Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness  (Read 880264 times)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1750 on: May 15, 2016, 05:07:07 PM »
Disgust.  He was just down the street from me today.  I had just driven past there yesterday.

I am sure the liberal rainbow coalition at Rutgers gave his speech high marks:


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Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness: we are better off now...
« Reply #1751 on: May 16, 2016, 09:18:50 AM »
Obama: By Almost Every Measure, America and World Are Better Than 8 Years Ago

I think he means 7 years ago.  Why won't he claim better off than 10 years ago, when his side took control of Washington.  Our littlefingers won't be able to make that distinction either since he helped Pelosi-Reid-Obama-and Hillary take control of congress and Washington in Nov 2006.

"The good old days weren’t all that good."  - Barack Obama 2016.

Really?  Well, the Obama years weren't all that good either!  45% of 20-something college grads with college debt working in jobs that don't require their quarter of million dollar degree.  Food stamps and disability (payment) epidemics!

If we take away the growth he vehemently opposed such as everything tied to fracking and fossil fuels, how would we score the 0.0% growth of the Obama Presidency? 

Candidate Romney just couldn't bring himself to say it, but almost every measure of every indicator in the country or the world,  Barack Obama came to Washington and made everything worse, from economic results to world peace to race relations and the way we talk to each other.  By the end of the 8 years, we won't know what bathroom to go in or whether we should thank a cop or shoot him.

He came to office opposing his two biggest accomplishments, gay marriage and the individual mandate, all accomplished by lying to the American people. 

This won't have any lasting, negative effect, will it?


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Compare and contrast
« Reply #1752 on: June 03, 2016, 09:17:18 AM »

2008 Obama: "Argue w/neighbors, get in their face."
2010 Obama: "Punish our [Republican] enemy"
2016 MSM: GOP rhetoric encourages violence!


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Every last holiday has one more "up yours to the right" from the ONE
« Reply #1758 on: July 03, 2016, 01:36:30 PM »
Lets see.  For Memorial day the first communist President goes to Hiroshima to give an apology just leaving out the words "I am sorry", for July 4 th we now have openly transexuals in the military.

Anyone care to guess what his departing Labor Day gift will be?


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This was a hate crime pure and symple
« Reply #1760 on: July 10, 2016, 08:56:15 AM »
As I mentioned in a previous post everyone on the right should be screaming and demanding Obama and Lynch call the Dallas terror what is was , a HATE crime.

The DOJ should be looking at these hate groups including BLM.

Of course we all know they won't because the double standard is politically correct.

This just exposes Obama for the reverse racist he is. 


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Obama's Biggest Failure
« Reply #1761 on: July 10, 2016, 11:23:27 PM »

Obama’s Biggest Failure
The president has substantially set back race relations in the United States.
Steven Malanga
July 9, 2016

Politics and law

When the country elected Barack Obama president in 2008, those of us who disagreed with many of his policy ideas were nonetheless consoled by the fact that his victory illustrated that America had moved well beyond institutional racism. Certainly the fact that Obama had succeeded in both a hard-fought Democratic primary and a general election meant that the country was ready to move past the intense focus on race in our national politics. Boy, were we wrong! Rather than seeing his own victory as a significant advance in American social life, Obama and those he appointed to his administration vigorously put forward the idea that America remains a deeply racist country, and they have redefined racism in the broadest terms possible. It’s not a coincidence, then, that more than seven years into the administration of the nation’s first black president, Americans are more deeply divided on race then they have been in decades. Their own president has fostered the divide.

Several Obama administration initiatives have distorted the national conversation on race. In 2010, for instance, the administration’s education and justice departments launched investigations against school districts around the country for disciplining black students more often, proportionately, than students of other races. A Department of Education study observed that black students were three and a half times more likely to be disciplined. The study alleged that, “everyday educational experience for many students of color violates the principle of equity.” In making its charges, the department ignored compelling data showing that black students were more likely to misbehave in and around school—including crime statistics revealing that blacks were 25 times more likely than their white counterparts to be arrested at schools for serious offenses like battery.

