Author Topic: 2024  (Read 156672 times)


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The debate transcript
« Reply #1450 on: June 29, 2024, 09:26:26 PM »

" As mentioned, they worked in their bias just through the topics. "

Yes , for example on the opioid crises

was not about enforcement at the border or busting the cartels

it was what are you going to do for addiction treatment ......

how lib is that?

It is planned to head off any points raised about open borders and fentanyl by Trump by putting him on the spot asking him about treatment programs .


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1451 on: June 29, 2024, 10:45:10 PM »

Another Left article on replacing Biden.

Biden's problem is catastrophic, permanent, irreversible, yet they only noticed it a minute ago?  Hard to believe.

To put it bluntly, they didn't care he was too out if it to be President.  But now they care that he can't beat Trump.

It's not his senility. It's the policies stupid.

Republicans rejoice in his tragedy?  NO!  Republicans want his, their policies reversed.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 04:11:40 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1452 on: June 30, 2024, 04:50:41 AM »
"To put it bluntly, they didn't care he was too out if it to be President.  But now they care that he can't beat Trump."



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Re: 2024
« Reply #1453 on: June 30, 2024, 09:48:20 AM »
I think it was the host on the VDH on his podcast who pointed out that Trump will have to fine tune his debates or presentations some if the Dems pick a younger different form of slickster such as Newsome, or Josh Shapiro (VDH kept making rare mistakes calling him "Ben Shapiro  :-o)

Because they articulate more specific cherry picked ways to support their DNC agenda.

We need to start bashing them now!

I don't know anything about Whitmer but I guess her too.

We can bash Harris easily by simply playing all her idiotic cackling and "to be clear" lectures spewing nonsense.


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FWIW a poll shows Shapiro beating Trump by 11 pts. in PA
« Reply #1454 on: June 30, 2024, 12:23:09 PM »

if one of the main reasons Trump is ahead is because Biden is demented that clearly will not be the problem for Shapiro which will be a big problem for the devisive Trump.

David Alexrods warning that if Biden is off the ballot and someone , perhaps Shapiro is on it, has a insightful point.

We may get what we wish for.


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Re: FWIW a poll shows Shapiro beating Trump by 11 pts. in PA
« Reply #1455 on: July 01, 2024, 06:28:18 AM »

if one of the main reasons Trump is ahead is because Biden is demented that clearly will not be the problem for Shapiro which will be a big problem for the devisive Trump.

David Alexrods warning that if Biden is off the ballot and someone , perhaps Shapiro is on it, has a insightful point.

We may get what we wish for.

Gov Shapiro may be well known and liked in Pennsylvania. Amy Klobuchar wins with 60% in MN.  Newsom would carry California.  And Buttigieg managed a successful parking meter transition in East Bend? West Bend?  [DeSantis would carry Florida.
 Palin was very popular in Alaska - before her national ordeal.  And Kristi Noem in SD.]

Winning 270 electoral votes is another matter.

Democrats have almost always had a hard time finding a national leader.  JFK and Obama lacked executive experience (but they won).  Mondale lacked charisma.  Carter was a peanut farmer.  The Dukakis tank picture told his story.  Clinton had talent, with scandals and personal defects. Kerry?  Gore?  Biden?

This was the debate stage Wednesday, June 26, Thursday June 27, 2019, where Biden emerged the leader?

Cory Booker
Julián Castro
Bill de Blasio
John Delaney
Tulsi Gabbard
Jay Inslee
Amy Klobuchar
Beto O'Rourke
Tim Ryan
Elizabeth Warren

Michael Bennet
Joe Biden
Pete Buttigieg
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kamala Harris
John Hickenlooper
Bernie Sanders
Eric Swalwell
Marianne Williamson
Andrew Yang

Hickelooper was my pick.  Where are they now?  Bernie Sanders was second best of that group?  And Biden was the best??  Kamala was an early 'frontrunner'?

None of the others mentioned now.

Harris' greatest moment, which won her exactly zero delegates in her own party:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 07:25:29 AM by DougMacG »


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2024, the topsy tipsy turvy political world we live in
« Reply #1456 on: July 01, 2024, 07:00:42 AM »
Post debate Democrats including so called MSM Friday were in a panic to replace Biden.

Yesterday and today the story changed:

"Everybody has a bad debate."  "He was fighting a cold".  Best one from the link:

"privately expressed exasperation at how his staff prepared him for Thursday night's event."

It was staff's fault.  (Who is in charge of staff?)

Is that what Rick Perry said?  He forgot the names of three departments of the federal government he would eliminate because they shouldn't be departments of the federal government.  And back pain medicine.  He dropped out and was never heard from again.

[My guess] Jill said there's no way Joe is leaving or giving up his delegates. 

Now it's Bounce Back Joe, The Comeback Kid.  Surely you jest.

What about the 80 million or whatever it is out there, can they turn on a dime as well? Joe's lost it. (Friday)  Oh, Joe's okay. He just had a bad day. (Monday)

[Doug]  Joe never had it.

It's the policies stupid.  There is no great debate answer for policies designed to fail.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 07:30:32 AM by DougMacG »


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“They are Divided and Desperate”
« Reply #1457 on: July 01, 2024, 11:40:44 AM »
An interesting take:


Now that the dust has settled, here’s what I believe happened with the debate:

The war between Biden machine & the Obama machine spilled into the open

Democrat leaders on both sides are truly panicking about Biden’s crashing poll numbers

Biden knows if he’s out of power, his crime family will be prosecuted and disgraced and Jill Biden has gotten way to used to the lifestyle - she won’t give it up

Obama team knows their mafia operation will be prosecuted under Trump as well

So both sides are desperate and fighting over whose strategy is best to beat Trump

Obama machine launched a final sneak attack to pressure Joe to drop out after the debate that they knew he would be awful in
It didn’t work

Biden met with Obama the next day, made clear he wasn’t quitting, and now Obama machine puppets are all backtracking, including Obama himself

It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine

The Democrat machine as a whole is begrudgingly unifying behind Biden in hopes that he can pull it off

But make no mistake - these people are truly scared of what’s coming down the road for them under Trump

I’ve never seen them act this desperately

These are not the moves of a confident & powerful regime

They are divided and desperate

If Trump wins, we will truly destroy the Deep State and they know it

Push forward with everything you’ve got b/c these weakened criminals are on the ropes


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1458 on: July 01, 2024, 02:20:07 PM »
Days like this with some real good news for our side

and Biden *staying* in the race (what could be better ?!)

I feel like watching CNN and MSDNC - to watch their anger disgust panic anxiety depression outrage etc.

Just like they did to us for the past 8 to 9 yrs.
Not retribution - just justice .


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1459 on: July 01, 2024, 02:20:59 PM »
"It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine"

This resonates for me.

BTW: Beware the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.  She is better positioned than the Chattering Class currently realizes.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 02:30:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Too Bad Competence Isn’t Considered a Democratic Party Virtue
« Reply #1460 on: July 01, 2024, 05:00:00 PM »
The WSJ pens a lovely piece of schadenfreude:

The Mess Democrats Have Made, Kamala Harris Edition

Imagine if Biden had chosen a Vice President for competence rather than identity politics.

When the Democratic media complex decides on a political question, the unified choreography is something to behold. So it is with the new establishment chorus after Thursday’s debate that President Biden should withdraw his candidacy for a second term. Suddenly, the columnists and editorial pages that denied the truth are sounding like these columns.

