Author Topic: 911  (Read 26337 times)


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Re: 911 Prepare for many more/And American Taxpayers will be funding it
« Reply #51 on: September 11, 2021, 05:32:32 AM »
The global jihad is tanned, rested and ready. They now have the A-stan base back, a massive amount of modern weapons, cash and most importantly, a new narrative of how America was defeated and ran away in chaos.

Oh, and hundreds, if not thousands of jihadists we have flown here. (What was the BigDog ratio of active jihadists per muslims imported?)

Teach your children that when being gang-raped by Afghan youths, to just close their eyes and think of vibrant diversity!

Gee, I wonder why...


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Rambling Rumination: Let's Roll!
« Reply #52 on: September 11, 2021, 07:12:57 AM »
GM:  Please post that in Homeland Security thread.  TY


Rambling Rumination:  "Let's Roll!"
by Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny
(c) 2016
We all know of the "well-regulated militia" of our Second Amendment.  It is very much worth noting that in the usage of when the Bill of Rights was written, "regulated" did NOT mean "regulations".  It meant "smoothly running".  Thus, an accurate watch could be said to be "well regulated". 
At the time of the writing of the Second Amendment, fresh from the memories of the standing army of the British, our Founding Fathers did not envision a standing army.  That is why we have the Third Amendment (no quartering of troops in our homes) and we have a Second Amendment.  The security of our country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, resides with "We the people". 
In times of danger, those subject to being called up were expected to show up WITH THEIR GUNS to fight in defense of our country.  In my clear opinion, this means we were expected to have guns suitable for a foot soldier.  In those days it was a musket.  Today this includes the technology of our time: semi-automatic rifles which are often misnamed by those who would disarm us and those who have been deceived by them as "assault rifles".   To say otherwise would be as logical as excluding radio, TV, and the internet from the First Amendment.
(Though the appearance of each can be similar, the difference is this:  A semi-auto such as a civilian may own, requires one pull of the trigger for each shot.  An assault rifle of a soldier includes an automatic function whereby bullets come out as long as the trigger is held down.)

 This makes perfect sense.

 A militia that would have to have foot soldier arms distributed by the government before it would be ready to fight when the nation was under attack would not be "well-regulated"; it would run quite poorly; it would be a fustercluck.
Some argue that now that we have a standing army, we no longer need a militia, and that the Second Amendment is a atavistic echo of a time gone by.

Let us be perfectly clear.  "Enemies both foreign and domestic" includes our government should it ever seek to slip the bonds of our Constitution and take our freedoms.  Remember this well:  the American Revolution ignited at the battles of Lexington and Concord when the British came to confiscate our guns. 

It was thus then, and it is thus now.

Some argue that this is foolish.  "Look at the military power of our Government!" they say.  "Do you think you can fight that?"

The answer to this argument has two parts.

First, I challenge the assumption implicit in it that our military would turn upon us.

Second, thanks to our Second Amendment, we are no less well-armed than the Taliban or any of a number of other guerrilla movements which this same power has failed to defeat.

This is not to say that there are not to be any sort of laws or regulations.

Our State governments are "the laboratory of democracy" where all this is to be sorted out. 

Open carry?  Concealed carry?  Minimum age?  Training required?  Criteria for extinguishing Second Amendment rights?

All these are things to be worked out by the States under their Tenth Amendment rights under what is known as "the police power".

Of course when it comes to interstate travel or foreign threat, there is a proper constitutional role for the Federal government.

For example as I type these words there is vigorous debate over whether people on the "No Fly" list should be allowed to purchase guns.

At first glance, this looks obvious-- "Of course not!"-- but the problem is this and it is a profound one:  The No-Fly List is a secret governmentally generated list with no Due Process concerning who is put on it and no Due Process for getting off it.

This is a formula for massive mischief!!!
In that flying is not a constitutionally protected right, the No Fly List passes muster as far as flying goes, but in sharp contrast our Second Amendment rights (and implicitly our Ninth Amendment right to self-defense) are fundamental constitutional rights and by definition losing these rights requires proper "Due Process" by Constitutional standards. 

