Author Topic: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris  (Read 45034 times)


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Kamala Harris tough on crime? Check the record...
« Reply #452 on: August 26, 2024, 09:34:45 AM »
Kamala Harris’ support for bail fund that freed violent criminals shows how ‘tough on crime’ she really is
By Post Editorial Board
Published Aug. 25, 2024, 7:26 p.m. ET
DNC fake show, Kamala the 'tough on crime moderate'

No she isn't.

[The rioters] "They’re not gonna stop,” she told Stephen Colbert in June 2020. “They’re not going to let up — and they should not.”

  - They didn't stop until they burned 1600 building in just one metro, and took over Portland, Seattle, Denver and so on. 

She owns her record.  She owns her words.  People got hurt.  People got burned.

It cost me tens of thousands to have great property adjacent to the war zones.  Walz let them burn.  Harris encouraged them, validated them.  No one is held accountable.

Arson is a felony.  What about mass-arson?
One more, she covered up child sex abuse??

Someone hold her accountable!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 10:30:47 AM by DougMacG »


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And now, the other side of the story, "Kamala Harris earned her ascent"
« Reply #453 on: August 26, 2024, 10:17:03 AM »
Umm no she didn't.

From today's Minneapolis Star and sickle , Startribune.  I'll get through the paywall if needed but the headline tells the Left talking point  um story.  Her speech, which ccp correctly pointed out already was read from a teleprompter, earns her ascent.  She didn't need to run in primaries, debate the best in her class, even have an interview.  She needed to stand up there with joy and read to us how great it will be without any details and without a single followup question.

God you people who buy this are sheep.  You can say she's the best one left in the race if that's what you believe but you can't say she earned it.  Complete BS.  Should be FACT CHECKED, but it won't.

She didn't earn it at any level, not even in the sense Prince King Charles did.

She was anointed King/Queen.  On the ear it side, she did just the opposite, every step of the way.
More from The Left:  Vanity Fair, The Threat Trump Poses   (Projectionism on steroids...)
(This is what we're up against.)

Trump would use the agencies to his political benefit.  If you want to see that in action, hold up the mirror to your favorite side.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 10:37:13 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris' 'Joyful' War Against Entrepreneurs, WSJ
« Reply #454 on: August 26, 2024, 10:42:16 AM »

Kamala Harris’s ‘Joyful’ War on Entrepreneurs
When Democrats talk about boosting the middle class, what they mean is government employees.

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Kamala Harris’s ‘Joyful’ War on Entrepreneurs




(2 min)

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Kamala Harris’s ‘Joyful’ War on Entrepreneurs
When Democrats talk about boosting the middle class, what they mean is government employees.
Allysia Finley
Allysia Finley
Aug. 25, 2024 1:49 pm ET




(2 min)

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Review and Outlook: The Vice President was vigorous and confident in her DNC acceptance speech, but her lack of substance leaves an opening for Donald Trump. Photo: Annabelle Gordon/Zuma Press
Americans who tuned in to Kamala Harris’s coronation last week heard from plenty of celebrities, labor leaders and politicians. Missing from the “joyous” celebration, however, were entrepreneurs who generate middle-class jobs.

No surprise. Cheered on by the crowd, Democrats took turns whacking “oligarchs” and “corporate monopolists.” By the time Ms. Harris took the stage, the pinatas’ pickings had been splattered around. This is what Democrats plan to do if they win: destroy wealth creators so they can spread the booty among their own.

Corporate greed is “the one true enemy,” United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain proclaimed. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders insisted the party “must take on Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Tech, and all the other corporate monopolists whose greed is denying progress for working people.” Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey railed against “greedflation” and accused corporations of “extorting families.”

Barack Obama lambasted Donald Trump and his “well-heeled donors.” “For them, one group’s gains is necessarily another group’s loss,” Mr. Obama said. “For them, freedom means that the powerful can do pretty much what they please, whether it’s fire workers trying to organize a union or put poison in our rivers or avoid paying taxes like everybody else has to do.”

Democrats treat wealth as a zero-sum game, and so Mr. Obama’s straw men are rich. They get richer by making everyone else poorer—and taking away from the well-off is the only way to enhance the lives of the poor and middle class. Hence, the left’s plans to raise taxes on “billionaires” and businesses to finance more welfare.

It isn’t enough that the top 1% of earners already pay 45.8% of federal income tax, which funds government services and welfare for the bottom half. As for poisoning rivers, perhaps Mr. Obama forgot that his own Environmental Protection Agency caused the 2015 Gold King Mine disaster, which spilled toxic waste into Colorado’s Animas River.

