Author Topic: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris  (Read 45035 times)


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Harris like Swift
« Reply #407 on: August 10, 2024, 04:28:56 PM »
both totally manufactured

both had / have good handlers.

and teachers , coaches

same thing really


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TX Group Sues to Keep Harris Off the Ballot
« Reply #408 on: August 10, 2024, 09:02:30 PM »
Kind of amusing, and likely won't go anywhere, but some folks in TX are suing to keep Harris off the ballot there (among other things), stating she doesn't qualify as a citizen as neither of her parents were, basically claiming she was an "anchor baby" and hence doesn't qualify as a natural born citizen:

This morning the Defendants in The 134 PAC's voter intimidation lawsuit in Fort Worth, added Jane Nelson, the Texas Secretary of State, as a Cross-Defendant.  These local activists, sued Secretary Nelson to keep Kamala Harris and Nicole Shanahan off the Presidential ballot in Texas because, they claim, neither of them are "natural born citizens" and therefore cannot appear on any state's ballot for the Presidential election.  If Secretary Nelson does not remove them from the ballot, they also seek Secretary Nelson's removal from office, criminal prosecution and damages.

You can read their lawsuit by clicking the link below.


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Re: Harris like Swift
« Reply #409 on: August 11, 2024, 06:32:07 AM »

This is not Maggie Thatcher, Susan B Anthony, Mother Theresa, Rosa Parks or even Madeline Halfbright we're talking about...
« Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 01:00:34 PM by DougMacG »


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Harris copies Trump, no tax on tips
« Reply #410 on: August 11, 2024, 07:37:29 AM »

One small difference when she makes (false) campaign promises, WHY DID YOU OPPOSE THAT THE LAST FOUR YEARS?

Why promise something your first day in office next year. You are such an important part of this administration, do it now.  Better yet, do it before Trump said it and don't look like such a flip flopping two faced phony.

I hope Trump doesn't call her a (quoting Joe Biden), "lying dog faced pony soldier".

But if the shoe fits...
« Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 07:52:38 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #411 on: August 11, 2024, 08:07:24 AM »
As I knew they would
same MO as Clinton

If the Rs have a good idea that the Left can live with they steal the idea and pretend it was theirs and they were planning it all the time.

And the media will googoo gaga over it as though it was a brilliant political move "to the center".

Clinton also was a raging lib for 4 yrs before in '96ish he came out with his "the era of big government is over".
The MSM loved it and giddily began calling him a political genius.   
They will do the same with Harris (already are).

I we sit and roll our eyes while we get screwed by the media with a 3 card monte .


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Kamala Harris, It keeps getting worse for liars and thieves
« Reply #412 on: August 11, 2024, 01:08:55 PM »

How about that?  The misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act" included a CRACKDOWN on unreported tips not getting taxed and Kamala Harris bragged just this week that she cast the deciding vote in favor.

Update, more:

But she is against taxing tip income?

Since when?  And you believe her??
« Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 05:20:22 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #413 on: August 11, 2024, 02:24:36 PM »
Wow.  Good find.  Now the challenge is to get past the MSM blackout.  As VDH says that will decide this race.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #414 on: August 11, 2024, 06:56:44 PM »
Yes.  Remember all the new IRS agents in the spending bill. 'Offsetting' all the wasteful spending is a crackdown on unreported tips.  Tips are money in the pocket of people who really do work for a living. And it's a gratuity, an extra, not their income.

Trump just circled them on this.
The pipelines were canceled (Keystone XL), the drilling was canceled (ANWR for one), the fracking ban was enacted, all led to 4 years of high energy prices and they're going up at the pump right now.  Now she just flipped on all of it??

They flipped on the border. 


Kamala should just endorse Trump instead of endorsing his policies, one by one.

Don't forget about the Dem debate in 2020 where they asked for a show of hands, which of you would eliminate Trump's tariffs on China on the first day.  No hands went up.  They all endorsed one of Trump's most controversial policies

More Kamala policy flips:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 07:50:19 PM by DougMacG »


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« Last Edit: August 15, 2024, 03:18:32 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #417 on: August 15, 2024, 06:59:57 AM »
yes and now this :

the media will of course mimic the new punchline - > it is the evil corporations and rich who are responsible for price increases and the dumb asses will believe it and they and their life long DNC to grave types will run around parroting this nonsense as though true

Why I recently spoke to a DNC loving Jewish person who ardently spoke back to me about Trump- he lies about EVERYTHING .  In other words, nothing he says is true.

