Author Topic: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, Deep Fakes, the Swamp, and Treason  (Read 257644 times)


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #751 on: February 14, 2024, 01:22:57 PM »
That was really good!


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Jared Kushner
« Reply #753 on: March 01, 2024, 07:59:49 PM »
As we have discussed here preiously (thread?) there is good reason to be seriously critical of Jared's deal with the Saudis.   That said, I remember it as being after Trump left office?


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Boeing whistleblower suicided?
« Reply #754 on: March 12, 2024, 06:07:03 AM »


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The Swamp’s Rising Tide
« Reply #756 on: May 13, 2024, 01:49:16 PM »
This certainly appears to bolster the “legislating by regulation” argument. As such perhaps a court can find these numerous proffered regs unlawful in a similar broad spectrum manner:

Confronting A Surge In Costly Federal Rules

Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. Contributor
May 13, 2024

As of Monday, May 13, there have been 1,148 rules and regulations finalized among the 41,830 pages published to date in the 2024 Federal Register.

Page tallies of over 800 per day have suddenly become routine. Last week’s 4,225 pages represented nearly double 2024’s weekly pace so far.

At any given moment several thousand rules and regulations populate the production process. There are several flavors of “significant” rules, the costliest subset of which consists of rules the Biden administration deems “Section 3(f)1 Significant” (S3F1).

The significance of significance: Rooted in a Clinton-era executive order which until recently showcased $100 million “economically significant” rules, the S3F1 designation under Biden now instead refers to rules attaining a threshold of $200 million in annual economic effects. Now, lesser rules costing “only” $100 million or deemed significant due to certain other non-cost characteristics can fly under the radar.
This is a “significant” development to coin a term since, in a January 2024 compilation, I inventoried fully 232 S3F1 work-in-process rules in the pre-rule, proposed and final stages. The implication of Biden’s threshold change is that there are likely more costly rules in the pipeline below $200 million but above the old $100 million threshold that do not get the attention they deserve.

In any event, this is an election year, and the January inventory was intended to remind Congress that many of these high-impact rules would be rushed to completion in the Federal Register in order to outrace a looming summer deadline beyond which they become vulnerable to Congressional Review Act (CRA) “resolutions of disapproval” (RODs) overturning them in 2025, should Biden not secure re-election.
As summarized by George Washington University's Regulatory Studies Center:

"The CRA's lookback provision gives Congress an additional chance to review rules issued in the period starting 60 working days before the end of a session of Congress through the beginning of the subsequent session of Congress.
Rules issued during the lookback period are treated as if they were published in the Federal Register and reported to Congress on the 15th working day of the subsequent session of Congress"

And sure enough, to avoid that prospect, some of the flagged S3F1 rules have landed in rapid succession in recent weeks’ editions of the inflated Federal Register. Some in Congress are introducing resolutions of disapproval anyway, knowing full well these attempts will be vetoed by Biden. Rules garnering media attention as evidence of Biden “Trump-proofing” his agenda include:

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate disclosure rule;
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) "Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles." This is the rule seen as the vehicle, no pun intended, to effectuate Biden’s EV mandates;
EPA’s Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter;
The Department of Labor’s “Standard for Determining Joint Employer Status” as well as its “Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act;
The Federal Communications Commission’s “Prevention and Elimination of Digital Discrimination”’;
The Department of Energy’s “Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Furnaces”;

Resolutions of disapproval for other rules such as the Federal Trade Commission’s highly controversial rule prohibiting non-compete agreements would surprise no one, but the FTC rule is and those to follow would likewise be safe if the administration issues them quickly. Already during the Biden era the 117th and 118th Congresses each passed several RODs; but other than early ones overturning Trump-era actions, Biden has vetoed these. (Incidentally, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the American Action Forum, and the George Washington University’s Regulatory Studies Center among others track CRA resolutions.)

It’s the weight, not the flow (sometimes): Biden's executive actions in 2024 are notable not for the high numbers of executive orders and memoranda that characterized his first year, nor paradoxically even for an abnormally high number of rules.
Instead, Biden's recent activity is characterized by highly costly and transformative nature of rules fat enough to produce the aforementioned record-level Federal Register page counts. The all-time record was Obama’s 95,894 in 2016; the second highest count was Biden’s own 89,368 in 2023. At the current clip, however, the 2024 Federal Register will top 100,000 pages, taking us closer to the million-pages-per-decade warned of in recent editions of Ten Thousand Commandments.

The Limits of RODs: Clearly things have to align just so to roll back rules using the Congressional Review Act. The CRA has undone fewer than two dozen rules since its enactment in 1996. Most of those occurred under Trump, whose administration overturned too-late Obama rules. Biden’s team, who also overturned late-issued Trump deregulatory actions in precisely that fashion, has clearly learned the game and is ensuring that the largest of rules are landing in the Federal Register now to keep them protected from RODs.

Given the circumstances, one lesson for House and Senate leadership, if they anticipate 119th Congress majorities and a Republican president, would be to minimize legislative days for the remainder of 2024 to maximize backward chronological reach to capture more of these rules on the current Biden glide path. That is, a new Congress would want to stretch that 60-day lookback as far back in time as possible.

Members of Congress ought not despair at the futility of vacating all of Biden’s pet rules recently finalized. There remain, as the January inventory implies, a lot more rules on the 2024 legislative calendar potentially vulnerable to overturn in the 119th Congress in 2025 as they’re not all likely to beat the deadline. And of the rules that remain unfinalized, a new administration can just freeze and withdraw them.
Monitoring the broader “significant” subset: Additional S3F1 major and otherwise significant rules (as well as routine and non-significant ones) naturally have come into play since the January snapshot, likely including ones limbo-ing in just under the cost threshold. While Biden’s $200 million rules garner the most attention, it is important that policymakers not forget that the CRA itself still highlights the larger subset of $100 million rules, defining them in statute as “major” and requiring preparation of a formal albeit brief report on them by the Government Accountability Office.

The subset of the final rules deemed broadly “significant” under E.O. 12,866 during recent years is presented below. Biden had 289 significant final rules in 2023. While that was down from 375 in 2021, the significant rules subset under Biden appears to be tracking upward in both relative and absolute terms, destined to meet and exceed Obama levels.

Projecting the 155 as of today (May 13) implies 422 significant rules by the end of the year. Granted, that could decelerate after summertime, when large rules would be vulnerable to overturn should Biden not secure reelection. On the other hand, there is also a tendency of outgoing presidents to push through a number of midnight rules during their final lame-duck weeks, knowing some of it will stick given the sheer volume.

Standouts in the chart above are Obama’s final year of 486, when the Federal Register cracked its all time page record. Trump’s 2020 tally of 436 is a big one too; but many of those rules were deregulatory in intent—rolling back some of Obama—as part of the one-in, two-out campaign of the era. The Trump low of 199 in 2018 corresponds to the lowest total rule count since the National Archives began presenting rule counts in the 1970s; in 2018 there were fewer than 3,000 rules issued for the first and only time.

Significant rule counts bear close watching by Congress. Recognizing that overlap occurs in transition years, Barack Obama’s eight years brought 3,037 significant rules, for an annual average of 380. Donald Trump’s four years brought 1,121 significant rules, for an annual average of “only” 280 with a chunk of those deregulatory. Joe Biden’s first three years brought 932 significant rules for an average of 311 but that average appears to be ticking upward in 2024 if the chart holds.

Clearly the CRA can’t do it all: The job of Congress now is to pursue regulatory reforms that can have an effect regardless of what transpires with resolutions of disapproval this year. Many CRAs will be exercises in futility if there is no change in administration and if the GOP does not control both houses. But regardless of what happens in that respect, the sheer flow of significant rules requires addressing by more comprehensive means such as regulatory budgeting, sunsetting and a bipartisan commission to chop rules, and most importantly, dialing back on the hefty laws like the CARES Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act that are the engines of much of the fat new rulemaking.

As for the CRA, while it did represent one of the most important affirmations of congressional accountabiltiy for rulemaking, it has never been quite the right tool; that tool will be legislation instead assuring that no major or controversial rule can be effective unless Congress votes to affirm it, as opposed to the current situation requiring Congress to get up on its hind legs to block odious ones. The current version of such a law is called “Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny,” or REINS Act; but a better moniker was the predecessor Congressional Responsibility Act, and the acronym could stay the same.

For now, and in preparation, Congress needs to keep a close eye on the flow of significant rules.


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #757 on: May 13, 2024, 03:49:45 PM »
Vivek Ramaswamy is very strong and thoughtful on this issue.


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Judge Merchan's jury instructions
« Reply #759 on: May 25, 2024, 12:01:19 PM »
one caveat:
this is from Newsweek.

Honestly, I don't have the energy to think this all through and since not of legal mind/training I am not sure I understand it even if I did.

But listening to some podcasts the legal experts on our side feel the judge has clearly put his foot on the scales of justice to favor the prosecution.

Hard to believe otherwise in view of his political persuasion.


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The Administrative State Walks a Mile in Our Shoes
« Reply #760 on: May 29, 2024, 04:48:25 PM »
Upcoming SCOTUS decision may hobble sundry administrative courts.

Wish there was comprehensible research out there that could be used to measure the efficacy of various federal (and state, for that matter) agencies to measure there ROI. My guess is any metric wouldn’t be kind and hence would serve to suggest we don’t much need many of these agencies, casting their enforcement tactics more as something that justifies their existences, rather than provides measurable benefits beyond creating voting blocks that cast ballots as an act of self-preservation:

Justices may shrink the bureaucracy
“I want a government small enough to fit inside the Constitution.” -- Harry Browne
MAY 29, 2024

Politico is concerned that the deep state will no longer get to shove people around.

It reported:

A decade-long conservative crusade against financial regulators will come to a head soon with a crucial Supreme Court ruling, part of a legal strategy that has spread across multiple Washington agencies into a broad attack on a core power of the federal government.

The court’s ruling on Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, a case challenging the power of in-house federal judges, could hobble a whole range of agencies in unpredictable ways, cutting the powers of antitrust enforcers, labor regulators and consumer finance watchdogs.

