Author Topic: Islam in America (and pre-emptive dhimmitude)  (Read 527321 times)


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"C'mon in and pray with us."
« Reply #800 on: June 01, 2015, 02:52:57 PM »
Putting aside the author's biases and editorial commentary, the story itself is interesting.


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Somalis in America
« Reply #801 on: June 02, 2015, 11:57:42 AM »


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Muslima humiliated by "Islamophobic" flight attendant...
« Reply #802 on: June 03, 2015, 01:58:11 PM »
UPDATE:  Believe it or not - United Airlines has now FIRED this flight attendant for denying this Muslim woman an unopened can of Diet Coke.  See for details.

The Islamophobia Revolution Will Be Brought to You by Diet Coke

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 2, 2015

While Americans yawned through another weekend, watching television or playing catch with their kids, the greatest human rights violation in our nation’s troubled history took place in the sky above Chicago.

Tahera Ahmad, a Muslim chaplain at Northwestern University who has participated in MSA and ISNA events, and gotten her photo taken with Obama, was denied an unopened Diet Coke.

“Muslim Chaplain Tahera Ahmad Denied Diet Coke,” NBC News blared. “I Can’t Help But Cry,” the CNN headline declaims.  “’No Diet Coke for you': Islamophobia at 30000 feet,” bleated The Guardian.

“Outrage after United Airlines refuses Muslim woman Diet Coke,” the Mirror chimed in.

The Diet Coke crisis was upon us. Islamists called for a boycott of United Airlines and #unitedfortahera became a trending hashtag as random idiots denounced racism and commiserated with the horror of being denied a Diet Coke and pledged not to fly United until they actually need to use their airline miles.

Most of the rest of us would have to lose our legs in an airplane engine to get this much publicity and even if that happened, we would still be stuck crawling across the tarmac while the media eagerly converged on a Muslim passenger who had gotten an Islamophobic eyelash caught in her eye.

But that’s Muslim Privilege. It means that your whiny complaints about airline service suddenly become an international incident. A million people complain about airline service, but tag your complaint with #IslamophobiaISREAL, as Tahera Ahmad did, and suddenly your Diet Coke denial is a hate crime.

According to Tahera Ahmad, the flight attendant wanted to open her Diet Coke for her instead of giving her an unopened can. On a scale of hate crimes this is somewhere between 0 and -0.02. About the only person who could possibly complain about it is a celebrity whose color allotment of M&Ms is specified in a rider to their contract or a professional Islamic grievance-monger looking for any excuse to play victim.

And yet Ahmad’s Diet Coke tribulation was covered by more media outlets than the Muslim rape of thousands of girls in the UK or the suffering of Yazidi girls in Iraq. Her demand for a Diet Coke was compared to Rosa Parks and her tweet about it was launched with the hashtag #IslamophobiaISREAL.

The Islamophobia revolution will be brought to you by Diet Coke.

The TSA isn’t too fond of passengers having closed cans of soda on them. It may have something to do with when a Muslim woman attempted to bring down a China Southern Airlines flight to Beijing using soda cans that she had injected with flammable liquid and dropped in the bathroom trash can.

It’s unknown whether they were Diet Coke cans. But what was in them probably tasted like Diet Coke.

Tahera Ahmad’s Diet Coke crisis is a study in Muslim entitlement. Not just in the scope of it, but in the pettiness of it.

Of all the petty complaints about airline service, hers may be the single pettiest complaint in history. Tahera Ahmad isn’t even complaining that she didn’t get a soda. She’s complaining that she had to endure the filthy impure infidel fingers of the flight attendant groping her Diet Coke can.

And it’s equally a study in the media’s rush to take her ridiculous soda martyrdom and turn into it yet another piece of evidence that Muslims in America are oppressed by the Christian Diet Coke patriarchy.

Tahera Ahmad had appeared at an ISNA convention. She had been to the White House and had her photo taken with Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. Not to mention Tariq Ramadan [2]; an open supporter of terrorism against Americans and other non-Muslims around the world.

Despite being a product of traditionalist Islamic institutions like Al-Azhar, the media was eager to buy into the idea that Tahera Ahmad was a reformist.

Her recital of the Koran at an ISNA convention was hailed as a breakthrough without anyone asking how that can be said of reciting a creed that deems women and Muslims to be inferior at a convention for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, one of whose officials has stated [3], “Islam will prevail over other religions”.

On her Twitter account, Tahera Ahmad had retweeted a call to deny an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a human rights activist who was raised a Muslim, but left Islam after recognizing the violent text of the Koran. Ayaan Hirsi Ali suffered through many challenges. None of them involved a Diet Coke.

Instead Ayaan Hirsi Ali had FGM inflicted on her. As an adult, she had to deal with death threats. Her response to them was to continue speaking out. And yet the media prefers the entitled bleating of Tahera Ahmad’s Diet Coke crisis to a serious ex-Muslim intellectual who risks her life every day.

Tahera Ahmad’s sense of entitlement echoes that of her progressive allies. As feminism has taken a dumpster dive into pettiness and entitlement, it has little room for a woman like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who speaks to them about a world in which women are raped and murdered by Islamic Jihadists. They prefer to instead turn minor inconveniences into micro-aggressions to their swollen egos.

In Ahmad’s world, not getting exactly what she wants is a hate crime. And Tahera Ahmad’s whining embodies the torrent of petty Muslim complaints about America in microcosm.

Muslims claim that they’re most oppressed group in the country, but so far that oppression isn’t reflected in such objective metrics as hate crime statistics or actual incidents of oppression.

The banner Islamophobic hate crimes never seem to pan out either.

Shaima Alawadi was supposedly murdered by a racist American because she wore a hijab. The perpetrator left behind a note on the floor reading, “Go back to your country, you terrorist.”

A social media campaign complete with hijabis making duckfaces at the camera while holding up signs reading, “I am Shaima” was launched.  The campaign had to be scrapped when it turned out that she had been murdered by her Muslim husband. But it did give “I am Shaima” a new authentic meaning.

The Chapel Hill shootings turned out to be just a parking dispute no matter how desperately Islamist groups and their lefty accomplices tried to turn the perpetrator’s atheism into evidence of a hate crime.

There isn’t a single fatal anti-Muslim hate crime on record. Islamophobia has never killed anyone [4]. The average anti-Muslim hate crime is committed by other Muslims [5].

What’s a good Islamist to do? Try to spin complaints about airline service into oppression. No one likes air travel, especially since Muslim terrorism inflicted the humiliating regimen of the TSA on the entire country. But Muslim complaints about it get a unique hearing because of their Muslim privilege.

Islamophobia is a self-reinforcing myth. The Americans groped at TSA checkpoints aren’t victims, but when a Muslim who has had a photo taken with Obama can’t get her Diet Coke the way she wants it, then it’s the worst soft-drink related human rights incident since Gitmo stopped serving Crystal Pepsi.

Muslim oppression of non-Muslims requires a narrative of victimhood to grease the wheels. So does leftist subversion of America under the guise of aiding the oppressed. And if that victimhood sometimes has to be found at the bottom of an unopened can of Diet Coke, that’s the fizz of the Jihad.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #803 on: June 04, 2015, 02:32:18 AM »
Meanwhile, China just bans Muslims from flying as needed and Chinese police rip the hijab off of heads. Who is best positioned to win against the global jihad?


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CNN Interview - Robert Spencer on targeting of Pamela Geller...
« Reply #805 on: June 04, 2015, 12:24:13 PM »
The male host questioning Robert shows the typical media skepticism about the seriousness of the threat, and a complete lack of interest in investigating what is being taught in 80% of the mosques in America:

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #806 on: June 04, 2015, 01:05:08 PM »


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #807 on: June 04, 2015, 01:56:32 PM »
GM is correct.  This is a simple matter of being willing to identify the enemy properly, and engage them.  Political correctness is suicide in this situation.  This administration has exactly ZERO interest in investigating what goes on in American mosques, where most of these terrorists are getting taught what is right and proper under Islam.  Until we are willing to make a differentiation between Muslims who practice and support violent jihad and other Muslims, we are doomed.  That is where we are today.  The FBI, CIA, NSA, and Pentagon training manuals on terrorism have all been purged - at this administration's behest - of all references to Islam and jihad as they relate to terrorism.  If we refuse to even acknowledge the motivating ideology of our enemy, we cannot possibly fight, let alone defeat him.

We are on the road to mass killings in shopping malls, office buildings, schools, large public sports-related gatherings, etc.  Slavish adherence to politically-correct notions of "diversity," "non-discrimination," and profiling have rendered us defenseless against this threat.  Our government authorities will do nothing but react AFTER THE FACT.  And no doubt, they will use the opportunity to impose draconian restrictions on our freedom, if not outright martial law.  This is not some nutty conspiracy theory.  It is the natural and ineluctable consequence of the failure to identify and target the enemy, coupled with the staggering corruption and desire for centralized control of 95% of the inside-the-beltway D.C. elite.  We have unilaterally disarmed, and are about to pay a very heavy price.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 02:04:05 PM by objectivist1 »
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Spencer: Australian Prime Minister Appears to Understand...
« Reply #810 on: June 11, 2015, 07:29:17 AM »
Australia PM: Only effective defense against terror persuading people God doesn’t demand death to infidel


Abbott is right: the only effective defense against jihad terror will be to confront its ideology. I have no idea if Abbott himself realizes what this will entail, but it is encouraging at the very least that he has enunciated this, which no other Western leader is willing to acknowledge. Obama, Cameron and the others all pretend that there is nothing wrong with the Islamic ideology at all — they won’t even admit that Allah commands death to the Infidel. Their willful ignorance and denial will only ensure more deaths of more Infidels.

“Tony Abbott opens summit on countering terrorist propaganda,” by Michael Safi, Guardian, June 10, 2015:

Tony Abbott has opened a regional summit on countering terrorist propaganda in Sydney, telling delegates Islamic State “is coming if it can for every person and every government with a simple message: submit or die”.

Representatives from governments and civil society groups from 25 countries are meeting for two days to share ideas for challenging the appeal of Isis and other jihadi groups at the countering violent extremism (CVE) summit. More than 15,000 foreign fighters are estimated to have travelled to Iraq and Syria to join the conflict, including at least 100 Australians.

The prime minister said waves of immigration had helped Australia flourish, “yet the tentacles of the death cult have extended even here as we discovered to our cost during the Martin Place siege last December”.

The prime minister also referenced claims of an Isis plot in Melbourne last year, likely to be the alleged stabbing of two police officers by 18-year-old Numan Haider in September.

He said Isis had inflicted death “mostly on Muslims in the Middle East”, but added: “This is what the death cult has in store for everyone if it has its way.”