My response was , well Harris lied to us about Biden's dementia.
The DNCer's response was , "he is not demented"
I said what do you mean ?

Well he has had stuttering problem all his life ------>>>>>>>    me _>    :-o :? :-( :x :cry:

This even after I agreed Trump's personality is bad.
DNCer/s - no logic ,  no honesty, run with the canned lines, no truth, just DNC garbage.

There is no quarter with most of them .     It truly is like talking to a stone.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #418 on: August 15, 2024, 07:34:12 AM »
I'm waiting for the actual release of her price controls before commenting.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #419 on: August 15, 2024, 07:38:21 AM »
I'm waiting for the actual release of her price controls before commenting.

true good point.

but look at my 2024 post about drug price headlines.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #420 on: August 15, 2024, 03:58:38 PM »
I'm waiting for the actual release of her price controls before commenting.

true good point.

but look at my 2024 post about drug price headlines.

The headline I saw was, "Harris to reduce food prices by eliminating food".

Same for prescription drugs, housing, automobiles, and so on.


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Harris discusses pay equity while wearing $18,000 necklace
« Reply #421 on: August 16, 2024, 02:05:09 AM »

Kamala is showing little girls that if they work hard and do all the right things they can lose out to the girl that slept with the boss.


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NYT gets it right ; sort of
« Reply #422 on: August 16, 2024, 07:33:01 AM »

OTOH why don't they have headlines that truly state the truth:

Harris LIES about inflation and its fix.
For the people who don't read through the entire article to dig out the truth,
like they do for Trump.


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Kamala Harris, Drunk? her first time in public
« Reply #423 on: August 16, 2024, 06:06:17 PM »

You be the judge.

If you tried to do a parody of her, it wouldn't be this good.


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Kamala Harris economic speech
« Reply #424 on: August 16, 2024, 06:57:01 PM »

The "crowd" is all staged, all invited, no public.  She even says, hello family and friends, literally.

Blame the private sector for government caused problems.  Perfect.

Warm up speaker 1, Gov of North Carolina, sorry, what an asshole.  If you must lie to win, the truth must oppose you.  As they say, 'the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth so help me God.'  Trump lost 3 million jobs?  By January 2021, 100% of the covid job losses were from blue state shutdowns.  He doesn't know that?  Those are Trump job losses?  Lie, mislead, deceive.

Princess Kamala begins at 34:30.

Added 16 million Jobs?  Inflation down to 3%.  That's 50% over a target that 10 times too high.

Inflation started at 1.4%.  Inflation isn't down.  Inflation is up.  Way up.  Still more than double what they inherited.

"We know, many Americans, don't feel that progress in their daily lives."

Is that because real wages are down, credit card debt up, debt burden WAY UP?

"We will build, what I call, an opportunity economy.  An opportunity economy."  - IN case you missed the keyword the first time. 

"Opportunity society" is stolen from the other side, opposite of the safety net / hammock society of Democrat free sh*t.

She has a dream of an economy they would like to build.  Why didn't they do that when they had the White House and both Chambers of Congress?

Platitudes, "When the middle class is strong, the nation is strong."  Divide us.

I didn't know we were a "class" society.  Isn't that the opposite of opportunity society?

She's going to focus on one thing people face "as they pay their bills on the kitchen table...  (do people still pay bills at the kitchen table?  Write checks, lick stamps?)

That one thing she will focus on is "lowering the cost of living".  (WHY WAIT?)

She brought us the worst price increases since Jimmy Carter, 1977.  And now promises to lower it.  NO ECONOMIST SAYS WE WILL LOWER THE COST OF LIVING.  DOES SHE NOT KNOW THAT?  DID THEY "FACT CHECK" IT.

She worked at McDonalds in school to get spending money.  Some of the people there were living off those jobs. When she's President (WHY WAIT?) she's going to work so hard to bring down (LIE) the cost of living.

Umm, more people needed a second job to survive in their years than ever before.  Those 16 million new jobs were not 16 million more Americans working.