Good. They should be hobbled.

The bureaucracy makes the rules, enforces them and hires the judge-jury-and-executioner to hear the case. The president — or someone else in the administration — appoints them without Senate confirmation.

The abuse of this power by bureaucrats goes way, way back like a Jim Thome homerun. A half-century ago, Donald Trump made the Front Page of the New York Times for the first time — Major Landlord Accused Of Antiblack Bias in City.

HUD thought it had him. Trump and his dad hired Roy Cohn, the prosecutor of the Rosenberg traitors (and lefty icon) who took the case out of the hands of an administrative law judge by suing HUD for $100 million in federal court. Two years later they settled with the Trumps agreeing to be sure to rent to black people. No fine. No admission of guilt. No Front Page story.

This case is similar.

The American Bar Association’s summary was “This case concerns the Securities and Exchange Commission’s ability to bring enforcement actions for securities fraud before administrative law judges, rather than in federal district court. The target of an enforcement action argues this venue choice stems from an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the SEC and that the proceeding violates the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial. In U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, the Court has the potential to change the way government agency claims are adjudicated.”

I am not really sure how the agency judges square with the right to a fair trial.

The ABA said, “The proceeding is similar to a trial except that many of the hallmarks of due process are absent: there is no jury, there is no discovery, the evidentiary rules are relaxed, and guilt is determined by a preponderance of evidence. Either side may appeal the ALJ’s decision to the SEC commissioners, and the SEC’s final decision may be appealed to a federal appeals court. The appeals court may only reverse the SEC’s ruling if the findings were unsupported by ‘substantial evidence’ in the record.”

The ALJ’s decision cost Jarkesy (a company) just under a million bucks. The legal fees to bring the case to the highest court in the land likely exceeded that. The federal government has an unlimited supply of money.

Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Maverick’s NBA team, squared off against the SEC’s rigged system a decade ago — and lost.

He told Politico, “I support the right to a jury trial. Period, end of story. There is no constitutional reason or support for the SEC or any government agency to supersede that.”

Other billionaires are fighting back.

Politico said, “Since Jarkesy was filed, companies including Meta (Zuckerberg), SpaceX (Musk) and Amazon (Bezos) have escalated it into a broader fight against federal power by suing other agencies over their own courts — a way of fighting unfavorable judgments by attacking the system that delivered it.”

The bureaucracy uses the ALJ system for the sake of convenience. But the Constitution’s sole purpose is to make governing as inconvenient as possible.

Politico said, “Others have fretted that the high court’s ruling could even hit the routine in-house courts of agencies like the Social Security Administration, which employs about 1,200 administrative judges. If not properly tailored, they say, the decision could wind up sending a wave of relatively low-dollar Social Security claims into the already bustling federal courts.”

The Constitution says, “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.”

20 bucks is 20 bucks.

If the actual judiciary cannot deal with all these cases that is a sign that you have too many laws and too many bureaucratic regulators.

Why do we need an EPA? The air and water have never been cleaner. Why do we have a Department of Education? We flooded the schools with trillions of dollars over the years and the results are worse. Why do we have a Department of Transportation? We built an interstate system before it came along. Under the gay guy, we are destroying parts of it in the name of fighting a racism that no longer exists.

The agency judicial system is corruptible. Nationally, about 54% of appeals of Social Security disability claims denials are reversed in the system.

However, in the early 21st century, in Huntington, West Virginia, if you hired Kentucky attorney Eric C. Conn to appeal, you had a 100% chance of winning. That’s because he kicked back more than $600,000 to ALJ David B. Daugherty. The feds eventually prosecuted and Daugherty got 4 years in prison while Conn received 12 years with another 15 years tacked on for fleeing to Honduras. The story is here.

But David Vladeck, a Georgetown law professor and former head of consumer protection at the Federal Trade Commission in the Obama administration, ominously warned that doing away with the ALJs will spell doom.

Politico reported:

In practice, though, a jury trial might not always be the best option strategically for defendants, said Vladeck — especially those like Jarkesy facing claims of securities fraud.

“Juries hate scam artists,” Vladeck said. “Be careful what you wish for.”

The Constitution hates tyranny and you had best believe the bureaucracy is tyrannical. The USA has so many laws that bureaucrats can pick and choose which laws they want to pick against whom.

If ridding us of this ALJ system overloads the courts and makes enforcement of all these rules impossible, so be it.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote of King George III, “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

He and 55 other patriots signed off on that — as part of the Declaration of Independence.

When Harry Browne said, “I want a government small enough to fit inside the Constitution,” he spoke for every single patriot in the country alive today — and all of the dead ones.


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Re: The Administrative State Walks a Mile in Our Shoes
« Reply #761 on: May 30, 2024, 05:51:40 AM »
Great post, exposing a terrible situation. The Harry Browne quote makes you wonder, who doesn't want "a government so small it could fit inside the constitution"? The answer of course is all liberal leftists including 3 sure votes on the Supreme Court.

I've been inside the administrative trial system twice and seen the problem first-hand. The first one was a mock trial, where by the end you realize the prosecutor, the judge, the jury (there isn't one) all go to lunch together when it's over, they all work in the same office for the same agency. The second time was during covid and so the mock trial was held over the phone. I submitted time stamped photographic evidence proving my innocence. A guy listened to my story and then a decision comes in the mail, guilty. These were both relating to housing inspections in the City of Minneapolis. The preponderance of evidence to their co-worker, the judge, was simply that the inspector said so. In the second case, his error was as simple as putting the wrong house number down on an alleged violation of sidewalk shoveling. Sounds like a small matter, but having a ticket against a rental property in Minneapolis can lead to losing what they call Tier 1 status and cost thousands of dollars more in future license fees and lead to greater scrutiny, more false charges, down the road on all your properties.

Because the cases are administrative, not criminal, the defendant has no rights and the prosecution needs no proof. But what is the difference? I'm accused of breaking the law. If this was this was a criminal case, I would be subject to fines, if guilty. This is an administrative case so they can issue same fines plus take away my entire livelihood and net worth.

If they find a way of striking this system down, that would be great. Imagine if people in this country had rights, like the right to defend yourself against false charges.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2024, 06:03:38 AM by DougMacG »


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SEC Lies Through its Teeth & then Cites Sovereign Immunity
« Reply #762 on: June 05, 2024, 04:39:45 AM »
As this occurred in flyover country don’t expect the MSM to do much reporting on it:

Judge forces SEC to drop Utah crypto case, pay $1.8M fees due to 'deeply troubling' misconduct
By Collin Leonard, | Posted - June 4, 2024 at 3:08 p.m.
SEC prosecutors, alleging Draper-based crypto company Debt Box and others engaged in fraudulent business practices, were sanctioned and their case dismissed May 28, after it was found they acted in bad faith when seeking an emergency order to freeze the defendant's assets.
SEC prosecutors, alleging Draper-based crypto company Debt Box and others engaged in fraudulent business practices, were sanctioned and their case dismissed May 28, after it was found they acted in bad faith when seeking an emergency order to freeze the defendant's assets. (DepositPhotos)

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SALT LAKE CITY — "Companies were seized, assets were frozen and lives were upended" as a result of misconduct by prosecutors for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a federal judge said while dismissing a civil fraud case against Utah cryptocurrency brokers and awarding the brokers $1.8 million in attorney fees.

U.S. Chief District Judge Robert Shelby upbraided the commission, saying it recklessly used "layers of false statements" in a "gross abuse of power," saying their misrepresentations were "deeply troubling" and undermined the integrity of the judicial process, before dismissing its case May 28 and ordering payment of fees that will ultimately be financed by taxpayers.

In July 2023, Debt Box, a cryptocurrency broker formerly operating out of Draper, and North Salt Lake financial technology company iX Global, along with a number of other associated parties, were sued by the SEC alleging "an ongoing, sprawling, fraudulent securities offering through which defendants have defrauded thousands of investors of at least $49 million," according to the initial complaint.

Rather than use investors' money to support the business, the SEC claimed "defendants misappropriated the funds for their own personal gain — buying luxury vehicles and homes, taking lavish vacations, and showering themselves and their friends with cash."

Critically, the commission told Shelby that business owners were rapidly shutting down their U.S.-based bank accounts and transferring investor funds overseas "to place them beyond the reach of the court."

The SEC requested a short-term emergency order to freeze the assets of the companies in question and effectively take over the management of the companies while the case was being litigated.

The request is a form of extraordinary relief, Shelby said in an opinion, because at that stage in the lawsuit, the court was working with nothing but "unproven allegations," and must take extreme care not to abuse the judicial process.

In oral arguments, the prosecution claimed the companies closed 33 bank accounts in the last 48 hours. It said the companies had drained bank accounts and were transferring money overseas to avoid SEC oversight.

The judge granted the motion to freeze assets and take over the companies, but two months later, found that "each piece of support" the commission offered in its claims "proved to be some combination of false, mischaracterized and misleading."

To make things worse, after the prosecution was put on notice for its misrepresentations, it "nevertheless affirmed those positions and did so in a way that demonstrated an attempt to obfuscate and continue misleading the court rather than acknowledge error," according to court documents.

Shelby wrote that a total of 24 accounts had been closed, not the 33 suggested, over a span of two years. The defendants did not close these accounts — the bank did. And the funds were not transferred overseas, they were transferred to a bank headquartered in Sandy.

The judge said these claims were "at best reckless. This was not merely an inaccuracy."

Other accounts were not found to have been drained, they were simply fluctuating over the course of normal business. A YouTube video used as a key piece of evidence was found to have been taken out of context to mislead the court, according to the judge. Inferences were presented as factual, despite having no direct evidence to support them.

Some of the error was attributed to miscommunication, and the SEC said it "sincerely regrets the error" it made when choosing not to notify the court when staff members learned the statements made were "inaccurate in multiple respects."

The judge did not find the argument convincing, and posited that the prosecution "expressly traded on its special standing as a federal agency — reminding the court it had been granted this relief several times in the past 10 years — to demonstrate it could be trusted when asking for this tremendous exercise of judicial authority."