“Daesh is coming if it can for every person and every government with a simple message: submit or die,” he said. “You can’t negotiate with an entity like this, you can only fight it.”

Abbott again paid tribute to the Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, for his call that “Islam needed nothing less than a religious revolution to reverse centuries of false thinking”.

“In the end though, the only really effective defence against terrorism is persuading people that it’s pointless, persuading people that God does not demand death to the infidel,” he said. “Above all we need idealistic young people to understand that joining this death cult is an ugly, misguided and wrong-headed way to express their desire to sacrifice.”

The foreign minister, Julie Bishop, also addressed the summit, revealing that 115 passports had been cancelled, nine had been suspended and 14 refused to Australians currently in Iraq and Syria or suspected of wishing to join the conflict in the region.

She said “it defies all comprehension” that women made up around one-fifth of those flocking to join Isis, “given that it is women who are disproportionately affected by extremist groups”.

There were between 30 and 40 women “known to be either engaging in or supporting activity in Iraq, Syria or here in Australia”, she said.

Over the next two days the summit will hear from intelligence chiefs, academics, leaders of Muslim organisations and representatives from Google and Facebook. The sessions are closed, but one of the speakers, Michele Grossman from Victoria University, told Guardian Australia she would emphasise the need to support the families of young people at risk.

“Families can be a frontline of defence,” she said. “Those who are closest to us are often the very first to see early or subtle changes in attitude, in behaviour, in social networks, and this means we really need to see some new ways about how we can educate families on how to read and how to act on such early warning signs….

That is assuming that Muslim families are against all this. An unproven assumption at best.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Geller: ISIS isn't just coming after me....
« Reply #811 on: June 11, 2015, 07:43:45 AM »
Pamela Geller: “The jihadists aren’t just coming for me, they are coming for all of us that believe in freedom.”


She is right, of course, not that Hollywood is on the case: Hollywood wouldn’t dare make a film that depicted Islamic jihadists honestly and accurately. She also says a great deal more that is on-point and important about the freedom of speech and more in this interview. “Pamela Geller: Hollywood Is “In the Pocket” of Jihadists (Q&A),” by Paul Bond, Hollywood Reporter, June 9, 2015 (thanks to Steve):

Pamela Geller has been on a rampage against radical Islam for years, beginning notably in 2010 by spearheading of the opposition to what she called the “Ground Zero Mega Mosque” near the site of the destroyed World Trade Center. Her most recent controversy was the organization of a “Draw the Prophet Muhammad” contest in Texas.

A “rampage.” How ridiculous. Islamic jihadists have been on a rampage against free people. Pamela Geller is resisting them — and the Hollywood Reporter says she is the one on the rampage.

At the event, two self-described jihadists shot a security guard before police killed them. Then, on June 2, police killed a knife-wielding Muslim man in Boston whose goal was allegedly to behead Geller in retaliation for the contest. Even though the contest was a major news story, few media outlets published the winning cartoon. Geller’s group, American Freedom Defense Initiative, put the image on billboards, 100 of which debuted in St. Louis on Monday with the tagline “Support Free Speech.” She spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about how the (largely hostile) media is portraying these events.

HR: Why are you being overly provocative, purposely insulting Muslims?

I am not being overly provocative or purposely insulting Muslims. Islamic jihadists, not I, made Muhammad cartoons the flash point for the defense of the freedom of speech when they began killing over them. If we don’t stand against them on that point, the only alternative is surrender and submission. I did not make the cartoons a flash point, the jihadis did.

HR: But if you just don’t insult their prophet, they’ll leave you alone, no?

No. The death penalty for insulting Muhammad is just one aspect of Sharia. There is much, much more of infidel behavior that violates Sharia. If we refrain from drawing Muhammad, more demands to adhere to other aspects of Sharia will follow. Millions are suffering or have been slaughtered under Islamic Sharia law in Muslim countries. Islamic supremacists mean to impose it in the West.

HR: Why shouldn’t cartoons insulting a religion be regarded as hate speech instead of protected free speech?

There is no hate speech exception to the First Amendment. “Hate speech” is a subjective judgment. If it were outlawed, the authority with the power to decide what constitutes it would have the power to control the public debate.… If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others. Cartoons have been used as satire since the beginning of satire — especially in our country — and no one gets a pass. Not the Pope of Rome, president of the United States or Hollywood’s biggest movie stars.… If you don’t like it, don’t look at it, boycott the network that airs it, don’t buy the publication, make counter-images, make a million, fine, but you have to adjust to us, not we to you, and if that’s too much, don’t come here. Threaten violence? Commit violence? The consequences are yours to bear.

HR: It seems many media pundits who claim allegiance to the First Amendment aren’t persuaded by your arguments.

They are afraid of being killed by Islamic jihadists and camouflage their fear and cowardice as “respect” for Islam and Muslims.

HR: Are there any TV hosts who have been particularly hostile to you during interviews?

Yes. Martha MacCallum, Erin Burnett, Alisyn Camerota, Chris Cuomo — although he let me speak and make my case.

HR: How about behind your back?

Yes. Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham. They said I was insulting the entire religion, one held by our moderate allies such as Egypt and Qatar. They are wrong in assuming that we must submit to Sharia to placate moderates, rather than that moderates need to accept the freedom of speech. Roman Catholics don’t like their religion mocked or the mockery of other religions, but Roman Catholics don’t kill when their religion is mocked — and so no one talks about “provoking” them or “respecting” them. In any pluralistic society, we have to put up with being offended and even with our core beliefs being mocked. Roman Catholics have learned that. Mormons and others have learned that — look at The Book of Mormon on Broadway. Why must we condescend to Muslims and think they cannot learn that? It’s the low expectation of soft bigotry.

HR: So this isn’t entirely a partisan issue where conservatives stand by you and liberals don’t?

No. Chris Hayes stuck up for me on MSNBC. This is not a left/right split, it is a free person/slave split.

HR: Did any TV host say something that struck you as particularly wrongheaded?

They all say I have the right to draw Muhammad but shouldn’t out of respect. They don’t seem to realize that any surrender on this point will only be seen by the jihadists as a victory and embolden them to make more demands. CNN’s Erin Burnett said I relished being the target of a beheading. It’s madness. Who self-promotes to get killed?

HR: So you’re not purposely courting danger, as Burnett and others have insinuated?

Of course not. I love life. But I will not live as a slave.

HR: Are there any TV hosts you’d like to face off with but who won’t have you on?

Bill O’Reilly. I expect he knows he would be shown up.

HR: We know about the man arrested who intended to behead you. Any other threats you can share?

I have received many threats. The FBI and NYPD are aware of them and on the case.

HR: Anyone in Hollywood reach out to you to offer support?


HR: Should Hollywood care about threats against you?

They may think they’re exempt, but they aren’t. Islamic supremacists will be demanding they adhere to Sharia as well. Of course, most producers already are careful not to show anything that might offend Muslims, including accurate representations of jihad plotting and activity, so Hollywood is mostly already in their pocket. But this is their issue, and the entertainment industry should be on the front lines in the information battle space. The jihadists aren’t just coming for me, they are coming for all of us that believe in freedom.

HR: So why do you think Hollywood, which routinely claims to push the envelope in its art, hasn’t supported you?

They’re afraid of being ostracized.

HR: Your “Draw Muhammad” event certainly got a lot of news coverage. Should mainstream media outlets have published the winning cartoon?

Every media outlet should publish the Muhammad cartoons. They can’t kill us all. By kowtowing to violent intimidation, they are inviting more of it. Instead, they should be showing that we will all stand together for free speech. If the media had published the Danish cartoons back in 2005, this would never have become an issue. The submission by media, entertainment and academic elites empowered the savages.

HR: The Southern Poverty Law Center included you on their list of “hate groups.” Are they right?

Of course not. They’re the hate group, using that label to demonize and stigmatize all who don’t share their hard-left agenda. The SPLC smear machine does [not] profile jihad groups, but they target and libel patriots, veterans, Tea Party organizations and other groups that work in defense of freedom. They named [Republican presidential contender] Ben Carson as a hate group. That should tell you everything you need to know about them. Their [sympathizers] have violently attacked family groups, and one tried to assassinate Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. And a few months back an SPLC [sympathizer] killed three Muslims in a parking dispute in North Carolina.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 07:46:23 AM by objectivist1 »
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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POTH: Boston Muslims struggle with image
« Reply #812 on: June 18, 2015, 08:22:19 AM »

BOSTON — Yusufi Vali was hunched over his computer at this city’s biggest mosque, where he is executive director, when the first phone call came. The police had killed a man a few miles away. Soon there were reports that the man was a Muslim who had been under investigation for terrorism.

And so the news media inquiries began. More than 100 calls came to the mosque over the next few days. Mr. Vali would explain, over and over, that the young man fatally shot after pulling a knife on the police on June 2 had only the slightest connection to the mosque: He had been hired by a security contractor to guard the mosque during the holy month of Ramadan in 2013.

No, he was not a regular at prayers. No, Mr. Vali did not recall meeting him. No, he could not shed light on any reported plan to behead a police officer, except to say that such a thing would be abhorrent.

“It weighs on you,” Mr. Vali, a rail-slender 31-year-old Princeton graduate, said of the fallout from the latest allegations of terrorist plotting in the name of Islam. “I don’t have control over what these people do. It’s frustrating to have it put on us.”

To be Muslim in America today means to be held responsible, or to fear you may be, for the brutal acts of others whose notion of what Allah demands is utterly antithetical to your own. For the diverse crowd that prays at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, where professors at nearby universities mix with freshly arrived immigrants from Somalia and Egypt, it means hearing the word “Islamic” first thing each morning in news reports on an infamous extremist group. It means a kind of implied collective responsibility, however illogical, for beheadings in Syria, executions in Iraq and bombs in Boston.

For the estimated 70,000 Muslims in the city and suburbs, there are particular pressures. For more than two years, since the bombing near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, the city has been transfixed by the tragedy’s aftermath. For more than six years, a tiny organization with an anodyne name, Americans for Peace and Tolerance, has publicly claimed in newspaper ads and web postings that Boston’s Muslim institutions are led by extremists and terrorist sympathizers.

And in some mosques, tensions have played out between conservatives, some with deep roots in the Middle East, and more liberal worshipers. The former imam at the Boston center, William Suhaib Webb, who moved to Washington last year, recalled that after a sermon expressing a tolerant view of what Islam allows, a congregant told him bluntly: “You’re not a Muslim.”

