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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2750 on: March 17, 2023, 03:17:17 PM »
Regarding the mass deportations:

Frankie McR says require employers to use E-Verify and make failure to do so a felony leading to no jobs for the illegals and self-deportation by them.

Could be!

This could lead to serious supply chain problems though!


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Note well the "Credible Fear" standard!
« Reply #2753 on: April 10, 2023, 04:38:52 PM »
The "credible fear" standard-- note well:

"However, the DHS memo instructed federal border authorities to allow illegal migrants that could face expulsion under the new agreement to still have their cases heard by an asylum officer to vet for “credible fear” if one fears persecution or torture, according to the memo.

With a "Terrorist Designation", the door swings wide open for letting pretty much everyone in.

The people who write these things are some seriously devious people!!!


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Re: Tatted youths headed our way
« Reply #2755 on: April 11, 2023, 06:21:35 AM »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2756 on: April 11, 2023, 06:51:51 AM »
not to worry

nikki haley will find them jobs........


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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2757 on: April 11, 2023, 07:03:55 AM »
not to worry

nikki haley will find them jobs........

I have no doubt that will be her biggest concern.


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« Last Edit: April 15, 2023, 09:30:27 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Chinese spies coming through Darien Gap?
« Reply #2766 on: April 15, 2023, 01:33:01 PM »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2772 on: April 19, 2023, 08:22:13 AM »
the immigrants of today are not the immigrants of 120 yrs ago
with regards to how they are/were  treated.

plus the immigrants of 120 yrs ago were legal

not that that should mean anything  :roll:


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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2773 on: April 19, 2023, 08:31:21 AM »
the immigrants of today are not the immigrants of 120 yrs ago
with regards to how they are/were  treated.

plus the immigrants of 120 yrs ago were legal

not that that should mean anything  :roll:

Legal/illegal is just a cultural construct created by white people to oppress people of color!


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Patriot Post
« Reply #2774 on: April 19, 2023, 11:42:34 AM »
And yet you imitate the bigotry of the Progs , , ,

Moving along:


At a public hearing on Capitol Hill yesterday, Homeland Invasion and Slave Trafficking Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledged the obvious: that the conditions along the southern border will get even worse next month when the Biden administration rescinds the Trump administration's highly effective Title 42 pandemic authority to immediately expel illegals.

But never fear: Mayorkas said he and his team are working to adapt to the changed conditions. Uh-huh.

What might those adaptations entail? Well, given that DHS is far short on detention space, the nation's deportation czar, acting ICE Director Tae Johnson, told the House Appropriations Committee that they'd have to release illegals currently in custody in order to handle the coming surge.

Johnson said he'd requested "thousands more detention beds in the agency's new budget, but higher-ups in the Biden administration rejected that idea."

We can't make this stuff up. We're $32,000,000,000,000 in debt, and Team Biden is pinching pennies on our southern border.

For those of you who haven't yet gotten sick of counting, we're now at more than 6.3 million illegal crossings.

"Mayorkas," reports The Washington Times, "did not offer specific numbers on border traffic, but a projection last year, ahead of a previous deadline for ending Title 42, said that as many as 18,000 illegal immigrants could cross per day."

As the Times notes, "That would be nearly triple the amount that arrived each day in March." And here we thought illegal border crossings were supposed to decrease as the temperatures increased.

As our Nate Jackson warned earlier this week: "Now that Biden reluctantly signed legislation officially ending the COVID emergency, Title 42 soon won't even be a pretense in his way. Indeed, perhaps 40,000 migrants have gathered at the border ready to surge across once Title 42 is gone, and even the administration predicts that CBP encounters could reach 400,000 a month."

Let's see: an open border, easy admission, and free healthcare and other social services. What's not to love if you're an illegal immigrant? Well, except for the enslavement of children and the sex trafficking. But other than that?

"It's like a concierge service for illegal immigrants," said Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley last month. Clearly, these people don't give a damn about illegal immigrants, except when it comes to converting them into wards of the state and reliable votes for Democrat-run Big Government.

