Author Topic: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children  (Read 65510 times)


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Do You Know More than a Harvard Professor?
« Reply #500 on: October 13, 2023, 05:04:29 AM »
The verbal gymnastics required to navigate higher ed these days are a sight to behold. Many of my colleagues include appropriate pronoun tags to their sig lines. As I'm coming up on retirement I'm mulling using one too that would read:

"Owner of an XY chromosome pair. Feel free to use any pronoun that floats your boat."


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Intersectional Asshattery
« Reply #504 on: October 20, 2023, 03:55:01 PM »


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Another “Transitioner” Sues MDs Over “Treatment”
« Reply #507 on: October 26, 2023, 06:45:57 PM »
This is the second suit I’ve heard of where young women treated w/ male hormones decided to stop treatment and sue those that pressured them into “transitioning.” Hopefully it catches on and ends or greatly limits the associated barbaric processes:


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Re: Another “Transitioner” Sues MDs Over “Treatment”
« Reply #508 on: October 26, 2023, 08:07:39 PM »
"Hopefully it catches on and ends or greatly limits the associated barbaric processes:"

  - Yes.


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WSJ: Pope bends to knee to Tranz
« Reply #511 on: November 10, 2023, 04:15:53 AM »
Vatican Says Transgender People May Be Baptized
Statement is the latest sign of Pope Francis’ conciliatory approach to LGBTQ Catholics
Francis X. Rocca
Nov. 9, 2023 9:17 am ET

The statement by Pope Francis helps to clarify Catholic teaching with regard to transgender people. PHOTO: EVANDRO INETTI/ZUMA PRESS

ROME—The Vatican said transgender people may be baptized as Catholics and can serve as godparents, in the latest sign of the church’s greater openness to LGBTQ people under Pope Francis.

The Vatican also said that the children of gay couples, including ones who are adopted or born to surrogate mothers, may be baptized, and that such couples may serve as godparents.

The statement, released on Wednesday, helps to clarify Catholic teaching with regard to transgender people, a topic the Vatican has said little about until now. 

“A transsexual—even one who has undergone hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery—can receive baptism, under the same conditions as other believers, if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or disorientation in the faithful,” said a statement from the Vatican’s doctrinal office that was dated Oct. 31 and bore Francis’ signature of approval. The statement didn’t specify when such a risk would arise.

The doctrinal office said it was responding to questions sent to it in July by a bishop in Brazil.

The new document represents a marked shift in the Vatican’s public stance on transgender people. In 2015, the doctrinal office instructed a bishop in Spain that a transgender man couldn’t serve as a child’s godfather on the grounds that he wasn’t living according to the tenets of the Catholic faith.

Internal guidelines for bishops from 2000, when St. John Paul was pope, stated that people who undergo transition surgery aren’t eligible to marry in the church or be ordained to the priesthood on the grounds that their decision to transition reflects the presence of a mental disorder. The new document doesn’t revise that stance.

The Vatican’s first major public statement that addressed transgender issues, a 2019 document aimed at educators, criticized the idea that a person’s biological sex at birth can be separated from their gender identity but didn’t pronounce on the morality of sex reassignment.

The new document is the Vatican’s first public statement on baptism for transgender people.

“The Vatican’s affirmation that transgender people should be welcomed in the church’s sacramental life signals Pope Francis’ desire for a pastorally focused approach to LGBTQ+ issues is taking hold,” said Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, which advocates for LGBTQ Catholics.

The news comes a month after the Vatican published a letter in which the pope softened the church’s ban on blessings for same-sex unions, saying that priests may use their discretion in giving such blessings, so long as they don’t imply a same-sex union is equivalent to a heterosexual marriage.

Francis hasn’t changed church teaching that homosexual orientation is “objectively disordered” and that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered.” But he has been notable for his conciliatory approach to LGBTQ people. The most famous words of his pontificate are his 2013 statement about gay priests: “Who am I to judge?” He also has met transgender people on several occasions at the Vatican.

The doctrinal office’s new statement expresses caution about some situations involving LGBTQ people and the sacraments. It warns that transgender people shouldn’t serve as godparents “if there is a risk of scandal, inappropriate legitimization or disorientation” among the faithful.

The doctrinal office said that nothing in church law prohibits transgender people or partners in same-sex relationships from serving as witnesses at a Catholic wedding.


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Re: WSJ: Pope bends to knee to Tranz
« Reply #512 on: November 10, 2023, 05:58:26 AM »
I have many family ties to the Catholic Church.  Outside of their outrageous scandals, the Catholic Church as we knew it was amazingly conservative and steeped in great traditions. (For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945, or French for his brother entering Normandy.)

At a time when the church is losing young people, losing old people, and losing everything in between, it seems strange that like mainstream media and late night comedy, they want to further cut their audience in half with the woke BS that has no fit whatsoever with the rest of their message.