The prosecution then claimed it had "sovereign immunity" from any monetary sanction — an argument Shelby promptly shot down.

Debt Box celebrated the win, posting on social media the dismissal was "a monumental victory, not just for Debt Box but for the entire industry and our dedicated community." Many reacted to the news as though the ruling cleared the company of wrongdoing, but the jubilee may be short-lived.

Shelby wrote that the "order should not be construed as offering any views on the underlying merits of the case," and while the suit was dismissed as it stands, the SEC is able to refile its claims of fraud, so long as it does so with Shelby presiding.


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SCOTUS tosses bribery conviction, raising bar for prosecutions
« Reply #764 on: June 26, 2024, 02:54:39 PM »
Supreme Court Tosses Mayor’s Bribery Conviction, Again Raising Bar for Public-Corruption Prosecutions
A 6-3 court says Indiana Republican was wrongly convicted of accepting a payment after awarding truck contract
Jess Bravin
June 26, 2024 12:18 pm ET

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court overturned the bribery conviction of an Indiana mayor who took $13,000 from a local truck dealership after it won a city contract, ruling Wednesday that a federal anticorruption law applies only to payments for future official conduct, not gratuities for past acts.

The 6-3 decision is the latest in a series of high-court rulings reining in federal prosecutions targeting corruption in state and local government, which the justices increasingly have seen as holding public officials to a higher standard than Congress authorized.

Wednesday’s case concerned James Snyder, who as mayor of Portage, Ind., accepted the payment from Great Lakes Peterbilt after the city paid the company about $1.1 million for five garbage trucks. Snyder, a Republican, was sentenced to a year and nine months imprisonment for violating a federal law making it illegal for state and local officials to corruptly solicit or accept “anything of value from any person, intending to be influenced or rewarded” for an official act.

Writing for the court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh said the structure of the statute suggested it was meant only to cover bribery ahead of an official act. A separate law forbids federal officials from accepting gratuities, but Congress didn’t enact a second statute to cover local and state officials, Kavanaugh wrote.

Congress might have preferred to let states address public corruption in their own ways, Kavanaugh wrote, and a variety of laws are on the books across the country. “Those differing approaches reflect nuanced state and local policy judgments about when gifts expressing appreciation to public officials for their past acts cross the line from the innocuous to the problematic,” he wrote, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett.

Neither state nor local authorities pursued charges against Snyder, Kavanaugh noted. 

The decision follows Supreme Court rulings last year that threw out a pair of corruption convictions stemming from the tenure of former Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. In 2020 the court tossed two public-corruption convictions in the New Jersey scandal known as Bridgegate. And in 2016, it overturned the conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican.

Snyder, elected mayor in 2011, said the truck dealership was hiring him as a consultant, not rewarding him for the city contract. But his appeal argued that the law didn’t cover payments for past acts at all, and said siding with the government could make criminals out of police officers who take doughnuts from crime victims or kindergarten teachers who accept gift cards from parents.

In dissent, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote that “Snyder’s absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one only today’s Court could love.” Joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, she argued that by using the word “rewarded” Congress intended to cover past acts, and said that lawmakers excluded innocent courtesies from prosecution by specifying the measure applied only to gifts accepted “corruptly.”

Jackson noted the evidence prosecutors presented against Snyder: He appointed a friend to oversee the bidding process, which was tailored to favor Great Lakes Peterbilt, a company owned by two brothers who Snyder was frequently calling and texting. Dealership employees “testified that Snyder never performed any consulting work” and no contract, invoice or other documentation was produced relating to any such work, Jackson wrote.


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #765 on: June 26, 2024, 04:50:55 PM »
On the face of it , I agree with the libs here

I don't see the difference between a bribe prior to the award or after but for sure this is done all the time all over the us
one way or the other .


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WSJ: Snyder vs. US
« Reply #767 on: June 28, 2024, 11:19:52 AM »

Snyder v. U.S. Is a Defeat for Zealous Prosecutors
The Supreme Court tilts against prosecutions based on vague law.
By The Editorial Board
June 27, 2024 5:38 pm ET

The Supreme Court in recent years has narrowed the ambit of prosecutors who file corruption charges that stretch ambiguous laws. They did it again Wednesday by ruling (Snyder v. U.S.) that it’s not a crime under federal law for state and local officials to accept gratuities in return for past actions.

Prosecutors charged James Snyder, the former mayor of Portage, Ind., with violating Section 666 of the federal criminal code by accepting a $13,000 check from a local truck company that received city contracts. Section 666 prohibits “corruptly” soliciting or accepting “anything of value from any person, intending to be influenced or rewarded” for an official act.

Mr. Snyder claimed the check was a payment for his consulting services rather than a bribe. He also claimed the law prohibits state and local officials from accepting or soliciting bribes in return for official acts—not for taking gratuities as tokens of appreciation for those acts.

Six Justices agreed with his interpretation. “Some gratuities can be problematic,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh writes for the majority. “Others are commonplace and might be innocuous,” such as a college dean giving a “college sweatshirt to a city council member who comes to speak at an event.” Yet neither Congress nor prosecutors have drawn a clear line between the two.

In 1984 Congress passed Section 666, which originally extended a prohibition on gratuities for federal officials to local and state officials. But two years later Congress reversed course. Section 666 “now closely resembles the bribery provision for federal officials,” Justice Kavanaugh writes.

States regulate gratuities differently. “Perhaps Congress in 1986 concluded that federally criminalizing state and local gratuities would significantly intrude on federalism,” he writes, adding that “as a general matter, States have the ‘prerogative to regulate the permissible scope of interactions between state officials and their constituents.’”

Regardless, “the Government’s interpretation of the statute would create traps for unwary state and local officials” since it “does not identify any remotely clear lines separating an innocuous or obviously benign gratuity from a criminal gratuity,” Justice Kavanaugh explains. “Is a $100 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card for a trash collector wrongful?” States can always write their own laws outlawing the acceptance of gratuities, as some have.

The three liberal Justices in dissent interpreted the federal law more broadly. “Greed makes governments—at every level—less responsive, less efficient, and less trustworthy from the perspective of the communities they serve,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson writes in a notably fierce dissent, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Greed isn’t good, and corruption is never far from politics. Genuinely corrupt officials warrant prosecution. But another threat to liberty is from prosecutors who indict officials for behavior that isn’t clearly illegal. Justice Neil Gorsuch says the law should tilt in those cases toward what he calls “lenity,” which is what the Court did Wednesday.


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FO: State Dept coverup of Malley and the Iranians
« Reply #769 on: September 19, 2024, 12:13:54 PM »

The State Department Inspector General said officials failed to follow standard procedures when they suspended Iran special envoy Robert Malley’s security clearance in April 2023, allowing Malley to continue accessing classified information after his clearance was suspended. According to Congressional staffers who attended a closed door briefing from the Inspector General, the State Department worked to shield Malley from embarrassment and misled lawmakers about Malley’s clearance suspension


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #770 on: September 19, 2024, 01:02:01 PM »
"The State Department Inspector General said officials failed to follow standard procedures when they suspended Iran special envoy Robert Malley’s security clearance in April 2023, allowing Malley to continue accessing classified information after his clearance was suspended. According to Congressional staffers who attended a closed door briefing from the Inspector General, the State Department worked to shield Malley from embarrassment and misled lawmakers about Malley’s clearance suspension"

God almighty !!   why can't we hold these bastards accountable.


They work for us not the other way around.


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NGO Funds End Up in the Pockets of Dem Friends and Family
« Reply #771 on: September 22, 2024, 04:04:23 PM »
Wait, what’s that you say? Money sent to NGOs to combat homelessness ends up in the pockets of the relatives of Democrats? Surely an intrepid MSM journalist would be all over this story, well unless they too were a bought and paid subsidiary of Democrats, too:

Jeepers, I wonder if something similar is occurring with all those NGO “serving” those that enter the country illegally?


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« Reply #772 on: September 23, 2024, 10:32:48 AM »

The Quad (U.S., Japan, Australia, India) released a joint statement announcing increased maritime security cooperation through joint Coast Guard missions and an integrated airlift capacity. In response, China’s People’s Liberation Army and state media published an opinion piece declaring the Quad as a containment strategy and highlighting the “inability” of other nations to decouple or de-risk from China.


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FO: Deep Fake targeting US Senator
« Reply #773 on: September 26, 2024, 08:53:47 AM »

According to people briefed on the investigation, the FBI is investigating a deepfake operation impersonating former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that targeted Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD). According to a Senate security office notice, the person impersonating Kuleba asked Cardin if he supported Ukraine launching long-range missiles into Russia, and politically charged questions about the 2024 election.


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Re: 2023: Vindeman conflict of interest
« Reply #775 on: October 07, 2024, 10:03:57 AM »


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Jared Kushner and FARA
« Reply #776 on: October 25, 2024, 02:06:39 PM »

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) urged the Department of Justice (DOJ) to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate if former Trump advisor Jared Kushner acted as an unregistered foreign agent for Saudi Arabia. Kushner said there is no conflict of interest and the letter is a “silly political stunt.”


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Re: 2023: Vindeman conflict of interest
« Reply #777 on: October 25, 2024, 05:30:04 PM »

Funny how this sinister fellow wasn't exposed more; his identity was protected during the impeachment.

He’s running for congress a couple counties east of me where I use to live. Astounds me how few of his opponent’s ads note this sort of treachery.


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Re: Treason: CIA leaker of Israel attack plans
« Reply #779 on: November 13, 2024, 02:09:49 PM »


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The Globalist v. Populist Divide & the Future it Bodes
« Reply #780 on: November 14, 2024, 12:34:08 PM »
A good survey of where we are, and how the Deep State will respond:

The Swamp Strikes Back
What are the lessons of Trump's national victory and of the immediate following secret ballot election of a Swamp Senate Majority Leader?

NOV 14, 2024
The lessons from the 2024 election should be extremely clear.