Yesterday, Hawley picked up where he left off, and then some, roasting the smirking Mayorkas for his role in this pre-planned border disaster:

"A moment ago," said Hawley, "you were crowing about the fact that you treated children so well, and yet we find tens of thousands of children who are forced to work as slaves because of your policies. And you turn around and blame the prior administration. I am sick and tired of it, and thousands of children are in physical danger, danger because of what you're doing. You should have resigned long ago, and if you cannot change course, you should be removed from office."

"Secretary Mayorkas' failed border policies," Hawley tweeted, "have led to the indentured servitude of migrant children on a scale never seen in American history. Kids treated like slaves in factories. Smugglers collecting the profit. Mayorkas should be removed."

Indeed, Mayorkas should be removed. We've been beating the drum about this disgraceful liar from the beginning, and we called for his impeachment just days after Republicans took control of the House, but with each passing week of inaction it appears more doubtful. Indeed, it appears that Mayorkas will be allowed to escape real accountability — unless and until House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his fellow House Republicans come to their senses.

Arguing that Republicans don't have the votes to remove Mayorkas is correct on its face but utterly beside the point. Impeachment is a political act, and publicly shaming a terrible cabinet official is a worthwhile political endeavor, especially if it spurs voters to hold this administration accountable.

Think about it: Has there ever been a cabinet secretary more deserving of impeachment than this consistently willful abdicator of his sworn duties?

Of course, the dollar cost of this administration's intentional catastrophe is incalculable. But so are the non-monetary costs. As we've written before: What price can be affixed to the change that the American fabric undergoes — over weeks and months and years and generations — when an influx of people unlike any in American history is forcibly distributed across the land by the Biden administration? Does our patriotism and our sense of Americanness grow stronger or weaker? Do we become more inclined to fight for our country or less so? More inclined to obey our nation's laws or less so? More inclined to pay taxes or less so? More inclined to work or less so? More inclined to vote or less so?

Sadly, these questions answer themselves.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 11:49:38 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: MY: ChiCom 5th Column
« Reply #2776 on: April 19, 2023, 01:38:46 PM »

Such sinophobic bigotry! You are making young black men shove Asian women in front of subway trains  with this hate speech!



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Joe Biden is not great
« Reply #2779 on: April 25, 2023, 07:21:06 AM »
Bill O"Reilly rates Joe Biden as the second worst president behind James Buchanan

Personally, I would rate him worse than James Buchanan......
Why, because of his *purposeful * adoption of policies that hurt and diminish our nation .   

Liberal Presidential historians try to tell us he is one of the greatest.   :x

here is one rank - Biden #19 best !!!

Just one behind Ronald Reagan !!!   :roll:

of course .....


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Re: Joe Biden is not great
« Reply #2780 on: April 25, 2023, 07:33:23 AM »
Bill O"Reilly rates Joe Biden as the second worst president behind James Buchanan

Personally, I would rate him worse than James Buchanan......
Why, because of his *purposeful * adoption of policies that hurt and diminish our nation .   

Liberal Presidential historians try to tell us he is one of the greatest.   :x

here is one rank - Biden #19 best !!!

Just one behind Ronald Reagan !!!   :roll:

of course .....

The alleged president forced his daughter to shower late at night so he wouldn't join her.

We can't ignore that.

Even if he was a legitimately elected president and actually running things well, which he obviously isn't.



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Re: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment
« Reply #2781 on: April 25, 2023, 10:17:59 AM »
In my haste this am
I forgot to post this historian (partisan) rank of presidents:

even Jimmy Carter is mid pack  :roll:

I just noticed Biden is ahead of GH Bush LOL

woodrow wilson ahead of reagan
bill clinton also

brock of course even higher at 11.  :roll:

I would like true nonpartisan historians ...  to rank


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« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 07:18:15 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: MY: Flying invaders into heartland
« Reply #2784 on: April 28, 2023, 07:04:18 AM »

Sick invaders, who might just happen to bring the next bioweapon to us. Imagine Ebola or another hemorrhagic fever virus rapidly spreading CONUS.

