Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263011 times)


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1200 on: July 15, 2021, 05:50:29 AM »
Under apartheid, white South Africa was a European country and blacks did not participate in the freedom and prosperity.  The system was overthrown in 1994.  There was no reason (in RSA or USA) that the drive for racial equality has to include Marxism and throwing away prosperity instead of making what whites once had, economic and political freedom, available to all.

Strange to categorize a country moving full speed backwards a 'developing' country. Developing what?  Anarchy? Civil war?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 05:58:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1201 on: July 15, 2021, 08:42:08 AM »
Under apartheid, white South Africa was a European country and blacks did not participate in the freedom and prosperity.  The system was overthrown in 1994.  There was no reason (in RSA or USA) that the drive for racial equality has to include Marxism and throwing away prosperity instead of making what whites once had, economic and political freedom, available to all.

Strange to categorize a country moving full speed backwards a 'developing' country. Developing what?  Anarchy? Civil war?


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man "earns" spot on CNN
« Reply #1204 on: July 25, 2021, 06:42:18 AM »

look out for him next week

and the Mario's kid show.


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Re: Lessons from SA
« Reply #1207 on: July 26, 2021, 05:51:28 AM »
Our future may look like theirs but in my observation it is not the underclass fueling the uprising here.  It is mostly rich, mostly white, liberal Leftists in the lead and at the rallies.

Colin Kaepernick has a white mother and was underperforming on a $126 million contract when his grievances went viral. Sure he wanted underclass blacks to rise up but what he got mostly was support from the rich, mostly white media academia elite.

BLM co-founder who is on a house buying spree is black but clearly rich at least now selling books and tv movie production rights.  Like AOC, there's your anti-capitalism for you, book deals against capitalism, or what we call 'cognitive dissonance', meaning bullsh*t. Leftist cover media says she only got a hundred thousand dollars from the 501c3 BLM, like they count every dollar, but she got millions in total.

Nikole Hannah-Jones is black but her 1619 project runs wild because of the white NYT media academia establishment who don't give a rip about black outcomes.

Think about it, a race war or the destruction of our economic system doesn't enrich ordinary blacks trying to better themselves.  Interestingly, Black entrepreneurship that Republicans favor does.

When did apartheid, using the term loosely, end in the US?  Isn't affirmative action the opposite of apartheid? Affirmative Action began in the US in 1961. You have to be 78 years old today to have entered the adult workforce in America before Affirmative Action was the law of the land.  Apartheid in South Africa was not subtle, private discrimination.

Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those people are black.

Blacks in US have only been kept down by American education only by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions.  Their protests are against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism. The civil war seems to follow the blue areas of the red blue map, cf. Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 06:25:29 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1208 on: July 26, 2021, 06:19:36 AM »
"Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those are black.
Blacks in US have only been kept down in American education by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions.
Their protest is against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism."

I was thinking the same thing watching Rev cockroach Al on morning Joe turned douchbag
this am. ( reminds me of Arnold - hang out with libs too long and look what happens
  - they turn into girly men)

they like to blame everyone else and point the finger at everywhere but themselves
     where the real problem is .......


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Re: Lessons from SA
« Reply #1209 on: July 26, 2021, 08:05:35 AM »
On a practical level, do any of your points matter?

Our future may look like theirs but in my observation it is not the underclass fueling the uprising here.  It is mostly rich, mostly white, liberal Leftists in the lead and at the rallies.

Colin Kaepernick has a white mother and was underperforming on a $126 million contract when his grievances went viral. Sure he wanted underclass blacks to rise up but what he got mostly was support from the rich, mostly white media academia elite.

BLM co-founder who is on a house buying spree is black but clearly rich at least now selling books and tv movie production rights.  Like AOC, there's your anti-capitalism for you, book deals against capitalism, or what we call 'cognitive dissonance', meaning bullsh*t. Leftist cover media says she only got a hundred thousand dollars from the 501c3 BLM, like they count every dollar, but she got millions in total.