The problem is that Democrats are now left with a likely nominee who is in obvious mental decline, and a Vice President in Kamala Harris who is even less popular than Mr. Biden. Finding a better nominee will be messy, no matter how desirable, but keep in mind how Democrats and their media allies got themselves and the country into this mess.
One reason is that they happily covered for White House deceptions. The Democratic press barely questioned Mr. Biden’s limited workday, his reliance on a teleprompter, and his rare unscripted media interviews. “Eighty is the new 40,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said last year. “Didn’t you hear?” Ms. Jean-Pierre said in 2022 that Mr. Biden displays such stamina that she, not yet age 50, “can’t even keep up with him.” Conservatives mocked this but the press laughed it off.

When reporters noticed Mr. Biden had started pairing his business suits with dark tennis shoes rather than traditional dress shoes, the speculation was that the footwear was meant to keep him from falling. Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates spun it as a fitness thing. “I know y’all aren’t partial to presidents who exercise,” he told the New York Post, “but don’t worry—you’ll get used to it.”

The Journal’s news pages received similar treatment in June when they carried a story, based on 45 interviews, about Mr. Biden slipping. Gene Sperling, an economic adviser, told reporters it was standard practice for presidents to read from note cards in meetings. Mr. Bates said the story was a “smear” full of politically motivated “false claims,” and that Mr. Biden is a “savvy and effective leader.”

The press rallied around the White House and called the story irresponsible, saying the Journal had fallen for a right-wing, Fox News trope. The folks at Morning Joe on MSNBC were outraged, calling the news article a “false, biased story,” and a “Trump hit piece.”

The New York Times published a long story blaming concerns about Mr. Biden’s frailties on a “distorted, online version of himself, a product of often misleading videos that play into and reinforce voters’ longstanding concerns about his age and abilities.”

Elected Democrats at least have the excuse that they risk their careers if they tell the truth about Mr. Biden. Exhibit A: Dean Phillips. But there’s no excuse for a press corps to deny what two-thirds of the public said they saw with their own eyes. Now, with the looming prospect of defeat to Donald Trump, the liberal media establishment has turned to admit what it can no longer deny.
The path out of this nightmare might be easier if not for another problem the press refused to recognize—that Kamala Harris wasn’t remotely qualified to be Vice President when Mr. Biden chose her. He had promised to pick a woman as his Vice President, and Mr. Biden selected Ms. Harris because she was a woman of color, not because of her qualifications.

Ms. Harris had bombed as a presidential candidate, washing out after she couldn’t defend her own Medicare plan at a primary debate. She had risen to the Senate based on patronage. Yet she was hailed by Democrats and the press as the first woman of color on a national ticket, as if this were more important than someone who could do the job. Criticism of her failures on immigration, or of her frequent word salads, was said to be racist or sexist.

Imagine if the Vice President now were someone like Gerald Ford, a pair of safe hands as President after Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. The press is now reporting that one reason Mr. Biden chose to run for re-election was fear that Ms. Harris couldn’t defeat Mr. Trump.
It’s an apt worry. But if Mr. Biden had bowed out last year, Democrats could have had a normal primary fight for the nomination. Ms. Harris would have had to show she deserved it in her own right by defeating competitors. Now Democrats run the risk of appearing to bypass the first minority woman Vice President in a backroom coup. This is what happens when a party puts identity politics above governing experience and political skill.

A Biden withdrawal and an open August convention are still desirable—in the best interests of the country as much as those of the Democratic Party. Mr. Biden’s frailties are an invitation to adversaries to exploit in a second term, and Ms. Harris doesn’t appear up to the job. An open convention carries risks, but it’s the best way Democrats and their media allies can clean up the mess they’ve made.

The path out of this nightmare might be easier if not for another problem the press refused to recognize—that Kamala Harris wasn’t remotely qualified to be Vice President when Mr. Biden chose her. He had promised to pick a woman as his Vice President, and Mr. Biden selected Ms. Harris because she was a woman of color, not because of her qualifications.

Ms. Harris had bombed as a presidential candidate, washing out after she couldn’t defend her own Medicare plan at a primary debate. She had risen to the Senate based on patronage. Yet she was hailed by Democrats and the press as the first woman of color on a national ticket, as if this were more important than someone who could do the job. Criticism of her failures on immigration, or of her frequent word salads, was said to be racist or sexist.

Imagine if the Vice President now were someone like Gerald Ford, a pair of safe hands as President after Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. The press is now reporting that one reason Mr. Biden chose to run for re-election was fear that Ms. Harris couldn’t defeat Mr. Trump.
It’s an apt worry. But if Mr. Biden had bowed out last year, Democrats could have had a normal primary fight for the nomination. Ms. Harris would have had to show she deserved it in her own right by defeating competitors. Now Democrats run the risk of appearing to bypass the first minority woman Vice President in a backroom coup. This is what happens when a party puts identity politics above governing experience and political skill.

A Biden withdrawal and an open August convention are still desirable—in the best interests of the country as much as those of the Democratic Party. Mr. Biden’s frailties are an invitation to adversaries to exploit in a second term, and Ms. Harris doesn’t appear up to the job. An open convention carries risks, but it’s the best way Democrats and their media allies can clean up the mess they’ve made.


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Re: 2024, HRC, please no!
« Reply #1461 on: July 01, 2024, 05:14:49 PM »
"BTW: Beware the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua.  She is better positioned than the Chattering Class currently realizes."

  - Agreed, although I still owe on a bet over her last candidacy.

First, Joe Biden has to voluntarily step away and it appears he isn't going to do that.  Then, Democrats have millions of people to choose from but it will be from a very short list and Hillary's might be at the top if Michelle won't do it.  For sure she wants it and thinks it's owed to her.  Dems could pick some new from 'outside the beltway' (Newsom?) or more likely they would pick someone already very well known - like Hillary or Michelle.  Stepping over Kamala might require taking someone who has been there, done that, and HRC tops that list.

On the first point, Joe changing his mind, I think it would take major internal leverage over his (alleged) corruption, not just that he can't win.  He can't comprehend not winning, don't you just have you people stuff the boxes?  He knows and Jill knows, he can protect himself better from corruption charges if he keeps the Commander in Chief job, boss of all the 3 letter agency heads, DOJ, FBI, IRS.

Then of course you have a two time loser (but so was Joe), rejected by her own party in 2008 and in the general election in 2016.  She lost her pretend White House job in the 2000 election, then runs every 8 years for decades?  She would turn 80 in a first term and be the oldest President ever in a second term.

What percentage of voters today were in adulthood in 1992 when Slick Willie and his young wife were the hottest thing, winning an exciting 43% of the vote, edging out nutty Perot and the 'wouldn't be prudent' guy who had never seen a grocery checkout lane (?).

They had the "bridge to the 21st century" going and all danced around to Fleetwood Mac, Don't Stop. Thinkin' about tomorrow.  I wonder if people knew "thinking about tomorrow" meant she would be running for President 32 years later.  (Time flies)   Will they still be singing don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow in 2024 or did Greta spoil all that? Five years to save the planet are up and you missed it.  How dare you!!


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TDS - Biden is coherent cognizant say over 50 % crats
« Reply #1462 on: July 02, 2024, 09:28:02 AM »

this is great news for us.
keep the loser in the game.........


of course, they are polling others to find who, if anyone could beat Trump.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1463 on: July 03, 2024, 06:39:13 AM »
"To put it bluntly, they didn't care he was too out if it to be President.  But now they care that he can't beat Trump."


Good to see Trump's inner circle reading the forum:

"The Media Freakout Isn’t About Competency, It’s About Electability"
David Sacks on X (twitter)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 06:46:35 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1465 on: July 03, 2024, 08:34:02 AM »
"To put it bluntly, they didn't care he was too out if it to be President.  But now they care that he can't beat Trump."