This is not a line to be crossed in the passions of the moment-- passions often fomented by those who seek to disarm us!!!

 As can be readily imagined by anyone who has dealt with governmental bureaucracies (in my case it was as a lawyer in Washington DC), many of those on the list are put on by mistake.  In my readings of those who have done serious work looking into this, I am consistently running into the number  of 35% of those on the list not belonging there.    This means literally hundreds of thousands of innocent people are on the list!!! -- which if I have the number correct is the better part of one million names.

It may be due to a name similar to a suspect, or even a name spelled similarly to a suspect or some innocent behavior.

Senator Ted Kennedy was put on the list and so was Congressman John Lewis.  Of course they were promptly removed but so too was standout reporter Steve Hayes because he bought a one-way ticket to Turkey where he got on a cruise ship.  Despite his public recognition as a reporter, he spent many Kafkaesque months trying to get off it to no avail until anchor Brett Baier spoke to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson ON THE AIR about his case. 

Obviously none of us has the political muscle of a US Senator or Congressman or an anchor who can shame the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security! 

The truth is simple and clear:  The No Fly List has no Due Process for our fundamental Second Amendment rights and until it does (For quite some time Republican Senator Cornier has had a bill which has been rejected by the Democrats) the No Fly List is an insufficient basis for extinguishing the Second Amendment rights of nearly one million Americans

An additional point:  Right now our executive branch is led by those who see the problem as "extremism"-- be it Muslim, Tea Party, Christian or otherwise. 

Indeed, as best as I can tell an unspoken reason for the determination to not identify the danger to our country as Islamic Fascism (or some other similar name) is to not "let go to waste" the opportunity to disarm as many as of possible political enemies of the the current administration , , , but perhaps I digress , , ,


At the end of the day at Dog Brothers Gathering of the Pack one year after 911,  I spontaneously spoke of 911 and how the only thing that worked on that day was not the government or the police.

Two planes hit the World Trade Center.  One missed the White House and hit the Pentagon.  The last plane, Flight 93, presumably was headed for the Capitol building and it was "we the unorganized militia" on Flight 93 who answered Todd Beamer's call to action "Let's roll!" and took that plane down.

As you can see from the article accompanying my impromptu talk, Title 10, Section 313 speaks to the "unorganized militia".

Here is my understanding-- whether the various state governments do their part in maintaining the apparatus required to have a "well-regulated milita" or not, the militia continues in "unorganized" form. 



Once again we see the wisdom of our Founding Fathers unchanged by time or technology.   Indeed it is precisely due to technology that our enemy is now able to bypass our military and our police.

Ben Franklin warned us "Those who give up their liberty in search of safety deserve neither." 

Still many people call for what amounts to an end of privacy of our personal communication (Fourth Amendment, Ninth Amendment)  even though  "encryption" and the "dark web" increasingly make such surveillance superfluous. 

No longer is there a need to plot, plan, and direct as was the case with the attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993 and 2001.  Now there is only the need to inspire the "radicalized" to "go operational" in lone wolf actions with guns or, in their absence, bombs.

We see this again and again, be it the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston, the jihadi hit team in San Bernardino, or now in Orlando. 


So, what are we the people to do in such moments?

First and foremost is to "man up".   Be Odysseus in Cyclops' cave.  He did not pray for Cyclops to eat him last-- he came up with a plan and acted!  While Cyclops slept, he speared him in his one eye and came up with a clever plan to escape with the sheep and by so doing saved not only himself but his crew.

(If you don't get this literary reference, it is from Homer's "The Odyssey".  Read it-- and demand a refund from whomever claimed to have educated you!)

If you and others are being held as hostages in a bathroom until it is your turn to die as we saw in Orlando, DO SOMETHING.  Rip the seat off the toilet and have someone throw a garbage can as the killer comes in while the one with the toilet seat conks him over the head and everyone swarms him. 

If you are to die, DIE FIGHTING.


