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« Reply #1350 on: May 16, 2024, 06:13:18 AM »
one on CNN
with Tapper Bash
in June
and other in September on ABC

ABC might not be too bad but for sure Bash and Tapper will have DNC provide questions.
Joe's team will be tipped off in advance of the questions though all will deny.

I noticed a lot of Fox and Newsmax jokes about Trump creaming Biden but I really hope they do take this debate seriously and Trump actually spends some time preparing rather then go out and wing it.

Over confidence can easily backfire and this also lowers expectations to the point that even if Biden does somewhat well all the pundits will blast the airwaves that he did great and better then anyone thought.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1351 on: May 16, 2024, 06:49:35 AM »

Trump was an hubristic asshole in the first debate and set himself up for the mike cutoff demand now.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1352 on: May 16, 2024, 07:36:20 AM »

Trump was an hubristic asshole in the first debate and set himself up for the mike cutoff demand now.

Yes.  Trump needs to approach it with the completely different mindset. In the first debate of 2020, Trump's strategy was to try to rattle Biden. Biden is a terrible interrupter, and Trump knew it and he knew it was two against one, so he started writing talking over everyone and making the whole thing unwatchable. 

They get equal time. They need to shut microphones off if necessary, each candidate gets to use their time. The questions will be biased of course but that's the playing field that Trump has agreed to. Just call out the questioner as well as the opponent for being purely political, and go on and win the argument.

We keep saying it but he needs to attack the Democrat policies, not the man. He needs to win Senate seats and the house as well. He needs to recognize this is a change of Direction election, and if he doesn't sweep all of those it isn't going to change the direction. He's an older man now and he's got to look at this as being way more then about him.

Trump seems to know this time around that temperament is a big issue for. Think white suburban soccer moms, they will never vote for an imbecile. The Democratic argument last time was put the adults back in charge. That turned out to be a joke with the Biden democratic policies. Trump needs to be the adult in the room in both debates.

If he wants the debates to help his candidacy, he has to do his part to make them watchable. Swing voters and undecideds are not going to watch three or four people shouting over each other for one and a half to 2 hours.


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2024, Biden's Morehouse Commencement Speech
« Reply #1353 on: May 21, 2024, 05:38:12 AM »
All about "saving democracy", or something like that .  Since he is the incumbent, in power for most of the last  50 years, you could call his reelection theme, saving the status quo - in a country where 80% see us heading in the wrong direction (and the other 20% don't want to admit that to the poll takers).

Huffpost reports:

"Morehouse’s alumni stood and applauded Biden’s speech while most students remained seated."

[Doug]  Rich, white liberal elites took over the Dem party. Good for them.  But the old coalition is gone and not coming back.

Farmers, gone.  'Working class', gone. Young voters, gone. Jewish vote, leaving. Muslim vote, gone. Hispanic advantage, gone. 

One shoe left to drop, white suburban soccer moms.  Wait until they see the bearded guy playing against their 7 year old daughter's soccer team this summer.  Gone.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 05:58:20 AM by DougMacG »


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2024, Trump visits swing state Minnesota
« Reply #1354 on: May 21, 2024, 06:16:51 AM »

Link to full video :
VP(?) Burgum at 2:00.00, Trump at 2:15.00.

Long speech.  I didn't agree with or like all of it, but he makes some very powerful points, and he is the last man standing against the march to Leftism, failure and collapse.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 08:51:49 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: AI fakes coming to 2024 election?
« Reply #1356 on: May 21, 2024, 06:52:07 PM »

See this for what it is: the government preparing the battle space. They will then point to this fear to excuse their interventions while claiming true video and audio sources are in fact Russia, China, Pago Pago or wherever “deep fakes.”


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2024 Trump Veepstakes, Sean Trende
« Reply #1357 on: May 21, 2024, 08:25:57 PM »
Can't say I fully agree with him but I do respect his opinion.
His analysis of the same state issue is different than what I understood. Marco Rubio is his number one pick, who can best help Trump win.

Yes, Republicans will take the Senate, just not by as wide a margin as we hoped  - as it sits today, and a tie is possible. 
Per Brave search (AI compiled)

What happens if president and vp are from same state
According to the U.S. Constitution, there is no rule that prohibits a President and Vice President from being from the same state. In fact, there is no constitutional or legal barrier that prevents candidates for President and Vice President who live in the same state from running together.

Why is this possible?

The misconception that a President and Vice President cannot be from the same state likely stems from a misunderstanding of the Electoral College system. The 12th Amendment, adopted in 1804, requires electors to cast separate ballots for President and Vice President. However, this amendment does not prohibit electors from voting for candidates from their own state.

What happens if the President and Vice President are from the same state?

In the event that the President and Vice President are from the same state, the Electoral College would still vote to elect the President, but not the Vice President. In this scenario, the election of the next Vice President would become the responsibility of the U.S. Senate, where each senator would get one vote. If the vote is tied, it is unclear what would happen next.


In summary, there is no constitutional or legal barrier that prevents a President and Vice President from being from the same state. The misconception likely stems from a misunderstanding of the Electoral College system, and the election of the Vice President would be handled by the U.S. Senate in the event of a tie.


The new Congress will be sworn in Jan 3.  The Electoral College meets Jan 6.  Joe Manchin will be gone but we don't know for sure about the rest of the likely to flip seats.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2024, 07:08:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Rubio for VP
« Reply #1358 on: May 22, 2024, 07:43:30 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.


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Re: Rubio for VP
« Reply #1359 on: May 22, 2024, 07:53:29 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.

I don't know either but add this appearance to the mix:

Since 2016 when I supported Rubio for President I have found issues and positions where I disagree with him.  But still, I would be very happy to have him on the ticket.  Like a believed then, he puts a pleasant and positive voice on conservatism.  Very skilled in answers and presentation.

Sean Trende:
"Rubio makes so much sense. He takes Florida off the board (to the extent that it isn’t already) and probably ices Nevada and Arizona as well. He might put New Mexico into play. He’s reassuring to suburbanites, and beloved of anti-anti-Trump Republicans. He sounded Trumpian themes on working class woes before Trump."

[Doug]  I'm not sure about what he says about those states.  If true, that is huge.  I like what he says about suburbanites.  I believe THAT is the battleground.


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Tech Billionaires Turn for Trump?
« Reply #1360 on: May 22, 2024, 03:35:50 PM »
An interesting turn:

Billionaires for Trump grows
Pledging lives, fortunes, and sacred honor has become fashionable again
MAY 22, 2024

After his honorable discharge on March 5, 1960, from the Army after being drafted, Elvis Presley hit RCA’s studios in Nashville and began recording hits again, including his riff on O Sole Mio that he called It’s Now or Never, which became his biggest international hit.

