgender issues, a 2019 document aimed at educators, criticized the idea that a person’s biological sex at birth can be separated from their gender identity but didn’t pronounce on the morality of sex reassignment.
The new document is the Vatican’s first public statement on baptism for transgender people.
“The Vatican’s affirmation that transgender people should be welcomed in the church’s sacramental life signals Pope Francis’ desire for a pastorally focused approach to LGBTQ+ issues is taking hold,” said Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, which advocates for LGBTQ Catholics.
The news comes a month after the Vatican published a letter in which the pope softened the church’s ban on blessings for same-sex unions, saying that priests may use their discretion in giving such blessings, so long as they don’t imply a same-sex union is equivalent to a heterosexual marriage.
Francis hasn’t changed church teaching that homosexual orientation is “objectively disordered” and that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.” But he has been notable for his conciliatory approach to LGBTQ people. The most famous words of his pontificate are his 2013 statement about gay priests: “Who am I to judge?” He also has met transgender people on several occasions at the Vatican.
The doctrinal office’s new statement expresses caution about some situations involving LGBTQ people and the sacraments. It warns that transgender people shouldn’t serve as godparents “if there is a risk of scandal, inappropriate legitimization or disorientation” among the faithful.
The doctrinal office said that nothing in church law prohibits transgender people or partners in same-sex relationships from serving as witnesses at a Catholic wedding.
I have many family ties to the Catholic Church. Outside of their outrageous scandals, the Catholic Church as we knew it was amazingly conservative and steeped in great traditions. (For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945, or French for his brother entering Normandy.)
At a time when the church is losing young people, losing old people, and losing everything in between, it seems strange that like mainstream media and late night comedy, they want to further cut their audience in half with the woke BS that has no fit whatsoever with the rest of their message.
If the body is a temple of God's creation, you don't advocate (or co-conspire) to scrape off the genitalia of reproduction.
Also, unlike the Leftist way, the message of the Church is giving to others, not taking from others, yet they always seem to favor higher taxes and more government based social programs. Ironic for a place that gets free taxes.
Good luck to all these new church innovations, but the churches look empty when I've been there, and losing our religion has had immeasurable side effects on our society.
Very well said.
Regarding this, " Ironic for a place that gets free taxes" I would say that actually it makes perfect sense. Were they to have to pay taxes, they likely would change their thinking.
" For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945"
Did I read this right ?
your father freed Buchenwald ? :-o
can a F->M person be a priest or even Pope?
" For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945"
Did I read this right ?
your father freed Buchenwald ? :-o
can a F->M person be a priest or even Pope?
They were the first medical unit on the scene when it was liberated, "Patton's 554th". Then he gave German prisoners rides home in his ambulance after the war ended. Hard to imagine today, people with swastikas on their clothing going home to their families.
How come our wars never end?
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
I had uncle who was Normandy but not the first day and was army engineer
He had pictures of a work camp he was in.
I do not think they were Jews though. (true)
My gay relative noticed they were not circumsized :-o (true)
Did your dad ever have photos?
Is he in any photos from the period ?
How old was he?
"My gay relative noticed they were not circumsized. Did your dad ever have photos?"
:-D :-D :-D
Recall how many on the left seek to get rid of that pesky second amendment without having to bother with the substantial lift involved when seeking to modify our founding documents by suing gun manufacturers, distributers, sellers, etc. into oblivion? Turnabout is fair play, right?
Don'tcha hate it when your own petard starts giving hoist?
From Bari Weiss / substack in my email this AM:
TERF Wars at Lesbian Speed Dating
Jenny Watson wanted to create a space for lesbians to find love. That’s not what happened.
Women gather at The College Arms pub in London for one of Jenny Watson’s lesbian speed-dating events. (All photos by Ambra Vernuccio for The Free Press)
On a recent evening in London, I met a slight and unassuming young woman named Jenny Watson at a pub called The College Arms. She looks like one of the many studious graduate students who walk the nearby streets. But to hear some people tell it, she’s a monster.
That’s because Watson, who for seven years has hosted lesbian speed-dating events in the British capital, declared this past summer that transwomen would be barred from her events.
“We’re tired of lesbian events where men invade and make us uncomfortable,” she stated in an email to her mailing list of “nearly 17,000 people.” From now on, “only lesbians (adult human females)” are welcome. “Enough is enough. A man with a penis is not a lesbian. Being a woman is not a feeling.”
Her declaration drove activists to smear her on social media, attempt to cancel her speed-dating business, and get her into hot water with her full-time employer. Before she knew it, Jenny Watson had become a national story in Britain.
In recent years, to vocally question whether a transwoman is, in fact, a woman, has become so controversial that it is now increasingly asked behind closed doors or privately, silently, in the mind. It is a question that has left politicians tongue-tied and celebrities canceled. Watson, who is 31 and single, says she long resisted banning trans participants because she knew it would “create a shitstorm.” But she started having misgivings about transwomen at her events a year ago when a person turned up “in a lilac rubber outfit with a distinct erection.” ...
"transwomen would be barred from her events.
“We’re tired of lesbian events where men invade and make us uncomfortable,” she stated in an email to her mailing list of “nearly 17,000 people.” From now on, “only lesbians (adult human females)” are welcome. “Enough is enough. A man with a penis is not a lesbian. Being a woman is not a feeling.” "
- Seems like even if you don't hold that view, it is a legitimate view to hold - in a free society.
Politically and strategically, we on the right need to pursue the idea that the Left is ripe for a breakup. If we concede the right of gays to marry, and concede that right to acts some people's religion might find immoral are private under the law, meaning none of our business (with consensual adults in private), then we should be courting same people (LBGT etc.) for voters on our side. We favor women's sports. The Left is destroying them.
Clear from this article, Lesbians and nearly all other females should favor having girls and women's sports restricted to girls and women. Destruction of the gender distinction is the end of girls and women's sports that have brought great things to so many.
My daughter played in 6 state high school tournaments and was all college conference in 4 categories, not bad for being 5'3". Her team buddy won an All American sportsmanship award that didn't hurt her successful medical school application. These sports opened up networks of successful peers to them, useful in business connections and in life, just as it did for men for generations. None of her teammates or competitors would have even made the team if not for the gender distinction.
Same sport, tennis, is being canceled on the men's side in NCAA Division I and continues to offer full ride scholarships for the women (because of football and Title IX).
The controversy isn't new.
As a medical professional who happens to be gay, I’ll be celebrating Dec. 15, the 50th anniversary of the American Psychiatric Association’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. The longstanding designation was based on prejudice, not medical research, and the revision marked the beginning of the end for so-called conversion therapy, which sought to “cure” gays and lesbians of a nonexistent malady.
Half a century later, the medical establishment is pushing a new kind of conversion therapy under the guise of transgender identity. No one is suffering more than gay kids. In Canada, where I practice, and in the U.S., physicians provide what’s euphemistically known as “gender-affirming care” to patients as young as 8, and the leading transgender health association has opened the door to interventions at even earlier ages. Under this framework, those who feel uncomfortable with their bodies may receive a medical regimen including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-change surgeries. These interventions typically stunt, remove or irreversibly modify a patient’s sexual development, genitals and secondary sex characteristics. Any endocrinologist or other physician who rejects this approach is alleged to be endangering the health and even the life of his patients.
But are these patients really “transgender”? Research shows that some 80% of children with “gender dysphoria” eventually come to terms with their sex without surgical or pharmaceutical intervention. Multiple studies have found that most kids who are confused or distressed about their sex end up realizing they’re gay—nearly two-thirds in a 2021 study of boys. This makes sense: Gay kids often don’t conform to traditional sex roles. But gender ideology holds that feminine boys and masculine girls may be “born in the wrong body.”
In this light, “gender-affirming care” looks a lot like conversion therapy. In the past, it took the form of electroshock therapy, chemical castration and even lobotomy. Now it takes the form of rendering teenagers sterile and sexually dysfunctional for life. Clinicians from the main U.K. transgender service referred to prescribing puberty blockers as “transing the gay away”—a play on the description of old-fashioned conversion-therapy as “praying the gay away.” A clinician who resigned from the U.K. service accused it of “institutional homophobia.” Clinicians at the service had a “dark joke” that “there would be no gay people left at the rate Gids”—the Gender Identity Service—“was going.”
Consistent with conversion therapy, physicians are telling young gays and lesbians that something is wrong with them, based on a regressive view of what it is to be male or female. Also consistent with previous efforts to cure homosexuality: The resulting interventions often create lifelong medical problems, both physical and mental. Contrary to advocates’ claims, there’s no evidence that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries reduce the risk of suicide.
Children who take this road face a lifetime of pain, infertility and anguish. They deserve real mental-health care to address common underlying comorbidities, not mind- and body-altering medical interventions that try to make them into something they aren’t.
Fifty years ago, the medical assault on homosexuals began to end. Now society has been told that accepting transgender identity is the same as accepting gays and lesbians. But it isn’t. Even well-intentioned acceptance of transgender identity disproportionately harms them. One day perhaps professional organizations like the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics will follow the evidence, as the APA did in 1973. Until then, gay kids will continue to suffer from an injustice that was supposed to end 50 years ago.
Dr. Eappen is a practicing endocrinologist in Montreal and a senior fellow at Do No Harm
I’ve noted elsewhere I have rote memory issues and indeed went through grade school DX’d as dumb due to my inability to regurgitate force fed teachings. As such I view the whole multiple gender you must memorize and apply as an appellation/pretend pronoun lest the DEI fascists dispatch the flying monkey cancel klatch to be a scam. Indeed I view pronoun proliferation as a special snowflake kowtow solicitation servicing inner control freaks seeking to run amok.
Then again if I call myself a “demisexual panromantic” perhaps someone will come along & tell me what it means.
Oy vey!!!
I believe, sir, this is what is referred to as “cruel and unusual punishment.”
What’s good for the goose, etc:
“The feminist double standard was born. Women could invade men’s spaces, but men could not do the reverse. Girls could play for the boys’ high school soccer team if they were good enough, but boys could not play on the girls.’”
Wanjiru Njoya is correct, and the point is general. Defend the rights of others as you would defend your own rights. Because you are defending your own rights.
More at the link: b
I can’t read the original as I’ll be damned if I’ll surrender any of my info or money to these arrogant hacks, but per the quotes in the piece this is a huge shift from woke orthodoxy, with some speculating impending lawsuits re butchered kids is what inspired this embrace of the obvious:
Impressive video on Pizzagate (
or , , , let's have an investigation:
It is one thing when crossdressers trans etc want to perform at adult only night clubs or bars etc.
It is quite another when they want to go to where children are and perform.
Pedophilia is the only explanation for this.
Just because pedophiles cannot control their urges does not make it acceptable or forgivable
We don't excuse serial killers
We don't excuse drunk drivers who killed
We don't excuse serial criminals
A woman with an estranged daughter—with a sought “transition” being the primary source of the estrangement—decided to do an expose on Kaiser Permanente, noting among other things how the transition process differed from other significant surgeries and treatments. Damning stuff that I hope serves as exhibit A at some point down the line:
Well this is all sorts of creepy: parents can set up a “parent managed” account for their kids they then use to allow predators to speak with their children.
Another piece re the international org foisting radical “flat front” and other surgeries on all comers, some in their early teens:
Spanish soldiers identify as female, coincidentally earning higher pay, benefits, and better quarters:
This one bears watching:
New book explores the Marxist/LGBQTLMNOP nexus and how it’s employed in public schools to mint zealots, activists, and queer theorists that bulwark “Progressive” ends:
Note: I don’t give a rats ass what consenting adults do in private, and am willing to accept that a percentage of humans are gay with nature and nurture both playing parts. However, I doubt the 10%+ figure bandied first I believe by Masters and Johnson and embraced by others, often of an activist bent.
"However, I doubt the 10%+ figure banded"
I believe a 2% estimate stood the test of time pretty well before the more recent efforts to promote it.
I am of mixed thoughts on this. For me the variables are:
a) the propaganda push to inflate the number
b) what I suspect to be the true natural base line number (2-3%)
c) the effects of hormones, plastics, etc. in our food supply and environment
d) the effects of feminism, propaganda, and grooming.
… so the banned 80 year-old women that had been swimming at this YMCA for 35 years sues the Y:
Ye gods, what were these people thinking? Dealing with youth protection concerns are part of my day job; I’m unable to grasp this level of negligence allowed at a CHILDREN’S NETWORK:
In a shocking development, an amateur Aussie “women’s’ soccer team with five transgender player sweeps a tournament:
In a shocking development, an amateur Aussie “women’s’ soccer team with five transgender player sweeps a tournament:
When do the lesbians (and other women) make their split with the Dems and the trans? Are they proud enough of their women-hood enough to define it? To protect it? It's not just women's sports that are being destroyed.
They are a split off group from a larger pediatrician org, but nonetheless, I think this is a sign the tide is turning:
Honest, interrupting a body’s endocrine systems at a critical developmental phase is no big deal and can be easily reversed with a wee bit of snake oil abstention. And if you believe that we got this bridge in Baltimore we’ll sell you:
The reckoning over puberty blockers has arrived
Across the United States, thousands of parents have consented to having their children’s puberty stopped with a class of drugs called gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. Known colloquially as “puberty blockers,” these drugs overstimulate the pituitary gland to the point of preventing it from sending signals to the ovaries or testes to start producing the hormones responsible for puberty.
Parents who have consented to these drugs for their children love their kids dearly, but they’ve consented under entirely false pretenses. The doctors who’ve advised them say that puberty blockers are known to improve mental health — that they are even life-saving — and that they are fully reversible and just give kids “time to think.” None of this is true.
Major American medical associations say that “gender-affirming care” for kids is “medically necessary” and “life-saving.” Health authorities Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the U.K. disagree. Last month, the National Health Service of England decommissioned puberty blockers as a treatment of adolescent gender dysphoria. “We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of [puberty blockers] to make the treatment routinely available at this time,” the NHSE explained.
Imagine if American doctors told parents the following truths. The mental health benefits of puberty blockers are highly uncertain, according to multiple systematic reviews of the evidence, the bedrock of evidence-based medicine. The World Health Organization says the evidence is “limited and variable.” There is no research into long-term harms, but some evidence suggests decreased IQ and brittle bones. Permanent sterility is guaranteed for minors who go through full hormonal “transition.” Sexual dysfunction appears to be extremely common as well. Over 93 percent of kids who take these drugs go on to cross-sex hormones, which lead to permanent physical changes including excruciating genital growth, vaginal atrophy and tearing and much higher risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease.