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Wasted years, wasted lives
« Reply #55 on: September 11, 2021, 12:06:25 PM »


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George Friedman: The Perfect Op
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2023, 07:18:06 AM »
September 12, 2023
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9/11: The Perfect Op
By: George Friedman
It has been 22 years since the 9/11 attack that destroyed the World Trade Center buildings and a wing of the Pentagon and launched a string of American actions that were both inevitable and ultimately ineffective.

The attack was brilliant in conception. At its core were al-Qaida members who were prepared to go to their certain deaths. They entered the country through legal means about a year before the attack and received a flow of money for their operation. The most important part of the operation was the seizure of airliners that would serve as bombs, with the impact of the aircraft and the ignition of jet fuel serving as the agents of destruction.

Their mission required each of the four aircraft to have at least one pilot, but none of the plotters knew how to fly a plane. Apparently, the training could not take place in the Middle East because, considering the number of trainees, they might be detected. The plan therefore was to obtain flight training in the U.S., where private flying schools are common and where the hijackers would be hidden amid the large number of trainees. The men assigned to the mission had only to fly and navigate planes already airborne. They did not need to know how to take off or land. This oddity might have triggered concern, but the threat was inconceivable at the time.

The planes they chose to hijack seemed to have been thoughtfully selected. The hijackers wanted the aircraft to hit their targets as close to the same time as possible. If there was a wide gap, air defenses would be alerted and scrambled. Since radio contact would not be allowed or the voice would have had a foreign accent, the attackers needed to select planes that could hit their targets before interceptors could take off. When you look at the type of aircraft selected, they were all single-aisle planes, except the one that crashed in Pennsylvania. Taking control of the planes was fairly easy, since the attackers had weapons. (Pre-baggage check screening started after 9/11.) Once the pilots were incapacitated, the attackers took the controls and began changing course to the target. The danger at that point was that passengers, realizing what was happening, would surge toward the cockpit. Given the small number of attackers on board they could be overwhelmed, but a single-aisle plane allowed them to hold back their potential adversaries more easily than a dual-aisle plane. This was likely a deliberate choice.

Their targets were chosen because they were well known, not only in America but especially in the Middle East. Their intention in striking the U.S. was not to paralyze it, since that couldn’t happen anyway. The attack was directed toward the Muslim world, and therefore the significance of the targets had to be widely recognized. The World Trade Center, the Pentagon and another unconfirmed location were chosen. There has been much discussion of what was the target of the fourth plane. My guess, based on the fact that they picked large, visible targets, would be the Capitol, but whatever it was it seems the hijacking failed after the attackers were overwhelmed by the passengers.

As I said, the intent of the attack was to influence Muslims in the Middle East. Al-Qaida saw many of the governments in the region as betraying Islamic principles. It wanted to trigger uprisings against them. In their view, the populations agreed with their loathing of the regimes but were paralyzed by the view that American power was supporting these regimes. If al-Qaida could demonstrate that American power was an illusion and that Islamic bravery could attack the most important U.S. buildings, these populations might conclude that their own regimes – backed, they believed, by U.S. force – could be overthrown. In other words, the 9/11 attack used the U.S. as a platform to demonstrate American weakness to the Muslim world.

But 9/11 did not bring down the American regime. It did trigger U.S. overt and covert operations that in retrospect had more impact on the region than 9/11 had, garnering criticism from many. But these criticisms must be put in perspective. First, the idea that the U.S. would not act against al-Qaida was impossible. Passive speechmaking wouldn’t have been enough of a response politically. The idea that the U.S. could not protect itself had to be countered, even if true. The rage, and fear, of Americans at that moment had to be considered. This was a fundamental reality.