On the grounds of the Boston center, a soaring mosque with a minaret and red-brick construction meant to honor New England tradition, work is underway to turn an abandoned swimming pool into a formal Islamic-style garden. It was to be called the “Terrace Garden,” until some jaw-dropping reactions showed that some people thought they were hearing “terrorist garden.” The project was quietly renamed “Paradise Garden.”

News arrived recently that a 57-year-old man in Iowa had been arrested after posting obscene and threatening notes, one including a photograph of a rifle, on the mosque’s Facebook page. Then people began to stop by the office to show Mr. Vali fliers someone had slid under the doors of neighboring houses in the Roxbury neighborhood, citing the Americans for Peace and Tolerance claims and denouncing the mosque for “extremist leadership.”

Mr. Vali, who is close to several local rabbis and ministers and whose only evident fanaticism is for the Kansas City Royals, took to the public address system before Friday Prayer to call on congregants to ignore the bait. “Let’s kill them with kindness,” he said of the mosque’s critics.

He said he and his staff, who are guiding a search for a new imam, were determined not to be distracted from the mosque’s mission — to build a home for a distinctly American Islam, one that models community service, tolerance and compassion.

The Obama administration, worried about the recruiting of young Americans by Islamic State extremists, chose Boston last fall as one of three cities for a Countering Violent Extremism pilot program. The idea is to brainstorm ways to combat recruitment by all militants, including antigovernment groups and white supremacists. But the plan has divided Muslims in Boston and the other two cities, Minneapolis and Los Angeles.

Mr. Vali’s mosque is among those that have opted out of the federal program, saying that however well intentioned it is, they believe it will further stigmatize Muslims.

“There is obviously an ideology that exists that’s horrific,” Mr. Vali said. But he said he had not encountered violent militancy in his congregation and believed it would be a mistake “to gear everything around extremism.”

Rather than lecturing young people about terrorism, he said, he wants them learning genuine Islamic principles in a new youth program and in joint projects with churches and synagogues.

Some Muslim activists have decided to go along with the federal effort. Nabeel Khudairi, 53, an optometrist in the Boston suburb of Norwood, is already creating a program to encourage young Muslims to look for genuine heroes and convince them that they “should not go to YouTube University and not listen to Imam Google.”

Participating in the federal project “is getting on a ship before it sails,” Mr. Khudairi said. “Otherwise you’re standing on shore, watching it go.”

Unlike Minneapolis, Boston has not experienced the departure of dozens of young people for militant groups like the Shabab, in Somalia, and the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. But over the years, a growing list of Muslim extremists and terrorists has emerged from the city.

Most notorious are the Tsarnaev brothers, who committed the marathon bombing. But there are others:

■ Ahmad Abousamra, 33 if he is still alive, grew up in suburban Boston. His father was an endocrinologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and president of the Islamic Center of New England. He fled to Syria in 2007 after coming under F.B.I. scrutiny and last year joined the Islamic State’s prolific English-language social media operation in Syria, officials believe. In late May, the Iraqi military announced that he had been killed in an airstrike; American officials have not confirmed his death.

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■ Tarek Mehanna, another suburbanite in his early 30s, who was charged in 2009 with Mr. Abousamra but did not flee. He was convicted of supporting Al Qaeda and other charges, and is serving a 17-year federal sentence.

■ Rezwan Ferdaus, 29, grew up in the outer suburb of Ashland and earned a physics degree at Northeastern University. He was sentenced in 2012 to 17 years for plotting to fly explosives-laden model planes into the Capitol and the Pentagon and other crimes.

■ Aafia Siddiqui, 43, who earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience at Brandeis and became an outspoken Muslim activist. She later joined Al Qaeda and in 2008, in custody in Afghanistan, was accused of shooting at American soldiers. She was sentenced in 2010 to 86 years.

■ Abdurahman Alamoudi, 63, a founder of the Islamic Society of Boston, parent organization to Mr. Vali’s mosque, who in 2004 was sentenced to 23 years for joining a bizarre Libyan plot to kill the Saudi crown prince and other charges.

They are among more than a dozen people featured in a rogues’ gallery of former Bostonians featured in advertisements and online writings of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. The group’s founder is Charles Jacobs, 71, a former business consultant who spent years combating contemporary slavery in Africa before focusing on what he sees as a new form of anti-Semitism, fueled by Islamic extremism and hostility to Israel.

The accumulation of Boston malefactors makes for a disturbing list, especially if it is now updated with Usaamah Rahim, the man killed by the police this month, and two other men who were charged Friday with plotting with him and supporting the Islamic State. The Boston Globe was prompted last week to ask in a headline, “Are Boston terrorism cases a trend?”

Mr. Jacobs blames what he believes to be the radical leadership of area mosques, including the Islamic Society of Boston. He points to the fact that devotees of the Muslim Brotherhood, the conservative Islamist organization with branches and allies across the Middle East, were involved in founding the society more than three decades ago. The Muslim American Society, whose Boston branch operates Mr. Vali’s mosque, has been accused of links to the Brotherhood; it insists any ties are historical and have no relevance.

“We think and say and write that the vast majority of Muslims in Boston and America are moderates who would never do anyone any harm,” Mr. Jacobs said. “We think the I.S.B. leadership are hiding behind the general Muslim population.”
Abdul Cader Asmal, left, a retired physician, and Nabeel Khudairi, an optometrist, outside  the Islamic Center of New England in Sharon, Mass. Dr. Asmal said that Islam must find a way to “excommunicate” extremists. Credit Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist for The New York Times

His assertions have been rejected by Boston’s leading rabbis and the United States attorney, Carmen Ortiz, who said she found the group’s claims “incredibly racist and unfair.”

A closer look at extremists who have come from Boston finds little evidence that they were radicalized at local mosques. For example, the authorities believe the Chechen brothers responsible for the bombing at the marathon got their ideas largely online; the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was thrown out of the Islamic Society of Boston’s Cambridge mosque after a strident outburst.

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Continue reading the main story

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Still, to talk privately with a range of Boston-area Muslims is to hear a more subtle story about the battle over Islamic ideology. One Pakistani-American, who did not want to be identified for fear of becoming a target of anger, said he believed Muslim Brotherhood loyalists in Boston still met secretly and had a pernicious influence on some young people. But he said he did not believe these “hard-liners,” as he called them, supported terrorism.

Talal Eid, 63, a liberal imam who was ousted from his longtime position at a suburban Boston mosque in a factional fight in 2005, said he believed the city’s mosques should operate more democratically. But he said the ideological tensions had no relationship to violence.

“Muslims all over are very good people, working hard, living their lives,” he said. “In Boston, when you talk about terrorists, you can count them on the fingers of one hand. It’s not even one in 10,000.”

But while the numbers may be small, the consequences for American Muslims of each reported plot or act of religiously motivated violence are incalculable.

Some Boston Muslims believe Islam itself faces a grave, perhaps existential danger from the association with terror.

Mr. Webb, the imam who served at Mr. Vali’s mosque from 2010 to 2014, has been denounced on the Internet for his liberal views. A onetime gang member and hip-hop D.J. from a Christian family, he said he himself had espoused deeply conservative views after converting to Islam and changed only gradually.

After the Islamic State beheadings of journalists last year, Mr. Webb delivered a striking sermon. “In America, no religious community has been beaten up or slapped around in the last 13 years like us,” he said.

But he added: “Within our ranks, we have people who openly say they want to kill Americans, they would like to see the destruction of America.” Mr. Webb said Muslims did not like to talk about the few who embrace violence. “But if we continue to ignore these problems, they’ll never be answered,” he said.

The same sense of danger to Islam was expressed by an older member of the Boston community, Abdul Cader Asmal, 76, a retired physician and longtime leader in area mosques. He recalled watching Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra grow up, and expressed puzzlement that one had ended up in prison and the other with ISIS.

“This is painful for us,” Dr. Asmal said. Islam, he said, must find a way to “excommunicate” extremists.

“If it doesn’t take a drastic stance against terrorism,” Dr. Asmal added, “its credibility as a force for good will be lost.


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Re: Boston Muslims "struggle with image?"
« Reply #813 on: June 18, 2015, 08:39:58 AM »
This is pure, unadulterated bullshit propaganda that these mosques put out, and gullible "news" outlets like the New York Times repeatedly swallow hook, line, and sinker.
This Boston mosque has very clear ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and has connections to several convicted terrorists, including the Boston Marathon bombers.  This is extensively documented at and

The question we should be asking is WHY is the NYT, nor any other establishment media outlet , NOR THE FBI - investigating this mosque, and the many like it, where this doctrine of violent jihad is being preached?  WHY?  There is a very deliberate cover-up going on here, and the Obama Justice Department is deeply involved.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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The Lure of Fantasy Islam...
« Reply #814 on: July 08, 2015, 10:49:39 AM »

Just because you ignore the reality of Islam, doesn’t mean it will ignore you.

July 8, 2015  Dr. Stephen M. Kirby

Fantasy sports such as football and baseball have become increasingly popular on the internet.  For those not familiar with fantasy sports, the emphasis is on fantasy.  The simple explanation is that you pretend to be the owner of a team, join a pretend league which has other pretend teams, and then man your team with actual professional players from that particular sport.  In this fantasy world you can pick players from any team to be a member of your own team.

When it comes to Islam, there is a similar world that has been created.  In this world there are two teams involved, of differing sizes and membership, and interacting at different times and places.  The large team consists of a group of non-Muslims who know little if anything about Islam, generally wish with all of their hearts that it is a “Religion of Peace,” seem to prefer any presentation that will support that wish, and frown on anyone who expresses skepticism about that wish during the presentation, or afterwards.  The small team usually consists of one Muslim making a presentation that largely fulfills the wish of the large team.  The accuracy of the presentation is not questioned because the presenter has already established his credentials simply by being a Muslim.

In this world of Fantasy Islam, the presenter is able to create his own version of Islam, react with patronizing sympathy or condescending dismissiveness toward any non-Muslim who questions his version, and knows that the majority of his audience will support him in maintaining the comfort of this fantasy.

Since the make-up of the large team changes regularly and this team is the more passive of the two, let’s look at two of the individuals who have appeared on the small team:

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, MD

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser is the Muslim Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD).  He is well-known as a proponent of reforming and modernizing Islam, and for years has been a guest on countless television and radio programs.  Unfortunately, for years Jasser has also played Fantasy Islam.

Mickelson in the Morning

We can go back to October 11, 2010 when Jasser was on a major Iowa radio station with host Jan Mickelson here.  During the interview, Jasser said he didn’t believe that Muhammad had really spoken what was in the hadith about killing a Jew hiding behind every stone (Time: 17:58).  Here is that hadith:

Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah's Messenger said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight against the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, 'O Muslim!  There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'"

Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 2926

The collection of hadiths by Al-Bukhari has been considered by Muslim scholars to be the most authoritative collect of hadiths since the 9th Century.  Jasser simply has no doctrinal basis for dismissing Al-Bukhari.