Similarly, the administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development, through a policy known as Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, now is essentially charging wealthier suburban communities like those in Westchester County, New York, with housing discrimination if their populations are not diverse enough for the administration’s taste. Under the new rules, the federal government no longer must prove that these communities are actively engaging in racial discrimination in order to compel them to cast aside local zoning rules and build housing that would attract low-income residents. The mere fact that a town’s population is not diverse suffices for the Obama administration to demand that the community make efforts to transform itself. “HUD’s power grab is based on the mistaken belief that zoning and discrimination are the same,” Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino wrote in 2013.

What’s particularly ironic about this implication of racism in Westchester’s case is that the county voted by nearly a two-to-one margin for Obama in 2012.
The president himself has sadly made significant contributions to the notion that America remains deeply racist with his consistent attacks on the police, even in cases where officers’ actions against black perpetrators have subsequently been demonstrated to have been justified. “Too many young men of color,” the president said in November of 2014, “feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black, or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness. We know that, statistically, in everything from enforcing drug policy to applying the death penalty to pulling people over, there are significant racial disparities.” Later, he added that, “Communities of color aren’t just making these problems up. . . . These are real issues.” But the president has launched the charges while ignoring significant facts. As Heather Mac Donald has observed, more than 6,000 blacks die of homicides yearly, the overwhelming majority of which are committed by other blacks in minority neighborhoods. The police are more likely to patrol these neighborhoods because that’s where the crime is. And as the Dallas killings sadly illustrate, cops are far more likely to die at the hands of black perpetrators than black men are to be killed by cops. About 40 percent of all cop killings, in fact, are committed by black males. Data also reveal no significant racial component to police shootings. Black officers are far more likely to fire their guns at black citizens than are white officers.

The Obama administration’s tendency to see discrimination in so many crevices and corners of American life has created a new standard for what constitutes racism, as demonstrated by Minnesota governor Mark Dayton’s remarks in the wake of the tragic shooting of a black man, Philando Castile, by police in suburban Minneapolis last week. Implying that race played a role in the killing of Castile, who was legally licensed to carry a firearm, Dayton said that he doubted the shooting would have occurred if Castile had been white. But while the horrific video, taken by Castile’s girlfriend in the immediate aftermath of his shooting, shows that the officer was highly agitated, and the woman claims that the cop overreacted in firing on Castile, there is nothing in the video that is overly racist, and there is no reason to conclude that the outcome would have been different if Castile had been of another race. In America today, however, when a black man is killed by an officer of another color, that fact alone is prima facie evidence for some people that the killing was racially motivated.  (Marc:  Apparently she lied, the deceased did NOT have a CCP, and apparently his gun was out)

Perhaps the most damning evidence against the president and his administration is that in the last four years alone, the percentage of Americans who believe racism is on the rise has nearly doubled. That sharp increase has come even amid little evidence that verified incidents of racism are on the rise. Indeed, efforts by the media to document a significant increase in police shootings of minorities have yielded little. New York City data, for instance, show that the number of times that police discharge their weapons every year has been declining for decades. And a close analysis of a Washington Postdatabase on current shootings by police across America, which describes them in detail, reveals that many were justified.

It’s difficult now to ignore the role that President Obama has played in our growing racial divisions. Elected on themes of hope and renewal, his very ascendancy a powerful statement about the country’s racial journey, he chose to use the White House as a vehicle to introduce a new era of racial grievance into our national discourse. Unfortunately, he succeeded in this effort—and failed America.


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Why is it that this guy can get away with lying .....
« Reply #1764 on: August 04, 2016, 06:50:12 PM »
The outrageousness of this lecture from the "one" is just beyond the pale.  After he just let Hillary off the hook and promoted her as being the most qualified one for office.  Every Republican should be pounding the pavement and in force and unison calling this guy on this.  But no they won't.