Quoting Abraham Lincoln, the former president invoked “the better angels of our nature” even as he appealed to America’s darker angels. His speech brought to mind a recent homily by my local parish priest about the dangers of class warfare and envy, one of the seven deadly sins.

Success, the priest explained, isn’t a zero-sum game. When a businessman succeeds, he creates jobs that help the poor. Envying and tearing down the successful makes everyone poorer. Rather than plunder the wealthy, society should celebrate success and try to help everyone prosper.

Democrats derisively refer to such ideas as “trickle-down economics.” They denounce and diminish business success, and claim the wealthy have profited from greed and government support. Who can forget Mr. Obama’s line in 2012 that “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that”?

Rather than try to make it easier for businesses to succeed—say, by reducing taxes or easing regulations—Democrats want to do the opposite. They call for “leveling the playing field” and “growing the middle class out,” euphemisms for taxing success so government can hand out money. But government doesn’t create wealth. People do.

While business success isn’t zero-sum, government growth can be. Its expansion makes it more difficult for business to thrive. The result is fewer jobs, lower wages and less tax revenue, which finances essential public services such as law enforcement and the “safety net” for the indigent.

Mr. Trump’s appeal in 2016 partly stemmed from slow economic growth during Mr. Obama’s presidency. The Republican promised to make all Americans richer by liberating businesses from government’s shackles. Mr. Trump’s deregulation and tax cuts worked: Average real wages increased nearly 70% faster during his first three years than during Mr. Obama’s presidency.

Yet most Americans have become poorer under Mr. Biden, as government spending has fueled inflation, which has eroded wages. Job growth has become increasingly concentrated in sectors that depend on government spending. When Democrats talk about boosting the middle class, they mean the class of government workers.

Government, education, healthcare and social assistance account for more than 60% of the new jobs added in the last year. In the 17 states where Democrats boast a “trifecta”—control of the governorship and both legislative chambers—the share is 98%. In the 23 states with Republican trifectas, it’s 47%.
Likewise, average wage growth since the start of the pandemic has been lower in high-tax states such as Illinois (13.6%), New York (14.4%) and California (17.2%) than in low-tax Florida (22.5%), Texas (23.3%) and South Dakota (26.9%). If middle-class Americans want to get richer, they ought to move to Miami, Dallas or Sioux Falls.

“As long as we look to legislation to cure poverty, or to abolish special privilege,” Henry Ford once observed, “we are going to see poverty spread and special privilege grow.” That’s the joyous future Americans can expect during a Harris presidency.


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The Kamala Sugar high, Did Kamala Harris peak < 12 hours after her speech?
« Reply #455 on: August 26, 2024, 10:55:15 AM »

Then people realized, she didn't say anything, she's the one who got us in this mess, and people smarter than her are jumping to Trump's side.   cf. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Even at her peak, with everything going right, she's not margin of error ahead of Trump.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 11:02:14 AM by DougMacG »


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The Biggest Lie of the Campaign so far, Kamala Harris
« Reply #456 on: August 27, 2024, 12:18:21 PM »
Speaking of overlapping and connected topics, we have Israel policy and the campaign of 2024.

Where are the "fact checkers" on this?  These two things didn't happen "at the same time".

Kamala Harris said the following in her famous speech at the convention.  It's no slip of the tongue or misstatement, misprint, misread, or gaffe.  Israel policy is the number one issue splitting Democrats and THIS is what they came up with to tell both sides of the divide:

VP Kamala Harris in the biggest speech of her life: 
"Let me be clear: I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. Including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival."

[Doug:  So far so good, a STRONG statement of support of Israel and their right to defend themselves.  And a condemnation of the attack against them.  Did she stop there?  No.]

Kamala Harris continued: "At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. So many innocent lives lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, over and over again. The scale of suffering is heartbreaking."

[Doug]  The lie is, "At the same time", and the intent and result is moral equivalence.  Both of these two things shouldn't be happening, she asserts.

But did these two tragic things happen "at the same time"?  No. One happened before the other and the timing of that, what she LIED about, means everything.  One happened because of the other. The devastation today wouldn't be happening if not for the attacks of 10/7/23.  Everyone knows that, so everyone knows she's lying.

The operation in Gaza today was a direct response, hopefully a disproportionate response, to what was launched against them.  Want a ceasefire or to avoid war altogether?  That's simple.  Don't strike first.