There is no credible evidence that puberty blockers function as suicide-prevention measures. Finland’s top gender clinician has called the suicide narrative “purposeful disinformation” and “dangerous.” For all these reasons, health authorities in a growing number of countries, including some of the most LGBT-friendly, are now prioritizing talk therapy.
How many parents would consent to puberty blockers under these circumstances? Very few, if any.
It is common for drugs to enter pediatric use after evidence of their success in adult medicine. The opposite happened in gender medicine. It was the failure of “sex reassignment” in adult men to achieve satisfactory cosmetic outcomes and improve life functioning that led a group of clinicians in the Netherlands to propose starting the “reassignment” process in childhood.
Their hypothesis was as technologically appealing as it was ethically dubious: since males could not reverse the effects of testosterone-fueled puberty to pass as women, it would be beneficial to these men to have their puberty bypassed altogether.
The Dutch recognized the dilemma but thought they found a way around it. Relying on their experience using puberty blockers to treat a condition known as central precocious puberty (CPP), they argued that blockers were fully reversible and thus part of the diagnostic process. If it turned out that the kid wasn’t “truly trans,” the drugs would be discontinued and puberty allowed to resume.
Their argument was dubious from the get-go. First, CPP has an objective diagnosis, based on a blood sample, whereas gender transition is based on the adolescent’s feelings and experiences, which are subject to change. In a political climate such as ours, in which mere exploration of the reasons for rejecting one’s body can be labeled “conversion therapy,” differential diagnosis becomes impossible.
As Dr. Jason Rafferty, author of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ current policy statement on “gender-affirming care,” has put it, “the child’s sense of reality and feeling of who they are is the navigational beacon to sort of orient treatment around.” The AAP statement has been witheringly critiqued, and Rafferty and the AAP are now defendants in lawsuits by former patients.
Second, in CPP puberty suppression is by definition temporary; the goal is to delay puberty to its appropriate developmental window. In gender dysphoria, a “successful” prescription is where puberty is bypassed altogether. The assumption about reversibility, never tested and highly questionable form the start, proved to be the ethical foundation for the entire Dutch experiment, and it quickly crumbled. Over 93 percent of adolescents who are put on puberty blockers for gender issues continue down the medical pathway to cross-sex hormones. Some go on to surgeries.
Gender clinicians do not see this suspiciously high figure as a reason to rethink their approach. They see no possibility of iatrogenesis — a medical intervention that unintentionally induces harm, in this case by causing gender distress or confusion to persist artificially. On the contrary, they regard the high persistence rate as proof of their own remarkable diagnostic abilities.
More modest and scientifically-minded clinicians and researchers see things very differently. “Blocking puberty,” writes Sallie Baxendale, a professor of neuropsychology and author of an important new study on puberty blockers, “prevents the critical rewiring in the brain that underpins the ability make complex decisions. Puberty blockers may give children time to think but they simultaneously rob them of their developing capacity to do so.”
What is likely happening is that an ongoing youth mental health crisis whose origins predate and have little to do with gender is being misdiagnosed and mistreated with harmful and experimental drugs. Puberty blockers are the definition of a “quick fix” solution.
Researchers incorrectly refer to what the Dutch did as an experiment. In an experiment, falsifiable hypotheses are proposed, alternative interventions are tested, outcomes are monitored and competing explanations for observed results are thoughtfully ruled out.
The Dutch did nothing of the sort, according to a comprehensive scholarly examination of their study. Further, the only attempt to replicate that study, which was done in the U.K., failed. The researchers had to be forced to disclose their disappointing findings. Any scientific-minded person willing to put in the effort and read the literature will come to the same conclusion: Pediatric gender medicine is an industry built on fraud.
During the 2000s and 2010s, the Dutch pseudo-experiment with puberty blockers “escaped the lab” and became entangled in a fast-growing international social movement for transgender recognition. In the U.S., the drugs are being prescribed at numbers far exceeding anything the Dutch could possibly have imagined. Most adolescents referred to pediatric gender clinics are teen girls who have no history of dysphoria in childhood but who do have other mental health challenges that predate their distress with their bodies.
American medicine is no stranger to scandal — lobotomy, “recovered memory” and OxyContin are just a few examples. What makes pediatric gender transition unique is that it has been framed as a nonnegotiable civil right and defended by powerful civil rights groups, the Democratic Party and their ideological allies in the mainstream media.
A key reason for the divergence between U.S. and European medical authorities, as I’ve explaine in a previous essay, is the latter’s greater willingness to follow principles of evidence-based medicine, including reliance on systematic reviews. Jack Turban, a prominent American gender clinician, revealed in a deposition that he seems not to know what a systematic review of evidence is.
Another reason is that in the U.S., doctors who practice child “transition” demand and often receive deference as the experts on the evidence for their practices; abroad, such clinicians are seen as having conflicts of interest. When the National Health Service of England appointed the highly respected Dr. Hilary Cass to lead its review of its youth gender service, it did so precisely because she was “a senior clinician with no prior involvement or fixed views in this area.” Sweden and Finland delegated the evaluation of evidence to experts with no personal involvement or stake in pediatric gender medicine.
Parents should never have been put in the position of having to decide whether to “allow” their kids to go through puberty. Those who would put the onus on parents are letting charlatans in the medical profession off the hook. Puberty is difficult for all teens, and it is not a disease. Puberty blockers offer teens in distress — especially girls with history of sexual abuse, autistic kids and gay kids — false hope by casting puberty as optional.
Puberty is a rite of passage from childhood into adulthood, responsible for the development of the body’s major organs and systems and not just its external sexual features. Puberty blockers rob children of their right to an open future.
Leor Sapir is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
I suspect the authoritative report linked within will be cited frequently:
Looks like this one has been sent down the Memory Hole.
It'd be nice if we could view Epstein's client list. In lieu of that, his victims suing VI for complicity:
Is this really what we want?
Study Finds That Suicide Risk Is 12 Times Higher Following Genital Mutilation
By Olivia Cook, Natural News • Jun. 4, 2024
(Natural News)—A recent publication in Cureus reveals that individuals who have undergone gender-transition surgeries face a significantly higher risk of suicide, self-harm and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to those who have not had such surgeries.
Researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch conducted the study, discovering that the rates of these adverse effects were over 12 times higher in individuals who had gender-transition surgeries compared to those without any history of such procedures.
The study analyzed data from nearly 16 million adult patients in the U.S., aged 18 to 60, who visited emergency rooms between 2003 and 2023. This information was extracted from a broader database encompassing over 90 million patients across more than 55 healthcare facilities. The researchers focused on data from over 1,500 patients who had undergone gender-transition surgeries within five years before their emergency room visit and compared it to data from more than 15.6 million patients with no history of such surgeries, along with two other control groups.
I’ve had to contend with similar fallout after taking a principled stand and so have a lot of regard for this gent and will be giving to this effort:
Legal Defense Fund for Surgeon Whistleblower
My name is Eithan Haim. I am a 33-year-old general surgeon who was the anonymous whistleblower in a story released May 16, 2023 by Christopher Rufo. We exposed the fact that Texas Children's Hospital - the largest children's hospital in the world - was lying to the public about the existence of their transgender program. In part due to the story's release, the very next day, the Texas Legislature voted, with bipartisan support, to ban transgender medical interventions on minors. The conduct we exposed became illegal in the State of Texas within 24 hours of our story.
Just over a month later, on June 23rd, 2023, a few hours before my graduation from surgical training, two federal agents showed up to my apartment in a highly atypical, unexpected, and aggressive show of force. Despite their best attempt at launching a surprise interview, I insisted on having an attorney present. Before leaving, however, I was given a target letter signed by a federal prosecutor that stated I was being criminally investigated for a case regarding "medical records."
Since no laws had been violated (no personally identifiable patient health information was disclosed), this was nothing more than a blatant attempt at political intimidation. We believe this case is being driven by a highly ideological division within the Department of Health and Human Services that aims to silence whistleblowers who expose institutionalized medical corruption and the dangers of these hormone-based interventions for confused, adolescent children.
Between then and our decision to take this story public, the path forward was unclear. I knew that speaking out would necessarily put myself and my family at great risk, but after experiencing the extent of the corruption first-hand, it became clear that silence would never be an option.
We paid (and are paying) an enormous price. We spent the entirety of our retirement, investments, savings, and almost all of our disposable income to pay the legal bills to keep the case alive. My name was also leaked to left-wing activists who have viciously defamed me online and threatened my reputation as a physician. Although we have given this case all we have, there simply isn't enough to keep up with the hundreds of thousands we currently owe in legal bills or the potential million(s) it would cost to fight this case through trial.
I do not bring this up to cast myself as the victim or grift for sympathy - because at the end of the day self-pity does nothing for you. We see this as the exact opposite - a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stand up for what is right and against those who abuse their authority to silence those who speak the truth. In this way the costs are miniscule. Whatever we have paid - whether financial, emotional, or career-wise - has been well worth it.
All money raised goes directly to our attorneys at Burke Law Group. Like us, our attorneys are all-in for this fight. Owing to their faith in this cause, they have sacrificed countless hours of their own time on my legal defense and the defense of laws banning transgender procedures on minors.
This fund supports my legal defense in order to establish a precedent for other whistleblowers to speak out without fear of government persecution. It will also help support our efforts to fight against the unsubstantiated challenges to state laws banning these procedures (with my assistance, we have already filed multiple legal briefs defending the laws with organizations like Do No Harm). Additionally, this fund will support offensive legal action against those who have abused their professional responsibility in service of radical transgender ideology. Every dollar will work towards dismantling the legal and political regime attempting to keep medical professionals like me silent.
To read more about who we are and what we believe, please follow the links below:
The original story exposing Texas Children's Hospital's transgender program:
An interview between me and Rufo about the nightmare of transgender ideology in children's hospitals:
Our incredible lawyers at Burke Law Group:
If you have any questions, or want to learn more, my personal email is I would love to hear from you. Thank you for your support.
Methinks the tide is turning. Too much formatting to drop the whole statement here, but it’s and unequivocal statement taking issue with medical professionals hawking “gender affirming care.”
Doctor that outed TX hospital performing “gender affirming” surgeries and treatment despite being told by the TX legislature it may not indicted by the DOJ for HIPPA violation, more than a stretch IMO, unless the goal is suppressing this type of whistleblowing:
Says, gasp, it would make things fair, moreover, for female athletes:
Cruz seeks transgender care whistleblower prosecution details
GOP senator raises concerns of DOJ weaponization
Sen. Ted Cruz has opened a probe of the Justice Department’s prosecution of a whistleblower who revealed gender-transition procedures performed on children as young as 11 at a Texas hospital.
In a letter to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, Alamdar Hamdani, Mr. Cruz raised concerns of selective prosecution and weaponization of the Justice Department against Dr. Eithan Haim.
Dr. Haim was charged with four felony counts for leaking the medical records from Texas Children’s Hospital.
Mr. Cruz, Texas Republican, said the federal investigation “appears to bear the markings of a politically driven prosecution, which has unfortunately been the stock-in-trade of the present Department of Justice.”
Dr. Haim, a transgender care whistleblower, previously worked at the hospital as part of his residency training. The indictment said that in April 2023, he requested to reactivate his login access at the hospital to get the records of pediatric patients who were not in his care.
The 34-year-old surgeon took information, including patient names and treatment codes, without authorization and shared it with a conservative activist, according to federal prosecutors.
“He allegedly obtained this information under false pretenses and with intent to cause malicious harm to TCH,” according to federal prosecutors.
He pleaded not guilty earlier this month. If found guilty he faces up to 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 maximum fine.
The City Journal published a report based on Dr. Haim’s whistleblower documents in May 2023. It alleged the hospital continued the transgender procedures after it publicly said it was stopping them. The hospital announced it would be pausing gender-changing services for minors in March 2022.
Dr. Haim revealed himself to be the whistleblower in a piece published by City Journal in January.
“I knew that it was my moral responsibility to expose what was happening to these children,” Dr. Haim wrote.
In June 2023, agents from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General showed up at the doctor’s home and interrogated him about the medical records.
In his letter, Mr. Cruz said the prosecution of Dr. Haim follows a pattern at the Justice Department. He listed other cases of people being arrested in “politicallydriven prosecution,” including the arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck for violating the FACE Act, who was later acquitted. Mr. Cruz said the “severe punishment starkly contrasts with the virtual impunity” of others who have committed similar acts in support of the opposite side of the same issue.
“These glaring disparities reveal a justice system that is not merely blind but rather selectively harsh, targeting those with opposing views while allowing others to flout the law with effective impunity,” Mr. Cruz wrote.
He requested a response from Mr. Hamdani by July 11, and asked for information regarding all felony HIPAA cases indicted by the U.S. attorney’s office in Texas in the past 24 months, and if Mr. Hamdani personally approved the felony criminal charge in this case.
Mr. Cruz asked if Mr. Hamdani communicated with anyone from the DOJ outside the attorney’s office for the Southern District of Texas or outside of the DOJ before charging Dr. Haim. He also asked for an explanation of why the HIPAA violations were treated as felonies in this case.
“Political prosecution of whistleblowers not only undermines the integrity of the Department of Justice, but also sets a dangerous precedent for intimidating others from exposing wrongdoing,” he said. “It has no place in our system of justice.”
The Washington Times reached out to the Justice Department and Mr. Hamdani for comment.
virtual against her is all from the LEFT
but that does not mean she would vote Trump :cry:
virtual against her is all from the LEFT
but that does not mean she would vote Trump :cry:
Good for her. Lesbians aren't a natural ally of Donald Trump but they should think about it... He was the first President ever to start his political career supporting gay marriage, the main and central political issue of homosexuality in our time.
The heroes of women's sports need to step up and take a stand - and she has. And Riley Gaines.
On this and a lot of other issues, the Radical Left has taken over the Democrat Party against the greater good of the people. If people who believe in women's sports don't want to back Trump or become Republican, fine. We also need Democrats who won't vote for wackoism, and want a return to common sense and want to make America great again. [Insert any John F Kennedy quote here.]
I thought even the Olympic Committee figured this out but they are a bit gender confused as well.