The MSM certainly will not:


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Glibness Paying Ransom
« Reply #1765 on: August 04, 2016, 09:24:43 PM »
Of all the colossal failures of the Glibness Presidency, this will go down as one of their worst moments, getting caught paying cash to Iran for hostages.  An unmarked plane brought money while the hostages were told their plane would not take off until the other plane came in.

The explanation was that this goes back to 1979, it's their money, but no one asks why four previous Presidents neglected to settle it.  And if it was so urgent and important to this President or to America, why was it not done before the second half of year eight of his administration and timed during a hostage release?

It is against federal law to pay money for hostages so the administration must deny it, but this was something to see from both Obama and his spokesman.  They said of the Clintons, they lie with such ease.  One might say of these clown they do it without a care that everyone knows just how obvious the lie is.  The media can pass on their explanation.  It was a completely different staff working on completely different issues.  Just what we want to hear, two teams have no knowledge or coordination, no common person above them seeing the big picture, just technocrats working on mundane issues.  They just happened to have the exact same timing with the exact same sponsor of terror, same airfield(?), landing one plane with unmarked money and sending home hostages in another like a relay race hand off.  Quid. pro. quo.

Iran probably made the IED that killed young Khan in 2004.  Why didn't we pay Iran then?  Are they any less our enemy now?  Based on what?  Wishful [Glib] thinking?


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Pissing on our collective legs and telling us it's raining
« Reply #1766 on: August 05, 2016, 08:11:54 AM »

Two Priorities of the Government
Priority 1: Supporting Jihadis

Euro-blockThem, and terrorists, hostage takers and terror sponsors everywhere.

That’s  the economical explanation for the President and State Department’s decision to ship $400 million in cash, in Euros and Swiss Francs, to Iran. Officially, say the signed-up-to-lie-for-their-country weasels at State, there is “no linkage” between this ransom and the four Americans that Iran released with all due speed after unloading the pallets of cash, which are already being used to fund new global terror attacks. It’s just a matter of purest happenstance! (One gets the impression that if one of them pulled a trigger, he’d be amazed that it produced a gunshot. But as none of them will ever pull a trigger — they hire, and abandon, people for that — we’ll never know). As the WSJ put it:

    The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran…

And certainly the ransoming of the existing hostages had no linkage to the Iranians’ subsequent decision to take two more US Citizen hostages.

That view wasn’t unanimous, even in this gang:

    Senior Justice Department officials objected to sending a plane loaded with cash to Tehran at the same time that Iran released four imprisoned Americans, but their objections were overruled by the State Department

Eli Lake says that’ll really teach Iran. Specifically, that hostage-taking pays.

But who will call it a ransom? Not the reporters who act as the typing pool for Ben Rhodes, van driver turned national security adviser.

In addition to the secret delivery of $400 million, the Iranians received seven Iranians, a mix of convicted criminals and convicted spies held in US prisons.

    The four released Americans are Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian; Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine; Christian pastor Saeed Abedini; and Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, whose case had not been publicized before the release.

State Department designated liar John Kirby, who must have been a real prize as a naval officer, says it wasn’t ransom.

    However, the Journal says U.S. officials acknowledge that Iranian negotiators on the prisoner exchange said they wanted the cash to show they had gained something tangible.

But American hostage Saeed Abedini said he and the others were held hostage quite literally until the ransom arrived. Told they were going to be held 20 minutes, the hostages were held on a plane overnight, until the money arrived and checked out. Only then could their jet depart.

     I ask them why you don’t let us go…. And he said we are waiting for another plane so if that plane doesn’t come we never let us go.

And it’s already produced more hostage taking:

    Since the cash was airlifted, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has arrested two more Iranian-Americans. Tehran also has detained dual-nationals from France, Canada and the U.K. in recent months.

What Iran wants, Iran gets, at least out of this Axis of Weakness in Washington.