Trump delivered every Swing State. He delivered an increased black vote, an increased Latino vote, an increased young male vote. He is the most successful Republican in the modern era in terms of attracting voters from traditionally Democrat voting demographics. Blue collar and Rust Belt Democrats have of course been going to him in droves since 2016 based on the pretty reasonable realization that Trump was the first politician to actually listen to them in decades. The leader of a Union that might once have been prepared to bury Republican bodies in an underpass, like the Teamsters Union, attended his Republican Conference.

Trump has delivered the three highest Presidential vote totals in US history, barring the solitary and now even more obviously crooked 81 million votes of Joe Biden in 2020.

And of course he drew in former Democrats from the opposite social end of the spectrum to blue collar workers. He obtained the endorsements of Robert F.Kennedy Jnr and of Tulsi Gabbard and of Elon Musk, all of whom were once considered to be on the other side. Kennedy brought with him that element of the Left that is still capable of acknowledging reality, while Musk’s example even shifted a portion of the Silicon Valley and tech industry moguls.

In the 2024 campaign, Trump’s team even reversed the pattern of voting by which many natural Republicans conceded through apathy. The base was highly motivated and not put off by the appeal to breaking away chunks of the Democrat core vote. The campaign crucially got large numbers of voters to vote early, and apathetic sectors to engage and work towards victory.

Even the Amish came out and voted for Trump. Think about that. A people defined by a high degree of rejection of involvement in the affairs of ‘the English’ as they still sometimes designate the rest of America, were motivated to vote for Trump. A similar odd triumph can be found in the fact one of the most Republican voting demographics of 2024, in some places the most Trump endorsing demographic of all, was the Native American vote.

Now that’s a demographic everything about the modern Democrat Party is supposed to appeal to. Democrats support ethnic identity based politics and are long practiced in developing ‘community leaders’ who essentially organize block ethnic minority voting based on a patronage and client relationship where various public spending bribes seal the deal. This has been the Democrat Plantation tactic for many years. And of course Democrat backed ethnic propaganda cement this essentially corrupt relationship with narratives of oppression and ancient grievance. There can be few groups on the surface more susceptible to this than Native Americans, especially as Critical Race Theory and Marxist land narratives turn all American history into a Stolen Land fable of white malice and Noble Savage oppression.

But despite the Democrat CRT dominance of academia and whole departments of universities focused on Native American grievance just as determinedly as they focus on Black grievance or Palestinian and Muslim grievance (narratives which Democrat voting control of the film, media and entertainment industry also spreads through the whole of popular culture)….Native Americans voted around 58% in favor of Trump nationwide. In Arizona 64% of the Native American vote went to Trump.

The truth is that Trump the divisive, racist, xenophobic, alienating and offensive Literally Hitler white supremacist Trump, is the most successful and attractive Republican in terms of drawing in ethnic minorities the Republicans have had in the modern era, and possibly ever, given the low percentages he was starting from and especially given the media and Democrat combined established hold on these groups and constant propaganda telling them that Trump represents a threat to their very existence.

Compared to other Republicans for 50 or even a 100 years, minorities love Trump. Being shot, being subject to lawfare, being a convicted felon and a man the State could not destroy appealed to a youth, black and street culture influenced group of voters. Talking about God’s role in his survival as well as a uniquely judged balancing of liberal and conservative views socially gives him appeal to older and religious voters, both Evangelicals and Christians generally turned off by the often progressive-woke stance of many Churches.

Common sense views on the family and patriotism and capitalism have a particular resonance for religiously conservative Latino voters and voters who themselves or whose parents fled Communist regimes. All this is far more attractive far more broadly than Swamp Republicanism is. MAGA is actually about as far from an exclusively white male (let alone white supremacist) movement as you can get. Which underlying the insane rhetoric is of course another reason for a party dependent on racial division to fear and hate him.

So Trump’s broad appeal encompasses both reassuring the existing Republican vote that he will challenge Globalist, woke and progressive views and the corruption of elite interests, AND bringing exactly the SAME promise to ethnic minority groups who are a lot more socially conservative minded and a lot more worried about food bills than their rich white Democrat ‘champions’ are.

By the end, the hysterical Democrat campaign had reached the point of effectively telling their prior client groups that if Trump was elected they would be put in death camps. That is what the Trump is Hitler narrative was saying, and that is what people were seeing in their newspapers, in Biden’s broadcasts and public addresses, in the screeching denunciations of actors and actresses, in the misinformation efforts of the likes of Robert Reich and Rob Reiner (there seems to be a split where a Bobby becomes sensible but a Rob or a Robert should definitely be avoided…).

The only people still acting as if it was true and a real threat are largely trans activists and affluent young white women with a university degree and genuine mental health issues. For some strange reason Joe Biden was quite able to sit with Literally Hitler and have a polite chat with him, indicating the pure depth of cynicism behind those earlier rants and apocalyptic warnings. The Trump is Hitler narrative is exposed for what it always was, a naked lie combined with a hypocritical grasp at total power and unending power.

The ethnic vote across the board rejected this line. Yes, the Democrat advantage in the black and Jewish vote is still (depressingly) strong. But Trump is the first Republican in decades to get it moving in his direction, to create a big red crack in these previously impenetrable blue walls of Democrat voting.

All of this of course speaks to Donald Trump’s personal magnetism and example, although both Democrat and RINO commentators and voters consistently underestimate his strengths. Their cartoonish and malign depiction of him is so fixed in their minds that they cannot comprehend the appeal of moments like his defiant response to an assassination attempt or his interactions with grieving service families, border patrol agents, cops, firemen, soldiers, union members, restaurant workers or ordinary people in street encounters. Trump does the traditional glad-handing of a campaigner in a much more immediate, real and genuinely affectionate way than career politicians are now capable of, and he does it with a humor and grace totally opposite to the TDS caricature of the man. Ordinary people respond to that and love the humor of his McDonald’s appearance or garbage truck appearance just as much as the superior and condescending elite class view these moments as proof of Trump’s crudeness.

His brilliant instinct for the common touch is, to the self-indoctrinated affluent class, merely revoltingly common.

With so much of their distaste for Trump then being wrapped up in class conscious snobbery and threatened elite value judgements not shared by voters lower down the social scale, they are reduced to lying to themselves about how obviously vile and unattractive to everyone Trump must be. That some people see blunt honesty where they see constant lies, or determined courage against corruption where they see ‘convicted felon’, cannot properly register with them. To acknowledge Trump’s attractive and charismatic features would be to question the depth and acknowledge the irrationality of their own hatred, and they can’t do that.

They are the elite, he is crude, vulgar and disgusting, and the common herd who vote for him are too. This is the level of their perception and awareness, whether they are Democrat or Republican Trump haters and whether they are professional political strategists and journalists or academics and students at provincial universities. At the core of it all the hate is psychologically driven by the fact that his popularity with the people and attunement to their needs and desires is also automatically a rejection of their sense of superiority, intelligence and deserved social rank above the common man. In such a situation they must scrabble around for explanations that allow them to keep feeling superior, and the appealing one there is that Trump is a demagogue and other people are too stupid to perceive it.

This is of course an absurd misreading and self-defeating because you then start describing all his voters as Nazis or morons (hardly likely to change their minds or attract their votes). But its pragmatic uselessness (as political strategy, as genuine explanation) is less important than the true task of such propaganda: psychologically letting the elite escape the recognition of their own flaws, letting them keep feeling that they are superior, righteous and smart, and letting them cling lovingly to all the policies people don’t actually want. In that, it is highly useful to those wishing to explain away their own faults.

The purpose of demonizing propaganda is then not just to bully and intimidate the detested figure and the detested group. It is to affirm and protect the ego and self-valuation of the demoniser. It is a tribute to their own vanity and an affirmation of their superiority especially when objective reality or public popularity is telling them they are wrong. We often forget how much their propaganda at its most strident is aimed at themselves, buttressing a sense of moral and intellectual superiority, affirming insane delusions, proving social, cultural and institutional power when they get to spread it everywhere. By the end, by the point that the wider world is sick of it and moves decisively against it, they are only talking to themselves (like the sobbing and screaming people who post videos of their hysterical reactions to Trump’s win). Perversely, the reason you post clips that prove to others how delusional you are, is to prove to yourself that you aren’t.

If I scream this harder, it must still be true. It’s just that you are all so fucking stupid you voted for that MONSTER!.

In other words hating Trump avoids having to hate how wrong you are. Better to detest the 75 million people who vote for him than admit you might be wrong on a few things. How are you better than the common herd, how is your social eminence and personal wealth justified, if ordinary people or that ‘crude monster’ Donald Trump are actually smarter than you on political policy?

It is this class and psychological defensiveness and ego protection that powers much of the hatred of Donald Trump and the distaste, horror and fear with which his voters (ordinary Americans) and populism in general is viewed by the media and political elites or by the university educated who form the indoctrinated ground level support that remains to the edifice of superiority, corruption and delusion that is the Democrat Party. This protection of my sense of superiority factor is at least as important as pure financial and political corruption is.

When we look at the level of hate and the portrayal of Trump or the image of Trump held by established and successful figures and their paid agents throughout the western world, what we are seeing is something that doesn’t just relate to Trump as an individual but to a realignment of politics more broadly. It is a growth throughout the western world of two simultaneous forces-a growing sense from below that the people in charge get everything wrong (populism) meeting an ever more naked sense from the people in charge that the people below get everything wrong (Globalist-progressive authoritarianism). The people in charge cannot admit that populism is right and their policies harm most people not just because they profit from and are financially invested in these failed policies, but also because their identity and self-worth is invested in them too.

So what are the obvious lessons I mentioned at the start? They are these:

Only the elite and very specific, highly indoctrinated client groups back Globalist Progressive parties and woke politics.
Even long captured client groups and demographics are breaking away from identity politics centred and corrupt systems of preference and patronage.

The social and economic decline speeded by Globalist choices also speeds and develops (quite naturally) public resistance to those policies and public support for populist alternatives.