If the argument is that there are more than two genders, start your own events, stop infiltrating ours.
Funny that men's sports (since Jackie Robinson) have been open to all. The top girls have been allowed on boys tennis teams - because they don't have an unfair advantage. I watched a woman pitch minor league baseball game for the St Paul Saints: She got hit pretty hard but the crowd loved her.
It's a good tradition that we give women special protections. That was the center focus of the fight against the equal rights amendment, the recognized differences between the genders are there to protect women, to not be drafted into combat for example. And we stomp all over those protections.
Even still, 92.5% of workplace fatalities are men - because men tend to be in those lines of work while we try to protect women.
first girl to kick male butt in high school wrestling
second one though article states "first" but above refutes that claim:,she%20can%20forever%20call%20herself%20a%20state%20champion.
:-o :-o :-o
… Norman Vincent Peale. With that said, I’ll just let the headline speak for itself:
EXCLUSIVE: City Of New York Pays Male Felon Who Identifies As A Muslim Woman $350,000 For “Discrimination” After Placing Him In A Men’s Prison For One Month
A bit of a forced pun, but according to the Urban Dictionary:
"A gay or effeminate man, or a young man regarded as an object of homosexual desire, usually a “bottom."
But hey, it's not like I coined the term "Spermy Daniels" or anything.... :-D
Heh heh.
So twinking is the verb for what a twinkie does? :-D
Heh heh.
So twinking is the verb for what a twinkie does? :-D
Yes, as rumor has it. With a gerbil….
From a meme received in the email.
"I was once a male trapped in a woman's body. And then I was born."
British Labour’s Gender Sense
A party of the left moves cautiously on puberty blockers. Imagine that.
By The Editorial Board
July 15, 2024 5:47 pm ET
Few culture war issues have become as fraught as medical care for children who believe they’re transgender. So kudos to a British political party seeking a cease-fire—especially since it’s the center-left Labour Party.
Britain’s new Labour administration will keep in place a ban on administering puberty-blocking medicines to most children that had been imposed by the previous Conservative Party government, Health Secretary Wes Streeting said Friday. This ban will remain in effect while Britain’s National Health Service develops a clinical trial that may answer major questions about the drugs’ efficacy and long-term effects.
Mr. Streeting is following the recommendation of prominent pediatrician Hilary Cass, whom the NHS commissioned in 2020 to study the service’s treatment of young people after scandals at its main clinic for youth experiencing gender dysphoria. These drugs are pitched to parents and children as a way to delay the onset of lasting physical changes during puberty while children determine whether they’re transgender. But Dr. Cass noted in her final report in April that there is no clear evidence the drugs help manage young patients’ psychological problems and no one knows the long-term effects of taking such medicines.
Such evidence about puberty blockers “should have been established before they were ever prescribed,” Mr. Streeting wrote Sunday on X (formerly Twitter). The drugs have been tested extensively for rare conditions when children start puberty too early in life, but “this is different to stopping the normal surge of hormones that occur (sic) in puberty. This affects children’s psychological and brain development,” Mr. Streeting added. “I am treading cautiously in this area because the safety of children must come first.”
Mr. Streeting is getting pushback from members of his own party, and Labour remains mired in controversies concerning the definition of a woman and what access biological males should have to women-only spaces such as restrooms. All the more reason to credit him for drawing a line where medical interventions on children are concerned. This focus on evidence over ideology offers a lesson to parties of the left elsewhere.
Check out this excerpt from CA legislation published yesterday. If I’m reading this right it states parents have no right to be told about pronoun used or sexuality claimed by their children at school. So … we have the state
reeducating kids by law, foisting “Progressive” perspectives while doing so and, should those seeds sprout, keeping their growth from the child’s parents.
Were I living in CA this alone would inspire homeschooling.
The entire piece of legislation is worth an aghast scan:
This bill would prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities, from enacting or enforcing any policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires an employee or a contractor to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of those educational entities from being required to make such a disclosure unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.
The word "evil" comes to mind.
Putting this into the Natural Law framework for our Constitution.
Our rights come from "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" i.e. Natural Law.
The First Law of Natural Law is "Eat, Survive, and Reproduce."
Eat: People have a right to make/earn a living. The implication here is of a Free Market orientation.
Survive: We have a right to defend ourselves. The Second Amendment is but a manifestation of this.
Reproduce: There are two sexes. (I have a whole riff on the significance of thNatural Law rights of their children, Parents have primacy.
Michael Shellenberger
I’m afraid I have some terrible news. The governor of America’s largest and richest state has just signed a law that puts 10 million children and adolescents in grave danger of medical mistreatment.
The media headlines have it wrong. They claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s new law protects children by stopping public schools from outing their new gender to their parents.
It does just the opposite. It makes children vulnerable to irreversible and lifelong medical abuse and mistreatment. And it is all based on the pseudoscientific idea that some children are born into the wrong bodies and that we can change a person’s sex through drugs and surgery.
For any of this to make sense, you have to understand what’s happening in Britain. Several years ago, the government appointed a well-respected pediatrician named Hillary Cass to investigate whether it was ethical to block the puberty of children, give them opposite-sex hormones, and perform surgeries on their bodies to make them feel better about their gender. Dr. Cass came back a few weeks ago and said no, absolutely not.
Around the same time, the British government banned puberty blockers nationwide. And, just a few days ago, the new Labor Party government affirmed that it would maintain the former government’s ban.
In her report, Cass said that the so-called “social transition,” whereby a child adopts the identity of the opposite sex, is not a neutral act and has psychological consequences. This means it is the first step toward medical intervention.
What Gavin Newsom has done is actively prevented schools from informing parents that their children have been put on a medical pathway.
This is an outrageous attack on the rights of children and parents. Children have a right to go through puberty. No adult should be able to block their puberty. And parents have a right to know if their child thinks that they are the opposite sex or were born into the wrong body.
We have seen with leaked internal documents of the leading gender medicine group, WPATH, that these medical interventions, namely puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery, are not only irreversible but result in sterilization and loss of sexual function.
Children or adolescents are simply not mature enough to understand the effects of so-called “gender-affirming care.” They cannot, in other words, give their informed consent.
The new law creates the grave risk that activist teachers, students, and outside groups will convince their children that they were born into the wrong body, and hide their “social transition” from parents, which will lead to harmful medical mistreatment.
As such, the law that Newsom just signed is the opposite of what both children and their parents need. We need schools to immediately warn parents if their children think they are the opposite sex.
After all, this is a diagnosable psychiatric condition known as “gender dysphoria.” And if your child has a psychiatric disorder, whether anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, or gender dysphoria, you have a right to know.
And schools must stop teaching children, or allowing other people to teach children, the pseudoscientific and dehumanizing ideas that it’s possible to be born into the wrong body and possible to change one’s sex.
As such, either the legislature, the courts, or a ballot initiative will be required to nullify Newsom’s law. Until then, it is important to spread the word to parents that California public schools are fundamentally unsafe for the millions of children who attend them.
5:30 PM · Jul 16, 2024
(Doug) it's hard to add to that, but obviously, what they call gender-affirming is gender denial, and parental rights are part of natural rights. This law isn't above that. You could only lose parental rights through due process and adjudication. Right?
If this had happened on the Republican watch we’d hear about it 24/7. Indeed, I’ve read sporadic reports that DHS can’t account for 65K children, and other stories about immigrant children being sold into slavery:
DOJ says largest housing provider for migrant kids engaged in pervasive sexual abuse
The Hill News / by Nathaniel Weixel / Jul 19, 2024 at 5:29 PM
Employees of a Texas-based nonprofit that provides housing to unaccompanied migrant children repeatedly subjected minors in its care to sexual abuse and harassment, the Department of Justice (DOJ) alleged in a new lawsuit.
From 2015 through at least the end of 2023, multiple employees at Southwest Key Programs, the country’s largest private provider of housing for unaccompanied children, subjected unaccompanied children in their care to “repeated and unwelcome sexual abuse, harassment, and misconduct,” the lawsuit said.
Minors housed in its shelters were subjected to severe sexual abuse and rape, solicitation of sex acts, solicitation of nude photos and entreaties for sexually inappropriate relationships, among other acts, according to the lawsuit.
The children range in age from as young as five years old to teenagers just shy of eighteen years old, and primarily come from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
Southwest Key employees allegedly discouraged children from reporting abuse, in some cases threatening them and their families, according to the lawsuit.
Employees “exploited the children’s vulnerabilities, language barriers, and distance from family and loved ones,” according to the lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in Texas on Wednesday.
Despite being aware of the “severe and pervasive harms,” Southwest Key failed to take appropriate action to protect the children in its care, the DOJ said.
“In search of the American Dream, children often endure perilous journeys on their migration north to the southern border,” Alamdar Hamdani, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, said in a statement. “The sexual harassment alleged in the complaint would destroy any child’s sense of safety, turning what was an American Dream into a nightmare.”
In a statement, a Southwest Key spokeswoman said the complaint “does not present the accurate picture of the care and commitment our employees provide to the youth and children.”
“We are in constant communication and continue to closely partner with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), as we have done so for the past two decades to ensure the children and youth entrusted to our care are safe with us during their short stay with Southwest Key,” Anais Biera Miracle said in an emailed statement.
Southwest Key is the largest private care provider for unaccompanied children in the United States and currently operates at least 29 shelters in Texas, Arizona and California that hold a total of 6,350 unaccompanied children.
Children who arrive at the southern border with Mexico unaccompanied by parents or legal guardians are the responsibility of the federal government.
The Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is responsible for sheltering unaccompanied migrant children, and contracts with facilities like Southwest Key to provide the shelter.
It’s a lucrative industry. Between fiscal years 2015 and 2023, Southwest Key received over $3 billion in funding from HHS, according to the DOJ.
During that period, Southwest Key received over 100 reports of sexual harassment or abuse of the children under its care, the DOJ alleged, but the company took no action.
“On numerous occasions Southwest Key employees failed to report knowledge or suspicion of sexual abuse or harassment of children, including when the abuse was observed by others or was ongoing,” the lawsuit stated.
One report describes a Southwest Key Youth Care Worker who repeatedly sexually abused a five-year-old girl, an eight-year-old girl and an eleven-year-old girl at a facility in El Paso, Texas, in 2022. He entered their bedrooms in the middle of the night to touch their “private area,” and threatened to kill their families if they disclosed the abuse, according to the lawsuit.
In another instance Southwest Key documented, a supervisor at a Texas shelter in 2019 would regularly switch assignments with other staff so that he could be alone with a teenage girl, who he repeatedly raped, abused and threatened.
She reported the abuse by passing a note to her teacher when the supervisor was on vacation, according to the lawsuit. Following her report, the child was transferred to a different shelter.
The lawsuit cited a 2019 report of a clinician who asked inappropriate questions about a girl’s sexual experiences, asked if she wanted a hug and “looked over her body.”
In another, documents detailed an employee sexually touching boys during transport in May 2022.
In a 2020 incident detailed in "numerous" reports, per the lawsuit, a Southwest Key worker ran off with a fifteen-year-old boy from an Arizona shelter. The worker took the boy to a hotel room for several days where he paid the boy for sex acts. The worker was later indicted and pleaded guilty in March 2022 to felony attempted sexual conduct with a minor.
The DOJ alleged Southwest Key employees also threatened children into silence.
A Southwest Key employee at a Brownsville, Texas, shelter discouraged a child from pursuing a report of harassment by saying it would delay her reunification with her family or adversely affect her placement with a sponsor, according to the lawsuit.
In another case described in the lawsuit, a child with visible physical marks resembling hickeys on her body and breasts reported a sexual assault to a Southwest Key employee who instructed her to “cover up” the marks. The child reported to another, trusted Southwest Key employee, who notified a supervisor of the incident. The supervisor told the employee not to write an official report.
Southwest Key shelters experienced an influx as children were separated from their families at the border under the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy in 2017 and 2018. It resulted in more than 5,000 children being put into federal custody after they were removed from their parents or guardians at the southern border.
The company has come under scrutiny before.
Videos from Arizona Southwest Key shelters in 2018 showed staffers physically abusing children. Two facilities lost their licenses. Around the same time, the state Department of Health Services moved to revoke the licenses of all Southwest Key's Arizona shelters, citing a failure to provide proof that its workers had received required background checks.
Peterson on Rogan re the trans biz:
2nd post. I did not know this about Musk and am surprised it took RT via Chiefio to bring it to my attention:
Why Musk Supports Trump: “Woke killed my son”
Posted on 25 July 2024 by E.M.Smith
I find this sad, but informative. That I had to learn this from RT of all places is telling too. Russia is still a Christian Nation. The “woke” not so much…
It seems that Musk was talked into signing papers to let his son have puberty blockers (he was told suicide was likely if he did not) but now realizes it was just a gateway drug to sterility and “woke mind virus” non-sanity.
24 Jul, 2024 16:10
HomeWorld News
Woke virus ‘killed my son’ – Musk
The billionaire says he was tricked into giving consent to puberty blockers for his child that were actually “sterilization drugs”
Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk has claimed that his son Xavier, who is transgender, has been figuratively killed by “the woke mind virus” which he has vowed to “destroy.”
Speaking on Tuesday to Dr. Jordan Peterson, a Canadian psychology professor known for his commentaries on various contemporary issues such as transgenderism, Musk was asked to comment on sex change operations being performed on children, which both he and Peterson described as “evil.”
The billionaire said that he’d had a personal experience with the practice, specifically with Xavier, who now goes by the name Vivian Jenna Wilson. The boy took his mother’s last name and has said he no longer wishes “to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”
“It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This is before I had any understanding of what was going on. COVID was going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told Xavier might commit suicide if he doesn’t…” Musk said.
Peterson noted that that notion was “a lie right from the outset” suggesting that Musk had been deceived by the doctors.
“Incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk responded, noting that it wasn’t explained to him that the puberty blockers prescribed to his son were “actually just sterilization drugs.”
“I lost my son, essentially. They call it deadnaming for a reason,” the billionaire continued. “The reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. My son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus.”
“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that,” Musk said after an extended pause, noting that he has already been making progress toward that end, without specifying what exact measures he is taking.
Previously, in an interview with the Babylon Bee in 2021, Musk had also called the “woke mind virus” one of the “greatest threats to modern civilization” and described it as a “world without humor.”