To steal a gag from the mighty Horwitz brothers (and Larry Feinberg): Hasan Ben Sober. Remember him?

Further on Priority 1: of the 14 Muslim-Americans to have perished in the unending war cycle in the Middle East, funny how the one the Democrats and the press single out is the one who father is a Moslem Brotherhood immigration lawyer, dedicated to the imposition of the terror of Sharia worldwide.

Yes, Trump is a loudmouth boor. If you didn’t know that before he ever ran for anything, where have you been… under a rock? But Khizr Khan is an actual enemy. His son was not; the men who served with him praise him highly. But it’s interesting that the one guy they find is from the same anti-American jihad crew that gave us the other presidential candidate’s girlfriend Close Personal Assistant (NTTAWWT).

By the way, more Americans have been killed by American Moslems in our own uniform, than American Moslems have died honorably serving. So for any given American Moslem, what’s his flag? The odds say it’s about 60/40, the black flag of jihad over the stars and stripes.
Priority 1, Part 3: 10,000 Syrians Will be Here by 1 September

In this goal, to bring in 10,000 rapefugees direct from Syria, the President has the help of most Republicans, including the top men in the House and Senate, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Chinless Mitch McConnell. Some 8,000 of them are already here, 2,359 of them arriving in July. They are almost all Sunni Moslems, the sect that supports ISIL. (Christian and Yazidi minorities seem to have been screened out in preference to Moslems). If August matches July, the number of rapefugees will blow through the President’s initial demand for 10,000.

It’s a generally used rule of thumb, taught in various special operations and intelligence courses, that about one in ten war refugees is an active enemy, either recruited by the enemy already or ready to voluntarily do his bidding. Syrian refugees have committed several high-profile murders in Europe lately.

Secretary of State John Kerry says you shouldn’t believe your lying eyes. “We are very comfortable that we are bringing people in who will be a great plus to our country.” Of course, he’s the guy who tried to cut his own deal with North Vietnam in 1971.
Priority 2: Easing the Path of Criminals

jailbreakWe’ve just had another record-setting release of criminals. Mostly, they seem to be released because the President believes that they were just being picked on because of their race. The 214 felons, including 67 lifers, are already out. ABC News has an inadvertently funny report:

    Almost all the prisoners were serving time for nonviolent crimes related to cocaine, methamphetamine or other drugs, although a few were charged with firearms violations related to their drug activities.

Depends on how you define “a few,” cupcake.  The lifers were almost all felons in possession; of the others, about 25% of them had a firearms charge, and others had prior violent crimes, although this time they didn’t shoot anybody.


    One of the inmates, Dicky Joe Jackson of Texas, was given a life sentence in 1996 for methamphetamine violations and for being a felon with an unlicensed gun.

That means he was a minimum of a two-time loser. What public good is served by releasing him?

    All told, Obama has commuted 562 sentences during his presidency — more than the past nine presidents combined, the White House said. Almost 200 of those who have benefited were serving life sentences.

Two hundred lifers. Imagine the crimes they will commit before they go back again. Heather McDonald did a quick scan for “firearm” in the lucky-felon list:

    …a search of the commutation database comes up with 156 hits for “firearms” (some of those hits are multiple counts for the same offender). Wilson Henderson, of Hollywood, Fla., for example, was convicted of “use of a firearm during a drug trafficking crime,” according to the Justice Department press release. Kenneth Evans, of Fort Worth, Texas, was convicted of “use and carry firearm during and in relation to a drug trafficking crime and aiding and abetting.” Mark Anthony Clark, of Rockford, Ill., was convicted of “possession of a firearm by a felon/fugitive from justice and aiding and abetting,” as well as of conspiracy to distribute 100 grams of meth.

    Many of the commuttees possessed stolen firearms or firearms with their serial numbers obliterated. Some were in violation of National Firearms Registration, which can mean possession of a federally prohibited weapon, such as a machine gun, silencer, or sawed-off shotgun. We don’t know how many guns the offenders actually had; a commuttee during a previous batch of commutations had 40.