Good to see Trump's inner circle reading the forum:

"The Media Freakout Isn’t About Competency, It’s About Electability"
David Sacks on X (twitter)

How many lawyers you figure Team Biden has flying as low beneath the radar as possible figuring out, in the wake of the SCOTUS immunity ruling, how many of his dubious acts were, in fact, covered by his broad immunity? Classified docs in garage? Merely testing security standards, honest! Ukraine shenanigans as VP? A prescient effort to make back channel Ukranian contacts as ol' street fighter Joe knew not only he'd be elected President, but also that rotten Putin would throw down with him miliarily, making these sorts of contacts a critical fallback given the chaos of war! Truly! And Hunter, at papa's again prescient request, was merely charting the efficacy of ATF form 4473, oh, and IRS auditing capabilities, and yeah, DEA enforcement abilities, and also the FBI's sex trafficking interdiction abilities, and Christ, something is surely being forgotten, but that too!!

My guess is at least a dozen....


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1469 on: July 03, 2024, 10:04:29 PM »


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2024, Dem ticket
« Reply #1470 on: July 04, 2024, 06:03:25 AM »
The threat:  If you take Joe off the ticket you'll end up with Kamala as the nominee.  Joe will direct all his money to Kamala.  Blacks and women will defect if it's not Kamala etc.

The Irony:  If you do elect Joe, you're going to end up with Kamala?  Right? Insert cackle here.

Joe wants credit for giving us the first black woman President, but he wants that very first one to be unelected and incompetent.  Strange.

WSJ calls her Biden's insurance policy.  Exactly what Crafty called Joe Biden's time as VP.  No one, not friend nor foe, would prefer Joe was President.  Oops ....
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 06:06:20 AM by DougMacG »


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MediaLite : Trump secretly taped
« Reply #1471 on: July 04, 2024, 06:30:57 AM »
saying the truth and stating what everyone else is saying and thinking:

 Trump making honest statements is NOT a scandal!

and who taped him?  If it is in NJ it was a crime.  I take that back. NJ is a one party consent state.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 07:01:46 AM by ccp »


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2024, Trump Harris Poll
« Reply #1472 on: July 04, 2024, 07:18:17 AM »
Trump leads Harris by 11.

Tell us how that solves their problem.  How does that separate the Dem nominee from the Biden results?

It's the policies stupid.

The answer is a return to JFK, adapted to our times.  (Not RFK jr). Rising tide raises all boats.  Biggest tax cut ever, at that time.  Stand up to adversaries.  Hold people accountable, 'its not what your country can do for you...'

Which party is that now?  Not Democrats.

How about a return to Clinton Gingrich?  Capital gains rates slashed.  End welfare as we know it.  Crack down on crime and illegal immigration, they're taking the jobs of working Americans. Grow the economy.  Balance the budget.  Sorry that's not Democrats now.  Not even the lady that took his name.

Enter the Obama era with his successors and same advisers, same direction.  Hope and change, or something. TRANSFORM America. 1619 project.  Government everything down to government chooses what you drive, when you drive, how far, with a shut off switch. (They're not joking around.)  Modern Monetary Theory.  Deficits don't matter.  Lose reserve currency status (enter third world country status).

 American apology tour abroad  Cash to the Mullahs.  Abandon Israel.  Envy China. Leave our equipment in Afghanistan.  Trans military.  Open border.  End of freedom.  End sovereignty.

Take opponents off ballots.  Can't check IDs to vote.  Don't even have to come in and be seen to vote.  Shut down opposing views   Divide America by race, by education, by income.  Rob Peter to pay Paul.  Gender denial, men in women's sports, where does it end?

What part of that sounds like JFK, "...not what your country can do for you..."?  None of it.

The point of a Harris Presidency is to keep all the same people and same horrid policies in place.  Opposite of hope and change. (Hint: that doesn't work as the incumbent party of 12+ years with a brief interruption.)

The candidates they would step over Harris for would do that also. 

Change within the party must come through the primary and debate process but they canceled that.  Why?

70% say wrong direction.  Democrats say no change, this is our direction, these are our policies, these are our results.  It's great - going down a rat hole. Bring Haiti here.  Bring in the Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Venezuelan gangs and more crime.  Bring in the fentanyl.  We'll even take the human trafficking while we import replacement voters.  We'll keep doing it even if it means Trump and the Republicans sweep the White House, House and Senate - again.

That's what 'liberal', 'open mindedness', means today.

Good bleeping riddance.  (And happy 4th of July everybody!)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 07:46:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1473 on: July 04, 2024, 08:04:24 AM »
JFK -  "Hold people accountable"

Agree.  It is the policies not just the person.
So replacing Biden with just another woke FAR left person is no different.

Except holding himself accountable as we all know:

BTW there was a recent poll showing Trump beating Harris by only 2 points which I found hard to believe.
Polls manipulated just like the media talking points.
I am wondering if this guy Josh Shapiro has national where with all
I am nervous about him as he sounds reasonable moderate and on the ball though he is in reality just another partisan DEM who may have stolen the election.

But he is not a ditz like Harris, demented like Joe, and a creep like Whitmer, or a cartoon charlatan like Newsome.
Plus, since he is Jewish he would rake in 100's of millions in Jewish campaign donations.

And if what I read and posted about previously that is a ton of money to the DNC.

In short, I would keep our eyes on him.
Time now to immediately start doing opposition research on him as well as every possible candidate since it is so hard to believe it will be Joe.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1474 on: July 04, 2024, 10:31:02 AM »
My understanding is that the money Biden has raised ($200+M?) can ony be handed off to Kommiela.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1476 on: July 04, 2024, 02:35:07 PM »
agree but more fun after election day with the needed outcome.

I don't want to go the way of Europe - which according to some is already gone.

See UK election .  All over leftist DrudgeReport with its church bells ringing.

I fear a more moderate Liberal can take the US Presidency right now as well.


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2024, Oddsmakers say Harris will be the nominee
« Reply #1477 on: July 05, 2024, 09:02:22 PM »
Bookmakers Put Their Money On Kamala Harris As Biden’s Odds Tank In Betting Markets

Strategist David Axelrod warned that President Biden is “dangerously out of touch” with voters on the issue of his age and health following Biden’s highly anticipated sit-down interview on ABC News. “The president is rightfully proud of his record. But he is dangerously out-of-touch with the concerns people have about his capacities moving forward and his standing in this race,” Axelrod wrote in a post on the social platform X. “4 Years ago at this time, Biden was 10 points ahead of Trump. Today, he is 6 points behind.

[Doug] That is a 16 point loss in just 4 years, and he barely won last time - if he did win.

Isn't Axelrod extremely close to Obama, or is he more independent now?  Either way I don't think he would be speaking, posting this way without the blessing of those higher up.  Meanwhile Biden is defiant.  One conservative suggested it was a bad time to run out of popcorn because the Dem breakup is going to be something to sit back and watch.

How did they not notice the deterioration of Biden in the primary debates he had with challenger Rep. Dean Phillips this past winter, oh wait...

PS.  If they get to change their candidate at this late date, we get to change ours too.  It's an NHL rule, home team gets the last line change.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1478 on: July 06, 2024, 06:21:46 AM »
From above:


"“The president is rightfully proud of his record."     :roll:

-------->>>>>>  70% of country thinks we are on wrong track.   

It is sickening to here all these wonderful compliments for Joe being thrown around like clockwork.

"Let me be clear, Joe is a good man, honest, man, tireless public servant his whole life, a great President, one of the best Presidents, has achieved as much or more than any President we ever had, will go down in history as one of the greats, a wonderful man, has passed more legislation then any other, more accomplishments than any other, etc.