Even if you think Israel is the bully, beating up on someone weaker than them.  Even if you think Israel has gone too far, the lesson is the same.  Don't attack someone stronger than you.  Don't attack your neighbors.  Don't rape their women.  Don't take hostages. And so on.
To be fair, it's the teleprompter people who lied, but to be fair to us, they're the ones making policy and we don't get to interview her, or President Biden.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 12:26:56 PM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris "flip flops" on building the border wall
« Reply #457 on: August 27, 2024, 04:48:06 PM »

Even Axios calls it a flip flop.

At what point do they just call her 'spineless'?

She stood in front of a border fence on one of her political ads.  Called out on it apparently she supports building a wall. When?  After being elected?  Aren't they already elected?  Need authorization from Congress?  How about this?
Fact Sheet: The Secure Fence Act of 2006
President Bush Signs Secure Fence Act

If Dems don't want a wall, won't she lose votes? No. They know it's a head fake. Part of a pattern:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 04:51:34 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #458 on: August 27, 2024, 08:52:58 PM »
I am sure Dana Bash will expose Harris for the fraud she is.

More like questions and answers are all agreed upon in advance.

scripted rehearsed and waltz there just in case of emergency (such as she cackles too much when she has a good line and she is so relieved she brought it)

and like we all know she and the media will 24/7 broadcast what a revealing honest up front interview it was.

no gotcha questions or pressing for truth in face of lying.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #459 on: August 27, 2024, 09:02:23 PM »
I'm equally skeptical but if they put her too much at ease she may relax and let her true self show through.

They're letting her bring her emotional support Governor with her.


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Bringing Dad to a Job Interview Hosted by DNC's Fluffer
« Reply #460 on: August 28, 2024, 09:02:54 AM »
Ol' Kammy has agreed to an interview with a CNN "journalist" utterly in the tank for the DNC, but yet feels compelled to bring along Sgt. Timmy so he can kick her under the table when the cackling becomes too grating:


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new label for Harris
« Reply #463 on: August 30, 2024, 10:49:32 AM »

now "pragmatic"

first heard Axeldouche call her that lat pm now seeing other jurnolisters doing same.

She is pragmatic only in knowing her policies are losers, she worked for a loser, she is a loser, so she re labels herself to get the votes and later bring on the policies we all hate with same people same mob crew, same profs, same policy ideologues.


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Kamala Harris, like magic
« Reply #464 on: August 30, 2024, 01:59:56 PM »
Poet Tarzana Joe observes the campaign:

Like Magic,

I once saw a magician

He was really very good

But none of it was magic

If I’d only understood


That he captured my attention

And received a great ovation

By some crafty misdirection

And rehearsed manipulation


Sparks came from his fingers

And when the smoke had cleared

My card, my keys, my rabbit

Had completely disappeared


Of all the skills that you might learn

Sleight of hand’s a dandy

If you’re a politician

Well,  it really comes in handy


You state your firm positions

In English, French, and Spanish

Then say, “Abracadabra”

And just like that, they vanish


I support a ban on fracking

You can’t change my mind, I won’t

Then comes the Hocus Pocus

And suddenly, I don’t


I say we cut the funding

For enforcing Law and Order

It shouldn’t be illegal

If you want to cross a border


I know that’s your position

Cause I heard it and I read it

Now the mesmerizing media

Reports you never said it


You rode a wave of fervor

But enthusiasm’s cooled

People may love magic

But we don’t like being fooled


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Re: Kamala Harris offered $1K to Biden allies
« Reply #466 on: September 01, 2024, 03:10:54 AM »

New York Post. exclusive

Harris camp offered $1K to Biden allies before she was floated for board seat on Beau foundation: Hunter laptop emails

By Josh Christenson
Published Aug. 28, 2024, 3:38 p.m. ET

Allies of Joe Biden were skeptical that Kamala Harris was “ready” for the national spotlight during her 2016 US Senate campaign — but were apparently happy to hand over donor lists and even offer her a board seat with the Beau Biden Foundation after her camp dangled a $1,000 contribution, emails on first son Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show.

If completed, the convoluted transaction flouted the Foundation’s tax-exempt status and may have violated federal election law, experts told The Post this week.

Allies of Harris, then California’s attorney general, contacted Josh Alcorn, Beau Biden’s top political and fundraising adviser, with an unusual request in late 2015 — months after the former Delaware attorney general died of brain cancer.