    Nor does the Justice Department’s press release disclose the actual incidence of firearm possession by these federal convicts. Gun possession can be used to increase a federal sentence under the federal sentencing guidelines without a prosecutor’s actually bringing a formal charge. A gun charge can also be plea-bargained away.

Interesting how the advocates of gun control don’t advocate it against actual criminals.

Back to the ABC infotainment story:

    “All of the individuals receiving commutation today — incarcerated under outdated and unduly harsh sentencing laws — embody the president’s belief that ‘America is a nation of second chances,'” White House counsel Neil Eggleston wrote in a blog post.

Second chances to rob, assault, rape and kill. Thank you Mr President! It’s a safe bet than none of these nogoodniks will be dossing down in Counselor Eggleston’s neighborhood. You wouldn’t be soft on crime like that, if you didn’t have a lot of human-victim-tamping-material between you and the recipients of your mercies.

And wait! There’s more.

    “We are not done yet,” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said. “We expect that many more men and women will be given a second chance through the clemency initiative.”

Second chance? To rob, assault, rape and kill. And they’ll be using ’em.

One last note from this “diversity”-obsessed administration (and media). The criminals cut loose:

    …represent a diverse cross-section of America geographically.

Just “geographically,” huh? It what characteristics might the set of rewarded criminals not have a wide range of variation?


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« Reply #1767 on: August 10, 2016, 07:23:17 AM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1768 on: August 10, 2016, 09:38:21 AM »
I get the humor of it all, but let's not go after the non-adult children please.


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Obama promises no vacations
« Reply #1769 on: August 19, 2016, 08:52:44 AM »

Ah, the dawn of the hope and change era. Good times, my friends, good times...


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1770 on: August 29, 2016, 04:10:09 PM »
After 8 years of bashing the US suddenly now that we are in a change election the WH expresses patriotism:


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First President
« Reply #1771 on: September 07, 2016, 02:30:11 PM »
to consistently travel the world and while overseas make disparaging comments about many Americans.  What a disgrace.  Yet no peep from the MSM.

Remember when the LEFT mocked the book 'Bell Curve' as being racist?

Well here is Bamster the Great the man of humanity saying this:

"“Because we have people that came from everywhere, we have people of all different types for every sport,” he said. “So we have really tall people to play basketball or to swim. We have little people for gymnastics. Right? We have, genetically, for whatever sport, we have people who fit the sport, right?”

So where is the outrage now?  We know the answer.  Whisper.  It is ok because a LEFTY is saying it. 


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AT the DNC he stands there and lies about his real beliefs
« Reply #1772 on: September 10, 2016, 08:26:16 AM »
by making proclamations about how great America is while
for 8 yrs he has
 criticized out allies AND the country he is supposed to represent, and sucks up to our enemies.  And the Left with its head screwed on backwards just loves this:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1773 on: September 19, 2016, 11:18:19 AM »
He is "proud to be an American".  Why does this ring hollow to me?  Maybe because for 8 years we have witnessed him demonstrating just the opposite?  :-(  Anyone think an election coming up with his girl struggling has anything to do with this?   :roll:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 11:19:50 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1774 on: September 20, 2016, 02:47:56 PM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1775 on: September 22, 2016, 08:14:38 PM »
Obama owes Blacks not the other way around the megalomaniac narcissist thinks:]

Maybe Trump could memorize this speech, ask permission to use with proper reference and use the rationale behind it when this topic comes up.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1776 on: September 23, 2016, 07:05:17 AM »
Obama owes Blacks not the other way around the megalomaniac narcissist thinks:]

Maybe Trump could memorize this speech, ask permission to use with proper reference and use the rationale behind it when this topic comes up.

I think the smart move, would be to point out just how much HRC and Obama have worked together, how long they've been in power, and point out the status of Democrats in places like Detroit, Chicago, and every other major Democratic stronghold, and just how much their policies have failed them, quoting them frequently, and pointing out the gaping holes in the ship.