It’s now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me, my darling
Be mine tonight
Will be too late
It’s now or never
My love won't wait

That is Trump’s theme song this election because it is do or die time. The indictments and the attempt to destroy his business in civil court make it clear that we don’t get another chance to topple this banana republic.

Some rich men get it. The Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post reported, “Trump gets $1 million from Silicon Valley donor who once gave to Democrats.”

The subheadline said, “The donation from Jacob Helberg, a Palantir adviser who helped push the TikTok ban, shows some tech leaders coalescing against Biden.”

He’s gay. He’s Jewish. He’s not alone.

He said, “The social cost of supporting Trump isn’t as great as it was. Trump was right on a lot of make-or-break issues for America.”

Helberg is part of the Gay Mafia that made Peter Buttigieg the secretary of transportation who did such a lousy job that just about everyone in America knows who the secretary of transportation is. Heck, before Buttigieg, most people didn’t know we had a secretary of transportation.

Another strike against him is Helberg also has been a lobbyist for the ban on Tik Tok bill. I love free speech more than I hate Red China.

The Bezos Post said:

Earlier this month, Helberg traveled to Mar-a-Lago, where he says he “fell in love” with Trump while mingling with a slate of GOP vice-presidential hopefuls, including Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio), Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Rick Scott (Fla.). He spent the better part of the other week in conversation with the former president about topics such as the risks of overregulating artificial intelligence and the importance of Silicon Valley playing a role in developing military technologies, he recalled.

Tech executive-turned-podcast influencer David Sacks, who, like Helberg, is a close associate of billionaire investor Peter Thiel, is another member of the Silicon Valley cohort who has moved toward the former president. (Helberg is married to Keith Rabois, a compatriot of Thiel since their undergraduate years at Stanford University and a former partner at Thiel’s venture capital firm, Founders Fund.) Sacks initially backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — helping launch his campaign on X — and then hosted fundraisers for Republican Vivek Ramaswamy and now-independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Now, Sacks is organizing a Trump fundraiser of his own, and he hosted the likes of Elon Musk, Thiel and Rupert Murdoch at his Hollywood Hills home in April for a dinner party focused on airing anti-Biden grievances, according to four people familiar with his activities, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe them. The Sacks fundraiser and party were first reported by Puck.

Sacks has complimented Trump on X. And he might be joined in his fundraising efforts by Chamath Palihapitiya, a former Facebook executive who co-hosts the “All-In” podcast with Sacks and has historically backed Democrats, one of the people said. Palihapitiya did not respond to a request for comment. Sacks declined to comment. Rabois told The Post last year that Trump was a “sociopath” and that he would not vote for him, but declined to comment on his current position beyond saying he was not supporting Biden.

Bezos knows who all these people are because the Astor 400 of elegantly dressed and refined elites has given way to politically charged elitists. Members of the Astor 400 went down with the ship as they gave their spaces in lifeboats on the Titanic to women and children first. These clowns fly their jets to climate control conferences.

After the 2020 election, Jacob Helberg tweeted, “Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for winning a hard fought election. To all who supported Pres Trump, you will have in Joe Biden someone who will always strive to represent you and Americans of all stripes. Now is when the hard work of rebuilding our nation only begins.”

Sarcasm or gullibility? You make the call.

At any rate, his flip to Trump is a healthy sign because given the bloodsport Biden has made of American politics, these men really are pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Chairman Xi destroyed Jack Ma — once the richest man in China — for daring to publicly criticize communism. Does Helberg really believe he won’t be Jack Ma-ed in Biden’s second term?

Three things explain this inexplicable move by Helberg. The first is that he does not really believe they would do this to him because, it is just politics, right? I doubt Helberg understands the feeling of having the power to force millions of Americans to take a shot. But the government did and that rush Biden and the rest have explains why Mengele did the things he did.

The second reason he is publicly rebuking Biden is Elon Musk. Trump standing up for America can be dismissed as ego tripping. But then the richest man on Earth at the time acquired Twitter, a direct and open challenge to the deep state, which sponsored its censorship. Musk encouraged others to stand up.

The third reason — and this is more conjecture than usual on my part — is October 7. The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target.

Indeed, instead of making Hamas leaders stand trial for these war crimes, the world goes after Israel. Iranians may have celebrated the death of their dictator, but the United Nations mourns.

My condolences to Biden for losing another friend.

Reiner can pretend to be Buddhist all he wants, but circumcised matters. When the actual Nazis take over, it will come down to whether a man has a foreskin. It won’t grow back.

71% of American males are snipped, by the way.

For whatever reason Helberg has, I welcome his support for two reasons. One, it is a million bucks going to help elect Trump. Two, it is a million bucks not going to Biden to continue this madness.

Biden and the deep state used the mails to stuff the ballot boxes and win in 2020. It could happen again. Helberg and a few others are going to make it more difficult because Americans now see how a banana republic in DC abuses its power.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1361 on: May 22, 2024, 08:19:38 PM »
"The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target."

I have warned them for yrs.

Beings DEMOCRATS  does not provide them with safe harbor.

They are mensches in their own minds only.
No one else gives a shit except to get their money.


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2024, Nikki Haley endorses Trump
« Reply #1362 on: May 23, 2024, 05:25:44 AM »
This is a big deal I believe.  All rivals are on board. To my friends in the squishy middle who said they would vote for Haley but not trump, it's your turn.

Trump's policies are right down the middle of what the country needs right now. Biden is the extremist, a "catastrophe".

If you care about the country, there's only one choice left.

Haley passed up the opportunity to be the No Labels candidate. She recognized she has no path to the presidency without the endorsement of the Republican Party. Now she is at least on the list to be running mate. Failing that, she will be judged by Trump supporters by how well she supported him when 2028 comes around, which is in early 2027, not very far away.

This doesn't remove all her hurdles, but it was a necessary step for her.

NIKKI HALEY: "As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who is going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border -- no more excuses. A president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt.

Trump has not been perfect on these policies, I have made that clear many times, but Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump.

Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they're just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that."


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1363 on: May 23, 2024, 06:04:05 AM »
agree with you wholeheartedly

I enjoyed seeing this news on CNN yesterday !

We know that scumbucket Kaitlin Collins had that little smirk wiped off her Dylan Mulvaney face.


