Panama Decrees Open Door to "Immigrants"
Believe it or is the Decree
Michael Yon
Mar 14
Panama has officially opened the doors. To be replaced.
The following Decree is a red carpet to demographic replacement.
I include both the original and translated versions of the official Decree from 11 March 2025.
Please say if you see translation errors. I paid $160 yesterday for a human to translate not AI. But then the human may have used AI. I do not know:
OF 11 MARCH 2025
Which creates the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit
in the exercise of its constitutional and legal powers,
Article 6(2) of Decree-Law 3 of February 22, 2008, establishes that it is the function of the National Migration Service to organize, direct, register, supervise, and provide immigration services to foreigners and to ensure the effective control of their stay in the country, within the limits indicated in that Decree-Law;
That with the creation of the Ministry of Public Security, through Law 15 of April 14, 2010, it was established that its mission is to determine the country's security policies, plan, coordinate, control, and support the efforts of the security and intelligence agencies that comprise it, with the National Migration Service being part of its operational level;
Article 9(3) of Decree-Law 3 of February 22, 2008, provides that the functions of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice, now the Ministry of Public Security, in matters of migration policy, are to recommend and develop the special measures to be taken by the Panamanian State to control, supervise, and prevent irregular migration;
That Articles 14 and 15 of Decree Law 3 of 2008 determine that the Executive Branch shall regulate the forms and conditions under which permits and visas shall be issued, in accordance with the principles of national security, health, public order, and protection of rights and freedoms; as well as the conditions and requirements that must be met to apply to each of the migratory categories and may create other migratory subcategories;
That the phenomenon of human mobility has posed significant challenges for countries of origin, transit, destination, and return, especially with regard to the protection and guarantee of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents, in strict compliance with national and international human rights standards;
That in recent years this situation has increased considerably and has been motivated by extreme poverty, lack of opportunities, economic inequalities, armed conflicts, political persecution and natural disasters, exposing foreign children and adolescents to multiple risks and threats that impact their well-being, growth and development;
That it is the responsibility of the Republic of Panama, through the National Migration Service, to maintain an orderly and transparent migration, with strict adherence to human rights and the migration law in force;
That it is the duty of the State to establish policies that respond to the needs of the country's economic development and that, in addition, it is its fundamental task to achieve economic rehabilitation and reduce the unemployment rate;
That through Executive Decree No. 393 of September 14, 2015, the State adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), whose objective No. 8 is Decent Work and Economic Growth, which establishes that in order to achieve sustainable economic development, it is necessary to increase labor productivity and reduce the unemployment rate;
That undocumented or irregular migrants have been identified as a group in a situation of vulnerability, since they are the most exposed to potential or actual violations of their rights and suffer a high level of lack of protection of their rights as a result of their situation;
That the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development needs to attend to nationals and migrants in vulnerable situations, especially irregular migrants who, by their nature, are not subject to insertion into the labor market, based on a regular migratory status;
That by virtue of the foregoing and after the corresponding evaluation, the Government of the Republic of Panama deems it necessary to establish more effective migration controls for irregular migrants who are in the national territory,
Article 1. The Humanitarian Security Protection Permit is hereby created, which may be applied for by any foreigner who, at the entry into force of this Executive Decree, is irregular within the national territory and has remained in the country for a period of not less than one year. In the event that the applicant has left the country during that year, he or she may not have stayed more than sixty consecutive days outside the national territory.
The Humanitarian Security Protection Permit will be a document that will include the Work Permit issued in favor of the foreigner who avails himself of this Executive Decree, so that he or she may obtain a work permit in the national territory together with his or her residence.
Article 2. Foreigners interested in opting for the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit must meet the following requirements:
1. Power of Attorney and Request through legal representative.
2. Two passport-size photos, white background or color.
3. Complete the Single Pre-Registration of Foreigners (RUEX) or update it, depending on each case.
4. Not have current immigration procedures before the National Migration Service.
5. Complete copy of duly notarized passport.
6. Applicant's proof of address:
a. Notarized lease agreement (Copy of the tenant's ID).
b. Utility bill.
7. Criminal record certificate from their home country duly authenticated or apostilled, as the case may be.
8. Personal background affidavit.
9. Health certificate issued by a qualified professional.
10. Copy of the migrant labor registry requested from the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.
11. In the event that the applicant is a minor, the notarized power of attorney must be granted by both parents or legal guardian, accompanied by the document that proves the relationship and the letter of responsibility duly authenticated or apostilled, as the case may be.