If the body is a temple of God's creation, you don't advocate (or co-conspire) to scrape off the genitalia of reproduction.

Also, unlike the Leftist way, the message of the Church is giving to others, not taking from others, yet they always seem to favor higher taxes and more government based social programs.  Ironic for a place that gets free taxes.

Good luck to all these new church innovations, but the churches look empty when I've been there, and losing our religion has had immeasurable side effects on our society.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 06:37:25 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #513 on: November 10, 2023, 07:29:23 AM »
Very well said.

Regarding this, " Ironic for a place that gets free taxes" I would say that actually it makes perfect sense.  Were they to have to pay taxes, they likely would change their thinking.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #514 on: November 10, 2023, 07:56:44 AM »
" For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945"

Did I read this right ?

your father freed Buchenwald ?   :-o

can a F->M person be a priest or even Pope?


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #515 on: November 10, 2023, 09:01:28 AM »
" For one thing, my Dad's 'foreign language' was Latin even though German might have proven more helpful when he entered Buchenwald in 1945"

Did I read this right ?

your father freed Buchenwald ?   :-o

can a F->M person be a priest or even Pope?

They were the first medical unit on the scene when it was liberated, "Patton's 554th".  Then he gave German prisoners rides home in his ambulance after the war ended. Hard to imagine today, people with swastikas on their clothing going home to their families.

How come our wars never end?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 06:50:33 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #516 on: November 10, 2023, 03:05:32 PM »
 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #517 on: November 10, 2023, 03:17:57 PM »
I had uncle who was Normandy but not the first day and was army engineer

He had pictures of a work camp he was in.
I do not think they were Jews though. (true)
My gay relative noticed they were not circumsized  :-o (true)

Did your dad ever have photos?
Is he in any photos from the period ?

How old was he?


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #518 on: November 10, 2023, 03:37:03 PM »
"My gay relative noticed they were not circumsized. Did your dad ever have photos?" 

 :-D :-D :-D


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Re: Follow the money in the tranz business
« Reply #524 on: December 07, 2023, 04:39:16 PM »

Recall how many on the left seek to get rid of that pesky second amendment without having to bother with the substantial lift involved when seeking to modify our founding documents by suing gun manufacturers, distributers, sellers, etc. into oblivion? Turnabout is fair play, right?

Don'tcha hate it when your own petard starts giving hoist?


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a new angle on trans invading women's events
« Reply #525 on: December 09, 2023, 07:58:58 AM »
From Bari Weiss  / substack in my email this AM:

TERF Wars at Lesbian Speed Dating
Jenny Watson wanted to create a space for lesbians to find love. That’s not what happened.

Women gather at The College Arms pub in London for one of Jenny Watson’s lesbian speed-dating events. (All photos by Ambra Vernuccio for The Free Press)
On a recent evening in London, I met a slight and unassuming young woman named Jenny Watson at a pub called The College Arms. She looks like one of the many studious graduate students who walk the nearby streets. But to hear some people tell it, she’s a monster.

That’s because Watson, who for seven years has hosted lesbian speed-dating events in the British capital, declared this past summer that transwomen would be barred from her events.

“We’re tired of lesbian events where men invade and make us uncomfortable,” she stated in an email to her mailing list of “nearly 17,000 people.” From now on, “only lesbians (adult human females)” are welcome. “Enough is enough. A man with a penis is not a lesbian. Being a woman is not a feeling.”

Her declaration drove activists to smear her on social media, attempt to cancel her speed-dating business, and get her into hot water with her full-time employer. Before she knew it, Jenny Watson had become a national story in Britain.

In recent years, to vocally question whether a transwoman is, in fact, a woman, has become so controversial that it is now increasingly asked behind closed doors or privately, silently, in the mind. It is a question that has left politicians tongue-tied and celebrities canceled. Watson, who is 31 and single, says she long resisted banning trans participants because she knew it would “create a shitstorm.” But she started having misgivings about transwomen at her events a year ago when a person turned up “in a lilac rubber outfit with a distinct erection.” ...


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Re: a new angle on trans invading women's events
« Reply #526 on: December 09, 2023, 11:29:11 AM »
"transwomen would be barred from her events.
“We’re tired of lesbian events where men invade and make us uncomfortable,” she stated in an email to her mailing list of “nearly 17,000 people.” From now on, “only lesbians (adult human females)” are welcome. “Enough is enough. A man with a penis is not a lesbian. Being a woman is not a feeling.” "

   - Seems like even if you don't hold that view, it is a legitimate view to hold - in a free society.

Politically and strategically, we on the right need to pursue the idea that the Left is ripe for a breakup.  If we concede the right of gays to marry, and concede that right to acts some people's religion might find immoral are private under the law, meaning none of our business (with consensual adults in private), then we should be courting same people (LBGT etc.) for voters on our side.  We favor women's sports.  The Left is destroying them.