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Donald conciliates with Nikki
« Reply #1364 on: May 26, 2024, 09:03:05 AM »
smart move    8-)

Now Nikki could encourage her supporters to bite the bullet hold their nose and vote DJT.


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NYT poll Trump up
« Reply #1365 on: May 26, 2024, 09:11:40 AM »
yes I know it is a poll and a NYT poll at that.

I hope this gives Larry Lib heartburn with his Sunday morning bagel and lox or nova!

I enjoyed my bagel this am no lox though    :-D


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What to Expect After a Trump Win
« Reply #1366 on: May 27, 2024, 04:46:55 PM »
I read Schlicter, but don’t share him much as his over the top rhetoric, much like Trump’s, makes it all too easy for “Progressives” to point and say “see, here’s the perfect example of just how paranoid and dangerous those MAGA idiots are?” With that said, I think he’s spot on here: the time to prepare for whatever will come in the wake of a Trump electoral victory is now.

Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1)

It’s still about five months until the election, but it’s pretty clear that Donald Trump has become – impossible as it might have seemed last year – the favorite to win. We must  plan the battles that lie ahead now. This first column talks about what happens immediately after we win. Part 2 talks about what Trump needs to do during his first days in office to set the stage for the total destruction of the Democrats’ dreams. We have to prepare for success. The great Townhall senior columnist Derek Hunter warns that you should not spike the football anywhere but the endzone, but this time, we need to be ready.

A successful fight to restore our country – to make it great again, as some put it – will be like a military campaign. We have three battles ahead of us between now and next spring. The close fight is the battle to pull off the win against the collective rigging and cheating of the Democrats, the regime media, and their allies in the ruling class. The next fight, one terrain feature ahead, deals with the left’s unhinged response to his victory. And the third fight, the deep battle, is what Trump must do during the first couple of months upon taking office. In today’s column, we’ll talk about the second fight, and what the Democrats and their allies will do to disrupt the peaceful transition of government, something that will suddenly be not just okay but mandatory when Trump wins again.

The election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, or at least the dusty, empty husk that is all that remains of Joe Biden. They’re not going to trade him out. The Very Real Doctor Jill is not going to stop being First Lady simply because her husband is a senile, corrupt old pervert who is destroying our country – what’s important is her and her needs. And don’t underestimate the needs of the thousands of lackeys, minions and henchpeople within the administration who are personally invested in this charade going on for another four years. They’re not going anywhere. Unless the Grim Reaper grimly reaps this elderly cretin before November, he’s on the ticket with his borderline clinical moron running mate Kamala.

The panic will really set in in October if the polls don’t change. They will lash out. There will be unsurprising October surprises. We may see another dozen bogus criminal charges against Trump and his associates. We can be pretty sure that there will be chaos at the Democratic convention and maybe in the streets like in 2020, but that’s not for certain – have you noticed that, as it became clear that people are disgusted by these little Hamas-hugging mutants, that the coverage of the campus crusade for communism has diminished significantly? Look for the regime media to do everything it can to try to help its crusty candidate, but the usual propaganda is not going to help. Eight-dollar Big Macs and six-dollar-a-gallon gas are much more compelling to the average voter than the fulminations of the midwit likes of Caitlin Collins about Muh Insurrection and Trump’s alleged threat to Our Democracy.

We’ve already seen their furious frenzies of onanism over Trump being the next Mussolini x Hitler x Pol Pot x … wait, they like Pol Pot. They’re terrified that Trump will treat these communists like Pinochet did, which would be a real shame – I’m not sure why they want to get our hopes up. We’re going to see a lot of jaw-wagging about how the American people electing the leader of their choice is a terrible threat to Our Democracy if he’s not the elite’s choice. You’ll see a bunch of howling about how Trump is a felon and a threat to freedom and a big meanie and blah blah blah blah blah. As it becomes clear that Trump’s going to win, the panic is really going to set in. Don’t underestimate what they are capable of.

After all, they’ve mutually rubbed each other into a lotion lather, leading to an apocalypsorgasm of fear that the elite’s power will be permanently circumscribed. Will there be cheating? Oh hell yes, and it’ll be blatant and totally excused. You can already see that they’re preparing the battlefield for it. Whenever a Republican senator goes on the regime media, and a Republican senator should never go on the regime media, he always gets asked if he’s going to accept the outcome of the election. What they’re trying to do is set a standard where you can’t question their cheating. They know it. We know it. We just need to stop pretending that everything’s fine, everything’s all right, everything’s on the up and up, because everything’s not fine, everything’s all right and everything’s not on the up and up.

One of their most powerful weapons is normal people’s default to normalcy, the unsupported belief by the masses that the institutions are still functioning and that the law is still being obeyed and that the system still works. None of that’s true. It’s a lie and a scam, and we need to be based enough to understand it. We need to face the fact that things are broken and treat the system that way instead of putting our heads in the sand and hoping that by pretending everything is normal, everything actually will be normal. Everything won’t.

They’re going to cheat, whether it’s by filling ballot boxes or changing rules or having corrupt judges interfere with the ability to have our voices heard. They’re not going to make any bones about it, and you need to understand that the institutions and the regime media support this cheating. Even Senate doofus Sheldon Whitehouse, the flag-obsessive who won’t let black people into his beach club, doesn’t believe that black people are too stupid to get voter ID. He and the Democrats are against voter ID because voter ID prevents cheating.

They are actively pro-cheating. They want the millions of Third World peasants they have imported to vote. They think it is a good thing to steal the 2024 election and they will certainly try to do it. It’s up to us to stop them. Nobody’s going to come to our rescue. There’s no referee we can appeal to who will call the strike. We need to understand the nature of our opponents and act accordingly.

It looks like Trump may win outside the margin of fraud so that the race can’t be stolen with zillions of surprise votes mysteriously appearing in Atlanta and Detroit and Philadelphia. The second it becomes clear that Trump has won, the first thing that will happen is that Joe Biden, to the extent he remains conscious, will refuse to concede. He will deny the election. Yes, an election denier will become a hero (again, as it was back in 2000, 2004, and 2016) instead of the worst person you can ever be, except for someone who denies that a man can become a woman through the power of wanting to. It’s hypocrisy, but they are immune to shame.

The transition will be fraught because the Democrats just aren’t going to cooperate with a peaceful transition of government. They will do everything they can to disrupt and delay Trump’s people taking over. The shredders will melt from overuse as they destroy evidence of their own misconduct. What’s important for the Trump people to do is ensure that they make it clear that anybody destroying government documents or other materials to hide their contents will be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or other crimes. But the left will do it anyway, certain in the knowledge that a 97% communist jury pool in Washington, DC, will never convict any Democrat of anything.