Later in the same program, Jasser talked about the Verse of the Sword in the Koran (Time: 24:09 and 26:20).  He said that this verse only referred to a specific battle against a specific tribe and applied only to 623 AD; it no longer had any relevance today.  Here is that verse:

Then when the Sacred Months have passed, then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in every ambush.  But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism] and perform As-Salat (the prayers), and give Zakat (obligatory charity), then leave their way free.  Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Chapter 9, Verse 5

Where did he come up with 623 AD?  9:5 was among the verses from Chapter 9 that were revealed in early 631 AD.  And these verses were not related to a specific battle or to a specific tribe, but rather directed toward all non-Muslims (Life of Muhammad (Sirat Rasul Allah), pp. 617-619; The History of al-Tabari: The Last Years of the Prophet, pp. 77-79; and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 4, pp. 370-376).

There is no basis in Islamic doctrine for Jasser’s assertion that 9:5 has no relevance today.  His assertion ignores the facts that Muslims believe the Koran consists of the eternal words of Allah, and Chapter 9 of the Koran was the last chapter to be “revealed” to Muhammad.  Consequently, the commands found in Chapter 9 are the final, eternal words of Allah on the matters addressed in that Chapter.

Abraham’s Tent

Over the years Jasser has continued playing Fantasy Islam.  He was interviewed on a segment of the Abraham’s Tent radio program, which was aired on September 29, 2014.  In this interview he made his standard assertion that 5:51 of the Koran, which commands Muslims not to be friends with Jews and Christians, had been intentionally misinterpreted (Time: 25:38).  Here is that verse:

O you who believe!  Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya' of each other.  And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely, he is one of them.  Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust).

Jasser claimed that Auliya’ really meant “legal representatives.”  He said this verse simply meant that when it came to picking such a representative, Muslims should pick someone who understands the legalisms in Islam, meaning a Muslim, and not somebody of another faith.  It had nothing to do with prohibiting Muslims from being friends with Jews and Christians.

Once again Jasser is flying in the face of Islamic doctrine.  As I pointed out in an earlier article, in 5:51 Allah commands Muslims not to be friends with Jews and Christians.  And, as I also pointed out in that article, this understanding is supported by five modern translations of the Koran; the messages of additional verses of the Koran; five authoritative Koran commentaries, written at different times between circa 900-1995 AD; and the teachings of Muhammad.

Jasser also expressed the basis for his Fantasy Islam: “Every Muslim has the right to interpret their faith.” (Time: 29:11).  This too flies in the face of Islamic doctrine, e.g.:

Muhammad bin Jarir reported that Ibn 'Abbas said that the Prophet said, 'Whoever explains the Qur'an with his opinion or with what he has no knowledge of, then let him assume his seat in the Fire.'

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, pp. 32-33

In this interview Jasser suggested that 5:38 of the Koran, which commands amputation for theft, was “metaphorical” and “not literal” (Time 54:25).  Here is that verse:

And (as for) the male thief and the female thief, cut off (from the wrist joint) their (right) hands as a recompense for that which they committed, a punishment by way of example from Allah.  And Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.

Not only is this verse not a metaphor, it is explicit in commanding the amputation of hands for theft.  In addition, Muhammad, who is the example of conduct for Muslims, ordered the hands of many thieves to be cut off; he even said he would cut off the hand of his favorite daughter if she committed theft (Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 4304).

A Battle for the Soul of Islam

In 2013 the paperback edition of Jasser’s widely acclaimed book A Battle for the Soul of Islam was published.  After reading only the eleventh chapter, “How the Qur’an is Misinterpreted,” I decided not to read the rest of the book.

Jasser’s version of Fantasy Islam is best epitomized in this eleventh chapter with the following statement he wrote on p. 252:

Nowhere in the Qur’an does God tell Muslims that they must repeat and thus emulate the Prophet Muhammad’s role and actions as a military or governmental leader.

This statement is immediately repudiated by 33:21 of the Koran:

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.

There are no limitations here on the circumstances in which Muhammad is to be considered a good example.  In fact, this verse was actually “revealed” as a result of Muhammad’s military leadership and the example he set for his Muslim warriors during the Battle of the Trench in 627 (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 7, p. 658; Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, p. 900; Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, p. 546; and Tafsir Ahsanul-Bayan, Vol. 4, p. 374).

Since 33:21 is a verse that counters Jasser’s Fantasy Islam, he has apparently decided to deny it, which means he has apparently also decided to ignore this warning from his prophet Muhammad:

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever denies a Verse of the Qur'an, it is permissible to strike his neck (i.e. execute him)..."

Sunan Ibn Majah, No. 2539

Dr. Syed Mohiuddin

Dr. Syed Mohiuddin is President of the American Muslim Institute (AMI), the Muslim group involved in building a new mosque as part of the Tri-Faith Initiative in Omaha, Nebraska.  I recently attended a presentation he made at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Omaha.  The presentation was titled The True Nature of Islam.  Here is how Mohiuddin presented “the true nature” of Islam.

When asked about the treatment of women, Mohiuddin assured the audience that the Koran repeatedly stated that men and women were equal, without, however, mentioning any supporting verses.  In reality, the Koran says that it takes the testimony of two women to equal that of one man (2:282); a woman is to receive only half the inheritance of a man (4:12); a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man (2:221), while Muslim men can marry Jews and Christians (5:5) and have up to four wives (4:3).

Mohiuddin was wise not to mention things that Muhammad said about women, e.g.:

It is not wise for anyone of you to lash his wife like a slave, for he might sleep with her the same evening.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, No. 4942

Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves.

The History of al-Tabari: The Last Years of the Prophet, p. 113

Mohiuddin was asked why, if Islam says we are all brothers and sisters, do we see beheading of Christians on the beaches of Libya?  He replied that Islam,

if practiced appropriately and correctly, would never, never allow that… And the true Muslims in true Islamic countries would never allow that to happen.

In reality, there are two verses in the Koran (8:12 and 47:4) and numerous hadiths that allow Muslims to behead people, even captive non-combatants.

Mohiuddin said there were “major differences” in how the Koran was interpreted.  And he said there were instances when people added their own thoughts to provide an incorrect interpretation.  He gave an example from Al-Fatihah, the first chapter of the Koran, in which he said the translator had included in parenthesis the words “Jews” and “Christians” to explain “those who go astray” (1:7).  For some reason, much of the audience laughed when he said this.

In reality, Muhammad himself said that the Christians had gone astray (e.g. Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 4, p. 410, and Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 1, p. 127), and it was also an accepted belief among later Muslim scholars that the Jews too had gone astray (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 1, p. 87).  But in Mohiuddin’s version of Islam, this was a bad translation.

I asked Mohiuddin to explain the Doctrine of Abrogation.  His first response was to confuse it with apostasy.  To prompt him a bit, I pointed out that abrogation meant that when there was a conflict between the meanings of two verses, the verse “revealed” later would supersede the earlier verse (meaning that the belligerent Medinan verses found in Chapter 9 supersede the peaceful Meccan verses elsewhere in the Koran).  I asked him to comment on this principle.  After some general, and not necessarily germane remarks, he concluded by saying that the message “was the first one which supersedes the other one.”

The Doctrine of Abrogation is fundamental to understanding the messages of the Koran.  How can one talk about the “true nature of Islam” without understanding the Doctrine of Abrogation?

When asked about 5:51, which prohibits Muslims from being friends with Jews and Christians, Mohiuddin said this verse only referred to a specific tribe of people during a specific time of war.  He said this verse had to be specific to a time and tribe because of the other verses in the Koran that “repeatedly emphasized the importance of” Jews and Christians.  He did not mention any supporting Koran verses.

So let’s consider some supporting Koran verses that emphasize Jews and Christians: Allah is angry with the Jews, and the Christians are misguided because they believe that Jesus is the son of God (1:7); Jews are among the worst enemies of Islam (5:82); Muslims are commanded to fight Jews and Christians until the Jews and Christians pay protection money with willing submission and feel themselves subdued (9:29); Allah curses the Jews and the Christians (9:30); and Jews and Christians are among the worst of creatures and “will abide in the fire of Hell” (98:6).

These verses show us that Jews and Christians are certainly important to Islam, but not in the positive way implied by Mohiuddin.

In hindsight, Mohiuddin’s presentation should have been titled Dr. Mohiuddin’s Personal Impressions of Islam, or more simply, Fantasy Islam.  After the presentation, the audience of 60-70 people walked out misinformed, but also feeling comforted about Islam; the latter which, from the apparent attitude of the hosts and much of the audience, appeared to be the main purpose of the event.


For many years non-Muslims in the West have been fed a steady diet of how Islam is a “Religion of Peace” and is similar, and even related to, Judaism and Christianity.  At the same time we have seen an increasing number of acts of violence done in the name of Islam.

For those willing to learn and investigate, the irrefutable conclusion is that most, if not all, of the violent acts committed by the jihadists are truly supported by Islamic doctrine, just as the jihadists themselves claim.  But this conclusion can create a cognitive dissonance between what we have heard about Islam and what we see actually being done in the name of Islam and supported by Islamic doctrine.  This dissonance can create stress.  The antidote to this stress for many is to turn to Fantasy Islam, where Islam is what any peaceful-sounding Muslim wants it to be, and the jihadists are the hijacking outliers.

But this is only a temporary resolution.  Just because you continue to ignore the reality of Islam, doesn’t mean that the reality of Islam will continue to ignore you.  The Christians in the Middle East and Africa are the canaries in the coal mine.

Dr. Stephen M. Kirby is the author of three books about Islam.  His latest book is Islam According to Muhammad, Not Your Neighbor.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Boston Bomber Files for New Trial...
« Reply #815 on: July 09, 2015, 05:20:03 AM »
Condemned Boston Marathon jihadi bomber files motion for new trial

Pamela Geller - July 8, 2015

He never should have been taken alive.

Boston pays in blood and money — this will go on for decades, while providing this devout savage with his three halal meals, prayer mats and prayer meetings with coreligionists, converting the broken and the violent in Boston’s prison system.

“Condemned Boston Marathon bomber files motion for new trial,” July 06, 2015 Associated Press

FILE – In this Dec. 18, 2014, courtroom sketch, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sits in federal court in Boston for a final hearing before his trial begins in January. (Jane Flavell Collins via AP, File)

BOSTON – Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has filed a motion for a new trial, less than two weeks after he was formally sentenced to death for the 2013 attack.