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris appears on stage during the Democratic National Convention, Aug. 22, 2024, in Chicago.
Allies of Joe Biden handed over donor lists and even offered Kamala Harris a board seat with the Beau Biden Foundation after her camp dangled a $1,000 contribution, emails on first son Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show.
“Just an FYI – Kamala Harris’s campaign reached out. They’d like to pay us about $1,000 for access to the email list,” Alcorn wrote in a December 30 email to Hunter and Hallie Biden, Beau’s widow.

“The money would go to the [Beau Biden] campaign, then be transferred to the foundation,” explained Alcorn, who ran the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children from January 2016 to June 2021, according to his LinkedIn profile.

“Seems like a good thing to do, and we would work out a way to get some names and emails from her once her general election is over,” he added. “This isn’t a foundation issue – just a campaign wrap up issue. If either of you have objections, let me know.”

On Jan. 12, 2016, just under two weeks after that exchange, Alcorn floated Harris as a proposed addition to the foundation’s board.

Joshua Alcorn
Allies of Harris, then California’s attorney general, contacted Josh Alcorn, Beau Biden’s top political and fundraising adviser, with the unusual request in late 2015 — after the ex-Delaware AG died of brain cancer.
The email exchange ended with Alcorn informing Hunter Biden that he will “try to schedule the call with AG Harris.”

Three former members of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) told The Post that donor list swaps are common and legal among campaigns, as long as each pays fair market rate.

But funneling the Harris payment to the foundation in exchange for the donor list — after the Biden family made clear months earlier that Beau’s campaign funds would be donated to the foundation — would have been a different matter.

“Charitable organizations are not supposed to be involved in transactions with partisan campaign committees,” said Michael Toner, who served as FEC chairman in 2006 and as a commissioner between 2002 and 2007.

Image from Hunter Biden's laptop.
The email exchange ended with Alcorn informing Hunter Biden that he will “try to schedule the call with AG Harris.”
“If … the foundation had used that donor list and they’d raised $100,000 and they’re giving that donor list to Kamala Harris’ campaign” for $1,000, explained former FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky, who served from 2006 to 2007, “they’ve gone way over the amount of money that can be contributed.”

“They’re not charging the fair market value and that’s the way the FEC looks at things like this,” he added, pointing out that there is currently a $2,000 cap on the amount that campaigns can contribute to other campaigns.

“The fair market value of Campaign A’s list, which it gives to Campaign B, is worth $1,000. That is OK because it is still within the $2,000 limit,” von Spakovsky went on. “But assume that the value of Campaign B’s donor list is $4,000. They have just swapped lists. This was an uneven exchange, resulting in Campaign B making a $3,000 contribution to Campaign A, which is illegal because it violates the $2,000 contribution limit.”

If the donor list came from the foundation itself, he said, that would also amount to “an illegal corporate contribution.”

A voter fills out their ballot at a polling station in Lansing, Michigan, US, on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024.
If the donor list came from the foundation itself, Von Spakovsky said, that would also amount to “an illegal corporate contribution.”
Bloomberg via Getty Images
The Beau Biden Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) corporation, took in a little more than $535,000 in contributions, gifts and grants during its first year of operation in 2016, according to its Form 990 tax filings with the IRS.

The filings also show the foundation checked “No” when asked: “Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office?”

Making such contributions in exchange for appointments — such as a board seat — could also “raise more direct bribery questions,” according to Bradley Smith, a 2004 FEC chairman who also served as a commissioner from 2000 to 2005.

Full committee hearing on the nomination Hans von Spakovsky to be a commissioner of the Federal Election Commission.
“They’re not charging the fair market value and that’s the way the FEC looks at things like this,” former FEC commissioner Hans von Spakovsky told The Post.
CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
Harris never accepted the position on the foundation’s board, a role which does not involve compensation, tax filings show.

It’s also unclear whether the Harris campaign funneled any contribution to Beau Biden’s defunct campaign fundraising committee, his PAC or another entity like the Draft Biden super PAC, which Alcorn also headed up.

Joe Biden announced in October 2015 that he would not seek the Democratic nomination, clearing the party’s “establishment lane” for Hillary Clinton, who went on to lose to Donald Trump in the November 2016 general election.

The Draft Biden PAC shuttered in April 2016, per FEC filings. Beau’s committee, Biden for Delaware, and Beau PAC terminated at the end of 2015.

The Post reviewed FEC filings from both the 2016 Harris campaign and the Draft Biden super PAC, as well as the state campaign committees associated with Beau Biden, but could not find a direct transaction from the future California senator to a Biden fundraising campaign.