Of course, there are going to be lawsuits. Those Hawaiian judges will be working overtime ruling that Donald Trump can’t be President even though he won the election because of reasons and the Spirit of Aloha. Look for them to challenge every win, and for Democrat judges to allow the scam to go forward. Now, it’ll all eventually get up to the Supreme Court, which consists of three communists and five insurrection flag-flying patriots plus John Roberts who will eventually rule for Trump. However, the goal will be to attack the legitimacy of the process, to make Trump an illegitimate president. Remember, only court rulings in favor of the Democrats are legitimate. Court rulings in favor of the Republicans are inherently illegitimate, and they need to pack the court. You know, because of Our Democracy.

We’re going to see alternative slates of electors, which will be absolutely fine now, even though Democrat functionaries are prosecuting people for doing it last time. We will see more Hollywood idiots demanding that Trump electors refuse to vote for him. Again, the left collectively wet itself about all this last time, but you need to understand that it is immune to hypocrisy. They don’t care if they’re doing the exact opposite of what they did five minutes ago. None of that matters to them, so none of that should matter to us. We need to understand that they are scum and that they must be crushed.

The only currency is power, and we need to spend it while we’re flush with cash.

The ultimate power is, of course, guys with guns. Is there a chance that Joe Biden will order the military to overturn the election results? A few years ago, that would’ve been an insane question, but we have never had an administration as evil as this one, representing an elite terrified of losing the power it inherited instead of earned. If you don’t think that Joe Biden would use the Army to retain power, you just haven’t been paying attention. They don’t believe we have any right to govern ourselves. They think that they were divinely selected, by whatever weird pagan divinity they are worshiping this week, to rule over us. The idea that they have some moral opposition to imposing an armed dictatorship upon us is simply wishful thinking. But would Pentagon leadership go along with it? I have no doubt that some of them absolutely would. Of course, the military under their leadership is so grossly incompetent that it can’t win a war overseas against a pack of mountain tribesmen. I’m not particularly worried about how well it would do 100 million armed Americans (those darn AR15s again!), many of us veterans of the military from back when it was a real military and not a camouflaged gender studies seminar.

Is this paranoid? Is this crazy? Would Media Matters be all over this column if the schmucks who worked for it hadn’t been so abruptly and hilariously fired? Well, if you haven’t been paying attention, you might think so. But you need to understand the incredible evil of our opponents. They’re not good people. They’re not nice people. They don’t believe that you have any rights. They don’t believe you have any legitimate interests. You are there to serve them and obey. They didn’t build this country, they don’t feed it or fuel it, and they certainly don’t defend it, but they somehow consider themselves our betters. They’re not. We just need to understand that they will do whatever they must to maintain their power. We need to be ready. It’s our country, and we’re taking it back – if we prepare for the fight.


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Re: What to Expect After a Trump Win, Schlicter
« Reply #1367 on: May 27, 2024, 05:34:11 PM »
I like Schlicter and have the same reservations about referring others to him.  But I don't understand discussing a 'win' without figuring what happens in the House and Senate as well.  Plus some of the electoral reforms need to come from the state legislatures.

If Trump alone wins, it won't be much of a win.  Plus it's only for 4 years.  Who he picks for VP and successor will make a difference.

There's Left rule, there's divided government, and then there's what we should do if we really do win the controls of power.

"Don’t underestimate what they [Democrats] are capable of."

  - [Doug]  That depends a lot on whether Hakim Jeffries is the Speaker of the House or the Minority Leader.


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Re: What to Expect After a Trump Win, Schlicter
« Reply #1368 on: May 27, 2024, 07:42:36 PM »
I like Schlicter and have the same reservations about referring others to him.  But I don't understand discussing a 'win' without figuring what happens in the House and Senate as well.  Plus some of the electoral reforms need to come from the state legislatures.

If Trump alone wins, it won't be much of a win.  Plus it's only for 4 years.  Who he picks for VP and successor will make a difference.

There's Left rule, there's divided government, and then there's what we should do if we really do win the controls of power.

"Don’t underestimate what they [Democrats] are capable of."

  - [Doug]  That depends a lot on whether Hakim Jeffries is the Speaker of the House or the Minority Leader.

I concur there are a lot of moving parts and stars that need to align. I also think there are a lot of squishes in the GOP that will veil their membership in the Uniparty by NOT thinking ahead and preparing for what will inevitably occur and then blaming it on it being unforeseeable. Throw in the systematic lawfare being conducted against effective GOP lawyers and I fear any victories that do occur will be mitigated by foreseeable “Progressive” reactionary tactics.

Bottom line: I respect Schlicter for the foresight displayed in part one, look forward to part two, and admit a successful election will doubtless require parts 3 through 300,000 or more.


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Trump 2.0, Day 1, Part 2
« Reply #1371 on: May 30, 2024, 09:20:14 AM »
I don’t disagree with this plan, and would add to the list, like telling all Executive Office agencies that they can no longer enforce any regulation that wasn’t specifically authorized by Congress and signed by the president:

Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 2)
Kurt Schlichter

May 30, 2024

When Donald Trump beats Grandpa Badfinger in November, he better hit the ground ready to fight. In my Monday column, we discussed how the Democrats will completely freak out and attempt to disrupt the peaceful transition of government – an act that’s going to be absolutely fine and necessary to maintain Our Democracy even though last week it was the worst thing ever. This second columns talks about what must happen right after Trump is re-inaugurated, God-willing, and what he must do immediately upon taking office. Momentum and inertia are vital. Trump must take his objectives quickly. He must put points on the board immediately on Day One.

Speed is not just of the essence – it is everything. Look at what happened with Israel in Gaza. It should have destroyed Hamas immediately. No waiting. No screwing around. Get in there and get it done. Nothing wins like winning. There’s no victory like victory. You’ve got to get in there and make it happen fast. When you hesitate, it gives the enemy the time to rebuild, re-orient, and counterattack. The IDF should’ve been hanging scumbags from what few lampposts that remain standing in Gaza within the first month, well before all the little keffiyeh-clad scumbags started occupying campus quads and President Gumby started showing his spinelessness.

Audacity, audacity, audacity.

