Bonds—Heading From Bull Market to Bubble? .
Ben Bernanke's latest announcement may provide a short-term boost to America's love affair with bonds—but at the risk of longer term pain.
The Fed chairman last week unveiled a new program of easy money to help kick start the economy. He will, in layman's terms, print money and use it to buy bonds, hoping to drive down interest rates and boost economic activity. It's the third time he's done this since 2009. He says he is willing to continue the latest program until it works.
Americans are already buying up all the bonds they can get. So far this year, we've pumped $220 billion into bond funds, even while yanking $80 billion out of equity funds, according to the Investment Company Institute. In the four years since Lehman Brothers imploded, we've poured $900 billion into bond funds, while withdrawing $410 billion from equities.
No wonder Bill Gross, the money manager at Pacific Investment Management (Pimco), recently announced the death of the cult of equity. Mr. Gross, one of Wall Street's most-watched figures, said that investors were finally giving up on the siren song of the 1990s, when "stocks for the long run" was deemed a guaranteed ticket to wealth.
An investor today, he noted, "can periodically compare the return of stocks for the past 10, 20 and 30 years, and find that long-term Treasury bonds have been the higher returning and obviously 'safer' investment than a diversified portfolio of equities."
Any mom-and-pop investor knows the feeling. Bonds are up across the board. Vanguard's Total Bond Market Index Fund has returned 20% in three years and nearly 40% over five.
Wonderful news, yes.
But there's a catch.
Bonds are like a seesaw. When the price goes up, the yield goes down. And bond investors today may be making the same errors that people made with stocks in the late 1990s. They may be mistaking rising prices as a sign of safety, when they are really a sign of rising risk. They may be mentally extrapolating past performance into the future.
They may also be slaves to the mindless box-ticking known as "modern portfolio theory." In the 1990s, baby boomers were urged by Wall Street to have all their money in stocks "for growth." Now the boomers, nearing retirement, are being told to have all their money in age-appropriate bonds for "safety and income."
Price? Valuation? Who cares?
Ask Mr. Gross. Yes, he said the cult of equity was dead. But in the same investment letter he offered a serious caution to bond investors, too. "With [long-term] Treasurys currently yielding 2.55%," he wrote, "it is even more of a stretch to assume that long-term bonds—and the bond market—will replicate the performance of decades past."
No kidding. Do the math.
Bonds have typically returned less than 2% a year when measured in real, inflation-adjusted dollars, according to research by Elroy Dimson, Paul March and Mike Staunton at the London Business School.
Today the 10-year Treasury yields 1.8%, the 30-year, 3%. Good luck squeezing 2% plus inflation, or anything like it, out of that.
At these levels, government bonds can only match past returns in real dollars if we get serious price deflation. That almost never happens. Since Pearl Harbor, U.S. prices have fallen in just three, isolated years. In the average year, they've risen about 4%. Someone buying long-term bonds yielding 1.5% or 2%, and then seeing consumer-price inflation of 4% a year, will be on the losing end of the bet.
Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS, offer a yield automatically adjusted for inflation. Today, TIPS of up to 20 years' maturity lock in real yields of zero percent a year or less. The five-year TIPS promises to lose 1.6% of your purchasing power ever year. Some deal.
Corporate bonds always yield more than government bonds, to account for risk. But the spreads are unappealing. Even riskier investment-grade bonds yield only about 3.5% on average, reports data service FactSet.
Investors these days are much wiser about stocks than they were in the 1990s. They know all that talk about big guaranteed returns was misleading because, historically, those returns came in waves. Stock investors made their money in the 1920s, in the 1950s and 1960s, and in the 1980s and 1990s. In other periods, they made very little. The period since 2000 has been one of those times.
Investors also need to understand that the same is true of bonds. According to London Business School research, most of the real, inflation-adjusted returns from U.S. bonds over the past 100 years came in just two eras: the 1920s and 1930s, and since 1981. In other periods, bondholders fared far worse. In the 1970s, long-term bonds were such a poor investment that they became known as "certificates of confiscation."
Waves come and go. The current bull market in bonds must end in due course. Maybe the risk is down the road. It won't come until inflation or interest rates rise. So far, the economy remains sluggish, real unemployment is disturbingly high and inflation is minimal (although at 1.4% it still remains high enough to eat nearly all the interest from your 10-year Treasurys).
Nonetheless, the risk remains. Sooner or later investors will face either a loss of money, or at best meager returns.
It's easy to dismiss the warnings today. Those who have been cautioning about bonds for the past few years have been left looking foolish. A bubble, longtime Wall Street observer Jim Grant noted dryly last year, could be called a bull market that the commentator missed.
Yet this has happened before. Many who warned about stocks in the 1990s were too early. Jeremy Grantham, chairman of Boston investment firm GMO, recalls losing swathes of clients before the bubble popped. Today, his firm warns against U.S. bonds, which it considers an even worse deal than stocks.
In the past five years, index funds tracking longer-term Treasury bonds have risen by a fifth or more in price. If and when the bond bull market ends, funds may retrace those steps. That would be a big fall.
As a rule, a new 10-year Treasury bond with a 1.8% yield would be expected to fall nearly 10% in price if interest rates rose by one percentage point.
The paradox of government policy is that it leaves you so few places to hide. You can still find the occasional blue-chip stock yielding more than Treasurys, such as Johnson & Johnson JNJ +0.25%(JNJ), H.J. Heinz HNZ -0.05%(HNZ) and Pfizer PFE -0.21%(PFE). An equity-income mutual fund that is light on financials, such as Vanguard Equity Income Fund (VEIRX), offers a basket of them. It yields 3%.
But such stocks are getting harder to find. Investors worried about the prospects of bonds may also hold a bit more cash and wait for better entry points.
Sometimes, the "best" option may just be the one that's least bad.
Write to Brett Arends at