Yet,   -------->>>>>>  70% of country thinks we are on wrong track.
Yet his approval rating is below 40%
Even Trump with all his negatives can beat him (barring unforeseen events or cheating)

Yet Joe has been great.

I have Democrat Partisan derangement syndrome.

I had pt call in recently.  I very pleasant 80 yo lady.  We nearly finished the visit (telemedicine) and I asked her a standard screening question about depression.

She said it was controlled on her medicine EXCEPT for Donald Trump.  I laughed and didn't notice what state she was in since I see patients from multiple states.
I thought she must be in Massachusetts and sure enough when I looked she was.
I tried to find a Medicare code for Trump Derangement Syndrome under the diagnosis codes but there was no such diagnosis to be found.

I think there should be.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1479 on: July 06, 2024, 07:49:59 AM »

We very much need to focus on the wrongs of the Dem/Prog way, not just "Magoo is senile".


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1480 on: July 06, 2024, 02:22:51 PM »

We very much need to focus on the wrongs of the Dem/Prog way, not just "Magoo is senile".


because when the Dems switch him for someone else the senility knock will be gone
If Harris it won't be enough to then yell - she is a bimbo (though of course true)
it will always have to be about the policies and direction of the nation

This will be an eternal war.
And it should be about policy so no matter who the Dems prop up - most will see they suck

including Dem "moderates"


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S to HTF Come Monday?
« Reply #1482 on: July 07, 2024, 06:11:01 PM »
Prediction that, when congress returns to DC Monday, pressure will build to dump Biden:


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WSJ on Trump's Veep pick
« Reply #1483 on: July 08, 2024, 05:30:39 AM »
Trump’s New Running Mate Imperative
The need for stability and experience should eliminate the young MAGA-in-a-hurry types like Sen. J.D. Vance or Members of the House.
By The Editorial Board
July 7, 2024 5:13 pm ET

President Biden’s decline and the Democratic Party’s turmoil have remade the dynamics of the election in a way that makes Donald Trump the favorite. The chaos also presents Mr. Trump with an opening to persuade more voters that he’s the safer choice, especially with his decision on a running mate.

As the GOP convention nears, and voters focus on the election, the race remains closer than it should be given Mr. Biden’s infirmities. Swing voters still worry about Mr. Trump and the possibility of four more years of turmoil. The former President can help his campaign, and the country, by projecting stability and calm.

We know many readers will think this is impossible, and maybe it is. Yet he showed admirable restraint after the debate last week, letting Democrats implode, until his profane golf-cart outburst.

The opportunity is there to present a reassuring alternative if Mr. Trump wants to take it. And he has a timely opening to send that message with his vice presidential choice in the next week. Now leading in the polls, he doesn’t need an attack-dog VP or someone to rally his core voters. He needs a choice who shows mature judgment and has the ability to appeal to anxious and undecided voters.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin would bring governing experience in a swing state that may be competitive this year. He has business experience and would speak to suburban voters. Mr. Youngkin hasn’t been on Mr. Trump’s short list, but the race has fundamentally changed since the debate. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has a reputation for competence and broad foreign-policy experience.

Of those on the mooted short list, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum also brings executive experience and a history of business success and knowledge about the economy. Marco Rubio is a more familiar national figure, but as a Senator he has no executive experience and his past criticism of Mr. Trump will play in a loop on TV ads and social media.

The need for stability and experience should eliminate the young MAGA-in-a-hurry types like Sen. J.D. Vance or Members of the House. They lack experience and wouldn’t be a reassuring contrast to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Republicans are understandably giddy about the Democratic troubles, but the country remains closely divided, and the election is a long way from over. Democrats may find a way to nominate a more formidable candidate than Mr. Biden, and they are likely to unite behind whoever it is. Mr. Trump needs a running mate who causes voters to stop and say: Yes, that person could be a good President.


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WSJ on Vance
« Reply #1484 on: July 08, 2024, 06:08:49 AM »

How J.D. Vance Rocketed Onto Trump’s VP Shortlist
Bestselling author and former Trump critic has become the most articulate voice for a new brand of conservatism
Sen. J.D. Vance has been in office only since 2023 but is already a leader in the MAGA movement.
Sen. J.D. Vance has been in office only since 2023 but is already a leader in the MAGA movement. MARK PETERSON/PRESS POOL
By Molly BallFollow
July 8, 2024 5:00 am ET

The billionaires settled into their seats in the palatial San Francisco mansion, munching on waffle-cut potato chips topped with caviar and tiny sliders impaled with American flags. When it was time to begin, a bearded young senator quieted the crowd to introduce his friend, the former president.

The roomful of Silicon Valley grandees was an audience newly receptive to Donald Trump, including the homeowner and host, David Sacks, a venture capitalist and podcaster who supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 and didn’t back a candidate in 2020. Many others were current or former Democrats. But they came together one evening last month, as Trump noted in his opening remarks, thanks to Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, who in less than two years in elected office has emerged as a leading light of the MAGA movement—and now a top contender for Trump’s running mate.

Some of MAGA-world’s biggest influencers are lobbying Trump to pick Vance, including the right-wing podcaster and current federal inmate Steve Bannon, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Carlson said that picking Vance would be “a sign of Trump’s commitment to his own voters,” whose views he said Vance uniquely understands. “Clearly, the leadership of the modern Republican Party is not equal to the most basic task, to represent its voters, and to the extent they don’t do that, they’re useless and deserve to die.” 

The 39-year-old Vance owes his rapid rise to his unparalleled ability to articulate the tenets of a new conservative movement—often termed “national conservatives” or “the new right”—that channels Trump’s chaotic impulses into doctrine, and sometimes goes beyond them. Believers call on the GOP to abandon its old mainstays of free trade, fiscal restraint and internationalism in favor of tight borders, tariffs, muscular state intervention in the economy and a retreat from the world stage.

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Vance in his 2022 campaign for U.S. Senate from Ohio. PHOTO: GAELEN MORSE/REUTERS
Others said to be under consideration to be Trump’s running mate—including North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio—are Republicans from the traditional GOP mold, though both have pledged fealty to Trumpism as it has reshaped their party. Their selection, like that of Mike Pence in 2016, would show that Trump was committed to continuing to share the party with its old guard. A Vance pick would be different: a forceful statement that Trump plans to go all in on the populist nationalism with which he has infused the GOP.

“What’s at stake here is not the election—none of these people are going to affect the election,” said Robert Lighthizer, who served as U.S. Trade Representative in the Trump administration and views Vance as an avatar of the “working man’s Republican Party.”

 “What’s at stake here is where the party and the country are going to go,” Lighthizer said. “J.D. Vance would be a person who would take us 20 years into the future.”


From Trump critic to ally
Vance, who declined to be interviewed for this article, came to fame in 2016 as the author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” a memoir of his hardscrabble upbringing that became a hit for the way it seemed to explain the Rust Belt’s unexpected swing to Trump. The book made him an elite darling, cited by Hillary Clinton and featured on CNN. In that first foray as a public intellectual, Vance was staunchly anti-Trump, at one point calling him “America’s Hitler.”

Much has been made of Vance’s reversal from Trump antagonist to fervent cheerleader. For his part, Vance has described his conversion as being “red-pilled,” indicating a sudden revelation of a different reality. But longtime acquaintances say Vance’s political preoccupations were largely consistent throughout. More than a decade ago, Vance was a lawyer in D.C. who fell in with a group of conservative reformers and occasionally wrote for National Review. “He was always, I would say, more of a populist than most of us,” said Yuval Levin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute whose latest book is about reinvigorating the Constitution. “What interested him was how to get the right more focused on working families.”