Last week, Musk announced that he would be relocating the headquarters of both SpaceX and X from California to Texas in response to a new law forbidding teachers in the Golden State from telling parents if their children identify as transgender.
“This is the final straw,” Musk wrote on X after the bill was passed, describing it as an attack on both families and companies in the state. He also noted that he’d “had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building,” referring to the rampant homelessness, drug abuse and crime plaguing San Francisco where the X headquarters are located.
One tragedy at a time, the awareness of these destructive policies will spread. “Woke” doesn’t just kill companies (“Go woke go broke”) but families too.
We wailed over this case previously.
Respect to the dad for his perseverance!
Biological male TKOs woman after 45 seconds. Punches “hurt too much:”
I can't believe this.
screw the WOKE mob.
If the Olympic Committee deems men are women , "I accept it"
more like " I swallow the BS"
A horror story of a pandering agency that appears more interested in creating vast swaths of the misguided and medically dependent. Lots of links in the original, as well as vids, worth exploring:
How Did Planned Parenthood Become One of the Country’s Largest Suppliers of Testosterone?
When she was a teenager, Cristina Hineman started testosterone after a 30-minute consult at Planned Parenthood. She’s now suing them. ‘I regretted everything.’
By Jennifer Block
August 7, 2024
For Cristina Hineman, the situation felt urgent: the 17-year-old needed treatment at Planned Parenthood, where she knew she wouldn’t be subjected to humiliating questions, or an unnecessary waiting period, or lectures, or prying about her certainty. But it wasn’t an abortion she sought. It was testosterone.
Planned Parenthood was founded a century ago to promote birth control. Today, its nearly 600 clinics nationwide make it the largest single provider of abortion, contraception, reproductive care, and sex education in the U.S.
It has also, in less than a decade, become the country’s leading provider of gender transition hormones for young adults, according to insurance claim data. In 2015, around two dozen of their clinics began offering this service. Now it’s available at nearly 450 locations. Insurance claim information provided to The Free Press by the Manhattan Institute shows that at least 40,000 patients went to Planned Parenthood for this purpose last year alone, a number that has risen tenfold since 2017. The largest proportion, about 40 percent, were 18- to 22-year-olds.
Faced with her parents’ skepticism, Hineman waited to make an appointment for just after her 18th birthday in November 2021 at the Planned Parenthood in Hudson, NY. Some clinics offer hormones starting at age 16 with parental approval, but as a legal adult Hineman wouldn’t need their consent.
After she filled out forms in the Planned Parenthood waiting room, a nurse led her to an exam room and handed her a consent form for “masculinizing hormone therapy.”
Records show that a nurse practitioner asked about Hineman’s identity and desires; she noted that “patient has consulted with a mental health provider”—meaning Hineman had previously talked to therapists. The two discussed the “expected changes” related to testosterone—growing a beard and body hair, deepening voice, and that “changes to fertility may be permanent or reversible.”
Then the first nurse took Hineman’s blood, and she was given a prescription for testosterone gel. She remembers all this taking under 30 minutes.
Like many others in the rising wave of female teens seeking to masculinize, she had been battling a cluster of mental health problems: self-harm, depression, and anxiety. Also like many of these teens, Hineman has autism. The Covid lockdown exacerbated her troubles. She told me, “I couldn’t see my friends, I couldn’t see my girlfriend. I was depressed and scared, in my room ruminating all the time.”
The viral YouTubers she was watching convinced her that gender was the problem. “I was like, oh my god, trans includes all the things I’ve been feeling—my discomfort with my chest, my discomfort with being called ‘young woman,’ not being sure of who I was or what I wanted to be,” she said.
Just over a year into treatment, Hineman realized she had made a terrible mistake, and that gender was not the source of her problems. “I was brainwashed,” she says now. “A lot of people say that adults should be able to do whatever they want. But if you have mental illness that’s clouding your view, or you’re so misinformed about what gender dysphoria even means, then you cannot consent to such invasive treatments.”
Hineman, who went from identifying as “nonbinary” to “agender” to “trans” over the course of a year, now considers herself a “detransitioner”—someone who, if possible, has returned to living as their birth sex, often with medical side effects.
Today, reported exclusively in The Free Press, she is a plaintiff in the first detransitioner lawsuit against Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In the medical malpractice suit, filed in April, she’s seeking unspecified damages for negligence and failure to obtain informed consent from all the health providers—including those at Planned Parenthood—who facilitated her medical transition: from therapists who “encouraged” her desire to change genders, to the plastic surgeon who removed her breasts after a superficial consult when she turned 19, to the nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood who wrote Hineman the prescription for testosterone. (In June, Planned Parenthood filed its answer to the complaint, disputing Hineman’s claims.)
Hineman, who went from “nonbinary” to “agender” to “trans” over the course of a year, now considers herself a “detransitioner”—someone has returned to living as their birth sex, often with medical side effects. Above, Hineman walks with her mother, Naomi, at Poets’ Walk Park in Red Hook, NY. (Cindy Schultz for The Free Press)
She joins more than a dozen young people who, in separate lawsuits across the country, are alleging medical malpractice by institutions such as Kaiser Permanente as well as individual practitioners, and are seeking compensation for the harm they claim has been done to them.
Her suit comes as the U.S. is increasingly alone in championing hormonal and surgical interventions to swiftly transition gender-distressed young people. A growing list of European countries, including Sweden, Finland, and the UK, are restricting these sometimes irreversible treatments for young people and favoring an approach that encourages therapy to address all the causes of a patient’s distress.
In 2020 a young British detransitioner, Keira Bell, was a claimant in a case against the government clinic that supervised her transition. Like Hineman, Bell asserted she was a troubled young person who needed psychological counseling, not medical transition. Her case caused a firestorm that helped lead to the comprehensive Cass Review, released in April, which delivered a scathing indictment of the “gender-affirming” model.
The distinguished English pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, who led the review, has said, “I can’t think of another area of pediatric care where we give young people a potentially irreversible treatment and have no idea what happens to them in adulthood.” Meanwhile, new revelations show that the purported evidence of the benefits of medical transition cited by advocates has been manipulated for political purposes.
But in the U.S., major medical associations from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the Endocrine Society continue to back gender-affirming care. In response, about two dozen Republican-led states have passed laws restricting this treatment for minors.
If malpractice lawsuits like Hineman’s are successful, they have the potential to reshape the currently accepted medical standard of gender care. This can be summarized as setting children on a path to medical transition, and treatment on demand for adults. This applies even when these adults are still teenagers and legally restricted from activities such as buying alcohol or renting a car.
“Treatment without a competent evaluation shouldn’t be foisted on you whether you’re 15 or 30,” says Kevin Keller, an attorney who is consulting pro bono on several detransitioner cases brought by firms across the country. “Vulnerability is the issue. If there’s no comprehensive screening in place before a medical intervention that’s going to have permanent effects,” that’s a breach of duty, he argues.
Hineman describes herself as politically to the left. She supports the right to abortion and does not want to hamper women’s access to that at Planned Parenthood.
Her attorneys may have different political leanings, but Jordan Campbell, who left commercial litigation two years ago to exclusively represent detransitioners, tells me the firm is apolitical. He was motivated to “do something” after hearing a detransitioner’s harrowing experience on a podcast, and law school friends joined the cause. (In 2022, the conservative Independent Women’s Forum launched a series of documentaries about gender medicine, focusing on detransitioners. Four of the dozen people profiled so far are Campbell’s clients, including Hineman. The documentary on her is debuting with this article.)
Keller told me, “There’s a real belief among these plaintiffs and lawyers that this is the great medical scandal of our times.”
Watch the documentary from the IWF about Hineman and her suit against Planned Parenthood here:
There is another civil suit against a Planned Parenthood affiliate, filed in February by a different law firm, representing a detransitioner in the Midwest. She spoke to me on condition that she not be identified by name in this story. I’ll call her Anna.
Two years ago, Anna made an appointment for her 19th birthday at a Planned Parenthood clinic a thousand miles away from Hineman’s. Yet her experience unfolded so identically it’s as if the Planned Parenthood clinician was following a script. And essentially, she was. Planned Parenthood medical guidelines are made by the national headquarters. “Like any franchise, you know what to expect in whatever affiliate you go to because they’re all practicing by the same standards and guidelines,” Dr. Paul Blumenthal, an emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford and former chair of Planned Parenthood’s National Medical Committee, told me.
These guidelines allow for speedy access to life-altering hormones. As evident in one affiliate’s Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Patient Handbook: “Most of our patients can get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us.”
Anna, who is now 22 years old, tells me she was a tomboy as a kid, which led to a lonely adolescence in which she struggled with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and was “hating puberty because I’m getting these huge boobs and period that’s horribly uncomfortable.” She was also discovering that she was attracted to girls. When she started dating, many of the females she was interested in had started to identify as male, and Anna describes herself as having been “young and impressionable.”
Anna took testosterone for seven months, which was enough to drop her voice and thicken her body hair. Now, she says she experiences constant vocal pain, joint pain, and frustrating and sometimes painful sexual dysfunction. She says that none of these distressing side effects were discussed at that first Planned Parenthood appointment, one that resulted in a prescription for testosterone.
In her suit, Anna is asking for a minimum of $50,000 in damages and coverage of her legal costs. The suit alleges that Planned Parenthood’s care was so negligent that Anna “has suffered great pain and anguish” and “has experienced a substantial loss of her normal life.”
She’s grateful for a lab mix-up that stopped her refills and led her to abandon transition before she started to look more masculine. She tells me she occasionally gets “sir’d” now, mostly on the phone, or maybe because she “presents a bit dykeish.”
She’s doing her best to move on, and has a satisfying part-time job and her own apartment, though she tells me every day is still a struggle. “I just have a lot of regret.” She’s suing because “I don’t want people to get hurt like I did,” she tells me, and she wants Planned Parenthood to stop treating patients “like they’re on a conveyor belt.” Many of her friends are trans—she’s not trying to take away their care. “I want them to be healthy and fully informed.”
Hineman, who is now 20 years old, has permanent effects from testosterone, like hair on the backs of her hands and side of her face. Her clitoris, which she had once hoped would come to resemble “a small penis” under the effects of testosterone, is now permanently enlarged and so uncomfortable that it’s difficult to wear fitted pants or jeans. Her sexual response has been dulled. “I was very sensitive down there before. Now it’s harder to have a satisfying experience,” she tells me with embarrassment.
Talking about the double mastectomy is even more difficult: her chest is concave, scarred, and alternately numb and raw. She didn’t think about breastfeeding when she was seeking to transition, but now is haunted by the fact she’ll never be able to.
For Hineman, the whole project of gender identity was “kind of like a punk thing,” she says. But rather than sex, drugs, and rock and roll, it was just drugs. And surgery. “It’s a medicalized version of normal teen rebellion. And I got completely sucked into that.”
Hineman tells me all this from her parents’ home in the Hudson Valley—she’s living there saving money while she works at a convenience store selling cigarettes she’s still not legally old enough to buy until she turns 21 in October. She’s articulate and shy, with braces that make her seem younger than she is. The testosterone somewhat lowered her voice, but her hair and overall style helps her present as female. Occasionally people assume she’s male, but she’s made a conscious decision to shrug it off because getting “emotionally bogged down about being misgendered” is what led to transition in the first place, she tells me. “I had the realization that I can’t continue to let this bother me in any direction.”
“I was brainwashed,” says Cristina Hineman. “A lot of people say that adults should be able to do whatever they want. But if you have mental illness that’s clouding your view, or you’re so misinformed about what gender dysphoria even means, then you cannot consent to such invasive treatments.” (Cindy Schultz for The Free Press)
How did Planned Parenthood transform itself from an organization devoted to women’s health into one of the country’s largest suppliers of testosterone?
Planned Parenthood traces its origins to the opening of a birth control clinic in New York in 1916 by a nurse named Margaret Sanger. It was swiftly shut down and Sanger was arrested because, at the time, distributing birth control—even distributing information on birth control—was illegal. Sanger persevered in her mission of bringing contraception to the masses, infamously making an alliance with the eugenics movement.
Today, the organization serves more than two million patients a year, and has for decades provided affordable gynecological care for women who can’t find it elsewhere. It has revenues of around $2 billion, of which nearly $700 million comes from publicly funded programs such as Medicaid. Its motto is “Care, no matter what.”
In 2005, a northern California affiliate expanded that care to a pilot program in Santa Cruz intended mainly for male-to-female transsexuals, as they were then commonly called. This was long before de rigueur pronouns, before puberty blockers were a culture war weapon, and a full decade before the still-unexplained spike in female teens across the Western world identifying as trans.
Dr. Jen Hastings, a Santa Cruz family physician working at Planned Parenthood, spearheaded the program. There she saw how estrogen—a hormone her clinic prescribed for menopausal women—could help an underserved, marginalized population of trans-identified adults who were born male.
Hastings then focused her career on expanding transgender services throughout Planned Parenthood. At a 2015 conference of reproductive health clinicians, Hastings led a session titled “Transgender health care in your affiliate: You can do it!” (Hastings did not respond to requests for an interview.)
It was around that time that two physicians active in expanding access to hormonal treatments started advising Planned Parenthood. Both have advocated against what’s derisively known as “gatekeeping”—that is, requiring a mental health evaluation, or a certain number of therapy sessions, or a referral letter to initiate treatment. They supported early intervention, at the cusp of puberty, based on the argument that doing so spared gender dysphoric young people the trauma of a “wrong” puberty.
These physicians are Dr. Madeline Deutsch, director of the Gender Affirming Health Program at the University of California, San Francisco, and Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, the medical director of The Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Both were subject matter experts on transgender care for Planned Parenthood; Olson-Kennedy joined the national medical committee in 2017. The guidelines increasingly reflected a “patient-led” approach, with protocols added for minors. (Some clinics limit gender treatment to 18-plus, others 16-plus.) An internal slide presentation shows that Planned Parenthood gender services more than quadrupled between 2016 and 2021.
The organization would not give specific numbers, or respond to multiple requests for comment, but the insurance claim data (estimates that do not include patients who pay out of pocket) suggest that 1 in 6 U.S. teens and young adults who sought gender hormones last year were seen at Planned Parenthood. Between 2017 and 2023, affiliated clinics filed gender-related insurance claims for 12,000 youths aged 12–17.