The same is true with Trump taking power again. Take power and use power ruthlessly and without hesitation or lose – those are the choices. He’s got to get wins quickly and needs to pile wins upon wins so fast that the regime media and the institutions can’t decide what to react to. You’ve got to overwhelm the left, and you can only do that with proper planning. You have to plan the transition out so that on Day One, right after he takes his hand off the Bible and goes back to the White House, Trump starts signing things. Orders. Pardons. Regulations. They need to be waiting for him to sign. You take the initiative and you get inside the enemy’s decision cycle. You hit them with so many things so fast that they can’t pick out what to focus on. Overwhelm them with conservatism.

Not only does this tactic neutralize the ability of the regime media to create fake media firestorms, but it also has a morale effect by cheering up us voters when we see our priorities finally put into action. And, of course, it achieves substantive results. In other words, we not only want to do things that are going to help us, but we also want to be seen as doing things that are to help us so that our voters know they are winning and the damn communists know they are losing.

Day One is when we end the two-track justice system. Just recently, some Palesimpian scumbag knocked over a cop in Washington, DC. He’s getting probation. The guys who allegedly did that on January 6 are getting ten years. That can’t be tolerated. The left can’t be allowed to win. It’s not a matter of whether pushing cops is a good or bad thing. It’s a matter of allowing the Democrats to create and perpetuate a dual-track justice system. Allowing conservative-linked people to rot in jail while leftist–linked people run free perpetuates the unfairness. The lawfare by the left must end.

The President has the power to pardon. He should use it. Day One, Trump must pardon every single J6 defendant. Every one of them for everything. No exceptions, no hesitation. Pardon every single one of them, and not just J6 defendants. How about those abortion protesters held in jail for years? How about Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro – prosecuted for contempt of Congress while Democrats get away uncharged (we’ll fix that too). How about that guy who is sitting in prison because he made a mean meme about Hillary Clinton? Pardon him. Pardon everybody who’s been treated unfairly by the Democrats. Then Trump needs to pardon everybody associated with his prior administration. And he needs to pardon himself.

Will the Democrats freak out? Well, yes, though if Trump does it right, they’ll be a lot more things to be freaking out about on Day One. But who cares if they freak out? Caring is the only thing that stops us from using our legitimate power. They’ll say that we don’t care about the rule of law. Who cares what they say? Ensuring that the law has been applied equally – which these pardons would do because Democrats don’t get prosecuted – supports the rule of law. But this isn’t about clichés. This isn’t about pleasing the Democrat elite. They’re never going to be happy. It’s foolish to try. It's about neutralizing the Democrat’s misuse of power. You cannot let them win.

Here’s a radical notion for Republicans. Make Republican voters happy. Trump should aggressively use his power to support the interests of the Republican voters who elected him. Serving those who elected him should be his number one priority. The Democrats understand how power works. They violate the law on immigration and on student loan debt transfers to support their constituents. We need to support ours – legally – and we need to do it without apology and without hesitation.

Trump needs to shut down the border on the first day. Summarily reject all asylum applicants. Just turn their butts around. No more flying illegals anywhere except home. We need to keep doing that even if some Hawaiian judge orders us not to enforce the law and kick these bums out. Fight that obstructionism. As Biden’s student loan scam shows, you find a technical argument to ignore it, ignore it, and get the benefits before the lower court can say, “No, we really mean it” – or the SCOTUS says, “Go for it.” He also needs to cut off the cash to the parasitical NGOs that have gotten billions of dollars to facilitate this invasion of Third World peasants. No more money to any of them. Nothing. Starve them.

And as for student loan forgiveness, Trump simply needs to order that the purported forgiveness is unforgiven and that the USA is going to start collecting those monies. Let the deadbeat gender studies majors sue to enforce an executive action that the Supreme Court has already said is unlawful. After all, Trump must enforce the laws, and the laws say that these debts have to be paid back. Biden’s unlawful waiver of these obligations is legally ineffective. Enjoy the cry of a million gender studies graduates screaming in anger!

We need to start recruiting foot soldiers for the administration. Trump is going to need a lot of conservative bodies to fill the jobs in the myriad federal agencies. Right now, they’re packed with Democrat activists. We need to change that, and we need to not apologize for it. He must fire scores of senior staff at various agencies. Ones he can’t fire need to be transferred to their new place of duty in Ticklebooty Springs, Wyoming.

He needs to fix the military. He needs to fire the joint chiefs. He also needs to fire the heads of all the military academies and war colleges. He must order DEI is completely out of our armed forces. He needs to make clear that our military’s purpose is to destroy our enemies and nothing else. Not screwing around about the climate hoax. Not diversity. Killing our enemies. He’s commander-in-chief, dammit, and he should command. Not ask. Command.

There should be a towering pile of executive orders waiting for him on the Resolute Desk when he gets back from the inauguration, executive orders that will make the Democrats scream. For example, the only reason that federal government employees can unionize is because of an executive order. He should revoke that on Day One and ban government employee unions. Sure, they’ll scream and yell. They’ll sue. Maybe they’ll go on strike, which would be great because when these flunkies disappear and nothing changes, we’ll see that they weren’t necessary to begin with. Obviously, you want to put a hiring freeze in place. Obviously, you want to ban DEI throughout the government.

Federal law enforcement needs new rules to stop the persecution of political opponents, which inevitably means Democrats persecuting Republicans. His first action should be an order that there is no investigation, evidence gathering, prosecution or any other activities directed at any member of the administration without the personal approval and signature of the Attorney General. Yes, Trump should interfere with the operations of the Department of Justice. It’s a corrupt organization full of Democrat activists who have demonstrated that they are unworthy of our trust. He shouldn’t give it to them. He’s the chief executive elected by and accountable to the voters. The unelected Attorney General, and therefore every single other unelected employee of the Department of Justice, works for the President. He should delegate to his Attorney General, and to no one else, the ability to approve an investigation of any kind of the administration or any other political official. No more Russiagates. No more Flynn frames. The Department of Justice has shown that it cannot be trusted not to abuse its power, so it will lose its power. The elite won’t like it – they want a fourth branch of unaccountable government bureaucrats, but that’s not a thing, and we can’t let it continue to be a thing.

It’s vital that this all happens on Day One because of what will appear on Day Two’s front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post. What will the headline be? He will have done dozens and dozens of things. Do they go with the pardons? Do they go with DEI? Do they go with his other executive orders? We want them pulling out their purple hair, trying to figure out what they will focus on as the biggest outrage in the face of dozens of outrages. They will scream and yell. They will cry. Maybe they will riot – of course, the insurrectionists will feel the full wrath of a Trump Justice Department. The Democrats and Congress will go nuts. Who knows, they may obstruct the Senate from conducting business – we will probably have a majority, but a minority can do that. That’s fine. Let them. We need to remember that it’s the Democrats who mostly benefit from government largesse. Let the Democrats shut down the government. Throw us in that briar patch.