Four Horsemen.

Plan accordingly.


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« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 07:35:42 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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 :x :x :x :x :x


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Agency tells hundreds to help in border surge

Employees fight order to leave duties


The Department of Homeland Security’s legal immigration agency is ordering hundreds of employees to drop their regular duties and shift to border detail, where they will assist in the catch-andrelease of the wave of illegal immigrants expected to come into the U.S. this month.

People performing anti-terrorism work or helping reunite separated families have been conscripted, as have officers who process regular applications from legal immigrants. They were ordered to begin a seven-day training course this week and be ready for a 60-day deployment to help with the migrant surge.

Employees were angry and unleashed their fury on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officials Friday in a briefing that The Washington Times monitored.


John Lafferty, the head of USCIS’s asylum division who led the briefing, acknowledged that the agency doesn’t have the staff to handle the border surge and do all its other work.

“We’re going to have to take a hit on other priorities in order to do this, but the department has made very clear that this is a priority,” Mr. Lafferty said. “The administration, the White House, has made clear this is a priority.”

Mr. Lafferty said he can send 600 to 700 asylum officers to border duty but it will take 1,100 to 1,200 to be ready for the department’s anticipated surge.

Hundreds of USCIS employees have been ordered to train to help starting this week.

Recruits say they come from other high-priority jobs, including anti-terrorism duties and working on President Biden’s task force to reunite children separated from their families during the last administration.

Mr. Lafferty said USCIS’s other work will have to slow down.

“Some other things that we all consider very high profile or priority are going to have to be done perhaps at a slower rate,” he said. “Fewer cases being done, taking a little longer, to meet the ask that has come to us.”

Mr. Lafferty originally asked for volunteers, but too few people came forward. Border duty was then made mandatory — or, as one employee put it, they were “voluntold.”

Several employees challenged the agency’s authority to make the shift.

“Where is the authority for the agency to conscript us found? I’d like to read it with my own two eyes,” one said in a message posted to the virtual briefing’s chat function.

Another expressed moral qualms. “I strongly believe that credible fear applicants are being trafficked into the United States to work off their debt to their smugglers. Some of them are being trafficked as sex slaves,” that employee said. “There is a reason why I left Asylum, and that is one of the reasons. That is, I don’t want to work as a middleman for drug cartels and sex traffickers.”

That refers to smugglers who charge migrants $10,000 or more to be shepherded to the border. Those who can’t pay upfront must work off their debts, sometimes by selling sex.

The officer continued: “I honestly believe the credible fear program is doing more harm than good to the applicants. Can I please not participate if I chose to?”

Homeland Security didn’t respond to multiple inquiries for this report. USCIS said it is still trying to assess the impact of diverting the workers.

“Nearly 480 USCIS employees with relevant experience have been selected to enroll in a credible fear interview training exercise this week to better prepare for increased staffing and resource requirements, strengthen the agency’s operational readiness, and support upcoming processing efforts at the southern border,” the agency said in a statement to The Washington Times.

The agency said employees are being taken “from across the agency” and not just from the ranks of officers.

Rosemary Jenks, vice president at NumbersUSA, a group that argues for stricter immigration controls, said the agency’s scrambles belie Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ claim that he has had a plan in place for months to deal with the end of Title 42. The pandemic-era law allowed migrants to be returned for public health reasons.

“The clown show demonstrated by this briefing is an abuse of USCIS employees,” she said. “DHS has known for months when Title 42 would end, so this last-minute, panicked scramble is unconscionable and merits serious investigation by Congress.”

Roughly 6,000 unauthorized migrants poured across the southern border each day in March — the latest month for which Homeland Security has released data. Officials think that number could double in two weeks when the Title 42 power expires.

Rather than derail the flow, the Biden administration has put its effort into trying to manage it.