There were plans to bring in even younger patients. In 2022, the Planned Parenthood in Santa Cruz launched another pilot, this time offering puberty blockers and hormones for teens aged 15 and under. The goal was to expand the program, but only “a small handful” of families came, an affiliate spokesperson told me, and it was shuttered. Meanwhile, the St. Louis affiliate is under investigation by the state attorney general for allegedly eliding parental consent when providing gender-transition care to minors.
Dr. Nicole Chaisson, associate medical director of Planned Parenthood North Central States, told me easy access to appointments and treatment for young people seeking transition is precisely the point. Chaisson defends a quick consult that allows a teenager to “leave the clinic with their prescription.” She told me that “otherwise healthy patients” who have been living as trans for some time tend to have already given sufficient thought to making irreversible changes.
Chiasson says the gender treatments come under an “informed consent” model. “Gatekeeping is not necessary. People are the experts of their own body and of their own journey, and as long as they can make decisions, they should be the agent of their own healthcare.”
A Planned Parenthood video shared on social media tells teens: “Your gender identity is real. You should be the one to decide what changes you want to make to your body.” Olson-Kennedy told colleagues in 2018 that teens can consent to what she called “chest surgery” or breast removal. She added, “If you want breasts at a later point in your life, you can go and get them.” She did not respond to requests for comment.
Dr. Vanessa Cullins was Planned Parenthood’s VP of Medical Affairs when it wrote transgender services into the national guidelines, allowing the program to expand nationally. Originally, the impetus was facilitating bodily autonomy in a small population of mostly male adults seeking to transition.
I reached Cullins in Florida, where she’s resided since retiring from her position and medicine generally in 2016. She told me she was “proud” to have started the transgender services program. But when I shared the updated guidelines with her and told her about what Hineman and Anna have gone through, she expressed concern. “We have to be vigilant when we’re giving powerful medications to young people, and these are powerful medications,” Cullins told me, which must necessarily involve side effects. If someone is not fully informed and prepared, “it could be a nightmare.”
During her tenure, gender treatment was for adults only and based on a “team model” of care, Cullins explained, in which clinic staff coordinated with outside mental health and primary care. She added of the typical visit under today’s guidelines, “I would suggest that 30 minutes is not enough.”
Cristina Hineman tells The Free Press that the last time she went to Planned Parenthood in March 2023, she held back tears as she told the nurse practitioner she realized that it all had been a mistake. (Cindy Schultz for The Free Press)
Trading one biological sex hormone for the other has a multitude of profound impacts: on metabolism, on risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, on bone health, on mood stability, on cognition, and on sexual function and fertility. Female sex organs thrive on estrogen, which the ovaries cease to produce under the sway of testosterone. After a few years, atrophy may affect the entire reproductive tract.
Planned Parenthood’s materials for clinicians state atrophy can begin within just 3–6 months of exposure. But on the brief patient consent form—it’s about three pages long—that both Hineman and Anna signed, this was referred to only as “genital dryness.”
I spoke with a former Planned Parenthood clinic employee who, trans-identified himself, has been taking testosterone for nearly
a decade and knows its effects intimately. He became concerned that the information wasn’t being shared with new patients, and asked the chief medical officer why. He was told that protocols were set by the national office, and in any case, informing patients of lesser-known side effects “would scare them.” He has since obtained legal whistleblower protection.
Hineman says of her experience, “There was no conversation about the actual process of what the hormones are going to do in your body; it’s just you take the shot and start becoming more male,” she says. Both she and Anna are alleging that clinicians did not explain the treatment sufficiently to meet the legal standard of informed consent. This requires that a patient must fully understand the risks and benefits of the treatment or medication they are considering as well as being presented with the alternatives.
Dr. Nicole Chaisson said that side effects are part of the conversation, but acknowledged that some may go unmentioned, saying it would be wrong to point patients to things that might happen 10 or 20 years down the road when “they’re having lifesaving care right now.”
Chaisson is referring to a claim often repeated by gender practitioners: that without access to “affirming” treatments, young people will commit suicide. This is a threat that’s been commonly held over parents reluctant to approve transition for their child.
Fortunately, there is now good evidence to refute this dire claim. Researchers in Finland recently published the largest study to date looking at suicide in gender-distressed patients and found that suicide is rare, and the greatest predictor of it is previously diagnosed psychiatric conditions. Lead author Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala has called it “dishonest and extremely unethical” for clinicians to exaggerate risk. Dr. Hilary Cass was also clear in her review: “the evidence does not adequately support the claim that gender-affirming treatment reduces suicide risk.”
After the 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump—and the promised threat to abortion rights that came to pass—record donations funded many new hires at Planned Parenthood’s national office. I spoke to several physicians who served in high-level positions within the organization who expressed frustration with the national office for pouring more resources into advocacy than medical services.
“Planned Parenthood became the place to work if you wanted to be on the front lines of the anti-Trump resistance,” a former high-level executive who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity told me.
Many of the new staffers in the national office “believed in every so-called progressive issue, and at that time the forefront was gender-affirming care. That one issue became everything.”
And this required new language. “There was this huge push to cancel the word woman,” the former executive told me. “Women’s health or female were edited out constantly to reflect gender-neutral language.” For example, people with uteruses began appearing. Chestfeeding became a synonym for breastfeeding. And front hole as a word for vagina was added to the glossary.
The last time she went to Planned Parenthood in March of 2023, Hineman, then 19, held back tears as she told the nurse practitioner she had come to realize, with horror that still grips her, that it all had been a mistake. The consent form Hineman had signed stated, “You can choose to stop taking testosterone at any time. If you decide to do that, talk to your doctor or nurse.” But Hineman discovered there was no protocol for stopping, no handout. Her clinician had no advice except to contact a gender therapist. Hineman left a voicemail but said she never got a return call.
The week before, she’d had her final post-op appointment with the surgeon who removed her breasts. When the bandages came off, she hated what she saw. She had sought surgery believing this was “the only way” to make the “crippling feeling” of suicidal depression go away. It’s what she’d been told “over and over and over again” on the internet, by medical professionals and YouTubers alike.
But the next night she had “the biggest anxiety attack of my entire life.” She called for her mother to comfort her, and cried so hard she threw up. “I regretted everything,” she tells me. She was overwhelmed with the thought that “I’m never going to look like a woman again, I’m never going to have feeling back in my chest.”
The next day was a scheduled testosterone “injection day,” but instead of plunging a needle in her belly, she shaved her legs and put on a red dress with long sleeves that hid her biceps. She announced the change in an Instagram post that said, “I’m going by she/her pronouns again.”
Anna also looks back with bafflement that her depression and other medical factors didn’t give providers pause. “I was lost. I was hurting. I was a fucked-up teen who needed help,” she told me.
Hineman now regrets that she put off college to transition, and spent her life savings, about $9,000, on a mastectomy. She has gone public because she wants young people like herself, their parents, and the providers who are pushing ideology over good care to know that there are safe and humane ways to address the kind of distress she suffered. “The answers are not just transition or suicide. There are ways to work through these feelings without altering your body,” she says.
As for Planned Parenthood, she says, “Honestly, I want them to focus on women’s health. That’s what they exist for.”
Jennifer Block is a journalist and author, often writing about contested areas of medicine. She got her start contributing to outlets including The Village Voice, The Nation, and Ms. magazine. She was most recently an investigations reporter at The BMJ. Follow her on X @writingblock.
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Seems to me, this helps identify the puppet masters of the elected class. The people who advance these policies are the people Tim, Joe, Kamala etc can't stand up to and say no, that's crazy.
I didn't think much of this until I noticed in girls & boys BR . :roll:
" Nike, will you stand up for girls and women's sports?"
- The answer is no.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, way back in the day I volunteered at a telephone hotline, an experience that informs many of my views to this day, with one primary takeaway being people that have wallowed in their dysfunction for so long that it is woven into their self-image and identity tend to embrace that dysfunction rather than address it as addressing it requires change at a root level few are able to endure, with the take away on my end being that all the hours spent on the phone confronting dysfunction in all its many forms was basically wasted, with that revelation forming the basis for the curmudgeon I’ve blossomed into.
I note this as one of the phenomenas we confronted regularly at the ol’ hotline was self-destructive behaviors manifesting themselves as some sort of contagion, with young women forming the usual population wherein these behaviors manifested, with suicide and self-mutilation being the primary behaviors, though there were others.
All of the above amounts to a long way of saying that mutilation on the altar of transgenderism has a familiar feel, one that medical professionals should certainly be able to pick up on more aptly than the teenage do-gooder I was back in the day. Unless, alas, political and financial considerations are baked into any empirical examinations of the available data and expediency rears its head.
It’s worth noting the author is gay and generally an advocate for gay causes unless, as he states below connoting a slasher movie trope, the threat comes from inside the house. The fact that he is unambivalently speaking to the horrors embraced the trans-for-kids crowd to the point he is contemplating voting for Trump speaks volumes:
Rachel Levine Must Resign
A case study in politics and ideology overruling science. With children as victims.
OCT 18, 2024
Rachel Levine speaks on stage during the "Tackling the Youth Mental-Health Crisis" panel for The Atlantic Festival 2024 on September 19. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images for The Atlantic)
“Knowing that there is little/no evidence about [the sex reassignment of] children/adolescents is helpful,” - a Biden administration HHS official.
I have to say that the news this week has made me reconsider voting for Kamala Harris.
What news? I’ve no doubt many of you will roll your eyes, think I’m off on another tangent, obsessed with something trivial — or, in Harris’ formulation, a “remote” issue. But the discovery from a lawsuit against the State of Alabama over its ban on the medical sex reassignment of children has left me reeling. It shows a staggering level of bad faith from the transqueer lobby, and, also, from Rachel Levine — the Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS. Read the amicus brief here. Everything in this piece is based on it.
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The broad contours laid out in the brief were already known. But, with discovery, the specific details of private, internal emails make this medical scandal even more vivid. We knew that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) commissioned its own version of the Cass Review by asking a team at Johns Hopkins to conduct a systematic review of the evidence for “gender medicine” for children. But we now find the conclusion. An internal email from the Hopkins team concluded that there was “little to no evidence about children and adolescents.” Many WPATH members, we discover, also knew the studies would “reveal little or no evidence and put us in an untenable position in terms of affecting policy or winning lawsuits.”
In other words, WPATH knows full well that their transing of children has little to no medical evidence behind it. So when Johns Hopkins presented the review, WPATH instantly buried it, suppressing publication of all the studies but two. Other contributors drew on their experiences as expert witnesses to suggest removing “language such as ‘insufficient evidence,’ ‘limited data,’ etc.” that could ‘empower’ groups ‘trying to claim that gender-affirming interventions are experimental.’” SOC-8 — the latest Standards of Care from WPATH — was therefore knowingly based on concealing the truth, and written for lawsuits, not patients. Not medicine. Ideology.
And all along, this allegedly professional group, WPATH, conferred with Levine at HHS. They gave her an early embargoed version of SOC-8, with lower age limits for some treatments, and her office responded, horrified. They feared that the listing of “specific minimum ages for treatment … under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care”:
Levine “was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to healthcare for trans youth ... and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse.”
So they removed the age limits! For these procedures, among others: removal of both ovaries; double mastectomy; turning a girl’s clitoris into a micro-penis; surgically removing a boy’s penis; surgical and chemical castration of boys; and permanent removal of the capacity for orgasm for both boys and girls. I repeat: permanent removal of the capacity for orgasm for both boys and girls.
But this never happens, we were told! Another lie. We now discover, from insurance claims, that at least 14,000 minors have been transed either chemically or surgically in the last five years. At a minimum.
Even WPATH (which considers eunuchs a gender identity requiring castration) balked at Levine’s intervention at first. One SOC-8 author wrote: “I don’t know how I feel about allowing US politics to dictate international professional clinical guidelines.” Another wrote: “I think it’s safe to say that we all agree and feel frustrated (at minimum) that these political issues are even a thing and are impacting our own discussions and strategies.” But they did it anyway. Marci Bowers, WPATH’s president at the time, privately confessed to putting ideology before science: “it is a balancing act between what I feel to be true and what we need to say.” Read that one more time. It really amounts to: “We need to lie to keep this transing industry going.” So they continued to deceive distressed parents and children.
Systematic reviews of medical practices abide by a simple rule: to limit conflicts of interest between the reviewers and the practices. That’s why the Brits asked Hillary Cass to review the evidence: she was a renowned pediatrician but had personally never practiced transing kids. But WPATH actually excluded almost anyone without a conflict of interest! One doctor admitted at his deposition that “most participants in the SOC-8 process had financial and/or nonfinancial conflicts of interest.” Bowers even believed it was “important for someone to be an advocate for [transitioning] treatments before the guidelines were created.” So it was rigged from the start.
The Johns Hopkins team also sent its data to the Biden administration. HHS, where Levine holds court, responded: “Knowing that there is little/no evidence about children and adolescents is helpful.” So the Biden-Harris people were told there was no evidence for it as well! And they then doubled down on “gender-affirming care.”
Bowers — who famously performed multiple surgeries on Jazz Jennings — publicly insists that “gender affirming care” for children is settled science and the only opponents are bigots. But in a private email to other WPATH members, we find she knows only too well the human cost of her abuse of children. Discovery in a lawsuit is a powerful thing.
I’m still absorbing the contents of this email from Bowers:
Like my [female genital mutilation] patients who had never experienced orgasm, the puberty blockaded kids did not know what orgasm might feel like and most experienced sensation to their genitalia no differently than if it had been a finger or a portion of their thigh....
My concern culminated during a pre-surgical evaluation on a young trans girl from a highly educated family whose daughter responded when I asked about orgasm, “what is that?” The parents countered with, “oh honey, didn’t they teach you that in school?” I felt that our informed consent process might not be enough.... It occurred to me that how could anyone truly know how important sexual function was to a relationship, to happiness?
It isn’t an easy question to answer.
It is, in fact, very easy to answer. Bowers did so herself:
Every single child who was — er, adolescent — who is truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [aged 9-11] has never experienced orgasm. … It’s important in relationships. And I know that from my work with female genital mutilation survivors, that the lack of being able to be intimate with a partner is very important. And so this is what really raised the red flag for me.