12. Certified or Cashier's Check from the National Bank, in favor of the National Immigration Service for an amount of $800.00 for repatriation.
13. Certified or Cashier's Check from the National Bank, in favor of the National Immigration Service for an amount of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for immigration service.
14. Payment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the card and multiple visa for the permit requested.
15. Proof of payment issued by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), for the Work Permit.
Article 3. The following table of costs is adopted for the processing of the application for the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit:
Cost for immigration service
Card and Multiple Visa
Repatriation, non-refundable
National Treasure
Work permit
The breakdown referring to "cost for immigration service", includes the appointment request; the reception of the documentation submitted; the analysis of it; and, finally, the issuance of the resolution whether or not the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit is approved.
Article 4. The National Migration Service will check the authenticity of each document provided with the application. The mere presentation of the documents does not imply their validity, so if inconsistencies are found, it will generate criminal and administrative responsibilities for the applicant or whoever has participated in the event.
Article 5. In addition to the requirements set forth in this Executive Decree, the foreigner who opts for the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit may be subjected to an interview or evaluation by the National Migration Service and the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, as appropriate, to determine whether or not the granting of the permit is appropriate, the cancellation or denial of the respective permit.
Article 6. The Human Security Protection Permit will be granted individually by each applicant and will contemplate the authorization by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development for the foreigner, whose residence is approved, to immediately obtain a work permit.
Both permits will be valid for a period of two years, so that the beneficiaries over 18 years of age can reside and work in the territory of the Republic of Panama during that period, complying with the tax, labor, social security, health and legal obligations corresponding to their activity.
Article 7. Any foreigner who has obtained a Humanitarian Security Protection Permit, after the two years, may opt for a six-year extension and, once the extension period has elapsed, may opt for permanent residence, complying with the criteria established by this Executive Decree.
Article 8. Foreigners who were not admitted as refugees before the National Office for the Attention of Refugees (ONPAR), meeting the requirements to apply for the first time, in accordance with Article 2 of this Executive Decree, may opt for this permit.
Likewise, any foreigner who applied for Executive Decree No. 112 of July 13, 2023, may request the extension contemplated in this Executive Decree, complying with the requirements established in Article 9, with the exception of numeral 8, for which they must present the criminal record of their country of origin.
Article 9. Any foreigner who opts for the six-year extension must meet the following requirements:
1. Power of Attorney and Request through Legal Representative.
2. Two passport-size photos, white background or color.
3. Complete copy of duly notarized passport.
4. Applicant's proof of address:
a. Notarized lease agreement (Copy of the tenant's ID).
b. Utility bill.
5. Updated copy of the migrant labor registry requested from the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.
6. Personal History Statement.
7. Health Certificate issued by a qualified professional.
8. Criminal and police record history, issued by the Directorate of Judicial Investigation, of the National Police of Panama, as long as you have not left the country for more than thirty days.
9. Social security form that proves that the person is contributing to the Social Security Fund or Income Tax Return with its respective proof of payment to the General Directorate of Revenue.
10. In the event that the applicant is a minor, the notarized power of attorney must be granted by both parents or legal guardian, accompanied by the document that proves the relationship and the letter of responsibility duly authenticated or apostilled, as the case may be.
11. Certified or Cashier's Check from the National Bank, in favor of the National Immigration Service for an amount of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for immigration service.
12. Payment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the card and multiple visa for the permit requested.
13. Proof of payment issued by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), for the Work Permit.
Cost for immigration service
Card and Multiple Visa
National Treasure
Work permit
Article 10. In the event that the foreigner does not have a collated copy of the passport, according to the terms of Article 28 of Decree Law 3 of 2008, or has a damaged or pending passport, he or she must present a certification from the corresponding Consulate that certifies his or her passports and certifies that he or she does not have the passport or that it is in process, duly authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In case the passport has been lost, a report must be filed, for theft or robbery with the Directorate of Judicial Investigation, or with the Complaint Reception Center of the Public Prosecutor's Office, together with the certification of the Consulate mentioned above.
