Author Topic: Gov. Ron DeSantis  (Read 33254 times)


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #301 on: November 04, 2023, 05:18:25 PM »
Good article.  It should also have mentioned his apparent lack of geopolitical clarity-- a matter of increasing importance across the spectrum.  Both Trump and Haley speak identifiably in this regard, but DeSantis does not.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #302 on: November 05, 2023, 07:32:24 AM »
Another take on the same poll?

We will keep a watch out for geopolitical clarity.

National security is the main interest of Hugh Hewitt, the conservative questioner in the next debate.  DeSantis expresses full support for Israel I think, no blank check for Ukraine, more ships and strong defense to compete with and deter China.  He is the only one running who served in the armed forces.

I wonder what you heard that you didn't like - or what you have not heard - yet.

Haley I think is more hawkish than the party today and than the country.  Trump also has a  clarity challenge, very transactional in his dealings in my view.  His perceived quality of being highly unpredictable is his deterrence.  I recall Thomas Sowell saying Trump does not have a personality suited to having his finger on the button.

For Biden, you would have to find out who really makes the decisions in order to study them further.

Newsom for some reason wants to help the Chinese steal more technology and sell more products here while staying mum on oppression and genocide.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #303 on: November 05, 2023, 08:35:48 AM »

can anyone imagine him taking on Xi?

why he couldn't even take on tiny Chinese children in basketball!  (falling on his face)


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #305 on: November 16, 2023, 06:21:45 AM »
DeSantis for Prez

Pompeo for SOS !   :-D


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #306 on: November 16, 2023, 06:28:25 AM »
DeSantis has not caught on (yet?), trails Trump by a mile, trails Haley in NH, but is still solidly winning the race for second place nationwide.

My feedback from the other side is that liberals have it already pounded into their heads that DeSantis is a book banner and they hate that.

This will no doubt come up in the Newsom debate, if it happens.  What else can the Gov of Calif do in contrast with the record of Florida but lie about DeSantis' record.

The "books banned" are aimed at sexualizing children Kindergarten through third grade as I understand it.  We don't need to teach kids to question their gender identity in K-3 math, art and gym class, and yes, we want parents to have more say in the schools than state and federal teachers unions.  The wrongly called "don't say gay" law doesn't say "gay".

These people who hate Trump more than anything have already built their hate for his closest competitor. It's kind of sad.

This nation has two sets of "news" and two sets of "facts", and we are losing that war of words.  DeSantis has been thoroughly demogogued, before he could introduce himself to the nation.

If we are to ever win we must be able to get out our own messages outside the liberal news and spin machines.  Talking to conservatives on conservative only outlets doesn't count in that regard. For DeSantis, the Newsom debate may be a first chance to begin that, if both sides and the middle are curious enough to watch..

We are losing the war of media and of social media and of K-12 and of 'higher education' and then we let our candidates get out spent by 5 or 6 to one in the elections.

We have to start turning this back.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #307 on: November 16, 2023, 06:44:12 AM »
Dems response to DeSantis

nothing on problems



 as if the majority of Americans do not agree with him or otherwise care.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #311 on: December 17, 2023, 10:22:25 AM »
someone recently
said the Satan worshippers will get their wish

and all go to hell.


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WSJ Ameircans choose DeSantis for Gov
« Reply #312 on: December 20, 2023, 09:04:00 AM »
Americans Still Choosing DeSantis as Their Governor
Are pollsters underestimating the Floridian?
James Freeman
James Freeman
Dec. 19, 2023 3:55 pm ET


Media outlets keep trying to write the political obituary of the second-most-popular Republican presidential candidate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. It’s true that he’s far behind Donald Trump in the polls, but it’s also striking how often Americans keep choosing Mr. DeSantis as their governor. Political pundits may continue to pick nits about Mr. DeSantis’s charisma or stage presence. But for Americans looking to start a business or raise a family, Mr. DeSantis seems to have a powerful allure.