Let me offer my answer to the question Bowers raised. It is despicable to take a child who has never gone through puberty and remove from them any possibility of orgasm for life — before they can possibly know what an orgasm feels like. Evil. Bowers admits it’s no different than FGM in its effect. With FGM, much of the pressure to mutilate a child comes from the parents’ religion. The difference between Iran — where they trans young gays and lesbians en masse — and America, is that in one, the parents’ religion is fundamentalist Islam, and in America, it’s wokeness.
And that wokeness overwhelmingly targets gay kids. In Britain they became the vast majority of the children sent for sex reassignment, before it was banned outside a clinical trial. And we know that these “doctors” have no way of objectively knowing whether a child is actually trans or gay or depressed or autistic — and yet they also oppose any broad mental health assessment of a child, if that child has simply declared himself or herself the opposite sex.
This is not forgivable. It demands accountability. These “doctors” know full well that their experiments have no basis in science, that thousands of gay detransitioners have had their lives and bodies destroyed, and yet continue to experiment on children, without knowing if they are actually trans, of if they are gay, or bi, or autistic, or in a social contagion. Worse, every allegedly gay group — GLAAD, HRC, Trevor Project, Lambda Legal, ACLU, et al. — supports this as an ideological transqueer “necessity” and will allow no debate and no dissent. Most gays have no idea what’s actually going on — by design. The reason GLAAD tries to intimidate reporters on this subject is because they know that the truth would devastate their arguments. They can count on the gay press to be silent. But the MSM rattles them.
Levine should resign. She intervened in a medical process for entirely political reasons, putting children at risk, destroying all safeguards for them. So should the heads of every so-called gay group that have pushed and lied about “gender-affirming care.” WPATH’s former president, Marci Bowers (she was replaced on October 1) is another matter. It seems to me that a doctor who privately doubts if her child patients can give meaningful consent and operates on them anyway is not a doctor, but a sociopath. She has violated the Hippocratic oath and admitted practicing the equivalent of FGM on children. FGM is illegal in federal law and in 41 states if the girl is under 18. “Gender-affirming” FGM, thanks to Rachel Levine, is fully legal without any lower age limits.
I remember very well how all my gender insecurities as a gay kid vanished after puberty. So I urge any gay man or lesbian who, as a child or teen, was barred from this basic human right to be brave and start the lawsuits. It’s the only way. No gay men or lesbians will come to your aid. Kamala Harris and the gay groups sure won’t. “LGBTQIA+” billionaires will sacrifice any number of gay kids if it means not being called “transphobic” at a dinner party.
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I look around what was once my community and see such incredible cowardice and indoctrination that it makes me despair at what we have become. A movement that began as a crusade for sexual liberation is now sterilizing gay and trans children and removing their capacity for orgasm forever. A movement that began with defending gay men and lesbians is now sacrificing a generation of gay kids at the behest of trans extremists and critical gender theory.
Forgive me for the passion. But this amicus brief set my head and heart aflame. What has happened — what is still happening — is the worst attack on gay kids since Anita Bryant.
But this time, the danger is coming from inside the house.
A former of stolen valor, mayhaps?
Megan Kelly drops truth bombs, and the lib audience actually applauds:
Tell me this isn’t true. I don’t want it to be so:
Tell me this isn’t true. I don’t want it to be so:
It certainly looks to be true but I can't find mention of it at other sites:
Tell me this isn’t true. I don’t want it to be so:
It certainly looks to be true but I can't find mention of it at other sites:
I got into the X/Twitter game late, mostly ‘cause so many people gushed over what appeared to me to be a glorified haiku site. Once purchased by Musk and with the Twitter Files released showing full well the Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor Americans, as well as Musk’s concurrent commitment to free speech, I find myself there several times a week. I note quite a few items of interest, and the occasional gem, but also encounter my share of tweets that appear to be seeking too plant ear bugs by intentionally packaging falsehoods in a manner that will hopefully get picked up and shared by many virally.
Currently this piece doesn’t have “additional context” attachments and such, and the speaker seemed to intimate this was something that happened at the committee level, but I’d feel far better about the piece if it had some sort of supporting info.
Shouldn't an MD lose his her license? What happened to do no harm?!
Good for Megyn Kelly for speaking up and speaking out! Shouldn't we all be shouting, "Stop this!'
Good grief Kamala, it's not a "medically necessary treatment". Not for adults. Not for migrants. Not for taxpayers. And certainly not for children! Even if you thought it was, not without parental consent!
Pro-Trans Doctors Hide Results Of Taxpayer-Funded Study Because It Shows ‘Transitioning’ Kids Is Harmful
U.S. Study on Puberty Blockers Goes Unpublished Because of Politics, Doctor Says
NYT story is paywall blocked but headline makes clear the allegation and the federalist story tells more details. This should be investigated and consequences for it need to be severe. Careers ended, if true. Our so-called scientists and doctors are withholding truth? Yes, we already knew that but it needs to be stopped!
Duplicating this in case there are efforts to delete the prior link.
Clear statements such as this are deeply needed.
This piece that FB is banning about an MD speaking frankly about surgical “transitions” contains some disturbing and surprising elements:
:cry: :x :cry: :x :cry: :x :x :x :x
WSJ on Dems that dare to say insane things like biological males shouldn’t be allowed to flatten biological females on the athletics field among other crumbling woke orthodoxies:
Anyone know of a handy airlock we can toss this piece of shit out of?
We aren't the ones who made bathroom Politics the lead issue.
right. does anyone think her district is consumed with worry over this ?
Replace the old fashioned skirt symbol versus pants on the door to a symbol for penis and penis with red circle and red diagonal line through it?
Remember, they asked Joe Biden how many genders there were and I think he said at least three. I'm so old I remember when there were only two.
What is the cost to add another commercial public bathroom for every gender the identify on every floor of every public building?
And we wonder why productivity, the key to real wage growth, goes down under democrats.
Return to using the word SEX instead of GENDER!
Return to using the word SEX instead of GENDER!
My go to is to return to that high school philosophy class standard: “define your term.” Once they are done circumlocuting I ask what word can be used to describe a person with an XY chromosome who is a female by their recent definition (or vice versa)? They generally get mad as the absurdity of their position reveals itself … in their own words.
I like that! And will be using it!
Yes, the stealing of the words, phrases, language. They have gender affirming and denial backwards, just like they screw up the words of everything they can. Affordable housing, for example.
If we now have way more than 2 genders (per the current President), can't each grouping start their own golf leagues (and swimming and volleyball etc), like ladies LPGA did.
Good analysis.
Ex-patient claims negligence in ‘fast-tracked’ gender transition
Doctor withholds psychological study results
By Valerie Richardson THE WASHINGTON TIMES
The doctor who has refused to release the results of a federally funded study on “gender-affirming care” is being sued by a former patient, a young woman who says she was “fast-tracked” into a gender transition that culminated in having her breasts removed at age 14.
Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, oversaw the treatment of Kaya Clementine Breen. Doctors diagnosed gender dysphoria at age 12 during her first appointment in December 2016.
Ms. Breen’s medical negligence complaint says Dr. Olson-Kennedy “affirmed” the girl’s transgender identity within minutes of meeting her, put her on puberty blockers at age 12 and testosterone at age 13, and then referred her for a double mastectomy.
“She represented that if Clementine got a double mastectomy at an early age, the healing process would be easier, and that if she waited any longer, it would be impossible to do it right,” reads the lawsuit, filed Dec. 5 in California Superior Court in Los Angeles.
When Clementine’s parents objected, Dr. Olson-Kennedy asked “if they would rather have a living son or a dead daughter,” even though the girl had not experienced or expressed suicidal thoughts, the complaint says.
Now 20, Ms. Breen has concluded she was never transgender. She stopped
Clementine Breen, 20, is grappling with the physical and mental fallout from hormone treatments and her double mastectomy at age 14.
taking testosterone early this year after seeing a therapist who treated her for unresolved trauma from a childhood sexual assault that left her uncomfortable with her body.
“It wasn’t until earlier this year, when I actually started doing research about my own doctor and the things that she said, like, that you can just get breast implants later, or that comorbidities with mental health don’t cause gender dysphoria,” Ms. Breen said in a video called “Clementine’s Story,” produced by the Center for American Liberty.
“And that’s when I started to realize that what happened to me wasn’t right and isn’t actually the standard, or shouldn’t be,” said Ms. Breen, a student at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which is also a defendant in the lawsuit, said the center “has provided high quality, age-appropriate, medically necessary care for youth and young adults and their families for more than 30 years.”
“Treatment is led by the experienced physicians who practice at CHLA and is patient- and family-centered, following guidelines from professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and Endocrine Society,” a hospital spokesperson told The Washington Times.
At least 17 “detransitioners” have sued their medical providers in the past two years over the drugs and surgeries they were prescribed and now regret.
What makes Ms. Breen’s situation striking is the young age at which she underwent so-called top surgery and the renowned doctor in charge of her care.
Dr. Olson-Kennedy is a nationally recognized expert on transgender and gender-nonconforming children. She operates the nation’s largest youth gender clinic and is a professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.
She is under congressional scrutiny for withholding the final results of research on puberty blockers for transgender youths. Her research received $9.7 million from the National Institutes of Health.
A House subcommittee opened an investigation last month demanding that NIH turn over grant applications, progress reports and unpublished data about the study titled “Impact of Early Medical Treatment in Transgender Youth.”
Six Senate Republicans called on NIH to produce the study’s annual progress reports. In a Dec. 5 letter, they said “taxpayers have a right to know the outcomes of the research they fund.”
The concerns were spurred by an Oct. 23 report in which Dr. Olson-Kennedy said she fears the study’s conclusions will be “weaponized.” The research found that the 95 children ages 8-16 who were treated with puberty blockers for two years did not experience improved mental health.
“They’re in really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years,” she told The New York Times.
Her description appeared to clash with a 2020 baseline update that said about one-quarter of the children were depressed or suicidal before treatment began.
Rep. Lisa McClain, Michigan Republican and chair of the House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee on health care, said lawmakers are “alarmed that the project’s principal investigator, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, is withholding publication of the project’s research findings.”
“Dr. Olson-Kennedy’s apparent mischaracterization of the TYC study’s results and refusal to publish taxpayerfunded research because they contradict her pre-existing biases and could be cited by critics of ‘gender affirming’ medical interventions is an irrefutable example of politicization of scientific research to further an ideological agenda,” Ms. Mc-Clain said in the Nov. 4 letter.
The Washington Times has reached out to Dr. Olson-Kennedy for comment. She has not commented publicly on the criticism, but other researchers said study leaders are typically allowed to publish their findings at their discretion.
Jordan Campbell, whose Dallas law firm, Campbell Miller Payne, represents Ms. Breen, said she was one of the children who participated in the study. Ms. Breen’s California-based counsel is the LiMandri & Jonna firm.
The lawsuit says Dr. Olson-Kennedy depicted the treatment as reversible, but Ms. Breen, who went by “Finn” during her transgender years, is still grappling with the physical and mental fallout.
“Her voice has permanently deepened. Her female body did not develop, and she has a very masculine body structure,” the complaint states. “Her fertility is almost certainly destroyed from the combination of years on puberty blockers and testosterone. And even if she could conceive and deliver a child, she would not be able to breastfeed because her healthy breasts were removed when she was only 14.”
Despite the problems, Ms. Breen said she is happy to have left her transgender identity behind and has found “so much peace in being my true self.”
The Supreme Court is considering a challenge to Tennessee’s ban on medicalized gender treatment for minors. Twenty-four states prohibit gender transition drugs and surgeries, and another two forbid surgeries.
Ms. Breen warned against rushing to diagnose gender dysphoria in troubled children, who may lack the vocabulary to express what is bothering them.
“You actually do have to interrogate why children are thinking the way that they do, and you cannot take children at their word all the time,” Ms. Breen said. “Kids have crazy ideas about all sorts of things, and it’s not OK to just go along with things so you can swipe an insurance credit card.”
My alma mater:
Sudden spike in testicle injuries - in women's sports.
No one can figure out what is causing it.
Also, Texas AG is suing NCAA over deceptive use of the term women's sports.
A rapist with a penis isn't a 'woman'. Not even in California.
What happened to 'words have meanings' ?
Merry Christmas everybody. ))
Hanukkah too!!
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
X is making sure the cat is well clear of the bag these days in the UK where “Asian rape gangs” are concerned, with this op ed developing intelligently & crescendoing nicely. Watching the “Progressive,” corrupt, old guard contend as the dissonance they used to arrogantly embrace catches up with them—aren’t one’s feminist credentials shredded when countenancing the gang rapes, among other horrors, of pre-teen girls?—as their gaslights explode leaves me hoping that all but the truest believers might will start questioning all the “Progressive” diktats they’ve been force fed over the past couple decades.
Britain’s grooming gangs scandal is shattering the ultra-liberal world-view
In the information age, progressives can no longer spin false narratives – and their fear is palpable
Nick Timothy
06 January 2025 7:00am GMT
Every detail revealed so far about the child rape gangs is harrowing. The appalling acts of depravity against innocent minors. The violence threatened and meted out, including torture and murder, to cover-up the crimes. And the sheer scale of abuse conducted in towns and cities across the country.
We do not know all the facts – how many tens of thousands of lives were ruined, how many perpetrators escaped justice, who in the machinery of the state failed in their most elementary duties – but we know the fundamental truth. White working-class girls were systematically raped by gangs of mainly Asian, Muslim men. And the state – driven by its core ideologies of ultra-liberalism and multiculturalism – not only looked the other way. In some cases it was an active participant in the racially aggravated mass rape of children.
As Kemi Badenoch has said, this all merits a national public inquiry. Compared to any number of other scandals that have been investigated by such an inquiry – phone hacking, abuses of police power, civilian deaths in Iraq – the rape gangs are a massive social and state failure. Yes, abuse in specific places such as Rochdale and Rotherham were investigated, and yes, there was a national child abuse inquiry that reported in 2022. But the latter did not focus on the rape gangs, and the local reports could only go so far. We still do not know, for example, the truth about allegations of police collusion, social workers facilitating abuse, and senior councillors cutting deals outside the criminal justice system.
If the Government will not agree to hold such an inquiry – and that remains its position – there is still much more it could do. Nobody believes the rape gangs have vanished, and their despicable crimes continue today. As Blair Gibbs, a criminal justice expert, has suggested, the Home Secretary could establish a specialist national policing unit within the National Crime Agency, with co-located prosecutors and a 10-year mission to investigate, arrest and prosecute gang members. Something similar should be established to investigate the police officers, social workers, councillors and others suspected of facilitating these appalling crimes.