A grand realignment has seen the working classes and the ‘left behind’ become the groups championed by real conservatives, while the old parties of the Left become the parties of wealth, power, corporate interference, authoritarianism and neo-feudalism.

CRT and identity indoctrination is starting to fail as a means of controlling the ethnic minority vote as the corruption and genuine exploitation involved becomes more and more obvious. Even client groups eventually learn that its about cynical control rather than genuine care.
The power of legacy and corporate media is broken. While they can still act as an effective block to the punishment of guilty parties, they are no longer a powerful tool of persuasion because their audience is much smaller than alternative media and their history of dishonesty is now too glaringly obvious. They remain the established sources receiving elite funding, but they are utterly discredited and can’t shift an election result by lies alone. Their demonization of Trump failed.

Faced with such failure, the Globalist Progressive elite have only three choices. They can accept the new reality and treat Trump and populist policies in a more sane and balanced way, or they can double down and keep opposing them. the first shows people that their condemnations were hysterical and false. The second shows people that they still aren’t listening and can’t admit they were wrong. The choices there are both unflattering-coward submitting to new power, or fanatic incapable of adapting to a new reality. Their third choice is to pretend to accept some things they despise (treating Trump cordially, adopting some more popular sounding ideas) while of course acting very vigorously still to try to prevent populist policies and Trump type measures being adopted.

The third option will be the one adopted by most of them, and especially by the RINO and traitor within contingent of the Republican Party (the Swamp figures on the alleged Right). The election of Thune to Senate Majority Leader (making conciliatory noises towards Trump, but getting put in place as as McConnell clone as rapidly as possible) is the first move of the Wormtongue contingent of professional traitors within the Republican Party.

The first 7 points I outline above should make it blindingly obvious to all Republicans that their party and national interests are best served by embracing a Trump agenda. This is what delivers historic triumphs, as well as this being the set of policies that will deliver national success. The final point shows just how much Republican Swamp creatures remain the enemy within, and how much they have to be defeated just as comprehensively as the Democrats have been.

More broadly, Trump and MAGA populism is the real template of rightwing and conservative success elsewhere. The least popular, least convincing position of all is Swamp Establishment Conservatism, which has even fewer adherents outside the narrow bands of the people in a Senate or a Parliament than extreme woke and Globalist politics have. The only people more discredited than the media or the Democrats by the 2024 election result are the Republicans of the Liz Cheney, John Bolton, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell or Lincoln Project persuasion, and the kind of betraying the people fake conservatism they represent.

While Democrats can still draw on indoctrinated classes (a real, if deluded, remaining base essentially consisting of the still sleepwalking black and Jewish vote, journalists, LGBTQ+ activists, academics, students and the most hysterical women in the country of either gender..) Swamp Republicans have nobody except each other and the abusive-submissive relationship they have formed with the Democrats and such corrupt funding blocks as the military-industrial complex or Big Pharma. That funding is dependent on getting harmful vaccines passed or getting new wars delivered, and they have failed in that by losing to Trump and failing to stop Trump. Wormtongue only has Saruman as a ‘friend’, and Saruman beats him about the head and expects results.

How Thune acts next will give us a sense of whether any of the true realities can penetrate Senate Swamp consciousness, and perhaps also give us a degree of understanding of what actors (partially) behind the scenes like the Globalist intelligence services have on them. Some voices seem to think that Thune’s conciliatory language towards Trump in recent months or weeks is genuine. That seems a very hopeful position, but there are ways to impose the Trump platform and we do have the ability of just three Senators being required to impose a confidence vote. Getting Swamp Republicans to fall in line and not block what this administration intends to do is the next great task.

As with getting elected despite media bias, criminal lawfare and the opposition of vast networks of power like the military industrial complex provides both vital hope and a valuable lesson to populists and real conservatives elsewhere, dealing with the Swamp/Establishment contingent on the Right that has been owned and controlled by the Enemy for decades will give a template for other patriots and populists elsewhere. If the new Trump administration fails in this task, we can learn from it. If it succeeds, we can both learn and benefit from it.


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How the Deep State Does It
« Reply #781 on: November 21, 2024, 05:27:30 PM »
Fascinating look at how the Deep State goes about impugning and derailing those that don’t support its collective ends:

When The Deep State Came For Me

As I exited Flynn’s West Wing office he said, “Adam, see what Baker is doing to you as a badge of honor.”

By  Adam Lovinger

Nov 21, 2024

The following is an excerpt from the new book “The Insider Threat: How the Deep State Undermines America from Within,” by Adam Lovinger, (November 19, 2024, Encounter Books)

* * *
Targeting A Presidential Transition Team

On January 11, 2017, nine days before the start of the Trump administration, three members of the NSC Presidential Transition Team called [James H.] Baker in his Pentagon office to inform him that I would be leaving ONA [Office of Net Assessment] to join the Trump administration’s NSC. By then Baker was infamous at PTT headquarters. As the Pentagon PTT lead later told me, Baker had already illegally concealed ONA work product from her team. Baker did that by classifying unclassified ONA contractor reports.

Alerted to Baker’s schemes, the NSC PTT leadership insisted on a conference call so there would be witnesses to what Baker told them about me.

“General Flynn wants Adam Lovinger to serve as his Senior Director for Strategic Assessments on the NSC,” one member of the PTT said.
There was a long pause.

“That could be a problem,” Baker said. “How so?”

“Adam is currently under investigation for serious misconduct in the performance of his official duties. That investigation will be finished soon. Would General Flynn be willing to take someone else from my staff?”

“No, the general wants Adam.”

There was another pause. Then Baker reluctantly agreed to release me to the NSC immediately.

What those who joined the Trump administration would soon realize was that they were not in power. The Deep State held the real power in the U.S. national security, intelligence, and law enforcement federal bureaucracies. Trump administration officials, even very senior ones, who could not be coopted by the Deep State to do its bidding and insisted on holding those bureaucracies accountable for following U.S. law, would have their careers and reputations destroyed.(4)

Two days later, on January 13, 2017, [Anthony L.] Russell wrote to Baker that I posed a “professional threat” to them both:

Sir, I was just asked by Adam Lovinger to walk out with him as he departed ONA for the day  He indicated that he believed
your treatment of Mike [Pillsbury, then on the Trump Presidential Transition Team], including inquiries to the CIA, were violations of the Privacy Act and the Hatch Act.  I took this
as an explicit professional threat toward you and an implied one toward myself and I chose to not respond at all and simply turned and walked away. Immediately upon returning to the office I shared the contents of this conversation with Andrew May to ensure a witness to the events and my response, or lack thereof. (5)

Russell’s reference to “inquiries to the CIA” related to Baker’s gathering a security file on Pillsbury. His reference to the Hatch Act, a federal statute that forbids executive branch officials from engaging in political activity, related to Baker’s use of CIA to gather dirt on Trump’s Presidential Transition Team.

Thanks to the playbook, I learned later that hours after receiving the above email from Russell, Baker secretly filed an “Incident Report” in my security file (on what is called the “Joint Personnel Adjudication System” or “JPAS”). That began the process of stripping me of my Top Secret/SCI security clearance. That done, Russell drafted a memo placing me on “administrative leave.”

Several days later, attorney James B. Vietti, a subordinate of WHS director Barbara Westgate, wrote me out of my ONA job description. That was May’s idea: eight months later, when I found the playbook on my DoD computer, I learned that May had suggested that WHS “eliminate Adam’s billet.”

Baker then placed Russell in charge of investigating me. But Vietti feared that what Baker and Russell were doing was too obviously illegal. On paper, legal counsel is required to stop criminal subversion of DoD processes and correct for that abuse of authority. But Vietti seemed mainly concerned that Russell wasn’t sufficiently covering up his own and others’ misconduct.

On January 17, 2017, Vietti warned Russell that Baker’s actions looked too much like “a ‘go forth and find a justification to fire him [Lovinger]’ sort of investigation.”(6) The personnel lawyer then wrote to Russell: “It looks like you’re trying to interfere with or hinder his [Lovinger’s] advancement in some way and that the email [to the NSC] would be sent after [Lovinger] complained that Baker had violated the Hatch Act.”

Despite all these behind-the-curtain efforts to derail my secondment to the NSC, on January 20, 2017, I departed by Secret Service van from the Presidential Transition Team headquarters at 18th and E Street, NW, passing through the heavy black-steel gates of the White House, and officially assumed my position as senior director for strategic assessments at the U.S. National Security Council.

The U.S. National Security Council

In Washington, proximity to power is everything. The magnificent federal buildings of DC, and the self-importance they inspire, infect almost everyone who walks their halls. Just days earlier I had been a civil servant in a Pentagon cubicle. Overnight my working environment became a suite of historically furnished offices in the majestic Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) on the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Constructed in 1888 in the French Second Empire style, the EEOB has gracious eighteen-foot ceilings, black-and-white-checkered marble floors, and sumptuous, historically pristine period rooms. Many of the office suites have ornate marble fireplaces. In its early years the building housed the Departments of State, Army, and Navy all under one roof. Today the Navy and State Department libraries are iron-latticed oases of quiet calm.

My third-floor office was separated from the West Wing of the White House by West Executive Avenue; it was only a five-minute jaunt to the second-floor National Security Advisor’s Office, White House Situation Room, and Navy Mess. For the first time in my career, I was assigned an executive assistant and had staff reporting to me. My new job put me in the U.S. Government pecking order a little higher than an assistant secretary; I was the civilian equivalent of a three-star flag officer (that is, lieutenant general or vice admiral). But I was under no illusions. As the Founders had intended, like everyone else in the White House, even the president, I was a temporary worker, and wonderfully expendable.

* * *
Incoming National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn was appalled to learn that ONA had done no net assessments for the entirety of the Obama administration. To correct that deficit, my job on the NSC was to, in Flynn’s words, “do ONA’s job for it.”

As I contemplated my new duties, I reflected on how my mentor and legendary first boss in ONA, Andrew W. Marshall, had held a similar position when Henry Kissinger brought him to the White House from the RAND Corporation in 1971.