Vance was on the campaign trail in 2022 in Batavia, Ohio, for the Senate seat he would capture that year. PHOTO: DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES
Levin, a Trump skeptic, said he respects Vance’s intellect but worries that he has put it to use in service of a dangerous agenda. “His original reaction to Trump was a fear that Trump would discredit all these ideas he was interested in,” Levin said. “I think that was right. But he came to the view that Trump would actually advance them, and formulated a set of arguments trying to give some intellectual coherence to populist conservatism.” Vance has endorsed Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election being “rigged” and has said that as vice president he wouldn’t have certified the election as Pence did on Jan. 6, 2021. Levin worries that Vance’s arguments have served to legitimize and justify some of Trump’s more radical impulses. “I worry about Trump in a way that he no longer does, so I certainly worry that that’s what he’s doing.”

Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, said Vance has personal experience with the hollowing out of Middle America that has led many conservatives to re-evaluate their priorities. “Where there is a seeming departure from conservatism is his very stark recognition that in 2024 we’re a lot weaker as a country than we were in 1984,” Roberts said. “I think he sees that more clearly than other conservatives because he is a child of the Rust Belt that has been ravaged by well intentioned, or not so well intentioned, policy choices.”

By 2022, the same political realignment Vance’s book helped to explain had created the conditions for his own political career. Ohio, a state President Barack Obama won twice, went for Trump by wide margins in 2016 and 2020. Vance went on Carlson’s show, at the time the top prime-time show on cable news, from his Senate campaign launch at an Ohio factory. He continued to court conservative media by leaning into the types of controversies that tended to galvanize the right online.


“The decline of universities, attacks on the court, gender ideology, he was talking about a lot of this stuff well before it was in the mainstream,” said an Ohio Republican who knows Vance. “I thought it was nuts at first, but he really had his finger on the pulse.”

His taste for provocation was evident in his first campaign ad, which advisers said Vance wrote himself. “Are you a racist? Do you hate Mexicans?” Vance asked in the ad. “The media calls us racists for wanting to build Trump’s wall.” The text on-screen identified him as an “America First Conservative.”

A crowd in Vandalia, Ohio cheered for Vance shortly before Election Day in 2022. PHOTO: JOSHUA A. BICKEL/BLOOMBERG NEWS
Vance also began courting Trump, beginning with a spring 2021 meeting at Mar-a-Lago accompanied by the venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who Vance once worked for and who pumped tens of millions of dollars into his candidacy. The breakthrough came during a primary debate when Vance’s opponents came out in favor of a no-fly zone in Ukraine enforced by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Vance alone opposed it, and his comments caught the eye of Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr., according to a friend of both men.

Seeing how Vance was being attacked by the party’s “neocon” wing, Trump Jr. began defending him in public and advocating for him behind the scenes, including with his father. Within a few weeks, Trump Sr. had endorsed Vance, ensuring his victory in the May 2022 primary. Trump Jr. and Vance have become close personal friends, both men have said.

Vance went on to win the November election against Democratic congressman Tim Ryan by a healthy margin—a bright spot in a midterm cycle that was otherwise disappointing for Republicans, as numerous other unconventional Trump-backed Senate candidates lost.


A Senate populist
As a senator, Vance quickly carved out a distinctive profile, beginning with the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment that occurred just a month after he was sworn in. He worked with Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown to craft rail-safety legislation and helped orchestrate Trump’s visit to the site at a time when the former president’s hopes for recapturing the leadership of the party were still in question.

It wasn’t the only unlikely bipartisan pairing for Vance, whose critique of the effects of modern capitalism resembles that of some liberals. He has praised Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, whose crusades against corporate consolidation have made her a Wall Street bête noire. And following the March 2023 collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, he teamed up with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) on legislation to claw back the salaries of executives of failed banks. Neither that measure nor the rail-safety legislation has reached the floor of the Senate, in part because in both cases many Republicans oppose what they see as unwarranted interventions in markets.

In the Senate, Vance has reached across the aisle, including to fellow Ohioan Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown on rail-safety legislation. PHOTO: KEVIN WOLF/ASSOCIATED PRESS
But Vance has most made his mark in the Senate with his work on the Ukraine issue, where he has been the ringleader of opposition to further U.S. funding. In closed-door Republican caucus meetings, the freshman senator held his own in debates with pro-Ukraine counterparts such as Sen. Mitt Romney (R., Utah). Vance’s dogged and relentless agitation against the funding came as an unpleasant surprise to GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), who strongly supported it and appeared to view Vance’s opposition as ungrateful.

“J.D. Vance and I obviously are on opposite sides on Ukraine. We spent $35 million” to get him elected, McConnell noted dryly in a November interview with The Wall Street Journal, referring to spending by his super PAC in the Ohio race. Vance, he said, “wouldn’t be here but for my efforts.” McConnell made a similar jab at a GOP lunch just last month, Senate sources said.

What do you think would be J.D. Vance’s biggest contributions as a running mate to Donald Trump? Join the conversation below.

Vance, who was deployed to Iraq as a young member of the Marine Corps, has said the experience soured him on what he regards as unnecessary foreign entanglements. “Have we learned nothing?” he asked in one Senate floor speech. His office issued a flurry of memos making the case against the aid. In February, he joined the U.S. delegation to the annual Munich Security Conference, a hotbed of pro-Ukraine sentiment and a testament to his zeal for taking the argument to hostile venues.

An aide to a pro-Ukraine GOP senator said Vance’s advocacy was frustrating because his arguments tended to shift and didn’t always line up with the facts. In Munich, he skipped some of the delegation’s meetings and refused to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Vance has sharply opposed further U.S. funding to Ukraine in its war against Russia. PHOTO: J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Despite Vance’s memos, the Ukraine aid passed the Senate twice, with an increasing number of Republican votes. His hard-line position against it seemed to exceed that of Trump, who never explicitly came out against U.S. funding despite repeatedly expressing skepticism of it. Some Vance critics say a Vice President Vance’s devotion to intellectualizing Trumpism could put him at odds with the actual Trump’s famous inconsistency.

An example of that malleability came at the end of the Vance-orchestrated Silicon Valley fundraiser, which raised $12 million for Trump’s campaign. The former president joined Sacks on his popular “All In” podcast for a wide-ranging conversation. Asked about immigration, Trump took a stance seemingly at odds with the restrictionist agenda both he and Vance have espoused, saying, “If you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.” (A few hours later, a spokeswoman walked back the comments.)

Yet the event also typified Vance’s chameleonic talent. “There isn’t a candidate that I think straddles both the tech and venture capital community and plays as well as Vance does to working class Americans,” said Omeed Malik, founder and president of venture-capital firm 1789 Capital.

Charlie Kirk, the Turning Point USA president, said Vance, like Trump, is a traitor to his class, having been welcomed into elite society and then turned his back on it. “Selecting J.D. would be a signal to the neocons in D.C. that era of endless war is coming to an end,” he said. “And you can’t backdoor me through the vice president anymore, because he has the same worldview as Trump.”


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Breaking News, Biden has "checkmated" China, and his opponent lies
« Reply #1485 on: July 08, 2024, 06:19:29 AM »
Stephanopoulos interview on ABC:

Biden has "checkmated China".  Does President Xi know this?  Who else can do that? No one. And his opponent lied 28 times.

No question was offered about whether Biden lies, right while he lied about his opponents lies.  Trump said inject bleach etc.

But good to see that China has been checkmated. Maybe we should take down these false posts here that's so that China has the advantage.