The USCIS employees will be ordered to undergo an initial screening of new arrivals who claim to fear being sent back home. That is the first step on the path to claiming asylum.

The initial screening is known as a “credible fear interview.”

Those who pass are generally released into the U.S. to wait for their asylum cases to be heard. That process can take many years, and most end up losing their cases. By then, however, they will have put down roots in the U.S. and become all but impossible to send home.

That foothold is the incentive analysts point to as the driving force behind the record border chaos under the Biden administration.

Friday’s call revealed startling details about how the administration plans to handle the surge.

For one thing, the USCIS employees won’t be conducting the “credible fear” interviews face-to-face.

Mr. Lafferty said migrants will be placed in phone booths in a border facility where they will be interviewed via phone.

USCIS employees told The Washington Times that a face-to-face interview is critical for judging an applicant’s credibility.

Mr. Lafferty said the phone-booth approach was an accommodation to the urgency of the situation.

If the asylum office faced a normal crunch, it would borrow officers from the refugee section, which is also part of the Refugee, Asylum and International Operations Directorate. Refugee and asylum petitions are similar but for the location of the application. Refugees apply for protection from outside the U.S., while asylum-seekers are already on U.S. soil.

Mr. Lafferty said the Biden administration plans to expand refugee openings for would-be border migrants, so the refugee division also will be swamped.

That leaves Mr. Lafferty with 600 to 700 asylum officers he can send to border duty on a given day. USCIS thinks he will need as many as 1,200, so the additional people must be conscripted from other divisions within the agency.

“There’s a chance that we would on any given day be putting up to 1,100 to 1,200 people on phones conducting credible fear screenings in order to meet the numbers that are being asked of us,” he told employees.

USCIS counts roughly 19,000 employees.

One person in the Q& A said a credible fear screening takes roughly two hours, so four could be completed in a normal workday. With 1,200 people doing the screenings, that works out to nearly 5,000 screenings a day.

Mr. Lafferty said employees may be ordered to work overtime, including on weekends.

He said the projections were based on Homeland Security’s anticipated numbers. He said USCIS wants to be prepared for a worst-case scenario, but the numbers may not be so bad and fewer people will be needed.

Employees in Friday’s briefing objected to being forced to serve.

“I was abused, threatened, harassed and humiliated by the RAIO component I worked for, in addition to being told I was a poor officer. I was continually told to work off the clock without pay. I have no desire to being subject to further abuse. Why am I being selected for this?” one employee demanded.

Another said: “Are you planning disciplinary action against those who refuse to participate?”

Mr. Lafferty told the employees that they didn’t have a choice and were at the mercy of the decisions made by the agency’s human capital and training office.

“The main point here is HCT does have the authority to assign work to the staff,” he said.

Michael Knowles, a USCIS employee who leads the labor union representing USCIS officers, was part of Friday’s briefing and posted repeated messages asking employees with concerns to contact him.

He told The Washington Times that the union has registered its concerns about the diversion of employees to handle border cases.

As for employees who object to the work on moral grounds, Mr. Knowles said they could face discipline if they refuse to be reassigned.

“At the end of the day, however, each employee must make choices that best reflect their individual consciences and interests,” he said. “We remain concerned that many employees may simply elect to quietly leave the program and seek employment elsewhere within USCIS or other federal agencies.”

Mr. Lafferty didn’t respond to email inquiries for this report.

He has had several tumultuous years at USCIS, having been ousted as head of the asylum office by the Trump administration in 2019 after sending an email criticizing policy changes.

“We are once again being asked to adapt and to do so with very little time to train and prepare,” he said in the 2019 email, reported by BuzzFeed.

The Biden administration put him back into the asylum job, and now he finds himself overseeing a last-minute upheaval.

Several employees at Friday’s briefing complained about the short notice. They were told only on April 25 that they were being ordered to clear their schedules for the seven days of training starting May 1.