Tsarnaev’s lawyers filed a preliminary motion for a new trial Monday for his conviction and death sentence. The motion did not contain any details on what grounds they plan to argue, saying only that a new trial is “required in the interests of justice.”

The 21-year-old Tsarnaev was convicted of 30 charges in the bombing, which killed three people and injured more than 260. The same jury recommended the death penalty, and a federal judge on June 24 sentenced him to death.

Tsarnaev’s lawyers call the motion a “placeholder” until they can file a more detailed motion next month.

- See more at:
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #816 on: July 09, 2015, 11:16:58 AM »
I find it hard to believe even this guy would be executed in Massachusetts.


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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Unsolved mystery
« Reply #820 on: July 18, 2015, 09:15:47 PM »

All I can say is thank allah he was a moderate muslim. Imagine the loss of life if he wasn't...


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Re: Unsolved mystery
« Reply #821 on: July 18, 2015, 09:37:27 PM »

All I can say is thank allah he was a moderate muslim. Imagine the loss of life if he wasn't...

Funny enough, the FBI had to reverse course after it was discovered that the shooter had an unfortunate affiliation.


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Empire State Building turns green for eid
« Reply #822 on: July 18, 2015, 10:16:15 PM »

The twin towers of the World Trade Center did not for some reason.

I blame islamaphobia.


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Muslims banned by gun store
« Reply #824 on: July 24, 2015, 05:29:16 AM »
Florida gun store bans Muslims in wake of Chattanooga jihad attack

This reminded me of a story from last September about an Arkansas Gun Range banning Muslims. No doubt there are others making the same decision. Hallinan’s story is especially important because of his explicit citation of federal law to back up his position.

By banning the sale of guns to Muslims who interpret the Koran literally, Florida Gun Supply owner Andrew Hallinan says he wants to “offend as many people as [possible]” in hopes of “[starting] a conversation about the political correctness that… [is] causing loss of life that we could prevent if we looked at Islam for what it is.”

This is wholly reasonable, and Hallinan’s position deserves serious consideration. Background checks on firearms purchases could also look for links between Muslims and radicalized mosques with known ties to Islamic terrorism, whether through jihad terrorists associated with the mosques, or through jihad financing trials in which they are implicated. There certainly are plenty of such links to investigate.

Hallinan gives himself ample maneuvering room by noting that “the ATF expressly gives me the right and authority to deny service to anybody that I feel is a threat for any reason.”

For this very reason, all Muslims seeking to purchase firearms or earn pilots licenses should come under increased scrutiny. More and more Muslims in the U.S. already are committing jihad terrorist acts. Since Islam is proven to be the sole constant motivating these followers of Muhammad and the Koran, our nation is fitfully starting to have this “conversation,” which boils down to, “How do we deal with a militant, adversarial religious ideology in our midst, which has fourteen centuries of aggression and conquest behind it, and whose founder, holy books and most zealous adherents call for our overthrow?”

“Florida Gun Store Owner Bans Muslims in wake of Chattanooga Attack,” by AWR Hawkins, Breitbart News, July 21, 2015:

 Florida Gun Supply owner Andrew Hallinan is instituting a ban on selling guns to Muslims who interpret the Koran literally. In making the announcement, he declared his store a “Muslim-free zone.”

His ban also covers any training or services Muslims might have otherwise received.

Hallinan announced the ban in front of a Confederate flag and told CNN he wanted the announcement to “offend as many people as [possible]” in hopes of “[starting] a conversation about the political correctness that has become overly extreme here in the United States and [is] causing loss of life that we could prevent if we looked at Islam for what it is.”

CNN’s Carol Costella responded by saying, “I’m all for conversation, alright, but you’re going one step farther–you’re banning Muslims who follow the Koran from your store. How do you determine which Muslim follows the Koran?”

Hallinan responded by admitting that it is going to be a difficult ban to enforce at all times, precisely because of the difficulty of ascertaining who follows the Koran literally and who doesn’t.

He then said:

I can’t, by law, ask each and every person who comes through my doors what their religious background is. But the ATF expressly gives me the right and authority to deny service to anybody that I feel is a threat for any reason. And it happens on weekly basis that we have people come through the gun shop [and] they pass their background check but they seem a little off. And we make a determination on a case by case basis whether or not we’re going to arm and train these people.

Costella asked Hallinan if he would deny services to “white supremacists” as well, and Hallinan said he “won’t arm and train anyone from the KKK” or “someone from a white supremacy movement or anything like that.”


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Another Clueless Liberal American Jew...
« Reply #825 on: July 24, 2015, 11:38:58 AM »

First Jewish Sheriff of Broward County picks representative of terror group to wear gun and badge.

July 24, 2015  Joe Kaufman   

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has its foundation in the terrorist organization Hamas. It has been named as a co-conspirator by the U.S. government for two federal trials dealing with the financing of Hamas, and it is recognized as an international terrorist group by the government of United Arab Emirates (UAE). Given this information, how is it possible that one of this group’s leaders, Nezar Hamze, could be considered for a position at one of the most prominent Sheriff’s offices in the United States? However, that is exactly what has happened.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) is the largest fully accredited Sheriff's office in the nation. As such, having the title of Sheriff comes with much fanfare and responsibility. The current Sheriff is Scott Israel; he was elected to office in November 2012. As Sheriff, Israel has made it a point to reach out to diverse crowds, including those who could be considered enemies of the U.S. and her allies.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel’s 2015 radical Muslim tour began this past January, when he posed for photos with Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout and a member of Zakkout’s Miami-based AMANA group at a local mosque. Zakkout is a big supporter of Hamas. On his Facebook page, one can find Hamas logos and photos of Hamas militants and leaders, including Hamas founders Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi and deceased Hamas bomb maker Yehiya Ayyash.

In July 2014, Zakkout organized a pro-Hamas rally held in Downtown Miami, where the crowd chanted loudly a number of anti-Jewish and pro-Hamas slogans. Zakkout is shown on video with a huge grin on his face, as his mob repeatedly screams, “We are Hamas.” Following the rally, Zakkout wrote in Arabic on his Facebook page, “Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!”

Zakkout is also a big fan of white supremacist and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. Zakkout has posted different links on his Facebook site to Duke videos      , including a link to Duke’s official YouTube page. In July 2010, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned Zakkout’s group AMANA for featuring what it called a “vicious” David Duke video on its website. In the video, which is titled ‘No War for Israel in Iran – Keep Americans Safe,’ Duke rails against Jews and is shown shaking hands with then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The next stop for Sheriff Israel, on his tour, was the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF), for a June Ramadan Iftar meal. The event was sponsored by Emerge USA, an innocuously named Islamist lobbying and advocacy group that attempts to dupe politicians into attending its functions by seducing them with a “Muslim vote.”

Like he did with Zakkout, Sheriff Israel posed for photos, one of which has him standing alongside Mayor of Sunrise, Florida Mike Ryan and the co-founder and co-chairman of Emerge, Khurrum Wahid.

Wahid, a South Florida attorney, has spent years representing high-profile Muslim terrorists. They include: Rafiq Sabir, who received a 25-year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for being part of al-Qaeda and for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush; Sami al-Arian who spent time in prison (and was later deported) for his activities within Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ); and Hafiz Khan, a Miami imam who received 25 years for shipping $50,000 to the Taliban explicitly to murder American troops overseas.

According to the Miami New Times, Wahid himself was placed on a federal terrorist watch list in 2011.

Another photo from the Iftar featured Sheriff Israel and IFSF Events Coordinator Abdur Rahman al-Ghani. Al-Ghani’s Facebook page is littered with anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and Islamic supremacist language and images. In March 2013, al-Ghani posted on his Facebook site a photo of a group of American rabbis, who were meeting with President George W. Bush in the Oval Office to discuss Judaism, with the caption, “Every President has end [sic] up like this. This is the power of Zionism in our U.S. Government.” In December 2012, he wrote on Facebook, “Zionist/Israelis are not holy people. They are demonic and the most evil on earth.”

In April 2012, al-Ghani posted on his Facebook page a graphic depicting an American flag, stating “Worlds [sic] Number One Terrorist Organization.” In March 2012, he posted a graphic stating, “ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD.” He wrote next to it, “Yes, Allah (SWT) has Decreed [sic] we will overtake the world in numbers…” And in February 2012, al-Ghani posted a graphic of the CIA logo spattered in blood with a caption that read in part, “You wipe out the organization that is solely responsible for every terrorist act committed since it’s [sic] creation. You wipe out the CIA.”

Next to the photo of Sheriff Israel with al-Ghani, Emerge wrote, “Thanks again to IFSF and Abdur Rahman al-Ghani.”

The third stop of Sheriff Israel’s radical Muslim tour, which took place this month, led him to the Darul Uloom Mosque, located in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Darul Uloom has ties to a number of high-profile al-Qaeda terrorists.

“Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla was a student at Darul Uloom. His teacher was the current imam at the mosque, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed. Padilla was sentenced to 21 years in prison for providing material support to terrorists and for conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim individuals overseas.

Now-deceased al-Qaeda commander and al-Qaeda Global Operations Chief Adnan el-Shukrijumah was a prayer leader at the mosque. In 2010, Shukrijumah was indicted by New York authorities for plotting suicide bombings in the city’s subway system. His father, Gulshair el-Shukrijumah, who was a translator for the spiritual leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, “Blind Shaikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman, taught classes at Darul Uloom. One of Gulshair’s students, Imran Mandhai, was sentenced to twelve years in prison for plotting to blow up strategic targets in South Florida. Mandhai was deported to Pakistan this past May.

It has further been alleged that one of the 19 hijackers from the September 11 attacks prayed at Darul Uloom.

The official website of Darul Uloom contains a photo of its imam, Shafayat Mohamed, shaking hands with now-deceased bigot Ahmed Deedat. Deedat, author of the book ‘CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION?’ was infamous for going around the world giving lectures on how Christianity is a false religion. In his book, ‘Muhammad the natural successor to Christ,’ he repeatedly refers to homosexuals as “sodomites.” He states, “Euphemistically they call them ‘gays’ a once beautiful word meaning - happy and joyous - now perverted!”

The photo of Shafayat Mohamed with Deedat, whom Shafayat Mohamed said he “had a good relationship” with, was taken in Durban, South Africa, at what was then named the Bin Laden Center. Deedat, who according to the New York Times was “a vocal anti-Semite and ardent backer of Osama bin Laden,” personally received millions of dollars from Bin Laden for the center.