It’s not just his notable electoral success in turning a swing state Republican. Since his 2022 re-election as governor, Mr. DeSantis has continued to win the most consequential votes of confidence from people all over the country. The Journal’s Paul Overberg and Alyssa Lukpat report:

The U.S. population grew 0.5% this year, according to Census Bureau estimates released Tuesday, as the pandemic’s effects on births, deaths and immigration continued to fade...
Migration among states slowed but extended perennial gains in the South. The Northeast, Midwest and West all saw net losses while the South gained 706,000 net movers. California lost a net of 338,000 people to other states, about as many as the previous year. New York (minus 217,000), Illinois (minus 84,000), New Jersey (minus 45,000) and Massachusetts (minus 39,000) saw losses continue but shrink from the previous year.
Top gainers were Florida, which added a net 194,000 movers, and Texas (187,000). North Carolina (97,000), South Carolina (83,000), Tennessee (63,000) and Georgia (58,000) also saw strong but slower gains.
Yes, many Californians continue to flee rather than live under their allegedly charming governor. As the members of California’s flight club search for a new place to call home, Mr. DeSantis may appear to be all business as he goes about the task of maintaining liberty. And they dig it.


Many longtime Floridians as well as recent arrivals appreciated their governor’s opposition to the Covid panic. It’s a shame more jurisdictions around the world didn’t have leaders willing to stand against historic expansions of government power. The libertarians at the Cato Institute and Canada’s Fraser Institute are out with their annual Human Freedom Index and they report recent trends that are not positive:

Human freedom deteriorated severely in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Most areas of freedom fell, including significant declines in the rule of law; freedom of movement, expression, and association and assembly; and freedom to trade. After having fallen significantly in 2020, human freedom remained low during the second year of the pandemic. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents more freedom, the average human freedom rating for 165 jurisdictions fell slightly, from 6.79 in 2020 to 6.75 in 2021.


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Re: WSJ Ameircans choose DeSantis for Gov
« Reply #313 on: December 20, 2023, 02:21:55 PM »
So many positive reports on DeSantis.  Best election victory of 2022.  Highly regarding by so many people we respect.  Most say he won each debate.  Yet his numbers have headed in the wrong direction.  He has held on to second place (until now), but the new attacks on Trump assure us he will be far and away front runner through Super Tuesday and after that, too late to change course. 

Politics keeps coming down to what other people think, and that our efforts to find the best people and the best policies and solutions seem so futile. 


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WSJ: Gov. Ron DeSantis vs. Teachers Union
« Reply #314 on: December 30, 2023, 08:44:45 AM »
How Do You Like DeSantis Now?
The Miami Herald’s attack on the Florida governor could make an impression in Iowa and New Hampshire.
James Freeman
James Freeman
Dec. 28, 2023 4:30 pm ET

With enemies like these, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.) is bound to make new friends among caucus and primary voters nationwide. A Florida newspaper has published a scathing editorial about the governor’s education policies, and it seems that his team couldn’t be happier.

If American parents learned anything from the educational catastrophe of Covid lockdowns, it’s that teachers union bosses are not their allies. As learning losses spiked and isolated adolescents suffered from a host of mental challenges, union officials who should have been advocates of immediate reopening kept demanding delays and all manner of unnecessary changes to school buildings and operations in the name of safety—without any rigorous analysis of costs and benefits.

Mr. DeSantis would have none of it, driving an early reopening in Florida and pursuing a sensible strategy of focused protection. The idea was to help those most at risk while allowing people at low risk to live their lives and maintain a thriving society. He also resolved to shift power over education back to parents, where it belongs. Now a hostile media outlet is providing a helpful reminder.

“DeSantis delivers a political smackdown as Miami teachers union struggles to survive,” is the headline on a Miami Herald editorial that claims the following possible results from changes in law signed by Mr. DeSantis:

The results may be upwards of 30,000 school employees being left without representation to bargain for better pay and working conditions.