Then came Friday’s call. USICS says it will have final decisions on who gets conscripted for the 60-day border duty by May 12. That’s a day after the Title 42 power expires.

Mr. Lafferty said the announcements had to wait on Mr. Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who revealed the administration’s plans for handling the surge on Thursday.

“I wish we’d been able to do this earlier,” Mr. Lafferty said in the Friday briefing. “It really felt like the announcement yesterday was something that had to happen.”

The last-minute upheaval will be hard, employees said. One said they are a single parent of two children and wondered how they could afford child care to cover the overtime they may be ordered to work.

Another said she worked a flexible schedule and wondered whether that would be respected.

“If not, what options are available to us for backup family care?” she prodded.

USCIS originally sought volunteers for border duty but didn’t get enough willing workers, so it ordered others to be prepared.

Mr. Lafferty said the agency has selected people who have gone through asylum or refugee training in the past. That’s a requirement under the law for anyone to be able to conduct a credible fear screening.

Yet they seem to have cast the net too wide.

“I cannot and do not want to participate in the detail. I declined to volunteer on purpose. How can I be sure that this is respected by USCIS?” one employee asked.

Another said they used to work in the asylum and refugee office but hated it and took a pay cut to leave. They asked whether the agency will pay them more to return to the job.

Mr. Lafferty downplayed those hopes. He said even relatively lower-level employees can do credible fear screenings, so the work itself is not necessarily highly paid.

USCIS is funded mostly by fees paid by immigrants or businesses seeking to bring in foreign workers.

Asylum applications are fee-free. That means the cost of the massive new workload will either have to be covered by taxpayers or else absorbed by the agency’s other applicants — generally legal immigrants, whose cases will be delayed by the shift in workers.

“The fact that legal immigrants’ fees will be used to pay for catch-and-release of illegal aliens is offensive,” Ms. Jenks said.

ATTENTION: Migrants claiming asylum must undergo credible fear screenings. Hundreds of employees at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services have been ordered to train on the screenings starting this week. ASSOCIATED PRESS


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I just used that in a FB post to make that point.


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biowarfare / worse when title 42 ends in 6 days !!
« Reply #2793 on: May 05, 2023, 01:34:49 PM »
"CCP has weaponized Dengue and drones to dispense mosquitos. Panamanians here are now overrun with Malaria at levels they never saw until the invasion through Darien."


but we have Biden Myorkas and Harris and the Silicon shit hole.

so nothing is done of course

the border wide open
and not stating 10,000 per day will flood the US very soon
as title 42 ends May 11

yet all we hear about is Clarence Thomas
and racial themes and gay themes all day and night on MSM



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Re: biowarfare / worse when title 42 ends in 6 days !!
« Reply #2794 on: May 05, 2023, 01:40:38 PM »
"CCP has weaponized Dengue and drones to dispense mosquitos. Panamanians here are now overrun with Malaria at levels they never saw until the invasion through Darien."


but we have Biden Myorkas and Harris and the Silicon shit hole.

so nothing is done of course

the border wide open
and not stating 10,000 per day will flood the US very soon
as title 42 ends May 11

yet all we hear about is Clarence Thomas
and racial themes and gay themes all day and night on MSM


If you don't want drug resistant TB, it's because you are racist!


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This sounds odd , , ,
« Reply #2797 on: May 05, 2023, 08:45:38 PM »
Mysterious Jet Fighter Crashes Near Mertzon and No One is Talking

BY JOE HYDE, MAY 3, 2023

MERTZON, TX — A Czechoslovakian-made fighter jet crashed on a ranch just northwest of Mertzon. According to a witness who saw it happen as well as the air traffic control flight track, the jet was flying unusual raster patterns around San Angelo and had just departed the San Angelo airspace headed towards Midland, climbing to 10,000 feet

At 4:08 p.m. Tuesday, the flight path ends over the Rocker B Ranch north of Barnhart when the L-39 Albatross recorded a high rate of descent of over 2,100 feet per minute.