But would Labour do this? Jess Phillips, responsible in government for preventing violence against women and girls, was the minister who last week refused Oldham Council’s request for a government inquiry into rape gangs there. Phillips said it was up to the council to commission an inquiry, but this does not add up: quite obviously, councils accused of grave failures should not be left to investigate themselves.
The real motive for blocking the inquiry does not require much detective work. There are allegations about the conduct of senior Labour councillors in Oldham, and reports that information has been withheld from the Greater Manchester review into child abuse. Such behaviour is not limited to Oldham: in Telford, Shaun Davies, the former leader of the local council, fought to block an inquiry into rape gangs in his town. Today, he is the local Labour MP, sitting on the Home Affairs Select Committee, where he scrutinises the state response to crimes such as child sexual abuse.
But the motive goes deeper than political inconvenience. Phillips, who has talked about how she was harassed and bullied by Islamist campaigners during the election campaign, is a committed supporter of ideological multiculturalism, and she cannot deal with the dissonance between the world in which she believes and the world in which she lives. When Muslim vigilante gangs gathered in her constituency last summer and committed acts of violence, she explained away their behaviour. When, some years ago, migrants committed mass sex offences in Cologne, she compared their behaviour to Friday night heckling on Broad Street in Birmingham.
We are witnessing not the strength of an arrogant state, but the weakness and fear of an ideological dynasty that sees its empire collapsing and lacks the power to stop it. Through its own actions the state has admitted it can only keep the peace in a divided society by enforcing the law selectively. The unanswerable facts on the ground – combined with the democratisation of news, comment and information-gathering made possible by social media – mean the days of secrecy, obfuscation and influence over conventional narratives are long gone.
And the fear is palpable. Just like when Sir David Amess was murdered by an Islamist, and politicians responded by debating online civility, the same kind of displacement activity is underway. Labour politicians have sought to turn the serious issue of child rape gangs into a row about Elon Musk’s criticism of Phillips on social media. Yet this tired old device no longer works. Ultra-liberals complain about “racist tropes” and “Islamophobia”, but they are not the gatekeepers to information they once were.
This does not mean the battle is over, of course. From universities to HR departments, the Civil Service to the courts, ultra-liberal ideology dominates. And the fear of those in positions of responsibility does not mean they will change their minds or relinquish power.
They will go on doubling down. As yet another continental study shows the net lifetime costs of non-Western migration, our government blocks publication of equivalent figures for immigrants in Britain. Ministers promise to go ahead with an official definition of “Islamophobia”, a policy demanded by Islamists determined to shut down scrutiny of their actions and protect Islam from criticism. The regulation of speech will continue, and the self-appointed guardians of truth at the BBC and elsewhere will go on distorting reality.
But it is undeniable that a deep change is under way in our politics and our society. Information can no longer be hoarded by elites. Reality can no longer be denied. And reality – economic, social, geopolitical reality – will soon bring the whole ultra-liberal edifice crashing to the ground.
We can smell the fear of the true believers. The task for those who want to replace them is to embrace this change, to lead and govern in a way that accepts this decentralisation of knowledge and control. What better way to begin than to provide total transparency about the rape gangs – and bring long-awaited justice for their victims?
Great ruling, but such horrendous reporting.
"Donald Trump... made anti-transgender themes a centerpiece of his campaign."
- Patently false. He wants to make tax rate cuts for transgender permanent. He wants to lower the inflation rate for transgender. He wants to stop anti-transgender criminals from coming across our southern border illegally.
Is he anti- red haired girls too, like my daughter just because he doesn't propose carving out special rights for them?
Well, it is The Guardian , , ,
Several months ago I served on a grand jury; second only to drug crimes brought to our attention were online predators. The cases made me angry, not only due to the few sparse details we were privy to, but also due to context: the officer trolling for online predators was one that wouldn’t win any foot races—which is likely why he drew this duty—while I’m willing to be any kid working for me in the various computer labs I used to manage was better versed in social media et al and hence could troll for child raping bastards better than this cop did. Moreover, as this piece points out, police agencies don’t have the resources to devote to a more comprehensive effort so the idiots get caught, while the more astute operate under the radar for years:
My goodness, what a convoluted tale, one that certainly has the sorts of salacious details the MSM usually laps, at least until the story touches on LGBQTLMNOP topic areas the MSM treads lightly around:
It’s worth noting that the reporter, Andy Ngo, has a serious set of stones and is one of the few daring to directly address the trans element of the story, likely putting himself at risk along the way.
"the reporter, Andy Ngo, has a serious set of stones"
YES! Respect!
THE LGB are done being the host to these parasites. All the damage done to the so called, "LGBTQIA+" falls on the TQIA+. Had I known that fighting for marriage rights and being put in a patty wagon twice for protesting for said rights would lead here, I would have never done it.
Personally, as an old lesbian, I'd be quite happy to give up marriage rights if it means never having to encounter another perverted, fetishistic, heterosexual man in a frock claiming he's a lesbian! Predatory rapists the lot of them!
' biologists are predicting a decline in male pregnancies due to political climate change.'
Women’s rights advocate Margeurite Stern, who has also been harshly criticized by SOS Homophobie, commented on the situation on X. 'Gynecologists are trained to treat WOMEN’s genitals. Not inverted penises or cavities created using pieces of colon or peritoneum,' Stern said. 'We live in a world of lunatics.'
No punches pulled here:
This 'why do you care about a tiny fraction of the population?' line is, and always was, utterly ridiculous.
Gender ideology has undermined freedom of speech, scientific truth, gay rights, and women's and girls' safety, privacy and dignity. It's also caused irreparable physical damage to vulnerable kids.
Nobody voted for it, the vast majority of people disagree with it, yet it has been imposed, top down, by politicians, healthcare bodies, academia, sections of the media, celebrities and even the police. Its activists have threatened and enacted violence on those who've dared oppose it. People have been defamed and discriminated against for questioning it. Jobs have been lost and lives have been ruined, all for the crime of knowing that sex is real and matters.
When the smoke clears, it will be only too evident that this was never about a so-called vulnerable minority, notwithstanding the fact that some very vulnerable people have been harmed. The power dynamics underpinning our society have been reinforced, not dismantled. The loudest voices throughout this entire fiasco have been people insulated from consequences by their wealth and/or status. They aren't likely to find themselves locked in a prison cell with a 6'4" rapist who's decided his name's now Dolores. They don't need state-funded rape crisis centres, nor do they ever frequent high street changing rooms. They simper from talk show sofas about those nasty far-right bigots who don't want penises swinging around the girls' showers, secure in the knowledge that their private pool remains the safe place it always was.
Those who've benefited most from gender identity ideology are men, both trans-identified and not. Some have been rewarded for having a cross-dressing kink by access to all spaces previously reserved for women. Others have parlayed their delicious new victim status into an excuse to threaten, assault and harass women. Non-trans-identified leftybros have found a magnificent platform from which to display their own impeccably progressive credentials, by jeering and sneering at the needs of women and girls, all while patting themselves on the back for giving away rights that aren't theirs.
The actual victims in this mess have been women and children, especially the most vulnerable, gay people who've resisted the movement and paid a horrible price, and regular people working in environments where one misplaced pronoun could see you vilified or constructively dismissed. Do not tell me this is about a tiny minority. This movement has impacted society in disastrous ways, and if you had any sense, you'd be quietly deleting every trace of activist mantras, ad hominem attacks, false equivalence and circular arguments from your X feeds, because the day is fast approaching when you'll want to pretend you always saw through the craziness and never believed it for a second.
I hope the Trump DOJ discover the bejesus out of the states, MDs, and people behind this suit. Start with whatever coven convened to conjure the term “gender affirming care” to replace “emasculation, radical mastectomy, et al to providing the scientific bases for calling these life altering and unalterable surgeries “care,” to a deep dive into funding, to name a few.
It’s worth noting how The Hill uses an unbiased journalistic voice while bandying these very biased terms. Let’s see if we can get there MSM on the stand, too, to describe how that came about:
3 states sue Trump administration over gender-affirming care order
Federal ban on youth gender care
•The Hill News / by Brooke Migdon / Feb 7, 2025 at 3:47 PM
Three states and three physicians sued the Trump administration Friday over an executive order meant to slash federal support for gender-affirming care for minors, calling the order “blatantly unconstitutional.”
“The order is a cruel and baseless broadside against transgender youth, their families, and the doctors and medical institutions that provide them this critical care,” says the complaint, which was filed Friday morning in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. “It is also a blatant abuse of power.”
The lawsuit, one of two challenges to President Trump’s executive order, asks the court to block federal agencies from implementing its restrictions on funding for gender-affirming care for minors — which the order says includes 19-year-olds — through government insurance programs like Medicaid, Medicare and Tricare, the military’s health program.
Seven families with transgender children and two advocacy groups argued the order is unconstitutional earlier this week in a similar complaint. Both suits claim Trump’s executive order unlawfully withholds funds that Congress previously authorized.
Friday’s lawsuit, filed by the attorneys general of Washington state, Minnesota and Oregon alongside three unnamed doctors, argues the order also violates the 10th Amendment by attempting to regulate medical practices, a power typically left to the states.
“This order is part of a larger political effort to strip away civil rights from entire communities,” Washington state Attorney General Nick Brown (D) said Friday in a statement. “The president’s cruelty is on full display with this dehumanizing executive order, along with his disdain for the Constitution. His actions are harming Washington’s youth, parents, and health care providers.”
Major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, say gender-affirming care for transgender adults and minors is medically necessary and can be lifesaving. They have broadly rejected efforts to politicize care or restrict or ban treatment.
The complaint states that the detrimental impact of Trump’s executive order on transgender youth “cannot be overstated." It touches on the story of one young transgender girl who died by suicide in January after she pleaded with her parents to move to Canada from Washington state following Trump’s election in November.
The girl, whose name and age are not revealed, “was a bright and gentle soul,” according to the complaint. She loved playing music and Magic: The Gathering, and she was excited to learn Japanese.
“Her joy was clear with every new milestone in her transition," the person's parents wrote in the court filings. "She was so happy to get to the next step, to get closer to presenting in a way that was true to herself.”
Now, the parents wrote, they “fear for the many lives who depend on gender-affirming care and that what happened to their daughter does not happen to any other children.”
“Our children deserve so much better than to be targeted, intimidated, and denied medically necessary healthcare by the President of the United States and his billionaire cronies,” said Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D). “Gender-affirming care is evidence based, provided by licensed and trained medical professionals, and provided with the consent of a young person’s parents or legal guardians.
"President Trump’s executive order is not only illegal, it’s mean-spirited and deeply hurtful, so I’m filing a lawsuit to end it,” Ellison added.
Oregon’s Democratic Attorney General Dan Rayfield said in a statement that Trump’s order is “a clear example of federal overreach.”
“Banning funding involving gender-affirming care is an infringement on individual rights, and it denies people the dignity and healthcare they deserve,” he said.
All three states involved in Friday’s lawsuit have “shield laws” in place protecting access to gender-affirming care. The laws were passed in response to a deluge of Republican-led states moving to ban treatment beginning in 2021. Thirteen states and Washington, D.C., have adopted similar protective laws.
A growing number of hospitals in states across the country have said they will suspend gender-affirming care because of Trump’s order, which directs federal agencies to strip funding from medical institutions that provide transition-related care to minors.
The White House said that hospitals moving to downsize or eliminate their gender-affirming care programs show that the order is “having its intended effect.”
At least two state attorneys general, Letitia James of New York and Rob Bonta of California, have warned hospitals that denying care to transgender patients violates state laws against discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity.
A peak behind the curtain of the GONGO/transgender covert, dark money effort to alter gender narratives and biological imperatives along the way:
The Dark Money Behind the Trans Movement: Investigative Journalist Jennifer Bilek
For the first time in a decade, the seemingly invincible transgender movement is on the run. In the United States, the Trump administration is purging gender ideology from government institutions and issuing a string of executive orders targeting everything from sex change surgeries for minors to LGBT indoctrination in schools. Europe’s medical institutions—in Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and France—are pushing back against “gender affirming care” for minors or banning it entirely. Populists in Canada, the Netherlands, and Germany have caught the mood and are increasingly unequivocal in their condemnations of aspects of gender ideology. Leaders in Hungary and Poland, of course, were ahead of the curve.
To ensure that recent victories and the frequently unstable positions of politicians bending to public opinion are permanent, it is essential to understand the key sources of the transgender movement’s power.
One of those sources, surprisingly, has been consistently ignored not only by mainstream journalists—who have been selling the fiction that the transgender industry is a grassroots powerhouse rather than establishment astroturf—but also missed by most opponents of gender ideology: Donor cash. Jennifer Bilek, an investigative journalist who has been tirelessly following the money for years, stands out as one of the few reporters who provides a unique context for the rise of gender ideology. Any understanding of this “movement” is, in my view, incomplete without reference to her work.
Much of her investigative research is detailed in a bombshell book published in 2024, Transsexual Transgender Transhuman: Dispatches from The 11th Hour. At this key moment in the fight against gender ideology, Jennifer Bilek detailed her discoveries for
During the first few weeks of his administration, Donald Trump has launched a full-scale attack on LGBT ideology. Your journalism has revealed the extent to which the transgender industry has been bankrolled by incredibly wealthy donors who have poured huge amounts of cash into this industry. Who are these donors, and what kind of financial clout do they wield?
In my reporting, I have focused on a handful of billionaires, bankrolling the institutionalization of gender ideology.
Tim Gill, a gay man living in Colorado, and Jon Stryker, a gay man living in Michigan, feature prominently in my work. In 1994, Tim Gill, the founder of Quark, Inc., a computer software corporation, sold his company and used the money to create the Gill Foundation, the largest LGBTQI+ NGO in America. Gill is friends with Jon Stryker, who founded the second most significant LGBTQI+ NGO in 2020, leaving his position as founding board member at Greenleaf Trust, a wealth management firm.
Together, Stryker and Gill have poured over a billion dollars into LGBTQI+ rights. Jon Stryker founded the Arcus Foundation after the AIDS epidemic was quelled in America, and after gay marriage was legalized.