I know I would.


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I guess he really is worried about the Jewish vote
« Reply #1777 on: September 30, 2016, 07:55:24 AM »


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More back door giveaways in the Iran Nuke Deal
« Reply #1778 on: September 30, 2016, 12:59:14 PM »


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Obama met with Lynch
« Reply #1779 on: October 05, 2016, 09:31:43 AM »
To coordinate how to manipulate enforcement of the law in a way that was politically best for him as per Ed Klein.  This certainly is consistent with everything we know about Obama and hsitory:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1780 on: October 05, 2016, 03:00:27 PM »
That may well be true but is too thinly sourced/supported for me to spread further.


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Why should we believe the Obama administration?
« Reply #1782 on: October 14, 2016, 05:34:29 PM »
He has long history of lying when it is in his political interest.  So how can anyone reliably believe a serial liar?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1783 on: October 14, 2016, 07:04:31 PM »
Please post in Intel Matters and Cyberwar as well.  Thank you.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1785 on: November 10, 2016, 10:22:23 AM »
Now they know exactly how many of us felt for 8 years of this guy.  God forbid anyone disagree with a lib:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1786 on: November 10, 2016, 10:52:08 AM »
Now they know exactly how many of us felt for 8 years of this guy.  God forbid anyone disagree with a lib:

Thinking about it, it doesn't strike anyone as odd, that Obama goes from being vitriolic towards Trump, to buddy-buddy in less than one week?

Edit: Michelle Obama deleted everything regarding Hillary Clinton from both her twitter and facebook accounts, about two weeks ago... something like that.

Her last facebook post is from February of 2013.

You're the wife of the man inhabiting the whitehouse, and you have nothing to post for almost four years? That's amazing.

We all know that Obama and Hillary exchanged emails on her private server.

Obama, while he can pardon Hillary (if she is charged and convicted before he leaves), cannot párdon himself... so he's in a pickle.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 11:10:21 AM by DDF »


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Obama is a failed President
« Reply #1787 on: November 12, 2016, 04:53:46 PM »
Brock's repsonse to the protests:   stoke and encourage by his silence more racial unrest and division.  He is as just as much a racist as anyone we have had in the office:
Trump adviser urges Obama, Clinton to speak out on protests
Published November 11, 2016

Anti-Trump demonstrators take to the streets in many cities
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Donald Trump’s campaign manager took to Twitter Thursday to call on President Obama or Hillary Clinton to speak out against calls for political violence, as unruly post-election protests broke out for the second night in a row in cities across the country.

Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during their march against Trump’s election Thursday night.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, flagged an interview with a woman from a separate protest the night before in Los Angeles. The anti-Trump protester called for people to “fight back,” warning, “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world.”

Conway tweeted:

 Kellyanne Conway ✔ @KellyannePolls
Not cool. @POTUS or Hillary should address. 'People Have to Die': Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Violence on CNN
8:35 AM - 10 Nov 2016
Photo published for 'People Have to Die': Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Violence on CNN
'People Have to Die': Anti-Trump Protester Calls For Violence on CNN
During the massive anti-Donald Trump protests held in California the day after Election Day, one woman CNN spoke to called for violence and death as a means to enact political change.
  9,059 9,059 Retweets   11,438 11,438 likes
The president-elect himself has given mixed messages about his views on the unrest.

On Thursday, he blasted “professional protesters” and accused the media of fanning the flames.

 Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
9:19 PM - 10 Nov 2016
  69,351 69,351 Retweets   223,592 223,592 likes
By Friday morning, Trump took a different approach.

 Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!
6:14 AM - 11 Nov 2016
  54,644 54,644 Retweets   205,327 205,327 likes
Whether the protests are building or dying down remains to be seen.