Stephie was tough on the point that Biden can't win. " no president has everyone reelection with a 36% approval rating."  Biden:  "That's not what our polling shows."  No rebuttal from Clintonopolus.

This was supposed to be reassuring?
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 06:23:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Dems Channel “Monty Python”
« Reply #1486 on: July 08, 2024, 07:05:36 AM »
‘Spose I coulda slapped this one in a “Cognitive Dissonance” thread too.

Proposal circulating in Dem circles for a “blitz primary,” moderated by celebs like Winfrey or Swift, FFS. Not only does this poop all over sundry FEC regs, but runs contrary to Dem efforts to date to limit primary challengers, stack primaries in Biden’s favor, et al.

Given all the lawfare and other weasely efforts by Dems to keep Trump off ballots and so on I hope Repubs got lawyers crouched in the starter’s block waiting for the first attempt to circumvent the rules & regs, not so they can unscrupulously seek to derail the Dems, but rather to hold them to the standards they regularly espouse … when not ignoring ‘em as convenient:

“Our Finest Hour”: Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” After Blocking Primary Competition

 A proposal is circulating in Washington to dump President Joe Biden and hold a “blitz primary” to choose a replacement. The proposal is the work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor who worked in the Obama and Clinton administrations, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist. The proposal is gaining support with party insiders and repeats the hyperbolic claim that this is essential to avoid a “democracy-ending defeat.” It is disappointing to see a law professor repeating this unfounded alarmist claim. Yet, the most glaring contradiction is found in the stated desire to give delegates a choice after the party worked to prevent any choice for voters in state primaries.

The authors promise an “uplifting” path in which candidates would pledge not to attack each other. They would then have a few weeks as named celebrities like Oprah and Taylor Swift would moderate discussions. Delegates would then use ranked voting before the August 19th convention.

The authors proclaim that “we can limp to shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat. Or Democrats can make this Our Finest Hour. While we hope for help from Lord Almighty, the Lord helps those who help themselves.”

One wrinkle is that Biden himself spent Sunday pledging again that he is not stepping aside. He also continued his penchant for bizarre statements like stating that “even when I was running for Senate, each time I ran – quite frankly, not a joke – Philadelphia, in particularly, got me across the line. No, I’m not joking. No, I mean it, seriously. Organizationally and in terms of fundraising, the whole deal.”

Either Biden was confessing to using Pennsylvania votes to win elections in Delaware or he was hopelessly confused. Seriously.

The “finest hour” for the party is coming a bit late given the concerted effort of the Democratic establishment to strip away opposing candidates from ballots and crush anyone offering an alternative to Biden. At the same time, both the press and pundits attacked those who raised the President’s infirmity, including calling unedited videos “cheap fakes.”

For the last year, Democratic secretaries of state were trying to remove Trump from 2024 ballots and Democratic leaders in Florida, North Carolina and other states were refusing to allow other candidates to run against Biden in their primaries. For those voters, the primary might have seemed like a “democracy ending” election.

At the same time, the Democratic establishment opposed any debate where Biden’s infirmities might have been observed when there was still time for voters to make another choice. They did so even though every poll showed the majority of Democratic voters thought Biden was too old and wanted an alternative choice. (Notably, I also favored a debate in the GOP primary. While Trump did not participate in any debate, he was widely available for media questions and pressers).

Now, after quashing opposing candidates when the public would have had a chance to make a state-by-state choice, insiders are calling for an “uplifting” blitz election by the party establishment and activists.

I am still curious how this will work. Donors gave money to the Biden-Harris ticket. That money would now have to be used for different candidates. Absent a formal acceptance to the alternative slate, it could raise tough questions under federal election laws. Likewise, the DNC is coming up on a number of states with drop-dead dates for ballot changes. Finally, there is the rather awkward problem of a President who is still very much alive and running.

As Biden objects over and over again that he will not step aside, Brooks and Dintersmith are already planning his political eulogy where Biden would be celebrated as a “modern-day George Washington.”

Once again, the Democratic Party seems to be channeling Monty Python in planning for a departure of a president who does not want to go.


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2024, Democrats Other problem, picking Kamala's running mate
« Reply #1487 on: July 08, 2024, 08:26:09 AM »
Regarding the "Blitz Primary", sounds like 'speed dating', though the consequences are a bit greater than one person deciding who his or her next date will be.  Umm, the Democrats already had a primary season and awarded the delegates to the winner.
Moving on:  Democrats have a BIG problem that no one (else) is pointing out, who will be Kamala's running mate?

If they pick Kamala Harris for President, and the betting money says they will, it means they don't have anyone better than Kamala.  A sad state of affairs.  Who is their second best (asked tongue in cheek)?

Will someone of a future rising star potential emerge, like a Dan Quayle or Sarah Palin.  Who is the Dick Cheney of the 2024 Democrats?  Hillary Clinton?  Maybe someone to address their weakest demographic, white men, is Tim Kaine still available?  Bring out the base with Bernie or Fauxcahontas?

How about the one they already vetted (didn't vet) in the primaries, Dean Phillips?  He ran an ice cream shop as he tried to diversify from his adopted family's business, big vodka. He has more private sector experience than Kamala, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Mondale and McGovern combined.  Didn't give his employees healthcare until it was pointed out in his Congressional race. Now that's caring!

Seriously, who do they have that would add gravitas to that ticket at all, and who do they have that would attach their career to her future.  Would Michelle Obama do it?  No! HRC? Would either of them bring in one more vote?  No.

Newsom?  No.  Same state.  Kamala could move to Virginia.  Would that bring them Virginia?  No.

Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin?  They wouldn't do it, they wouldn't bring in one centrist voter and they wouldn't help get Harris' legislation through a Republican Senate.

We call ourselves the stupid party but look what they've done to bring up new talent.  It's down to Pete Buttigieg and Cory Booker.  This is not a deep bench.

You see the debate and the Stephie interview and wonder if there are any good relief pitchers warming up in the bullpen.  I don't see any.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 08:37:41 AM by DougMacG »


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2024, On this day in history 2020
« Reply #1488 on: July 08, 2024, 08:46:33 AM »
2020 RCP averages:  Biden 49.6%,  Trump 40.8%.  (Result was a tied election)

Today:  Trump 47.5%,  Biden 44.2%

Biden lost double digits of his support just by people getting to know the guy and his policies.

More precisely, people got to know the consequences of his policies.


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WT: Trump Platform
« Reply #1490 on: July 09, 2024, 03:37:33 AM »

Trump-inspired platform eases stance on abortion

Republican committee approves vision


The Republican National Committee took cues from presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday and made a giant step toward passing a party platform that softens its stance on federal abortion limits.

The RNC’s platform committee signed off on a Trump-inspired vision that omits the party’s embrace of a human life amendment to the Constitution and a 20-week federal ban on most abortions.

Mr. Trump’s fingerprints are all over the platform, typical for a party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

The 16-page platform is dedicated to the “forgotten men and women of America” and calls for a “return to commonsense.”

It pledges to:

• Unleash oil and gas production, curb wasteful spending and cut federal regulations.

• Complete the U.S.-Mexico border wall, put troops on the border and begin the largest deportation program in history.

• Make the 2017 Trump income tax cuts permanent, enact reciprocal trade deals, and return American astronauts to “the Moon and onward to Mars.”

• Make housing, education and health care more affordable.

• Protect Social Security, strengthen Medicare and adopt universal school choice.

• Restore law and order, stop “woke and weaponized government” and defend religious liberty.

The Republican National Convention will take up the platform next week. The

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has warned pro-life candidates against pushing their principles too hard.


document is expected to pass.