Big Grocery is KILLING US.  We need a bigger government!

As Calif AG she went after companies that "illegally" raised prices.  She won back $1 billion for consumers.  (How much for lawyers?)

As President, she will go after the bad actors.  (Why wait.)

She's going to pass the first ever federal ban on "price guaging" on foods.  (A Biden slip?)  Obviously a teleprompter read error and she didn't catch it because, of course, she didn't write it.  Doesn't even know it.

(An aside, dr. ccp, the way she nods, don't they call that the "yes-yes head tremor?")

She will support the small businesses.  Umm, they are the ones with the high prices.

Now contrast with Trump she says.  He will raise prices on nearly everything with his (China) tariffs.  (I didn't know we buy everything from China and plan to keep doing so.)

"According to his 2025 agenda..."   (Umm, the project she refers to is from a think tank, not from trump or the campaign.)

"Now let's talk about housing."  "When I was California Attorney General..."  (Where are homes more overpriced than California?) (Lawfare didn't bring down housing costs.)

"There is a serious housing shortage and it's driving prices up."  (Where is there a greater shortage than California?)

Under her, the government is going to build 3 million new homes for the middle class.  (Excuse me, you just let in 10 million more people.  20 million?   Where will the other 17 million live?)

The cost of down payments has gone up as well.  Answer: Free  money!!  $25,000!!  "We can do this!"  "We can do this!!"  (Do what?  Print more money?  No mention of paid for.)

"Landlords are colluding..."  (It's called the marketplace.  Nobody but government pays over market.)

Free money for children.  $6,000!  While reducing the deficit.  HOW? And how do lottery winners usually end up.

"He already signed a $2 trillion dollar tax cut."  (It cut revenues none what so ever.  Fact check it.)

Lie, lie, lie, lie.

Hey Leftists, economic growth is what expands opportunity, and YOU ARE AGAINST IT.


Contrast, Trump:
« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 08:16:09 PM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris, border, Washington Post
« Reply #425 on: August 17, 2024, 09:09:06 AM »

reasons including poverty, gang violence and corruption.

But Republicans quickly seized on the apparent diplomatic opportunity for Harris, referring to her as the country’s “border czar” responsible for all issues related to the U.S.-Mexico line. Now, more than three years later, her role is a potential political liability as she runs for president as the Democratic nominee and polls show voters broadly disapprove of the Biden administration’s handling of the border.

Harris, in fact, has never been in charge of the border. The Department of Homeland Security manages migration. Her immigration role for the Biden administration has included boosting U.S. aid to Central America, traveling to the region and discouraging potential migrants from making the dangerous journey to the United States.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 09:14:10 AM by DougMacG »


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Harris' Muslim liason
« Reply #426 on: August 18, 2024, 04:59:45 AM »


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they figured out how to get her to answer
« Reply #427 on: August 19, 2024, 06:36:02 AM »
Question :  how are you going to pay for your spending programs

simple they pay for themselves. 
the return on the "investment" is huge

[got it?  really simple and obviously straight forward.  she is so smart ]    :wink:

This will be her go to answer every time she gets asked questions like this.
Easy line to remember.


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Re: they figured out how to get her to answer
« Reply #428 on: August 19, 2024, 08:23:28 AM »
"Everybody benefits and it pays for itself."

  - After 3 1/2 years of this, I would think these communities already are strong.  After 60 years of the war on poverty, I would think there would be no need for further assistance.

Any idea what went wrong?

Why does it always have to be credit and not a deduction, where you have to earn money to take it?

Madam Vice President, is there any limit to borrowing and printing more money for political giveaways?

Do you have any regrets that the country lost it's world reserve currency status under your watch?


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #429 on: August 19, 2024, 10:11:28 AM »
The plan is Price Controls (called something else), and free 25k for first time down payments.

The reason for both is because prices rose so fast.

Why don't we fire the people who made prices rise so fast instead of putting band-aids and "gimmicks" on it.

In the Nixon Library there is a display for each and every of his great achievements.  There is no exhibit for the disastrous Nixon Price Wage Freeze.

In fact, the price freeze is the reason I call Nixon a Democrat.  This Democrat proposal proves it.