Most of all, Trump must stand firm – something that will not be a problem. He’s tough, and he’s mad. Any other Republican would’ve wilted under the attacks on Kavanaugh, but Trump didn’t. You know, they say that Trump is going to use his second term to get revenge because he’s so vindictive. Good. That’s a strength. We want him vindictive. We want him to seek righteous retribution – since when were Republicans against punishing wrongdoers? We want Trump utterly focused on breaking the stranglehold on, if you pardon the expression, Our Democracy that these leftist jerks have had for the last decade.

He must exercise his constitutional power without apology or hesitation. He must move fast and ruthlessly. The way to do that is to plan the transition in detail. It needs to be comprehensively plotted so that he’s ready to act immediately, Day One. His last administration was largely improvised because, at some level, people didn’t really believe that he was going to win, and they didn’t really prepare for it. Well, there’s no excuse now. There are thousands of Republicans who have had administration experience thanks to Trump, people who can come aboard for Trump 2.0, and this time, they can utterly lay waste to the Swamp.

It will be glorious!

« Last Edit: May 30, 2024, 10:10:21 AM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Trump Draws Yuge Crowds in Dem Strongholds …
« Reply #1372 on: May 30, 2024, 03:23:53 PM »


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Meghan Kelly was right
« Reply #1373 on: May 30, 2024, 04:20:11 PM »
she called it

the fix was / is in.


are we all fired up or what? !

shows what scum dem lawyers are
two on jury


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Trump’s Donation Page Crashes Today
« Reply #1374 on: May 30, 2024, 05:08:29 PM »
Trump’s donations page has crashed. I donated today; if you disagree with today’s verdict I suggest you do so too:

It’ll be interesting to see what the total is. I suspect Dems won’t be pleased….


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What the Verdict Bodes
« Reply #1375 on: May 31, 2024, 09:38:11 AM »
I’ve been perusing various columns/posts/laments re yesterday’s verdict in NY, with most of ‘em amounting to coals to Newcastle where I’m concerned. This one, though, does a comprehensive job of capturing current thinking:


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Maureen Dowd sister to vote DJT
« Reply #1376 on: June 02, 2024, 12:41:42 PM »
Like me her sister and b in law wanted someone other than Trump
and were not going to vote for him (though of course I would/will)

Post "sham trial" they are swayed to vote for him  :-D

Hopefully many other Repubs and Indies sitting on the fence have come to same conclusions.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1377 on: June 02, 2024, 11:31:23 PM »
« Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 12:17:22 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Hunter Biden trial
« Reply #1378 on: June 03, 2024, 07:23:05 AM »
One wonders why now, just after DJT verdict.

There has to be some political strategy about this.
Jill in front row?   :roll:

Either he will be found innocent - > and the LEFT will tell us see, no one above the law and the system works

OR he will be found guilty and slap on wrist sentence ->  and the LEFT will tell us see, no one is above the law and the system works.


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$200 Million?
« Reply #1379 on: June 03, 2024, 12:44:48 PM »
I can’t vouch for these figures, but if accurate, yeah, the Uniparty will take notice. I’m among the first time donors:

So in 48 hours, the Trump campaign raised $200 million dollars.  $70 million of which was by small donations.  If you don't believe that has caused a seismic shock to the uniparty, I can't help you.
Just for a comparison.  After Roe was overruled, the dems raised $20 million, and with that haul, they thought abortion was the big issue to run on......and prolife was a losing position. 
The Trump kangaroo conviction did 10 times the haul....


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2024, Trump Black support Surging, Rasmussen
« Reply #1380 on: June 05, 2024, 08:42:03 AM »

black voter support for Biden has collapsed, falling to just 47 percent in the May poll. Conversely, former President Trump has seen a significant increase in support among the voter demographic, sitting at 36 percent in the latest survey.
[Doug]  Democrats use to win the black vote 95-5, 98-2 and so on.

Now they lead 47-36?

I keep saying we only need to make inroads into these so-called Dem groups.  We need to gain just a point of two here and there to win close elections. 

Referencing the 'you ain't black' remark, it takes a certain number or percentage to come over in order for all in a group to feel they have a choice, and start considering all issues and factors.

Same for other groups.  A gay friend told me he's Democrat because, well you know, he has to be.  But the gay marriage issue is well behind us and all the other rights are guaranteed as well, employment and housing etc.  He shouldn't have to vote for open borders, high taxes and massive deficits if he doesn't want to.


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Re: 2024, Trump Black support Surging, Rasmussen
« Reply #1381 on: June 05, 2024, 11:40:20 AM »

black voter support for Biden has collapsed, falling to just 47 percent in the May poll. Conversely, former President Trump has seen a significant increase in support among the voter demographic, sitting at 36 percent in the latest survey.
[Doug]  Democrats use to win the black vote 95-5, 98-2 and so on.

Now they lead 47-36?

I keep saying we only need to make inroads into these so-called Dem groups.  We need to gain just a point of two here and there to win close elections. 

Referencing the 'you ain't black' remark, it takes a certain number or percentage to come over in order for all in a group to feel they have a choice, and start considering all issues and factors.

Same for other groups.  A gay friend told me he's Democrat because, well you know, he has to be.  But the gay marriage issue is well behind us and all the other rights are guaranteed as well, employment and housing etc.  He shouldn't have to vote for open borders, high taxes and massive deficits if he doesn't want to.

That's something the Dems and their MSM handmaidens have done very well: identify divisive issues and then hang a monolithic burning tire around the GOP's neck, screaming "if you vote for these guys all you'll smell is burning fascist rubber!"

Education would be the best response, unfortunately the organs that convey education, be they colleges, elementary schools, or the MSM have been subverted. It's still high ground worth pursuing, but I think some in kind treatment re the southern border, economy, military failures, et al is more than deserved.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1382 on: June 05, 2024, 01:06:07 PM »
I keep reading Black support down
younger generation support down
hispanic support down for Biden

yet the polls remain very tight.

will this overtake the illegal vote which undoubtedly is being planned

I just don't know....
no one does.


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FO: Prepping the way for mail in voting and no excuse ballots
« Reply #1383 on: June 05, 2024, 02:41:54 PM »
(2) FIRST H5N1 RESPIRATORY INFECTION REPORTED: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said a third Avian Flu H5N1 infection linked to the ongoing outbreak on dairy farms was detected on 30 May.