Article 11. When the applicant is a person under eighteen years of age, in order to process the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit, he or she must have the notarized authorization of both parents or the parent who has custody, proving the relationship of kinship. Upon reaching the age of majority, the applicant may opt for a work permit which must be processed before the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, meeting the following requirements:
1. Power of Attorney and Request by Legal Representative.
2. Registration of affiliation of migrant labor.
3. Certification of Immigration Status stating that the applicant has a Humanitarian Security Protection Permit.
4. Copy of general passport and RUEX stamp.
5. Notarized copy of the residence card of the Humanitarian Security protection permit.
Article 12. The foreigner, at the time of applying for permanent residence, must provide the following requirements:
1. Power of Attorney and Request by Legal Representative.
2. Two (2) passport-size photos, white or color background.
3. Complete copy of duly notarized passport.
4. Applicant's proof of address:
a. Notarized lease agreement (Copy of the tenant's ID).
b. Utility bill.
5. Updated copy of the migrant labor registry requested from the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.
6. Personal background affidavit.
7. Health certificate issued by a qualified professional.
8. Criminal and police record history, issued by the Directorate of Judicial Investigation, of the National Police of Panama, as long as you have not left the country for more than 30 days.
9. Social security form that proves that the person is contributing to the Social Security Fund or Income Tax Return with its respective proof of payment to the General Directorate of Revenue.
10. In the event that the applicant is a minor, the notarized power of attorney must be granted by both parents or legal guardian, the letter of responsibility, and the certification of an educational center that accredits their status as a student.
11. Certified or Cashier's Check from the National Bank, in favor of the National Immigration Service for an amount of $250.00 for immigration service.
12. Payment in the amount of $100.00 for the card and multiple visa for the permit requested.
13. Proof of payment issued by the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00), for the Work Permit.
In addition, the applicant must provide documentation that demonstrates the condition under which they will obtain their permanent residence, which may be as follows:
1. For reasons of roots. They must meet the requirements established in Title IV Permanent Resident Category; Chapter III For demographic reasons Family reunification, Section 1. Married to Panamanian and Section 2. Dependents of Permanent Residents, of Executive Decree No. 320 of February 3, 2008 or Executive Decree No. 582 of August 9, 2012. In the case of foreigners who opt for permanent residence for reasons of roots, under the condition of married to a Panamanian, they will be exempt from the payment of the repatriation deposit.
2. For work reasons. At the time of applying for permanent residence, the foreigner must have a social security card that proves that he or she contributes to the Social Security Fund or Income Tax Return with its respective proof of payment to the General Directorate of Revenue.
3. For tax reasons. The foreign person who is registered with the General Directorate of Revenue as a tax taxpayer must provide the following:
a. Notice of operation, when applicable.
b. The last two income tax returns, duly filed.
c. Good standing with the Revenue taxes.
Cost for immigration service
Card and Multiple Visa
National Treasure
Work Permit
Article 13. The person who misplaces, loses or deteriorates the card issued in accordance with this Executive Decree, must provide the following documents to request the corresponding duplicate:
1. Original or copy authenticated by the National Migration Service of the resolution granting the provisional or definitive permit with its respective notification stamp.
2. Passport with its registration stamp or filiation. If they have lost the original passport, they must present a provisional passport.
3. Copy of the complaint filed with the complaint reception center for the loss of the document.
4. Contribution for the damaged document if applicable.
The costs for the duplicate will be as follows:
First time
Second time
Third time
Article 14. The amounts collected for immigration services will be used for social assistance and security. Ninety percent (90%) will be assigned to the Ministry of the Presidency and the remaining ten percent (10%) will be allocated to the Special Fund for the Development of Human Resources of the National Migration Service. The amounts collected as a contribution to the Repatriation Deposit referred to in this Executive Decree shall be allocated to the Trust Fund of the National Migration Service.
As for the income from the Work Permit that corresponds to the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, seventy percent (70%) will be assigned to the Ministry of the Presidency and thirty percent (30%) of the money collected from this process will be allocated to the Special Operational Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development.
Article 15. The application for the Humanitarian Security Protection Permit will be valid for one year from its promulgation in the official gazette.
Article 16. This Executive Decree shall enter into force upon its promulgation.
LEGAL BASIS: Decree-Law 3 of February 22, 2008; Executive Decree No. 320 of August 8, 2008 and its amendments.
Given in Panama City on the eleventh (11th) day of March, two thousand and twenty-five (2025).
President of the Republic
Minister of Public Security