Shafayat Mohamed, himself, was thrown off a number of boards in Broward County for his outspokenness against homosexuals. In February 2005, an article written by him was published on the Darul Uloom website, entitled ‘Tsunami: Wrath of God,’ claiming that homosexual sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. He stated, “I have been pondering over the reasons for the recent Tsunami, ever since the incident took place… a time when thousands would have been enjoying themselves during the holidays in the ‘GAY PARADISE’… [A]fter days of pondering, I was able to find a major similarity with the Tsunami and Sodom & Gomorrah.”

Sheriff Israel arrived at Darul Uloom to deliver a Ramadan message to the crowd; he did so, before being warmly embraced by the imam, Shafayat Mohamed. But the real message was sent by the individual who was introducing the Sheriff. It was Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze. This was an alarming and surreal surprise, as Hamze has been a leader of a local chapter of the Hamas-associated CAIR for the past five years. Hamze is the Regional Operations Director of CAIR-Florida. Previously, he served as CAIR-Florida’s Executive Director.

CAIR was established in June 1994 as being part of the American Palestine Committee, an umbrella organization acting as a terrorist enterprise run by then-global Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook. Marzook, at the time, was based in the U.S and currently operates out of Egypt as a spokesman for Hamas. In 2007 and 2008, amidst two federal trials, the U.S. government named CAIR a co-conspirator in the raising of millions of dollars for Hamas.

Under a graphic of the World Trade Center in flames, CAIR posted to its national website a link to the Hamas charity, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), asking its followers to donate money. The group also asked its followers to donate to the al-Qaeda charity, Global Relief Foundation (GRF).

In November 2014, just eight months ago, along with ISIS, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram, CAIR was named a terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Hamze has his own anti-social and dangerous issues, apart from being a CAIR leader.

In December 2010, outside a fundraiser for then-Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom, George Galloway, being held at the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF), in Pompano Beach, Hamze was caught on video repeatedly refusing to denounce Hamas, when given numerous chances to do so.

As well, in June 2007, after his cousin, Abdelaziz Bilal Hamze, murdered a woman, running her over with his minivan, Nezar tried to make excuses for his cousin. Abdelaziz had dragged her body for several miles down the road – her body parts scattered throughout – and then attempted to flee the U.S. to Lebanon, where the Hamze family is from. Nezar was quoted by the media, saying, while his cousin “made some bad decisions,” he “may have been a little threatened.”

All of this would seem to make someone like Nezar Hamze ineligible to serve in any capacity within law enforcement and would render his designation as Deputy Sheriff untenable. Yet, there was Hamze, at Darul Uloom, in full uniform with firearm at his side.

During his talk, Sheriff Israel said of Hamze that he was a “friend” and a “phenomenal Deputy Sheriff.” He said that Hamze was with him because they are “on the same mission,” that they are “like-minded,” and because, “as a man who studies Islam and as a Muslim, he’s gonna find out information that we can’t. He’s gonna be able to bring information back to the community and take information from the community and bring to us.”

Can Sheriff Israel, the first Jewish Sheriff in Broward County, seriously believe that Nezar Hamze – a man who has spent years as a leader of a fanatic Muslim organization; a man who repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas when given numerous chances; a man who tried to make excuses for his murderer cousin, after his cousin had willfully ran over a woman, dragged her body for several miles, and then tried to flee the country – should serve as a Deputy Sheriff in one of the most prominent Sheriff’s offices in the nation?!!

By employing Nezar Hamze, Sheriff Scott Israel has compromised not only the Broward Sheriff’s office, but the security of the entire county and by extension U.S. national security. And with the intelligence information made available to someone in Hamze’s position and the misleading information Hamze has exhibited he is capable of providing, who knows how much damage this could cause!

If the situation is not corrected and Nezar Hamze is not dismissed from his position immediately, Sheriff Israel should resign from office immediately.

If you wish to contact Sheriff Israel, you can do so by sending an e-mail to:, or you can call the Broward Sheriff’s Office, at 954-764-4357. Please be respectful in any and all communications with this office.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #826 on: July 24, 2015, 04:35:35 PM »


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American Imams "Shocked" to Find Terrorists In Their Mosques...
« Reply #827 on: August 11, 2015, 01:58:16 PM »
Shocked, Shocked to Find That Terror Is Going On in Here!

Posted By Robert Spencer On August 10, 2015

It’s an iconic moment in American cinema, from Casablanca: Captain Renault tells Rick Blaine that he is “shocked! shocked!” to discover that gambling is going on in his establishment, and that it will be immediately closed — just as a clerk approaches and hands Renault his winnings. Muslims aren’t generally known for cinematic tributes, but mosque leaders around the country deserve Oscars for how they reenact this scene every time a jihadi is apprehended. For how long are law enforcement officials going to fall for the act?

The latest example comes courtesy of Arafat Nagi of Lackawanna, New York, who was arrested last week for recruiting for the Islamic State. According to WIVB [1], the local Muslim community is “devastated and in shock.”

In shock, eh? Dr. Khalid Qazi, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York, said that Nagi “had withdrawn from the community about three years ago. He had some domestic issues, some family issues.” Ah, that does explain it. Qazi is implying that Nagi was a bit unbalanced, leading to his involvement with the Islamic State, and that if he hadn’t withdrawn from the peaceful Muslim community three years ago, this wouldn’t have happened.

But wait: back in 2002, Nagi had wanted to join the Lackawanna Six [2] – six local Muslims who attended an al-Qaeda training camp.

According to Qazi, Nagi withdrew — he wasn’t expelled for his “extremism,” but withdrew — from the local Muslim community only three years ago. That means that for ten years after trying to join an al-Qaeda group, Nagi was presumably a member in good standing of the local Muslim community.

Clearly his recent arrest shows that he hadn’t given up his “extremism.” Yet when Nagi is arrested, the local community is “in shock”? They knew for at least thirteen years that Nagi was a supporter of the violent jihad doctrine they supposedly reject and abhor. What was shocking about his arrest?

Qazi was, of course, posturing for the media and law enforcement authorities, and there is no indication that either didn’t wholly swallow his act. Indeed, despite the fact that this same act has played all over the country, it always gets rave reviews.

It played in Birmingham, Alabama, last April [3], when a young Muslim woman fled to the Islamic State. A spokesman for the girl’s parents — why did they need a spokesman? — said:

For them this is worse than losing the life of a child, to have them join such a horrible, horrible gang of violent extremists. Nothing can describe the pain they are facing.

The spokesman was none other than Hassan Shibly, a lawyer and the chief executive director of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with established ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood [4].

Shibly claimed that the woman had withdrawn from the local Muslim community a year before joining the Islamic State, and added:

The reason she withdrew from the community is because the Muslim community is very vocal against groups like ISIS … she made the decision based on her communication online with them that she wanted to join them.

He didn’t bother to explain why the peaceful Islam the young woman presumably learned from the community and her shocked and devastated parents wasn’t able to withstand the appeal of a supposedly twisted, hijacked version of the religion. He didn’t have to: he could be secure in the knowledge that no one would ask him to do so.

And so it goes. After the July 16 jihad massacre of U.S. Marines in Chattanooga by Mohammod Abdulazeez, the Times Free Press [5] reported that Bassam Issa, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga:

… has said how shocked he was to find out that a young man who went to his mosque harbored radical ideas. He doesn’t see how anything Abdulazeez learned locally could have led to such thinking or to such a tragic plan.

And last April, a Muslim woman named Noelle Valentzas was arrested [6] for plotting, along with another Muslim woman, a jihad bombing on U.S. soil. Valentzas’ husband, Abu Bakr, said of his wife’s arrest:

I don’t believe any of it, period. We are all shocked, the whole community. That’s not who she is.

But back in 2007, Abu Bakr was photographed [7] at the Muslim Day Parade in New York City with the black flag of jihad. He carried it at other parades as well.

A particularly hammy version of this play-acting came in Rochester, New York, in June 2014 [8], when Mufid Elfgeeh, a Muslim local restaurant owner, was arrested for plotting to murder American soldiers. Sareer Fazili, president of the Islamic Center of Rochester, said:

Our religion is one of peace and one of submission and I think all of our friends in the faith based community know that.  … I’m very shocked, I’m very upset, very disappointed that somebody who claims they follow Islam, the same religion that has been taught for so many years would think that he is within the bounds of our teachings because nothing could be further from the truth.

He was shocked to hear that someone who professes to be a Muslim would commit an act of violence? Really?

Had Sareer Fazili never heard of 9/11? 7/7? The Bali bombing? The Boston Marathon bombing? The Fort Hood massacre? Or any of the thousands of other jihad attacks perpetrated by people who not only profess to be Muslim, but say that when they bomb and kill they are following the teachings of Islam?

Fazili also said, according to WHEC [8], that he “does not believe Elfgeeh has ever been a member of the Islamic Center.” That may be, but it is noteworthy how so many devout Muslims who turn to violent jihad — Elfgeeh had tweeted “about the prophet Muhammad and terrorist groups fighting in the name of Allah” — never seem to go to mosque.

Every time there is a jihad attack or plot in the U.S., local Muslims say that no one knew him, he never went to mosque. Yet by their own words, these people are fanatically devout and observant.

Anyway, relax: “Members of the Islamic Center say these beliefs are foreign and are not what is taught at their center.”

Great. So do they teach against these beliefs, which are so widespread as to not be shocking at all, at the Center? Do they teach young Muslims why they should reject the al-Qaeda view of Islam on Qur’anic grounds? Why are there no such programs anywhere? And why does no one ever ask why?

Khalid Qazi, Hassan Shibly, Bassam Issa, Abu Bakr, Sareer Fazili and the rest all do an admirable job playing Captain Renault, but it is time for this play to close, and for law enforcement officials and the mainstream media to get more skeptical about these professions of shock and dismay at every jihad arrest. These jihadis didn’t exist in a vacuum, much as these Qur’an-toting Renaults would have us believe otherwise. If it doesn’t stop soon, this credulity could be the death of us.

Article printed from PJ Media:
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Muslim Stewardess Refuses to Serve Alcohol, Plays Victim...
« Reply #828 on: September 05, 2015, 06:11:01 AM »

by PAMELA GELLER  2 Sep 2015

A Muslim flight attendant, Charee Stanley, claims that she was suspended from her job with ExpressJet Airlines because she refused to serve alcohol. She has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – and now the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has jumped onto the case.

So now we have yet another Muslim workplace lawsuit from CAIR – once again designed to impose Islam on the workplace. This is what they do.

Why would a devout Muslim want to be a flight attendant in the first place, when half your job is serving alcohol?