Both Marshall and I had been tasked by national security advisors with guiding America’s strategic recovery from “forever wars,” and building or rebuilding the Pentagon’s and NSC’s capacity to craft and execute net assessment–informed national security strategies. Those strategies were necessary to inject more logic into our alliances and partnerships and ensure that all strategic initiatives coming out of the White House were mutually reinforcing.

But crafting strategies to end America’s directionless wars also posed a strategic threat to the Deep State–contractor nexus, which had become invested in perpetuating those wars as long as possible. A week later, I met with Flynn and several other NSC staff in his West Wing office to discuss the president’s Iran policy. As the meeting ended, Flynn asked me to stay behind.

“Baker has some serious concerns about you,” he said gravely.

That sent a cold chill down my spine. Flynn then smiled and broke into a laugh.

“You must be doing something right,” he said.

While my relief was growing exponentially by the millisecond, I still had no idea what he was talking about.

“Just like Obama warned Trump not to hire me, Jim Baker warned me not to hire you!”

Flynn was referring to a November 10, 2016, meeting between Obama and Trump. During that White House meeting, despite all the weighty world issues the outgoing president might have raised with Trump, Obama seemed monomaniacally fixated on Flynn, telling Trump not to appoint Flynn as his national security advisor.(7)

All told, Trump was beseeched three times on three separate occasions (later by National Security Advisor Susan Rice and FBI Director James Comey) not to hire Flynn. Though each of those messages had an unmistakable “or else” quality, Trump brushed them all off. If anything, these fervent objections made it clear to Trump that Flynn was the right man for the job.

* * *
On the heels of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Michael T. Flynn had been appointed director of intelligence at the Joint Task Force 180 in Afghanistan. That was followed by a steady stream of promotions to Commander of the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade (2002–2004), then to Director of Intelligence for each of the Joint Special Operations Commands (2004–2007). Prestigious appointments to the U.S. Central Command (2007–2008), U.S. Joint Staff (2008–2009), and International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan (2009–2010) followed.

From those positions of leadership, Flynn revolutionized U.S. counterinsurgency doctrine. As he would later detail in “Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan” (2010), which he coauthored with Matt Pottinger and Paul D. Batchelor, the U.S. military’s existing intelligence processes were not just broken, but self-defeating.(8)

Intelligence gathered in the field was sent back to the U.S. for analysis. This was cumbersome and untimely, and it led to poor analysis, because the analysts charged with analyzing the information from afar lacked the local knowhow to accurately interpret what they were looking at.

Flynn recommended several changes. To get actionable intelligence, U.S. forces had to win the trust of locals. That meant decamping from the safety of fortified bases and armored vehicles to live among the Afghan people. That showed the local population that Americans had skin in the game. He also shortened the analysis-operations cycle by cutting out Washington and conducting tactical intelligence assessments in the field. Those changes resulted in radical improvements in mission outcomes.

But they also posed a direct threat to the connective tissue binding for-profit contractors to U.S. national security and intelligence agencies. By the second year of the Obama administration, that nexus had achieved institutional capture of the entire enterprise. It became a major force driving the course of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In July 2012, Flynn became the eighteenth Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). As he recounted to me years later, before assuming that role he studied ten years of DoD Inspector General audits of DIA’s expenditures of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars. None of those audits was “clean.” For an entire decade, at least, DIA had failed to properly account for its contractor expenditures.
Seeking to root out that corruption and dysfunction, Flynn did what ordinary Americans expect from their leaders. He demanded transparency. “Right now,” Flynn said during a speech on September 12, 2013, we are conducting DIA’s first-ever full audit of the agency’s capabilities, and I have launched a special Task Force that is laser-focused on examining and analyzing DIA’s reliance on contracting to make sure we are spending our money as wisely as possible. I take the mandate to cut waste very seriously, and I also want to make sure we are putting our money into the right places where our attention will have to be focused on the various crossroads, and ultimately, strategic turns that we will have to negotiate in the future.(9)

In August 2014, Obama forced Flynn to “retire,” despite the fact that Flynn was regarded as the “best intelligence officer for the past twenty years,” in the words of NSA head Admiral Rogers. (10) Retired four-star general Barry McCaffrey concurred, calling Flynn “the best intelligence officer of his generation.”(11)

What I didn’t know at the time of my early February 2017 meeting with Flynn was that FBI Director Comey had already ambushed and fabricated a “process foul” against him. That was recorded in writing by Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”(12) Similarly, around the same time, the actions of Baker’s subordinate Commander Anthony L. Russell appeared, in the words of WHS attorney James Vietti, like “a ‘go forth and find a justification to fire him [Lovinger]’ sort of investigation.”(13)

As I exited Flynn’s West Wing office he said, “Adam, see what Baker is doing to you as a badge of honor.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“You were doing your job; Baker wasn’t, and isn’t. You make him look bad.”

What neither of us fully realized at that moment, however, was that when our respective bosses failed to heed their threats, Obama and Baker marked us as “insider threats.” With that, the Deep State set out to weaponize federal authorities, smear our reputations, and destroy our careers.
* * *
Adam S. Lovinger currently serves as vice president for strategic affairs at the Gold Institute for International Strategy, a Washington D.C.-based think-and-do tank. In 2017 he was senior director for strategic assessments at the U.S. National Security Council (NSC). He holds degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, and Georgetown Law School.

This excerpt is published by permission from Encounter Books. “The Insider Threat: How the Deep State Undermines America from Within,” by Adam Lovinger, (November 19, 2024, Encounter Books). Copyright 2024 by Adam Lovinger.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. government. The public release clearance of this publication by the Department of Defense does not imply Department of Defense endorsement or factual accuracy of the material contained herein (Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review file 23-SB-0186).

The views expressed in this book excerpt do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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4.  Those who posed no threat to the Deep State, and those who collaborated with the Deep State to remove other Trump appointees, would be left in place and rewarded.

5. Anthony L. Russell, email to James H. Baker, “Documenting Conversation with Adam Lovinger,” January 13, 2017,” 2:47 p.m.

6.  James B. Vietti, email to Anthony L. Russell, “Re: Investigation Update/Next Steps,” January 17, 2017, 10:07 a.m.

7.  Kristen Welker, Dafna Linzer, and Ken Dilanian, “Obama Warned Trump against Hiring Mike Flynn, Say Officials,” NBC News, May 8, 2017, https:// flynn-say-officials-n756316.

8. Michael T. Flynn, Matt Pottinger, and Paul D. Batchelor, Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan (Center for a New American Security, January 2010), accessed online, July 7, 2024, at code507_voices.pdf.

9.  Michael Flynn, “Lt. Gen. Flynn INSA IC Summit Remarks” (speech), Defense Intelligence Agency, September 12, 2013, and-Testimonies/Article/567074/lt-gen-flynn-insa-ic-summit-remarks.

10.  James Kitfield, Twilight Warriors: The Soldiers, Spies, and Special Agents Who Are Revolutionizing the American Way of War (New York: Basic Books, 2016), 2.

11.  Ken Dilanian, “Trump National Security Adviser Pick Michael Flynn Has Medals—and Baggage,” NBC News, November 18, 2016, https://www.nbcnews. com/news/us-news/trump-national-security-adviser-pick-has-medals-baggage- n685681.

12.  Bill Priestap, quoted in Adam Goldman and Katie Benner, “Ex-F.B.I. Official Is Said to Undercut Justice Dept. Effort to Drop Flynn Case,” New York Times, May 13, 2020, michael-flynn.html.

13. Vietti, email to Anthony L. Russell.


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Treason at the Fed
« Reply #782 on: February 01, 2025, 05:29:41 AM »
Hat tip BBG:

NEW: John Rogers, a former Senior Adviser to the Federal Reserve, has been arrested for giving trade secrets to China
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A grift getting shut down
« Reply #784 on: February 01, 2025, 09:44:54 AM »


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The Swamp Supports Stagnation
« Reply #786 on: February 06, 2025, 10:52:26 AM »
Wow, some serious dots connected here:

THE BIG THAW ☙ Thursday, February 6, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠

How USAID and the rest of the Deep State machine ruined the Millennium; the stratospheric stakes for all humanity; and what we must do

NOW to fight back.


FEB 06, 2025

Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! What a week. There is a container-load of news to cover, but there’s an emerging story that has been pushing on my heart for weeks. Before we can continue with the regular news, I must first tell you about the real stakes that the USAID scandal has unmasked. Let’s weave some long-baffling conspiracy threads together into a new tapestry of clarity. What emerges shines the noonday sun on a historic tale of intrigue and corruption that has plagued the entire Earth for a quarter century.



Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a remarkable story headlined, “DOGE broadens sweep of federal agencies, gains access to health payment systems.” In other words, after exposing the Deep State’s regime-change operation, DOGE is sprinting into the Swampy engine room: the CDC and Medicare / Medicaid Services, the domestic versions of USAID, how the Blob effectuates its aims here at home.

It’s impossible to overestimate the revolutionary significance of the abolition of USAID and its poisonous children. Emerging from the fog of bureaucratic and political war, we see dimly the rough outlines of the Golden Era that Candidate Trump promised, a sketch of a promise connecting waste, fraud, and abuse to a terminally ill global culture, or at least a stagnant culture arrested in time, a culture frozen in amber, a culture that has bafflingly and terrifyingly been wasting away for decades.

But at long last, our amber prison is cracking.

The more we learn, the clearer it becomes: the scandalous, quasi-governmental USAID agency might be the most audacious and destructive fraud in human history. That is not hyperbole. It is fully justified, even at this point.

Setting aside that we’ve only glimpsed the windswept tip of the rotten iceberg—and ignoring the shrieking outrage from legions of panicked leftists suggesting the scheme’s vast scale—we’ve learned a singular fact making USAID’s scandal uniquely monstrous and historic: the scope of its seditious harm is provably worldwide.

Never before has a single entity —a chimeric entity known by many names: the Swamp, the MIC, the Blob, the Deep State— managed to harm the entire world for decades, its barbed tentacles poisonously caressing every man, woman, and child on the planet.

Let me show you something interesting.