NPR/PBS had a piece on farmers slaughtering their chickens etc; I couldn't find it.  This is from Imprimus:
"Owing to the runaway in feed grains, poultry growers began to slaughter baby chicks, while flour mills, ground between the surging cost of wheat and their own low ceilings, started shutting down. Price controls, as their advocates have claimed all along, do work like magic. They can make things disappear in the twinkling of an eye."

Cato, "Nixon's Folly":

Econ Log, Econ Library:
In late July, 1971, Nixon reiterated his adamant opposition to wage and price controls calling them a scheme to socialize America. Yet, less than a month later, in a stunning reversal, he imposed the first and only peacetime wage and price controls in U.S. history. The Nixon tapes, personal tape recordings made during the presidency of Richard Nixon, provide a unique body of evidence to investigate the motivations for Nixon’s stunning reversal. We uncover and report in this paper evidence that Nixon manipulated his New Economic Policy to help secure his reelection victory in 1972. He became convinced that wage and price controls were necessary to grab the headlines away from the defeatist abandonment of the Bretton Woods Agreement and the closing of the U.S. gold window. Nixon understood the impact of his wage and price controls, but chose to trade off longer term economic costs to the economy for his own short-term political gain.

"Reason" 2022:
Price Controls Were a Disaster in the 1970s. They Would Be a Disaster Today, Too.
The idea would benefit central planners and grow the ranks of bureaucrats while making the poor even poorer.
Veronique de Rugy | 2.3.2022


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #430 on: August 19, 2024, 12:30:05 PM »
Nixon's W&P Controls were the trigger that led to the creation of the Libertarian Party.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #431 on: August 19, 2024, 01:21:33 PM »
Nixon's W&P Controls were the trigger that led to the creation of the Libertarian Party.

Yes, not exactly a libertarian policy - having government politburos judging and setting prices. 

I wish it had led to the creation of a Republican Party.

Kamala bragged of prosecuting illegal price increases in California, whatever those are.

Why don't we prosecute illegal dollar devaluations.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris 'day drinking'
« Reply #432 on: August 19, 2024, 02:17:51 PM »
More caught reading the forum...  I mentioned she sounded drunk introducing Joe Biden and at least two outlets followed up on it.  Actually it was kind of obvious.

Even night drinking is an issue when your Commander in Chief job runs 'round the clock.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 02:31:40 PM by DougMacG »


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Noonan on Harris
« Reply #433 on: August 19, 2024, 02:47:40 PM »
Awkward topic and I'm not the one who brought it up.

Peggy Noonan wrote "She is beautiful. You can’t take a bad picture of her. Her beauty, plus the social warmth that all who have known her over the years speak of, combines to produce: radiance. And it's foolish to believe that this doesn't matter."

[Doug]  I think this was in the article posted her but I couldn't find that quote at the time.

She's beautiful, only in the sense that all living things are.  I wonder if she was hottie in her mistress years when she was rewarded with a new BMW for her 'companionship and got the appointment that launched her career.

This "warmth" Noonan speaks of didn't seem to ring true for the 100% staff turnover.  I guess they didn't see her as rising and they're a lot closer than we are.

Peggy Noonan is 73. Kamala is in her 50s and if they're going to comment positively on looks, then other views she be welcome. 

Our meddling government defines some categories here:
Release the BMI.  25 and over is o......... and over 30 is ob... .  I'm not going to use those words, but the big bad government labels people quite freely.  (There's a budget we could cut.)

She doesn't look radiant when she digresses into pointless word salads.  She doesn't look charismatic when she nods her head during her own point to indicate she agrees with she agrees with what she is saying.  I've seen smooth.  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are smooth.  Reagan had it. Kamala looks awkward.  Also we can see she is afraid of what she might have to answer by the way she won't let herself get questioned.  That's not smooth.  That's not poised, and people with strong core principles aren't afraid of being questioned on them.

Her looks in general are neutral IMHO.  She's not going to win or lose any votes on her looks.

Hey, an idea, why don't we judge her on policy, intellect, integrity and results?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 03:02:52 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #434 on: August 19, 2024, 03:07:59 PM »

At a "campaign stop" the customers were kicked out and replaced with actors.

This is the Harris campaign.