President Joe Biden speaks and Vice President Kamala Harris during the first day of the Democratic National Convention at the United Center.
Syndication: USA TODAY
Other emails on Hunter’s laptop reveal a long-term effort to bring Harris into the Bidens’ orbit in Delaware — even as allies said she would not be a “great choice” for a vice presidential pick.
Josh Morgan, Josh Morgan / USA TODAY NETWORK
Harris’ PAC did, however, donate $1,000 to NGP Van Inc. for “database services” on Jan. 5, 2016, six days after Alcorn wrote the first email about the proposed exchange. NGP Van is a major platform for Democratic campaign fundraising and donor research.

Other emails on Hunter’s laptop reveal a long-term effort to bring Harris into the Bidens’ orbit — even as allies cautioned she would not be a “great choice” for a running should Joe take the plunge into the 2016 campaign.

“No great choices,” mused former Biden press secretary Alexander Mackler in an August 6, 2015, email to Hunter and Biden family business associate Eric Schwerin about potential running mates.

“Almost has to be a woman,” added Mackler, who served as Biden’s deputy counsel during his vice presidency and on Beau’s 2010 re-election campaign for state attorney general. “Can’t be Kamala (she has a campaign and she’s [sic] doesn’t pass the ‘ready’ test).”

“If Kamala says no, I suggest Patrick Lynch or Jack Conaway,” Mackler floated in a Jan. 22 email, apparently referring to the former Rhode Island attorney general and a Delaware administrator in Sussex County close to the Biden family.

Other notable names suggested for foundation board seats included former Education Secretary Arne Duncan, retired Delaware Adjutant and Army National Guard Gen. Francis Vavala, former Arkansas Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Jackie Dodd, the wife of former Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd, and NBC News “Today” co-host Savannah Guthrie.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper was also put forward as “another media person, potentially.”

The Harris campaign, Beau Biden Foundation and Alcorn did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 03:25:23 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris, free speech without oversight has to stop
« Reply #467 on: September 03, 2024, 09:33:51 AM »

No, she's not extreme...   This is a perfectly normal view... If we want to be governed by the KGB or People's Liberation Army. A couple of differences, those countries don't have our Constitution and those regimes never had to face the voters.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 10:08:32 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala harris, she faked a phone call to avoid questions
« Reply #468 on: September 03, 2024, 10:23:33 AM »
Kamala Harris, she faked a phone call to avoid questions while boarding CarForce II.


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Double Busy, Can’t Take Questions
« Reply #469 on: September 03, 2024, 01:07:24 PM »
Kamala doesn’t want to field questions from the press. How to duck ‘em? Pretend you are on the phone! Alas, she takes it too far by using a hardwired earphone set, while also holding the phone to her ear….

Her handlers need to handle her better:


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head phones AND a phone
« Reply #470 on: September 03, 2024, 01:21:48 PM »
yes Doug and BBG

Remember when Ron Reagan used to put his hand up to his ear when walking to and from AirForce One and act like he could not hear the Sam Donaldson attack questions?

Harris can't even do this right.

I wonder (speculation of course ) if this is what she is listening to in the headphones:!%20(Official%20Video)where%20to%20find


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #471 on: September 03, 2024, 01:24:44 PM »
BTW the above rap "artist" reveals this:

$2 million
Teezo Touchdown’s net worth is estimated to be $2 million.
Country: United States of America
Net Worth: $2 Million
Profession: Rapper, Singer
Real Name: Aaron Lashane Thomas

apparently a lot of people (suckas) buying his music or going to his shows.........


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Re: head phones AND a phone
« Reply #473 on: September 04, 2024, 05:34:37 AM »
She goes 40 days between taking questions, that's a LONG phone call.


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Kamala Harris-Biden record on energy
« Reply #475 on: September 04, 2024, 11:17:34 AM »
“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris told a climate crowd during the CNN town hall.  [2019, during her Presidential  run]
Vice President Harris told Dana Bash she supported fracking and made that clear in 2020.  In her 2020 debate she said, "Joe Biden supports fracking".  This has significance because everyone knows she is/was the only Senator to the Left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  Harris promised in her own campaign she would ban fracking.  The message was simple, moderate Joe was the top of the ticket, not radical Kamala.  Who is the top of the ticket now?