The state’s largest teachers union, United Teachers of Dade, is close to decertification thanks to a new law that requires unions have at least 60% of union members pay dues, the Herald reported. The law -- Senate Bill 256 -- was a union-busting one-two-punch that not only raised the threshold for certification from 50%, but also prohibited unions from deducting dues directly from members’ paychecks. UTD, which represents teachers in the state’s biggest school district in Miami-Dade County, has gained 800 new members, but still failed to meet the state’s stringent requirements. In November, the Herald reported union membership was at 58.4%.

But if teachers don’t express overwhelming support for the union and don’t choose to write checks to support it, why should it have the power to negotiate on their behalf? The numbers quoted by the Herald suggest that there are significant numbers of Florida teachers who don’t want such representation. Maybe they simply disagree with the bosses about how to prioritize the interests of kids and teachers.

The Herald opines further:

The Republican anti-union spiel usually leaves out the fact that Florida, unlike many blue states, is among 26 states that have “right to work” laws. That means workers cannot be forced to join a union and pay dues as a condition of employment.

Apologies to the Herald if this column is missing a joke here, but the implication seems to be that opposing forced unionization is some sort of secret among Republicans, and that not forcing individuals to join makes one “anti-union.” Is Gov. DeSantis supposed to be embarrassed that his state allows workers to make free choices?

The editorial then dredges up his opponents’ “don’t say gay” smear, which mischaracterized his efforts to ensure that sexual discussions in Florida schools are age-appropriate.

Media outlets have spent a lot of time this year publishing obituaries of the DeSantis campaign. The team at NBC’s “Meet the Press” for its part decided that attempting to badger him into quitting was a good use of their viewers’ time.

Yet the governor is still out on the trail making the case to voters. And lest those voters think Mr. DeSantis is only concerned with education, he is running perhaps the most fiscally responsible government in the country. Wednesday’s column noted his latest effort to further shrink Florida’s modest state debt. This is bound to make him increasingly likable to taxpayers.

This week’s Miami Herald editorial seems like progress if the press is ready to engage the debate on policy. That’s a fight Mr. DeSantis can win


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #315 on: January 05, 2024, 07:11:27 AM »
Ron was superb! last night on CNN

Caitlan Collins slyly tried to pin gotcha's on him the whole time after questions from the audiende

who of course were also chosen because of their questions......

But glad to see Ron was ready for all of them and responded in a perfect way back

He has clearly gotten his game !

However, it is too late.

I would like him as VP but I simply can't see him playing second fiddle to Trump.
Thinking it would be better if he waited to '28.

Nikki was ok but not her best.
Of course the lib media will take something I missed she said about NH correcting Iowa's voters,
and ignore everything else.

they both made good points about moving forward and we do not need another 4 yrs of chaos and listening to Trump's personal gripes (albeit much not his fault) .

I still like Ron #1
              Nikki #2
              DJT very close #3

not that it matters at this point


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Gov. Ron DeSantis on CNN
« Reply #316 on: January 05, 2024, 07:42:45 AM »

Very good in both of these.  I particularly liked his articulation on the birthright citizenship issues-- very precise and I will be using it myself.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 07:57:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #319 on: January 07, 2024, 07:42:12 AM »

From the article:  “Obviously, I would only do it if it was lower taxes for everybody. But that is the ideal tax system,” he added.

[Doug]   I like the way he is thinking.  It would be a better system.  Unfortunately, there is no way to get there from where we are now (as the quote above reveals).  We are deeply entrenched in the progressive tax rate system.  40% of American households pay no federal individual income tax at all, 72 million households with zero federal taxable income after deductions and exclusions.   

A flat tax works by getting everyone in, every dollar of income.

We need to shrink the size, scope and cost of government, get more people to be productive and self supporting before there will be any lightening of the burden.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #320 on: January 07, 2024, 08:13:27 AM »
This seems to be a pivotal moment for his campaign.