Nikole Hannah-Jones is black but her 1619 project runs wild because of the white NYT media academia establishment who don't give a rip about black outcomes.

Think about it, a race war or the destruction of our economic system doesn't enrich ordinary blacks trying to better themselves.  Interestingly, Black entrepreneurship that Republicans favor does.

When did apartheid, using the term loosely, end in the US?  Isn't affirmative action the opposite of apartheid? Affirmative Action began in the US in 1961. You have to be 78 years old today to have entered the adult workforce in America before Affirmative Action was the law of the land.  Apartheid in South Africa was not subtle, private discrimination.

Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those people are black.

Blacks in US have only been kept down by American education only by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions.  Their protests are against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism. The civil war seems to follow the blue areas of the red blue map, cf. Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle.


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Second American Civil War, Kavanaugh charges revisited
« Reply #1210 on: July 29, 2021, 02:13:46 PM »
I think I have the right thread here.  What was done to Justice Clarence Thomas, high tech lynching, and what was done to Brett Kavanaugh, if these were not serious concerns, then they were acts of war.  Either young Brett Kavanaugh ran a gang rape organization where his female classmates kept coming back for more voluntarily every week, or he did not.  If it's false, that level of attack is an act of war and insurrection.  It's still relevant today because the people who did it rose from there to President and Vice President. 

IF it was serious, the narrative agenda media and Democrats would have endless follow up it but they don't.  There isn't any follow up of course because the charges weren't credible, serious or genuine then and every bit of follow up bears that out.

Fake rape charges, IMHO, should have the same penalty as the rape charged.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War, Jan 6 hearings
« Reply #1212 on: August 02, 2021, 05:49:48 AM »
From John Hayward, writer for Breitbart, July 28:

The 1/6 rioters should be treated with the same severity as Black Lives Matter rioters. Since that is not remotely possible, all else is political theater and raw exercises of power, and I am weary of pretenses to the contrary.

I’m weary of our ruling class sending the message that your home, business, and personal safety are at the mercy of violent Democrat-approved grievance groups, but don’t you DARE do anything that makes the aristocracy in D.C. uncomfortable.

I’m tired of hearing the Abolish the Police Party demand limitless scrutiny and aggressive defunding of the police who protect the rest of us, but unquestioning support and increased funding for the police who protect THEM. Why not protect the Capitol with social workers, huh?

There are Democrat-controlled parts of the country where theft has literally been decriminalized, and not just during Democrat-approved riots. You have to stand and watch helplessly while your business is looted every day. But the rules are different for THEIR place of business.

The entire premise of the theatrical 1/6 hearings is supposedly that further “insurrections” are a serious threat that must be proactively addressed. That is FAR more true of Democrat-approved grievance riots. They were vastly larger, deadlier, and more likely to occur again.

No group that might contemplate barging into the Capitol was given billions of dollars in funding by politicized corporations, as BLM was. None of them enjoys anything like to [sic] the political and media support of the 2020 rioters, who even got a pass from coronavirus restrictions. Democrat-approved rioters were even given free passes from coronavirus restrictions.

Every rule on the books was bent and broken for them. Prosecution for their offenses has not been zero, but it hasn’t exactly been thorough. The message sure as hell isn’t “never do this again.”

The Democrat Party normalized and celebrated political violence for months before the Capitol riots. Let’s have some hearings on THAT. Let’s talk about how incredibly dangerous it is for one Party to think it has a monopoly on grievance-mongering, street theater, and violence.

Let’s also have some hearings about how one Party thinks it has a monopoly on questioning the outcome of elections. We could roll video of top Dems, including sitting officials, doing that for HOURS. You want theater? I’ll make the popcorn and bring the tapes.

I’m not really interested in hearing any Democrat, or their GOP footstools, give tearful speeches about sacred democracy while their party systematically destroys every bit of protection for our elections and wantonly undermines every outcome they don’t like. We have every reason to fear the full power of bloated, hyper-politicized government being turned against Americans who dissent from the ruling Party.