Portland police said at least 29 people were arrested in the riot Thursday night. According to KPTV, one driver had her windshield smashed and someone painted “Capitalism kills” on a nearby convenience store. Police declared the protest a riot at around 8:30 pm. A riot is a Class C felony in Oregon.

The state Department of Transportation briefly shut down Interstate 5 between the Marquan Bridge and the Fremont Bridge due to the demonstration. Parts of Interstate 84 were also temporarily closed.

Protesters in Portland’s Pearl District were breaking windows of several businesses and some were arming themselves with rocks from a construction site, police said.

KPTV reported that the groups Don’t Shoot Portland and Black Lives Matter combined in Portland to become Portland’s Resistance. The founder told the station that “Trump is going to be our president. We need to save our city and hopefully allow people to come here to be a city where there is hope."

Anti-Trump demonstrations erupted across the U.S. for the second straight night, from Portland to Chicago to New York and parts in between.

In New York City, a large group of demonstrators once again gathered outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue Thursday night. They chanted angry slogans and waved banners baring anti-Trump messages.

While Obama and Clinton have not directly addressed the protests, both have called for unity.

Obama met with Trump at the White House on Thursday and once again vowed to help with an orderly transition.

“The peaceful transfer of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy,” Obama said on Wednesday, reminding Americans “we’re actually all on the same team.”

Clinton, in her concession speech, said: “We must accept this result, and then look to the future. ... Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, asked Thursday about the protests, said the president believes the right to free speech should be protected.

He added, “It is a right that should be exercised without violence.  And there are people who are disappointed in the outcome. And the president's message in the Rose Garden was it's not surprising that people are disappointed in the outcome, but it's important for us to remember, a day or two after the election, that we're Democrats and Republicans, but we're Americans and patriots first.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 04:55:48 PM by ccp »


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Most complete summary of Obama bowing I have seen
« Reply #1788 on: November 21, 2016, 09:30:29 PM »
One suspects we will not have this problem with Trump , , ,


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Conrad Black
« Reply #1789 on: November 23, 2016, 08:37:44 AM »
 I would totally disagree with the part of Obama's Presidency being scandal free , but
a lot of good points.
I find it interesting that while he mentions other former Presidents in the article by way of comparison the megalomaniac, he leaves out Reagan.  Not sure why but this does not seem to me an oversight.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1790 on: November 23, 2016, 09:09:16 AM »
Perhaps Conrad Black who states Brock's administration was devoid of scandal should read a fellow NR writer's piece.   And Mr. McCarthy doesn't even get into the IRS and other scandals that seem to be covered up in the MSM hooplah :


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1791 on: November 23, 2016, 09:40:10 AM »
Please post in Rule of Law as well.ti



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proud we have not had the kinds of scandals that plagued other administrations
« Reply #1792 on: November 23, 2016, 03:08:15 PM »
I would totally disagree with the part of Obama's Presidency being scandal free
Mr. McCarthy doesn't even get into the IRS and other scandals that seem to be covered up in the MSM hooplah...

.@POTUS: "I'm extremely proud of the fact that over 8 years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations."
5:12 PM - 20 Nov 2016

Scandal free?  Good grief! 1) Fast and Furious comes to mind first.  Both 2) IRS targeting and 3) Benghazi helped push him over the edge for reelection. 4) Plane loads of cash to the world's number one sponsor of terror for hostages.  5) Hillary's email scandal was in his administration, and he was one of her unsecured pen pals.  6)  EPA poisoned a Colorado River, denied the extent of it by 2 million gallons.  7) How about the passing of Obamacare with a series of bald faced lies?  8) Shovel ready projects.  9) Cash for Clunkers, removed Ford trucks off the roads right before gas went to $2 and replaced them with small Hondas and Toyotas - to help our economy!  10) Flying a separate plane to Martha's vineyard - for the dog, 11) Flying Michelle and Barack in separate planes to Hawaii,  Michelle and her entourage to Madrid,  12)  300 rounds of golf.