I just made a donation.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #321 on: January 07, 2024, 06:36:42 PM »
This seems to be a pivotal moment for his campaign.

I just made a donation.

Good idea, I will too.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #322 on: January 08, 2024, 07:11:22 AM »
This seems to be a pivotal moment for his campaign.

I just made a donation.

Good idea, I will too.

I created a new email account for my email required donations,
They did not require a phone number.

I noticed from past activism they do not protect your information.  I have hesitated to help for this reason but conservatives and Republicans are often getting outspent by 14:1 and people on our side need to step up or get used to losing.

Trump builds his lists off his rallies.  People sign up for free tickets and they have your info forever.  They don't limit the issuing of tickets.  They love to see crowds outside that couldn't et into an overflowing event.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2024, 09:50:23 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #323 on: January 08, 2024, 08:25:35 AM »
probably best to wait till after Iowa.

if he does not do well there then some are saying he will drop out anyway.

I would donate too but....


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #324 on: January 08, 2024, 10:15:56 AM »
probably best to wait till after Iowa.

if he does not do well there then some are saying he will drop out anyway.

I would donate too but....

Yes, it all appears to be too little, too late.  He bet hard on Iowa but Trump has a connection with a majority of Republicans that can't be broken and the massive attacks from the Left just make it stronger.  Polling says that is playing out in Iowa and DeSantis is further behind in NH and SC.  He for sure needs to beat expectations in Iowa, whatever that means.  If not, I suspect he will pause his campaign rather than take an even worse outcome in the rest.

DeSantis is polling no better than Trump in the general election.  We expected the opposite.  He has received a lot of incoming attacks himself, with everything in Florida mischaracterized, even though the people love it.

Still, these candidates, when you find a good one, give their life to what we believe in.  I can give something.

No individual donation makes a real difference.  It is the flow. DeSantis doesn't have deep pockets and lost big pac money when he lost momentum, so the individuals donations keep the lights on.

I don't see it as his fault.  He's doing all the hard work and putting out the right message in my view. 

I agree with your ranking. 1. DeSantis  2. Trump  3. Haley

From that point of view, it doesn't move anything forward for RD to drop out.  It doesn't make Haley win and we probably aren't better off if she does.

On present course it is over now, and it is really over after Super Tuesday, March 6, unless something (big) changes.

Might as well let the primary voters have their say and not just the pollsters.

After Trump clinches, watch Biden close the general election polling gap.  Uggh.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis FOX town hall
« Reply #326 on: January 10, 2024, 08:11:45 PM »
Thanks for posting this.  What did you think?


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Too bad DeSantis is ineligible if Trump is the candidate
« Reply #329 on: February 19, 2024, 04:37:15 PM »

OTOH this lays the foundation for DeSantis should something knock Trump out.


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Re: Too bad DeSantis is ineligible if Trump is the candidate
« Reply #330 on: February 20, 2024, 05:17:17 AM »
"OTOH this lays the foundation for DeSantis should something knock Trump out."

I agree, he finished the race as second place to Trump, in the best position to follow him, until there is a VP pick. Then it gets more complicated.


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #333 on: March 28, 2024, 07:15:24 AM »
DeSantis is rather awesome IMHO.

Note how frequently he promptly responds to problems with solutions!


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Re: Gov. Ron DeSantis
« Reply #334 on: March 28, 2024, 08:43:12 AM »
DeSantis is rather awesome IMHO.

Note how frequently he promptly responds to problems with solutions!

Yes.  Also having a legislature that is so on-the-ball - didn't happen by accident.

Florida was a swing state when RD was elected.  We remember Bush Gore 2000.  Obama won Florida twice.  Suddenly this is a state that has its act together like no other.

Florida has 3rd largest population, a LOT of major cities, and barely over 50% white non-Hispanic population, and a lot of those are east coast liberal northerners.  Now it is Republican.