According to witnesses, the jet had cameras mounted at several places. Those cameras were fetched and taken away from San Angelo quickly after the crash, we were told.

People with knowledge of the crash landing are tight-lipped. The Irion County Sheriff would not talk to us. Reports from the field are that workers who arrived at the crash site were concerned about the “Russian” markings and words on the plane.

Usually, when an incident like this happens, the National Transportation Safety Board dispatches a team of crash investigators. Concurrently with the start of the investigation, usually within hours, the NTSB Newsroom on Twitter announces the crash. This incident happened over 24 hours ago and there has been no official statement from any government agency.

A call to the NTSB Response Operations Center transferred to NTSB Media Relations in Washington, DC. The NTSB confirmed that there was no investigation initiated into the incident.

Between Irion County Sheriff W.A. Estes not talking to the news media, an absence of an NTSB investigation, and no one wanting to go on the record about the crash, our eyebrows are raised. The NTSB said that depending upon the circumstances of the incident, the local FAA office may conduct the investigation. It appears from the flight track that the jet was operating under Visual Flight Rules, or VFR, so the local FAA may not even be aware of the crash.

The L-39 Albatros that crashed on the Rocker B Ranch
The L-39 Albatros that crashed on the Rocker B Ranch

The L-39 Albatros crashed on the Rocker B Ranch
The L-39 Albatros crashed on the Rocker B Ranch

An earlier photo of the L-39 N343WT that crashed on the Rocker B ranch on May 2, 2023. (UGC from
An earlier photo of the L-39 N343WT that crashed on the Rocker B ranch on May 2, 2023. (UGC from
The flight path of the troubled L-39 that crash landed on the Rocker B Ranch near Mertzon on May 2, 2023.
The flight path of the troubled L-39 that crash landed on the Rocker B Ranch near Mertzon on May 2, 2023. (
The last location ADSB records the L-39 on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, before it crash landed on the Rocker B Ranch.
The last location ADSB records the L-39 on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, before it crash landed on the Rocker B Ranch (screen grab from Google Maps)

Google Maps
One anonymous source told us that the fighter experienced a compressor stall, flaming out the engine. Unable to relight the engine, the pilot aimed the jet at a ranch road located north of Barnhart and hoped for the best. Some L-39s in civilian use are equipped with ejection seats, some are not. We do not know if the pilot had the option to eject. According to the best data we have, the L-39 touched down at a very high rate of descent of 2,116 feet per minute.

After touchdown, the jet went out of control. Either it was too fast or it veered off the ranch road — or both. It ended up crashing through Mesquite brush before coming to a stop with its landing gear relatively undamaged, according to the photos we saw. We were told the pilot walked away from the crash landing.

This L-39 is registered to a U.S. owner in Pearland near Houston called Phantom Phlyers, LLC. The L-39 is considered to be a high performance "warbird" operating under an Experimental Exhibition Special Airworthiness Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration. Warbirds have been highlighted by the FAA since the tragic crash of the WWII era B-17 Flying Fortress called the Texas Raiders that crashed at Dallas Executive Airport during the annual CAF “Airsho 22” last November. In mid-April, there were reports that the remaining B-17s that are still flying may be grounded by the FAA due to wing spar issues.

The L-39 is a two-seat high performance jet trainer used in the Warsaw Pact. In the 1990s, after the Berlin Wall fell, the L-39 was sold all over the world and is the most widely used military jet trainer in the world.

The airplane will likely be loaded onto a flatbed trailer and removed from the crash site soon, we were told.


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Re: MY: Incoming Cooties
« Reply #2799 on: May 06, 2023, 06:51:31 PM »

So I'm planning a big road trip this summer. I was going through El Paso....

Never mind.

My wife and I have a procedure for staying at ANY hotel. We use Clorox wipes for door knobs, light switches, TV remotes, TV buttons, basically any hard surfaces.

I will post later on the importance of a basic forensic level exam of the beds.

Pro tip: Don't use a UV light if you need to sleep there. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.