When I read the above, I thought, no big deal. Reflecting further I think Trump does not need a fight with his base and the VP choice is the clearest signal he can send about how he will choose his team and govern.
Another point about the General, who seems to be a strong pick, is that we value civilian control over the military. A retired general is a civilian but his strength comes from being a general. Besides pro-choice, whatever surprises will emerge?
Earlier I predicted John Kasich because the Ohio Governor can help him win a key state and Trump is all about winning, doesn't need help governing. But Kasich can't him when he won't endorse him. Too much bad blood there, so skip that too.
Newt is 73. When he seeks to follow Trump's two terms, he will be 81. Fine with me but I don't see it happening. I also don't think Newt has the energy now that he did when he was the star 22 years ago. Newt's political strengths are phenomenal but his weaknesses persist. He drifts off focus. Like Trump, he had his own affairs. He was a "historian" for Fannie Mae(?!) and he lost Florida to Romney... He can serve better as an adviser or cabinet member.
Christy? Let's hope not. Christy might be the best prosecutor of Hillary, that is what Trump says he wants, but brings his own baggage.
Rubio? Out. Cruz? No. Carson? Has faded from sight. Condi? No. Jeff Sessions? Why?
Knowing Trump a little, he would like to pick from somewhere completely off our radar screen, his own Sarah Palin, but that hasn't worked.
The right answer at this moment is Mike Pence, hedged only by the fact that no one can predict Trump on anything.
Pence checks all the boxes. He is experienced, level headed, conservative, not extreme, and won't over-shadow the candidate. He has served in Congress, on foreign policy and governed a midwest, rust belt state. He looks and sounds seasoned, but is only 57, about the right age for that job.
The decision has to be made by tomorrow, Thursday, and the actions needed in Indiana to make that possible need to happen on Friday.
Pence was a little cowardly on the religious defense against militant gay crusaders, but is a solid conservative that makes the choice between Hillary and Trump a stark one.
Hillary picks last, can pick a woman, black or Hispanic and can play that card until she is blue in the face and thick in the calves. Trump will make the case that he is ready to disrupt the status quo, and go super negative on Hillary when he isn't busy trying to look Presidential.
For all the possibilities, the media is ready to go with their hit pieces: say Pence has not accomplished anything significant and rather has glided on the coattails of his predecessor, former Gov. Mitch Daniels (R), who is credited with putting Indiana’s fiscal condition in order and growing the economy.
Supporters have cheered Pence's focus on tax cuts and credit him with signing into law one of the largest tax cut deals in state history. is "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order."
He led the fight to de-fund Planned Parenthood, a winning conservative issue. He opposed the Bush-Kennedy, no child left behind. He opposed the bank bailout in 2008.
Rated 61% on free trade by Cato. That's about right for Trump.