Clear from this article, Lesbians and nearly all other females should favor having girls and women's sports restricted to girls and women.  Destruction of the gender distinction is the end of girls and women's sports that have brought great things to so many.

My daughter played in 6 state high school tournaments and was all college conference in 4 categories, not bad for being 5'3".  Her team buddy won an All American sportsmanship award that didn't hurt her successful medical school application.  These sports opened up networks of successful peers to them, useful in business connections and in life, just as it did for men for generations.  None of her teammates or competitors would have even made the team if not for the gender distinction. 

Same sport, tennis, is being canceled on the men's side in NCAA Division I and continues to offer full ride scholarships for the women (because of football and Title IX). 

The controversy isn't new.


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WSJ: Transing the Gay Away
« Reply #530 on: December 15, 2023, 05:55:30 AM »

As a medical professional who happens to be gay, I’ll be celebrating Dec. 15, the 50th anniversary of the American Psychiatric Association’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. The longstanding designation was based on prejudice, not medical research, and the revision marked the beginning of the end for so-called conversion therapy, which sought to “cure” gays and lesbians of a nonexistent malady.

Half a century later, the medical establishment is pushing a new kind of conversion therapy under the guise of transgender identity. No one is suffering more than gay kids. In Canada, where I practice, and in the U.S., physicians provide what’s euphemistically known as “gender-affirming care” to patients as young as 8, and the leading transgender health association has opened the door to interventions at even earlier ages. Under this framework, those who feel uncomfortable with their bodies may receive a medical regimen including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and sex-change surgeries. These interventions typically stunt, remove or irreversibly modify a patient’s sexual development, genitals and secondary sex characteristics. Any endocrinologist or other physician who rejects this approach is alleged to be endangering the health and even the life of his patients.

But are these patients really “transgender”? Research shows that some 80% of children with “gender dysphoria” eventually come to terms with their sex without surgical or pharmaceutical intervention. Multiple studies have found that most kids who are confused or distressed about their sex end up realizing they’re gay—nearly two-thirds in a 2021 study of boys. This makes sense: Gay kids often don’t conform to traditional sex roles. But gender ideology holds that feminine boys and masculine girls may be “born in the wrong body.”

In this light, “gender-affirming care” looks a lot like conversion therapy. In the past, it took the form of electroshock therapy, chemical castration and even lobotomy. Now it takes the form of rendering teenagers sterile and sexually dysfunctional for life. Clinicians from the main U.K. transgender service referred to prescribing puberty blockers as “transing the gay away”—a play on the description of old-fashioned conversion-therapy as “praying the gay away.” A clinician who resigned from the U.K. service accused it of “institutional homophobia.” Clinicians at the service had a “dark joke” that “there would be no gay people left at the rate Gids”—the Gender Identity Service—“was going.”

Consistent with conversion therapy, physicians are telling young gays and lesbians that something is wrong with them, based on a regressive view of what it is to be male or female. Also consistent with previous efforts to cure homosexuality: The resulting interventions often create lifelong medical problems, both physical and mental. Contrary to advocates’ claims, there’s no evidence that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries reduce the risk of suicide.

Children who take this road face a lifetime of pain, infertility and anguish. They deserve real mental-health care to address common underlying comorbidities, not mind- and body-altering medical interventions that try to make them into something they aren’t.

Fifty years ago, the medical assault on homosexuals began to end. Now society has been told that accepting transgender identity is the same as accepting gays and lesbians. But it isn’t. Even well-intentioned acceptance of transgender identity disproportionately harms them. One day perhaps professional organizations like the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics will follow the evidence, as the APA did in 1973. Until then, gay kids will continue to suffer from an injustice that was supposed to end 50 years ago.

Dr. Eappen is a practicing endocrinologist in Montreal and a senior fellow at Do No Harm


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Heh heh
« Reply #532 on: December 27, 2023, 10:09:07 AM »


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Oh Canada!
« Reply #534 on: January 01, 2024, 08:12:51 AM »


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Portland State on a Gender Bender
« Reply #541 on: January 26, 2024, 09:18:15 PM »
I’ve noted elsewhere I have rote memory issues and indeed went through grade school DX’d as dumb due to my inability to regurgitate force fed teachings. As such I view the whole multiple gender you must memorize and apply as an appellation/pretend pronoun lest the DEI fascists dispatch the flying monkey cancel klatch to be a scam. Indeed I view pronoun proliferation as a special snowflake kowtow solicitation servicing inner control freaks seeking to run amok.

Then again if I call myself a “demisexual panromantic” perhaps someone will come along & tell me what it means.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 11:05:57 AM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #542 on: January 27, 2024, 03:24:42 AM »
Oy vey!!!


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Re: Triple Eye Bleach should be on hand if you open this
« Reply #546 on: January 30, 2024, 03:49:38 PM »
I believe, sir, this is what is referred to as “cruel and unusual punishment.”


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