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Harris workers pronouns, xe/xem, ze/hir, ey/em, hir/hir, hu/hu, fae/faer
« Reply #435 on: August 19, 2024, 05:35:15 PM »

Want to work for Kamala Harris’ campaign? Job applicants have 9 pronoun choices
By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor Monday, August 19, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign is offering an array of pronoun options for job applicants on its website. The move has sparked various responses across social media platforms, with some users critiquing the focus on pronouns rather than policy substance.

Applicants to the Harris campaign can choose from traditional pronouns such as "he/him" and "she/her." But they can also choose or from a selection of other choices including "they/them," "xe/xem," "ze/hir," "ey/em" and "hir/hir," according to job postings on her campaign website.

The list also includes "hu/hu," a gender-neutral preference to be identified by one's humanity rather than gender. According to Emory University, "hu" is closest to two other genderless, singular pronouns "you" and "who."

The Harris campaign also allows applicants to list themselves with "fae/faer" pronouns, which some associate with a "fluid" identity between multiple genders.

Furthermore, applicants can use "custom" pronouns or be referred to by name only.

Job seekers are also prompted to discuss how they can contribute to a "diverse" workplace culture and are given the option to complete a diversity survey.

Questions include asking applicants to select pronouns and state their gender identity, allowing options such as "transgender" and "non-binary/non-conforming."  A third question specifically asks if the applicant is a member of the "LGBTQIA+ community."

Critics on social media have contrasted the extensive list of pronoun choices with what they perceive as a lack of detailed policies on the campaign's website.

Federal agencies have been encouraged under the Biden-Harris administration to adopt "inclusive" language practices, such as using "they/them" as default pronouns. A guide from the U.S. Department of the Interior, obtained by The Daily Wire, instructs employees on the use of inclusive language, telling them to avoid gender-specific terms like "son" and "daughter" to prevent "misgendering" and promote "inclusivity" within the federal workforce.

During the first year of the Biden administration, the U.S. State Department began issuing passports with the nonbinary gender marker "X."

Harris was featured in a July video from her remarks during a roundtable on the impact of the 2022 repeal of Roe v. Wadeon disabled people, where she introduced herself with her name, pronouns and a description of her attire to a group of visually impaired individuals.

"I am Kamala Harris; my pronouns are she and her. I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit," she said.


[Doug]  Is this nuts or is it just me?

How does this play in Wisconsin (outside of Madison)?


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #436 on: August 19, 2024, 06:45:32 PM »
no, not just you.
the whole DNC is identity politics
and free stuff

free housing
free education
free health care
free child care
free immigration
free get out of jail cards
free pass Go do not go to jail cards
free reparations

all are investments that pay for themselves with some extra from the "rich" and the "corporations"

I remember going to see Jane Fonda give a speech at my college and while she was pretty she railed on "corporations"
Made no sense, I was standing in the back as I could not get close and remember scratching my head thinking what in the hell was talking about

Funny yrs later she married Ted Turner of CNN

Did bother her he ran a corporation I guess.


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Kamala Harris campaign, an unthreadable needle
« Reply #437 on: August 20, 2024, 06:46:21 AM »
Some left coverage of the DNC and the campaign.
4 things Harris and convention must pull off:

1. Keep up the Kamala-mentum  [Yes, but they got that by hiding her.]
2. Turn the page on Biden and making Harris a “change candidate”  [Take credit and distance herself at the same time, how?  And offer change, change to what, further Left policies, or Trump copycat policies?]
3. Make Trump and Vance the candidates of unsafe change  [Not as easy as before he had a successful Presidency and after we saw how bad Biden Harris was.]
4. Avoid distractions.  {Hide and tamp down the pro-Palestinian protests.]

Left rag VOX makes her challenge look pretty hard:

"...there’s reason to think that the GOP may succeed in tarring Harris as a radical. During her ill-fated 2020 primary campaign, today’s Democratic nominee embraced a wide array of profoundly left-wing positions. As a large field of presidential aspirants vied for highly engaged progressives’ attention and donations, Harris said she would ban fracking; reduce funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement; decriminalize unauthorized border crossing; replace all private health insurance with Medicare-for-all; and establish a “mandatory buyback program” for assault weapons. After her campaign ended, in the summer of 2020, she praised the “defund the police” movement. Many of these stances are exceptionally unpopular with the general public. In a poll from 2019, just 27 percent of voters supported the decriminalization of unauthorized border crossing, while in 2020 only 37 percent backed abolishing private health insurance, and in 2021 a mere 15 percent wanted lower police spending in their area. And although some versions of Medicare-for-all poll well, only 37 percent of voters supported it when told that it would involve banning all private health insurance, according to a 2019 KFF poll.