Simultaneously, Gill and Stryker set their sights on support for a new constituency: Transvestic fetishists, who adopted female attire and mannerisms for erotic arousal, and transsexuals who appropriated female sex characteristics with medical technology, as new sexual minorities needing human rights protections. Gender identity was added to their LGB acronym, adopting the term ‘transgender’ for a fetish of adult men.
The Pritzker family is one of the richest families in America and features very prominently in the funding and institutionalization of gender ideology. Jennifer (James) Pritzker, once a family man and a decorated member of the armed forces, now claims to be a woman. He has made gender ideology a high note in his philanthropic funding through his Tawani Foundation, a philanthropic organization with grants focusing on Gender and Human Sexuality. His Tawani Foundation partners with Squadron Capital, an acquisitions corporation, with a focus on medical technology, medical devices, and orthopedic implants.
He has funded WPATH (an activist organization promoting hormones and surgery as “treatment”), Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and gender clinics for children. JB Pritzker is James’ cousin and the governor of Illinois. He is co-founder of the Pritzker Group, a private investment firm that invests in digital technology and medical companies, including Clinical Innovations, which has a global presence. JB Pritzker has initiated grade school curriculums for his state which teach children they can ‘transcend their sex’ with medical technology and has recently made Illinois a sanctuary state for children claiming a different sex.
His sister Penny Pritzker served on President Obama’s Council for Jobs and Competitiveness and Economic Recovery Advisory Board. She was national co-chair of Obama for America 2012 and national finance chair of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. To say she was influential in getting President Obama elected would be an understatement. Obama made “transgenderism” a pet issue of his administration, holding a meeting at the White House (the first ever) to highlight advancements for so-called ‘transgender’ people.
The administration quietly applied the power of the executive branch to make it easier for people adopting various sex identities to alter their passports, get cross-sex treatment at Veteran’s Administration facilities, and access public school restrooms and sports programs based on gender identity. These are just a few of the ‘transgender’-specific policy shifts of Obama’s presidency.
Together with the rest of the family they have funded millions of dollars to many universities across America, and at least one in Canada, conspicuously, many with gender clinics. All these funders fund other LGBTQI+ organizations, law centers, media, and other organizations that drive the ideology into the culture.
There are many other funders, but since the network is immense, I try to get people to focus on some key philanthropists and oligarchs, so they understand what is happening. George Soros’ Open Society Foundation created a legal guide for “transgender” children. Warren and Peter Buffet have gifted millions to the LGBTQI+, and Joan and Irwin Jacobs, two longtime ACLU supporters whose estimated worth in 2017 was $1.23 billion, also have heavy investments in LGBTQI+.
Jeff Bezos, and Marc Benioff of Salesforce, have funded enormous sums of money to gender clinics, and have investments in the technological reproduction sector. David Bohnett, another wealthy gay man, funneled a whopping $32 million into creating The Bohnett Foundation, funding LGBTQI+ activism, after selling his social network company GeoCities to Yahoo. There are also many international law firms, corporations, and money management and technology firms pumping millions of dollars into, and otherwise supporting, the indoctrination of society with gender ideology.
These funders often go through anonymous funding organizations such as Tides Foundation, founded and operated by Drummond Pike, another gay man invested in LGBTQI+ rights. Large corporations, philanthropists, and organizations can send enormous sums of money to the Tides Foundation, specify the direction the funds are to go, and have the funds get to their destination anonymously. Tides Foundation creates a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations and funds political campaigns, often using legally dubious tactics.
Soros and Gill are two major gender industry funders who generated millions of dollars to get Obama elected, and Stryker was one of the top five contributors to Obama’s campaign. Under Obama and President George W. Bush, the federal government also funded the Tides Foundation with $82.7 million, which in turn donated $47.2 million to LGBTQ issues over the last two decades.
Gender ideology took root in nearly every major Western institution almost overnight, from political parties to medical institutions, from academia to the education system. How did mere cash—even the numbers your journalism references—manage to pull this off?
It wasn’t cash alone that helped institutionalize the ideology, but stealth and strategic planning, construction of organizations that would tackle spreading the ideology through the media, like GLAAD Foundation, the world’s largest LGBTQI+ media advocacy organization, and the GLSEN Foundation, touted as an anti-bullying platform for LGBTQI+ in schools, indoctrinates school boards, students, and teachers to gender ideology.
The Victory Institute is another NGO, which finds potential political candidates who identify as LGBTQI+ and trains them for positions within the political arena to change policies that support the ideology. Both Rachel Levine and Sarah McBride, two men who are claiming womanhood, were groomed for and inserted into positions of power in the government.
There are myriad other NGOs that are working in synchronicity to drive policy changes, along with corporate and institutional adherence to gender ideology. Partnership for Global LGBTQI + Equality was launched by the Biden administration in 2019. In collaboration with the World Economic Forum, it convened a group of companies working behind the scenes to push LGBTQI+ policy in business practices. Suddenly there emerged ‘transgender’ organizations to drive body dissociation as another way to be human and de-pathologize it in law.
Out Leadership is the business networking arm of the LGBTQI+, where those in the higher echelons of the LGBTQI+ political apparatus meet with others in the business communities to cross-market gender ideology. Out Leadership boasts a marketing constituency of $4.7 trillion, which they use as a cudgel to get other businesses in line with this ideology.
So, this operation to disseminate an ideology that attempts to convince the human population that sex can be transcended is highly organized by many people in power. The real grift, though, was tying this ideology to human rights. This was the ingredient that cast a spell on most of the population. That, and adding children to the mix. Rebranding transsexualism, a fetish of adult men, to ‘transgender,’ allowed for the corporately constructed transgender child, which no one had heard of prior to 2000. In the span of two decades, they were everywhere, and they needed our support.
Over the past several years, the transgender movement has finally begun to receive more scrutiny. The medicalization of minors with gender dysphoria, the extent to which ‘transgenderism’ is a social contagion, the indoctrination of students, and other aspects have received comprehensive coverage, albeit not in the mainstream press. But the role of billionaires willing to spend enormous amounts of money that you detail has largely been ignored. Why do you think that is?
People have told me they find the conversation about money to be too complicated, that it is difficult for others to understand or believe. This is silly when you think about it. Everyone understands the language of money, as is being seen all over social media, with President Trump’s DOGE department exposures. It is probably more universal at this point than music. I think focusing on the vast sums of money going into this is more terrifying in its implications than focusing on one issue, and this is what accounts for many people’s resistance.
When you understand the breadth of the organization and money that has gone into this agenda, it can leave you with a sense of despair in attempting to stop it. I believe we cannot possibly stop what we cannot understand, or refuse to examine more thoroughly, but I grant that it can be daunting. I think the refusal to bring the money into established campaigns of resistance has slowed things down enormously and unnecessarily.
There is also the issue of wanting to be kind or at least show yourself to be kind to people who are indoctrinated with the ideology. A huge mistake was buying into the concept that there is anything coherent about the term ‘transgender,’ or the ideology that goes with it. Now, two decades on, we are still discussing ‘transgender’ people as if this is something real.
Another mistake, in my opinion, was framing this as a feminist issue. Though I have spent a good chunk of my adult life campaigning for women’s rights, framing this as a feminist issue sets people who are against gender ideology, but who don’t agree with feminist analysis, against each other. Assaulting healthy human reproduction systems and injuring people, is a crime against humanity, not just women.
There have been several significant victories against gender ideology in several Western countries: The UK’s Cass Review and resulting ban on puberty blockers for minors, the Trump administration’s executive orders, and a rejection of so-called “gender-affirming care” by several other European countries, for example. How, in your view, will the funders of the transgender industry attempt to navigate these new challenges, and what are opponents of gender ideology missing in their strategies?
From my perspective, there is nothing those driving this ideology have not thought of in terms of setbacks, so though I am thrilled with the executive orders Trump has signed against this ideology, I am extremely cautious about calling this the end of the madness. The attack on children’s healthy reproductive systems was obviously insane and was bound to be rolled back eventually. However, what has not been rolled back at all are these macabre surgeries and experiments on the healthy reproductive systems of people over 18 years, and the idea that this is healthcare.
The nonsense of ‘gender dysphoria’ has not been rolled back, and the idea of a ‘transgender’ person is more solidified than ever. The concept of a ‘transgender’ person normalized within the culture, our institutions—and more dangerously, the market—has already proved to be a huge success, and quite possibly was the goal all along. The men with this fetish of deconstructing womanhood for their erotic pleasure, are now walking the halls of power, miming womanhood, and speaking not only for women, but as women. A very dangerous precedent has been set with the development of ‘reasonable transsexuals,’ which seem to be on the rise if you follow this issue on social media. The ‘reasonable transsexuals’ in positions of power are there to change policy.
The one hundred top-earning international law firms all have LGBTQI+ platforms of support for this ideology and they are already preparing for battle against Trump’s executive orders. They knew this was coming.
How can politicians and activists fight the influence of these donors to ensure that long-lasting, consequential victories against the transgender industry can be achieved in the years ahead?
When you have an ideology that denies reality forced on the public, into all our institutions, the law, and social spaces by the most powerful, monied people in the world, with obvious and detailed organization, this is not a social contagion. It is social engineering. To keep insisting it is a social contagion, leaves it floating around in space, doing its damage by osmosis, and removed from the organized power that is generating it. Politicians and activists must confront power, and why this is happening.
I think we have been offered a small window of opportunity with Trump’s election, because financial corruption at the highest levels of government and society are being exposed. It forces people to stop and think in terms of business instead of fighting with each other over who started what in terms of ideology. Money and business are, unfortunately, the universal language. If we can see what is happening, we have half a chance of resisting it. If we don’t take this opportunity to push hard against this ideology, I shudder to think where we will be in a decade from now.
Now ban public money spent on so called gender change.
Trump tosses a slow pitch, primed and ready when the Governor of Maine leans in to swing:
The New York Times published a dramatic headline so breathless it could fog an editorial mirror: “‘See You in Court’: Maine Governor Clashes With Trump Over Trans Rights.” You’ve probably seen the clip. But the hot takes have got it all wrong. It was classic Trump media trolling. He picked that fight on purpose.
CLIP: In case you missed it, Trump baits Maine Governor ‘Janet’ Mills at Governor’s breakfast (0:57).
He baited the hook, she took the bait, and Trump reeled her in.
Yesterday afternoon, Trump was addressing a meeting with the nation’s governors and he’d just started talking about protecting women’s sports. Then he said, “I understand Maine … is Maine here? The Governor of Maine?” Mills spoke up. Trump asked her, “Are you not gonna comply with it?” Mills said something like we’ll comply with it when hell freezes over. A short but spicy back and forth ensued, Trump said Maine won’t get any federal funding, and Mills snapped, “I’ll see you in court.”
Trump shot back, “Fine, I’ll see you in court. That should be a real easy one.”
“Every state has a responsibility to comply with Title IX,” Trump warned the assembled governors. “You have a legal obligation. We’ll be enforcing aggressively, and we’re going to protect our citizens.”
An hour after the meeting, the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Enforcement division sent a letter to Maine informing the state it was under investigation for violations of civil rights relating to women’s sports and inmates in women’s prison facilities.
Media erupted in righteous anger or ecstasy, depending on the political point of view. The Times’ article glowingly praised Governor Mills for “standing up to” President Trump. Fox reported that Trump “owned” the governor. Social media streamed similar sentiments.
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What everyone missed was that it was obviously a setup. It’s like the old prison yard playbook: deck the weakest guy first to send a message to everyone else. Trump knew Maine’s position going into the meeting. The DOE’s investigation announcement was locked and loaded. He singled out Mills to make Maine —arguably the politically weakest defiant state— into an example for the other governors. Don’t mess with us.
In other words, in just 60 seconds of dialog, Trump skillfully reframed the DOE investigation from a dull “picking on Maine over trans rights” story, into a thrilling “dust-up between the President and the Governor.” Instead of possibly getting sympathy for being singled out, Maine’s narrative is now, “Mills picked a fight with the President and found out.” And Trump transformed a dull investigation letter into a media frenzy. Genius.
They have grabbed hold of something white-hot this time, but they still have no idea their hands are on fire.
"God level trolling!"
A Biden-era Health and Human Services Memo was a ‘greenlight’ to target those who opposed the administration’s policies on gender affirming care, according to the Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower.
It’s now in the hands of the Trump DOJ to seek accountability for alleged misconduct.
This week the Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) whistleblower, Dr. Eithan Haim attended the Joint Session of Congress as the guest of GOP Senator Josh Hawley.
While criminal charges against Dr. Haim for allegedly violating patient privacy laws were dropped in January, and cannot be brought again in the future; there is no public accountability for the Biden-era Justice Department officials who brought the case.
Dr. Haim said he disclosed hospital records with patient names redacted to show gender affirming care continued at TCH after the hospital said it paused the program.
In our recent investigation “Government Malpractice,” the Haims told us lawfare pressures defendants into guilty pleas when they are innocent. The government always has the advantage because the Justice Department has unlimited resources.
The Haims said the alleged misconduct by Biden-era prosecutors cost them two million dollars in legal fees in addition to the emotional and personal hardship.
“We were changing what we were doing because we were so broke,” Dr. Haim said. “And if you get grinded down to a certain point and you have no other option, it's either go to trial and then suffer possibly a longer sentence or plead to something even though you're innocent.”
Two years before Dr. Haim was indicted, our investigation revealed the Biden-era Health and Human Services Department sent a memo with guidance for investigating those who blocked or restricted gender affirming care.
We are sharing the HHS Memo from the Department’s Office of Civil Rights so you can make your own assessment. Dr. Haim and his wife Andrea, who is a DOJ prosecutor in her own right, believe the HHS memo was direct pressure from Washington.
They both called the HHS memo a “greenlight” to target those who challenged the controversial policy.
Parental Rights are to be found in the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and the Ninth Amendment.
Trump DOJ fights LGBT indoctrination for elementary kids: The Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland is refusing to give parents a chance to opt their children out of reading books like Pride Puppy, a rhyming alphabet book set at a pride parade, with all the accompanying debauchery. Initially, the board gave parents notice before these books were read, as well as the chance to opt out, but no more — perhaps parents' rights were interfering with their indoctrination. In the legal battle that followed, the Fourth Circuit Court sided with the contention that this does not violate the freedom of religion of irate parents. The DOJ, however, is now siding with the parents, and this case will appear before the Supreme Court in April. A ruling is expected by June.