Second, anyone who wasn’t frightened in the wake of 9/11 was not in touch with reality. U.S. intelligence on al-Qaida was clearly inadequate, and this meant that we had no reason not to believe that they had far more deadly weapons, perhaps poison gas or even nuclear weapons. A repeat of the 9/11 attack was possible – even likely – in the minds of some analysts. Given that al-Qaida was hoping that the Americans would attack to prove their hostility to the masses, the U.S. leadership was in one of the most complex positions imaginable. The fear in the United States was palpable and rational. I recall being in Washington three days after 9/11 and staying in the Army and Navy Club, about a couple of blocks from the White House. I was unable to sleep and trying to imagine whether I would feel a nuclear strike or my consciousness would simply disappear. It was a time when the worst-case scenario was the only reasonable consideration.

The 9/11 operation was superb. Men who knew they were going to die mapped out and implemented a major covert operation on selected targets while remaining unnoticed by an excellent security system. But operationally impressive work did not result in the political results they dreamed of. There was no uprising, and regimes came and went in the normal cadence. There was no upheaval and no end to history.


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Re: 911
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2023, 07:18:41 AM »
Second:  BTW I realize I failed to pay attention to Benghazi yesterday.


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Let's Roll!
« Reply #60 on: September 13, 2023, 09:45:32 AM »
~ Let's Roll ~
Todd: Hello… Operator…listen to me…I can’t speak very loud. – This is an emergency. I’m a passenger on a United flight to San Francisco.. We have a situation here….Our plane has been hijacked…..can you understand me?
Lisa: (exhaling a deep breath to herself) I understand… Can the hijackers see you talking on the phone?
Todd: No
Lisa: Can you tell me how many hijackers are on the plane?
Todd: There are three that we know of.
Lisa: Can you see any weapons? What kind of weapons do they have?
Todd: Yes…. they don’t have guns….they have knives – they took over the plane with knives.
Lisa: Do you mean…like steak knives?
Todd: No, these are razor knives…like box cutters.
Lisa: Can you tell what country these people are from?
Todd: No…..I don’t know. They sound like they’re from the mid-east.
Lisa: Have they said what they want?
Todd: Someone announced from the cockpit that there was a bomb on board. He said he was the captain and to stay in our seats and stay quiet.
He said that they were meeting these men’s demands and returning to the airport… It was very broken English, and… I’m telling you…it sounded fake!
Lisa: Ok sir, please give me your name.
Todd: My name is Todd Beamer.
Lisa: Ok Todd….my name is Lisa…Do you know your flight number? If you can’t remember, it’s on your ticket.
Todd: It’s United Flight 93.
Lisa: Now Todd, can you try to tell me exactly what happened?
Todd: Two of the hijackers were sitting in first class near the cockpit. A third one was sitting near the back of the coach section. The two up. front got into the cockpit somehow; there was shouting. The third hijacker said he had a bomb. It looks like a bomb. He’s got it tied to his waist with a red belt of some kind.
Lisa: So is the door to the cockpit open?
Todd: No, the hijackers shut it behind them.
Lisa: Has anyone been injured?
Todd: Yes, ..they…they killed one passenger sitting in first class. There’s been lots of shouting. We don’t know if the pilots are dead or alive. A flight attendant told me that the pilot and copilot had been forced from the cockpit and may have been wounded.
Lisa: Where is the 3rd hijacker now Todd?
Todd: He’s near the back of the plane. They forced most of the passengers into first class. There are fourteen of us here in the back. Five are flight attendants. He hasn’t noticed that I slipped into this pantry to get the phone. The guy with the bomb ordered us to sit on the floor in the rear of the plane……….oh Jesus.. Help!
Lisa: Todd….are you ok? Tell me what’s happening!
Todd: Hello…..We’re going down….I think we’re going to crash……Wait – wait a minute. No, we’re leveling off….we’re ok. I think we may be turning around…..That’s it – we changed directions. Do you hear me….we’re flying east again.
Lisa: Ok Todd…. What’s going on with the other passengers?