In a recent New York Times poll of three battleground states, 44 percent of voters said Harris was “too liberal,” (while only 34 percent said Trump was “too conservative”). And in a Gallup poll taken in June, 56 percent of voters said that Biden was “too liberal,” while 44 percent deemed Trump “too conservative.” "

Quote above is in left wing Vox today.
One more, The Guardian:  Harris must be the candidate of change - and of continuity  [Neat trick]

"Ms Harris has moved smoothly into the campaign driving seat."  [No, she has hidden herself and the media has done the heavy lifting.]

[Doug]  Banning fracking and banning fossil fuels aren't just wild and crazy attacks from the right.  It's the policy they had and the policy she wants.  Biden canceled a major pipeline his first hour in office, blocking the safest, most efficient way of transporting the fuels we already use.  Force us off of gas, curtail supplies means drive up the price.  It was intentional.  That wasn't all, canceled drilling in ANWR and so on, and Kamala would most certainly have gone further.  Biden came to this from the center Left.  Harris came at it from the far Left.  She's not going to stand up to the far Left.  She is Far Left.  And she proved she can change her position from what she told voters at any time she wants.

Biden says Harris has great integrity.  That from the guy who sold out his office all over the world.  See new 291 page impeachment report.

If she has great integrity and vision and policy wisdom and means what she says, why did just change her positions on EVERYTHING to match the polling data in swing states?

Harris wants to reverse the corporate income tax rate cuts under Trump that brought the highest wages to blacks and Hispanics ever, and give us again the highest business tax rates in the world.  How does being uncompetitive build up the 'middle class'?

The case against Harris makes itself.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 07:10:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Blonde Kamala
« Reply #438 on: August 20, 2024, 03:54:54 PM »
« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 04:27:15 PM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris voices support for "equal outcomes"
« Reply #439 on: August 20, 2024, 03:59:43 PM »

It seems too remedial to explain why this is a really bad idea.

Even if she mis-spoke, it shows how Loose-Left she is.  Nothing but first level thinking.  A VERY SCARY level of naivety, either way.


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kAmAlA marijuAna?
« Reply #440 on: August 21, 2024, 06:07:52 AM »
somebody on Meghan asked this question
when discussing reports questioning if she drinks a lot.

her thinking she is speaking in a profound way yet the reality is it makes no sense, is not profound ,  and is worthless speak, and the giggling does remind me of those who had smoked weed in the mid 70s.

could cheech chong and harris work?


cheech chong harris-emhoff
« Last Edit: August 21, 2024, 06:10:05 AM by ccp »


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Harris economic policies reviewed
« Reply #442 on: August 22, 2024, 08:26:43 AM »

I love this one:
"Harris has been consistent in her tax proposals. For example, she proposed making permanent a $3,600 per child tax credit approved through 2025 for eligible families. "

Anyone else see the cynicism of this? 


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Ron Klain on Kamala Harris
« Reply #444 on: August 22, 2024, 11:28:34 AM »
Former Biden Chief Of Staff: WH Wanted Kamala To Succeed But Couldn’t ‘Find The Path To Do It’  (Paywall)

Klain:   "I don’t think we did a good enough job of selling her.”

As Biden Chief of Staff, he was suspected Ron Klain of being the puppet master but when he left that appeared the strings were being pulled from higher up and further away.


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Kamala Harris, $5 Trillion in new taxes
« Reply #446 on: August 24, 2024, 06:21:28 AM »
Nothing says sensible and centrist like proposing the greatest tax increases in history.

Doug Fact Check:  No they won't collect 5 trillion in new taxes.  If enacted, their policies will kill the economy and collect no new taxes.

Killing the economy seems to be their goal.  A feature, not a bug, of the system.


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She would be the shortest President ever
« Reply #448 on: August 24, 2024, 08:49:36 AM »
James Madison holds the record at 5'4"

Harris is 5'2"