Show trials designed to establish the predicate that dissenters are potential violent terrorists are not exactly reassuring. There is no need to excuse or valorize anything that occurred on 1/6 to be disgusted by this week’s political spectacle. Our media tells us that “context” is everything. Well, in the full context of 2020, hysterics over 1/6 are absurd and hypocritical.

You can’t say THIS city is sacred ground, but THESE cities must be abandoned to mobs and criminals as lawless wastelands. Hell, most of D.C. outside the Capitol IS a lawless wasteland. You shrieking potentates can see murder factories through your barbed wire fences.

You can’t say THESE cops are sacred avatars of law and order whose actions merit no public scrutiny or investigation, but all the rest of them are trigger-happy racists who should be micromanaged, distrusted, disarmed, defunded, and replaced by community organizers.

You can’t say THIS politicized violence is totally unacceptable and should be prosecuted unto the end of time, but THESE people are allowed to use violence and vandalism whenever they feel the system is not addressing their grievances quickly enough.

You can’t tell me the 1st Amendment must be bypassed to silence “disinformation” because it might lead to “insurrection,” while embracing media outlets that spread Hands Up Don’t Shoot lies with wild abandon, resulting in real and immediate crime and violence.

When people who spent four years role-playing as “the Resistance” against a “stolen election” suddenly start telling us dissent and resistance are treason that will be punished without mercy, we know exactly what’s going on. It’s a grim story repeated throughout human history.

By all means, let’s have universal respect for universally RESPECTABLE elections. Let’s have zero tolerance for political violence. Let every American’s property be treated with the respect afforded to a congressman’s office. These hearings obviously aren’t about that.


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Irreconcilable differences
« Reply #1216 on: August 07, 2021, 06:07:38 AM »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1217 on: August 07, 2021, 07:56:12 AM »
from post above

when did the fall of the USA begin

historians can argue about the beginnings of the fall or Rome

and will continue here

some may say when socialism marxism was brought over from Europe
some might say the 60s counter revolution
some (myself ) will say with the election of the great leftist snake - Obama

in any case all the rest i agree with
not looking good for the non believers
 of wokism marxism etc


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No way but through...
« Reply #1226 on: August 23, 2021, 09:42:11 AM »


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Almost there
« Reply #1235 on: September 09, 2021, 05:38:19 PM »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1241 on: September 10, 2021, 08:51:43 AM »

it is so outrageous to see that lying little shit head Fauci

give lectures about vaccination on CNN last evening
knowing since day one he was lying
about the origins of the this virus

of course the first thought through his mind
absolutely had to be something akin to :

'Oh my god
   this could be genetically engineered

   and we gave money to China for this kind of research ...'

lyin' little pip squeak
narcissistic disgrace to medicine

of course the democrats just have to insist on giving the rest of us the finger by rallying behind this dirtball

what he and his Chinese CCP people unleashed on the world

:x :x :x :x


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Family of murdered Trump supporter sues Portland mayor and DA
« Reply #1248 on: September 13, 2021, 06:59:15 AM »
My sense is that case is not likely to do well, but I sure can understand why the family brought the suit.


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Insurrection and Civil War, Jan 6 vs George Floyd riots compared
« Reply #1249 on: September 16, 2021, 11:35:02 AM »
What real journalism looks like:

Jan 6: Single event, single location
George Floyd riots: 8,700 events, 574 involving violent acts; 140+ cities

Case Outcomes   
Jan 6: Nonviolent offenders without criminal histories given months of jail time; one dropped case.
George Floyd riots:  In most of a dozen major jurisdictions, 90%+ of citations/charges dropped, dismissed, or otherwise not filed; D.C. prosecutors dropped most felony rioting charges; feds dismissed or are on track to dismiss charges in majority of Portland, Ore., cases largely stemming from violence around federal buildings.

More at the link.