“President Trump’s 2024 Republican Party Platform articulates his vision to Make America Great Again in a way that is concise and digestible for every voter,” Trump campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said. “While Joe Biden and Democrats argue about who will be at the top of their ticket and have implemented policies that have raised prices on everyday families, opened the floodgates to migrant crime via wide-open borders, shackled American energy with red tape forced by Washington bureaucrats, and sewn chaos across the world through weak foreign policy, President Trump will Make America Great Again through these America First principles.”

This was the first time the RNC had updated its party platform since 2016, when it adopted a 66page document exploring deeper cultural issues.

Speculation has swirled around whether Mr. Trump would seek to water down the abortion language now that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the issue back to the states. Others wondered whether he would also soften the party’s stance on traditional marriage and gay rights.

“We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process, and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights,” the platform states. “After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the states and to a vote of the people.

“We will oppose late-term abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF [fertility treatments],” it says.

The previous platform endorsed a human life amendment to the Constitution and a federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that bars abortions beginning at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Mr. Trump has taken credit for nominating the conservative justices to the Supreme Court who helped overturn Roe, which provided a national right to abortion.

He has warned Republicans against pushing the issue too hard because it hurts the party’s chances of winning. He said the emotional issue was better left to the states to decide.

Pro-life activists had warned the party against moving in that direction. Republican insiders said the move could anger the social and religious conservatives who have been among the party’s most faithful ground troops.

The platform, not surprisingly, did not sit well with some pro-life activists.

“Republicans are pro-life. Sadly, this platform is not,” said Kris Ullman, of the pro-life Eagle Forum. “This 2024 platform removes the explicit pro-life principles that have been the bedrock of the pro-life plank.

“While the 14th Amendment’s right to due process is cited, it does not apply the protections to the unborn,” she said. “Without clarifying that unborn children are included in the definition of ‘persons,’ the reference is meaningless.”

On the issue of marriage, the platform says the Republican Party “will promote a culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents.”

The 2016 platform promoted traditional marriage “based on marriage between one man and one woman” as the foundation for a stronger society and families. It also condemned the Supreme Court ruling that required all states to grant same-sex marriages.

The Democratic National Committee said in a statement that the Republican language “was the most extreme, out-of-touch, and dangerous proposals in [Mr. Trump’s] MAGA platform that would let him fulfill his pledge to be a dictator on ‘day one.’”

« Last Edit: July 09, 2024, 04:15:19 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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The implications
« Reply #1491 on: July 09, 2024, 06:28:41 AM »

leftist Europe sides with Biden so alas, so should we:

of course they do, he caves in to them while Trump remembers he represents Americans not them.

Pay your "fair share" Europe!

 :roll: :|


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2024 Republican Platform
« Reply #1492 on: July 09, 2024, 07:44:02 AM »
(Doug)  This is our contract. I hope it helps the House and Senate candidates to all get on the same page.

Larry Ludlow, NY Sun

...the Republican National Committee, a week ahead of the Milwaukee convention, has just adopted and released President Trump’s 2024 Republican Party platform.

This is today’s real headline story. The platform carries the same kind of message that Trump has been successfully talking about for the last several years.

It’s pro-growth and pro-opportunity, aims to close the southern border and restore an “America First” standing in the world. Peace through strength.

The document is short, pithy, and right to the point.

Some of the highlights include worker tax cuts and no tax on tips. Stopping Bidenflation. Restoring energy dominance. Ending unfair trade deals

Keeping the dollar as the world’s reserve currency — this is especially important for high growth and low prices — Wall Street, will you finally listen?

Restoring America’s status as the dominant world energy producer and canceling the electric vehicle mandate. Cutting all costly and burdensome regulations.

Sealing the border, stopping the illegal migrant invasion, and deporting illegals.

Keeping men out of women’s sports, and radical, racial, and sexual woke policies out of schools.

The platform also states, and I quote, “unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success.”

These are the message points that have proved so popular on the campaign trail.

These are exactly the themes that Trump has used to organize a working-class coalition of Black Americans, Hispanics, Asians, young people, and women.

These were policies to successfully build on Trump’s first term as President. Policies that Art Laffer, has called one of the best policies of any first term president.

Tax cuts, deregulation, energy independence, superb Supreme Court picks, good trade deals, strong national security — including the Abraham Accords.

Today, amid 20 percent Bidenflation, we have an affordability crisis with falling real wages and high mortgage and credit card borrowing costs, the nationwide crime and public safety ravages of Mr. Biden’s illegal immigration catastrophe, and raging fires overseas — most folks know that they were better off four or five years ago.

That’s Trump’s message. Success is the best uniter

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« Last Edit: July 09, 2024, 07:50:23 AM by DougMacG »


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MSN: The President's 'age' isn't the Democrats (only) liability, who knew?
« Reply #1493 on: July 10, 2024, 09:05:13 AM »
Handling of the economy and border.

Strange quote:

"The former president may be a vile, and even ridiculous, spokesman for blue-collar grievance. But he’s tapped into something real: anger over a hollowed-out economy and exasperation with an out-of-touch elite."

Translated, these Leftist policies that come from Leftist elites in DC are hurting regular people across the fruited plane.

The answer can only come from outside the Democrat Party because all of them are invested in the policies, open border and inflation, that are killing us. 

Lipstick on a pig:  A younger face on these policies with these results doesn't change the dynamic.


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oh comon
« Reply #1494 on: July 10, 2024, 04:54:18 PM »
Harris Hillary leading Trump in the a poll according to Politico
who believes this?

The Hill clan probably paid for the poll
or DNC etc

If it is true they must have surveyed the illegals who are set up to vote.


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« Reply #1496 on: July 11, 2024, 09:27:21 AM »

Kamala Harris Would Be the Best Democratic Choice
She’d rally black voters who are souring on Democrats and she’s close to Trump in the polls.
Jason L. Riley
July 9, 2024 4:44 pm ET

Four years ago, Joe Biden was the Democratic Party’s solution to Donald Trump. Today, Mr. Biden is the problem that needs to be solved. But how?

Democrats can’t correct course so long as Mr. Biden continues to insist that nothing’s wrong, or at least nothing that can’t be addressed by getting more sleep and not scheduling events after 8 p.m. Last month’s disturbing debate performance was a one-off, he says, and his struggling poll numbers are simply inaccurate. “I am firmly committed to staying in this race, to running this race to the end, and to beating Donald Trump,” he said this week in a letter to Democratic lawmakers. But Democrats are questioning his health and competence, not his commitment.

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Since the debate, it’s been reported that the president uses a teleprompter even in private homes when asking wealthy donors for money, and that he does radio interviews only after knowing the questions in advance. According to the New York Times, a Parkinson’s specialist visited the White House eight times in eight months. The commander in chief won’t take a cognitive test and hasn’t held a solo press conference since November.

During his post-debate sit-down with Mr. Biden, ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos said that the number of Americans who think he’s too old to serve has doubled since 2020 and that he had never seen a president with a job-approval rating of only 36% get re-elected. “Well, I don’t believe that’s my approval rating,” Mr. Biden responded. “That’s not what our polls show.”

According to RealClearPolitics, the president is trailing Mr. Trump in seven battleground states, and in five of them—Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and North Carolina—Mr. Trump’s lead is outside the margin of error. Democrats running in states and districts that Mr. Trump has carried are getting anxious. The concern isn’t only that Mr. Biden could lose the presidency in November, but also that Republicans could flip the Senate and bolster their House majority.