But moderate Joe turned out to be radical Joe.  Here's what he did with energy as President:

Canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline;
Halted Lease Sales in Alaska’s ANWR;
Placed a Moratorium on Drilling on Federal Lands;
Rejoined the Paris Climate Accord;
Proposed Energy-Inhibiting Budgets;
Canceled Oil and Gas Drilling Leases;
Initiated Punitive Government Investigations;
Restricted Permian Basin Drilling.

There's more:

"...the “refinery squeeze” — the collection of regulations and incentives that have driven a drop in US refinery capacity by about 5% just since 2020. It seems that multiple refineries have been incentivized to switch from refining petroleum to “biofuels” (i.e., ethanol), which takes their capacity down by some 90%. And then, the process of building a new refinery to replace lost capacity has become almost impossible. Toomey: “Observers cite onerous environmental regulations and permitting red-tape hurdles as the primary reasons for avoiding new refinery permit applications.”

Then there is the Biden-Harris regulatory plan to suppress and ultimately eliminate the internal combustion engine car.  I reported on that in this blog post of June 8, 2024.  Massive new regulations on emissions and fuel economy standards (from EPA and NHTSA respectively), proposed in April 2024, had just gone final at the time of my post.  The effect of these new rules:  “The agencies know full well that they are forcing a transition to EVs that customers do not want. How fast must the forced transition be? This piece from Atlas EV Hub from March 25 estimates that EPA’s Rule by itself will force EV sales to be up to 69% of new vehicle sales by 2032.”

The Biden-Harris administration has also dragooned every federal agency, even those with no remotely-related jurisdiction, to get into the climate game.  Famous examples include the SEC and the Fed.  The SEC’s massive and burdensome “climate disclosure” regulation, proposed back in 2021 and finally issued in March of this year, seeks to drive companies out of the fossil fuel business by making the disclosure obligations too onerous to deal with."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 11:23:39 AM by DougMacG »


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Fibbing About Fast Food
« Reply #476 on: September 04, 2024, 05:15:07 PM »
A resume so thin one has to tell tales about working at Mickey D’s:


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Mainstream media up in arms about Harris missing Fox debate last night
« Reply #477 on: September 05, 2024, 04:59:09 AM »
Mainstream media up in arms about Harris missing Fox debate last night.

   - Just kidding.  The event went by without a mention.

She managed to avoid debate, press or scrutiny until after early voting began.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 05:04:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala, Astro-turf, rent a crowd
« Reply #478 on: September 05, 2024, 08:38:31 AM »

One difference between the campaigns, Trump doesn't have to rent and bus his supporters in.

All Harris and Walz events have been by "invitation" only.  No public appearances.

Another point, New Hampshire is not supposed to be a swing state for Kamala!

It's all unraveling...

She's succeeded in one thing, setting low expectations for her big debate performance.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #479 on: September 05, 2024, 09:16:07 AM »
Levin had great questions of Harris asking her to explain some economic topics
not just empty platitudes

We know she couldn't do it.

O'Reilly suggested DJT ask her:

when I left office inflation was 1%.  It went up to 9 % under you.  Why?

I am thinking DJT ask her specific questions.   And Trump will need to know the answer in case she turns it around and says "do you know the answer?"


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Kommiela vs the First Amendment
« Reply #480 on: September 05, 2024, 02:39:34 PM »

That Kamala Harris Video and Censorship
Even after the fact checks, her comments were at war with the First Amendment.
James Freeman
Sept. 3, 2024 6:46 pm ET

In a widely viewed post on X, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. falsely describes the context of a video clip in which Kamala Harris talks about silencing someone with whom she disagrees. Once one understands the accurate context, her comment is just as appalling.

Mr. Kennedy’s mistake is in presenting the video as depicting our vice president describing why she thinks Elon Musk and his X media platform should be denied the right to free speech. In fact it’s a clip from 2019 in which Ms. Harris was trying to silence President Donald Trump and trample on First Amendment rights across all social media platforms.

Back in 2019 X was still called Twitter. Here’s what Ms. Harris told CNN about her campaign to pressure Twitter to turn off Mr. Trump’s account:

He has lost his privileges and it should be taken down. And the bottom line is that you can’t say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.
Government must regulate speech across all media platforms and dictate one set of rules for what people are permitted to say? This is a proposal for a frontal assault on the First Amendment, and a great reason for voters not to grant Ms. Harris the promotion she now seeks. Why most media outlets have not regarded her authoritarian message as disqualifying for the presidency is a question for another day. But it’s important that Mr. Kennedy’s error not obscure the danger to liberty expressed by a candidate in her own words.