One of my proudest moments was beating their top 55 and over doubles team at Nationals.  )

We weren't wrong to hope what was happening in Florida could happen for all of America.


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PP: Disney bends knee
« Reply #335 on: June 07, 2024, 09:38:54 AM »
DeSantis once again schools Disney: You'd think by now they'd have learned their lesson. You'd think. And you'd be wrong. Florida's Ron DeSantis, America's Best Governor™, chalked up yet another win this week, as Disney announced plans for investing $17 billion for a fifth theme park in the Sunshine State. Strange, but wasn't Disney just a few months ago trying to sue the pants off the DeSantis administration and threatening to skedaddle to more groomer-friendly climes? And now here it is inking a 15-year deal with the dreaded DeSantis. It's "a win for the mouse-eared masses and the governor's mansion," says National Review's Luther Ray Abel. "This deal comes as Disney is reorienting itself, cutting costs by $7.5 billion and focusing its studios away from streaming, a loser, and back on profitable franchises. Disney CEO Bob Iger is busy killing the darlings of his protegé predecessor while deflecting criticism of Disney's perceived wokeness." Disney has a long, long way to go if it's ever going to rebuild its once-proud brand and recover its stockholder value. But ceasing to pick fights with a popular and family-friendly governor is a step in the right direction.


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Gov. Ron DeSantis leads the way on Unions
« Reply #338 on: August 27, 2024, 09:19:30 AM »

The Miami Teachers Union Election
After DeSantis boosts competition, an upstart alternative wants to cut dues and quit politics.
The Editorial Board
Aug. 26, 2024 5:44 pm ET

Florida’s biggest teachers union might be about to lose its job, as it faces a certification election under a law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. Roughly 24,000 mail ballots went out this month and are due back by Sept. 24. Whatever the result, this is healthy competition, as an upstart alternative pledges to cut dues in half and refrain from politicking.

United Teachers of Dade (UTD) represents school employees in Miami-Dade County. Mr. DeSantis’s law, signed last year, requires public unions to prove their popularity to keep power. If a union can’t show that 60% of its bargaining unit is dues-paying members, it must hold an election to keep its certification. Last year UTD came close, 56%, but fell short by about 878. To continue representing Miami teachers, it now needs to win 50% of returned ballots.

Teachers and school staff who don’t like UTD can vote for no union, or they can cast ballots for a new group that promises to serve their interests better. That’s the Miami-Dade Education Coalition (MDEC), led by teachers dissatisfied with the status quo. UTD members who are full-time teachers pay about $1,000 a year in dues, and a good chunk goes to affiliates, which include national unions such as the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.

UTD also makes political endorsements, and no prizes for guessing which party it wants in power. Two years ago UTD’s president, Karla Hernández-Mats, even ran for Lieutenant Governor as the running mate of Democrat Charlie Crist, who lost handily to Mr. DeSantis.

MDEC wants to halve dues, keep funds local, and stay out of polarizing politics. “Somebody has to do better than what it is right now,” says Renee Zayas, a high-school teacher who is MDEC’s vice president. While UTD’s leader made more than $200,000 in 2022, MDEC says it won’t pay officers more than the median teacher salary.

To qualify for the ballot, MDEC needed signatures from 10% of the bargaining unit, or 2,368, which it achieved. That’s far from the 50% it would take to win the election, and UTD has the advantage of size and organization. But the mere fact that a challenger made the ballot should give UTD pause. “We’re getting a lot of teachers that are very excited about finally being able to see a change,” says Ms. Zayas.

Mr. DeSantis’s law is also having similar effects elsewhere. Dozens of unions have been decertified in the past year, including SEIU and AFSCME affiliates, some of which hadn’t managed to sign up more than 25% or even 10% of their eligible workers as dues-paying members, according to a database kept by South Florida public radio site WLRN.

Bringing more worker democracy into union representation, as Mr. DeSantis’s law does, isn’t anti-union. It’s a way of making sure that workers are represented by unions that actually care about their interests.