Lena Masri of Hamas-tied CAIR declared: “We notified ExpressJet Airlines of its obligation under the law to reasonably accommodate Ms. Stanley’s religious beliefs. Instead, ExpressJet close to violate Ms. Stanely’s constitutional rights, placed her on administrative leave for 12 months after which her employment may be administratively terminated.”

What about the rights of the passengers on Stanley’s flight who just wanted to have a drink? Alcoholic beverages are still legal in the United States.

This is reminiscent of Samantha Elauf, the devout Muslima who sued soft porn retailer Abercrombie & Fitch because she wanted to wear the hijab. She won that case and got herself a healthy cash settlement – and Abercrombie and Fitch had to change the way they do business in order to accommodate her demands. That is no doubt part of the objective here as well.

There are many such cases. The EEOC is suing Star Transport for rightfully terminating two Muslims who refused to do their job. If these Muslim truck drivers don’t want to deliver alcohol, then they shouldn’t have taken a job in which part of their duties would be to deliver alcohol. It’s that simple.

But no, Islamic supremacists chip, chip, chip away at the establishment clause, and in doing so, impose Islam on the secular marketplace. Take, for example, the Hertz company. Hertz bent over backwards to accommodate its Muslim workers: they have prayer rooms, prayer times, etc. They just didn’t want the Muslim workers leaving work to pray outside of scheduled break times. Mind you, they could easily pray before or after work, but no. This imposes Islam on everyone else – just as Charee Stanley wanted to do when she refused to do her job and serve flight passengers alcohol. After the initial surrender on Hertz’s part, Muslim workers began suing Hertz, charging “Islamophobia.”

Islamic supremacists see that this legal intimidation works, so they keep on resorting to it. A Muslim woman sued Children’s Hospital Boston after being fired for refusing to get a flu shot. If you don’t want to take the necessary steps to work in a hospital and adhere to the rules to insure the health of the public at large, then don’t work in a children’s hospital.

And in New Mexico, a Muslima sued Planet Fitness over its headgear safety rules. Obviously, headgear is prohibited in this gym because it presents a safety hazard. But people’s safety be damned. This suit mirrored the melee that ensued at a New York Playland Park when park officials adhered to their safety rules in order to keep park attendees free from harm. Muslim visitors got angry that the park was enforcing its ban on headgear by prohibiting the women from wearing their traditional head coverings on some rides.

A Muslim woman who worked as a hostess at a Disneyland restaurant sued Disney. Like Abercrombie & Fitch’s Elauf, Imane Boudlal wore the hijab, but the garment violated Disney’s dress code. Disney offered up a compromise hat for her to wear, but Boudlal refused, of course. It wasn’t about hijab; otherwise the cute cowboy hat that Disneyland offered Boudlal would have been fine (everyone on the floor at Disney wears costumes). It was about imposing Islam on the secular marketplace.

You’ll notice that it is always big companies that are targeted. Hertz, Heinz, Target, Walmart, Disney, Abercrombie & Fitch, and now ExpressJet Airlines. Why? To set legal precedents they can use in yet more intimidation cases. Muslim lawsuits against Hertz, Walmart, Target, Disney and a host of other American businesses for special rights, special accommodation have been largely successful creating a special rights for a special class of people — which is an accordance with Islam (in which Muslims are superior to the kuffar).

But this goes against every American tenet of individual rights and separation of mosque and state. Someone ought to remind the EEOC that their name is Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Equal,” as in no special rights for any particular class.

Read the chapter titled “Mosqueing the Workplace” in my book Stop the Islamization of America to better understand this de facto imposition of sharia in America. It works this way: every accommodation gives way to more demands. Everywhere American mores conflict with sharia, it is our mores that must give way. And it is going to keep on happening, until someone, somewhere, says, “No more accommodation. We’re going to stand up for our own principles.” But no one is saying that now.
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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #829 on: September 05, 2015, 06:23:30 AM »
Of course this presents the obvious question:  Is this different from the KY clerk, Wendy Davis?  If so, how?


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Re: Kentucky clerk...
« Reply #830 on: September 05, 2015, 07:31:59 AM »

Of course there is the obvious difference that this Muslim woman took this job KNOWING FULL WELL that her job would entail serving alcohol.  Wendy Davis did not expect to have to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.  However, I think the principle is consistent in both cases.  That is - if you are not able to perform the job duties due to sincerely held reasons of conscience - RESIGN, and find another job. It is NOT incumbent upon the employer to accommodate you.  The job requirements are what they are, and no one is forced to accept employment in this country.  It is a contract "at will." 
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #832 on: September 05, 2015, 11:52:26 AM »

I would focus more on the private-public sector distinction.


Useful article.  Thank you.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #833 on: September 05, 2015, 12:57:55 PM »

To be clear, I don't see that there is a distinction on this point.  The job description is what it is.  If you find you cannot fulfill the duties of the job with "reasonable" accommodation (of course this is subjective, but I don't believe either of these scenarios clear that bar) then you should find another job.  The employer in such a case is completely justified in terminating your employment.
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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #834 on: September 05, 2015, 02:13:10 PM »
From what I recall, Islam restricts the consumption of alcohol by Muslims, no restriction on serving it to kufar.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #835 on: September 05, 2015, 02:30:23 PM »
From what I recall, Islam restricts the consumption of alcohol by Muslims, no restriction on serving it to kufar.

Well, after a quick look, it appears that the Islamic religious scholars say it is a no-no, and the prohibition extends to pork as well. Did the muzzie stew balk at handing out pork based meals?


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #836 on: September 05, 2015, 02:49:00 PM »
As GM's post of the WaPo article discusses, another valid path is no accommodation legally required.


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Geller: Ahmed's Clock Stunt a Setup...
« Reply #837 on: September 18, 2015, 06:48:39 PM »

by PAMELA GELLER  17 Sep 2015

A Muslim teen, fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, bought a strange ticking device to his school, MacArthur High School. His device caused alarm and fear, and he was detained for having what his teacher perceived as a bomb. Police officers said the electronic components and wires inside his Vaultz pencil case (which is the size of a briefcase) looked like a “hoax bomb,” according to local news station WFAA.

When questioned about what the device was, Mohamed wouldn’t answer. Now terror-tied Islamic groups like the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), their media lapdogs, and even Barack Obama are waging jihad against the school and the local police.

When police questioned the boy, WFAA reports, they said he was “passive aggressive” and didn’t give them a “reasonable answer” as to why he had brought his contraption to the school. “We attempted to question the juvenile about what it was and he would simply only say it was a clock. He didn’t offer any explanation as to what it was for, why he created this device, why he brought it to school,” said James McLellan of the Irving Police Department.

This whole thing smells like a setup. With ISIS in America, and young moderate Muslims fleeing to Syria to join the terror group, the response of MacArthur High School officials was rational and reasonable. At my website,, I run news stories on a weekly basis of American Muslim teens who have been arrested for trying to join ISIS. Just this week, a Muslim teen from Philadelphia was arrested for an alleged plot to assassinate the Pope during his visit to the United States.

Every day we are warned of new terror threats, increased threat levels. But trying to protect school children is “Islamophobic.” And President Obama agrees, of course. Yes, he has weighed in; Barack Obama himself got into the act, tweeting to Ahmed: “Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.”

When I first heard about this story, I wrote at my website that it smelled fishy. Now, as more details have emerged, it positively stinks. The plot has considerably thickened. In what has become one of the most egregious of the faked hate narratives, the bomb hoax clockster turns out to come from a family that has a history of supremacist stunts.

The New York Daily News reported this Wednesday about Ahmed Mohamed’s father, Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed:

One of the earliest instances of the standout citizen making national news was in 2011, when he sensationally stood up to an anti-Islamic pastor and defended the Koran as its defense attorney. That mock trial at a Florida church ended with the book’s burning, to ElHassan’s claimed shock. In an interview with the Washington Post at the time, the devoted Muslim said he’d take on Rev. Terry Jones’ challenge because the holy book teaches that Muslims should engage in peaceful dialogue with Christians.

Also in 2011, ElHassan debated Robert Spencer on the questionf of “Does Islam Respect Human Rights?” Clearly, he was trying to score a victory against a famous “Islamophobe” and thus win a name for himself. ElHassan has been looking for publicity and chances to fight against “Islamophobia” for a considerable period. Now he has seized it, going so far as to claim his son was “tortured” by school and law enforcement officials.

He finally has the cause he has been seeking for so long. School officials were being prudent, protecting the children. Irving, Texas has had its share of jihad and sharia. Two Muslim sisters, Amina and Sarah Said, were honor murdered by their father, execution-style, in Irving several years ago. He is still at large. And Irving, Texas is only half an hour from Garland, Texas – the site of a jihad shooting on a free speech event last May. And the news is regularly riddled with stories of young Muslims, all lovely, sweet achievers, who suddenly — go jihad.

This story is pure agitprop most fatal. “If you see something, say something” is now racism. And for destroying this simple principle of self-protection, young Ahmed Mohamed is a media star. Not only has Barack Obama invited him to the White House, but NASA has also invited Ahmed to meet with them, as has Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. The whole thing has clearly been a setup, and its effect will be to make Americans less safe. If you ever see a Muslim with a suspicious object, remember the lesson of Ahmed Mohamed: to say something would be “racism.” That could end up being the epitaph of America and the free world.
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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Van Susteren Lets Huma Abedin Off the Hook...
« Reply #842 on: October 19, 2015, 12:18:46 PM »

Abedin's longstanding Muslim Brotherhood ties go untouched.

October 19, 2015  Matthew Vadum

A Fox News Channel report last week examining Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin's role in the deadly Benghazi affair curiously ignored the troubling, well-documented ties that Abedin and her family have to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Instead, the Friday broadcast of "On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren" centered on the legal and ethical issues surrounding Abedin and the extremely unusual working arrangement she enjoyed while serving as a top aide to Clinton during her tenure as U.S. secretary of state.

Certainly the mountain of allegations of corruption against Clinton and her longtime hatchet woman, Abedin, and employment best practices in the U.S. government merit scrutiny, but so does the fact that Abedin was an editor for 12 years at an al-Qaeda-funded Muslim Brotherhood magazine.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was mishandled on the so-called home-brew Internet server that Clinton and Abedin both used to send emails concerning official government business. But Van Susteren's show did not pay much attention to exactly what Abedin did for Clinton out of public view while serving in a sensitive, senior government post. Abedin was depicted somewhat sympathetically as a controversial, though possibly corrupt, public figure who aggressively pursued personal revenue streams separate from government employment. She was shown to have been wronged by her man but to have faithfully stood by him.