In 2019 Ms. Harris was speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper right after the network had hosted a Democratic presidential candidates debate in Westerville, Ohio. News consumers may recall Sen. Elizabeth Warren as among the most aggressive proponents of giant, overbearing government in that primary race. But that night’s drama featured Ms. Warren resisting as Ms. Harris badgered her again and again to agree that Twitter should disable the sitting president’s account. Here’s an excerpt from CNN’s transcript, as Sen. Warren was given a chance to respond to Ms. Harris:

WARREN: So, look, I don’t just want to push Donald Trump off Twitter. I want to push him out of the White House. That’s our job.
HARRIS: Well, join me — join me in saying that his Twitter account should be shut down.
WARREN: But let’s figure — no. Let’s figure out…
WARREN: … why it is that we have had laws on the books for antitrust for over a century, and yet for decades now, we’ve all called on how the big drug companies are calling the shots in Washington, big ag, how the gun industry, big tech — you know, we really need to address the elephant in the room, and that is how campaigns are financed.
HARRIS: You can’t say you’re for corporate responsibility if it doesn’t apply to everyone.
WARREN: I announced this morning — I announced this morning that I’m not going to take any money from big tech executives, from Wall Street executives. We’ve already agreed, Bernie and I, we’re not taking any money from big pharma executives.
Ms. Harris continued demanding that Sen. Warren endorse censorship of their chief political rival while the Massachusetts senator continued trying to change the subject. At one point questioner Marc Lacey of the New York Times tried to bring another candidate into the discussion but Ms. Harris said, “I’m not finished. I’m not finished.” She then continued to demand Ms. Warren’s assent in censorship, as the Massachusetts senator continued to resist.

Can you imagine a federal government so large and so contemptuous of constitutional liberty that Elizabeth Warren is the voice of restraint and the bulwark protecting individual rights?

Don’t say you haven’t been warned about Kamala Harris.

Her argument for shutting down the Trump account rested on an outrageous claim tying him to an El Paso shooting for which he was not responsible, and another bogus claim that criticizing the purported “whistleblower” that House Democrats would use for their partisan first impeachment amounted to threatening a witness. That night in Ohio, even CNN’s Mr. Tapper sounded skeptical:

TAPPER: So, without disputing that, let me ask you, but then there’s a slippery slope, right? I mean, does that mean anybody who writes about the whistleblower, anybody who questions the credibility of the whistleblower, that they shouldn’t have their articles, their statements on Twitter read also? I mean, that’s where it all starts heading.
HARRIS: I think that is a fine conversation for a law school debate, but that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about actual words issued by the president of the United States, unfiltered, which have clearly been threatening the life of witnesses to what might be a crime.
She didn’t say which actual words she considered a threat and of course there was no actual crime established in the Democrats’ partisan first impeachment effort, which ended with acquittal in the Senate in early 2020.

Kamala Harris didn’t want Mr. Trump to be able to defend himself in the public square. And that should concern every American, whether they support Mr. Trump or not.


James Freeman is the co-author of “The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival” and also the co-author of “Borrowed Time: Two Centuries of Booms, Busts and Bailouts at Citi.”
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Re: Kamala vs the First Amendment
« Reply #481 on: September 05, 2024, 03:28:03 PM »
"They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop."

   - This view of anti-free speech should be disqualifying to be President. Voters approve this message? I hope not.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 08:53:49 PM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris to pick Keith Ellison US Attorney General
« Reply #482 on: September 08, 2024, 07:20:15 AM »


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Harris claims she is 5'4" AND 1/4"
« Reply #483 on: September 08, 2024, 07:21:42 AM »
I just realized why she adds the 1/4 inch which I suspect is a lie:

James Madison, our shortest President was 64 " tall.

 :wink:   So she just beats him out   -   what a coincidence.   :wink:

I am thinking one of the hack historians she listens to told her to say that.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #484 on: September 08, 2024, 07:25:59 AM »

"It is hard to think of anyone less qualified to be Attorney General of the United States than Keith Ellison. Long-time member and partisan of the Nation of Islam, alleged domestic abuser, bystander at the Feeding Our Future scandal, scourge of law enforcement, and advocate for domestic terrorism and political violence"

Agree, and that is why he IS considered eminently qualified by the Democrat machine for USAG.


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Funny in 2021 she was 1.57 m tall
« Reply #485 on: September 08, 2024, 07:33:10 AM »


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Kamala Harris, These aren't flip flops
« Reply #486 on: September 08, 2024, 08:44:52 PM »

Chris Cillizza: Does Kamala Harris Have Any Actual Beliefs?