🔥 In October, 2023, the New York Times quietly ran a lone story about one of the most perplexing truths of post-millennial human existence. It bore the simple but misleading headline, “Why Culture Has Come to a Standstill.” Misleading, because of course the article never actually explained why. But never mind that.

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The Times’ ponderous article spent about six pages warming up to its theme. But, “We are now,” the Times finally explained, “almost a quarter of the way through what looks likely to go down in history as the least innovative, least transformative, least pioneering century for culture since the invention of the printing press.”

Least, least, least. Since the printing press.

But why? What, or who, is holding the culture back? Global culture has indeed been stalled, a sociological failure, winning only at participation. You might now begin the whataboutism. What about X? What about Venmo? What about AI? What about Elon’s rocket ships? Stand by. Those gadgets are either part of the problem or exceptions proving the point.

Our modern world is populated by high revision numbers, stratospheric sequel counts, and recycled, geriatric celebrities. We check our iPhone Sixteen —now with three cameras— to find out when Need for Speed Ten starts, and then buy tickets online for an octogenarian Rolling Stones concert. In 2022, the hit Netflix show Stranger Things — a futuristic sci-fi series set back in the 1980’s — and in its season four — featured Kate Bush’s 1985 single Running Up That Hill. The 40-year-old song hit the top 10 in 34 countries.

It’s endless recycling. And it’s not normal.

🔥 There are many examples, but perhaps the most obvious symptom of cultural freeze is stalled fashion. The handful of writers calling out stuck culture focus on how distinct was each decade leading up to the Millennium, right before the Patriot Act passed in 2001. Tracing backwards, the cultural evolution trend holds. But from the 90’s forward, zip. Zero. Nada.

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In 2020, writer Paul Skallas observed, “If you time travel back to 2007 wearing what you are now, people wouldn't know you're from the future.” They might notice your phone had more cameras clunkily stuck on the back than their phones did. That’s about it.

🔥 What about music? Did you know that the market for new music market is shrinking? All the growth in the music market comes from old songs. Today’s list of the most downloaded tracks on iTunes is packed with band names from the previous millennium. So-called “catalog music” —songs older than 18 months— is now over 70% of music streamed in the U.S.

Walk into any restaurant, grocery store, or mall, and you’ll hear background tunes from the 70’s and 80’s. Old music dominates the U.S. market. We aren’t getting anywhere. Until the eighties, DJs called a 20-year-old song a “Golden Oldy.”

But the old music is so ubiquitous now they quietly retired the label “oldy.”

Paul Skallas explained it like this:

If you are under the age of 30 you may think things are normal. But to someone who has lived 3 decades or more you may notice something odd: we haven’t had a shift like we did in the past. Culture is frozen. Throughout the 20th century we had changes almost every decade. Changes in fashion, in music, in aesthetics, hairstyles, style of comedy, television shows and movies. If I show you a photo or play you a song from the 20th century, you’d probably be able to guess the decade. It was that clean of a break.

But I haven’t felt that change since the mid 2000s.

It’s almost like someone is controlling the art, music, and fashion industry, keeping it right where it is, thank you. No changes allowed. Or put another way, nothing is allowed that isn’t carefully controlled.

USAID didn’t just export regime change. It exported cultural control, a worldwide bureaucratic freeze that ensured only “approved” ideas, artists, and innovations could break through. We weren’t just ruled; we were programmed.

🔥 Another excellent and obvious example is the corporate news. By now, everyone has seen this mockingbird media clip, which made the rounds last year:

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CLIP: Media running the same word-for-word ‘misinformation’ story (1:21).

According to the Columbia Journalism Review, USAID supported 6,200 journalists, 707 news outlets and 279 media sector civil society organizations in 30 different countries. According to the British Broadcasting Company itself, USAID was one of its ‘top 10 donors:”

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Britain is, allegedly, a first world country. Why is our “humanitarian agency” funding the British?

It’s not just USAID, although USAID is the currently most visible symptom of the infection. Here is actress Claire Danes, dishing to Stephen Colbert about how the intelligence community “allied itself” with journalists and movie producers, right before Colbert realizes he’s on thin ice and abruptly changes the subject:

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CLIP: Claire Danes dishes the deep state dirt to Colbert, who panics (1:16).

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and research by scholars like David L. Robb (Operation Hollywood) and Tom Secker & Matthew Alford (National Security Cinema), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has influenced at least eight hundred major films and over 1,000 TV shows, providing military resources (like aircraft, personnel, and bases) in exchange for script approval.

It’s been five years now. Where are all the movies set during the pandemic? Romance in a Time of Covid, A Kiss and a Mask, Two Jabs for Sister Suzie, and so forth? Where are they?

Astonishingly, intelligence agencies like the CIA and FBI openly host Hollywood liaison offices, influencing scripts and productions to shape public perception. A 2022 documentary, Theaters of War, claimed more than 2,500 films and TV shows have been directly supervised by the DoD and our intelligence agencies.

Think about that. Twenty-five hundred shows and films. But just how many are there? Is that all of them?

In his 2022 LA Times op-ed, documentarian Roger Stahl explained how the military-intelligence state keeps Hollywood offices and steers pop culture:

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Take two minutes to look at this tragically under-watched trailer for Theaters of War:

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YouTube: Theaters of War (2022): Official Trailer (1:51).

🔥 The freeze of Deep State control extends even deeper than pop culture, news, all media, art, and fashion. Two weeks ago, the New York Times ran a cataclysmic piece by investigative journalist Charles Piller, headlined “The Devastating Legacy of Lies in Alzheimer’s Science.” Sadly, you will believe this unbelievable story, a sordid tale of grubby scientific grift, élite fraud, and real world harm to regular folks — a scheme that was 100% fueled by government diktat courtesy of billions of dollars of completely wasted NIH “grants.”

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CLIP: Robert Kennedy, Jr. talks about the New York Times exposé at his confirmation hearing (0:36).

But don’t worry, they were billions of dollars in grants to the right scientists. There nothing to show for it all now, of course, but what difference does that make?

“Despite decades of research,” Piller wrote, “no treatment has been created that arrests Alzheimer’s cognitive deterioration, let alone reverses it.” He assembled a team of independent experts who reviewed 25 years of Alzheimer’s research. In other words, the same frozen post-Millennial period we’ve been talking about. “The dismal lack of progress is partly because of the infinite complexity of the human brain,” he noted, “but there’s another, sinister, factor at play.”

What sinister factor?

Piller’s team of experts identified nearly 600 dubious papers that he said have distorted the field — papers that have themselves been cited some 80,000 times more in the scientific literature. More to the point, all other Alzheimer’s theories were frozen out, pinning a single, wrong hypothesis in place and freezing all progress toward a cure. For 25 years.

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The world desperately needs a cure for this devastating disease, which makes the scientific misconduct all the more insidious and indefensible. So, Pillar asked, Why would a scientist do it? There’s a very simple answer, and it is that the NIH picked a winner. The government’s premier health agency called the game, naming the amyloid hypothesis the winner. It then defended that wrong decision against all comers and, despite growing evidence to the contrary, steamrolled that theory while viciously canceling any rare honest scientists who asked questions.

Yes, but why? It will not surprise you that the last 25 years’ worth of NIH-sponsored, FDA-approved Alzheimer’s drugs generously profited big pharma while producing no quantifiable benefits for patients except drastically increasing their risks of death and making their Alzheimer’s worse:

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This shocking scandal, all but lost in the tsunami of Trump 2.0 news, is painfully unforgivable. If this is the science, why should anyone follow it anywhere? The current road of science leads to death, serious brain injury, and shrunken grey matter.

Zero progress in Alzheimer’s. Understanding what has held up any progress in Alzheimer’s, maybe you can understand why there’s also been no meaningful progress in other major health problems for the last quarter century. If anything, we’re going backwards rather than forwards, defying the normal trajectory of the last 2,000 years of scientific revolution.

🔥 I could go on, and on, and on. But I’ll conclude with a personal observation. During the early pandemic, my office was swamped with “hospital kidnapping” cases where desperate families called us because their loved one went into the hospital for an unrelated condition, like a broken ankle, then failed a mandatory covid test, and before anyone knew what was happening, they were in a coma, on the ventilator.

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The reason the desperate families called lawyers was because the hospitals refused to discharge the patients so that the families could arrange alternative care. In cases we were forced to litigate, hospitals spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on defensive tall-building lawyers opposing our efforts to sue the hospitals to release those patients.

The individual stories are so hair-raising I hesitate to dive into the morbid details.

But I spent hundreds of hours investigating what was going on. Had the healers turned evil? Was the federally funded covid relief money so tantalizing that doctors and nurses and hospital managers cared nothing for their patients? Why did every single covid patient receive the exact same treatement protocol despite every case being different because individuals are different? Why did doctors refuse to try anything but the cookie-cutter treatment protocol even though covid was a “novel” disease?

It turns out the root cause of this tragic medical homogeneity wasn’t the doctors. What I found was much worse. I found the withered hand of government, right where Milton Friedman said it would be whenever you find a distorted market.

Here’s the problem: Most hospitals’ total income is almost entirely sourced from Medicare/Medicaid—the same agencies DOGE has been quietly auditing for the past week. In most cases, any hospital’s government funding exceeds 70% of total revenue. Hospitals basically have one customer, and it isn’t the patient.

Worse, Medicare/Medicaid establishes the “approved” treatment protocols for nearly every disease and condition, dictating what it will pay for, and what it refuses to pay for. Hospitals’ financial existence depends on compliance, and they had no choice but to obey. And on the flip side of the Judas coin, obeying was very lucrative.

In other words, the reason every COVID patient got the same useless, devastating Remdesivir/ventilator/opioid treatment is because partisan government bureaucrats dictated it and froze it into place. That’s it. And the same thing is true for nearly every other disease you can think of.