The presidential race is no longer about inflation, the border, abortion or threats to democracy. It’s now entirely about Mr. Biden’s age and health. It’s about an enfeebled incumbent president cocooned by people who can’t or won’t tell him what he needs to hear. Mr. Biden’s campaign theme has been that he’s for you and Mr. Trump is for himself, but the president’s continued presence in the race has turned that message on its head.

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Time that Democrats spend defending Mr. Biden on this front is time not spent attacking Mr. Trump. Replacing the president at the top of the ticket with Vice President Kamala Harris is one way to shift the campaign discussion away from Mr. Biden’s infirmities and back to the issues Democrats want front and center for the duration of the race. True, it would be messy and risky, and Ms. Harris has baggage galore. She was tasked with addressing an illegal immigration crisis that rages on. When special counsel Robert Hur’s report in February described Mr. Biden as “an elderly man with a poor memory,” she denounced that description as “gratuitous, inaccurate, inappropriate.” But to paraphrase Mr. Biden: Don’t compare her to the Almighty, compare her to the Democratic alternatives with an election less than four months away.

Mr. Trump currently beats Ms. Harris head-to-head but by less than he beats Mr. Biden, and there’s no reason to believe her popularity has reached a ceiling. A CNN poll taken after the debate had Mr. Trump ahead of Mr. Biden by 6 points while leading Ms. Harris by only 2 points, which was within the margin of error. Moreover, Ms. Harris led the former president among independents and moderate voters in both parties.

The bigger risk for the party might be sticking with Mr. Biden despite the polls, or trying to replace him with someone other than Ms. Harris. The delegates at the convention who will formally nominate the president are Biden/Harris loyalists. According to Donna Brazile, a veteran political strategist and former head of the Democratic National Committee, half the delegates are women and around a quarter are black, a group that has lost some enthusiasm for Democrats.

“If this is an open convention, which we’re all trying not to put in motion, then you’re asking black delegates and female delegates to turn their heads” and make someone other than Ms. Harris the nominee, Ms. Brazile told me. “You’re disenfranchising them.” Ms. Brazile doesn’t believe Mr. Biden is irretrievably damaged, but she did allow that swapping in Ms. Harris could have an upside. “I think it would help bring home some black voters who are looking for a reason to stand in long lines for the Democrats” on Election Day.


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Rove advises the Dems
« Reply #1497 on: July 11, 2024, 09:30:17 AM »

What Biden’s Exit Could Do for Democrats
They want a new candidate to battle Trump in November. It isn’t too late.
Karl Rove
July 10, 2024 5:24 pm ET


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President Biden speaks on the 75th anniversary of NATO in Washington, July 9. PHOTO: EVAN VUCCI/ASSOCIATED PRESS
President Biden insists he’s staying in the White House race. If that doesn’t change, it’ll be because of his selfishness and congressional Democrats’ pusillanimity. Both have kept Mr. Biden’s deeply flawed candidacy afloat.

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Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has gently raised the issue, but until Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries inform Mr. Biden that for the sake of party and country it’s time to pack up, he’s not going. So far, Messrs. Schumer and Jeffries haven’t found the courage to tell their increasingly infirm and isolated standard-bearer the truth. If he loses in November—which is likely—they’ll bear much of the blame.

Some Democratic senators and representatives have expressed deep concerns about Mr. Biden’s ability to win after his catastrophic debate performance. Many more have remained publicly silent, despite knowing the debate confirmed voters’ fears that Mr. Biden lacks the mental acuity and stamina to be president. The president told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos last week that his debate disaster provided “no indication of any serious condition.” Voters know better.

Mr. Biden insisted that “the Lord Almighty’s not comin’ down” to force his withdrawal. But he’s mistaken to say he’s the person most qualified to beat Mr. Trump. He may be the only Democrat likely to lose to him.

It’s delusional for Mr. Biden to believe he’s winning the race. But since the president is getting political advice from his son Hunter, it’s clear he doesn’t have a rational decision-making process. Bottom line: No presidential candidate whose party is as severely divided, dispirited and unenthusiastic as Democrats are today has ever won.

Rather than accept the national consensus that the president isn’t up to the job, Team Biden is trying to push past this moment. But teleprompter speeches before small crowds, call-ins to friendly radio and television hosts, and a handful of awkward public appearances in the next few weeks won’t turn this around—especially since Mr. Biden continues stumbling even in the most controlled settings.

One group is very enthusiastic about Mr. Biden’s insistence on staying in the race: Team Trump. That campaign team understands that Mr. Biden’s debate performance now makes it difficult for Mr. Trump to blow the race. As long as the former president sounds sensible, avoids recording devices on golf courses and stays away from Truth Social late at night, he has the upper hand.

What if Mr. Biden decides to withdraw? That would upend everything.

Contrary to what Mr. Biden’s supporters say, the convention to replace him need not degenerate into a brawl. Hopefuls might slip opposition research to journalists to discredit or weaken their competitors, but that’s as far as the mudslinging is likely to go. Any Democrat who ran would understand that public nastiness is a sure path to defeat and perhaps even to future irrelevance. Outwardly, each would accentuate the positive by arguing he or she is the best Democrat to beat Mr. Trump.

All but 43 of the 3,939 convention delegates were slated by the Biden campaign. The Chicago gathering won’t be a bunch of Bernie Bros or “Squad” members; instead, it’ll be mostly normal Democrats who want to win the election. If no candidate gets a first-ballot majority when the regular delegates vote, then 739 Democratic so-called superdelegates can vote. Talk about a crew of practical politicos focused on victory. And we’ll be glued to our screens the entire convention.

Vice President Kamala Harris would be the favorite but hardly the sure thing. Her 2020 bid revealed that she’s a weak candidate. Her unfavorable numbers are worse than Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Trump’s. And she’s in charge of border policy: How has that worked out? If there’s a new nominee, that person could keep Ms. Harris as vice president to avoid ditching the first black and Asian-American female veep.

It’s true Mr. Biden’s war chest can’t be transferred to any candidate except Ms. Harris—and only after he’s nominated and then withdraws. But it can be transferred to a super PAC supporting the Democratic nominee.

Money may not matter as much for a new face. Remember this winter when polls pitted Republican Nikki Haley against Mr. Biden in a hypothetical matchup? She led him in December by 6 percentage points in a Fox poll and in January by 8 points in a YouGov-CBS News poll and 13 points in a CNN survey. If Democrats picked Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, they could find themselves similarly ahead. Americans want new faces.

Mr. Biden’s fundraising email on Monday said that “this election is bigger than me or you.” If he really believes that, the president should exit the race.

Mr. Rove helped organize the political-action committee American Crossroads and is author of “The Triumph of William McKinley” (Simon & Schuster, 2015).


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1498 on: July 11, 2024, 10:22:37 AM »
I fear Rove could be right
more "modeate" Dems (not the luny Harris) could be a real threat that could benefit from Trump's GIGANTIC negatives mostly based on his flawed personality.

"The Chicago gathering won’t be a bunch of Bernie Bros or “Squad” members; instead, it’ll be mostly normal Democrats who want to win the election."

Right, and that is why we need to keep the focus on policies as opposed to Trump the man.
Everyone of us is hoping and praying that Trump will control his big mouth and dumb tweets.
He has so far though disappointed those of us who do, at nearly every turn.
Including some idiot stuff about challenging Biden to a golf game giving him a big handicap.  :roll:

Even VDH expressed this hope recently in his podcast.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1499 on: July 11, 2024, 01:28:57 PM »
I keep thinking why walking vegetable Fetterman won in PA despite terrible debates.

His sales pitch was not himself, it was that he would be the 51st Senate seat for the Dems.

In other words, it was a TRIBAL vote.