If it were one issue it wouldn't be a big deal but as Cillizza correctly points out, she's done this on a bunch of issues: Fracking, the border wall and asylum policies, the Green New Deal, gun confiscation, Medicare for All. She has done an about face on all of them. It's a big part of her strategy to get elected.
The claim that Harris has actually changed her mind because of her time as VP and that her values haven't changed is just not credible.
And the explanation that she and her campaign team have settled on — “my values have not changed” — doesn’t really fly either. If her values told her that single payer, government run healthcare was the right way to insure Americans get the best services possible, why does she no longer think that?
Given that history, I struggle to swallow the spin that her time as vice president is what explains all of these policy shifts. Especially when you consider that every single one of them is Harris moving from a position liberals love to one centrists — and swing voters — prefer. Like, she never learned anything during her time in the White House that made her think a more liberal solution was the right way to go?

She said then that she opposed fracking; would “think about” abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency; called the idea of adding more police officers “wrongheaded thinking”; entertained the idea of allowing felons to vote; said she supported a “mandatory buyback program” for some guns; and called for the elimination of private health insurance.

Fracking is a particularly tough issue for Ms. Harris. Banning it was a plank in her energy platform in the 2020 primary race. But fracking remains a key element of the economy in Pennsylvania, perhaps the most important battleground state this year...

What does seem credible is that Harris' advisers are lying because the real Kamala Harris is a fringe candidate who can't possibly win this election.

The alternative possibility is that she hasn't got any real views of her own and just repeats whatever she's told to say. In 2019 that was far-left pablum about Medicare for All and fracking and in 2024 it's the opposite.

Short video, must see:
Welker: "Do you think Kamala is abandoning her progressive ideals?" 

Bernie: "No... I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

Oops, you weren't supposed to say that part out loud!

"It was a Debate!"
« Last Edit: September 08, 2024, 09:17:58 PM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris with a Seinfeld backdrop
« Reply #487 on: September 09, 2024, 10:31:38 AM »
Merger of two famous shows known for the nothingness:

Powerline pro tip:  Don't cackle at your own jokes.  We'll tell you if they're funny.


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Kamala Harris answers the ACLU in 2019
« Reply #490 on: September 10, 2024, 06:47:41 AM »

Provide taxpayer funding for gender transition surgery to detained migrants??

“Transition treatment is a medical necessity, and I will direct all federal agencies responsible for providing essential medical care to deliver transition treatment,” she wrote.

She clearly staked out ground to the Left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

"My values haven't changed", she said in her most recent interview.

Here is the questionaire:
« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 06:50:45 AM by DougMacG »


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Look at her in this interview
« Reply #493 on: September 14, 2024, 07:24:21 AM »

How could anyone believe that her performance in the debate was not based on prepared answers to questions she knew in advance AND moderators who did not challenge her?

Trump is not polished in debates but is in townhalls and interviewers who do not try to make him look bad.

Harris is polished (though without any substance) in "debates" but is totally confused in a real interview that challenges her.

Amazing how debates can be rigged in ways to allow one to appear to shine and the other to underperform.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #494 on: September 14, 2024, 09:12:50 AM »
Jesse Waters played a lot of this last night.  We need to give this legs!!!

Here is the interview itself:

« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 09:44:04 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #497 on: September 14, 2024, 12:49:16 PM »
Jesse Waters played a lot of this last night.  We need to give this legs!!!

Here is the interview itself:

Make sure I have this right.

Q: What are specific things you would do to bring prices down.

A:  People were proud of their lawns. ...

[Doug] Did she not hear the question?

Answer continued, give them a tax deduction ... give them a tax credit ... give them a down payment.

Questioner: no follow up, um, you didn't answer the question.

[Doug]  For every time you say "give, aren't you also saying "take"?

Q: Tell us something people wouldn't know about you.

A: She tells same story she told in the debate, "as a career prosecutor I never asked a victim if the were Republican or Democrat".  (It was California, most crime victims are Democrat. Nice try.)

[Doug]  Did she not know she just told that story or did she (again) not hear the question?

I hope she does a lot more interviews so people get to know her...    :wink:


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Harris in Her Own Words
« Reply #498 on: September 15, 2024, 08:10:00 AM »
A compendium of Harris quotes, most of which display her verbal ineptness, and all of which speak to her political views before it was expedient to do an about face:


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #499 on: September 15, 2024, 03:18:40 PM »
Playing this forward!