According to the CDC, this is the first report of an H5N1 infection in the U.S. that includes acute respiratory symptoms.

Why It Matters: H5N1 respiratory infection has a 56% case fatality rate, and the most dangerous course of action remains an outbreak of respiratory infections from H5N1. So far, there is only one confirmed H5N1 infection with respiratory symptoms and two conjunctivitis infections. However, infections are likely higher than reported due to the reluctance of rural cattle workers to come forward to the CDC. An H5N1 outbreak would likely be used as a justification for pushing mail-in voting and no-excuse absentee ballots in a possible repeat of the 2020 election. – R.C.


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FO: Techies starting to break for Trump
« Reply #1384 on: June 05, 2024, 02:52:02 PM »

(5) DAVID SACKS TO HOLD TRUMP FUNDRAISER: Venture capitalist David Sacks said he has been critical of the Biden administration “and I would like for him not to win another term,” ahead of a $300,000 a plate Trump fundraiser dinner Sacks will host at his home.
“Trump has a lot of supporters in Silicon Valley; many are just afraid to admit it. But with each act of courage, like this one, the dam begins to break,” Sacks said.

Why It Matters: Sacks was a Clinton donor in 2016 and previously backed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sacks was also a major Trump critic beginning in 2020, saying Trump was no longer qualified to be a national-level candidate but is now set to host a high dollar donor dinner that will help boost Trump’s fundraising lead over Biden. Sacks very likely has the same motivation as other financial and industry elites who have coalesced around Trump, who see Biden as a major source of economic and political instability in the U.S. and globally. – R.C.


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50 Cent endorses Trump
« Reply #1386 on: June 07, 2024, 09:27:57 AM »


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VDH: The Myth that Biden had nothing to do with it
« Reply #1387 on: June 07, 2024, 09:43:50 AM »

The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump
Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

Victor Davis Hanson

The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them.

But Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated with his own Department of Justice's federal prosecutors for their tardiness in indicting Trump.

Biden was upset because any delay might mean that his rival Trump would not be in federal court during the 2024 election cycle. And that would mean he could not be tagged as a "convicted felon" by the November election while being kept off the campaign trail.

Politico has long prided itself on its supposed insider knowledge of the workings of the Biden administration. Note that it was reported earlier this February that a frustrated Joe Biden "has grumbled to aides and advisers that had (Attorney General Merrick) Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump's election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded..."

If there was any doubt about the Biden administration's effort to force Trump into court before November, Politico further dispelled it — even as it blamed Trump for Biden's anger at Garland: "That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team."

Note in passing how a presidential candidate's legal right to oppose a politicized indictment months before an election by his opponent's federal attorneys is smeared by Politico as "deliberate resistance."

Given Politico was publicly reporting six months ago about Biden's anger at the pace of his DOJ's prosecution of Trump, does anyone believe his special counsel, Jack Smith, was not aware of such presidential displeasure and pressure?

Note Smith had petitioned and was denied an unusual request to the court to speed up the course of his Trump indictment.

And why would Biden's own Attorney General, Garland, select such an obvious partisan as Smith? Remember, in his last tenure as special counsel, Smith had previously gone after popular Republican and conservative Virginia governor Bob MacDonald.

Yet Smith's politicized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court. That rare court unanimity normally should have raised a red flag to the Biden DOJ about both Smith's partiality and his incompetence.

But then again, Smith's wife had donated to the 2020 Biden campaign fund. And she was previously known for producing a hagiographic 2020 documentary ("Becoming") about Michelle Obama.

Selecting a special counsel with a successful record of prior nonpartisan convictions was clearly not why the DOJ appointed Smith.

The White House's involvement is not limited to the Smith federal indictments.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis's paramour and erstwhile lead prosecutor in her indictment of Trump, Nathan Wade, met twice with the White House counsel's office. On one occasion, Wade met inside the Biden White House.

Subpoenaed records reveal that the brazen Wade actually billed the federal government for his time spent with the White House counsel's staff — although so far no one has disclosed under oath the nature of such meetings.

Of the tens of thousands of local prosecutions each year, in how many instances does a county prosecutor consult with the White House counsel's office — and then bill it for his knowledge?

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's just-completed felony convictions of Trump were spearheaded by former prominent federal prosecutor Matthew Colangelo. He is not just a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee.

Colangelo had also just left his prior position in the Biden Justice Department — reputedly as Garland's third-ranking prosecutor — to join the local Bragg team.

Again, among all the multitudes of annual municipal indictments nationwide, how many local prosecutors manage to enlist one of the nation's three top federal attorneys to head their case?

So, apparently, it was not enough for the shameless Bragg to campaign flagrantly on promises to go after Trump. In addition, Bragg brashly drafted a top Democratic operative and political appointee from inside Joe Biden's DOJ to head his prosecution.

Not surprisingly, it took only a few hours after the Colangelo-Bragg conviction of Trump for Biden on spec to start blasting his rival as a "convicted felon." Biden is delighted that his own former prosecutor, a left-wing judge, and a Manhattan jury may well keep Trump off the campaign trail.

So, it is past time for the media and Democrats to drop this ridiculous ruse of Biden's White House "neutrality." Instead, they should admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.

(C)2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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2024, The election could turn on these tapes
« Reply #1388 on: June 08, 2024, 04:33:07 AM »

A few stubborn truths come out of this.

1. The transcript was altered negating the argument we already have the transcripts.

2. Supreme Court unanimous decision striking down Executive Privilege protection of Nixon tapes brought down his Presidency.

3. This is about a crime.

4. Biden is making crime of the candidate an issue in the campaign.

5. Tape shows guilt.

6. Tape shows unfitness to serve.

7. Putting it in the public where with all the new Trump campaign money to broadcast it will end his career.

8. Dems will want him off the ticket.

9. Timeliness is of the essence.

10. This assertion of Executive Privilege was bullsh*t from the start.

11. What is the Freedom of Information Act anyway, if not our right to know this.  It's not a private matter.  It's the handling of public documents, classified material, a breachbso serious he is trying to put his opponent in jail for it.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 05:34:28 AM by DougMacG »


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2024, Biden lays out second term agenda
« Reply #1389 on: June 08, 2024, 05:36:10 AM »
This could go under Joe's list brain.

Biden sat for an interview with Time at the White House on May 28. The transcript makes for painful reading. Matt Continetti observes that “[t]he weirdest moment comes when the reporters ask Biden to describe his second-term agenda.” Here is Biden’s response:

"To finish what I started in the first term. To continue to make sure that the European continent—I’ll tell you, I got a call from Kissinger about 10 days before he died. And he used the following comment. He said that not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at dread with what Europe—what Russia may do, until now. Until now, you can’t let that change.