🔥 The whole rotten mess is a giant virtue-signaling fig leaf. USAID hides its graft and regime-change operations behind its unassailable humanitarian high-ground—it fights HIV in Africa! The NIH conceals its political patronage behind its philanthropic purposes—it engineers viruses to stop pandemics! It funds Alzheimer’s research! Similarly, USAID and the CIA hide their destabilizing dirty tricks behind every conceivable type of virtue-signaling — they protect national security by editing scripts! And so on.

A lot of people are doing well in terms of money and power by playing the game. They can’t afford for anything to change. Hence everything must freeze.

From their point of view, you and I were too stupid to get on board the gravy train. That’s why they are the affluent, sophisticated élite, and we are the gun-toting, Bible-clasping deplorables. It’s not their fault that we aren’t smart enough to learn how to form 501c’s and invent international NGO’s and get rich too.

By moving quickly, DOGE got a terrific head start. But the forces of darkness are getting their sneakers on, and now we are entering the “protests” phase, so be prepared. Yesterday, the AP ran a story headlined, “Protesters in cities across the US rally against Trump's policies, Project 2025 and Elon Musk.”

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It’s anybody’s guess how they expect anyone to believe that, in the middle of the work week, Americans instantly rallied to support an agency that nobody even heard of a week ago. To understand what you’re seeing, remember that one of USAID’s main dirty tricks is rapidly organizing astroturfed protests. Consider this headline from Caliber magazine, published yesterday, about protest-torn Georgia:

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Don’t be surprised that the agency defends itself with its favorite protest weapon. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

This time, you and I are the nail.

But by deploying armies of paid protestors, our adversaries may be falling into a different trap. The protests highlight the issue. People not already engaged will be asking, “what are they protesting about? What’s this USAID everyone is so excited about?” The answers may surprise them.

🔥 So the good news is that the Swamp is playing catch-up. And, the last week of dreadful exposure has deeply injured the Deep State. To make the point, consider this sharp clip from a gentleman who, thanks to the USAID disclosures, is fed up (adult language):

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CLIP: “You decided you’re gonna die on the hill of USAID? To prevent a government audit? We see the game now” (3:14) (adult language).

The passionate gentleman explained, “I’m disgusted beyond words. The way you used black people as f— mules to sow division! Y’all been out here telling us the game was rigged against certain people, well now we found out who the people who were rigging the game were. Well congratulations! Y’all are never gonna win another political race ever again, not if I can help it.”

🔥 USAID is not the only problem, but it is a critical part of the problem. But more importantly, USAID is also the emblem of the problem. Morally worse, USAID is also the part that we inflicted on the rest of the world, a bureaucratic neurotoxin that has paralyzed global culture and science for a quarter century now, a poison that killed, maimed, and destroyed — all in the name of virtue-signaling humanitarianism.

As Ronald Reagan eloquently warned, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

Stop. Helping. Before you greedy, bureaucratic parasites destroy everything good left in the world.

Sunlight, as Supreme Court Justice Brandeis once wrote, is the best disinfectant. Can USAID, the CIA, the NIH, and the others survive the harsh light of day? That is exactly what we are about to find out. Something new is finally happening in the culture, and I’m glad to be here with you to find out who wins. We are witnesses to the living history of a titanic struggle, a real battle to rescue the planet, a clash of heroes more epic than a hundred Marvel movies.

If we win, everything —science, culture, creativity, humanness— becomes unstuck, unfrozen, finally freed from the Swamp’s suffocating amber prison. Imagine the pent-up creative energy that kind of freedom might release, And that unleashed energy, my friends, will fuel the promised Golden Era. With effort, blessings, and a little luck, that could become our potential future. It’s worth fighting for.


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Corruption, Sleaze, Small world, Samantha Power was in charge of USAID?
« Reply #787 on: February 06, 2025, 07:44:37 PM »

Worse than incestuous.

As a backhanded compliment I would call Cass Sustein, her husband, the author of "Nudge", the brains behind Leftism - and she disburses the funds. Both in the Obama circle, and he's been out of office for more than 8 years while she's still dulling out billions.

The left isn't embarrassed they got caught. They're mad it's being stopped.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 08:23:09 PM by DougMacG »


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« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 06:01:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Maxine Waters and hubby
« Reply #790 on: February 07, 2025, 02:15:26 PM »

As I watched on TV today that babbling bubble of flatulence known as Congresswowman Maxine Waters in front of the Dept. of Education, the following bubbled up from the deep r ecesses of my Biden level memory:

And on "The Five" today it was pointed out that only 30% of the students in Waters' district read or do math at grade level.   
Nice work DOE!


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Disbar the ABA
« Reply #792 on: February 16, 2025, 11:42:52 AM »
Guess who is also a recipient of USAID largess?

The American Bar Association Should Probably Be Disbarred

How can an organisation on the take set the rules of ethics for a profession that has long been associated with a lack of ethics?


FEB 16, 2025

Just a very short further note on the circular money flow of pure corruption behind lawfare 2.0 and the judicial fight against the Trump adninistration spending freezes. A few people have noted the role of the American Bar Association as the provider of the ethics guidelines followed by most States.

The process to remove a federal judge is particularly difficult, requiring an impeachment similar to what occurs against a President. Such a judge also faces a confirmation process to take up the role in the first place. Once in, they are difficult to remove, which makes their ethical character extremely important.

The supposed watchdog of ethics for all lawyers is essentially the American Bar Association.

It is the American Bar Association which sets the ethical rules for lawyers, the code lawyers are supposed to follow to remain within professional ethical guidelines. When a lawyer’s behaviour is considered unethical they are disbarred. Disbarment is actually fairly rare, but most States follow the rules set out by the ABA.

While the ABA can’t circumvent the impeachment process regarding federal judges, so far as I know (better legal minds than mine can answer that), even its public statements can have a significant impact. If the ABA was calling a judge unethical, their position would be untenable. And the ABA has much more influence than that over prosecutors and lawyers generally.

But the American Bar Association is not a neutral guardian of ethics, especially when it comes to judicial lawfare waged in support of the vast fraud that is USAID.

The American Bar Association has itself been a major recipient of USAID funding.

The American Bar Association then dutifully issued a scathing denunciation of DOGE activities and the USAID spending freeze.

Several of the Democrat Judges ruling against Trump spending policies have themselves received USAID funding or shown that should recuse themselves from key USAID cases.

Bringing personal feelings to a case and having conflicts of interest are of course ethical violations of a judicial role.

Judge McConnell called Trump a tyrant in 2021. He personally donated $700,000 to two Democrat Senators who then recommended to Obama that he be appointed as a federal judge. These Senators both refused to recuse themselves from the confirmation vote on McConnell getting a lifetime judicial post. McConnell has refused to recuse himself from cases against the Trump administration.

Judge Amir Hatem Mahdy Ali is a Canadian born Biden appointment. He was President of a Soros founded NGO that received USAID funding. He has ruled that USAID funding should continue.

Just one Soros organisation received 260 million US dollars from USAID. Soros in turn has funded almost all of the Democrat DA’s and prosecutors engaged in Trump lawfare.

All of the organisations bringing lawsuits against DOGE and the audits and spending freezes have received Soros funding or USAID funding or both.

Judge John Bates who ordered that LGBTQ+ propaganda be restored to government websites is married to Carol Rhees, the founder of an NGO called Hope for Children in Ethiopia, which is funded by (can you guess?) USAID.

These are ethical violations the ABA should be interested in, but the ABA are themselves on the payroll.

The people who set the ethical rules are paid by the people whose spending is being revealed as crooked, and are also effectively in charge of whether lawyers and prosecutors have been unethical, who are then bringing cases and hearing cases which decide that the system paying them or their family members must be continued.

The system is so crooked that the entire ABA membership have a conflict of interest in these cases, and the ABA as an organisation definitely does just as much as these specific judges do.


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If the bureaucracy is fighting the will of the people...
« Reply #793 on: February 18, 2025, 08:28:08 PM »
“If the bureaucracy is fighting the will of the people. Then we live in a bureaucracy, not a democracy."
    - Elon Musk on Hannity


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Musk: Bureaucracy vs. Democracy
« Reply #794 on: February 19, 2025, 06:40:39 AM »
“If the bureaucracy is fighting the will of the people. Then we live in a bureaucracy, not a democracy."
    - Elon Musk on Hannity

me:  fantastic line, yet so simple !!!     8-)

« Last Edit: February 19, 2025, 10:52:02 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Accusations of MAGA corruption
« Reply #795 on: March 08, 2025, 08:10:31 PM »
Tis a Dem senator so I confess I haven't watched this yet.


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Re: Accusations of MAGA corruption
« Reply #796 on: March 09, 2025, 10:09:10 AM »
Tis a Dem senator so I confess I haven't watched this yet.

What a bunch of feigned outrage.

When he says it's all out in the open, doesn't that means it's all legal?

Here is this guy who was silent through the entire Clinton Foundation scandal, never noticed the Obama IRS targeting conservative groups, and was silent during the entire Biden corruption. His senior senator of the same state and same party, didn't he just go to prison for corruption? Where was Murphy then? I never heard a peep.

Lie by omission much? He forgot to mention that Trump canceled the entire government EV mandate, obviously harming Tesla and Musk. That kind of blows the entire logic string. Next to go is the outrageous EV tax credit, mostly to millionaires. That was the policy of the Left, directly benefiting Tesla/Musk. Likely to be canceled by the Republicans.

Trump is going to open up drilling and shut down the subsidies to solar and wind? Did the senator miss the entire last election? That was the promise, that was the agenda.

He goes on to allege that smaller government will benefit business interests. No sh*t.

The Trump meme coin, a license to send money? No, it's a coin for sale. You can do it too. There are companies that sell the Trump brand name. It's not against the law. Did the Obama's, Bidens, or Clinton's make any money selling their name? But now it's outrageous? Trump is the only one who was selling the brand name before he went into public service.

Murphy seems to be the new Adam Schiff. He's way smoother. And persuasive, if you didn't know he was lying.

Plenty of material there for the TDS people to keep their obsession going.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2025, 10:30:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, Deep Fakes, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #797 on: March 09, 2025, 12:03:46 PM »

"Plenty of material there for the TDS people to keep their obsession going."