Van Susteren, a renowned, down-to-earth legal commentator who rose to prominence for her CNN commentaries during the 1994-5 murder trial of O.J. Simpson, failed to go anywhere near the Abedin family's inter-generational ties to Muslim organizations hostile to the United States and Israel. A two and a half minute clip detailing Huma's background and relationship to the Clintons omits all mention of the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates that Abedins young and old have devoted their lives to supporting. Viewers learned that Abedin got her start interning for then-First Lady Hillary Clinton inside Bill Clinton's White House. Things went swimmingly and Huma and Hillary became inseparable. The young go-getter emerged as Hillary's most visible, trusted confidant. Huma was a top Hillary aide in Mrs. Clinton's successful 2000 campaign for the U.S. Senate and during her unsuccessful presidential run in 2008. Huma came under fire for conflict of interest for being on the payroll of multiple private sector concerns --one run by a Clinton ally-- at the same time as she served Hillary as a top advisor and strategist at the Department of State. Huma went through troubled times, it was reported, during her husband's run for mayor of New York City when Americans learned he tweeted photos of his body parts and then lied about doing so. Her husband, well known to FrontPage readers, is the rabidly left-wing serial pervert former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.).

Van Susteren showed footage of the 2013 presser during the mayoral campaign at which poor Huma does her best Tammy Wynette impression by standing by her man. "It was not an easy choice in any way but I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage," Huma is shown saying as she glances reassuringly at Weiner, a smile twisting on her lips.

In a voiceover, Van Susteren opines:

But as questions and controversies surround Secretary Clinton's use of a personal server to store government emails, there is one thing the emails do make clear: There are few people as close to Hillary Clinton as Huma Abedin.

In a more newsy related four and a half minute segment on the Friday show, Van Susteren interviews Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.), a member of the House Benghazi Select Committee which had just questioned Abedin behind closed doors for six hours.

Westmoreland noted that Abedin was deputy chief of operations for Clinton's State Department and thought it strange that she remembered so little of what happened on Sept. 11, 2012, when jihadists were in the process of slaughtering four Americans, including a sitting U.S. ambassador. Abedin, the congressman explained, said she was in New York at the time and didn't know much about what went on during the eleventh anniversary of the fateful 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Westmoreland said Abedin acknowledged she knew about Clinton's private email server, which congressional investigators say processed numerous sensitive government documents, but that panelists didn't ask her about the propriety of having the hacker-friendly system. "She answered every question," he said. Westmoreland said separately Abedin often responded to questions by saying "'I don't remember' and 'I don't recollect.'"

But the wrong questions are being asked. None are focusing on Abedin's background that makes her uniquely unqualified for service in the U.S. government. Born in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Abedin's frightening connections to the Muslim Brotherhood run deep. Her mother is Saleha Mahmood Abedin, widow of the late Zyed Abedin, an academic who taught at Saudi Arabia's prestigious King Abdulaziz University in the early 1970s. The year after Huma was born, Mrs. Abedin received a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. In 1978, the Abedins moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Abdullah Omar Naseef, then-vice president of Abdulaziz University, hired Mr. Abedin, a former colleague of his at the university, to work for the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), a Saudi-based Islamic think tank Naseef was then in the process of establishing. Mr. and Mrs. Abedin became members of the editorial board of IMMA's publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.

According to FrontPage contributor and former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, IMMA's "Muslim Minority Affairs" agenda is "to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West." Naseef himself was a Muslim extremist with ties to al-Qaeda. In 1983 he became secretary-general of the Muslim World League (MWL), a militant organization with links to Osama bin Laden. Mrs. Abedin became an official representative of MWL in the 1990s. When her husband died in 1994, Mrs. Abedin became the IMMA's director. She currently serves as editor-in-chief of its journal.

Mrs. Abedin is also a member of the board of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR), which has long been banned in Israel because it has ties to Hamas. (In Arabic, dawah, or dawa, means the proselytizing or preaching of Islam.) She also runs the Amman, Jordan-based International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC), a Muslim World League affiliate that self-identifies as part of the IICDR.

The Muslim World League, according to McCarthy, "has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology." IICWC promotes strict Sharia Law and advocates the rescission of Egyptian laws that forbid female genital mutilation, child marriage, and marital rape.

Mrs. Abedin is a founding member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a pro-Sharia organization consisting of the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptian opposition newspaper Al-Liwa Al-Arabi has reported that Muslim Sisterhood members: “smuggle secret documents”; “spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes”; “fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood”; and “organiz[e] projects which will penetrate [the Brotherhood's] prohibited ideology into the decision-making in the West ... under the guise of 'general needs of women.'” Nagla Ali Mahmoud, wife of Mohammed Morsi, the Islamist who was elected president of Egypt in June 2012 and subsequently overthrown by anti-Islamists, is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood.

When Huma Abedin returned to the U.S. and was an intern in the Clinton White House between 1997 and some time in 1999, she was a member of the executive board of George Washington University's radical Muslim Students Association (MSA). The MSA had extensive ties to al-Qaeda.

From 1996 to 2008, Abedin was employed by IMMA as assistant editor of its Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Her brother, Hassan Abedin, an associate editor at the journal, was at one time a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. During his fellowship, the Center's board included such Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated figures as Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Abdullah Omar Naseef. Huma's sister, Heba Abedin, is an assistant editor with the journal.

Someone with Abedin's background shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power in Washington. Yet Hillary Clinton trusted her with vital secrets of state and then erased their electronic correspondence. But even now as evidence continues to accumulate that Clinton's cavalier approach to classified information put U.S. national security in jeopardy, the shady background of Abedin is barely acknowledged on Capitol Hill.

The media's lack of interest in Abedin's extracurricular activities has been mirrored by the ineffectual Republican leadership in Congress. Abedin has been aided by the anti-so-called Islamophobia lobby which accuses lawmakers and media outlets of racism and religious bigotry whenever her name is mentioned in the same breath as anything remotely connected to Islamofascism.

Benghazi Select Committee member Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat, predictably piled on Republicans. He told reporters that having Abedin, who is now vice chairwoman of Clinton's presidential campaign, testify raised more questions about whether the committee is "a taxpayer-funded effort to derail the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."

The indignant barking of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who took to the Senate floor in 2012 to defend Abedin, has no doubt helped to make it more difficult to vet her.

Statements House Republicans made about Abedin are “an unwarranted and unfounded attack on an honorable woman, a dedicated American and a loyal public servant,” McCain said, stating that Abedin should be judged by "her substantial personal merit and her abiding commitment to the American ideals that she embodies so fully.” To put the finishing touch on his position, McCain affirmed: “I am proud to know Huma and to call her my friend.” The Washington Post, meanwhile, has dismissed claims about Abedin as mere "unsubstantiated allegations that her family has ties to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood."

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has been demanding information from the foot-dragging Obama administration about a multitude of irregularities including why Abedin was allowed to work at the Department of State under a special, part-time status arrangement while simultaneously working at Teneo, a politically-connected consulting firm. Grassley also has done little if anything to probe the ties that yet another Abedin employer, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, has to Muslim terrorism.

Americans have learned the philanthropy is a free-wheeling international cash-for-future-presidential-favors clearinghouse and that it has received hefty donations from unlikely sources such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. Professional jihadi propagandist Gehad el-Haddad, who worked for the Clinton Foundation for five years, was sentenced to life imprisonment in Egypt earlier this year for terrorism-related activities. The name Gehad happens to be the Egyptian version of the Arabic word jihad.

So, when are the right and urgent questions going to be asked about Huma Abedin? To what extent did she use her high office to advance the cause of her family? Does she reject her mother's views? Why was she employed for twelve years by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs and why is she never asked about it? Did she play any role in developing or promoting the dishonest cover story that painted an unknown anti-Islam movie director's obscure trailer on YouTube as the real cause of the terrorist assault in Benghazi? What, if any, role did she play as an advisor to Secretary of State Clinton regarding the catastrophic Arab Spring that plunged the already volatile Middle East and North Africa into an Islamist Winter?

These are some of the many questions that need to be asked. High-profile media figures like Greta Van Susteren should be asking them.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Mosque blocked in MI...
« Reply #844 on: October 20, 2015, 10:29:25 AM »
Difficult?  Really?  Seems to me this is an overwhelmingly positive development - to the extent it demonstrates Americans are educating themselves about Islam.
This nation is committing suicide by continuing to allow virtually unlimited Muslim immigration, and the constant anti-American preaching that takes place in 95% of all mosques in this country - if not more.  It's about time someone stood up and shouted "NO MORE."  The alternative is the conquest of our Western civilization and 1,000 years of darkness.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #845 on: October 20, 2015, 01:16:04 PM »
AND what about the Freedom of Religion implications?


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #846 on: October 20, 2015, 01:29:13 PM »
AND what about the Freedom of Religion implications?

Would nazi groups (like the silver shirts) in the US in WWII enjoy protections if they claimed it was a religion?


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Re: Islam as a "religion"...
« Reply #847 on: October 20, 2015, 01:43:54 PM »
Precisely, GM.

Sooner or later, western civilization is going to be forced into acknowledging that Islam is not simply a religion - certainly NOT in the sense that our Founding Fathers intended when they conceived of the concept of "freedom of religion."  Islam is much MORE than a religion - it in fact could be said to be a totalitarian, repressive ideology of world domination with a "god" tacked-on explicitly for the purpose of using "freedom of religion" as subterfuge.  Islam is nothing more nor less than Naziism with a supreme being added to the ideology.  As such, it is antagonistic and antithetical to our western values.  It explicitly denies our foundational concept of human rights.

Such a belief system does not deserve, in fact - MUST NOT BE GIVEN - protected status as a "religion" if our civilization is to be preserved.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 01:51:38 PM by objectivist1 »
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #848 on: October 20, 2015, 08:58:36 PM »
Concerning the Nazis, they held rallies on the upper east side of Manhattan (around 86th and First Avenue if I am not mistaken) Madison Square Garden (covered in detail by Glenn Beck) and elsewhere.

C'mon gents, we all understand the backlash implications here of defining all Islam and all Muslims this way.  Let's address them squarely-- including that there are good and decent Muslims, some of whom are thanklessly helping our intel people at no little risk to themselves.


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Re: Islam in America
« Reply #849 on: October 21, 2015, 04:49:34 AM »
Concerning the Nazis, they held rallies on the upper east side of Manhattan (around 86th and First Avenue if I am not mistaken) Madison Square Garden (covered in detail by Glenn Beck) and elsewhere.

C'mon gents, we all understand the backlash implications here of defining all Islam and all Muslims this way.  Let's address them squarely-- including that there are good and decent Muslims, some of whom are thanklessly helping our intel people at no little risk to themselves.

Those who earn the right to be here are different than the vast majority.