The point is that we have an opportunity to have the decisions we make in the last couple of years, in the next four years, are going to determine the future of Europe for a long time to come. And so that’s why we can not let NATO fail, we have to build that both politically and economically. And militarily, which we’re investing significantly. In addition to that, I am desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the… what they are calling the south now. There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years. We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them.

We, on the climate side, have come along and we’ve done everything that is reasonably—and three other countries are the reason we’re in the problem we’re in. But what happens if all of a sudden, on the Amazon, they’re starting to clear, vast swaths of land, cut down forests, etc. Back when Dick Lugar was alive, he and I started something back in the ’90s, where we said—late ’80s, excuse me—where we said to, in the Amazon, they said, look, if you, we’ll make a deal with you Brazil. You don’t cut your forest, we’ll pay you not to do it. We’ll pay you not to do it. We have to prevent— And that’s why we’re working so hard to make sure Angola can be in a position that they have more solar capacity than almost any place in the world, to help that whole continent.

That’s why we want to build a railroad all the way—with others in Europe—all the way across the continent. So that you have, you have countries that have overproduction of agriculture and some that don’t have it, but no way to get a transfer. There’s so much opportunity in Africa. And we have to work it."
« Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 05:42:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1390 on: June 08, 2024, 05:54:46 AM »
I think he is saying his second term will be a continuation of his first:

Help Europe and Nato
Help Africa
Keep Brazil and S America from deforesting the Amazon

 :roll: :-o

How could we not be ahead by 20 % ?

Does not the free shit crowd and DEI crowd see how bad this is?

Obviously they don't care.


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FO: Yellen juicing the ecnomy
« Reply #1391 on: June 10, 2024, 07:54:07 AM »
(1) BESSENT: YELLEN JUICING ECONOMY AHEAD OF ELECTION: Key Square Group founder Scott Bessent said Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is “juicing the economy” ahead of the November election to boost President Biden’s reelection effort.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) said Yellen is “working at cross purposes” with the Federal Reserve and issuing short-term Treasury notes to “give the economy a sugar high” months before the election.

Why It Matters: Biden administration officials appear to be working to relieve pressure on the American economy to boost Biden’s reelection. This includes plans to restart offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia amid a surprise OPEC production increase. The economy still polls as a losing issue for Biden, and attempts to push off an economic downturn and lower gas prices in the months ahead of the November election appear coordinated to close the public polling gap between Biden and Trump in key battleground states. – R.C.


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« Reply #1393 on: June 10, 2024, 04:05:51 PM »
she is one who needs to be held accountable.
maybe powell too.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1395 on: June 14, 2024, 06:07:49 AM »
Merrick Garland of the Biden Administration is charged with contempt of Congress for withholding the special counsels interview audio of President Biden. He is withholding the tape because they are afraid opponents will take Snippets out of context to distort what the president said.

Ironically, that is exactly what they're doing in the Biden ads against Trump.

My question, if Trump is so bad, if what he says is so bad, why do they need to lie about what he said?

Classic case, "I'm not talking about the white supremacist, there are good people on both sides." Opposition cuts the first part out and says he supports white supremacists. 

If that's what it takes to prove he's a bad guy, then he isn't a bad guy.

Funny that white liberals think he's racist but blacks don't. I know white liberals think they're smarter, the smartest of all, but in this case they aren't. They're the most dishonest of all.

Second case, he didn't say the military cemetery is made up of losers. Nice try. It gave the haters something to hate but doesn't sway the people who know better.

Trump had a personal beef with John McCain. What he said about John McCain was wrong and stupid. Why can't they run with what he said publicly instead of making up something else he never said? Without a single witness to it, the believers all run with it. Sad to see.


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2024, Democrats already have a replacement for Biden
« Reply #1396 on: June 14, 2024, 06:56:51 AM »

This article from the left makes it sound like Kamala Harris will do just fine if she replaces Joe as president or as nominee.  I'd like to try whatever drugs he's on.

My point here is that the veepstakes are real. The candidate is picking his successor. Look what happened to Reagan. The best candidate to replace him was Jack Kemp but the party picked George Bush. He won and then he lost.

Eisenhower picked Nixon as VP and Nixon was the (losing) nominee that followed. Johnson picked Humphrey who later became the (losing) nominee. Bill Clinton picked Al Gore as VP and Al Gore was the (losing) nominee that followed. Gerald Ford picked Dole who later became the (losing) nominee . Ford should have Reagan. Dole picked Kemp who should have been at the top of the ticket. Barack Obama picked Joe Biden and, well he wasn't suited to be the nominee to follow, but he became the nominee later by default, and won somehow.

Bush Cheney was the (other) recent exception. In the year 2000, Bush was young and vibrant. He picked someone older, not to be the future of the party, and then the Republicans had no leader in 2008, 2012 and really no party leader in 2016 (Jeb ! ? ) when Trump took over.

Joe Biden (or his Puppet Masters) picked Kamala Harris. Now she stands in the way of anyone else becoming the Democratic nominee.

This point is crucial right now because Trump is about to pick his VP nominee, his chosen successor. Other than Biden, he is the oldest person to be in this situation and is limited to just one term. Without a successor in the wings, he becomes a lame duck on his first day back in office. He needs the team approach to build any lasting kind of legacy. (He also needs to win Congress to have any lasting form of legacy).

Just like the Presidential nominee, the Vice Presidential nominee (of either party) needs to be someone who can win and someone who can govern best. Kamala is neither. Trump had better not make the same mistake.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 07:23:52 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1397 on: June 14, 2024, 07:25:21 AM »


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« Reply #1398 on: June 14, 2024, 08:46:54 AM »
(3) DEMOCRAT DONORS PLAN TO BUY YOUTH VOTE IN SWING STATES: A group of Democratic donor organizations including Invest In Us and the Voter Project are testing a 2024 political strategy to turn out young voters in swing states by throwing parties that involve “get out the vote” efforts in Pennsylvania and Arizona.
Columbia University political scientist Donald Green said studies of these events held near polling places found they could increase young voter turnout by four to six percent at a lower cost per vote than traditional “get out the vote” efforts.
Why It Matters: This move is effectively a vote buying scheme to try and shore up swing states where Trump is still leading Biden. A four to six percent gain in key districts from these efforts would put Biden ahead in November in battleground states. – R.C.