Todd: Everyone is… really scared. A few passengers with cell phones have made calls to relatives. A guy, Jeremy, was talking to his wife just before the hijacking started. She told him that hijackers had crashed two planes into the World Trade Center……Lisa is that true??
Lisa: Todd…..I have to tell you the truth…’s very bad. The World Trade Center is gone. Both of the towers have been destroyed.
Todd: Oh God —help us!
Lisa: A third plane was taken over by terrorists. It crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC. Our country is under attack….and I’m afraid that your plane may be part of their plan.
Todd: Oh dear God. Dear God…….Lisa, will you do something for me?
Lisa: I’ll try….if I can….Yes.
Todd: I want you to call my wife and my kids for me and tell them what’s happened. Promise me you’ll call..
Lisa: I promise – I’ll call.
Todd: Our home number is 201 353-1073…….You have the same name as my wife…Lisa….We’ve been married for 10 years. She’s pregnant with our 3rd child. Tell her that I love her…….(choking up)..I’ll always love her..(clearing throat) We have two boys.. David, he’s 3 and Andrew, he’s 1…..Tell them……(choking) tell them that their daddy loves them and that he is so proud of them. (clearing throat again) Our baby is due January 12th…..I saw an ultra sound… was great….we still don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy………Lisa?
Lisa: (barely able to speak) I’ll tell them, I promise Todd.
Todd: I’m going back to the group—if I can get back I will…
Lisa: Todd, leave this line open…are you still there?……
Lisa: (dials the phone..) Hello, FBI, my name is Lisa Jefferson, I’m a telephone supervisor for GTE. I need to report a terrorist hijacking of a United Airlines Flight 93….Yes I’ll hold.
Goodwin: Hello, this is Agent Goodwin.. I understand you have a hijacking situation?
Lisa: Yes sir, I’ve been talking with a passenger, a Todd Beamer, on Flight 93 who managed to get to an air phone unnoticed.
Goodwin: Where did this flight originate, and what was its destination?
Lisa: The flight left Newark New Jersey at 8 A.M. departing for San Francisco. The hijackers took over the plane shortly after takeoff, and several minutes later the plane changed course – it is now flying east.
Goodwin: Ms. Jefferson…I need to talk to someone aboard that plane. Can you get me thru to the planes phone?
Lisa: I still have that line open sir, I can patch you through on a conference call…hold a mo…..
Todd: Hello Lisa, Lisa are you there?
Lisa: Yes, I’m here. Todd, I made a call to the FBI, Agent Goodwin is on the line and will be talking to you as well.
Todd: The others all know that this isn’t your normal hijacking. Jeremy called his wife again on his cell phone. She told him more about the World Trade Center and all.
Goodwin: Hello Todd. This is Agent Goodwin with the FBI. We have been monitoring your flight. Your plane is on a course for Washington, DC. These terrorists sent two planes into the World Trade Center and one plane into the Pentagon. Our best guess is that they plan to fly your plane into either the White House or the United States Capital Building.
Todd: I understand…hold on……I’ll…….I’ll be back..
Lisa: Mr. Goodwin, how much time do they have before they get to Washington?
Goodwin: Not long ma’am. They changed course over Cleveland; they’re approaching Pittsburgh now. Washington may be twenty minutes away.
Todd: (breathing a little heavier) The plane seems to be changing directions just a little. It’s getting pretty rough up here. The plane is flying real erratic….We’re not going to make it out of here. Listen to me….I want you to hear this….I have talked with the others….we have decided we would not be pawns in these hijackers suicidal plot.
Lisa: Todd, what are you going to do?
Todd: We’ve hatched a plan. Four of us are going to rush the hijacker with the bomb. After we take him out, we’ll break into the cockpit. A stewardess is getting some boiling water to throw on the hijackers at the controls. We’ll get them….and we’ll take them out. Lisa, …..will you do one last thing for me?
Lisa: Yes…What is it?
Todd: Would you pray with me?
They pray: Our father which art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive our trespassers,
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…
He makes me to lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside the still waters
He restores my soul
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for thou art with me…..
Todd: (softer) God help me…Jesus help me….(clears throat and louder)
Are you guys ready?……..
Let’s Roll……………………


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Re: 911
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2024, 07:58:30 AM »