This link has several more:


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Brock's favorite song. Fit and deserving a WH visit and admiration
« Reply #1793 on: November 29, 2016, 12:49:49 PM »
According to VDH Brock called this song his favorite of the year:

KENDRICK LAMAR For Free? lyrics

I don't know why you trying to go big, you ain't shit
Walking around like you God's gift to Earth, you ain't shit
You ain't even buy me no outfit for the fourth
I need that Brazilian, wavy, twenty eight inch, you playin'
I shouldn't be fuckin' with you anyway, I need a baller ass nigga, boss ass nigga
You'se a off brand ass nigga, everybody know it, your homies know it, everybody fuckin' know, don't call me no more
You won't know, you gonna lose on the good shit
My other nigga is on, you off
What the fuck is really going on?

This shit ain't free
You lookin' at me like it ain't a receipt
Like I never made end's meet, eatin' your leftovers and raw meat
This shit ain't free
Livin' in captivity raised my cap salary
Celery, tellin' me green is all I need
Evidently all I seen was spam and raw sardines
This shit ain't free
I mean baby
You really think we could make a baby named Mercedes without a Mercedes Benz and twenty four inch rims, five percent tint, and air conditioning vents
Hell fuckin' naw
This shit ain't free
I need forty acres and a mule
Not a forty ounce and a pitbull
Bullshit, matador, [?], had the door knockin', whose that?
Genital's best friend
This shit ain't free
Pity the fool that made the pretty in you prosper
Fuck you and [?] lips kept me up nauseous, kept me up watchin'
Pornos and poverty, apology? No
Watch you [?] it while people less fortunate, like myself
Every do has it's day, now doggy style shall help
This shit ain't free
Matter fact it need interest, matter fact it's nine inches
Matter fact see our friendship based on business
[?], more pension, your pinchin', my consensus
Been relentless, fuck forgiveness, fuck your feelings
Fuck your sources, all distortion, if you fuck it's more abortion
More divorce court and portion
My [?] endorsement left me dormant
Dusted, doomed, disgusted, forced with [?]
You think is [?], porcelain pipes pressure, bust 'em twice
[?] is deaf, a state of decapitated the horseman
Oh America, you bad fucked the picked cotton that made you rich
Now my shit ain't free

I'mma get my Uncle Sam to fuck you up
You ain't no king

Suggest correctionsEmbed on website
Lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.


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Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness - Life of Julia
« Reply #1794 on: December 06, 2016, 07:22:26 AM »
Can't really say goodbye to the Glibness without asking ... who the hell is Julia and why am I paying for her whole life?


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness - Life of Julia
« Reply #1795 on: December 06, 2016, 07:26:05 AM »
Can't really say goodbye to the Glibness without asking ... who the hell is Julia and why am I paying for her whole life?

Some people work for a living, others vote for a living. The dems love to create government dependency as it's vote farming. Buy votes with other people's money!


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The Left with their stories
« Reply #1796 on: December 08, 2016, 06:20:24 AM »
It is indisputable says AlexROD that there is an undercurrent racial hatred of Brock.  Of course , it is never that he is a global socialist and not someone fond of America which is a first for a US prez.  It is as always because he is "black". 
I don't suppose the One's himself turning everything into a racial issue has nothing to do with anything because he is as always right and anyone else wrong:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1798 on: December 08, 2016, 01:57:21 PM »
"A Sh*tbird to the End"

I cannot think of any more outrageous bunch of statements from a POTUS

Unfortunately this will not be the end of Brock. 
We have to wait and see.  If Trump is successful then that will be the best response to Brock who will just then look like  a bitter version of Jimmy Carter.
The megalomaniac will have no insight till the bitter end.  He is not capable.


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Bullsh*t from Breitbart
« Reply #1799 on: December 09, 2016, 06:15:32 AM »
After posting the Breitbart link on my FB I was challenged with the actual content of the speech.

Read it for yourself and tell me if you think the headline is honest.  I don't.   :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x